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serxinns · 4 months
The Aftermath....
Part 2 of class 1a imagine if you wanna see part 1 go here
DISCLAIMER: this concept and idea are NOT MINE this belongs to @lets-get-kraken-boys if you wanna see the original go here
this is the alternate aftermath of what my imagined fic and what happened after that please enjoy
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Mirio, Neijire, and Tamaki all surrounded you comforting you and trying to calm you down Tamaki handed you a flower-themed handkerchief you slowly grabbed it and cleaned your face after minutes of rubbing your back, silence and more of your empty sobs Mirio broke the silence "now sunshine are you ready to talk ?" You looked up and quietly nodded
you explained how your classmates have been tormenting how Todoroki always dragging you into your dorm and cuddling you and u swore you felt him smelling your hair how Mina and Hakagure would lock you in their rooms and play and touch you everywhere even if you told them to stop and started crying once
How izuku would follow you around like some lost puppy and make you eat lunch with him even tho you would rather eat alone.
How kiri sero and denki would rip up your poor clothed to the point where you have to smack their hands and tells them to stop
iida and momo trying to break in your room whenever you didn't wanna eat dinner with your classmates or didn't want to do a study date
how Bakugo would relentlessly verbally assault you calling you all sorts of names shaming your fashion and clothing and how he would degrade you for basically everything you do! How you eat how you study how your grades are for just no reason!
The three of them were livid Mirio and Tamaki now loosing trust for Midoriya and Kirishima tamaki felt more betrayed since he actually liked Kirishima so did Mirio but now that's out of the drain and that bakugo kid just telling all these horrible lies to you you were the most talented, nicest, and greatest person of all how could egoistic lowlife just hurt their darlings feelings..
And Neijire was more jealous about how her girls were playing with her but that'll be for another time but those perverted male classmates of yours ripping your delicate clothes and putting their filthy hands on your soft clean hair and that stupid white and hair kid dragging you off and locking you away to do who knows what! She was gonna make sure those pests were gonna feel her wrath
The 3 of them realized you were still there and slowly calmed themselves down "And may I ask why are your clothes covered in..blood sorry if that was too personal" Neijire hesitated worried that it'd make you cry again you sniffled "You won't get mad at me when I tell would you?" Mirio gently grabbed both of your shoulders and looked at you with a gentle smile "Of course not! We would never get mad at you sunshine!"
You hesitated for a moment you took a deep breath and told them everything about how he kept harassing you and wanted your arm hard and started to degrade you for every single thing, and how you beat Katsuki until unconsciousness, the more you told them the more you cried "i-i didn't mean to I just wanted to go to my room and be left alone! But he yanked my arm back and kept shaming me for being a "crybaby" and the more insults he spew the angrier I got and then I snapped! I swear I didn't mean to dont hate me..!"
The more you talked about it the worse your crying got to the point you started babbling out "I didn't mean to" or "Please don't hate me" The 3 of them hugged you tightly you were going through so much! It pains them to see you like this the 3 of them looked at each other and nodded they were gonna make your classmates pay a punishment they'll never forget!, after you were done crying you heard the announcement and it was principal nezu
"Y/n l/n wherever you are please come to my office immediately y/n l/n please come directly to my office"
"They must've found out.." you slowly chuckled "I'm probably gonna get house arrest for a few days.." not like you were scared or gonna hate it heck you'll finally have some alone time without your classmates always invading you stood up thanking the big 3 while they stared at you sympathetically and also thinking of a plan
You went to the office and just as you predicted you got house arrest for 3-5 days but Katsuki a week detention and cleaning dorms duty due to the evidence of him harassing you and some of your classmates managed to confess what happened and the security cameras the two of you were both told to keep Far away from each other which you didn't mind actually but katsuki sneered and looked down grumbling to himself which patches and ice bags while your classmates were bummed out the they couldn't see you for a while
For the next 2 days Most of your classmates were trying to get in your room and hang out with you or tried to comfort you which ofc you didn't and locked the door Mina and Hakagure wanted to come in a play a little "game" but you ignored them turn up some music on your headphones untill they thought you were sleeping,
momo and Iida wanted to do study lessons with you or tried to convince you to come out your room to eat dinner but you lied saying you need to stay in and was worried you wouod get in trouble and get more days after them pestering you alot they finally left you alone
Kirishima, Sero, and Denki kept pressuring you to try and play a game with them or convince you to open the door to play one of your favorite games on a console but you refused to say you like playing on your device more and you didn't play that game anymore (that was a lie) but they kept pestering you even gaslight you saying how your room is all crampy and boring to be in and how fun it would be if they joined you in the room but you declined you didn't want those weridos anywhere around you so defeated they went off
But on the 3rd day, everything was quiet there was no knocking no classmates trying to barge in, nothing just complete silence which you were glad and brushed it off prob thought Aizawa caught them telling them not to bother you but you were so wrong
It was the day after your house arrest it was fun while it lasted you hoped that Bakugo didn't get pissed about the incident nor want to hunt you down knowing him and you dread your classmates are gonna be more clingy and obsessive than ever your mentality prepared yourself took a deep breath strangely nobody was knocking on your door to offer to walk with them
To your surprise, everyone was a bit quiet heck more silent than ever most still said hi or waved but the classmates who kept harassing you kept their heads down like Izuku and Shoto glaring down their desks in shame and envy muttering something bandages on their bodies
Kirishima, Sero, and Denki stood in utter silent looking exhausted and tried you noticed there were bandages on their hands and feet even in clean clothing you could tell they been through hell and back and were those nail marks on their wrist?
Mina and Hakagure looked as if they were about to snap at anyone whispering stuff saying "How dare they" or "We didn't do anything wrong" under their breath, Hakagure was looking at you in shame and guilt and gave you a small note saying sorry then quickly going back to their desk
Bakugo was the worst of all he looked like he had gone through hell and back of course the bandages on his face were you doing but he was clutching his stomach a bit he avoided contact with you even when training he prob said like something under his breath or something that you can barely hear but when you turned back he quickly walks away
Momo and Iida looked pissed as well momo biting her nails In anger and frustration when you asked what was going on with her she looked at you with a warm but unusual smile saying it was nothing, Iida on the other hand looked uptight busy distracting himself by reading a whole study book on his own his aura was tense and he looked like it was very annoyed with something
Lastly, it was Tokoyami the poor dark shadow was fearing for his life shivering and whimpering a bit while Tokoyami was busy comforting him saying "It's ok it's it's over now" When Tokoyami saw me he weakly waved with a small worried smile dark shadow looked at you mouthing an "I'm sorry" which you awkwardly smiled and puts thumbs up saying it's all good
One day at lunch you'd decided to sit by your best friends Jirou and Tsuyu they were both chatting with Shoji and Koda you slowly walked up to them at their table they all looked at you in shock "Oh hey y/n you out of house arrest *kero*" she said bluntly but you knew she was worried "Yea..finally took it off of me but guys I really wanna say I'm sorry-"
"no need.." shoji interrupted you "It wasn't your fault he had it coming for a while now and it seems like you were in a bad mood" Shoji reassured you "yea plus he and the others got what they deserved as well good" Jiro said in a silly venomous tone "got what they deserved? What do you mean? Were they doing normal training?" They all looked at each other worriedly and then looked at you back "You didn't know? *kero*" You nodded your head "I couldn't after class I had to go straight into my room
Tsuyu and the others looked around to see if everyone wasn't listening when the coast seemed to be Cleary she leaned closely to you "ok I'm gonna whisper it you what happened and you can't tell anyone this ok" you nodded Eagar to find out what happened and this is what she told you
Apparently, on your 3rd day of house arrest, the big 3 came into the classroom for an "educational visit" Everyone was confused at 1st about why but that's when it got serious Mirio explained how Mina, hakagure, bakugo, momo, Iida, izuku, shoto, bakugo, and tokoyami were gonna have "special training" but mirio said it with an angry and serious tone, chill went up to there spine, that's when everyone else knew that it was gonna be serious and the students who were called looked nervous and surprised and some even cautious but this was just the beginning.
While everyone else was training the boys were getting harsh lectures from Mirio, especially at Izuku, Shoto, and Bakugo about Boundaries and other stuff, and were getting harsh training by having to fight Mirio without their quirks they were repeatedly getting punched in the stomach over and over again until one of them threw up
Kirishima Sero and Denki were lifting heavy objects until their bodies couldn't take them and if they fell neijire would grab their clothes harshly on purpose and snatch them up until their clothes were turning into ripped clothing
Mina and Hakagure were also getting the same punishment by Mirio but Neijire told Him to go easy a bit but was still upset how they didn't let her join playing with cute little you so payback I guess, also Tamaki ripped them a new one about keeping their hands to themselves while using a glare they never see him do before
You were shocked by all this progressing all half of you were saying this was karma this was deserved but the other hand told you they took it a bit too far but what comes around goes around I guess you were gonna have to talk to them about what the hell happened "serves them right in my opinion" Jiro shrugged carelessly while the other agreed "they should've went a bit easier on the, but what goes around comes around I guess *kero*" everyone else nodded while eating their food while you were wondering what the fuck just happened
"Y/n! You're here!" Your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar A familiar bubbly voice called you in it was Neijire alongside Mirio and Tamaki "Ah Senpais!!" Everyone at your table was shocked and bowed a bit while you waved happily at them "I see you're out of that house arrest good you back we've been worried about you sunshine!" Mirio said with his usual smile while Tamaki shyly waved back to you "we hope your doing ok.." Tamaki quietly said and you smiled "thanks guys! I'm doing so much better honestly that house arrest was surely a need! Probably shouleve begged for more" you jokingly said
"now now let's not get into more trouble! You don't wanna get detention or worse!" Neijire said with a laugh while you playfully rolled their eyes "anyways sunshine we were just wondering you wanted to join us for a sleepover this weekend!" Neijire said 3 eagerly wanting to know the answer "Actually y/n is bus this wee-" "I mean yea i guess i own yall one"
You interrupted them while the others at your table and the rest of your classmates glared jealously and deadly at them, bakugo was about to walk over there a cuss them out but Mirio looked his way and gave a warning glare which stopped him in his tracks and went back as he growled to himself talking among the other bakusqud "alright see ya! We're gonna have so much fun!" They walked back to their table while you notice how everyone in your class was glaring at them
"Those 3rd years think they could steal our darling just because they came to them.." the others agreed trying to plot some plan "I gonna blast them off to HELL when I get my hands on them!" Bakugo sneered while still glaring at them "cmon Bakubro you know what will happen if you do" Kirishima said trying to calm down his friend "Kiris right we can't take action just yet, especially this state"
Midoriya looked down he felt guilty about how he treated you but he wasn't gonna stand there and let them steal them away from you! "It was your guy's fault anyway for going too far just remember that," said Jirou as the others glared at her "This wouldn't have happened if all would just not taken it too far"
The class may not have a plan now but when they do they're gonna make sure those 3 know who theyre messing with and Mirio tamaki and neijire will be ready for when's that's to come
You on the other hand were thankful for the 3 but are gonna talk about how far their punishment was tho but one thing it did made you a bit confident and brave and not letting the others push you around you around anymore not again
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burned-out-match · 1 year
shiggy being in love
dabi and shigaraki’s ideal types lol
hawks, shiggy with a short s/o
hawks, shiggy, aizawa with an insecure s/o
hawk’s and aizawa’s ideal types
domestic! hawks
hawks mating for life??
aizawa and hawks as dads!
shiggy with a mentally ill s/o
if shigaraki had a different childhood...
shigaraki redemption arc?
endeavor thoughts
bakugou, shiggy, shoto being jealous
shiggy, aizawa, hawks with a flirtatious s/o
bakugou and todoroki hearing you gush over them
toga, shinsou, tamaki with an s/o who has a shrinking quirk
shinsou, bakugou, kiri with an s/o who snaps
hawks with an oblivious s/o
kiri, bakugou, izuku with a chubby s/o!!
shinsou, ms. joke, toga with a stuttering s/o
bakugou with a pregnant partner
shinsou, aizawa, monoma with an avid reader! s/o
toga, shinsou, denki with an s/o with glasses
momo and ochako with an s/o with an opposite quirk
aizawa meeting a motherly s/o
bakugou, kiri, shoto with a twin sister
hawks after an argument and breakup
present mic, aizawa, midnight with an s/o with long hair
dabi, shinsou, miruko with an s/o who loves the rain
shinsou, denki, tamaki genderbent
shinsou, bakugou, tsu with a mega quirk s/o
toga, bakugou, dabi when u fart
shigaraki, bakugou, shoto when you ask for a kith
shinsou with a lying s/o
hawks, aizawa, shinsou with a writer s/o
tsu, shinsou, uraraka holding hands
tsu on a swimming date
mina and jirou with a singer
kiri, iida, all might as boyfrens
hawks in a relationship
hawks with an owl quirk s/o
bubble tea date with denki, shinsou, mina
hawks, bakugou, dabi when their s/o opens up
monoma with a pained s/o
shinsou, monoma, kuroiro with a shadow quirk s/o
all might fluff
midnight and mic with a villain s/o
bakugou, denki, shinsou when their s/o visits from the future
more hawks relationship fluff
hawks breakup angst
shigaraki and hawks with a singer
aizawa, shinsou, jirou with a cat-quirk s/o
kinoko komori appreciation
momo, izuku, neijire with an s/o who possesses people
shigaraki and his gamer
aizawa, izuku, bakugou with a quirkless s/o
shiggy x reader fluff fic
random class 1a hcs
bakugou angst, tw:abuse
kurapika with a short s/o
can illumi love??
yandere illumi
can hisoka love??
kurapika and leorio as boyfrens
leorio, hisoka, kurapika with a tall s/o
kite, illumi, chrollo with a pregnant s/o
hisoka’s type
hisoka hcs
illumi brainrot
Genshin Impact!!
childe x reader sample fic??
thoughts about sampo
hsr shitpost number 1
hsr shitpost number 2
hsr shitpost number 3
hsr shitpost number 4
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sillyunknownkitkat · 10 months
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Ugh, I love women
(This shitty collage is made by me, btw)
There are some of my favorites missing, but the canvas was a bit too small :( (like my COD women, for example...)
Have a good day/night, and be safe, everyone ❤️
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sakurafigures · 5 months
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♡ Neijire Hado (My Hero Academia) - Taito
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This one was wondering if you could write a Yandere mirko and Nejire with a shy darling, separate of course, but if you want it can be together. I just like the personality contrast
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Shy Reader | Yandere Boku No Hero Academia
Naturally, as someone who is shy, you’re forced to deal with extreme and outgoing personalities that tend to press your boundaries. It can be challenging when those most persistent don’t exactly understand or care for your introspective personality:
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Rumi Usagiyama “Mirko”
“Awww is the little bunny running to their hidey hole?!” 
Doesn’t respect your boundaries at all 
Especially if she’s going for a more bold approach
If you don’t articulate your distaste early on for her loud habits she’s not going to reel back anything
always touching you 
Joking about ‘how shy’ you are
Loudly talking about any and everything
She thinks this is bonding 
And unless you genuinely enjoy her company it's like a horror movie every time she tries to peacefully communicate
But if you don’t respond the way she likes she’ll no doubt just abduct you
You’re a scared bunny anyway 
so might as well just take you with her
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Nejire Hado 
“Hey, what are you doing sitting here all alone? Are you lonely? Hey, you’re really cute! Did you know that? So why are you sitting here all alone?”
She’s more inquisitive
And she might have a general understanding of how debilitating shyness can be (thanks Tamaki)
So she uses that to get close to
Because of this, it's more likely that she has her own tactics that give the illusion shows that she understands you 
Which makes it all that much easier for her to get what she wants from you
Wanting to keep you distracted? from the blood on her uniform giving your favorite food
Wanting to make herself seem the best for you by framing all your friends
So surely her questions won’t be all that bad
After all she’s all you have
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fletchery-png · 2 years
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The Big Three as Tarot Cards
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randoimago · 2 years
Im in the mood for some mha fluff so Nejire, Camie, Momo and Mina with an S/O who's affectionate and loves being around them
Having an Affectionate S/O
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Camie, Mina Ashido, Momo, Neijire
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: You got it!!
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Omg she totes loves you too!! Hugs kisses X's and O's, she'll give them to you!
Seriously loves the affection. Always wanted to be that annoying PDA couple so she's glad you can help her.
Sometimes it's a bit too much as she needs space, but don't worry, she'll make up for it later!
Calls you all the super cheesy pet names. She isn't even doing it to be annoying, just goes "aw snookums" like it's normal.
Is happy to hold hands or cuddle up next to you anytime (well maybe not with any teachers around or in training).
It's fun to annoy Bakugo too by just curling up in your side and being cute while he's yelling to get a room (and Iida is yelling to be six feet apart).
Even if you're not being physically affectionate, she's more than happy to use pet names. Will gladly call you "babe".
Also needs some space now and then, but still pretty affectionate with you.
Way more on the shy side. If you want affection then it has to be when it's just the two of you.
No way does she have the courage to cuddle next to you when others are around.
It's not a secret that you two are a thing, but she doesn't want to make anyone uncomfortable no matter how much she wants to hold your hand.
In private, she’s very happy to cuddle and hold your hand and kiss you. But in public, she’s just glad to be in your presence. Probably wouldn’t mind pet names too much, but that’s about it!!
Oh she loves the affection! It just makes her feel so loved and she's sure to be affectionate back because you should feel loved too!!
Might ask what the occasion is the first few times before getting used to you just being really cuddly.
Has a thousand pet names for you too. Just wants to give you affection in all forms!
Probably uses you to rope Tamaki and Mirio into group hugs. Those two need more affection and so she hopes you'd help her show her best friends some love too.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
late night beach date
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pairing: nejire hado x gn!reader
summary: it's been a while since you went on a date with your girlfriend, so you decide to surprise her with a beach date at night
tags: silly & wholesome fluff, established relationship, use of y/n, romantic beach date, reader drives a car
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you had promised nejire a proper date for a while now, but with everything that had been going on in your lives, you two barely managed to make time for each other anymore. you two were constantly training, the league of villains being a bigger threat each passing day and you were trying to keep up with everyone around you. 
you couldn't even remember when you last had been on a date with your girlfriend and as soon as you realized that, you knew things had to change! you couldn't let your training keep you away from your girlfriend! 
it was the middle of the night when you knocked on nejire's dorm room, your girlfriend  was luckily still awake and studying. nejire was quite surprised to see you, but even more surprised when you took her hand and told her you had a surprise date waiting for her. despite how late it was, she just couldn't say no. her curiosity got the better of her and nejire blindly followed you to your car. 
during the entire car ride, nejire kept asking you where you were going, excited about all the different places you could potentially visit. but you kept the location a secret, until she could see the beach in the distance and put the pieces together. 
once you parked the car near the water, you opened your girlfriend's car door and helped her outside. as soon as nejire was out of the car, she rushed towards the water, giggling excited. 
"careful! the water is really cold at this time of day!"
you warned her, quickly jogging after her, but nejire had already kicked off her shoes and was knees deep in the water. you only chuckled amused and did the same, following your girlfriend into the cold sea. 
"it's so refreshing…"
nejire hummed and closed her eyes, spreading her arms and breathing in the sea breeze. while she was completely lost in her surroundings, you couldn't help but look at her, instead of the scenery around you, softly smiling. she looked so pretty with the wind letting her hair hover in the air…
the quiet moment between the two of you didn't last long however, as suddenly nejire's eyes opened wide and she jumped, squeaking surprised. 
"something's touching my foot!"
without a warning, nejire jumped onto you, almost making the two of you stumble and fall into the water, before you managed to catch her at the last second. however instead of scolding her for startling you, you just bursted into laughter, with nejire softly chuckling too. the initial scare of the sea weeds that brushed against her foot slowly wearing off. 
now that nejire was already on top of you, you carefully shifted her onto your back, before walking deeper into the water. soon the water reached your knees, then thighs and then your entire bottom half was soaked. but nejire managed to stay dry, letting her hands trace over the surface of the water, admiring the reflection of the light of the moon on it. 
"do you like it?" you asked after a while, staring out onto the ocean, while nejire kept playing with the water. 
"it's perfect~" she hummed softly. "i'm glad you took me here, y/n. and i'm glad we got to spend some time together again… i missed you"
your face softened, yet your eyes kept staring forward onto the endless sea. 
"i missed you too, nejire"
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serxinns · 6 months
The Big 3 "educational" vist
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I wanted to make a part 2 of the aftermath of @lets-get-kraken-boys imagine when Big 3 found out about how Class 1a treats you cause it's so addicting and I wanna see justice!
DISCLAIMER: this concept isn't mine it goes to @lets-get-kraken-boys if you wanna read their 1st part go to here! Please go support them!
This little gift is for Kraken! I loved her fics for a long time I'm addicted to her Yandere purge and her other Yandere class 1a one-shots!
"What are you gonna do with them?"u said whipping away the rest of your tears, you looked at him with a nervous expression, he suddenly changed back into his gentle and warm demeanor and looked at you with a smile while patting your head "Oh just a new educational lesson about how heroes in training should treat each other! We'll have to talk to Mr. Aizawa with some few arrangements tomorrow" Mirio happily said while patting your head but you swore you heard a tint of aggression in his voice "Don't worry y/n well make sure they won't do this ever again" "After all we are your senpais! It's our job to protect you!" You softly smiled at your upper classmates' words, feeling much safer with them
"If it's no trouble. can you walk me to my dorms, I don't want to talk to them or even see them at the moment.." the 3 smiled at your suggestion always wanting to see your room, "Of course pumpkin! Anything for you!" Neijire took you by the hand and smiled cheerfully like a little kid eagerly waiting to get some ice cream, as the 2 of you skipped down the halls (it was mostly her skipping and you trying to match up her speed) mirio chasing the two of you down and Tamaki trying to catch up to you telling mirio and neijire to slow down worried that you might hurt yourself
When the 4 of you made it to the common room your body tensed when you heard some of your classmates like Bakugo, sero, Denki, and Kirishima all loudly yelling at their game you could even hear them roughly mashing the buttons on the controllers, Mina, hakagure, and ochako were chatting among each other and tokoyami was reading a book with headphones, Mirio noticed your tensed figure and grabbed your shoulder while giving you a reassuring smile you smiled a bit mentally preparing yourself
When the 4 of you were visible in the common room the whole room became silent, they were staring tokoyami even peak a glance but your 3 upper classmates could see the jealous glances and glares Cleary ignored them and still kept walking until Mina stopped the 4 of you with a fake smile her yellow eyes staring directly at you
"Y/n! There you are we've been looking everywhere for you cmon I have a new game we can play-" "No thanks Mina maybe another time? I have studying to do" you lied praying that she fall for it "Oh cmon the next test doesn't start until next month we got all the time ! Now let's go-" she tried reaching out for your Arm, but was stopped by Mirio with a stained smile
"Well it's never too late to study now, is it? The more early you study the better the grades!" She said grabbing your hand tightly the two had a staring battle for a bit until Mina cleared her throat moved out of the way and sat down in silence, the other classmates were chatting quietly among themselves
You quickly made it to your dorm relief washing over you "Thank you...I appreciated it im sorry about what happened back there with Mina whenever I tried to deny her request she would keep pushing it..." you look down in shame "There's no problem at all after our visit tomorrow she'll be able to back off the 1st time" Mirio joked winking at you "Now why don't you rest your little head sunshine you have school tomorrow!" You nodded before leaving Tamaki reached into his bag "Here..." he gifted you a cute plush of your favorite animal "It's for you just in case you feel scared at night" he quietly said hiding his face you thanked him by hugging him now Tamaki flinched a bit at the hug but it was enjoyable it made him feel warm and fuzzy, you said your goodnight and shut the door, you checked to see if anyone was in your room when the coast was clear you quickly change into your night clothes and slept hugging the plushie tightly feeling safe
Morning arrived and you woke up instead of feeling amazing that was 1st time in the past 2 months you slept soundly without any fear or discomfort that someone was watching you, you checked the halls to see that nobody was there you quickly ran into the bathroom brushing your teeth and ran back in the room quickly putting on your school uniform and ran to the classroom to avoid any of your classmates barging in and inviting you to walk with them
You sat down in your seat waiting for the others and the school to begin, after everyone was in their seat Aizawa soon got everyone's attention "Right class today we are having an important announcement with our 3rd year students please come right in" and there mirio, Tamaki, Neijire all walked in their expressions were usual mirio and neijire with their cheerful smile while Tamaki look a bit serious and confident today which surprised your classmates a bit
"Good morning class! It's a pleasure to meet you again!" Mirio said with a proud smile while the class looked at him blankly "Today we will be doing a special activity and a lesson called punishment for our actions" his kind voice darkened to a strict and scary tone which shooked the class while Tamaki and Neijire's expressions didn't change "Cause I've heard that someone has been playing unwilling games with them" Mirio said as he glared at the class 1a girls especially Mina and hakagure who looked away in fear and worry but Tamaki spoke up "and not keeping our hands to ourselves" Tamaki added while glaring at Kirishima, Denki, and Sero in disappointment the 3 boys looked down to their desk in shame and fear
"And pushing others around even when they tell them to be left alone," Neijire said glare piercing at Izuku, Bakugo, and Shoto's Soul The 3 boys felt a shiver up their spine and could barely even make a noise Bakugo couldn't even protest or say anything just avoided contact and tch "and we decided to start this week all of you will be having hero training with us to remind ourselves about What we are and what we are training for even the weekends! With only 30 minutes a break a day!"
"WHAT!!!" the class soon screamed "But none of us did these things why are we getting punished!? sensei wouldn't approve of this!" Iida angrily said while chopping his hands "Actually I did since most of you were lacking a bit I think this should improve your quirk and abilities a lot consider this as a "wake up call" and no need to tell your parents they approved of this" Aizawa's smirk grew as the class was either speechless, uproar, or just looking down in shame while your senpais stood there consuming all the chaos
"Make sure you start preparing! Training starts tomorrow!" Mirio then exited the room alongside Tamaki and Niejire, not without a smirks and a petty wave from neijire
You stood there stunned your mouth was jaw opened you knew this was gonna be a long week for sure
On Tuesday and Wednesday everyone (except you) was awakened by a loud horn which was by Neijire yelling at them to wake up and get ready for hero training they got 5 hours of sleep and just had to do a few laps while their classmates were running until their legs left numb and if they did fell Tamaki would snatch them up with his eagle claw until pieces of their clothes fell of like buttons vest etc while you were gently picked up by Tamaki and asked if you were ok
From Thursday to Friday your classmates had to pull heavy objects (like a bus a car or anything very heavy) until their arms couldn't take it and if they stopped mirio would just ignore them and demand them to pick up the object and forcefully push them to pull the object harder saying "It's just an object right? You be fine" while you get to pull only a few objects of your choice and get hyped by Tamaki and Neijire while bakugo had to get a private "lesson" from Mirio
On Saturday and Sunday, there was no weekend for the class only you, and it was Neijire turn oh boy she wanted to get on your disgusting classmates, especially the males she forced them to write 12 essays full of apologies to you about how sorry they are none stop even if their hand started to cramp while you spend the weekend with Tamaki and Mario were busy training you and making sure you're not getting yourself hurt
The next day back at school you were looking better and more confident than ever while your classmates looked like they had been dragged around like dolls they all apologized to you (even Bakugo managed to mumble it) for how they treated you
Now whenever Momo and Iida ask you to have a study session with them they walk away defeated Iida sometimes makes some comments about studying but you ignore them and whenever you and Momo are hanging out she tries to guilt trip you into spending more time but you made some crappy excuse and she's reluctantly understands them
Dark Shadow didn't come to your room in the middle of the night heck he was kinda scarred about the hero training he gave you a sparkly card that said sorry and Tokoyami was a bit quieter for the next few days until he genuinely apologized as well
Bakugo would still tease you but not as much as he did he never degrades you for your skills or everything else just says a comment about you and just watches you he still tries to talk down to you but you would either just ignore or call off his bluff making him pissed
Shoto doesn't buy you as many gifts as he still does but it's very expensive if he does he tries to ask for cuddle time but you decline and he mumbles something under his breath and walks away it was awkward even he tried gaslighting you into spending more time in desperation
Mina and the girls don't do those games if you ever agreed to play with them it would be your favorite video/board games and Neijire is always invited (since they made a deal) so all the girls glared or even pouted at Neijire while she gets to cuddle up on you or make you be on her lap resting her head on top of yours with a smirk
Kirishima, Sero, Denki, don't pull your shirt to the point it rips but still touches your hair if you tell them to stop they'll immediately apologize now they just pat you on the back but immediately check if you are alright
Midoriya doesn't try to push you to talk with him if you have a conversation and decide to be left alone he'll completely understand and wave to you politely but deep inside he felt envy and also jealousy
You thanked the Big Three so much for their help Mirio and Neijire beamed at your smile while Tamakiface turned red hiding and his face you were just so cute! you invited them to go watch a movie as a token of your appearance which they happily accepted they were so glad they cheered their little sunshine up and they wanted it to stay that way so one day if they confess their love for you they hope to see that beautiful smile beamed up and accept their love!~
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xamassed · 4 months
⟬ @deprcvities / s.c ⟭
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"You still haven't told me where we're going." And because of that, he lagged behind, hands stuffed into the pockets of his jacket and head stooped downwards. He didn't looked far ahead the way she did, but rather kept his gaze just low enough that he could barely see the back of her feet whenever she took a step forward.
"It's not going to be packed and loud, is it? I don't think I've got it in me to go to places like that today."
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k-atsukibakugou · 8 months
neijire lesbian confirmed
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dentpx · 2 years
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five million years ago I made these lockscreens intending to make more but that’s never happening and these look nice so just go ahead and take them so I can be free
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snowcrystaltodoroki · 2 years
Alright guys who's your Mha Sister?
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animebxuty · 2 years
💳 : "It's just a friendly Cardgame, right?" Timido asked Nejire as the cards were handed over
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"Yes yes strip poker is a friendly game. Plus its fun seeing the other end up losing all their clothes yeah," Neiire gave her new friend the cards, and smiled as she hoped she won the game.
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