#my skin was like five times more red than it actually is. and I actively looked wider it's INSANE no wonder we all hate ourselves
babisawyer · 6 months
I think whoever developed cellphone cameras should be shot.
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elacular-kink · 1 month
Poly-techhic 1
So, this is the first (and currently only) entry in a non-fanfic universe for hiccup fiction. It's about four polyamorous women in college who are all dating each other, all complete disasters, and one of whom has a hiccup fetish. This story does have some hiccups in it, but it's mostly dedicated to introducing the four main characters and their dynamics.
TW: Anxiety, Self-deprecation, big autism energy, accidental misgendering, religious trauma
Kinks: Honestly, mainly just hiccups. And not the most hiccups ever. Also Teasing I guess.
"*HIUK!* Oof! Oh fuck, I–*HUK* fuck, that was waaaa–*UCK*–aaaay spicer than I *HUK-UP!* thought it'd be!"
"Oh! I'm so sorry, Maya, I should have thought of that! Do you need water?"
"Nah, na–*UCK*–ah, I'm good! *HUK-ULP* Oof, I got my soda."
"And also it's not your fault," I managed to force a few words out of my mouth. Across the table from me, my girlfriend Maya was currently gulping down her soda at a truly horrifying speed while her date, Kiran, fretted over her, flapping her hands anxiously. "You tried to warn her it was too hot, but her dumb ass decided to eat it anyway."
"Oh fu–*UCK* fuck you, dude! *HIC-OLP–urp!* Fuck, 'scuse me–*HEEP*. You know that Li–*HIP* Liv's, like, ninety per–*UCK*–percent of my imp–*HUP*–pulse control!" Maya thumped her chest and let out a larger burp, which didn't help her hiccups, because of course it didn't. She knew perfectly well that it wouldn't. "And you're su–*HUP*–pposed to be the oth–*URK* ten percent, Su–*HOOP* Susie! *HIC–bwoorp* So really this is y–*HURP* your fault! *eeuuurrp* fuck, 'scuse me again. *HULP!* Shit, I think I re–*HEEP* really got the hiccups. *HIUP!* Oof!"
"No fucking kidding." I hoped that I could keep my voice as flat and unimpressed as possible. I also hoped that I would spontaneously develop telepathy so that I could yell at Maya from across the table just by glaring at her, but the world sadly continued being free of superpowers for now. Even if it had worked, I doubted it'd make the grin she kept sneaking me any less shit-eating.
Maya Heffernan was a beautiful fucking nightmare of a human being. She was five foot four with a mane of curly red hair that would have gone all the way down to her ass if she straightened it, which she never did. Her skin was more orange-brown freckles than it was its shockingly pale base, and she was built like a tank, her thighs, arms, and trunk all visibly loaded with muscle and fat. Her bright blue eyes looked even bigger than they actually were through the magnification of her glasses, and the rare times she was seen without a smile were only marginally more terrifying than the common times she did wear one.
Right next to her, currently still not getting that this wasn't in any way her fault, was Kiran Mandal, an over six-foot goddess of a trans woman with a soft, fat, feminine body, dark skin, long black hair, and brown eyes that were always desperately, worriedly flickering around. Her hands would flap in response to most strong emotions, no matter how hard she tried to stop them from doing so. It was really fucking cute.
And across the table there was me. Susanna Butler. Four foot ten. Adopted from China. Tannish skin and short, straight black hair. Swathed in a black hoodie and desperately trying to prevent my stupid girlfriend from eating this poor woman alive while she was actively in the process of torturing me.
Absent from this shitshow was my best friend Olivia, who would have made it so that there were two girlfriends to keep a leash on Maya instead of just one. Without her, this whole operation was basically fucked. And it was particularly fucked now that Maya had given herself the hiccups, because that meant that I was gonna have to continue refereeing this date with a large part of my brain turned off. Or turned on, as the case may be.
Perhaps this required some explaining.
Olivia and I had met Maya last year when she barged into our freshman dorm and demanded we join her for Women's Rugby practice. Olivia decided to go and dragged me along with her, where we found out that Maya was, in fact, just a sophomore and not one of the higher-ranking members of this team. Despite this, she'd managed to bring in the most freshman prospects by far, the vast majority of whom lasted less than a single practice. Those who remained mostly did so because they were already athletes, but a few stayed because they discovered that Maya was actually fucking half of the team.
"Solo Poly". That was what Maya said she was. Granted, this was after she used the more widely understood label of "the classic slutty pansexual polyamorous stereotype." While I still didn't really get it, the gist of what that meant to her seemed to be that Maya was sort of open to making out with and/or fucking just about anyone while still maintaining a bubble of personal autonomy. However, she was also open to having closer, more consistent connections (albeit without any expectations of monogamy or enforced cohabitation on anyone's part), which is what she ended up developing with Olivia and me.
And so now, a year later, I was somehow still on the Women's Rugby team despite consistently getting my shit wrecked, Olivia and Maya were still there because they were actually good at it, and this poor freshman goddess Kiran had been wrenched into a managerial position because Maya noticed that I had a crush on her and decided the correct way to "help" me with that was by starting to date Kiran herself and then dragging me into it too.
It seemed she'd also decided that it wasn't too soon for her to start getting my stupid fucking hiccup fetish involved. Olivia's blunt, autistic ass and Maya's drunken flirtations had resulted in her finding out about it within months of meeting me. Weirdly, I think it was part of what ended up attracting her to Olivia and me as more serious partners. I was honestly really grateful for that, even if I wasn't good at showing it. But I was also unbelievably fucking screwed every single goddamn day because she was not afraid to torment me, and apparently not afraid to do so when on a date with another person either.
"But se–*HEEK*–seriously Kiki," Maya just had to give everyone she was interested in (which was most people) a stupid fucking nickname, and Kiran clearly still wasn't used to hers. "Susie's right. *HMK!* It's super not y–*HUP* your fault that I'm *HLP* a total dumbass."
"Yeah, don't try and take responsibility for the shit she does. You'll be cleaning up her messes forever." Maya stuck her tongue out at me and I flipped her off. Kiran looked worriedly between the two of us, though she'd at least stopped flapping.
"I sti–*IC!* still really liked it though! *HIULP!*" Maya was grinning and I braced myself for whatever the fuck would come out of her mouth next. "Totally wo–*URK* worth getting the hi–*ICCUP*–s for! Even tho–*UCK*–ough they're bouncing my gut and my b–*HOOP* boobs all over the pl---place. Thank god for sp–*HUP* sports bras, am I right? *HICCULP!*" Aaand there it was. Maya deliberately leaned back away from the table, giving me (and Kiran, presumably) a much better view of the rounded belly and boobs compressed under her rugby shirt. Despite their compression, all those round parts were, in fact, bouncing all over the place. I took a deep breath through my nose and thought as hard as I could about baseball. "But see? This–*IC!* is why I just brou–*UCK* brought you to the *HUP* cafeteria for this date. *HMK!* I'd need, like, a–*UCK* all the adderall to *HMK* be on my best be–*HUK*–havior in an act---tual restaurant."
"Don't let her lie to you," I grumbled. "...I mean, she's right, she can't behave like a grown-ass adult, but we're mainly here for my cheap, scruffy-looking ass."
"I-I don't mind!" Kiran had understandably been distracted by whatever the fuck Maya was doing, but the little smile that she got on her face when she said that made my heart just fucking burst. Even though she was visibly still anxious, I couldn't doubt that she meant that when she said it. "I-it's very rare for me to have been in establishments like this, and I've been a bit too nervous to try many times on my own, so this is...this is nice."
We didn't exactly know each other very well yet, since we were only a month or two into the school year, but Kiran was obviously from a super wealthy family. I didn't know quite what tax bracket they were in, but I was positive that it was infinitely higher than mine. The fact that she sincerely wanted to experience things like a college cafeteria was ridiculously endearing to me.
...of course, that also begged the question of what the hell she was doing at this school instead of some Ivy League place, especially considering she was studying some kind of supercomputer-type shit, but hey, if that meant I got to meet her, I couldn't complain.
"You're g–*OCK*–goddamn right this is *ICCUP* nice, Kiki," Maya sat back up and slung an arm over her shoulder. Even if I had the bravery to try something like that with Kiran, I doubted I actually could, given our height differences. Which was a shame, because, from the way she was blushing and wriggling, it seemed like she liked it. "I got a cu–*HOOP* cute girl here, I g---got Susie out of h–*URK*–her dorm room...what e–*ULK*–else could a lady poss–*HIP*–bly need?"
"A psychiatric intervention?" Maya pulled down her eyelid and stuck her tongue out at me, and I couldn't help but snort.
"Um, maybe some water?" Kiran said gently? "I think it could help with your case of the hiccups."
God was I glad I kept my hood up all the fucking time. It'd be suspicious as fuck to hide in it in response to that. Since it was already on, my face was already shadowed, so hopefully no one would notice how the H-word made me blush. Fuckin' Maya.
Fuckin' Maya continued to be fuckin' Maya when she sat up straighter and snapped her fingers. "Right! *HIP!* Good idea!" Kiran started to get up, but Maya pushed her back down. "Nonono–*HOP*–nonono, you stay he–*EEK*–ere. I'm a big gal, I'll g–*UP*–get my own water." There was no way she was actually gonna drink any water. No fucking way. And now my introverted ass was stuck alone with the beautiful girl while half my brain was still trying to listen for hiccups. Fan-fucking-tastic.
"I...I hope that this isn't awkward or anything." Well, now I wanted to slap myself. Of course Kiran thought it was her fault. And from the look on her face, she wanted to slap herself too just for saying that. "I mean, I—I-I know that you and Maya are sort of...dating? But I've also gone on a date with her, and I'm still kind of on a date with her but she brought you here too and—"
"Hey, it's fine, dude." I realized what just came out of my mouth and actually slapped myself this time. "Fuck, sorry. I call everyone dude." Kiran looked away and didn't say anything. I sighed and continued. "It's fine, Kiran. I don't really get how Maya works either most of the time. But I don't mind her being with other people, and I don't mind being around her while she does that. It's honestly kind of cute."
Kiran looked uncertainly down at me. "Cute?" I briefly considered the benefits of sewing my mouth shut. 
Rather than vocalizing those thoughts, I sighed and leaned on one hand, wondering how stupid the massively oversized sleeves of my hoodie made that look. "Yeah. Maya's the kind of person to get stuff out of people. She brings things out that nobody expects. Puts 'em off their guard. It's kinda fun seeing people get all vulnerable with her." Kiran went back to avoiding eye contact in the normal way she did rather than in an anxious way. I folded my arms and slumped down into them, then blew my bangs out of my face. "Not so fucking fun when she does it to me, but I guess that's the price you gotta pay. Can't go out with a chaos agent and not expect some chaos."
"You are so–*HOK*–oooo right, Sus–*EEP!*" I turned to glare at Maya as she jogged back over, an empty cup in her hand. "Sorry, water did–*NKT*–n't work. Still got a se–*HEEK*–irous case of the *HIC-CUPS* here." That motherfucker. She did that on purpose. She did every bit of that on purpose.
"N-no need to be sorry, Maya." Kiran continued to be impossibly sweet. "It's not your fault that you have a case of the hiccups."
"Yes it is," I grumbled from where I was hiding my face in my arms.
"I mean yea–*UCK*, she's right, it kinda–*HUP* is." Well, at least she'd admit it. "Spicy and sod---da togeth–*HURK* are a hiccup nu–*HOOP*–uke for me. *HEEKUP!* You got an–*HEEP*–nything like that, Kik–*HEEK!*? Something that ma–*UCK* makes you hic-hic hi–*ILK*–cup as bad as *HMP* me?" Despite my years of churchgoing, God utterly failed to answer my prayers and smite Maya dead with a lightning bolt.
Kiran pursed her lips. She was genuinely thinking about that stupid question. God, she was so fucking cute. "I don't think so. Not off the top of my head." She looked at me before avoiding eye contact again, but that was normal for her. "What about you, Susan? Do you have any foods that trigger hiccups?"
"Nah." Thank fucking god for all of those theater summer camps and oration extracurriculars my mom forced me to do. "I've got Olivia. She does all my hiccuping for me." And thank fucking god that I'd retained enough from them to even get through the fucking word without stuttering. I'd definitely avoid it moving forward, though, no matter how awkwardly I'd have to phrase shit. I didn't trust myself to get through it twice.
"Oh yeah. *HMK* Liv gets the hiccups a-a–*UCK*–aaalllll the fucking time. *HIUP!* I'm pretty s---sure that Susie put some voo–*HOOP*–doo curse on her and a–*UC*–ctually transferred her hi–*IC*–cups over." Maya giggled and grinned like the fucking supervillain she was. "Somewh---where hidden away Su–*HOOP*–sie has a doll that l---looks just like Liv, and whenev–*URK*–er Susie'd get the–*HUP* the hiccups that doll starts bou–*UP*–b-bouncing and squeaking and stuff. *HMP!* Oof. That was a big one." Motherfucker.
"You want me to make a voodoo doll of your ass too, Maya?" I said. "You shed enough hair, I could definitely do it."
Maya laughed. "God, you're fucking ad---dorable, Susie." She reached over the table to muss my hair under my hood and I took a snap at her, trying to bite off her finger. Sadly, she continued to be some sort of sports demon while I continued to be short and angry, so she pulled away just fine. "Aren't I right Ki–*HEEK* Kiki? Isn't Susie fu–*UCK*–ing adorable?"
"A-aah!" Kiran sat bolt upright, and I could see her brown cheeks get even darker. "I—I, um! I just—"
"Chill, Kiran. I know there's no right answer here." I sat up and grabbed a bread roll from my half-eaten dinner and threw it at Maya's head. "And fuck you, Maya. Don't put people on the spot like that."
"Ugh," Maya rolled her eyes as she started eating the bread I'd pelted her with. "If I don't pu–*UK* put some people on the spot then---they'll never get up ont---to the spot themse–*UCK*–elves. Like you."
"Fuck the spot. I hate spots. Fuck all locations and every dog ever named 'Spot.'" Maya snorted and laughed, then half-choked on her bread. Good. Fuck her.
I just barely noticed that Kiran giggled too. That...that was way better than Maya getting her comeuppance. Way way better.
Kiran caught me looking at her. Fuck. She looked away rapidly. Fucking fuck. "I...I think I'll get up and get myself another drink." Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck. She walked off quickly and disappeared into the crowd. God fucking dammit.
"You're fu–*UCK*–ing welcome, Susi–*EEK*." I turned my glare towards Maya who was scowling performatively at me. "You are so---o lucky that you've got oo–*HOOP*–oodles of bad-boy charisma, or you'd nev–*URK* never get any girls."
"Have I ever told you you're going directly to hell?"
Her grin came back. "Awesome, I'll se–*HEEK* I'll see all my friends the–*URK*–ere! Especially yo–*HOUP*."
"Mmf. Got me on that one." I sighed and leaned against my hand again. "'Bad boy charisma' though? Don't bullshit me, Maya. I'm creeping her out. And I'm especially creeping her out thanks to you and your goddamn soda."
"Damn, what's it like *HUP* to be super wrong about everything? *HUKULP* Why do you thi–*IC*–ink you radiate this pe–*HUP*–ervy energy all the time? *HIULP* You don't. Is this some kind of we---eird catholic thing? 'Cause Li–*HUP* 'cause Liv isn't like this, she's norm–*MMP*–mal."
"Don't say that to her face, she'd be really offended." I squinted. "Also, aren't your ancestors Irish? Shouldn't you know if it's a catholic thing or not?"
"Bruh you think an---nyone was dumb enough to try and pu–*HUT* my ass in a church?"
"...got me there too."
"Look, your myst---sterious vibes are sexy, dude. Pe–*HEEP*–ople wonder where you a–*URK*–are whenever you're not around. Nobody kno–*HUK*–ows that you just play Mari–*OUP* Kart all day."
"You do and you're still fucking me."
"I mean yeah, but I'm spe–*UCK* special like that."
I huffed out a laugh. "Won't argue with you on that one. You are truly one of a kind, Heffernan. Thank god."
"Yeah, the wo–*URK*–orld couldn't handle two of me."
"Um, h-hello, girls. I'm back." I was surprised I hadn't seen or heard Kiran approaching us. For as gorgeously tall and fat as she was, she could be weirdly stealthy sometimes. She put two glasses of water down on the table, then held out a bread roll to me. "I, um, noticed you...lost your first one."
I snorted. "That's one way to put it. Thanks, Kiran. That's really sweet." She nodded rapidly and I started eating the roll that she'd got me. "You thirsty there?"
"Well, yes, but I also thought that maybe Maya could try drinking water again. It seems kind of dangerous, eating around all those hiccups."
God, she really was fucking sweet. What an angel. And just like an angel, she was also saving my ass. I smirked at Maya. "Well, May-May?" She glared at me, and I knew she hated that. "You're not gonna deny this water of life, are you? Haven't you watched that video about that one Robert Heinlein book with the sex cult? This is a sacred bond you're setting up here."
Maya glared more and huffed, and Kiran started flapping her hands nervously. "Um, you don't have to drink if you don't want to—"
"Nah, that'd be silly. *HMP* Not drinking a thing that a re---ally cute girl brought me? *HIUP* Fuck no." Maya took a first sip of water and I immediately knew I was saved. All it took was a little water and she and her goddamn hiccups would fuck the fuck off. "...shit, it worked this time!" She was good at acting like that was actually a surprise. If my legs could reach, I would have kicked her shins under the table. "Damn! Cute girl water really has some power! Thanks, Kiki!"
Maya hopped to her feet, and before Kiran knew what was happening, she'd stood on her toes and pressed a wet kiss to her cheek. A split-second later, Kiran squealed and hid her face in her hands. "Fuck, that's cute," I said, and I couldn't help but smile.
"Right, dude?" Maya smooched the hands Kiran was blocking her face with, getting another squeak out of her. "She's super blushy and shy! Kiki cured my hiccups, but I can't cure all those blushes she's got in her cheeks."
I rolled my eyes and used the opportunity of Kiran having her eyes covered to give Maya the finger. Maya returned one in kind. "Let the girl live, Heffernan. Sit down so she can recover." Despite the grouchy noises she made, Maya complied and sunk back into her seat. Kiran carefully, shakily returned to her own seat, folding her hands in her lap when she saw she was flapping them. "There you go, Kiran. Take a break from Hurricane Maya. You can chill for a minute." After a long moment of squirming and nervous noises, Kiran anxiously tilted to the side, then pressed a kiss as quickly as she could to Maya's cheek before pulling away. "Atta girl."
"Hell yeah, Kiki! Kiss the girl points!" Maya slapped her back and I wondered if I had imagined the popping vertebrae I heard. The noise Kiran made sounded more surprised than pained, so I wasn't too worried. "We'll graduate you to kissing girls' lips in no time, cutie!"
"Eh, what's the rush?" I said. "She may be some kind of genius, but she's still a freshman. She's got four years."
"I don't got four years, Susie! I only got two! And I wanna kiss this girl a lot!"
"You wanna kiss everyone a lot."
"I mean yeah, but her especially!" Maya pulled Kiran's hands away from her face. From the angle, I couldn't see Kiran's expression, but I could see Maya's. It was her other smile. Her soft one. Her warm one. The one she wore for me when we first got together. Damn. She really did want to kiss her especially. Not that I blamed her. "My emo-ass girlfriend is right though." I rolled my eyes, but with how soft her voice was, it felt pretty performative. "You've got time. You've got all the time in the world, Kiki. So kiss whatever girls wherever and whenever you like. I'd love it if one of them was me and one of the places was my lips. And I'd especially love it if the time was soon. But that's up to you." She pressed a kiss to the tip of Kiran's nose, then another to her forehead before letting her hands go and sitting down again. "God knows you'll be good at it, though. You've got super kissable lips." Kiran groaned and covered her face again.
The rest of dinner was relatively incident-free, as much as any meal with Maya could be. But I had a feeling she was planning some bullshit, and at the very end, I realized what it was. "Oh, shit! Just remembered I wanted to go to the gym today! Sorry, Kiki! Sorry, Susie! I gotta go pump my lats or some other muscles, I dunno what they're called." I didn't even get a chance to respond before she leaned down and kissed me on the lips, then popped up and smooched Kiran's cheek. "Bye, cuties!" And she was gone.
"...Somehow I keep forgetting how fast that bitch can move." I stared out into the mid-October dark that'd fallen. "You'd think I'd remember it better with how many times she's tackled me. Guess all those micro concussions are adding up." Kiran didn't say anything, and when I looked up at her, I saw that she was playing with her fingers. She was playing with her fingers in the desperate, uncomfortable way that told me she was doing everything she could not to flap. I'd gotten pretty good at reading autistic people thanks to Olivia. It wasn't one-to-one, but I'd noticed some commonalities, and I also thought I could make an educated guess as to what she was anxious about. "Hey. Kiran." She looked down at me, eyes wide, having flinched slightly at my voice. "Your off-campus place is a little way out from here, yeah?" She nodded. "You want me to walk with you there?"
"I—!" Her back straightened and she started actually flapping, not seeming to realize she was doing it. "I-I wouldn't want to impose or—"
"I'm offering 'cause I'm offering. And you can say no if you want." I shrugged. Hopefully she actually believed me when I said that. I realized after starting on this that I could come across as a creepy stalker.
"...no." Yeah, that made sense. She surprised me by grabbing my sleeve when I started to leave though. "N-no, I mean...I don't want to say no. I'd really appreciate it. If you walked with me."
God dammit. I was smiling like a fucking moron. I just knew I was. And now I'd have to thank Maya for ditching us. Fucking devious. "Alright. Let's get going then. I'll let you lead the way." As we started walking along the campus sidewalks (and Kiran studiously avoided unpaved desire paths carved into the grass), I noticed that she was rapidly rubbing her arms. Her short-sleeved dress had seemed a little off for the weather, now that I thought about it. "Hey. You okay?"
"O-oh, yes, I'm fine!" She tried to smile down at me. I could see goosebumps on her skin though. "I, um, I should have checked the weather report before leaving. That's absolutely my fault. I really need to—" Her voice stopped as I held out my hoodie to her. "...um?"
"It's zippable. It probably wouldn't be able to close over your chest, but you can wear it like a cape and keep your arms warm at least." She stared down at me and my hoodie and I sighed. "Come on, Kiran. Don't make me admit that I'm too short to put it on your shoulders."
"It's...it's yours though," she said softly.
"So? Why do you think I wear clothes two sizes too big? It's exactly for shit like this." As a matter of fact, it was actually because I insisted on not shopping in the kids' section and had to suffer the consequences, but it also happened to help with shit like this. And saying it that way sounded a lot cooler.
"Won't you be cold?"
"Nah." The wind was biting a little, but I shrugged. "I'm wearing jeans, so at least my ankles are toasty. You keep your upper half warm. I've got my lower half."
"Th...thank you, Susan." Kiran slowly took my jacket off of my arm and threw it over her shoulders. She definitely wouldn't be able to zip it, I'd been right about that, but having the dense, black fabric draped over her arms clearly helped. I smiled at her, then motioned for her to lead the way.
The first part of the walk was blessedly silent. Or awkwardly silent. I wasn't sure which. It wasn't raining right now, but it had previously, so the leaves were damp and pasted to the sidewalks. I tried to figure out in my head if I'd be able to catch and stabilize Kiran if she slipped on one of them, despite the answer obviously being "no". While I was trying to make the math math on that, though, my train of thought abruptly derailed with a "*HEEK!*" I turned way too fast and stared way too hard at Kiran, who had both hands over her mouth. She looked down at me and quickly closed her eyes. "I-I'm sorry, excuse me!"
"...'sfine." I just barely stopped myself from automatically adding "dude" to sound casual. "It's just a single."
"A single?" Fuck.
She'd pulled her hands away from her mouth and started walking again, so I kept walking with her, but I could feel her eyes on me. I kept my face turned away, pretty sure my cheeks were bright red, and I shrugged. "Like, just one. When you're friends with someone who h-hiccups like Olivia—" fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck "—you start having to classify shit. Get some fucking...phylums or something for them."
I heard her stifle a giggle, and my brain started being slightly less on fire. It still desperately drooled for one of those giggles to set off another hiccup though. God dammit. "Phyla. I see. That makes sense. Hiccup taxonomy." We kept walking and I kept thanking god for the cold because that was the only thing keeping my head from exploding. "You've been Olivia's friend for a long time, right?"
"Eh, yes and no. I mean yes, we were friends all through high school."
When I glanced back at her, she tilted her head. "I thought she said at some point that you met in preschool."
"We did, yeah. But then she went to public school and I stayed in catholic school. Fuck those little skirts, by the way. Never wearing a fucking skirt again. Not if I can help it. But, uh, I think that she thinks all those years in between didn't count or something, 'cause she just tried to pick right back up where we left off when I met her again. It was kinda awkward, but Olivia's super perceptive, and she was able to tell I actually did want to be friends." She was able to tell a lot of complicated things. I owed a whole lot to her and her ability to hear the words people weren't saying. And her openness. And her bluntness. And her everything. Goddamn, I owed her so much.
"...I'm a bit envious of her for that." I looked up and she met my eyes, then darted away and started flapping anxiously. "F-for her ability to understand people like that! N-not for her knowing you in high school or preschool. Um, n-not that I would have minded, of course! B-but it's probably not an appropriate thing to—"
"Chill, Kiran. Take a breath. You're fine." I took a deep breath to demonstrate, and after a second she nodded and followed along. "I get it. I'm jealous too. I dunno if I'm as perceptive as she is, but I definitely can't just...say shit the way she can."
"You can't?" She sounded surprised. "But you're so ru—...uh!"
I laughed. "Rude? Ruthless? Ruminating openly on ways to kill Maya? I mean, yeah, I can say all that mean shit. And I can tell people exactly what they can go and do with themselves. I'm really good at that. But saying stuff I actually want to say? Nah. Not unless I wrap it in seven or eight layers of irony first."
Kiran looked away in a different way from her normal avoiding eye contact. "...is there a way that I can tell?"
"A way I can tell. When you're saying something ironically."
I frowned. "I dunno. I guess you could ask me...if you feel comfortable doing that." The way she shrunk in on herself told me she didn't. "...I'm not walking you home ironically, just for the record. Don't even know how I could do that. But I'm doing it 'cause I want to." I bit the inside of my lip and tried to force words out of my fucking face. "I'm doing it 'cause I...know that it sucks when Maya leaves you in the lurch." Dammit dammit dammit!
"Ah." She sounded...disappointed. God fucking dammit.
"...and 'cause I have fun talking to you." Fuck. Okay. Apparently, that was emotionally neutral enough for me to fucking say it. I still felt like I was going to explode though.
The feeling got worse when I felt her eyes weighing down on me. "You do? I..." she laughed softly, and when I sensed her turn away, I looked up and saw a sad smile on her face as she picked at her nails. "I've been told that I'm not much of a conversationalist. I either say too little or I monopolize everyone's time."
Oof. Yeah. I'd heard Olivia talk about struggling with that before too. That gave me a little knowledge of what to do though. "Well, I don't mind not talking. And it's not like I use any of my time wisely. So whichever way it swings, I'm fine with it."
"You are?" 
She was looking somewhere to my left, but I knew I was in her peripheral. So I smiled. "Yeah. And if I'm ever not, I'll let you know. You've seen me with Maya, you know that if someone's annoying me I'm gonna tell 'em about it. 'Cause I'm not much of a conversationalist either. I use words like a serial killer uses upholstering equipment: incorrectly and with malice." Kiran let out a shocked laugh, then quickly covered her mouth. I chuckled.
God, she was so fucking cute.
We'd reached the house that she was staying at. I wondered why she was staying off-campus as a freshman. Was it for privacy? She was openly trans, but having a roommate might have still been awkward. I didn't get much more time to think about it as Kiran surprised me by draping my hoodie back over my shoulders. It was so much warmer from her. "Um, th...thank you for walking me home, Susan. I..." Her hands were flapping again. "I enjoy talking with you too, goodnight!" She spat all the words out in less than a second, then ducked through the door and slammed it behind her.
I just barely managed to keep myself from laughing. Laughing at that would be such a dickhead move, but...fuck. Instead, I zipped my hoodie back up, basking in how warm the body of it felt as I pulled out my phone and started walking back to the campus.
Susie Q(ueer): Date's done. Think I'll stop by the music hall before I head back though.
Olivia E. Jones: Mind if I join you? I'm at a 4 right now.
Susie Q(ueer): Pff. After what Maya did to me a four's fucking nothing.
Olivia E. Jones: I don't think that's how your thing actually works.
Susie Q(ueer): I think I'd know better than you about my own fetish.
Olivia E. Jones: Are we actually using the words now?
Susie Q(ueer): Fuck!
I quickly edited the message above, replacing "fetish" with "brain".
Susie Q(ueer): No! No, we are definitely not using the words now! Fuck, thanks for catching that.
Olivia E. Jones: I still think this is stupid.
Susie Q(ueer): I know. And I still owe you for doing it anyway.
Olivia E. Jones: Maya's going to break you down at some point. And then we can finally use words that actually mean what words mean instead of inventing some kind of dumb thieves' cant for only two people.
Susie Q(ueer): The terrifying thing is that you might be right.
Olivia E. Jones: I'm always right. I'll bring your guitar.
Susie Q(ueer): Thanks.
When I reached the music hall, Olivia was already there waiting for me. She was noodling with my guitar, and I was very happy to hear that she hadn't tried to tune or detune it and was just playing random notes instead. Olivia was tall and thin with very dark skin, and she kept her tightly coiled black hair just a little too long to be called a buzz cut. She glanced up at me when I walked in, her reading glasses hanging from a chain around her neck like she was some kind of librarian. Even after three years of her having them, I still wasn't used to it. "Hey Su---sanna. You look happy. *mmp*."
"Do I?" I touched my face. My mouth didn't feel like it was smiling.
"You look hap---py to me."
"Yeah, well you're psychic, so that doesn't count." I walked over and stole my guitar back, tuning it.
...that left her stomach covered by nothing but her long-sleeved turtleneck. It jolted out hard, and I was close enough to hear the thump in her chest. I blushed. That was okay though. Around Olivia, it was okay to blush.
I still tried not to stare though. "Anyway, you got any requests?"
"Something by Ta---Taylor Swift."
I groaned. "Ugh, why is my best friend such a basic bitch?"
"We can't all be c---cool enough to listen to ban---nds with names like...*hmp* Phallic Cymbal or...*hmp* Üümläüt."
"Love how you waited to make sure you didn't interrupt the names." I glanced at her. "Hey, you don't need to hold those in if you don't want to."
"I'm not, they're juh---just like this tod---day."
"Okay. Cool. Now let me figure out a song that's not about young love or new relationships or some heterosexual bullshit like that."
"Don't pre---pretend that you don't know ho---ow to play them already."
I sighed and put my guitar down, moving over to the piano bench instead. "Yeah yeah, call my bluff, why don't you. Here. Have a sad song about people who suck at relationships."
"Isn't that---also heteros---sexual bullshit?"
"Yeah, but at least it'll make you feel bad." I lifted my hands over the keyboard, then gawked as Olivia hopped up onto the instrument's closed lid. "Hey. Darla Dimple. Wanna get your butt off my piano?"
"It's not y---your piano." She pulled her legs up.
"Oh come the fu—at least don't put your shoes on it, christ." She paused and removed her sneakers, dropping them beside the piano before crossing her legs in just socks. "...yeah, walked into that one, I guess. Seriously, what the hell are you doing?"
Olivia maneuvered herself until she was facing me. She sat mostly straight, so I could see the way each hiccup made her belly punch out, her chest jump, her shoulders rock, and her head snap back. "You ne---need to get better at be---ing distracted while you play."
"Oh fuck off," I glared at her.
She shrugged. "You can't m---make me."
After a long moment, I sighed and started playing the goddamn Taylor Swift song. "Yeah. I can't. Lots of stuff I can't get rid of lately." Olivia, Maya...
But somehow I found myself hoping I'd get even more.
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
Saved By A Killer #2: Little Snoop
Content: Comfort, stranger caretaker, [implied] touch starvation, morally dubious caretaker, morally dubious whumpee at this point, recovery, lonely caretaker.
Several days passed. Eli was pleasantly surprised to find that each day went by much quicker than when he lived in that cabin. Apart from the wounds and the bruises on his skin, nothing hurt anymore. For the first time in a year, he finally felt something vaguely resembling contentment. 
The only problem he ever experienced now was the feeling of boredom itching at his brain. He’d made a few different attempts at finding stuff to do  - Cohen had plenty of books around the place, for instance. Though it really just looked like a weak attempt at making the house look more alive. None of the books looked as though they’d been touched in years. 
Then, after all other attempts had failed him, he finally resorted to the one thing he’d wanted to do since he got here: exploring. 
The cupboards and the drawers in the living room were the first to be examined. There were many of them, some with absolutely nothing inside and others with random items that held absolutely no context to them whatsoever. Little porcelain dolls, old candles that had to have been there for years, photo albums that he chose to ignore for the time being - the list of things he found was endless. 
The activity itself was rather relaxing, really. At least, until he turned around partway through to find the owner of it all standing there, leaning against the back of the couch with a look of amusement on his face. Eli couldn’t tell if the expression was due to catching him red handed or the little yelp he let out upon realising, but it was humiliating either way. 
“Having fun, little snoop?”
“Shut up,” Eli grumbled. “I’m bored as hell, and I don’t think you can judge me after what you did.” 
The man jokingly held up his hands in defense. “Hey, I told you you’re welcome to whatever. Just don’t get upset if you find something you don’t like. Did you end up finding my stash of board games?” 
Completely disregarding the second comment, Eli perked up at the mention of games and took another look around the room in an attempt to figure out which places he hadn’t yet searched. There were a few, but none of them looked big enough to hold more than one or two small games. ‘Stash’ had to mean more than that, right? 
“Will you play with me?” he asked hopefully as Cohen disappeared into the hallway that led to their rooms. “I haven’t gotten to play physical games in so long. Can you believe my favourite one used to be Go Fish, of all things?” 
“I can, actually. I imagine you were obnoxiously good at it, too.” 
Much to his delight, Cohen had around five different games in his arms when he finally returned to the living room. He looked rather pleased with himself as he set them all down on the coffee table, and as Eli examined each one, he started to push both couches further in so they wouldn’t have to sit on the floor. 
“I knew these’d come in handy someday. They’ve been collecting dust in that closet for years but I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of ‘em. See any you like?”
After some debate, Eli finally decided on Settlers Of Catan, and the two got to setting it up almost instantly while the rest of the games got pushed aside for later. 
“So, how’d you get into games in the first place?” Eli asked conversationally. “I thought, at the very least, killers would be more into video games with, I dunno, violence and shooting ‘n’ all that stuff.” 
It took a moment for him to realise that Cohen had stopped what he was doing to give him a dumbfounded look. Unsure of what to say, he mocked him by creating the same face. 
“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.” 
Eli raised an eyebrow. “Really? You’ve been around for nearly thirty years, you work as a goddamn hitman, and that’s the thing that tops the charts? Aren’t you supposed to have cool stories to tell, like in the movies?”
“I dunno what to tell you,” Cohen shrugged, not looking up from the board as he put everything together. Despite the fed up voice he was putting on, it was not hard to see the corners of his mouth twitching upwards as he attempted to hide his amused smile. “A lot of us are nothing like the ones you see in movies, believe it or not. I mean - I am probably the most uncool person you’re ever gonna meet. My idea of fun is sitting by my computer and watching movies while I drink tea, I’m an old man where technology is concerned, and I will not hesitate to eat from tupperware containers when there’s no clean bowls left. Does that sound like any of your favourite fictional hitmen or assassins?”
The answer was no, but Eli chose not to issue a response to that. With a small smile, he picked up his five pieces and began considering where to place them, only speaking again once they were all in their spots.
“Well, for what it’s worth; I think drinking tea and watching movies is far better than anything else you could offer me.” 
“Yeah?” Cohen smiled, something he seemed to be doing more and more with every passing day. “I had no idea you were a tea drinker. Feel free to raid the pantry in the kitchen - there’s an entire section just for tea bags and other related things.” 
“Thanks.” Eli smiled right back at him. “I will.” 
Later on, Eli did in fact take Cohen up on the offer. He made two cups - one each for both of them, and quietly made his way back into the living room where the man had made himself more than comfortable on the couch after their game.
“So, can I ask you something?” he asked curiously as he sat down in the spot beside him. Cohen gave him a silent nod in response. “How often do you rescue strangers and take them in? Is this a regular occurrence or am I special?”
“First time,” he responded into his cup of tea. “Usually I take ‘em back to the city or give ‘em a lift somewhere. I’ve actually been on my own for nearly a decade now.”
Eli hummed, puckering his lips as he thought about it. “Do you ever wish you had friends?” 
“No.” Cohen’s response was instant, and there was some weight to his words when he eventually decided to elaborate. “I tried that a few times back when I was younger, but as it turns out, desperation just made me an easy target to abuse. I’d take being alone for the rest of my life over having to go through that over and over again just to find someone who likes me any day.”
There was another pause as Eli considered his next words. He wasn’t really sure what to say during conversations like this. Speaking at all seemed hard enough when nothing he could have said would take away what had already happened.
Eventually, he let out a small sigh and reached out to awkwardly squeeze his shoulder, deciding that something was better than nothing. “Hey, you got me to like you, ‘n’ I never thought I’d say that to another human being again after everything that happened. Doesn’t that count for something?”
“Yeah…” Cohen turned to smile over at him, and despite how hard he was clearly trying not to, Eli could feel him leaning some of his weight into his hand. If he wasn’t such a coward he may have offered him a hug, but truth be told, he’d be lucky to never have to be close to another person again after Lucas. “I suppose it does.”
Taglist: @kiss1t0ffm3 @latenightcupsofcoffee @make-it-gay-please @nyooom @pigeonwhumps @topsheepstudent @whumped4whumplover @whumpsday @whumpshaped
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shredsandpatches · 10 months
sunday snippet (homo fuge remix edition)
I have like five different WIPs that I'm actively working on at the moment and the Helen of Troy one is closest to being done so I'm actually trying to get it polished off. Have a bit! It's gross!
The idea of renewing the contract in writing comes from the Spiers Faustbuch and its English translation; it does also appear in Marlowe but sort of peripherally so we can get to the sexy Helen bit. I expanded on it a little because I thought it would be thematically appropriate to this particular fic. There's also a bit I lifted directly from the Murnau film. The choice of writing support, however, is my own invention. As noted: it's gross!
"Shhhh." Mephistopheles crouches down to maneuver Faustus' head into his lap, and his fingers are in Faustus' hair now, exquisitely gentle. Faustus curls around himself, blinking back tears as Mephistopheles continues. "I know you have doubts—but I couldn't bear it if I had to tear you apart now, my Faustus. We have so little time left."
Faustus swallows hard; it tastes of tears and rheum and just a hint of blood. He reaches up feebly and feels Mephistopheles' hand grip his own, so tightly that it hurts. He has always liked when it hurts.
"What must I do?"
Mephistopheles releases Faustus' hand, helps him to his feet, and slowly, deliberately begins to unbutton his doublet. In nearly twenty-four years he has done so more times than Faustus can think of to count, sometimes innocently, other times—
"Don't get all excited," Mephistopheles murmurs, indulgently. Faustus feels his cheeks grow warm as he realizes his breathing has grown rapid and shallow, but by now Mephistopheles has finished unbuttoning him, and Faustus stands as passive as he can while Mephistopheles eases the doublet off of his shoulders. He sets it aside and begins to roll up Faustus' shirtsleeves, first the bloodstained left one, then the clean right one. He raises Faustus' right hand to his lips, presses them briefly to the inside of his wrist.
"Hold still," Mephistopheles says, and then his teeth break the skin.
He raises his head to smile up at Faustus, licking the blood from his lips with the same unhurried sensuality with which he'd undone his doublet—and then his sharp nails are at the wound and Faustus feels his eyes roll back in his head as Mephistopheles, just as deliberately, begins to peel back the skin from the soft underside of his forearm. He does not scream, even as he feels it come away from the flesh, but through the red haze that descends before his eyes he thinks he can see the same words that had been inscribed in his skin, all those years ago, shining through the net of tissue and sinew and blood that now lies open and quivering in the air.
HOMO FUGE: yet shall not Faustus fly.
His blood had congealed then. It flows freely now.
Mephistopheles' arm is around his shoulders, now, steadying him, guiding him as he lurches toward his desk, half in a faint; he helps him to sit down. Faustus cradles his bleeding right arm as Mephistopheles spreads a sheet of parchment before him, finer and fairer than the best-prepared vellum, and yet Faustus knows that only moments ago it had been torn from his arm. He reaches out, gingerly, to touch it; his blood drips onto the surface, where the drops smoke acridly for an instant before being absorbed like ink on paper and then fading entirely. He breathes deeply and carefully, dizzy with pain.
"You could have used ordinary parchment," he says.
Mephistopheles makes the odd little sound that usually passes for laughter with him. "Oh, and I suppose your own blood will be enough this time?" He shakes his head, gestures toward the reopened wound on Faustus' left arm. "Now. Write."
Faustus reaches for his quill, almost instinctively, and Mephistopheles' hand grips his wrist once more.
"Use mine," he says, producing a black pen, untrimmed of its barbs; there is an intense odor of burnt feathers as he presses its tip into the wound, and when he presents it to Faustus it is hot to the touch. "Write," he repeats.
"What do I say?"
"Confirm your former vow," Mephistopheles says. "Do it quickly, and with unfeigned heart." His lips twist again. "You'll know what to write," he says.
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kidgetrash · 1 year
Monsters and Mana 2 - Save the World, Get the Girl - Chapter 14
Character:  Keith Kogane, Pidge Gunderson/Katie Holt, Lance McClain, Hunk Garrett, Shirogane Takashi, Coran, Princess Allura, Matt Holt
Pairings:  Keith/Pidge
Summary: Shiro still hasn't given up!
Hey guys, wow, apologies for how long it has been but I have a seriously good excuse! I really haven't been well. In fact I just came home after four days in the hospital having blood transfusions and a minor procedure! I'm still not quite 100% back up to my usual pain-addled self, but I am definitely better than I was. Basically, and incredibly long story made short, I had been unable to barely move since last week with high heart rate, gasping for breath on moving, called an ambulance Sunday AND Tuesday, was gaslit by paramedics and my doctor, and put my foot down and demanded to be taken to the emergency room. Good thing I did! I had been having bleeding for over five years that the doctor had ignored every single time I brought it up, and my haemoglobin level, well, seriously low is classed as 70-80. Mine was 63! So yeah, 2 emergency transfusions, a minor procedure to stop the bleeding, four days in hospital, a leak in a transfusion, three days on only clear fluids and days where they forgot I could actually eat, that's just the tip of the iceberg! I wondered why my makeup no longer matched my skin tone and it was because I was YELLOW!
Anyway. home again now to recover, what a way to spend my girls' last half term of the school year until they finish in July! To think in the Easter hols I had covid, and now this! I'm no longer making any plans for school breaks because I seem to be getting more ill with each passing one!
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‘Blood spurts forth from the wound, spraying the nearest to the corpse, that’s you, Allura, and you Keith.  Luckily you were both standing otherwise it would have been more than your boots that received a new paint job!’  Coran announced cheerily as everyone looked at Shiro in shock.
‘What?  It’s right here on my character sheet!  I’m a bloodthirsty master thief!’  He tapped on the screen a few times to demonstrate.  ‘Of course, if you’d let me reroll…’
‘No!’  Coran, Lance, and Allura yelled as one, not having realised the lengths Shiro was willing to go to to try and be a paladin again.
‘Okay, but I’m not going to pull any punches.’  Shiro leaned back in his seat and folded his arms.
‘Good!  The point in you having a character that contrasts with your own is that you get to act in ways you wouldn’t normally.  Just like Lance being polite to Keith, and Pidge being ladylike.’
‘You are so lucky she can’t hear you.’  Allura shook her head.
‘Well, she’s going to have to now.  It’s time I took the story back to her.’  Coran rapped his knuckles on the bubble surrounding Pidge, who was happily sitting crosslegged finishing off her nachos.
She glanced up with a look Keith recognised, she had zoned out on what was going on around her and zoned in on whatever she was working on on the tablet.  The bubble disappeared with a bloop as she tapped on her wrist computer.  ‘Did we win?’
‘Not yet.  We’re going back to you now.’  Coran scrolled to a hastily put together page on his tablet.
‘Wait.’  Keith said before she activated her bubble again and picked up a napkin.  He carefully wiped the corner of Pidge’s lip where she had a little soured cream.  ‘Now you’re good.’  He smiled at her as the rest of the table watched her cheeks turn brightest red.
‘Thanks.’  She murmured, the bubble popping into existence between them as though it could shield her embarrassment.
‘Now, where were we?’
‘We?  No, me and Keith weren’t anywhere!  Why would you say that?’  She laughed nervously.
‘I mean, where were you in your adventure.  We as in you and me as player and monster master.’  Coran leaned towards her, under the pretence of seeing if she understood that was what he meant but hoping to get a glimpse of her changes.
‘Right!’  Pidge clutched the tablet to her chest protectively.  ‘So, that light I was following was coming closer?’
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
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Goretober 2022 Day 25: In Sheep's Clothing
The fifth time we met, I helped them move in.
By then, I’d been making my rounds in the multiverse for around…four and a half… five thousand…ish years? Give or take a few decades… or centuries… When you’ve been around for that long, years start to feel more like weeks. Jim did his best to help me keep track, but it wasn’t really important… The point is, I’d been around the block more than a few times. There were a lot of patterns I’d noticed by then, and I’d started getting pretty good at predicting them, but, there was always a chance of new variable getting thrown in the mix and steering things in a very different direction than I’d expected….
In that timeline, the cult had been making pretty typical moves. I still hadn’t told Larry and Todd about my immortal universe-hopper deal- that usually only makes them less receptive to other information…- but, I had gotten them on board with the fact that the building had a nefarious past and that a number of the residents had less-that-savory scenes playing out behind closed doors in slightly-above-average time. We regularly checked the security system for suspicious activity and had stopped Mrs. Packerton's ‘operations’ much earlier than average. The few newcomers who had moved in since then were treated with a healthy amount of suspicion and monitored heavily by our little group until it was clear that they weren’t up to anything culty or demony or cannibalistic. 
We were all in our first year of college when we heard that a new tenant was moving into the building for the first time in a while, and as luck would have it, they had been assigned the room next to mine, room 404, which would make it a piece of cake to keep an eye on them until they were proven innocent. The three of us had installed cameras in the room prior to their expected move-in date to make sure that our new neighbor was actually a new neighbor and not a cultist stationed to pull the trigger on ‘the big night’. 
When we met them, Larry and I were going somewhere. I can’t really remember where…. The gas station, the diner, the library, Todds… It was just a typical day of no note until we exited the elevator on the first floor, and I stopped in my tracks as the doors slid shut behind us.
Mr. Addison called to us in his signature overly-cheerful voice from the mail slot in his door:
“Oh, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Johnson! Just who I was hoping to see…,”
 Larry approached, and I managed to follow.
In front of the door, a petite, dark-haired 20-something was seated on her haunches in order to be at eye level with Addison. She looked up at both of us with a wide-eyed, open-mouthed stare after she finished a gulp from the coffee mug she was holding in her hand. 
The recognition hit me in the gut. The button nose, the pale skin, the big eyes with long lashes, the crooked teeth, that this time seemed a little too large for her mouth, sticking out from under her pierced lip…. A section of her bangs was kept out of her eyes by a couple of hair clips. They were decorated with little hearts and a strawberry. 
My heart soared as quick as my stomach sank. I knew her name before Addison told us.
“This is Mrs.-”
“Ah- oh, just, ah, ‘Mitch,’ is fine, Mr. Addison…,” Her voice was small, but deeper than you’d expect.
“Very well! This is Mitch, the newest addition to our little family of tenants. She’ll be moving in today, and I thought you two strapping lads wouldn’t mind helping her with her boxes.”
She seemed overly panicked at the idea of us helping her. “Oh, no- ah, that’s okay! I don’t wanna bother them, I can-”
“Sure, no problem,” Larry, being the maintenance persons son, was used to being the designated muscle when someone in the building needed some heavy lifting done. 
“Ah- It’s fine, really! It looks like you guys are on your way out, I really don’t wanna impose-” she was shaking her head and waving her hand frantically and sweating and turning red…. She seemed so nervous… weirdly sheepish, for a Mitch… 
“Nah, it’s no problem. We’re not really doing anything…. Right, Sal?” Larry elbowed me in the ribs.
We’d all agreed that it would make things easier to be especially neighborly to the newcomer in order to gain their trust, and being invited to handle their belongings, enter their new home, and make a good impression all at once was a best-case scenario in our surveillance plans. 
It took me a second to answer. This whole scene was a lot to process: Mitch, of all people, in the flesh after all this time, curled up in a little ball at mine and Larry's feet, casually chatting with Addison, holding a cup of his ‘coffee’, half-gone, in their hands, about to move into the death trap that was Addison Apartments….
 I felt like I might vomit on the carpet, but that wouldn’t have been a great fifth first impression on my part.  I swallowed back the bile that had come bubbling up in my throat.
“Y-yeah,” my voice cracked, and I wanted to punch myself in the face. “We’d be happy to help!”
“Um…,” They glanced up and stared at me, up and down and up again without blinking, with an expression that looked… frazzled? Timid? Kind of puzzled or… maybe ‘bewildered’ would be a better word…? Then they averted their gaze back to the floor. 
“....Okay, I, if you really-… uh, thanks, I really appreciate it…!”
They stood and downed the rest of their ‘coffee’ like a shot, moving to hand the cup back to Addison, who did not take it from her.
“Uh… oh! I- I’m sorry, did- do you want me to wash this before I give it back, or…?”
“Nonsense, dear, you keep that mug for later! I’m always happy to make coffee for my tenants, and I’m sure you’ll be back for more very, very soon~” His tone was more playful and sing-songy than usual. Fucking prick….
“Oh- yeah, sure, ah, definitely! I’ll be- Thank you so much…!,” Mitch gave an exaggerated nod to her new landlord and held the mug to her chest.
“Of course, of course! Now, be sure to show her whats-what, gentleman! I trust you’ll make her feel right at home- I’m counting on you two~” 
“Sure thing, Terrence.”
“She’s in good hands.” 
Larry gave a little salute, and with that, Mr. Addison closed his mail slot, leaving the three of us alone in the hallway. Mitch drummed their fingers on the mug, rocking back and forth on their heels, looking everywhere but directly at us for a few admittedly awkward moments. They snapped back to attention suddenly.  
“Ah! Oh, sorry, yeah, I guess we should, uh…” They seemed so nervous, and I kept asking myself why, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer…
“My- ah, my car is parked out front, so, a…” she pointed behind her with her thumb.
“But really, you guys don’t have to- it just looks like a lot, but most of the boxes are really light, so I can get them myself! You don’t have to…” she was flushed and waving her hand again. I felt a foreboding dread prickle over my neck.
“Nah, it’s cool, don’t sweat it,” Larry gave her a little smile and wink as he walked past her, laying on the charm, I hoped for the sake of the surveillance mission. 
We both followed him, Mitch a step behind us the whole way, stuttering over forced small talk. We made a few trips back and forth, helping her carry boxes from their car to the elevator and into her new apartment. She was very adamant about carrying certain ones herself, and thanked us and apologized for no real reason over and over and over again. When all the boxes had been carried up, they apologized and thanked us again, and promised she would do something for us to return the favor once she was settled in. We told her to come and see us any time, and that I was right next door if she needed anything, and she thanked us again before she gave an overly-enthusiastic nod and wave goodbye, then shut the door to the room that was now officially her home. 
Once we were back in the elevator, heading to Todds place to report that the new neighbor had officially arrived and to turn the cameras in their apartment on, Larry commented,
“Well, that was kinda weird… not really weird weird, but still weird….”
 I agreed to that understatement.
“Still, she’s kinda cute, huh..?”
I felt like my stomach was gonna drop straight out of my ass and onto the floor.
“...Yeah, she is… kinda cute…”
“Ha, I’m sorta jealous…” he elbowed me in the ribs again. “Cult-status pending, it looks like you just got yourself an Awkward Girl-Next-Door, huh, Sally? Lucky you…~”
“Heh, yeah… lucky me….”
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golden--doodler · 1 year
Random facts about my Gravity Falls OCs Maggie and Sydney (they're girlfriends :3) that absolutely no one asked for because I'm in a certain mood. I'm probably going to end up doing this again later with my Mission Impossible OC like I teased in that earlier post:
Maggie Pines
--The most Lesbian to ever Lesbian. Seriously, she can give any Queer person a run for their money. Anyone talking about liking guys legitimately fascinates her sometimes because of how foreign it is to her.
--She first discovered her Lesbianness because Mabel was watching the movie How Did They Set Up Manny Mongoose? (which is a spoof on Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) and the gorgeous wife of Manny Mongoose, Joanne Mongoose (supposed to be Jessica Rabbit) appeared for the first time. She was enthralled.
--She's the oldest triplet and doesn't let Dipper and Mabel forget it. She may have been born only five minutes before Mabel and ten minutes before Dipper, but it still very much counts in her eyes.
--Was born with six fingers on each hand (postaxial polydactyly) and while she thinks it can be fun sometimes (it's actually made her better at video gaming than the average person) she's actually quite insecure about it.
--Has horrendous eyesight. She's been wearing glasses since the first grade. However, she's never needed braces like Mabel.
--Has asthma, but has never let it hold her back from being an extremely active person. She loves exercise, which is bad news for her lungs.
--Her favorite food is Pad Thai and her least favorite food is Curry. She could have a good bowl of Pad Thai any day of the week.
--Has undiagnosed, fairly high functioning Autism, which has led her throughout her life to not understand social cues very well (and just social interaction in general), has a hard time getting excited about things that aren't related to her special interests (mainly science), and just in general is always stimming in subtle ways. She gestures when she talks like there's no tomorrow, and tends to repeat things a lot, too.
--Yes, she's started getting her Period already. And yes, she has the biggest mood swings while she's on it out of anyone. Whenever it happens, she just needs to be locked away in a restroom by herself with some scented candles and music.
--Is allergic to syrup (it gives her pretty severe, uncomfortable hives that take a long time to go away).
--Is left-handed and very proud of it.
--Is a hardcore Ravenclaw.
Sydney Strange
--She's very Pansexual. She's known ever since she was quite young because whenever she talked to someone and started to like them, she realized how she never cared about or fixated on anyone's gender. All she cared about was if they were a good person or not, and if they could make her laugh. Having a sense of humor is an integral trait for a partner in her eyes.
--She's the adopted daughter of Tad Strange, the joke character from The Stanchurian Candidate. Yes, really.
--Her personality is the polar opposite of Tad's. She's a bit mischievous, is always up for an adventure, and is always prepared for some sort of potential natural disaster. She would be the type to seek out danger and just in general be a lot more reckless if it weren't for him.
--One of her favorite memories was when Tad finally let her take rock climbing lessons. However, she eventually got a bit bored with it because of how many harnesses were used. So, she began free-climbing all of the walls. This led to her falling one day, and she would've been seriously injured or worse if it weren't for the protective mats. She got a big earful about that afterward.
--She's Half-Salvadorian on her birth mother's side, and Half-African American on her birth father's side, which led to her having very dark skin. She also has startlingly green eyes.
--She's actually red-green colorblind but is able to pass as a regularly sighted person very well in her day-to-day life, to the point where almost no one notices unless she tells them. Her favorite color is blue because it's the color she can see and point out the most clearly.
--She has undiagnosed ADHD, which has led to her not doing very well in school, unfortunately. She's incredibly disorganized, forgetful, and hyper-talkative, which made school a huge challenge. And despite being a social butterfly, and being around other kids one of the only aspects of school she liked, she wasn't very popular and didn't have very many friends growing up.
--Despite her bravery, she actually has pretty severe Thalassophobia (fear of the ocean) and doesn't know how to swim. Even thinking about treading really deep water can trigger a mild panic attack. That's because she has a general fear of how vast and seemingly neverending the ocean is and because she got lost while trying to swim in the ocean when she was very young, and almost had a run-in with a shark.
--Despite her fear of the ocean, she's incredibly fascinated by space and the stars. She's the type to enjoy reading about astrological signs, and even used to want to be an astronaut when she was younger. That dream faded over time, though. This fascination with space led to Science Fiction being her favorite genre. She adores movies like The Thing.
--Is very skilled at playing the guitar, but is incredibly shy when people ask her to play. She eventually worked up the courage to play in front of Maggie, who enjoyed it a ton.
--Is Ambidextrous! She favors her left hand, though.
--She's a Gryffindor!
2 notes · View notes
Chapter 3: Apriiiiiiiil O'neil!
Short collection of stories of how they met and befriended April (we are still in the exposition of this story, unfortunately. We're almost there though!)
This ended up being over 5k words long, be warned. Ao3 link if needed
“Look! It’s an iguana with a top hat!” Mikey pulled it out of the dumpster and shoved it in Raph’s face. The older turtle wrinkled his nose at it and pushed it down. Mikey’s brightly colored nails popped against the old wrinkled skin that had real stitches in it.
“You know that’s taxidermied, right? It’s a real iguana?”
“Cool!” Mikey set it down and dived back in, no longer in Raph’s vision as he continued to search. Something tore inside the dumpster and Mikey gagged, “Oh gross, old food.”
“Yeah you’re gonna find a lot of that in there. Do not eat it unless you want Donnie to go all doctor on you. I will tell him.”
He heard a raspberry being blown at him. “Just because I’ll eat a lot of stuff doesn’t mean I’ll eat random sludge I found in a bag. I’m not that gross.”
“Sorry, I just don’t have faith in you.” He shrugged and looked back towards the street. He waited for the familiar silhouette of the pizza scooter to come into sight. He kept his hood up, a medical mask on, and his red ninja one off.
Coming up to the surface made him nervous, he never liked doing it. Yes the fresh air is nice, but it is New York, how nice is it really? It was only a little better from the sewers. Plus there are so many people, they always call for the pizza to be far away from the busier parts of the city, but Mikey loves to drop by whenever he can convince his brothers.
They’re not allowed to go out without disguises, Raph looks most similar to humans since he’s the only one that doesn’t have green skin. His skin is dark brown, but the red spots, three fingers, and shell are a dead give away that he’s not normal. Mikey has a dark green skin that you can’t really see in the dark, but up close it’s obvious, especially with his yellow spots.
If they actually went to the more active parts of the city, even the night couldn’t protect them thanks to all those billboards and lights. Which is why Raph wants to avoid it as much as possible, and why he really tried to convince the others to tell Mikey to stay. He’ll just have to be able to convince Mikey not to drag him to that part of the city.
Humans are not safe, no matter how much Mikey wants them to be.
“Is the pizza here yet?” Mikey asked. “I’m getting really hungry.”
“Not yet, I’ll let you know when. Just keep searching for… what are you searching for?” 
“Something cool for Donnie. I… may or may not have dropped my phone in the tunnels and I need him to fix it for me.” Mikey popped his head out with a sheepish smile. His mask was bright against his face, making his red eyes pop out even more.
“You really need some wire tied around that thing. How many phones have you broken this year?”
“Hey! I’m only on my third!”
“It’s not even fall yet!”
Mikey groaned, rolling his eyes. “I’ll be more careful this year. My goal is under five!”
“Yeah and Donnie might help with that by giving you an old flip phone, or no phone at all. You gotta be more careful with that stuff, or you’ll never be allowed out of the tree alone.”
“Blah blah blah, whatever,” he went back to searching.
Raph sighed and rubbed his arms, looking back towards the street. He tensed up when a door on the side of the building opened and a woman walked out, carrying a trash bag and looking down at her phone.
“Human, Mikey stay down!” he whisper-yelled, ducking behind the dumpster. He shimmied in between it and the wall, shell scraping against brick. He held his breath and heard Mikey stop rummaging around.
It doesn’t seem like the human noticed them, thank goodness they’re all so distracted by their phones. It has saved them more times than he can count.
Footsteps came closer and Raph’s heart started to race as they stopped in front of the dumpster. He heard a sad sigh and a small “Whatever,” as she lifted her trash bag and threw it in.
It hit the dumpster hard and Raph gasped when he heard a quiet “Ow.”
The human’s feet stopped just as she was turning away. A few quiet seconds passed and she muttered, “What the…?”
Mikey looked up just in time to see the human look in. She had giant red glasses and a yellow beanie on, curly red hair surrounded her dark skin. Her eyes widened when they locked eyes. He froze, holding his breath, and she seemed to do the same.
“Uh… s-sorry,” she stuttered, her eyes jumping all over him. “I uh… what- did you-”
“It’s cosplay! I am uh… a ninja kappa?” Mikey quickly came up with an excuse, waving his hands to show he meant no harm.
“Three fingers. How did you- a cosplay?” she reached in to touch his hand.
“Mikey!” Raph shouted, climbing out from his hiding spot and pointing his sai at the human. She pulled back and took a step away, her hand going to her pocket and she pulled out a pepper spray. “Back off!”
“Me?! You rushed out at me!” she shot back.
“Raph stop! She wasn’t going to hurt me!” Mikey climbed out of the trash, grabbing his brother’s shoulder. The woman’s eyes widened when she saw the shell “Sorry, he’s just overprotective.”
“Overprotective?! She's a stranger! What if she hurts you?!”
“See! Overprotective. I’m Mikey! What’s your name?” He held out a hand to the human.
She hesitated but grabbed his hand. “April. Uh… what are you?”
“What do you mean? We’re human just like you!” he pulled his hand away.
“Uh huh… Sure.” She glanced at Raph, who was still glaring at her. “So uh, where are you from?”
“Sewers,” he answered without hesitation. Raph turned his glare to him. “Uh, I mean, Manhattan?”
April laughed, “Well the city is just as dirty.”
“Prettier though! Man! You’re the first person we’ve ever talked to- outside of the main parts of the city I mean.”
She gave him a skeptical look. “Really? Well, I just moved here so you’re the first people I’ve officially met, aside from my landlord.”
“What’d you move here for?” Raph could see Mikey practically beaming as he talked longer.
“Moved out for college. I should be heading back up though, it was nice to meet you!”
“Yeah, nice to meet you!” Mikey waved as she turned away and started walking back. As soon as she was out of sight, he turned to Raph with a giant smile. “We talked to a human! A real human!”
“We’ve talked to the pizza people on the phone before,” Raph growled. “I don’t like her.”
“You don’t like anyone. I can’t wait to tell the others!”
“What?! No way, they’ll kill me for letting this happen! And you’ll never be allowed to the surface ever again!”
Mikey waved him off. “Maybe if I tell dad, but not Leo or Donnie! Maybe she can be our first friend!”
Raph scoffed. “Yeah right. Friend.”
Whenever they left the tree, Mikey would try to stop by the same alley to see if April was there. Donnie was interested, and so was Leo, but he seemed more nervous about it. Occasionally Mikey would leave on his own, sneaking out without the others knowing to see her. It took weeks for him to catch her again.
That night he hadn’t snuck out as well as he thought he did. He was climbing down a fire escape near the dumpster, sitting down out of sight. After a few minutes of nothing happening, something heavy hit the fire escape from above. He looked up to see familiar purple leg warmers.
“Did you follow me?” he asked with a huff.
“Did you really sneak out of the lair again?” Donnie asked, making his way to him.
“What do you mean again? This is my first time!”
As his brother reached him, he pulled out his phone to show a video. It was Mikey sneaking down a sewer tunnel, looking around him. Donnie swiped to show another one, and another, and again, and again.
“Okay okay, when did you get the camera system?” Mikey crossed his arms. “And where are they all set up exactly?”
“I had set them up a few months ago. And I’m not going to tell you where they all are, you’ll just avoid them.” Donnie put his phone away. “So, is this where you’ve been sneaking out to? What are you doing here?”
“Remember when I told you about that human we met a few weeks ago? I’ve been trying to see her again!” He turned back to the street. “She has to live nearby, maybe I’ll get lucky again!”
“Have you seen her since?”
Mikey deflated. “No. I hope I will soon, she was really nice! She didn’t seem freaked out that we were turtles! Though I told her it was a cosplay. She was scared when Raph pulled out his sai. Maybe she doesn’t want to see us again. He probably scared her away.”
Donnie frowned at his brother's attitude change. “Hey, cheer up, maybe you’ll see her tonight!” He looked towards the street and saw someone turn into the alley. “Maybe that’s her?”
“Yeah right, she’s not gonna be the first person to show up- oh my gosh it is her!” Mikey jumped up before leaping over the railing.
“Mikey!” Donnie shouted, going down the rest of the fire escape before doing the same.
The human- April, jumped back when Mikey landed. She seemed to recognize him and rushed over. “Oh my god, are you alright?!”
Mikey sprung back up from his landing stance. “Oh don’t worry, it wasn’t a tallfall! And I am a ninja after all. It’s great to see you again!”
April laughed in relief, “Thank goodness, are you sure you’re fine.” She glanced over to Donnie, who straightened his stance and held his breath awkwardly.
“Yeah I am! Oh, this is my brother, Donnie! He’s… also in a turtle cosplay.”
Donnie, still standing stiff, gave her a wave. “Hi?”
April waved back. “Right, the ninja… what was it?”
“Kappa! Japanese turtle monsters, but we’re good kappa!”
“Right, sounds familiar. How old did you kids say you were?”
Donnie slowly walked up to her. “Uh, I’m thirteen, Mikey’s twelve.”
“What? Oh my god, where are your parents? What are you doing out so late? Don’t you know it’s dangerous for you to be out in the dark?”
“I already told you, we’re ninjas!” Mikey took off his nunchucks and swung them around.
“I thought you were cosplayers?”
Donnie interjected, “We are! But we’ve also learned how to use our weapons. Our father is a martial artist.”
“And he’ll go all martial art on our shells if he knows we snuck out,” Mikey added unhelpfully. 
“Uh huh, so it might be best if you head on home before he notices.”
“He won’t notice! We kinda do this all the time. Once he falls asleep, that is, sometimes he stays up late and we can’t sneak off.”
“And your mom?”
Donnie shook his head, “We don’t have one.”
April stopped short. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“No don’t be, we never had a mom. Our dad actually adopted us, we don’t really know the story though.”
Mikey opened his mouth to say something but his (new) phone buzzed. He looked down to see a message from his father. “Aw man, we did get caught.” He showed the message to Donnie.
Donnie quickly checked his own phone to see a similar one. “Guess we won’t be leaving home anytime soon.”
“Man, and just when we ran into you again,” Mikey pouted. “You’re like, our first friend.”
April frowned. “You don’t have any friends your age?”
“It’s too dangerous for us to leave home,” Donnie explained. “We’re um… not from here.”
“Oh… I think I get it. Then here, give me your phone.” She held out her hand. Donnie handed his first, and she typed something in before handing it back. “There, now you have my phone number. Just let me know if you need anything, okay?”
“Really?” Mikey bounced on his feet. “Wahoo! First friend!”
“Thanks! It was nice meeting you!” Donnie said, turning to leave. “Come on, if we’re not back home soon, dad will kill us.”
“Stay safe you two!”April called.
Over the next few months, Donnie and Mikey would sneak out to meet up with April. Occasionally she had food for them, which was great because it wasn’t always easy finding money in the sewers to pay for pizza or any other take out. They would bring home extras for the others, coming up with an excuse.
Leo wouldn’t meet her for a while until he snuck out after them one night, doing the same thing Donnie did to Mikey. He was really curious about the human himself, so he wasn’t as upset, but he made sure not to let Raph know what they were doing.
“Why haven’t you introduced her to me before?” Leo asked. “I need to make sure she’s actually safe to be around.”
“Probably because of that. We don’t need a Raph 2.0 watching us,” Mikey said.
“It also just hasn’t come up,” Donnie added.
“Oh, there she is! April!” Mikey waved over.
She laughed when she saw them, a bag of take out on her arm. “I’m here, I’m here.” Her hair has been growing out, black growing from the roots. She’s been wearing a new jacket too, a bright yellow one. Today her shirt was a Captain Mask shirt, a cartoon they watched. “Who’s this?”
“This is our older brother, Leo!” Donnie introduced.
“Ah, another ninja kappa. Why do you always come in those cosplays? I can’t imagine how much money you spend on the full body paint.” She gave them a skeptical look.
“It’s like our second skin,” Mikey giggled.
Leo looked her up and down, his eyes lingered on her shirt for a moment. “So you’re the person my brothers have told me so much about?”
“And you’re the one brother I had yet to meet. Great to finally do so, Leo. I’m April.” She held out her free hand.
Leo took it, catching sight of a bracelet with lots of charms hanging off. Batman, Spiderman, a lightsaber, a Captain Mask helmet. “So… you’re a nerd?”
“Leo!” Donnie pushed him.
April laughed harder, “I guess you could say that. You don’t have much room to speak though, considering the outfit. All of your cosplays look so real! The details on the shells are amazing, did you make them or commission them?”
“Oh- uh, I guess Mikey and I worked pretty hard on them,” Donnie said, looking anywhere but her.
“Anyway,” Leo interjected. “I see you’re a fan of Mask?”
“Only the biggest.” April opened the bag of take out and started handing it to them. Mikey plopped down on the floor and opened a box of dumplings. “I’ve seen all the iterations.”
“Even the 90’s live action?” Leo questioned.
“Which one? The movies or the show?”
“The show of course, the movies are classics! Not many people know about the show.”
“Probably for the better, but it did have some really good moments and ideas! If only they had a bigger budget and a few more writers.”
Mikey and Donnie exchanged glances, already starting on their food, this was gonna be a long night of listening to these two talk about Leo’s favorite show. They talked about their favorite iteration and characters, the worst plots and the best. The rest of the food was cold long before they made their way back home. Leo was definitely a fan of her.
Yoshi was no fool, he noticed his sons leaving their home more and more often. Earlier and earlier into the night too, which was making him nervous. Often he would stop them from leaving just to have them wait a little longer, making them nervous too.
Funny enough, Raph never seemed happy to leave. He refused to let the others go on their own though, he was always an anxious boy. Maybe he’s worried about his brothers getting into trouble.
Whenever Yoshi asked what they were doing or where they were going, they would come up with a whole array of excuses. The skatepark, a playground, food run, or just leaving to get some fresh air. It would be normal if they truly were doing these things, but most of the time they seemed to be flustered to have been caught. Leo and Donnie would always assure him that they would be safe, take the normal routes, and stay out of sight. Raph would promise to keep them from the busy parts of the city.
Yoshi still couldn’t help but worry about them. He was too old to leave the sewers as often as them, he would only leave when they were running low on food. Aside from that, most of his energy was put in training them and taking care of them home.
However with how often they were leaving to get food, he had more time to himself to relax. So with nothing to do, and more energy than usual, he followed them out one night. It was easier than it should have been, they were too busy joking with each other to notice they were being followed. He’ll have to have them train with their senses more. They may just be children but just existing is dangerous for them.
He followed them across rooftops on the other side of the street, watching them jump and do dangerous flips one after the other. They made it across each one flawlessly, and Yoshi couldn’t stop himself from feeling some pride. They were turning out to be such good ninjas, better than he was at their age.
Eventually they jumped into an alleyway and didn’t come back out. Yoshi frowned and went to the ground floor himself. Through the shadows on the other side of the street, he barely saw them sitting all over a fire escape. They must be taking a break, but they shouldn’t have been winded so soon. Yoshi has noticed they are stronger and have more stamina than any other human child. Perhaps due to their mutation?
Looking both ways down the street, he waited for a car to pass before rushing across it, running to the front of the building. He was trying to act natural since there were a few other people around. It was an apartment complex with a few stores on the bottom floor, just like the surrounding ones.
He went to the alley on the other side of the building, planning on climbing up the fire escape on that side to get closer to his sons. However there was a group of humans already in the alley, the scent of alcohol and cigarettes coming from them. He could see chains and crowbars near them, a bad feeling formed in his gut. 
Yoshi quickly ducked back behind the wall and went back to his sons, pulling on his hood. His sons weren’t safe here, they should keep moving, he needs to warn them. They were too young to defend themselves!
“Leonardo, Raphael!” he called as he ran into the alley. Those two were the oldest, they were in charge of their brothers when they were out.
All four of them turned to him, eyes peeking over the railing. “Dad?” Leo asked, climbing over the railing and dropping each level until he finally hit the floor. “What are you doing here?”
“Nevermind that, there’s a group of unsafe humans nearby. You shouldn’t stop so in the open!” Yoshi urged, “You need to keep moving, or at least rest on top of the buildings where you won’t be seen.”
“Oh, uh, sure, we’ll do that.” Leo looked up to his brothers, fidgeting with his gloves. Yoshi squinted at him, noticing how anxious he was acting.
Mikey jumped to the last level on the fire escape, leaning off the railing. “Did you follow us?”
“Is a father not allowed to worry about his children? You all have been leaving home more than usual. What is it you do here in this alleyway?”
The brothers exchanged some guilty glances. Donnie spoke up, “Well, uh, this is the spot we order our food to. We like to wait here.”
“You shouldn’t be interacting with humans so much, what if they realize you’re not normal? Besides, we don’t have a lot of money to spare, and we have food at home.”
Mikey frowned. “How do you know humans are so dangerous? Have you ever met any? What if some of them were nice?”
“Michelangelo, I will not argue about this with you. Either get to the roof of this building, or you all are coming home, now. And we will be having a talk when you do.” Yoshi folded his arms and started tapping his foot.
Raph flicked the back of Mikey’s head and they all started to climb the fire escape. They moved slowly, clearly upset. None of them were excited to have that talk with Yoshi , he may force them to tell him what they’ve really been doing.
However they were only able to climb a few flights before they heard a scream come from the street, making them freeze. “Let me go!”
“That’s April!” Leo shouted, already jumping back down.
“Leonardo! Wait!” Yoshi called, but he was already running towards the street. His brothers followed without a word, making Yoshi panic before following them.
Leo turned the corner to see April being held by her arm by one of five men. He didn’t have his swords on him, he often doesn’t because he never thinks he’ll need them, but they were trained in hand to hand combat first.
So he rushed in and jumped kicked the guy closest to him. He wore a jacket with a dragon on the back, twisting around in loops.
“Hey!” the guy next to him shouted, raising his crowbar. This one had a piercing on the side of his left ear and a purple dragon crawling up the other side of his neck.
Leo raised his arm to block the blow, but it never hit him. Instead it got stuck in Raph’s sai. His brother twisted it, tearing it from the bigger man’s grip, before stomping on his foot.
The guy holding April let her go as his friend jumped back in pain. He had a pony tail and there was another purple dragon on him, this time a piercing climbing up his ear. What was with this theme?
Before he could do anything Donnie came between him and everyone else, hitting him in the chest with the end of his bo staff. Piercing dude stumbled back, grabbing his chest.
The other two, one with a dragon on the side of his face and the other with twin dragons climbing up his jacket sleeves, came forward to grab Leo and Donnie. Mikey came in low, hitting him in the stomach with a punch, not even bothering to use his nunchucks. Leo grabbed the other guy’s arm before he could grab him, using all his weight to throw him over the shoulder onto the ground.
The first guy was getting up, but before anyone could advance, Yoshi appeared on his shoulders. He pinched a nerve on the man’s neck, making him fall down. As he did, Yoshi jumped off of him and kicked the man that Raph was facing square in the chin.
Donnie gasped as he was grabbed from behind, and arm snaking around his neck and cutting off his air. 
“Donnie!” April pushed herself off the wall where she was cornered before punching him in the nose. As he let go of the turtle, she pushed him against his shell towards his family and pulled out her pepper spray. The man screamed a curse as the red mist crashed into his face.
Leo pulled Donnie closer to himself before April turned around, grabbing his arm. “Come on!” she shouted, leading the way to the alley way. She put her pepper spray away and pulled out her keys.
“Don’t let them run!” they heard one of them say.
Another shouted, “Stop freaks!”
April reached the door in the alleyway, quickly unlocking it with her key. Everyone ran inside, including Yoshi who was watching her very carefully. She shut the door as fast as she could and locked it behind her. There was a loud bam against the door and an angry shout.
April took deep breaths, her hands shaking as she stepped back from the door. “Fu-udge,” she was about to mutter a curse before remembering the teens in her presence. She quickly turned to them, noticing the rat flinching and trying to put himself in front of them. “Are you guys okay?”
Leo and Raph looked at Donnie, who spoke up first. “We’re fine, are you?”
April nodded, but as she opened her mouth to say anything else, Yoshi spoke first. “Who are you? You said my sons name earlier, how do you know them?”
“Son?” April asked. Then as the realization hit her, her eyes sparkled. “Oh my goodness! You’re their father I’ve heard so much about, it’s great to finally meet you!”
“You… what?” Yoshi turned to the others for answers. None of them looked him in the eyes, finding the stained hallway carpet or off white walls more interesting.
“Wait, did none of them tell you about me?” April also looked at them, all of them looking more and more guilty, even Raph. “I know you guys say he didn’t like humans, but come on! He’s your father! You guys gushed about him so much!”
Yoshi turned away from them and to April as more banging came from the door. “Is there somewhere else we can talk?”
“Uh, sure.” She squeezed past everyone and led them through the hallway. It was quite cramped, only one turtle could walk ahead at a time, Yoshi just barely fit next to Raph. They went up a few flights of stairs before April stopped at a door and unlocked it.
For as small and uncomfortable the rest of the building was, the room wasn’t too bad. It was bigger than Yoshi’s old apartment. Still, the living room and the kitchen were combined, but at least the bedroom wasn’t also combined with it.
“Would anyone like something to drink? I got water, tea, and soda,” April offered.
“We’re good for now,” Yoshi said. His boys looked at him strangely, he has never turned down the offer for tea before. “What was it you said your name was, young lady?”
“Oh, right.” She stopped going through her cabinets and leaned against her counter as the boys got settled, either on the ground or the couch. “I’m April O’neil. I’m sure you have a lot of questions, and I have a few myself.”
“We weren’t trying to hide anything from you, either of you, it’s just-” Donnie started speaking, but Yoshi raised a hand to him.
“How long have my boys known you for?” he asked.
April took a deep breath to think. “A few months now, towards the end of summer? I just moved in here and started classes.”
“Ah, so you’re a college student?”
April nodded. “Yeah, just started. Freshman year so… my parents managed to keep me out of the dorms, luckily.”
“I see, and what degree are you going for?”
“A communications degree. I’m trying to be a reporter but, I don’t know, we’ll see how that goes. Oh! But I promise I have no plans of telling the world about, well, you all.” She gestured to them. “I just, I don’t know. Your sons were the first people I’ve met here and it seemed like they needed a friend? It must be hard meeting people while being… whatever you guys are.”
“I told you we’re cosplayers!” Mikey reminded her.
She gave him a look. “Mike, you should know by now I can sniff out a lie almost anywhere. I know you guys aren’t human.”
Raph scoffed. “Then why aren’t you afraid of us? Shouldn’t you be?”
April shrugged. “Should I? You guys seem pretty friendly. I like your company. It’s… nice to not be around so much normal. Though, New York is anything but normal.”
“Well, I thank you for helping my sons,” Yoshi told her. “I have much to think about, and much to discuss with them.”
“I should be thanking you guys for saving me! You all were awesome! Especially you, Mr. Hamato! I know you’re wary around humans, and I understand why. But feel welcome to come back here, okay? Just shoot me a text and I’ll bring you guys up.”
Yoshi smiled at her. “You’re a very kind girl. I won’t stop my sons from visiting you, as long as they tell me about it and any other human friends they have.” He gave them all a look, Leo laughed nervously. “Oh and, there’s no need to call me Hamato. Although it is my family name, I have no ties to who I once was. Please, call me Splinter.”
“It was great meeting you. I can show you to the fire escape, those men still might be out there and I don’t want anything to happen.”
“That would be greatly appreciated. I do not like running into that Purple Dragon gang. Nasty people.”
April laughed and nodded in agreement, bringing them back to the hallway. She opened the window to the fire escape, which thankfully didn’t have an alarm attached to it. They all climbed up, waving their goodbyes.
Raph went last and paused for a moment, giving her a look. “Thanks for helping Don. I guess you’re not the worst human.”
“That means a lot coming from you. Stay safe, okay?”
“You too.” He ducked out of the window and April closed it, watching them leave before heading back to her room.
It would be awkward around Raph and Splinter for a bit more, but after a while she became close friends with them all. She dreaded coming home for breaks, but after her first summer break, she came back to them throwing a welcoming party. It felt like her place was in New York, with them.
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oh-katsuki · 3 years
Golden Boy (Izuku x Reader)
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Pairing: Izuku x Reader
Summary: Izuku was a nice boy, except when it came to you. Yup, UA’s golden boy really knew how to treat a slut like you. 
Content Warnings: Dubcon, slight noncon, dacryphilia, size kink, face fucking, overstimulation, creampie, degradation, humiliation, spit kink, choking, finger choking, pet names, ooc izuku
Word Count: 5.6k 
A/N: I got SCARY h-word over this man and decided that I literally wanted him to hurt me and spit in my mouth. He’s too nice to not be a fucking freak, goodbye. 
Anyway, thank you to @eremiie , @mikaberries , and @veroyktv for beta-reading this!! I appreciate y’all !
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Izuku tormented you all through high school. It was almost shameful to admit the way that his gentle teases melted into something far more sinister as the weeks bled into months and years. What started as subtle comments turned into  outright taunts and then the contactless threats no longer remained empty. 
No one believed you. And who would? 
Izuku was a model student and a good friend, someone with a kind disposition who wanted nothing more than to become the greatest hero. What reason could he possibly have to bully you? You’d never done anything to him. 
But he did. For three years he mercilessly taunted you and it only got worse your final year. 
Izuku would pinch at your thighs, sneering at you in the hallways when no one was looking. He’d snake his hand up your skirt and squeeze the supple flesh hard enough to leave bruises that eventually littered the entire inside of your thigh. They looked incredibly vulgar and Izuku would torment you about it endlessly, despite knowing that he’s the one who left them. 
He’d crowd you against the lockers after most people had gone home, knowing you’d be there late after your tutoring sessions. 
“Tsk. Quite some marks you’ve got there.” He’d say, stepping up to you, his broad shoulders squared, a half smile creeping onto his face as his eyes studied the inside of your thighs. The marks littered the otherwise smooth skin, visible when looking at you from the front. 
“You get them from slutting yourself out?” Izuku would ask, stepping toward you again. “Y’look like a bit of a whore, don’t you?” 
He’d lean in close to your ear, venom seeping into each of his words as he cornered you. His hand crept up your skirt, eyes trained on yours which widened with fear as he pinched down, relishing in the yelp of pain that escaped you.
You wondered how someone like Izuku could make you feel so small and so insignificant.You couldn’t even bat his hand away as he made a fool of you, pinching at the inside of your leg with thick, calloused, and scarred fingers. It didn’t matter how tall or strong you were because it always seemed that Izuku was bigger, domineering in attitude and words. He really did know how to reduce you to a helpless thing. 
It seemed Izuku was growing more desperate by the day as graduation gradually crept closer. It was like he made less of an effort to hide it, blowing into your ear and whispering vile shit to you while in class, things that would make anyone squirm in their seat. He’d start bumping into you, singling you out, making an effort to get you noticed by his friends so he could have you as a little plaything whenever they hung out. 
And you let him. You let him make a toy out of you, tagging along with Iida, Uraraka, and Asui on Saturday outings, letting Izuku pinch and prod at you from across a restaurant table.
The truth was, Izuku Midoriya fucking terrified you. 
So you couldn’t say no to him. To everyone else you looked like nothing more or less than one of his many admirable friends. Promising quirk and a promising future, what a match for UA’s golden boy. 
You were at your wits end and by the time graduation rolled around. No one listened to you. Hell, people often brushed off Izuku’s very genuine threats as classic childhood teasing. “You’re such a good sport!” they’d say as Izuku patted your back, laughing an all too cheery “just kidding!”
How were you supposed to focus on graduation day, all dolled up in your cap and gown, unwilling to admit to yourself that maybe it was for him? Still, you found yourself automatically flinching whenever Izuku came around, eyes following him across the lawn as he ignored you in favor of photos. Izuku had a promising job offer waiting for him, and his many awards won during the ceremony earned him several congratulatory handshakes as well as pictures for the school’s newsletter. 
Still, he’d catch your eye when smiling for the camera, an all to familiar glint in them. His smile made you sick to your stomach, made it churn in the worst of ways. It was doing back flips as he stalked across the lawn towards you until his sturdy frame was against yours. He leaned down, lips brushing beside your ear to whisper one final taunt. 
“It’s a shame you’re not wearing that little skirt of yours,” Izuku breathed, eyes flitting over the cap and gown. “Would have liked to pinch those skank thighs of yours one last time. S’what you deserve.”  
And then he stood there, watching the way tears began to crowd your waterline, threatening to spill over as three years of tormentation came to what felt like an underwhelming head. Izuku tilted his head, watching the way water stained your made-up cheeks, before taking his thumb and wiping the tears from your eyes. 
“Don’t cry, doll.” He taunted, voice far too sweet for the words that fell from his lips. “I’m not near done with you yet.” 
Why was his tone so comforting? So confusing that you weren’t sure if it was dread or relief that filled your senses, ears suddenly feeling clogged with water. Your eyes darted from his to anyone on the lawn who could see you, who might be watching as Izuku pushed you to tears with only a few words, until you caught Bakugou’s gaze. 
Ah, Bakugou Katsuki, someone who’s done to Izuku what he does to you. It’s a bit of a fucked up little triangle because while Izuku was bullied by him and you are bullied by Izuku, you couldn’t help but hope that Bakugou would be the one taunting you, the one pinching your thighs. At least that’s what you told yourself. Maybe he’d help you, after all, he was probably the only person who’d believe you in the first place. 
So once Izuku had wiped your tears with a condescending thumb and left to go partake of other party activities, you pulled Katsuki aside by the shoulder, fingers digging into the meat of his bicep. 
“What in th- you?! The fuck are you doing?” Bakugou asked, eyebrows furrowed in the permanent scowl that he wore so frequently. 
“Sh, look please just, hear me out.” You spoke, voice hushed as your eyes shifted around. You had the feeling that if Izu saw you with him, you’d be in for it. “I just- I really need help.” 
Bakugou was about to scoff, was about to roll his eyes and walk away until he saw the redness under your eyes that the makeup couldn’t hide. The way you sniffled slightly as you asked and the way you looked to the floor. He’d never seen you like this, almost broken. It was something he’d seen often in Izuku, but something about seeing you like this made him ache. 
“What?” He responded, trying not to seem too invested. 
“It’s Midoriya.” Your voice grew quiet, almost in shame as you spoke the formal version of his name. 
“And?” Bakugou was impatient. He cared about you but not enough to sit here for five minutes while you stuttered. “Spit it out.” 
“He- he won’t leave me alone.” The words tumble from your lips so fast and before you know it, your hands are balled into fists on his chest, the material of his gown scrunched inside them in a plea. “He’s a nightmare, he pinches me and says the most awful shit to me. I- I mean, the inside of my legs and thighs are littered with bruises and n-no one believes me.” 
“Midoriya? As in, ‘shitty deku’ Midoriya?” Bakugou takes a step back in slight shock. 
“Yes!” You shout, far louder than you intended, pulling him closer slightly as you hush your tone in a whisper. “What the fuck am I supposed to do?” 
He nudged you off of him, brushing off his gown. Bakugou would be lying if he said it didn’t make his blood boil. Sure, him and Midoriya had buried the hatchet a long time ago but he still wanted dirt on the guy, plus he thought it was a coward move for him to bully someone as pretty as you. Though after seeing the way your eyes get wide in fear, he can’t say that it wasn’t incredibly tempting. There was something enticing about how you looked when you begged, no doubt Izuku saw it too. 
“You’re too sensitive.” He scoffed, meeting you gaze and watching the way your expression fell. “What you do is graduate and forget about that shitty extra. There’s really nothing else to it.”
You reached for him again out of habit this time, like if he turned around now you’d really be thrown to the wolves. 
“N-no, Bakugou, please.” You plead again, tears once again gathering in the corners of your eyes. “I-I can’t. I just need help.” 
Oh, he gets it now. 
He sees what makes you so appealing, what makes it so easy to walk all over you. You looked pretty when you cried. So he leaned in, his scowl turning into a smirk before speaking again. 
“No.” Bakugou’s smirk turned into an outright grin, eyes crinkling at the corners before he stood back up. “I graduated. Shitty Deku is your problem, not mine. Deal with it yourself. Just stop talking to him or whatever.” 
And with a wave of his hand he was off, walking towards his group of friends. Well, there goes your life line, the one person who actually believed that Izuku was tormenting you wouldn’t even lend you a helping hand. You supposed it was too much to hope though, and he was right, you could forget… stop talking to him. Why did the idea of that suck almost as much as staying under this thumb? 
“____!” Bunette locks bounced as your friend came towards you, hand outstretched in a wave before she pulled you into a hug. “We’re all going to Midoriya’s place to celebrate graduating, come with?” 
You liked Uraraka. Well, you actually liked all of Izuku’s friends. They were sweet and honestly none-the-wiser to Izuku’s torments and taunts. She wore the kindest smile, eyes bright with the excitement of finally starting her adult life. 
You glanced at the rest of them, eyes flitting around friendly faces until your gaze met Izuku’s. He looked upset, eyebrows furrowed slightly and eyes cold as he stood there. They all agreed, urging you to go before Izuku spoke up, smiling gently at you over the top of Uraraka’s head. 
“You should come. We’ll miss you if you don’t.” The rest of the group nods their agreement, but it wasn’t them that pulled the small okay from your lips. It was Izuku, the way his eyes had a threatening glint to them as he spoke, a smile creeping into them in the most unsettling of ways. Your stomach was turning again, twisting over and over because something about the way Izuku looked at you made you squirm. 
“Yay! Okay, we’re all gonna meet there after!” She smiled, taking your hands in hers and giving a small squeal. “It’s gonna be so fun!” 
And with that she was bouncing off with Asui in the direction of Kaminari and Kirishima. 
Izuku stayed behind, walking slower than his friends so he could bend down to speak to you. You could feel his breath against your neck as he spoke, words sending shivers down your spine. Despite the way your heart hammered against your rib cage, you tilted your head to hear him better. 
“You better be there, doll.” He muttered. “It’ll be worse for you if you’re not. Be a good girl for once, yeah?” 
He sounded more upset than usual, hand coming up to squeeze your shoulder hard enough to make you flinch, and when you looked up to meet his eyes, he didn’t wear his standard grin. Izuku looked angry, furious even. It made your skin crawl, made heat creep up your neck and onto your cheeks so furiously that you found it hard to see through. 
All you could do was nod, fighting the pout that tried so hard to paint your face. You squeezed your thighs together instinctively at the phrase. He never praised you, not even once. Hearing the words “good girl” drip from his lips so angrily made them fly shamefully south. He gave a small laugh before walking off. It was almost like he knew, leaving you to rub at your sore shoulder. 
Why were you here? You could have just not come and then you never would have had to see Izuku again, never would have had to deal with him until one day in the future when you’re too successful a hero to pinch. Still, you wouldn’t admit it to yourself or anyone else, but you might miss him. The teasing was a nightmare but it was attention, something that reminded you that at least Izuku still saw you. 
He couldn’t be ignoring you if he was calling you a slut. 
You arrived after everyone and Izuku opened the door for you with a jeering grin before stepping aside to let you in, pinching at your thigh again. He noticed immediately that you wore a skirt and he didn’t have to wonder why. It was an invitation for him, of course. 
You’d actually never been to Izuku’s house, so sitting in his living room eating snacks and drinking was unusual to say the least. It was surprising because beyond pinching you in the doorway, Izuku was being oddly kind. 
He sat next to you, his thigh pressed against yours, but he didn’t try anything. Didn’t whisper in your ear or grab at the fat on your side. You couldn’t help but ask yourself why. Even as the latter half of the day droned on, you were on edge despite being treated, finally, like one of the group. What did you do wrong? Was he no longer interested in you? Most importantly though, why were you upset that he wasn’t pushing your buttons? 
The end of the day came quickly, dark settling over the house while everyone gathered their things to leave. You’d all walk home together, leaving Izuku alone in his house. He smiled as everyone waved goodbye, bittersweet tears in his eyes as his final high school hang out came to a close. He cried at the ceremony while delivering his speech and then again at his house while Uraraka babbled on about her appreciation of UA. You can’t say you felt the same. 
“Not ____.” He said as you slipped on your shoes, placing a hand on your shoulder. “I’ll walk her home since she lives in the opposite direction. Plus, I gotta give her something.” 
Izuku smiles at his friends, who all nod their understanding. They wouldn’t suspect that he’d do anything wrong, that he’d be keeping you behind to maybe, finally, torment you. What a fucked up way of thinking. The door to his house clicked shut and your blood ran far colder than you thought it would as he approached you. 
“What’s wrong, doll?” He taunted, a fake pout adorning his features. “Thought I’d let you off easy? After today?” 
Izuku raised an eyebrow before rolling his eyes at the realization that you don’t know what he’s talking about. 
“Wow, you really are a slut aren’t you? Clinging to Bakugou so shamelessly today?” He scowled looked over you. 
Your eyes widened, lips parting as you remembered grabbing at Bakugou’s shirt, pulling him towards you earlier that day in a plea for help. 
“Did you think he would help you?” He sneered. “Bakugou’s just like me. He doesn’t care about a whore like you. Did you think that if you pushed against him like that he’d cave? Fold because your perfect body was flush on him?”
Izuku took your face between his pointer and thumb, spitting venom at you, waiting for you to respond. His compliment flew over your head. 
“N-no.” Yes. “I swear Izuku… I- I didn’t-” 
“You- you- you didn’t what?” Izuku responded, mocking your miserable stutter. “You’re my toy. Pisses me off when you let other people play with you.” 
And then he’s dragging you towards his room, pulling you into the cramped space and closing the door behind him. He’s muttering like he usually does, pushing you onto his bed so you’re sitting on the edge. 
Why were you so relieved right now? Why was your cunt already sticky with arousal? Why did every single word he was saying to you go straight south? You take your bottom lip between your teeth trying to find a way to shake your head in protest— to get up and leave— but the movement just wouldn’t come. Instead, you hang your head, eyebrows pulled up and cheeks flushed with heat as he stares you down. 
“Why are you doing this?” Your voice is barely a whisper, hardly audible over the sound of his frustrated breathing and your own rampant heart beat. “I’ve never done anything to you.” 
Izuku scoffed this time, stepping forward and taking your face in his hands again. 
“Haven’t done anything?” His words are venomous and his face is inches from yours, hot breath fanning across your cheeks. Were his hands always this big? “Dressing like that and saying you ‘haven’t done anything’?” 
His eyes flit down to the fat of your thighs, free hand groping the flesh hungrily, hard enough that it had you sucking in a sharp breath. Izuku couldn’t take it anymore, squeezing your cheeks and pressing his lips to yours in an aggressive kiss. 
Truth was, you drove Izuku batshit crazy. Right from the moment he saw you he could hardly contain himself, prancing around in that tiny fucking skirt with an ass like that. Daring to act so innocent when he was gripping the edge of his desk to keep from pouncing on you as you introduced yourself to him, as you hung all over his middle school bully, or as you flashed your hot pink panties while in class. 
To him, you were asking for it and the way you played dumb only made his blood boil further. Izuku was a nice boy, always had been, but the day that he made you cry, telling you that you kind of looked like a slut in your skirt, was the day he knew that he’d have way too much fun with you. 
Your eyes got so big, welled up so quickly with tears that he knew were caused by him. It made him proud, made his chest swell at how quickly he could completely ruin your day. This must be how Bakugou felt, to some degree, except chances are that he wasn’t thinking about what your puffy, swollen lips might look like when you’re choking on his cock. 
He’d been thinking about it since he met you. Pushing you further and further because you were just so fucking cute when you cried and if he couldn’t consume your thoughts because you like him, then he’d have to settle for consuming them because you’re afraid of him. 
You grunted against him, eyes going wide as his lips crashed into yours. You were spinning, heart pounding as his tongue dipped into your mouth hungrily. He pulled away from you quickly. 
“Drive me fuckin’ crazy, looking like that.” Izuku seethed. “If you’re gonna play clueless, y’might as well make use of yourself. S’what you deserve.” 
And without asking he pushed you from the bed and onto your knees in front of him. You knew where it was going, knew that Izuku wasn’t going to let up because this boundary was being crossed. Still, you shamefully rubbed your thighs together, blinking up at him in confusion and arousal. 
“Such a whore.” He said, freeing his cock from his pants and letting it slap against his stomach. Izuku relished in the way your eyes widened, in the way you unconsciously licked your lips. And then he’s tapping the side of your mouth with his cock, head tilted back in a taunt as he watches the way your eyes brim with premature tears. He’d show you real crying. 
“Suck it.” A simple command, but one that had you shivering. He kept his hand on your shoulder while his fingers dug into it with a force that was all too familiar. is cock throbbed in his hands as you sniffled and parted those pretty, glossed lips. 
Izuku didn’t wait, no, he couldn’t wait, pushing his full length to the back of your throat and beyond, groaning when it entered the tight, wet space beyond your mouth. His head fell back and his mouth fell open at the way you choked on him. Tears forced their way out of your eyes and down your cheeks as he began fucking your mouth. 
“Y-you’re a real crybaby, huh?” He cooed, a lazy half-smirk gracing his face. “You did this to yourself. Such– a fucking– tease.” 
He accentuated his words with harsh thrusts into your throat, drool pooling in your mouth and dribbling down his cock to his balls. It ran down your chin, mingling with tears as he continued to fuck your throat. 
Izuku was big, far bigger than you expected him to be. He completely filled your throat, stretching your unprepared mouth open. You could feel the sides of your mouth pulling at his size, lips cracking as you struggled to take all of him with each of his thrusts. Still, when you looked up at him through big teary eyes, knees growing sore from the way his fist held you to the floor, other hand pulling you against his cock, your cunt grew wet with arousal. 
He pulled you off him by your hair, watching the way you gasped and sputtered and sobbed. He loved the scratch in your throat as you coughed and he picked you up by the arm and crawled between your legs. 
“Wearing such a tiny skirt to my house.” He spit. “You knew what you were doing, lookin’ like that with your ass out and shit.” 
Izuku’s eyes scanned over you hungrily, like he’s been waiting to get you here for so long. Fuck, he still looked big, hovering over you and supporting his entire weight on one of his arms as his other hand wandered down. He flipped up the fabric of your skirt, admiring the way you flinched as his hand ran up your inner thigh. 
His hands ran over your figure, squeezing at the fat of your stomach, thighs, and chest. Izuku has been dying to get a piece of you since you met, since he first laid eyes on that frustratingly sexy figure of yours that led him to spiral to this moment. His hands dipped back to your inner thigh, ensuring that your skirt was out of the way, though it was so small already that it proved no obstacle at all. 
His breathing grew heavy, hand gently gliding along the supple flesh that he’s pinched so many times, marks from your final day of classes still fading. Izuku’s eyebrows were furrowed together as his hands found your panties, touching you over the fabric that was now soaked through. His eyes snapped to you so fast as he pulled the fabric aside with calloused fingers, wasting no time dipping his fingers into your soaking folds. 
“You fucking pervert.” He sneered, glancing down to show you just how wet you’d gotten, all for him. “You like it when I’m mean to you? So fucking dirty.” 
Izuku rubbed a swift circle around your clit and you brought your arm up to hide your face, biting into your forearm to muffle the sounds. You shook your head, squeaking out a no as his fingers curled up into you. 
“You sure about that? You’re dripping.” Izuku grunted, curling his fingers with his entire forearm and hearing a moan from you. “See? Fucking slut, giving me those eyes, like a lost puppy.” 
It was undeniable how you clenched around him and he let out a curt laugh of disbelief. 
“Oh… you like that name, don’t you, puppy?” He dipped down to bite at your neck, humming into the skin. 
You squirm beneath him but he has you caged in under, your legs unable to move around. Your stomach still turned in fear of him, but that fear was mixing with the intense pleasure building in your core. Even his fingers were a stretch and you could feel his thick cock hitting your abdomen with each aggressive curl, your mind consumed with just how good it would feel for him to break you open. After all, he’s chipped away at almost every ounce of self respect you had. In fact, he practically already owned you mentally, now he was just claiming what he should rightfully own physically. 
“I hate girls like you.” He spat, fingers picking up their pace as you were sent barrelling towards your high. “Acting like you don’t know what you’re doing to me. So fucking stupid. But look at you now— Your cunt is practically drooling on me— pathetic.” 
You were close, hot with arousal as he lifted your arm from your face. 
“Getting close huh? I can feel your whore cunt clenching. Y’wanna cum?” He grinned widely through furrowed brows. 
Your eyes were glossed over, tears spilling onto your cheeks and for a moment Izuku almost felt bad for you. Still though, you were just too fun to fuck with, too fun to absolutely ruin. You looked prettier than he could have imagined right now; face sticky with tears of arousal, embarrassment, and fear. Izuku was a nice boy, he really was, except when it came to you because now he just couldn’t stop himself from ruining your cunt. 
You were close, impossibly close as you bit your lip in an attempt to muffle the whiney yes that breached your lips. It was involuntarily, almost a survival response as his fingers continued making that delicious squelching sound. Those years of torment were beginning to twist. You were beginning to convince yourself that no, it wasn’t so bad, it’s okay to want to cream on his fingers and be his good girl. 
So you nodded, dew-filled eyes stricken with fear meeting his predatory ones in a confirmation. He was building you up so well, your stomach turning over and over, the knot tightening and set to break. And then he pulled his fingers from you as you clenched around nothing, a blinding orgasm ripped from you all by his fingers. Your back arched up off the bed and pathetic whines left your lips. 
“You’ll have to beg for it.” He smirked, sitting back on his knees, discarding your panties with a hard tug and running the head of his cock through your slick while you whimper. “Tell me you like it. C’mon. I’ll let you cum on my cock if you do.” 
Right now you were certain you’d do anything if it meant you were allowed to cream over him, so you parted your lips, hiccuping through broken sobs. 
“P-please Izu, need to cum.” Your voice was low and quiet. 
Izuku pushed the head of his cock against your entrance, glowering down at you as he pushed the fabric of your shirt up over those perfect tits that he couldn’t get enough of. He sucked in a sharp breath, facade falling for a moment until he brought his eyes back to yours. 
“You like it when I’m mean, huh? Lemme hear you say it.” Izuku gave a cruel smile, eyes darkened with lust. 
“Yes! Yes, I like it.” You shout, hand coming up to grab his arm, speaking through desperate tears. “Please fuck me, please Izu.” 
Izuku bottomed out in one fell swoop, hearing all he needed as he throws his head back, a groan of fucking pathetic falling lazily from his lips. He rolled his head across his shoulders, starting to move in and out of you, stretching your cunt open with each push and pull. 
“So fucking tight. You a virgin?” His tongue swiped at his teeth as he relished in the stretch and the way pain wet your cheeks. 
God, he fucking hated you. Hated every part of you. He hated the way your lips looked so good around him, the way your thighs squeezed so nicely around his waist, the way your tears only egged him on. It all made him want to hurt you. You brought out the worst in him. You were too fucking tempting, too easy. 
You weren’t a virgin but the stretch of his cock made you feel like one. God, you could feel him in your throat as you gripped pathetically at his biceps, a plea to get him to slow down. Izuku wouldn’t listen though, pounding into your gummy walls mercilessly. 
“Not gonna answer?” He laughed, low and threatening before folding your knees to your chest. “Tells me all I need to know. How many men have fucked this cunt of yours, huh? Bet it’s more than I can count on one hand.” 
Izuku brought his hand up to your face once more, squeezing your plump cheeks together. 
“Don’t worry, puppy. Gonna make it so you can’t take anyone else.” He spits in your mouth, forcing it closed. “Fuckin’ mine now, yeah? My little whore, always have been, right?”
You screw your eyes shut, swallowing sloppily as spit drips down your chin and tears streak from your eyes. Where did he learn to speak like this? 
“Say it.” 
You’re close again, so full of him, so desperate for him to give you what you want. You can’t resist him, so you might as well submit. Maybe it will make everything easier because you were finding it harder to pretend that you didn’t like it now. 
“Yours, m’yours.” You choke out, hand flying to his large one to move it over your throat. “Belong only to you.” 
Izuku squeezed the sides of your neck with startling force. It’s almost hateful in how strong it was but it made you whine out against him, voice raking against vocal chords that he forced closed. 
“Slut. S-such a slut.” He stuttered as you clenched around him, hitting your high with a roll of your hips and a pathetic whimper. “C’mon, gimme it, puppy.” 
Oh god, the pay off was unbelievable. The way you whined his name was better than any sob he pulled from you to date.You were so helpless,your body wracking with waves of pleasure and your pussy clamping down around him. This is what he saw in you the first time he made you cry— this expression. He knew you could make it, eyes big and wide, filled with tears and your mouth open in a deep moan. Fuck, he loved it. 
“God, so tight. Good puppy, good fucking puppy.” He fucked into you faster, chasing his own high now as he assaulted your overstimulated cunt. 
Your head spun, no longer preoccupied with the taunting or the tormenting. You were stupid on his cock, his good little puppy, like you were meant to be. You should have given in earlier, should have let him shove his dick down your throat sooner because even though you were struggling to get off his fat cock, you couldn’t, and you loved every single second of it. Izuku was only mean to you, only mean to his puppy. 
You’re so overstimulated, barreling towards another orgasm and now all you can think about is how bad you want him to fill you up. 
“C-cum inside.” You managed to choke out between pathetic sobs and whimpers. You’re crying for it, begging. “Please cum inside of me.” 
Izuku let out a low chuckle before bottoming out one final time, shoving his thick fingers down your throat and filling you up. When Izuku came, he came a lot. It flooded your cunt before leaking out the sides where he had you split open. Izuku couldn’t hide his true nature for long, his thighs beginning to quiver and a low groan becoming a high pitched whine as he emptied his balls inside of you like he’d been wanting to for so long. 
He stayed there for a moment before pulling out of you and crouching down to watch the way he spilled out of you, admiring your ruined pussy and body. You’re stretched out from him, tears staining your cheeks and cunt gaping from his cock.
And then he’s biting at your thighs, marking up the inside of your leg as you can barely manage to push out a squeal. He’s leaving the marks he’s always wanted to. Those pinches on the inside of your leg were a stand in for the ones he’d create with his teeth. He nipped at the sensitive skin before dipping his tongue into your folds to collect the mixture of him and you in his mouth. 
Izuku watched the way you twitched as he cleaned you up, admiring the way your legs flinched whenever he ran his tongue over your sensitive clit. He’s much gentler now but his eyes still frightened you when he came up from between your legs to spit the mixture of cum and arousal back into your slightly parted mouth, ordering you to swallow puppy. 
When you finally do— too tired and fucked out to think about protesting, he smiles— standing up off the bed and buttoning his pants with a heaving sigh.
Izuku turned back to your form on the bed, watching the way your chest heaved and the way your pleated skirt crowded at your hips, ruined cunt on display and shirt pushed up over your bitten up breasts. He made a mental note to remember to take your clothes off next time.
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tags: @namrekcaivel , @mikaberries , @cleardamage , @veroyktv , @honeyzawa , @erenstellar , @female-titan , @kiyoobi , @pancakesv , @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein , @lazyezstudy , @jeanbabygirl , @peachysimp , @kirsteiiins , @babybottlepop96 , @ayannamika , @fiaficsxo , @chittaphon96​ 
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universitypenguin · 3 years
Author's Note: Here it is, the next installment! This is how my writing is going...
Me: I'm doing a short story.
Writing muse: You mean a novella?
Me: No, a short story.
Writing muse: Good talk. We're doing a novella.
It looks like there's more to this than originally planned. Buckle up for a nice little novella. Pray for me, so I don't turn this into a full length novel.
Tag List Note: If I missed anyone on the tag list at the end of the chapter, or you'd like to be added, reply to this post. I'd be happy add you!
Word Count: 3,812
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ with explicit language, discussion of - bondage, limits, sexual themes, and cuckolding activity.
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Previous Chapters:
Restitution - Chapter One
Restitution - Chapter Two
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Restitution - Chapter Three
It took ten minutes to sell Ari the painting. He didn’t quibble over the price and you pocketed fifty-five million in the easiest negotiation of your career. It was almost like he wanted to be up sold. He signed the agreement and called his bank while you contacted Annabelle to share the good news. When you mentioned the buyers wanted to take you to lunch to celebrate, she was gleeful. The chance to rub elbows with people who forked over millions for art was a chance no director turned their nose up at. Annabelle was chuckling at the museum’s good fortune when you wound down the call. Just as you were about to bid her goodbye, she made an insinuating comment about you marrying one of the buyers for his money.
“Do it for the arts! If we go into the red again, he can bail us out!”
“Goodbye, Belle. Have a nice meeting.”
The spa they took you to was a popular spot, housed in a hotel where one night cost what you spent on rent each month. You’d considered going there but hadn’t been able to afford the prices. And that was before Jackson had decimated your finances.
At the spa you were swept away to a private room and quickly realized the men had paid for the full package. Impressive. You didn’t want to be impressed by mobsters. But they were surprisingly generous, first with the painting and now expensive spa treatments. This almost felt like a lover was pampering you on a holiday, you thought after your mud body wrap was rinsed off. You followed a tech down the hall for your facial, and as serum was stroked into your skin, an uncomfortable thought occurred. This was the most thoughtful thing a man had ever done for you.
Your heart spasmed.
No, there was no need to wander down a path of self pity. It was amusing, you decided, pushing back the painful prickle of emotion. A pair of loan sharks were raising your standards. Or perhaps this was their boss’ handiwork. The third man, your mystery buyer, made you nervous. These men weren’t typical underworld characters if they paid fifty-five million cash for a single painting. Steve and Ari were connected to someone powerful. Related to him, actually. He was their brother.
“You’re all set for your manicure, dear. Then it’s off to your suite for lunch and a relaxing soak in the hot tub before your massage and pedicure.”
“That sounds awesome, thank you.”
You had no idea what she was talking about, but the words hot tub, massage, and pedicure meant a good time in your book. Then you remembered agreeing to talk about guidelines with the men and guessed they must have rented a room for privacy. When your nails were done, the tech walked you to the dressing room where a bag of clothing waited.
Inside was a bathing suit that resembled the one from the photograph in your living room. The one Ari must have seen while visiting Jackson. You put it on and covered the suit with the simple wrap dress. When you slid your feet into slides, you realized everything provided was from a brand you preferred. Had they researched you? No, that was outlandish. Who could get that kind of information? It must have been a lucky guess, or they’d pumped Jackson for information.
At the front desk, Steve was waiting. He escorted you up to a suite. When you saw Ari, salvia pooled in your mouth. He was shirtless, wearing swim trunks that fell to mid-thigh. An intriguing dusting of hair was concentrated over his pectorals and formed a thin trail down his stomach.
“How was the rest of your morning?” Ari asked.
“Lovely, thank you.”
A room service cart was waiting. You ate quietly, seated next to Steve with Ari across the makeshift table. They’d ordered for you. As with the clothes, it was a dish you typically ordered. They had to have done reconnaissance about your tastes with Jackson. It was a surprise to discover he’d known what you’d prefer. But then again, he’d been a great actor when he’d swept you off your feet. The unconscious act of piecing together the puzzling details about the day helped to soothe your nerves. You recognized how flustered you felt as your mind buzzed, picking apart every little thing.
Anxiety was festering in your belly. The proximity to both men in seclusion, given what you’d promised them, sparked an uncharacteristic apprehension in you. Most of the time you were in control. But the bargain you’d struck for revenge put Ari and Steve in the driver’s seat. This was unfamiliar to you, and not just because you’d be giving three strangers your body tonight.
This was crazy. You should seek mental health care. You were going to sleep with three men. One after another? Or all at once? Would they require that of you? The idea of what you’d promised them circled the edges of your mind. Ari pushed back from the table and stood.
“Why don’t we get in the hot tub?” he said.
“Go ahead. I’ll put the cart out in the hall,” Steve said.
Ari flashed you a smile. “I’ll go test the waters, sweetheart. Don’t be the last one in.”
He stretched, lifting his arms, drawing the skin of his abdomen taunt to reveal ridges of muscle. He grabbed a towel and headed for the balcony. When Ari was outside, Steve turned to you.
“Why are you uncomfortable?”
“I’m not, I’m fine.”
“You’re going to need to be honest if this is going to work out tonight,” Steve said.
You sighed. “I’m not sure why I’m nervous, okay?”
“Is it because you’re alone with us? Or because we’re going to start talking about sex?”
Your face heated. “Probably the second one.”
Steve smiled and held out his hand. Carefully, you laced your fingers with his and tilted your head back to look up at him. His eyes scanned your face, searching.
“Does this make you uncomfortable?”
“No, this is nice,” you said. He squeezed gently, stroking the pad of his thumb over the back of your hand.
“Good. How about we hop in with Ari? You two can sort out the details. He’s better with this kind of thing. Everyone says I’m the shy one of my family. Talking about sex when I’m not turned on isn’t the most comfortable experience for me, either. But it’s important, so we don’t hurt you, or cross any boundaries."
Your tension eased, marginally.
Steve rolled the room service cart into the hall and you removed your dress. When you climbed into the hot tub across from Ari, Steve settled next to you, his heavy arm curving around your shoulders. You turned your back against his chest and sighed as he drew his arm around your ribs. You leaned into his embrace and let your cheek rest against his neck. A sigh of contentment passed your lips and you shut your eyes.
It didn’t matter that you’d only met Steve a few hours earlier. His arm was so strong and the feeling of security when he’d wrapped it around you made you melt. He felt solid and warm. Not just physically warm, but like he was one of those men who’d been born with a soft side and kept it past puberty. His lips pressed to your temple. You felt him smile.
“Comfortable, doll?”
The bubbling water was just right, not too hot. Steve nuzzled your hair and you curled into him. You had agreed to sleep with him. He owed you this snuggle.
“You two are feeling cozy,” Ari said.
Your eyes opened to see him sprawled on the opposite side of the tub. His arms were draped over the edge, emphasizing the broad muscles.
“Jealous?” Steve teased.
“I’ll have my turn,” Ari said, his smile widening.
“Are you ready to talk about tonight?” Steve asked.
“Sure.” You tried not to tense up, but you did.
Steve spread his hand on your belly and stroked.
“Have you ever had multiple partners at the same time?” Ari asked.
“Have you ever done bondage?”
You shrugged. “Full on hard BDSM stuff, no. I’ve had my hands tied and I’ve been spanked. But nothing hard core.”
“You’re familiar with the red, yellow, green system?” Ari asked.
“I’ve used red and green.”
“Yellow means slow down. It’s your signal to us that you need a check in.”
You nodded. “Okay.”
“Do you have any hard limits I should know about up front?”
“Uh… I’m not sure?”
“For example, do you want to try nipple clamps?”
You winced, but the idea was intriguing. “Not tonight.”
Ari nodded. “That would be a soft limit. You’re not ready for it right now, but it’s not a hard pass. I'll save it for later.”
There wouldn’t be a later, but you didn’t point that out.
“What about spanking?” Steve asked.
“I enjoy some, but I’ve never gone hard enough to be left with bruises.”
“Noted,” Ari said. “Butt plugs? Anal sex? Flogging?”
“I’ve never done any kind of butt play. And I’m not into flogging. Hard pass.”
“Not my scene either,” Steve murmured when you rejected the idea of being beaten.
Across from you Ari shot an amused look at his brother. “That’s one of Steve’s turn offs.”
You glanced up at Steve. He lifted a broad shoulder, giving a sweet half smile.
“What are your limits? Can I ask that?” you said.
Steve’s baby blue eyes went soft. “Yes, you can. I appreciate it. I’m not much for the rougher side of sex. Ari and the boss tend to swing a little more that way. For me, clamps of any kind, metal handcuffs, gagging, that’s not my scene. I’m partial to spanking, as long as I’m getting a pleasurable response, but I don’t punish with spanking. Beating of any kind is off the table and bruises are a hard limit.”
You looked at Ari. “What are your limits?”
“No breath play, but that’s a soft limit. If you enjoy it, I’ll participate. Major sadistic stuff and humiliation is a hard limit. Seeing a woman in pain is an erection killer for me. I don’t mind clamps or metal cuffs. Gags can be fun, but I don’t use them often. Being called ‘master’ is weird for me and I hate it. When you’re underneath me, I want to hear my name and that’s it.”
Your lips twitched. He made a solid point.
“I enjoy a nice bondage scene when I’m in the mood,” Ari said. “But seventy-five percent of the time I’m into vanilla sex. Bondage is to spice things up and add intensity.”
“Do you want to restrain me?”
Ari shrugged. “We don’t know exactly where the night will take us. Knowing your likes and dislikes is important when we don’t have shared experience. I want to get a complete picture of your tastes. We don’t have to do bondage to need a discussion about limits.”
“In a way, this is going to be a power dynamic like bondage,” Steve said. “With Jackson watching, we need you to be comfortable enough to stop the scene.”
“What are you planning?”
“So far? A light spanking to tease you is definitely on the agenda. Let’s talk about past experience,” Ari said. “What’s the best orgasm you’ve ever had?”
Your face heated in response to his bluntness.
“My college boyfriend liked to give oral and he was good at it. He edged me one time and I nearly passed out when I came.”
Ari smirked. “Receiving oral is on the table, I take it?”
Steve tightened his arm around your ribs. “How do you like it?”
Your tongue turned into a knot and your jaw dropped. Words deserted you. His tone was carnal, hungry, and it shot straight to your core.
“Save a little mystery, Steve. We’ll find out tonight,” Ari said.
The blond chuckled. “Fine. How about anal? You’ve never tried it, but is that a hard pass or not?”
Your body had a ready answer. Against the material of your bathing suit, your nipples pebbled in spite of the heated water. You felt your breasts grow heavy and shifted nervously, uncomfortable with the sudden feeling of arousal.
Steve pulled you close to his chest. His big hand stroked to calm you.
“If it’s off the table, that’s fine. We’re genuinely asking and we’d accept no without a question, okay?”
“Give her a chance to speak,” Ari said.
His deep blue eyes glinted with knowledge and his gaze dipped to the front of your swimsuit.
“I’m interested in anal, but I haven’t had the right partner to try it with.”
“Okay,” Steve said. He couldn't hide the relief in his voice.
“You want that tonight?”
Ari nodded. “It’s up to you. But if you’re looking for the right partner, I assure you we’re up to the challenge.”
“What about pain?” you asked.
“I’m definitely not a sadist,” Ari said, his mouth twisting in disgust. “You heard my limits. I promise, we’re not going to hurt you, just the opposite.”
“I meant for anal,” you said. “I’m curious about it, but I don’t know if I’m ready.”
Ari’s expression cleared. “Right. Lubricant is extremely important. And you can’t just dive in. We’d relax you with orgasms, a round or two with both of us. Then we’d try a butt plug. That alone might be all we work up to. If you’re enjoying it, let me know. I’ll be happy to oblige. The red, yellow, green system would be in effect.”
Steve pressed his lips to your temple. “I’m going to warn you that I’m not a small man… particularly not under the belt. So if you don’t want anal with me, no hard feelings.”
You tilted your head back to study him, then shrugged.
“Why don’t we see how it goes?”
Ari’s grin was wicked. “That’s a yes?”
“I’ll try it.”
“One other important question is about being filmed,” Ari said.
“No. Hard pass,” you said, answering almost before Ari had finished asking.
Ari flicked a glance at Steve. “No recording, then?”
“What am I, a pornstar? No way. I can’t let a tape like that exist.”
“What about being watched on camera, as long as it’s not recording?”
“I thought you wanted Jackson in the room?”
“He will be. But the boss is arriving late, after we intend to get started. He’s coming back from a business trip and wants to watch the three of us. The feed would be live and unrecorded.”
“When are you expecting him?”
“Ten-thirty or eleven. What do you say? Discrete cameras, live and unrecorded, streamed to a secure iPad? Is that okay?”
“Unrecorded, I’m willing to trust you about. But will it be secure?”
“We’re not small-time criminals,” Steve said. “It will be a secure line.”
“Alright. But I want to see the set up beforehand and know where the cameras are.”
“That’s fine,” Ari said. “What about restraints? Do you mind handcuffs?”
They ran through a few other kinks, types of praises you enjoyed or didn’t, and what you liked for aftercare. Steve volunteered to spend the night with you and Ari offered to make breakfast the next morning. You were firm in your insistence that once the scene was over, you had the option to leave. Neither of the brothers were happy to lose that negotiation. Steve tried to entice you with promises of a post scene massage, hours of cuddling, and bubble baths with rose petals. You didn’t budge.
It was a boundary you needed, you decided as you stepped into the elevator to return to the spa. This wasn’t a romance. Steve was a gentleman and Ari was a wicked ladies’ man. You’d felt your heart soften at Steve’s cautious boundaries and melted at his shyness. He was polite and sensitive. With a steel core of intense protectiveness at the heart of him. He’d never harm a lover, physically or emotionally. Ari was bold and had a streak of wildness that made you want to crawl in his lap and ride him to find out just how fierce of a lover he could be. But he was a pleaser the same way Steve was - his soft limits spoke volumes. If you wanted him to choke you, he’d do it for your enjoyment. He was a man who’d take care of a woman’s every need, no matter what.
They would respect your limits and you decided to set a private limit of your own. You’d keep your heart out of their hands. Knowing the men and feeling secure with them was a necessity. But your emotions had spilled over during the conversation - not a lot, but enough to worry you. Whatever happened, you wouldn’t let your judgement be compromised by feelings.
As the technician worked on your toes, your mind drifted to the only question remaining. Who was the boss, your mystery buyer? You wondered, your mind drifting as your feet were massaged. No clear picture would form in your head of the unknown mobster you’d meet in a few hours. The memory Ari had brought up of your best orgasm had your thoughts straying, going back in time, to old heartaches.
Andrew Barber was the first man you’d loved, and the last. College had been a wild time for you, sexually, but everything had happened in the confines of a monogamous relationship. It was the happiest time of your life. You’d loved Andy so much it still hurt, even years later, to think about him. His abrupt disappearance from your life had been a blow you’d never seen coming. Since then you’d lost your sense of trust, not only in men, but in everyone. He’d pulled the rug out from under you so fast the experience had shaken you to the heart. There’d never been closure. He’d said his family was making him leave and refused to explain further. What he’d made perfectly clear was that you’d never see him again. Then he’d vanished. Years had gone by, but the event hadn’t lost its peculiarity. Until the day he’d broken things off, Andy had barely mentioned his family. Scarcely a word had been spoken about them during the three and a half years you’d spent together. All you could remember was him saying his parents were toxic, and his siblings were the only family he needed.
You shook off the thoughts. There were so many unanswered questions left in Andy’s wake that thinking about them could leave you spinning in circles for hours. It was better not to go there. Instead, you decided to focus on Steve and Ari. You were about to have the best sex of your life. That orgasm from Andy?
It would pale in comparison to what you’d be having tonight.
The short hem of the cocktail dress placed your legs on prominent display. You waited in the lobby of Ari and Steve’s building, watching for Jackson. The spa had given you a minor makeover with hair and makeup, the results of which were worth every dime. You looked spectacular. Steve and Ari had made certain you knew it without a shadow of doubt before you’d come down.
Your boyfriend walked in, looked around and gawked when he saw you.
“Damn, you look hot.”
Jackson ran his eyes up your body like your efforts were intended for him.
You stood up and moved to put more space between you and him.
“Where are we supposed to go?” Jackson asked.
“They gave me a key. Come on.”
The keycard opened a private elevator to the penthouse.
“Thanks for doing this for me,” he said.
In the background, the elevator quietly hummed its ascent. You fixed your eyes straight ahead and didn’t reply.
“It’ll be fine, you know?” Jackson’s voice was strung with nerves.
It appeared Ari and Steve had the right idea. He was like a cat on a hot tin roof.
You fuck up my credit, I fuck up your masculinity.
The elevator chimed and the doors slid open to reveal Ari. He was draped over a sofa in the living room, looking like a predator lying in wait. His long legs were stretched out and his suit jacket had been discarded. He’d turned up his sleeves and opened another button on his collar. A little of his chest hair peaked out.
Ari didn’t stand in greeting as Jackson approached with you. He didn’t glance towards the gambler, but kept his eyes on you.
“Jackson. I see you’ve brought me someone. Hello, sweetheart.”
“Ah, yeah. This is Y/N, my girlfriend. Y/N, this is Ari.”
Ari stood up when your boyfriend nudged you in his direction. He towered over you, despite your stiletto heels. His eyes glowed with hunger.
The big man pulled you into his arms. Then his mouth covered yours, hot and hard. A firm hand on the back of your head held you still as he thrust his tongue into your mouth. You grasped his shoulders for balance as the kiss turned your knees weak. He didn’t let up, taking the kiss even deeper when you moaned.
“Okay, let her breathe, Ari. She doesn’t like her face being eaten off.”
Jackson sounded pissed.
You smiled against Ari’s mouth as he pulled back a tiny bit. He curled his hands around your waist, cinching you tight against him.
“Do you not like kissing me, sweetheart?”
You linked your arms around his neck. “Mmmhh. We should keep going and then see what I think.”
He chuckled and slanted a glance towards Jackson. Then his mouth was on yours again. He flicked his tongue, nipped at your lips, stroked and teased until you sagged in his arms. Ari broke the kiss, leaving you panting. He held you tight, taking most of your weight as your legs had taken on the consistency of gelatin.
“Okay, honey. What’s the verdict? Do you like kissing me?”
“Yes, Ari. I like it a lot.”
Heat flared in his sapphire irises. Placing a finger under your chin, he turned you towards Jackson. Ari pressed his lips to your temple and ran his free hand down your side, keeping the other on your face. Jackson stared at the hand stroking over your body. He went rigid when Ari cupped your breast. You arched into the touch. He purred, rubbing his thumb over your nipple.
“Good girl. Tell Jackson. Tell him what you like.”
“I like Ari kissing me.”
Jackson flushed, but said nothing.
“Sit down, Jack,” Ari said. “Get comfortable. It’s going to be a long night.”
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Restitution - Chapter Four
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My Complete Works: Masterlist
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Tag List: @ms-betsy-fangirl @albinotigerpython @belova-drysdale-rogers @dumb-ass-writer @mansaaay @mylifeasltd8 @i-have-a-wonky-eye-too @louisetheblue @r2gers @amelia-song-pond @another-tblr-fangirl @wintersplum17 @dontbescaredtosingalong @patzammit
516 notes · View notes
wandaromanova · 3 years
Date Night
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: cussing, sexual suggestion, that’s all!
A/N: hello! here is some fluff for y’all! hope you enjoy! happy reading <3
anon requested: Hi honey! I saw that your requests are open :)) I was wondering if I may please request a fluffly Natasha Romanoff x fem reader one shot, where she surprises the reader with a lunch date (reader has had a super stressful week!) and then convinces her to take the rest of the day off. Later on maybe Natasha starts dropping hints at their future together and later on in the week she proposes (maybe somewhere that has meaning to them) after a very romantic dinner. Thank you!! :))
Summary: Natasha convinces her girlfriend to take some time off of work. They end up having a date night unlike any of their previous ones.
Word Count: 3K
| masterlist | request rules/guidelines | wips |
please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work. reblogs, likes, and comments are always welcome. <3
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Natasha stared up at the tall building with two bags of food in hand. She was about to surprise you with some lunch, considering you haven’t been able to take a single break the entire week.
Seriously, even when you were at home, you’d be working on paperwork or taking call after call from your company partners. You’d then go back to work the next morning and completely neglect your own needs, the only thing you’d focus on was anything work-related.
You were the CEO of a major telecommunications company and things have been super hectic around your office. You barely had time to breathe with everything that had been going on, so, Natasha thought that it would be a good idea to give you a nice surprise.
She made her way into the building and got into one of the fancy elevators, quickly tapping the button to the top floor and stood in silence, lively elevator music filling the small space.
When the doors opened, she walked out and was greeted by your secretary; Megan.
“Hi, Ms. Romanoff. Ms. L/N is just in her office working on some paperwork. She has a meeting in 20 minutes, though.”
Megan sent Natasha a friendly smile. The redhead simply nodded and mumbled out a small ‘thank you’ before opening the door to your office.
She was met with the sight of you hunched over your desk. The light poured into the tall windows in the room, providing sufficient lighting.
You glanced up from your papers at the sound of the door closing softly. Natasha smiled at you and held up the bags of food. Your lips turned upward at the sight of your girlfriend of five years.
“Honey, what are you doing here?” You asked as you got up from your desk, quickly making your way over to greet the Russian. You pulled her in by the waist and into a tight hug.
“I thought you could use some lunch. You haven’t been taking care of yourself and I’m here to change that.” Natasha mumbled into your neck as her arms rested on your shoulder, gripping onto the food she still had in her hands.
“Baby, you didn’t need to come all the way here. I’m fine, just been super busy lately is all.” You pulled back slightly and stared into green eyes.
“Yes, I needed to. I can’t just standby while you’re practically drowning in stress.”
Natasha got out of your embrace and made her way over to your desk, placing the food down and turning around, leaning onto the table with two hands gripping the furniture behind her.
“I’ll manage, it’s kind of my job.” You let out a small giggle, rounding the desk and sitting on your chair. Natasha turned in her spot as you patted your lap.
“Come on, let’s eat the food you brought. I have a meeting soon so we gotta be quick.”
Natasha walked toward you and sat in your lap, your arms circling around her waist. She opened the food and laid out the plates of Thai food.
Natasha fed you and herself. You both sat in silence, simply enjoying each other’s company.
Occasionally, Nat would mimic an airplane or train noise as she moved the spoon closer to you, laughing as she abruptly shoved the utensil into your mouth.
After fifteen minutes had passed, you looked at your watch and sighed. You had another meeting that would probably be ridiculously long for no reason.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I have to get going. I have a meeting in five.”
You moved to get up, but Natasha refused to move off of your lap. You raised an eyebrow at her, the redhead giving you a stern look.
“Take the day off.” You shook your head in protest. You couldn’t take a day off, not now at least.
“Honey, you know I would if I could, bu-“ Natasha immediately cut you off, pressing her lips against yours before pulling back quickly.
“You can though. You’ve been working more than necessary! Please, it’s not even a full day off, it’s half a day.”
Natasha gave you the best puppy dog eyes and pout that she could, knowing how it affected you. Of course, she ended up winning.
“Fine, fine.” You muttered out, leaning forward and pressing a button on your desk-side phone, paging Megan, who sat just outside your office.
“Yes, Ms. L/N?” Your assistant’s spritely voice rang through the phone.
“Megan, could you please clear the rest of my day? I’m taking the day off.” You heard some shuffling on the other end of the phone before the woman replied.
“Okay, your schedule has been cleared and your meetings have been rescheduled to tomorrow.”
Natasha, who could faintly hear the other end of the conversation, smiled triumphantly and placed a soft kiss on the side of your neck.
“Thank you.” And with that, you hung up and returned your attention to the beaming redhead in your lap.
“You never play fair.” You mumbled against her cheek as you placed a gentle kiss against her skin.
“All is fair in love and war, moya lyubov (my love).” You rolled your eyes at the Russian while holding back a smile.
She got out of your hold and stood up, grabbing both of your hands and forcefully pulling you to your feet.
“Let’s go! I know a few things we could do today.” Natasha spoke seductively and sent you a little wink before grabbing the trash on your desk and throwing it away in the small trash can you had under the table.
You watched with a wide smile as she waltzed toward the door, making sure to sway her hips a little more, exaggerating the movement. There was an extra spring in her step that caused her red locks to bounce with each movement.
She turned her head around when her hand was on the doorknob, smirking at you.
“Are you coming or not?”
“I have a feeling I will be soon.”
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
4 hours later
You laid in bed with Natasha by your side, her head resting on your shoulder with an arm around your torso.
After hours of love-making, you guys had finally gotten to relax. You both just stayed there in each other’s arms, appreciating the moment.
“Honey?” Natasha spoke, breaking the silence.
You tilted your head to look down at her, the redhead already staring up at you as you hummed.
“Have you ever thought about what you want your future to look like?”
This wasn’t the first time you guys have discussed the future. You’d both mention small tidbits of your aspirations and goals, but never went too far into the details of it all.
“Well, first starters, you’re definitely there.” Natasha smiled up at you with bright eyes. It absolutely warmed your heart to see her so full of joy.
“Really?” You nodded your head and kissed her forehead, the redhead briefly shutting her eyes as your soft lips met her skin.
“Really.” You pulled back, brushing your nose against hers. The redhead placed a hand on your cheek, as connected your foreheads.
“Well, I see you in mine too. Maybe we would end up leaving this penthouse and buy an actual home together.”
You nodded with a wide smile. The thought of buying a property with the woman you adored had you giddy.
“Yeah, definitely. Then maybe we could have little rascals of our own running around. We could find a surrogate or maybe even adopt if you’d want to.”
Natasha felt like she was going to melt into a puddle of love. The thought of having children to raise with you filled her with more joy than ever.
“I’d love that.”
The moment was cut off when a loud yawn tore through your body, promoting a little giggle from your girlfriend.
She cuddled closer to you, her arm tightening around your body with a smile on her face.
“Let’s get some rest.” Natasha’s words were slightly slurred, the exhaustion of your previous activities hitting her.
“Yeah, so we can have energy for a round two.”
“Yeah right, more like round ten.”
“Go big or go home!”
“Go to sleep, idiot.”
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
5 days later
It was a Saturday night and Natasha had practically forced you to not go into work.
Usually, you would go into the office on Saturdays, despite having the day off, to get some extra work out of the way, but your girlfriend was extremely persistent.
So now, here you two were, getting ready to go out for a date night. You had to admit that this was a good idea.
You couldn’t remember the last time you and Nat had gone out on a date; it was a rarity with how busy you both would be majority of the time.
You walked out of the bathroom after brushing out your hair, your heart racing at the sight of your girlfriend clad in a simple black body-con dress that hugged her curves in all the right places paired with a cute, black blazer.
She straightened her hair and did her makeup just the way you liked it.
You stalked over to the woman who stood in front of the full-body length mirror, wrapping your arms around her waist from behind and placing a soft kiss onto her cheek.
“You look gorgeous, baby. I’m so lucky.” Your eyes raked over her figure through the reflection of the mirror before meeting her green ones.
“Thank you, but I’m the lucky one. I swear, if we didn’t have reservations, I’d rip your clothes off and take you right here.”
Natasha’s voice came out husky when you kissed the side of her neck. You sucked on her skin lightly and went to leave a mark, but the Russian turned around in your embrace.
“No marks, not until after dinner at least.” You let out a small whine, pulling her front against yours tightly.
“Oh come on! It’s not like we haven’t ditched our reservations for dinner before. I miss you.”
You tried to go for her neck again, but she flicked your forehead. You stared at her with a look that screamed ‘what the fuck was that for?’
“Don’t give me that look. I’ve been looking forward to having a date night for months. We aren’t missing this. Let’s go.”
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
Two hours later
Natasha had taken you to one of the best restaurants in New York. You weren’t one for fancy places, you were more of a ‘let’s order takeout and watch tv’ kind of gal, but Natasha absolutely loved luxurious dining experiences.
When you both arrived, the waited immediately escorted you both to the most private table in the house.
The table was set with candles and rose petals were spread across the tablecloth. You were blown away, seeing as the table overlooked the city.
Natasha pulled your seat back for you, placing a soft kiss on her cheek as you sat down. You watched as she rounded the table and sat in the chair across from you.
Her skin was golden as the candlelight brightened up her face, accentuating her green eyes beautifully. She had a cheeky smile on her face and wiggled her eyebrows at you before looking at the menu.
Of course, the redhead ordered the best wine the restaurant had to offer, immediately asking for a bottle of the alcohol.
You two talked about anything and everything over the course of the dinner. You had to admit, this was probably one of the best dates you guys had ever been on, besides your first one, at least.
As you both finished off your meals and were given the check, you noticed that Natasha couldn’t seem to sit still.
She was tapping her fingers against the table anxiously as she gnawed on her bottom lip. You placed your hand on top of hers, stopping the insistent movement.
“Is everything okay, baby?” You asked in concern. It was really unlike Natasha to be nervous, especially during date night.
She was usually relaxed and content whenever you both had time to spend out together.
The redhead sent you a reassuring smile and flipped her hand over, intertwining your fingers before bringing your conjoined hands up to her lips, kissing the back of your hand.
“Never better, hon. Come on, there’s somewhere I want to take you.”
Natasha placed her credit card into the bill holder and waved down a waiter and shortly after, you both walked out into the cool New York air, hand-in-hand.
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
Your eyes lit up when you noticed where your next destination was; Central Park.
You had always loved the park. There was something so beautiful about the scenery and the usual liveliness of the area that brought you so much peace and comfort.
Natasha led you towards a pond that was located in the heart of the park and you immediately recognized which one it was.
The redhead stopped in her tracks on top of the tiny bridge that hovered over the pond.
“Do you remember this spot?” She asked you as she turned around to face you, hand still linked with yours.
“How could I forget? You took me here on our very first date to feed the ducks, which completely backfired.” You let out a laugh at the memory, Natasha’s cheeks turning red.
“I wouldn’t say it backfired…” The redhead mumbled shyly which only made you laugh harder.
“Honey, you ended up getting attacked by pigeons because you were holding the bread. You walked me home covered in bird shit and your clothes were absolutely torn apart.”
You were practically crying from your laughter and you felt Natasha’s hand heating up in yours.
“It wasn’t funny! I really liked that outfit.” Natasha pouted as your laughter died down.
You placed a kiss onto her pouty lips, her frown quickly replaced with a bright smile.
“Anyway, I took you here because this is where our first date was which obviously resulted in us dating.”
You nodded your head at her words, deciding to remain silent when you noticed she had more to add.
“And, well… this is where I want our last date, as girlfriends, to be.”
You felt your heart sink at her words. Was she breaking up with you right now? It didn’t make any sense! She didn’t ever show any indication that she was unhappy or wanted to leave you.
However, before you could completely break down, Natasha let out a shaky breath, and it was then that you noticed how shaky her hands were.
“Y/N, All my life, I never thought that I’d find love. After all of the things that the Red Room had taught me and forced me to do, I never believed that love was in the cards for me, but then I met you, and everything changed.”
You stared at Natasha curiously. This definitely didn’t sound like a breakup. So what was she going on about?
“I never ever thought that one day, I’d find someone that I’d want to spend the rest of my life with. I never thought that I’d ever want to buy a house and build a family with another person, but god, I’m so fucking happy that I was wrong.”
Your eyes watered when the gravity of the situation finally sunk in. Your thoughts were confirmed as Natasha let go of your hand and slowly bent down on one knee in front of you, reaching her hand into her blazer pocket, revealing the small velvet red box that had been tucked away in the material.
“Baby, these last five years have been the best years I’ve ever had, and it was all because of you.”
Your hands flew up to your mouth as a gasp escaped your lips. There were tears in your eyes as she revealed a gorgeous engagement ring to you.
“Y/N, I want you, every day, for the rest of my life. Will you make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me?”
Natasha’s voice was unstable as she tried to hold back her emotions, but that went out the window when you frantically nodded your head in agreement.
“Yes!” You whispered out in shock. Natasha looked up at you with a wide smile.
“Yeah?” The redhead asked for confirmation and you let out a small chuckle.
“Yes, of course, I’ll marry you! Is that even a question?” Natasha grabbed your left hand shakily and slid the ring onto your finger.
You were both crying at this point. You didn’t care that you were both stood in the freezing cold, in the middle of Central Park.
All that mattered was that this was going to be the beginning of the rest of your life with the woman you loved.
Suddenly, Natasha stood up and picked you up by the waist, twirling you both around.
Honestly, you were surprised she didn’t stumble, considering the fact that she was wearing such high heels. Luckily for you though, she didn’t fall.
You were both laughing like maniacs when she finally stopped spinning. You were like two teenagers in love without a care in the world.
You leaned down, still in her arms, and kissed her passionately.
You could feel all the love and adoration she had for you through the kiss and you prayed to God that she could feel just how much you felt for her too.
When Natasha disconnected the kiss, she placed you gently onto the floor, your arms immediately going around her neck, hers securing themselves around your waist.
“We’re getting married?” She asked in disbelief. Natasha genuinely couldn’t believe that you said yes, even if you never gave her any indication that you would say no.
“We’re getting married.” You reassured her, kissing the tip of her nose, practically melting as her nose scrunched up adorably.
This definitely wasn’t what you expected the night to be like, but you wouldn’t change any detail about it for the world.
You were going to be Y/N L/N-Romanoff.
And that was a name you were going to carry around proudly.
───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────────
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Harley’s Plea for Help: Chapter 2
Chapter 1
“How long do you think it’s gonna take before she decides to sneak out?” Nightwing asked over his comms, lazily leaning against the balcony railing in front of him with his head resting on one hand.
“Dude, I started sneaking out almost twenty minutes ago,” a girl’s voice made Nightwing squeak and turn around, to reveal a teenage girl leaning against the door that led to the balcony he was on. “I didn’t want to draw attention to myself by doing unnecessarily showy gymnastics down from my hotel room’s balcony, no matter how much fun that would be, so I just snuck out one of the hotel’s back exits. Then I looked up to admire the moon and saw you here, staking out what is clearly my suite, and decided to come pay you a visit.”
“How long have you been there? And how did you even get behind me? I hope you didn’t break and enter, that’s an actual lived-in apartment behind us right now,” Nightwing asked, turning around to analyze the daughter of Harley Quinn for the first time in person.
She looked just like in her pictures, of course. Jet black hair like her father’s, except it seemed to have a bluish shine in the light. And her eyes were definitely Harley’s— thank goodness for that —vibrant blue and clearly analyzing him with the same amount of intensity as his did her. He had to bite back a chuckle. In a turn of complete irony, she really did look like a Wayne kid. Fit all of Bruce’s usual criteria to be adopted. But she was tiny, even smaller than Harley’s lithe form. He, Bruce, and Tim were of the hypothesis that the exposure both her parents had to Ace Chemical’s vats of acid likely had an effect on her DNA that stunted her growth. Perhaps there were other effects that they wouldn’t be able to figure out until they got to know her better, too, though it was clear that her skin was a likely one. It wasn’t unnaturally pale like her parent’s after their acid dips but it was paler than normal for sure, just a shade or two shy of being paper white.
And he could see, now, what Harley meant when she referred to Marinette as a powerhouse. It wasn’t very noticeable in pictures, but up close Dick could see the carefully honed muscle of an acrobat curling over her otherwise slim build. Combined with the knowledge that Marinette had been taught at least some serious self defense from a young age, he could see how such a tiny package could be a remarkable threat when necessary.
Marinette grimaced as the other Batfam, who were all nearby staking out her room from different angles, dropped onto the large balcony with them.
“Uh, well. I didn’t break and enter, I rather not get off to a criminal-ly start on my first night in Gotham, you know? But I realized that even though I was able to figure out the exact room you were staking me out from, I realized as soon as I got into the first floor of the building that I had no idea how to actually get to you. So I just climbed the stairs all the way to the roof and scaled my way down to this balcony, and pretended I’ve been here for a while when really I was barely able to hear you ask when I was gonna sneak out. I’m still out of breath, actually,” she put a hand on her chest and sure enough her breathing was still slightly fast. But not enough to be worrying or even all that noticeable. Yet another piece of evidence to show that she was a very active individual and had resistance built up to physical activity.
“Yup,” Robin groused grumpily, crossing his arms. “With all that rambling, you couldn’t be anyone else’s child but Quinzel’s.”
Marinette’s face immediately flushed pink all the way to her ears. “I’m sorry! I’ve been trying so hard to quit that habit, too!” She grumbled a bit to herself, putting her face in her hands. They all chuckled at the display. Red Hood ambled over, draping his arm over her shoulders (he nearly had to bend in half to do it, the height difference was that bad).
“As adorable as your freak out is, why’d you even come up here anyway? There’s no way you’d scale down a ten-story building just to say hello.”
She let out a heavy sigh at that, slowly peeling her face out of her hands. “Yeah, I recognized you guys right away. And honestly, as much as Momma Harley would be super proud of me for managing to give an entire group of vigilantes the slip, she’d also ground me for life if she found out that I saw you guys and still snuck away even though she probably swallowed her pride and asked you guys to babysit me, right? Self preservation. Contrary to popular belief, I do actually have some.”
“Wait,” Red Robin held up a hand, brows clearly furrowed under his cowl. “You expected her to ask for our help?”
“Well,” she made a so-so motion with her hand. “I didn’t think of it beforehand, but it all clicked once I saw Nightwing. I know how much my mom is worried about me, especially since you-know-who broke out a few days ago. She is more than worried enough to ask you guys for help. Even if she does complain about you guys, a lot actually, she also has made it clear that she trusts you guys with the stuff that actually matters.
“‘You know who’?” Batman repeated, arms crossed. If Marinette squinted, she thought there might have been a grin on his lips. “Is that how you always refer to him?”
“What else am I gonna call him?” she asked, face going deadpan. “Sperm donor? Source of a large amount of my self doubt and depreciation? The prime reason I haven’t been able to see my mom in person more often over the years? Oh, I know! How about I just always refer to him as ‘that bastard I wanna punch,’? That sounds good!” she rolled her eyes sarcastically. “Only one person in this world has the right to be considered my father in any capacity, and it sure as hell isn’t him. Genetics notwithstanding.”
Red Hood straight up guffawed at that, landing several rough pats on her back that made the girl stumble a bit. “Yep, I like this one! But as fun as it would be to see you give that jackass a mean left hook, it’s better if he never finds out who you are or knows that you’re here,” the vigilante’s voice got dark and serious very quickly. “He doesn’t forget people he finds interesting easily, and if he ever finds out about the connection you have to him, he’ll be a constant threat in your life.”
“I know,” Marinette agreed with a nod. “And if this conversation was happening two years ago, I’d say that my mom’s concerns aren’t unfounded. That I am too easily emotionally compromised and despite my deep seated issues and hatred for that man, I couldn’t guarantee he would be unable to get to me.”
Batman straightened up, as did all of his sons around him. None of them had missed the ‘if’ there. Batman’s voice went from charmingly deep to it’s usual gruff grumble. “What changed in two years?”
They all watched as Marinette gulped, taking a deep breath as she stalled for time, looking out at the view on the balcony before seeming to steel herself and return her gaze to Batman’s. When she did, it was suddenly full of iron will.
“I didn’t lie when I told Mom that I came to visit her— but that isn’t the whole truth, either. If I just wanted to visit her in Gotham, I would have waited until I was eighteen like we agreed. But I can’t wait, Paris can’t keep going on like this. I entered that contest because it was the fastest way to see you. I didn’t know if I would win, but… I had to take the chance. There was no way I’d be able to get to Gotham behind my mom’s back otherwise.”
“What are you talking about?” Robin hissed, stepping up to his father’s side. “Paris has been silent. If anything were happening, we would have heard about it by now.”
“No, you wouldn’t,” Marinette corrected, never losing that ironclad look in her eyes. “Because a combination of magic and politics is keeping it quiet. No news about Paris’ situation is able to leave the city limits. Magic makes any non-native who leaves Paris think that everything they experienced was just a crazy dream. Natives won’t forget, but politics has all of us under very strict NDAs if we leave city boundaries, and all of our local news and social media is blocked from being accessed by anyone outside the city. But, I figured a little breaking of the rules wouldn’t exactly put a stain on my family’s reputation or anything, so,” she dug in her pocket and pulled out a thumb drive, holding it up for all of them to see. She swallowed again, but never stopped her eye contact with Batman. She held out the thumb drive.
“I came to Gotham to ask for your help. This sped things up, I didn’t expect to see you on my first night here, but two years in Hawkmoth’s Paris has really taught me how to roll with the punches. This,” she shook the thumb drive. “Holds videos of every fight since HawkMoth first showed up. It has all the information I’ve gathered over two years, tracks his movements and lists all his targets and— everything. But I’m not a detective, I’m a designer. I make clothes, I spar on the weekends, I am not good at getting evidence to prove that someone is a magic-abusing villain holding an entire city hostage.”
“We’re gonna need some details, Little Q,” Red Hood finally removes his arm from around her shoulders, instead crossing his arms and looking down at her sternly. “If your city has a villain holding it hostage, is anyone fighting him? And if you do have someone fighting him, why don’t you need our help, or why didn’t they call the Justice League? The JLE should be in Paris, right?”
Marinette snorted, face scrunching up in obvious distaste. “I’ll have to answer those a little out of order. First; the JLE was kicked out of Paris. They moved their headquarters to Italy about five years ago, I’m just surprised they apparently kept that secret from you,” she gestured to all of them, who indeed seemed very caught off guard by that tidbit. But Marinette just sighed and continued. “Though that’s a good thing, actually. We do have heroes, it started out as just a pair but it’s grown into a small team out of necessity. They didn’t call the Justice League because the last thing we need is any powered heroes coming in and making it worse— your league doesn’t have the best reputation for letting newer heroes take the lead even on their home turf, you know,” she pointed out, which made Batman shift a bit guiltily. He knew the JL was often a bit… heavy handed in their methods.
“What makes the situation so bad that you don’t want to bring experienced heroes into it?” Red Robin cut in, sounding as if the whole situation was a puzzle he was determined to sort out. Which, really, was exactly what Marinette had been counting on. She shot him a finger gun, grinning.
“That’s exactly the point! Hawkmoth uses a magical artifact, like I said— but this artifact can brainwash anybody who experiences even the slightest negative emotion. Sadness, anger, fear— anything negative. And it gives them powers, but puts them largely under his influence,” her expression twisted again, this time into a wry little grimace. “I guess you can say that my momma’s psychiatry background has secretly come in handy a lot over these past two years. And Hawkmoth is exactly why I try to tell Momma Harley to stop visiting me— I have worked my butt off to keep her from finding out about his attacks or getting Akumatized. Every time she shows up it gives me a heart attack!”
Marinette waved a hand dismissively. “It’s the term used for when someone is turned into a super powered villain because of HawkMoth. The brainwashing— really it’s more similar to a straight up corruption. The person usually lacks their usual moral compass, and just seeks to soothe whatever set off their negative emotion in the first place. Usually, that means they seek a bloody revenge. And if someone who already has extensive training or extremely strong powers gets Akumatized, guess what?” She made jazz hands even though her face was deadpan. “Extra powers, or amplified ones, for the metas or superheroes who are Akumatized. And imagine what someone with, say, Batman’s level of experience could do if he had powers and no moral compass,” the silence that followed her words was deafening. She just nodded, knowing she had gotten her point across. “I’ve been working my butt off to stay positive, because if I’m Akumatized…” her shoulders fell, and she had to swallow a lump in her throat. “... I have no idea what I’d turn into, but if you take into consideration both my training and my family history… it’s really best if we never find out what kind of magic-powered supervillain I’d make.”
“So, let me get this straight,” Nightwing said after another long moment of silence for that to all sink in. He gestured at her with an open palm. “You’ve been dealing with a terrorist for two years who targets emotional vulnerability, you apparently have never been corrupted by this magic at least to present day, but your mother still worries about you being very emotionally fragile. And your heroes are not detectives, which is clearly what you need or you wouldn’t have asked us for our help.”
Marinette nodded. “I used to be very impressionable. At the start of all this, I was a huge people-pleaser. I got attached to new people in a matter of minutes. My mom always said I reminded her too much of herself— but two years of fighting off a guy trying to get into my head—“
“Wait,” Batman nearly barked, taking a step forward. “He’s been targeting you? You specifically?”
Marinette nodded grimly, mouth a straight line. “Not from the beginning, but this past year it’s been painfully obvious. He might be able to sense the strength of people’s emotions, and unfortunately I don’t exactly experience my emotions very… gently. All of my emotions tend to the much more intense side of the spectrum. If that’s true, then he might know that any negative emotion I feel will make an extremely strong Akuma. Either that, or he’s going by process of elimination. All of my friends, except for one, have been Akumatized already. So has my Papan and my grandmother. But it’s obvious when he’s targeting someone, I’ve felt him try to override my will on several occasions. But I can’t just repress all of my negative emotions forever, so consider us working against the clock right now. That thumb drive has all the details you need about our heroes, how exactly Hawkmoth’s powers work, and so on.”
“Do your heroes know you’re asking for our help?” Red Robin asked, gaze burning a figurative hole through Marinette’s face. “Better yet, if this drive has as much information as you say it does, how did you get it?”
Marinette handed the drive over to Batman, who finally took it and tucked it in his belt as she answered.
“Momma Harley might have a lot to say about your detective skills, but you are all still strangers to me. So consider this a test of your abilities— I expect that you will all go to extreme lengths to verify all of the information I gave you anyway. After all, I’m still the daughter of your most hated enemy. Right?” She met each of their gazes, one by one, with a challenging one of her own. “You’ll just have to figure out my connection to the heroes on your own. And how I got the information, too. It shouldn’t be too hard for the so-called world’s greatest detectives. And maybe this can double as a trust exercise. I fully expect you guys to scour through every inch of my past, and dig up everything you can on me. I encourage you to try to find everything you can, so that hopefully you can decide to trust me on your own once you have all the details laid out in front of you. By the way, for your own sanity? I’d start with reading about all of our heroes’ powers and abilities before you watch any footage of past attacks.”
Red hood rocked back on his heels, trading glances with the other vigilantes before they all shared a nod. Apparently having decided their course of action, Red Hood leaned down and hoisted Marinette up into a princess carry. All traces of her previous iron will melted away in favor of the high pitched squeal of surprise she gave, and once more she became an overly flustered teenager.
“Alright, little cutie. Let’s get you to your mom’s place before she and her crazy plant lady fiancé come hunting us down.”
“I can walk! I can freerun on my own! Mon dieu please let me down! Eeeeek!” She squealed again as Robin slapped a domino mask over her eyes and Red Hood wasted no time jumping over the balcony railing with her still in his arms. The fact that they were lowered down by a wire wrapped around Hood’s waist didn’t seem to take away any of the fright that came with a sudden drop over an eighth-story balcony.
Part 1
@emotionalsupportginger @alysrose-starchild @emistar0 @kibastray @justanotherfanficlovinbitch @alyssadeliv @blackroserelina @blackstarlight-co @readingalldaysleepingallnight @maanae @aespades @jaybird-and-co @fleursroses @probably-a-hologram @misterpianoman (didn’t work sorry)
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five-rivers · 4 years
Danny slowly loses his memories from before the Accident.
“I don’t remember that,” said Danny.  “Are you sure I was there?”
Maddie raised her eyebrows.  “I talked to you about it just last week,” she said. “When I was asking you about what you’d like to do during summer vacation.”
“I remember that,” said Danny, uncurling slightly from his position on the couch.  “I just don’t remember the other thing.  I... maybe we talked about something like it.  When was it?”
“You were twelve,” said Maddie.  “It was just before your birthday.”
Slowly, he shook his head.  “Sorry,” he said.  “I remember, um...  What other vacations did we have?  Before the one where you thought I was crazy, it was, um...” He held his hands as if preparing to count on them.  “We went to New York that one time.  And then the Great Lakes before that...  Oh!  And that haunted house road trip.”
He frowned down at his hands, and Maddie felt something unpleasant curl in her gut.  
“Is that...  All you remember?” she asked.  
“Y-Yeah?  I guess the others were from when I was too young to remember?”
“The haunted house trip was when you were five,” said Maddie.  “Danny... have you been,” she didn’t want to say it, didn’t want to piece together other little oddities into a big picture, “have you been forgetting things?”
“No!” said Danny, defensively, sitting up straighter.  “I’m just...”  He chewed his lip.  “It isn’t as if I’ve forgotten anything recent.”
His abysmal grades and missed curfews begged to differ.
“One second,” said Maddie.  “Stay here.”
She went to her room and fetched one of her largest photo albums.  Danny was still on the couch when she came back, picking at the hem of his pant leg, and staring blankly at the floor.  Maddie sat next to him, making him jump.  She opened the album to a random page.  
“What were we doing here?” she asked.  
“Um,” said Danny, brows pinching together in confusion.  “Shopping?”
“For?” prompted Maddie.  
Danny shook his head.  “It’s just shopping.  It isn’t important.”
“Danny, this is from when we got you that model spaceship.  The one you have hanging up in your room.”
Danny blinked, and slowly shook his head.  
The doctor’s office looked clean.  It even smelled clean.  Danny was still doing his level best not to touch anything.  Maddie would have sighed at his behavior, but she was too tense.  She met Jack’s eye.  He looked terrible too.
“There are no signs of Alzheimer’s disease,” said the doctor.  All three of them sighed with relief.  “However...  You said the other symptoms, the difficulty in school, began after the electrical accident?”
“Yeah,” said Danny.  
The doctor nodded.  “Electricity can do strange things to the brain, sometimes.  We haven’t been able to find any structural damage, but the activity levels...”  He brought a colored image up on his computer screen.  “This is where long-term memory is stored,” he said. 
“Doesn’t red usually indicate high levels of activity?” asked Jack.
“It does,” said the doctor.  “This is actually higher than usual activity...  Honestly, I don’t know what’s going on here.  I would like to request that you make a record of things that you currently remember as happening in your life, and then come back a month from now.”
“That’s it?” demanded Maddie.  
“Right now, since we don’t know what’s causing this,” said the doctor, “the best we can do is monitor the situation.  We don’t even know if this is an ongoing deterioration, or something more gradual.  On the upside, other than long-term memory, there doesn’t appear to be any damage.  Your timeline after your accident is clear and detailed.  The cognitive tests we put you through actually put you significantly above average...  This is what we can do.”
Maddie didn’t like it.  Danny didn’t look surprised.  Or even particularly upset.  
She caught Jack’s eye again.  They would have to be ready to support him, when the extent of what he had lost fully hit him.  
Danny floated down the icy hallway next to Frostbite.  “This isn’t going to be one of those examinations where I have to get undressed, is it?” he asked.  
Frostbite chuckled, but there was an undercurrent to it that usually wasn’t present.  “Only halfway.”  He paused to tap Danny on the chest.  “Your mind is no longer entirely contained in your head, after all.”
Danny rubbed at where Frostbite had tapped him.  “You don’t think that has anything to do with it, do you?”
“I’m unsure,” said Frostbite as they reached the examination room.  “It isn’t unusual for ghosts to lose their memories of their lives, but that is both more immediate and more complete.  Sit down here, and take your shirt off, Great One, and we can begin.”
Danny made a face at the item that looked like an overly complicated dentist’s chair with a large metal disk embedded in the back, but obeyed.  
“Here we are,” said Frostbite, pulling a complicated ring-shaped thing from the chair.  “This part goes around your head,” he said adjusting it to fit.  
Despite his cold core, Danny shivered at the frigidity of the metal.  
“These are to monitor your core, along with the matching one built into the chair,” said Frostbite as he attached several flat disks to Danny’s chest.  
“Are they, like, ultrasound?” asked Danny, running his finger along the edge of one of them.  He didn’t like how they stuck to his skin.  
“They work on a similar principle,” said Frostbite.  He turned on several nearby monitors.  “With this, we will be able to see how your brain and core react in tandem.  Can you transform for me a few times?  I want to compare with the baseline readings we took from you when you first stayed with us.”
“Sure,” said Danny.  
“Alright,” said Frostbite.  “Now, I am going to try sending a few low-intensity ectoplasmic pulses and currents through you.  Is that alright?”
“Sure,” said Danny.  
The first few left Danny feeling lethargic and tingly.  Other gave him so much energy he had to leave the room for a few minutes to burn some of it off.  Another, interestingly, turned off his ghost half, not unlike the Plasmius Maximus.
There was a rest period in-between each test, to make sure that they weren’t mixing results.  During those times, Danny and Frostbite would laugh and tell jokes and...
...  Danny trailed off in the middle of a sentence.  “Frostbite?” he asked after a minute.  “What was I just saying?”
“I want to stress that this is currently just a theory, Great One,” said Frostbite.  
“It’s okay,” said Danny.  “Just...  What is it?”
“Your memories are recorded in both your brain and your core.  You know this, correct?”
“Yeah.  You told me that a while back.”
Frostbite nodded.  “Normally, if one is turned off, the other one is still recording memories, and the memories will be transcribed.”
Danny nodded.  
“Or, if they are disconnected, in the case of the Plasmius Maximus, or your parents’ ‘Ghost Catcher,’ they will swap memories.  However...”
“It is my theory that certain kinds of discrepancies between memories can lead to your core deciding that the discrepancy is an error and attempting to remedy it.  Great One, your core did not exist prior to your accident.”
“So, it thinks my memories from before that are wrong, and it’s getting rid of them.”
“I’m afraid it may be so.”
“Can you stop it?  I mean, you were able to artificially induce it, earlier...”
Frostbite made a face.  “The only things I can think of that could stop this would be unhealthy in the long run.  I do not believe you want to try to split yourself in two again.”
“No,” agreed Danny.  “Any-Anything else?”
Frostbite sighed.  “This is not something I can confirm,” he said, “but I suspect that the reason for your odd pattern of your memory loss is that the memories you dwelled on most often vanished first.”
“Oh,” said Danny.  “Because that would bring them to my core’s attention...”
Frostbite nodded.  
“Well.  That’s... not ideal.”
“I’m sorry, Great One.  Would that I could do more.”
“It’s all gone,” he said, without preamble, as he stood at Jazz’s door first thing in the morning.  
She looked crushed.  “Are you sure?”
Danny nodded.  “I remember remembering, but I don’t actually remember.  It’s weird and...  actually kind of a relief,” he said, tilting his head to one side.  
Jazz blinked rapidly.  “Are you going to tell Mom and Dad?”
He shook his head.  As his memories had disappeared, so had most of his remaining trust in his parents.  Between the memories of them caring for him, and the memories of them attacking or threatening him, the latter were more vivid.  
He still loved them, and his ghostly desires, that he literally could not remember living without, still focused on them, but that and trust were two different things.  It had been months since he’d started to fake retaining memories that he only knew about from reading his journals.  
“Sam and Tucker?”
This time, Danny nodded, the gesture much more enthusiastic.  “We were going to meet up later today, anyway.  Do you want to come with us?”
“Sure,” said Jazz.  She rubbed at her eyes.  “Give me a second.”
Danny nodded.  He wasn’t in a hurry.  “I’ll be downstairs.”
He could understand the grief.  He had felt it.  But it was over, now.  The only thing left was to make new memories.  
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moxfirefly · 3 years
Leo with prompt #8 please
Pretty pretty pretty please
With so many thank you on top. You're writing sends me into the best mood.
Aww shucks it always makes me happy to hear that!
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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Leo was an asshole.
Not just in general terms, an obvious statement that Raph could literally break his neck agreeing with you, but Leo was an honest to god asshole.
You wanted to throttle him. Possibly even slap him. Maybe knock over one of his bonsai trees.
Okay that would be cruel at the very least, guy loves his bonsais, but...
You felt another jolt rip through your body causing the drink in your hand to slosh about. Some of it spilled on the hardwood floor and by the looks of it Vern would have a coronary due to it. April placed a hand on your shoulder, concern in her eyes. “You alright y/n? You look a little in pain?” She was only looking out for you but the only thought in your brain was to just yell, ‘Leo is a fucking asshole’.
Speaking of said asshole, he was over by the billiards table, resting against it while Casey and Raph had their latest competitive bought. The blue banded leader was the very picture of innocence, hell he wasn’t even drinking the god damn boy scout. “Hey Leo, you ready to get your ass handed as soon I finish handing it to your brother” Casey rested his weight on the billiards stick, possibly another coronary for Vern who had them imported from some fancy woodwork place.
Leo was busy looking at his phone, his thumb running across the screen in a nonchalant flick. “Might have to rain check that one, Case” His expression was neutral, bored at best. “Oh come on man, my birthday my rules” The birthday boy in question frowned, even more so when a ball was knocked into the corner pocket where he was standing. “Sorry, chief Vincent has been texting me all night updates of a new case” He flicked his thumb more rapidly, Casey assumed probably pictures of the possible offenders.
“Are we working later?” Was Raph’s question as he lined up another shot, which Casey prayed he would miss. He didn’t naturally.
“I’ll let you know, but doesn’t seem so” Leo actually felt proud of himself, an honest to goodness lie out of his own mouth. You would be proud of him, if you weren’t busy glaring daggers at him.
The situation was the following, you had only yourself to blame, but it had occurred to you to incorporate some outside play with Leo. So, you had purchased a remote control vibrator, a fancy little egg shaped thing that was currently resting inside your underwear. It could be controlled remotely via a phone app and while Leo wasn’t big on public stunts like this, that reptile part of his brain was yelling in excitement.
Two hours.
Casey’s little birthday party had been active for two hours. Which meant a that Leo had been running dangerous circles around his phone screen and you were already forgetting how to walk and talk at the same time. Vern’s penthouse was a little more packed than the usual gang it could inhabit, a few off duty officers that Casey hung out with and knew the terrapins were there.
You had told April by now that your day of the month had come up and the cramps were just a little more harsh than usual. Knowing all too well those woes, she rubbed your arm affectionately. “You don’t have to stay if you’re too beat up” She was bummed out, it was fun to have a human female friend given her circumstances had her putting up with five testosterone filled men, four of which were literal giant turtles.
You shook your head with a smile. “And miss out on drunk karaoke? I’m good, I can handle- th-this” Oh that was dangerous, that was truly entering very dangerous territories. When your eyes landed on Leo, stupid smug brat with his pretty lips and holding his phone like the prized possession it currently was, you glared. Excusing yourself you made the slow walk towards Leo, he had been standing at the mini bar area (that you found clashed horribly in this man cave) looking quite proud of himself.
“I’m going to kill you” You stage whispered at him, a full smile on your lips. Your large terrapin boyfriend chuckled, phone at his side and his thumb making a series of swivels on it. A hand landed on his plastron, nails pressed harshly on the plates. “You look a little red faced, too much wine?” He turned slightly, reaching over the mini bar to grab a seltzer water.
“You are the biggest asshole at this party and that says a lot given that Vern lives here” The treacherous buzzing eased off when Leo took a second to unscrew the bottle of seltzer water. You took the opportunity to breath but just as he took a sip, he was back to swiping his finger. “May I remind you that you bought it and you told me to do this, I really don’t see how I’m the bad guy here” He left the phone on the small counter space, another brief reprieve.
“But if I’m the biggest asshole here, I guess I should live up to the title” He smiled, he honest to god gave you that typical sweet boy smile.
Before proceeding to basically DJ his phone screen with an index finger.
You pressed your face to his arm and prayed to god that, welll, just, fuck!
“Leonardo I can’t have an orgasm in public!” Your words were muffled by the skin of his arm, regardless the party was on full blast. There was a delicious thrill at the idea of it though, as Leo wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close to him, you could make out just how much he had been enjoying this game.
He kissed your temple, nothing salacious about it, just a sweet peck.
Then his mouth fell closer to your ear.
"I don't give two shits that we're in public and people are watching."
Your eyes went wide, the intensity of the toy being put on full blast and Leo twitching his finger on the screen without any intention of letting up.
He hugged you closer to him, smiling against your temple as your grip became iron tight on his clothes. As the music got heavier and the chatter picked up, you did all you could do to muffle your moans of pleasure against Leo’s plastron, thankfully using the same thing to hide your face.
Because your eyes were rolling back and Leo didn’t seem to have any intention of slowing down. Even when Raph’s gaze landed on the pair, Leo just mouthed ‘cramps’ at him with a sad expression, the large brute made a sympathetic look before returning to his own on going conversation.
Only when he felt you start to tremble, incoherent babbling he could only make out to be begging, did Leo ease up to a soft rumble that only served to shock you from time to time. When you felt like your vision returned, you looked up at him all red faced and shakey breathing.
Leo petted your hair, smirking down at your slightly disheveled state. Surely this was going to be his favorite toy, even if it was currently back firing on him. He was hideously turned on and your warm body against him only served to make things worse for him.
But naturally you wanted some payback, since he had been a wonderful, delightful and merciless asshole.
“Sensei, please?” You whispered up at him, all pouty lips and innocent eyed. Inside you were grinning victoriously when he grunted and held you tighter.
Even when his eyes landed on the bathroom, you knew the real winner had been you.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Can i please request a fluff with rengoku + 19, 27,29 🤧 (please let him survive in this one, i've been seeing lots of fics where d-word, i want him to be happy, grow old, train tanjiro, marry, and have as much kids as he want)
DELIVERY! (Rengoku has been in my head RENT FREE for WEEKS.)
Right Here: Kyojuro Rengoku x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.2k
tw: fluff
“Lady Rengoku,” you hear at the door of your studio, and you turn back to face the attendant, mid-brushstroke.
“Yes?” you breathe, wondering what news she brings so early in the morning.
“Master Kyojuro has returned,” she replies, and you dunk your brush in the water pail.
“Is he well?” you wonder, wiping your fingers on your towel. When the woman doesn’t answer, you eye her carefully.
“Miss, he--” You march out of your studio quickly, dropping the towel and running as fast as you can. You dash past Inosuke, Tanjiro, the yellow-haired boy, and Nezuko, panting as you make it to the Butterfly Mansion’s infirmary.
“Tengen,” you wheeze as you stop. “Where is--”
“Inside.” He thumbs past the doors, and you walk inside, where you see Rengoku on a bed covered in blood.
“Kyo,” you whisper, squatting next to his bed. He groans, opening one eye slowly before looking over you. “Kyo, speak to me.”
“You’ve been painting,” he murmurs, trying to smile. He fails and grunts softly, bringing his hand up to his ribs.
“Don’t… don’t…” you whisper, tears rolling down your face.
“I’m okay,” he finally replies, wincing. “Young Kamado and his friends brought me here just in time.” He begins to cough, spitting up blood in his hand, and you rush to grab a towel to wipe his face. As you tenderly pat his skin, Kyojuro hums softly, closing his eyes. “You’re so sweet to me, my love.”
“Hey,” you begin. “You need to keep your eyes open. Just a little longer for me. Okay, Kyo?” Kyojuro nods in response, fluttering his golden eyes back open and reaching up to touch the hand resting on his face.
“I must be blessed beyond measure to have an angel like you attending to me.” You laugh in response, his words harkening back to the day you two first met. “We have to stop meeting like this…” He tries to laugh, but he groans instead, holding his ribs again. An attendant comes by with something for him to drink, and you prop more pillows under his head before holding the cup to his lips.
“It’s a little warm,” you warn, but he chugs it down anyway.
“Three broken ribs, a slightly punctured lung, a bruised collarbone, some internal bleeding, and various cuts all over,” the attendant informs you, and you nod, turning back to Kyojuro.
“Now what trouble did you get into this time?” you ask, tilting your head, but he just wheezes out a laugh, trying again for a smile. “We will talk once you get some rest,” you urge him, pulling the covers around his figure. You place a kiss on his lips and he kisses you back, reaching up a hand to stroke your hair.
“Will you remain here, yn/?” he asks as you pull away. You nod, resting a hand on his.
“I’ll be here until you’re well again.”
_____________________________________________________________ The coughing fits begin in the middle of the night.
In an instant, you’re up, holding a fresh towel beneath his mouth to catch the blood, stroking his back as he attempts to catch his breath, eyes wide with panic and something you haven’t seen in a long time: fear.
“Just keep breathing. In and out. You’re doing great,” you whisper as he struggles, but when he falls asleep again, you sigh, watching his chest rise and fall slowly. You didn’t sleep again until the sun rose and an attendant could take over while you climbed into bed and got some rest.
And most days were like that: wake up, tend to Kyojuro until he fell asleep, fall asleep a little, help him with his breathing, keep watch, then rest again when the attendant comes. Sometimes Tanjiro and his friends would come by to see about him and lift his spirits, and other times, Tengen and various other Hashira would come by with stories about demons they encountered, much to your disapproval. You know he wants to get better so he can rejoin them, and after they leave, he lapses into silence, staring at his hands as if doing so would make him heal faster.
But when the day comes for him to finally be released, you ease him back to the estate, looping your arm around his.
“Your bed’s been waiting for you,” you tease, and Kyo laughs with joy.
“It’s been waiting for you, too.” When you ease him onto the bed, he sighs, looking around him at the familiar red and brown hues of the master bedroom.
“Lady Kocho said to take it easy for the next few days,” you remind him as he swings his legs onto the bed.
“Take it easy?” Kyojuro laughs, putting his hands under his fiery hair.
“Kyo,” you warn, and he holds his hands up in surrender, the devilish grin returning to his features.
“Okay, okay.”
“If you’re good, I’ll make sure to go get sweet potatoes for dinner nex--”
“I’ll be the best patient you’ve ever had, my love,” Kyojuro rushes out, and you turn to him, raising a brow.
“That means minimal physical activity.” The Flame Hashira’s mouth goes slack, and you turn back to the dresser, removing your skirt. “And no forgetting.” The groan elicited from his mouth sounds more painful than when he was actually injured, you notice.
Blood stains your hands and arms as you’re hovering over Kyojuro, his eyes staring at the sky as you press on his chest - one, two, three, four, five, six --
“Y/n, he’s gone,” Tengen whispers over your shoulder.
“No, no, he’s right here,” you cry, tears falling onto your hands as you pump his chest three more times and then blow air into his mouth. “Stay with me, Kyo, stay with me.”
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight--
“Stop!” Tengen hollers, pushing you off of your dead lover. Before he can scoop up his friend, you shield him with your body, weeping profusely.
“Stay away from him!” you scream, the sun beating down on your exposed neck. “Leave him alone, you--”
A deep inhale brings you back into consciousness, and you sit up abruptly, your heart still stuttering furiously. You don’t even realize you’ve been crying when Kyo grunts and sits up, turning on a light.
“You alright?” he asks before turning around and seeing your tears. “Oh, no…” Kyojuro’s eyes soften as you collapse in his arms, his lips pressing against your forehead tenderly. “Look at me, y/n.” Kyojuro’s fingers tilt your chin up, and he whispers, “Just look at me. Forget everything else; it was just a bad dream. I promise you, I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m always too late,” you hiccup. “I’m always one step behind.”
“You’re right here with me; right where you need to be at this moment.” His fingers wipe at your tears quickly. “You made me promise that I would train young Kamado, have at least four kids with you, grow old, and then you’d give me permission to die.” You laugh a little, remembering the look on his face when you demanded that he hold off on dying for at least sixty years. “I’m not going anywhere, my love. I’m right here.”
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aki-mochi · 3 years
Levi x Reader: Drunk Love
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WARNING: NSFW!! Levi stood there, completely nude, in front of Erwin and Hanji as he covered his stuff while avoiding their gazes. His cheeks turning pink with his hair messy with fly-aways in every direction and his body covered in bites and hickeys. Erwin stood in Levi's living room, not amused, while Hanji was laughing until she was in tears.
"Sooo...you wanna tell me why you are...?" Erwin trailed off.
"I dunno....I-I...just woke up like this...."
"You were drinking last night, huh?" Erwin asked, more like stated.
"A little...." he mumbled, then clicked his tongue.
"Woooow Levi~!" Hanji laughed more.
"Shut up" Levi slightly growled as he tried to remember his actions last night.
Levi sat at a table in a bar with a few of his friends and co-workers, passing time and attempting to get away from the stress of work. Eren, who happened to be one of his best workers, offered him some food while drinking his drink. No sooner did another song start to play, a familiar woman entered the bar with Mikasa.
"I've never been in a bar.” Mikasa stated.
"We can't buy alcoholic beverages so we can just have water and some food. Give us some free time from all the work we've been asked to do." Y/n replied.
She nodded in agreement, looking around at her surroundings only to see the men at Levi's table looking towards them. Truth be told, Y/n and Mikasa worked in the same building as Levi, just on different floors. The two had met on a few occasions and even had small talk in the elevator whenever they were going to the same floor for meetings, but never actually got close to one another.
Levi glanced at the two as they came in and made a bit of a face. "I guess they're getting the same thing you are, Eren." He smirked behind his glass as he looked at Eren's drink suited for him being underaged. Eren pouted and gave somewhat of a glare towards his boss. "If you weren't my boss, and I wanted to not get fired, I'd slap you like I do Horse-face." He mumbled in his glass of apple juice.
"You sound like you're plenty drunk on apples," Levi stated as he set his glass down. "Now you finally have a chance to talk to that girl. I've seen you eyeing her at work." Hearing his comment, Eren did a spit-take with his drink; coughing and pounding his chest a bit. Once he got his breath back, he looked at Levi like he grew two heads.
"Are you insane or drunk?!" He slightly yelled in a whispered tone.
"I'm neither. You shout about being better at your job than The Titan Company down the road but you can't even talk to a girl."
"Yeah?! W-well what about the girl you stare at?! You seem like you stalk her!"
"The only time I even see her is on the elevator. Are you sure you aren't drinking beer?" Levi retorted.
"I'm underage to be drinking unless someone spiked it when I wasn't looking." Eren calmly stated as he took another drink.
"If no one did, they might need to so you can actually grow some balls for at least an hour and act like a man instead of a loud little kid."
Eren glared. "Shut the hell up....I do act mature. Just on some levels." He, then, turned away to stare at the ebony female with a slight blush on his slightly dark skin.
”Can you prove that?" Levi smirked at Eren's attitude.
"What did you say?" Eren growled, thinking his boss is picking a fight when he doesn't feel like throwing a punch while Mikasa is here.
"I said to prove that you aren't a child and go talk to her," Levi told him.
"Fine. I will." He suddenly stood up and walked towards the two sisters, feeling confident in his moves. Levi smirked as he watched, wanting to see how much of a train wreck it would turn into. But the minute Eren was only five steps away, he froze. His face turned a sheer scarlet red and felt his palms get sweaty. But what he didn't expect to happen, was that Mikasa noticed him and gave a small wave to him, making him lose his cool and speed-walking back to his seat before face planting the table. Mikasa flushed a faint pink but couldn't help to give a minuscule smirk from his failure to walk over.
"You’re a wuss" Levi muttered.
"Fuck you....." Eren mumbled against the table.
Levi smirked and took a sip of his whiskey before standing. "Let me show you how it's done," he stated as Eren groaned and watched him as he made his way towards the girls.
Levi walked over to the older of the two with a confident stride, the alcohol taking the edge off of his normal attitude. Y/n was too busy talking to Mikasa to notice him. Taking a french fry off her plate, she ate it and smiled as she was talking about her latest masterpiece for the company due to being in the advertising department. Mikasa mentioned a work project that’s due next week before looking over Y/n's shoulder to see the male.
"This seat taken?" Levi asked.
Y/n turned towards the voice of the male and her eyes widened. "M-Mr. Ackerman....! It's nice to see you again." She smiled softly at him.
"The same to you" he stated. "We don't see each other often. I thought we could talk."
"Of course! Come sit with me!" She smiled and patted the seat on the other side of her. He gladly sat, looking towards Eren and winking in success mainly to show off before talking to the two women. Eren growled and slammed his hands on the table and walked over once more before offering a hand at the grey-eyed female.
"May I sit with the beauty who I'm looking at~?" He asked with a smile.
Mikasa looked and blushed brightly at his words but nodded. “Sure."
With a small hum, Eren sat beside her before gently holding her waist to bring her closer to him. Her blush darkened, looking at her plate of food like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
Y/n eyed the boy, a little surprised at his actions before drinking her iced water, smirking behind her glass as she knew Mikasa has a crush on him. Levi rolled his eyes, ignoring Eren as he talked to Y/n, keeping up a conversation about her interests. About an hour later, Levi was not feeling like his usual self. His cheeks were flushed while his eyes were dilated, black pupils taking up more of his steel-blue corneas. Y/n had offered to take him home while Mikasa stayed with Eren since he's completely sober. After that, Mikasa waved as she left with the green-eyed boy.
He tried to refuse, saying he was fine but she insisted, eventually giving up as he slumped over the table. Y/n slung one of Levi's arms around her neck; the other around his waist while leading him outside. Digging in his back pocket for his wallet and keys, she pressed a button to activate its panic alarm. Upon hearing a frantic horn, she turned to her left to see the flashing lights of a sleek black Ford Mustang. After calming the automobile, she gently helped a drunk Levi into the passenger side before slipping herself behind the wheel. Y/n opened up his wallet and found a small piece of paper with his name and address written in beautiful cursive. Pulling up the GPS on her phone, she punched in his home address to help her navigate before revving up the engine and beginning to drive to him home.
Levi did his best to keep the alcohol's side effects from taking over, grinning as he remembered the feeling of her hand in his pocket but stayed quiet until they got to his house. Once Y/n had gotten him out of his car and into his house, after she had unlocked the door with his keys, she walked him to his room and placed him in bed. She gave a small huff from how heavy he is for a short man. As she tried to leave the room, Levi had grabbed her wrist to keep her in place.
"(Y/n)," he muttered.
"Levi. You're drunk. You need to rest." She said softly so as not to hurt his pounding head.
"Only if you rest with me." He said, not because of how many shots he’s had, but because he’s wanted her since the first day he saw her and this was the only way he could get himself to say it. Y/n smiled and pried his hand off her arm so she could help him get comfortable by stripping him of his clothes. Y/n flushed a scarlet red when he was now only in his briefs which held a proud tent.
He smirked a bit as he watched her. "You can look if you want"
"I-I rather not, thank you...." she stuttered before going to find him some bed clothes he could wear; giving him time to look over her body that was shown by the jeans and shirt she's wearing. Her hair pulled up into a ponytail and her feet dressed in regular tennis shoes. He blushed from more than the booze in his system as he looked over her, letting her help him dress before laying in the bed with him. Y/n covered him up along with herself and sighed softly as she turned her back to him so she can sleep since it's after midnight.
But with Levi still drunk, he couldn't go to sleep. No. He didn’t want to go to sleep. He had a beautiful woman in his bed and he wanted her to be his woman. No one else’s. Levi took advantage of his drunk state and suddenly rolled Y/n onto her back, pinning her to the bed. She blinked, shocked from his sudden actions.
"L-Levi....?" she stuttered.
"Y/n.....~” he purred in her ear while sliding his hands up her shirt, making her shiver at his cold slender hands on her heated skin. "Let me love you," he whispered before colliding her lips with his own, making her body stiffen. She soon felt intoxicated by his touch and kissed him back, craving for more as she entangled her fingers into his soft black hair as she moaned.
Levi kissed her deeply as his hands made their way to her breasts, feeling the soft flesh against his skin. Arching her back at the feeling, she pulled away from his lips for air but gasping the minute he latches his own to her sensitive neck. She moaned his name when he bit her neck then pulled back with a smirk. Y/n looked down to see that Levi had, somehow, stripped her bare naked without her noticing. Trailing kisses down her body, she moaned and ran her fingers through his hair again as she closed her legs when he got between them. He rubbed her thighs soothingly before kissing them to help her relax. Once he thought she was ready, Levi opened her legs and placed his head between them. His tongue slid along her folds before flicking at her clit. Her hips jolted upwards while her fingers tugged at his hair, giving loud lewd moans.
Levi smirked and started to go faster, making her squirm and squeal in complete ecstasy as he tasted every inch of her. He then sucked her bundle of nerves into his mouth as his tongue did wonders. Y/n panted as she arched her back off the bed while her head flew back into the pillows, desperately wanting to move away but his hands held her down in place as he ravished her more. His teeth gently grazed her clit, making her lose control of the volume of her moans as they got even louder before she finally released with a squeak. But Levi kept going, making her beg as he continued to drain her of every drop before pulling off with a small pop. A trembling Y/n laid there panting heavily as Levi licked her clean, sitting up to look down at the beautiful sight under him. Levi chuckled and laid beside her with his arm draped over her waist.
Y/n calmed down from her overstimulated high before she made the bold move to pin him to the bed instead. Levi looked up at her in slight shock from the sudden move before his breath started to hitch when she started to rub the bulge in his pants. She hummed and stripped him bare of any clothes before suddenly going down to suck his cock. Levi's hips bucked at the sudden pleasure of her hot mouth on him, panting as he felt her tongue do circles around the tip.
"(Y-Y/n)~" Levi moaned as he gripped the sheets. "Ngh...! I-I'm gonna....! Ah!" he gave a loud moan as he came in her mouth. Y/n swallowed it all, a little disappointed that he came that quick, and sat up before marking him in hickeys and love bites, loving the sounds that were coming from his mouth. After she was satisfied with her work, she straddled his hips before pushing herself onto him, making her gasp and him moan. When she felt comfortable, she bounced on him as her hands rested on his chest. Loud slapping noises of skin colliding and loud moans filled the room. Y/n decided to bounce faster and go all the way down, earning her a loud moan from Levi as he gripped her hips to help her keep steady.
Pretty soon they both hit their high and came together. Y/n collapsed onto Levi's chest, panting heavily as he held her close to him. Having to pull out, he laid both their bodies on the bed and pulled her to his chest after covering them both with the blanket and going to sleep.
~back to the present~
Y/n walked out of the bathroom only to see a naked Levi standing there, in front of his boss and co-worker as he tried to suppress his blush. Smirking, the said female walked over and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and satisfied hum.
"Don't worry, Mr. Smith~. Levi was a good boy last night with all the moans I made him do~."
At that, Hanji ran out with Erwin on her tail, trying to suppress their nose bleeds while Levi was a blushing mess at the moment from her comment. Y/n laughed at his reaction and kissed him briefly before giving him a warm smile and going to make breakfast. Levi sighed as he went back to his room to get dressed.
'Maybe getting drunk wasn't so bad after all......'
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