mewithpain · 5 years
Holt mich einfach raus aus dieser Welt.
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inorationis-moved · 5 years
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“ EXCUSE me mate ? ”  sometimes he worries about approaching people like this, in full clergy get up, collar and all. some people expect him to give lectures rather than  “ have you got a light... and a cigarette ? ” and CHRIST he looks like he needs one. “ stressful day, y’know ! ”  @naivelost
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riftmeanewverse · 5 years
lyric starter for @naivelost
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"Everyone keeps a darker place to lose control. You’re not alone.”
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futurehalted · 5 years
“ feelin’ my age now. ” @ eddie
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     ❝ - Eighty-four? ❞ Eddie says it with a raise of his brow, but doesn’t push much further. Bilbo sits in his lap, and Eddie’s textbook that he should be studying lays forgotten on the floor. He knows that this time of year is especially rough for Ben, so he checks up when Isabel can’t. It’s an unspoken routine between the two siblings. There’s a croissant that Eddie bought on Ben’s bedside table, still in the bag and untouched. Half of Eddie wants to feed it to him. The other half doesn’t know if that’s overstepping.
     ❝ Do you want me to take care of your laundry? ❞ Eddie spins round in Ben’s computer chair, smiling down at Bilbo before he looks at the cocoon of bedsheets that Ben has buried himself in. ❝ It’s Isa’s turn to do it this week, but I could do yours for you. If it makes things easier. ❞ He’ll probably end up doing it even if Ben says no, but Ben knows that.
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pukichou · 5 years
I only need a boy who don't just want to fuck with me...
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povvertaken · 5 years
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“Ah, excuse me, mate.” Jacob approaches the younger man, coffee cup in hand and a bemused, apologetic expression on his face. “Listen, I’m really sorry, I think I picked up your drink by accident. Wasn’t paying attention - I ordered a black coffee and this is... not that. I think you were behind me in the queue?”
In truth, Jacob was lost in a swirl of thoughts, and he needed the coffee to help him focus. Without any form of stimulant, he’s distracted and it’s resulted in this coffee mix up. He gives the younger lad an encouraging smile as if to say I’m a caffeine addicted mess but I’m not a weirdo, promise. 
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mythvoiced · 5 years
@naivelost - 🙌 — send a 🙌 and i’ll introduce you to an npc related to my muse. 
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You take one look at the dud with the bruise covering half his face, the blood drenching his white shirt and the stagger in his step as he bursts into the speakeasy and you say to yourself ‘damn, this must be the other guy every fella always speaks off when getting out of a fight’.
But the joke that you were so ready to speak out loud to the man next to you - as friend as he was foe, depending on whether he was hustling you during this game of poker or not - it dies on your lips even while your elbow digs into the man’s side. The crooked smile you were about to offer vanishes and a sudden cold chill crawls up your spine, as if thousands of icy ants had been released and poured down the open collar of your shirt, now attempting to find a way out, the same way you really wouldn’t mind getting yourself out that front door the stranger was blocking.
It’s his eyes. The look in the darkness of them, more specifically, is what had made every drop of blood running through your veins - what wasn’t tainted by the illegal booze, either way - freeze over.
You’d never seen madness before you looked into his eyes. And upon the time of your big sleep - maybe tomorrow, maybe in a month or two, really, a bootlegger couldn't hope to reach retirement age - you’ll probably think yourself glad that whatever it is that took you down, whoever’s Chicago Typewriter it might have been, as long as it wasn’t his, you might actually get a shot at seeing the shadows of Heaven’s gate wash over you.
His name is Johnathan Ferriero, but the lady who owns the speakeasy always calls him ‘Mr Jack’. She flaunts her perfume before him, all her sugar, and he’s never looked at her twice. Still, she lets him in, and she lets him pay for all his drinks twice as much. She’d do the same with a man about as crazy as him, a big guy with a blonde-reddish attempt at a beard, and always that same grin plastered across his face as if someone had slapped it on once and forgotten to take it off again. That man is known as the Hound of St Louis, some mac who brought all the 50 States madness with him when he got back from the war, and just as much expertise with weapons as he seemed inclined to get himself killed.
And Jackie?
Jack’s his right-hand man.
And as you lean back in your seat and try to pretend you weren’t looking, the cancer stick between two of your fingers all too inviting, you overhear something from the table behind you, whispered news you could have done without.
Someone had chilled the Hound off.
And apparently, his right-hand man had been there to see it.
Which means any man’s blood could join the drying one on his shirt very, very soon.
Let’s just hope it isn’t yours.
Johnathan ‘Jack’ Ferriero (aka Mr Jack, Jackie, the Right-Hand Man) used to be Edward Wilson’s other half. Or better half. Or worse half, really, depends on who you ask. He was a bootlegger, a gangster if you will, considered to be simultaneously the common sense between the two, but also the crazier one. Because any man willing to spend his days with the Hound must be crazy enough to scare even the Devil himself off. In reality, Jack was a relatively composed man. He loved Eddie and would have done anything to keep him alive. The only problem was, there rarely was a man quite as intent on getting himself killed, as Ed was. Eddie, also known as, one of Patrick’s past incarnations.
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orumad · 5 years
@naivelost​ // liked for a starter.
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“oh my god, i’m way too stoned for this.”
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croweswings-a · 5 years
     𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓,  the  band  is  due  to  meet  at  a  restaurant  in  twenty  minutes  and  mark’s  made  the  mistake  of  accompanying  puerile  martin.  as  if  his  life  depends  on  pulling  pranks,  the  drummer  (  likely  high  on  uppers  again  )  resorts  to  going  up  to  strangers  every  few  blocks  and  taking  their  hand.  each  time,  he  lays  a  sincere  ‘i  love  you’  on  them  before  patting  their  shoulder  and  continuing  with  a  skip  in  his  step.  of  course,  it’s  up  to  his  texan  companion  to  duly  patch  up  the  trail  of  puzzled  human  wreckage  martin  leaves  behind.  ❛❛  sorry  ‘bout  that,  i  promise  he’s  harmless,  ❜❜  he  assures  a  young  man,  certain  that  this  stranger  being  alone  only  made  him  a  more  likely  target  for  martin’s  nonsense.
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storiesoffthestreet · 5 years
Untitled orginal
I sat at my dealers kitchen table waiting for my order to be weighed and labeled.
And while he was in the bed room with the bags and scales
His wife sat in the chair to my right and started painting her nails
I happend to make an observation of trails in her foundation and suddenly came to a disturbing realization.
I’ve know this woman only a couple years but it seems here make up is always streaked by tears
She wears sweaters in every season and for whatever reason I’ve seen her wear sunglasses in the shade
No matter how big a smile she presents ,I sense she is a afraid
Behaviours that once hade confused I began to understand as clues
Hint to what she endures behind closed doors
Now knowing what she conseales behind tinted lenses and underneath long sleeves
I ask her why she stays . And she reveals she is scared of what will happen if she leaves.
Not another word was spoken ,the long silence eventually broken by the cracking of the bedroom door.
My supplier apologized for the wait Saying he had buisness from before and he gave me a little more
Feeling less naive i pocketed the packages I received and before I walk out the exit. I intentionally meet eyes with his wife
I discreetly nod my head as if to express condolences for her tragic life.
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mewithpain · 5 years
Und ich hoff', es geht dir gut. Und ich hoffe, dass du lächelst, ganz egal, was du auch tust. So verletzt wir einmal war'n. Steh' ich hier und sag' „Ich liebe dich“ ein letztes Mal.
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bellespiriit · 5 years
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he leans over the door, a soft smile spreading on his lips as he takes a couple of minutes to simply LOOK at him. it takes him a few minutes to finally do something aside from staring, “ is this a bad time? ” the words come out with a teasing tone, perhaps far more than he had originally intended. 
@naivelost / noah wanted to bother ben
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onactors · 5 years
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    ❛❛   i   never   went   to   uni,   so   sometimes   when   people   invite   me   t’parties   i   jus’   say   yes   to   make   up   fer   lost   moments.   ❜❜         chris   shrugs.      ❛❛   that   might   make   me   seem   a   bit   SAD   or   somethin’,   but   i   dunno.   i   think   it’s   silly   t’put   a   gap   on   the   age   you’re   allowed   to   have   fun.   so   what   i’m   in   my   thirties   !   i   spent   my   twenties   workin’   hard.   ❜❜        
               @naivelost asked for a starter.
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futurehalted · 5 years
“ guess what, we’re shitty people. ” @ isa probably ab them being petty awjjfjkkdjf
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     ❝ - It’s been a long day, I think we’re allowed to be kinda cunt-y. ❞ Isabel wipes ketchup off her chin with her finger, snickering as she does. She smacks Ben’s hand and wrinkles her noses as he laughs, but after a glance, nudges her plate towards him. He said he didn’t want any of her fries, and she certainly doesn’t want to share, but it’s not like she’s actually going to finish them anyway.
     ❝ I mean, honestly, the audacity of some people. ❞ She covers her mouth with her hand, but she is definitely talking while she chews. Poor manners! Alba would kill her if she saw such a spectacle. ❝ Do I not deserve to make fun of customers with shitty hair who give me terrible tips? I think it’s my right. If someone flirts with me on the job again, I swear, I am going to actually commit homicide. ❞  
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salmiire · 5 years
naivelost replied to your post:      hello!! im pretty sure im returning so don’t...
HELLO ANGEL!!! ngl i was doubting coming back and i saw ur reply and eros was like >:( REPLY TO THEM!!!
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sxdere · 5 years
♥♥♥♥♥ !!
send love !  //  always accepting.
oh hello lovey !!  let me give you a big old smooch and snuggle. thank you so much. 
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