#my internet's being uncooperative hence the later posting
mendedwings · 2 years
7KPP Week ~Festival~
Next up for @fyeah7kpp week is a flashback for my first and main girl Jei
Jeiana surveyed her appearance in the mirror one last time, fisgeting with the wide, decorative sash of her hanfu. Her outfit was a compromise--fancier than she would have chosen, simpler than the one her mother wanted. Jei had reminded her this was a festival, essentially an outdoor party, and whatever standard of decorum she wanted to hold, ease of movement needed to be a heavily weighted factor.
She tugged one lock of her brown hair free from the creative updo, twisting it around her finger for some curl as she let it hang against her face. There. Everyone always said how well her hair complemented her eyes.
“Jeiana, are you ready to go?” Mother paused in the doorway, waiting for her answer.
“Mm-hm, just checking one last time.” Jei turned to present herself for approval. 
Mother smiled. “Very lovely. The blue goes with your hair so well.” She smoothed back the loose curl and kissed Jei’s forehead. “Your father is waiting.”
“Then let’s go,” Jei said with aa grin. Even if the dress wasn’t her first choice, this would still be fun. She was eager to attend, as she was every year.
Mother headed down to their waiting carriage and Jei freed the curl again as she followed.
Any decorum or restraint Jei maintain at her mother’s behest vanished within seconds of reaching the festival grounds and spotting Jiya. The two girls whisked away from their parents with promises to stick together and mind their manners.
“Where shall we go first?” Jiya asked, linking her arm through Jei and sweeping the other hand toward the array of colorfully-canopied stalls.
Jei laughed, her stomach rumbling as a familiar aroma caught her senses, and turned Jiya slightly to the left. “You should know me well enough to guess the answer to that.”
“Hmm, I suppose I do.” Jiya winked and they stepped in tandem toward the counter selling food. It was not a long wait before they departed with purses a few coins lighter and fried, sugary dough twists in hand. Still warm, Jei noted as she bit into hers with a delighted groan. Jiya laughed at the sugar smearing her face, but was in much the same state after her first bite. They ate as they walked, admiring street performers, marveling at the light arrangements--new every year, perusing the wares of the artisans and craftsfolk given permits to set up along the fringes.
It was almost an accident rejoining their parents. Traditionally, they did sit together for the main performance ceremony. But neither Jei nor Jiya had been looking for them specifically; they just happened to find each other on the girls’ second--or was it third?--circuit of the festival. Jei didn’t protest when her parents insisted it was time to find their seats, to ensure they were good ones. Her face hurt from smiling, her stomach was full of sweets, and she and Jiya sported matching woven-silver bracelets. She was content to settle in with her parents as they watched the dancers file onstage, prepared to enjoy this as the end to a very good day.
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todobaku-shoukat · 5 years
The Heir that was Switched at Birth (1/?)
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18906280/chapters/44880064
Previous chapter: https://todobaku-shoukat.tumblr.com/post/185032381485/the-heir-that-was-switched-at-birth-0
One moment, Bakugou is watching as he and Todoroki slowly became translucent, and the next, he was in a completely dark place, nothing around him as if he was floating in space. Bakugou is not given any time to react when a voice comes from inside his own head.
 “Welcome, little hero. It’s your honour to be able to characters in my story. I am The Writer, and your mission is to change the plot of this story.”
 As Bakugou was going to be transmigrated into the character’s body, the character’s name is automatically changed to his own. In the original storyline, the original host of the body is a cannon fodder, serving only to develop the romance between the two leads and to spice up the plot. The main character is called Shiori Hasu, and he was born to a wealthy and powerful family in the same hospital as story Bakugou. As a single mom who struggled to make ends meet, story Bakugou’s mother decided to switch the babies, hoping that her own child will get to live a lavish life without the worry of when his next meal will be. Since Shiroi was not her own child, story Bakugou’s mother was careless in her parenting of the child. Shiroi had to learn to do many things on his own as a child, learning to cook, to do the laundry, to do all the chores at home while his foster mother went out to work. Sometimes, his foster mother will beat him, venting out her frustrations at the mistreatment she suffered at work. Having to mature early, Shiroi got a job as soon as he could, working hard to help lessen his foster mother’s burden. Shiroi did all sort jobs, multiple jobs, overworking himself so much that he had injured his face when doing construction work. As he needed to maintain his looks for his job at the bar, Shiroi had no choice but to do some minor surgery. For that, his foster mother had beaten him for “wasting money”. Shiroi had to protect his face as if his life depended on it. Because it did. His job at the bar made the most money after all.
 And indeed, his job at the bar saved his life. Sugaru Kou was the male lead of the story, Shiroi’s love interest. The Sugaru family had close relations to the Bakugou family, so Sugaru was surprised when he sees Shiroi at the club. Shiroi had a close and uncanny resemblance to the Bakugou parents, setting alarms ringing in Sugaru’s mind. Deciding to resolve his bewilderment, Sugaru approaches Shiroi to learn more about him. What he learns about Shiroi slowly captures Sugaru’s heart. Even though Shiroi was physically abused by his so-called mother, Shiroi never resented her, instead trying his best to lessen her burden. Shiroi’s purity and kindness despite his poor upbringing made the rich and wealthy heir soften, and Sugaru swore to protect Shiroi. To do so, Sugaru hired a private investigator to do a complete background check on Shiroi. Due to an incident, Sugaru realises that Shiroi might actually be the Bakugou parents’ child. After forcing the truth out of Shiroi’s foster mom, the truth was revealed.
 The Bakugou parents had been surprised, and mostly, they felt apologetic to Shiroi. Their poor child had been forced to suffer so much while they did not know a thing. Even though they resented the woman who swapped their child at birth, the woman’s child who they brought up was not at fault. Hence, with Shiroi’s kind understanding, story Bakugou is allowed to remain in the Bakugou family. However, story Bakugou was not satisfied with the outcome. From being the famous heir to the Bakugou corporation, he became a poor con woman’s child. As the Bakugou parents are kind and supportive parents, they had encouraged story Bakugou to follow his dreams, the latter eventually becoming a popular idol. Since Bakugou’s background was hidden when he debuted, the public did not know that the idol Bakugou was involved in the Bakugou family baby swap drama. Using the media to his advantage, Bakugou tried to spread nasty rumours about Shiroi, trying to ruin Shiroi and reclaim his place as the Bakugou heir. However, with Sugaru’s protection, story Bakugou never managed to succeed. At the same time, there was someone else protecting Shiroi. The Todoroki family used to be Yakuzas before they eventually legalised all their businesses. However, they still had dealings with the Yakuza. The new head of the Todoroki family had known Shiroi when they were children, the latter saving him once, leaving Shiroi with a characteristic scar on his wrist. Later on, they had lost contact. Years later, when Todoroki sees the scar on Shiroi’s wrist, he decides to protect Shiroi. And so, with both Sugaru and Todoroki protecting Shiroi, story Bakugou’s attempts to ruin Shiroi backfires, scandals of himself spreading like wildfire. The truth of his background came to light, as well as news of his messy private life and his using of money and power to force people to do things they didn’t want to.
 In order to relieve his anger and frustration, story Bakugou had gone into a bar. There, he was drugged. The next morning, story Bakugou could not move, the burning pain in his behind him telling him what had been done to him when he was unconscious. When he could finally move, story Bakugou had tried to leave the hotel, only to be caught by a hoard of angry fans. Without his knowledge, photos of the night before were all over the internet. Rumours of his messy private life having actual evidence. And as story Bakugou tried to escape the furious fans, he gets into a car accident. Due to his now anti-fans being uncooperative, story Bakugou dies, the news of his death being praised as being karma. On the other hand, story Todoroki’s illegal dealings were found, his corporation seized and an enemy eventually killing him in prison. As the two cannon fodders of the story, Bakugou and Todoroki’s mission was to change their fate.
 After hearing the storyline, Bakugou can only roll his eyes at how lame the story was. And despite wanting nothing but to blast The Writer into bits, Bakugou decides that he has to do his so-called mission to change the storyline. Firstly, there was no way Bakugou was going to let himself suffer through all that shit. He wasn’t going to give up his first time to a bunch of unknown jerks who probably were diseased or some shit. Secondly, if he and Todoroki could change the plot enough to keep The Writer interested, then there will be lesser victims. From what they have gathered, The Writer can only capture limited people at one time. As heroes, it was Bakugou and Todoroki’s job to protect as much as to attack. And so, they had to remain in these alternate universes or story worlds or whatever it is, so as to prevent more victims being caught. And hopefully, the other heroes can quickly resolve the case.
 Even though he had already expected it, given the information they have already gathered, Bakugou cannot help cursing when he opens his eyes to see that he had already finished the shot of drugged alcohol. Bakugou wants to slam the now empty cup on the table, but he knows that he shouldn’t alert the bastards that drugged him. It was always best to keep the enemy unsuspecting so that their guards will be lower. With the senses strengthened by hero training, Bakugou assesses the situation, estimating about six suspicious people with their attention on him. Having made a plan, Bakugou slowly groans and rolls his eyes in annoyance, pretending to pick up a phone call. Acting as if someone was rushing him, Bakugou quickly stumbles out the chair, making his way to the doors when suddenly, someone familiar walks in.
 At that moment, Bakugou forgets about his plan and the limited time he has before the drugs take effect. Seeing Todoroki’s stupid face, Bakugou is reminded of his worry (which he will never admit) and his fury. At least Todoroki is here now, Bakugou thinks. Here is someone he can trust and leave his back to.
 “You half-and-half bastard!” Bakugou shouts nonetheless, rushing towards Todoroki. After all, feeling relieved at seeing Todoroki did not dampen his annoyance a single bit.
 However, before Bakugou can even come close to Todoroki, Todoroki’s bodyguards stop him. The bodyguards try to grab at Bakugou who instinctively avoids them, turning to attack them instead.
 “Hey! Half-and-half! Aren’t you gonna do shit?” Bakugou growls as he sees Todoroki just standing there. But when Bakugou makes eye contact with the other, he realises a huge problem. Todoroki did not seem to have retained his memories. But… Is he really Todoroki? Did Todoroki really get transmigrated into this world as well? For some reason, call it unrealistic or hopeless romantic, but Bakugou just instinctively knew that it had to be Todoroki.
 It is Todoroki, right?
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