#nano july 2024
iloveyou-writers · 3 months
How is everyone today?
Anyone else participating in camp nano this month?
Use this space to share the link to your project page and let us know how the work's going. :)
I'll start.
My project is called Never Abandon Your Dying Cat. It's going well so far. I love the dynamics of this novel/la, which is what I'm focusing on in it. I previously wrote a short story version of the same story, but this novel/la will be fleshing out the relationships and story of what happens in the MC's search/adventure.
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lyralit · 3 months
camp nanowrimo packing list
water!! or a pretty drink to keep you motivated as you work
a comfy blanket or stuffed animal to keep you company
shoes, for when you go outside and touch grass after realizing it's been three days and you have 500 words
a nice-smelling candle, unless you're prone to leaving them to explode in the other room
(technically 4b) a fire extinguisher
snacks for energy and because you deserve them!
a book, for when you run into a writing slump and need inspiration
a movie, for the same reasons as above but maybe you're a little bit lazier (it's okay)
a pillow for naps to give you energy
a change of clothes because maybe you write better not in pjs
treats for when you accomplish something you're proud of (that can be as simple as just starting)
a trash bag for your red pens, because this is writing season and not editing season
headphones and good music
all the luck for camp!! see you again in november <3
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Happy Camp Nano and Disability Pride Month! To those disabled writers out there: gentle reminder to take it easy. If you don't have the spoons or capacity to join, it's okay. If you join and find yourself getting overwhelmed later on, that's fine too. If you have goals you do want to accomplish regardless, just remember to do it at your own pace, not anyone else's.
Camp Nano isn't meant to be a competition on how far you can make it. It's more important to look after yourself especially when you're in pain. You aren't a failure for dropping out or not accomplishing anything or as much as you originally wanted to. Your safety and well-being is far more important than making sure of reaching any word count. 💐💐💐
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ultra-violetra · 3 months
one of the things I would love to make is a writer's bootcamp / critique circle where people get grouped together based on things like genre, age category, writing stage (i.e. outlining, 1st draft, editing) where you submit something weekly to show your progress and get critique or even just positivity from your group. and there would be deadlines to encourage accountability and getting. stuff. done.
is there interest in this? would anyone want to help me make something like it? i don't think I could do it on my own
edit: if you'd like to join, click here
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July 17th, 2024. Wednesday.
🧼 My biggest accomplishment yesterday was cleaning and organizing my desk drawer. It was a complete disaster. Now all my best supplies are highly accessible to me and I love it! I just hope it stays this way for awhile lol 📝 I managed to pull a stack of notes to myself out of the drawer, altogether the size of my pinky finger tall! I'm going to digitize them before throwing them out, because a lot of them (not pictured) are relevant to my research.
🏕️ Camp NaNoWriMo is going well! I'm managing to stay ahead of the "you should be here" projection... for now. I think I'm the only one in my writing group who's keeping up with it. But that's understandable, life hits hard, everyone else has kids or jobs and I'm not really working right now. Speaking of that...
💊 I resigned from the pharmacy tech job yesterday! The new job refused to negotiate on the salary with me, but that's OK. It unfortunately means I'd either need a third job (1st is a research assistantship, 2nd is this new thing) or to take out more student loans, and I'm leaning towards the latter, but it is what it is.
Let's keep moving ahead. Hopefully today I can get myself out of the house. I've been threatening to do that for awhile, and I love walking and listening to podcasts, but it's just difficult.
What big new developments have been going on in your life?
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crowandmoonwriting · 3 months
Cover Reveal!
I FINALLY came up with a title for my werecat story, and made a cover for Camp NaNo:
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I have a few variations, but I'm pretty happy with it!
Title inspired by Florence + The Machine's Bedroom Hymns
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sorakazeno · 2 months
Camp NaNo Complete
I hit my 60,000 word count goal for the month! I wrote Acts 72 - 77 in 25 days! I am not looking forward to editing but that is going to be a Tuesday problem. I need some days of not looking at this story first.
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Based on how writing went this month, this will be the posting schedule.
Teasers will be the week before the new act is posted. The first one will be posted on August 3rd for Act 72.
Act 72 - August 10th
Act 73 - August 24th
Act 74 - September 7th
Act 75 - September 21th
Act 76 - October 5th
Sailor Moon Villain's Week October 6th to 12th with some shorts related the mysterious purple haired lady
Act 77 - October 26th
Time to get editing and figure how much I want to share during villains week regarding our villain for this ark before the senshi meet her.
Act 78 will be started during the next NaNoWriMo in November, marking 10 years since I started Chaos Theory. I should probably outline some more chapters too so I'm ready to write in November. There is is so much left to go with this storyline!
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eurydicees · 2 months
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and that's a wrap on july nanowrimo 2024!
overall, i wrote 44,819 words, which is 144.58% of my 31,000 word goal! more stats & summary under the cut <3
here's a #Visualization of my word count progress though the month:
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i wrote ~1,446 words per day on average, but i also only wrote anything on 16 out of 31 days this month (i've only written anything on about 53% of days this year, so this tracks pretty well lol).
i wrote the most words on july 26, with 7,570 words written over three hours and 39 minutes (not consecutively). the other big spike in my daily word count is from july 17, when i wrote 6,689 words. if i remember correctly, this is when i wrote "i'll draw you a map to forgiving."
here's the word count per day bar graph:
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sooooo, about halfway through 2024, and here's where i'm at! got way ahead in my goal for the month, which puts me a bit ahead for the year :D
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i'm 58.81% finished with my word count goal for the year, and have about 158,985 words left to write! it's pretty much exactly where i want to be, so i'm pretty happy.
overall, july saw my record word count written in one day for this year (the all time record is something like 15k which i will probably never replicate again lmfao), and i spent at least 16 hours writing this month, which doesn't sound like a lot but it felt like a lot lol (my times are also recorded wrong due to switching projects in the middle so that's a very loose figure).
anyways! i'm happy with how the month played out, especially considering how many distracting shenanigans are currently happening in my life rn.
here's some links to the stuff i published this month:
you've got a reputation for breaking hearts and i'm offering mine (iwaoi, 2515 words)
Oikawa overhears a girl talking about Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi does not particularly care that people don't seem to understand him, and something about this bothers Oikawa more than he would like to admit.
bonds forged by flame and teeth sharpened by you (bllk gen, 4085 words)
In which Rin reunites with Blue Lock’s survivors—winners—and remembers. A study on Blue Lock, and on moving on, and on returning home.
i'll draw you a map to forgiving (iwaoi, 6759 words)
The most notable differences between the Oikawa of the Paris 2024 Olympics and the Oikawa of his Miyagi childhood is that he is taller, braver, stronger, and he no longer speaks to Iwaizumi.
dreams, and other impossible things (oikuroo, 8217 words)
Kuroo has a plan for his future, a plan that involves making it to the pro league and then making it to the national team and then to World Championships and then the Olympics and then winning gold and then— Then it all comes crashing down around him. (5 dreams that shatter in Kuroo’s hands, and 1 that comes true.)
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theeccentricraven · 3 months
I have written four complete novels thanks to NaNoWriMo. I am preparing my fifth novel for this November, taking advantage of Camp NaNoWriMo to do so.
Speaking of preparation, my video shares the 5 P's that have been key for me to finish my novels.
Those P's are:
Passion, Patience, Preparation, Perseverance, and Partners
I go over them in detail in this 12 minute video. I also go over the ins and outs of being a planner, panster, or planster. If you can watch and give a like, I will be very grateful! I hope my tips help you!
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fakesurprise · 3 months
I fed the fire and slept in fits and stars, waking to watch and listen every so often.
Even with him sleeping, nothing in the forest came near the mageborn. The mageborn in Brul’trand had done their damage to the Vishini woods, but they hadn’t actually tamed it. The fear made some sense, but not enough to justify not attacking at night. A mageborn dying in their sleep was preferable to one alive, especially to animals. As a rule, the Society almost never kills mageborn. But the forest itself was scared of this soft, scared man sleeping in a bedroll near me who didn’t want to hurt it.
I forced myself back to sleep, trusting to luck as much as instincts.
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Day 7: 0/2587 words
I did not in fact feel like writing in the car and I spent most of the day in a car. Stopped to explore some caves and they were awesome. Tomorrow, I must write 3,587 words. Blaaa
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Moody Monday I
🌹Hello Campers! Here are the responses we got for our first activity for camp NaNoWriMo. Thank you everyone who participated, if you still wanted to submit a response please do so- it's never too late to join in one of our activities. If you're not part of the club and still want to answer these questions, then reblog this post with your answers.
🌹Also huge thank you to @caveatscriptor for creating the graphic
🌹 Member responses below the cut:
🌹 @jay-avian
1. Honestly, a little bit of both. I do a general outline of the main plot, as well as any worldbuilding needed. And once I start writing, I let the pacing flow naturally and the characters flesh themselves out 2. Current WIP - "The Court Magician": Forest man on house arrest must save the world from the fae 3. (not sure, will come back) 4. Fantasy, Adventure 5. Reluctant Chosen One
🌹 @mayonayys
1. I'm definitely a planner! I enjoy a bit of chaos, but need structure for most things, and that includes writing. An example of my most extreme planner moment: I was writing up fake advertisements for my in world D&D newspaper, had to give the businesses addresses... So I stopped halfway through and had to plan out most of a market district map, which will probably never be used again 2. Aura Sighted: Gifted-kid burnout syndrome mage has to figure out how to save her sister from a psychotic King, while staying out of the way of the Prince with daddy issues. 3. Keywords: (I'll come back to this one) 4. Genres: Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Eventual Romance 5. Favorite Tropes: Found Family, Eventual Idiots to Lovers, with a hint of Enemies to Lovers Bonus: My Camp goal this year is just to get some writing done; shooting for 15k words!
🌹 @becausethecat
1. Planning: Generally it depends. I don’t outline Fic usually, or random ideas that just jump out, but I do like having vague-to-solid roadmap on other ideas 2. WIP that i think I’m gonna try to do: A pirate loses his ship and crew to his creditors and makes a drastic attempt to pay them off by promising to produce a rare magical artifact—a weather violin that specifically calls moody weather when played—and he isn’t prepared for his quest to dump him on a small island, inhabited by one other person; the violinist who found his treasure first. 3. Key Words: Broody Boi, Dislike to Love (think animated Anastasia/Dimitri), reformed pickpocket, identity, violin + The sound of rain on a tin roof while a sad viloin plays, deserted island, survival, persons of debatable charm, BLORBOS 4. Genre is uhhhh.... Pirate Captain on a deserted island with a Moody Violinist ..... idk if it will be humor or romance or survival but it’s def Fantasy with Magic and whatnot 5. Tropes: Pirate on Deserted Island, Survival, is Learning to Communicate Effectively a trope? And uhhhh I’m not sure how the Only One Bed will turn out that’s the one I pulled out of a hat (what quantifies Idiots to Lovers bc they might be that too)
🌹 @fanged-writer
1. former pantser, trying to plan now. don't think my previous method was working for me, so I'll see how this goes! 2. sentence: an average human is suddenly gifted 'divine' knowledge, transporting them from one dismal situation to another. 3. will need to figure these key words out, i think. 'wasps, red, gods, superstition, summer'. 4. not too sure, but got some fantasy in there... 5. rivals and rivals and more rivals. also deceit.
🌹 @inkspellangel
1. A little of both. I plan a bit and then hope I don't pants my way too far away from that vague outline :'D 2. SSP: Grumpy punk with wolf companion has to arrest his childhood friend because of reasons he can't believe. 3. Keywords: Mad scientist, childhood friends to lovers, grumpy/sunshine friend dynamic, cave system, more vibes than plot at this point 4. Subterranean sci-fi, I think 5. 100% sunshine/grumpy friends
🌹 @fleurtygurl
1. I think I lean more towards a pantser. Ideas come to me as I write that I would never have thought of in the planning stages of my wip. But I'm doing my best to find a way to give myself more structure. 2. Filipina in San Francisco meets cyborg private investigator, and they solve some murders. 3. Keywords: tomboy, trauma, sapphic, straight people being friends, siblings-centered 4. Sci-fi and mystery? ( i know there are technical differences between mystery and thriller, but i dont want to try and think about it.) 5. my favorite dynamic? Close sisters who can depend on one another
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jadeitor-creatura · 3 months
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Setting the bar low so I would rather overwrite the goal than feeling stuck midway
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divine-godling · 4 months
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WIP TITLE: Now I Devour
GENRE: Dark, high fantasy.
POV: 3rd Person Limited
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TRIGGER WARNINGS: major character death / child abandonment / mommy issues / daddy issues / fathers falling into their grief / horrible ways to raise children / missing people / abandonment issues / murder / blood / bodily harm / self - harm / blood magic / betrayal / terminal illness / graphic descriptions of violence.
INTENDED AUDIENCE: new adult to adult
TROPES: found family, the ultimate betrayal, "I had to do it", deep seated anger, strangers to allies to friends to lovers to enemies.
SYNOPSIS: Hate was something that Soraya Reeves learned from an early age - hate for her mother, who left her and her twin when they were three, hate for her father, who lost himself to lure of greed given to him by the crown, and hate for her twin, Idalia, who doesn't seem to care about the state of the kingdom. Most of all, Soraya hates the witch that visits her dreams.
When Idalia disappears with no trace, Soraya rushes to tell her father about the strange witch visiting her dreams with warnings of Idalia's imminent death. Her father waves off her words, laughing with his lords. Soraya decided to go save Idalia herself.
But searching for her sister proves nearly impossible without having any clues as to where Idalia is.
When she sneaks from the castle, against her father's wishes, Soraya meets Cyrus and Aratrika, traveling hands for hire willing to help her find Idalia. Together, they search around Asteria in hopes that there are any signs of Idalia's whereabouts. But searching for someone who disappeared without a trace leaves little to use when searching for them.
Soraya is not deterred, determined to find her sister, even though many tell her that Idalia does not want to be found, desperate to get away from a kingdom she never wanted to rule. But Soraya can't bring herself to let her already broken family fall apart even more, even if that means forcing Idalia to stay in the one place she hates the most.
THEME SONG: "Forsaken" by Adam Hurst
Write 50k words.
1,667 words written daily.
MAIN CHARACTERS: Soraya Reeves / Idalia Reeves / Cyrus Sawyer / Aratrika Lalle / Atari Namanni
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July 31st, 2024. Wednesday.
🔮 Surviving. Got through yesterday, but just barely. Before work I managed to finish my NaNoWriMo, figure out my vague conference outline, and 1st drafted another scholarship essay. I went to work and pitched a bunch of new ideas to my manager, which he liked, however that means I have a whole heap of more work. Unfortunate.
What's your biggest priority right now?
[Photos: freshly painted nails that match my water bottle in front of a bush at work, and my NaNo tracker]
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daughter-of-inklings · 3 months
Posting excerpts of my book as I get back into re-writing it after a long semester (🫠) to hold myself account to continue Camp NaNo:
Ch. 1 | An Act of Love (pt. 2) WC: 832
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The baby was in decent condition, cold but still alive after being outside for a considerable while. Skinny and underweight for a nursing child of its presumed age, it weighed no more in Aeriel’s arms than a bag’s worth of apples. As she felt along its sides, the tips of her fingertips brushed over its ribs. Its movements were sluggish and slow, transfixed. She followed its gaze and found it glaring at the light floating at the center of the room, as best a baby could glare. 
“It seems we don’t like the light,” she informed Thalion as he came to sit beside them. She clapped her hands together once- twice, and the orb dimmed, bathing the room in a soft, golden light. 
“No, it doesn’t appear that we do.” He held his hand out to stop the baby from rolling over the pillows, on its clever escapade to reach him. “It has slit pupils like mother and I. It likely isn’t used to the more intense lights yet.”
“Its eyes are strange too.” Using the momentary distraction from rolling towards Thalion, Aeriel examined its wings. “I don’t know of any royal house in our kingdom that bears that eye color- silver as the moonlight.” 
She raised an eyebrow at him, opening her mouth to speak before shutting it just as quickly. She scowled, moving one of the baby’s wings to the side and away from its back. A small arrangement of bruises marred the space between the shoulder blades, a recently healed cut the length of Aeriel’s finger tucked away near the base of where the feathers met. 
“… the baby’s hurt.” 
“It’s— hurt?” 
For a moment, as he picked the little creature up into his arms once more, Thalion entertained the thought that he’d perhaps carried it wrong when he’d picked it up. From what he recalled of his own childhood, he himself had always been covered in all manner of bruises and cuts from sparring with his brothers and sister. The marks along this little creature’s skin, however, were more pronounced—more claw-like than fingers. He scowled, a simmering rage setting into the pit of his stomach as he looked the bruises over. He knew of no creatures, in that moment, whose claws or talons matched. … but he knew of several gods whose believed appearance did. 
Always like this mother, Aeriel thought, in every of the phrase. He kept his gaze fixed on the bruises- transfixed, as if he could will them away simply staring at them. He was, she thought too, a handsome man—handsomer still when he was angry— though as incredibly thick-headed as the royal family of dragonbloods ran. With his mother’s glacier colored eyes and silver hair, now past his hips. A testament that he’d never lost a battle he’d waged. He always wore it braided into a high ponytail that started at the base of his horns, then combined into a larger braid kept across his shoulders. His wings, as white as snow speckled black at the outer feathers, now furled and unfurled behind him on the bed- ruffled, and agitated. 
“My heart,” she sighed, knowing that look in his eyes. “You cannot go to war  over a child you just met, and you cannot fight an enemy for their transgressions against them when you don’t know who they are.” 
Though he certainly looked ready to try. He opened his mouth to argue, then stopped and hung his head. She was right, of course- as always. Speculation and conjecture, alongside a letter that had dissolved away to stardust at his fingertips- none of it was enough to launch a campaign. He’d have their heads by the end of the week. Instead, he willed himself to this- to that promise, and to this child.
He held his thumb to his mouth, piercing the tip of his thumb on the fang. The blood that came from it was as silver as the baby’s eyes, and glimmered in the low-light of the room. He rubbed his fingers together, spreading it like a thin film over his hand until the palm was covered in a fine layer of it. Thalion expected them to cry, or to wince- to make any kind of noise when he pressed his open palm over the bruises. Instead, the baby settled into his arms, chewing on the fabric of his sleeve. He sat with that thought a moment, taking a breath and willing his magick to work away the bruises. His palm warmed where it touched them, and when he pulled it away, the skin was as though it’d never been touched.
“… it doesn’t seem to feel pain, uovele.” 
“It doesn’t-?” She frowned. After a moment of deliberation, she reached for the underside of the baby’s talons and gave it a small prick with her fingernail. It didn’t so much as look her way, only grabbing her hand with its talons out of reflex because they were near. “It… does not.
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