#my mood started getting better (thanks father <3) but now this crap....
dr-skazka · 5 years
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Alright, let's see.
You used to be my dearest friend, someone I would have called brother. But you turned one me, cuz why?
Just I sad I was gay (bi would have been more appropriate) and that your GF shouldn't worry about me taking you from her anymore?
You told me that I will die, you told me that people like me will burn in hell. You have tried turning me to religion to "save my soul" and even tried to tell me TO CONVINCE MY FRICKING FRIEND WHO CURRENTLY HAD OTHER PROBLEMS TO DEAL WITH TO ALSO JOIN????
And than after you broke me, after you ruined me, after I blocked you. You still try to get back onto my side, try to make everything better, but than fall back into the "oh please join me, I don't want you to die"
I know that people have there believes, and heck, I respect all of them...but I have limits, and if these limits get challenged, than I won't care anymore....it just makes me sad....
And then you always say that "I have changed" or "I just say these things to protect you" always repeating the same things over and over.
It's like a circle, once you draw the start, it doesn't have an end
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citrus-simp · 3 years
Hope everything is okay. I just wanted to say I love your writing and both blogs :) if you ever do open requests again, and even if you do you don’t have to write this. But how about a drabble of levi and his wife who have 2 sons and 1 daughter named Kutchel who is 3/4. Levi loves all his kids but kinda has a soft spot for kutchel🥺 and sometimes her brothers exclude her from play n are mean to her so she comes up to him trembling like “why won’t they play w me daddy”. Cue levi. Rest is up to u.
{AN}-> first of all, thank you so much for the love and support and of course for reading my work! And yes I am doing better thank you for the wishes! I am and ULTIMATE simp for papa Levi!
"I'm home" Levi called out as he slipped out of his work shoes and hung his blazer
"Dad! Look what I won today at practice!"
"Dad look at the grade I got o my test today!" your sons yell as they ran to their father holding up objects for him to look at.
Your eldest Liam who was 8 showed him what his football coach gave him, at practice. He had done very well and had gotten a button that said MVP on it, he was very proud of himself. Eli, your younger son who was 6, wanted him to know how well he was doing in his classes. He was top of his class and loved to show you both how hard he worked
"Congrats to both of you, I'm proud of you both for working so hard," he said ruffling their hair, gaining a big smile from them both
"Welcome home, Levi" you popped in with Kutchel in your arms, pecking Levi's lips. Your youngest and only daughter, Kutchel. She was 3, and definitely had Levi wrapped around her little finger.
The thing was, not only was she named after his mother, she looked so much like her! Of course, she had certain things from you but her eye shape, and nose were from his mother. Unfortunately, Levi lost his mother before Kutchel was born. It took a toll on him, all the things she had done to care for him, her sacrifice, everything.
He felt as though he was never able to repay her. Next thing you know about a year later, you found out about your pregnancy, with your first girl. The day she was born, Levi felt something he never had before. It was almost like he had completely healed from his loss when he looked at her.
"Papa!" she reached out for her father to take her, which he gladly did
"Hey there princess," he said kissing her chubby cheek "what did you do today?"
"Me and mama went to the park and I fed the birdies," she said with a rosy smile.
"Oh look at you doing big girl things! I'm so proud of you princess." he smiled at her and raised her above his head. Her brothers watching a bit disappointed from a distance.
Did they hate their sister? No. Their parents taught them to respect and love their sister, which they did. But at their age, jealousy was something big among siblings. Seeing how their father would be more affectionate towards their sister made them feel different. They saw that their father would gravitate more to their sister than to them. Or he would put her first before them when asked to spend time with them.
Of course, you had noticed this way before time. You had asked him when you were pregnant with Eli that he wouldn't have favorites and love all your kids equally. You knew that could make a bad relationship with his kids and between siblings so you wanted to avoid it. Sometimes you'd step in and try to give your sons the same praise, but of course, they still wanted their father's attention.
"Liam why don't you go and find a nice place to put that MVP button in your room, like a trophy" you try and lighten the mood "and Eli, I'm sure I have a frame for that test of yours" thank the god it actually worked as both boys run in different directions for each of their own things to do.
"Levi, did you see the boys' accomplishments?' you ask
"Y/N, I know where you're going with this. I paid attention to all of them, Liam is doing great in football, and Eli is practically a genius," he said putting down Kutchel
"*sigh* I know I just-"
"Want no one hurt I know, well how about you meet me in the kitchen and we can talk it out alright? Kutchel sweetheart, why don't you go and play with your brothers while I talk with mommy okay?" he said ruffling her hair
" 'Kay!" she said running up the stairs to where she'd find her brothers most likely.
"And what would this talk be about?" you ask raising an eyebrow as his hands found your waist
"Oh just about how I have some time to kiss you properly~"
" 'iam" Kutchel said as she enters his room, Eli in the same as they played together "can I pway with you and E-i?"
"No Kutchel, go away" Liam sneered "we don't play with babies"
"I'm not a baby!" she pouted
"Go away Kutchel, you're not smart enough to play this game either way," Eli said motioning to the board where he and his brother were playing chess "Maybe dad wants your company" Eli may be smart but he also got his father's sassy mouth
"B-but I wanna pway with you" he pouted trying not to cry as she sniffed
"Kutchel just go away, ugh you're so annoying when you cry"
"Yeah, and only babies cry."
"I-I not...a-a baby," she said as tears pooled in her eyes, of course, they would tease her playfully at times but this time Kutchel really did feel hurt
"Whatever, the only reason gives you so much attention is 'cause you were a mistake and he doesn't want you feeling bad" Eli sneered without thinking
"N-not true!" she stopped her feet as tears started to fall from her eyes, but she just couldn't handle any more ridicule from her brothers and left.
Meanwhile, you and Levi were in the kitchen caught in a makeout session when you heard a certain someone crying "Papa, mommy!"
It wasn't a regular call, she sounded hurt and heartbroken causing you both to separate quickly
"Kutchel, sweetheart what happened?" you ask as you kneel down and she crashes into your arm and lets out all her tears. Levi kneels beside you and strokes her back trying to comfort her some more
"P-papa, why won't 'iam let me play?" she asked her father as she peaked from your shoulder "T-they say I was a mistake.." she sniffed and you swore you could see the fire in his eyes. You stood up with Kutchel in your arms as Levi shot up and walked towards the stairs
"Levi! Levi, keep your anger in control, don't you dare-"
"Y/N, I won't do anything brash, but they can't say crap like that. I for sure didn't raise them this way. Just watch Kutchel, I'll talk to the boys"
Levi would NEVER lay a hand on his kids, but you didn't want him scolding either. However, they couldn't just say what they wanted to their sister thinking it was okay. Especially to the point of her crying.
"Come on baby, let's go watch the birds outside okay?"
Meanwhile, Levi is now knocking on Liam's door "Liam, Eli, come downstairs" he said while taking the lead waiting on them. He sat in a chair in front of the sofa and watched his sons take a seat. They looked like they knew what happened...
"Is there something you want to tell me? Like why Kutchel came to us crying? Asking if she was a mistake?" he said with a firm voice but not yelling at them. But enough to let them know he was very serious about the situation. Eli started to fidget with his fingers while looking down in his lap. Liam keeps eye contact with his father trying to keep a straight face.
"We didn't want to play with her so we said that so she'd leave..." Liam said
"That doesn't justify calling her a mistake. All three of you are here because your mother and I wanted you and we were happy as hell to have all of you."
"Even if you wanted all of us, it's not like you love all of us the same" Eli said crossing his arms
"Eli, that isn't-"
"you always put her first. Even if we come to you, whenever she comes you act more affectionate and happy with her just existing"
"We always have to do something just to get your attention...it sucks dad..." Liam added, "why can't you just love us how you love her?"
Levi was honestly hurt. He didn't want this to happen. He loved his sons to the moon and back. Maybe it was true that Kutchel got more attention from him but it didn't mean he didn't love them
"Boys, do you remember grandma?" Levi asked relaxing his posture a bit. Both boys nodded "Well, your sister looks a lot like my mother, it's why we gave her that name. I think I got attached to her in a way to cope with losing her. But I never want you to think I don't love you." he said kneeling in front of the two children
"The day you were both born were two of my happiest moments. You know I cried the first time you walked to me, Liam? And the day you told off Hanji made me laugh, Eli" he shared with them "I love Kutchel, but I also love you both to the end of my days. But I am sorry." he apologized opening his arms for them.
Hopping off the couch they have a warm group hug
"Alright, you two. I apologized but you still have some apologizing to do with your mother and sister," he said taking their hands and walking to the back porch where you sat with Kutchel
Levi clears his throat "You and Kutshcel have some visitors" he said with a nod to his hands
"Oh? What would these visitors like to say?" you ask in hope of a good outcome
"We're sorry we were mean to you Kutchel" Eli started
"Yeah, we didn't mean it, really. We were a little jealous but we never meant to hurt you. We love you" Liam followed
Kutchel pouted, not making eye contact "Really?" she asked
"Really really." they both offer a smile Kutchel jumps up from your arms and runs to hug her brothers. Walking over to Levi you kiss his shoulder and say
"Guess you'll be getting a reward for this accomplishment~"
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beelspillowpet · 4 years
A Lesson in Love - A “Character Analysis” on Asmodeus
I had to come for the tracks, wigs, and weaves of bitches when Pomade dropped because I saw people talking shit about my boy. This was a milestone “project” or “reward” I guess?
I hit 400 followers today while I was out running errands!!! Thank you guys SO SO MUCH for the love and support! I can’t WAIT to produce more content for everyone!!!
Below the cut there WILL BE talk of season 3, as well as some talk of chapter 16. There’s a healthy amount of theorizing on his personality as well, I hope you don’t mind! This came out more like a plea to get people to change their minds about how Asmo really is, rather than a comprehensive essay of sorts. So here we go!
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There’s something we apparently still need to talk about in this fanbase. The unrealistic idea of Asmodeus being a sex freak, and an unreliable person in general despite there being little proof of it. We need to set a few things straight about Asmo moving forward.
December 25th rolled around and Asmo’s audio drama and song were released. I take it everyone enjoyed both parts, as well as I did. My timeline both on twitter and tumblr were filled with Asmodeus content, as well as the other brothers and such. But I mostly got Asmo content. However, in peeks and cracks, if I looked hard enough, I still saw people who absolutely loathed Asmo or who were indifferent to him. Keep in mind; I think it’s okay. You don’t have to like everyone.
I’ve only joined the fanbase in September, but even I could tell some of these takes were old fashioned. I downloaded the game on October 17th, a very important anniversary for me, while I 
was still in bed in the morning. I blazed through the entire story of season 1 and now I am stuck in season 2, specifically in Chapter 24. I obviously don’t have every card of Asmodeus with his Devilgrams, but I have been analyzing his character over the past few days for this.
So needless to say, I have a considerable amount of information on him, as well as personal thoughts that may help some learn to love him. Or at the very least, from spreading a negative idea of him around as if it were true. Enough that should help clear his name, so to speak.
Let’s look at his title; Avatar of Lust. Now naturally the thoughts that come to your head are sex and other sexual bits. So I can understand how some people would come to the conclusion that he’s just a sex freak. But if you look under the surface of his title, like I’m sure you’ve had to for your own personal favorites (*cough* Lucifer, Belphie, and Satan ESPECIALLY) you would discover that Asmodeus is more than just about sex. In fact, sex takes up very little of his pass time, if you were to believe it!
In recent chapters, as I’ve been told, Asmodeus doesn’t really get around much anyways:
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Granted, this was said while in Celestia, but I imagine not much has changed for him since his fall, as well as his brothers.
Not really comfortable being with just anyone, huh…? Sounds like someone who doesn’t have sex so warily often as you’d think!
Being lustful can come in many shapes and forms. It can be merely in appearance, which Asmo is not afraid of doing. He’s very comfortable about skinship and it’s very apparent in how he dresses and acts that he wants you to adore his body. To worship it! Maybe not sexually, but aesthetically! Being lustful can mean just thinking about sex or sexual scenarios often, which if you take a peek at Asmo’s chat’s either with you or his brothers, is very apparent too.
Personally, I believe that people would assume he is not good in a relationship because he would have a “cheating problem”. I don’t think Asmo is a monster, just like I don’t think any of the brothers are monsters. They may be demons (technically fallen angels) now but they used to be angels too. Their falling out with their Father doesn’t mean they’ve completely abandoned morality, it was a rebellion for Lilith’s right to live. Not for them to sin as they pleased. For all we know they might have been fine in Heaven otherwise! (with the exception of Lucifer.)
A monster knows right from wrong and chooses evil anyways. An ignorant person doesn’t know right from wrong. Asmodeus is not a monster, nor is he ignorant.
When Asmo genuinely loves you, I think he would take steps to calm down that side of him, if it were to exist. Lust is fairly limited, but it is a part of love to some extent. LOVE is vastly different. Love has many languages, and they aren’t all spoken either. For me, personally, I found that Lucifer’s love language can be either very direct, or roundabout so as to not let it go to your head, for an example. Asmo is just far more direct about his care for you.
I feel as though Asmo gets a lot of crap constantly for his presumed nature and because we don’t get to see much else of him at first, especially in season 1, his impression on us sort of stays. With most of the fanbase either somewhat new to the game or somewhere lost in the sea of the difficulty curve that is season 2, we can only assume based on what we’ve seen, and what others have headcanoned about him.
Let’s break and talk about Satan for a moment; this is going somewhere.
I’m led to believe that Satan can control his sin fairly well. He’s easy to get irritated, sure, but he isn’t as much of a walking ball of rage as I suspected. I would argue that, aside from Leviathan, Satan can handle his sin the best out of the brothers. But again, we’re forgetting about Asmo. The Avatar of “Lust”. Like I’ve shown before, he doesn’t really sleep around a lot, according to anon.
At worst, Asmo being flirty is through text and he’s not actively trying to sleep with you. It can be interpreted that way, but for me personally, it comes down to having a friend that is very up close and in your personal space.
(I myself am one of these types of people. Having ADHD, my social cues are always sort of off, and I’ve struggled with coping with it for years. With my best friend, we have seen each other naked countless times and have slept in the same bed as well. We were never romantic with each other. We were just very comfortable being close and personal with each other.)
I’d like to point out also that Asmo isn’t even there for most of season 1 too. Which can give you the idea that maybe he just was out sleeping around a lot, but to me he probably just went out partying a lot. You don’t get known that fast for sleeping around. Maybe in 5,000 years, sure, but I’d imagine being a party boy, as his Devilgram “Guided by Desire” suggests.
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So the idea that Asmo isn’t in the house a lot because he’s out having sex all the time isn’t true is it? He’s probably just out partying, which can LEAD to sex with someone sure, but again, Asmo doesn’t feel comfortable doing that, now does he?
I feel like of all the boys, Asmo is the one who radiates with everyone else the most. Most people will never realize how surreal it is that Asmo is faking it until he makes it. He doesn’t always think he’s beautiful, or that he’s worth all the love he’s striving and straining to get. Something that is extremely relatable for a lot of people with self-worth issues. Asmo is just like that, but instead being sarcastic and self-deprecating, he simply works to make himself look as beautiful as possible, so that in his eyes, his beauty matches the affection he gets.
Which is why, when he falls in love with you, it’s strange. You are constantly telling him he’s nice and pretty, but you aren’t lusting after him. You’re just being nice. It may just be me, but when people are overly nice just for the sake of being nice, I’m very attracted to that. That is Asmo, to some extent. The fact that he reflects the insecurities and habits of others so clearly may make others uncomfortable, but that brutal honesty veiled behind insecurity is what a lot of people with self-image issues deal with.
Now for me to share my favorite personal idea for Asmo that completely changed how I saw him in season 1 onwards; Asmodeus is an empath. Now let me explain:
First, what is an Empath?
The term empath comes from empathy, which is the ability to understand the experiences and feelings of others outside of your own perspective. Seems simple, right? Everyone can do this to some extent. However, what makes you an empath is the fact that empaths genuinely feel the same pain as you do. So much so your experience becomes a very personal part of their own. They are capable of being able to feel other people’s emotions without them speaking, or even showing signs of it through their body language.
This would explain, for me personally, why there’s so little of him in season 1. The intensity of what goes on in the house, his sensitive soft-spoken mannerisms, the only time he truly gets mad is when he’s childishly arguing with Mammon? Asmo is afraid of true conflict, he’s afraid of violence and negative emotions. Let’s face it; everyone is indifferent or hates you at the start of the game.
While this changes fairly quickly, all the intense feelings come to a head in chapter 16. All those negative emotions swirling around, of course Asmo isn’t going to want to be in the house when it’s that intense. The attic didn’t just disappear completely, too. Belphie was still in the attic hating humans. That negative emotion could be affecting Asmo and he didn’t know why, so he could have been out of the house more.
Where Asmo can feel the emotions of others, it may mostly be the negative ones because they fill him with anxiety and panic if it persists. Which can be helpful in making him so urgent to want to make others smile and feel better, right?
Imagine being intimate with Asmodeus, and suddenly you aren’t in the mood for it anymore but don’t want to make things awkward. He could pick up on it in an instant and wouldn’t get mad because he understands how you feel completely.
Now to close this out about something that genuinely hurts me; Asmodeus is a narcissist.
I mean, the wiki says that he is, but personally? No, no he isn’t. Since when is loving yourself a bad thing? Sure he may go a bit far sometimes, but people with self-image issues need to go a little harder than the rest to make sure they're getting the love they need.
(Talking about myself AGAIN, but I do this a lot. At random, I will look up in my own mirror in front of my desk that I sit in front of all day and tell myself I am a cute bitch. I am VERY VERY cute and anyone would be lucky to have someone as drop dead gorgeous as myself. I say that a few times a day. In reality, I am very insecure about my looks. I do believe I’m cute, but sometimes it’s hard to say it. Which is why I force myself. Why wouldn’t Asmo do the same?)
Talking yourself up to be as beautiful as a sex god is no easy task, but Asmo isn’t the Avatar of “Lust” for no reason. When an insecure girl talks up her beauty, it’s her being strong and independent. When Asmo does it, its narcissism… it doesn’t really seem fair, now does it? Maybe he’s just an insecure person who needs to tell himself ALL THE TIME that he’s beautiful. That if he stares at his reflection long enough, he may see it too.
(Also, Simeon literally calls him out on being insecure. Insecure people tend to try and overcompensate where they feel they’re lacking.)
”Asmodeus is hinted to be insecure and seeking for love and attention. When Simeon was asked about what he thought of Asmodeus, he says that Asmodeus is still trying to fulfill the role of the angel he used to be; an angel that was adored and loved by many. Asmodeus laughs at Simeon's remark and brushes it off by saying that he is only jealous.” - A section from said Asmodeus Wiki.
People can choose to love or hate Asmo, obviously. Making things up about his character without having anything but speculation and having that dictate how he acts is plain silly. This entire “essay” if you can call it that, comes from the heart. I love Asmo as a character, and in the beginning he did make me uncomfortable, I didn’t like him that much. But I learned to look past that and figure out why he acts the way he does. Something didn’t sit right with me about him for a while, and it was that air of insecurity that I didn’t see at first.
All I can really ask for, is giving Asmo another chance as a character. He’s not as wild and wacky as Mammon, or as cool and sexy as Lucifer, or as edgy and precious as Belphie, but he matters in this story too. He fell from grace with his brothers for Lilith. Give him another chance, and let him show you that he is the Avatar of Love.
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fefipranon · 3 years
Let’s talk about depression
In my latest book ‘The Power of Death’ I talk about this topic in depth. I will post the links to it at the end of this post if you are interested in reading it. If there is one part of the book that resumes the message that I wanted to transmit, it’s Mikasa’s (The main character) press conference at the end of the last chapter. 
It’s okay if you don’t read the whole book, but at least, read the following extract from the book (some stuff removed to avoid spoilers): 
Standing behind the podium Mikasa started the conference by saying, 
"Paradis island doesn't have studies about the topic we are about to discuss, but other countries do. In the United States, in 2019, a total of 47,511 Americans died by suicide and an estimated 1.38 million attempted it. [2] What about other countries? you may ask, well, overall, suicide was in the top 10 leading causes of death across Eastern Europe, Central Europe, high-income countries within the Asia Pacific, and Australasia. Within regions and countries, though, suicide rates soared among people with lower social and economic status. [3] This data comes from research made by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Washington, Seattle. [4] This goes without mentioning that for every suicide, it is estimated that there are seven to ten people intimately affected."[8]
Mikasa stopped to take a sip of water and looked back at the audience to continue her speech, 
"Untreated depression can, and possibly will lead to suicide, death. In biology, homeostasis is the state of steady internal, physical, and chemical conditions maintained by living systems. [5] Depression does have an impact on this. Research shows that the hippocampus is smaller in some depressed people. For example, in one fMRI study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, investigators studied 24 women who had a history of depression. On average, the hippocampus was 9% to 13% smaller in depressed women compared with those who were not depressed. The more bouts of depression a woman had, the smaller the hippocampus. [6] The hippocampus is not the only area of the brain affected by depression, the Amygdala, and Thalamus are also affected.[6] Depression is, and should be treated as, an illness that, if left untreated, can be lethal. Just remember the statistics I gave you about suicide at the beginning of my speech. With that data as the base of my argument, it is safe for me to say that depression is one of the top life-threatening illnesses having, in some countries, the top mortality rate overall."
A woman from the public raised her hand and when allowed to talk she said, 
"How can you call an illness to something that can be 'cured' by just talking to a so-called doctor about your issues?" 
Mikasa gave the woman a serious look and said, "Therapy, is not just talking. Psychotherapy stands over years of research and development going as back as the 19th century. There is extensive evidence of its effectiveness. Also, most cases of depression treatments include medication." 
Then a man shouted, "So now doctors will give our kids a bunch of pills just because the child is feeling a little sad?!"
"Several tests are usually performed before a psychiatrist gives a diagnosis of depression. Tests like: physical exams, lab tests, psychiatric evaluation, and the country's manual of mental health like for example the DSM-5 which is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders from the American Psychiatric Association, is applied. After that, the psychiatrist might do more testing to see if medication is an option. Because they are physicians, psychiatrists can order or perform a full range of medical laboratory and psychological tests which, combined with discussions with patients, help provide a picture of a patient's physical and mental state. Their education and clinical training equip them to understand the complex relationship between emotional and other medical illnesses and the relationships with genetics and family history, to evaluate medical and psychological data, to make a diagnosis, and to work with patients to develop treatment plans.[7] In other words, for a doctor to prescribe medication to your child, it has to first do an extensive evaluation on the kid before even start to consider medication in the first place. If in the end, medication is needed, then it would mean that your kid is not only 'feeling a little sad', it means that there is a deeper problem that needs to be addressed and the physician will have a lot of evidence to back up his claim.", Mikasa said. 
She stopped talking and pinched the bridge of her nose out of frustration, then she looked seriously at the same man she was addressing before, and said, "Would you rather lose your child to suicide or seek valid, scientific-based help to save the kid's life?"
The man was frozen in place. He was not expecting to be put in the spotlight this way. Mikasa noticed the teenage kid who was seated next to him with his head bowed to the floor. Before he could answer Mikasa said, 
"Do you even know how depression feels like? To have your own mind to conspire against you? To illogically feel worthless, alone, like nobody can understand you, or at least, nobody that hasn't been through the same darkness as you. Do you know how it feels when people tell you worthless crap like, 'get over it', or 'just stop being sad' like being sad is just an option you chose because apparently, you like to torture yourself? Have you ever contemplated to end your life out of desperation to get an out, a break, from your own mind?"
By this point, the kid was looking straight at Mikasa with tears pouring down his eyes. Mikasa knew she was getting through him. She grabbed the microphone and started to walk while resuming her speech, 
"To feel like you are constantly drowning. To feel like an ungrateful ass because logically, you should be happy because you have everything. But you aren't... Thinking that there must be something really wrong with you for you to feel this way without an apparent reason. To feel lost, alone with this feeling that is eating you inside slowly until it gets to the point where you desperately want to rip your soul out of your body. When it gets so bad that causing physical pain to your body is an option since, at least, for a brief moment, your mind focuses on the physical pain which is better for you because the emotional pain is so much greater than a little cut on your forearm."
The man realized that she was no longer addressing him but the person seated next to him, his own son. Mikasa stood right in front of his son and looked at him in the eyes. She lowered the microphone and while brushing her fingers through the kid's scars on his forearm she said to him, 
"You are not alone."
Then, she showed him her own scars and the kid stood up pulling her in for a hug while repeatedly saying, "Thank you"
Reporters were recording the whole encounter. It was real. Depression was real, and it was being recorded. The father of the kid sat back down while looking at his son in shock. Trying to find the words to say he just pulled him in for a hug while saying, 
"I'm sorry. I didn't know."
"You never really asked.", the boy replied. 
"I'm sorry. I will do better. You deserve better.", his dad replied with a broken voice. 
Mikasa lifted the microphone again to talk and said, "Depression is a silent killer. It could be your child, partner, parent... it could be closer to you than what you think. So before you speak about the topic remember that. Your words could be hurting one of your own for your lack of empathy."
She walked towards the podium again to start answering reporter's questions,
 "What would you say to someone who is going through this?"
Mikasa lowered her head lost in thought and said, "You don't need to have a traumatic event in your life to have depression. Depression is not just sadness and is not only caused by personality type or environmental factors. Genetics and biochemistry are also a big part of it, and those two have nothing to do with how much crap you've been dealt in life. What I am trying to say it's that, it's okay to not be okay, you don't need a reason to, and you don't need to feel worse about it for not having a reason. Being sad is not a right you earn after a certain amount of societally accepted shit has happened to you. Just seek help, see the situation logically, and not let people bring you down. If possible, educate others on the topic. Be the change you want to see in the world."
She paused, thinking of her own struggles with depression, and the stability and peace she finally felt once the pills started to work on her. Sure, dark thoughts still lingered at the back of her head, but, it was no longer unbearable, now, it was manageable. With time and therapy, she had managed to live with it, minimizing their negative effect on her. With this in mind, she said,
"Do not get frustrated if anti-depressants don't work at first, sometimes it takes a couple of tries with different types of medications to get the one that works for you. Researchers are exploring possible links between the sluggish production of new neurons in the hippocampus and low moods. An interesting fact about antidepressants supports this theory. These medications immediately boost the concentration of chemical messengers in the brain (neurotransmitters). Yet people typically don't begin to feel better for several weeks or longer. Experts have long wondered why, if depression were primarily the result of low levels of neurotransmitters, people don't feel better as soon as levels of neurotransmitters increase. The answer may be that mood only improves as nerves grow and form new connections, a process that takes weeks." [6]
She paused and looked at the crowd. Then, she said, 
"In the meantime, stay alive, even if it feels against your will. Do not give a permanent solution to a temporary problem, because trust me, it DOES get better."
Stay Alive
Feel free to share this to raise awareness. This book has all the things I wish someone had told me in my darkest moments, and I hope, it can help someone out there who is going through the same painful path in life. Remember, it's not your fault, you are not alone.
Resources used in this part: 
[1]  Oswego City School District Regents Exam Prep Center. Archived from on 25 October 2012. Retrieved 12 November 2012. URL: homeostasis
[2] American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: suicide-statistics
[3] global-suicide-rates-study
[4] Global, regional, and national burden of suicide mortality 1990 to 2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016: content
[5]  Gordon., Betts, J. Anatomy and physiology. DeSaix, Peter., Johnson, Eddie., Johnson, Jody E., Korol, Oksana., Kruse, Dean H., Poe, Brandon. Houston, Texas. p. 9. ISBN 9781947172043. OCLC 1001472383.
[6] What causes depression? Harvard Medical School: what-causes-depression
[7] What Is Psychiatry? from the American Psychiatric Association. URL: what-is-psychiatry
[8] Lukas, Christopher; Henry M. Seiden (1997) [1987]. Silent Grief: Living in the Wake of Suicide. Northvale, New Jersey: Jaron Aronson. p. 5. ISBN 0-7657-0056-5.
Book Summary: 
Mikasa is a woman suffering from clinical depression. There is one thing that she is sure of: she wants to die. But when she received some unexpected news that makes her death wish a reality, she starts to wonder if that was really what she wanted. She starts a journey to discover the truth about her biological parents that gave her up for adoption when she was a baby. This journey will guide her to cross paths with someone as broken as her, someone that hates her to death for what her biological family did to him. Will she have the courage to, for once, fight to live? or will she let him drag her to hell with him?
The book is tagged as an ‘Attack on Titan’ Alternate universe fanfic but honestly you don’t need to know anything about the anime to read it. The story has nothing to do with it so feel free to read if you haven’t seen it. 
You can find the story in the following links: 
Archive of our own:
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Second Chance 3
Harry Potter AU 
Pairings: Sirius Black x Reader 
Link to Chapter 2 
Rating- M- minor smut
3:00 am…
Sirius’ eyes snapped open. He sat up looking around the bedroom with a frown.
Another stupid nightmare…
He had been dreaming nightly about being thrown back into prison. This time there would be no escape and there would never be a way to see Matilda and yourself again.
“Damn it.”
He muttered before rubbing two hands over his face. Sirius was relieved to wake up in your bedroom. Relieved was putting things lightly. It was more like fucking ecstatic!
Sirius reached over to the bedside table in search of a fifth of whiskey. Taking a drink, the edge started to wear off quickly.
What he didn’t know was you were awake seeing the whole thing. Sirius had been back home a few weeks. As much as you wanted to admit that things were perfect but there weren’t. To admit you weren’t worried would be a lie. You saw how much alcohol he drank every day and how when making love his hands grabbed at you too tightly almost like an inexperienced teenager. The only time Sirius seemed to come alive was in bed.
You knew that things would be different. It has been 13 years and Sirius has been in prison. He isn’t going to come back 100% the moment that he came back.
Sirius had changed since prison. You didn’t see him smile as much. He was hard almost to the point of cold at points. The vacant expression in Sirius’ eyes made your heartache. You missed his happy carefree attitude. You would have been happy to have him teasing you again. In a million years, you never thought that you would miss the days when he would sit behind you in class and pull your hair.
The little voice in your head told you to be happy because you had him back so that should be enough.
“Nightmares again?”
You asked, softly. Sirius didn’t look down at you. His attention was focused on the bedroom door; not blinking.
“They haven’t stopped. Now that we are going back to my mother's house tomorrow night, God only knows how long...it's getting worse.”
You sat up enough to lay your head on his shoulder.
“Everything will be okay. It might now be today or tomorrow but it will be eventually.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. He took care to make sure that you didn’t see him. The last thing that he wanted was for you to be mad at him.
“Everything will be okay when you know who gets his ass handed to him.”
You didn’t move from your place on Sirius’ shoulder. The lover in you wanted nothing more than to pour all of the whiskey in the house down the drain but the sensible side said Sirius would be fighting mad. Sirius had always drank but now you were worrying about it getting out of control.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment before you smirked and climbed on his lap. Sirius’ poor mood quickly changed and a ghost of the man that you loved flashed across his face.
“What are you up to?”
You reached up and slowly pushed the straps of your black lace nightie down. A smile began to play around Sirius’ mouth.
“Getting you occupied with something else. Your daughter is coming home later today and we are going to have to behave like civilized people.”
The two of you had been having sex on almost any flat surface in the whole house. If the mood set either of you right; whatever surface was available was where it was going down.
“She has to go to sleep sometime and silencing charms go a long way. Just ask your brother.”
Sirius said with a smirk. You knew exactly what he was talking about. The two of you had made love plenty of times with Remus in the room beside the two of you not making a peep (or so Remus thought).
“I don’t really want to think about my brother when I am trying to get laid. That’s like me bringing up Regulus when trying to give you a blowjob.”
Sirius’ amused expression fell as he looked down at his lap. The last thing that he really wanted to think about was his brother especially at a time like this.
“And there went my erection.”
You took Sirius’ right hand and placed it on your breast before leaning forward for a few teasing kisses. Sirius’ grey eyes were watching every move you made with intensity. You kissed him one more time before leaning over to rummage through the bedside table.
Sirius quickly wrapped an arm around your waist to prevent you from getting too far from him. He wasn’t ready to admit it but he had a feeling that if you got too far from him you would vanish forever or he would wake up in prison again. That had happened too many times. Only having his dreams for company was not enough.
“What are you doing?”
You sat back up with a smile.
“Let me see your left hand.”
Sirius slowly held his hand out as you slid his wedding ring back on his finger. He moved his hand forgetting exactly what his hand looked like with it on. The one nice quality that Barty Crouch had was to give you the wedding ring back.
“I was wondering if that shit head Barty Crouch actually gave you this. I didn’t believe him.”
You didn’t even like hearing Barty Crouch’s name. From the time that he threw Sirius into prison without a fair trial, all respect that you had for the man went down the drain.
“Fuck him.”
Sirius said, coldly before taking your left hand in his. He smiled and stroked his index finger over your engagement ring.
“Remember the night that I asked you to marry me? As I remember we were on my floor and you were wearing only this.”
Sirius leaned forward and wrapped his mouth around your left breast. Your head fell back and rocked your hips into Sirius’.
“And just like that, your erection is back.”
Half an hour later, you lay snuggled against Sirius’ chest. His long fingers stroked through your sandy hair.
“Feel better now?”
You asked, softly and was relieved when Sirius chuckled.
“Much better now. I have to ask. I am sure that there are going to be things about Matilda that you shield me from and I want to thank you in advance but please tell me that there are no little boys coming around here?”
You giggled at the expression on Sirius’ face.
Sirius sighed before reaching for the cigarettes on the bedside table.
“Good. I don’t think that I can mentally process that right now. Oh, Merlin, we were only a year and a half older than her when we started sleeping together.”
You winced realizing that Sirius was right. The two of you were doing things that neither of you should have been doing way too early.
“First, off you were having sex a long time before me. Second, lucky for you, daddy, Tilly doesn’t seem interested in boys. She is too busy being brutally honest and spreading joy. Don’t worry, I have already had the talk with her. I told her all about the fact that she can’t get pregnant by jumping up and down afterward.”
Sirius scowled down at you.
“That’s what you got for believing me. I was a horny teenage boy that had one thing in mind. Luckily, I learned a thing or two about contraceptive charms by the time you finally agreed to sleep with me. I never had to work so hard to get a woman in my life. I liked spreading joy too...just between your legs. You were this cute little innocent girl that just happened to be my best friend’s sister. I had to be desperate to fall in love with you to test Remus right after a full moon.”
You propped your head upon your arm.
“If you were perfect with contraceptive charms and your pull out game was better we wouldn't have a child.”
Sirius smiled before inhaling.
“Love, you know that I am like a bottle rocket once I get inside of you.”
This conversation made you think of old times. You snuggled back down against Sirius’ body with a yawn.
“Better to sleep stud. 8 am comes early.”
Later that morning, Sirius was a bit annoyed when you wouldn't let him go with you to pick up Matilda. After giving him the “do you really want to go back to prison and never see us again” speech. He changed his tune.
When you walked back into the house looking annoyed, Sirius frowned. He knew that face well. That was usually the face that you made when he did something stupid.
You rolled your eyes.
“I want you to have a good look at your daughter.”
You stepped aside to reveal Matilda whose left hand was wrapped and had a small bruise on her cheek. Remus had stepped in with Harry and looked equally annoyed. Matilda shrugged.
“Hi, dad.”
“What happened?”
Matilda shrugged. Between her mother’s annoyed expression and her father looking confused; the kid decided to go with blissfully dismissive.
“You should see the other guy.”
Sirius sat down the teacup that he was holding. He stepped forward slowly lifting the girl onto the counter to look at the bruise carefully. Sirius smiled looking at her face. She really did look like him. He didn’t want to admit it but some of her expressions were so much like her grandmother that it was almost scary.
“What other guy?”
“Malfoy. He ran his mouth so I punched him. He tried to hex me and he ended up getting his face smashed in. He puked. In my defense, he has had it coming all year.”
Sirius had to bite back a laugh. That was an answer he would have given if he ever heard one.
“The Malfoys have punchable faces.”
Remus and yourself said at the same time. Both Matilda and Harry were smiling. For once, someone had said something right about the Malfoys. Sirius, meanwhile, shrugged.
“I didn’t tell her to go punch the kid and I am also not saying that I did or did not hold Lucius Malfoy’s head under the black lake or cut his hair.”
Harry said with a smirk. Sirius glanced at the displeased expression on your face.
“I also suffered from asshole disease. Matilda, no more fighting.”
Matilda sighed and gave a quiet okay. Sirius had to shake his head and walk off. Merlin, Matilda reminded him of you. You were always that little girl that was always ready to defend your older brother. Defend, take down, beat the ever-living crap out of someone...whatever it took for someone to figure out that Remus Lupin had a bodyguard.
Sirius’ attention went back to Remus, who was still standing at the door. The expression on his face was dark.
“So what happened to you?”
Sirius’ attention had shifted to Matilda who hopped off the counter and walked off muttering under her breath. Remus sighed.
“I kind of lost my job.”
“Because of your furry little problem?”
Sirius questioned. Remus didn’t really want to talk about it but Sirius needed to know. He had a hard enough time telling Harry. Telling Matilda was almost heartbreaking. Remus had a soft spot for his niece and seeing her angry tears made the whole situation worse.
“Yes. Snape let it slip about my condition and you know people won’t want someone like me teaching their children.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. His hatred of Snape increased some more.
“And that’s what has Matilda upset.”
You came in. The three of you exchanged cold glares. There was a silent agreement going on that Severus Snape was still the biggest twat known to man.
“I’ll go talk to her.”
Sirius said before turning and going in the direction that Matilda had gone in. She sat at the kitchen table; scowling at the wood.
“What’s bothering you, sweetheart?”
Matilda looked up.
“Professor Snape is a slime ball.”
Matilda was relieved when her dad chuckled. She had half expected him to have the same attitude that you did.
“Yeah, well, he’s been that way since he was a kid. There’s no hope in him changing.”
Matilda smiled.
“At least you get it. The man hates Harry and I...more like loathes instead of hates. He calls us arrogant.”
Sirius rolled his eyes and made a mental note to yell at Snape the next time the man was around him.
“Sorry, sugar. That is probably partially mine and James’ fault. We weren’t very nice to him. Tell you what, if he gives the two of you grief next term I’ll take care of it.”
Matilda stood up and wrapped her arms around Sirius’ waist. It took him a minute before wrapping his arms around her.
“Dad, did you talk to mom...about you know?”
Sirius glanced in the living room where you sat talking to Harry. He figured that the two of you were on good enough terms to tell Matilda the truth.
“We’re working on it. I don’t want you to worry. Like I told you before, I love your mother very much.”
(6 hours later)
You stood outside of Grimmauld Place looking coldly at the home. It had been a long time since you had been here. Deep down you were hoping to never be back here again...now here you were. You glanced up at Sirius. He stood with his hood up concealing what he could of his face. You didn’t have to look at him to know that he was furious. This was the last place that Sirius ever wanted to go to and now he was about to be trapped here. He was in a hell of a mood and felt bad for anyone that had to deal with him.
Your hand tightened around his as you kept an eye out for any nosy muggles. Molly and Arthur were already there so at least the place wouldn't be a total disaster. You already knew that Kreacher sure as hell wasn’t doing anything except muttering about how badly he missed Walburga and Regulus.
This damned place didn’t burn down.
Sirius thought coldly. Sure, being here would keep his family safe and the order would be able to resume, however, that didn’t mean that he had to be thrilled about it. His hatred of his mother had intensified now that he knew exactly how Matilda’s birth happened. There was no excuse in Walburga putting you through the hell that she caused.
As for Matilda, Sirius knew exactly why his mother and brother were so nice to her. They were hoping for some kind of heir that was actually worthy of the Black family name. Sirius internally laughed coldly at the wish of his mother being alive to know that Matilda was sorted into Gryffindor. The crazy old bat would probably drop dead of a heart attack or roll over in her grave. Sirius would have been fine with either personally.
Matilda’s hand wrapping around his wrist pulled Sirius from his thoughts. The poor thing didn’t look the least bit excited to be here either.
“Alright, darling?”
Matilda nodded, not about to admit that she didn’t want to go in.
“Yeah, If grandmama's picture starts screaming I’ll tell her to hush. She listens to me.”
You were relieved when Sirius laughed.
“That’s a first. The horrible old hag listening to someone. “
Stepping inside, you didn’t have to look at Sirius to know that he was fuming. You took off your robe as Nymphadora Tonks came running into the room. She was wrapped around you like a giant cat knocking Sirius’ hand loose from yours.
“Y/n! I have missed your face for the past two days that we haven’t worked together.”
She leaned down.
“Did you bring that good looking brother of yours?”
You grinned as Sirius ran a hand through his hair while rolling his eyes. The last thing that he wanted to know was Tonks’ interest in his best friend. You, meanwhile, smirked.
“He’ll be in shortly. Go flirt with him like you flirt with me.”
Tonks gave you a big grin as Remus stepped into the house and quietly closed the door behind him.
“There you go, have at him.”
Sirius said with a smile as Tonks made her way over to Remus but tripped over something with a loud crash. Remus quickly picked her up as Walburga Black’s portrait started screaming shrilly. Sirius automatically winced hearing her voice. All of the stresses from his childhood came flooding back as Matilda backed up against him.
“It's okay.” Sirius followed you into the other room where the portrait hung. Both of you froze watching the woman practically jump up and down in fury. Her rage intensified seeing her oldest son.
You wrapped your arms around Sirius’ waist as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“That’s obnoxious.”
Sirius said as Matilda pushed past her father. Walburga stopped mid-sentence and mid-hop to look at her granddaughter with an awestruck gaze.
“Precious! Such a good girl, you are!”
Sirius glanced over at you rolling his eyes.
“Hey, mum. She isn’t in Slytherin.”
Walburga froze before starting screeching about blood traitors again as she noticed everyone else in the room. You rolled your eyes before helping Arthur Weasly close the curtain over the portrait.
“Matilda, what don’t you and Harry go find Ron and Hermione.”
When the two were out of the room, you turned your attention back to Sirius who was scowling at the painting.
“Love, it isn’t healthy to be fussing with a painting.”
Sirius’ eyes were cold as they fell down to you. You wanted to sigh loudly. Sirius had gone back into that hard shell that he had made for himself.
“Apparently a lot of the things that I do aren’t healthy.”
He said before turning to walk out of the room and tugged Remus out with him. Tonks who was in the middle of flirting with Remus was clearly a tad annoyed. She came over to you with a frown.
“What’s got his knickers in a twist?”
You shook your head.
“Anything that moves the wrong way at the moment.”
You gave Sirius a good twenty minutes before going to find him. Sirius sat in the living room staring coldly at the fire. You reached out stroking your fingers through his hair. When Sirius didn’t pull away, you knew that he wasn’t mad at you. You missed his hair being longer but the shorter hair was definitely growing on you.
“Still mad?”
Sirius took your hand and started kissing it gently. His five o’clock shadow was rough against your skin as he nuzzled his face against your wrist.
You were quiet for a moment before getting brave enough to speak.
“What do you want, Sirius? You’re on edge all the time.”
Sirius frowned before rolling his eyes up to your face. He felt guilty knowing that he was putting you through hell that you didn’t deserve.
“You know what I want? Peter Pettigrew’s head on a silver plate...extra bloody.”
You took another breath.
“That’s a delightful topic to talk about over dinner.”
Sirius dropped your hand for a moment before quickly taking it back. He didn’t want to let you go for a second.
“You asked.”
He stated. You wanted to hold back some snarky comments but maybe Sirius needed to hear it. Maybe he needed to hear that you were on his side.
“Don’t worry. We are going to get him then I’ll haul his useless ass off to Azkaban. I plan on getting a few punches in along the way.”
Sirius started laughing. You were relieved to see that his tune had changed.
“And you wonder why Matilda smacks Malfoy around?”
“Very funny, smartass.”
You said as Sirius reached out and pulled you onto his lap. A few kisses turned almost desperate before he pulled away to nuzzle your nose. What the two of you didn’t notice was Matilda standing in the doorway. She had heard everything about Sirius wanting Peter Pettigrew’s head on a silver platter...
33 notes · View notes
pi-cat000 · 4 years
MSA time travel idea (part 38)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Vivi POV, 8, 9, 10, Lewis POV, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Lance POV 18, 19, Lewis POV 2, 21 , 22, Vivi POV 2, 24, 25  Lewis POV 3,  Mystery POV , Vivi POV 3, 29, Lewis POV 4, 31, ViVi POV 4 , 33, 34, Lewis POV 5, Mystery POV 2, Lewis POV 6
Part 39: here
Vivi’s never spent much time in hospital or medical clinics- the perks of having a doctor for a father-and now she’s had the opportunity she can confirm that she hates it. She hates the off white walls, the artificial light, and faint smell of bleach. Hates how claustrophobic and stuffy the corridors feel despite having so little in them. Hates the stupid cheap picture prints of supposedly uplifting scenes spaced along the walls. Mostly, she hates how the nurses and orderlies rush around, always busy, while she’s stuck with only her thoughts for company.
"I just wish you’d told me something was wrong…or that something bad was happening. I would have helped…”
No response. Arthur maintains his silence. With both her friends unconscious, she’s had plenty of time to ruminate on the past few days, trying to fit together a version of events that made sense. Vivi slumps forward, tapping her foot to let out excess energy, leaning towards Arthur. He’s a chalky white colour and his hair is limp, spread across the pillow framing his equally pale face, but his expression is peaceful so that’s something.  It was better than seeing Arthur's face all twisted, grinning at Lewis like he wanted to rip his friend apart. It was better than seeing the panicked defeat  on his face moments before he lost consciousness and she was left sitting in two growing puddles of blood.
She can't think about that. All she could do now is try and understand.  Upset, Vivi fiddles with her phone, flipping through applications, trying to distract herself from the silence and monotony. She deliberately ignores her growing collection of missed calls and texts from her family. The only two people she wants to hear from are in no position to contact her.
“Something was bothering you long before all this…” 
She pauses in her tapping, reaching forward so her hand ends up hovering over Arthur’s, uncertain.  Unfortunately, even when knowing about the body snatcher and Mystery’s kitsune form, she still doesn’t know why Arthur had started acting weird. All this crap and she’s still in the dark. 
“Was that asshole Micky threatening you?”
Lewis had mentioned Arthur getting into an altercation with the guy. Was that Micky’s motivation or had the body snatcher already been targeting Arthur before that? Sure, the creature had said it wasn’t involved in Arthur’s initial behaviour change, but she wasn’t about to just trust it.  
“When did you become such a convincing liar?” Silence follows her question and she switches her phone on and off, mind elsewhere.
‘Don’t you want to know why Arthur’s been acting so out of character?
Like someone’s flipped a switch on his personality
… not quite himself…’
The bastard parasite made it sound like Arthur had been possessed long before the it got involved. She physically shakes her head, trying to dislodge the taunt, resuming her restless tapping. Mystery had confirmed that Arthur was no longer possessed…and Arthur's eyes had been their usual golden colour right up until that night outside the diner.  He couldn’t have been possessed before that. Mystery would have mentioned it…right? 
“Maybe I’m just that gullible...”
Not like she has a great track record. That day,  when the weird behaviour had started, Lewis had picked up on it almost immediately but she’d just dismissed it as a mood swing. Her parents and dog had lied to her all her life and she was only now just figuring it out after having the truth shoved in her face. It stung. 
“I can’t even sniff out the truth when it’s right under my nose,” she mutters, glancing up at the clock hanging over a silent television set. It had been around this time yesterday that a nurse had come past, pressuring her to leave. The first thing she was doing when Arthur awoke was force him to sign her up as a medical proxy so she didn’t have to hang out in the 24/7 emergency waiting room until visiting hours recommenced.  
Disheartened, Vivi stands, making her way out of the room, scooping up the small pile of disposable coffee cups and food wrappers to dump in the trash on her way out. Both Lewis’s parents and been by to check on Arthur several times, bringing her cups of tea and snacks so she wouldn’t accidentally stave.
She hesitates at the door, glancing back at Arthur.
“I’ll be back first thing tomorrow.”
She supposes she should be grateful that Arthur has a room all to himself and she doesn’t have to worry about disturbing other patients with her muttering. Lewis is sharing his room with three other people. That fact that those three other people were unconscious and unlikely to wake up didn't make it comfortable. She slinks down the hall, leaving Arthur behind. 
The door to Lewis’s room is dull grey like every other door in the place. It has been left open, allowing her to hover and peek into the room without being spotted by Lewis’s parents. Only his mom and sisters are present. They’re talking in lowered voices, impossible to make out against the general ambience of the hospital in the background. Gingerly, she backs up. He throat tightens. It doesn’t look like Lewis is awake and she didn’t want to bother the family. The small space around the bed was crowded enough.
She jumps at the second voice, twisting quickly and almost knocking two styrofoam cups of steaming liquid from Nicholas Pepper’s hands. Luckily, Lewis’s dad has the foresight to draw back a step.
She winces, pulling away from the door to cross her arms.
“Sorry…I’m a bit jumpy.”
Worry floods the older man’s face and she quickly moves to deflect the incoming question about her wellbeing.
“How’s Lewis?”
A long sigh.
“…Still comatose, but his brain activity is steadily increasing, which I’m told is a good sign, so there’s hope that he’ll wake up. We’re waiting for word on a proper recovery time-frame.”
“Oh.” She winces again, “That’s....”
What exactly is she supposed to say to that? She swallows, words suck.
“…better than yesterday…” Nicholas finishes her sentence for her with a reassuring smile.
She clears her throat, “Sorry I haven’t been by to see him sooner…it’s just…” Lewis had his whole family visiting in shifts and Arthur had no one. It definitely wasn't because seeing Lewis unconscious made her unbearably miserable.
“I’m sure Lewis would understand.”
Yeah, he would. Lewis was great like that. Vivi begins to retreat backwards. If she spends too much time thinking about Lewis she’ll get all teary again.
“We’ve decided temporarily rent an apartment not far from here.  It’s small, and a bit crowded, especially with the girls, but there’s always room for one more.”  
Vivi nods stiffly, continuing to shuffle backwards, moving around an unused monitor stand blocking part of the hallway. “Um, thanks but…I’ve got something to do…I need to check on Mystery…”
“I hope you’ve eaten more in the last 12 hours than that role I gave you at lunch.”
She grimaces. “I have…” There were vending machines right next to the emergency centre and a 24-hour coffee shop across the road. Nicholas gives her an evaluative stare, and Vivi is reminded that Lewis had have gotten his people skills from somewhere.
“We’ll probably be eating in about two hours, depending on how helpful the girls are feeling and what the general mood is,” A careful pause,  “I hope you’ll drop by at least.”
“I’ll think about it.”  
She turns in the opposite direction, hurrying away.
“I’ll text you the address…”
The hospital flashes by in a blur of pastel and she rushes past the ugly plastic chairs in the foyer near the reception desk. Outside the temperature is cooling but not uncomfortable. She quickly rubs her eyes, breathing in, focusing on the fresh unscented air. The heat is still radiating from the sun-soaked pavement means she barely needs Lewis’s oversized jacket to keep warm. A quick scan of the slowly emptying street has her spotting the recognisable shape of Mystery. The dog weaves around the scattered pedestrians, trotting in her direction. She stamps down her guilt, melancholy, and frustration to focus on the matter at hand.
/Vivi./ Mystery scans her and gives her a lopsided concerned squint. /You look…./
"Don't start..." She scowls, daring him to comment on her appearance.
/Hmmm…/ Mystery pauses, instead asking, /How are Arthur and Lewis?/
“No change…and Uncle Lance is still in the ICU in case you’re wondering,” she answers stiffly, trying to ignore the odd looks several pedestrians throw her way.  Hastily, she starts walking towards her truck and out of sight, holding her phone up so she doesn’t look like a complete loony talking to Mystery.
Mystery follows behind without prompting. She had parked in almost the same spot as last time so she wouldn’t have to worry about spending a fortune on parking tickets while she waits uselessly for hours on end.
/I see…I suppose the fact that no one is worse off is good news./
“No,” she retorts, spinning to glare at Mystery. “Good news is everyone waking up. Good news is Lewis not in a coma or Lance being released. None of this is good.”
/I only meant it was good that death is no longer imminent./ Mystery adds. In her mind, his sentence sounds carefully worded. He is eyeing her with something akin to care or concern. A couple walking past in business attire give alarmed looks upon the outburst.
“What?” She snaps at them. The busybodies continue past, giving her a wide berth. She watches them go before breathing out in frustration. All that time spent sitting silently in the hospital has given her a lot of restless energy.  
“Come on. We’ll talk in the truck.”
The rest on the short trip is spent in silence.
“What did you find out at the police station,” She asks once they're safely inside the truck cab, isolated from the general public. Mystery jumps in to sit beside her, eyeing her, one part concern one part thoughtful. Vivi leans across the seat to close the door and seal them inside.
/If you agree to rest and eat, I will tell you what I have found./
She scowls, frustration growing, “Are you trying to con me into a deal.”
/No. I am being completely transparent./ Mystery huffs, /As humans are unaffected by such dealings, this is purely a show of my goodwill./
“You’re doing this now?”
/Yes. You still harbour resentment towards me. Understandable. However, I would not form something as significant as an oath if I did not truly care about your wellbeing. Please./
Vivi glares some more but Mystery remains unmoved. Deals consisted of an offer, an amendment from the second party, then acceptance by the original offeror. It was a three-step process that humans weren’t supernaturally bound or required to follow, though it was poor form to break one. So...
“Fine…I’ll try and get a good night’s sleep and maybe eat. Happy?” She amends stubbornly, waiting to see if Mystery will accept the somewhat crappy revision. Mystery just snorts, amused and vaguely approving.
/Very well. I accept./
Mystery’s eyes flash ever so subtly and Vivi feels a tingle run up her arm. She exhales, rubbing her eyes. If there’s one thing she’s learnt over the past few days it’s that someone can both care and lie at the same time so she’ll take Mystery’s ‘goodwill’ with a grain of salt.
“So…What did you find out?” She repeats.
/As instructed, I spent the day, approximately nine hours, shadowing the human called Anderson around his place of work./
/He appears busy, most of his time was spent sitting at a desk or in discussion with other humans, with topics ranging from various crimes in the city to social plans. The only mention of Arthur and Lance, referred to as the Kingsman casefile I believe, was a phone call confirming the existence of an abandoned vehicle removed from St Peter’s two-hour parking lot two nights ago. They plan to seize this vehicle as evidence for the case./ Mystery finishes his recount with a curious head tilt like he’s unsure whether the information is relevant. That makes two of them.  
“What does that have to do with anything,” She mutters. It had been two full days since their confrontation with the body snatcher at the Pepper’s diner and Lance’s admittance to the hospital so the vehicle had been abandoned the same day.
“You don’t think it’s Arthur’s van do you…did they mention what sort of vehicle it was?”
/No, that was not mentioned./
“If it is the van, then how did Arthur get to the diner?”
/These parasitic creatures are often limited to the capabilities of their hosts. It would have had to have used a form of human transport./
She crosses her arms, tapping her foot against the break-peddle, trying to fit the mysterious vehicle into her mental timeline of events.
First, the body snatcher arrives in Tempo in possession of Micky who threatens Arthur for some unknown reason, causing Arthur’s odd behaviour. Two weeks later, her, Lewis and Arthur leave Tempo on their road trip and the body snatcher attacks and possesses Lance the same night. Next, Lance is moved to the hospital in an ambulance before contacting Arthur. Arthur leaves her and Lewis, rushing to his Uncle’s side where the body snatcher is waiting to possess him. Once Arthur is possessed, the body snatcher attacks his Uncle and leaves the hospital, heading to the diner. Finally, her and Lewis arrive at the hospital just in time to save Lance.
There are lots of discrepancies in her timeline like: Where had the body snatcher come from? Micky had mentioned the old mines up west, was that related? Why attack Arthur? Surely this wasn’t all because Arthur had insulted his motorcycle? At what point had Micky been possessed? She and Lewis had arrived at the hospital several hours behind Arthur but were still in time to save Lance? 
These discrepances aside, she’s pretty confident that she has the barebones of a usable timeline.  If the vehicle referetd to by the police is Arthur’s van, then she might have to rethink things though.
“There isn’t anything else?” She asks again just to be sure.
/As I said, this human was busy with many activities and most of his work was completed electronically./
“Figures.” Aggravated, she takes a breath and tries to think logically. “Where’s the vehicle now?”
/That was not mentioned./
Well, this place wasn’t huge, how many car impounds could there be near the hospital? She pulls out her phone, connecting to the internet. There are two new missed calls from her dad and one from her mom. She ignores them.
“I got it. There are only two impounds nearish to the town centre. We’ll check the closest one first,” She pulls on her seatbelt, twisting so she can reverse safely out of the park. She’s definitely getting better at handling the small flatbed truck. When compared to driving in pitch black, rain pouring down and tears messing up her vision, this city driving was laughably easy.
/…and then will you rest?/
“Yeah, sure, after this.” At least this is something to occupy her mind. After spending the whole day circling through the same facts and replaying every scenario, it’s good to have something new think about.  
The first car compound is pretty small, with four of its six-car spots occupied and none containing Arthur’s van. A chain-link fence cordons it off from the footpath. It’s nothing special. There’s not even any barbed wire atop the fence.  Vivi makes sure she doesn’t park close enough to appear on any of the visible security cameras near the entrance. The two-story office building adjacent to the yard appears closed and Vivi eyes the darkened windows as she exits the truck, shoving her hands into her jacket pocket. The temperature has dropped in the last hour.
“Hey Mystery, your illusions, they, like, bend light or something right?” In the dim twilight, she doesn’t have to worry as much about appearing crazy when talking to Mystery. Not that there are many people around this area to notice her.
/They act as an intangible layer between myself and others./
She pauses to stare at Mystery, mulling over the description, “Remind me to teach you some real sciencey terminology because you’re explanations are kind of vague.” Arthur would help with that too…when he woke up…if he woke up.
“Do you think they’ll work on cameras?”
/I believe so. I had no problems while spying today and I saw multiple recording devices about the building./
“Good enough for me I guess. Can you stop people from seeing me while I climb over this?”
/Yes, but I will need to be quiet close to you. My range in this form is only five feet./
She picks him up, trying not to feel too uncomfortable. She has made a deliberate effort to keep a physical distance from Mystery and resist any inclination to pat or hold him. It just feels wrong. Weird. 
Awkwardly, she lets Mystery balance between her shoulder blades, freeing her arms to climb. “You’re not going to fall are you?” She’d never have trusted a dog to do this.
He shuffles about and she can feel his paws twitch as he adjusts his position in time with her movements.
/I will not fall./ He confirms. Once Mystery is secure, she heaves herself onto the fence and, when no one comes running out to stop her, scrambles the rest of the way up and over. Mystery hangs close to her legs as they walk across the lot and she has to concentrate so she doesn't accidentally trip over him.
None of the cars stand out, even upon closer inspection. She circles the small space and wonders what she is looking for. If Arthur were here, he’d probably know. Arthur actually paid attention to these sorts of details.
/This one has a familiar scent./ Mystery speaks as she carefully examines each vehicle in turn.
“You recognise the car? From where?” She re-examines it, but can’t find a match. It’s a pretty generic looking car, old, a bit run down. A standard vehicle for a town like Tempo so it could be anyone's.
/I am unsure. The scent is muddied with human chemicals./
If she had access to the police database she’d be able to search up its number plates. Exasperated, she walks forward to try the handle. The car is old enough not to have automated locks so it’s worth a shot.  She hesitates briefly to cover her hand with a sleeve so she doesn’t leave any fingerprints, wondering if she’s being too paranoid.
 It’s locked. What a shock. However, upon circling the car she finds one of the back windows half-open. Peering in, the interior is a mess with several old flannel shirts, take away containers and miscellaneous nik-nacks strewn about.
“Here.” She picks Mystery up from under the armpits, holding him out to the opening, “Can you smell anything else inside.”
The dog spends a moment breathing deeply, head moving around and positioning at different angles. Around them, wind rattles pits of discarded scrap metal, pushing around several empty plastic bags. The street lamps on the main road flicker on as the natural light dims.
/It is recognisable./ Mystery finally confirms, /I believe I may have come across this human at Arthur’s residence./
“…like a customer?”
/No. It is too distinct to be a customer. I would have had to have met this human several times to remember it./
“…But you don’t know who it is?”
/Unfortunately, I am not in the habit of cataloguing the smells of random humans./ Mystery responds, apologetic.
“This has to be the vehicle the police referred to…what are the odds of you recognising it if it isn’t?” Vivi mummers, glaring at the car again before retreating back over the fence. With the night quickly approaching there is not enough light to see any further details without pulling out her phone to use as its flashlight.
Back in the truck, she taps a finger on the dashboard, mulling over what she’s learnt. How many other people frequented Kingsman Mechanics that Mystery would have met more than once? Aside from her and Lewis’s families. 
“Lance had those two mechanic guys help out when Arthur was away or busy. I think their names where…Derrick….no…Darrel and Oliver or something. They’re the only ones who regularly visit the workshop. You think the car belongs to one of them?”
Mystery shrugs.  
They drive to the second car impound to do some more snooping. It’s the same as the first place, only this time Mystery doesn’t recognise any of the vehicles present. Stumped, Vivi finds herself back where she’d started, sitting and thinking, trying to come up within something that made sense. 
It wasn’t impossible that one of Lance’s employees had accompanied and/or driven Lance to the hospital on the day of the body snatcher’s first attack. If only she had their phone numbers, but no, she’d rarely talked to either of them. If Lewis were here, he would have had the numbers saved for sure. Lewis had everyone’s phone number. Lewis wasn’t here though. He was in a coma. Arthur was still unconscious. It was just her and random bits and pieces of information.
This is the same problem she’d run into when chasing after Arthur. Not enough information. She doesn’t know what to do and she doesn’t even have Lewis to distract her. Vivi grips her head, tasselling her hair, trying to hold back a sudden wave of panic. What if she’s too late again. What if she can’t figure this out in time. She’ll be too late to do anything and both Lewis and Arthur would suffer for it.
Why is she always one step behind?
/Vivi?/ A light prodding draws her attention. /You really should rest...It will make this investigation easier./
Mystery had his paw on her arm, eyes shining with more concern and emotion then she’s ever seen the dog openly display.
“I’m fine…” She pulls away and rubs her eyes, leaning back to stare at the roof, trying to regain composure. “It’s just…I’m always a step behind…If I knew more, if people would just tell me things... I’d be able to figure this out….” before something went terribly wrong, she adds silently.
“If I’d known more to begin with, I could have helped from the start.”  That’s what she’ll keep telling herself at least…
/The decision to withhold information would not have come from a place of malice…/ The soft-spoken reassurance only serves to reignite her resentment.
“So, just because they thought they were doing the right thing, it’s okay.” At this point, she’s not sure if she’s referring to her parents, Mystery or Arthur.
Mystery glances away, uncomfortable. Even now, she’s pretty sure Mystery’s holding back despite everything. She exhales again, trying to smother her emotions. She’d already run through this argument with Mystery and the whole thing is pointless. She can’t stop people lying to her. The only thing to do now was to be more aware of possible deception in the future.
“Say the car belonged to either Darrel or Oliver,” She pushes through her upset and back to the issue at hand. The more she thinks about the lies, the muddier her mind becomes, and the worse she feels. It’s better to just stay proactive and not obsess over everything people may or may not be keeping from her.
“Why just abandon it at the hospital? It can’t be a coincidence.”
She starts the engine, flipping on the heating to chase away the growing chill in the air.
/… where are we going?/
“Arthur’s van is still unaccounted for, meaning he probably drove it to the Pepper’s diner. If the cops haven’t found it then it’ll still be there somewhere.” She’s somewhat annoyed at herself  for not thinking to look for the van sooner. 
When Mystery shoots her a look of enquiry she elaborates, “Maybe there’ll be more of a clue regarding what happened in the van. If there is another person involved then that parasite-asshole might have killed or hurt them…It would explain the abandoned car and why the police care about it.”
It’s all speculation, but what else can she do at this point.
‘This is why leaving hosts alive backfires,’
The parasite bastard had said something like that right before getting Arthur shot …There were implications behind a statement like that. She hopes she’s wrong, the last thing she wants is for Arthur to get caught up in a murder investigation.
Mystery’s eyes darken and he lets off a low growl. /It is plausible…these creatures do take pride in spreading chaos. The one inhabiting Arthur was particularly…malicious./
She tightens her grip on the steering wheel.
Part 39: here
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disneychannie · 5 years
approval | h.hyunjin
parirings: hyunjin x reader
word count: 2.4k words
genre: fluff, angst (if you put it that way), non-idol!au
warnings: swearing (I think that’s it), I'm also not in any way trying to make hyunjin’s parents look bad but this is just for the sake of the imagine!
(lowercase unintended)
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“what?!” your voice boomed where the both of you were seated at the cafe. totally abandoning the work sprawled all over the table that’s separating you and your boyfriend.
hyunjin scrunched his face at your sudden burst.
“y/n calm down,” hyunjin said trying to calm you down, key word ‘trying’, as he looked at around the cafe to see some of the people there stared at your direction to the sudden booming voice.
“what do you mean calm down hyunjin? your mom clearly hates me and you’re telling me to join you to meet her for dinner?” you said, your voice more calmer than before but the shocked expression on your face was still there.
you and hyunjin’s mother didn’t exactly have the best relationship. though you only met her face to face once, you could tell by that meeting that she was not exactly fond of you. from the way she sent you glares and how she didn't even bother to you look at you when you talked. 
maybe it was because hyunjin was the only child and his mother was scared to let him go off with another woman who isn’t her which is quite understandable to you but you couldn’t understand why she couldn’t even at least act like she liked you for hyunjin’s sake.
though you and hyunjin has been dating for around 3 years now, you could tell every time hyunjin video called his mother with you around, she would act like you weren’t there to begin with.
“c’mon y/n,” hyunjin started, “my dad invited you too and you can’t turn him right?” he said with a tinge of hope in his eyes.
he was right tho. his father was one of the most sweetest person you’ve ever met. like hyunjin’s mother, you’ve only met him face to face once but he already treated you as if you were one of his which you were glad of.
“this isn’t about your dad hyunjin, your mother hates me and even you know it. I don’t think I can stand her criticism anymore,” you said leaning back on your seat with a huff.
“she doesn’t not like you y/n. you know that I'm her only child, of course she would be protective over me,” he said.
you didn’t bother looking in his eyes because of how upset you became. yes it was a petty thing to be upset about but you weren’t the type to like hang around with people who aren’t fond of you.
“please baby, give my mom a chance? for me?” he said with a pleading voice. 
you looked up to see him giving you one of his puppy eyes and pouty lips and you know you couldn’t resist it when it comes to hyunjin.
a sigh left your mouth as you unfold your hands and sat straight. “fine whatever,” you mumbled.
even though you sounded unconvincing it was enough for hyunjin to take that as a yes. 
“thank you so much y/n,” he beamed with happiness as he leaned over the table to give you a wet kiss on the cheeks which then made it heat up in embarrassment.
though in times where you’re in doubt he always reassures you in the right way.
the ride to hyunjin’s childhood home was quiet which was a new thing since car rides with hyunjin usually consists of the two of you jamming to the radio and just talking about everything and anything but this time it was different. it wasn’t like the silence was on purpose but you had a lot in your mind about the worst case scenarios that could happen. 
hyunjin could sense your discomfort from the driver seat by the way you fidgeted with the many rings on your finger and how you kept moving on your seat to find a comfortable position.
he knew about the whole ‘drama’ between you and his mother and he obviously has talked about with her before but his mother was in-denial with the way she acted which then makes it more visible that she was doing it on purpose.
hyunjin was a huge momma person and his mother is his number one supporter and he loved you and her very much. he never wanted to be in a situation where he had to choose between you and his mother or he would be in such a huge dilemma.
after an hour which felt like minutes, you finally arrived at his childhood home. you could start to feel your hands become clammy and a sudden tight feeling on your chest due to small case of anxiety you were having now.
one of your biggest insecurities were people not liking you and it made you feel like absolute crap that your own boyfriend’s mother hating you. but you wanted to do this for hyunjin and not for her.
hyunjin took your hands in his and gave it a small squeeze
“don’t worry y/n, I won’t let her say anything bad to you okay?” he said with a comforting smile. you mustered a small smile and nodded your head.
the two of you got out of the car and walked to the front door which then hyunjin rang the doorbell.
after a few seconds the door opened to reveal hyunjin’s father with a huge smile plastered on his face at the sight of the both of you.
thank god
“ahhh there’s my son,” mr. hwang said bringing hyunjin into a hug. 
he then made eye contact with you and his smile became wider.
“y/n! it’s nice to meet you again,” he said. 
“it’s nice to meet you too mr. hwang,” you said shyly suddenly cowering. you were about to reach for his hand to shake but he pulled you into a hug instead. not gonna lie you were about to cry, hyunjin’s father was the nicest man you’ve ever met. no wonder hyunjin was such a gentleman.
“come in,” he said then gesturing you to come inside the warm home.
this was the second time you’ve entered hyunjin’s home and it was somewhat familiar since then last time you went with just a few different arrangements here and there.
“hyunjin? is that you?” said a voice you’ve been dreading to hear.
turning around, you saw hyunjin’s mother coming downstairs with a huge smile at the sight of his son. she then embraced hyunjin into a huge hug before releasing to look at you.
you could swear her gaze changed INSTANTLY the second she saw you. not even a good one, her eyes looked like as if she was about to jump you any second but tried to keep her cool infront of hyunjin.
she cleared her throat before speaking up;
“oh you’re here,” she said lowly before continuing, totally not expecting your presence at her home. “nice to meet you,” she said bluntly before extending her hand for you to shake.
“nice to meet you,” you said, your voice low due to your small panic attack before shaking your hands with her.
“I didn’t know you were invited, I thought we ONLY invited hyunjin,” she said clearly emphasising the only.
damn does this woman hates my guts
“I actually invited her,” mr. hwang said before changing the subject. “how bout we gather at the dining table now huh? dinner is ready,” he said before giving you a warm smile and leading his wife to the dining table with you and hyunjin following behind.
dinner was awkward with most of the talking being between the hwangs. mr. hwang tried to conclude you into the conversation but it was always cut short off with mrs. hwang talking about a complete different topic which made you sank back to your chair. hyunjin noticed your change of mood and gave you a light squeeze on your thighs.
“what course are you taking again y/n?,” mrs. hwang asked you for the first time since you started dinner which caught you off guard before you gained your posture again.
“I’m taking law, I'm learning to become a prosecutor,” you said with the sudden confident. 
“yeah, and she’s really good at the courses she’s taking,” hyunjin said proudly.
she only nodded before placing her cutleries.
“you do know hyunjin is taking dentistry?,” she said, her gaze looking directly into your eyes.
“yeah I am aware ma'am,” you replied. you had no idea where this conversation is going.
“being a prosecutor means long work hours and hyunjin becoming a dentist too means the both of you aren’t going to see each other. how are you going to communicate or spend time with each other if you aren’t going to be even with one another most of the time?” she said with the sudden raise of her voice.
you didn’t know how to respond and you could tell hyunjin was getting irritated too at how tight he’s clutching his spoon.
“hyunjin sweetie you remember hyunee who lives across the street right? do you know she’s studying dentistry too? ahh it’s been a long time since you’ve talked to her perhaps it would be better if you were with her instead,” she continued to add the fuel in the fire.
that was the last straw for you.
you aggressively placed your cutleries on the table before standing up. startled by the noise of the spoon and plate clanking, his mother looked up to you with a shocked expression.
“honestly what is wrong with you? what did I do to you for you to hate this much when I barely even talk to you. the second I saw you for the first time you gave me a look telling me to fuck off from your son and by the way you’re talking to me right now clearly shows how much you want me away from your son and let me tell you that fuck no, I'm in love with hyunjin and I don’t care if you have a problem with it. I'm sorry for lashing out like this but you’ve been really disrespectful to me ever since I entered this house when I barely opened my mouth and there’s no damn way I'm respecting you back. thank you for the meal, but I'll take my leave now,” you said as frustrated tears ran down your face.
with that you walked out the house not forgetting to slam it and into hyunjin’s car.
hyunjin and his parents were shocked at your sudden behaviour but in no time hyunjin shot up from his seat before giving his mom a look.
“thanks a lot mom,” he said, the sarcasm evident in his voice as he ran out of the house .
in the car you started crying at how much her words have hurt you and how you probably thrown all the chances you had to build a relationship with hyunjin’s mother down the drain.
“why am I such a fuck up,” you whispered to yourself.
seconds later you heard the driver’s door open and you looked up to see hyunjin with a worried expression on his face. your cries had died down but you didn’t really had the mood to talk with hyunjin at the moment. 
hyunjin noticed how you were avoiding him and entered the car before closing the door.
“y/n I-” before he could say anything you cut him off.
“please hyunjin, just drive,” you whispered.
without saying anything else, hyunjin drove away from his parents to your shared apartment. 
the drive was silent like It was when you were on your way to his parent’s house. but this time the only noise you could hear were your soft sniffles from your short breakdown.
when you entered the apartment you instantly went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. hyunjin sighed as he saw you locked the door behind you. he went to your shared bedroom to change to his pyjamas when he got a text from his mother.
mom: I'm sorry hyunjin. never meant for anything to end this way.
hyunjin just tossed his phone to his bed. he can just reply to her in the morning. 
in the bathroom you took off your makeup and striped from the clothes you were wearing and hopped into the shower, just standing there as the hot steaming water seeped through your body.
you felt bad for ignoring hyunjin though any of this weren’t his fault in the slightest but you just didn’t feel like talking to anyone. you needed a moment alone.
after what felt like 30 minutes you finally got off the shower and while you were drying your body off you found a fresh set of pyjamas on the counter. hyunjin probably placed it there while you were showering and you didn’t realise. you smiled at the thought of him still taking care of you though you just shouted at his mother for god’s sake. he has all the rights to be mad at you now. which then makes you feel like shit even more.
stepping out the bathroom you were met with hyunjin already in his pyjamas and was on his phone. at the sight of you, he placed his phone on his bedside table and patted the space on the bed next to him.
you obliged and laid down on the spot next to him. he then wrapped his arms around your body and out of instinct you snuggled towards him. it was silence for a moment till you spoke up.
“I'm sorry hyunjin. I shouldn’ve raised at your mother like that I was being disrespectful,” you whispered, voice cracking as you felt your eyes started to brim into tears again.
“baby don’t apologise okay? she took it too far and I should be the one to say sorry since I forced you,” he said now feeling apologetic.
you shook your head and snuggled more into him. “it’s okay hyunjinnie, can we sleep now? we’ll talk about this in the morning,” you said.
you could feel him nodding and he pressed a kiss on your head.
“know that I will love you forever and I won’t even leave you,” he said one last time before drifting off to sleep.
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amelialincoln · 4 years
Hey, could you write a story where the sisters (Maggie & Mer) care for Amelia when she struggles with early pregnancy symptoms while Link is at work? Then when Link finally comes back from work, he feels super bad for Amelia having to deal with the symptoms without him around? Thank you! I look forward to your fics daily!!!
Angel Boy
“Should I call Link?” Maggie bit the inside of her cheek.
“Don’t call Link,” Amelia groaned in response, her body convulsing over the toilet. She flushed it away shakily and leaned her sweaty forehead against the bathroom wall.
“You’ve been at that for half an hour,” Meredith called from the kitchen.
“Well if you hadn’t decided to make bacon for breakfast—” the thought sent Amelia’s face back into the ceramic bowl. Meredith entered the bathroom, ignoring Maggie’s concerned expression.
“Amelia it’s not my fault that the kids wanted their breakfast to consist of your new food aversion. Yesterday it was tomato soup, the day before it was scrambled eggs. How are we supposed to know what to make and what not to?”
“Don’t remind me.” Amelia gagged at the idea of eggs.
“Amelia, you really should have something to eat.” Maggie patted her back sympathetically.
“Stop talking about food!” Amelia snapped without meaning to. Maggie took a step back. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Maggie sighed.
“Saltine crackers,” Meredith shrugged, her voice lacking empathy. “Helped me when I was pregnant with Ellis and I didn’t have any hot boyfriends to coddle me back to health.”
“Don’t talk to me about enduring pregnancy without the father of your baby,” she answered, glaring at Meredith. “It just wasn’t this bad last time.” Which was a lie.
“Mom, Bailey just threw his piece of bacon at me,” Zola wailed from the kitchen. Amelia heaved.
Once the kids finally headed out to meet the bus and the rest of breakfast had been put away, Amelia made her way out of the bathroom. She sat down at the dining room table and placed her pounding head in her hands.
“I’ll call Bailey,” Meredith said as she placed the orange juice back in the fridge.
“What, why?” Amelia yawned.
“You’re not going into work today.” Amelia tried to protest but Meredith cut her off. “Look, you’re malnourished and exhausted and if you really want to keep your pregnancy a secret, throwing up in the OR isn’t the move. Also do you really want Link so see you walking around like that?” Amelia shook her head.
“She’s right, Amelia, you look pale and tired.”
“Thanks guys,” Amelia mumbled, accepting a glass of water from Maggie.
“I’m just saying that a neurosurgeon looking sick and exhausted isn’t very reassuring to patients,” Maggie added defensively.
“I guess so.” She took a gulp of water.
“Hey Bailey, it’s Grey,” Meredith took a step out of the kitchen.
“We aren’t scheduled today anyways.” Maggie gave her a sympathetic smile. “We can have a sister’s day.”
“I guess.”
“Try not to look so disappointed,” Maggie laughed. Amelia motioned to the trash bin and Maggie handed it to her just in time.
“Thanks.” She took a sip of her water, swirled it around in her mouth and spat it into the bin as well. Meredith reentered the room tossing Amelia a packet of saltines.
“Eat them. I know it sounds crazy but having an empty stomach is making it worse.” Amelia sighed, tearing open the package and devouring one of the crackers. It was dry and tasteless but Meredith was right about having something in her system making her feel better. “Better?” Amelia nodded.
“So what should we do on sister’s day?” Maggie asked excitedly.
Meredith raised her eyebrows. “Sister’s day? When did I sign up for this?”
“You didn’t,” Maggie huffed. “But it’s a thing now. Right Amelia?”
“I think I just want to sleep all day.” As a rush of exhaustion hit her hard. “I need to go lie down.”
“Perfect, you can do it on the couch. We can watch a movie.” Maggie clapped her hands together. “I’ll make popcorn.”
“Don’t make popcorn,” Amelia groaned.
“...I’ll get lots of crackers.” Maggie corrected herself, both her sister’s lack of enthusiasm not managing to burst her bubble.
They were half way through this stupid romcom that Maggie had chosen when Amelia fell asleep, close to fifteen saltine wrappers circled around her. Maggie turned down the volume and ran her hands through Amelia’s tangled hair.
“He seems nice,” Maggie said over the quiet hum of the tv.
“Who?” Meredith answered, her eyes on her phone rather than the movie.
Meredith laughed, looking up from her phone. “I mean yeah.”
“I just don’t understand her sometimes,” Maggie motioned to Amelia. “Like all that time with Owen and then suddenly Link comes along and bam, baby.”
Meredith bit her lip. “Well I don’t think it was planned.”
“I guess,” Maggie shrugged, eyeing Amelia as she began to stir. “I just don’t want her to get hurt.” Amelia’s eyes fluttered open and she placed a palm on her forehead. “You okay?”
“Just dizzy,” she answered, trying to shake off her daze. “God I feel like crap though.” She reached for her glass on the table beside her and winced.
“What’s wrong?” Meredith asked.
“Nothing, just kind of crampy,” Amelia confessed. “I’m sorry I feel like a shit show right now just unloading all this on you guys.”
Meredith ignored her comment. “Is it that of the ordinary?” Amelia was surprised to see her concern.
“No...I don’t think so.” Meredith’s face was starting to concern her. She cursed as a burning pain lit up her lower back and abdomen.
“Amelia!” Maggie reached out to her as Amelia buckled over in pain.
“That’s not normal,” Amelia held back tears as she took a deep shaky breath. “Mer,” she whimpered.
“Let’s get you upstairs.” Meredith nodded, helping Amelia stagger to her feet. She turned to Maggie. “Call Link.”
“Should I call the hospital?” Meredith shook her head.
The blood came about a half hour later. Amelia refused to mention it so all three stayed silent about what was occurring. Amelia forced them both out of the bathroom and locked the door. Meredith left first, knowing that she’d wanted space when it had happened to her but Maggie stayed put at the door, trying to ignore the awful sobs coming from inside the room. Link arrived twenty minutes after that.
“Where is she?” He asked frantically, his eyes searching the living room.
“Bathroom, upstairs,” Meredith barely had time to finish before he was sprinting up the stairs. After a bit of coaxing, Amelia opened the door.
“I’m so sorry.” Her face was contorted in pain.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He took her small frame into his chest and tried to suppress his feelings of grief. “Should we go to the hospital?” Amelia shook her head.
“Not right now,” she pleaded. Link nodded, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. She flinched at his touch and he dropped his hand.
“Babe,” he sighed.
“I’m sorry, I can’t—” her breathing started to quicken and she turned away from him as another stream of tears filled her eyes.
“Breathe, Amelia.”
“I can’t,” she responded, her eyes full of panic.
“Oh, babe. Come here.” Link pulled her into his chest, once again and breathed deeply until she stopped shaking. “It’s okay. I’m so sorry, I should’ve been here. This is all my fault.”
“This is not your fault. I never wanted to do this again and now here I am. I told myself I wouldn’t get attached and now...” she trailed off into a fit of sobs.
“I know,” Link sighed. “Me too.”
“I’m so sorry,” Amelia couldn’t bare the disappointment in his eyes. “I should’ve known from the beginning.”
“Amelia, there’s no way you could’ve—”
“No, this world is against me ever having children and I should’ve fucking known.” She shook her head madly. Link didn’t know what to say and instead just pulled her tighter into his arms.
“It’s okay, we can try again?” He offered. “This happens to tons of women, Meredith included, my mom had two before they had me—”
“I don’t want to have a baby. I don’t want to ever be pregnant again.” The pain in her eyes took his breath away. “I’m sorry, if that’s something you want but I can’t.”
Link shook his head. “Amelia, I don’t care. I mean obviously I care,” he bit his lip, trying to hold back tears of his own. “You’re everything to me. I don’t need a baby to fill some sort of empty void in my life.”
“Are you sure?” Amelia asked, knowing she’d been promised the same thing once before.
“Of course I’m sure.” He pressed a lingering kiss on her forehead. “Now let’s get into the shower.” She nodded and he tried to avoid the sight of her blood stained pants as he removed her clothing and rubbed soapy water on her until her tears dried up and he’d pushed the idea of ever being a father out of his mind.
i was in a bad mood today which kind of explains how that took auch a turn (im not comparing my bad mood to a miscarriage, i just usually write sad stuff when I’m upset) i’m sorry if this put anyone reading into a bad mood as well! i just feel like miscarriages are so common and no one ever talks about them because there’s this awful stigma that it’s the mother’s fault when it rarely ever is. my heart goes out to all the women who have gone through something like this at least once in their lifetime<3
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geekkatsblog · 5 years
Grey's Anatomy Season 16x17 review.
What a messed up episode it was. So starting from the most messed up and going down.
Tom Koracick He gets a section tomhimself today because honestly, his life is starting to get really complicate as was expected seeing that he's at Grey Sloan. Him and Teddy, somehow or the other I feel he's going to have the worst part of this stick. Teddy has Been in love with Owen since she even arrived at the hospital in season 6 (or 5 can't remember too clearly), but after loving someone for so long, chances are she isn't going to leave him now. She was hurt and scared because Owen could possibly have another child and he drops her like a hot potato for anyone so, with all her feelings she went to Tom and he of course slept with her because, he loves her a surprising amount. I wish that he could find the strength to tell her no, because he's going to wind up hurt and with the way everyone treats him. He's going to really be in an emotional hole after it all. As for him and Mr Billionaire. I always used to imagine scenarios like the one he proposed to Tom, but probably in a spy movie I didn't actually expect Tom to do it. He's going to end up using the money for his lawyer bills because he's not even going to have a chance if he's found out. His licenses will be gone and so will his life. He'll end up in jail along with the  billionaire. Who is clearly one of the dumbest geniuses I've ever seen. All of that because he's made a mistake and could be arrested. If his plan is found out he'll be as ruined as Tom. I don't like where that case is going. I like Tom but I don't think he should risk anything for that man who clearly thinks he's the s**t and I can definitely see Tom's emotional Grey's spiral coming. I wish him the best of luck.
Teddy I think we should check her for a tumor or a mental illness as well because I don't know what happened to her. I would have never expected Teddy to be like this. She was one of the most respectable women on Grey's. I know that she was emotional but she has been pinning for Owen for Years and years and she didn't even think to talk to him? Come on Teddy and she's using Tom, Maggie's speech was spot on she's sleeping with Tom who is madly in love with her when she knows she loves Owen, like leave Tom out of it sleep with someone else. And her reaction when she told Owen that Amelia's baby could be his and she asks him where does that leave them. He apparently took 5 seconds to long and she walked away, come on Teddy..... you just told the man that he could possibly be the father of a 3rd baby and with another woman all under the under the age of 3 and you're upset he took 5 seconds before answering, now I'm no Owen fan but Jeeze give the guy some time to process before making assumptions and what she said about Amelia, thank God for Maggie because her reasoning for being angry at Amelia was crap, especially because she did the exact same thing with Owen so the real loser here is Owen and Tom. She needs to pull it together soon because I'm sure this isn't over even though Owen isn't the Father.
Owen Karma's a bitch I guess I almost feel sorry for him, this is the best he's been in any relationship. He's in yet another love triangle with the same woman but this time he's not the one being chased. I also want to talk about his old school way of life. Why the he'll should Teddy have to plan the wedding herself, it's like Christina not wanting to have kids all over again. She's a surgeon and a mom, both of those things are full time job. You still plan your wedding with the wedding planner except they do all of the running around for you.if he wants a planned wedding so much he should do it himself and Teddy needs to learn to say no she's going to stress herself planning a wedding the same way she did making Halloween costumes.
Richard Yet another painful one, not only is he quitting surgery he's also pushing the people who care about him further and further away. He was so angry I almost thought that he would have had to be committed. I am praying that Webber is not leaving as well even if he's not doing surgery he should teach or something Bailey was right the hospital needs him and the show sure as he'll does as well. He wants to sell his paths pen, do you Webber but ,make sure you come back. Maybe he'll make enough money that Catherine doesn't feel like she can buy him anymore. Where the he'll Is Catherine anyway? She's doing everything behind the scenes and as usual Bailey has to take the fall.
Link/Amelia Yay, I think we can safely take Amelia out of the Owen, Teddy, Koracick thing because her and Link are back together and even better Link is the father. While I still don't agree with how the whole thing was handled I'm just glad that they're together again and the whole Amelia, Owen thing isn't going to start again. No more children deserve to be involved in that mess. Not to mention now we get to see more daddy Link. I know that they're going to definitely have more struggles along the road I mean after all this is Grey's but I at least hope that no more of those problems will include Owen Hunt.
Jo Didn't know which last name to call her anymore. She's in a bad mood understandably but not in her need to get committed mood, which I'm glad for. The actress in real life is pregnant and I'm just wondering how that's going to be played off. It can't be written in that wouldn't make any sense but I was wondering if they're going to make Jo take some time off. She would definitely deserve it. I'm glad that she's not spiralling too much at least not yet. She's in a funk but like she said she'll pick herself up because she knows she deserves love.
Deluca Is talking to a shrink but doesn't really think he needs it and coming from experience that's never a good thing. I hope he realizes it soon before it ruins him and based on some spoilers I read its not seeming too likely.
Meredith Isn't in the mood to talk about her feelings, she was hit on by a billionaire and rightfully angry at the world because the woman who had to ration her insulin because she couldn't afford was heartbreaking. I live in a country where most health care and medication is free or at a reasonable price unless you choose otherwise so I couldn't imagine how hard it is to be unable to get the health care you need so that was hard to watch. Meredith was also right to be pissed off that some billionaire just decided that he doesn't want to accept responsibility and cleared a whole hospital floor to do it. (Even if Catherine was the one to do it). She misses Alex and had yet another conversation with Bailey (this is the most I've seen them talk this whole series.) And they basically express how everyone is leaving or dying and it's lonely without them and nothing else have ever been more accurate. The amount of life and family togetherness that was in the beginning of the series definitely isn't there anymore.
Bailey Was just there being concerned about Webber, I felt for her when Webber started freaking out and throwing stuff you could seen her internal struggle between staying with him or doing her job. I hope they aren't going to make her lose her work husband and basically the only person at Grey Sloan who would stand up for her. And she needs to stand up to Catherine that woman has been throwing her under the bus for too long.
Jackson Broke up with his girlfriend Vic.............. I have no idea if to feel bad or happy. I don't really watch Station 19 unless if it has Bailey or is necessary to watch in order to understand what's going on in Grey's as well as the first 6 episodes of season one that I watched so I have no idea what was going on with them. I kind of picked up that she got kicked out of her home and moved into Jackson's place without telling him. But what's don't get is the reactions he was upset that she moved in and I understood because who moves into someone's place without asking but now she moves out and he's upset and for stupid reasons. Dean her new roommate/boatmate once hit on Maggie when they were together and he didn't know. She's going to help Dean raise a baby. The man's a new single father to a newborn I don't think he has time to steal someone's gf. But thank God I no longer have to hear the stupid argument again because they broke up well he broke up with her. Props to her to waiting around all day so he could do it though. Jackson is one of the characters who started off as one of my favorites but has now made his way to the bottom of the list.
Maggie The usual cheerleader, when are they going to finally give her a plot that isn't cheering someone on, being annoying or a plot that lasts 5 seconds. It's almost like she isn't even there. Give the girl a good plot for God's sake, she shouldn't just be a cheerleader. That being said, she was spitting facts today with Teddy though and she's probably going to spill Teddy's secret because shes bad at keeping secrets thats a potential hot mess in the making.
End notes and questions
What the Hell is Tom doing??? It's dumb and I hope someone talks some sense into him soon.
What's going to happen to Richard? Is he leaving the show as well? I hope not he's one of the only good things left.
Is Deluca going to be ok? He's got to admit he needs help soon.
And last but not least, What will happen to the hot mess that is Owen and Teddy?
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nikatyler · 5 years
Tumblr media
Felt like doing some replies the ~ old fashioned ~ way. I should be packing, but I don’t wanna. One good thing about this semester is that I don’t have classes on Monday morning, which means I don’t have to go to Prague on Sunday. But I’ll be once again going home late on Friday -_- Oh well. Maybe I could skip the lecture every once in a while to go home on Thursday afternoon.
I’m scared. Not really of what I’ll have to learn because I know that even if it’s difficult, I’ll probably get it in my brain in the end. Somehow. I’m more scared that once again, I’ll be left alone. I haven’t really found a stable friend group. I mean, I talk to some people sometimes, but I wouldn’t call it a friendship. One friend that I thought I could rely on doesn’t even bother saying hello to me anymore. I don’t know what I did to him, he just stopped talking to me. But maybe it’s for the best. Even when we still talked, I couldn’t believe how judgemental he was, and I often wondered if he talks about me like that too when I can’t hear it. He probably did. Oh well, I’ll see what I can do. I hope I’ll run into someone who is kinda like my best friend from high school.
As for sims stuff, I know I still owe some things to some people and I feel bad about it. You’ll get it eventually. I’m actually looking forward to doing it too. Makeovers are fun. I’d also like to release some more sims, I have one more sim dump and then some old legacy characters I want to share, plus some BC contestants that didn’t make it. They like to get eliminated in the first rounds.
Also, thanks for the comments on my mental health update post. I’ll see how this turns out and if it doesn’t get any better (I’m kinda hoping that better weather brings better mood, it worked before), I’ll start looking for a therapist or something. No offense to my parents but talking to them about this didn’t help in a slightest. They just don’t get it. And I swear I’m not reverting back to the “I’m an edgy misunderstood teenager” phase. Even though “edgy misunderstood teenager” is an aesthetic I still live for. Whatever that means.
And thanks for the tips on the laptop post. I’ll keep them in mind and I’ll probably ask again when the time comes and I actually buy a new one.
Ahh...I guess that’s it? Replies under the cut. As per usual, they’ll probably be the shorter part of this post, but oh well.
abysims  replied to your photoset  “Let’s find Lilith Vatore some love! In my game, I’ve had Lilith in a...”
Honestly Cassandra and Lilith would be amazing (... In my Glimmerbrook Academy story Cass is actually gonna have a huge crush on Lilith so I'm voting for that, yas!)
Ooooh that sounds great! Also, I’ll have a post announcing the results of the post coming up later, either today or tomorrow, but...spoiler alert: Cassandra might have won ;)
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Simmer - Get to Know”
Lol this thing with Mermaids made me remember that when my friend and I were like 12 years old, a 6-year-old made her a "proposal" and we answered him that she'll marry him when he buys her a house by the sea in Prague
Omg sea in Prague sounds kinda cool, my faculty would be so close to the beach *-* Haha but at the same time it’s kinda terrifying, where would the sea come from? From the north? From the south? Would that mean my home doesn’t exist? Or, actually, considering my town was built on a big hill, would that mean I live on an island? And which part of Prague would be under the sea and which one would stay?
Sorry, I got distracted thinking of this AU where my country actually has access to the sea :D But we used to have it, back in like I think 12th or 13th century. We’re wayyyy smaller now.
amuhav replied to your post “Me, looking up some specs of my current laptop: you're...you're...”
If it's anything like me with my first 'gaming' laptop, the store clerk basically straight up lied to me about how good it was, and I was too young and naive to know better �� sims 3 almost burnt that thing to a crisp ������
Lmao I have a similar story with my first laptop, we were told that it has this super amazing graphic card...and it wasn’t amazing at all, as I later learned when my laptop broke.
amuhav replied to your photoset “Sims Moodboard Challenge I was tagged by @blurrypxls,...”
Oh no... don't make me want to go back to pinterest and do more of these �� They're ADDICTIVE
THEY ARE! I haven’t done much today, but I’ve spent a lot of time there all through this last week.
amuhav replied to your photo “I need to stop. This is more addictive than scrolling through memes....”
Pssst, not to enable or anything, but Picasa 3 has this nice feature where you can take a bunch of pics and it makes them into a nice collage. That's how I made mine, and then used them as my desktop backgrounds ��
I think I’ll use Photoshop, like I do for everything else, but thanks for giving me an idea for my new background! I used to have my sims or some other characters set as a background, but now that I take my laptop to school I feel a bit uncomfortable with that, so since October I’ve had this kinda boring background and I’ve been meaning to change it into something nicer, I just didn’t know what to put there. Now I do.
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Sunset: “How dare you pretend you’re Father Winter?” Father Winter:...”
Holy crap, Sunset is a lot more buff than I ever realized. Those arms! ��
Yup. That’s because she has to get her Athletic skill higher for work. I think her muscle slider might be at max, actually!
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Father Winter: “That’s it! You’re going on my Naughty List. Your...”
How could she not with with muscles like that?? Damn his Christmas magic!
Next time we should just call Caleb. I mean, he defeated Grim Reaper with no problem, surely Father Winter won’t be any more difficult for him!
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Okay, cool. You won’t give us gifts but I have a special one...”
Lmaoooooo, get him, Sunset! ������
He deserves it
asplashofsims replied to your photo “~ daylight”
Cute picture! ♡ I hope you feel better soon and omgg winx club, it's my guilty pleasure for sure hahah all the childhood memories��
I love Winx Club so much. It’s a little ridiculous and the plot holes are terrible (and don’t let me talk about anything after season 4, those are not my Winx D:), but I can’t let it go.
blubrich replied to your post “I forgot how traumatizing Toy Story 3 was ��”
Especially the ending! ��
YES. I remember the whole cinema was crying.
Also, Toy Story always unpacks this weird guilt in me haha. Because as a child, naturally I was like “I would NEVER abandon my toys, I’ll keep them forever!”. And now...they’re in boxes...under my bed and in the basement...some of them I gave away or to my younger sister, who then also gave some away because she’s fifteen now. I still have my plushies and teddy bears in my bed though, it would be too empty without them :D
silverspringsimmer replied to your audio post “(via...”
I love Within Temptation and they got me into heavier music later, too!
I don’t even remember how I found them. I was just bored of the music I was listening to all the time back then, so I clicked through playlists and stuff on Spotify and somehow I landed on their page, I guess. And I immediately fell in love.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your audio post “(via...”
Oh this song was the first song of this bad which I heard! It was also 5-6 years ago.though I do not listen to them often these days.
I think the first song I heard was What Have You Done, which I liked and still like very much, but then I heard this one and went kinda crazy because it just sounded so epic and exactly what my poor slightly depressed fifteen years old soul needed. In one day, I completely switched from pop to metal and it took me a few years to appreciate my old favourite music again. (I know that I say all the time that I’m a Taylor Swift stan, but actually I only really started LOVING her music again last year.)
I’ve always thought that it’s kinda funny that in my Music class, for the first semester I prepared a project about Taylor Swift. In the second semester, that changed, the old pop loving Ronnie was dead, and my new project was about Within Temptation :D But I remember that I was actually upset that day, I chose to show my classmates the video of What About Us and they didn’t appreciate it. And then after me, my other classmate had a project about some singer who had this weird song about getting high. They wanted to replay it. I was so bitter, in my head I was like “this song that I showed you has an interesting meaningful message and you’d rather listen to a song about drugs, how dare you?! You’re absolutely terrible!”
Yeah. I mean, I get it today, but I was so, so bitter.
amuhav replied to your audio post “(via...”
I recently found out they had a new album out (and Nightwish had a new single out too ��) and early 2000s emo teenage me immediately surfaced and threw money at my screen!
Ahhhh I’ve basically had Noise on repeat since it came out, I love it so much! And the video is cool too. I can’t wait to hear the whole album. Nightwish never disappoints, I hope I’ll one day get to see them live. I’ve had a few chances but then it never worked out.
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canid-slashclaw · 5 years
The Outliers - A Guildwars Love Story
Chapter 3
Echos of laughter and revelry were thick in the smoke-filled tavern known as the Jotun's Corpse.  Ulfgar Svaldmere had opened the establishment just outside of Claypool some thirty years ago.  He gave up his life as a hunter and trapper after his beloved wife, Glorina, had succumbed to an unknown illness.  
Behind his massive eight-foot plus tall frame, were eyes that had witnessed many triumphs and tragedies.  He had encountered so many people of different races in his lifetime that he sometimes got their names and faces mixed up.  However, he did know the names and faces of practically every patron who frequented his establishment.  And because of that fact, his regular customers treated him with a great deal of respect.  Some of them trusted him even more than they did their own kin.  
Kaleb and his lifelong friend, Brad Pendragon, muscled their way through the drunken crowds until they found a couple of empty barstools near where Ulfgar was serving drinks.  
"It's about time you two laggards showed up.  Whaddlit be?  I just got some Elonian bourbon in last week if any of yous are interested," the massive norn said with a smile.  
"The stronger the better.  This cupcake's training starts tomorrow," Brad said as he jokingly punched Kaleb's shoulder.   "Ow! Was that a hit or was that a hit!"  Kaleb said as he returned the favor to Brad's left shoulder.   "You wince like a sissy.  I'm hedging my bet that you won't even last a week in basic," Brad sniped with a grin.   Kaleb held up his hand making a v-sign with his fingers.  "Two lagers for two losers, Ulfgar."  The norn nodded as he leaned over to fill their steins.  "Who are you calling a loser? Loser. Aren't you still living with your mamma and daddy?" "Hey. It takes one to know one right?  After all - yer the one who's been dumb enough to be hanging out with me all these years,"  Kaleb replied with a laugh.
Suddenly, both men nearly jumped from their seats when they heard a feminine voice coming from behind. 
"So who here is the loser and who's the sissy?" Brad immediately slid off his stool nearly falling over as he made a very rapid attempt at performing a military salute.  "Two losers reporting in, sir!" Cynthia Waterstone returned the salute as she promptly commandeered Brad's now-empty stool.  "At ease, soldier.  Just a half pint of ale for me, Ulfgar." "Commin' up."  The norn snatched a smaller stein from the bottom of the bar as he began to pass out the already-filled drinks to the two men. "Come tomorrow, I'm going to be expecting you to do the same thing Kaleb," Cynthia said as she pulled back a stray lock of auburn hair that had dangled over her face. 
"Tomorrow is the operative word.  Tonight, I'm still citizen Kaleb - royal subject of the Queen," he said as he scarfed down a drought of the deep amber liquid. Brad chimed in and raised his glass.  "And basement rat to your parents abode." "Get your facts straight, skritt-face.  My dwelling place is in the attic." 
The lively banter between the two young men went on for the next fifteen minutes as Cynthia offered Brad his seat.  After each of them had a couple of lagers in their bellies, Kaleb turned to his best friend and began a new conversation on a much more serious note.   "I'm supposed to be reporting at a garrison base somewhere in Kessex Hills.  I didn't catch the name, but I do know it's near a battlefront.  I guess they want to throw us to the wolves as soon as possible." "Don't stress over it too much, Kal. Both you fellas will be under my command and I'll do everything to ensure you get the best training possible," Cynthia said with a smile.  "So what's it like in the Seraph?  I heard you guys have been slugging it out with the centaurs for the past two years." "Their attacks have gotten bolder in recent months.  I'm not going to lie to either of you - it's a messy business out there and taking prisoners is rarely the standard protocol for either side."
Brad let out a sigh.  "At least I'll have the benefit of being past basic.  Once you are through with that, I'll have your back one hundred percent, bro." "I'd expect no less.  In fact, I need to get out there on the battlefield as soon as possible because I doubt anyone else would be willing to save your sorry ass," Kaleb replied with grin. 
"Yeah. Speaking of asses... when was the last time you seen Trish?" "Not since last week."  Kaleb gestured for another round.  Cynthia butted in.  "So, did you get any... ass?" Kaleb looked down into his drink.  "Well.  She and I haven't... you know, for quite some time." "For what it's worth, I'm single and if you need any, you know, I am available," Cynthia winked.   "That would feel like incest. We've known each other since we were pups.  That would just feel weird."   She then gave a wide-eyed smile and replied.  "What made you assume that I was talking to you?" "Woah now!  Isn't fraternization with a commanding officer a floggin' offense?"   Brad said with trepidation.  "Oh.  Lighten up you two.  I was just trying to get in a few jabs before the serious stuff begins," Cynthia replied as she took a few sips from her stein of ale. "Speaking of... what's the deal, Kal?  You're normally the life of the party.  What's gotten you all down?" Brad queried.  Kaleb turned to his best friend and replied.  "Yanno.  The pappa thing.  Father's been pestering me about taking over the family business.  He's afraid that I'm going to get wounded or killed fighting in some far off godsforsaken land. The thing is, I really have no desire to be a fifth generation wagon maker." "Have you given marriage a thought?  I know you and Trish don't see each other that much, but the two of you make a really cute couple.  Besides, rumor has it that her family's loaded.  Hitch up with her and you won't have to worry about lifting so much as a shovel," Cynthia asked curiously.   "I dunno.  She's a fine looking girl, but our personalities are so far apart.  It's hard for her and I to relate to each other sometimes." Brad thrust his fingers into Kaleb's rib cage as he pointed towards a slender blond-haired blue-eyed girl. "Speak of the devil!  Your lady-in-waiting is here." "Great. She'll be really pissed if I don't get to say goodbye to her directly," Kaleb said with a heavy sigh.  "I suppose I'll give her a farewell hug." Standing just inside the main entryway, Patricia Fairweather gazed around hoping to catch a glimpse of her boyfriend, Kaleb.  At just under five feet, the petite blonde had trouble seeing over some of the taller patrons in the tavern.   Kaleb whistled as he beckoned to Patricia. "Hey, Trish.  Over here." She stomped over in his direction then chided him in a harsh tone.  "Next time, please don't whistle at me like I'm some damn dog.   I have a name in case you had forgotten." "My, my.  So touchy tonight, aren't you?  Were you slurping down some of your mamma's cough syrup before getting here?  Your breath smells like overpriced whiskey." Patricia glared at him angrily. "Ugh!   Do you not know when to shut it?  I came all the way down here in the middle of the night just to see you.  You ought to be grateful." Kaleb began to stagger around as he smiled at her with a glassy-eyed stare.  "Oh, but I am... grateful that is.  I'm also four sheets into the wind so try not to be too offended if I should say something that may come across as being crass." "Oh gods.  You are even more shit-faced than me," she said while pulling out a small flask that she had kept discreetly tucked away under her garter.  She uncapped the bottle then proceeded to take a long drought.  "Yeah. I'm feelin' those lagers now.  Ya wanna dance?"  He asked her.
"No babe, I wanna screw!  You and I haven't done it in so long and I'm really feeling lonely right now," Patricia replied as she clamored all over Kaleb. "You are also feeling really drunk right now as well.  What is that crap you've been hiding up your skirt anyway?" "Mmm.  Let's go to someplace private and find out," Patricia smiled as she planted her beet-red face into his broad muscular chest. 
Like blind folk attempting to lead each other around an open pit, the inebriated pair navigated their way towards Ulfgar's bar. 
"Hey Ulf.  Where are Brad and Cynth?' The old norn looked at him and replied with a grin.  "They are currently committing a floggin' offense together." "Sluts, both of them!"  Kaleb commented.
"Hey! Weren't you going to ask him if we could get a room?"  Kaleb's girlfriend chided mockingly.  "Sorry, lass.  Rooms are full at the moment."  Ulfgar said with an apologetic tone. "That's okay.  I'm really not in the mood anyway. Ulf - can I get another round?"   By this time, Patricia's anger had boiled over.  "If you have no interest in screwing me, fine!  But don't think I'll feel bad if anything happens to you on the battlefield.  I'm outta here!" With that comment, Kaleb's girlfriend spun a one-eighty on her left heel then promptly staggered towards the egress.  The inebriated young man stared briefly at the door before turning his gaze towards the old norn.  "Yup.  She's pissed.  I really went and done it, haven't I Ulf?" "She just wants a shiny piece of metal on her finger, boy.  Are you sure that's something you're even cut out for?" "Marriage?  Oh gods no.  I mean sure, yeah... maybe... sometime in the far future.  But right now, I'm not even sure what I want in my life let alone anyone else's."  Kaleb could feel a massive headache coming on as he tried to fight the force of gravity that was pulling on his unsteady body. 
"Listen pup.  Yer way too strung out to be going home to your folks.  If yer pappy saw you in your current intoxicated condition, he would tan my hide.  Tell ya what - I'll let ya stay the night in that extra spare room upstairs," Ulfgar said as he let out a call for last rounds.  "Thanks, Ulf.  You've been a good friend to me and my family." "Yer pappy and I go way back. It would be ashamed for his only son to come home on the day he's to join the army still plaster-faced from the night before.  Don't worry, I've got an old norn recipe that will have you fit as a fiddle by morning," Ulfgar said with a wink.
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straykidsnerd255 · 5 years
I see! I just would like to warn you that the masterlist is not working on mobile! Anyhow i would like to make a request! For the lost canvas gold saints, how do you think they would react if their little princess(daughter) showed their crush/ s.o. to them? Could you make an order of who would be the most ok with it and who wouldn't? Thank you!
Fixed that little issue! Thanks for telling me! Here’s your request! Sorry if they are a little short! Hope you enjoy
He would have narrowed eyes as he looked your boyfriend up and down. You crossed your arms as you watched you dad eye your boyfriend like he was going to kill him. “Dad, please, I really love him and if it makes you feel better, we just started dating a few days ago.” You said as your boyfriend took you hand in his. Shion could see how much he loved you and a smile crossed his face. “Alright. I will allow it. If you break her heart though, you’re dead.” He said smiling at both of you. 
Your dad stood in the living room with a massive scowl on his face. His arms were crossed over his chest as he stared both you and your boyfriend down. “Honey, you know I don’t like it when you keep something like this from me.” He said as a smile overpowered his scowl. You smiled when you saw your dad start laughing and pull both you and your boyfriend into a hug. “Take care of my baby girl you hear?” He said smiling at your boyfriend. “You got it sir. I will cherish her forever.” your boyfriend said wrapping his arms around you.
He was relaxed about meeting your boyfriend. Defteros had both you and your boyfriend sit down and had fantastic conversation about how you both meet and you couldn’t help but smile as your boyfriend and dad were having laughing fit. You couldn’t help but laugh along with them and smile brightly. You watched as your dad and boyfriend both started talking about you and by then, you were a blushing mess. You covered your face. “Stop!” You begged making them laugh even harder.
When you had your boyfriend meet your dad, holy crap did you think you would die laughing. You watched your father and your boyfriend crack jokes and then laugh at how stupid they sounded. You watched as your dad and your boyfriend ended the night off by getting to know each other. “I can promise you sir right here and now, that I will take care of your daughter. I will protect you with my entire life and I swear that I will never let a single thing harm her.” You had tears in your eyes after what he said. You dad smiled. “I like him. He’s a keeper.” He said.
You knew that your dad was going to be a little upset when you came home with your boyfriend. You stood in the front room with your father staring you both down with his arms crossed over his chest. “Honey? Who is this?” Regulus asked looking towards you. “Dad, this is my boyfriend.” You said hugging your boyfriend. Regulus raised his eyebrow before sighing. “Don’t break her heart then.” he said giving you and your boyfriend a smile.
Asmita wasn’t really expecting you to come home with your boyfriend in tow so it was a little surprising when you both walked into the house and he nearly jumped from the couch when you two came in. “Dad. This is my boyfriend.” You said smiling brightly and introducing your boyfriend to you dad. He smiled softly and opened his eyes. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He said shaking your boyfriend's hand. 
He would be relaxed but also stern when you came home with your boyfriend. He would hold a scowl on his face but it would turn into a bright smile when he saw how much you loved your boyfriend and how much he loved you in return. “Alright. As long as you two love each other, I don’t see why you both can’t date.” He said gaining a hug from both you and your boyfriend. He couldn’t help but laugh and hug the both you and your boyfriend.
He has a temper, but he would try his hardest to get to know the boy that you brought home. “Dad. This is my boyfriend.” you said introducing your boyfriend to your father. The Scorpio gold saint was practically fuming, but he didn’t want to make you cry when he immediately wanted to deny you dating the boy. After a few hours of getting to know the boy who was dating his daughter, Kardia was  smiling softly at how close the two had already become. You ran into the kitchen to grab more drinks. “Hey kid, sorry if I seemed really cold today. I was worried that my daughter was going to get hurt.” He said. Your boyfriend laughed. “I won’t hurt her. She is my princess and  I promise to protect her.”  He said. You returned and your dad turned to you. “I like him. Keep him close.” He said.
He would be silent. He may be a great dad, but the fact that his baby girl has a boyfriend, he was silently fuming. He never expected you to even have a boyfriend yet here you where standing in the living room with your boyfriend showing him your family pictures. However, his mood changed when you pointed to your mother and started crying. He watched as you sank to the ground and your boyfriend followed. His arms wrapped around you and you sobbed into his shoulder. “I bet your mother was a beautiful and wonderful women. I wish I could have met her.” Your boyfriend said. Your dad felt a small smile cross his lips. “He’s a good boy Sisyphos. She needs him.” Sisyphos looked around to find who had said that but couldn’t. “I know. I’m proud of her.” He whispered.
El Cid:
He was against the idea of you having a boyfriend. He hated the idea that his little princess was growing up and he wasn’t ready for the day you decided to bring your boyfriend home for El Cid to meet him. He was a strict father but you knew that he was doing this for your sake and that he didn’t want anything to hurt you. After you introduce your boyfriend, you watched your dad slowly warm up to you boyfriend. You couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your lips.
Your dad was more of a scholar and when you came home with your boyfriend one day, he had allowed the book that was always in his hand drop to the floor. His eyes were wide and he stared at you and your boyfriend with wide eyes. “Honey, who is this young man?” He asked standing from his chair and walking over to the two of you. “Dad, this is my boyfriend. I wanted you to meet him on our two year anniversary.” You said with a bright smile. Degel couldn’t say no to the smile that appeared on your face. “Take care of my daughter. I put my trust in you.” He said patting the young males shoulder. “I will sir. I won’t let you down.” He said smiling.
Albafica couldn’t comprehend the idea that you had a boyfriend. Everything about that idea made him angry. Of course he would never voice it as he didn’t want to hurt your feelings, but he couldn’t bear the idea of letting you leave him. After his wife passed away, he had kept you close to him and vowed to never let you get taken from him. Yet, here you are, with your boyfriend, standing in front of him. “Sir. I know that you don’t approve of me being your daughter’s boyfriend, but hear me out. I love her. I would go through hell and back to be by her side.” He said as he dropped to his knees and bowed down to your dad. You smiled and started crying. Albafica smiled at the words your boyfriend said. He had said those same words, the very day he married your mother. “Take care of my daughter.” He whispered.
#Saint Seiya  #reactions  #12 golden saints  #reader  # gold saints as your dad  #telling your dad about your boyfriend  #Enjoy  #anon  #requested  #Thanks for the request!  
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wolfypuppypiles · 5 years
Bad days aren’t so bad when you have a super dad
(AN: I was having a bad day at work the other day, basically, I was just overtired and overworked and the only thing that made me feel better was 1. eating my dry cereal on my break yum yum 2. changing the playlist for the entire cinema to disney cause fuck everyone else its my fav and they can eat my ass 3. writing this so here we go!
I live vicariously through my boy, you know, the usual.)
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“Godammit, Friday would you kill the thrusters a bit? I’d like to keep my fingers for a little while longer.”
The AI did as she was asked and Tony squinted as he started tinkering again, only for the AI’s voice to interrupt. 
“Sir, Peter has just arrived and it seems he’s in a bit of a mood. As Happy puts it-” Her voice was replaced by the grumpy oxymoron himself. 
“I don’t know what the hell is wrong with him but if that little shit gives me that kind of attitude again I’ll let him swing himself home. You deal with him.”
Tony rolled his eyes at his friend's lack of patience and Peter wrangling and dropped his tools on his desk. “Send him to the living room.”
“ETA two minutes.”
Tony sighed and wiped his hands down before making his way up to the kid's bedroom to pick something up before heading to the living room and adjoining kitchen, entering the same moment Peter did from the opposite end. 
“I don’t think I can keep going to classes, Mr Stark. I really don’t.” The kid usually said hello before he launched into his excited rambles but he was in a bad mood and comfortable enough in the compound to forgo the formality. 
He dumped his bag by the couch before flopping down onto it and Tony swiped down at his phone, changing the buildings playlist to Peters favourite mix of rap and old school rock. 
The first time Peter had come to Tony upset, he’d been crying and it had taken him two hours to calm the kid down. He’d gotten it down to a fine art by now. 
He didn’t offer many words as Peter ranted, knowing it was best to let him talk himself out before offering advice. 
“Uh uh.” He threw the kid his oldest, comfiest pair of sweats he'd grabbed from his room, not bothering to look as he threw them and walked into the kitchen. 
“It’s not even like I need to go. I know everything they’re teaching me and they still think I’m stupid! Mr Taylor hates me and I mean HATES me. It’s not my fault he got the equation wrong. I just pointed it out.”
He could hear Peter tearing off his school clothes to put his sweats on and kept his back turned as he grabbed a jar of giant cookies from the counter, pushing the hot chocolate button on the coffee machine on the way back. 
Peter was pulling his hoodie down over his chest and shaking out his curls when Tony got back to him, mouth moving a mile a minute and face red from his word vomit. Tony handed him a cookie and pushed his shoulder to get him to sit down, putting the jar on the table in front of him. 
“Mr Taylor sounds like an idiot.”
Peter laughed and waved his cookie around, socked feet kicking against the carpet as Tony curled up his nose and picked up the teenagers clothes from the floor. “Right? He's the worst!”
Tony wasn’t one for cleaning up after himself let alone someone else and threw the clothes behind him just to get them out of the way as he went to grab Peters hot chocolate. 
Peter was still talking and Tony raised a barely interested eyebrow at Peters new turn in his story. 
“And of course she took his side which isn’t fair! She didn’t even hear what he said! But I got detention just because I was the one without a hall pass. Whatever. Maybe, I’ll just quit and be Spider-Man full time. At least I don’t get that crap when I’m patrolling.”
Tony grabbed the hot chocolate and some extra marshmallows, making sure to only grab the pink ones that Peter liked before going back to sit with the kid. 
Peter had eaten his cookie already, hand rubbing restlessly through his hair as he reached for another. He looked worn out and sad now that his anger was dissipating and he sighed as Tony took a seat beside him. 
“Sorry. I don’t mean to dump this all on you. You have better things to do than listen to my boring school stuff.”
The Avenger handed the hot chocolate over and levelled his gaze at the kid. Tony may have perfected the air of boredom in any and all situations but that didn’t mean he wasn’t listening or that he didn’t care.
“First of all, your stories about school aren’t boring. It’s like a telenovela on tape and I will always listen to whatever new shenanigan you’ve gotten yourself into. Secondly, Peter, you find school boring because you’re a genius and you’re right; you’re too smart to be there. But high school isn’t just about exams and papers, it's about being a kid with your friends. So, you’re going to stay in school and savour the moments you have with Ted and DJ-”
Peter’s mouth quirked up a little at the sides as he corrected quietly. “Ned and MJ but whatever.”
“-Because this is the last time you’ll have adults organising everything for you and you’re going to miss that when you go off to college. You’re also right about Mr Taylor. He sounds like he doesn’t know the difference between astatine and selenium.”
Peter huffed out a laugh at that, expression brightening as Tony continued. 
“And look, Flash is an ass for sure and he never should have said that to you but just remember that he’s a highschooler whose biggest concern is whether or not he’s getting asked to prom.” He took the kids shoulder and shook him a little, making Peter smile. 
“You’re Spider-Man. You’re an Avenger. You’re way above that snot-nosed shit-”
Peter’s eyebrows shot up at that, laughing and Tony laughed too, shaking his head. “Don’t repeat that. Listen. You can handle anything. And whatever you can’t...you let us handle, okay? May and I are always gonna be here when you need us. Even if it just boring high school stuff.”
Peter blinked at him, eyes finally bright and happy again, all the darkness and temper gone. 
He nodded and sighed, relieved and he leaned into Tony’s side, blushing just a tiny bit. “Thanks, Mr Stark.” 
Peter smirked, teasing in his voice as he joked his way through Tony’s quietly humming anxiety about being so open with his feelings. “I didn’t know you were so soft. You’re supposed to be Iron-Man, right?”
Tony laughed and shoved the boy's shoulder before grabbing him again and pulling him into a side hug. 
“Yeah, whatever Underoos. You just keep acting like you’re a grown-up and you’ll get there someday.”
Peter snickered as Tony put on an exaggerated, high pitched voice, hugging the teenager as he kissed his cheek noisily. 
“My littleee boyyyy!” 
Peter pushed him off, full-on belly laughing, all traces of his bad mood dissipated in the wake of Tony’s terrible impression of May. 
Tony let go but ruffled his hair, and Peters eyes found him again, gaze deeper than it had any right to be with a smile that bright. “Thanks for always taking care of me.”
Tony looked away, feigning a lack of interest to keep from thinking about his father or the fact that he sort of felt like Peters. “Don’t mention it, squirt.”
Peter leaned back into the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table, head nodding along to the song playing softly overhead. “I always feel better after talking to you. Man, I love this song.”
Tony smiled. His arc reactor heart had been stretched and pulled so that Peter could fit inside and he didn’t mind it one bit. “I know.”
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To the Ends of the Earth 4
A/n; AU Story that doesn’t go by the show. Out of character Gabriel
Link to Chapter 3 
Words: 1,871
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader 
The next morning at breakfast you were silent as the grave. Dean was on his fourth waffle. Everyone else was eating in relative silence. You had woken up in a mood from hell! Maybe it was because you were still thinking about what Gabriel said. Were you really a silly girl for wanting to know the truth about soul mates? You didn’t think so. Apparently, Cas didn’t think so either! If he did, why would he have even bothered bringing the subject up? He could have easily thrown something in about you seeing things...but he didn’t. 
You had been picking at the waffle that Dean put in front of you. 
“You should eat.”
Gabriel said softly. You didn’t look up to meet your lover’s gaze. If you had looked at him then you would have seen the apologetic expression on his face. 
“I’m not hungry.”
You muttered. Gabriel sighed. This was all going to hell! He knew that he needed to talk to you quickly but didn’t feel like doing this in front of an audience. The last thing that he really wanted to do was to tell you that you were his soul mate in front of Dean fucking Winchester! The stupid human-ape would never understand how sacred something like soul mates really was. He would never respect just how much Gabriel loved you...it would never be good enough! 
“You really should eat, sugar. You didn’t eat dinner.”
Gabriel continued to mutter. You still didn’t look up.  Sam and Dean were watching like a couple of lions now. You didn’t have to look at your brothers to know what expressions were on their faces. If you had asked them to get rid of Gabriel, the archangel would probably be tossed out the door before he could react. 
“What did you do to her?”
Dean snapped. He was ready to lunge across the table after Gabriel. Sure, it would be a stupid decision once Gabriel reacted but at the moment it would feel good for Dean. 
“Have you been crying?”
Sam questioned. You finally looked up meeting their gazes before speaking. 
“Just stay out of it and eat your waffles.”
Dean glanced over at Sam. They were internally trying to figure out just how to make Gabriel miserable. 
“Oh hell to the fuck no! I am not staying out of shit when I see that your eyes are puffy. Gabriel, what the hell did you do to her?”
Gabriel gave Dean the best insolent expression that he could come up with. He crossed his arms over his chest.
“None of your business.” 
You growled before standing up and storming out of the room.  The last thing that you wanted to deal with at the moment was Gabriel and your brothers arguing with each other. All three could be assholes. You didn’t want to see which one could be the biggest asshole. 
Gabriel meanwhile, waited until you were gone before turning to face Dean. The eldest Winchester was frowning. 
“You better start talking. Y/n is one of the nicest people ever. For someone to piss her off...boy you must have really done something stupid.”
“I haven’t done anything.” 
Cas decided that maybe it was time for him to speak up. It was clear that Gabriel wasn’t going to contribute anything other than cold distant glares. 
“Gabriel, tell them the truth. Y/n is their sister. They deserve to know.”
“Deserve to know what?”
Dean snapped. He was beginning to have enough! Since you had Gabriel, you turned into a person that Dean didn’t know. You would have never run off before! Never in a million yes! You would have been just happy sitting in the bunker doing research for cases. 
Gabriel sighed. 
“You want to know the truth? Fine. Y/n saw my wings. Does your small human brain know what that means?” 
Dean looked thoughtful as Sam’s mouth dropped. 
“You mean...you are…”
Gabriel smirked. 
“You are the smart one. “ 
Dean turned to Sam. 
“What the hell am I missing?” 
Gabriel rolled his eyes, having enough. His golden eyes narrowed on Dean with an expression of pure disdain. 
“She is my soulmate, you stupid ass!”        
Dean was silent as the grave for about 40 seconds before going after the archangel. Whether it be Dean doing something so stupid or Gabriel actually feeling bad that Dean had to find out this way...Gabriel didn’t move.  When Dean successfully punched the archangel in the cheek and started cursing did Gabriel speak. 
“Do you feel better now? You have gone and broken your hand because you wanted to act like a damn caveman. Congratulations. By the way, I didn’t feel anything. Who is the loser here? You.” 
Dean shook his hand furiously.
“If it were your sister being cursed by some psycho I think that you would be pissed too.” 
Gabriel raised an eyebrow before getting annoyed with Dean’s hands shaking. He snapped his fingers healing the eldest Winchester’s hand. If it were up to Gabriel, he would have left it broken. 
“I am not a psycho. Furthermore, I had nothing to do with this. My father selected Y/n for me. Whenever you find him, thank him. If it weren’t for me, Y/n would have been seriously hurt on multiple occasions. I haven’t spent every year of her life watching her for shits and giggles.” 
Dean gave Gabriel a disgusted frown. 
“You’ve been watching her since day one? That’s kind of creepy. Now I am thinking that you are some kind of stalker.” 
Sam finally came in. Dean quickly rounded on his younger brother.
“Does it not freak you out that sparkles over here has been watching our sister?” 
Sam held his hands out before sighing. 
“Dean, that doesn’t matter. We can’t stop them from being together. Now that she has seen his wings....its...official. It's going to find a way. Life finds a way...it doesn’t matter if we like it or not.”
Dean scowled. 
“When did you become some kind of weird minister? Better yet, stop quoting fucking Jurassic Park, you Jeff Goldbum want to be!” 
Sam didn’t bother trying to talk to Dean at this point. His older brother was being irrational. Irrational Dean was about as enjoyable and drunk Dean! Sam turned and walked out of the room without another word. He didn’t want to be a part of this conversation anymore. 
You walked into the hotel room. Jack stood in the kitchenette looking at a box of Nesquik powder. 
“Uh hi.”
You said softly. Going into the room you wanted nothing more than to be alone for a bit. After watching Jack looking at the bottle of chocolate milk mix, you shrugged. 
“You need some help?” 
Jack looked up again. 
“Dean said that this stuff was delicious. I don’t understand. I ate a spoonful and vomited. It was too gritty.” 
You put a hand over your mouth as the realization that the kid was more innocent than you realized washed over. 
“Oh honey, you don’t eat it out of the jar. You put it in milk.” 
Jack blinked a few times before chuckling. 
“Oh, I see.” 
He snapped a glass of milk onto the table in front of him. Jack handed you a clean spoon with a small smile. 
Oh hell, I am going to adore this kid.
You thought. Were Sam and Dean sure that Jack was Lucifer’s son? Were they 100% sure? What if he was some other angel’s kid and Lucifer just decided to say it was him?
“Yeah, he’s, unfortunately, my father.”
You gaped up at the boy.
“Jack...I’m sorry...I just…”
Jack smiled, 
“Its okay! I am trying to figure that one out too! I think we could be fast friends! So you’re dating my uncle?”
You sighed. 
“Yeah...I guess. I am apparently just some silly little girl.” 
Jack sat down. 
“Is this over the whole you seeing his wings thing?” 
Your mouth dropped. 
“How did you find that out?” 
Jack shrugged. 
“I kind of read Gabriel’s mind. He’s freaking out.”
Your face looked even more surprised. Surprised was putting it lightly. Now you felt even worse! Gabriel knew that you saw his wings and he called you a silly little girl?! This was awful! 
“Excuse me, Jack. I have an archangel to kick in the ass!” 
You stormed out of the room before Jack could say anything. He shrugged and went back to his chocolate milk. 
“Me and my big mouth.” 
5 minutes later you stormed into the hotel bar where Dean sat across from Gabriel. The two of them weren’t speaking instead they sat glaring at each. 
Gabriel started as you walked over pointing your finger at him. 
“I know that you don’t understand a lot of things that humans do and maybe I don’t understand a lot of things that archangels do ...but...I am really really mad at you! You lied to me and called me a silly girl, which is really offensive to me. You don’t think that I know what it means for me to see your wings? Well, you are soooooo wrong! Everyone here knows it. Jack for god’s sake knows it! Do you think that I am dumber than some child?! I am a hunter and I know angels...I know more than you think! Break this stupid bond since I am some silly little girl! I’ll show you silly little girl!” 
Gabriel sat motionless looking at you with wide petrified eyes. He had never seen you this angry. In all of the years that he had been quietly guardian you, you were always the calm one in the room. Sure, you could get sassy and Gabriel often worried that would get you into trouble but you weren’t like Dean.
Trembling in rage, you turned and started for the door of the bar but stopped the moment that Michael walked in.
“Oh crap.”
You muttered as Gabriel was by your side in an instant. Michael’s attention turned to his brother. 
“Gabriel, there you are. Oh my, you are in trouble.”
Gabriel’s hand was locked around yours. His eyes didn’t leave his brother’s face as he stepped closer to you. 
“I’m sending you somewhere safe. I’ll catch up with you soon.” 
Before you had a chance to argue with Gabriel’s plan, you found yourself sitting in the living room at the bunker. Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack (who was still drinking a glass of Nesquik) stood looking as equally as confused. You jumped up from the couch before turning to Cas. 
“I need you to get me back to Gabriel!” 
Cas frowned. 
“He has you locked here. I can’t do anything until he returns.” 
“Then go back and drag him home!” 
Cas sighed. 
“Y/n, it isn’t that simple. I can’t drag an archangel anywhere.” 
You ran a hand over your face before turning to go into the library to find a way to get back to Gabriel. 
“Son of a bitch!”
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thewritewolf · 6 years
Marinette March Day 19 - New Look
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The bitter struggle against the cold is a long fight for Marinette, but today the fight takes an unexpected turn. 
Read on Ao3
Another bitterly cold day, struggling to pay attention to class while fighting the world’s least energetic duel against exhaustion. When she had been offered the powers of the Ladybug miraculous, Marinette had not anticipated winter drowsiness and vulnerability to the chill to be a part of the deal, but here she was. While everyone else was taking off their jackets and hats and mittens, Marinette held herself tighter, as if ignorant of the roaring school heating system. She got a few odd glances her way. Alya would understand, but she was home sick. Even so, most of the students were content to ignore her. Most students.
A Chloe-shaped shadow fell over Marinette and she blearily looked up at the blonde bully.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” she said her full name with that annoying emphasis on each syllable, as if she was enunciating some sort of ancient curse, “why are you wearing that hideous jacket? You’re making me sweat just looking at you. Get rid of that ugly thing.” She made a shooing motion, still standing over her.
Marinette could have pointed out that she was cold and wanted to not be cold, hence the jacket. She could have reminded her that this was an Agreste brand jacket - so unless she wanted to call out Adrien’s father, she might want to rethink how ‘hideous’ it was. She could have said nothing at all. Of course, none of those would have much of an impact, but it’s the thought that counts.
No, Marinette yawned and said, “Chloe, I’m really not in the mood today to do with your crap. Just go sit down and let me warm up in peace.”
There was a scattered giggling from the others which only further infuriated Chloe who had begun to tremble in rage. Sudden, she smiled too sweetly and sauntered over to her seat. Pleased that she’d talked down Chloe early today, Marinette ignored the warning signs, sighed and let her head rest on her arms. Her eyes closed, seeking just a few minutes of warm comfort before she’d have to pay attention to the start of class.
Her world shattered as an icy river of cold ran down her back, causing her to jolt back and get some of the water on her head as well.
“What the hell was that, Chloe?!” The snarled call out drew both girls’ attention to the doorway, where Adrien had just arrived. Marinette was too busy not freezing to death to get excited, whereas Chloe simply tossed her hair nonchalantly.
“This is about respect, Adrik-”
“You know what? I don’t care.” With a huff, Chloe went to her seat and Adrien slide into his. He took off his jacket turned back to look at Marinette. “Are you alright? Your coat must be soaked through.”
A terrible combination of nervousness and chill griped her. “W-w-w-well, I’ve b-b-b-b-been better…”
His eyes were filled with worry. “When Alya said you didn’t like the cold, I didn’t think it was this bad. Here.” He held his jacket out to her.
She pushed it back. “I c-c-c-can’t. You-”
“I’m going to a photoshoot after this class, going from heated car to heated building to heated home. I don’t need it nearly as much as you do.” He held it out again. “I insist.”
Normally, she might be inclined to continue this debate, but desperation was overriding politeness. She quickly shrugged off her coat and took his jacket. It turned out to be much warmer than hers was and she felt a twinge of frustration. Why were boys' clothes always warmer?
She nodded her head in thanks just before Ms. Bustier walked into the room.
Sure enough, Adrien left before the school day was over and since it was Friday she wouldn’t have a chance to return it until Monday.
While she was laying bundled up in layers of blankets in her bed, cuddling the Adrien-scented jacket (‘Adrien-scented’ apparently being a mix of lavender, vanilla, and the very very very faint scent of… cheese?), Tikki floated near her, taking in how her chosen had her face buried in the article of clothing.
“Enjoying yourself, Marinette?”
“Hm…? Tikki! I had an awesome idea.” She crawled out of the blanket mound. “When I give it back to him, I can use that to start a conversation with him! From there, it should be easy to ask him to the movies or something, right?”
“Well…” Tikki saw her chosen’s hope-filled eyes watching her and sighed. “It’s a good idea in theory. It is definitely at least worth trying. I know you’ll do your best!”
“Thanks! What could go wrong?”
“Oh my god! Tikki this is a disaster!” Marinette let herself fall face first onto her pillows, a muffled scream escaping.
“Is it?” Tikki zipped to Marinette’s side, hovering near her face. “I thought what he said was very nice. And from the way you were rubbing up against his jacket when you first got it, I thought you’d be thrilled that he let you keep it.”
Marinette cheeks were tinged pink when she looked up at Tikki. “No! I mean, yes, Adrien of all people saying I looked cute in it is the greatest thing ever, but then I just had to embarrass myself.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that.” Tikki giggled. “It is hardly the first time you’ve garbled a sentence to him. I don’t think he minds.”
Cuddling a pillow as she laid on her side, Marinette asked in a small voice, “You think so?”
“I know so. What are you going to do now?”
Marinette ran her hands over her newly acquired jacket. “Well, if it’s mine now, then it better make it look like it. Care to give me a hand, Tikki?”
“Of course!”
Seated at his desk, Adrien was flipping through the last few pages of the assigned reading and fighting back a yawn. He hadn’t slept well last night and it was going to take everything in his power not to accidentally fall asleep in class. How hard could it be?
Closing his book, he glanced at the clock. Still ten minutes before class and the room was mostly empty, just the sound of Ivan’s muffled music and Nathaniel’s quick pen strokes. It probably wouldn’t hurt to rest his eyes. Just for a moment. Just long enough to help shore up his energy for the day. His head gently settled on his arms and his eyes slowly closed. Before he could fully relax, he heard the door open and heard something be placed in front of him.
The object turned out to be a hot cup of coffee from a place a couple doors down. He smiled sleepily and took a deep sip gratefully. “Thanks, Nin-” He looked up. It was not Nino. It was a figure of beauty wearing what may have once been his jacket but was now so much more. His cheek heated up when two additional observations warred for his attention.
First, the figure was Marinette, but then, who else was it going to be? Second, the cup he had just sipped from had lipstick on it and Marinette was digging through her pockets - although she stopped to stare at him just as hard as he was staring at her. He just took a swig of someone else’s coffee like some sort of creep.
Very carefully, he set the cup back on the desk, feeling the burn of embarrassment on his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “S-sorry. I’m kinda out of it today.”
Her own cheeks lit up. “D-don’t worry about it! You- you can have that one if you want.” Her eyes widened and she held out her hands. “Not that I think you’re gross or anything! I don’t mind your saliva at all! I mean-”
Adorable as it was, he mercifully cut into her rambling. “Are you sure? It’s your coffee.”
“Y-yes.” She bit her lower lip to contain a giggle. “It looks like you need it more anyway.”
“That bad, huh?” He smiled. “Well, thanks.”
She took her seat behind him as he nursed the coffee. A few minutes later, he mustered up the courage to turn around. “Hey, Marinette?” Her head shot up from her doodling. While he was curious as to why she suddenly slammed it shut, he pressed on. “I really like what you did with my jacket.”
“Oh! Thanks.”
“Could you tell me more about all the changes you made to it? Maybe over a coffee?” He shook the mostly empty cup in front of him. “I kinda owe you a cup anyway.”
“No, no I couldn-” Alya nudged her hard in the side. “I mean, yes! Yes, that sounds great! After class today?”
Adrien nodded. “It’s a date then!”
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villainqueen · 5 years
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell - Chapter 2
V X Fem!Reader fanfiction, set after the events of Devil may Cry 5.
Prologue / Chapter 1 // Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5
Ao3 [Link]
Chapter 2
There is no mistake so great as the mistake of not going on
August 1st 11:00 am
The clicking of Nico's lighter could be heard while she lightened her next cigarette. It broke an awkward silence in the Van as she drove it to the destination of their next job. Normally they would have at least talked but thanks to the new guest who accompanied them on this road trip, Nero didn't seem to be in the mood. She couldn't really blame him; he sure must have been surprised to see V standing in Dante's office as they received their next Mission. It was strange for Dante to give them a job and not doing it himself but who could've thought they would see V again and even team up with him like they did before. After the initial: "How can you even be here!", "There is Urizen?" and "What the hell happened to Vergil?" was sorted out, they welcomed V on board. Well, at least the gunsmith did and Neo? It seemed like he needed some time to collect his own thoughts on that matter. Nico looked over to her partner in the passenger seat next to her. Lost in thoughts and grumpy, usual Nero. Sometimes she wished he would be more open to her and not eating up all his emotions. In these situations, only Kyrie could really get through to him, but she was left behind at home. And as for the other member of their team. V sat in the back, eyes closed and slouched over his cane, but not fooling anyone. Nico doubted that that guy was really sleeping, with her driving ability and the condition of the road, there was just no way.
"So… Nero what do you think about this job?" began Nico to break this awful silence.
"Go to some place, kill demons. Sounds like a normal Tuesday, if you ask me." He replied without really getting invested in a possible conversation.
"Ah, fuck this crap, can you both stop makin' this weird. Nero, I know you're glad V is back, don't try to play hot'n cold with us. And you V, you're not sleeping, can you at least say somthin' or bring out that talking chickn'. Everything is better than this shitty atmosphere here. Can't work like that!"
"Nico, just-"
"Don’t Nico me, Nero. Don't you have a book to give back?"
With that Nero reached out to the book of poems with the golden letter V on its cover, he hesitated a few seconds before he spoke up again: "V. I don't know if you want it back or if I should give it to Vergil, I mean the real one. Shit, that sounds wrong, I mean, you know what I mean..."
"I would appreciate it." Said V, as he received his beloved book back. After he stared at it for a good minute, he continued: "Nero I am not your father, you don't have to act so stiff around me. I only have very selective memory that I share with him. Our childhood, some nightmares and the past few months in Red Grave City."
"So you don't know anything about my mother?"
"No, I've never met her…"
"Ah great, the ice is broken, thought the silence never gonna end. So awkward!" Nico chimed in to change the heavy topic, now in a much better mood.
"V, can tell us something more about this job?" questioned Nero as he felt pressured by Nico to at least try to have a normal, non-depressing conversation.
"I don't have much more knowledge about the place. It's an old castle, solitary in the mountains. A magic seal got broken and now demons have claimed it."
"Okay? It's really that simple, just slaying demons again, no Urizen, no hidden surprises?" Nero could help himself but doubting V's words, well knowing what happened the last time he told them about a "simple job".
"No, I have concerns as well. That is why I accompany you on this. However even I don't know what's behind all this. I am not the client this time after all."
"Guess we just have to figure it out on our own." Nero said casually as he stretched his arms out like he was getting ready for what was waiting for them.
"Hey guys, looks like we're there soon. You can already see that old place over there. Better buckle up, this small mountain road could be a bit bumpy." Nicoletta laughed as she made a sharp right turn on to a small road that lead upwards directly to the castle.
"Are you certain you want to use this road? It doesn't look like it's safe."
"No backseat drivin' here V, I got this, I can get this baby to any place, ya should know that by now!"
"Nico, the question here is not if we'll arrive, it’s more about if we'll survive!" Nero shouted while grabbing his seat. The road was narrow and not some everyday concrete path, needless to mention that their Van was not made for off road driving. Something Nico frankly never cared about.
August 1st 11:45 am
With a loud bang Nero closed the car door behind him. Standing now in front of the large gate that separated the outside from their destination.
"It looks we are not the first ones to arrive." mentioned V as he gestured with his cane to other vehicles parked on the outside nearby them.  A group of four, soldier looking, guys stood beside an army jeep near them, all dressed in protective gear that made them look like they were ready to go to war.
"Great, G.I. Joe and his buddies are here too." frowned Nero while gearing up. His trusty sword Red Queen on his back and his revolver Blue Rose by his side. V had less weight to carry, only his simple cane and the book he ever so often sunken his nose into.
Nico meanwhile was tapping the ash of her cigarette out of the car window while instructing both men: "Yo guys, I'm gonna wait here, can't drive that van in a castle after all, come back if ya find some nice demon parts, got it!"
"Yeah, yeah you don’t have to tell us that…" Nero said as he saw one of the soldier guys approaching them. He had no hair, sunglasses and a scarred face. The perfect caricature of a though soldier guy. "Whattya kids doing here? Go home to ya mamas, this place is dangerous!"
"Whatever sergeant dickhead, why don’t you mind your own business?" answered Nero in his usual standoffish manner. This did not set well with the unknown man as he grabbed Nero by the color and growled in the young devil hunters face: "Ya better watch yaself, that place is full of monsters and no human came back from it yet, would be a shame if ya end up like em!"
"Thank you for the kind warning!" said V politely but with a grim expression as he held his cane to the man’s neck. Nero wasn't one to let that slide either, his revolver in silent motion pressed against his aggressors’ body, ready to pull the trigger.
The bald guy released Nero from his grip as he proceeds to walk back while shouting: "Let yaself get killed kids, if that’s whattya after! Just don't get in the way!"
"What an asshole!" Nero muttered but before he could antagonize the soldier any further V changed the topic: "Let's see that this is all about, we didn't come to fight humans!"
Both men went off to the castle, passing the front gate that led them to the front court. It looked like it was well maintained even through it was supposed to be untouched for a long time. Yet, no birds were to hear, giving the place an awful ominous feeling despite the bright midday sun. They could hear rustling between the bushes that began slowly to surround them as they made their way towards the front door.
"Do you see that?" V asks pointing is cane towards some lifeless bodies a few feet in front of them.
"Looks like we're not the first but really dying before even getting in that place, that sucks. Good thing the pest-control is here now!" And in no time Nero took his Red Queen from his back, letting its engine roar. This was the sign for around twenty to thirty Msira, little monkey like demons, to crawl out of the surrounding woodwork. Those Msira, who are unlike their size would suggest, quite an opponent, especially in numbers.
"Very well, let us see if my powers are enough to deal with these vermin!" remarked V while pointing is cane up summoning on of his demon familiars.
"About time, Shakespeare! Thought you wanted to deal with them yourself. Not that I’d recommend that…" The demon bird Griffon materialized itself and wasted no time to open it's cheeky beak: "Let’s deal with them quick, you're still a wimp, you know! Doubt you can keep me up for long!"
We a slight smirk on his face V stated: "The true method of knowledge is an experiment. Now go and destroy them."
"I don't get what you mean by that, but the last part, that’s my jam!" Nero responded even though he was not addressed and all three of them started to slash through the Msira. It didnIt took them long, a few minutes at most and every demon defused into air. However, Griffon was also at its limit.
"That's it V, told ya that you can't sustain me for long. See ya later!" With that the demon bird became a puddle of black mud before it completely vanished.
"I've reached my limit faster than expected. I need to gain more power." V whispered to himself while marching onward to the front gate of the castle. Not wasting any time, Nero pushed the heavy door open, which led them into a grand, dim light, entrance hall. It had a heavy atmosphere to it, almost like they just entered a haunted mansion. At the end between two staircases that led to the upper floors was a statue of an angel holding a sun and a moon in its hands. The light from the outside was hardly illuminating the room as the stained-glass windows kept most of the light outside, instead several big chandeliers with countless candles gave light to the place. A few bodies could be seen on the floor and gave the demon hunters a clear indication that demons entered the castle as well.
"Man, this place gives me the creeps…" said Nero, as he looked around.
"It sure has an interesting architecture, while I personally would resign from decorating it with corpses." V answered and after a quick look around he continued: "Did you notice Nero? This castle is still in such a perfect condition, even after hundreds of years untouched."
"Now that you mention it, even the candles are still burning… it's almost as if time stopped for it."
"Exactly!" V had come to the same conclusion. The castle wasn't just sealed to prevent entrance, it was frozen in time till the moment those demons broke the barrier.
"And this guy must have been the owner!" Nero claimed, pointing to a portrait of a middle-aged man with a stern expression. Under it was a golden nameplate mounted to the wall.
"Count Caius the first, well isn't that a nice fellow..." Nero joked but was quickly brought back to the task at hand as he heard human screams coming from the westside of the castle.
"Sadly, admiring the art has to wait." chuckled V in response.
"Sure, wasn’t my taste anyways, let's finish this and get out of this place."
And with that both men hurried to the west wing of the castle towards the inner courtyard.
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