#my girl clarke coming back
Danny lives in a horror movie-DC x DP prompt
Based on my favorite book series "tales from the gas station"
Its not everyday a mission requires the league to travel to middle America in to obtain a highly cursed artifact but it certainly today.
Locating the Seal of Silent Ashes was a task usually given to Justice League Dark but Constantine was currently busy. So that meant it was left to the poster boys to get this done. They dressed in civilian attire to investigate the last location of the seal starting with the first building on the edge of town. A small dusty gas station near the wood.
The inside had an awful smell, like death and cleaning fluid. The lights gave off a greenish-blue tint. Rats could be seen out of the corner of your eyes. Most of the chip were offbrand and crappy.
Behind the counter was the teenage boy chewing gum. He looked up at the group before going back to reading his book. He had clearly seen better days but didn't show signs of caring about the state of his hair or bags under his eyes. He drank coffee.
The air felt off.
"Hey kiddo, do you mind giving us directions?" Clark started.
The kid narrowed his eyes as he popped his gum.
"You're not from here. That or you're from that cult in the woods. Listen I'm not joining. Seriously cosmic nihilism and fatalism sounds doomed. Hey wait-" the teen checked his notes " No, the cult killed themselves in that mass suicide 2 weeks ago. I forgot."
The teen didn't say anything else as he went back to his book.
The horrified look of the adults shared was almost hilarious. At least to the teen if he looked up.
"Oh, and stay out of the woods. I don't want the police to come back and ask about who saw you last. Seriously if whatever is in there tears you apart I won't feel bad. I put those signs out forever ago and if I get one more girl covered in blood running in here screaming about her dead friends I'll get a headache." The teen shrugged turning the page.
"What do you mean?! Why would-?! Who's killing people?!" Barry asked frantically as Bruce serched for more reports of missing people in the area.
"I don't know. Why would I know? If you want to go in the cursed forest go ahead. I mean that's how they all die. It isn't my job to stop you. My job is to sit here and watch this store." The teen huffed in annoyance.
Before anymore questions were asked the signal of the radio was disrupted and a demonic howl screeched through the radio.
"God damnit. That cunt is back. Stay here." The teen growled as he grabbed his bat from under the counter and walked out the back door. "String bean! Get off the fucking roof you bastard! You know that radio is all I have here!"
A chattering laugh like a death rattle was heard and the sound of 2 sets of feet was heard on the roof then they lept down.
"Come here so I can beat you to death!" The teen ran around the building towards the front of the gas station chasing-what the fuck is that!
It was like a human that was twisted to crabwalk on all fours backwards. Its face was contorted into a black stretched-out smile with no teeth. It had no eyes just black sockets. All its limbs were stretched out to an extra meter in length. It was a skinwalker of some kind with chalk-white skin. It was skittering away from the teen who was swinging his bat at its head.
"Stop running! I told you before what would happen if I found you fucking with me again!" The boy meant it as he finally landed a hit and began wacking it over and over it.
The skin walker screeched and tried to run for its life but couldn't.
After reducing the monster into a black puddle the black-stained teen came back inside to sit back down not paying anymore to the monster blood he was covered in.
"Sorry about that. Most of the freaks around here have learned to stay away from this place. That one is new and he doesn't listen. You'd think they'd learn but Sting Bean thinks he can torment me. Petty bastard." The teen sighed "anyways are going to buy anything or are you going to waste what oxygen we get in here with this shitty ventilation.
Diana couldn't help but admire the boldness of the boy. He had no hesitation or fear against the beasts of this area even if was crude.
"Does Constantine have a cousin or something? Just a more angry one" Barry whispered to Hal.
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charlieeenby · 6 months
meeting robin
the justice league is happy that batman is socializing, but they're worried that he doesn't seem to notice when robin is switched out every few years
warnings and tags: miscommunication but it's funny, alien invasion, mentioned violence
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“Batman,” Clark said slowly, “why do you have a second heartbeat?”
Instead of responding, Batman grunted.
“A second heartbeat?” Barry questioned, zipping over. “How would that even work?”
Another grunt from Batman.
“I don’t.”
“But I can hear a second heartbeat coming from you.” Clark said, confused.
“It’s not mine.”
Barry choked. “Huh? Who is it then?”
Clark frowned. “Who’s Robin?”
Batman grunted again, and Barry groaned.
“Come on, man!”
Then, Batman’s cape, which hid his entire body, shifted. Clark heard a small giggle. A child popped out, beaming.
“I’m Robin!” he exclaimed, clearly excited to be there. Barry was startled and jumped back a bit.
“What the f-” he stopped short when Batman glared at him. “Fudge?”
“Batman, what is…who is this?” Clark asked.
“This is Robin.” Batman said, like it explained anything.
“We got that. Why is he here?”
Robin bounced. “I’m gonna help!” he said, and Clark caught an accent he couldn’t quite place.
This got him a nod. “Yeah. B said I was ready to meet the Justice League!”
“Who’s B?”
Robin squinted at Barry’s question. Then pointed up at Batman. “B.”
“Batman, where’s Robin?” Diana asked, surprised the young vigilante wasn’t with Batman.
“He’s busy. Couldn’t come.” Batman said, and Diana got the sense that there was something that Batman wasn’t saying to her, but she decided to leave it be.
“I see. Is he alright?”
“Fine. Work.” Batman seemed to be giving short answers again, something he’d stopped doing after Robin had shown up.
“Well, tell him we all missed him, please.”
Batman grunted.
“Batman, what happened to Robin?” Barry questioned, staring at the small boy that had replaced the teen they’d watched grow up. This one seemed shy, half hidden behind Batman.
“Well something had to have happened, Robin was a lot taller last time we saw him.” Clark said, also watching the boy. “That’s not the same person.”
“No.” Batman said in an almost growl.
“Huh?” Barry said, confused.
“That’s not the Robin we know. That’s someone else.” Clark said.
“We’re ready to start.” Diana said from behind Batman and Robin, the latter of which startled by her.
Clark heard a quiet ‘woah’ from the boy and smiled. He must be a fan of Wonder Woman.
The Justice League and Robin shuffled into the meeting room, Robin sitting in a chair very close to Batman.
For the entire meeting, he sat quietly, mostly watching Diana with obvious wonder across his face.
Afterwards, Diana approached him, kneeling down to his level.
“Hello. My name is Diana.”
“How long have you been Robin?” she asked gently.
“Uh,” he looked up at Batman, who nodded encouragingly to the small boy. “A few months.”
“And are you enjoying it?”
Robin nodded. “Yeah. It’s fun and we get ta help people.'' This boy had an accent as well, though it was quite different from the first Robin’s.
“That’s wonderful.” Diana said. “We’re excited to work with you, Robin.” the kid beamed, looking like he was having the best day of his life.
“Batman, what the fuck?” Barry exclaimed, ignoring the various looks he got at the curse. “Why did Robin get smaller again?”
“Because I’m a different person.” Robin said.
“But he just replaced the first one like, two years ago!”
“Four, actually.”
“Batman? Could you explain, please?” Diana asked.
They got a grunt in response.
Clark sighed. “Batman, please, can you explain this?”
Robin scoffed. “Are you stupid?”
“Robin.” Batman’s tone had a warning in it.
“There’s nothing to explain.”
A grunt.
“Batman, Robin is a girl.” Hal said, confused and done with the entire thing.
“Is that a problem, fuckface?” The entire League took a step back, surprised by this Robin’s language.
“No, of course not. I’m just surprised, that’s all.” Hal said, trying to recover.
Robin huffed before turning back to Batman.
“Language, Robin.” was Batman’s response.
“Oh, come on, I coulda said a whole lot worse.” Her accent reminded Clark of the second Robin’s accent, though more pronounced.
“Tell that to Agent A.”
Robin gasped. “You wouldn’t!”
Batman grunted, though this sounded like one of his amused grunts.
“Fiiine.” She turned to Hal. “I'm sorry for calling you a fuckface.” that got a sigh from Batman.
She turned back to Batman. “Happy?”
Batman grunted again, and while Robin seemed content, Clark and the rest of the league had no idea what it meant.
“Oh my god, this one has a sword!” Hal screeched, running into the meeting room.
“Who does?” Diana asked, standing.
“Robin! Batman got a new one and he has a sword! He tried to stab me!”
“If I had tried to stab you, you would have been stabbed.” a small voice said from the doorway.
Everyone looked over to find Robin, scowling and glaring at all of them.
“He looks just like Batman.” Barry whispered, and Clark agreed. The boy in front of them had an uncanny similarity to Batman.
“Of course I look like him, I’m his son.” Robin snapped, and there were various gasps around the room.
“His son?” Barry’s pitch was high enough that Clark winced.
“Robin.” Batman appeared behind Robin, frowning at the small boy and looking more annoyed then concerned. “Please don’t stab them. They are our allies, not our enemies.”
Robin looked annoyed, glaring at the Justice League. “Fine.”
“Go sit.” Batman said, nudging the boy towards a chair.
Clark looked up when the computer whirred to life.
“Recognized, Nightwing, B-0-1. Recognized, Red Robin, B-0-3. Recognized, Spoiler, B-0-4. Recognized, Robin, B-0-5.”
Clark stood and walked over to the zeta tube, staring at the four people that stepped out.
“Hey, Supes!”
“Who are you?” he asked, confused.
“We’re-” the one in black and blue started, but was interrupted by the one in red.
“We’re looking for Batman. It’s an emergency.” he stated, matter of fact. “Where is he?”
Clark hesitated. He didn’t know these people or how they got into the tower to begin with, but he wasn’t keen on taking them to Batman.
He didn’t have time to make a decision before the zeta tube started again.
“Recognized, Red Hood, B-0-2.”
He knew that Red Hood was a crime lord, how was the computer recognizing him?
“Where’s B?” Hood asked as soon as he was through.
“We’re still working on that.”
Hood groaned. “What part of ‘emergency’ did you not understand?”
The person dressed in purple scoffed. “We just got here and Superman is in the way. You wanna fight Superman?”
Hood looked over at Clark. “Hi.”
“Hi. What’s going on?”
“We need Batman. Got a bit of an emergency.”
Clark frowned and looked down at Robin. “Robin, what is going on? Who are these people?”
Robin scoffed. “Hood and Red Robin both informed you of what is going on, Superman. I didn’t know you were that dense.”
At least he knew the name of one of the new ones.
“Alright. Just, stay here, okay?”
“Fine.” Robin snapped, looking annoyed.
Clark went over to the chair he’d been in and hit the intercom. “Batman, you’re needed by the zeta tubes.”
A few minutes later, Batman appeared. When he saw the assortment of vigilantes, he sighed loudly.
“What happened?” he asked, sounding tired.
“We are being attacked by aliens.” the one in purple said.
Clark frowned and Batman shook his head.
“So you came up here to tell me instead of using the coms? Why?”
“Well, the com lines are down.” Hood said. “So yes, we came up here.”
“B, we really need to go take care of the aliens. Can we go?” the one in black and blue asked.
“Yes. Go, I’ll be down in a minute.” Batman said, still just sounding mildly inconvenienced instead of like someone who was just informed of an alien invasion.
As soon as they were all gone, Clark rounded on Batman. “What the hell? Who are they?”
Batman grunted. “Notify the rest of the League, then get down there.” he walked away, and left through the zeta tube.
Clark sighed and did as Batman had asked.
“Will you explain this now?” Clark asked, waving at the group of vigilantes that all said they worked with Batman, despite the League only knowing about Robin.
Batman just grunted and Clark was about to lose it, but then Batman said, “Robin.”
Clark stopped. “Huh?”
“Nightwing was the first Robin, Hood the second, Red Robin the third, and Spoiler the fourth. Orphan was never Robin, but she was Batgirl. Signal is new and has only ever been Signal.
“What the fuck?” Barry exclaimed. “I thought they all died!”
Hood raised his hand. “I did die.”
Batman sighed at that.
“Did he really?” Clark asked.
“Yes. But he’s fine now.”
“Am I?”
Batman groaned.
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shushmal · 5 months
There's an incredibly pretty girl at the front desk in Family Video, and Steve—Eddie's boyfriend of eight months—is leaning over the counter with a sly smile and half-lidded eyes.
Eddie pauses in the doorway, struck dumb for a moment as he takes in the scene, and then gleefully ducks down behind the nearest shelf.
"So tell me," Steve says, all low and intimate. "What kind of movie were you looking for?"
"Um," the girl says. She doesn't sound very enthusiastic—barely indulgent at best. Eddie wishes he could see, but any sight of him will ruin Steve's chances right now. He's got a pretty good mental picture though. "I really like those old black and white movies, the really glamorous ones, you know?"
"Oh, totally," Steve sighs, like he's swooning. "Like Cary Grant, Clarke Gabel?" Eddie can practically hear his smirk. "Katharine Hepburn? Ginger Rogers?"
"Oh, I love Ginger Rogers!"
"Really?" Steve says matching her excitement. "Well, you're just in luck! Robin here knows all about those old black and white movies, don't you Robin?"
Eddie presses a hand to his mouth to hide his snickering. Robin had looked like a hooked fish when he'd walked in, she's gotta be gaping stupidly right now. "Uuuh," he hears her mumbling, and tries not to snort too loud. "Y-Yeah, uh, golden age of Hollywood stuff, absolutely. I could? Show you where they are?"
"Oh my gosh, that would be amazing!" the girl says, her interest in the conversation now warmed by several degrees. Eddie is still a little in awe of how well his boyfriend can sniff out gay girls.
"I got the front here, Robin," Steve cuts in smoothly. "You ladies take your time, make sure you pick out a good one!"
Eddie waits another beat, listening at their footsteps shuffle away, before he pops up from behind the shelf. Steve, lighting up like a Christmas tree, beams at him.
"Am I a genius or what?" he whispers, grinning ear to ear.
"Your lesbian powers know no equal," Eddie says just as quietly, taking the girl's spot at the counter, leaning into Steve's space. Steve happily mirrors him, until they're tucked together, the world narrowing down to the two of them. It's Eddie's favorite place to be. "All hail Steve Harrington, blessid he, lesbian whisper. Come to aid all useless queers in the fight against singledom."
"Thank you, thank you," Steve says with an air of novel benevolence. "I promise to only use my powers for good."
"Dingus. Doofus."
They jump away from each other as if shocked. Robin glowers at them both, but the pretty girl behind her is giggling and standing way too close for friendly, just at Robin's elbow.
"Move it, lovebirds," she hisses as she rounds the desk. "I need to check Claire out."
"I think you already have," Steve says. His smile this time is down right evil.
Robin actually hisses at him, and hip checks him away from the register. Eddie does a bow, sweeping his arm out to give Claire the prime spot in front of the desk, before he turns back to Steve.
"My dear, if you could please," he simpers, all posh and nasally. "Show me to your finest, grossest horror movie, thank you my good sir."
"Ugh," Steve groans already heading off into the shelves, not waiting for Eddie to follow. "You're lucky I love you, Ed. Shit gives me nightmares."
"I know," Eddie sings, chasing him. "I love you too."
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
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day 13: clark kent [aftercare]
࿓ synopsis • after having a rough session with clark, you let him take care of your exhausted body.
―❦ nsfw, kissing, soft!clark, after a rough sex, f!reader, pet names, confessing, cleaning, washing, watching, fluff, i's all! • 0.6k • couldn't publish sooner, but, here we are at least. enjoy! [kinktober m.]
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"agh -" you say, moaning lowly, in pain that comes from your sensitive clit as clark's fingers travel on it, cleaning you under the warm water.
“oh, baby,” he says, fingers stop for a moment, eyes scanning your face; furrowed brows, lips are getting a bite, hands hold him from the neck and chest as a source of cure and stability at the same time. “you okay? I can go slower if you want.”
he proposes as you sit on his lap, hugging him, and negatively shaking your head while one of his strong arms holds you from back so that you stay still, warm water waving from time to time as you move in sync.
sitting on the clean bathtub, you let clark take care of you after one of your roughest sex – you can see all the redness on your body which he left intentionally yet acting so innocent when he sees them, fingers caressing your soft skin gently as if he wasn’t the one who fucked you in different positions, earning a pathetic state out of you, nearly making you use the safe word because of how good he was fucking you and how much you wanted it to end even though your actions told otherwise.
fear of fainting, you stopped when he got your fourth orgasm, then, cumming all over you as he cries in pleasure, confessing how you make him so weak that he loses mind whenever he has you beside him, under him, above him – in every way he can, he loves it, he loves you.
so it’s not a surprising thing when he picked you up from the messy bed after preparing the bathtub for you to wash and get clean, got into it, taking you into his arms, making you feel smaller yet quite peaceful, letting him do whatever he wants to do to get you cleaned up, ready to rest on the bed you are sharing with him beside you.
he said sorry over and over again until you said it was okay – that you enjoyed every bit of it because you missed him as much as he missed you.
fingers gripping your chin, he makes you look at his shining blue eyes – your own reflection on them. he smiles widely, fingers moving to your hair, caressing it gently, still having that precious expression on his face, looking like a greek god yet feeling so human – one of his kind, always.
“you have no idea how much I missed you,” he says, now taking warm water on his palm, then, cleaning your naked body within it – he seems to have guilt because of what he has done to you; biting marks as he claimed you shine brightly, red marks on your waist is visible due to holding you tightly as he shoved his cock into you, the neck has pink colors because how he held it, pushing your face onto the pillow so that you could moan as much as you wanted while he had you from behind.
all because of him.
he would never hurt you, he didn’t either, yet, he seems a bit sorry. however, you know he also has prideful feelings, so, you smile softly, resting your head on his wide shoulders, saying, “they all will heal, don’t feel sorry – it was so good that I can’t wait to get better and do all those things again.”
he chuckles, kissing your forehead, and then, your whole face, “then get better soon because there are lots of things that I want to do to you, my prettiest girl.” with that, he kisses you one more time. he cleans you, drying you with the softest towel, changes the sheets, and puts you on the fresh bed, taking his side beside you – hugging you, he watches how peaceful your face looks, smiling down at you, and sleeping as he has you close enough to himself – he knows he should leave soon enough yet being with you seems as the right thing to do. he missed you so much after all – the world can wait a bit longer.
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Bruce goes to meet the other fathers? Have a barbecue with Clark, Oliver, Berry and talk about their kids?
"Damian told me that I was cool, it's been a while since one of my kids told me that" or "Mia is doing so well at school these days"
those moments when they are all (old men) father proud of the mess the kids are?
The dads: *lounging on beach chairs*
Clark: It's nice to finally get a day off. I think Jon needed it more than me. He's still reeling from growing up and suddenly turning back into a kid again.
Ollie: How'd that happen, anyway?
Duke, walking by: That's just this blog.
Clark: What?
Duke: Nothing. Hey, B, can we use the jacuzzi?
Bruce: Sure, go ahead.
Duke: *gives Emiko a thumbs up*
Emiko: *drains the jacuzzi*
Harper and Cullen: *start cleaning the pipes*
Ollie: I know how you feel, Clark. Roy's the happiest I've seen him with Lian back but it's still a big change. We're working on getting her enrolled in school this fall so she can catch up on what she's missed.
Roy: *sprays the tub with disinfectant*
Jason: *dries it with a leaf blower*
Hal: Speaking of changes, Jaime graduated with honors. I know he's not my kid but I can't help but feel like a proud uncle. Kyle got a new concept artist job, by the way, and I think he really likes it.
Jaime: *turns the jacuzzi back on*
Kyle: *sets up folding tables*
Barry, chuckling: Bart tried to enter a marathon the other day.
Clark: Kon wanted to pay money to go skydiving. I don't get it.
Aquaman: I remember when Kaldur joined an amateur scuba class at that age. Perhaps it's an attempt to feel more human.
Bruce: It's easy for us to forget sometimes too.
Kon, carrying a giant pot: Boiling hot soup, coming through!
Kon: *pours it into the jacuzzi*
Cass: *adds spices*
Tim, with a clipboard: One down, eleven more to go. Bart, stop eating the ingredients.
Bart: It's just tofu.
Tim: That's for Damian. What's he gonna do now, starve?
Bruce: Dick's been coming home more often lately. I can tell Alfred's really happy when he sees us all together.
Dick: *drapes tablecloths over the tables*
Wally: *sets up plates*
Steve, walking in: Mind if I join? Diana's running a little late so she sent me and the girls ahead.
Clark: Of course, feel free.
Donna, holding a basket: Where do these vegetables go?
Barbara: I'll take them. Could one of you get some spoons from the kitchen?
Cassie: On it.
Steve: So where are all the ladies?
Bruce: They're in the living room. Selina's showing off her latest... um... collection. Alfred has tea in the kitchen if you want some.
Steve: Don't mind if I do.
Yara: Should I put the meat in now?
Jon: One sec.
Jon: *scoops some soup aside*
Jon: You're good now. I just needed a vegetarian portion for Dami.
Ollie: Honestly, I'm surprised everyone's doing fairly well given the industry we're in.
Steph, leading a crowd into the yard: And here's where our main event will be.
Bette: *checking names off a guest list*
Bette: That's almost everyone. Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter are gonna be a little late. Avery's on a mission in Shanghai so she can't make it. Beast Boy and Raven stopped to buy desserts. And the We Are Robin kids just got stuck on a stalled subway train but they should be here pretty soon.
Clark: I think it's a matter of good mentorship and giving them plenty of time and space to get acclimated to the superhero lifestyle.
Jesse: *making lemonade*
Ace: *fills the coolers with ice*
Garth and Kaldur: *handing out drinks*
Barry: And giving them plenty of room to grow at their own pace.
Hal: Very true.
Bruce, sighing contently: You can't help but be proud of them.
The kids, chanting: HOT POT! HOT POT!
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boringkate · 1 year
Here’s a bunch of junk for you trans girls to watch
Update: there used to be a link to a mega folder here, but it got taken down.
///TGIRL FEATURE FILMS (alphabetical order)
Adam (2019) it's about a cis boy who's mistaken for a trans boy and rolls with it. Big cast of trans characters including a tgirl played by a tgirl who everyone wants to fuck. Directed by a trans dude. Highly legit. If you're still hung up on pre release speculation based on the novel then you're the most annoying person alive.
Assassination Nation (2018) The first half is Euphoria and the second half is The Purge. ONE OF THE BEST TGIRL MOVIES OF ALL TIME.
Bit (2019) Lesbian girl power vampire movie where the main character is a tgirl played by a tgirl. It's solid. I find it frustrating that they hint at her being trans without explicitly acknowledging it (and she's passing as fuck, so it's easy to not notice), but I know that's what some of y'all want.
Boy Meets Girl (2014) Cis dude for trans girl love story. Pretty normie, but also you see her fully naked (gock out) at the end.
Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) Extremely 60s. Cool as hell.
Lady Daddy (2010) South Korean romcom about a trans girl played by a cis girl who tries unconvincingly to back pass when she finds out she has a kid. Very cute.
Lingua Franca (2019) written directed and starring Isabel Sandoval. An undocumented trans woman immigrant in New York deals with a cis dude partner being a cis dude. Which is also the plot of The Garden Left Behind (2019).
Myra Breckinridge (1970) Raquel Welch is a trans woman and her goal is the destruction of the last vestigial traces of traditional manhood! It's Fight Club! It's Hackers! It's divisive, but it's probably my favorite movie!
So Pretty (2019) Literally the first scripted feature length (non pornographic tho it does have cock) film to feature two trans women played by trans women kissing eachother.
Something Must Break (2014) THE OTHER BEST TGIRL MOVIE OF ALL TIME. Drugs. Crimes. Gock. Slow motion pissing. Slow motion park Fucking. Genuinely the most beautiful sex scene I've seen in any movie. And she makes it to the end still alive and more sure of herself and at peace than ever.
Tangerine (2015) Groundbreaking and also a bunch of the secondary characters are real life pornstars (which I think is neat).
The Garden Left Behind (2019) This and Lingua Franca (2019) really are tgirl twin films, but (like with Antz and A Bug’s Life) the vibes and details make them distinct (I assume tho tbh I’ve never watched Antz).
Bambi (2013) about a trans girl showgirl in 50s/60s paris
Paris is Burning (1990) basically it's Pose.
Shinjuku Boys (1995) Trans dudes working in a tokyo club that caters to tboy chasing cis girls. There's at least one trans girl in the mix too.
A Reflection of Fear (1972) They raised her as a girl and it made her do murders! It drags in places, but the girl in it is so ethereal and it has ageplay vibes and daddy issues.
Memory Run (1996) A very fun direct to video scifi action flick about fighting fascism by blowing up your pre transition self with a rocket launcher + it's based on a novel written by a trans woman.
She-Man A Story of Fixation (1967) Notable for being such a cliche sissy maid fantasy while also coming out so early + it was Bob Clark's first film lol.
Sleepaway Camp (1983) A more famous version of Reflection of Fear.
Surrender Dorothy (1998) A MUST WATCH. I personally bought a physical DVD and made an ISO of it for you because I was unsatisfied with the quality of the only copy that seemed to exist online. I ALSO PERSONALLY CREATED MY OWN SUBTITLES FOR IT BECAUSE EVEN THE DVD DIDN’T INCLUDE ANY! WHICH TOOK HOURS TO DO!
The Skin I Live In (2011) A rapist is kidnapped and turned into a girl by a mournful vengeful plastic surgeon. Which was also the plot of Victim (2010). I never really vibe with Pedro Almodóvar movies, but I recognize this is the preeminent forced feminization film.
Gender Troublemakers (1993) Some 90s Toronto trans girls fucking and discoursing. Explicit tgirl on tgirl action. This is the only one on the list that I haven’t actually watched yet. I’m hyped to watch it tho. Seems mindblowingly rad af.
Happy Birthday Marsha (2018) It's about Marsha P. Johnson.
I don't Know (1971) I'm obsessed with the trans girl in this one she just keeps popping up in all kinds of early 70s stuff. Directed by Penelope Spheeris (who is the sister of the cis gf in it).
Mesmeralda (2019) AN ABSOLUTE BANGER HOLY FUCK THE VIBES ARE OFF THE CHARTS! PLS WATCH THIS! I refuse to apologize for it being 15GB. It’s worth every byte.
Pat Rocco's Changes (1970) It's that same girl again!
Queens at Heart (1967) I can't get over that hairdresser girl thinking she's back passing. Most adorably weak boymode ever.
Shangri-La (2021) Another Isabel Sandoval joint.
The Yellow Wallpaper (2021) Freshly post op girl with a supportive boyfriend goes unhinged.
Undress Me (2012) Jana Bringlöv Ekspong did a few short films. Give janabringlove a google after watching this.
Some of these would be tough to find elsewhere, but most of the movies are also watchable on fmovies and/or can be torrented in higher quality.
After you've worked your way through the folder then just start doing Google searches for trans films. Look at IMDB keywords and letterboxd lists. There are so many more out there. These are just like my personal picks.
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arlertwhore · 9 days
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pairing: caitlin clark x fem! reader
synopsis: driver, roll up the partition please! — limo sex w loml cc!
warning(s): 18+/nsfw, strap, riding, nipple sucking, clit play, cait is lit the most encouraging girlfriend. word count: 412. Author Note: the clark cravings have been SO intense, i am actually in-love with cait & she is my wife but there's barely good smut fics of her so girly had to come out of hiatus and find this in the vault #cclover4L
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"Bounce on it, pretty girl," she whispered against your neck, her long fingers teasing your sensitive clit, driving you wild.
Driving you indeed is Cait's personal driver, who has rolled up the partition at Cait's discreet request. You already know that means to settle on her expansive lap, perfectly shaped and just for you.
You're straddling her, her strap buried snugly in your cunt, little dress hiked up around your waist, and her breath hot against your neck, marking you up so nobody else thinks about how hot you are and tries to get with you tonight at the event. "Too much, C—I-I—fuck..!" you gasp, faltering into her arms as Caitlin hugs you tightly, her hips thrusting into your aching cunt—filling you thoroughly.
"What’d I tell you, baby?" she breathes, thrusts growing more urgent and insistent as she leans closer, "Hm?"
"I can do anything I put my mind to," you reply with determination.
"Good girl... you fuckin' love it when I call you that, right?" she murmurs, and you nod, eager to kiss her as a thank you—Cait teaches you to always show your gratitude. She pulls away, eyes sparkling with a question. "Can you do something for me, babe?"
You nod in agreement. "Can you cum for me? Can you put your mind to that?"
You tilt your face up. "Yeah, I—I wanna give you my cum, Cait, keep fucking me," you plead breathlessly.
She clutches your waist with her big hands, pulling you down hard like a fucktoy. "Like that, princess? Wanna tell me what you're gonna do on my dick?"
Your hands clench her button-down shirt, and within seconds, it's peeled down accidentally to reveal her tits, firm and inviting. You lean forward to lick at them. "I'm gonna cum, Caity..."
"On what, baby, on what? Tell me, gorgeous, c'mon, I wanna hear it." she moans softly, her eyes focalled in on the sight of your tongue pleasing her, both of you neglecting the thought of your driver.
"O-on you—on your dick."
You gasp, and her hands slide back down to your ass, gripping it firmly as she bounces you. "Do it, then."
You do, body shuddering and moans silenced by your mouth against her tits, trembling and sucking uncontrollably. You're almost scrambling to get off her, overstimulated, but Cait is quick to pull you back down, her voice low and steady, "It's a long drive."
And subsequently, it seems it's going to be an even longer ride. MASTERLIST
AUTHOR NOTE #2: please tell me you understood the "longer ride" LMAO, i love my cheeky lil endings i think it rly makes this blog THIS blog yk? speaking of this blog, thank you for 1.2k?! i promise u i was lit just doing this for fun i can't believe yall mfs rly care but ty anyway <33!! inbox me, message me, reply idk i like to force y'all to interact w me lol. bye!
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pomegranateandblood · 8 months
The Jacket (part 1/2)
Summary: Alive!reader gets assigned a new locker, finds Wally‘s letterman jacket and decides to keep it
Includes: Wally Clark x reader, smut
A/N: I just love Wally & Rhonda‘s friendship
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"This is not what I meant when I asked for a new locker."  You said, scrunching your nose in disgust.
„Yeah, it's like they haven't cleaned it in decades" Your friend dusted her hands off.
A comical cloud of dust came out of the locker, when you finally managed to open the jammed metal door. Coughing, you stepped back.
Meanwhile, unbeknown to you, two students were watching. Dead Students to be exact.
„Hey, isn't that your locker, hot stuff?" Rhonda pointed her lollipop towards the situation.
The footballer turned and nearly tripped, running over to you.
„Stop panicking, it's not like you could do anything about it anyway." The brunette rolled her eyes and started following him.
„They promised my my mum they wouldn't give my locker away and now I see some-„ Wally tried to find the right words, holding onto Rhondas arm.
She raised a brow at him „Hot cheerleaders taking over your locker ?"
„I'm serious! All the stuff I have on me is in there, what if they throw it away?" He said, watching you hold up his letterman jacket.
„You're right, they really havent cleaned this in ages." You looked at your friend.
She reached inside, pulling out a blue and white jacket. You took it from her and held it up. „It's cute don't you think? Kinda vintage."
„Oh my god. look." She pointed at the stitching at the right top. ‚Wally' it read in white italic letters. You looked at her. „You think it belonged to the stadium guy?"
„Possible? I mean there's other stuff in there. Maybe he wants it back." Your friend crossed her arms. „We could go to the library at lunch and look into the yearbooks to find out."
The bell rang, interrupting your little locker investigation.
„Sounds like a plan." You said, before walking to class.
Wally anticipated lunch break and already waited in the yearbook section, when Rhonda suddenly appeared next to him.
„What are you doing here? Aren't you busy catching gossip in the teachers lounge ?" he asked, cocking a brow at her in question.
She smirked. „I love gossip, but seeing your big star student slash jock ego getting crushed by two human girls is even more entertaining to me"
Wally mocked her smirk and rolled his eyes. He was about to reply when he heard you and your friend entering the aisle.
„1981, 1982- ah here Yearbook of 1983. The trophy cabinet has a table with all, the state champion teams and his name was listed in that year."
Rhonda leaned her head on Wally‘s shoulder, or at least as far as she could with their height difference. „Oh superstar, even state champion? Aww, if I wasn't dead I'd feel sorry."
„Fuck you, Rhonda."  Wally scoffed, trying to concentrate on you skipping through the yearbook pages.
„Sorry I'm not into footballers, sweetheart." She sucked on her lollipop again, leaning against the shelf.
Wally took a deep breath. He was a nice guy, really and he liked Rhonda, but sometimes her attitude just got to him.
„Maybe, footballer dick is just what you need to get over your brooding and depressed mood."
Rhonda laughed. „ Ew." She pushed his shoulder.
„Turn to the exceptional students pages." Your friend said and flipped through the book.
There it was, a full double page.
In loving memory of Wally Clark stood under his picture. Fluffy black hair, chocolate brown eyes and charming smile, wearing the exact same jacket you found in your locker today.
„He's dead?" It sounded more like a questioin than a statement coming out of your mouth.
„Sad, he's sexy." You friend stated.
Rhonda nearly choked on her lollipop and Wally swallowed, before a smirk crept upon his lips.
„She did not just say that?" The shorter ghost crossed her arms.
„He is." You agreed before nudging your friend.
„You think he was a fuckboy ?" She laughed and you joined in. Taking the book from you she read the different things written about him.
„Look, this cheerleader wrote ‚He loved eating jelly filled donuts' Oh I'm sure he did" She wiggled her eyebrows.
„Well if I was born back then, I wouldn't mind him tasting my jelly filled donut." you said giggling.
After chattinf some more, the two of you put the book back and left, still giggling about the handsome footballer.
Wally's face burnt bright red and he felt like his cheeks were on fire. He knew that girls had found him cute back when he was alive, but he never heard girls talk about him like that.
„Congratulations stud, now you're a teenage girls' wet dream in two centuries." Rhonda joked and patted his shoulder.
„What do you mean ?" Wally asked nervously.
Of course he had sex before and he did like it rough, but he was in a relationship before he died and even now he only had one partner to relief his teenage hormones. Wally never wanted to use someone for their body, but this ‚trapped in the school as a ghost’ situation didn't really allow any relationships.
„What I mean is, that girls are or were obsessed with you. When you came to this school I couldn't go anywhere without the female students talk about ‚tall and sexy' you are and how hot you look during football practice."  She made a disgusted face and Wally looked at her in shock.
„Oh and don't we forgot about your girlfriend back then. She was very descriptive to her friends about your dick and how exactly you used it to bring her to the edge."
Wally now leaned against the shelves, trying not to freak out.
„But that was long ago, most of the ghosts here died after me." He said, trying to make himself feel better.
„I don't know why you're freaking out so much? I should be freaking out. Of disgust." She tried to calm him.
„You're right. I just thought- I can't believe I was so naiive." he said, looking down.
„Hey Wally, you're a nice guy." she said, making him smile. „Still entitled tho."
He laughed and rolled his eyes.
A few days later you were able togive Wally's mother the stuff you found in his locker. She seemed like a nice woman and you felt a little emotional at how grateful she was.
Especially because you decided to keep the letterman jacket. You gave it to the dry cleaners and basically lived in it ever since picking it up. It was slightly oversized on you but extremly comfortable.
But there was also something different since you wore it. You felt... watched. Just like today, when you got dressed after swimming club.
After leaving the shower, you put a towel over the bench to sit down. You took little longer than usual and had the changing room to yourself.
Suddenly, it's like something tickled over your back, down to your hips. A pleasant sensation. You shivered, reaching for the jacket to cover yourself.
You called out for someone. But you really were alone. Your friend had joked earlier  that Wally Clarks ghost would come for you, because you didn't give back his jacket. Luckily you didn't believe in ghosts and when you sat down on the bench, yet another thought invaded your mind.
You leaned back and opened your legs slightly. Wouldn't be the first time someone touched themselves in the locker rooms. The boys did it all the time after practice.
Your fingers travelled from your navel down to your already wet heat. Exploring your folds, before finding your clit, you closed your eyes. Wally Clark appeared behind your lids. He kneeled between your legs, strong hands holding your hips.
He kissed the creamy skin of your thighs upwards, the dreamiest of chocolate brown bedroom eyes looking up at you. He licked his plump lips before speaking against your folds, the vibration making you hiss out.
„Quite the unusual offer. Letting me eat you out so I'd forgive you for stealing." his tongue lapped up the wetness of your folds and one of his hands found your breasts, kneading them softly before pinching the nipple. One after one.
„Wally, please." You moaned and circled your clit faster. The feeling of being watched heightened your pleasure from the fantasy.
He sucked on your clit and his other hand also left your hip. Two of his fingers pushed inside you, pumping. „Mmmh" he moaned against your sensitive spot. You shivered and moaned his name again and again.
Goosebumps spread over your skin and you were sure his fingers would feel even better than your own. Shifting slightly on the bench, you were sure the towel underneath you was already soaked. The tight coil in your lower abdomen let you know you were close.
„If you weren't already late I'd edge you. Looking so pretty spread out for me on the bench." His fingers curled up and he switched between sucking and licking at your centre.
You came, biting down on your lower lip, so you wouldn't be heard in the nearby hallway. Opening your eyes, you adjusted to reality again and pulled his jacket together in front of your chest. You felt sick, pleasuring yourself to a dead boy. You decided to sit for a bit before redressing and drying your hair.
Wally still kneeled in between your legs. His lips glistened with your juices and he laughed „So much better than a jelly donut"
Licking his fingers clean, he tried to calm his nerves. His hard cock strained against the grey sweatpants, so he sat up and adjusted himself. He really tried holding back, knowing what he did was technically a grey zone of consent, but seeing you spread out on the bench, naked and wearing his jacket, he just couldn't not help you out. Also, you did say you wouldn't mind a few days ago.
He just wished you could see him. It made him dream on his own, about you two. Maybe on the bleachers or in the teachers lounge. Wally really liked the couch in the teachers lounge.
He watched you get dressed and waited for you to leave so he could take care of himself.
The thoughts of Wally haunted you throughout the next few weeks. Maybe his ghost did haunt you. So you decided to help the homecoming committee decorate the school with posters and decoration up until the late night to take your mind off it.
You fell asleep in the Gym. Waking up in the middle of the night on the hard floor you sighed. You were about to collect your stuff and leave when you heard a moan. Looking up, your jaw nearly dropped to the Floor.
Wally sat upon a gym mat, the ghost of a cheerleader who died in the 90s after dropping from a pyramid sat in his lap.
There was an obvious tent in his grey sweatpants. Her cheer skirt was tucked into the seam revealing her bare pussy with two of Wally's fingers knuckle deep inside. There was a wet spot on his crotch and the squishy noise of his fingers pumping at a fast pace hollowed in the gym.
Her moans were swallowed by his lips, hungrily devouring her mouth.
You squeezed your thighs together at the sight. Envious of the girl. Wally pushed a third finger inside, keeping the rough pace. The blonde girl reached down to rub her clit, but Wally slapped her hand away.
He pulled away from her, biting her bottom lip.
„You only get to do that when my cock has been inside of you."
Your head fell back against the wall. God, you must be really going crazy. Hallucinating or dreaming, but you couldn't tear your eyes away.
The blonde pouted. „M'sorry Wally."
He helped her climb off his lap before he stood up on the mat. She was already getting on all fours with spread knees. Meanwhile Wally pulled his sweatpants down, revealing his impressive girth. Getting on one knee behind her, he pumped himself with his head thrown back, before guiding himself inside her.
He started with slow thrusts, obviously not doing this for the first time. The blonde under him closed her eyes, mouth agape in pleasure.
Wally picked up the speed while kneading her asscheeks. Your eyes widened when he spread them, letting a string of his spit drip onto her other hole. He massaged it with his thumb and the blonde responded with screaming his name „Please, Wally. Please Please Please." she writhted under his touch as he pressed down with his thumb.
Your -or more his jacket felt too hot all of a sudden and you felt your hardened nipples against the fabric of your bra. Pressing your thighs together you tried to get some relief.
The blonde bit her lip to silence her pleas buz Wally slapped her cheek „No. No. No. Baby. I wanna hear you. Let them hear you." His hand went back to her ass.
„You can pleasure yourself now." he instructed and her fingers immediately found her clit, circling roughly.
After her first orgasm, he pulled out. His dick dripping with her juices, the head angry and red. Wally helped her turn on her back, legs draped over his shoulders, guiding just the tip inside.
She whimpered. „Please come on my tits, Wally. I want to taste you."
You bit your lip at her voice, full of need and desire.
He smirked and started jerking above her chest. Her hand joined him as he put his abover hers, guiding her how he liked it.
He groaned her name as he came. Thick spurts of his glassy cum decorating her rosy nipples, up to her chin, which she greedily licked up.
She started licking him clean. „Thank you, Wally. Mmmh." He pushed her head down further, and looked up.
You stared at him wide eyed as you made eye contact with him. At first his gaze looked dazed from pleasure, but then he thought you could see him.
But that wouldn't be possible would it? Humans can't see ghosts.
Wally tucked himself away and helped his companion fix herself, but when he turned around you were gone.
He was definitely going to seek you out tomorrow.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed, let me know in the comments & leave me some love 💕
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spellboundstarlet · 1 month
warnings: strap on , cait making reader touch herself as she watches , fingering , kind of mean caitlin (my fav) , caitlin eating r! out , praise , petnames (ma, mama, baby, good girl, and more) , teasing , this is better viewed in dark mode.
word count: 1,047 words.
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it'd been a bad game for fever. your girlfriend felt as if she'd made them lose, even if you'd reassured her it was not her fault. "you don't get it! it was game point. i missed my shot". when the two of you got home, you thought you would be in for it. it had become a normal thing for caitlin to let her post-game anger out on you. normally by now, your face would be shoved into a pillow as the brunette plowed into you from behind so hard you thought she'd split you in half. but tonight was different.
the second you entered your shared bedroom, the girl had that look in her eyes, the same one she usually got before she fucked you dumb. caitlin smirked at you, her dimples showing, as she pulled down your shorts and panties. her fingers found your inner thigh, teasing closer and closer to your exposed cunt. she shakes her head at you, "so wet already, hm?" she asks. "you gonna take that shirt off f'me too, baby?"
you removed you shirt immediately after the question left her lips, leaving you in your laciest bra, all for caitlin. she loved you like this.. so obedient, so eager to please. the brown eye girl tutted at you, "hmmm, you want me to help you out.. yeah?" she asks, and you nod. the combination of the cold air hitting your skin, and her warm hands running up and down your thighs had you begging her to do something. "well that's to bad, mama.. i'm gonna watch you get off, got it?" wanting to remain "good" for her, you tried to not show your disapproval, but the sad pout on your face showed it all. "show me you deserve it and i can help you".
caitlin sat back on your desk chair, while you sat on the edge of the bed facing her. your fingers rubbed soft circles on your clit, soft whimpers leaving your mouth. gaining confidence, you slipped one finger in. caitlin's eyes met yours as you pumped your middle finger in and out of yourself, all for her. your fingers were nowhere near as long as your girlfriends, meaning they didn't reach the right spots.. and caitlin knew it.
needing more, and knowing you weren't allowed to touch your girlfriend, you added another finger and circled your clit with your other hand. the knot in your stomach dared to snap. cait's eyes never left yours. she sat manspread, with a small smirk on her face.. irresistible. "caitlin, please.." you begged. she seemed to listen, standing up and sitting beside your nearly naked body as you plunged your fingers into yourself at a steady pace.
"think you deserve it?" she asked knowing you did, moving her hand up to cup your breast and squeeze it slightly. your orgasm was approaching quickly, her being next to you making you that much more wet. caitlin's other hand moved down to find your own. as she removed your fingers, she replaced them with two of her own.. a vast difference than what you'd felt before. she was relentless, fingerfucking you fast, the room filled with squelching sounds as her fingers hit the gummy spot inside of you.
"cait... cait!" you screamed out as the band snapped, her fingers slowing down inside of you as you released on her hand. as you panted, trying to catch your breath, she removed her fingers which elicited a sigh from you. "did s'good for me, baby.. so good." caitlin cooed at you as you snuggled impossibly close to her, coming down from your high. "think you can give me a couple more??"
the girl layed you back down, leaving you still completely exposed in front of her. caitlin wasted no time in diving between your legs, her tongue flicking and lapping at your throbbing clit. all that could be heard as she worked you with her mouth was your loud moans. you could feel her smirking against your skin, she knew just how crazy she had been driving you up until this point. her fingers slipped inside of you, curling and hitting that perfect spot. your girlfriend pushed you closer and closer to the edge until you were simply a quivering mess beneath her.
just as caitlin was bringing you to your second orgasm of the night, she pulled away from her spot between your thighs with the same smirk from earlier. "not yet, baby," she whispered huskily, before climbing on top of you and kissing her neck. the feeling of the kisses on your neck made you nearly forget how close she'd just brought you to the brink of letting go. it was overwhelming.
after getting up and disappearing into the bathroom, she returned a few minutes later with her strap already in place. just the sight of your girlfriend like this had you a ready for more.
"you all ready for me, baby?" she said, making you even more wet. the brunette above you teased your hole with the head of the strap, causing you to whimper once again. this time, fully pushing in, your hands reached for her bicep and dug your nails into it. your girlfriend thrusted, her dark eyes watching as the silicone disappeared in and out of you creating the perfect bulge in your lower stomach. caitlin pressed soft kisses on your forehead, pushing the hair stuck to it away and wishing she could take a picture of how fucked out you looked in this moment.
knowing you were close, based on the sounds coming from your mouth, and your impossible grip on her arm, caitlin’s thrusts slowed down. “did so good.. so perfect baby. so pretty like this.” she whispered as she brought you closer and closer. “all for you, cait. all for you.”
soon enough, you held onto the girl tightly as your orgasm rippled through you.
after care with caitlin was perfect, she’d hold you close in the shower, then practically rock you to sleep while still praising you. “my good girl, yeah?” she’d whisper, too tired to speak, you’d only nod against her chest. within minutes you were passed out, and she wouldn’t even dare go to bed before she knew you were comfortable and asleep.
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taglist: @bveckers @kmoneymartini @cosmopretty @charlottehughess @aubreygriffin @favreader23 @miaroman @alyrasturnz
just so you know!! i turn into an absolute slut when you send things into my inbox about my writing, or pretty much anything!!
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sweetbans29 · 26 days
Unmarked - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You were serious about abstaining from Caitlin (AKA part 2 to Marked)
Warnings: needy Caitlin, suggestive
Word Count: 1.7k
Sweetbans Masterlist
You weren't kidding when you told Caitlin that the two of you would not be doing anything until all the marks she made on you faded away. And by the looks of the marks two days into them healing, it would be a little while before they fully disappeared.
In the two days, you have had to tell Caitlin 'no' a total of 4 times. It was not like you wanted to, but if you caved that means that she would have won and you don't like losing. Each attempt your girlfriend made was more and more desperate.
You are currently at her apartment for a movie night. The two of you are curled up in her bed as your favorite movie plays. If you were honest, as much as you love Caitlin being all over you it was nice to have some time to hang out (although you do miss the endless attacking from her lips).
Caitlin brings her hands to rest on your stomach, it doesn't phase you at all until her fingers play with your waistband and you feel her breath on your neck. You can't help but let your eyes flutter closed as your breath begins to pick up with anticipation.
"Miss you baby girl," Caitlin says as her fingers dip further into your shorts and you are snapped back to reality.
You shoot up to a sitting position, catching Caitlin off guard and roll to the other side of the bed.
"Nope," you say, composing yourself and fixing your shorts.
Caitlin groans as she falls closer to you in defeat.
"Nice try, but no," you say.
"Babe, it has been two days. We have never gone two days," Caitlin says as if the world is ending.
"It is not my fault someone can't listen," you say.
"I told you, I have no control when it comes to you," she says as she reaches her arm out to try and touch your leg. You move back and deny her access to your skin.
"I know, my body is riddled with evidence," you say as you begin pointing at the marks you can see without needing a mirror.
"How much longer?" Caitlin says like the impatient child she is.
"Once ever single mark is gone," you say and Caitlin lets out an exaggerated sigh. "And by the looks of it, some of these might take weeks to heal."
"WEEKS?" Caitlin yells. "I can't go weeks."
You chuckle at your girl who is now hiding her face in the bed.
"Gonna explode," Caitlin muffles which makes you laugh even more. "Not funny."
"Come on babe, just think of how good it will be when the marks do fade," you whisper as you lean closer to her. "It will be like a whole new canvas for you to paint."
Caitlin looks up at you and you can see her pupil dilate.
You know you were teasing her and she hated being teased. She was so used to having all the control that your newfound dominance was wrecking her in all the right ways.
"But you have to be a good girl for me, okay?" You whisper as you lean in and place the lightest kiss on the corner of her lips. You can see her hands grip the sheets of her bed.
"I can be good," Caitlin says.
"Can you?" You ask. "Because I don't know if you can."
She nods rapidly. You smile at her and begin to make your way out of her room.
"Where are you going?" She calls out after you.
"I'm hungry," you respond as you make your way to her kitchen.
Caitlin falls back into her bed and groans. How in the world was she going to get through this?
It has now been 5 days. Most of the marks are gone and Caitlin points that out every chance she gets but you counter with the few that are still healing on your inner thighs and under your breasts.
Caitlin itched ever time she was with you, making practice and hanging out incredibly hard.
You had started showing your skin again which wasn't any help to her.
It was the end of practice when Caitlin comes up behind you.
"Are you trying to get me to cave?" She whispers in your ear.
You turn around and give her a questioning look. She is staring down at your legs and you laugh.
"Cait, today was the first day I didn't have to wear anything under my practice clothes," you say. You were wearing your usual practice fit as it had to be modified recently because of Caitlin, it really wasn't anything new.
"It's been years," Caitlin says and you roll your eyes at the girl.
"It's been five days," you say and turn to walk back to the lockers.
"Hey Caity girl, solid practice," Nalyssa comes over giving Caitlin a playful bump. Caitlin is uninterested.
"Still holding out on her?" Nalyssa asks you and Caitlin responds immediately.
"Yes," Caitlin says causing Lyss to laugh.
"Damn and I thought I had it bad," Lyss says.
"Don't feed into it Lyss, Caitlin is just impatient," you say as you prep to head into the showers.
"She has been teasing me for the past week! I don't deserve this," Caitlin says.
"I'm siding with your girl on this Cait, you didn't have to do her so dirty and right before a game," Lexie says as she jumps in the conversation.
"You are not helping Lexie," Caitlin says and gives her a look.
"All I am saying, is I would be pissed if Matt left marks like you did," Lexie says.
"Thank you," you say to Lex and Lyss disagrees.
"Nah, I'd be marking every inch of Dij just to show the world she ain't for anyone but me," Lyss says and Caitlin agrees.
"Okay, well agree to disagree," you say with a shrug.
After practice, Caitlin heads to yours. The two of you had plans to make dinner together. You had been doing everything in your power to keep a distance from Caitlin in the small confines of your kitchen which happens to be one of her favorite places to trap you. And you do a pretty good job of making sure she does back you into a corner.
"Just hear me out," Caitlin says.
"No," you say chopping up some veggies.
"You didn't even let me get to what I was going to say," Cait says.
"Exactly, hence me saying no to hearing you out," you say as if it was obvious.
"You hate me," Caitlin says.
"I do not hate you," you respond. "If I hated you, I would not be making a delicious dinner for you."
"Baby please," she practically begs. "I have been so good, I haven't tried anything since that second night."
"You have, you have been a very good girl," you tell her and you can see her thighs squeeze together. When you see how needy she is you want to cave. You want to give her everything she wants because she really does deserve it.
You put the knife down and wash your hands. She watches your every move. After drying your hands you walk over to her and her hands immediately come to your waist. They find their way under your shirt and rub your soft skin.
In keeping her away from you, you almost forgot how good it felt to have her.
Your hands come to hers and remove them from your body. A whimper escapes her lips. You place them behind her butt and back her up against the counter so she can't move her hands.
"No touching," you whisper as you look at her lips. She swallows.
You bring your hand up to her neck as you plant baby kisses along her jawline. Her head instantly tips back as she lets a whine escape from her lips.
You kiss her neck, not putting all the pressure that you know she loves but just enough to satisfy the craving. Your free hand makes its way under her shirt and massages one of her breasts.
"Baby," she moans at your touch.
"Yes," you ask in between kisses.
"Need you," is all she can mutter out.
"Please," Caitlin begs and you can't help but cave.
"Okay," you whisper into her ear. "Take me."
Caitlin takes the green light and throws you over her shoulder - taking you straight to your bed.
That night was one of the best nights that the two of you have ever shared together.
You wake up the next morning to a sleeping Caitlin. Turning over, you are glad you both have the day off because you don't want to leave bed.
Your movement causes Cait to stir as she reaches over to pull you closer to her. If there is one thing you love, it is cuddly Cait in the morning. She buries her head into you, wanting to block out any light that has made its way into your room.
"Morning," you say. You feel her hum as you wrap your arm around her.
"That might have been the best night of my life," Caitlin says and you laugh.
"Better than getting drafted?" You ask and she nods.
"Wow, good to know I am that good," you say and she pushes you. You pull her back into you.
"And look at that, only a few marks on my legs," you say and Caitlin smirks. She lifts up your shirt showing you all the marks she left.
"Oh, there are marks baby," she says leaning down to kiss the ones on your hips. "Just decided to hide them a this time."
"Caitlin!" You say as you fake anger when in reality, you both know you love being marked.
"You can't be mad at me," she says. "Hid them like you wanted. It's a win-win."
You know she is right.
"You know I'm not," you say. "Just like having the upper hand on you." You lean over to capture her lips.
"Babe, you know you always have the upper hand," Caitlin says as she pulls you onto her.
AN: Here you go! Hope it you all liked it. Let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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targaryenluvs · 3 months
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PAIRING: Red Kryptonite!Clark Kent x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: To make your ex jealous, your best friend suggests the two of you work together. But it’s not like you knew, he was never planning on letting you go.
WARNINGS: Fake Dating Trope, Obsession, Jealousy, Dark themes, Cursing, Non-Consensual Kissing/Touching, Implied Sex, Baby Trapping, Red Kryptonite Clark
WORDCOUNT: 1,390 Words
A/N: Hello folks! This fic is apart of the lovely @lady-ashfades collab event! Here is the masterlist, go over and give it a look and read with a lot of great writers and tropes ❤️ You can imagine this with any Clark but I was leaning towards Smallville Clark!
Your teeth were bound to be ground into nothing if you kept going at this pace. The drink in your hand was warm, despite the ice inside. Your entire face was flushed as you watched your boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, stand around and laugh.
His footsteps surprisingly weren’t heavy, “The longer you stare, the creepier it gets.” Clark laughed as you turned his way, eyebrows knitted together in anger. “Who cares, why the hell is he allowed to be so happy. If a girl moves on that fast it’s a shit show.” You downed your drink before turning to the barkeep, he didn’t even need to ask, nor did you.
Another glass slid your way.
Clark was quicker than you, he always was. “This isn’t how you get over someone Y/n/n.” You couldn’t help but whine as you stared at the small glass, it wasn’t small but Clark made it look tiny. “You want me to switch to ice cream Kent?” Clark scoffed, his teeth as white ever.
His hand came to hold yours once he’d placed the glass out of your reach, “Anything, as long as it won’t hurt you.” You couldn’t help but smile at him, “Always looking out for me aren’t you?”
Oh you have no idea.
“Always, you’re my best girl.”
“And you’re my best friend too.” You stood on your toes to kiss his cheek, not noticing how time seemed to stand still to him. His hand came to your waist to steady you, “What if we could make him jealous?” Clark kept hold of your arms, which you found odd. “Uh, how do you mean?” You couldn’t bring yourself to meet his eye, so you glanced at his hands taking note of the tacky red ring. His hand rose to your cheek, cradling it before leaning in, “I mean this.”
Clarks lips connected with yours as your eyes widened, this was definitely not how you expected your night to go.
You pulled away after what felt like a lifetime to be met with a wide smile, “I— you,” Clark’s head was turned towards your ex Jake. “Well he’s definitely noticed you now.” Taking. a quick glance, you viewed an angry man not taking notice of the girl clinging on his arms.
Shaking your head to try and clear your mind did nothing. What the hell was going on? Pinching the bridge of your nose, you looked back to Clark, “You kissed me to make him jealous? You’re my best friend Clark and this isn’t a movie.”
“Oh come on, a macho guy like him never thinks before getting angry. And would you rather use some random friend or your best friend? You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you Y/n/n.” Tucking your hair behind your ear you nodded along, maybe this would pay off. Either it would help you get over him or get him back.
“Alright, let’s do it.”
Clarks eyes shifted, whether it was just the lighting or something more, you didn’t take notice.
“Baby I’m gonna treat you so good—,”
“Don’t quote Pretty Woman on me Kent!”
Bliss. The next few weeks with Clark by your side were pure bliss in your opinion. Almost every day you woke up to a nice message from him wishing you a good morning. Before, unluckily for you, your ex worked with both yourself and Clark. But now it was the best thing since it was undeniably easy to rub your glee in his face.
“Coffee M’lady?” He had a mug in his hand, outstretched in your direction as you took in the lovely smell of the love of your life, and Clark was there too. “I love you.” Your hands practically snatched the mug from his grip, “Oh I guess I like you too.”
Clark shook his head as you giggled sweetly before taking a sip of heaven to start your day, “You wound me.” You raised your eyebrows, “I keep you on your toes baby.” The word slipped so easily you didn’t even notice, but Clark did. So did Jake as he entered the break room.
You used to call him baby.
Taking your coffee, you mobilised and left the room, leaving your ex and best friend fake boyfriend with tension galore radiating from the room. “Kent.” Jake grunted in acknowledgement, “Jake.” The smirk on Clark’s face was infuriating, “Stop.”
He played dumb as he twisted the Ruby like ring, “Stop what?” Clark tilted his head as he questioned him, “Rubbing her in my face.” His laugh screamed superiority somehow, “Trust me, Y/n wouldn’t want to rub herself on you any-day or anyhow. She has me for that anyways.”
“Oh you fucking—,”
“Clark!” Your shout from down the hall caused both of the men to turn immediately, “Watch yourself Kent.” Clark snickered in his face, “Yeah, cause I’m so scared of you right? Chin up Jakey.”
Jake watched as Clark walked away, jaw close the to the floor at the audacity and arrogance around the sweetheart that was Clark Kent. How the hell was he your best friend?
For some reason you just keep going. Never announcing that you were dating but falling into this calm stage of friendship? A relationship? You were fake dating, or supposed to be, but it felt almost normal now. And whenever you’d bring forwards the topic of what you were Clark would always shut it down.
Especially when it came to the two of you returning to friends.
So after a consultation with Lois, you ended up taking him out for a night on the town. Drinks, fun and hopefully enough time for a talk.
You wiped your eyes as Clark laughed at your wheezing, “I can never imagine you acting so confident! Not in a bad way but— oh god, half the time when your food is too salty you just buck up and eat it. I don’t know why you confronting someone is so foreign!”
Clark shook his head as he crossed his arms, “That’s the old Clark. Don’t you like someone who takes control?” Suddenly the jacket you had on was far too warm and restricting as you choked on air, “Uhh, sure.” You absentmindedly answered before ordering another drink.
Not realising it was already your fourth, Clark hadn’t touched his drink.
“It’s so dark.” Clark nodded as you clung onto bicep, “Luckily I’m here no?” He glanced down at you with a sinister smile and he couldn’t help but admire the glee on your face. “Lucky you’re here.” You agreed.
He was in for a good night.
The sun was harsh in your eyes, attempting to roll over to escape you were met with a human blockade in the form of, Clark?
“Oh you’re fucking kidding me.”
Clarks eyes fluttered open at your exclamation, “What’s wrong Sweetheart?” You shot up, clutching the sheet to your chest as he laughed at your actions, “I’ve already done that to you Y/n/n.” Clutching your head in your hands you tried to make sense of how you ended up in your best friend’s bed naked after a normal night out.
You shook your head vehemently, “That’s— that’s not the point Clark! How the hell did we end up at your place when we were walking to mine? And how… please tell me we didn’t.” Your eyes were beginning to gloss over as guilt pinched at his heart, “Hey, hey I’ve got you. I’m so sorry I don’t know either. We both drank a lot but I would never take advantage of you I swear. It was mutual but you trust me right?”
You didn’t have the energy to argue, especially not with the soreness resting in your body, “I just, I’m confused Clark. I don’t know why I got into bed with you, or you got in with me. Don’t you think this would ruin our friendship?”
He sighed as he managed to slowly lull you into his arms with a gentle smile, “Sweetheart, I think we’ve been more than friends for a while. Tell me you’ve hated these past few weeks and I’ll stop. This is Real Love Baby. He never deserved you.” Having someone with you, constantly doting on you. Especially when it was so easy to talk to them since they were your best friend.
You gave in that night, and gave in again.
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manheimsmuse · 8 months
a/n; inspired by this post by @stevensrealgf !
warnings; 18+, mndi, afab!reader, fem!pronouns, established relationship, smut under the cut, unprotected sex i don’t know how many times i have to tell you guys not to do this, fingering, filthy talk, wally clark talks you through it. not proofread !
you sat beside charley on the edge of the stage, watching as rhonda sat on wally’s back as he did pushups. charley had made a quiet joke to you about wally showing off to ‘impress a certain someone’.
your relationship with wally was unknown to the others, both you and wally agreeing that you’d like to keep it to yourselves for as long as possible to prolong the peace you both found in one another.
however, wally wasn’t as good at hiding the fact he had a crush on you.
you’d stopped paying attention by the time wally had risen to his feet, lazily returning your gaze to him after a sarcastic comment he made to rhonda.
“who’s next?” he asked with a boyish grin, attention focused on you and charley now “charley? wanna ride the pony?”
you choke on your laugh, doubled over with a hand clamped over your mouth to dampen your laughter.
“what’s funny, princess?” wally questions with a quirked brow, hands resting on his hips as he looks at you expecting an answer “you think i couldn’t lift him?”
the mischievous look on his face proves to you that he knows exactly why you’re laughing, but he’s not giving you the satisfaction of seeing him all red faced and flustered.
“oh, i’m sure you can” you respond sarcastically, hopping off the stage and patting his shoulder as you pass by “you boys have fun!”
there’s no masked intent in your words, if wally wanted to try lift charley then more power to him, but you were getting bored of the gym.
not long after you’d settled down in the student lounge wally joins you, presumably only taking so long because he wasn’t sure where you went. without a word he joins you on the couch, relaxing back into his seat as you kick your feet up into his lap with a teasing “have fun?”
“awh, is my little princess all jealous i didn’t ask her instead?” wally cooes patronisingly, palm running back and forth against your thigh “you wanna ride the pony, baby?”
your bottom lip is trapped between your teeth, unsure if you wanted to laugh him off or indulge his antics. naturally, you choose the latter.
as you slide onto wally’s lap his hands instantly find your waist, gently pulling you closer as you place one leg on either side of his body.
“that’s it, baby” he grins, a hand coming up to grip your chin “there’s my pretty girl” he mumbles, guiding your mouth to his in order to press a soft kiss to your lips.
the tender moment is short lived, movements becoming more frantic as you both work on the others clothes, your hips involuntarily grinding against wally’s the moment his mouth meets your neck.
“fuck, baby” wally groans against your neck, fingers digging into your hips to guide your movements “so needy already?”
you roll your eyes at his cockiness, even if you are gasping out his name when his clothed erection brushes against your covered clit. your hands fumble as you attempt to remove the little clothing left in your way until you’re both in your underwear.
“shit, you really are needy huh?” wally chuckles, his fingers gathering your wetness as his hand slips into your panties “my perfect girl, always so desperate for my cock.”
he plunges two fingers into you without warning, moving at a pace that has your head falling back and your moans echoing through the empty room.
“o-oh, god.” you whine, feeling the band in your stomach tightening at an alarming rate when his thumb presses against your clit, his fingers still fucking into you.
the moment he feels you tighten around his digits he withdraws his hand, pushing his soaked fingers into his mouth before answering you cries of frustration.
“hey, hey! said you were gonna ride me, remember?” his soft voice is a stark contrast to the look on his face “can’t have you cumming on my hand now, pretty baby”
he helps you position yourself, hissing out a curse when your hand wraps around him to make sure he was in place, and when you finally sink down onto him it takes every ounce of willpower he has to not flip the two of you so he’s on top.
you waste no time in making good on your word, starting to move back and forth on him slowly before gradually settling into a rhythm.
“doing such a good job, princess.” wally groans, gripping you even tighter as you bounce on his cock “taking me so well, fuck baby, look so pretty riding me”
“so close, wally” you warn through a moan, nails digging into his skin as you grip his shoulders.
wally let’s out a grunt of acknowledgment, any self control he had left vanishing when you start clenching around him, prompting him to start fucking up into you at a harder pace.
“me too, baby.” he murmurs, mouth latching onto your clavicle to mark the skin “you feel so good, princess, gonna make me cum in your pretty little pussy. you want that, pretty girl? you want me to come in you?”
your eyes roll back as he talks, mouth falling open and shut with nothing but a string of lewd noises as opposed to coherent sentences.
“please, wally.”
your mewled permission was all wally needed, his thumb rubbing harsh, fast circles into your clit as he continued to buck up into you, his pace getting sloppy as you feel him swelling inside you.
“that’s it, princess, there you go” he grits through his teeth, not stopping until you get over the edge too “so fucking pretty when you make a mess on my cock, my gorgeous girl.”
you’re a mess by the time you’ve both halted your movements, wally is still buried inside you as you fall forward against his chest making you quietly moan at the sensation.
“you did such a good job, baby.” wally cooes, placing a kiss to the top of your head “gonna have to get you to ride me more often.”
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caitlinsclark · 2 months
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LOVE TRICYCLE ¹ caitlin clark 𝘤𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘭𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 | summary: kate becomes an accidental matchmaker and honorary third wheel. based on this request. wc: 2.3k PART TWO masterlist and tag list
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“Who on the team are you not letting date your son or daughter?” The question was posed by Tiffany, asked loudly from the back of the bus. The team was traveling to Chicago for a game and the bus had taken to doing a fun trend to pass time.
Tiffany had her phone out, recording the interaction to post to her instagram story. You lifted your head thoughtfully, pondering her question.
A’ja, from the seat across from you immediately answers, “Y/N.” Without looking up from her phone as if she were speaking fact. 
You look into the lens of the camera wordlessly, smirking deviously and shrugging your shoulders. You couldn’t blame her.
When Tiffany pushed the camera in your face for an answer, you glanced over at Kate, the newest baby of the team. She immediately began pouting, a red hue going to her face at the attention, “Don’t look at me!” Her voice whined and you reached over to pinch her reddening cheeks.
You laughed at the sight of her reaction, massaging her shoulders lovingly, “Look at that face!” You instead used your hands to cup her cheeks, presenting it to the camera as both of your laughs echoed, “This is the face that haunts over protective middle aged fathers everywhere.” 
Kate looked at you adoringly, a sickly sweet smile forming as you continued playing with her face. You and Kate were the two most recently drafted players on the Aces, with her in ’24 and you in ’23, and had formed a bond that strayed from the professional team dynamics. 
“I promise, my type is more the MILFs,” Kate fluttered her eyelashes dramatically at you, a more flirty tone dripping off. Her lips expanded into a goofy grin, practically gushing her usual charisma.
You turned to the camera with a deadpan expression, as you squished her face, “See? My protective father is somewhere crying and throwing up in a corner right now. She’s trying to talk me out of my pants.” 
The two of you broke into fits of giggling, the happiness radiating within the team’s bus as you got closer to your game destination. You decided to get cozy, leaning back into your seat and dropping your head onto Kate’s shoulder.
With a heartwarming amount of care, Kate gently laid her blankie over your front to keep you warm. When she received a call a moment later, her free hand moved and grabbed her phone. The blonde immediately pressed accept on the call coming in from Caitlin.
“Hey, CC!” 
You smiled at the excitement sprouting in Kate’s voice at name but kept your eyes closed to give them their moment. 
“There’s just a,” Kate spoke the next word with emphasis to tease you, “child sleeping on me.” 
“You’re still the baby, rook,” You mumbled with little care as you got more comfortable. Your arm hooked through hers, focused on achieving maximum comfort. She patted your head and moved the camera to show your relaxed face to Caitlin.
A gasp rang through the speaker, which caught your interest and you opened your eyes to see none other than Caitlin Clark occupying the screen so close to your face. And you saw an opportunity.
“You’re so pretty up close,” The words came out smooth and soft, head still laying on its spot on Kate’s shoulder. You didn’t make any attempt too push away the camera. Her hair was straightened and splayed against her shoulders, framing her pretty face. Caitlin was a little taken off guard but quick to accept it and match your energy, “I think to be safe you’d have to test that theory in person.” 
Kate made a face, eyes shifting between the two girls wearing similar flirtatious grins. It wasn’t long though until they had turned the attention back to Kate.
“Wait!” There was a hint of betrayal in Caitlin’s voice, “Did you give her your blankie?” Her jaw was slack, drawing your attention to her lips. Yup, that was the reason you were going with. 
You cuddled into the fabric, allowing your ego to float a little, “Are you jealous, Clark?” A teasing tone laced your words as they traveled through the speaker.
Caitlin wondered if you sounded as sweet in person, because the phone must not be doing you full justice.
“Of the blanket? Yes.” She winked at you and her eyes fluttered as they scanned over your face. You chuckled and turned your head so the blanket would cover your warming cheeks. Kate used her arm to nudge you, a silent moment shared as you two exchanged a very telling look. You winked at her and closed your eyes, pretending to choose sleep. If you stayed up a little longer to hear Caitlin’s voice, no one had to know.
When you arrived at the hotel, you stretched and let out a little yawn, folding the blanket carefully and handing it back to Kate.
“Where did you get that? It’s so soft,” You made a passing comment as you grabbed your bags, helping her get hers as well. Kate started to laugh softly, feeling a little kiddish.
“I’ve had it since I was a kid,” She started to blush just from saying it, “and no, I’m not telling you its name!” The blonde started to shy away from you, the two of you sharing a laugh at her admission.
“It has a name!” The words were giddy and full of curiosity and she refused to indulge it.
But as a prime opportunist, you smiled smugly to yourself and reached to grab your phone. Get dirt on Kate and have a way into Caitlin’s DMs? Opening your Instagram app, it wasn’t too hard to find Caitlin’s profile and send an urgent message.
‘I need insider info about the name of Kate’s blankie. I knew you were the girl who could help me.’
It was only a few minutes of staring at your phone til her username lit up on your screen.
‘Information isn’t free :/‘ and you grinned, that sounded like an invitation.
The next time you got to talk to Caitlin is after an intense 1v1 with Kate. Your teammates watched, invested from the sidelines at the two of you battling it out.
“Don’t choke, rook,” You advised, dribbling the ball between your legs as you approached the hoop. You faked going right before spinning and taking the shot from the left.
“Damn, rookie on rookie crime,” One of the girls called out when you hit the ground, fouled a little too aggressively by Kate. She immediately kneeled down to offer you a hand as you milked out the injury. With a dramatic clutch to your ankle, you rolled over and played dead.
There was a few beats where you continued the act til you peaked one eye open and saw Kate’s unimpressed expression. Taking her hand to get up, you patted her shoulder in forgiveness when she checked to see if you were okay.
In the end, she had beaten you with a close score and the two of you relaxed on the sidelines as the next pair began to face off. You were eager to chug a few gulps of your drink, ignorant to the FaceTime call that Kate had accepted beside you.
“First I had to be jealous of a blanket, now a water bottle.” The words made you choke, and cough up the water in your mouth. You patted your chest and shook off Kate’s concerned look. The Caitlin Clark effect, truly.
It seemed cruel how quick Caitlin was to fire back at you again, “Not how I envisioned the first time you did that.” There wasn’t a moment to recover, but two could play at that game.
You bit your lip, taking the phone from Kate with an overdramatic twirl of your hair, “So what were you envisioning?” Kate rolled her eyes and pushed your head out of frame before taking her phone back.
“I just beat this loser at a one on one.” Kate stuck out her tongue cockily, rubbing her victory in your face.
With a nonchalant look, you rolled your eyes, “I won, but okay.” You winked at Caitlin over the phone, whose lips tilted up at the action. You definitely took a lingering second to appreciate that.
“She’s lying,” Kate exclaimed with dramatic emphasis on the second word, “to you, CC!” Her face morphed into disbelief at your dismissal.
“Would I lie to your pretty face, Caitlin?” You practically purred as you turned the phone toward your face and it had the brunette blushing behind the screen. Kate interrupted to pull the camera back to her.
“Yes! She only wants to impress you, Cait.” The blonde argued with a grin on her face, poking your side to get you to break. It didn’t take much for you to start laughing.
“I might be lying to impress you.” You shrugged shamelessly, raising your eyebrows at the look Kate gave you at the way you immediately backed down.
With a large grin, Caitlin shook her head as if the statement was insane, “I’d be impressed with you either way.” 
Kate tapped her fingers on her lips, quietly muttering, “Okay, so my 35 points mean nothing.” You turned your head over to her, grinning when you made eye contact with your friend. 
“Awww, no you did so good, rook.” You praised with your arm wrapping around her shoulders and a tilt of your head to rest on her shoulder.
Caitlin grinned from the phone, heart warming at the scene between both of you. 
When goodbye’s were said to resume practice, Kate stared at you with a smug expression that seemed to read into your soul.
“What?” You questioned defensively, scratching at your arm under her intense gaze. Though you could tell it was flooded with underlying amusement.
She sighed like an inconvenience, “Is this what it’s going to be like now?” And when you don’t answer right away she continues teasingly, “You two are sickeningly adorable.” 
“And you’re our little third wheel,” You squeezed her tightly, putting your cheek to her head, “That’s what makes it a tricycle!” You wiggled your eyebrows and giggled when she pushed you away.
The next time you talked to Caitlin was a pleasant shock to both of you, as if she wasn’t the one to press your contact. She wasn’t entirely expecting you to answer. The Aces had an uncharacteristically bad game, letting too loose on their defense and it was noticed by the TV announcers in your hotel room.
Kate had gone to her own room in favor of you both going over film and trying to correct the rough loss. You felt particularly defeated as you rubbed the side of your bruised hip.
As you went to grab an ice pack, you were annoyed to hear your phone ring with the FaceTime tone. With a sigh, you answered the call and waited for Caitlin’s face to appear on the phone.
“Hi, gorgeous.” She greeted with her usual charisma, a dazzling smile on that was slowly coaxing a similar happiness out of you.
But your voice was small and quiet, something she expected after a loss, “Hi, Cait.” 
She glanced at the ice pack in your grasp and frowned at the bruising skin underneath.
She wasted no time in asserting the reason why she called, “Are you okay?” But that wasn’t enough to show her care, so she continued, “I saw the way you went down. Fuck those refs, that was intentional.” The frustration you caught in her words seemed to rival the one you personally had earlier, and it was your game.
You set your phone down to adjust the updo your hair was held in. Caitlin watched, mesmerized by the simplest of tasks as you placed the hair tie in between your teeth.
She was trying to ignore the way your tongue poked out of your cheek when you caught on to her disorientation. 
With an urgency to change the topic and play it off, you continued, “Careful, you’re sounding a little obsessed, Clark.” The playful grin that Caitlin had gotten accustomed to graced your face. But she didn’t like that her genuine care seemed to be written off as a joke this time.
“I’m worried about you,” Caitlin furrowed her eyebrows, beginning to get passionate about the subject, “You’re a lot more than Kate’s teammate to me now, you know that, right?” The sudden seriousness of her words sobered you up and the goofy look wiped from your face.
“You’re a lot more than that to me too.” You whispered, letting the deeper meaning go unsaid. And by the soft look she sent you, you knew she got the message.
At the reassurance that she wasn’t just imaging the energy between you two, Caitlin seemed to perk up significantly. Cute. It was the human equivalent of a dog wagging their tail after getting a treat. 
“Guess I’ll just need a little motivation in the crowd to do better next time.” You pretended like you were being slick, like you weren’t asking her to make a sacrifice to come to your game. 
“And of course, for Kate too,” The words came seconds after, a clear attempt to play off the buzzing tension building up.
A genuine laugh left Caitlin’s chest and you beamed at the sound, “I think I’d be able to do that.” She mimicked your causality, but the giddy grins you shared were anything but casual.
And with that, you both hung up the phone. Caitlin leaned back on her couch with a dreamy sigh, finger hovering over Kate’s contact to gush about the overwhelming excitement you brought on.
In your own hotel room, you had the same idea and ran over to Kate’s hotel room. Kate from inside her room panicked at the double intrusion, knowing this was only the beginning of this love tricycle. 
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superbat-love · 10 months
Clark: Bruce, if we ever have kids together, do you think he’d look like the both of us?
In the background, Hal spits out his coffee. Wally starts to laugh until Bruce gives him a dark look.
Clark: Come on Bruce, aren’t you even a little bit curious?
Bruce: Have you been exposed to silver kryptonite and didn’t tell me again?
Diana: [clapping both of them on the shoulder] I think he’d be a handsome blue-eyed warrior just like his dads!
Wally: No way, this league already has too many dark-haired and blue-eyed superheroes. He should be a redhead with bright green eyes!
Clark: Hmm, I don’t think he’d be a redhead. Green eyes though…Bruce, didn’t your great-grandmother have green eyes?
Hal: Or you’d have a girl, and she’d be as huge as the both of you and look like Miss Trunchbull from Matilda. No man would ever dare to date her.
Clark: [angrily stands up] You take that back, Hal Jordan! How dare you insult my daughter! She’ll always be the most beautiful girl in the world in my eyes!
Bruce: Calm down, Clark, we don’t have a biological daughter. But I’m sure if we were ever to miraculously have one, Clarice would be able to throw any man who insults her out the window.
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sleepyangelkami · 2 months
CLOSE CALL b.blake
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☆ SUMMARY - based on the episode, 'the calm', season one, episode eleven. during the hunt for food with clarke and finn, you find yourself faced with death, lincoln saves you before it's too late but it's bellamy who finds you running for your life in the woods.
 ☆ WARNINGS - shy!reader, brief mention of insomnia, blood, gore, fire, grounders, saviour!lincoln, death threat, weapons, violence, assault, panic attack, anxiety, sexism, (3) uses of y/n, petnames, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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bellamy loved sharing a tent with you. he loved being able to brush the hair from your face as you slept soundly while he stared at the tent ceiling, wishing sleep would come over him. he loved waking up to you giggling, pushing him to get up as he slept half the day away.
but it was mornings like this, when he was met with the sight of you leaving that he groaned to himself, hands on his eyes. "where are you going, sweetheart?" pasting his softest tone.
you shimmied the wide-legged jeans up your legs, grinning as you swiped his jacket, not your own. "'m gonna go see octavia." she was currently in the smokehouse, cooking. it was some punishment for something devious she'd done with her grounder boyfriend, 'lincoln'.
"princess." his tone was a warning. "she's in the meat tent for a reason, it's not punishment if her best friend goes and visits her."
you weren't too sure why she was being punished, you weren't sure about a lot of things around here. all you knew was that the group weren't too fond of lincoln seeing as he was a grounder but he saved octavia's life once and had done nothing but be kind to her since. that was enough to get him in your good books.
"okay, then i'll be really mean to her." slipping on your shoes and sticking them out to him.
he rolled his eyes, sighing before sitting upwards. he bent down to tie the laces of your shoes, knowing that he should be up by now already. "no you won't."
you ignored him anyway, smiling as you seated yourself on his lap. he wore his black jeans, that you swore up and down about when he wore to sleep and was currently topless.
"i'll be back to you before lunch." pressing a chaste kiss to your lovers cheek, smiling softly.
you left the tent with a pep in your step, hearing bellamy yell the words, "and tell my sister to stop stealing my girlfriend!" but you only grinned, walking quicker.
everyone was out now, bellamy seemed to be the last awake. you smiled at clarke on your way, deeming her a good friend by now and opening the curtain to the meat tent.
"hi, o." octavia whipped around, grinning at you.
"finally." she scoffed. "next time you see my brother, tell him to stop hogging my best friend."
a smile forced its way on your lips at the mere thought. octavia and bellamy were so alike yet they'd never know, both too stubborn to ever admit it. your eyes trailed to the other person in the meat tent. it was john murphy, infamous around the camp right about now. "oh, hi murphy." a friendly smile gracing your lips. he helped you and many others out when you got sick, it was only fair to return the kindness.
"hey, y/n." though he didn't miss the way octavia nudged your side causing you to frown at her. it was safe to say that they weren't the biggest fans of each other right about now.
your eyes trailed across your best friend, seeing her face glisten. "do you want me to take your jacket? you're sweating."
"good idea, thanks." before the girl could shimmy the jacket off and pile it in your hands, the sound of someone else's voice filled the tent, not murphy's either.
"let's get this party smokin'!" del was a member of bellamy's posse, the one you weren't so fond of, tossing firewood into the fire causing you to frown.
octavia must have shared the same expression. "you don't want the fire too big so maybe just try to knock it down with some wet leaves." you were too embarrassed to open your mouth, inching your way closer to octavia. you never found yourself one to speak freely in front of others.
"you get that from your boyfriend?" the boy retaliated. "grounder-pounder."
but as shy as you may have been, your face suddenly contorted to a deeper frown. you looked at octavia who merely kept quiet, turning and fixing the hanging meat. luckily, murphy spoke instead. "she's right. a hot fire isn't gonna preserve the meat as well."
"can't take the heat? get out of the smokehouse." he looked between the two, knowing better than to throw around looks to you. "you should be kissing our asses for being back allowed in this camp."
"leave them alone." your shaky voice still managed to speak, you followed the boy despite octavia grasping your arm. "i'll tell bellamy."
the boy suddenly froze in his tracks. he turned to look at you, biting his lip with a scoff before turning back around, leaving.
you sighed awkwardly, wishing the entire encounter hadn't happened but as soon as you turned around, you felt smoke engulf you. del should have listened when octavia told him to lay it off with the leaves. you found arms engulfing you, octavia's familiar scent filling your nose. she all but dragged you out of the smokehouse.
the tent went up in flames faster than you could blink.
octavia passed you off to bellamy while a cough ripped at your throat. bellamy questioned his sister's wellbeing, she stated that she was fine, dragging a hand across her forehead. "you okay? are you hurt?"
you shook your head, coughing while bellamy wrapped a hand on the back of your head.
"this is all your fault." murphy stood, his hands outstretching as he pushed del backwards. "we told you it was too much wood!"
bellamy only let go of you once del and murphy began throwing swings at one another, as if it would change a thing. he split the two up, yelling at everyone to stop.
silence engulfed the group. you were next to octavia, a gentle hand rubbing on her back, her face covered in smoke. "bell, now what the hell are we gonna do?" she yelled causing everyone to turn. "that was all our food!"
the food was burned to a crisp. even when people managed to stop the fire, the food was already destroyed. clarke and bellamy looked over possibilities but they only had enough nuts and water to last them a week, two if they were lucky. clarke suggested they hunt.
it wasn't everyday that you were left outside the gates. "can i come?" you excitedly tittered, despite the appauled look on bellamy's face.
"i can take care of her." clarke spoke before he even got the chance to refuse. multiple times, you'd left the gates with clarke, talking on about things that she hadn't a notion about, chiming in with a hum every few seconds.
but she always took care of you, bellamy couldn't dispute with that. "with the entire grounder army out there?"
you slumped but clarke only raised her eyebrows. "and how do you expect her to defend herself if she's starving?"
he knew she was right, as much as he would have prefered to believe she wasn't.
he lined people up, splitting them into groups and handing out guns but keeping it so that one person per group had a gun, the last thing they needed was to run out of bullets right before the grounders hit them. truth was, bellamy didn't know if you were safer out there than you were in here.
you were paired with clarke, finn and a boy called myles.
"don't stay after dark, you hear me?" bellamy was zipping the zipper of his jacket around you but it was clarke who he handed the gun to. "you see grounders, you run back, i don't care who you leave behind."
"i'll be fine." you stretched out the last syllable, placing your hands on the man's shoulders as he was currently crouched in front of you. "y'worry too much."
"i have to worry." he assured. "you don't worry enough." he pressed a kiss to your head as you grinned, then leaning in and pressing one against your smile. "i love you."
"i love you too." you couldn't help but giggle, turning on your heel. "see you soon!"
bellamy watched with a twisting gut, feeling helpless but anxious all at once. he would have gone with you, watching your every move but being the leader of the camp made that incredibly hard for him. he sometimes wished he wasn't in charge, maybe then you could be his only priority. but if he didn't, who would?
"you know, i don't think you're actually allowed to say that." myles was a sweet kid, you supposed but he had some pretty out there views. the forest was quiet, too quiet while finn and clarke trailed above you.
you supposed hanging back with myles couldn't be worse than whatever conversation they were having. "why not? is it so bad to want a traditional marriage?"
"not at all." you answered swiftly. "but it's supposed to be a choice." by now, finn had already caught two squirrels. "the woman should be able to decide if that's what she wants and if you want that, then be with a woman who does too. you can't just force someone into being someone they're not."
"well, we wouldn't have this problem if women just stuck to what they were good at." the comment made you frown.
"myles, can you just be quiet for a second?" the words came from clark who shared the same look of distaste on her own face. you watched as she and finn studied the tracks on the ground, apparently belonging to a boar. "what is it?"
you followed where they sat, kneeling down beside finn to see what was wrong while myles hovered over you all. "these tracks..."
once you got a closer look, you could see how close together they were, how stuck in the mud they truly seemed. "they're perfect."
"too perfect." finn added, his eyes casting upwards. "we're the ones being hunted." someone had planted the boar tracks.
instantly, a shiver ran up your spine while myles stood up, pointing his gun as he glanced around the woods. "i don't see anything." as if on command, there was a swooping sound and suddenly, the arrow landed in his leg, the next in his shoulder.
you could have screamed, instead you gasped out the boy's name, looking to clarke for help. your hands instantly sat on the wound, covering it so blood didn't leak out, clarke sat at the other side, doing the same to his shoulder. "guys, come on, we gotta leave him." finn was adamant, rushing the girls forward.
"we can't just―" you didn't get to finish your sentence for something hard hit you over the head and suddenly you were laying flat on the ground, dizziness swirling your vision. you could vaguely make out a grounder coming from behind finn and doing the same, you didn't see what they did to clarke.
then everything became nothing at all.
it turned black.
when you woke, you were being forced onto the ground. your hands were bound in front of you and your knees smashed against the cold gravel, you could feel the flesh break apart, little cuts littering against your skin. finn and clarke were in the same position, sharing glances of worry.
your brows were knit together as your eyes scanned where you were, some kind of cave though it also appeared to be a room. your first thought was bellamy, how worried the boy seemed when you left, you could only imagine the worry when you didn't return. you'd imagine by the lighting that it was well after sunset.
"we walked for about three miles." finn began to whisper. it appeared as though he and clarke hadn't been hit as hard as you had. "after crossing that creek, another two or so before we got to the road."
"i don't think it matters, finn." clarke's voice had a sense of desperation in it. "they didn't blindfold us which means they don't care what we saw. they're gonna kill us."
a cold feeling settled in the base of your stomach, bile rising to your throat. bellamy was right, it wasn't safe out here and you just had to go and get yourself killed.
two grounders pulled you up by your shirt, you let out a whimper as they shoved you forward, others doing the same to clarke and finn. they led you down the cave's hallway and into another room where other grounders were waiting then shoving you right back on the ground.
a woman stood in front of you, wearing a long black coat. she unleashed her sword, suddenly stalking towards clarke. you made a move. "wait." you tried, shoving yourself in front of her but you were quickly hauled back by one of the grounders.
but the woman didn't kill her, on the contrary, she cut the ropes on her wrist, untying her. they shoved clarke to her feet, uncovering a girl who laid across a table, gasping out in pain. "help her. if she dies, they die." you gulped, turning to finn who shared the look of fear. "her name is tris."
"i can't do this." clarke looked at the body, turning her so she could see her face. "i don't have any equipment."
"we'll provide you with what we can."
"why do you think i can save her?"
"lincoln told her." finn chimed in.
"yes." the woman answered. "our healer is gone, there's nothing we can do for her. for their sake, i hope you can."
"clarke." finn's eyes were glued to the blonde's, adoration filling them. "you can do this."
the woman and the rest of the grounders began to clear the room until clarke's voice stopped them. "wait. what happened to her?"
a dark look was in the woman's eyes. "she was on the bridge when your bomb exploded. you did this to her."
alcohol stained your hands, blood too.
"it's as sharp as it's gonna get." grounders now filled the room, watching as clarke did everything she could to save the girl. she was hit in the chest and was loosing blood, she needed more and desperately so.
"okay, thanks." clarke snapped the syringe from finn's hand who'd been sharpening it against the ground.
you were busy holding a cloth to the girl's chest, hoping to stop the loss of blood but it wasn't doing a great job. clarke stained the needle with bleach, hoping to rid it of any bacteria while your eyes scanned the girl's face. she couldn't have been older than fifteen, how could anyone send her to battle in the first place?
she was a child.
"okay." she stood in front of the 'leader' who went by the name of anya. "i'm gonna need your blood."
a grounder placed his hand in front of anya, pulling her away. "no." was his answer.
"you're from the same tribe, it's the best match we're gonna get." clarke was adamant but so was anya, neither of them willing to take the risk.
"clarke, she's gonna die." your hands were shaking desperately, tears floating your eyes. "use mine! just use mine!" clarke took you up on the offer, pulling your hands from the girl's body and sticking the syringe into your arm. you winced as she sucked the blood into the syringe, you instantly felt sort of dazed but shook it from your head.
clarke handed the syringe to finn and she searched the girls arm. "i can't find a vein." frantically searching her. "she's clamping down, she's lost too much blood."
your faint voice could be heard. "clarke..."
"oh, come on." desperately trying to save her.
but you shook your head, icy fear withering you away. "clarke, she's not breathing."
a simple sentence that silenced them all.
clarke backed away, meeting in the middle between you and finn while anya stepped forward with her knife, cutting a braid from the girl's hair and nodding to one of the grounders. he picked the girl up, gently as possible, leading her out of the room.
you couldn't bear to look, chest feeling hot.
anya suddenly turned to the grounders in the room. "take them away." eyeing you who held your tied hands close to your chest. "kill them."
your breath caught in your chest. "wait." tears filled your eyes as one of the grounders grabbed you, hauling you upwards. "wait, wait, wait, no, no, no, please." he harshly pushed you forward, carrying you away.
"no, no, no, no, please!" one grounder held clarke back as she pushed at him, trying to get to you. "no, i did everything i could, please!"
but the sound of her voice suddenly faded out as they carried you away. you pushed at them, thrashing in their arms but it was no use, the grounder hauled you away from the room. he suddenly set you down, holding your tied wrists down as his face came close to yours. "don't move." his gruff voice could be heard as you looked away, tears filling your eyes.
another grounder walked behind you while he walked in front of you, leading you to the front room of the cave. your mind suddenly turned to bellamy, how worried he must be. you could see the darkness from the entrance.
you couldn't help it, you ran.
but you didn't get far. instantly, you were picked up by the grounder from behind. you whimpered, thrashing against him but it was no use, he shoved you inside the room, practically throwing you. your head hit off the stone floor and you brought your hand to the back of your hair, metallic liquid staining it.
you pulled it away, shaky eyes spotting the blood dripping down your fingertips.
"w-wait." tears pooled your eyes, fear lacing your tone. "please, please, i didn't do anything wrong, please don't do this―"
you gasped out as a grounder took a fist of your hair into his hand. "your punishment shall be death by a thousand cuts." and before you could take in what he said, you felt a knife scratch across your face, cutting your cheek.
you cried out, hand coming to grab your bloodied cheek as you dragged your body backwards, crawling into yourself. a fat tear rolled down your cheek as your body caved in, huddling your knees up to yourself.
it was no use to cry out and beg them to stop, the grounders were simple beings, once given an order, all they could do was follow it. but still, your mouth uttered the whisper, "please." at the same time as you felt a slash against your left leg.
suddenly, a sword crashed through the grounders head. this time, you screamed. the sight was horrific, blood spewed outwards and you held a hand over your mouth. the body dropped to reveal lincoln, the man who adored your best friend more than anything.
"natrona." the grounder suddenly whispered, the word meant 'traitor'. he yelled out and charged at lincoln who pushed him backwards, guarding him against the wall.
lincoln stabbed a sword through the grounder's abdomen, who yelled out again. "go!" lincoln yelled to you, staring at your terrified form. "go, now!"
and you had no choice.
a whimper left your lips as you ran forwards, lungs collapsing. you worried for lincoln, not wanting to leave him alone but if you stayed, it'd meant lincoln did it all for nothing.
your feet ran towards the exit, tears swamping you as your legs moved at a super speed, running the fastest you'd ever run in your life. never, had your calves burned like this and never had your lungs ached so horribly. all you could see was the moment you were thrown into the room, the horrifying look on the grounder's face. you'd do anything to escape it.
running as though your life depended on it, and perhaps it did.
you managed to look backwards, worried something or someone was following you but as you looked back, you felt yourself run into something solid.
your mouth opened to scream at the same time as a hand wrapped around your mouth clamping down on it as he turned you to hide behind a tree.
your eyes opened to reveal bellamy, staring at you with eyes full of concern. "what happened?" he frantically searched you as his hand left your mouth. "why are you bleeding? where are the others?"
"b-bells." your cry shook your voice, eyes turning behind you, you swore you could see people between the trees, though they vanished as soon as they appeared. "we have to go, we have to leave. they're-they're gonna find us."
bellamy had never seen you so shaken, shallow breaths making way to your throat but not seeming to find their way out. "hey, hey, look at me." his hands grabbed at either side of your face. even in the darkness, you could make out his pretty dark curls and his enlarged brown eyes. "you're okay, 's just me, you're okay, sweetheart."
and you couldn't hold yourself back any longer. you threw your arms around him, holding him close as nervous sobs wracked your body, chest heaving out as if it were on fire.
"'s okay, you're fine." his hands smoothed your back, doing his best to reassure you but by no means did your shallow breaths slow. "you're safe, princess."
"can we go?" you pulled away, nervous eyes scanning the forests. "please, bells, i wanna go home."
he couldn't deny your scratchy voice or blotchy cheeks. "okay, okay let's go, angel." he helped you walk though you stumbled better than you walked. his eyes glanced down at the blood seeping through your jeans. "your leg." he didn't bother to inspect it, merely hooking his hands around your legs and lifting you up.
your head lolled against his shoulder, arms around his neck.
you began to feel dizzy but bellamy carrying you seemed much better than trying to run again. still, your eyes danced everywhere they could, searching high and low for a grounder, a surprise attack.
you must have run far for it didn't take long for the clear vision of the camp to fall into line's view. as soon as the gates opened and bellamy carried you inside, you found air falling back into your lungs.
"y/n?" the sound of octavia's voice was the first to fill your ears. you must have looked a wreck, covered in blood, carried limp in bellamy's arm. "oh my god, y/n. what happened?" though her voice was directed at her brother, not you.
"it was lincoln." your scratchy voice suddenly spoke, causing her brows to crease. "lincoln saved me."
her eyes fluttered and questions began rolling in. raven suddenly stepped forward, demanding to know where finn was, others began to question about clarke. suddenly, you couldn't breathe again. "okay, listen up!" bellamy's voice rang through the camp, silence followed. "everyone get back to your tents! we'll continue the search in the morning!"
he didn't wait for them to follow his orders, knowing they would anyway. instead, he carried you towards a tent.
everything was suddenly spinning, nothing seemed to make sense. black dots began to cloud your vision and you couldn't see which tent he had carried you to. you could see a woman, very vaguely and he was speaking to her, at least he looked like he was. his lips were moving but you couldn't register the words coming out of his mouth.
the girl must have been something to do with a medic because you could feel her lifting your head up and inspecting between the strands of your hair. you saw bellamy's face contort, but it was turning to mush, practically a mere squiggle now.
he stepped backwards and your hand suddenly reached him.
he looked back to your face, eyes softening. it was apparent that you weren't really there and how could he blame you? the blood loss was already obvious.
"don't..." it seemed like a chore to get syllables to pass your lips but nonetheless, you willed yourself to move, grasping his large fingers in your hand. "don't leave me."
"'m not going anywhere, princess." and to prove it, he sat against the chair next to you, letting the woman inspect your wounds. "okay? you can rest now, i'm right here."
through the haze, his voice was the only thing your mind could grasp to.
you slowly nodded as your eyes fluttered shut.
"you're safe, sweetheart." being the last thing you heard before everything went black.
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main masterlist/bellamy's masterlist
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planetception · 3 months
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The Morning After - Caitlin Clark Headcannons
18+ Content mdni
Warnings: smut but only in like little flashbacks, suggestiveness, mentions of past sexual experiences, mentions of nudity, caitlin being an absolute sweetheart
A/N: probably the most freakiest thing i've written, except for that caitlin fic that will be out soon. um yeah as always enjoy
༊*·˚ ok so like imagine waking up right next to her the morning after you two had sex for the first time
༊*·˚ she has her arms wrapped around you tightly and the only thing you can hear is the sound of her soft breathing and light snoring
༊*·˚ the feeling of her body pressed against yours gives you flashbacks from the night before
she's hovering over you, necklace dangling right in your face as she carefully strips each article of clothing off of your body. her hazel eyes stare right into yours as her hands roam all around your naked body-
༊*·˚ you get brought out of your day dream to caitlin grabbing your chin and pulling you up to a kiss
༊*·˚ i can imagine her asking you with a sexy raspy morning voice that makes you wanna do it again, "whatcha thinkin' about pretty girl?" your face would heat up as you smack her on the shoulder
༊*·˚ she's such a cutie pulling you back to cuddle into her chest, kissing your head as you again get pulled into last nights sexual activity
you two had just gotten back from another successful date, however the entire time caitlin was brushing her foot against your leg as you two sat at the fancy restaurant. once entering her apartment, she pounced on you like a dog in heat. she kissed you heavily as she led you to her bedroom before laying your body on her bed, she's on top of you. "cait? i think im ready. take me please?" you pleaded with her as she pulled off her suit jacket and unbuttoned her shirt-
༊*·˚ "mmm thinkin' bout last night aren't you?" she would ask in that raspy voice as you blushed again
༊*·˚ sure you had sex before, but it was different with caitlin. she took her time with you, praised you like a princess and made you feel things you've never felt before
༊*·˚ as your face was pressed into her chest, you breathed in the leftover scent of her cologne that she wore last night and the essence of the night before
༊*·˚ her hands would roam around your unclothed body as you laid on her chest
༊*·˚ she would observe every mark she made on your body, and she would feel the light burn of the scratch marks on her back from you as she remembered when you dug your nails into her back as she touched you so right
༊*·˚ now it was caitlin's turn to remember the events of last night, there was just something about you that made her feel like she was on a cloud
༊*·˚ after a long time of staying in bed just cuddling and talking to each other as your guy's hands play with each other. you two decide to get up and go take a shower
༊*·˚ you two would unwillingly separate from each other as she goes to the bathroom to turn on the shower
༊*·˚ as she was turning on the shower, you stood at the bathroom sink and stared at each mark caitlin left on you
༊*·˚ she would come up behind you as she held you from the back as she placed light feathery kisses on your neck with her hands roaming around your body and touching each mark she left on you
༊*·˚ she would smirk as your head flies back onto her shoulder
༊*·˚ you two eventually get into the shower to rinse of last night's activity
༊*·˚ this certainly won't be the last time this will happen and you two were extremely excited after finally having sex for the first time
dear god that may have been the worst thing i've ever written....... um but enjoy this. as always my inbox is open for requests and just to talk. saturn out!
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