#my dragalia ramble
mctimer · 2 years
My Dragalia Teams - Fire
Going by Dragalia stuff, teams I wound up with. I will add some experiences about each character there, such as my summoning experience, my thoughts about charas and their overall performance.
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Gala Laxi
Dual wielding daggers will always be cool
I forgot how other daggers play cause of her
Iiiiii don't really have someone from Fire Exodia, but she did her work
I'm a casual tho, so my ceiling was Expert Primal Mid
I think I spent around 40 or so summons on her
I was really waiting for Ieyasu and so saved up somewhat of an amount for the NY banner. She came around 3 or 4 times, and I was glad cause my Zodiac is horse
Sad we didn't see Susano-o
Major Haruhi Suzumiya vibes
I'm weak for ponytails (heh, pony tail. Funny)
She performed fairly well, although powercreep certainly caught up to her
One of the first characters I built weapons for
Her dynamic with other Wyrmclan leaders is neat, and yet somehow I shipped her with Ieyasu, someone she barely interacted with
Remember seeing him on "This month in...", and thought he looked fairly unremarkable, but by the time he released I was dead set on pulling him
Got from 10 tickets and spent my saving to sped up facility time (yes, I was one of those people and I indeed am stupid. Wait, I think it was my story for Mitsuba, my bad)
His dodge gimmick is. A gimmick. Didn't get much use of it, but it's funny in Kaleidoscope
In the end he served mostly as a scorchrent infincter before GaLaxi refine mana spiral
He rolled around the rapid manacaster rework, and I hoped he also was one, but alas, angel gimmicks
His adventure story is brutal
Yukata Cassandra
She is sad. In a story sense, I mean
I like her as a character, but ngl, in terms of gameplay I just needed a healer
She doesn't really heal as well as Halloween Lowen, but overdamage is a hell of a drug
Forgot her adventurer story, but really like how she doesn't opt for Audric. She needs her Aurelius, not some Hot Topic side bi-
Honorable mentions:
base Chelsea (First character I was determined to get, and also the character I tried tooth and nails to get my first win in Volk... standard one. I didn't really knew how to build, ye)
Ezelith (first character I got in general, her spiral made wonders)
Halloween Lowen (f2p king)
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xtarart · 1 year
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HAPPY 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY DRAGALIA LOST!!! to mark this momentous occasion i decided to go back and recreate my old moveset for EUDEN AND MIDGARDSORMR FORGE A PACT WITH SMASH! this human and dragon duo have a unique playstyle that focuses on building up quick combos to help fill up a special meter as Euden who is a rather fast moving medium weight sword fighter. once the meter if full you can use the down special to transform into Midgardsormr for a limited amount of time to unleash devastating strength to overwhelm your foes! now for a quick rundown on their specials, starting with...
Euden's specials! which are as follows:
Neutral special, exalted fire: Euden shoots a flaming crescent from his sword that will move forward a set distance similar to clouds neutral special but if it makes contact with a foe it will continue on its path allowing you to hit multiple foes.
Side special, force strike: Euden will take a charging stance as a glowing arrow appears behind him and fills with a lighter color, when the b button is released once the arrow is fully glowing Euden will strike with a strong shield breaker attack, if b is let go before the attack is fully charged it will cancel the attack, it can also be aimed all 360 degrees.
Up special, blazing circlet: Euden will spin around with his blade outstretched and engulfed in flames spiraling him upward, if performed on the ground he will just spin in place instead of upward, think links spin attack but on fire and without the chargeable feature.
Down special when meter isn't full, Helper skills: Euden will call upon some of his closest allies to aid him in battle. each summon behaving almost like a mini assist trophy. the move has a 10 second cooldown to prevent spamming, also the summon order will not reset when K.O.ed. Euden can also freely move around once the ally is summoned on the field, allowing for some good combo potential with the ally. the order of summoning is as follows.
Elisanne, hallowed waters: Elly will leap upward and then strike downward with her spear while its coated in water mana, think a mix of yoshi and bowsers down specials mixed with corrins down air.
Ranzal, tornado bash: ranzal spins around his large axe trapping anyone who gets to close in a cyclone of hurt then at the end of the spinning he will swing his axe outward sending any foes caught flying, basically DK's up special but slower moving.
Luca, radiant bonds: Luca leaps upward and aims his bow at a slight downward angle and shoots an light mana charged mana arrow, the arrow will stun aany opponent it hits.
Cleo, elder cure: Cleo would float up into the air and hold her wand aloft and heals some of Eudens health.
the order then loops back to Elisanne repeating the cycle.
Down special when meter is full, Shapeshift: euden will ascend into the air and be enveloped in light which then disburses as he is transformed into Midgardsormr with whirlwind flows around him creating a weak hitbox to defend himself.
Final smash, exalted glory: Euden quickly dawns his gala armor and thrusts his sword into the ground, creating a radius of glowing energy around him dragging anyone he hits into a cutscene where the prince and his 4 allies join forces to unleash a powerful elemental barrage of attacks to send eudens foes flying. and now moving on to Midgardsormr’s specials.
Neutral special: Calamitious tempest. Midgardsormr would charge a ball of wind mana and launch it in an arc and when it lands or hits something it will explode into a blast of air, it’s chargeable which affects the strength and distance of the projectile.
Side special: Grand tempest. Midgardsormr claps his wings together to creat a small tornado that travels in a straight line a set distance then dissipates, anyone hit by the tornado will be launched straight up, making it a good tool for starting air combos, it also pushes mids back a bit cause of the powerful gale force of his wings clapping.
Up special: Tornado tail/Tornado spiral. On the ground Midgardsormr will perform his signature attack tornado tail, a powerful spin that sends near by foes flying. But in the air he instead summon a small tornado below him to push him upward, it’s similar to charizard’s up special.
Down special: Calamitous storm. Midgardsormr would unleash a powerful burst of wind mana around him devastating all those caught in its wake, but at a hefty cost, it drains his meter to empty forcing the player to revert back to Euden, the strength and size of the blast is dependent on how much energy is left in his dragon pulse meter. Like hero’s magic burst.
Final smash: Greatwyrms pact. Midgardsormr would let out a mighty roar that shakes the air around him, anyone to close to him would be dragged to a cutscene where the other 5 greatwyrms surround the players, the camera would then pan up to reveal Midgardsormr in his high dragon form charging a blast of wind mana, which he then unleashed on the foes and the other 5 greatwyrms also shoot off blasts their respected elemental mana. If the opponent is at over 100% damage it’s an automatic K.O. by learning how to take the unique playstyle's of both Euden and Midgardsormr in tandem you can overcome any obstacle in your path with ease. thank you for reading and heres to 5 years of remembering one of the greatest mobile games of all time and a forgotten gem of a nintendo franchise, heres hoping one day we will see the world of Dragalia Lost again. HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY!!!
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nintendostar64 · 3 months
im sorry your favs keep losing the polls !! but they are going against characters like yoshi sooo
yeah, the luck has not been good for dragalia lost reps in the polls atm, but hey, maybe the other characters who haven't shown up yet will be more lucky.
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haym629 · 11 months
missing dragalia lost so fucking much
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lord-pigeon · 1 year
Ya know, one day FGO will reach EOS and fade in the annals of history, but I doubt it will ever give me the amount of emotional psychic damage upon seeing it again that Dragalia Lost has
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fiannalover · 1 year
You know what? I'm gonna ramble random stuff about some of my fav dragalia lost characters. Irfan giving handmade leather gloves for Valentine's alongside his mention in adv story he keeps up with fashion. Su Fang's awareness his absence killed his parents. Amane being a political leader of great influence. Jurota's body count. Amane being a psychologist. Grace reacting to her revived homunculus clone husband going "I think science war crimes are ok, actually" and answering with "k" *smashes a glass bottle over his head*. Vice being a legit deadly assassin. Origa turning Satan into her personal punching bag. Nino going "what is... This feeling I have?" while Meene tries to convince Tobias to stop killing himself. Euden improving at music thanks to Vixel. Faris killing his adoptive mom. Verica winning a beach contest. Yukimura revealing the wyrmclans have magical powers. Forte
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moe-broey · 11 months
I'm gonna be niceys! Sharena rambles pretty plz? 🥺
One unfortunate thing is that my Sharena thoughts are definitely harder for me to grasp... they do have to come to me in a vision LMFAO (THIS. Is going to be a little messy bc of that I think!)
But lately I've been kicking myself over the fact that the Sharena autism didn't kick in for me while Dragalia Lost was still in service, so while I have a huge pile of Alfonse screenshots I have BARELY any of Sharena.
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This dialogue stuck with me a lot though! And something SUPER cute tbh is how her cooking has been such a consistent part of her character, that it's mentioned in Dragalia, and continues to be mentioned in more recent FEH moments
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(Cannot remember if that Alfonse dialogue is from a Forging Bonds -- I feel like it may be -- but also I feel like it could be from Book 7 too??? Either way it was recent!)
These screenshots made me remember a really old WIP of mine as well...
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Other aspects I was exploring were slightly incompatible ways of loving/showing love. Where Sharena is wired towards physical affection, and may not fully internalize something unless it's directly stated and clarified for her. Which! I think is also a brilliant catalyst storytelling wise, to set up just how severely lonely she felt. That, Henriette and Gustav aside, plus generally being isolated from the world... maybe, especially as a child, it was hard for her to conceptualize that Alfonse DID love her. Leading her to feel even more alone, even if there was at least one person who loved her. Even if that person was with her most of the time.
(that last bit is something I've especially had to consider deeply.... bc their relationship IS so significant to me. How is it, she ended up in the dream realm? Despite being loved so dearly?)
Other snippets, from more recent WIPs that I've been rotating in my mind....
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Devoid of context but like. I have SO many interconnected plotlines where Sharena is at the center of it all LMFAOO (One I've talked a lot about is Triandra and Alfonse navigating The Situation, but this recent one is in light of what happened with Seidr and Heidr. WHICH. I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT. Esppp in comparison to Reginn.)
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Some context. As a treat (TRYING NOT TO SHOW MY ENTIRE HAND AND ALSO I HIT IMAGE LIMIT ANF ALSO. Idk when I'll even get to All Of This I do feel like eventually I just have to cave and learn how Ao3 works LMFAOOOOOO)
I am sorry all of this is in relation to Alfonse btw 🥲 LIKE. I do tend to write from Alfonse's POV (third person limited? Never first person, but very much told from his perspective/knowledge/feelings. Meanwhile important info about other characters' emotional states is show don't tell, implied, ect). Which results in something funny sometimes where like. It Is focused on Alfonse, sure. But Sharena IS the core of it all, actually. Sometimes, to the point of haunting the narrative... just a little bit!
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valeriefauxnom · 8 months
Day 16 of Scaling the Walls of a Mystery Art!
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Euden Tower Defense, in my Dragalia fic? It's more likely than you think.
Jokes aside it was a very hard decision to commit to such a 'norm-breaking' change in the fic, both of character and the plot. But I figured it had to be time to stop circling the drain and take the plunge at some point, and Euden deserves to go a little nuts. The plot must progress!
As another funny aside, WillofWinnie almost was giving away accidental hints to this huge project. She'd been pretending she hadn't been reading Scaling, which, fair enough, it's my mad 200k~ post-game ramblings of a game she hasn't finished. Even if she had, no blame there. But once or twice, she'd sent texts to me when I'd been commentating and talking to her about debates for what to do next, etc, and making comments like 'it's well-written'. Eventually I finally decided to call that one out like, "I know you're probably just extrapolating from other work of mine you have read and just trusting this is, but really, you haven't read it! For all you know it could be jam-packed with the stupidest spelling imaginable in my mad ramblings!" And I guess this made her have the nervous sweatdrop emotion a few times upon realizing she was almost giving something up!
Exert from the chapter:
He did it. He actually did it! Now, to capitalize on the razor-thin opening. Even though his muscles were loudly protesting, he rose from his bed as fast as he could, adrenaline spurring him into action. He snatched the back of a chair, and leaned it against the door in just the right way to turn it into a makeshift lock. He flipped the actual lock, too, for good measure. A symbolic gesture- they no doubt had a key, but a gesture nevertheless. In no time at all, he’d assembled formidable barricades through strength of will alone. Chairs, the bedside cabinet, the table, were ever-so-slowly pushed to provide further support to both his door and window. His muscles sang even more than they had before, but it was worth it. Euden even bundled up the rug in his room as another stopgap to halt that door from budging. If they wanted a war, so be it. He knew a thing or two about sieges. And they were about to learn who had fought one against them.
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mctimer · 2 years
Checking through Dragalia Lost, to screenshot staff and preserve memories.
Wyrmclan leaders gang will forever be pissed about missing Yoshitsune, and even more that we didn't get her granny form
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Welfares my beloveds
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noritaro · 2 years
random ass collection of drawings/doodles i drew between 2021-2022 which i never posted here but have shown to my friends
OC drawn cause of rambling with friends
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the time i made Rodan from Godzilla into an anime twink [2021]
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gun :3
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Amane from dragalia i thought i posted here but apparently did not, was testing out Krita
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Future Knight from Guardian Tales... if you know the reference regarding the can of monster, you know :) [2021]
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DC garbage [2021]
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Supersons drawing i never finished oh well [2021]
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AI thingie...
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beach OCs [2021]
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nintendostar64 · 11 months
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this is quite the conundrum. one one hand i would enjoy a spooky drink on Halloween. on the other other hand... Akasha is the one offering it .
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flyingcookierambles · 2 years
the final dragalia...
hi fellow losties
lets cry together
im live streaming the final hours on twitch, trying to finish the story
some twitter threads of my dragalia stuff i guess idk (ill be updating this as i go today for memories sake to have these together i guess. idk. stupid sentimentality) 1 (edit: moving the rest below, i think that theres a lot surprisingly) + kit
currently. no doing so well, crying. i feel like im losing a good friend today. literally the more i think the more i cry. its like the going merry all over again. i havent cried this much in years...
sad incoherent rambling below....
1am edit: we did it Losties. we were all together for the final moments. I made a highlight of my final Dragalia stream. There was a home screen walk with Faeblessed Tobias and Bondforged Euden and then the last 41 seconds with the Wagabound Pupper. man. seeing that little 3d computer dog with the pop up screen saying that he is ours forever, since he was originally just a 1 day character for a previous April Fools. just. a bit of a slap in the face. i’ll post my final screenshots tomorrow probably. my throat’s a little tight and i think im gonna cry again. i didn’t even cry this much when A3! eng died...maybe it’s because Dragalia is older. almost got to 4 years. it’s been my comfort game throughout college.
anyways here.
goodnight i have work tomorrow.
desperately trying to download all the assets i can, including the final stubborn 12 of all like 40+ GB of the files. all the good mmees, the laughs and cries, the ups and downs of the story both in an emotional sense and a writing quality sense. just. nothing. thankfully the entire story and all the character stories are preserved thanks to the subreddit and discord.i should’ve played more too. but. ever since the ending was announced. not just in August, but in March. I haven’t played dragalia fully. i didnt do kaledoscope bc i am not good at hack n slash rogue-likes (i suck at hades lol. im only good at rogue dungeon crawling turn based like etrian). im just so full of regrets, even more so than A3!, i think because it had like 0 gameplay and all story and i read most of those. dragalia is. was. will be was. huge. so underappreciated....
if a private server comes up in the future, im ready. i hope.
*looks over at the filtering out unneeded assets message on CMD as the program struggles to get these last 12 stupid files*
twitter i guess
jake calling ferran little duck
never got summer ieyasu....
atlantis. they really were just like. yeah merpeople are real ok lets move on lol. i wonder what would’ve happened had it been able to be expanded on...
random gacha luck posts 1 <- faebless tobias summer curran  notte+others
new years/ox clan pulls gluca  ilia 2nd gala pulls  random i literally dont even remember her event story or what lol  + all the northerners at once lmao + summer ranzal! in . oct 2019 +
children of the forest event + masucla home
reacting to a lot of adventure/castle stories thread
blonde himbo grandpa came home!
2021 april fools + valentines + persona5/strikers collab i think i might’ve livestreamed this too or at least have some saved screen recording of it somewhere. i know that this is twt threads only but that was such a good event + the entire HUD/GUI was redesigned to be p5 themed it was actually really beautiful and we can never see it again sobs + new years 2021 map + 2020 FEH 2 + first gluca run + 2019 halloween + random 2019 screenshots? + more random fractured futures 2019 + 2 more + 2019 anni & random gbf + home screen 2019 anni + the first FEH event 2019 huh my twt media doesnt go any further i might have just not used it between when it was first made in 2015 and then 2019 lol
grandpa humid ilu
issac/tobias first look
dragalia sword?
robot lesbibabs
croptops.. (bonus random thread started with me being an enstarrie for bastard man rinne)
tobias story
“share the will of the goddess with him” *pulls out a knife* + 2020 northern ilian church
2020 summer norwin + mikoto + 2 + festival thread (bonus a3! en) + W I D E Mei Hou Wang +
bonus the 2020 gacha brainworms parasites i had on my phone at the time
haha remember when leo was a bad guy
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witheredbouquet · 9 months
hello, world!
she/they/any if it's funny | 20s | med student | chinese american
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trying to get better at using tumblr because unfortunately i yearn for human connection 😔 why you gotta be vulnerable and reach out first to make friends what's up with that huh sounds kinda fake
tags: #my art ♥ #my writing ♥ #things i'm in ♥ #zine ♥ #personal
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anyway, hi there! you can call me kashii or kelp or ishnia or a whole host of other names, haha.
i'm a pretty chill person who's happy to chat about anything. feel free to reach out if we share interests—or for any reason at all! just don't be a dick, yanno.
i tend to reblog whatever evokes some sorta emotion in me LOL or random resource posts for future reference. that is to say, don't expect any consistent fandoms adjafskg also in the process of unlearning habits from being a lurker for nearly 10 years orz
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here are some of the things that i enjoy & you might see me reblog/post about!
games the legend of zelda, persona (4/5), final fantasy (mostly x), kingdom hearts, xenosaga, dragalia lost anime/manga digimon (adventure), ghibli films, random 2000s anime like gintama, cardcaptor sakura, katekyo hitman reborn, baccano, natsume yuujincho, and soul eater other vocaloid, j-pop (utada hikaru, natori, eve, WON, 96neko, yama, etc.) oxventure, zines, cute animals, plushies, stationary/stickers, puzzles, escape rooms, visual novels, rhythm games, east asian languages & history
i also like cooking, sharing food as a love language, and all sorts of artsy stuff. i occasionally draw fanart/OCs and write fanfic, but it can be hard to tell if art is rewarding or pure hell LMAO
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bad puns, dumb jokes, silly one-liners all make me laugh. i like to cuddle and hug my friends. i ramble a lot, but i also love to hear others talk and share their interests. i fall in love (too easily, sometimes) with fictional stories and characters. i take shitty pictures of the sky. i'm trying to be a better person. i want to romanticize life and enjoy the small, mundane joys, but man is it hard.
i'd love to be a small part of your life, if you'd let me. anyway, thanks for reading up till now! know that i'm always thinking fondly of you.
take care ♥
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writesology · 3 years
waaahh,, dragalia lost is ending service this year,,, i loved this game so much wtf why Nintendo 😔
welp,, time to start taking screenshots of all my favorite characters and play as much as i can before it goes down,,
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whambam-ink · 3 years
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I’m having fun with the new Euden panel Dragalia Life blessed me with:
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jodefrostwallart · 3 years
I’ve been absolutely bombarded with follows from bots recently so on one hand, I’ve finally reached 100 followers, but on the other hand, I’m fairly certain at least 20 are bots.
There is a bittersweet feeling of having reached a milestone but also knowing that a good chunk are robots that don’t care about what I’m doing.
But hey, why not turn this into an opportunity to let all the followers I have that are human beings know that I am super grateful for any support you’ve given me, even if you just followed me on a whim! I know I haven’t actually reached 100 followers but that doesn’t really matter, honestly. The fact that there are at least 50 people out there that like what I do is enough to make me happy! If you’re reading this, that means you are someone who actually followed me for a reason and knowing that means a lot, so thank you!!
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