#my oc: drexel
messerkampf · 2 years
Ask for Drexel! A1, C1, E5, F11, G4, L2
What of the Meyers-Briggs personality types they most fit into? INFP, ENFT, et cetera…
I went and took an assessment for her out of curiosity and got ENTJ for her! Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging. "Commanders are bold, imaginative, and strong-willed, always finding a way – or making one." That's all very fitting for her. She demands control of nearly any situation she enters, whether people really she's doing it or not.
Does your OC have a moral code? If not, how do they base their actions? If so, where does it come from, and how seriously do they take it?
In her own way, but it doesn't ever really match other people's. I guess she's most easily described as a pragmatist-- she follows other people's moral codes and expectations when it benefits her overall. There's very little she isn't willing to stoop to (and she doesn't really consider it stooping). She has no tolerance for crimes against kids, though. She's less likely to chew you out for it and get angry rather than just kill you for it and move on.
What’s their highest education level? Do they want to continue their education?
Drexel never went to any traditional schooling, but she's very well read. She does a lot of studies on her own or finds people to learn from and study under, and its unlikely to stop.
What are some of their favorite things to do for recreation?
She's obsessed with cybernetics and how far you can push the body and its augments, so between her research on that and chasing down any and all knowledge she can find on it, she finds time to enjoy fashion and design-- whether figuring out her own outfits or keeping up with developments in the fashion world, etc.
What kind of childhood did your OC have?
One she doesn't like to think about much. Drexel was born to poor human parents and was involved in an accident in her building that resulted in her parents needing prostheses. She became obsessed with prostheses and body modification around then. Her parents became less involved in her life for various reasons until they died while she was still young, and she moved in with some more well-off corporate family members. She mostly figured out her life on her own from there.
What do you consider the biggest themes in your character, if any?
Drexel is my 'mad scientist' character, sort of-- half mob boss and half driven inventor. There's a lot of themes around selfishness, vulnerability, and how we should pursue knowledge and our questions.
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joaquinwhorres · 8 months
I'm prob arriving late to this as per usual but did I just read the words TLOU OC? HELL YEAH
It is never too late to roll up and ask about one of my OC's. Especially Sloane. I love her so much and have been dying to share her with the world. So here's some fun facts just for you:
Sloane Yeong
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She and her two older sisters (Evelyn & Cassandra) grew up next door to Tommy and Joel in Arlington, Texas.
She's been "in love" with Tommy since she was 7 and he was 11, a fact her sisters loved teasing her about.
They never addressed his obvious infatuation with Cassie.
Sloane left Texas after graduating high school as her sisters had also moved on (New York for Cassie, Washington for Evelyn). She attended Drexel University where she became an environmental engineer, then moving to Pittsburgh for work.
She was in Pittsburgh when the Outbreak happened and all the way up until it fell.
Sloane ends up in Jackson in 2018, just two years after it's founded and when it still needs a lot of help to make the community functional.
She's been there for about two year before Tommy arrives, both of them are surprised to see each other and naturally end up clinging to the other as a piece of life from before.
Sloane has only killed one person in the entirety of the outbreak. Doing so earned her the respect of her group and is the only reason she made it to Jackson alive, but it still haunts her daily. 
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princident · 4 months
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I revamped very small parts of my girlfriends OC, by request of course.
His name is Drexel :3
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chrisrin · 2 years
Those OCs look cool, its the middle of the night, i cant sleep, so heck it whats the lore reason for the casual fit on Drexel?
SOOOOOOOOOOO the world my little OCs live in is EARTH!
but a very, very weird Earth.
Imagine if on Earth, as we were developing technology and bringing advancement into society that we discovered MAGIC! It was used to power almost everything and created a very easy shortcut to create around the same level of tech we might have in our real world right now, and maybe further. Magic was innate to almost everyone and easily usable, it was a concept as solid and concrete as gravity.
And then imagine if, one day, the magic malfunctioned. The once-controllable element of magic suddenly goes haywire, becoming unpredictable and dangerous. Cities, infrastructure, governments, and technology, all that relied on arcane sources were suddenly unstable and it sent the world into what was essentially an apocalyptic event.
Now, hundreds of years later, Earth has recessed back into the Dark Ages. Magic is universally banned and a government of super powerful figures called the Lord's Court have an order of Knights specifically tasked with hunting down any magic users. There's laws and bans on scientific renovation of any kind, in fear that magic may further induce harm on the land.
BUT, there's still relics of modern Earth all around. Drexel is one of the few mages who still practices magic in attempt to calm its wild nature. He's also a HUUUGE fucking fanboy of any pre-Cataclysm (that's what the magic malfunctioning apocalypse is called!)
So he's a bit of a nerd loser and ALSO is insanely obsessed with fashion and all sorts of stuff from the old world. He also just has an immense amount of knowledge about it too!
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(this is the vibe)
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w0lfsblade · 2 years
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A Silly Name - OC Comic
This is my first comic strip with my OCs from my Drexel Story. I'm really happy about it. My characters feel so alive.
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clearlyetc · 5 years
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Happy Pride Month!!
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Lost in Character Creation: Drexel Eido
Drex is a smuggler, or he should be. He's a lean man with a large moustache, a quick tongue, and a quick draw. He is also unbelievably down on his luck.
With no ship, no credits, and not much in the way of a plan, he arrives on Nar Shaddaa to meet with a veteran bounty hunter—not the kind of folk Drex enjoys associating with, but he's gotten to know a few of them and right now he doesn't exactly have a better option.
Maybe, though, maybe he should have found one, because that hunter just got murdered by a Mando under the impression that Drex is a rival for entry into the Great Hunt... and with a kid slicer to take care of and no other way off-planet, the Mando seems to have been the author of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If only the Great Hunt ticket didn't ship them straight to Dromund Kaas...
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princessphilly · 4 years
Jelly Donuts and Shorties:
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Four times you met Kevin around food plus the one time you and Kevin went out together.
Word Count: 1011
All places mentioned are Philly restaurants/bakeries.
Dedicated to @broadstbroskis
Frangeli’s was a piece of heaven. When people thought of donuts in Philly, they thought of FedNuts or Beiler’s in Reading Terminal Market. But for Marisa, the only donuts that really mattered came from Deep South Philly. Today, she had a taste for jelly filled and a plain glazed donut and Frangeli’s filled their donuts with whatever jelly you wanted when you ordered them. She hoped they had raspberry jelly. But as soon as she came in, she saw someone she had never seen there before. He was really tall; Marisa was 5’10 but he made her feel short.
“Hey Risa, how you doin? How’s youse family, I saw Richie the other day but he didn’t pop in.”
Marisa smiled at Rosalina, one of her dad’s neighbors. Even though the neighborhood was changing due to gentrification, there was still enough of the old guard still living in the area. “Hi Ms. Rosalina, I’m doing well. Just getting a couple of donuts before work today. Richie’s doing good, you know he’s busy since he started taking classes at Drexel.”
Marisa snuck a glance at the giant ordering. Then he turned around and she got a look at his face. She gasped before rolling her eyes. Oh fuck, she thought, this place is going to blow up just like Angelo Apeetz.
The second time Marissa ran into him, it was at Wawa. Coming from a quick trip to the Shore, she had pulled into the Wawa on Black Horse Pike after getting off the AC Expressway. The Wawa was amazingly not crowded but Marissa recognized that head of shaggy brown hair in front of her, waiting for something too. Marissa inwardly groaned; ever since the day she saw Kevin Hayes at Frangeli’s, the donut shop was busier than ever.
Of course, the tall center turned around and looked at her. The neutral expression on his face changed into a crooked grin. “Hey, weren’t you at that donut shop a couple of weeks ago,” he asked, his Boston accent stronger in the early morning hour.
Marissa shrugged as she said, “Yep.”
“Awesome donuts! I got some for the boys after our game against the Rangers.”
Marissa gave him a bland smile, causing the excited expression on Kevin’s face to fall a bit. Then the guy called out, “Veggie shorti for Marissa!”
“Oh, that’s my order, I gotta go!”
As Marissa picked up her order, Kevin quietly remarked, “Have a great day, Marissa.”
Marissa knew that sooner or later, she would probably bump into Kevin Hayes at either Isgro’s or Termini Brother’s. Both had amazing cannoli and she was craving a chocolate chip cannoli. She could taste it in her mouth as the shop person wrapped up her cannolis in wax paper.
“Look who’s here!”
Marissa turned around to see Kevin Hayes beaming at her. “It’s my lucky day, it seems.”
“Of course it’s your lucky day. It’s always my lucky day when I see you.”
Marissa tilted her head as she looked at Kevin weirdly. Kevin scratched the back of his head as he sheepishly said, “I seem to score a goal every game after I see you.”
Marissa arched an eyebrow. “I must be your unwitting good luck charm.”
“You are! You should let me pay you back by taking you out on a date.”
Pursing her lips, Marissa shook her head. “Eh, I’d rather have a date with this cannoli I’m about to eat.”
Ignoring Kevin’s crestfallen face, Marissa collected her dessert and left.
One of the joys of living in Philadelphia was that it is a major city, huge yet after a while, it felt smaller. Sooner or later, you began to run into the same people depending on where you lived, worked, and played.
So tonight, when Marissa saw Kevin and some of his teammates at Parc, it wasn’t unexpected. The bad part was that her date had stood her up.
Marissa took a gulp of her wine. She was angry, bitter that another douchenozzle had wasted her time. Marissa still ordered dinner because she was hungry. However, when it was time to pay her bill, the waiter told her that it was covered.
“The gentleman at the table five tables away on your right paid for your meal,” he said.
Marissa turned around to see Kevin, raising his glass. She raised hers as well in a toast before taking a sip. Opening the check, she saw a note from Kevin: On me because it’s obvious some asshole stood you up. Let me know the next time you want to go out with a real man, with his phone number written on it. Staring at the number, Marissa drank more of her wine.
The tension was so thick, Marisa felt like you could cut it with a knife. Kevin was right in front of her; he wasn’t touching her but she could feel his gaze like a caress. For once, he wasn’t saying anything goofy but the silence felt simultaneously comforting yet electric.
“You look amazing.”
Marisa looked down at her dress. It was a simple sapphire blue sheath that made her legs look amazing. “You’re welcome.”
Kevin reached for her hand and Marisa swore she felt so hot, it was like an inferno. He was affected similarly; Kevin’s expression went from shock, to wonder, and finally, to desire.
“Are you ready,” he finally asked, his voice rougher than usual. Marissa beamed at him.
As Kevin walked her to his car, Marissa marveled. This was unexpected for a Philly school teacher; she had been annoyed when she met the Flyers player at her favorite donut shop, now she was letting him take her out.
The drive was short through the streets of Philly and 95. As Kevin turned off onto Lombard Street, Marissa gasped. Kevin grinned as he wheeled around 2nd street before stopping at Front and South at Bridget Foy’s.
“Figure a Philly restaurant for a Philly girl.”
“Shut up, Hayesy.”
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gooseking · 4 years
I want to do a little psychoanalysis on Hiraeth because I find it interesting and since I've been using it as a coping mechanism, it might be helpful for me to do an in-depth analysis on why I chose to make Hiraeth the way that it is.
The origin of Hiraeth:
So before I get into the details and the nitty gritty of why, I should probably explain the origin. So I first came up with the initial story idea after I watched a shit ton of OC animatics on YouTube. This was right after my carpal tunnel surgery, so I hadn't done anything creative/productive for around a week and a half. I was desperate to create something, and the concept popped into my head and I started drawing out some ideas for the main character. The main characters and a few others (namely Mina, Az, Apollo, Fletcher, Anne, Moss, Selma, and Selene) were all thought up at ungodly hours. I'm talking 3-4 am. They popped into my head and I had to draw them. Their designs came first and their stories secondly.
The plot of Hiraeth:
Now that you know how I came up with the idea, the plot is that a drexel was taken as a slave and escapes to go back to her hometown. Once she escapes, she meets up with a group of misfits that she doesn't really trust. Meanwhile, the guy that kept her as a slave wants her back and sends his goons to have her recaptured and brought back to him.
Why am I so attached to this story? It was only made 3 months ago!
I've noticed a trend with my stories, and most of the stories I come up with have a few motifs in common: home, family, and/or mental illness. And to be completely honest, I think the reason why I create stories that deal with home/family so often is because growing up, I didn't really have a sense of what a family should be. I can remember back to when I was around 9, I had traces of mental illness pop up, and it all went untreated/undiagnosed until I was 15/16. And I often got yelled at for the effects of those illnesses, namely my anxious leg bouncing. Everything has gotten better in that area, but I still don't have a strong connection with my father. I'm transgender, and he never liked that idea of me. I came out to him right before my 16th birthday, and 4 years later, he's still in denial.
I believe that the reason why Hiraeth has a strong family motif is to give me what I yearn for: a true family. One that is made, and one that is blood. Mina, the drexel that was a slave, has a strong connection with her family and she wants that back.
The characters:
I didn't realize it at first, but the protagonists have personalities and traits that I accidentally projected from myself and onto them.
Mina has trust issues and a yearning for her home, no matter how destroyed it may be.
Anne is cursed to see visions of bad things that will happen, no matter what she does. She feels guilty that she cannot change it. (Represents my anxiety)
Apollo was disowned from his family for not being "normal". Although I wasn't completely disowned, my father doesn't acknowledge who I am.
Fletcher is completely optimistic, yet he has huge self esteem issues. He has imposter syndrome.
Moss has to tell himself that he is a good person due to the demon that possesses him taking over. In some situations where I am overstimulated or overly angry, I tend to black out and I cannot control what I say or do. I have come to and see that I was close to hurting myself or others before and not remember a damn thing.
By putting my problems and insecurities onto these characters, I feel like I have control over them and thus helping to control them within myself.
The theme of relationships:
Another reoccurring theme in Hiraeth is that of relationships. Both platonic and romantic. Mina, as I mentioned before, has trust issues and doesn't trust too many people in fear that they will somehow betray her. In my case, it's abandonment. Anne doesn't make too many friends due to her curse; in my case, anxiety takes over and I imagine the worst thing going wrong and feel like I'm a burden, so I don't go out of my way to make friends that often. Apollo and Fletcher have the perfect relationship to me: they both love each other equally and are inseparable. I want something like that for myself one day. Azrael and Percy's relationship is the worst kind to me: abusive and manipulative. Percy started out loving Azrael genuinely, but as Az became the person he is today, Percy fell out of love and tries to leave, yet Az cursed him and blackmails him to stay.
Why is it set in a fantasy world?
Not only do I find fantasy interesting, but when I was younger, I was always told to be in the real world and not a fantasy. As someone who believes I was put here to help people through my art and stories, I took full offense to this. How is someone supposed to create interesting stories if they're in the real world? I believe I made Hiraeth to be a fantasy story because I needed this world to escape to. It's my (dystopian) paradise.
Why are there drexels?
I made drexels to be like angels. I personally am not a religious person and never have been, but I have always believed in guardian angels. My aunt Chene (who wasn't really my aunt, but I called her that) was obsessed with angels. She had a room dedicated to them. And I looked up to that. She is now an angel, but she lives on with me. I never took a family death hard; it would always be weeks after they pass until I finally shed a tear. The day Chene passed, I was bawling the entire week. That was the one death that shook me.
I didn't make them actual angels though because I wanted them to be more human and less divine. Their wings are lower and aid with balance (such as a cat's tail is used for the same thing), yet they can still fly. They are free beings and the sky is the limit for them, yet they are still tethered to the earth by their humanly thoughts and actions.
That's all I feel I can psychoanalyze for right now; I can't think of anything else that I can add onto it. If you read all of that, thank you so much for having an interest in it. I love psychology and looking into why we do what we do, and I think that since my subconscious did all of this and me going back and seeing that I am connected to the story, I can make a comprehensive story that people will enjoy. Since making Hiraeth, I've heard from my mom that she's so proud of me (genuinely), my mamaw is interested, my niece and nephews are inspired by it, and my friends are supportive of it. Hiraeth for me is a new chapter in my life, and I would have never thought that the characters I came up with at 4 am would help me this much.
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M*A*S*H OC Pilot Episode Outline
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A/N: I wanted to start doing things like this. I think if writers start showing their actual W.I.P. it might help shed a light on all the work we actually do. Sorry for the long post, but for what ever reason the mobile app is eating all my posts with the “read more” features.
Henry received word they’re finally getting an extra doctor sent to the 4077. Due to some radio interference, all he gets is a name Captain O’Neil and only some cursory background.
“Radar, can you get Pierce, Burns, and McIntyre in here?”
“Captain Pierce, McIntyre and Major Burns here to see you sir.”
“Well let them know it can wait, I have something important to tell them.”
“What’s up Henry,” Hawkeye asked.
“Some actual good news for once, command is finally allowing us to bring in another surgeon.”
“Hey, that’s great,” McIntyre exclaimed.
“Is that really necessary,” Burns jumped in. “Surely the army doesn’t need to waste unnecessary men.”
“Speak for yourself Frank,” Hawkeye said. “Personally I’d like to have four surgeons here instead of three surgeons and a horse doctor.”
Frank let out an indignant huff to be promptly ignored by everyone.
“What unit are they coming from,” Trapper asked.
“No unit, straight from the states. General said he just graduated from Drexel.”
“Graduated?” Hawkeye said. The relieved expression now shifting into obvious frustration. “Henry, they can’t send us a kid that green. We have wounded here, not cadavers.”
“At least before Frank gets to them,” Trapper added.
“Oh don’t get huffy,” Henry protested. “For your information he served as a nurse in the last war.”
“Nurse? What’s wrong, kid got flat feet and couldn’t join up?” Trapper asked.
“Was the kid actually a kid then?” Hawkeye continued.
“I don’t know,” Henry cut in. “All I know is what the general told me. Our new doctor might not be as experienced with a knife, but they’ve been around enough meatball surgery not to get squeamish and that’s more than what we can ask for in any other doctor we might get our way. In the meantime, Hawkeye, I’m assigning you to look after him and show him the ropes.”
“Colonel, now I really must protest,” Burns stepped in. “I am the ranking officer here. Do you really want this new recruit to be contaminated by these two...degenerates.”
“And what would you suggest Frank?”
“Well...let me be his mentor. I have the most experience, not to mention military discipline a new recruit should aspire too.”
“All the more reason for us to look after him. Don’t worry about it Henry, Trapper and I will look after the kid.”
“He’ll be the son we’ve never had.”
O’Neil arrives with a handful of new nurses and gets lost in the shuffle. Meanwhile Henry receives word Captain O’Neil is one Elizabeth O’Neil when Radar finally gets her file through.
“Pardon me,” a voice asked. “I’m looking for the new doctor’s quarters.”
Hawkeye immediately straightened up. Lovely as the first word that came to mind, which felt odd to say, even if it was just in his head. Lovely was not a word he tossed around lightly. The speaker’s voice was connected a gentle face, big brown eyes, button nose and curly chestnut hair. Her frame was slight with subtle curves accentuated on a body much shorter than his usual type, but that was neither here nor there. Really, what else could he think but, lovely.
“You found it,” he answered, not skipping a beat.
She took a cursory glance around the space, frowning at the dirty laundry, garbage, and general mayhem. The only thing to disturb this perpetual displeasure was the mild surprise at the distillery in the corner.
“There must be some mistake,” she said.
“No, no mistake,” Hawkeye said. “It’s cleaner than usual, but that won’t last long once the new doctor gets here. Don’t tell me you’re this O’Neil character’s personal nurse. I’m liable to get jealous.”
“Hardly, Doctor?”
“Pierce. This is McIntyre and the malpractice lawsuit in a military uniform is Burns.”
“That’s Major to you,” Frank said, sharply.
“Oh I’m sorry, Major Malpractice Lawsuit.”
“It’s an absolute pleasure to meet you,” McIntyre step in, taking her hand as he did so. “Lieutenant?”
“Captain,” she corrected. “O’Neil.”
“Just my luck, the new doctor’s married.”
“Like that’s stopped you,” Hawkeye commented.
“I assure you I’m not,” she said, pulling her hand away. “Clearly there must have been some miscommunication. I’m Doctor Elizabeth O’Neil, newly transferred surgeon to the 4077th M*A*S*H unit. This is the 4077, isn’t it?”
“No you’re in the right place.”
“We just…”
“They didn’t tell us…”
O’Neil raised a hand as a signal to stop. “It’s quite alright. I understand the confusion and I’m sure we can resolve this matter quickly. If one of you can just direct me to Colonel Blake’s office, I’ll ask him about alternative living arrangements.”
“Well now, there’s no need to be hasty,” Hawkeye said.
“Yeah, we’re all doctors here,” McIntyre chimed in.
“It wouldn’t be right for us to toss you out on your ear just because you’re a woman.”
“Down right ungentlemanlike.”
She gave them an appeasing smile. “That’s very kind of you--”
“It is, isn’t it.”
“We’re very friendly here.”
“But, I would still prefer to speak with the Colonel,” she said, firmly.
“I couldn’t agree more,” Burns stepped in. “Allow me to escort you, miss.”
“Doctor,” she corrected.
“My name is Doctor O’Neil, or Captain, if you prefer. Not miss.”
Burns stopped, obviously flustered. His instinct to reprimand a subordinate for taking any kind of tone with him and his own worship of military formalities clashed until all he could get out was abashed, “Of course, allow me to show you the way, Captain.”
“Thank you Major Burns.”
They both left leaving Hawkeye and Trapper stunned and a little disturbed.
“Hey Hawk,” Trapper said, hesitantly. “You don’t think we’ve got another Houlihan on our hands.”
“Too soon to tell,” Pierce said. “We’d better follow them, make sure Burns doesn’t corrupt the poor dear.”
O’Neil and Frank come into Henry’s office to find Margaret already there. O’Neil offers to sleep with the nurses until accommodations can be arranged, but everyone objects, for various reasons. Except Houlihan, who believes as a Major she reserves the right to her own tent.
“Henry, I hate to say. Frank is right.”
“I am,” Frank said boldly, only for his boasting to falter. “I am?”
“Of course,” Hawkeye continued. “Captain O’Neil can’t be hanging around the other nurses.”
“They’re below her rank.”
“Down right disgraceful.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Henry said. “Which is why I am going to assign Captain O’Neil to Major Houlihan’s tent until further accommodations could be arranged. Is that agreeable, Captain?”
“That’s very kind of you Colonel, thank you. So long as Major Houlihan doesn’t mind.”
“Is that an order, Colonel?”
“It is, Major.”
“Then, not at all.”
“Well, that’s settled. I’ll have Radar get the paperwork started--”
“I’ve got all the formed filed for the request for a new officer’s tent,” Radar finished, walking through the door. “Just sign here sir.”
O’Neil and Houlihan don’t start on the right foot. Houlihan automatically assumes that while O’Neil is only a captain, as a doctor she’ll try to over step her bounds of rank. O’Neil meanwhile is just trying not to make waves on her first day.
“I must thank you again Major, for allowing me to stay here.”
“Yes although this must be quite a downgrade from your fancy dorm room.”
“I suppose so ma’am, but it’s nothing I’m not used to.”
“Camping in the New England woods is hardly the same thing, Captain.”
“I suppose so. I was more referring to camping out in the French countryside.”
“In 1942. Nurses tents can get rather crowded, as I’m sure you know.”
“Yes. You served in the last war?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“And you’re serving in this one.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“As a doctor.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“It’s what I’m good at ma’am.”
“Alright, enough with the ma’am.”
“Sorry, Major.”
“And the Major.”
“Sorry sir?”
“Are you mocking me?”
“No sir. Ma’am. Major...I’m running out of nouns.”
They’re interrupted by incoming wounded.
O’Neil proves herself in the operating room. She works quickly and efficiently and hardly speaks a word outside of what is necessary to operate. She doesn’t even answer when teasing or questions are directed at her; again, unless it has something to do with surgery.
Frank and Houlihan are impressed by her dedication. Trapper and Hawkeye are starting to have their doubts.
“Trapper, I think I’ve got the Doc pegged.”
“How so?”
“She’s robot.”
After surgery, O’Neil eats by herself in the mess before going back to the recovery room. She gets to talking to one of the patients; a kid with a busted arm who’s having some trouble in recovery. She initially asks of the nurses to keep an eye on him before going off the bed, only to stop when she sees Frank go into Houlihan’s tent. Rather than make a fuss, she decided to sleep in the recovery room on one of the spare cots. Hawkeye finds her there the next morning.
“Rise and shine, Doc.”
“Doctor,” she mumbled, blinking awake. “What time is it? Do we have more wounded?”
“Not at the moment. What are you doing here?”
“Sleeping. Before that working.”
“Why didn’t you go back to your tent?”
“Because I was working. Where are the showers?”
“You sure that won’t short circuit your wiring?”
“My what?”
“Never mind, Doc.”
“That’s what I said.”
“I’ll find it myself. Before I go, who worked on bed 6?”
“Frank, why?”
“I need to talk to him, and Colonel Blake. I think we’re going to have to open the kid up again.”
O’Neil presents the evidence to Henry. Frank protests that he didn’t miss anything while Trapper and Hawkeye back her up. Henry agrees to allow them to open the kid back up and O’Neil heads the surgery.
O’Neil finds the remaining metal in the kid’s shoulder, but the kid loses partial function in his arm, leading him to be honorably discharged for medical reasons
Frank chews her out, but both Trapper and Hawkeye and quick to come to her defense stating that nobody else could have done better after Frank had botched it up so bad. Henry agrees, chalking it up to bad luck and a rookie mistake
Hawkeye realizes she did it on purpose, having seen her previous work
“You botched it. Why?”
“He’s seventeen. He lied on his papers to join up.”
“So why not report him.”
“His fathers gone. He’s got two kid sisters and a mother who’s barely making ends meet. Joining up as the only way he could support them. If he’s medically discharged at least he gets G.I. benefits until he can find something better. Are you going to tell on me?”
“Not me Doc.”
Episode ends with O’Neil sitting alone only for Trapper and Hawkeye to join her.
“Okay, what’s with the Captain Pierce? Why do you insist on calling me Captain Pierce?
“Why do you insist on call me Doc?”
Hawkeye blinked. A gear turned, something clicked and a light bulb sparked to life. She was messing with him. Doctor Elizabeth J. O’Neil was messing with him.
O’Neil watched him in amusement as her lip curled into a subtle smile.
Before he could say anything smart, the familiar sound of helicopter blades roared overhead.
“Attention,” the announcement called. “In coming wounded.”
“Now, Captain Pierce,” she said, setting down her utensils, “Are you ready to get back to work?”
“Whatever you say, Doc.”
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mineral-vulture · 4 years
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I have been meaning to draw a ref of Joe for awhile now and it is a good thing I decided to update his appearance as well. Some backstory, his original design was inspired by a vid of a dude in monster clown makeup smoking a cig. I thought the look was so cool and around the time I learned about the cave goat so I decided to create Joe. Cut to now/a few days ago, I find out the dude is a fucking neonazi (he had a HUGE tattoo of the swastika with the eagle on his chest. He has technically covered it up. I say technically because only the swastika was covered, not the eagle, so it still indicates he might still have certain hateful views) that and the dude was shitty to his ex (his ex left the country to get away from him). Me being disappointed wanted to update his design to not just make a better monster clown anthro but I straight up went "I am going to put a huge antifascist tattoo on my oc's chest and no one can stop me" and so I did. Anyway, Joe is a cave goat with spooky clown powers. Most of the time he works at a vape shop but around October he does those horror nights since his looks, abilities, and his general personality is highly wanted. He works well with others and generally tends to stand up for those who can't. He did beat the shit out of someone for harassing one of the staff. He goes to punk, metal, and rap shows and moshes. He will help out people who get hurt during moshes. He smokes and drinks, generally enjoy partying. Loves early 2000s goth fashion (as seen with the Tripp pants) and has not grown out of said fashion. Joe is pan and has had many different partners of various gender. Right now he is dating his best friend, Drexel. Also, he is also very VERY anti bigotry, he will not tolerate fascists one bit. He is genderqueer, going by he and they pronouns, please be respectful.
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messerkampf · 2 years
Out of curiosity I took the myers briggs for everyone:
Hide got INTJ-A
Mitsurkurina/Janie got ENFJ-A
Oval got ENTP-T
and Drexel ENTJ-- I don't think it gave me a letter for her. I think she'd be A.
A = assertive, or more self assure, T = turbulent, driven by their self doubt. I would figure Hide could easily be marked as turbulent, too-- a lot of the assertiveness is habit and training.
I also love that Hide is the only introvert, especially when he's arguably the most outgoing and generally acts as the Face for whatever group of people he's with. All of these fit very well though!
Info that I thought fit them under the cut:
It can be lonely at the top. As one of the rarest personality types – and one of the most capable – Architects (INTJs) know this all too well. Rational and quick-witted, Architects pride themselves on their ability to think for themselves, not to mention their uncanny knack for seeing right through phoniness and hypocrisy. But because their minds are never at rest, Architects may struggle to find people who can keep up with their nonstop analysis of everything around them. This personality type comes with a strong independent streak. Architects don’t mind acting alone, perhaps because they don’t like waiting around for others to catch up with them. They also generally prefer making decisions without asking for anyone else’s input. At times, this lone-wolf behavior can come across as insensitive, as it fails to take into consideration other people’s thoughts, desires, and plans.
These personality types have an uncanny ability to pick up on people’s underlying motivations and beliefs. At times, they may not even understand how they come to grasp another person’s mind and heart so quickly. These flashes of insight can make Protagonists incredibly persuasive and inspiring communicators.
Debaters are known for their rebellious streak. For this personality type, no belief is too sacred to be questioned, no idea is too fundamental to be scrutinized, and no rule is too important to be broken, or at least thoroughly tested. Sometimes Debaters even rebel against their own beliefs by arguing the opposing viewpoint – just to see how the world looks from the other side. As Debaters see it, most people are too ready to do as they’re told and blindly conform to social norms, pressures, and standards.
If there’s anything Commanders love, it’s a good challenge, big or small, and they firmly believe that given enough time and resources, they can achieve any goal. This quality makes people with the Commander personality type brilliant entrepreneurs, and their ability to think strategically and hold a long-term focus while executing each step of their plans with determination and precision makes them powerful business leaders. This determination is often a self-fulfilling prophecy, as Commanders push their goals through with sheer willpower where others might give up and move on, and their Extraverted (E) nature means they are likely to push everyone else right along with them, achieving spectacular results in the process.
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g4yr4t · 4 years
Chapters: 2/12 Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: The Usher Foundation, Original Character(s), Anthology, Statement Fic (The Magnus Archives), Body Horror, Canon-Typical Worms Summary:
Reagan Drexel is a receptionist with too much time on her hands. She volunteers for a research project transcribing statements for the Usher Foundation, and gets more than she bargained for. An original character-driven horror anthology with a metanarrative featuring lesbians, egregious music analogies, and misuse of photojournalism.
(promo-ing my friend’s tma OC fic. it’s just getting started but it’s good folks!)
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beverlywillard · 8 years
I had a weird dream last night
I had a really weird dream last night and I wanna share it know so yeah, here you go, I’ll also tag @drexel-the-weeb because they were in my dream, it’s somewhat Danganronpa related, anyway, here’s the dream. Btw someone dies in the dream. ———-
I was put into a killing game with artists and their oc’s and maybe some other people, 2 people I remember clearly being there is irl @drexel-the-weeb and my oc Kanako Kida.
We sitting in the chairs infront of computers, it looked like the computer lab upstairs at my school, but it was just a building, a small one room building, keep that in mind.
I was sitting near the back corner closest to the window sitting in between @drexel-the-weeb and Kanako, Drexel being on my right and Kanako being on my left.
Instead of Monokuma or Monokumerz their were 4 teachers from my school, in total their were 16 people participating in the killing game.
After everyone else went exploring the landscape it was just me and Drexel in the building, I left saying something like ‘Cya later’ and Drexel stayed in the building.
I went searching for Kanako because I wanted to make sure she was safe, I was acting motherly and I know it so shhhh.
The landscape was so beautiful like something I have never seen before grassy biome and colourful flowers littered the ground, their were a couple building every now and then but I didn’t go in any, I was still looking for Kanako.
I went behind one of the buildings with a big tree with a thick trunk behind it, I saw three short girls playing with each other, and they all looked at me and instantly went back to what they were doing before, they all wore dresses that went to their knees but they were all different designs, I remember they were also participating in the killing game.
I was walking up some short grassy hill with the small building from the beginning on top, I stood in front of the building a good few feet away.
I started thinking 'I probably won’t survive, I’ll probably be a victim’ as soon as I finished thinking that, out of nowhere I see Hajime Hinata running towards me with a big rock that can fit into the palm of his hand, he had a face with no expression, no ounce of emotion, not even a little.
I realized he was running towards me and his arm was in the position to throw the rock at me, I put my arms up to defend myself but as soon as Hinata was close enough he smashed my head in with the rock and everything went black.
I assume I died in the dream from head induced trauma. I also assume I died instantly.
———- Anyway that was the dream I had last night, when I said somebody died in the dream, I meant me, I died in the dream, oh what fun. Well, bye for now I guess.
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w0lfsblade · 3 years
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I painted a ceiling tile for my school's art room. I'm really proud of how it turned out considering I'm not really used to painting.
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rosieandthefreed · 6 years
More out of character stuff cause this is a fun little thing I like to do; character songs. When I write/draw, I tend to put a song on repeat that makes me think of the character. So, here's a little list. Split native to industrial cause I have a ton of ocs:
Rosie: Bright Eyes by Art Garfunkel
Buck: Human by Rag'n'Bone Man
Ollie: Work Song by Hozier
Mickey: Life Will Change from the Persona 5 OST
Bluejay: Spirits by The Strumbellas
Magni: Ghost Town by Adam Lambert
Alton: Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men
Taxxon: I Want You (She's so Heavy) from the Across the Universe soundtrack
Flea: Ode to the Bouncer by Studio Killers
Jeffery: I'm Not OK (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance
Edward: Over at the Frankenstein Place from The Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack
Drexel: Monsters by Mree
Mantis: Closing Time by Semisonic
Does anyone else do this? I think it's kinda fun. I actually have a playlist going for this.
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