#myspace bulletins
kennyomegasweave · 7 months
Shipper Tag Game
I was tagged by @foralleternityidiot! Thank you!
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore? Christian/Sean from Nip/Tuck. Letting them go was the first step in me trying to free myself from the demon that is Ryan Murphy and his shows.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one? Eric/Jack from Boy Meets World. I shipped them before I even knew what shipping was. You couldn't tell me shit about them and you still can't. They were, are, and always will be in love. You will never change my mind.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple? So I didn't get into fic until WAY late, like 2008. Which is weird cause I was on message boards and in so many LJ comms, but I just didn't read it. Keeping that in mind, it was Phlochte. I'm not proud but I'm not as embarrassed as I should be. If you knew anything about those two back then, you'd get it okay. lol
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over? I don't actually. I still don't seek out fanart, so I'm not surprised I don't remember the first one I saw.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse? I still have anti-delena and anti-stydia tags on old posts on this account sooo...lol. But I was never in the inbox, messages, comments, or posts of people who actually liked those ships! People just came to me to fight when I would post my hate posts on my own account.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently? The previous answer answers that, lol. But I don't have any currently. I've hit the point where if I love a ship that's not happening and/or I hate the main pairing, I tend to just peace out. I only ever had NOTPs cause I wouldn't quit shows, but now I'll drop them. I keep up with my faves through gifsets with no need to actually watch the show.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read? WangXian. I finished the show in four days and read all five books in five days. I have been OBSESSED for like a month.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs? I will never not have OTPs, lol. Current: CaptainKeen, CharlieBabe, NorthSonic, KhemThongthai, WangXian, Buddie All time favorites: Stelena, Scallison, Matt/Elektra, Amy/Rory, Ian/Mickey, Spashley, TeamWin, PalmNueng, PrapaiSky, Brittana, Pacey/Joey, DeanCas, Graham/Megan, Amy/Lucy Diamond, Webgott
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together? Of course. I have more noncanon ships than canon since gay ships really just weren't happening back in the day. I also have several ships that got together but broke up, which I think also answers this question. The biggest will always be Shane/Carmen. It's been 18 years since Shane left Carmen at the altar and I'm still mad.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting? I'm watching Playboyy and I didn't give a shit about AobPuen and I didn't really care about PromNont but now I'm invested in them both. AobPuen got me in literally one episode. PromNont became intriguing when Prom gave Nont the gun and then it's just built from there.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over? I watched and loved Love Syndrome III in 2023 so obviously I have hella ships from the past that would get me cancelled. I regret nothing.
12. What was your favorite crack ship? I honestly think I've only ever had one crack ship and that was ChanBig and it went from laughing online to "I am fully pretending this was actually happening and Chan and Big are fucking in the sky now, thank you, god bless" in record time.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of? This isn't a fair question since a lot of my ships just don't have fic written about them. But I'm currently all up in WangXian fic.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common? I tend to like ships that are ~unhealthy~ ~toxic~ and ~problematic~. No regerts.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship? Just not talking to each other. I don't need them to agree, sometimes even on anything, but they have to talk. I don't care if they yell, fight, punch each other, whatever, as long as they talk. I don't like miscommunication because of that either. Because if you're actually talking, there's not miscommunication.
Tagging the last five people in my notifications: @theflagscene, @loudspeakeer, @beaucadeau, @bunnakit, @deepbutdazzlingdarkness Feel free to do it or not, no pressure! It's all for fun! <3
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strangerstilinski · 8 months
15 (+1) Questions Game
@m0llygunn and @keeksandgigz thank u a million times for thinking to tag me! hehehe <3
1. Are you named after anyone? i'm named after an actress my dad thought was pretty soooo yeah. thanks dad u fuckin weirdo :)
2. When was the last time you cried? a week or so ago when i was on my period lol
3. Do you have kids? fur babes only for the near future (my niece is such a handful that it honestly terrifies me)
4. What sports do you play/ Have you played? in school i played field hockey, tennis, and cheerleading (all the skirt sports omg) (& i miss field hockey the most tbh)
5. Do you use sarcasm? yes. in fact, i've been told i use it perhaps too much 😇 heh
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? smile/teeth, weirdly enough. i am excellent at those celebrity mouth guessing games — the image just sticks in my head for some reason
7. What's your eye color? blue
8. Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings always (a scary movie with a seemingly happy ending deserves a special prize)
9. Any talents? PG answer..? 🫢 i've been told i'm a good cook/baker
10. Where were you born? lesser-known state in new england 🌲
11. What are your hobbies? very much an 'always reading' girlie
12. Do you have any pets? currently just a cat
13. How tall? 5' or 152cm (ur girl's nickname was half-pint in middle school) 🤧
14. Favorite subject in school? i rly loved the specialty history classes lol (for example: i took one where we compared movies set during certain time periods/historical events with reality, and another that was just focused on europe in the 1920's)
15. Dream job? something that i'm good at? is that too broad and pathetic? bc that's rly all i want
16. In place of #10: What reminds you of home (doesn't have to mean house... just things that remind you of the feeling of home)? pine trees, the smell of rain and the ocean, warm wood-tones, and a garden full of flowers
i tag literally anyone who wants to do this bc i truly don't know who's already been tagged at this point. just mark me down as having tagged you hehe!
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roseblushwrites · 10 months
ao3 wrapped [writer edition]
I know it's supposed to be an ask meme but I am not going to sit here and wait to be asked when I feel like just answering all of them right now! It has been like two decades since I last got to do a MySpace bulletin survey and frankly I miss infodumping about myself!!!
How many words have you written this year? 125,547. Which, quite honestly, does not seem like it could possibly be true.
How many works did you publish this year? 17
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? Probably Lovers in a Fable and Engraved Upon My Heart, they're my two longest one-shots and I managed to get some actual plot in with the smut for once.
What work of yours has the most hits? Lover, Be Good to Me
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? Known in the Ache. It was the first fic I'd posted in 13 years and I was not expecting a single person to notice or care.
Favorite title you used? The Force of Forbidden Love by Jusjuli Doutgods makes me laugh every time I see it still.
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? Hozier.
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? Cal/Merrin
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? This is mean. I'm going to say Cal/Merrin though because they have more content to be inspired by than Jyn/Cassian, and they didn't require me to do the work of making up an OC, like Gale/Tav. So they were just easier to write about.
What work was the quickest to write? I honestly don't remember! I feel like for the most part my one-shots take an average of the same amount of time to write.
What work took you the longest to write? Known in the Ache. I wrote all of it before I started posting, over about five months. The first draft was only from Jyn's POV and was about half as long as the final version - I rewrote almost every part of it for the second draft and added in all the Cassian POV sections at that point.
How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year? Seven, lol. Though most likely at least one of those will get written and posted before this year is over.
What’s your longest work of the year? Known in the Ache, 41,632 words
What’s your shortest work of the year? Watch Me Unfold, 1,963 words
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? For sure Hope to the Edge, my Merrical cowboy AU... but I also accidentally wrote an outline for a smutty one-shot in the urban fantasy Merrical AU setting I thought would never exist anywhere other than my own brain, so also that one.
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? Aside from the obvious ones like "established relationship" and "shameless smut" and tags for various sexual acts that are basically on all of them, the answer to this is probably "consensual voyeurism"
Your favorite character to write this year? I have to say Cal. I have not loved a character the way I love him in yearrrrrssssss. He is just so earnest and I love his journey. And I just think he and Merrin deserve to fuck nasty 🤷‍♀️
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Gale Dekarios. Good lord. I love this sweet man but his vocabulary and speech patterns can be so hard to get right. I think (hope?) I've mostly gotten the hang of it now, but every fic I still have to basically write the version a normal person would say in the initial draft and then "Gale-ify" it on the edit.
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Um... recent developments have me thinking a lot about a Karlach/Wyll/Dammon OT3. I've never written anything like that so it would be a challenge, but I am thinking about it 👀 kind of a lot 👀👀👀
Which work of yours have you reread the most? I actually have no idea. I usually reread everything I post several times in the first day it's up (and spot all the tiny edits I missed or new things I want to change 🙄) but after that I kind of... never look at it again lol.
How many kudos in total did you get this year? 2,433 😭♥️
Which work has the most comments? Known in the Ache, because it's the oldest and longest
Did you do any collaborative works this year? No 😞 maybe next year!
Did you write any gifts this year? Yes I wrote Lovers in a Fable for Sarah aka dangerwillrobinson aka @icapturedthecastle because it was her birthday and I wanted to do something nice for her 🥰 my love language is dedicating smut to my friends
Did you receive any gifts this year? Sarah dedicated free to a good home to me on my birthday because she's the best. clone club 4 lyfe
What’s your most common category? F/M
What do you listen to while writing? Most of the time it's Goodnight Moon ASMR videos because they're always so cozy and comforting but aren't the kind of ASMR that make me sleepy, but also aren't really distracting (which music tends to get for me).
Favorite work you wrote this year? My favorite is usually whichever one I just finished, so Engraved Upon My Heart at the moment.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? I'm going to be annoying and do lines from each character in my pairings. Favorite Cal line: “I know that first one was for you,” Cal panted into her mouth. “But this one’s gonna be for me, okay?” (Bedroom Hymns) Favorite Merrin line: “You bumbled too much for it to be lurking.” (The Force of Forbidden Love by Jusjuli Doutgods) Favorite Cassian line: “It’s okay,” he said. “I’ll keep you warm.”(Known in the Ache ch. 10) Favorite Jyn line: “Can I at least get a knife or something?” (Known in the Ache ch. 9) Favorite Gale line: “Oh, but maybe we’ve already arrived at that point.” (Lover, Be Good to Me) Favorite Tav line: "You might be made of magic, but magic is not made of you." (Engraved Upon My Heart)
Biggest surprise while writing this year? Honestly, that I could still do it 🙏
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skiitter · 1 year
tagged by the beloved @andcosmic
three ships: Silvermerc (Johnny Silverhand/V), Zutara (Zuko/Katara), Dhr (Draco/Hermione)
last song: 'Call Acab' by Sam Stone
last movie: D&D: Honor Among Thieves
currently reading: Golden Son (Book 2 of the Red Rising Saga) by Pierce Brown
currently watching: Ted Lasso, BEEF, The Mandalorian
currently consuming: I'm out of my Beverage Bitch Bevvies rn and it SUCKS.
currently craving: a fucking beverage
taggin’ (no pressure): @cuteasamuntin @simplifiedemotions @sumbul @master-of-strings @vos-videmus
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lascapigliata · 1 year
here are answers to all those music asks bc i did put in the effort to choose a song for each:
links are to my niche playlists. i tried to NOT repeat artists and didn't use ones from my previous answer!
1:A song you like with a color in the title: make them gold (chvrches)
2:A song you like with a number in the title: 1-4-5 (you won't)
3:A song that reminds you of summertime: life's a beach (heymous molly)
4:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about: a wish (gregory and the hawk)
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD: the fisherman's song (mae)
6:A song that makes you want to dance: i just wanna dance (space capone)
7:A song to drive to: at night: brothers in arms (dire straits). day: roll with the changes (reo speedwagon)
8:A song about drugs or alcohol: running to stand still (u2)
9:A song that makes you happy: kiss this (the struts) cut to the feeling (carly rae jepsen)
10:A song that makes you sad: the mortal boy king (the paper kites)
11:A song that you never get tired of: now or never now (metric)
12:A song from your preteen years: i believe in a thing called love (the darkness)
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs: karma chameleon (culture club)
14:A song that you would love played at your wedding: adesa mame (trad. klezmer) OR 1985 (bowling for soup)
15:A song that is a cover by another artist: the boys of summer (the ataris)
16:One of your favorite classical songs: assuming this means like Classical not classic rock: beethoven symphony 7 mvt ii allegretto
17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke: take me or leave me (rent soundtrack)
18:A song from the year that you were born: it ain't over till it's over (lenny kravitz)
19:A song that makes you think about life: i'm not dead (HAWAI)
20:A song that has many meanings to you: gold rush (dcfc)
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title: agnes (glass animals) "gloria" by either laura branigan, van morrison, or the trials of cato. take your pick of glorias.
22:A song that moves you forward: better tomorrows (ya minko)
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to: currently, free your mind (cut copy), in general, ritournelle (tété) jesus of suburbia (green day)
24:A song by a band you wish were still together: the buzzard (love in stockholm)
25:A song by an artist no longer living: stacy's mom (fountains of wayne)
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love: some kind of love (the killers)
27:A song that breaks your heart: weapons (the daylights)
28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love: breakthru (queen)
29:A song that you remember from your childhood: melissa (allman brothers)
30: A song that reminds you of yourself: a better son/daughter (rilo kiley)
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vissenya · 1 year
▬ 𝖦𝖤𝖳 𝖳𝖮 𝖪𝖭𝖮𝖶 𝖬𝖤 ▬ & nine people you want to get to know better
tagged by: @lucarias THANK YOU!! :*
tagging: not tagging anyone because I HAVEN'T BEEN HERE IN AGES AND I DON'T KNOW ANYONE'S USER ANYMORE LOL. but as always, please do this and tag me in it if ya do!
last song: porcelain by moby (it's in the generation electronica spotify playlist ok)
favorite color: pink/purple/lime green PRETTY MUCH EVERY COLOUR?
currently watching: castlevania nocturne!
last movie: we just watched stonehearst asylum, it was OKAY-A! the last movie i saw in theatres was a haunting in venice, it was also OKAY-A!
currently reading: gyo by junji ito, my favourite :)
sweet/savory/spicy: absolutely all three, i will not choose
relationship status: married binches!!
current obsession: SPENDING ALL MY MONEY LOL. and king of the hill. but also my alice in wonderland phase is back in full swing too
last google: jeremy allen white.......... .... .. .. ....
currently working on: trading for customs, and petpages for my neopets!
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morgberrystreet · 1 year
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lets fight! (ง'̀-'́)ง
reblog with ur hot takes & I’ll reply whether or not I agree
I’ll start: Myspace was the best social media to ever exist (not the revamped one the OG one RIP)
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ominous-sunshine · 2 years
Get to know me ( Myspace Bulletin Style <3)
Feeling nostalgic and @cuteasamuntin were waxing poetic about myspace a little while ago. Back in the day, Myspace had a "Bulletin" section where you could post upcoming events but often it was used for silly questions. I am going to do one below. If you want to join in on the nostalgia or just have some fun feel free to take it and make it yours 1. What is your name? Jordan
2. What color shirt are you wearing now? Mauve, but it's a dress :)
3. What are you listening to right now? just some background fans
4. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number? 35
5. What was the last thing you ate? mashed potatoes
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? a greenish blue.
7. How is the weather right now? somewhat sunny
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? probably my mom
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex? probably someone's hair?
10. Favorite Food? bread - but seriously
11. Favorite Drink? chai lattes
12. Favorite Alcoholic Drink? a sloe gin fizz
13. Favorite place to shop? anywhere with cuteasamuntin
14. Hair color: light brown with a hint of red in the sunshine
15. Eye Color: blue in most lights, though some have been fooled into thinking green
16. Do you wear contacts? Not any longer, I just can't do it.
17. What did you do today? worked at home and took a lot of zoom meetings then did an absurd number of searches for myspace style bulletin posts
18. favorite month? September
19. Favorite Fast Food? Taco Bell <3
20. Last Movie you Watched? The Menu. It was pretty alright.
21. Favorite Day of the Year? Feb. 21st
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out? maybe. I mean I have loads of times in the past but I haven't in like 3 years
23. Summer or Winter? Autumn ;)
24. Hugs or Kisses? Both.
25. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla ice cream, chocolate cupcakes
26. Do you want your friends to respond back? Yes! send me yours, lets compare!
27. Who is most likely to respond? not a soul
28. Who is least likely to respond? everyone on this hell site ( affectionate)
29. What books are you reading? All Boys Aren't Blue by George M. Jophnson
30. favorite TV Show? right now - The Last of Us.
31. What's on your mouse pad? well my desk
32. Favorite board game? Terra Mystica
33. What did you do last night? Made paneer Tikka Masla, watched Vox Machina with my brother and was asleep by 9pm
34. Favorite Author? good question
35. Who inspires you? idk man, this is supposed to be a fun quiz. Let's not get too deep.
36. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? lightly salted/buttered
37. Dogs or cats? both are pretty neat but I am probably more of a cat person.
38. Favorite Flower? peonies
39. What do you say when you wake up in the A.M.? fuck, I have to do this again? ( staring at work slack on my phone)
40. Do you still talk to your best friends from middle school? I do not but I wish her the best. We used to send these to eachother back and forth
41. What's on your desk? two computers, two keyboards, one mouse, pens, a planner, a lamp and a lot of little stuff
42. Rock Concert or symphony? Rock concert
43. Play or Opera? Play
44. Have you ever fired a gun? no
45. Do you like to travel by plane? I hate it
46. Right-handed or Left-handed? right
47. Smooth or Chunky Peanut Butter? both have a place in my heart
48. How many pillows do you sleep with? one
49. City and State you were born? woah there, too private
50. Ever hitchhiked? sorta
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oldinterneticons · 4 months
One of the other old blog sites things I really enjoyed was surveys. There were whole communities of people (on Livejournal and Xanga especially, but I think most people associate them with MySpace bulletins) who would write and fill out these long lists of questions and you’d answer them about yourself.
I still have a ton of them saved (I mostly did them in a word doc like a little diary because I was too scared to share a lot of stuff online lol). Would anyone be interested in a side blog of those? Not with my personal answers, but just blank for anyone who wants to fill them in. Idk if the internet has the attention span anymore for that to become a thing again but I really liked ‘em.
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edieblakewrites · 18 days
oh my GOD my FIRST EVER tags to DO things?! LOOK at me go, i'm all KINDS of GROWN UP NOW THX GUYS (sidebar: anyone remember chain mail? and like, myspace bulletins?????) THANK YOU pals @kamaela @winnhoe I'm tagging @fastbrother & @pl0tty & @its-the-allure @phoenixortheflame & @itsphantasmagoria & @faiell & @kk1smet even though you've all probably done this a thousand times I WANNA SEE/READ YO STUFF ALWAYS & FOREVER
The room is dark. Cold. Brick walls and thick metal beams—part of some old warehouse. A pipe drips in a far corner; the air stale and damp. 
“They won’t let you go, you know.”
Harry’s knees ache on the concrete floor. He looks up. 
Malfoy stands looking out of the barred window, his body half in shadow.
“They,” Harry repeats.
And Malfoy must catch the tone because he huffs a humourless laugh. “They. We . . .” He turns towards Harry, moonlight cutting across his pale skin. “Semantics,” he says.
Then lights the room up with a word.
The sudden brightness is blinding after hours in darkness and Harry squeezes his eyes shut. His glasses are gone—whether lost or taken, he isn’t sure—and when his eyes finally adjust, they settle into their familiar blur.
Yet the sharp lines of Malfoy’s face are still striking. 
“The point remains,” Malfoy says, a strange set to his mouth. “You won’t be getting out of here.” 
Harry huffs a laugh. “Not exactly the first time I’ve been told that—”
Malfoy is on him in an instant, a flash of fury, wand pressed hard at Harry’s throat, “This isn’t some fucking game, Potter! They’re going to—!” 
He cuts himself off, breathing hard. A towering height where he stands over Harry. It sends a shock of adrenaline up Harry’s spine.  Something in Malfoy's expression flickers. And all at once, the tension dissolves. All fight leaving Malfoy in a breath. In the drop of his gaze.
He looks so tired, suddenly. Looks sunken and grey. Harry wonders when it was that he last went outside.
When Malfoy speaks again, his voice is quiet—distant: “No one’s coming to save you this time.”
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blenselche · 6 days
So I substitute and listening in on some conversations-- it's just so startlingly sad how hard kids try to appear moral with inconsequential fandom bs lest they get labeled a Bad Person.
There was a group of girls talking about a ship ("so-and-so has videos of it on tiktok can you believe that," etc) that I know for certain one of them doodles all over the backs of her worksheets and the look on her face, thinking her friends would find out she's one of The Bad People, she has to join in on the shit talking or else. And you know these kids all link their profiles together compulsively so she has to either 1. scramble to delete all traces of it off of her online presence and/or 2. never engage with it because her friends might find out. (and secret option #3. loudly hate it as a form of projection, hoping that it'll direct attention away from her should someone suspect her of being a Bad Person who Ships The Bad Thing. Subsequently this might set off the whole cycle again, making another kid feel bad.)
Fandom is supposed to be fun, esp when you're a kid and making foundational experiences and friends through it. It's just depressing.
When I was a kid and a rumor about you spread only your class would know about it. Maybe someone would make a myspace bulletin but that didn't have much reach. (plus, no one cared what you shipped back then, shipping wars were basically: "um, Naruto is a BOY, he can't like Sasuke, weirdo.") But now? A teen's peer group is the whole internet, I can't really blame them for being so on edge I guess.
I don't know. Shit's bleak.
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prettyoddfever · 5 months
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Panic at the Disco (aka Adam lol) posted a myspace bulletin the day before the release of Pretty. Odd. that told fans they could get this "exclusively designed t-shirt" at FYE tomorrow for $13 if they bought the new cd. I heard that fans could still buy this shirt later at FYE superstores for $17.
And then a white version of the shirt was available at Newbury Comics, along with a limited amount of Pretty. Odd. cds that came with an autographed booklet. The white t-shirt was also added to FBR's webstore over a year after the split.
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cyle · 1 year
I see where you're coming from, and I see why Tumblr feels a need to expand, to chase that unsustainable infinite growth. My friends who don't use tumblr don't use it because they don't have an existing community there, and I'm not enough to sway them over. It's a blogging platform at it's heart. I don't think trying to ape current trends in design is going to help. All it is going to do, has done so far, and historically has done is alienate your existing userbase, and fail to draw in new people. In fact, I'd argue that you're making your biggest competitor here. Cohost, is becoming a viable competitor of the back of Tumblr constantly implementing features that make the website more difficult to use and that frustrate and alienate it's userbase. Historically speaking, let's look at other social media that tried to pivot in this way? Myspace was Myspace, and then they tried to pivot to chase the trends of the industry, and it bombed. DeviantArt has been going through this for a while. in 2017 the site refresh launched to make it more similar to other websites, and it was frustrating for old users, removed features people liked, and didn't supplant that with anything new worth sticking around for, so it bombed. And it virtually killed the site with it, it's a shell of its former self. Do you remember twitter stories? Google Stadia, Hangouts, Duo, Bulletin, etc? New Coke?
yeah i'm extremely aware of all of these things, i've been using and studying this internet thing since MSN and AOL chatrooms were the only "social" features of the web. some people i work with have been at this since Usenet was the "social" part of the web. the rise and fall of different platforms are lessons we're always referencing and learning from and trying not to repeat, and learn the best from.
that's why i keep saying that there's a balance at play here between what makes tumblr unique and wonderful and different, which are values of the product, versus what the actual mechanics of the product are. some of the examples you're citing were "bombs" because they didn't have any core value to begin with, just a useful mechanic. or the core value wasn't understood, so it was easy to lose. some of them are cases where they changed the wrong mechanic and it broke the value, and there's no recovery from that.
the balance is successful when the mechanics are working to get new people to realize those core values quickly enough to offset those who don't realize them, or don't resonate with them. because the core values of tumblr aren't for everybody, we wouldn't be different otherwise. like you say: there's no community for them, but why is that? is there a mechanical reason why not? a perceived reason?
this is really difficult stuff, and we're trying as best we can to get it balanced. it's requiring us to try and experiment with some changes that feel really weird to me, as a long-time tumblr user. i hope the benefits of this become more obvious over time. i'm also hoping that some of the very obvious quality of life issues we're trying to address offset the fear that we're just "copying" other sites while ignoring everything else. there's a lot more to come.
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agirlnamedbone · 3 days
ask game: tagged by @hauntanelle :) (you should look up her cover of 'hurt')
do you make your bed: I actually do! bc I mostly work and write from it nowadays.
what’s your favorite number: I have not a favorite number. To name one would be disingenuous.
current job: ok so like: what anais nin was doing when she wrote delta of venus, except on the internet. if you rly care go read the introductory essay :)
if you could go back to school, would you: i plan on it in the near future actually to finish my B.A. in English w/ a Concentration in Creative Writing
a job you had that would surprise people: um I don't think any of them would really. maybe being a cocktail waitress at a strip club. b/c I had to learn to be really mean to men's faces. and they scare me.
do you think aliens are real: somehow someway I can't imagine they aren't
can you drive a manual car: no
guilty pleasure: not guilty about many pleasures anymore tbh...too many years as a hoe
tattoos: one on my right shoulder; a replica of david wojnarowicz's untitled (burning house) from 1982 except the house is black and the flames are red instead of the house being just one color. <3
favorite color: hmm. the color of twilight in northern michigan in the summer i think.
favorite music genre: melancholic or rage-filled non-men mostly i guess
do you like puzzles: not in the material sense. absolutely not actually i always bomb those on aptitude tests or whatever
phobias: fuck idk. i can't look at needles i guess.
favorite childhood sport: committing dodgeball suicide in gym so I could sit in the bleachers and listen to damien rice on my ipod shuffle
do you talk to yourself: only if i'm cussing
favorite movies: too many but let's just say who's afraid of virginia woolf? (1966), sling blade (1996), out of the blue (1980), santa sangre (1989)...
coffee or tea: coffee
first thing you wanted to be when you grew up: either an ice skater or a "singer." tbh it made poetic sense
for those who may remember myspace bulletins, i tag @insleywinsley, @ysatis @notsoterriblymisanthropic
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dokpetra · 2 months
FUCK I miss Myspace
Built in support and enthusiasm for indie music
Fully customizable profile
Bulletins and blog posts
New Picture Comments!
I miss it I miss it I miss it
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
Do you think Jarpad is attractive?
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. I'm not sure if you're asking about merely his looks, personality, or what. I do believe he is a beautiful man inside and out overall. I remember the first time I saw him on in 2009 via that Friday the 13th remake. I said to myself weirdly enough "I'd love to date him, but he'd never like me". After I finished the movie I forgot he existed (a whole 13 years, heh the irony) until 2022 because my sister's guides a couple summers ago wouldn't shut up about the show SPN until.... mine told me to start watching the show. I was more drawn to Jensen/Dean's character I will admit. However, I've learned more about both of them. When I went to Charlotte last year for the con, I felt Jensen's energy was very off and found myself looking at Jared instead, which I found very strange.
I think that Jared needs to be challenged both spiritually and mentally. Yes, he's had his mental health struggles he's spoken about and has his Always Keep Fighting campaign he does, which adds to his beautiful heart and personality. However, something I find he lacks is a spiritual connection. I believe that his lack of experience with the divine or anything "Supernatural" has put him in an interesting position. I haven't heard of him speaking of his connection to "God" or anything spiritually related. He seems a bit uncomfortable with calling signs, well, signs per what he said in his chapter in that book "Family Don't End with Blood". To be specific, I'm talking about the tidbit seen in the page below when he says he doesn't like to talk about signs, their place (or lack thereof) in his life, what they do or don't mean to him, etc.
The way he worded things suggests to me he either is agnostic despite growing up catholic apparently, or he's lost his faith along the way. I personally need to be with someone who is spiritually connected or is willing to become more intuned themselves. I think he wants to be but is unsure. I am willing to bet money some of this goes back to what that palm reader said on a blind date about becoming wealthy but that his love life will suck and wondering "can we switch that?"
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I've also elaborated on these points below here, but I'll say some it it again in this post too.
As for the arrest, don't care at all about it. I've seen WAY worse fights end in no arrest. Only pansies get upset about THAT joke of a so called fight. It isn't the greatest thing to hit someone but guess what, shit happens. Apologize and move on, pretty simple really. I didn't really like how he claimed he was roofied. Where are the toxicology reports showing this? Because it didn't happen... honestly Jared, just own up to it, don't make up stuff about it and move on. Again, pretty simple. He made it a bit more complicated than he needed to in my opinion. He panders to other people too much at times and that's just not necessary. Grow a bit more of a spine and say no more.
Contrary to the people pleasing tendency of his, I didn't love reading about his doxxing people in customer service. It's one thing to complain online, it's entirely something else to post photos of the people involved. I think one of the girls he complained about took her page down due to death threats being sent her way. He certainly didn't think through his actions thoroughly. For someone with his intelligence level and general caliber, I expected a lot more out of him.
I spoke before about how a girl I went to school with wrote cruel things about me on a MySpace bulletin board years ago that got around the school. I wrote to her on Facebook a few years ago saying I forgive her and that I wanted to make peace with her, blah blah blah. About a year after I sent that back in 2021, I found out that in August 2022, she had to get her leg amputated from the knee down and almost died in surgery twice. Words do hurt and can come back around to bite you in the ass. When I read about the doxxing people Jared's done in the past, it did pit a bit of a bitter aftertaste in my mouth seeing this below. I hope this is a way of saying he's learned his lesson on doxxing people and has changed for the better. As the psychic guy said to me and it's 💯 true, higher powers will only allow so much to happen from black magic and such based on someone's karma like car accidents and whatnot (like the one he was in back in April 2022).
Overall, I think he's a beautiful man inside and out but with flaws like anyone else. Thanks for the ask Anon.
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