cthulhuoflongisland · 7 years
"i'm Kate, i love sharks, i'm more goth than Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and i dream about Roadhog's soft titties every single night"
10/10 This is actually what I say to myself every night before I fall asleep
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smodur-archive · 7 years
myrgorph reblogged your photo:dooz3r: That smoke though
I’m glad you’re enjoying it. That was my house and that smoke was from the fire that eventually burned the aforementioned house down.
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iron-sunrise · 7 years
myrgorph replied to your post “Funny, the “Evidence” for Prokopets being lesbophobic is him talking...”
don't you know? every bi person who does not focus their attention on gay people 24/7 is a homophobe or a lesbophobe /s
Oh of course. And if you point that out to them, ONE GUESS as to what they declare you. (OH YEAH THIS ONE’S EASY FOLKS, STEP RIGHT UP)
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zaolat · 8 years
A transphobe who's also an aphobe?? How unexpected /s
color me shocked
[Narrator Voice] In fact, they were not shocked in the slightest.
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nightloop-blog1 · 8 years
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GOD I HATE THAT I KNOW WHAT U MEAN the worst part abt it not only are ppl w apple emoji icons almost always Terrible Disgusting People but apple emojis look like SHIT????? god at least go with an anime icon so that a) your blog is less of a pain to look at and b) i know to Stay The Fuck Away From You
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romanticrobot · 8 years
@myrgorph replied to your post: i relate to griffin mcelroy bc when i went to...
did u find the pipis tho
sadly, no. all i found was a really bad toilet.
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rytfujgkuhhgmjgh · 8 years
myrgorph replied to your post: the phrase “this poppin’ (female, womanly) pussy”...
how dare you make me read this with my own two eyes
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monsterlets · 8 years
calla lily, foxglove, marigold
calla lily: are you more of a sunny day or a rainy evening?sunny day, rainy evening sounds too quiet n peaceful
foxglove: what is your favorite color and in what shade?rose gold bc i’m that kind of person
marigold: what’s your favorite tea?ooh wow that’s tough. i’m gonna say tension tamer
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dreamlordmorpheus · 7 years
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@myrgorph I didn't do it willingly it was a swim team thing. Usually we do a quarter mile of lunges before thanksgiving but that day it was raining so we just lunged around the pool for 20 min. Side note: doing endless lunges in nothing but a swimsuit and sneakers looks really fucking silly.
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cthulhuoflongisland · 7 years
1) ur actually 3 whitetip reef sharks in a trenchcoat, 2) u would smooch Roadhog, 3) u have the coolest friends ever
Yeah this is all true actually
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nightloop-blog1 · 8 years
1, 11, 18
1) if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
11) describe your ideal day.
i sleep in and when i wake up i am alerted that i am an immortal shapeshifter and i get a SICK fucking stand
18) what’s your patronus?
i have never watched or read harry potter but tbh it’s probably a feline
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cthulhuoflongisland · 7 years
14, 26, 32
14. I was born December 19th, 1997, which is when Titanic came out in theaters. 
26. Best thing that ever happened to me: I went to the dermatologist like a year ago and it cleared up all my acne so now I can leave my ugly high school face behind.
32. Favorite show: The Junkrat show, a show that only exists in my mind
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valtharr · 8 years
1, 21, 28
1. What's your favorite Pokemon?
Mewtwo, definitely
21. Helix fossil or Dome fossil?
28. What's the stupidest nickname you've ever given to a Pokemon?
Phew...that might be either my Exeggcutor “Palmius” or my Psyduck/Golduck “DarkwingDuck”, both from my Moon playthrough
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cthulhuoflongisland · 7 years
👌YOU👍 are my ❤❤Dearest❤❤ 😚FRIEN🅱💯💯💯 and 👀i👀 value 💲💲your presence 👋 VERY MUCH💖💖💖💖
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