#nah graduation costume
unknownshiny · 7 months
just saw two Teletubbies and a penguin
german graduation week my love
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AITA for making my sister change before we went to our cousin’s wedding?
Right, so I (25f) am currently guardian for my sister (16f) because her school is nearer where I live than our parents. She lives with me, sees our parents at weekends/holidays and stuff. My parents pay me rent for her staying here, covering living expenses and stuff. So, my sister and I have a bit more of a parental figure/child relationship than a normal sibling one. We’re chill most of the time, but she’s really annoyed with me over this, and I’m questioning whether I did the right thing.
So, our cousin (31m) was getting married last month, and he and his new husband wanted to have quite a relaxed wedding. What they did specify though was that people should be in “whatever formal attire was most comfortable for you” on the invitations.
I asked my sister if she wanted to come do wedding attire shopping (be that a dress or a suit or whatever) with me, but she said that she already had what she wanted to wear and that she was good. So, I assumed that she had picked something that fit with the theme, because well it’s a broad theme hard to mess up, and didn’t pry further.
When we were getting ready to go though, she came out of her room in what can only be described as Japanese schoolgirl style lingerie. It was a little “dress”, more like a camisole really. It was dangerously short, quite sheer and tbh the whole dressing up as a sexified version of a schoolgirl outfit thing is deeply repulsive to me, so I was not impressed.
I told her that it was a formal event, not a clubbing night, and that she needed to wear something else. She started on about how our cousin said we could dress in whatever we were most comfortable in, to which I replied that I didn’t believe she was comfortable in that outfit to begin with and that he said whatever FORMAL attire we were comfortable in. He meant not to enforce the gender binary, not have people in “pedo-bait lingerie.”
I admit that “pedo-bait lingerie” was a bit too harsh on my end, but I mean really what other reason do they make lingerie like that? Its no different to the “sexy schoolgirl” outfits they make of Western school uniforms, I’m not going to give it a pass because they’re sexualising pre-teens from a different culture. But we didn’t really have time for a philosophical discussion about the ethics of sexy schoolgirl costumes and calling it “pedo-bait lingerie” was poor wording on my part. I didn’t mean that she was attempting to bait in pedos, but that is what she took from that.
Anyway, we got into a fight about whether clothes are inherently sexual or not which was very stupid and went on for far too long, before I said “it doesn’t matter if its inherently sexual or not, the invitation says formal and showing up in that is only going to cause a scene and take the attention away from [cousin and fiancée] on their wedding day, and you don’t want the memory of their wedding to be tainted by people talking about how you kept accidently flashing people, do you?”
At that point she stomped off, and came back wearing a dress she’d worn to our brother’s graduation and then we went to the wedding. She avoided me the whole wedding, and our mother ended up calling me the day after to ask for my side of the story, because my sister had told her that I had slut shamed her and forced her to change. After I explained, our parents are on my side, but idk they do lean more conservative so getting outside opinions would be appreciated.
What are these acronyms?
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kairiscorner · 1 year
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
nah, but i can't be the only one who craves for this shit
vilomah. — miguel o'hara x reader angst (fem!reader)
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summary: vilomah (n.): refers "going against a natural order," that natural order being he should've lived longer than you, but you survived, and he didn't. and miguel knows your pain, grieving, suffering and regret all too well. word count: 1,586
content warnings! mentions of death, survivor's guilt, and self-deprecation up ahead. if you are uncomfortable with these themes, please don't read any further beyond the cut ^^
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life is supposed to follow a natural order; children must outlive their parents, it is only natural, it is only right. then how come life's natural flow abandoned you, stealing your child from you in the cold depths of the night?
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you could remember seeing the unresponsive, sleeping face of your child. he was your only child, your only and dearest child. in that very hospital bed where he called home after not having seen the four walls of his own room for almost a whole year, he breathed your name as he held you close. tubes filled every airway on his face, he was getting thinner, almost unrecognizable to the energetic, cheery young man you knew and gave birth to, raised and loved all on your own.
"mom... i'm hurting..."
those three words, those last three words he uttered with a wince as he tried to face you, as if he were dying after a long battle and came home as a wounded soldier to the sole woman who watched him fight from afar and wished with every fiber of her being that she could just eliminate all his pains, all his burdens, all this hurting that made him want to give up.
and he did.
he left you, all alone, as a mother who nobody could call 'mother' anymore.
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your son's voice haunts you every night when you resign to sleep, when you try your hardest to pry yourself from your loss, from your only reason to keep going, to keep living. ironic, is it not? to give him life and to hope he lives it wisely just to... to watch it fade from his eyes like a candle that went out too soon. maybe you could've met his partner in the future, attended his graduation, comforted him as he freaks out over a job interview, be there to witness his wedding, hold his firstborn, and hold his hand and tell him you love him before your flame is extinguished from the world.
but no, the world never gave you that.
the world took him away from you too early, and you could never hate yourself any more for being around longer than he was. the worst part is, you became a superhero not long after he died. you developed powers that were akin to a stealthy, predatory spider; one that takes lives instead of giving it, one that consumes to prolong its own life without regarding other creatures that it feeds upon.
you became anybody but the mother of a child, you were indistinguishable.
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years passed after his death, and you separated yourself from your loved ones and friends. you got a new place the next town over, it was smaller than your old home, it had a whole new scent, a whole new appearance; it never reminded you of your son. this was good, wasn't it? you could... you could live. but why could you live, and not him?
why did you keep running around in that makeshift halloween costume your son drew for you, the one you made to match him, the only thing you have left that reminded you of him? why? why did you go around saving people when they never ask for it, why do you go about doing the job of thousands of other people all on your own? why do you think you can save other people when you couldn't even save your own son? "pathetic," you muttered to yourself as you tried to ball up the costume, tried to throw it away, tried to push all the memories and experiences you've had in the back of your mind--but who was really pathetic here? who was really the one needing saving here?
an alert came up from your watch that you set down on the coffee table, and you addressed it. it was a call from miguel, a hero like you--well, to call him a 'hero' was pushing it. he came on the other end without his mask on, and he was going to ask you on an update on the situation in your dimension, but he paused when he noticed you looked redder than usual in the eyes, and had your lips pursed. "...is now a bad time?" he asked you with a tone of concern as you responded nonchalantly. "it's good a time as any." and with that, the first drops of tears fell down and stained your pants as you sat down.
"i really doubt that." miguel responded as you sighed. "there's no update on anything, it's the same always, same petty crimes and same offenders. it's fine." you tried to explain as miguel looked at you with a... softer look. "are you... are you thinking about him again?" miguel asked you with faint voice as you place a hand over your eyes as you felt them grow heavier out of the downpour of tears you were going to release again. "no." you said sternly, but it came off so subdued that it sounded like a small cry.
silence filled the room, everything that went unsaid in that exchange had bottled up in you and was released through the tears you shed and never stopped shedding every night you dreamt of holding and seeing your son again. miguel sighed as he looked at you with sympathy filling his face. "i won't pretend i know any better and i... i won't pretend that i feel your pain exactly as how you're feeling it right now, but know that if... you want to talk about it, let it out, i'll always be here for you." he said in a stifled voice as you removed your hand from your eyes to look at him on the other side.
you sniffled and nodded. "th-thank you." you uttered as miguel nodded back. "you can... talk to me now if you want. forget the update, forget those lousy crooks right now. tell me everything you want to say." he said as you looked back at your mask, that very mask criminals see before they're beaten to a pulp and is the face of justice in this city--the very mask your son drew out for you so you two could match on halloween, that mask you wear to keep his memory alive.
you smiled as you reached out for the mask and held it, feeling over it as you chuckled lightly, thinking of how messy your son was with the glue, how he said it had too much of a certain color when he was just jealous it looked slightly better than his costume, all the scary faces you two would make when going door-to-door for halloween...
"he was an angel..." you muttered as tears fell on your mask now. miguel's mouth curved into a small smile. "go on, what, uh... what did he like?" "firetrucks and trains..." you went on as miguel entertained you, being amazed at how well you remembered everything your son was like and what he loved. you shared stories with him, you shared the drawings he made with you when he was still around--you cried, you laughed, you got a little angry at a few things he used to do, but ultimately, you forgave him for everything, because that's the natural order of things.
a kid is supposed to be naughty, nosy, a little ignorant and selfish--and your son was all of that, but he had a heart, a heart that loved you so, loved you dearly, and missed you every day you were away from him. "...i miss him..." you muttered as tears filled your eyes, and surprisingly, so did miguel's. he sniffed back a few tears and swallowed the sadness rising in his throat as he looked up at you again. "i know... but you are so strong for living out the life he couldn't live, never stopping at your new responsibility as a hero. you may be spider woman, you may be my colleague and my friend, but most of all, you were a mother. and that side of you... i can never begin to describe, you are phenomenal." he said with a slight warmth filling his chest, replacing the tide of secondhand and familiar sadness he was experiencing.
"please, if you give up now... if you give up now, he'll be gone forever. please, keep going, let it all out on me if you have to. just please, keep going, and don't let him die a second time." he pleaded with you as you paused and felt like a small hand was on top of yours for a split second, a hand on top of yours that clutched your mask. you turned around, but there was nobody, at least, not physically. you nodded and rubbed at your eyes as you muttered, "okay... okay."
maybe you were never going to be okay, no matter how many times you save somebody or remind yourself he's gone, but maybe... maybe even if you're not okay, no, even if you're not okay, you do deserve to live. you deserve to be happy, to continue living despite outliving your son, and you deserve to be at peace. you may be empty, but empty spaces can always be filled up again; maybe not quite as full as you were before then, but that space in your heart could be filled with some joy, and you know... you know your son would want you to be happy, even if he could only watch over you from now on.
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a/n: i'm not crying, you are.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @fiannee @fictarian @yuridopted0 @jrrantss @arachnoia @melovetitties
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real-jane · 2 years
poorly disguised
[college!steve rogers x reader]
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summary: steve has the same routine every party--hang out with her, stay out of trouble. except it's halloween, and he can't hide how he feels anymore.
warnings: brief angst, and then fluff to rot your teeth. steve is dumb.
a/n: this is pure unhinged silliness. enjoy!
“You look like death warmed over.” 
Your voice makes the hairs on the back of his neck stand up in a way that the fake blood and plastic skeletons fail to; Steve smirks at the empty red cup he’s had clutched in his fist for forty-five minutes so nobody would push him, but then… your finger curls over the lip and you giggle.
“What a party animal.” You flop onto the couch between Steve and a couple who are probably dressed as Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, but it’s hard to tell the way their limbs are intertwined as they suck face. Your arrival jolts the couple and the wolf huffs, dragging his companion off towards the stairs, which are laden with fake spider webs and streamers. The second half of the couch is empty, but you remain plastered to Steve’s side. He clears his throat.
“‘M trying to keep my scholarship,” he mumbles.
“What?” You feign shock. “Don’t tell me Captain Rogers is a goody-two-shoes.” The tease in your tone has no bite to it. You’ve spoken before about how you both hate to drink at house parties, how much it sucks to be pulled into a big event and then abandoned by the people who dragged you there, only to usher them home to their beds. But it’s also why he got to know you. It’s the same routine at every party.
Steve shows up early to scope out a seat and grab a cup. You arrive with your Sorority sisters several hours later, and keep them from hounding him (as they are wont to do, especially after a big game) by being his shadow. You both stay sober, you both show up to class like clockwork, and keep your scholarships.
Trouble is, in all that time… in all the hundreds of Greek-life soirees and fetes and parties and galas and hootenannies and bashes and dances… Steve has become addicted to the feeling of you at his elbow, and there is nothing-but-nothing equal to the little bit of glee which rises in his chest when you arrive, and find him, and tease him. Nobody gets away with making fun of the star quarterback except this girl. And it has to end, because the team has figured him out. It had to end sooner or later, but Steve really thought he’d make it to graduation without having to say goodbye to his crush. But he got caught smiling at you in the stands during the season opener, and that was all it took for someone to call him out in the huddle–Tony, fucker–and the team to dog-pile him with teasing so ruthless that he actually snapped. At the wide-eyed freshman kicker, no less. God, if you only knew the shit they said…
He came to this party fully cognizant that this would be the last time he’d torture himself.
“Nice costume.”
He starts. “I hate Halloween,” he says softly. You are shoved further into his side by two of your Sorority sisters hopping onto the couch beside you to gossip, neither of whom pay you or Steve any mind. You curl your fingers around his elbow.
“Jesus,” you breathe, by way of an apology for nearly sitting on his lap. “You okay, Cap?”
Steve takes a deep breath. He has a choice: ruin your night by being a dick right now, and driving you away for good in the middle of a costume party, or… have the best last night with you possible. He lifts his head to meet your eyes. You’re centimeters away from him, then. 
“What’re you drinkin’?” he asks softly.
You raise an eyebrow. “You’re serious.”
“It’s Friday.”
“We don’t do all this–” you gesture around you.
“Why not? Shit, we don’t have any more Halloweens left in our college career, and I’m bored as hell… no offense.”
You smile and shrug. “I’m not the life of the party, I’ll admit it. You really wanna get drunk.”
“Nah–well. Tipsy, alright, I don’t wanna throw up in the kitchen sink.”
You smack his arm. “I had food poisoning, asshole!”
“Yet you still showed.”
“It was Valentine’s Day! I couldn’t let you fend for yourself! Besides–you literally carried me home.”
“Right. And I don’t have much confidence that you could do the same if our roles were reversed.”
“I’m strong.”
“Prove it.”
You spring from the couch to prove your might, and only then does Steve realize that you are, in fact, wearing a costume. Yes indeed, you sure are. A blue uniform (very loose in the shoulders given the lack of pads) with a big red shield and a white star across the chest. Fishnets–red ones–up to mid-thigh, where they are hanging on for dear life by the grip of a red garter belt. And either red booty shorts, or straight up panties for bottoms. Steve is pretty sure you have something on your feet which resembles shoes, but he doesn’t dare look down for fear of having to drag his eyes back up again. 
You realize he’s staring at you and you look down. “What–you hate it.”
“I’m you.” 
Gingerly, you turn your back to him so he can see for himself… his last name emblazoned across your shoulders. But not like how his looks on his official jersey, screen printed… no, like it’s deliberately hand-sewn the way all you sorority girls make your sweatshirts, like it took you days of stitching to bedazzle the letters.
Steve decidedly does not hate it. The quarterback is dumbstruck. He’s… how can you be so perfect, when he has to end all this? This is the kind of girl he could never deserve. God–he’s wasted so much of your time. He swallows hard. 
“I dunno, I thought my Slutty Steve Rogers costume was a hit.” The gentle smile pulling at your lips makes him wet his own, anxiously. “Fuck, you do hate it–I’ll put on my coat, I’m so sorry–”
Steve’s hand catches your elbow before his brain can make a more coherent choice. He shakes his head. Words aren’t something he can muster–not when he’s trying to talk his dick down. So he just squeezes your arm and nods towards the kitchen. You slide your arm through his grip and pull him behind you, fingers laced with his. He is helpless to do anything else but follow. The house is packed with writhing bodies in various states of undressed and undead drunkenness, so much so that grips your hand like a vice, or else he’d surely be pulled under by the tide of newly-arrived freshman pledges.
You duck through a plastic curtain which looks like a witch’s mouth, and into the kitchen… which is filled with smoke from a fog machine and a spastically strobing light, but blessedly people-free. The counter is littered with bottles and fixins of all sorts. You laugh at the spread.
“Pick your poison!” you shout, over the dissonant organ music, which seems to be coming out of an air vent above the fridge. You use your clasped hands to point at a handle of vodka. “I’m probably gonna do vodka and cranberry juice. Basic, I know.”
Steve shrugs. “Sure.”
“Basic bitch with me?”
“Let’s do it.”
You relinquish his hand and set about finding your own cup. With a marker, you write on the cups–Steve Rogers and Sexy Stevie. When you’ve mixed two very strong vodka-crans, you hand him the Sexy cup, and he narrows his eyes at you.
“What?” you giggle, knocking your cup against his. 
Steve shakes his head at you and matches your deep first sip. He coughs. You don’t, so you grin. “Are we playing games, or what?”
“‘M banned from beer pong, but I’d do something else.”
“Why? Quarterback advantage?”
Steve winces. “No, uh… when I partied a lot, still. I sorta broke the big table at the Kappa house.”
“Shit,” she says, coughing. “That was you?”
“Technically it was Bucky jumping to catch the ball, but…” Steve scratches the back of his neck. “Yeah. We’re both blacklisted. That’s why I stopped drinking so much.”
“Here I am, bullying you into it–”
“No, no. I’ll do it with you,” he says, a little too quickly. “Just not like I used to. The guys are too rowdy and I get sucked back into it too easy. I don’t like that guy I become.”
“Hmm. I really thought you were just kinda…”
“No!” you laugh. 
He smiles. “I did hear a rumor about bobbing for apples in the backyard though.”
“How are you at catching fruit with your teeth, big guy?”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Come on, Rogers.” He pushes past you towards the back door, and he can’t help but smile when your fist curls into the back of his shirt to stay with him. The moment you step into the back yard, you’re hit with the frosty air. Your gasp makes him wheel on you, which in turn causes you to bump into his chest.
“Too cold for ladies without pants on,” he says firmly. 
You shake your head frantically. “It’s refreshing!”
“You wanna dunk your head in some cold water and then get back to me?”
“No, I wanna watch you dunk your head in water, while I stay dry and warm.”
Steve shucks his coat. “You get sick in this coat and you’re dead to me.”
“What a gentleman,” you snicker. But you take the coat happily and slip your arms through the sleeves, leaving Steve to stand before you in just his long-sleeve henley… flushed under your watchful eye, and plenty warm enough for the both of you as a result.
Drink three marks trouble for Steve’s plan to end this little arrangement between you. He can’t remember drink two, mostly because he spent it winning a three-legged race by literally lifting you and running and then soaking up the glory of your win–namely, a cauldron full of something which tasted like apple cider and at least a handle of bourbon. Luckily you shared it (pouring it half-and-half into your cups), because it was strong. But on the third drink… his hands are magnetized to you. And you don’t seem to notice, or if you do, you sure are pretending not to.  You flit around the party as Steve One and Steve Two, and always with Steve’s arm around your shoulder or hands at your hips, or eyes staring at your mouth. Are his teammates there, he wonders? Who knows!
And then you declare yourself tired and slip out of the backyard so quick that Steve has to run to catch up, with two overflowing candy bags in hand.
“Hey! You can’t walk alone, okay?” he huffs, catching up to you as you trace cracks in the sidewalk with your toes. 
“Oh Stevie,” you croon. “We both knew I was going home alone. Huh?” You turn back to pat him on the shoulder. Your eyes are glazed.
“There’s murderers,” he says, so seriously that you giggle.
“I’ll fight ‘em. I’m Steve Rogers, pow pow pow!” 
Steve catches your fist as you bop him in the shoulder, upsetting both bags of candy onto the ground. You make the saddest puppy dog eyes at him and kneel to scoop up what you can. Steve joins you, but he can’t keep his balance on the balls of his feet so he sits back hard, with an oof!
“Careful! Drunky.”
“Not,” he growls.
“Yes we are.” You cup his cheeks. “We’re tipsier than tipsy. Sorry ‘bout it. Shouldn’a won the race, ya cheater.”
“It’s called strategy, sweetheart.”
“You can’t call me that,” you say softly, smile dimming. 
“Sorry. Cap.” He stuffs a fist-full of candies into one of the bags and hands it to you. “There’s more Starburst in this one.”
“My favorite!”
“I know.”
You sit, then, on the cold concrete sidewalk. You dig inside your bag until you find what you’re searching for, and only when you find the silver foil package does your hand emerge once more. 
“These are yours,” you say. Steve shakes his head.
“I hate mint-chocolate,” he says softly. Your expression falls.
“I don’t know what you like.” The admission is so quiet and heartbreaking, that it’s sobering. He’s still tipsy on his feet, but Steve is flush with realization that… oh, fuck. He stands, slowly, and holds out a hand to help you stand up. You take it. He does not miss the way the glassiness of your eyes turns into silver streaks down your cheeks, but he steels himself against it. He’s too drunk to try to put voice to the knot in his stomach.
You hold onto his hand the whole way back to the bungalow you call home with your small cohort of sisters, but you release him the moment your toes touch the front walk. His coat slides down your arms and you hand it back, turning quickly away from him. Steve panics.
“It’s cold,” you sniffle.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why? What are you apologizing for? Hmm?” You peer at him over your shoulder. “We survive these things by pretending, right? It’s a real good costume you’ve got, there, Steve.” The way your voice is soft and sad splits Steve right down the middle. “You almost had me.”
He wants to say something, but what? Nothing would come out right now, with meaning soaked in vodka. He puts his hands in his pockets instead of saying anything at all. You kiss his cheek feather-light. 
“I get it. It’s okay. Thanks for walking me home, Stevie.”
“No, I understand. I told myself a story and I told it too well. I’ll get over it. Just… thanks for making me feel special. While it lasted.”
“You gonna be alright?” he asks, but he hates himself for it. 
You stare at his sneakers for a moment, and then let out a long sigh. “They say things. About who you used to be, before we were… Us,” you murmur. “And you know, it doesn’t even bother me? I just think… ‘sure, but he’s not like that anymore.’ I don’t think you are. Like they say. Or that you ever have been–’m not making any fucking sense.”
“I’m followin’.”
“No, Steven. You’re a really good guy. That kinda guy wouldn’t fuck with me just to get his dick wet, or whatever. I think… you genuinely don’t know what to do with a girl who doesn’t demand anything from you. And fine, if I misread things, I can live with that–”
“Will you let me talk?” he asks softly. You swipe a hand under your nose and shiver. “Shit, can I talk to you inside? You’re gonna get hypothermia and I’ll never forgive myself.”
“Okay.” Your hands shake too much to get the key into the lock (a key which you pulled from your bra, Steve notes as he takes it from you and does the honors), so you rub your arms and follow him inside the house. “Do you want some water?”
“Yeah. Thanks.” Steve follows you into the kitchen and averts his eyes when you stand on your toes to reach for glasses. Instead, he leans against the counter and waits for you to indicate that you’re going to listen to… whatever it is he’s going to say. He has no idea what that is. He set out to end this little arrangement and all he wants to do now is prove to you that he would never do such a thing. Steve is at war with himself, and you seem to see it as you pass him a full glass of water. He holds it up and clinks his glass with yours.
You sit on the counter, head back against the cabinets, and you wait. When he can’t make words come out, you peek at him over the rim of your glass, now empty. “The second they come home, they’ll kick out out,” you warn him. 
Steve nods. “They ought to. The way I’ve treated you.”
“She’s like your little trophy,” he says, mimicking the way Tony jeered at him in the locker room after the game. “She just hangs off your arm–shit.”
“Who said that to you?”
“Stark,” he huffs. “The guys jumped down my throat about it at half time last week. After I looked at you.”
You gape at him. “We made eye contact for like three seconds–”
“Nah, it wasn’t that, I–I talk about you. A lot.” He looks down at the tiles in embarrassment. “Didn’t realize I was doing it so much. Apparently I don’t shut up about it, and now I got you drunk and just proved them all right, and–”
“Hang on. What do you mean by ‘a lot.’”
Steve gives you a pointed grimace. He shrugs. “Stark’s convinced I’ve slept with you more than once–”
“Christ–that’s rich coming from a guy with more notches in his bed posts than he has wood.”
Steve’s eyes snap back to yours at that, and he can’t help but chuckle. “Yeah.”
“Why do you care what Tony Stark thinks?”
“What if he’s right?”
“I do hang off your arm, Steve. I don’t think that’s unfair–”
“But it’s not like that, yeah? I mean–you’re not doing it just to tell your Sorority sisters that you got with the Captain–”
“Oh my god.”
“I’m serious.”
“Who gives a shit?” you laugh dryly. “I don’t care if they think I’ve sucked your dick on the team bus for free tickets, Steven.”
He sputters. “Fuck–”
“Why would I be embarrassed if people assumed I was with you, in any way? What’s there to be ashamed of?”
Steve blinks. 
“Do I embarrass you?” you ask. 
He shakes his head. “No, never.”
“I showed up to that party tonight dressed like a slutty version of you, and that didn’t embarrass you at all?”
Steve stares. No. It didn’t. Nothing about that made him want to pretend he didn’t know you, or need you to cover up. Up until that moment, he had only thought that you must be cold… and also about how fucking hot it was to see you wearing what amounted to his jersey, with some added rhinestones. Steve shakes his head again.
“Not at all,” he says evenly.
“Then what?”
“I wasn’t pretending. To like you. I do. Past all limits of sanity,” he says. “And I spend zero time thinking about it, because it’s the easiest thingin the fuckin’ world. I don’t question why it feels so great weathering every major holiday party, because you’re there. I look for you in the crowd at games, because I know you’ll be there and because I wanna see your face, and I-I–”
“You’re looking for a reason why it isn’t gonna work,” you finish. “Why?”
“I don’t know,” he admits. “It shouldn’t be easy, right?”
“You’re a big dumb idiot,” you say, but you hold out a hand to him. He slowly raises a hand to take it, and you yank him closer. Steve stands between your knees, and braces himself on the counter in resignation.
“I am, aren’t I.”
“The dumbest. I bet you got an IQ of ten.” You cup his jaw and force him to look at you. “I like ‘em stupid though, I gotta say.”
The front door opens distantly with a thump and your eyes get huge. “Go, go!” You shove him towards the back door. “I like you, but if they catch you I am in serious trouble!”
“This is what I’m talking about!” he whispers fiercely. The moment he’s on the back porch, you grab him by the lapels and plant a ferocious kiss on him. It’s all teeth and lips and speaks of unfinished business which is most certainly going to haunt his dick all night long, especially when your tongue finds his, and then you shove him away and slam the door in his face. He stares at the closed door as the porch light goes out, casting him into darkness. 
He pulls out his phone–
He doesn’t have your number. Because he can rely on you to show up to any party Natasha invites him to. Steve has never once needed to get a hold of you outside of your designated time together, except that he’s pretty sure you just kissed him and sucked the last brain cell out of his head, and he’d really like to text you to find out when he can get it back. A small amount of sense kicks in when he hears another voice in the kitchen. He crouches down until the light goes out and then sneaks around the side of the house. Just before he clears the porch, a skeletal hand brushes his shoulder and he jumps about ten feet in the air. 
“Oh my god,” you exclaim as quietly as possible, laughing so hard at his reaction that you double over, dropping the disembodied plastic bone arm into the grass. You have to bite your hand to keep from making noise. For Steve’s part, he braces his hands on his knees to slow his heart down.
“Fucking hell,” he whispers. “What’d ya do that for? I think my heart fell out my butt.”
“I’m so sorry,” you snicker. “I owe you.”
“You’re gonna get in trouble, sweet–shit. Sorry.”
“Sweet-shit, huh? That’s a pretty nickname.” You wrinkle your nose at him, and Steve bites back a laugh. He shakes his head. “Do you wanna see me? Outside of a shitty party.”
“Did you kiss me?” he asks suddenly. 
You nod once. “You definitely kissed me back, though.”
“Good. Good. Okay.”
“So… that’s a yes?”
“Yeah. I do. I don’t have your number though.”
“That’s okay. I’ll give it to you.”
“Now?” he asks.
“When the time is right.” You crook your finger, beckoning him to come closer. Steve does so without hesitation (and also because his body has remembered that it has several gallons of alcoholic beverage cycling through it, so he’s lost all sense of subtlety). He backs you against the front pillar, so anyone looking out the front window can’t see.
“This weekend. Homecoming, yeah?”
“‘M starting,” he murmurs.
“Look for me. And when you find me, don’t look away. Okay?”
“Where will you be?”
“Where I always am,” you say. You kiss the corner of his mouth and attempt to flee back up the steps, but Steve cages you in.
“Just… I’m sorry.”
“I know, bub. It’s okay.” 
Steve tips your chin up, but you smile and duck under his arm, slipping away unkissed.
Steve is feral by the time Sunday rolls around. His locker room pep talk borders on Gladiator-level intensity, and nobody dares tease him thereafter. It’s Homecoming–the biggest game in the entire season, and Steve Rogers stalks onto the field like he’s willing to take on the entire opposing team alone. Hercules against the hydra. And if he finds you? He’ll be unstoppable.
He searches the stands for you in the section you can usually be found in, but there’s no sign of you. Where I always am, you said. He frowns. No, you said you’ll be there, and you will. He can count on you. Steve knows that much.
He pulls the starters into the huddle and defers the team chant to Barnes so he can get his head straight. But instead of putting all hands in… several guys clap him on the back. 
“Cap, shit. Look.” Bucky’s hushed words make Steve peer over his shoulder in a hurry. 
There, at the fifty-yard line, stands a girl in a slightly fancier version of the very uniform he has on. You wear a few more layers of clothing than the last time he saw you, just two agonizing days ago, but that same beautiful smile he’s come to need. In one hand, you hold the game ball. In the other, a plastic skeleton arm. You raise it as the stadium goes quiet, and wave.
“Hey, Rogers!” you yell.
“What are you doing?” Steve hands Bucky his helmet. 
“I think you’re wonderful. And I know a lot of these people think so too!” 
The roar of agreement catches Steve off guard, and several of his teammates pat him on the back once again. You use the boney arm to make the crowd get quiet again, and it works… to the delight of Steve’s teammates, who rumble with laughter.
“Go out with me?”
Steve puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head. Then, he takes even steps forward, towards the weird, beautiful, wonderful girl who isn’t embarrassed to want him. And as much as he knows he ought to be, Steve isn’t mortified by this display. What in the world could inspire such a feeling, when he has a girl like you in his life?
He takes the ball from your hand and whirls it into the crowd, who reacts with an appropriate amount of delight and competition to put hands on it, much to the annoyance of the referee. Then, Steve kisses you. He kisses you until the world goes quiet. Because he wants you, and you want him, too.
“Embarrassed?” you ask against his lips. He smiles softly.
“Not on your life, sweetheart.”
“You better win, now.”
“Nah. Compared to getting you? This is just a scrimmage.”
“Cute, but you do have to finish paying for school, bub. So try.”
“Mmkay. Now can I have your phone number?”
“If you win.” 
He holds your hand until you reach the sidelines. You give his ass a good-luck pat with the skeleton hand. Steve just laughs, and winks.
He wins.
thanks for reading!
my masterlist - my marvel masterlist
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purplesurveys · 2 years
survey by robotease
1. Do you like zombie movies? Eh, not really. I’ve watched only a handful like Zombieland and Night of the Living Dead but otherwise the genre isn’t something I look for.
2. What’s the grossest/worst thing you’ve ever seen in a public restroom? I am easily grossed out by seeing crumpled up tissue in the cubicle trash bins. No matter how innocent they look, I always find it gross; and of course it’s always much much worse when people don’t wrap their stuff properly and I end up seeing bits of the poor thing they tried to wrap.
3. What’s the most wasteful thing you regularly do? I love In the Seom, but I will admit that I spend way too much time playing it in an attempt to top the leaderboards every time.
4. What’s the most difficult apology you’ve ever had to give? Anything I’ve ever had to give my parents because I hate disappointing them. Also any work-related apology because I hate fucking up when literal business is on the line.
5. What’s the worst relationship advice you’ve ever seen? I don’t come across them too often, but I remember the time when my ex’s friend caught wind of an argument we were having at the time and instead of offering something sound, straight up offered that we just break up altogether. Has she not heard of the concepts of ‘trying to work it out’ or ‘giving each other space’ or ‘communicating’? LOL
6. Have you ever volunteered in a hospital? If not, would you ever want to? No and probably not. I wouldn’t have the first clue what to do and will most likely end up being very clumsy...and also very queasy. 7. What was your worst Halloween costume? Some generic pirate costume I picked up from the department store. This was like a decade ago and I didn’t feel like celebrating Halloween at the time lol.
8. Who has/had the worst reputation in your graduating class? I’m not naming names.
9. When was the first time you can remember feeling mature? The first few days into my Big Breakup coincided with me getting hired for my first job, so besides being single for the first time in years I was also slapped with the very realistic feeling of adulting as I had to get 783729334 government documents at once. I still vividly remember the moment I was driving to the next government agency and realizing that This Is It, This Is The Real World.
10. Have you ever had a disappointing Christmas, or any disappointing holiday if you don’t celebrate Christmas? I’ve never had a disappointing Christmas in a sense that it felt like a letdown, but there was maybe one or two Christmases in like the early 2010s when my family wasn’t doing so well financially and I could tell my mom tried her hardest to get at least something for each of us, even though each gift wasn’t much. More than anything I think I just felt a little bad for her, but also grateful and proud that she did everything she could to make sure we still got to celebrate Christmas.
11. Do you have any character bandaids in your house right now, or just plain ones? Nah we just have the plain ones.
12. Have you ever had to give a pet away? No.
13. What’s the junkiest junk food you’ve ever eaten? Fried isaw is the epitome of so unhealthy I would dive into it headfirst.
14. Did you play pretend a lot as a child? Were there any recurring plots or themes? No, was never into the concept of roleplay.
15. How do you feel about runny egg yolks? It’s how I have my eggs. I won’t necessarily always turn away cooked yolk, but like I’ll be less enthusiastic about it lol.
16. Has a teacher ever tried to teach you something that was undeniably wrong? I went to Catholic school so you can just guess the things that we were taught there.
17. If for some reason you had to give up one of your hobbies, which would you choose? Taking surveys? HAHAHAHA objectively it’s the easiest to live without.
18. Have you ever hidden a relationship from your family? Yes. My first and only relationship was completely hidden.
19. How much do you know about first aid? Not much. I wouldn’t be the best person to handle an emergency, although I know that shouldn’t be the case. But idk...I panic too easily and too much.
20. Which of your relatives do you know the least about? My dad’s entire extended side.
21. Have you ever meditated? If so, did it do anything for you? No, it’s not for me. I tried yoga for a quick minute and the only thing I got out of it was more impatience. Great on you if it works, though!
22. Have you ever given advice to someone who was much older than you? Yes. I was my mom’s main adviser when she was mulling over whether to accept her most recent job offer or not.
23. Have you ever used a view-master? Yes! I loved those.
24. Do you ever listen to talk radio or podcasts? If you do, what are some of your favorite shows? I have tried sooooooo many times to love podcasts, but I get so bored of them. My attention span also isn’t the best – if I redirect my thoughts to something else for just a split second, I completely lose track of the recording and what they’re talking about. It’s why I envy people who can listen to podcasts while, like, cleaning the house.
25. When was the last time you got ice cream from a truck? We don’t have ice cream trucks here to begin with, so never. We do have ice cream tricycles hahaha and I haven’t bought from one since the Great Pandemic Era.
26. Are any of your favorite bands broken up or on hiatus right now? I believe Against Me! is on hiatus at the moment, yeah.
27. Do you know any sex workers? If so, how do they feel about their job? I don’t.
28. What’s the biggest art project you’ve ever attempted? How did it go? Just, like, really intricate embroidery templates. Never finished any of them.
29. What kind of wild animals do you see most frequently where you live? Frogs.
30. Have you ever cooked anything other than s’mores over a fire? I don’t think so.
31. Are there any items in your house that you use for something other than its intended purpose? We once used one of our plates as dining table decor, but it’s since been phased out. OH I KNOW – my physical copies of Indigo stand in an unconventional spot in my room, almost like an art gallery piece. It’s separate from the rest of my BTS/solo albums which are all lined up neatly at my merch section.
32. What do you hope the afterlife is like? I don’t believe in an afterlife but if it happens to be real, the only acceptable outcome is being reunited with my pets somehow.
33. What’s the worst behavior you’ve ever seen from a child? Any kid who is vocally upset about a gift while the gift-giver is within earshot is automatically a demon for me. Also any kid who does the opposite of what you say in an attempt to be cheeky or cute...really not the way get my fancy. Also any kid who doesn’t like to share and will FLIP THEIR SHIT when you politely ask them to lend their toy. Man...why don’t I like kids? Lol.
34. Have you ever planned an act of revenge? Nah. Stuff like this can always bite me back in the ass, so it’s just not worth the effort.
35. Do you and your parents share any of the same hobbies? My dad and I have a deep appreciation for food, so we like to try new cuisines and restaurants. My mom and I love watching true crime documentaries.
36. Do you think it’s more exciting or scary to get older? It can be both but I think it’s slightly more scary. Especially when you realize no one actually knows what the fuck they’re doing and we’re all just trying to navigate and not fuck up on our way.
37. How was the reception of the last wedding you attended? I haven’t been to a wedding since 2007 but as I grew older I realized just how fancy shmancy the last wedding I went to’s reception was as it was held at the Coconut Palace. 
38. Do you have any physical photo albums? Yes, my mom made one for each of us all containing baby photos and they remain downstairs, in the living room.
39. Would you feel comfortable working at a sex shop? No.
40. Who was the worst friend you ever had? Athenna was such a volatile person. I never knew if she liked me or if I was one wrong move away from getting cursed at.
41. What’s the biggest sacrifice you’ve ever made? I made countless sacrifices in my previous relationship. 
42. Have you ever campaigned for a political candidate, or otherwise played an active role in an election? Yes.
43. What’s the coolest hand-me-down you’ve ever gotten? What about the best one you’ve ever given? A denim jacket that my dad gave my mom while they were still dating. It holds up fantastically to this day and it’s still my favorite jacket to wear.
44. Do your parents and grandparents get along with each other? Yes. Their relationships as in-laws are also very healthy.
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That is rather sus that Class has a lack of info, even the ones who bought their way into the school had more info.
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Looks like it and then it got expose by Masa Esumi back in the start of 2001 at the age of 9 but after job hunting and working a few more odd jobs; she then became a teacher around 2010.
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That does track but there isn't much going on, and seems there is nothing notable connecting her to my boss but I am at Class 34 right now, maybe something is there...
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Hmm, no...no...no...maybe but no... nah... don't think so, n-.
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oh wait, I think I found something!
'Mieko Kinoshita, the Ultimate Costume Designer of 34
A well known costume designer that was known for making wigs and costumes, very good with various fabrics and even started up her own company. Many of her former collogues remember back then she use to be a very shy girl with low self-esteem issues but after graduating she started to take her talent very seriously.
She had began her company at a very young age and many of her costumes are still being made, she late got married and became Mieko Kamiki, not much is known about her but she might have a child but even then she has kept her life pretty private...'
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That's my bosses surname and looking at the images of Mieko back then, she... she looks familiar...
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I wonder... *opens another tab and then starts to find an image*
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*Makoto puts the image of Mieko and Monaca beside each other, it's identical!*
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Wait, they look identical! So wait, does... does that mean my boss might be Monaca's mom.
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But even then that isn't much to go on, let's see - anything else I can find regarding Mieko...
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Let's see, hmm there's gotta be something here...anything...
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hotarutranslations · 4 months
Shiki Theater Aladdin
I went and saw, Shiki Theater's Aladdin…!
Amazing, amazing! It was fun!
It was too dazzling!
I suddenly decided to go see it🫣🤍
As I was watching YouTube as I always do yesterday, An ad for Shiki Theater came on.. It was an ad for Frozen but, I'm interested in it~~ and I looked it up
Depending on the season, I wondered if the show they were doing would change, Since there are a lot of theaters, right (That's my understanding…🙇🏻‍♀️)
I saw that Aladdin was being performed right now, I was also interested in that…!
Out of Disney movies I probably, watched Aladdin the most as a kid With Aladdin and, the after story..? The shorter anime..? too Uwaa its really nostalgic🥺🥺🥺
With is Aladdin performance, I got a ticket since! The timing was right!
I went and it was really amazing
No matter the stage, I really love the moment the curtain rises but,
On entering the venue, The stage was covered, A curtain? Or is it a projection? Nah, is it a cloth? It was so exquisite I didn't know,
While thinking, how..is it going to start..?
With a, bang!!!
With a showy start to the stage, I was so!!! Excited!!! What do I do, I really like this!!!
Everything was glittering… The costumes to the sets to the voices as well were glittering…
You may be thinking, How can a voice be glittering but, Its a feeling that is only in Disney works, Thats what it felt like on stage
I wasn't in a seat where I could see facial expressions, So the feeling of the voices was good, It was fun following the set as it moved around!
Also with Aladdin, there is magic, right
It was super magical() I'm sorry I can't put it in words well It was amazing magic
Genie! was! Alive on stage😭👏🏻 I was moved by it
Takiyama Hisashi-san played Genie but,
Ah, with this too, Where the names of everyone on the team that day are posted, There were people taking pictures of it, so I went and took a picture before going into the theater🧐
I'm glad I took the picture, I was able to look up right away things like, who is this amazing person? I'm sure I got everyone in the photo so it was like, I see
Genie was really fun😭👏🏻
The world of animation, on 1 stage, Its quite mystifying that it was all on one stage… I was so fascinated by this, I was really impressed
It was fun~~
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(Photo taken during the opening)
It was fun…🫶🏻 It was amazing…🫶🏻
I already want to see it again
I'm glad I thought of it!!!
Tomorrow, Morning Musume '24 will be in Osaka, for the Kenshuusei Recital as guests🐣
Thank you very much🐣
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
June 6th (Thurs) 11:30PM~ Learning Locking from HIYORI-san🕺
Currently on air!
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" April 13th (Sat) at 10:25AM~ Ishida Ayumi Goes~!
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show ~Seiki~" Fukumura Mizuki Graduation Special YokoAri's 2nd Day With Fukumura-san's Graduation Performance
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show" SPECIAL YokoAri's 1st Day With OG Performances
🪩Hello! Project Kenshuusei Happyoukai 2024 6gatsu "Lily"
June 9th (Sun) Osaka June 16th (Sun) Tokyo
🪩The MusiQuest 2024 July 21st (Sun) PiaArena MM
We're challenging a new festival stage❤️‍🔥 Absolutely, Definitely, Thank you for your support❤️‍🔥
🪩Hello! Project 2024 Summer ALL OF US "Vega" "Altair" From July 13th~September 1st Traveling To 7 Cities Nationwide All Hello! Project groups are performing🔥 I don't know anything about how it'll be yet so, I'll tell you when I know more!
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
Also, I want to grow my hair longer
see you ayumin <3
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cambria-writes · 2 years
i met like, a witch seamstress at a costume store once.
lemme explain:
when i was seventeen and in my first semester of college i really wanted a halloween costume to go to school in. thing is that i had outgrown the handmade saria costume my mom had made with me when i was like eleven or twelve and ever since i'd gotten a retainer when i was like 7 or 8 i had stopped trick-or-treating because i basically "couldn't" eat half the candy. (it'll stick to your braces/the rings of the retainer they said, it can make everything come off they said. fucking bullshit but whatever.) so i just. never really dressed up for halloween.
anyways so the fall of 2009 i have a job right, so i'm like, fuck it, i'll buy myself a fucking costume.
so i'm in this store—it was image in! or something like that the name was a pun—and i'm looking around, and the girl behind the counter's like, "are you looking for anything in particular?" and i was, i had in fact looked at the website and spotted the cutest little swashbuckler costume and so i said that, and she was like, "oh cool i have those right behind the counter here, what size are you?"
and like. i'd gained a not insignificant amount of weight since i graduated high school and Went Through Some Shit, so I was like, "uh, large probably, I checked the measurements on the website."
and this woman. this absolutely marvelous woman. heaves herself halfway over the counter and pulls the sides of my jacket away from me, clicks her tongue and says, "nah babe, you're a medium."
gives me a medium, says that if she's wrong i can come back and return it but she knows she's right and just send me off with fucking chocolate and a wink.
bro it fucking fit like a god damn dream. I kept and wore that thing for years after I bought it. it doesn't fit anymore but like.
that woman made the shopping experience so wonderful and pleasant and magical for me and i hope she has a fucking fantabulous life wherever she is.
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littlebowdagger · 2 years
imagine being a stoner and living next to him.
cw: drugs (weed), crack/humor (not the drug), sarcastic pet names (sweetheart, sweet cheeks), 18+ MDNI
characters are aged up!
⌫ you’re a fresh college graduate who moved to an expensive apartment complex, which happens to be the same one pro hero rookie Dynamight moves into. you got the money from your job, a producer.
⌫ you also happen to smoke pot. like a lot of pot.
⌫ katsuki could tell as soon as he walked up the stairs to the door of his apartment, the smell was instant and strong.
⌫ obviously there’s a dumbass living inside or there are no authority around. well, he was right about both of those thoughts.
⌫ anyways, he shrugged it off the first time. but he got real sick n tired of it when he got woken up at six am sharp by that “awful stench.” so he decided to get up and follow his nose. it didn’t take him far, cause he found his culprit right next door. your door.
⌫ he didn’t even have to put on his costume for anyone to recognize the blonde- but to scare the living fuck outta ya, he was going to wait til he came home from patrol.
⌫ how does he know you were gonna be high? lucky guess.
⌫ so katsuki’s excited to go home. not because he can catch a break from idiots he works with but because of you.
⌫ this man doesn’t even park in his spot. he wants to come unannounced and really interrupt your little “smoke sesh.”
⌫ he stomps up the stairs and it hits him, like always. he’s smirking when he knocks on your door. like seriously. he’s all cocky about it and invading your house waltzing around like some disney villain.
⌫ nah, but he is leaning his forearm on your wall while his other hand is on his hip. looking down at you with a sexy smirk, he goes, “hey sweetheart. i’m getting a smell complaint from your neighbors. mind stepping out here, sweet cheeks?”
⌫ oh it’s good. his voice is so good. the door is only 1/3rd way opened and you’re absolutely plastered. you’re astonished, your expression is a mix of shock and a guilty grin. your eyes are almost glued together as you awkwardly clear your throat and stand up straight, opening the door and slightly slamming it behind you when you step out.
⌫ what’s sexy is he knows everything that’s racing through your pretty little brain right now. the way you stiffly step out, anxiously stand there, and if you were truly sober, you wouldn’t be trying to hold in some laughter through it all. he walks around you, taking a mental picture of your cute figure. he doesn’t need to take a whiff, and clearly, he doesn’t need to explain himself any further for his presence.
⌫ “um. sir-“ “have you been smoking weed?”
⌫ he tsk his tongue when you suddenly stand straighter and look away from him. he bends down to meet his face to yours. he’s studying your eyes. it’s obvious, and he could totally arrest you, but now that he’s looking at you; deciding if this angel could learn their lesson, he thinks he’s just gonna scare you sober.
⌫ “no sir. i would never, s-sir-” you busy out laughing. oh great. now you’re on the floor and pro hero bakugou is standing over the neighborhood plug.
⌫ you can’t help it! he just looks so serious and everything he’s saying sounds like it should be in a horror movie. like some police in horror movies. now he’s chuckling but quickly fixing his face to help you off the floor. he’s taking you onto your couch and locking your door behind him.
⌫ he decides to leave a basket of air fresheners and spray cans with a passive aggressive note.
⌫ you don’t listen. but you never do.
should i do other characters?
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queer-cosette · 3 years
nah like the funniest fuckin thing about growing up not in America in the age of the internet where everyone has been somewhat Americanised is that my high school USED to do the whole cheerleader-mascot-spirit-week thing, and I know this because I did swimming lessons at the high school on Friday nights and saw all the banners and posters and shit, but by the time I started there it had been dropped as a concept after one too many April Fools stunts involving a student running screaming into the staff room that there was a bird in the cafeteria, and they’d all get up and come in to catch the bird and it was some dumbass in the parrot mascot costume. and what’s doubly funny is that it wasn’t the first time the teachers cancelled clubs because they were sick of our shit, because my year was given access to a DJ booth to broadcast music to the cafeteria during lunch and on two separate occasions we What’s-New-Pussycatted the whole school with The Final Countdown by Europe and a single Ra Ra Rasputin and they shut the programme down after we graduated. like if you want to know how American high school customs play out in Americanised Not-America, that’s about it.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 2 years
So true! The idea of our pristine queen being an assassin (a messy one at that) is such an irony and hard to believe truth, while Floyd as a hitman is not much a surprise except for his friendly nature. Mafia AU with this is something I would love to see more! Oh if you know Bungo Stray Dogs, this au would work great too since they have mafia, detective, other organizations which also include assassins and such while also have powers with names just as pretty as UM!
Hehe... it's all about ✨️appearances✨️
Actually... BSD isn't quite foreign to me, but I kinda got first taste of the fandom than the anime itself, so I got scared o-o;
I forgot most fandoms around can be horni and yandere lovers on main.
Haha ghost relationship go brrrrrrr
Also... who said I won't keep the magic in the mafia au? Nah man... this takes place in an alternative timeline in twisted wonderland. >:3
But that means no more mafia movie jokes ;-;
The mafia au is an au, where Riddle took it since a young age on the job as an assassin. Because he could risk arrest, he accepted to work with the police as long as the authorities have his records burned.
Kinda reminds me of a certain streamer apartment block
On the other end, we have the eel mafia. While Jade grew more polite and poise, taking over his mother's place as a secretary, Floyd was more rowdy and hard to contain. So he was taught to be a hitman, slowly working for his current position as the head of the mafia's field men.
Both were NRC graduates, but didn't recognize each other once they became college roommates.
In day to day life, Floyd works at a Cafe owned by Azul. While Riddle works as a journalist for the very eccentric Rook Hunt.
Both of them study at the same college, Riddle majoring in law with minor in pharmacy, while Floyd majors in biology with a minor in arts.
Let's say they argue often in their dorm to the point the neighbors knew exactly when they'll start screaming, who breaks something and who stmops away first and slams the door.
The funniest gig is: no one questions how this 2 have a shitton of money, despite their minimal salary.
Really the mafia au is just all gangsta until you see the clown costume... :'3
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WIBTA for asking someone to back off?
(💕, so I can recognize it later)
Okay, so, for context: I (F16) have been dating my partner, B (F17) for a little over a year now. The issue isn’t with her at all, she’s just relevant to the story. 
We know someone through theater, S (F18). S has been part of almost every single theater production that I’ve done in high school (all three of us are on tech, but in different sections for the show—I mainly do lighting, S does costumes and props, B does backstage work.) B and S are also in a different organization that I’m not in, but that B has been doing for longer so S will ask B for help sometimes. S will also ask B to help her out with making props or helping with costumes. 
All 3 of us are also in the same theater class at the end of the day, which is the only extended period of time I get to see my girlfriend at school if we don’t have rehearsal and it’s the only time that the two of us really have that can be “downtime” together (we live in a more conservative area and it’s not safe for us to be out to our families.) 
I don’t mind that S asks B for help, but I can’t help but feel frustrated that S always needs the most help right before one of us (B or I) is going to be leaving/be busy for the near future and not get to see each other. It just feels like I never get to see my girlfriend because S always needs her help. 
I’m probably just being jealous for no reason, but S has been known to flirt with/overstep boundaries with someone in a relationship before. I trust my partner and I don’t think she’d ever cheat on me, but sometimes I wish that we had time together that wasn’t constantly being interrupted by other people—during the musical in the fall, everyone in the booth (myself, B and one other person) would take naps during/just after class before rehearsal. People would see that she was there, or not immediately see her, and it was like the world was ending because she wasn’t available 100% of the time. (Yes, I do know that part of the issue is that neither of us have our own space or homes where we can afford to be open about our relationship, but that’s really not going to change until both of us have graduated—I’m a year below B and S in school.) 
I haven’t said anything to S yet, but I’m considering it. So, WIBTA for asking S to back off? 
What are these acronyms?
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 3 years
photos of the past, videos of the future Chapter 5
On AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35116858/chapters/87958033
Izuku wanted the day over with. The screen continued to flash above his head as people shot glares at Hanta and Mei. Neither looked cowed by them, simply smirking back. How the hell did this happen to him? Seriously?
He just wanted the day over with, wanted everything to go back to normal. But upon seeing Kaminari stall, eyes widening as he stared at the screen caused Izuku to groan.
He would not be going back to normal after everything.
The video began with Izuku sitting in an auditorium, watching a man read names off a scroll. Various people in graduation gowns and hats walked across the stage.
“Kaminari Denki has received a Masters in Electrical Engineering and a minor in English,” the man read off. Loud screaming echoed around the auditorium as a blonde with a lightning bolt in his hair, dressed in a leather hero costume, strutted across the stage. He gave a thumbs up to the crowd, and Izuku stood up, clapping his hands with a wide smile.
As Denki exited the stage, Izuku moved from where he was in the crowd to head through the seats. He jogged down some stairs and headed outside. Outside, Denki already stood, posing for pictures with some kids and other graduates. Upon spotting him, though, Denki jogged over to throw himself at Izuku.
“Iz-Babe! I did it!” He laughed.
“Told you you could!” Izuku replied, hugging the other. Denki pulled away before his hand went into his pocket and pulled out a box. He dropped to one knee, causing the entire crowd to gasp.
“What?!” another graduate yelled as Izuku stared at Denki.
“Izuku, you’ve supported me through this. You helped me get through UA, and you helped me discover that my Quirk counsellor was wrong.” Denki said. “You helped me so much. I was so honoured you accepted my feelings and stayed with me. I just… there are no real words for how much I deeply love you, but I know, I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Please-”
Izuku barely let him continue before he threw himself at Denki. “Yes!” the green-haired hero shouted. “Yes, I’ll marry you!”
Denki laughed, wrapping his arms around Izuku and hugging him tightly. The two barely noticed that the crowd around them was going wild; instead, they just focused on each other. At least until two loud whistles sounded from further away. Denki laughed, pulling away from Izuku to wave at Mina and Eijiro, the two coming over.
“Ahhh!!! He said yes?!” Minda squealed, throwing herself at them. She hugged them both as Eijiro pumped a fist into the air.
“So manly!” he laughed. Izuku shook his head with a chuckle as Mina backed off, wiping at her eyes. “You guys actually going to go to the after-party stuff that you were talking about now, Denki?” Eijiro asked. The blonde shook his head.
“Nah, I wanna go home and cuddle my fiance.” Denki smiled at Izuku, who returned it with a laugh, simply happy to be with him.
When the video stopped, Izuku couldn’t help his mouth. “So I was right! Kaminari doesn’t produce the energy. He takes it in!”
“What?!” Denki called out, staring at him. Izuku barely paid attention.
“It makes sense- the overloading is caused by either not making a proper circuit, or he’s taking in too much. If he produced it all himself, then it shouldn’t overload him,” Izuku said. “Adding stuff to his costume should help with the circuit!”
“Oooh, I can think of a few things!” Mei squealed.
Izuku didn’t notice the look of awe on Denki’s face as the blonde stared at him. Denki couldn’t help it- for years, he’d believed that going dumb was just a side effect or that he genuinely was that stupid. But now, he saw a future where he got a master’s degree, where he had a partner who loved him and supported him. Who helped him.
He now fully understood why everyone else fell right in love with Izuku after watching their futures; even Todoroki appeared softer after being given a phone where someone recorded his video.
Izuku ducked under a swipe from another team who tried to take advantage of the fact they were distracted by their talk. He blinked. “Right, battle, rant about Quirks later.” Izuku nodded. “Huh, I wonder if my fascination with Quirks is also because of my actual Quirk now…” he couldn’t help his mutter as the screen above him flickered and landed on a picture of him in the hall during the alarm. He was looking at a tall blonde teen with strange eyes. The video started soon after.
“Thanks for taking the kids again,” Izuku said into the phone as he cooked at the stove, stirring a frying pan. “They’ve missed their mom, so it’s nice you stepped in… uhuh… yeah, talk to you later.” He reached up to remove his cellphone from where he’d tucked it under his ear to end the call, putting the phone on the counter. A taller blonde man came into the picture, grinning.
“Hey, love!” the man said, going to wrap his arms around Izuku’s waist and kiss his cheek.
“Hey Mirio, just checking in on the kids,” Izuku replied. Mirio hummed, propping his chin on the top of Izuku’s head.
“They doing good?”
“Yeah, spending time with their mom.” Izuku shrugged. Mirio suddenly chuckled. “What’s so funny?”
“Just thinking of how utterly confused the media still is about your divorce. It’s like no one has heard of an amicable one.” Mirio replied.
“They just want drama,” Izuku agreed. “Meanwhile, here I am now fully aware that marrying your high school sweetheart doesn’t always work out. The ones who did were like Kaminari and Shinsou or Ashido and Kirishima- and they all worked at it.”
“It’s selfish to be happy you guys didn’t work out,” Mirio sighed. “But I am.”
“It’s not selfish,” Izuku disagreed. “Selfish would have been you trying to date me while I was with her. Instead, you were my friend and helped me through the divorce. You then took two years to ask me out, babe.”
“I suppose,” Mirio sighed. He still looked guilty, however, as Izuku cooked. They stood in the kitchen for a few minutes, Izuku humming under his breath. “Why did you accept my date?” Mirio asked Izuku.
“Well, I did find you attractive, and we’ve been friends for years. You yelled at Sir Nighteye when you learned about how he treated me on our first day of the internship, and I kind of just fell into your orbit.” Izuku told him. Mirio chuckled, unable to help it.
“Sir… is Sir. He deserved that lecture and me leaving the agency until he fully apologized to you.” Mirio announced. “And got therapy for his narcissistic tendencies.”
“Exactly. Those things drew me to you, and then there’s the fact you fully supported me in my divorce. Few others did- people kept claiming we should just get counselling like we hadn’t already tried for three years, they harped on about the kids and so on. You, though, stood with me. You helped me when I was only getting them on weekends, and you helped me when I received primary custody. The kids love you. You never say shit about their mom…” Izuku sighed. “I don’t blame her for being unable to raise them. She never really wanted kids that early but being pressured so much by everyone…”
“Pressure is a huge thing in your life,” Mirio muttered. Izuku stopped cooking to turn around in Mirio’s arms to wrap his own around the taller man.
“It’s in yours too. Pressure of your teachers to get better where no help was really offered. Pressure to accept Tamaki’s feelings despite you not feeling the same way. Pressure to become the next All Might from Sir Nighteye. You might not have really noticed, but it was there.” Izuku squeezed Mirio’s waist. “And that’s another reason I chose you. Because you understand.”
Mirio smiled and leaned down to press his lips to Izuku’s, the two standing there and slowly kissing until Izuku cursed.
“The food!”
Izuku didn’t feel too shocked by the video, even as he noticed wide-eyed stares from the people around him. Sometimes relationships didn’t work out obviously; whoever he married in that timeline just wasn’t right for him. However, he still felt sad that apparently, a relationship he had ended.
The people so far shown in the videos, though, were worried. They saw each other happy with Izuku, would that change at all? And now they heard about other relationships. It felt strange, knowing this. But also comforting- for even in worlds where they did not find love in Izuku, they found it in others. They all still wanted Izuku, though- having seen the love he had for them and they had for him. But it was nice to know that they could find love in others.
Meanwhile, Aizawa got Mic to write down not to let Midoriya go to Nighteye for an internship, disliking the two instances where Nighteye negatively was mentioned in the videos. Of course, it could change, but he would instead just prevent any trauma or emotional hurt the kid would face.
As the screen above Midoriya settled, Aizawa wondered how many more of his students would end up with the problem child. The photo shown above the head of Midoriya was of him and Aoyama at the entrance exam.
Izuku sat in a bar, laughing with some of his former classmates. Kyoka leaned against an older version of Yaoyorozu, while Hitoshi had an arm wrapped around Neito. Next to Izuku sat a blonde man dressed in a white shirt with ruffles on the front, his hair slightly long and styled elegantly. The man leaned his head on Izuku’s shoulder, smiling.
“And so like Mina and me are going: oh, we need to wait for Uraraka. Yuuga here is like, or Shouji, and we’re like yeah.” Kyoka laughed, a grin on her face. “But then, then Izuku comes into the kitchen, and he’s like: oh, what happened? I tell him, and then he goes, I can help. He picks up the freaking fridge without breaking a sweat!!”
“It was very heroic,” Yuuga cooed, kissing Izuku’s cheek as the green-haired man laughed.
“You guys always forget I have super strength.”
“In our limited defence- you don’t look it, dude,” Kyoka told him.
“I mean, you’re not wrong.” Izuku chuckled. His phone buzzed, causing him to pull it of his pocket to check before groaning. “It’s my PR again.”
“Les crétins doivent arrêter d'appeler,” Yuuga muttered, glaring at his phone.
“And this is why I’m happy being underground; I don’t have PR.” Hitoshi declared.
“What’s the problem now- your refusal to work with Bakugou again?” Neito asked.
“It’s about me,” Yuuga replied. “They do not like that Izuku is involved.”
“...You’ve guys been together since third year,” Kyoka said.
“I thought it second?” Yaoyorozu asked in confusion.
“We went on a date in second, yes, but Izuku here began facing a lot of pressure to date someone else. He didn’t wish to date me while dealing with it out of fear it would hurt me.” Yuuga sighed, giving his boyfriend a look.
“Hey, the comments were incredibly cruel.” Izuku muttered. “And now my PR is saying you’re not good enough for me? That’s bullshit.”
“People say I am too much,” Yuuga remarked. Izuku pulled himself away, dropping his phone onto the table. His hands went up to cup Yuuga’s face, and Izuku made his boyfriend look at him.
“All throughout my childhood, people yelled at me to stop muttering. That I was an annoyance, that I should just exist in the background. People liked to forget that Bakugou and his goons were the ones to drag me into the front by bullying me so much. You Yuuga are not too much. You listen to me. You were one of the first people to listen to my muttering and offer ideas. You kept up with it. You love me, and I love you. The rings on our hands are promises to each other.” Izuku smiled. “You are not too much, and my PR can shove it if they think I’ll back down from bragging about your 24/7.” Yuuga smiled at him and leaned forward, kissing Izuku. It drew cheers from their friends, and Hitoshi raised his phone to snap a photo of them kissing.
“So if I posted this complaining about the engaged couple…” Neito asked, stealing Hitoshi’s phone.
“Do it,” Izuku said before Yuuga drew him back into another kiss, earning laughter from their friends.
Izuku felt his face warm at the video and let out a breath, reminding himself- focus on the game and then freak out about everything else. He could not spiral into a panic right then. He just wanted to focus on the game—nothing else.
“Let’s move,” he told his team, snapping them out of watching the screen. Mei activated the jetpack while Hanta got ready with his tape to pull them away.
As they did so, Yuuga stared at Izuku with wide eyes. That speech, seeing someone think he wasn’t too much it filled him with a bubbling sensation as his heart beat faster.
“Je vais courtiser cet homme,” he decided, staring at Izuku.
“I do not speak French,” Minda said in amusement, “but frankly, if it’s about Izuku, may the best person win his heart.”
“Agree,” Mashario said as Hitoshi coughed above them, blushing.
“Do I want into the hero course now?” the purple-haired teen couldn’t help but ask.
“Hell yeah!” Mina cackled as the screen above Izuku’s head twisted to show a photo of him on the first day of UA again, this time next to a floating uniform.
Hagakure Toru, sitting on top of her team, squeaked in surprise.
Izuku smiled as he sat next to what looked like a floating dress, the stomach area of the dress rounded. He placed a hand on the rounded stomach, a grin on his face.
“A few more weeks,” laughed the floating clothing. Izuku chuckled and leaned forward to kiss the stomach he touched.
“I can’t wait,” Izuku said. “Our own kid Toru!”
“I know,” laughed Toru, ruffling Izuku’s hair from the look of Izuku’s hair. “And we also will now be subject to our kid getting hoped up on candy and sent back to us.” She shot Izuku a look that he simply shrugged at.
“No regret. Todoroki and Iida could stand to let their kids eat more candy.” Izuku declared. Toru snorted.
“They are going to give the kid all the candy,” Toru chuckled. She suddenly sighed.
“I don’t like that sigh.” Izuku frowned. “Don’t tell me you’re worrying again.”
“Hard not to Izuku,” Toru murmured. “I really don’t want the kid to have my Quirk.” Izuku hummed, rubbing her stomach.
“I know you don’t- but well, I don’t want them to have my Quirk either. Or my dad’s if it does pass on like he said it might,” Izuku sighed.
“Neither of us wants the kid to have our Quirk; that’s a drastic change from most expecting parents,” Toru joked tiredly. Izuku grinned and leaned forward, pressing a kiss in midair. Toru sighed. “You always know where to kiss.”
“I do because I see you, Toru. I always see you- and if our kid has your Quirk, I’ll make sure I see them. Just like if they have mine, you’ll go to war for them, to make sure that they know they’re loved and accepted.” Izuku said softly.
“And if they have their grandfather’s?” Toru asked.
“Well, then we’ll both fight for them. Any comments will be torn apart.” Izuku smiled. “I love you and our child- I chose you after all.”
Toru’s body moved forward, and Izuku’s lips became smushed looking. They stopped as Toru pulled back, obviously having kissed him.
“And I chose you.” She told him. The couple sat in silence for a second before Toru gasped. Izuku’s eyes widened as he looked down at the dress. A wet spot appeared on the bottom.
“...I am going to get the bag-” Izuku jumped up as Toru started panicking.
“Oh god, shouldn’t I have felt something? Shouldn’t there have been contractions-”
The screen faded off from there, going back to the photos. Izuku’s pale face and freaked-outlook had all the groups politely avoiding his team for a bit. Even Todoroki backed off- seeing that would freak anyone out.
Toru, sitting on Koji, Rikido and Kyoka,freaked-out look needed a second to bury her face into her hands, screaming slightly into her hands. Partly due to the fact her future self seemed to be going into labour, partly because of the speech Izuku did!
“He really hits you in the feels,” Kyoka agreed, looking at the screen in admiration.
“I’ve never had someone say that!” Toru said, shaking her head. “That they chose me, that they see me!”
“Well, you do now,” Rikido said. “Though none of us are giving up.”
“I’d be insulted if you did!” Toru declared, uncaring the cameras caught her alongside the words. “May the best person win, Izuku!”
Izuku, still freaked out, choked at her words as Aizawa groaned. The teacher was not bothered at all by Mic trying to tell him he’d left the intercom on.
“They need to know my pain. I teach these kids- and almost all of them are in the same class as Midoriya.”
“...I will take you out later when your bandages are off to get very drunk.”
“You better.”
Almost near the end! Last three, in order: Momo, Ochako, Shouji!! This has been a fun ride!
-I kinda went back and forth between the KamiDeku scene and a scene further into the future where Kaminari and Izuku are comforting their eldest daughter who feels dumb because her younger siblings are literal super geniuses. I decided on this because I kinda like the idea of Kaminari seeing this scene, hearing Izuku then talk about his Quirk and BAM. He’s in love.
ALSO. Shoutout to ArissaRuneRaven96- she basically guessed this would happen!!
-Izuku’s ex-wife is up to you guys. But the idea is that they were dating as teenagers and kind of got shoved into a marriage by a lot of pressure from everyone. They had kids early because of this pressure, and eventually they agreed it was better to quit while they were still civil rather then let it fester. Izuku’s wife got custody but found she really struggled with connecting to her kids, leading to Izuku getting full custody. They’re still good friends, and honestly if given time they WOULD have stayed together but society shoved them into it to fast. It led to resentment and anger- which led to them agreeing to divorce rather then end up hating each other.
-Yep, there are other pairings in other worlds! There are lots of various behind the scene pairings that don’t come up- nothing is set in stone here which is what is being proven… which heh, maybe will give Nighteye his wake up call sooner.
-While ya’ll can choose who it was… I did sort of write the bit with Aoyama as Bakugou was the one who Izuku was pressured to date in my mind. Because ‘childhood friends’ and all that. Izuku stood his ground though. Did Bakugou want to date him? No, he didn’t like it either. However, he did not like the idea Izuku picked anyone over him. Superiority complex coming into play here with how utterly not into him Izuku was. The entire thing got messy, and while it bonded Izuku and Aoyama, it destroyed any sort of possible connection Izuku and Bakugou had. Bakugou regrets it thanks to Aizawa kicking him into therapy after all the drama but Izuku is not interested in rebuilding anything thanks to Bakugou apologizing but then doing that.
-I wanted one scene with a pregnant partner, and then I was thinking about how Hagakure might not want an invisible kid and boom.
-Kaminari and Izuku got together after Izuku finally asked Kaminari about his Quirk and learned how wrong his counsellor was. Izuku helped Kaminari with school work and the two discovered that Kaminari did better when it was explained in certain ways. Through this they got closer and fell in love. After the proposal, they decide to elope and get married quickly. Eventually they stumble upon Tomoe and the Twins, taking them in.
-I kinda already explained it but: Izuku confessed to Mirio OFA and everything early on and Mirio was furious enough that he yelled at Sir and left the agency. He took Izuku with him, and they built a strong friendship. Mirio supported Izuku through everything and due to their own stories about feeling the pressure through their lives, they got together after a long time! They’re not married and honestly, Izuku doesn’t want to get married again. Mirio is fully okay with this. He’s the second dad to Izuku’s kids and he’s happy.
-Aoyama and Izuku got together because Aoyama was one of the few who didn’t mind the muttering and enjoyed listening to it. They bonded over this, plus being considered to much and to annoying by their peers. They’re engaged and very happy together- even with Izuku’s PR being assholes.
-Hagakure and Izuku got together because Izuku displayed a knack for being able to see her. It shocked her, and she discovered that from observation alone he could figure out where she was depending on like clothes and the sound of movement. It had her attach herself to him and over time they ended up in a relationship!
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petri808 · 3 years
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Quarantine memories fic hoarding craze for @thenaluarchive
— thank you to @phoenix-before-the-flame for helping jump start this fic 💜
It was Natsu Dragneel’s absolute favorite time of the day. 1 pm for him, and 8 am for Lucy, his… well, right now they were just online friends separated by distance and priorities. But judging by how he talked about her to friends, you’d never know it. They’d met three years ago on Twitch through a random chat stream about an anime series, and he continued following Lucy on her writing streams. Three years ago, she was a sophomore in college while he was in his senior year. Lucy later moved on to a graduate program, but they stayed in touch, growing close. To Natsu, she wasn’t just some girl online but a real friend he cared very much about. His friends called Lucy his online girlfriend. Pfft. He wished he could call her that.
Roughly two thousand miles away, Lucy Heartfilia was hating life. Her curtains were drawn, and a blanket was pulled over her head to drown out the light. The air conditioner was down to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, working against the low-grade fever and pounding migraine born yesterday. Migraines… the bane of her otherwise healthy existence. It was her fault after all, the temptation of a chocolate dessert knowing full well it was one of her triggers brought on said migraine and all she could do was bear it.
“Stupid hoarders!” Lucy groaned to herself.
As if dealing with a pandemic wasn’t bad enough, people’s selfish reactions to it were worse. A government agency had claimed that acetaminophen products could help with the virus’s symptoms, so what did people do? Panic buying anything and everything they could find containing that drug! The problem for people like Lucy, is the one over the counter medication that helped with her migraines was Excedrine… an acetaminophen product! And she’d just. run. out.
Lucy’s phone rang and she knew exactly who it could be based on the time. So, she clicked the answer button without opening her eyes.
“Hey, Natsu,” she groaned out.
“Morning Lucy! Oh geez, you sound like a frog.”
“Thanks,” she retorted sarcastically. “I’ve got a migraine.”
“Ouch.” Natsu genuinely flinched. He rarely got headaches, but this wasn’t the first time he’d talked to Lucy when she was going through one, so he knew what she was going through. “The meds aren’t helping?”
Lucy sighed. “I ran out. And did you see the news about all the hoarding? Every store here is bought out. It… sucks.”
“I could check around here and send you any I find,” he offered.
“Aww, that’s sweet of you Natsu, but I don’t wanna trouble you.”
“Pfft. Nonsense. I’m sure you’d do the same for me.”
“Thanks, Natsu. I appreciate it.” Lucy smiled through the pain. There’s a good reason her feelings for the man had grown over the years. His sweet and caring, yet fun and goofy, positive personality was an easy drug to get hooked to.
“Anyway, I gotta get back to work.” Natsu whined. “Good morning again, stay hydrated, and I’ll check on you again when I’m finished for the day, okay Lucy? Get some rest.”
“Have a good day at work Natsu.”
“Will now, after hearing your voice. Talk to you later Luce.”
She giggled softly. “Bye, Natsu.”
Lucy shifted under her blanket as she clicked off the phone to lie on her back. His sexy voice did wonders for her mood despite the pain still ravaging it. Now all she had to do was drag herself out of bed to eat something and drink water. She never had an appetite when she got these migraines, but it was a necessary fuel to fight it. All Lucy had left were extra strength Tylenol, so she could only hope it would at least take the edge off until the migraine ran its course.
Like so many others, this pandemic had really taken a toll on Lucy’s psyche. It’s not as if she went out a lot before it took hold, but just the fact it made going out dangerous brought different emotions to the situation. School had moved online which sucked all its own, she missed casually hanging out with friends on campus, and simply longed for the freedom of leaving her apartment as she pleased. But she understood the precautions of a quarantine. Frankly, she agreed with the city’s efforts to keep them as safe as possible no matter how many grumbled about it. Did it make it easier? No. But it was a necessary evil.
They weren’t completely trapped, could shop for necessities, visit family or friends, just encouraged to limit such gatherings as a safety precaution. If you went out, wear a mask, and just don’t stand too close to other people. Well, unless Lucy knew the person, why would she want strangers in her personal bubble anyway? And the mask thing? Have you ever been out shopping, and someone just sneezes without covering their mouth? Yeah— seriously, would it kill people to use one?! Why were people so selfish during times like this? Not everyone, but too many. Just like with all the hoarding frenzies that swept through cities, it was frustrating and— “Ugh…” being in a pain-driven bad mood was sure bringing her down today.
But despite all the external frustrations, the feelings of isolation from being in a quarantine for months were probably the most mentally exhausting part. It was lonely being so far away from home during a pandemic. Lucy’s been in college for five years and while she’s made friends in the new city, she was starting to crave comfort instead of an empty apartment. Her life online was one of the few things that made her happy, like Natsu’s daily calls, and kept her sane.
Natsu… her face heated up every time she thought about the man. They didn’t have a lot of hobbies in common, but he was always so supportive and made her laugh like no other could. Where they lacked in commonality, was made up in ease of conversation. It hadn’t taken very long for their online chats to feel more like an old friend and less like a faceless stranger. Over the years they’d talked about meeting in person one day after she finished school. It also helped that he was from a city not too far from where she came from, so if she chose to move back it would be convenient. But she also loved the new city she called home. Oh well, Lucy sighed. It was a decision still a couple of years away to make.
The next morning, Lucy woke up to find her migraine had finally given up. She could still feel the little bastard hiding, simmering somewhere ready to strike, but if it stayed mellow, it was something she could tolerate. Throughout the day, Lucy wasted no time in catching up on the homework she couldn’t finish the day before and making sure to stay hydrated with food in her stomach.
Lucy’s phone rang around 2pm.
“Hi Natsu, how was work?”
“Same ole, same ole,” he chuckled. “And how are you? Still feeling, okay?”
“Yeah, it hasn’t come back.”
“That’s great!”
Lucy could hear a lot of background noise, so she asked about it. “Oh, you’re not home yet?”
“Nah, and the commuters are being extra noisy today,” he responded benignly. “Anyway, tonight I won’t have time to talk cause I got a project due for work I need to finish.”
“Oh, that’s okay. Yeah, I’m still catching up from yesterday too and Levy’s dropping by for dinner.”
They chat for a few minutes about their day as Natsu waited for transportation. Lucy knew he used the subway to and from work, but today it sounded a little different, noisier and she swore there were engines instead of the normal train sounds. Maybe it was static. Finally, Lucy caught the muffled words now boarding.
“Shucks, time for me to go,” Natsu cut through. “Sweet dreams Lucy! I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Good night, Natsu!”
Lucy spent the afternoon relaxing online, chatting with friends and gaming. Her friend Levy McGarden later dropped by with take-out food for dinner and the two women caught up on random topics while movies droned on the television. They were both in grad school, so during the semester there wasn’t a lot of time to hang out, but they made do. Lucy was also doing a paid internship at a local magazine 4 days out of the week as part of her master’s program. She really enjoyed working there under one of the senior editors. He made it a fun learning experience.
Life was almost perfect except for the background isolation of the pandemic. Lucy was glad she wasn’t one of the individuals affected by jobs cuts, but it still got under her skin to feel trapped in a way. It was nice with her friend over... ‘Maybe I should see if Levy wants to become roommates?’ She wondered as she drifted off to sleep. The apartment would sure feel a lot less empty.
A knock at the door roused Lucy from her sleep. She blinked and yawned, looking at the alarm clock and that said 9 am the next morning. ‘Natsu didn’t call,’ she thought how odd. Maybe he slept in after working late.
Lucy dragged herself out of bed, throwing on a robe to answer the front door. “Gimme a sec,” she called out as she neared it.
“UPS delivery, ma’am.” The male voice responded.
‘UPS?’ Lucy grew confused. She didn’t remember ordering anything through them, but maybe she’d forgotten?
She peaked out of the peep hole, but all she could see was the box being held up. Okay a little weird, but some of the delivery people did that to show they were legitimate service people. Lucy slowly opened the door but kept the chain lock on while peering through the gap. But what she saw next brought on instant tears.
“H-How?” Her voice stammered out as her fingers quickly undid the lock and opened the door wide.
There Natsu stood holding a small brown box, dressed in a uniform of sorts, with a mask hanging under his chin, and wearing a goofy grin.
Lucy snorted a laugh as her eyes crinkled in happiness. “Is that a Halloween costume?”
“Yeah,” his smile widened, and hand scratched his head. “Surprise delivery,” Natsu held out the box, “for Lucy Heartfilia.”
“What is it?” She asked as she took it from him.
“Oh, I um found you Excedrine.”
Lucy opened the box to find 4 bottles. “You certainly did,” she laughed. “But why’d you bring it yourself?”
“It was quicker than the mail and… I hoped…” Natsu’s mannerism grew sheepish and tentative, “it was about time we finally met in person?”
Her face softened with a smile. “It truly is.” Lucy gestured into the apartment. “Please, make yourself at home.”
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honeypirate · 4 years
Honey Bee
Bakugou pro hero x pro hero reader 
what happens when Bakugou comes back from his internship, ready to tell you how he feels. 
unedited, old work I’m just posting for the hell of it 
“Hey Honey Bee” his voice saying your hero name sent shivers up your spine and filled your mind with memories “ What are you doing here?” you wrap your arms around him in a hug, excited to see him again since he got back from his sidekick job in America, finally back here to prove he is the number one hero.
 “I thought you just got back! I didn’t expect to see you so soon and not at such a small villain attack” you smile and take him in. He was definitely taller, had broader shoulders, and he now has an undercut and stubble across his jaw. Damn he was still as handsome as ever. “I’m the number one hero so the people should see that I care about them” he smiles at you and your heart skips “and I came to see you, I couldn’t wait” he was being so bold, he’s changed so much in six months, you can tell, he’s more confident in himself. “I’m so glad” you pull him into another hug “it’s so good to see you.  I have missed you so much” he hugs you tighter “I missed you too, Honey Bee” the pictures flashing around you from the paparazzi not even bothering you. 
Six months later the infamous UA graduate and seasoned Pro Hero, was what everyone was talking about, basically tied at number one with Deku. You see Bakugou every day, after two months of being back he opened his own agency and recruited you and Kirishima. You didn’t mind being his sidekick, his quirk works well with yours so it makes sense.  You could secrete from your skin (usually just your palms) a flammable sticky substance that looked like honey, hence your hero name Honey Bee (and although tempted to make your hero costume yellow and black striped you opted for just all black). Plus you guys were best friends, he was always keen on you and would never let anyone be rude to you growing up and in school, you protected each other, so it makes sense you would continue to protect each other now that you were real heroes. 
“I’m gonna ask her out” Kirishima said one day talking to Bakugou. “Y/n, I’m gonna ask her to dinner tonight. What do you think? Isn’t she just the most amazing person you’ve ever met?” Kirishima was crushing hard on you and had been since he met you when you started working together. “Is that right?” Bakugou couldn’t help it his jealousy took over as he stood up and walked out of his office and into yours catching you wrapping up your cases for the day.
 “y/n. Do you wanna get dinner with me tonight?” Your heart started to race “as a date?” You asked in shock “yeah” you can feel a blush creep up your neck and cheeks “I’d love that” you laugh softly and notice the blush on his cheeks “I’ll pick you up at seven” he smiles and leaves your office “not cool man” Kirishima grumbles “I’ve loved her forever” Bakugou says with a shrug
“So why ask me out now?” You question, bringing your wine glass to your lips. “What do you mean?” He asks as he pushes away his empty plate and leans a little more on the table “well, I’ve known you for years. Why now?” He looks at you for a few moments, eyes locked on yours and a gentle smile on his lips. He reaches out and grabs your free hand, playing with your fingers as he spoke “believe me, I was hopelessly head over heels for you in high school. But I knew I couldn’t give a relationship with you what it deserved then, what you deserved. So I said when the time is right, If you’re still available, I’ll look you up. I’ll ask you out. That way You would be able to pursue your dreams freely with no worries about a relationship with me. And if you weren’t available anymore then it wasn’t meant to be. I know that I am ready now, to have a relationship, to work for that. And I want to be with you, if you’ll have me” he shrugs sheepishly and you chuckle softly “Kacchan that was probably the most responsible thing I’ve ever heard you say” he mocks being offended before laughing and shrugging “I’ve grown up y/n. What can I say?” You reach up and cup his cheeky across the small table and smile at him “if you would have told 16yo me that my biggest crush is the number one hero and that he would be confessing over the most delicious chicken meal I’ve ever had, that I would be working as his sidekick at one of the best hero agencies in the city, I wouldn’t have believed you. I would have said ‘nah Bakugou is too mighty for a sidekick. Number one is too busy for little old me’” your thumb brushes his cheek and he reaches up, holding your hand gently as he chuckles. You get an idea and he watches the mischief spark in your eyes as you start to sing quietly, pointing at him with your finger as you dance terribly in your seat  “you loveee me you wanna kiss me you wanna hug me you wanna hold me” he laughs and smacks your hand gently out of the air before grabbing and bringing your hand to his lips, kissing your palm “I do” he whispers, so soft, so vulnerable, it takes all the jokes away as you smile lovingly at the blonde man “me too” you say and laugh when his eyes flick up to yours, shocked that you feel the same. 
“So you’ll be my girl?” He asks and you laugh “it was always you for me, Kacchan” you say with a smile and he beams at you, the happiest you’ve ever seen him. “And to think, Kirishima thought he had a chance” Bakugou said with a laugh as he brings his drink to his lips, wishing he was kissing you instead of his glass but he knows he’ll get to kiss you later, and he’s looking forward to it 
Walking home with him, his arm around you and your arm around him holding him close. “Kirishima wanted to ask me out?” You ask as you turn your face up to him and he laughs “yeah he told me and I figured I had to ask you out first since I was running out of time without realizing” you chuckle “harsh, Katsuki” he leans over and kisses the top of your head “what was I supposed to do? Let him ask you and get rejected? That would have been harder for him”  it’s quiet for a few moments before he chuckles awkwardly “you would have..., rejected him right?” He sounds worried and jealous and you laugh “I would have probably told him I needed some time to think about it before I went and talked to you about it. And if you told me you were fine with it then I would have said yes. You’re my number one choice Katsuki. Always have been and always will be. But if I wasn’t your choice then Kirishima would be an amazing guy to date. He’s a sweetheart”
 he gets gruff as he pulls you tighter against his side “well you are my choice. My only choice. And Kirishima can find someone else because you’re mine” you stop and hug him, burying your face into his neck “how long do I have to wait until you’re gonna kiss me?” You whisper into his ear and a strangled moan leaves his throat as you laugh softly, smiling up at him. He looks at you for a moment before his lips are smashing against yours, over seven years of withheld emotions, longing, pining, you finally got what you’ve been waiting for. Your hands bury in his hair as your lips and teeth clash, his tongue rubbing against yours softly as you slowly match his pace, sucking on his bottom lip before pulling back to catch your breath. “Finally” you say breathlessly when he presses his forehead against yours “finally” he echoes softly 
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Yandere Kirishima With Male reader
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You aand Eiji became friends in your second year at U.A. You were in the more basic classes with him rising to the hero ones.
Still, it never stopped him from making sure you two stayed friends. He was so kind and helpful that when you started to get a crush on him that you just assumed he wouldn't be into you, and let you down as gently as he could.
It had been two years since the two of you had graduated. Both of you adults now, living in your own places.
"I really do miss him." You thought to yourself, "I kinda wonder what would've happened if I had confessed to him.."
Mind you, you were thinking this while walking home from the snack store.
Then you heard him.
"(Y/n)!" His voice sounded panicked and desperate. You turned around to see Kirishima running in his hero costume towards you with pro hero Fatgum and another student you weren't familiar with.
"Kiri?" You question as you start to walk over to him.
Then there's the sound of a roar that shakes you to your entire core.
"Up the fire escape!" Kirishima shouts at you.
You go into the alleyway and do as your told.
The villian was a combination of a lion and human. Like it had been made in a lab somewhere, you looked down and saw Kiri and the other student take it down rather quickly.
The red hed looked up at you from where you stood and gave you a huge smile as a crowd began to form cheering for the trainees.
A dark cloud formed in your heart, this is the life he's destined to have. It can't be with you, you walk down the fire escape and head home.
That night you're trying to sleep, your mind still on the events that took place today when a knock on your window startles you.
You turn go to turn on your light to see Eijirou sitting by your fire escape. You open the window and he comes in your room sitting on your bed. You stand a few feet away from your bed, arms crossed.
"You didn't answer my texts." He says with a serious and dark tone.
"Uh..yeah I figured you were just a little busy to notice." You lie with ease.
"(Y/n)." Kirishima says, "Why were you out today? You know it's dangerous."
You roll your eyes. "Kiri, I may not be a hero but I can still take care of myself."
He looks at you with a dark expression, it lightens up quickly though.
"Yeah," he says his tone returning back to normal. "You're right dude, you're manly enough to take care of yourself." He gets up and stands a only a breath away from you.
"I feel like I haven't been able to spend a lot of time with you." Kiri says in a low voice, your body sends a shiver down your spine.
"We've just been busier lately that's all. School, pro hero training and everything."
"Yeah." Kirishima says, "What if we spend the weekend together?"
"This weekend?" You ask in shock.
He nods and you want to say no. Want to distance yourself from him but...but the broken look on his face would kill you.
"Ok." You sigh out.
So it was settled, that Friday you came over with a bag of snacks and some clothes.
You and Kiri had a pretty good time for the first few hours, played games, watched movies.
It started getting late when he saw you yawn. "I'm getting pretty tired to man, you wanna head to bed with me?"
You nodded again yawning, you looked at your glass of water on the table and took a final sip of it before getting up. As you were walking with him, you stopped and leaned against the hallway.
Your vision blurred together and faintly you hear Kirishima's concern. What was happening to you?
Then you remembered the drink....Kirishima had gotten you it from the kitchen..
Then you blacked out.
When you woke up Kirishima was over you, trying your wrists to the bedpost.
"Aren't you supposed to take someone on a date before doing this stuff?" You ask trying to joke about it. This has to be a prank right? A dream? You're trying your best to think that, but your heart begins to pound in your ears.
Kirishima laughs above you as he finishes his ropes.
"Nah, it's fine just like this." He looks down at you, a manic look in his eyes.
"I know you like me (y/n)." He says
Your heart drops. A thousand thoughts clutter your mind and you look away from him.
"Hey," he coos out grabbing your jaw gently.
"It's ok." He says softly, "I like you too. I always have, that's why I gotta do this," kirishima gets off the bed and looks at his handywork.
"Do what Eiji?" You ask.
"I've got to keep you here, with me. Forever."
You look st him with wide eyes filled with confusion. What is he talking about?
"You see, I keep you safe here, we can be together like a perfect little family. Hell we could even get a dog or something right? It'll be perfect! And once I know you wont leave me I'll let you off the ropes."
"Kiri it doesn't have to be like this," you try to plead with him. "We can be together but nust not like this."
"No, no (y/n). See, this is why I can't get you out of the ropes."
He circles the bed, twice and comes back to your face and kisses your forehead.
"Once you understand that I need to protect you, then I'll let you out but until then."
His eyes are darker now, and you realize that you're in deep shit.
"You're gonna stay right here pebble, and it'll be the start of our lives together."
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