#na na na na na na na na na katamari damacy
mosspodge · 1 year
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Katamari Damacy ocs!!!! look at em go!!!! some little guys!!!! absolutely tiny lads!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!
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alastorgould · 1 month
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Remember that katamari prince cosplay? Well here’s me at a con with it :D
(Unfortunately I didn’t win anything but I spent like $250 at the artist ally lol)
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toongoonharmony · 1 year
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coolritofacts · 2 months
The Most Based Game Ever (short review)
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I bought Katamari Damacy REROLL for two bucks during a Switch shopping spree years ago. Yesterday, I booted it up after a (very persistent) friend told me to play it as a detox, since I've done nothing but play megalithic RPGs for the past few months. It was very fun! The game is short, so I'll try to keep the review short as well.
In case you aren't aware, Katamari Damacy is a game where you roll a ball into things so they stick to the ball and make it bigger so you can roll up bigger things... and that's about it. If that sounds too simple to fill a full game's runtime, you clearly underestimate the visceral satisfaction of watching your ball get really big, and the game's only about four hours anyway, so it doesn't really matter. You roll the ball by pushing both sticks in the same direction and perform every other action by pushing the sticks in different ways. It's more intuitive than it sounds, but if it's too weird for you, there's a more simple control scheme in the hub menu.
In the plot, the King of All Cosmos (the gorgeous, manly, handsome, very large man shown above) totally fucks it by knocking the Moon and the stars out of the sky, and tasks the Prince (the little green guy shown above) to roll up a bunch of balls with things on Earth to replace them, all while calling him a tiny little piss baby bitch the entire time. The Earth shown in this game is really expressive and fun; it represents a very specific brand of absurd comedy that could only come from Japan, which is also reflected by the rest of the game's presentation (which shouldn't be hard to see if you scroll back up to the top). The music in particular is absolutely fantastic, and might be the best part of the whole package. One of the songs pairs one of the most beautiful instrumentals I've heard in a video game track with children loudly singing over it, and it somehow works????? Also, since the in-game humans will only run away from your ball when it gets big enough to roll them up, the game serves a second purpose as a scathing criticism of modern society.
I do have complaints, though. Some of the premises for the challenge stages, while extremely funny, are kind of frustrating, such as the one where the King of All Cosmos asks you to grab exactly one bear to complete a constellation, and any bear or tangentially bear-shaped thing, regardless of size, instantly ends the stage and forces you to slog through loading screens if you want to try for a better score. I got stuck in between some objects and had to jostle some objects off of my ball to escape, which always sucked. Finally, the game is a bit short, but since there's a sequel that I've heard is basically the same game but better, I guess that isn't a very fair criticism.
Overall, this is a really fun little game. I don't know how expensive it usually is, but if you find it for two bucks somewhere like I did, there's no harm in picking it up and rolling with it, especially since it's so short. I might pick up the sequel sometime, but for now, I need to get back to playing my megalithic RPGs. Remember: no matter who you are or where you're from, we are all susceptible to being subsumed into giant balls. (If you're reading this from a very particular group chat, please don't take that last sentence literally.)
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skelevision · 2 years
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katamari is only 30 dollars..... i Need to go to the bank......
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armo-fitgirl · 1 year
I recently suffered one of those earth-shattering moments where you can kind of see everything collapse right before your very eyes... For whatever reason, the song that played in my head was the sad piano overture version of the Katamari Damacy music.
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mochiiknight · 1 year
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Na nanananana na na Katamari Damacy
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yesterdays-xkcd · 1 year
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As far as treachery-as-driving-music goes, Katamari music is matched only by Guitar Hero music.
Accident [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[Cueball driving in a car while listening to some music.] Music: ♫ ♩ ♬
[Another panel of Cueball listening to music while driving. Cueball's head is turned to the right.] Music: ♬ ♪ ♩
[A third panel. Cueball's head is turned to the left.] Music: ♫ NAAAA NA NA NANA NANA NA NA KATAMARI DAMACY ♪ ♩
[Cueball and Megan talking.] Megan: And that's when you veered into the mailbox? Cueball: It looked smaller then me. It was just instinct.
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cellarspider · 6 months
28/30 Katamari Damacy
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[Video description: It's the We Love Katamari soundtrack, specifically Katamari On The Swing.]
You wanna see the dumbest thing you’ve seen all movie? Of course you do. I’ll try to figure out a way it could have worked. Content warning for character death, and a monster attack that I’m mostly not showing because I’m squeamish and y’all are going to have to deal with that. Yes, I, a person who used Pink Flamingos as a cinematic comparison earlier in this series, am squeamish about a scene in Prometheus. Sometimes stuff just hits you different for no discernible reason. 
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Vickers and her lifeboat quarters ejected separately from the Prometheus, so she's wandering around on the surface not that far from Shaw. Both of them are therefore in The Danger Zone when the Engineer ship crashes, intact and rolling along its circumference. Spare a thought for how seasick the Engineer is probably feeling right now, and for David's still-conscious head, rattling around like a coin in a washing machine.
But we only see Shaw and Vickers, as they realize what's coming, and start up run away. …Down the path of the gigantic ship.
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I want to emphasize, both of them do this. Do panicked people make dumb decisions? Yes. Are movie audiences predisposed to being charitable about that? No they are not, the audience expects rationality. The audience needs to be brought down to the perspective of the characters, so that irrational decisions make emotional sense. 
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You need to make people feel the disorientation of encountering something so much larger than you that your sense of space is completely thrown off. It can be done. There's an animal fear in there, where self preservation kicks in and can steer you right or wrong. Something’s too large, or moving too fast to grapple with, or both. Jacob Geller has an excellent video essay covering this topic in video games, for instance.
For movies that do that? The one that comes to mind first is Edge of Tomorrow (2014). The beach landing scene in particular gets you into the perspective of a guy who is not supposed to be there and is completely disoriented, while remaining visually readable. It sticks close to him and his panic. The danger around him is all-encompassing, and he cannot keep track of it all. This overwhelming speed returns at points throughout the movie, leading to points in the theater where I physically leaned away from the screen, like I was in the original audience for The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat. (1895)
And somehow this manages to be tense despite the fact that the man we’re following is Tom Cruise.
[Video description: A clip of the aforementioned scene. I highly recommend Edge of Tomorrow to anyone for whom Tom Cruise isn’t a dealbreaker. In fact, you get to watch Tom Cruise die! In this very clip! It’s a tense, engaging science fiction action movie, with good bits of humor, Bill Paxton as the most unhinged Master Sergeant you’ve ever seen, and Emily Blunt plays a goddamn space marine, power armor and all. As that description may imply, I especially recommend the movie to any 40k enjoyers–it hits a similar tone. You may also find the movie listed under the title Live Die Repeat.]
But no. In Prometheus, we the audience are shown the whole thing. The entire context. And what we see is a couple of morons that seem to believe they can outrun a wheel the size of a small town.
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Neither of them actually think to run left or right. Shaw just trips, and then rolls to the side. The average human does not roll that fast, so it really drives home how unbelievably bad they are at this. Vickers also trips, and gets squished.
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[A clip from The Naked Gun (1988), in which a stand-off between police Lt. Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen) and Vincent Ludwig (Khan Noonien Singh himself, Ricardo Montalbán) ends with Ludwig falling off the side of a stadium before being run over by a bus, a steam roller, and the USC marching band.]
This scene, obviously, does not work. I am, however, stubborn enough to try and workshop how it could have worked.
Vickers needs to be broken beneath the wheel, and to do so in a way that the audience won’t jeer at. We’ve already discussed the issues of having too wide a view of the action, so let’s table that. How could you keep that perspective, while flattening Vickers?
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You do have options. Maybe have Vickers do the smart thing and run off at an angle toward the sun, so she wouldn’t get any looming shadow to tell her when the ship begins falling over until it’s too late. Have her injured in the crash and unable to process what’s going on. Have her escape pod door fail to open, trapping her in the path of the ship. She was part of the corporate machinery, having petty power over others but ultimately trapped by circumstance. Make that all literal. 
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And for fuck’s sake, don’t have the entire ship fall over on Shaw a few seconds later, letting her come out okay because she was huddled near the world’s strongest rock.
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When the narrative blatantly plays favorites, my instinctive reaction is to resent the recipient of the movie’s favor. It feels like they're cheating.
Y'know what would’ve helped here, weirdly? Shaw thanking God for this. It would’ve theoretically been in character! The whole movie runs on christian logic anyway, so why not leave people wondering if there’s a supernatural power at work in the unbelievably fucked up universe of Alien. You’d swing back around to making people wonder what kind of loving god would allow chestbursters to happen.
But no. There is no god. Only the rock. You’re welcome.
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Shaw has a hole in her suit or somesuch, and thus is propelled onward toward the lifeboat, which we know contains her newly-birthed squiddo, trapped in the med-pod room.
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It’s not dead. Of course it isn’t. But what makes no goddamn sense is that it’s gotten massive. Yes, I know, Alien didn’t give an explanation for the embiggening of the chestburster either, but I am willing to give Alien the benefit of the doubt, and Prometheus just showed me a woman get killed by a donut.
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David, possibly cognizant that Shaw is his only chance to not have to drag himself around by the lips, calls her to warn that the Engineer’s on their way to finish her off.
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I waffle on whether this is dumb behavior from the Engineer. I know the movie’s reason for doing this is just to have one last action beat, and an unsatisfying payoff at the end of the film. 
The Engineer spared Shaw before. Maybe that was a tiny amount of sympathy for how she was getting kicked around. She’d die alone on this alien moon, sure, but it wouldn’t be their doing. But the humans got their act together enough to crash the ship. Maybe sparing her was a mistake. Even one of them might be too dangerous to let live, especially when we find out soon that there’s more ships quite close by.
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There was a cut bit here–I’d previously avoided showing these, but why not. The Engineer stopped and looked at the books strewn on the floor. Watched a little of Vickers’ weird screensaver wall, as it played one of the videos included in the transmission David had sent toward the moon during the journey, while everyone slept.
Ironically, most of the human material culture the Engineer gets to see is due to Vicker's disinterest in the mission, which completely failed to consider the fact that it's polite to bring gifts when you visit somebody. Her material comforts becoming the single point of cultural contact. A strange little coincidence, and a little more silent characterization for the Engineer, until David’s voice over Shaw’s radio sets everyone to murderin’.
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But because this movie is allergic to characterization, so we can’t have that. Instead, we are only using their reappearance to hit another horror movie cliché: the bad thing that's gotten back up again. Here, have a clip from Scream (1996), which deliberately did a send-up of the trope.
Originally there was going to be a whole fight scene here, which they took out because they felt it lessened the Engineer. But as it is, they’re still reduced to a big ol’ monster with a scary face that lumbers in and tries to kill the heroine.
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Want to know what’s weird? Both Alien and Aliens solve their final alien problem by opening a door. This is literally the same thing. This is their one weird trick.
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And frankly, I can’t look at it, because what happens squicks me out. So good job I guess, the non-consentacles got me squirming in my seat. When I’ve subjected other people to this movie, I’ve shamelessly muted and walked away for a minute. Maybe at some point I’ll figure out what limit it’s hitting there for me and Litany Against Fear it to pieces, but not right now! Facehuggers are a manageable sort of unsettling, but I do not like the bodyhugger.
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The screenshot hunt for this was not fun, lemme tell you.
So, yes, the last of the Engineers on this planet laid low by their own creation(s), they’re mortal after all, ironic circle of rebirth, yadda yadda, moving on.
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You know what, I’m actually with Shaw right now. Lying face-down and having a cry is a very understandable, human reaction to all this. Good job, movie, you got me vibing with her for about thirty seconds.
Want to see how they screw it up?
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Citations for alt-text rambles:
https://youtu.be/y-pE9j98jP0 da baaa, da ba da ba da ba da doodoodoo dabada daba da–
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cicadacalliope · 2 months
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Snail/Rosina (ro-shi-na)/Calliope/Cicada He/It/They/She/Xe/whatever this shits made up anyways.
This blog isnt always nsfw but it is always 18+. please respect that<3
texmexican indigifreak bifaggot.
if you're white donate $5 to my ko-fi with your username as the note or you're getting blocked for being a freeloading settler.
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Interests atm: Touhou, Vintage Story, Dungeon Meshi, ACNH, TOTK, PDMM, Katamari Damacy, Animals (cats + bugs esp.), Weather + Nature, Plants (currently taking name suggestions for my plant babies).
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I post finished pieces over on my kofi, as well as supporter exclusive things like wips and speedpaints. If you want to help support me please consider tipping me on kofi :)
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i block: hoyoverse, jjba, KnY, SNK, Hazbin/Helluvaboss, Homestuck, Ao3 supporters.
get better taste/learn to read or die mad.
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^^read this over and over again until it gets through your head^^
tag glossary below the cut
txt - any original post with text
foto - any original post with a photo attached
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2huposting - touhou
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alastorgould · 2 months
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Poll isn’t over but it seems the public wants katamari cosplay so here y’all go :3 it’s a work in progress ofc but it’s going good
(Ignore my ugly ass up there I don’t look human)
Feel free to offer any criticism or suggestions as long as they arnt ‘erm overdecorating much 🤓??’
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parasitoidism · 6 months
Naa nananananana na katamari damacy
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cephalofrog · 7 months
side order spoilers
god I love the side order bosses. you've got
marina solo music career
mandatory possessed inkfish battle boss (glowy red eyes ver.)
na na na na na na na na katamari damacy
tower that screams at you
Big Octopus
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topbanana-art · 2 months
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Bana-na-na-na-na-na-na-na Katamari Damacy!
Interrupting Mass Effect sketches
Starting a blind playthrough of We Love Katamari! Live in 30 mins!
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martialgodz · 13 days
na na na na na na na na na katamari damacy
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