#n did half of the first other style heheheheheh
mikkouille · 5 years
0 notes
illiy009-blog · 7 years
170501 Twice Chatting Room
- Who am I~~~
- Oh~~~
- I’m Jeongyeon~~~
- Hello keke
- Have everyone seen the teaser photo Kekeke
- Oh I’m relieved since you said it’s pretty keke
- If I give spoiler...ㅠㅠㅠ
- Team leader will call
- Kekeke Should I change to airport mode? Keke
- Oh~~ Once’s level became higher Kekeke
- You just need to wait two more weeks
- I’m growing out my hair but it’s damaged now that it doesn’t grow any longerㅠㅠㅠ
- Signal is the title of the song Kekeke
- kekekekekeke
- The B-side track... hmm...
- There are a lot of good songs this time keke
- It’s our 4th mini album Kekeke
- Oh kekekeke
- There is whisper* JYP included Kekeke That’s it for spoiler
- kekekekeke I’ll run away Kekeke If team leader call
- PD-nim gave spoiler on SNS too!!!! ㅠㅠㅠ Right? ㅠㅠㅠ
- kekekekekeke as expected, Once is on my side keke
- Once, I miss you too~~
- Let’s meet up soon, We
- It’s going to be released on 15th 6pm, must must stream the song
- kekekeke Stream the B-side track too~~~
- And We wrapped out Singapore concert well and came back ke
- Singapore is very beautiful~~
- Everyone, please take care of your health
- I catch a cold too
- My running nose is no joke kekekekeke
- Ah Kakaotalk emoticon
- Did you see it?
- We’re at the 3rd place of popularity (emoticon)!!
- kekekekeke I bought it right away too!!
- Sana
- She just bought it keke
- kekekekekekekekekeke
- Got scolded from me kekekeke
- Ohyo Ohyo~~
- kekekekeke
- Those who haven’t buy, buy it soon too Kekeke
- Ohyo Ohyo is Sana’s famous line Kekeke
- kekekekekeke Seems like I don’t use emoticon that often
- kekekekekekeke That’s right, there is no one use kakaotalk
- We’ll upload the proof after this chatting
- Sorry keke  
- I was doing something keke
- kekekeke We’re having a schedule now keke
- That’s right~
- Once, what are you doing keke
- Ah it’s almost exam period Kekeke
- The weather is turning warm
- Let’s fighting together!!
- Should we chat
- Or should we do vlive
- kekekekekeke
- So should we start a vlive~~?
- kekekekeke merong
- kekekekeke
- I want to go to swimming pool
- Of course it’s swimming pool when comes to summer
- I can only do backstroke swim Kekeke
- I learnt how to swim for a short period of time when I was young
- The swimming coach jokingly bit me and it became a bruise
- That’s why I stopped going to the swimming pool after that time kekekeke
- Half-way learning freestyle Kekeke
- (He) said I was not good so he bit me but it became bruise
- My grandma went to find him and scolded him kekekeke
- Our grandma is the best
- kekekekekeke So he said I could attend one more day
- But my grandma said forget it, asked me to stop attending
- The members who can swim keke
- Mina knows how to swim
- kekekeke Maybe it’s because she is penguin Kekeke
- Seems like Tzuyu is afraid of water... keke
- Before debuted, we went to the beach together. Tzuyu is the only one who never went into the sea water Kekeke
- Nayeon unnie is Kekeke
- Definitely can’t kekekeke swimming kekekeke
- Dahyun said she is afraid of water too Kekeke
- Sana knows how to swim too
- Dahyun learnt swimming before but she stopped after drinking a whole lot of water. She is afraid of it after that
- kekekeke Looks like Chaeyoung is good at swimming too
- What I think Kekeke
- Momo is...
- Momo learnt how to swim from Mina before Kekeke
- Mina’s swimming lesson Kekeke
- Jihyo.... looks like she swims unexpectedly well...
- kekekekekekeke
- I’ll ask Jihyo later
- kekekeke What vlive should we do
- recommend
- Who am I
- Who who who am I
- Wow
- Correct
- You guess it right
- ChaengX6
- Who is this Kekeke
- Nayeon is beside me
- I don’t know too kekekekeke
- Who is this?? Kekeke
- Eh? Kekekeke
- It’s Chaeng Kekeke
- Somehow seems like Chaeng will use her shoulders to swim keke
- kekekeke
- Hi Once hehe
- kekekeke Nayayayayayayanan (It’s me) (T/N- Nayeon)
- Nayana Nayana (It’s me) – (T/N- PD101 song, which Nayeon used as the pun for her name)
- Kekeke
- Why suddenly (talk about) swimming?
- I can’t float in water
- How was the teaser, everyone
- I control myself in giving out spoiler this time
- Actually I was a bit sleepy, my eyes were relaxed
- Everyone let’s use Channel- hehe
- It has a feeling of becoming classier
- Anything you’re curious of??
- What is the name for the album, I don’t know
- Looks like team leader is not looking at (chatting room) now
- It’s my chance
- Ask me (questions)
- Retro?
- kekekekekekekekekeke
- Retro kekekeke
- No Kekeke somehow it’s correct too
- kekekekekekekekekeke
- Kind of kekekekeke I don’t know any more Kekeke
- There are new songs included
- You know who’ll sings the chorus part
- I’m excited
- It’s not retro
- I’m a bit guilty (can’t face my conscience) when I said it’s not retro concept
- There is a bit of retro kekekeke
- The choreo is very hard
- You already saw who will start the song
- Anticipate the dance
-고유 나연
- 고유 나연 is away for awhile (T/N: Not sure what고유 나연 in English but Nayeon got this nickname because Twice title song always started with her singing line)
- Middle Nayeon come out (Referring to her singing part)
- I’m promoting youth concept
- Killing part = Twice
- I’m now
- know how to control myself in giving spoiler
- Kekeke It’s very tiring after dancing to Signal
- I want to try short hair
- remove the hair (extension) and I want to have bangs
- But there is comeback
- To me, Jeongyeon is younger sister
- Na Chatting Room
- Kekeke
- kekekeke
- Jeongyeon told me not to cut the bangs
- Isn’t TT instrument sounds very nice?
- Reminded me of concert
- Ah encore concert? Keke
- My favorite title song is TT
- The lyrics is very good
- We finished filming Full Album and the teaser is out (T/N: I don’t know if she mistaken 4th mini album for full album or there is full album)
- Ah Melody project
- How am I going to do with Melody Project
- No time for it
- How am I going to do with it
- Momo is o o friend
- It’s a Secret
- Kekeke
- I didn’t’ give a lot of spoiler
- kekekeke
- Spoiler is a type of promotion too, that’s right
- keke
- I don’t know don’t know
- The reason Signal is the title is
- because of signal
- Ah my hand is itchy
- Walkie-talkie keke There is no walkie-talkie keke
- Explanation of the song kekekeke
- I gave a lot of spoiler but probably you won’t know it now
- It’ll be fun when you find out later
- To be honest
- We’ve been giving spoiler since Sixteen Signal
- Knee kick keke
- Anyway, I don’t know about other things but Signal (choreo) is very tiring TT Everyone fainted after performing once
- Not knee kick
- No... what is yo yo??
- There is no such thing
- Yo Yo No No
- Why are you curious about the first verse
- Ohyo is not spoiler
- It’s Signal
- Signal is tiring
- I’ll telling you that it’s the most tiring
- (T/N I’m not sure what Nayeon is saying...TT)
- Jihyo need to do her best too
- 2X speed ha...
- Really to be honest, Signal (choreo) is too difficult
- It’s tiring even when I think of it
- Of course, Signal
- kekekekekeke
- Kekeke
- Aigoo already raging since I gave out spoiler
- I can’t keep chatting  
- I’ll go first
- This is not what I want TT
- Who am I
- I received this
- Hint, shoulders
- kekekekekekeke
- Anything you would like to ask me?
- I need to grow my hair longer
- kekekeke
- We will be having a showcase
- You ruined your exam? Don’t blame yourself!!!
- I’ll be more grown up (more mature looking) if I grow out my hair
- hehehehehehe
- Doenjang soup is very delicious (Soybean paste soup)
- Have army stew
- V 2,,, I’ll think about it
- I’ll have watermelon when the weather is warm, (I’ll have) something like fruits
- My famous line is
- It’s not bad~~~???
- kekekekekekeke
- Jihyo unnie is having fruits deliciously next to me
- Oh she gave me one
- kekekeke
- Jihyo’s word = Condition is not bad~~~#??
- Grapes, Orange, cherry tomato
- Hello~~ Now, it’s Tzuyu
- Have a chat with Tzuyu
- kekekeke Just waiting for our turn for filming
- I’m bit of slow, please understand keke
- I had my meal
- I have a new plushie
- I’ll show you next time
- The name is SaengKakJoong (middle of thinking)
- I knew Happy Together recording through news
- Yes~ please watch it
- I’m not sure if I’ll speak well but I’ll do my best for the recording
- The new song this time...you are curious right
- Please anticipate it
- Sana unnie speaks well so I’ll just trust her and do my best in recording
- My part is always good
- Okay I’ll not be nervous
- kekekeke My confident is overflow
- I want to join My little TV again
- Thank you Once
- I’ll happy because there are more people who watched Kim Tzuyu than I expected
- Once, cheer up for today too
- I hope those who haven’t have their meal will have it quickly
- Thank you
- I need to go for make up now
- I need to style my hair too. I’ll come and talk with you all again next time
- Bye
- Bye
0 notes