#natalie ferris
sami-guinea-arts · 1 month
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Decided to make these OC info sheets for my witches I've seen others do too. Just a lil' info about them, because probably nobody will see my google docs bios about them...
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petaltexturedskies · 2 months
The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning. The weeks that come before are only a climb from balmy spring, and those that follow a drop to the chill of autumn, but the first week of August is motionless, and hot. It is curiously silent, too, with blank white dawns and glaring noons, and sunsets smeared with too much color. Often at night there is lightning, but it quivers all alone. There is no thunder, no relieving rain. These are strange and breathless days, the dog days, when people are led to do things they are sure to be sorry for after.
Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting
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shipmansflannels · 4 months
in the heights | natalie scatorccio x reader
hey! I'm back! I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long, really. but I'm happy with the engagement and the new followers here on the blog, welcome everyone and I hope you like my stories below. I haven't made the masterlist yet, but as soon as I do, I'll pin it to organize it better. this first oneshot is super cute, I hope you like it. I'm also not going to open requests for now, but I'll leave my ask open in case you want to send me messages and interact through it too! thanks for following along! enjoy!
sorry for any grammatical or coherence errors, english is not my first language and I'm trying to improve!
in the heights | natalie scatorccio x reader
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-> prompt: you and natalie at a ferris wheel. but it gets stuck. <-
warnings: non cannon, no crash, most fem!reader but it works for gender neutral readers too, natalie having a soft side, a lot of swear words, very cliché and gay.
"I already told you I don't want to go. That's for children."
You laugh, watching Natalie blow out the last of her cigarette and use her worn-out sneakers to crush it on the floor. The two of you are leaning against a street light, but you're more focused on the popcorn that's almost gone and the noise of the kids screaming behind you, enjoying the huge roller coaster, or the carousel, or yelling for their mom to buy more tokens to hit the clown's mouth and win a damn stuffed bear.
It's your last year before heading off to college, but you're not old enough to enjoy the rare amusement park event when the mayor is in a good mood, which is why you make a point of not only inviting Natalie, but the rest of the girls on the team.
The difference is that you're not as close to them as you are to the platinum blonde who's snorting as she's being bumped into by a four-foot-tall boy who's running after another boy whose height you haven't yet identified.
"Oh, please, it's just going to be a single ride. I really want to see the city from up there", you insist, using your best whining voice, to try to convince Natalie to join you on the ferris wheel. She rolls her eyes as you shove another handful of popcorn into your mouth. "Then we can go on the ghost train, since you want to be that frightened."
"You know I hate the ferris wheel, (Y\N), no way."
Natalie was always closed off about her feelings and desires - and unless it had to do with addictions, cigarettes and drugs, you'd never guess any of the things she was passionate about. Of course, you knew about her problems with her father, her terrible relationship with her mother and how much she wanted to buy a trailer in the park closest to her school so she wouldn't have to live with this nightmare again, but otherwise, none of Natalie's fears were obvious to you.
So it was fun to hear her complain, in her usual grumpy mood, about how she hated rides on the ferris wheel.
“It’s not that bad,” you tried once more. "One ride, I promise. I'll give you one of my cigarettes later, don't worry."
Natalie huffed again, rolling her eyes at you, and put her lighter in the pocket of her old moss green jacket before walking over to you.
"Just a ride and then it's over. It's not a question."
You nodded, shrugging and swallowing hard, before starting to walk beside her. Oh, one more thing about Natalie that you knew since you met her: she hated holding hands.
"I swear I'm going to kill you. It seems like a good thing to push you from the highest point, don't you think?"
Natalie proposed, whispering through clenched teeth as the ferris wheel monitor buckled you up and closed the cabin. There was a noise in the background, coming from other laughing children and families in the cabins behind, so Natalie had to get a little closer to you to whisper in your direction.
"Ah, come on, it's going to be fun!", you murmured, in your usual joy, looking to the side and enjoying the view of the park before the ride started to rise. "But if you feel unwell, I can ask the monitor to stop first and come down."
"It is not necessary."
She murmured, taking a deep breath, and you felt like there was too much air gathering in Natalie's lungs. With your free arm, you passed it over the cabin, around the platinum blonde, in an attempt to comfort her. It didn't help, but you were sure you saw her lined eyes relax a little.
And then, the ride began. The families behind you screamed loudly when the cabins started to rise a little, and then they started laughing when theirs stopped in the air and slowly descended, giving a good view of the city from up there.
You looked away again at the huge windows and the landscape, even though you weren't so high up. It felt good to reassure Natalie at that moment, her fear feeling like it was going to leave her body and hover like a cloud of dust above your heads.
"Are you okay?"
You laughed, making a mental note and finding it amusing that Natalie always used colloquial language when she was scared. Suddenly, she looked down, and her clear eyes widened again.
"Holy shit! Why are there two guys down there? And why does it look like they're arguing? Oh, God, don't tell me we-"
You looked down, just to see where she was looking, and then, suddenly, the voices of the families became clearer, as if they purposefully escaped from the windows of the cabins straight into yours. "we're stuck!" "it looks like the toy broke!" "damn, bunch of irresponsible people!" "I want my fucking money back!" "get that fucking toy down soon, buddy!"
Gritting your teeth, you looked at Natalie, and you were sure that she had heard at least half of the whispers, or, well, at best - and probably the most terrible - she had enough intelligence to figure out what had just happened on her own. to happen.
"Fuck me," she muttered, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Once, twice, three times. And then, you grabbed her with your free arm by the collar of her shirt, the back collar.
"Calm down, it's just a quick stop, it's supposed to give more excitement. Soon the ferris wheel comes back, just try to breathe", you whispered, and obviously it didn't help at all.
"I'm not five anymore, (Y\N). Don't act like you're my fucking parents."
"Hey, don't freak out, it won't help…", you clicked your tongue. "Well, how about if we just try to distract ourselves while the toy doesn't come back? Make small talk? There are some things going on that you haven't told me yet, right?"
You don't know how this caught Natalie's attention, but you saw that her face had returned to its usual paleness, and that she had raised an eyebrow in your direction.
"What are you talking about?"
"Why, the most obvious. You and Travis Martinez, what else?"
She rolled her eyes. "It's not what you think. He's just my friend. Just like you are too."
Ouch, that one hurt. It would have affected you more, of course, if you had even had feelings for Natalie, but obviously you had nothing more than a friendly affection for her, and in truth, her and Travis' sudden closeness wasn't bothering you in the slightest. in an unhealthy way…
Absolutely not. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
"Just friends? Oh, sure, like, okay then…" You took another deep breath, and then blushed when you saw her raised eyebrow again. "It's just, like, he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would hang out with our gang…"
"You mean he doesn't look like a rebellious kid?" Natalie scoffed, biting her lip and looking away from you. "Yeah, I mean, you'd be surprised by some things about him."
"And how come you know so much, huh?"
She pursed her lips. You had used an intonation that definitely wasn't as ironic as you thought it would be, and in fact, maybe that would have surprised Natalie. You were about to open your mouth to apologize, when she spoke first, her eyes fixed on you and that cheeky smile that only she knew how to give.
"Damn, I didn't know you were that possessive, (Y\N)…"
It was your turn to roll your eyes.
"And I'm not. I don't give a shit about your circle of friends, okay?"
"It's not what it looks like…"
"Okay, let's change the subject…", you pursed your lips too, looking away. "Did you buy the hair dye? Your roots are turning black again…"
She nodded, but that sleazy smile was still on her lips as she looked the other way. In fact, it only disappeared when she realized that you guys weren't coming back down, and that it would probably take hours to do so.
"This shit's never going down again, is it? What the fuck…"
You laughed, looking at her again and shaking your head. "You know, if you're so scared, you can hold my hand. I won't bite you unless you ask me to."
Natalie rolled her eyes again, looking at you with closed eyes. She hated vulnerability, especially when it was her own. Her hand slid across the space in the seat that separated the two of you in the cabin, and then, her fingers caught yours, lightly, as if they were magnets attracting each other.
"If you tell anyone tomorrow, I'll kill you," she whispered, her teeth clenched and her gaze still very serious. That made you laugh and eased the blush on your cheeks a little.
Suddenly, like an answer to her silent prayer, the cabin gave a sharp start and threatened to descend. This caused Natalie's already trembling and vulnerable body, barely secured in the seat belt, to fall until it reached your arms. You held her just in case, but she made sure to lean on your waist to straighten herself up again.
"Oh, God, I think I'm going to throw up," she murmured, returning to the fear inside her. You watched her and, in a rush, had an idea that might help. Well, it helped you with your now rare panic attacks before a decisive test in class.
Instinctively, you grabbed her cheek, pressing your faces together at a considerable distance. Her eyes were on you, but specifically at the level of your nose, and she seemed shocked by your unexpected attitude.
“What the fuck are you doing?”, she whispered, her lips barely moving.
"I'm trying to take your focus away. Pay attention to other things, don't fucking look down," you replied, your tone as neutral as possible, your eyes focused on her. But your closeness was incredibly suspicious and, even if you denied it, it took away some of the attention that should have been hers. Clearing your throat, you whispered again. "Do you feel better?"
Natalie didn't answered. She closed her clear eyes and took another deep breath, swallowing hard. And then, her pale, calloused hands touched your shoulder. At first, it seemed like an attempt to push you away, but then, suddenly, when she unexpectedly pressed your lips together, you understood everything.
Responding to the kiss as best you could, terrified that it would be clumsy, you let your mind wander to the darkest parts, and you also understood that you always wanted, deep down, for this moment to happen. And then, after minutes of the wind in your hair and your body getting hot with the blood bubbling almost to your head, Natalie finally did what she normally would do, using the grip on your shoulders to pull you away from her.
"Fuck, this wasn't supposed to happen," she whispered, trying to apologize. And suddenly, she fixed it. "I mean, maybe it was, but not like this. I guess I was just a little… too vulnerable, my bad."
You laughed, blushing once more before holding her hand again, this time placing your palm on hers.
"It's okay to be vulnerable sometimes. You look cute with that soft side," you whispered, nodding. "Well, not like that…"
"Don't be stupid, of course it's like that," she murmured, raising her eyebrow. "Okay, I'm not going to punch you in the face because you kissed me and because you have feelings for me."
"For the record, you were the one who kissed me."
She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, fuck. Nobody cares."
Suddenly, the ferris wheel gave another start and, finally, with the screams of satisfaction from all the families who were still waiting up there, it started working normally again. Natalie sighed, still holding your hand in hers, and you smiled, relieved, looking away.
"Just promise me one thing, (Y\N)?"
"Anything, Nat."
"That you won't tell anyone that we kissed-"
"That you kissed me."
"Whatever! Don't tell anyone, do you hear me? Or I'll change my mind and punch you in the face, yes."
You laughed before pulling her closer with your free hand, by her chin, and kissing her once more. "Don't worry. It'll just be our little secret for now."
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rosewaterandivy · 12 days
river for your spring mouth
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summary: dragon!eddie for Summersong Request-athon! || He could’ve passed for human if not for his sublime beauty and skin speckled with starfall.
pairing: dragon!e.m. x f!reader
w.c.: 1223
a/n: ask and you shall receive! title from Natalie Woo's poem "Let Us Be Fireflies."
Your scent betrays you.
A heady waft of freshly tilled earth rends the air and caresses his senses.
He’d be intrigued if not for the tang of fear woven within it and emanating from the woman chained to the bed in his tower.
Not his doing, of course, just the fearful mortals and their superstitions. Must be coming on the harvest season now if they’re leaving offerings of maidens at his door. Nevermind how barbaric or traumatizing it was.
He supposed he was partially to blame, seemingly allowing them to carry on with their sacrifices year after year without so much as a snarl. Nevermind that he’d freed them all, ferried those trembling girls across the sea and onto friendlier shores.
The beast careened into the tower as he was wont to do, heralded by a roaring snarl through the balmy air. Wings, larger than life, and dyed the deepest of night caught what little illumination there was flashing blue, green, and purple in the torchlight.
But before he could vent his frustration in a blustering bellow, a soft metallic scent hits him blanketed in salt and musk. Shocking enough to snuff out his breath of fire, and lay siege to the irons that shackled you to the bed.
You tense at the action, hands still manacled together, and eyes screwed shut. Before you can curl in on yourself, a singular claw severs the shackles at your wrists.
“Please don’t hurt me,” You whisper, opening your eyes only to be met with the beast’s amber-violet ones.
The creature is fascinated by your face, staring at you as if they’d never seen a woman before. Which you know is certainly not the case, why only last harvest the Cunninghams lost their daughter to the Culling. Though, that did not prevent her fiancé from moving on swiftly with a girl from a neighboring village.
You forced yourself to take deep breaths, filling your chest to the brim with the late summer air, exhaling slowly, and closed your eyes.
Seeing your efforts to calm yourself, the beast inched closer and settled on the stone floor at the edge of the bed. The scales of its hide flickering an array of colors in the dim light, a thing of terrible beauty.
A startled yelp ripped through the air as you opened your eyes only to find the dragon gone and a man stood in his place. An all too naked man. Or was it? He lacked the normal features of the men in your village, bearded and brusque with wandering eyes and hands. This man was flecked with dark scales along his legs, arms, and torso that flashed with the same brilliance as his scales.
In fact, those probably were scales littered like constellations against his milky white skin. They wreathed the ladder of his ribs, curved along his shoulder and neck, danced along the edge of his strong jaw only to disappear in the most enviable tendrils of curls you’d ever had the pleasure to see. It was as if he’d been plucked from the starry night in his luminous beauty.
And you couldn’t stop staring. A lick of heat travels up your spine, igniting along the notches of vertebrae like popping fireworks. And you know that your gaze is hungry, but it’s something that can’t be helped.
Captivated as you were, you momentarily forgot that you were supposed to be frightened of him— this beast who was more than a man. He cut an imposing figure, immense and built for battle as he was, and stared back with amused eyes.
“A-are you going to let me go?”
He huffed and rolled his neck and shoulders. You could only imagine what effect that would have in his dragon form, his true nature.
Letting the silence fall between you, he watched as you continued your study of him. He had full pink lips, high cheekbones, and the same amber-violet eyes as before. A large hand pressed against his stomach which only jogged your memory that, yes, he was still naked. Completely and unabashedly so with a heavy hanging phallus between his legs. Eyes darting back to his face, heat skitters beneath your skin because you shouldn’t have looked.
He could’ve passed for human if not for his sublime beauty and skin speckled with starfall.
“No.” He said after clearing his throat. His voice was low and rich, earthy and smooth.
You blinked. “Then what–”
You resolutely kept your eyes on his face as he approached you, slowly and cautiously, despite your fascination with what hung between his legs. Ladies of your village had quipped double entendres back and forth about what lay under a man’s breeches, you’d always thought it a lewd exaggeration but perhaps not.
He crouched in front of you, nostrils flaring as if he were smelling you. His strong arms braced his equally strong legs— the cut of him lithe and fierce.
“I won’t be letting you go.”
“Oh.” A haze settled over you, feeling rather pitiful as tears gathered in your eyes. “And the others?”
He cocked his head curiously, “What others?”
“The ladies sent every year? Last spring, it was Chrissy Cunningham. What happened to her?”
He said nothing, but slid his elegant fingers beneath the irons manacling your wrists, the flesh torn and bruised beneath. Prizing around the cuffs, he pulled at them, arm straining with the effort. The first iron clattered loudly to the floor, quickly followed by the second. He held your arms, taking in the severity of the wounds before drawing your wrist to his mouth as if to—
“I beg your pardon!” You said, yanking your hand back.
Something flickered across his face, but he let you go just the same.
“The others are… gone.”
Tears ran down your face, realizing with finality that though your shackles lay at his feet, you were now fettered to a creature impervious to such mortal whims as freedom.
Dragons hoarded treasure, laid waste to villages and castles alike, and didn’t have notions of chivalry or manners. You would be alone in this tower, save for his comings and goings, yet another victim of the Culling. Soon to be gone and forgotten, just like the rest.
“What’s your name?”
He glances up, something endless settling between you. And you had a passing thought, if you gave him your name that he very well may already know it. He sensed it too.
“No one has asked me that in a long time.”
He steps toward the window and it’s obvious that he’s going to fly off into the night at any moment.
“It’s just that,” You begin, scrambling across the bed, “If we are to live together, I should like to call you by your name, if you’ll permit it.”
Any snatch of good will you could carve out for yourself, you would. Escaping on your own was an impossible task, you’d heard the door lock as the village watchmen left.
His eyes fell shut, chest heaving and muscles rippling as his skin shimmered with scales. Glancing back, he offered a soft smile.
“My name is Edward,” He said, “But you can call me Eddie.”
And with that, he lept from the window’s ledge unfurling his wings and unleashing his true form into the inky black night.
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richiekirschs · 1 year
SHE’S MY BABY — Spider-Man!Lottie Matthews
and i hope you don’t save some other girl…
warnings— fem reader (she/her used), typical spider-man shenanigans, gun mentions, ooc lottie probably
[part 1]
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lottie: when did you want to get coffee
lottie: 11:15 at little collins?
you: isn’t that in the city?
lottie: yeah but i can venmo you for the ferry fee
you: no it’s fine i can take the bridge
lottie: ok see you tmrw
you: here
you: sitting in a booth towards the back
Lottie’s late.
You’re anxiously checking your phone screen over and over, trying to make sure you haven’t missed any rain-check texts.
11:28. Nothing.
You fidget in your seat, bouncing your leg, looking at the door with hopeful eyes whenever the bell chimes.
At exactly 11:30, the door swings open, a frantic Lottie rushing in from the other side.
“I’m sorry!” she immediately says, collapsing into the booth. “This guy stole an old lady’s purse, and then—“
“Lottie,” you interrupt, “calm down. I’m not mad, I just thought you forgot.”
“No,” she promises, still a bit out of breath. “No, I actually swung over here.”
“What, like, with your webs?”
“Would you lower your voice?” she hisses.
“It’s New York, Lot,” you deadpan. “I literally saw a man taking a shit on the sidewalk.” You lock eyes with a man at the counter, leaning back to stretch his arms. You jerk your thumb at Lottie as you say, “She’s Spider-Man.”
“Shut the fuck up,” he says before turning back to his phone.
You sip from your drink. “So how exactly did this happen? Is this your weird attempt at a fursona?”
“It’s not a fursona,” she mumbles defensively. “I got bit by a spider. I guess it was, like, radioactive or something.”
“Radioactive?” you repeat. “Like the dogs in Chernobyl?”
“Yeah,” she replies, “except I didn’t grow any extra teeth like those fish. I fell onto this lady on the subway the night after and my hand got stuck to her shirt, and I… ripped it off…” She flushes pink.
“How the fuck did that happen?”
“I’m, like… sticky,” she informs you, embarrassed as she flexes her hands. You wrinkle your nose at sticky. “And I get these weird tingles right before something happens.”
“Does the web come out of you?” you question, genuinely intrigued.
“Yeah,” she shrugs. “I don’t have extra legs, though, before you ask.”
“How’d you get out last night?”
“I put the suit back on in the shower, then went back out the window. I went down the balcony into your bedroom. Natalie came in, though, so I hid on… the ceiling…” As the words leave her mouth, she clearly realizes how weird it sounds.
“I’m impressed, Lot,” you admit. “It’s been a year, and I never would’ve guessed it was you. I thought you had some secret lover and that’s why you were sneaking around.”
It’s her turn to wrinkle her nose. “God, no. I felt really bad about always leaving you, though.”
You shrug. “It’s definitely not as bad as when Tai and Van coincidentally sneak off to go have sex. They’re not even subtle about it.”
Lottie laughs, but she shifts uncomfortably, like someone just licked their finger and stuck it in her ear.
You frown. “You okay?”
She looks up, but it’s almost like she’s looking through you. Her eyes track movement in the window at your back.
She grabs her backpack. “I have to go.”
You turn around, but there’s nothing there. You whip back around to face her. “What the hell, Lottie?”
“I’m sorry!” she insists. “I’ll—I’ll call you, okay?”
She doesn’t give you time to respond before she’s sprinting out the door of the café, chasing down whatever she’d seen behind you.
You’re upset, to say the least.
You walk back to the ferry parking garage where you’d parked, grinding your teeth. If it were a cartoon, you might have steam coming out of your ears.
You have to take three laps around the garage before you finally find your car.
But as you approach your car, you can see a figure yanking at your driver’s side door.
“Hey!” you shout. “What the fuck?”
“This your car?” he asks.
“I’m not shouting at you for fun,” you snap.
“Give me your keys,” he commands.
“No, I’m not gonna give you my keys!”
He shoves his hand into the pocket of his jacket and points it at you. “Give me the fucking keys!”
“I can see your thumb sticking out, I know you don’t have a gun! It’s a piece of shit anyway, just back off—“
He starts forward, but he only gets a few steps in before something shoots past you—you literally blink and miss it, and when you look back at the man attempting to carjack you his hand is stuck to the wall with a fucking web.
Fucking Lottie.
“I thought she told you to back off, man,” Lottie sighs.
“Why do you sound like that?” the man asks, which is the same thing you’re wondering.
You know it’s Lottie, of course. But she’s using some weird, Ghostface-esque voice modulator.
“Sound like what?” she bluffs.
“No, I heard you earlier,” the man insists, “when you were chasing me. I know what a girl sounds like.”
“I’m not a girl!” Lottie shouts. “I’m a boy! Fuck—a man!”
If you hadn’t just been a victim of an attempted carjacking (and possibly murder), you would’ve bust out laughing. Lottie’s voice sounded very Mickey Altieri—it’s time, girlfriend!
“Man, I really don’t care,” the man shrugs, defeated.
Lottie mumbles, “Interrogation mode, off,” before turning back to you. “Go home, okay?”
You nod, surprisingly relieved by Lottie saving the day. You get into your car and turn the key.
“That’s gonna dissolve in 2 hours, okay?” Lottie tells the man, who’s still stuck to the wall.
“What?” he exclaims. “No, I need to get home!”
She jogs off. “2 hours! You deserve that!”
You can’t help but laugh as you start your drive home.
KITTY MEOWS! I pray this was as good as y’all wanted it to be… the second half is very heavily based on the scene of Donald Glover in Homecoming I thought it would be silly for Lottie 😞
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sourtoasterstrudel · 7 months
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Drawings from yesterday of my lovely girl Natalie i did while i was on a ferry. I’ve been working on the story quite a bit and i swear every time i write something for her i lose my mind a little in the best way possible. I plan on posting stuff for her a helluva lot more.
+ the cover art and title concepts i made for a smaller test version done for school
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stitched-mouth · 1 year
List of Every Brandon Rogers Characters Ever
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I don’t know why I did this. It took 4 hours. I haven’t seen ever Brandon Rogers video (shocking, I know) so some are missing. I purposely didn’t add any parody characters (the Kardashians, Annabell, M3GAN etc), but if you notice any BRCU characters missing, please comment so I can add them.
And obviously the characters not credited are played by Brandon Rogers.
David July is credited as David Burton on this list. I’m not sure when they changed their name, as they are credited as both on Brandon’s videos.
I can’t remember who Debbie and Doyle are but I must of put them on this list for a reason
Main Characters
Bryce Tankthrust
Bobby Worst
Blame/Sebastian/ Grandpa
Helen Brownstein
Stuff & Sam
Donna Phitts (Paulette Jones)
Damien (Onision)
Ms Cunney (Monique Parent)
Blame the Hero
Young Donna Phitts (Alariza Nevarez)
Duke Tuggler (Anthony Padilla)
Coach Best (Jack Plotnick)
Skinny Bitch (Kornbread Jeté)
Dill Flippo (Jonathan Hinman)
Family Doctor Office
Dr Gupta
Nurse Kavi (Nandini Minocha)
Lipschtiz the Clown (Paulette Jones)
Surgeon Miller (Jude B. Lanston)
Nurse Hole (Georgina Leahy)
Patient (Adam Neylan)
Another Patient (Jonathan Hinman)
Daniel (Jess Weaver)
Daniel’s Mother (Christine Sydelko)
Mad tea party
Mad Hatter
Cheshire Cat (Bazil)
White Rabbit (Benjamin Alexander Hall)
The Jabberwocky (Natalie Hawkins)
Flower (Jordan)
No one was credited in this video and most were personal friends of Brandon’s and not content creators so are nearly impossible to find. I had to stalk Brandon’s Insta to find these people.
BTW, Bazil (who plays Cheshire Cat) is a trans man who goes by he/him. Just letting people know because people are misgendering him and I assume it’s because they don’t know his pronouns.
Theatre Class
Alex Rimmer
Mason Lucas (Salim Razawi)
Oliver Hamilton (Stephen Weighill)
Linda Starford (Janet McCarroll)
Karen Shou (Karen Fokes)
Jamie (Adam Neylan)
Marlena Lewton (Rachael Ferris)
Dean Shaft (Tony Rogers)
Trump’s Emotions
Anger (Stephen James)
Disgust, Fear and Sadness were not credited in this skit and I can’t guess with all the makeup or find them.
Jurgen Klausvonschwitz
Damien Ditsin (Logan Bubar)
Gretchen (Paulette Jones)
Sookilah (Judyth Brooke)
Dolorio (Devyne Carr)
Cheap Skate
Lost Boy (Adam Neylan)
Chick Flick (the first Brandon Roger’s Video I ever watched)
Ashley’s Best Friend (Vincent Marcus)
Ashley’s Crush / Cop (Jon Cozart)
Ashley’s Mom (Christine Sykdelko)
Teacher (Jude B. Lanston)
Doctor (Jonathan Hinman)
The Real Patient/ Dick’s Owner (Skye Williams)
The Real Patient’s Wife (Adam Neylan)
5 Year Old (Paulette Jones)
Since this video is now restricted on YouTube, I did this one from memory. I can’t believe I remember all these characters and actors. Thank God I rewatched it like a billion times when I first found it.
Mad funhouse
Mr Marbles/ Arlo
Dave (Jess Weaver)
Cliff (TJ Smith)
Sacha (Elise Christian)
Jimmy (Alex Diehl)
Manjusha (Nandini Minocha)
Mr Chronis (Jude Lanston)
Nuclear family
Daniel/ Echo Noir
Unnamed Daughter
Devontay (?) (Devyne Carr)
The Office
Dorian Ditsin
James Shaft (Stephen Rezza)
Vishalam Rangan (Natalie Hawkins)
Jimmy Rustler (Benjamin Hall)
Craig Dildon (Stephen James)
Ernie (Seth Munson)
Diesel (David Burton)
Kevin (Davis Benz)
Regina (Georgina Leahy)
British Family/ The Mingeworthys
Lord Mingeworthy
Lady Mingeworthy (Georgina Leahy)
Cockwaddle (David Burton)
James (Davis Benz)
Blood & Makeup
Blah Blah the Clown
Whoopsie Wendy (Elise Christian)
Dumb Bitch Linda (Kornbread Jeté)
Blonde Bitch (David Burton)
Percy the Pervert (Adam Neylan)
Christmas Family/ The Hendersons
Patty Henderson
Paul Henderson (Stephen James)
Shelby Henderson (Caleb Shorey)
Unnamed Daughter (Elise Christian)
Spike (Logan Bubar)
The Devil (Paulette Jones)
Uncle Frank (Gabriel Gonzalez)
Notice how often Brandon forgets to name the daughter in his skits 👀?
Silly Cat
Lenny/ Daddy (Jon Cozart)
Dr Williams (Sky Williams)
Wild West
Lucius Cowpussy
Vivian Delonprix (Georgina Leahy)
Map Maker Milton (Logan Bubar)
Kathleen (Adam Neylan)
Power (David Burton)
Rock (Georgina Leahy)
Damien (?) (Logan Bubar)
Unnamed Husband
Sleep Paralysis Demons
Iris (Paulette Jones)
Chad (Gary Nohealii Neil)
The Laundromat
Clyde Can
Bart (Joel Haver)
Debra (Mitsy Sanderson)
Barbara Ditliminor (?) (Adam Neylan)
The North Pole (included this group for fun)
Santa Clause
Mrs Clause (Christine Sydelko)
Gingerbread Man (Jude B. Lanston)
Female Elf (Georgina Leahy)
Male Elf (David Burton)
Head Elf (Kornbread Jeté)
Jesus (Jess Weaver)
Rudolph (Paulette Jones)
Tiny Tim (Jack Plotnick)
Characters I Didn’t Know Where To Put
Suck (Dominiq Badiyo)
Swallow (David Burton)
Beatrice Brownstein (Paulette Jones)
Judey Patoody (Jude B. Lanson)
Gloria Goopty (Kornbread Jeté)
Courtney (Liam Krug)
Ryder (Kassius Marcil-Green)
Barbara Worst (Katie Johnson)
American boyfriend (Ben Furney)
Ignaolo (Gabriel Gonzalez)
Debbie (Trevor Wallace)
Doyle (Trevor Wallace)
Carol Cox
Japanese Girlfriend
Flint Dicker
Delmar Lysol
Humanoid Simulation XL-57692/ Simian
Double Licker Leroy
Hole Bros
Rafał Sanchez Dimelo
Bryce is my favourite
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fratboychrissgfn · 2 months
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plot; you & chris been dating for months. he’s been called the biggest player & heartbreaker his whole life. but he changed for you.. or so you thought. (part 2 in the master list 💕.)
⚠️; cussing, breakup, idk lmfao but don’t take this serious, it’s just fiction 😊.
you, chris and his brother planned to hang out today. you got ready, curled your hair , did your makeup and headed to the triplets house as you all hop in the car.
about 30 minutes later, you guys got to the fair. aswell with madi and nate coming along. you all paired up. madi with nick, nate with matt, you and chris.
chris spots a basketball game, if you win you choose any stuff animal you want. “hey, wanna try that out?” chris says, “hm, yeah let’s go!” you reply. you guys held hands walking to the game.
chris concentrates on trying to win, it’s his last shot. he makes it in, and lets you choose whatever stuff animal you want.
you guys are having a great time.
about an hour later, you decide you wanna go on the ferris wheel. you guys wait in line, chris checks his phone a bit frequently but you ignore it since you trust him.
you guys get on the ferris wheel, taking photos on your phone together, talking, having a great time. “take some photos on my phone too!” chris says, “okayy” you reply. you get his phone and turn it on.
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you read the message as your heart sank. you stare at it for a few seconds, realizing that’s your bestfriend that texted him. your eyes start to water a bit.. “ you gonna take the photos?” chris asks. “chris. what the fuck?” you say in anger, showing him the message.
he stammers, “i— i’m sorry. i- i can explain alright? just let me explain everything.. i swear she means NOTHING to me.” he emphasizes the “ nothing “ with guilt on his face.
but you don’t believe him. “everyone was right.. how could you? i loved you chris.. i gave you my all? you’re just throwing it away to be with MY bestfriend? you’re saying she means nothing yet she has a heart next to her name? are you fucking serious chris. ” you feel tears drop down your cheek.
you throw his arm off your shoulder throwing his phone onto his lap scooting as far as you can on that ferris wheel. “ y/n please.. can i explain?” chris says pulling your hand to interlock with his, “chris don’t fucking touch me” you say throwing his hand to his lap with your voice cracking as tears stream down your face. you’re sitting there hoping the ferris wheel goes down already, wondering why you didn’t listen when everyone called him a heartbreaker.
you weren’t just mad at chris, you were mad at your bestfriend. how could she do this to you? why would she do this to you?
the ferris wheel finally reaches the bottom. you get off and walk away from chris as he follows you trying to keep up with your pace. “ please y/n..” he begs, you ignore him as you continue walking, you’re walking towards madi, nate, matt and nick, wiping your tears. “ can we go?” you ask the group. chris still afar from you walking with his head down. “ chris is cheating.. ill explain when we’re away from him. let’s just go please” you say, tears still streaming down your face. in the car chris asks to sit next to you. “ fuck outta here chris”
you say as he tries to sit in the back with you. madi goes to sit next to you instead. “i’m sorry y/n you deserve so much better. do you know who the girl is?” madi says rubbing your back trying to reassure you. you sniffle before speaking, “y-yeah.. my bestfriend natalie.” madi’s eyes widen, “ are you serious? what the fuck.. he really doesn’t deserve you at all. i can’t believe he would do that to you. it’ll be okay y/n im here for you.” madi says
you guys finally get home you get out the car last and chris is in front of you. he holds the front door open for you as he stares back at you, you don’t even bother to stare at him. “when you calm down can we please just talk..?” chris says pulling your wrist back to him. “talk about what? talk about the fact that you’re a cheater and a liar? you said there wasn’t other girls. and look who’s in your phone. we’re done chris, get that in your head.” you say firmly throwing his hand back to him.
you explain everything to the group, everyone comforting and reassuring you. later that night you’re sitting on the couch alone, madi and nick in nicks room watching a movie as nate and matt play fortnite. chris in his room. you’re on your phone and you get a text.
you read the text and you feel anger build up in you again. you reply to the text feeling tears build up in your eyes again.
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“The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning. The weeks that come before are only a climb from balmy spring, and those that follow a drop to the chill of autumn, but the first week of August is motionless, and hot. It is curiously silent, too, with blank white dawns and glaring noons, and sunsets smeared with too much color.”—Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting
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feminaferitas · 7 months
supernatural/monster au character backgrounds
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v: it's not evil - just hungry, available for shauna/jackie/misty/nat note: full background/social and timeframe setting for verse/threads is flexible dependent on plotting with partner
Cast: Shauna the psychopomp, Jackie the siren, Natalie the dhampir, Misty the hag-touched.
Shauna Shipman: Psychopomp
A psychopomp, or in essence, a reaper, is a melancholy and misunderstood figure. Associated with death but never the cause of it, Shauna is feared all the same. She arrives at the site of death and quietly begins the work of preparing the soul for its next stage of being. She does not judge or condemn the dead, but simply makes the transition to the afterlife a little easier, perhaps a little kinder. Her hunter's knife is the scythe by which she severs the threads to the mortal plane, whether or not there is a body left to carve. It is somber, solitary work to clean up the place where a life once was, but she dutifully does her work no matter how many believe her to be a butcher.
Shauna often does not know those she is tasked with ferrying, but if she learns anything of them, she writes down details of who they once were in her journal. Much of a life is lost to time, but she tries to remember the ones she helps.
She sometimes takes the form of her young self, and sometimes she is older, but Shauna exists outside of linear time and most frequently appears to be her teenage self (even if she never really was a teenager). She can also manifest in animal forms, occasionally a deer or a flock of birds waiting just beyond the body.
Shauna doesn't appear naturally to the living, unless they have some connection to the otherworldly -- the killers, those who have had near-death experiences, and others who have witnessed a lot of death may be included in this, but there isn't an exact science to it.
Jackie Taylor: Siren
What she lacks in skill and acuity she makes up for in influence. Sirens have that sort of hold on people, after all. For the longest time, Jackie never really understood why she always got what she wanted -- she just knew the universe conspired to make it happen. It wasn't until she told a guy in high school to "go fuck himself" that she finally realized there was something more to her words and her voice. That said, not everything she says is compelling -- Jackie has learned to hone "the voice" she uses to influence and beguile. In the meantime, it doesn't hurt she's gorgeous and well-liked. And that wasn't because she forced anyone to believe it... right?
Contrary to popular belief, she's not the type of siren that people think should be related to mermaids. They're more classically bird-women, but Jackie doesn't manifest any avian traits (apart from sometimes getting really sharp manicures, but that's purely aesthetic).
Jackie is skilled in vocal mimicry and even if she's not the world's best singer, her influencing abilities can be dangerous to weak-minded individuals. If she's swapped spit with you too, she's likely to have a stronger hold. If she's silenced, gagged, made to bite her own tongue, or deafened, her powers lose their effect.
Jackie also has synesthesia and can clearly see and distinguish the source of sounds (granted that they're not overpowering -- she can be prone to overstimulation).
Natalie Scatorccio: Dhampir
A cursed child often born of a vampiric father and a human mother. A mix of both worlds, belonging to neither. Natalie has always been an outcast in every sense of the word, right down to her very biology. And as she slowly learned the truth about her parentage, things began to become clearer. As vampiric offspring are wont to do, Nat was responsible for the death of her father, but it didn't do anything to solve her own affliction. It did, however, free her mother from his thrall -- but her mother still resents her daughter for what she did, even if it was ultimately a good thing.
As a dhampir, she has a weakened mix of the strengths and vulnerabilities as a vampire (though of course, stakes to the heart and decapitation will do the trick). Natalie is prone to sunburns and is sensitive to light, but is slightly stronger, faster, and more durable than humans. Religious iconography does still impact her, though she does not need invitation over thresholds and is not weak to running water.
Her blood and bile are toxic to full-blooded vampires, and her own appetite for carnage can mostly be suppressed, but she does still need to drink blood every so often, especially when injured or weak. (This is a mix of dhampir lore sources, I don't love when they're just All Vampire Awesomeness with No Weaknesses.)
Natalie will stop aging on a human timescale when she hits adulthood, if she lives that long. In the meantime, she indulges in nightlife, intoxicants, and other experiences to try to numb the pain and distract from the fact there's nowhere she truly belongs.
Misty Quigley: Hag-touched
She wasn't born a witch, and she's not innately magical. But Misty saw the sorts of powers that existed just beyond the fingertips of most normal lives and wanted some of it for herself. For those who aren't lucky enough to have natural magic, well, there's always a hag coven. Misty found a gathering of powerful women who were willing to make a bargain and bring the blonde into their society. And Misty prefers this type of wicked handiwork to simply waving fingers and casting spells. Just... don't leave strands of hair or fingernail clippings where she can find them for her "experiments".
Inspired by various hag folklore and D&D depictions, Misty's magic is based in exchange and component value -- she excels in curses, inconveniences, and changes in fortune, but she's not entire malevolent. She isn't wholly benevolent either, extracting some sort of price from those who seek her aid. And if they don't, she just has fun making whatever mischief she can -- often targeting individuals to whom she later proposes the solution to their woes.
Also, not all hags are old and ugly -- Misty resents that idea, thank you!
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sami-guinea-arts · 2 months
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My style (left) and accurate SM style (right)!
Finished all my witches! Only need to do the witch coven leader now. :D I wanted to give them different bodytypes and abilites and succeeded.
If you wonder, they are based mainly on the witches of Soul Eater, which is why they hide their witch identity, dress normally and only wear their witch outfits in coven meetings and such.
Witches can sense each other's magic. While witches can also join the cult, my witches that are part of the coven have their souls owned by the deity the coven worships, meaning "the eyes" can't convert them.
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Low-key obsessed with the literal kill counter Du’Met keeps in the lobby of his murder castle
Like when the gang first arrive, the number is at 178.
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Then sometime after we see Morello and Bethany running onto the ferry to get away, we get the option to look at it properly and the number has gone up to 180. We know from the “bad” ending if Mark agrees to help Du’Met that he leaves two survivors - a “ferryman” and then another person from their group who they care about and is used as leverage to make them go through with it. So in Morello’s case, it’s obviously his daughter. We also know from that bad ending that Du’Met lets the two survivors go to the ferry and start to leave only to pull them back in and snipe them. And we know they were killed anyway because their bodies can be found near the very end of the game.
Obviously, between Jamie seeing Morello and Bethany leaving and then this counter going up, Du’Met sniped Morello/Bethany.
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Also, in the meat freezer area, you can find a dead body hanging up there with the label “176. Natalie Morello”; Natalie is Morello’s other daughter.
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The fact that the Morellos were the most recent party to check in, right before the Lonnit crew, Natalie being “176” and the counter going up after Joseph and Bethany “leave”… Du’Met literally keeps his kill counter in plain sight, that fucker is proud of it.
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tempest-toss · 6 months
Do not Touch the Glass
Matthias was not expecting his day to start like this. He was rudely awoken by his roommate Fred who promptly told him to pack his bags for a road trip. Matthias was a known push-over when it came to group activities, so he was soon in his roomate's truck along with three other "friends" of his. Natalie, Jordan, and Samantha were their names, and that was all Matthias really knew of them; they were Fred's friends, not his, so his knowledge was limited and he preferred it that way. At least it could net him some shut eye as the trip continued.
A few hours into the trip Matthias awoke to complaints from Natalie about being lost. He took the moment to look out the window and confirm that they were definitely not on their way to Yellowstone, in fact they were in someplace that could only be called Wilderness to a city boy like him. Evidence of past houses were passed by, but Matthias couldn't tell if this was a reassurance or a stressor.
Soon they parked the car and got out. What Matthias first saw was a field of thickets and dead grass, but after walking around the car to the others he saw it: The Calico Carnival. The entrance to a massive amusement park that had been burnt down a long time ago, but the entrance still stood up, looming ominously above the group, the wooden cat mascot mural leering down from its burnt view. Fred explained that he wanted to explore the place since it was abandoned, and that since he had the keys on him, they had no choice but to oblige.
As they approached the ticket counter, they were all surprised to see a woman, about age 67, working the till. With a croak in her voice she called out almost robotically, "5 per ticket." Natalie, a known prankster (at least from what Fred told Matthias), strolled up and handed a fake $25 bill, which the worker snatched and examined. After a tense moment she could be heard opening the register. "Submit bags for check. Entry ticket will be found attached to bag in your cubby to your immediate left." One by one the group submitted their backpacks and purses and entered; as Matthias was handing his over, the lady sharply grabbed his wrist. "Leave now young man, escape your fate while I am still here." Matthias faltered and the woman grumbled before takin his backpack. As Matthias entered he could hear the shutter of her til as it closed.
As Matthias fully stepped in he could see the park stutter to life. Lightbulbs flickered as the filament struggled to light, the wafting of carnival foods began to fill his nose, and the Ferris Wheel in the distance could be seen slowly starting up as the speakers groaned to life, playing discordant theme park music. His "friends" had already scattered, visiting the locals that interested them. Matthias found himself wandering around aimlessly, until he found the tank.
Off to the side of the park was a large glass tank, easily 8 ft by 8ft. The water was murky, and full of algae and moss. An old, tattered sign reading "See What Came From the Green Lagoon!" stood nearby, barely legible after going through the wringer of elements.
"Well look what the pussy found, an old tank. Of course you'd be wasting time looking in a mirror," came a sneering voice from behind. Matthias grimaced. Out of all of Fred's friends he loathed Jordan. Jordan was a piece of shit who knew how to manipulate people to get what he wanted, and Fred was oblivious to how he was consistently being taken advantage of by him. Jordan began tapping on the tank, and was about to crack off another joke.
"Sammy doesn't like being disturbed." The two men turned around to find a young male with white rabbit ears peering out from behind a stack of crates. "Please stop tapping on the glass."
"Oh yeah? Well I'm a paying customer," Jordan complained, eliciting a sigh from Matthias. "So I can do whatever the FUCK I want twerp. The rabbit-eared individual sighed before pulling his ears down to hide behind them.
"There's a latch at the top to stick your hand in," he mumbled. Jordan cheered before doing just that. As Matthias watched in disappointment, he heard the rabbit-guy speak up to him. "Did you know Tabitha poured a potion in Sammy's tank, and it restored his years? He stopped aging when he joined like all of us, but the potion gave him back the years, meaning I need to get a present for a 27-year-old... Do you know anything good?"
His question fell on deaf ears as Matthias stopped processing what he was asking or the nonsense said before. However, the age stuck with him. 27? But the guy on the poster looks barely in his young adulthood. Then the thing in the tank-
A scream from Jordan snapped him out of his thinking as Jordan began to scream that his fingers were gone. Then Jordan got pulled further, his whole arm stuck in the slot of the tank that the usagi talked about. Jordan screamed and shouted and cursed before managing to free himself and land on the ground, his left arm missing and spurting blood. Then the lid of the tank slammed open and he emerged.
A man, approximately of 27 years of age slowly climbed out. He had green, partially scaly skin covered in important areas by tattered clothing scraps. He was slightly hunched over but would have at least stood at an easy 6'5. His body radiated raw power, his muscles tensing and easing with each breath. His eyes practically glowed an eerie yet enchanting yellow, encapsulated by the kelp or algae stuck in his tangled hair. As he stepped forward with his webbed feet he snarled, revealing his sharp and bloodied mouth. Without giving Jordan a chance, he dove down and began to tear at his neck while his clawed hands tore into Jordan's chest, creating a cavity of gore.
Matthias stumbled before booking it, not wanting to see Sammy feast on someone he knew, even if the guy deserved it. Matthias ran back to the entrance just as the shutters began to finish lowering. "Thank you for purchasing your overnight stay tickets," the loudspeaker system crackled to life. "We hope you enjoy a happy and fun time with the other eleven who purchased their tickets prior." To add to this, the park's walls suddenly rose higher, making it near impossible to scale out. Matthias felt panic in his heart as he tried to think about what next. He came to the conclusion that maybe someone could help him out of here, like that bunny-eared guy! But of course, he didn't want to die like Jordan did. A quick scan of the trash near him allowed Matthias to fish out a moldy map of the park. Using the nearest street lamp he was able to make out a few locations to pick from.
Threat Level: Low Remaining Survivors: 15/16 Injuries: none Mental state: Disturbed.
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elm-writes-stories · 1 year
Cuphead: Isle of Shadows (Rewrite)
*Hey guys! I'm back with another episode of Cuphead: Isle of Shadows Rewrite. This is published on August 14, 2023. If you guys like this chapter/episode, don't be afraid to vote and comment! That would be great! Enjoy!*
Episode Eleven: The Chef's Ingredients
Mugman’s body was numb to the cold.
He could feel something developing inside of him, almost like another set of lungs…or gills? He gasped as his eyes shot opened. He started to breathe…underwater? Mugman looked up to the surface and saw the rough waves clashing throughout the storm. He blinked and saw the pieces of the ferry boat sinking towards the bottom of the ocean faster than his group were.
Mugman watched his friends and family drifting in the ocean, blacked out. The young mug breathed heavily in fear. Are they dead? He didn’t know what happened until his vision went blue again. He didn’t know what was going on, but he could feel lips moving and the strange words he spoke causing the water underneath the raging storm to move.
“Cape nos ad litus.
Cape nos ad litus.”
Mugman tried to understand what he…himself…was saying. His ears foreign to the language until it was translated the more the language repeated itself.
“Take us to the shore.
Take us to the shore.”
Mugman could feel something moving him. He was too paralysed to look, but he could tell it was huge, bigger than any fish he’d seen. Mugman could feel himself slipping towards the back as he finally managed to see what it was that was carrying him. It was a whale…strangely…with its eyes glowing blue like Mugman’s. He looked to see more whales coming into the scene with their eyes bright blue like Mugman’s, carrying his friends and family. It was almost like the whales were controlled by him, carrying them all towards the shore. Was this all a weird dream? He wouldn’t know. 
Mugman gasped heavily, his chest heaving. He coughed out the water and sat up on the sand, his body trembling. He could feel his nose bleeding against and wiped the blood off. He blocked the sunlight with his hand. He looked out onto the ocean to see the storm ahead of him. He blinked to realize they were at the other side of the storm and glanced down at the others who were laying on the sand with him.
Mugman gasped to find his brother groaning awake. “Cuphead. Cuphead!”
Cuphead groaned. “Huh? What just happened—?” He looked down to notice Natalie laying on his chest. With a blush, he moved her off of him gently and patted her head.
King Dice sat up with a groan until he noticed sand on his damped purple suit. “Ugh! Dang sand! Now, I need to get this to the cleaners—” He looked out into the ocean and blinked in confusion. “Wait, are we—dead? How in the world did we get here?”
Mugman rubbed his head. “That’s a bit hard to explain.”
Soon, Ribby and Croaks raised their heads with groans.
“Did we make it?” Croaks uttered while they looked around the shore to see pieces of their ferry boat washed up on the beach.
“Our boat! It’s destroyed!” Ribby cried.
“You sayin’ it’s my fault?!” Croaks barked at his brother.
“So what if I did?!”
The imaginary bell rang as Ribby and Croaks started to punching each other, waking Captain Brineybeard up from next to them.
“Argh, will ye two stop fightin’ ‘n--wait, where are we?” Brineybeard questioned his surroundings. “How did we end up here?”
Chalice and Canteen sat up from the sand, their hands holding until they noticed and blushed.
Chalice smirked at him. “You know if you wanna hold my hand, you could’ve just asked.”
Canteen swiftly moved his hand away from hers, blushing madly. “Wha—?! Oh, I…that, uh, I wasn’t trying to hold your hand or anything—”
While Canteen was stuttering with Chalice smirking at him, Porkrind, Elder Kettle, Jerry, Natalie, and Murray got up from the sand with Porkrind spitting the sand out.
“Goodness…what just happened?” Jerry uttered before looking around the shore. “Wait, are we in the other island?”
“I guess…” Porkrind looked to not find Cassidy. “Cassi…CASSI?!”
“Cassi? CASSI?!” Mugman screamed in fear.
Natalie looked around for her baby sister. “Aurora?! Aurora?!”
Aurora popped out of her sister’s bubbled brown hair. “Sissy!”
Natalie brightly smiled and lifted Aurora off of her hair. “Aurora! You okay? Are you hurt anywhere?”
“Nope, I’m fine!” Aurora replied happily.
Natalie hugged her. “Oh man, that was so scary.”
“CASSI?! WHERE ARE YOU?!?” Porkrind called for his daughter.
“I’m right here.”
Everyone turned to see Cassidy perching on the pier on the beach.
“I went to dry myself off. Sorry,” Cassidy asked with a blush.
“CASSI!” Mugman pounced on her on the pier, causing the group to widened their eyes in shock.
“Phew,” Porkrind sighed in relief.
Cassidy giggled at Mugman snuggling her. “Aww, I’m okay. I’m okay, Mugs.”
“I’m so happy you’re safe,” Mugman said while snuggling her.
Chalice looked up at the sign and gasped in happiness. “Guys! We’re in Inkwell Village!”
Everyone looked at the sign with her.
“Meaning…?” Porkrind uttered.
“Meaning that we’re safe here,” Chalice responded.
Natalie clenched her teeth. “Oh boy.”
“What?” Murray asked Natalie.
“Mom is here. She has a bakery over there,” Natalie pointed out.
“Let’s go to it!” Cassidy replied while hugging her boyfriend and cuddling with him with purrs. “Maybe your mom knows about the Night Stalkers situation and can help us out.”
“Cassi, you give Mom way too much credit,” Natalie responded with a bit of sass in her tone.
“Why not try?” Dice uttered. “Maybe we could convince her. If that doesn’t work, Murray can get into her memories and paralyze her.”
“What?” Murray responded with confusion.
“Aye, great idea! Check t’ see if Natalie’s mom will take us in. I’ll help Ribby ‘n Croaks rebuild thar ferry. Let us know if thar’s a safe galleon where we could stay at,” Brineybeard suggested for the group.
“Well, what are we waitin’ for? Let’s go!” Cuphead responded excitedly.
Natalie sighed deeply and carried Aurora in her arms. “Okay. Just…act proper around her please.”
Natalie led the group away from the shore.
“What does she mean by acting proper?” Murray said with a brow raised.
Elder Kettle shrugged his shoulders. The group went up to follow Natalie and Aurora while Captain Brineybeard stayed behind to help Ribby and Croaks rebuild their ferry. 
The group walked through the village, standing out from the amount of sand stuck on their wet clothes and seaweed in either their hairs or their ceramic heads.
There were two bakeries across from each other. One of them led into the forest at the back and the other one was blended into the village. Natalie led the group to the bakery that was near the woods. She stood in front of the door and looked at the window displaying “We’re Closed” sign. She jiggled the knob to see that it was locked.
“Figures,” Natalie sighed and put Aurora down. She knocked on the door with the group standing behind her. She waited anxiously while Aurora held her sister’s hand to comfort her.
There were footsteps coming up to the door and the locks clicked. The door opened to reveal a woman cup with bags under her eyes and brown bubbly hair that was messy like Natalie’s.
“Mama!” Aurora replied happily.
“Oh my gosh! Aurora, what happened to you?!” Natalie’s mother gasped and leaned down, cleaning Aurora’s face.
“We god indo a huge sdowm an we ended up hewe!” Aurora replied with a big grin on her face.
“Ugh, now look at you two, you’re so dirty and—Natalie, what have you been eating? You’ve gained weight,” Natalie’s mother responded while cleaning Natalie’s face as well.
“I’ve tried to exercise,” Natalie uttered defensively.
“Well, try harder,” her mother responded. “Remember how I taught you to measure your food? Have you done that?”
“I have. Plenty of times, Mom,” Natalie said with a groan.
“There’s no need to squabble,” her mother replied. “I’m only looking out for the best of you and—is that a chip on your head?!”
“WHAT?!” Natalie gasped in fear while her mother tilted her head forward.
“Oh no, no, no, Natalie, your beauty won’t recover from this chip,” her mother said with a sigh.
“Hey, she ain’t that bad-looking,” Cuphead spoke up, earning a screech from her mother.
Natalie turned to see Cuphead standing by her. “Um…Mom…this is my friend, Cuphead.”
“Friend? Please, don’t tell me you’re still friends with that—”
“Hi, Ms. Ruth,” Cassidy uttered with a wave at her.
“Great, you’re still friends with that burden,” her mother groaned, earning glares from Porkrind and Jerry.
“You know, you don’t have to make it so obvious that you hate my daughter, Tabitha,” Porkrind growled at Tabitha, Natalie’s mother, while pulling Cassidy beside him.
“Oh, hello, swine,” Tabitha sneered. “I thought you and your little family of peasants would’ve been dead by now by the Night Stalkers, especially along with that burden of the daughter of yours.”
Mugman glared at Tabitha, his eyes turned yellow with red irises. Before he could attack Tabitha, he was held back by Canteen, Murray, and Cuphead.
“Not yet, Mugsy,” Cuphead determined.
“Alright, alright, why don’t we all calm down for a second?” Elder Kettle responded. “Look, uh, Ms. Ruth, we need a place to stay. Do you think you could let us stay for at least one night?”
“Ugh, not while you all look like that,” Tabitha said, looking at the group disgusted.
Chalice put her fists on her hips. “Well, excuse us for being so dirty. If you have running showers, maybe we could clean ourselves and live up to your standards of perfection.”
“And let the drain be clogged up by so much dirt? I don’t think so,” Tabitha responded with sass.
King Dice plastered a smile. “Tabitha, look, we are in a situation with the Night Stalkers…you know, they’re going to kill all of us if we don’t, you know, hide. So…if you can kindly give us someplace or point us to the direction we need to go to be safe if you won’t take us in.”
“Please, Mom, they’re my friends,” Natalie pleaded.
“No,” Tabitha said. “They’re all peasants. I can’t believe they dragged you and Aurora into this situation.”
“They didn’t. I let them in the house,” Natalie said.
“You did what?!” Tabitha yelled. “What did I tell you about letting in complete strangers?!”
“They’re not strangers! They’re my friends!” Natalie growled.
“Then pick better friends. So far, you have peasants and that burden as your friend,” Tabitha argued back with her daughter.
Mugman growled, his teeth sharp while he lunged towards Tabitha, but was held back by Cuphead, Chalice, Canteen, Cassidy, and Murray.
“Whoa, calm down, Mugsy!” Cuphead shouted.
“No, let him go, I wanna see what happens,” King Dice responded.
“Ugh! What are you, a rabid dog?!” Tabitha uttered in disgust.
“Yeah, you might not want to insult Cassidy in front of him since they’re together,” Natalie warned her mother.
“Yeah, I’m not letting that thing in my bakery,” Tabitha growled while pulling Natalie and Aurora into the bakery. “Find somewhere else to stay.”
“Mom!” Natalie shouted.
Tabitha shut the door with Natalie and Aurora inside of her bakery.
“Well, that didn’t go well,” Dice said with a groan.
“Plan B!” Chalice determined once Mugman settled down and breathed heavily to calm himself.
Mugman’s eyes went back to normal as the group saw Chalice running off.
“I know another place where we might get help!” Chalice determined.
The group hurried after Chalice to wonder where they were being led to next.
The group went to another bakery in the village square as Chalice opened the door to the other bakery. She peeked and gestured fore everyone to follow her.
“Hello, is anyone home?!” Chalice called while the cup brothers caught up with her.
“Huh, no one is here,” Mugman assumed.
“Either that, or he’s busy with something. He’s usually packed with customers,” Chalice replied.
“Who’s he?” Canteen questioned.
“He’s the famous Chef Saltbaker…well, famous in this town,” Chalice replied with a bright grin. “Everyone here knows him.”
“Even Tabitha?” Porkrind questioned.
“I guess so. They were competing each other right now and Chef Saltbaker won by a landslide,” Chalice responded.
They approached the front counter with Cuphead peeking over.
“Hello?! Is anyone here?!” Cuphead called. He noticed the bell and started to ring it annoyingly until it broke from his uncontrollable strength. “Oops.”
“Hold your horses! Man, I only get one minute of break and y’all would come running to me—” The anthropomorphic saltshaker with the chef’s hat entered the room with a tired sigh. The chef gasped to see Chalice at the front counter. “Chalice?!”
“Chef!” Chalice responded with a bright grin and leaped into the chef’s arms, who laughed in joy.
“Oh, Chalice, it had been some time since I’ve seen you last!” Saltbaker responded. “How are things back in the big city? Not too much I hope.”
“Oh, great! How are things here in the bakery?” Chalice questioned with a bright smile.
“Oh, a bit difficult at times. But, you know, now that you’re here, I’m working on a special ingredient just for you and your new friends! Give ole Saltbaker a second!” The chef said while entering back in the kitchen.
Dice nodded his head. “He seems fine.”
“I don’t know…he seems a bit too jolly for my taste,” Porkrind responded with a brow raised.
“Yeah,” Jerry whispered.
Murray nodded his head in agreement.
“Oh, you guys can be so cynical sometimes,” Elder Kettle responded. “He seems super nice.”
“I wouldn’t be fooled by his super niceness,” Porkrind replied with distrust.
Saltbaker came back with the plate of cookies and a grand smile on his face.
“Cookies?!” the kids gasped in delight as Saltbaker laid the cookies in front of them.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Dig in,” Saltbaker responded happily.
The kids started to dig in the cookies except for Cassidy, who rubbed her arm shyly.
Saltbaker noticed and leaned on the counter to look at her. “You okay? You don’t like cookies?”
“Oh…um…I’m allergic to sugar,” Cassidy informed the chef.
“Oh! Well, that’s fine and dandy. We got cats in this area who’s allergic to sugar. Soooo, I made sugar-free cookies instead for cats like you!” Chef Saltbaker said while pulling out another plate of cookies that were ‘sugar-free’.
Cassidy sniffed the cookies and ate one of the cookies, her mouth melting at the taste. She started to eat some more, the taste becoming addicting.
Saltbaker smiled with glee and looked at the adults. “Would you gentlemen like anything to eat? The options here are endless.”
“It’s no wonder you beat the Ruth bakery by a landslide, you have too many options to choose,” Elder Kettle responded with glee while looking at all the sweets displayed.
“Aw, I wouldn’t brag. Believe it or not, Tabitha Ruth was once my apprentice,” Saltbaker indicated. “I would say she���s still learning. The problem with her cooking was not that any of her stuff tastes bad. They tasted delicious, don’t get me wrong. But…she doesn’t make them with heart and soul. She gets weary after cooking for a while…not that I blame her in anyway. One gets tired from cooking after a while. Especially if you get the townspeople demanding you to make pastries left and right every single day and screaming and yelling at you to ‘hurry up’ and such. Gets irritating after a while…very irritating.”
Saltbaker said the last part darkly with yellow irises in his eyes before clearing his throat and his irises went back to normal. “Anyhow, no one appreciates good cooking anymore.”
“I appreciate your cooking,” Cassidy said innocently.
“Aww, that’s very sweet of you,” Saltbaker replied with a soft smile. “You’re the first person I heard that from for a long while. Anyhow, enough of this ole chef’s rambling, how are you kids enjoying the cookies?”
“Pretty good—” Mugman’s head twitched, causing him to breathe heavily. He could feel Tremaine acting up again inside of him. He tried to be calm, but his friends and family started to notice, including Saltbaker.
“What’s going on with him?” Saltbaker asked with a brow raised.
Chalice clenched her teeth. “Did you hear anything about what’s happening in the big city?”
Saltbaker shook his head. “Too busy to really listen to the radio. What’s going on over there?”
“Well,” Chalice began to explain. “There’s a cult called the Night Stalkers and they were killin’ people left and right. One of them managed to inject Mugman with Tremaine.”
“Tremaine?” Saltbaker questioned.
“Yeah, it’s a chemical that makes you go insane,” Cuphead added.
“And makes you into a monster you didn’t want to be,” Mugman responded sadly, looking away.
Saltbaker clenched his jaw. “Oh my. It sounds dangerous.” He turned around to rub his chin for a second until a grin spread across his face. Saltbaker turned back around to face the group. “You know, there might be something that will help get this Tremaine chemical out of ya.”
“Really?!” the kids gasped in happiness.
“Have any of you ever heard of a Wondertart?” Saltbaker asked.
The group shook their heads.
“Weeell, let me tell you. The Wondertart proves to be just as delicious and delectable as all the dishes. It will grant any wish you make once you take a bite and one bite only. If Mugman desires, he could have a bite of this wonderful Wondertart and wished Tremaine away.”
“A-And it will go away for good?” Mugman uttered in pure disbelief.
“If so desire, yes,” Saltbaker replied. “You got to be specific with your wish though. You only get one.”
Mugman’s smile brightened. “You hear that, guys?! I might get Tremaine out of me!”
“You think you can make that for us?” Chalice asked Saltbaker.
“Well, I would, but I don’t have the ingredients for it. I tried to get it from the others, but, uh, they think I’m insane for bringing up the Wondertart. Here are the lists of ingredients I need to make this,” Saltbaker said while showing the kids the ingredients.
“Distillery Dough. Pineapple Mint. Desert Limes. Gnome Berries. And Icy Sugar Cubes?” Canteen said while reading the ingredients.
“Yes,” Saltbaker answered. “You should get the Gnome Berries from Glumstone up in the mountains. The Icy Sugar Cubes are being kept by Mortimer…that ole stubborn goat. Good luck convincing him to give away the cubes. The Howling Aces should have the Pineapple Mint and Esther should have the Desert Limes. Oh! The Moonshine Mob had a secret underground bunker where they kept all the Distillery Dough. Good luck trying to get them to hand over the dough without a fight.”
“Are you sure this will help Mugman?” Murray questioned.
“Oh, by a lot. Think about it, your son won’t have to suffer under Tremaine anymore. Wouldn’t that be great?!” Saltbaker replied to Murray, almost like he was selling him something.
“I don’t think I trust this,” Murray uttered.
“Please, Dad,” Mugman replied.
Murray could see the look in his son’s eyes, his body trembling from Tremaine trying to take control of him earlier. Murray sighed heavily. “Alright. We’ll get you the Wondertart.”
“We should split up. It makes the whole trip faster,” Chalice suggested.
“Then meet back here?” Cuphead asked excitedly.
“Yep! Let’s go!” Chalice replied as the group hurried out of the bakery, not knowing that Saltbaker cornered a wicked grin behind them. 
Murray didn’t like to be separated from his boys after being separated from them for so long. He didn’t even trust King Dice with Cuphead when they decided to split up. Of course, King Dice wasn’t even thrilled to have Cuphead stick by him. However, Murray knew that if anything happened, his boys had their own unique powers to protect themselves with. With that being said, Murray was stuck with Canteen.
“Sooo, the Howling Aces are this way,” Canteen muttered to himself. “We might have to plan to fight them just in case. Hey, what can you do? I saw you fight before. What did you do that one assassin?”
Murray scratched the back of his head. “Well, I can get into people’s memories and look into their past. Sometimes, when fighting them, I go into their most torturous parts of their past and use it against them. They would stay in it for a while.”
“Ooh, you can use that against them if it ever came down to it,” Canteen said with a bit of fascination. “Wait…where did you even get these powers?”
Murray shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. Ever since I was born, I always had this ability whether I meant to use it or not.”
“Interesting and fascinating. Did your parents ever tell you where it came from?”
Murray rubbed the hole where his missing eye was. “I don’t remember. I can only remember half of my life. Luckily, I remembered the half where my boys were born.”
“Oh…that’s…your eye—”
“Was shot out of my own head by Hunter Manson himself.”
“Geez,” Canteen said nervously. They walked towards the base where the Howling Aces were presumedly at. “Okay, we’re here…should we—?”
“Oi, who are you?!”
Canteen and Murray jumped and looked up to see the bulldog up on top of the roof, jumping down on his combat brown boots. He cracked his muscles and headed towards them both.
“You must have been new here. Haven’t you read the sign?” the bulldog soldier said while pointing at the sign that said ‘No trespassing’.
“Uh…we didn’t see it on the way here…uh, we apologized,” Canteen said while sweating from the sides of his head.
“Bulldog,” they heard a female voice calling out for the bulldog in front of them. They watched the slender saluki dog coming besides Bulldog, wearing a yellow uniform.
“Take it easy,” she said. “You’re going to strain yourself gettin’ angry like that.” She then looked at Murray and Canteen. “Sorry about Bulldog…he can be very territorial. The name’s Sergeant O’Fera. How can I help you?”
“Canteen Hughes,” Canteen introduced himself nervously. “And that’s Murray.”
“Murray Cup,” Murray added, rubbing the back of his head with a blush.
She craned her neck up to look at Murray. “Aren’t you a tall fella? What do you boys need?”
“Um…well, we were wondering if you guys have, um, Pineapple Mint,” Murray inquired.
“Oh, is that so? Yeah, you can have it,” O’Fera replied with a nod. “Cooking something special with it?”
“Oh…uh, yeah. Sort of,” Murray uttered nervously with his face turning more red.
O’Fera nodded her head in understanding. “I’ll be back with the Pineapple Mint.”
Both Murray and Canteen blinked in shock. They watched Sergeant O’Fera walked away for a moment and then come back with the Pineapple Mint in the red dog dish.
“Here you go,” Sergeant O’Fera replied in a friendly tone. “Don’t worry, we got plenty of it in storage for everyone in the village.”
“Oh, thank you,” Murray said with a friendly smile.
She exchanged a smile back at him and looked at Bulldog. “C’mon, Bulldog, we got a plane to repair.”
Bulldog nodded his head and followed O’Fera back to base.
“I was not expecting that,” Canteen whispered after the dogs walked away.
“We should get going,” Murray suggested.
Canteen nodded his head in agreement and they both walked away from the Howling Aces base.
Cassidy and Porkrind headed up the mountains, tiptoeing up the to the snow until they encountered gnomes mining a face made of stone. Both the father and daughter duo looked to see a small garden where the Gnome Berries were grown. Before they could reach it, they were noticed by one of the gnomes.
“Hey, it’s a cat!!!” one of the gnomes called the other gnomes.
The other gnomes looked to see the red feline.
“It’s a red one!”
“Get her!”
Porkrind and Cassidy gasped in shock when the gnomes hurried towards them, only to grab Cassidy and took her over to where they were mining at.
“Oh my gosh, she’s so soft,” one of the gnomes said, petting her head. This shocked Porkrind before he could jump and kick gnomes off of her.
Cassidy was also shocked by how it turned out, afraid that the gnomes would throw her off the mountain.
“Aww, gee, she’s so cute! Look at her fluffy face!” the other gnome gasped while caressing her fluffy cheek.
“And her tail is the fluffiest!” the gnome near her tail squealed.
“Can we keep her, Glumstone?! Can we keep her?!” The lead gnome asked excitedly.
The stone broke off, revealing a face of the giant with his head shaped like mountain tops that would fool anyone into thinking there were more mountain tops. Cassidy and Porkrind widened their eyes in shock at the monstrosity in front of them.
“Ugh, what’s the hold-up now—? Oh, why hello there, little kitty,” the giant, Glumstone, greeted with a big warm smile.
“Can we keep her, please?!” the lead gnome begged.
“Hi,” Cassidy uttered in a friendly tone. “I-I’m Cassidy.”
“SHE TALKS!!!” the other gnome gasped in shock.
Glumstone sighed in discouragement and glanced at Cassidy. “Forgive them. It’s not often we see people coming up here.”
“Oh, it’s fine,” Cassidy replied with a small friendly smile. “We don’t mean to intrude.”
“Oh, well, that’s quite alright. The gnomes would love to have you visit up the mountains. Heck, you can come to my puppet shows if you want,” Glumstone offered with a smile.
“I’m sure that sounds fun, but…um…I wanna say about the gnome berries. Is it okay if we can take them?” Cassidy asked.
The gnomes nodded their heads excitedly.
“Yeah, yeah! We’ll get basket for you right now!” the lead gnome stated as the other gnomes hurried over to the small garden and put the gnome berries into the basket and gave it to Porkrind.
“Hey, if you ever get the time, we’re going to need seeds to plant the gnome berries again,” Glumstone commented.
“I’ll be sure to do that,” Cassidy replied. “Thank you so much, Glumstone.”
“Why, thank you. And hey, don’t you be afraid to come up here and watch the puppet show! The gnomes would love to have you there!” Glumstone called.
“Thanks, Glumstone! I’ll be sure to be there,” Cassidy replied while hurrying with her father. The gnomes and Glumstone bid Cassidy goodbye as they were walking away.
“Wow, I was not expecting that,” Porkrind whispered to his daughter.
“Let’s be glad that we don’t have to fight a giant and his army of gnomes over the gnome berries,” Cassidy replied.
Porkrind nodded his head in agreement.
Cuphead could feel his body burning up from both inside and outside walking through the hot desert with King Dice. King Dice was sweating from all over the place, his suit damped again from his sweat.
“Why did we choose to go to the desert?” Dice complained while wiping the sweat off of his brow. “Or why did I choose to come with you?”
“Eeeh, maybe you want to take my soul to the Devil?” Cuphead guessed.
“As much as that would be a great opportunity to do that, I don’t have anything that could bring your soul to him,” Dice grumbled and wiped the sweat off of his brow. “Besides, you might burn me alive before I could even catch you.”
“Maaaybe.” Cuphead smirked at Dice and then shape-shifted in Devil. “Oh, Dice~! You have been such a good number one for me. And because you have been such a good number one for me, I’ll give you a little treat.”
Dice gave Cuphead a deadpan stare. “You ain’t gonna fool me into thinkin’ you’re Big D.”
“Yeah, uh, why are you callin’ him Big D?” Cuphead, as Devil, said while looking down. “He doesn’t look like he has a big di—”
“OKAY!!! Why don’t we just focus on gettin’ those desert limes and not scare the citizens by you pretending to be the Devil?!”
Cuphead was transformed back to his normal self. “Oh, no problem, I can be your twin.” He shape-shifted to King Dice, freaking out the real King Dice next to him. “Oh hello there, good-looking~. How’s it hangin’?”
Dice sighed heavily. “I hate you right now.”
“Oh, you know you love me because I am you,” Cuphead, as King Dice, teased.
“Stop it,” Dice grumbled.
“Nope,” Cuphead, as King Dice, answered.
Dice and Cuphead, as King Dice, found the blue wagon with them looking up at it. They exchanged glances before Dice sighed heavily.
“Could you go back to being yourself, Cuphead? It’s getting weird to look at myself standing right next to me,” Dice said with a groan.
“But you look at yourself in the mirror all the time.”
“Well, yeah! The difference is I don’t have some weird shape-shifting child pretending to be me when I look at my reflection,” Dice responded with a huff in annoyance.
“Alright, alright, I’ll change back,” Cuphead responded while coming back to his normal self. “You’re no fun.”
Dice sighed. “Let’s just get these Desert Limes and get it over with.”
Dice and Cuphead entered the wagon that was filled with music and laughter. They froze and noticed them with their judgmental gazes.
Cuphead cleared his throat and shape-shifted into a random cowboy. “Yee-haw! I’m a cowboy!”
Everyone’s judgemental gaze faded away in an instant, replaced with pure shock.
“That kid can shape-shift,” the cowboy, who had poker chips as a body, uttered in shock.
Minutes later, everyone gathered around the bar with Cuphead in the center of the circle, laughing and drinking when Cuphead was making funny shape-shifting impersonations of everyone at the bar.
Mr. Wheezy, the anthropomorphic cigar, wheezed to death from seeing Cuphead impersonating him.
“Boy, I haven’t laughed like that in decades,” Mr. Wheezy commented.
“Hey, hey, kid, can you do Esther over ‘ere?” Chips, the stack of poker chips, laughed and pointed at Esther, the brown cow, next to him.
Cuphead shape-shifted to Esther, impersonating her.
Meanwhile, Dice sat there in silence and looked over to find a crate of desert limes. When no one was watching, he sent two cards over to push it the crate over to him. He quickly picked it up and snuck out of the wagon.
Dice tried to get Cuphead’s attention to let him know that he got the desert limes, but Cuphead wasn’t paying attention and was having too much fun. So, Dice snuck out of the wagon and started to move away, hoping Cuphead got the message that Dice wasn’t there along with the desert limes.
“Hey, Ginette, give this kid the strongest drink you got!” Esther Winchester ordered from the bartender, a martini glass known as Ginette.
Ginette slid the shot glass of strong whiskey over to Cuphead, who shape-shifted back to himself. “It’s on the house!”
Cuphead gulped down the shot of whiskey. However, it burned his throat and the pit of stomach, igniting the flames from within him. His body became on fire and exploded the wagon, destroying it into pieces. The cowboys and cowgirls in the wagon had soot all over their bodies from the sudden explosion from Cuphead.
Cuphead blinked his eyes and laughed nervously before turning to notice King Dice right outside of the wagon, running with the crate of desert limes. He then looked back at the crowd. “Uh, haha, I guess I’ll get going.” Cuphead rushed off and caught up with King Dice at super speed.
“Hey, they stole our desert limes!” Ginette gasped to notice.
“GET THEM!!!” Esther growled.
Everyone from the wagon got up from the seat and chased after King Dice and Cuphead, chasing them out of the desert.
Chalice and Elder Kettle snuck underground of the Moonshine Mob’s lair, searching for Distillery Dough.
“So, Chalice, how long have you known Saltbaker?” Elder Kettle asked with a brow raised.
“Oh, since I was a little. He practically raised me until I decided to go into the big city and go big, ya know? He always got a little room for me up there…but…I’ve kind of noticed he was acting strange lately.”
They snuck towards the lower bridge, finding two more higher ones above them.
“Huh? So, I guess I’m the only one who thought he was a nice guy.”
“He is…but…he seems…more irritated than usual.”
“HEY! What are you bozos doin’ here?!”
Elder Kettle and Chalice jumped at the sudden voice as they saw a gray spider descending down towards them with only a web and a pretty pink blond bug sitting on one of his eight legs.
“Youse twos got a lotta nerve to show up here!” the spider growled at both Chalice and Elder Kettle.
“Take a breath, dear,” the light bug whispered to his ear.
“Don’t worry, darlin’. I ain’t stressin’ myself out…yet,” the spider said with a glare at Chalice and Elder Kettle. “You better have a good explanation on why you both were down ‘ere.”
“Charlie! Charlie!” the caterpillar mobster entered the scene from behind the spider named Charlie. “We got the cops at the casino!”
“Now ain’t a good time, Lenny. Can’t you see I’m interrogating our trespassers?” Charlie responded to the caterpillar named Lenny.
“But, Charlie—”
“Well, well, if it ain’t the Moonshine Mob,” the head of the bug cops said while entering the other side on the top bridge above Elder Kettle and Chalice. “You’re under arrest for the violation against federal prohibition laws!”
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! THAT ENDED THREE YEARS AGO!” Charlie yelled at the bug cops.
“I’m not finished!” The head of the bug cops barked. “And for selling illegal drugs through the means of your Distillery Dough!”
“Hey, we are coming for that!” Elder Kettle responded with a gasp. “I didn’t know there are drugs in the dough!”
“Well, none of ya are gonna get it!” Charlie growled while taking out a button and pressed to summon bombs wrapped in spider webs with an evil laugh. He charged towards Elder Kettle and Chalice, who dodged out of the way for him while the bug cops hurried to go after him.
The blonde bug turned on the music, making it more intensifying.
Lenny hurried over to hide somewhere in fear.
“What are we going to do?” Elder Kettle questioned Chalice, who looked up and saw the distillery dough up on the high shelf. She turned herself into a ghost and flew up to pick it up and flew back down.
“Got it!”
They felt something shake underneath them as they saw a huge anteater bursting through two bridges while the cops were chasing after Charlie and the other gang members. With an evil grin, the anteater tried to get the cops with his nose and tongue in his nose.
Chalice and Elder Kettle freaked out and rushed out of the underground way, letting the chaos unfold by itself when leaving.
Mugman knew he should’ve packed a coat for the snowy trails towards the large igloo. Jerry was all prepared with a trench-coat, hat, and scarf, which made Mugman regret not taking his coat even more. Jerry noticed Mugman freezing in the cold and unwrapped his scarf to wrap it around Mugman’s neck to at least keep him warm. Mugman widened his eyes in shock to see Jerry’s under bite from his scarf.
“You’re going to give me back that scarf once we’re done here,” Jerry replied.
“S-S-Sounds good,” Mugman said with a shiver.
Jerry knocked on the icy door of the igloo, waiting for someone to answer.
They heard someone opening the door, turning out to be a wizard with a worn-out purple wizard clothes and a pointy hat.
“What d’ya want? I’m in a middle of my spa,” the wizard, Mortimer, said while flicking the cucumbers off of his eyes.
“Uh, we don’t mean to interrupt, but you don’t happen to have icy sugar cubes, do you?” Jerry asked with a brow raised.
Mortimer arched a brow. “Saltbaker sent you here, didn’t he?”
“Oh, uh, well—”
“Nah, you don’t have to tell me. I already know,” Mortimer responded, interrupting Jerry. “Tell him that he ain’t gonna have my sugar cubes.”
“But we need it to cure him,” Jerry replied while pointing at Mugman shivering in the cold.
Mortimer crossed his arms. “Cure him from what? Tremaine?”
Mugman widened his eyes in shock.
“You don’t think I can’t tell by the way your veins are glowing right now,” Mortimer said, pointing at the orange-glowing veins shown on Mugman’s body to keep himself warm against the cold. “It’s only a matter of time before you lose control and snap.”
“Just give us the icy sugar cubes and we’ll be out of your hair,” Jerry said urgently.
Mortimer tilted his head. “Is it because of this stupid ‘Wondertart’ craze Saltbaker has? I’m telling you the same thing that I told him. Don’t cook something up like the Wondertart. It will only consume you in darkness.”
“I thought it has the power to grant wishes,” Jerry uttered in confusion.
Mortimer put his fists on his hips. “That’s what he thinks. But if you want it so badly, then I might as well challenge you to a dual.”
“Me?” Jerry uttered.
“No, him.”
Jerry glanced down to see Mugman breathing heavily in fear.
“If you think that this Wondertart can grant your wish to cure yourself of Tremaine, then why not make it worth fighting for, eh? You’ll be matched against Jupiter and if you win, you’ll have the icy sugar cubes. You lose and you won’t have them. No catches. It’s that simple. You think you’re up for it, kid?” Mortimer asked with a smirk.
Mugman took a deep breath and nodded his head. “I’m up for it.”
“What?! Are you insane?” Jerry gasped in fear for the mug.
“You got yourself a deal, chap,” Mortimer replied while putting his cold hand out for Mugman to grab. Mugman didn’t hesitate and shook the wizard’s hand.
Soon they were teleported into the ring with all the cheering snowmen and snow women while Jerry was seated up as the audience watching the ring.
“I would be careful if I were you. Jupiter will not go easy on you, little mug,” Mortimer said while teleporting onto the seat next to Jerry. “LET THE MATCH BEGIN!”
Mugman heard something coming out of the doors of the ring, sauntering towards him. He squinted and looked down to see a tiny little snowman, assuming to be Jupiter that Mortimer mentioned.
“Aww, he’s so adorable—”
The snowman became larger and larger, interrupting Mugman’s cooing words and towering over him with an orange bucket over his head. Broken handcuffs were on his wrists and his eyes were hollow, his mouth resembling a cage when he grinned.
The liquid in Mugman’s head leaked out of his blue straw in pure fear and then he screamed, running from the large round snowman. The snowman, Jupiter, rolled after him in a snowball, bumping into a wall when Mugman turned a corner. Jupiter bounced over the mug and landed right in front of him, transforming into a refrigerator, firing large ice cubes that broke into pieces after him. Mugman dodged all of it with heavy breaths, earning laughs from Mortimer.
“Go on! Punch the big guy! He ain’t gonna bite!” Mortimer taunted Mugman.
Jupiter transformed back into a snowball, rolling after Mugman and running him over this time. He transformed back into a snowman, using his arms to pick up crushed Mugman and throw him across the ring.
The audience cheered for Jupiter while Jerry gripped his coat in fear.
“You’re insane!” Jerry shouted at Mortimer.
“Nah, don’t worry, he’ll be fine,” Mortimer said while both Jerry and Mortimer witnessed Mugman getting thrown around like a rag doll across the ring. “Ooh! Come on, is that all you got?! You oughta try a little harder, son!”
Mugman breathed heavily, his body bruised from being beaten up by Jupiter. Before he could even try to get up, he was picked up by the leg and thrown again across the ring. The mug could’ve sworn that he was feeling like he was losing control of his own body. Not…now!
Mugman barely looked up before being socked in the face.
“Stop this! Let me fight in his place!” Jerry shouted at Mortimer.
Mugman collapsed onto the snowy ground, having a black eye from impact of the punch. Jupiter raised his fists up, ready to slam it down on Mugman.
Mugman gritted his teeth, his veins now glowing blue instead of orange. He raised his finger guns, letting out bursts of electricity that caused the large snowman beast to stumble back away from the mug.
The audience gasped in shock while Mortimer leaned forward in interest.
“Ooh, now, this is getting intense,” Mortimer said with a wicked grin.
Mugman breathed heavily, his eyes glowing pupils glowing blue. The orange glow tried to take over his blue veins, causing him to scream in pain. However, his scream turned into a sonic scream that pushed Jupiter away from him. The audience was dead quiet while Mugman charged towards Jupiter, punching the snowman as rapid as he could and sending electric shocks from each punch the mug gave the snowman. Then he gave one final blow to the stomach, sending electric shocks inside of Jupiter.
Jupiter stumbled back away from the mug, laughing in a cocky matter until he could feel his stomach vibrating. It was then that the snowman realized that Mugman sent more electric shocks inside of him, causing him to burst up and losing the top half of his body. His bottom half ran towards the other direction in a cartoony fashion while collapsing first. Mugman started to mutter words before losing the blue in his eyes and collapsing in the ring.
Mortimer and Jerry watched with shock while Mortimer gave him an orange bag of icy sugar cubes. “A deal’s a deal. He won the battle fair and square.”
Jerry took the bag of icy sugar cubes and hurried down into the ring. “Mugman…Mugman..”
“Cultus mali venit.
Cultus mali venit.
Cultus mali venit.
Cultus mali venit.”
“The cult of evil has come…
The cult of evil has come…
The cult of evil has come…
The cult of evil has come…”
Jerry picked Mugman up and carried him out of the igloo along with the icy sugar cubes while Mortimer watched intensely, fascinated by what just occurred.
 Porkrind and Cassidy were the first to get back to Saltbaker’s bakery along with Murray and Canteen.
Murray looked around for his boys, now growing more concern for them. “Have you guys seen my kids?”
“Nope,” Porkrind answered while examining their surroundings. “I wouldn’t worry about it. Those boys of yours are tougher than you think.”
“I know that,” Murray responded. “I’m just…worried about them.”
Porkrind softened his gaze at Murray and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I understand your concern. Kind of the curse of being a dad, am I right?”
Murray let out a soft chuckle. “Yeah.”
They turned their heads to find Cuphead speeding through the village, bumping into Porkrind’s stomach. It felt like a punch in the gut as the pig doubled over to cover his belly.
“Wow! Sorry, Porkrind…I’m still gettin’ used to these powers,” Cuphead glanced up at his father. “Hi, Dad!”
Murray immediately enveloped Cuphead into a hug, who found it weird that he was being hugged by his father.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Murray said with a sigh of relief. He broke away from his son and looked at him in the eyes. “Have you seen your brother?”
Cuphead shrugged his shoulders as King Dice entered the scene with the crate of desert limes.
Porkrind noticed King Dice’s suit torn and tattered into pieces, trying not to huff a laugh. “Had it rough out there?”
“Yep,” Dice responded. “The people in the desert area are insane! They almost killed me!”
Porkrind looked behind Dice to make sure they weren’t being followed. “But you’re still here.”
“Thank Sa—I mean, Thank the Lord,” Dice replied while clearing his throat.
“Go! Go!” Elder Kettle shouted.
They looked to see Elder Kettle arriving with Chalice, carrying Distillery Dough.
“Man, they’re insane down there,” Chalice replied. “Say, where’s Mugsy?”
“Let’s go find him!” Cassidy determined.
“No need,” Jerry’s voice uttered.
The group turned their heads and widened their eyes in shock to see Jerry walking towards them with the bag of icy sugar cubes and a bruised Mugman in his arms.
“Mugsy!” Cassidy shouted and hurried over to her boyfriend. Jerry put Mugman down so that she could check on him.
“What happened to him?!” Murray questioned in fear.
“Uh…it’s a long story,” Jerry responded while rubbing the back of his head. “Let’s just say that he was thrown into the ring by this crazy old wizard and won the fight.”
“But the Wondertart is for him though…is he going to be awake for it?” Canteen questioned the others.
“I’m not sure,” Jerry uttered. “He said some strange words in both Latin and English…that’s…that’s weird.”
Porkrind perked his ears up and whirled around along with the group. They saw Tabitha, pissed off and angry, charging towards them with Aurora waddling behind her.
“Mama! Mama!” Aurora called while Tabitha went for Porkrind and slapped him on the face.
Porkrind stumbled back from the unexpected slap. “HEY! What did I ever do to you?!”
“You gotta a lot of nerve doing that!” Jerry growled while standing between Porkrind and Tabitha.
“You freaks took Natalie!” Tabitha growled.
“What? I thought she was in the bakery with you,” Dice responded while checking to see if Porkrind was okay.
“She was and now she isn’t there. You took her!” Tabitha growled.
“Did you ever think that maybe your daughter ventured off on her own and hadn’t returned yet?” Porkrind snarled at her, covering his cheek.
“Maybe if your burden of a daughter hadn’t filled Natalie’s head with some silly little adventures, we wouldn’t be having this problem,” Tabitha responded with a glare at Porkrind.
“Call Cassi a burden one more time, I dare you,” Jerry said with his brows drawn together and his fists clenched.
“Mama! It’s not Cassi’s fault!” Aurora begged. “I saw where Natalie went!”
Cuphead perked his head and looked at Aurora. “Do you know where she is?”
“The big bad salt man took sissy!” Aurora confessed to Cuphead.
“Big Bad Salt Man. Hey, that’s Saltbaker!” Canteen gasped in shock.
“Why would Saltbaker take Natalie?” Chalice questioned.
“Let’s go find her!” Cassidy determined.
“I’m sure Saltbaker has his reasons,” Chalice said with a small nervous laugh. “We’ll be back.”
Chalice hurried inside of Saltbaker’s bakery with Cassidy, Canteen, and Cuphead hurrying behind her.
Murray picked up Mugman and cradled him while the adults watch in shock.
“S-Should we go in there with them?” Elder Kettle questioned.
“Nah, they’ll be fine…I think,” King Dice responded. 
Chalice, Cuphead, Cassidy, and Canteen explored the bakery until they saw a trap door over the counter that led down in the darkness.
“Did you know he had a trapdoor there?” Canteen questioned Chalice.
“No…I hadn’t seen that before. It looked recent that he added it,” Chalice theorized. “Come on.”
They descended down to the dark dungeons, their eyes widening in shock.
“Chalice, something’s up with Saltbaker,” Canteen uttered in shock.
“I knew he was acting weird,” Chalice replied. “C’mon. We should be finding Natalie down here.”
They froze when they looked to their left, seeing Natalie’s soulless body chained up.
Cuphead gasped in shock and then clenched his fists angrily, his eyes turning red. “Oh he better be prayin’ right now.” Cuphead stormed to the light where they saw Saltbaker’s silhouette.
They entered the lab room where Saltbaker was setting up the machine.
“You gotta a lot of nerve taking Natalie’s soul like that!” Cuphead growled with his teeth gritted.
Saltbaker turned his head, his eyes yellow. “Oh, haven’t I forgot to put the most important ingredient on the list for you? The most important ingredient to this delicious Wondertart is a living soul!”
Saltbaker gestured to the glass containing Natalie’s soul, pounding on it in panic.
“GUYS! GUYS!!! HELP ME, PLEASE!!!” Natalie’s soul screamed in fear.
“Speaking of ingredients, where are the rest of the ingredients?” Saltbaker said with an evil smirk.
“We ain’t gonna give it to you!” Chalice growled, her eyes filled to the brim of the tears.
“Why didn’t you tell us that it’s going to cost a soul as well?!” Cuphead said angrily.
“Well, you want to cure your brother of this so-called Tremaine, don’t you?” Saltbaker responded with a sly grin. “You would need all the ingredients to make this delicious Wondertart.”
Canteen noticed a hidden poster on the wall and went to look at it as the kids were arguing with Saltbaker. He looked at the ingredients list to see a soul ingredient being crossed out. Then, he noticed the capabilities that it could.
“Have access to the Astral Plane.”
Canteen widened his eyes. “Guys, the Wondertart doesn’t grant wishes! It’ll give him an ability to have access to the Astral Plane!”
“Oh, you’re no fun,” Saltbaker grumbled while glaring at Canteen.
The kids glared at Saltbaker.
Chalice turned into a ghost and charged towards Saltbaker, attempting to possess him. Cuphead’s fist turned red with anger and started to punch Saltbaker in the face out of pure anger and hatred.
Cassidy hurried over to the glass where Natalie’s soul with Canteen following behind her.
“Why did you lie to us?!” Chalice, in Saltbaker’s head, screamed at him.
Saltbaker ate a mushroom, which had the ability to kick Chalice out of his body.
“Why would you do this?!” Chalice cried, tears streaming down on her golden face.
Saltbaker softened his gaze at her before getting punched in the face by Cuphead. “Okay, you had your fun, little cup!” He ate another mushroom causing him to grow bigger than before, bursting through the ceiling above him.
Cassidy and Canteen dodged the falling debris as they approached the glass where Natalie’s soul was held. Cassidy used her claws to scratch through the glass, which fell over. Natalie’s soul gasped to see Cassidy extending her hand out for her friend. Natalie grabbed Cassidy’s paw and was pulled out of the glass while Cuphead and Chalice were fighting Saltbaker in his large form.
“That’s for lying to us about the Wondertart!” Cuphead barked angrily, punching Saltbaker’s nose, breaking it in half. “That’s for hurtin’ Natalie!”
“You dining room dunce! You think you can beat me?! You’re in my world now!” Saltbaker barked at the dishes.
Cassidy hurried out of the lab with Natalie’s soul in her arms with Canteen hurrying behind her.
Saltbaker noticed them. “Get back here!”
They rushed back to Natalie’s soulless body while Cassidy stuffed Natalie’s soul back into her body. She lock picked the chains around Natalie’s wrists with her claws as Natalie took a deep breath.
“Oh my gosh! Wh-What just happened?” Natalie panicked.
Everything shook around them as they saw Saltbaker’s hand reaching towards them. Cassidy picked Natalie up in her arms and rushed through the dungeon with Canteen running behind her.
When they reached towards the exit of the hide-out, Canteen’s ankle was grabbed by Saltbaker’s finger, pulling him back to his lab room.
Cassidy noticed this with a gasp and set Natalie down on the stairs.
“HEY!” Natalie cried when Cassidy left to get Canteen, grabbing his arms and pulling him.
Cassidy snarled and used her claws to scratch Saltbaker’s hand, causing Saltbaker to yelped and let go of Canteen’s ankle.
Canteen’s ankle was crushed while she helped him up on his feet and hurried away from Saltbaker’s hand.
She noticed Mugman showing up the scene, recovered from what happened earlier. Cassidy didn’t have to say anything for him to pick up Natalie in his arms and carry her out of the dungeon. They hurried out of the bakery to meet up with the rest of the parents.
“What’s going on?!” Porkrind questioned the kids.
“You!” Esther growled. She and her crew stormed towards Dice in an aggressive manner.
Glumstone, the Howling Aces, the Moonshine Mob, and Mortimer arrived at the scene.
“Hey, you forgot something—what’s going on?” O’Fera questioned.
“Saltbaker, he—”
They felt the earth shaking suddenly, interrupting Cassidy and endangering everyone in the village.
“Watch out!!” Dice yelled.
Saltbaker broke through the roof of his bakery and towered over everyone in the village, except for Glumstone. The whole village gasped in shock while Murray noticed Cuphead and Chalice fighting Saltbaker.
“What the—?!” Bulldog gasped in shock.
“Saltbaker?!” Esther screamed in horror.
“He didn’t consume the Wondertart, did he?” Mortimer asked Jerry.
“He hadn’t even made it yet,” Jerry uttered in fear.
“I knew he’ll be consumed by darkness,” Mortimer replied solemnly.
Saltbaker growled at Cuphead and grabbed him with his giant fist, squeezing him. Cuphead screamed in pain.
“Let my friend go!” Chalice cried while getting onto his broken nose, trying to get him to release her friend.
“Chalice, stop!” Saltbaker growled. “I don’t want to hurt you!”
“Then stop hurting my friends!” Chalice said while her ghost form was strangely turning into gold. She became brighter than a sun, blinding Saltbaker.
Murray watched this unfold and hurried over to Saltbaker.
“Murray! What are you doing?!” Elder Kettle cried in fear.
Murray jumped up on the rooftop and climbed on Saltbaker’s leg, his eye glowing violet. Saltbaker’s veins turned violet, reaching up to his eyes. Before Saltbaker could notice Murray on his leg, his vision went violet.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Next order! Next order!
“Hurry up, will you?!”
“Come on, what’s taking so long?!”
Saltbaker cooked for as many people as he could in the town, but it was never enough. Never catching a break, never resting, no, he was never a person who gets tired…right? It didn’t just go on for one day. It went on for years…and years…and years! Saltbaker finally snapped one day, using all of his resources to search up for the answers to his problems. Finally…he has his answer.
The Wondertart…If he could get his hands on it, why, he’ll rule the Astral Plane and he will no longer be pushed around. Everyone in the world deserved to be drowned by his fury. This world will be made of salt and he wouldn’t mind that one bit.
Then…there was another memory he almost forgot about. It was when he was working in the bakery, overworked as usual, until he heard something collapsed in the trash can with a scream. He hurried outside to see what the commotion was and he saw someone stumbling out of the trashcan. It was a young chalice toddler, with a gap between her teeth and her innocent eyes looking up at him in fear. Her stomach growled as she hugged it with a groan in pain. He softened his gaze at her and gestured her inside with a small friendly smile.
Once she was inside, he cooked up a full meal with some desserts alongside with it. She smiled and ate as much as she could. At that moment, that was the moment Saltbaker decided to take her in. He had a room prepared for her to sleep in, and he felt this joy when she sees her own room for the first time and slept on the big comfortable bed.
She would help him out in the kitchen when serving the customers, bringing back his love and passion for cooking since he has someone to help around the kitchen. She was growing up right before his very eyes, watching her dance in the streets for extra coins for herself.
“When I grow up, I’m gonna be a dancer! And I’m going to be the best dancer in this whole world!” Chalice, as a little kid, would always say.
“I have no doubt you will, Ms. Chalice. I have no doubt that you will.”
Saltbaker was shrinking back once his memories of Chalice filled in his mind, almost like it was calming him down.
He released Cuphead, who fell with a scream before O’Fera caught him in her arms.
“You okay, kid?” O’Fera asked.
Cuphead nodded his head shyly.
“Good,” she said while putting Cuphead down and watching Saltbaker shrank down to his normal size, with Murray moving his hands up a bit to Saltbaker’s shoulder.
Chalice floated downwards and watched Murray removed his hand away from Saltbaker’s shoulder. The violet from Saltbaker’s eyes disappeared as he gasped like he hadn’t breathed in a while. There were tears in his eyes as the bug cops hurried to get the padi wagon.
He looked up to see Chalice, staring at him with innocence…the same innocence she had when she was younger. Saltbaker glanced back to see his destroyed bakery and then back at her.
“I’m sorry…” Saltbaker uttered to her.
He was handcuffed and was guided into the wagon to take him to jail. Saltbaker frowned and sat in the wagon, not even trying to struggle against his restraints.
Tabitha watched Saltbaker being taken to jail and then looked at the homeless group with a sigh. “Well, since you’ve taken out my rival, I guess I’ll let you stay for a night.”
The group arched their brows in confusion.
“Only for a night!” Tabitha grumbled and led them into the bakery.
The group glanced at each other in confusion and decided to enter Tabitha’s bakery while the rest of the villagers watched in shock at the event that just happened.
To Be Continued... 
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ohheyitslitz · 1 year
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Prom Afterparty
Dear Journal, I got invited to a prom afterparty, so I invited Nat. Turns out, she just didn't want to show up to prom. We rode the Ferris Wheel and t was so much fun! I told Nataly about my summer plans and how mom's let me travel to Del Sol Valley. She was so excited for me, so I invited her, but she said she couldn't. Bummer..
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lewdhat · 1 year
“The first week of August hangs at the very top of the summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning. The weeks that come before are only a climb from balmy spring, and those that follow a drop to the chill of autumn, but the first week of August is motionless, and hot. It is curiously silent, too, with blank white dawns and glaring noons, and sunsets smeared with too much color. Often at night there is lightning, but it quivers all alone. There is no thunder, no relieving rain. These are strange and breathless days, the dog days, when people are led to do things they are sure to be sorry for after.”
― Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting
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