#my high school n college classes both start on the 24th but i really hope i can participate!!!
gottalove95z · 8 years
11 Facts/Questions
Tagged by @polkari-seuta My motivation for doing this is that I hope that if my followers get to know me better, maybe you guys talk to me more~ Anyway, here we go! 11 random facts about me and 11 answers. FACTS: 1. I am BIG Disney fan, I'm starting off with this because I'm currently babysitting my roommate’s daughter and we are watching Mickey Mouse Club House LOL 2. I am a dog lover! My dog’s name is Halo <3  He’s a rescue and when he first came home he was taller then me but now I’m taller heheh. oh and he’s a flat-coat retriever. 3. I’m 18 years old ( born Oct. 24th 1998)
4. I started taking college classes while I was in high school and I went into a program that allowed me to graduate early from high school so that I could start going to college full-time. 5. One of my favorite board games is Othello. I play it with my grandpa every time I visit him and my grandma. He’s always changes the rules so he can win! 6. I’m an artist! I usually work with black or white charcoal but recently I’ve been really curious about digital art. 7. I speak Spanish! Not fluently because I get nervous and stutter and stumble over words when I speak it but I can read and write in Spanish very well! 8. I am also a HUGE Marvel and DC Comics fanatic, I even have encyclopedias of them that contain descriptions and background info for EVERY CHARACTER CREATED. It’s awesome, and one day I will finish reading through both of them. 9. I love the color black!  (I’m like Jungkook in that I have over 20 black t-shirts and counting LMAO) 10. I was born and raised here in California :D 11. My nickname is Kiki! when I was in elementary school my childhood friends came up with it because it rhymed with Tiki (the nickname of their cousin, who they shipped me with LMAO)
QUESTIONS ASKED BY @polkari-seuta
1. [Second favorite Disney princess:] My second… would have to be Mulan! 2. [Your favorite field of science?] CHEMISTRY! Doing labs and experiments gives me life XD 3. [What was the moment you first fell in love with Jimin? (Or your bias if you aren’t in love with Jimin LOL)] HIS FIRST APPEARANCE IN NO MORE DREAM. The second I saw them I knew Jimin, V, and Jungkook were gona be my faves! Lmaoo I just about died (along with my phone that i threw across the room) when Jimin flashed his abs! 4.[ Recommend me a song.] I recommend ‘Hey Soul Sister’ by Train 5. [Predict the next Ji/kook moment.] A BACKHUG. 6. [Show me a comedy TV show clip you really like.] Here is a hilarious clip from the TV show Baby Daddy! 7. [The first place you go to in grocery store?] The pre-made salad shelves. DONT GET ME WRONG I am by no means a health nut or on a diet! I just start at the fruits and vegetables section and then work my way across the store LOL 8. [What was the largest meal you ever had and finished?] Probably the #25 at TK (or SK) Noodle House. Its basically a gigantic serving of vegetables and shrimp on top of white rice. 9.[ What’s the next thing I should build in Minecraft?] I know absolutely nothing about Minecraft! I actually thought it was spelled and pronounced MINDcraft! LMAO i was apparently wrong. But my little cousins are really into it and they built a gigantic castle with a huge garden and farm, so maybe that??? 10. [What song is stuck in your head?] Right now? ‘Pass Out’ by Tinie Tempah. Everyday? ‘Earthquake (feat. Busta Rhymes)’ by Labrinth. (It’s my morning alarm n wake up song lol) 11. [What TV show scenario would you want to see Bangtan in?] I reeaally want to see Bangtan do a popular variety show as a group like Running Man again or Infinity Challenge! (I love Yoo Jaesuk)
Well there you go! CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS TOOK ME AN ENTIRE DAY??? I was so busy with babysitting and I kept getting sidetracked and now I’m sooo exhausted but I was determined to finish this! And so now I am tagging @shyjimins @mintsugakookies @tennouuu and @astro-child (now you’ve been tagged twice!)
1. Favorite ice cream flavor? 2. Favorite movie? 3. First couple you ever shipped? 4. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? 5. Any pets or siblings? 6. What is your favorite tongue twister? 7. Do you have a preferred fragrance or perfume? (what is it?) 8. Can you rub your stomach in a circular motion with one hand while patting your head with the other and jump on one foot? 9. Who or what do you confide in when things get rough? 10. What is your favorite childhood TV show? 11. What is your personal motto (if you have one)?
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