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jurjenkvanderhoek · 6 months ago
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Een maagdelijk wit vel papier nodigt uit er een lijn op te zetten en nog één en een vlak te duiden, een compositie aan te vangen. Maar het onbeschreven blad kan ook tegenstaan, de inspiratie dood slaan. Je zit mijmerend, de hand beweegt niet, er komt niets naar boven dat beeld dient te hebben. Dan liever een ondergrond genomen dat al eens iets heeft ontvangen, al een verhaal in zich heeft. Jij hoeft dat alleen maar aan te vullen, in te vullen met jouw idee over de herinnering. Dat is wat Albrecht Genin doet, of beter heeft gedaan. De Duitse kunstenaar leefde van 1945 tot 2013. Op dit moment wordt zijn werk getoond in Museum Nairac , daarbij is een catalogus getiteld "Ocean Stories" verschenen bij Livingstone Editions / Van Spijk Artbooks.
“Omdat Genin niet wilde beginnen op een wrede witte ondergrond, gaf hij de voorkeur aan geprint materiaal zoals Bijbels, wetboeken, kaarten, partituren en grootboeken om op te werken”, schrijft Jeroen Dijkstra van de Livingstone Gallery in het voorwoord tot het boek. Dijkstra stipt kort de levensloop van de kunstenaar aan, daar de tekeningen in de bundel opgenomen al boekdelen spreken. “Wanneer hij muziekpapier gebruikte kon een compositie beginnen met een lijn, maar dan liet hij deze lijn groeien tot een figuur. Met een bladzijde uit een boek is de helft van de afbeelding al aanwezig. Mooi materiaal om een tekening te beginnen daar het eerste werk al gedaan is.”
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Wars van de kunstwereld met zijn artistieke trends en kritieken, afkering van musea, galeries en kunstruimten kon Genin bij leven een bijzonder oeuvre opbouwen. Het lukte hem het leven, wat hij beschouwde als de absurde realiteit, te vertalen in een leefbare fantasie. Dijkstra legt de manier van werken uit, ontrafelt het mysterie. Ruwe contouren met veelal emotionele, soms zelfs donkere ondertonen worden afgewisseld met een heel bijzonder gevoel voor humor. Genin zocht de lichtheid van het bestaan. Voor zijn afbeeldingen inspireerden hem de dagelijkse handelingen van Thaise vissers op weg naar de rivier, de boeren die de velden ploegen. Locaties werden inwisselbaar door het beeld te versimpelen tot alleen enkele zwarte lijnen. Op die manier kan het evengoed een boer in Normandië zijn of vissers aan de oever van de Nijl. Mannen met speren rond een kampvuur kunnen ook grottekeningen in Afrika zijn of rotsschilderingen van Aboriginals in Australië. Het vereenvoudigen van een complexe wereld tot haar essentie, omdat de wereld al ingewikkeld genoeg is. "Because I really enjoy it when I am able to do it with ease."
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In zijn werken op papier gebruikte Genin meestal zwarte olieverf of oostindische inkt. "Black is more exciting for the process, the composition becomes more divined." Hij was van mening dat kleur het ontstaan van een afbeelding beperkt. Zwart legt de basis voor concentratie op de compositie, kleur leidt af van de abstractie van het beeld. Door het boek, dat in beelden de verhalen vertelt van Genins reizen naar het Verre Oosten, te bladeren zie ik wat de kunstenaar bedoelt met dat de compositie met zwart meer goddelijk wordt. De tekeningen lijken van een andere orde te zijn, een parallel universum. De figuren, met ogen maar zonder neus, brengen een mysterieus spel voor het voetlicht. En inderdaad hebben de tekeningen de sfeer van rotsschilderingen, van beeltenissen die het leven bezweren. Van tekens die de wereld tot haar essentie versimpelen.
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Het boek is over verschillende rubrieken uitgesmeerd. Ingedeeld naar de diverse dragers die door Genin voor de tekeningen zijn gebruikt. En iedere ondergrond – boek, muziekblad, geschreven tekst, ingevuld grootboekrekening, logboeken – hebben een eigen sfeer in beeltenis. De figuren zijn tot het wezen versimpeld, de basis waarop de handeling dan wel de boodschap het meest tot recht komt. De drager heeft als verhaal voldoende, niet als leesbare tekst maar als zichtbaar tekstbeeld. Het is het decor van de tekening, heeft er zijdelings betekenis door. De achtergrond maakt de levende vlek speels. Zou het op blank papier zijn gezet zal het een te harde overgang kennen, van het blad springen en minder kracht hebben. Juist deze afweging van geprint onder getekend, die balans van wat was en later is, geeft de compositie een dimensie meer. Het is tastbaar gelaagd.
Op muziek gezet acteren de figuren een danse macabre, een levendige dodendans. En staat de dirigent onstuimig voor zijn orkest. De notenbalken nodigen meer uit om op het thema muziek het beeld te laten klinken. De noten op de balken brengen een melodieuze sfeer in. Er is meer dynamiek dan in de relatief statische boekbladen. Net als in de boeken de tekst zich niet laat lezen, kan het uitgeschreven muziekstuk niet op noten gespeeld worden. Het is behang om de tekening vertrouwd en intiem te maken. De titel van het muziekstuk is meestal aanleiding voor een tekening. Zo is het muziekblad beter onderdeel van de compositie dan bij de andere items voor verbeelding.
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Op geschreven teksten gaat de beweging verder. Het schoonschrift nodigt uit tot een geladen dynamiek. En ook hier is de tekst achtergrond ter ondersteuning van het beeldmerk. Waar het grootboek door de rechtlijnige verdeling en de levendige notities daarop een paradox in de afbeelding krijgt. Het kan dat dragen. Rollende hoofden zijn ogende stenen, torso´s zonder armen prijzen schoonheid, een ladder voert naar de sterren, het eiland in de zon zinkt in zee. Ocean Stories, een tekening die titel is van het boek, is beeldend een vlucht uit deze wereld, van huis en haard verdreven. Zo staan alle tekeningen symbool voor de donkerte van het bestaan waarin Genin een verlichtend wezen probeerde uit te drukken. Hij heeft getracht de heldere kant van het leven te zien om deze in zwarte expressies om te zetten. Zwart, niet als naargeestigheid, maar om de aandacht vast te houden, te concentreren op kernpunten. Logo´s van een samengestelde wereld. De aarde versimpeld tot haar geaardheid, waarop het leven nog leefbaar is.
Ocean Stories. Albrecht Genin, tekeningen. Tekst Jeroen Dijkstra. Uitgave Livingstone Editions / Van Spijk Art Books, 2024. Tentoonstelling Museum Nairac Barneveld tot en met 22 juni 2024.
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lamarseillasie · 1 year ago
Le Docteur Marat #01: Marat's medical competence
Salut, citoyens!
With the aim of informing and making an analysis based on primary sources about Marat's medical career, a career that, unfortunately, is little known - and, when known, usually ridiculed or belittled in various ways - by many, i have decided to start a series of posts in which i intend to dissect on subjects related to Marat's medical experiences as well as his writings. These posts will contain all primary sources at my fingertips, and i apologize in advance for my terrible English, as it is not my native language and i am still learning.
In this first post, we will address the following question, so controversial, doubted and misrepresented by many historians over the centuries: Was Marat a good doctor?
Before this question can be properly answered, it is necessary to be aware that the image of the historical character that Marat eventually became has been constantly counterfeited, adulterated and inaccurately represented by countless sources over time. Even in life, Marat was frequently attacked by many of his contemporary adversaries, who invented lies and false rumors about him and his life - especially his pre-revolutionary life. It is no coincidence that Marat was in the habit of constantly defending himself and justifying his actions in issues of his newspaper, L'Ami Du Peuple. When he died, many of the lies attributed to him were perpetuated and many were also developed by other biographers, writers and historians. Understanding that Marat's pre-revolutionary life was the target of several attempts to defame his image during the course of history, it is possible to understand the reasons why many people question whether he was really a good doctor.
Marat's training as a physician is thought to have begun during his stay in Bordeaux from 1760 to 1762 (Marat being 16-19 years old), at which time he worked as a tutor to one of the sons of Paul Nairac, a merchant. It is likely that his father, Jean-Mara, had some influence on his medical career and other of his academic interests. In his Portrait de l'Ami du peuple tracé par lui-même (1793), Marat mentions his father:
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"The temperament of my soul comes from nature, but I owe the development of my character to my mother; for my father never aspired to make me anything other than a scholar."
It is not known for certain whether Jean-Mara was in fact the one who led Marat down the path of medicine. What can be conjectured is that he seems to have studied extensively from 1762, when he moved to Paris and then moving to England, where he does indeed seem to have started his career. In his Essay on gleets (1775) he mentions his "10 years practice" in the field. Little information, however, exists about this time, and the beginning of Marat's medical career unfortunately remains somewhat obscure.
But what were Marat's real qualifications? What can prove that he was a truly competent doctor in the field in the eyes of other doctors?
He received an M.D. degree from Andrews University in Scotland on June 30, 1775. The full diploma, as well as other documents and correspondence, can be found in F. Chèvremont, Jean-Paul Marat. I will leave it here below:
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Even with a properly attested diploma, written and signed by two competent doctors, it is to be expected that those who oppose Marat have created assumptions and myths about his qualification. Many of his smearers claim that he bought the degree, since he has not defended any thesis. Clifford Conner debunks this story in Jean-Paul Marat: Tribune of the French Revolution [pg. 19-18]:
"His detractors have claimed that because there is no record of his actually having attended classes there, he must have bought the degree. His diploma was signed, however, by two medical examiners who officially certified Marat's competence as a physician. One of them, Dr. William Buchan, was a prominent medical authority whose books were published in multiple editions in both English and French."
"The way St. Andrews bestowed its degrees seems lax according to modern standards of medical education, but such comparisons are anachronistic. When Marat received his M.D. in 1775, he had already been practicing medicine for ten years. It was common in the eighteenth century-and in France even well into the nineteenth-for universities to confer degrees as a way of certifying the professional competence and educational preparation of working practitioners who had not actually attended classes at those institutions. Despite the illustrious Dr. Johnson's famous quip about St. Andrews "growing richer by degrees," the university was not regarded as a mere diploma mill. Benjamin Franklin, for one, expressed pride in the doctorate it had awarded him. Marat's M.D. was unquestionably authentic by the standards of the day."
In addition to the diploma, which is more than good evidence that Marat had skill in the field of medicine, it is possible to see his vast experience and evolution in the field, or at least in human anatomy and physiology, from his A philosophical essay on man (1773). This work, being a kind of treatise divided into three books that renew the ideas of his Essay on the human soul (1772), is of a more philosophical nature, although it makes it clear that Marat was at least a great connoisseur of the human body and its peculiarities. None of the thinkers and philosophers who criticized Marat's work at the time denied his full knowledge of the physiological theories or the anatomy of the fluids he presented, revealing that he had an excellent command of the various areas of the human body, something that certainly indicates an undeniable medical wisdom.
This ability to understand physiology is evident in several passages in volume 3, de l'homme. Here's one of my personal favorites:
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"The human body is an admirable machine. If we look at it from the structural point of view, what a multiplicity of parts! What a prodigious number of forces! What justice, what precision in their effects! What intimacy in their union, what harmony in their dependence! Not only does it bring together all that is most beautiful in mechanics, but it surpowers them infinitely by the simplicity & play of its refforts. But the most marvellous thing is that the organs that make up these different machines all have different functions, when examined as a whole. In the body, not a single spring is isolated, but all are linked to one another, in mutual dependence, and thus contribute to forming a harmonious whole. Even less admirable for its structure than for its functions: if you look at it from this angle, what an astonishing variety of functions all rolled into one! A machine that plays & holds itself. A machine that can wind itself up. A machine by means of which the Soul relates to windowed objects. Machine by means of which the soul can act on bodies. Machine by means of which the Soul knows pleasure & pain. Machine in which the Soul paints with energy. Machine capable of reproducing itself."
But what were Marat's methods? What were his cures, his specialties?
Well, Marat himself is the main source able to confirm his own healing methods. Throughout his pre-revolutionary academic career, he produced a packed collection of works, letters and accounts relating to his experiences as a physician, describing situations and cures he performed on various patients. There seems to be no reason to question the reality of these cures, since, in Essay on gleets, Marat states that his patients (all named by their initials, so as to remain anonymous), "would not refuse confirmation of the truth if other patients wished a private interview. They even promised me that." [pg. 18 in Payennevile's French translation].
It is known that he cured the Marquise de L'Aubespine of a disease that other doctors considered incurable, and so his notoriety as a doctor began to grow. But Marat's clientele is a subject for another post. It is impossible to talk about his medical techniques without mentioning one of his greatest passions and specialties in the scientific field: electrotherapy. Marat constantly defended and disserted on the effects of electric fluid in medicine, describing situations in which he had used electrotherapy to successfully treat some of his patients. He is above all a nuanced and lucid theorist, although fascinated by the progress of the discovery of electricity; even so, he does not allow himself to be carried away by mesmerism, which he openly opposes in his Mémoire sur l'életricité médicale (1773).
Moreover, it is important to mention observation as one of Doctor Marat's main methods. In all the branches in which he operates to some extent - even in his philosophy - observation is the most present, most striking feature, and the one most demonstrated by Marat himself as being his most effective technique for developing and associating healing methods. He seems to have a passion for observation and for relating the various sciences through in-depth analysis, which explains the thoroughness with which he shows he treats each of his patients. Although the cures and therapeutic procedures carried out and proposed by Marat did not deviate so much from what was common in the Age of Enlightenment, it is more than possible to consider that he had an early mentality and far beyond his time for an 18th century physician. This is evident in his writings on the treatment of blenorrhagia, for example.
In a number of letters to the Gazette de Santé, Marat describes the cures he performed on patients. This set of letters reveals precisely the medical techniques he used at the time in each case - including dilutions, infusions and decoctions - and also discusses electrotherapy. These letters prove that Marat was undoubtedly competent as a medical observer and that he often linked his medical practice with the physical knowledge he so valued. Marat's concern to assess each illness as an isolated case and examine its symptoms is noticeable in almost all the letters.
This excerpt from a letter written by Marat in response to the husband of one of his patients clearly shows his concern with the clinical evaluation of symptoms in order to formulate a diagnosis:
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"Does the patient have any chest pain? Is there any tearing when she coughs? Does she sleep on both sides or on her back? Is his sputum stained with blood? Is there any pus? Has she been prone to colds? Does she experience any change in the atmosphere? Does she hemorrhage, and has she? How is her appetite? Does she have night sweats? Does she hemorrhage, and has she? Does she have a low-grade fever? Is she in a slump?"
The full letter, along with some other information about it, can be found on pages 130-132 of Marat inconnu (1891), by Docteur Caban��s.
For a good period of his pre-revolutionary life, Marat was a typical physician and scholar of the Age of Enlightenment, demonstrating in his writings - however much they may have been purely publicistic - an undeniable wisdom in physiological, electrotherapeutic and physical knowledge in general. He has been, since his youth, a voracious reader, a real scholar and invariably a sage. Observation proved crucial to his medical technique, and the numerous letters and testimonies quoted above confirm the importance Marat attached to factors such as climate, diet and the behavior of his patients during their respective treatments. It is no wonder that he was able to cure many people with apparent effectiveness.
Marat evidently had a great deal of expertise in gonorrhea and eye-related diseases, cases in which he usually felt comfortable using electrification as one of his healing methods. All these characteristics of Marat's medicine are present in his letters to the Gazette de Santé, already mentioned above, and can also be seen in his medical works. In his book Marat (1996), Professor Olivier Coquard comments on this:
"On the whole, Marat appears as a typical representative of the doctors of the Enlightenment, despite training essentially acquired on the job. It targets a wealthy clientele, who pay dearly for their consultations and through which they want to integrate into society. His medical practice associates the use of the most traditional medicines with a very enlightened and precocious concern with clinical observation.
At the same time, the integration of electricity into the panoply of therapeutic instruments translates an essential aspect of Marathi's conception of science and the world: everything is interdependent. For the doctor, it is essential to master not only physiology, but the set of scientific disciplines."
What can we conclude from all this?
Marat was, in fact, a competent physician. He proved to have much more than a basic knowledge in medicine, and to claim that he was a quack in this field is quite wrong. The knowledge he possessed about anatomy and its different functions combined with his passion for the physical sciences and his autonomous, work-based experience and pure observation about treatments for eye diseases is groundbreaking in the historical context in which he found himself. Doctor Marat was very wise about his therapeutic techniques with electricity, the latter having been the target element of his studies for several long years of his life. In a future post, I would like to delve deeper into each of the cases and patients treated by Marat, exploring his clientele and his correspondence with Roume de Saint-Laurent, who was a great supporter of his scientific and medical career.
I end this long (?) post here. As much as we cannot witness his methods or watch his work live, there is no doubt that Marat was an advanced mind for his time as far as medicine was concerned. For various reasons, including his academic ambitions, his relationships, his scientific passions and his self-promoting ability, he was able to consolidate himself for a time very comfortably in this field, being known as Doctor Marat, who, possessed of a relatively well-off clientele, would probably not have imagined himself to be one of France's main revolutionary leaders in the near future. I am of the opinion, as is Dr. Jean-François Lemaire in his book Marat: homme de science? (1993) that Marat was an excellent doctor. His memory should therefore be taken seriously. Dr. Marat, an efficient, apt and prudent doctor, deserves to have the slanders against him debunked, so that people can understand that, before being a Friend of the People, he was above all a fine eccentric example of a Man of the Enlightenment.
Vitam impendere vero.
* I've taken a lot of inspiration from the biographies of Olivier Coquard and Docteur Cabanés to write this post, and so I'm being careful to design them the credits for most of the things I've written and the information I've used! :)
* Some of the images are photos taken by me on my cell phone, so I ask for forgiveness if they are a bit bad to read.
* I apologize for my bad English, it is not my native language and that is why it took me a long time to write this post. The translations of the letters may also contain errors, as I was the one who translated them.
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classicrocker2000 · 1 year ago
I should also add that they also protected Robert Nairac, who was involved in the Miami Showband massacre. The plan there was to blow up Ireland's most popular showband and make it look like they were smuggling explosives to the IRA, ending a ceasefire and giving the British government a really good reason to lock down the border to Northern Ireland. The bomb exploded prematurely, killing two members of the UVF. The remaining terrorists then opened fire on the rest of the band as they fled, seriously wounding bassist Stephen Travers, and killing singer Fran O'Toole (who was shot 8 times in the face), guitarist Tony Geraghty, and trumpeter Brian McCoy. Like in the Bloody Sunday murders, the British government hauled ass to protect the soldiers and informants involved. One even was set to receive a fucking posthumous medal last I knew.
The British government needs to be held to task for every Irish civilian that they murdered during the troubles, either directly or indirectly. Fuck these bullshit attempts to cover their asses when we all know the monarchy isn't worth a fucking shit anyway.
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lookedafterchild · 1 year ago
Our Ref RS/SW/03/540 8" May 2006 Private & Confidential Dr Scott Bethesda Medical Centre Palm Bay Avenue Cliftonville MARGATE Dear Dr Scott Re: Li Harris Just a quick note to say that I had a telephone conversation with Li Harris’s mum on 5th May 2006. Unfortunately Li has become very challenging recently and displayed more oppositional defiant behaviour, perhaps understandably in relation to cessation of contact by his natural father and his mother’s potential ill health. In the... Read More Bellow
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seachranaidhe · 5 years ago
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Meet SAS Commander Julian ‘Tony’ Ball, Robert Nairac’s Comrade-in-Arms | The Broken Elbow
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werewolfetone · 1 year ago
Resurrection man was like ok it's about the shankill butchers BUT they're renamed & fictionalised & there are a lot of characters who aren't based on real people also. & then the ultras is about real robert nairac and I've counted at LEAST eight other real people, all of whom died like thirty years at the MOST before the book was published, who've appeared so far under their real names. and like three or four fictional characters who seem to be based loosely on real people. idk if I even want to know what the blue tango is about atp
Obsessed with how with each of eoin mcnamee's books he gets progressively closer and closer to writing actual UVF rpf
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vtec-society-official · 4 years ago
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🔥🔥🔥 . V6 S2000 Goals 👊 Drop a comment #VTEC__SOCIETY 💬 . 🚗 Owner @nairacing 📸 via @powerrevracing . 🔻 Follow @dreamfest__🔻 🔻 Follow @dreamfest__🔻 🔻 Follow @dreamfest__🔻 . #honda #s2000 #hondas2000 #s2000love #s2000gram #s2000club #s2k #s2klove #s2kgram #s2knation #hondapower #hondatuning #hondalove #hondanation #hondaporn #hondagram #hondalife #hondalifestyle #hondadaily #hondaculture #hondagang #vtec #vtecnation #vtecclub #vtec_showoff https://www.instagram.com/p/CK7RDFCHYfL/?igshid=1a3zc2l9dzbeg
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viewer-of-many · 2 years ago
A graphic novel, loves to share stories
A Creme brulee, acts like Agent Smartlit, the only difference is... He's a spy!
Kyla-Alpha(Richard Kyle first used the term graphic novel in an issue of the fanzine Capa-Alpha)
Trinirac(crème brulee is also known as trinity cream, and Robert Nairac was a double agent[I assume that's what you meant by this bot being a spy])
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snbc · 3 years ago
Robert Nairac: Fresh appeal in search for remains
Robert Nairac: Fresh appeal in search for remains
Captain Robert Nairac was abducted, murdered and secretly buried 45 years ago this weekend.
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thenetionalnews · 3 years ago
Robert Nairac: Fresh appeal in search for remains
Robert Nairac: Fresh appeal in search for remains
Captain Robert Nairac, who was abducted, murdered and secretly buried 45 years ago this weekend. Source link
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buntyacharya · 4 years ago
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@akkshayac @nairac.07 @x.manav.x_ #fashionvibe #fashionphotography #photography #morning #vibe #2020 #fashion #lifstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/CISVVExnEkp/?igshid=qodphz1p7tk0
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kiro-anarka · 5 years ago
Nuevos documentos impactantes han revelado que el oficial de inteligencia del ejército británico Robert Nairac fue responsable de la planificación y ejecución de la Masacre de la Miami Showband, en la que murieron tres miembros inocentes de la banda musical. Los documentos nunca antes vistos del ejército británico fueron divulgados como parte de una acción legal al abogado Michael Flanigan, quien representa a la viuda de Fran O'Toole, Valerie Andersen. Tres miembros de la banda murieron cuando asesinos lealistas detuvieron su minibús en un falso puesto de control militar cerca de Banbridge en el condado de Down en julio de 1975, explotaron una bomba y luego abrieron fuego. Los pistoleros arrojaron una bomba de relojería al minibús para que pareciera que el grupo lo había estado transportando, pero explotó prematuramente y mató a dos de ellos. Los pistoleros restantes abrieron fuego contra la banda, matando al cantante principal Fran O’Toole y otros dos miembros de la banda, Brian McCoy y Tony Geraghty. El ataque fue llevado a cabo por miembros de la Pandilla Glenanne, que incluía miembros de las Fuerzas de la Corona y paramilitares lealistas de la UVF. Nairac se ha r
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lookedafterchild · 2 years ago
Part One - A brief before and after being put on a Section 2 I struggled with many issues at the time, anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, and self-harm. I had been battling a battle in my head for over ten years, but things started to get too bad. now I could not hide these issues as well as I may have been before. Moreover, after the incident(s) at school, I was admitted to the hospital and blacklisted from taking my exams in the future. Can you imagine walking into your Psychiatrists office? After a massive string of events both at school and at home? Dr. Bertrand Nairac was giving me 5 minutes to make one of the hardest. And most confusing decisions of my life. "By the time I return to this room, you need to make your decision. Are you going to admit yourself on a volunteer basis or send the doctors and police to force you there? The Choice [caption id="attachment_13699" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Sectioned under the mental health act aged 18. At Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH)The Complete story[/caption] As I sat in the therapist's room, it felt like an eternity. The walls seemed to close on me, and my heart was racing. What is a mental health hospital anyway? Is this some asylum where they lock up people who are crazy or something? The feeling of suffocation and confusion were the only thoughts going through my head. Dr. Bertrand Nairac Returned to the office. Moreover, I looked at myself and my foster carer Carol Thompson. "Well, you made up your mind," said Dr. Nairac. He advised once again that going as a volunteer patient was the best way to do this. Unless I wanted to make a big scene. I agreed and waited for days in my home until I received word from him with an available bed at a young adolescent Mental Health Hospital Woodlands house in staple Hurst My Fate Was Clear Three days went past, and it was hell. I knew it was just a matter of days until I am driving miles away. From my hometown, there are a few parts of those three days that stick with me. I had missed school and was not recommended to communicate with them, so I remember telling a tiny handful of friends about the situation with mixed responses. Furthermore, I was spending the weekend with my mum. Wondering what would happen what my future was going to be like? Nevertheless, the worst thing… it was the last night before I left.,  to Kent, and Medway Adolescent Unit, Woodland House. Moreover, Carol had ordered fish and chips. We were all gathered together, eating as a family like we always did on a Friday night. I was unsure if this was the last meal, with the people who raised me into the person I am. The people who supported me through the worst…., I could not hold back the emotions and the tears started pouring out. There was nothing I could do but let the future unfold. No surprise, but I did not sleep very well that night. In less than 24 hours, I would once again move away from the home I had settled into and this time into a downright bizarre and unknown situation. Getting admitted to Hospital [caption id="attachment_13705" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH), this is where the post thumbnail was taken (C) 2010 Philip Durrant Photography[/caption] Morning finally came round, and my anxiety and mood were not good at all. I remember being very silent and reserved, waiting to determine my fate after dropping off the other Foster Children at school. We started the long and painful drive to Staplehurst. (Around an hour and 20min, but it felt like a lot longer.) Stopping off to pick up Tomo (Carol's Husband, Whom We Referred to as Tomo or John (His real name) from his workplace. We finally arrived at Woodlands House (For anyone interested, Click Here For A Virtual Tour). As we walked in, the receptiongreeted us. It was an attractive layout. Not reasonably what I had expected, certainly not for being classified a hospital.
 Moreover, we approached the desk and handed over the paperwork,waiting for the team leader to arrive and assess me. After what felt like a lifetime and what seemed to be a crisis, (Someone's Panic alarm within the hospital was set off, and someone got restrained. not too long before I walked in.) We finally had a quick look round and were shown in one of the meeting rooms. The team leader and one of the nurses told me, Carol, and John, what would happen, and I have to fill in some paperwork. These were questions asking me to state out of 1-10 or how likely, or unlike me; I remember they were all ranked low at this point; I felt I could not feel any worse.  I completed it, and I led to the medical room (where anything on-site medical-wise was given). Then I was given an ECG test and had my blood taken. It was a very formal process. Also, they made notes of doctors, medication, and allergies. Furthermore, that is when we parted way. I said goodbye to my foster parents, and I was left to socialize with staff and patients Part Two - one month at Kent And Medway adolescence hospital [caption id="attachment_13704" align="aligncenter" width="604"] Photo of Li Jean-Luc Harris at Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH) - outside Shed[/caption] Introduction: By the time I was checked into the Kent and Medway Adolescent Unit, Woodland House, and the careers left me. The day had already gone. It was around 17:00, and I was given options for food. The first place I went was the lounge. Many very friendly and reassuring service users and staff started to introduce themselves to me. They were warm and gentle with their words. They could see I was very reserved and did not want to talk or do anything. I am sure every one of them had gone through the same thing. It is scary, after all. New surroundings, new faces, and new scenarios. No one can know what you have just walked into. https://lookedafterchild.com/addicted-to-drugs-and-then-homeless-and-finally-now-im-a-homeowner/ The First Night [caption id="attachment_13701" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Sectioned under the mental health act aged 18. At Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH) - Bedroom - image taken from the Explore Woodland House Virtual Tour[/caption] After eating what I was shocked to say a delicious meal, I remember spending some time once again in the lounge for the evening before it was time for us to go to bed. As much as I wanted to crawl straight into bed, we had to follow strict guidelines. Everyone had to be awake, and out of bed by 10 am, and no one can return until 7 pm. My bedroom was lovely, it had a double bed, a desk and an ensuite but,  it still was not my bed from home. I also missed my phone, my technology, and the familiar faces from my foster home. Daily Routines My Daily Routine was very different from what I was doing back home. Breakfast between 7 am, and 9 am. Everyone had to be out of bed by 10 am. We had a few group sessions in the morning, one being education lunch between 12 and 1 pm—three more activities before dinner between 5 pm and 6 pm, and then free time. Accessing the outside world I was not allowed any technology on-site, and the only time I could use my phone or the internet was when I was on my mobile phone outside of the unit. Even in the education sessions, I was given special restrictions due to past incidents with my secondary school and me hacking into their system. So, for this reason, I was only allowed the internet on my mobile outside of the unit. (for someone who previously lived online, it sucks!) Getting Put onto a Section 2 Under The Mental Health Act [caption id="attachment_13703" align="aligncenter" width="638"] Section 2 under the mental health act Leaflet A Scanned front page of the leaflet i was given explaining the section two[/caption] I was both homesick and just witnessed a small group of patients kick off and cause a riot.
(Insert Link to Future Post) I was not enjoying my stay at Woodlands House, the therapy seemed unhelpful, and the group sessions I refused. To make things worse, I was just put onto 1:1 Eyesight, so I declared to discharge myself. And I was served a Section 2, meaning I was now forcefully detained for 28 days. Moreover, now I could not even use the internet in my free time. I was a prisoner of the system, scared and upset. This just further pushed me away from getting my issues solved. Being in section 2 meant I lost most of my rights. I was no longer allowed to use my phone. Many care decisions were now being made for me without my input; I was placed on 1:1 Eyesight as a precautionary measure. They were still unsure of many things that were going on with me, due to 4 years prior trying to fight the system, because I was too scared to let them know “The Thing” that caused me all this trauma and pain. Thankfully I had lots of like-minded people who shared their advise and looked out for each other.  1:1 Eyesight meant I now had someone follow me and was always within Eyesight, even when sleeping. Nevertheless, there was a limitation to the toilet/shower, as long as I kept talking to them non-stop. A Scanned front page of the leaflet I was given explaining the section two First Visit From my foster family When I knew Carol and Tomo were coming, I was excited. I could not wait to see the familiar faces and receive some more clothes and items to keep me going. I had missed the presence of Carol and John. It had only been a month. However, they encouraged me to carry on with the treatment, and soon I will be home again, getting back on with life. They were very encouraging and motivating, but, I could tell it was hard for them and myself. First Vist From Mum and my brother Michael This visit was long overdue. They had a very long train journey all the way from Margate to Staplehurst, but, I was so happy to see them both. We spoke for ages and caught up. The first time seeing them, I was not able to do much being on section 2 But, I was just relived to be in the company of my family. But I want care in the community! [caption id="attachment_13706" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH) this is where the post thumbnail was taken (C) 2010 Philip Durrant Photography[/caption] This was something many people heard me say. Additionally, it all came with the same response “But we have been offering you this for years, why now?” it was a good question. However, the shock of being in the hospital was enough for me to want to get my life on track, and continue with my life and education in the community. Nevertheless, all the professionals had said the same thing. You will not be released until you start co-operating with group sessions and therapy. Therapy Sessions Therapy sessions, we all hate them. They hurt and make us vulnerable. Something was stopping me from talking in person with anyone willing to help me. I could speak about everything, apart from “the thing”. I spoke about family, school, emotional unbalances, depression and anxieties. However, in-depth details into self-harm I locked away from everyone. Including myself, After a few sessions, I was told by Dr. Oliver that my only chance of release was to talk about these areas and let them understand and advice for future treatment/help outside of the hospital. Furthermore, I explained, although I want to talk, whenever I try, I freeze up. I get scared, vulnerable. This is when for the first time, I was recommended the following technique:“When you are in a bad place, take a pen and paper, write your thoughts and feelings, Furthermore, bring them back to me.” Moreover, when this worked, I was then tasked to do the same, but to write about “the thing…” so I set out to do this….. To Be Continued. Thanks for sticking by and reading through this story, it has been a hard one to write,
but the story is as it is… and the next part will be the conclusion to my stay at a mental health hospital. have you read some of my other posts? The Story Of My Spice Addiction The incident at school that led to my hospitalization. Addicted to drugs and then Homeless and finally Now I'm A Homeowner Part Three - How I Got Out Of Kent And Medway Adolescence Hospital And Off My Section [caption id="attachment_13700" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Sectioned under the mental health act aged 18. At Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH) - Lounge, Facing Front Entrance - image taken from the Explore Woodland House Virtual Tour[/caption] How did I end up at Kent and Medway Adolescent Hospital Woodland House? a photo of Li Jean-Luc Harris at Kent and Medway Adolescent Unit, Woodland House Mental Health Hospital If you're asking this question, then you're new to the blog! this is a platform of therapy first discovered by me in hospital and will be discussed later on in the blog post. But before you get there. I highly suggest you read the following posts to get yourself acquainted with me. And so you know the full story of how I ended up at Kent Afnd Medway Adolescent Hospital (Woodlands House) The Incidents at School That Lead to my hospitalisation at Kent And Medway Mental Health Hospital Explore The Days Leading Up to me transferring from Foster Care To My Placement at Kent And Medway Adolescent Hospital How I become homeless aged 18 and addicted to drugs. Now Your acquainted with the past. Let's dive into the next chapter of the story. This is going to be quite a long post so grab yourself a coffee. And prepare for a rollercoaster of a story.  Therapy Sessions With Dr Oliver Continued. As previously explained, Oliver had just handed me over a piece of paper and a pen. Let's try something different. Take these and write everything that you're scared to tell. Or struggle to face. In Face to Face Scenarios. I sat and thought about it but told Dr Oliver I will try it. And that I did. I remember going to the communal areas, finding somewhere quiet, and I sat there thinking of what I could write. How do I explain it? Or if I should even try. But I did, only because I was getting desperate to get out of this place. I Started with the events leading to the situation so the psychologists Dr Oliver could get an idea of my state of mind. And then I told him about the events leading to the biggest self-harm incident that I had done. And the one that is a continuing issue even right now almost 10 years later. I keep promising you the story on "The Thing" which is this event of self-harm, but I'm still closing this chapter and will create that blog post shortly. Once i finished the agonizing reliving of my life. I posted it in his office. (On Site) and I heard nothing for a day. Until I was told I had to attend a meeting with Dr Oliver And a Medical Professional. How Did pen and paper become a therapy for you? Now I knew I could speak out and voice my concerns without facing them directly and at the moment. Allowing me more time to prepare myself for the outcome. And think of responses. So after realising the power of it. I've used it as a platform for communicating my emotions for a while until I stood up in 2017 and launched the blog to make it public. From then on, your support has allowed me to help others and realise. That my realistic goal and aim in life is to help as many people as possible whom have had a poor start in their lives. [caption id="attachment_13702" align="aligncenter" width="604"] Photo of Li Jean-Luc Harris at Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH) - Indoor Meeting Room[/caption] How Did The Professional Meeting go? - what was the outcome? Actually, I don’t know what happened prior. The Professionals would not allow me to the discussion part of the meeting and could only attend to the outcome part of the meeting, but from what I could see, it was not the best of news for me.
I was told of the damage I had caused. I was told I was lucky to survive. Or didn't have other complications, and they referred me to Maidstone Hospital For a medical examination, but I'm not yet aware I'm about to become lost in the system. I discovered later this later on in life. I tried to get out of Kent And Medway Mental Health Hospital! I've co-operated let me out! I've done as you've said, so why am I still being punished? But they set the reality. Even though after 2 months I cooperated and allowed for myself to be checked over. I still can not leave. No matter how persistent I was and then I ended up on a section 3. as guess who tried to discharge themself again. Getting Put onto a Section 3 Under The Mental Health Act Because I wanted to leave again, they placed me on a Section 3 of the mental health act. Section 3 allows for a person to be admitted to hospital for treatment if their mental disorder is of a nature and/or degree that requires treatment in hospital. And Whilst detained under Section 3, you do not have the right to refuse treatment apart from electro-convulsive treatment (ECT) which can only be given without your consent if specific criteria are met. This was because at the time they could not release me as I was still at risk and at the time they created no treatment plans. And the lead clinician was still trying to get my care sorted out back in the community.   The End of my Foster Placement With Carol And John Photo of Li Jean-Luc Harris photo taken at woodland house Kent And Medway Mental Health Hospital! I've written two posts about carol and John already. They are a massive inspiration to me wanting to work in residential child care. As well as fostering in the future. If you want to read more about their effects on my lives, you can use the following links:  My Second Foster Care Placement With Carol And John The Breakdown Of My Second Foster Care Placement       But as we know, all good things end. And I had just found out that my foster carers had to end the placement and that when i was discharged I could no longer return to this Foster placement. Sadly, this is the way social services work. As they deemed me of higher risk at this point. And that Carol And John were no longer suitable placements. This broke my heart and now meant that I would move to complete strangers again and have to build new relationships with another foster parent... (Unknown to me at the time that i no longer could go into a foster care placement...)  Discharge Papers Are In. The Big Day. I was given the discharge papers. In two weeks, I would be allowed out in the community and to get my freedom back! I was so excited about moving and being able to see my family but still not to my knowledge I've got a roller coaster to attend for the next 3 Years experiencing many 16+ Services that the wonderful Kent County Council (KCC) Social Services Had to show me. But right now i was more excited to get back to some normality. And resume with my life goals at the time.  What is Next For Li Jean-Luc Harris? Hi Everyone, what a productive couple of weeks. Both professionally and in my personal life. We've completed the Kent And Medway Mental Health Hospital Series. but this is not the end of the Blog posts in the Mental Health category. Next in Li's Story; we will talk about his other placements within Social Services. I had 4 more placements and then became homeless. I was ripped away from my foster carers, lost my rights and then told i would return to a completely new situation in life. Including Children's Homes And 16+ Transitioning Care / Semi-Independence Placements and how I spent two years in areas that I've never been too before.  How about Jump The Gaps and find out some of my future?  Addicted to drugs and then Homeless and finally Now I'm A Homeowner Spice / Legal High Addiction the Story (1/2) Thanks once again for your time and dedication to my blog. And life. See you in the next one.
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abigailswager · 5 years ago
Brexit process may be entering its fifth act, but final outcome still in doubt
New Post has been published on https://forexfacts.net/brexit-process-may-be-entering-its-fifth-act-but-final-outcome-still-in-doubt/
Brexit process may be entering its fifth act, but final outcome still in doubt
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If it were not for the last minute, nothing would ever get done, but with Brexit, last minutes keep coming without any final resolution. The entire Brexit process, including endless discussions, debates, and prognostications, is fast becoming as certain as death and taxes, but it appears that Boris Johnson, putting all of his “shenanigans” aside, may finally have the votes to make “It” happen, or so say a few insiders.
Although this drama has a way of creating crescendos without the expected and satisfying denouement, once more we find ourselves at “the brink”, and we are being told that a “Deal-Brexit” is close at hand, despite London streets being filled with protesters that object to what the government intends to complete. All the wrangling and threats of job losses, intermixed with the exit of intellectual capital to parts unknown, may finally drop from front-page news. But are we getting the cart ahead of the horse, again?
Where are we now?
After Theresa May had negotiated an initial withdrawal agreement with the EU and then had Parliament send her crashing to flaming destruction, not once, but three times over, the general consensus was that Johnson could do no better. The EU would never consider making any changes. They would prefer that the UK never leave in the first place. But alas, Boris pulled a rabbit out of his bag of tricks, producing a revised agreement on Thursday and demanding a special vote on Saturday.
It was not to be. As the BBC reported:
However, in the first Saturday sitting in the Commons for 37 years, MPs instead voted in favour of an amendment withholding approval of the deal until all the necessary legislation to implement it had been passed.
The vote for an amendment demanding that Johnson adhere to the “Benn Act” was close, 322 to 306. The Benn Act had been passed previously to prevent any overt attempt at a Brexit with “no deal”. The Saturday ruling instructed Johnson and his government to request first an extension from the EU, before there would be any consideration of his bill.
Johnson had already been rebuked once by the Supreme Court for trying to circumvent various requirements under the rule of law, another of this new breed of populist leader that feels compelled to do whatever it takes to get what he wants, even if it means bending the law. Johnson was already on the record, per the Wall Street Journal, that:
He would rather die in a ditch than request an extension”. The NY Times also noted that: “Prime Minister Boris Johnson has adamantly opposed the idea of holding a second Brexit referendum.
May had tried the soft approach. Boris prefers outright aggression.
A letter was promptly drafted requesting an extension, but Boris refused to sign it, his clever way of flaunting the Benn Act. He complied by sending the request, but he also sent a second letter, which he did sign, asking the EU to ignore the first letter. His reasoning is that he needs the pressure of a threatened “No-deal Brexit” to force lawmakers to come to the table and stop dragging their feet. His actual entreaty to the EU states:
A further extension would damage the interests of the U.K. and our EU partners.” Michael Gove, a senior minister in Mr. Johnson’s administration, said to Sky News on Saturday: “We are going to leave on Oct. 31. We have the means and the ability to do so.
The soonest the EU could capitulate would be Thursday, and, even then, a unanimous vote would be necessary to grant an extension. Before any action could be taken, however, the group would need to debate whether to approve or not, and if approved, when to take that action, and how long of a delay to grant. Several EU leaders have spoken out that they do not want further delays, but if they were to delay until April of 2020, that would leave open the option of a new referendum being held on the entire “Leave/Stay” question.
As for what happens next, the Wall Street Journal reported:
Parliamentary approval for the deal, which could come as soon as Monday, would mark a significant political victory for Mr. Johnson and pave the way for the U.K. finally to exit from the EU after more than three years of negotiation and fierce debate. Downing Street would hope to use a win to attempt to race through the final stages of legislative scrutiny of the proposals in time for an Oct. 31 exit.
Does Johnson really have the votes this time around?
It remains to be seen if Johnson’s “double letter” single entendre that disregards the letter of the Benn Act ends up in court and delays the process further still. There are a few legislators that believe Johnson is “in contempt of Parliament or the courts”, a rather unfortunate turn of events, but if ignored, then what other laws may be mangled along the way? Johnson claims that he has complied with the law and that his new deal will be “the greatest single restoration of national sovereignty in parliamentary history.”
The challenge for Boris and his team is to persuade nine lawmakers that voted against him on Saturday to support him on Monday or Tuesday. As a point in fact, 28 lawmakers that voted against May’s proposal are now backing Johnson, and several other recalcitrant Conservatives, who recently exited the party, have come around, too.
As you might expect, there have been many number crunchers busily adding the heads in favor of Boris’s new deal in the background and now believe that he just might pull it off. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corp. on Sunday:
We seem to have the numbers in the House of Commons.
Maddy Thimont Jack, senior researcher at the Institute for Government, has concluded that the government’s deal has “quite a good chance”.
What do the people think?
The forgotten ones in this debating debacle have been the people of Great Britain, who now feel, after three years of deliberation, that the original Brexit vote was a force-put via heavy-handed marketing types that disguised the true consequences that would come with a split from the EU. Last year at this time, protests in the street drew a few hundred thousand citizens. On Saturday outside the House of Commons, rally organizers are claiming that over one million protesters demonstrated in the streets against Boris Johnson’s proposals and the aggressive nature of his political tactics.
As for the people’s reaction to current discussions, “upset” would be putting it lightly. Nigel Farage, the former United Kingdom Independence Party leader and the person responsible for launching the original Brexit campaign in the UK, told Fox News:
We have this big, hard deadline of Halloween, October 31. We are supposed to leave then. It now looks unlikely that we will, so as you can probably imagine the anger that is building amongst British voters is unlike anything I have ever seen before.
The NY Times gathered these comments from a few attendees:
Ollie Lloyd, 42, who was among those protesting: “This is a last-ditch attempt to get them to hear our voices. This is about what kind of country we want to be. Do we want to be an open and tolerant country, or one that is closed off and inward looking?”
Ollie’s father, Gil Lloyd, 68, added: “I am just horrified at the whole thing.”
Dorothy Milosevic, 63: “The whole thing was sold on a lot of lies. Since that morning when we woke up to find that the leavers had won, it is has been gloom and despondency.”
Anoushka Nairac, a student at Magdalen College School: “We came here today because we want to let our voices be heard. My father is an immigrant who set up his own company and provided jobs for citizens. It makes me annoyed; people are not looking at the facts.”
The protest was not a single act by Londoners or the wealthy class, as critics had countered. Support came from all over the UK, as 170 buses delivered protestors from several other parts of the country, including Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland; in Belfast, Northern Ireland; and in Cheltenham, in southern England. Celebrities and former government officials, which included former prime ministers Tony Blair, of the Labour Party, and John Major, a Conservative, were also in attendance.
Concluding Remarks
Mr. Johnson and his staff are expected to appeal for another vote from Parliament as early as today or Tuesday, well before the EU can react to granting any kind of delay. “The quicker, the better” is the thinking at this point or risk one more opportunity for lawmakers to waffle on previous “Leave” commitments.
Will the people’s protest be heard? Greg Brown, 41, an engineer from Middlesbrough, epitomized the feelings of the madding throng: “I am embarrassed to say that there was a big Leave vote in the north east. Europe stands for peace, for multilateral negotiations, workers rights, paternity rights, jobs and free trade. In the three years since the vote, I have not yet heard a decent reason for voting Leave, and here we are standing on a cliff edge.”
One thing seems certain. We will have a vote this week. A “Yes” vote would be a coup for Johnson, but there would follow another process of “further legislative scrutiny”. There will undoubtedly be those that would want to make their mark on the annals of history by proposing an adjustment here or there or even move for a new referendum. A “No” vote would create more uncertainty, and as many pundits have said before, it would be “déjà vu” all over again, “standing on a cliff edge”.
The post Brexit process may be entering its fifth act, but final outcome still in doubt appeared first on LeapRate.
Brexit process may be entering its fifth act, but final outcome still in doubt was first posted on October 21, 2019 at 10:21 am.
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beckustator · 5 years ago
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What a beautiful, outstanding, fantastic Barsac ! This wine is just reaching the beginning of its life. It's gorgeous, balanced, complex and very long. A huge Nairac ! Love it ❤️❤️❤️ #wine #sauternes #barsac #nairac2001 #winelover #winegram #instawine #winecritic #wineoftheday #winespiration #winepic #winetasting #sweet #verygoodglouglou #nairac #bordeaux #bordeauxwine #wellnessforyourmind #yvesbeck #beckustator #barsacforever (à Château Nairac) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-DGZjaJWpo/?igshid=1szimb6lqcg78
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seachranaidhe · 5 years ago
Fresh Nairac link to Miami Showband Massacre in army papers
MoD documents publicly name British soldier for first time
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EXECUTED: Captain Robert Nairac was abducted and murdered by the PIRA in 1977
Previously unseen British army intelligence documents have linked undercover British SAS soldier Robert Nairac to the Miami Showband Massacre.
Three members of the band, including lead singer Fran O’Toole, were murdered when loyalist killers stopped their…
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