#my comms ARE open & doing work for people who are actually well-meaning is a delight 😌
berrymeter · 2 years
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don't worry darling i blocked you so you don't have to worry about me being so so mean anymore 💖
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overheard-on-base · 9 months
Have you ever wondered what it's like to work in the Arkham Militia?
Well, in our first year we did a Secret Santa and only told the boss that is was happening after it had been arranged. Not only was he okay with it but he got his person some very nice candles (that dude was candle obsessed. He also bunked with some of the smelliest people I've ever met so it was a nice change for them to smell like winter roses instead of sweat and determination.)
Now, on the other side of this story, who is to give to the Boss but my good friend Hassel. For some context, Hassel is one of the minigunners, big dude, has a wife and kid around the Boss' age at home (though we didn't know the Boss was like fourteen at the time), and he keeps showing everyone who will give him a minute this photo, claiming it to be the Knight.
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Good ol' Hassel is stressing about what to get the Boss. Which, I mean, fair, what do you get someone you suspect to be a super advanced robot? Well, after a lot of hemming and hawing, he settles on socks, because he figured that at least the Boss could use them to keep his helmet ears warm for his comms.
But because this idiot is all about his "the Boss is a little cat doing a big steppy" joke, he decides to get him those cat paw socks, I'll see if I can find a photo.
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So the day rolls around, gifts are exchanged, candle guy is delighted, and Hassel has just handed the Boss the box with the socks in them. The Boss says he'll open it once he's returned to his quarters. Hassel insists he opens it right that instant. Being a pretty chill guy (I mean, apart from all the other stuff), the Boss does so, and pulls out a pair of ginger cat socks.
Not only did this dumbass call our Boss a catboy, he basically called him an orange cat, and I can't think of a harsher insult without the use of words. Miraculously, the Boss thanks him, without completely tearing him apart, and leaves.
A few months later, the Boss breaks his foot pretty badly. I have to carry him through to medical, where they tell us to set him down on a cot and get his boots off. I put him down, he does the rest, and lo and behold, there's those damn cat paw socks. He actually wears them. Hassel was delighted.
(We didn't do the Secret Santa again the next year because the Militia had more than tripled in size. Also someone slipped Deathstroke a packet of googly eyes and he threw an absolute fit over it.)
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nevertheless-moving · 4 years
My actual point writing this here is that a year into the war when Obi-Wan (36) starts really bonding with Cody (14/28) he feels super weird about it on a bunch of levels because its Cody who’s loyal and hot and smart but does this make Obi-Wan a creep? Or is it more offensive not to sleep with him? (Not to mention it’s easier to think about consent in terms of numbers then the insane command structure and slavery thing because they’ve got a pretty healthy relationship all things considered and he’s already promoting the man as fast as possible anyway but clones have no legal rights) 
Obi-Wan sleeps around with various terrible choices, sexual tension builds. FINALLY after two years of war they get stuck in a cave, naturally huddle for warmth, things escalate positively and Obi-Wan’s like WAIT I CAN’T
There’s some horny exasperation, but they care about each other, and don’t want to sour what they have with regrets. Eventually Cody (15/30 at cave time) and Obi-Wan agree to wait another 3 years so they’ll both be at the legal human age of consent and the age difference will drop to just 4 years. By then the war will be over anyway, right? So the whole jedis-own-the-clones thing that’s really underneath all this will HAVE to be resolved. 
They spend the rest of the night cuddling with uncomfortable boners.
Another year passes. Lots of longing glances, lingering hand touches, tender bandaging of wounds, suggestive lightsaber holds...you know. YOU  K N O W. Plus a little private teasing about the jailbait thing because they’re literally running a war together
Order 66. 
When asked, CC-2224 can’t believe he ever considered himself close to a traitor. He doesn’t think about it the rest of the time. 
Obi-Wan has plenty of regrets. This is probably the easiest one to bear, and the only one that makes him smile to think of.
Things could have been left at that, but once Fulcrum disseminates the knowledge on exactly why the clones turned, a number of early rebellion task-forces dedicate themselves to de-chipping/disabling the chips. Beyond the whole sentient rights thing, its good tactical sense. They’re a well placed MAJOR military asset that could quickly start providing immediate returns if suborned. Worst case you’ve just activated a number of extremely effective suicide bombers
It takes over a year and a lot of good men die, but a desperate rebel cell manages to infiltrate purge trooper barracks. They go undiscovered just long enough to plant a few extremely well-calibrated electrical devices. Bomb sweep fails to register them. The whole terrorist group is wiped out of course, but the EMPs activate overnight as planned. Massive damage to Imperial Military resources and overly hasty brain surgery follows.
Like I said, a lot of good men die. 
But Cody, now that his head is more or less his own, has a little more hope than the average CC (not a lot, but enough to stave off going out in a blaze of glory). General Kenobi’s body was never found after all. He knows- he looked.
He quickly joins up with the Onderran campaign- he can’t go on many imperial raids- he understands that his brothers would rather die than live as they are but that doesn’t mean he can pull the trigger. But black ops? yeah. Rumour is they’ve even got a Jedi on the next mission- he’d be irritated at the bad operational security but that specific rumour passes around so often its essentially useless to spies anyway.
Team members are independently directed to assemble at a safe house, their arrivals deliberately staggered. Cody steals and ditches two different ships, not to mention spends a week in a sewer, before finally arriving. Organa himself had stressed that one of the crew is taking time off of a top-secret long-term protection detail for this and no chances are to be taken with being tracked. 
He arrives late at night, with two days left to spare.
Two unknown near-human fighters (Guerra trained by the looks), a Mon-Calamari smuggler, and a Gand mercenary who he’s fairly confident used to work for the separatists greet him cordially enough at entry; his reputation proceeds him. If anything, the former Marshall Commander of the 7th Sky Corps is overqualified for this sort of mission. He’s vaguely pleased to find another trooper present- a heavily scarred arc commando wearing 187th colors. The commando is actually smiling, seated across from and deep into conversation with a robed figure,
Cody’s heart jumps to his throat. Their conversation halts. Everyone watches. And General Kenobi slowly turns to face him. The air’s too heavy with tension for the others to think about leaving discretely, even if they were willing (the chips are a poorly-understood open secret at this point, and the five bystanders are well trained enough to brace themselves for the worst case reunion).
“Cody,” Obi-Wan says softly. “It’s good to see you.” 
The Jedi looks terrible. In the two and a half years since the end of the war and the start of the empire, the man seems to have aged faster than a botched clone. 
He’s using his stupid earnest voice where he means what he’s saying and its important that Cody know that. Like he’s actually, truly happy to see Cody even after what the clones did to their Jedi. Even after what Cody tried to do to Obi-Wan. Cody’s had plenty of time to think of what he might say if he ever saw the man again, but he hadn’t used it- it was too painful to imagine anything personal anymore. What apology could be enough? What right did he have to express grief in the face of Obi-Wan’s unfathomable loss? To Cody’s absolute horror, what comes out his mouth is
"I’m not jailbait anymore, you know.”
The words hang in the air, and Cody is now ready to die. Maybe if he moves suddenly enough one of their captive audience members will reflexively shoot him. 
Sure, after their long talk in that cave, Cody had spent an unhealthy amount of time daydreaming variations on ‘I’m a real man now we gonna fuck or what’
but that was before he became a kriffing PURGE TROOPER what the actual hells was wrong with his brain 
Obi-Wan...Obi-Wan blinks rapidly. Then grins. It was honest delight mixed with Negotiator smarm crossed with an about-to-get-laid-leer.
Cody’s heart starts back up with a vengeance.
“I’m afraid I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about it,” Obi-Wan drawls. He shifts in his seat, straightening from a weary hunch to lean back cockily, hands behind his head and legs spreading even wider than their customary sprawl. 
“Oh, did I miss your 18th decant day? I’m ever so sorry my dear, I do hope I can make it up to you somehow. Incidentally, have I ever mentioned that contrary to popular opinion, the Jedi Code doesn’t actually require celibacy?”
Cody let out a strangled noise at the pickup line that had, almost impressively, become even less tasteful since the last time he heard it. He must have moved forward somehow, because the next thing he knew the General’s chair was toppling back and his legs were wrapped around the Jedi’s waist and Obi-Wan’s tongue was doing incredible things to the inside of his mouth. There's a sense of hasty movement, the slam of a door, then a bed.
The next morning, Cody stares intently at the briefing’s logistical diagrams, carefully avoiding everyone else’s eyes. There was next-to-no-chance that their moaning and thudding had gone unheard. But they were all professionals, not to mention used to people letting off tension in high stress environments.
He does, however, desperately hope that everyone somehow missed the hours of incoherent crying that interrupted and followed otherwise fantastic sex. 
Plans are finalized, weapons are loaded, and comms are distributed. Two more rebels arrive. Pre-mission banter stays fairly tame, even after claiming one of the two bedrooms for themselves for a second and not significantly quieter night.
All things considered, when it comes time to establish operational codes, they don’t really have it in them to put up a fight against their unanimously designated callsigns.
They are a little less gracious on future missions when the code names repeatedly return.
 Nearly two decades later, at the physical ages of 72 and 58 respectively, Cody and Obi-Wan have more or less resigned themselves to being officially introduced as 'jailbait’ and ‘cradlerobber.’ 
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zelenacat · 4 years
When We Were Young- Chapter 11- An Obitine Story- (Content-ish Warning)
Perhaps she’d been wrong about Obi-Wan’s feelings for her, maybe a lighter feeling had been buried under years of hard training to shut out love. Still, Satine went to bed with a smile that night and woke up seeing Obi-Wan’s face.
“Don’t tell me you’re in love again.” Parna teased.
“It’s too late for that,” Satine sighed, “honestly, I feel slightly hopeful.”
Satine blushed, “Maybe he’ll kiss me today.”
Parna’s brow scrunched up, “We are talking about the father of your children, right?”
“Yes,” Satine nodded, “who knew this would be so hard?”
Parna laughed, a full belly sound that made her lady smile.
“Let’s get you dressed, Your Grace,” Parna grinned, “you have a big day ahead.”
“The Chancellor or-”
“No, Satine,” Parna winked, “your Jedi lover.”
The Duchess’ jaw dropped, “Don’t call him that!”
Parna giggled, “Forgive me, Your Grace, I just wanted to test your limits.”
Satine opened and closed her mouth many times before speaking again.
“Help me dress, Parna.”
“Of course, My Lady.”
The Chancellor’s office was her destination, yet on her journey, a few lawmakers stopped her and congratulated her on her perseverance. Mon Mothma was especially kind.
“Thank you, Senator,” Satine replied, “your acknowledgement legitimizes my struggle.”
“Oh, of course,” the lady replied, “I’m pleased Senator Amidala was able to help.”
“So am I.” agreed the Duchess.
“Well, I won’t keep you long, Highness,” Mon Mothma smiled, “do enjoy your debriefing with the Chancellor.”
“Thank you,” Satine winked, “I’m afraid I shall need it.”
Upstairs, the Duchess found Padme Amidala speaking of her to the Chancellor himself.
“I require no thanks.” Satine gestured, strolling in.
Obi-Wan shot her a look, she smiled.
“Satine,” Padme took the Duchess’ hands in hers, “the Senate held an emergency meeting, and Republic troops have been told to stand down.”
“Allow me to offer a sincere apology on behalf of the entire Republic,” the Chancellor nodded, “you are a most loyal servant, and we are all grateful.”
“Yes,” agreed the Chancellor’s aide, “grateful.”
Satine raised an eyebrow.
“Chancellor, Mosemeda,” Padme began, “if you would join me for a moment, we have some logistics to discuss to ratify the Senate’s decision.”
As they left, Satine noticed how obediently Master Skywalker followed Padme.
“But for you, this wouldn’t have happened.” the Duchess smiled, sticking her arm out in front of Obi-Wan.
“No, it was your unshakable faith in your people,” the Jedi grinned, “and your determination that brought about this result.”
 “I appreciate that,” Satine tried to hide her blush, “but still, who’s behind all of this? Who tampered with that recording, who tried to convict me of murser and throw me in jail?”
“I’m not sure,” Obi-Wan frowned, “but as you said yourself, things are changing, and sometimes the line between friend and foe is blurred. Now more than ever.”
They stared at the sun rise for a moment.
“Would you,” Satine finally find the words, “would you-”
“Would I what?” Obi-Wan tried to hide his smirk, but failed.
“Do you have the day free?” Satine said quietly.
Obi-Wan lifted the Duchess’ chin, a move which caused her to inhale sharply, something Obi-Wan didn’t miss.
“I would love to spend the day with you, Satine.”
Looping her arm through Obi-Wan’s, the Duchess, tugging her Jedi along, left the Chancellor’s office.
“Where should we go first?” Satine asked as bubbly as she felt.
“Let me just comm Anakin,” Obi-Wan sighed, “he’ll find this hilarious.”
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan pressed a button on his communicator, “Anakin, come in.”
“Yes, Master?”
“I’m taking the day off.”
“Have fun with your girlfriend, Master.”
Obi-Wan’s face went red and slightly uncomfortable, Satine burst out laughing.
“Enjoy yourself on Coruscant, Your Grace.” the young Jedi whispered, a smile in his voice.
“Thank you, Anakin,” Satine grinned, “and tell Padme I say thank you again.”
“Will do, Highness.”
The comm ended.
Obi-Wan sighed, “You must forgive Anakin, Satine-”
“If he thinks it’s funny,” Satine smiled, “then I’d hate to ruin his joke.”
They began walking.
“He thinks everything is funny.” Obi-Wan observed.
“Except Padme.”
Obi-Wan sighed. Satine laughed.
“You know,” Obi-Wan began, “I really don’t think you should laugh at that.”
Satine clicked her tongue, “Ben, they’re cute.”
Leveling Obi-Wan a look, Satine smiled, “We used to be cute.”
After a disgruntled, garbling noise escaped his throat, Obi-Wan coughed.
“As I remember-”
“Satine,” Obi-Wan groaned, “I don’t remember you delighting in my pain so much.”
Before she could stop herself, Satine muttered, “I delight in other things of yours.”
Obi-Wan froze.
“Your kindness, Ben,” Satine recovered, trying not to turn red, “and your ability to come to my rescue.”
“Thank goodness you meant that,” Obi-Wan smiled, sliding his hand across Satine’s waist, “and not something else.”
“Obi, I-”
“I have the same memories you do, Satine,” Obi-Wan commented, “I don’t think we need to be ashamed of it.”
Satine raised an eyebrow, “Ashamed?”
“Not ashamed per se,” the Jedi backtracked, realizing his mistake, “but, I, things now, and being reunited, I’m afraid-”
Obi-Wan left the rest of his sentence to the wind, and Satine gazed at him. They were leaving the senate building now, and as soon as they passed under the doors Obi-Wan seemed to loosen a bit.
“Where would you like to go, Obi?” Satine asked, still focused on his last sentence.
“There’s a nice garden where we can have a picnic,” Obi-Wan smiled at his genius, “but I thought you might want to change first.”
Satine noticed they were heading back to the Senate housing quarters.
“How wise.” the Duchess remarked.
Obi-Wan waited outside while Satine changed quickly. Parna helped of course, looking as giddy as Satine felt. When the Duchess exited, wearing her simple salmon pink ensemble, Obi-Wan actually looked her up and down and grinned, which made Satine tremble slightly.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes,” Satine swallowed, “shall we go enjoy our picnic?”
The garden wasn’t modern, it was made to resemble an ancient garden where rows of imperfect petals gleamed in the sunlight. Gazing around, Satine noticed there weren’t many people here, how wise of her Obi-Wan. The Jedi led her to a bridge crossing a wide pond.
“Lilies!” Satine clapped.
“Yes, my dear,” Obi-Wan smiled, “lilies.”
“My symbol of serenity.”
“Aren’t I clever?” Obi-Wan asked, wrapping an arm around Satine’s waist and pulling her close.
The Duchess leaned her head on the Jedi’s shoulder, “Too clever for your own good.”
Obi-Wan chuckled, a sound that reverberated through his whole body, forcing Satine to realize they were standing awfully close.
“Come,” Obi-Wan said, grabbing her hand, likely thinking the same thing, “I know a place we can eat.”
Clutching the wicker basket in her right hand, Satine swung her left, the one that held Obi-Wan’s hand, and hummed quietly to herself.
“What are you thinking of, Satine?”
“It’s so peaceful here,” the Duchess sighed, “you would never guess this planet is at war.”
“I think it’s hard to understand a lot of things about war.” Obi-Wan commented.
“I don’t like war.” Satine stated.
Obi-Wan frowned, “I remember.”
“Innocent people die.” continued the Duchess, getting worked up.
“More so than during peacetime, I agree,” Obi-Wan nodded, “but is it old wounds that are bothering you?”
Satine blushed, surprised at how well her Jedi still knew her, “What do you mean?”
They had reached a woodsy area now, and Obi-Wan set down a blanket in the grotto where they were standing. Determined to look at anything but her Jedi, Satine surveyed the scene. The underbrush was slightly lacking here, and the sun poked through the leafy trees. Obi-Wan had chosen well.
“The circumstances that brought us together were particularly trying for you, as I remember,” Obi-Wan began, “but let’s not talk of that now, let’s enjoy our picnic.”
With a nod, Satine sat down across from Obi-Wan who opened the basket she had just placed. He rummaged around for a little while, then, with a smile, pulled out Satine’s favorite delicacy.
“Mandalorian cheese,” she squealed, “how did-”
“Dex’s diner,” Obi-Wan smiled, “they got everything.”
Satine snorted, then instantly regretted it.
Raising an eyebrow, Obi-Wan grinned, “How very unladylike.”
“What an ungentlemanly comment.” Satine quipped.
“Truce?” Obi-Wan asked, holding out the cheese.
“Truce.” Satine smiled, reaching for the food.
At the last second, Obi-Wan pulled back, causing Satine to teeter off-balance.
“Ben!” She pouted.
Obi-Wan grinned.
“I’m gonna get you for that,” Satine vowed, “I will.”
“The pacifist with morals?” Obi-Wan questioned, moving closer.
“A cruel Jedi?” Satine countered, meeting his stance.
“Cruel,” Obi-Wan tilted his head, a gleam in his eye, “I wouldn’t say I’m cruel, my dear.”
With an air of arrogance, Satine crossed her arms, “Well I would.”
“What else would you call me? Unforgiving?”
Satine rose to the challenge, “Cold.”
“You take advantage of poor people.” Satine stated, laying the bait.
Obi-Wan grinned even wider, “People like you?”
“I never-”
Obi-Wan kissed her. Full blown, both hands on her face, in the light of day, kissed her, and Satine felt like she was so happy she could burst.
“My shining Jedi knight to my rescue once again.” Satine gasped, touching her nose to Obi-Wan’s.
“Am I cruel now?”
“Only if you don’t do that again.” was the reply.
Obi-Wan did kiss her again, this time rolling her bottom lip between his teeth. Satine melted, but she wasn’t one to go down without putting up a fight.
The Duchess grinned, “You’ve gone soft, Obi.”
“Have I now?” the Jedi asked, moving the basket out of the way.
“Yes.” Satine smiled smugly.
“Well,” Obi-Wan sighed, “I guess I’ll have to eat this Mandalorian cheese and bread all by myself.”
“Oh no,” Satine gestured wildly, hand on her head, “whatever shall you do.”
Obi-Wan gazed at her warmly, grinning softly as he met his lips to hers. He only stopped when Satine’s stomach growled.
Satine and Obi-Wan laughed for the rest of the afternoon, trading stories of youthful Anakin and hilarious diplomacy situations as they feasted on Mandalorian cheese, bread, and fruits. Satine felt like she was home. By the time they finished all the food in the basket, it was lunch time.
“You know,” Obi-Wan tilted his head, “we should do something fun.”
Satine crossed her arms playfully, “That depends on your definition of fun, Ben.”
The Jedi grinned, “Mini golf.”
Satine burst into laughter, Obi-Wan held out his hands.
“I know what you’re thinking,” the Jedi began, “but it’s actually really fun.”
“Did Anakin tell you that?”
Obi-Wan sighed, “I’ll admit the first time I was forced to go, I was very skeptical.”
“You,” Satine giggled, “playing a child’s version of an old man’s pastime.”
“I assure you,” Obi-Wan grinned, “I won’t make any jokes at your expense.”
Satine raised an eyebrow, “I’d like to see you try.”
They made it three holes before Obi-Wan agreed that he wouldn’t let Satine beat him.
“Ben, I swear,” Satine began, “if you lose one more time-”
“You’re hitting it too hard,” Obi-Wan explained, “if you were more patient-”
“Patient,” Satine snorted, “next you’ll want me to be calm.”
“You’re calm all the time.”
“Except when I’m playing mini-golf apparently.” Satine shrugged.
“Here,” Obi-Wan stepped forward, placing his hands on Satine, “let me help you.”
The ball went off it’s mark though, because just before Satine hit the ball, Obi-Wan smacked her butt.
“Ben,” Satine growled through clenched teeth, “we’re in public!”
“Still,” the Jedi smiled, “you walked right into that one.”
With a sigh, Satine gestured for Obi-Wan to try, and even though she stepped on his foot, Obi-Wan got a hole in one. In dismay, Satine shook her head. 
By the time they finished the course, it was three o’clock in the afternoon.
“I’m hungry.” Satine observed.
“So am I.” agreed the Jedi.
“What now?”
Obi-Wan gazed sideways at Satine, “Have you ever had ancient food?”
Squinting, Satine answered, “Some.”
“Well,” Obi-Wan grabbed Satine’s hand and spun her around, “there’s a marketplace that sells Ancient food from stalls.”
“I’d like that.” the Duchess blushed.
Together they walked into a part of town Satine would’ve never chosen to venture into.
“Ben,” she whispered, pulling at her hood, “is this safe?”
“Mainly,” Obi-Wan answered, “just look like you know what you’re doing.”
Satine tsked her tongue, but went along with the ruse. They went from stall to stall buying hot snacks before making their way back up towards the Coruscanti surface. Obi-Wan led her into the residential districts, and when Satine commented on it, Obi-Wan replied that they had the best parks.
“We already ate in a garden though.” Satine pointed out.
“Parks,” Obi-Wan grinned, “not a garden.”
They ended up eating everything under an umbrella which was made to look like the heavens. Satine pointed out the Mandalore system to Obi-Wan.
“I never would’ve guessed how large it was.” the Jedi commented.
“It does get busy sometimes.” Satine admitted.
Obi-Wan grinned, “I do hope today’s distraction was successful.”
“It was beyond successful, Obi.”
“I’m glad.” the Jedi nodded.
“Where are we going next?” Satine perked up, bouncing like a child.
“Roller skating.”
Satine’s jaw dropped.
“I’m just kidding,” Obi-Wan laughed, “I’ve something far more romantic planned.”
“Do you?” Satine raised an eyebrow.
“You finished?” asked the Jedi eagerly.
Satine sighed, “Yes.”
They went to a carnival. Satine ogled everything. They had carnival’s on Mandalore of course, but Satine, being royalty, was never allowed to go as a child, and when she became Duchess she was far too busy.
“Look at the lights.” Satine marveled, head swerving.
Obi-Wan led her to a tall mechanical ride with comfortable pods.
“You could see all of Coruscant from up there.” observed the Duchess.
Obi-Wan gave her shoulder a shove, “Where do you think we’re going?” 
Satine smiled, giddy. There wasn’t much waiting in line, and the view was gorgeous. All the evening lights of the city were glowing against the darkening sky. As the ground below became smaller and smaller, Satine turned to Obi-Wan, who was watching her with enthusiasm.
“You’ve done it again, Ben.” she smiled.
“All the best for you, My Dear.” he winked.
“Come,” Satine patted the bench next to her, “sit next to me.”
Obi-Wan obeyed.
“Whatever happened to the bashful Jedi I met on the Coronet?” Satine teased.
“Bashful,” Obi-Wan began, “I don’t think-”
“My love declaration.”
“Ah,” the Jedi nodded, “I was not expecting that.”
“You underestimate a woman’s romantic notions of noble love.” Satine commented, slightly embarrassed.
“Noble love?”
“You’ve saved my life on numerous occasions, Obi,” the Duchess turned, “surely you know that.”
Obi-Wan sighed, “I tried to forget my love for you, Satine, but I could never.”
Satine placed the Jedi’s hands in hers and kissed his cheek.
“Ben, circumstance has brought us back together, I have to think it’s for a reason.”
Obi-Wan turned to his Duchess.
“So do I, Satine,” he agreed, “because I know that I’ll love you until the day I die.”
She kissed Obi-Wan, right at the apex of the machine’s height.
“You’ve always been the one for me, Obi-Wan,” Satine smiled softly, touching her Jedi’s nose with hers, “it was terrible being separated from you.”
“We’re back together now, My Dear,” Obi-Wan touched his forehead to Satine’s, “I’m just grateful you cracked my resolve.”
“So am I.”
They didn’t speak of what would happen next, beecause really, none of them knew how they were going to accomplish it. Satine figured she’d say that the Jedi was chivalrous and he was walking her home, if anyone asked. When they arrived in the Senate’s housing quarters Satine and Obi-Wan found them mostly quiet due to the late hour. The Duchess, being cautious, had sent a quiet comm to her lady, telling her to see if she could sleep with Padme’s maids.
“Satine,” Obi-Wan began quietly, “do you want me to leave you here?”
“No, Obi,” Satine whispered back, placing her hands on Obi-Wan’s neck, “stay with me.”
The Duchess stepped in first, Parna wasn’t there, then she motioned for Obi-Wan to follow her.
“Nice room.” the Jedi observed.
Satine locked the door and closed the blinds.
“Satine, I-”
“Please don’t deprive me of this moment, Ben,” Satine swallowed, taking a step forward, “there’s no need to be shy.”
Even in the darkness Satine could see Obi-Wan’s blush.
“It’s been so long,” he argued, “and we were so young.”
Satine took another step forward, placing her hand on Obi-Wan’s arm, “We’re not young anymore.”
That seemed to be all the reassurance he needed. Pulling herself deeper into Obi-Wan’s kiss, Satine slid her hand up his side, catching his outer robe in her hand. As her Jedi ran kisses along her jawline and neck, Satine gathered the other side of Obi-Wan’s robe.
“Ben, help me.”
Reluctantly at first, Obi-Wan stopped kissing Satine and began shedding his layers, Satine did the same. Feeling Obi-Wan pause, the Duchess looked up. He was staring at her, her Ben, his expression demonstrating more adoration and softness than Satine thought possible.
He kissed her again, latching onto her waist.
“Ben,” Satine giggled as kisses trailed onto her collar, “I’m not going anywhere.”
“I know,” Obi-Wan smiled, picking up Satine bridal style, “and I’m very happy you aren't.”
“You were always a romantic, Ben.” the Duchess winked.
Obi-Wan set Satine down on the bed, “You’ll be glad of that.”
Satine raised an eyebrow, “Will I?”
Tugging at her remaining clothes, the Jedi commented that in the morning she’d rethink her stance on his beard.
“Will I?”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan answered, completely exposing himself, “you’ll adore it.”
Satine leaned back and crossed her arms, “That’s a pretty tough challenge.”
Growling Obi-Wan leaned into Satine’s ear, “I accept.”
The Duchess discovered quickly that she definitely preferred this Obi-Wan to her younger one, mainly because he had better stamina and stronger muscles.
“What are you thinking about, My Dear?” Obi-Wan asked, resting his hands on Satine’s thighs.
Tilting her head, the Duchess answered, “I don’t know if I like that beard yet.”
Obi-Wan licked his lips, “We’ve hardly begun, darling.” 
There were many things Satine realized that night, one, was that her Ben was cunning. He had a clever way of surprising her, sometimes gentle, others rougher, but Satine was obviously enjoying herself. Hoisting her leg around Obi-Wan’s waist, Satine let herself melt into her Jedi. She fell back on the bed, exhausted far too soon for Obi-Wan’s liking.
“I don’t do physical activity often, Ben.” Satine explained.
“You walk.”
Satine corrected herself, “Physical exertion, then.” 
Eyes grinning with hellfire, Obi-Wan told Satine to lie back. She did.
“Ben,” she gasped a few seconds later, gripping the sheets, “what-”
“You like it.” the Jedi mumbled into her thigh.
“Ben-” Satine sighed, the syllables drawn out as Obi-Wan continued.
When he was finished, he popped up and crawled over to Satine like a puppy.
“Like the beard now?”
Satine couldn’t help but smile, “You’re devious, Ben.”
“Am I?”
“And duplicitous,” Satine continued, “tricking me like that.”
In response, Obi-Wan began softly biting at Satine’s neck. 
“What am I going to do with you, Obi?”
“I thought you were tired?” the Jedi teased moving his lips down to her collarbone.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi,” Satine shook her head, “you’re terrible.”
“But you love me.”
He didn’t understand the full depth of that statement.
“Too much for my own good.” Satine agreed.
Yawning, the Duchess rolled into her Jedi. Using the force, Obi-Wan pulled the covers up over them.
“Hold me while I sleep?” Satine asked, eyes drooping.
“Of course, my love.”
The morning was far less romantic, filled with quick kisses, arranged themselves to be presentable, while trying to engage in conversation.
“Wait,” Obi-Wan asked just before heading out, “where was your lady.”
“Sleeping with Padme’s ladies.” Satine answered, brushing her wet hair.
Obi-Wan stiffened, “Anakin’s gonna find out.”
“He won’t tease you,” Satine assured, “he’s a grown man.”
“You really don’t know him if you believe that.” Obi-Wan replied.
With a sigh, Satine answered, “I’ll see if Padme won’t tell him.”
“Thank you, darling,” Obi-Wan kissed her cheek, “now, put the vent back on once I leave.”
“Yes, Ben,” smiled the Duchess, “we went over this.”
Her Jedi made it out undetected, unfortunately, Satine’s two bodyguards asked Parna on her way in where she was last night, and of course, the lady had to respond, “Doing my faithful duty to my lady.” And apparently, she winked.
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jate-kara · 4 years
May i request Fives, Echo and Rex for 46. “Shut up, I am a delight!” bescause "Vode An" is tearing me apart rn and thank you!
The prompt is from this list. My interpretation of ‘short’ is highly variable.
You can find Vode An here, in case anyone is looking for it
Lifeday | On AO3
Summary: It’s Ahsoka’s lifeday.
For years, the 501st has been talking about throwing her a party: baking a cake, coming up with gifts, singing her that stupid song all the civvies take such delight in. This is the first time it’s actually been a real and genuine possibility. Rex guesses he should thank Fox for that, whenever the Senate gets around to clearing him of any charges related to Palpatine’s very sudden and necessary end.
“You are all absolutely unbelievable.”
Fives doesn’t even have the decency to look properly ashamed of himself. He, Jesse, Dogma, Hardcase, and Echo are covered from head to toe in flour and of the group, only Dogma looks even the slightest bit sheepish about it.
“The General loans us his kitchen, in his home, and this is what you pull,” Rex says.
“We’ll clean it up,” Dogma says quickly. “Promise, sir.”
“It was Hardcase’s fault anyway,” Jesse says.
“How as I supposed to know the bag would explode?” Hardcase grumbles.
“Oh, we definitely don’t know,” Fives says dryly, “but when you figure it out, you let us in on it.”
The war’s been over for three weeks and Rex already wishes he was back on the front lines. There’s still plenty to sort out, of course, that’s sort of an inevitable side-effect of the Republic’s Chancellor having orchestrated the entire war for his own benefit, but beyond waiting for orders about which Separatist holdouts still need to be cleared up, there’s not much they can do.
And besides, it’s Ahsoka’s lifeday and for years, the 501st has been talking about throwing her a party: baking a cake, coming up with gifts, singing her that stupid song all the civvies take such delight in. This is the first time it’s actually been a real and genuine possibility. Rex guesses he should thank Fox for that, whenever the Senate gets around to clearing him of any charges related to Palpatine’s very sudden and necessary end.
“All right, men,” Rex says at last. “We’ve got to pull ourselves together or this is never gonna get done.”
“I’ve never baked anything before,” Hardcase says. “I didn’t know it was gonna blow up.”
“Will you stow it already?” Jesse groans. “We get it: you didn’t think the bag would blow if you punched it. Well, guess what, genius? It did. It blew up and now it’s everywhere and we’ve got no flour for Ahsoka’s cake.”
“We could just go get some more,” Echo points out. Suddenly, all eyes are on him. “What?”
“I suppose you have credits for that,” Fives drawls.
“I do,” Echo says. “Hunter gave them to me. Tech’s really good at pazaak.”
Rex can feel the headache coming on already. “All right,” he says. “Echo, you, me, and Fives are on retrieval. We’ll go to the market, get the flour, and bring it back here. The rest of you, get this kitchen cleaned up. I want it in top shape, and I don’t want to hear any complaints from General Skywalker or Senator Amidala about it later. You got it?”
“Yes, sir,” Dogma bites out, which is better than the eyerolls Rex gets from Jesse and Hardcase.
“They’re gonna make an even bigger mess and we’re gonna be the ones that have to deal with it,” Fives says as they climb into the speeder. “What do you bet, Rex?”
“They’ll be fine,” Rex grumbles. “Just drive, Echo.”
“Whoa,” Fives says. Echo pauses; his finger hovers over the speeder’s ignition. “No, no, no. He’s not driving.”
“What is it with you and my driving?” Echo demands. “I drive fine.”
“No, you used to drive fine. Then you started hanging out with the Bad Batch and now you drive like you have a death wish.”
“I don’t have a death wish. I’m just trying to get us there faster.”
“I’ll drive,” Rex says mildly, and Echo scowls at Fives and moves over.
The market’s crawling with people. There are no other clones, besides a few of the Coruscant Guard keeping watch from a distance.
“So,” Fives says, “what’s the plan if they won’t sell to us?’
They were all thinking it. “They will,” Rex says, though it doesn’t sound as confident out loud as it did in his head. “I mean, why wouldn’t they?”
“Well, we’re the face of the war,” Echo says. A smirk plays at his lips. “All of us. We have the same face. Get it?”
Fives and Rex groan.
“Shut up. I’m a delight.”
“You’re not,” Fives says. “You’re a pain in the shebs.”
“We still need that flour,” Rex points out, “so cut the chatter unless you’ve got something useful to say.”
There are plenty of vendors scattered around the courtyard; it’s the largest outdoor market on Coruscant and the only one in the vicinity that carries the specific brand of flour needed for a Togrutan lifeday cake. “I’ll just go ask,” Echo says haltingly. “What else are we gonna do?”
“You’ll get swindled is what you’ll do,” Fives said. “Have you ever bought anything before? Let Rex do it.”
Echo blinks at him and shrugs. “All right,” he says. “Rex, you’re up. Show us how it’s done, sir.”
Rex warily accepts the credits and scans the crowd for the correct vendor. As soon as he finds it, he shoulders his way through, conscious of Fives and Echo at his back.
The vendor is an old Togruta woman. She looks them up and down and blinks at them, unimpressed. “You got credits?” she asks suspiciously. Rex bites back the urge to sigh. Everyone knows they don’t get paid (and no one does anything about it).
“We do,” Rex says a long beat later. “How much?”
“How much you got?”
“How much are they?”
“That depends on how much you’ve got,” she says, annoyed.
“How are we supposed to pay you if we don’t know how much it is?” Fives asks. “I mean, come on.”
“That’s how it works here,” she shrugs. “How much you got?”
“Just tell us how much,” Rex says. “…please.”
She screws her face up but seems to realize it’s the only answer she’s going to get. “Twenty credits,” she says slowly, like she’s testing them. “For the little bag.”
That’s all they need. Rex very carefully hands her the correct amount. She tosses the bag at them. “Thanks,” Rex says, but she doesn’t answer them: she’s already moved on to talking to the next customer.
“That wasn’t so bad,” Echo says, once they’re back at the speeder. He gingerly settles the bag in the dashboard compartment and clicks it shut.
Ten minutes back to Skywalker and Amidala’s apartment. The others should have the place cleaned up by now. Assuming Kix doesn’t get swept up in more post-war paperwork, he’s supposed to extricate Ahsoka from Kenobi and the 212th and bring her over by 1800.
So that leaves them three hours to make, bake, and decorate the cake when none of them has ever baked anything in their lives.
At least it comes with instructions.
Rex whips the speeder around the corner – and promptly brings it to a screeching halt. There are vehicles lined up as far as they can see up the lane.
“Shab,” Echo says. “What happened?”
“Crash, probably,” Fives mutters. “They were probably driving like you do.”
Rex gives it ten minutes. At twenty, they’re still sitting motionless. The speeder behind theirs has started revving its engine off and on like that’ll somehow make the pileup shift into motion.
They don’t have time for this.
“Where are you going?” Fives asks as Rex pulls out of the lane. Rex doesn’t answer him, just puts the speeder into a sharp incline and guns it.
“Rex, this is a military lane,” Echo says.
“And we’re military personnel,” Rex shoots back.
“In a civilian speeder!”
“Speeder, identify yourself. You are in a restricted lane.”
Fives is plastered to his seat but he still manages to reach forward far enough to hit the blinking comm. “This is Captain Rex,” Rex says easily, heedless of Fives’ scowl. “We’ve…commandeered a vehicle and are using the lane for passage.”
“Roger that, Captain. Carry on.”
“You’re lucky Fox is locked up right now,” Fives says through gritted teeth, “or he’d have your head for this.”
“That was Thire on the comm,” Echo says. “I’m pretty sure he’ll report it.”
No one wants to be on traffic duty. Rex wonders what Thire did to get stuck with it.
“Let’s hope not,” Rex says.
“Please slow down,” Fives snaps. Rex glances at him: his eyes are squeezed shut. “You and Echo and your shabla driving. It’s like no one taught you how. Ever.”
“Relax,” Rex says. “We’re f—”
“Look out!”
Rex swerves just in time to avoid the Coruscant Guard swoops ripping across the lane. “Wonder who they’re chasing,” Echo says.
“Slow down!” Fives barks. “Damn it, Rex, I don’t want to die again.”
By the time Rex sets the speeder down back at Amidala’s apartment, Fives is shaking. He stumbles out of the speeder and wobbles across the platform.
“Hey, Fives,” Jesse says, poking his head out the door. “You all right?”
“Rex should be relieved of his command,” Fives mumbles, letting Echo lead him inside, “until he learns how to pilot a kriffin’ speeder.”
Jesse giggles. Rex glowers at him and shoves the bag of flour against his chest. “Keep Hardcase away from it,” he says. “We are not doing that again.”
“Red means stop, by the way,” Jesse says with a wide grin. “Saw you coming down the lane. You blew through the traffic signal, Captain.”
“Get that cake made, Jesse.”
By some miracle, the cake comes out fine. Rex suspects Dogma was a very large part of that particular outcome, just like he’s sure Echo’s steady hands are the reason the frosted lettering is at all legible; it’s blue on a white background, for the 501st: Happy Lifeday, Ahsoka.
“There is an ‘h’, right?” Fives says, furrowing his brow.
“Yes, there’s an ‘h’,” Rex says. Echo heaves a sigh of relief. Behind him, Hardcase is balancing on Dogma and Jesse’s shoulders to hang up the last of the streamers and balloons.
“Ten minutes,” Echo says. “If Kix is on schedule.”
“Give him plus another ten,” Fives says, folding his arms. “He gets caught up pretty easily.”
The door clicks open. They spin as one. “General,” Fives says. “Welcome back.”
“Don’t call me general when I’m at home,” Anakin says, wrinkling his nose. “Really, Fives.”
“What are we supposed to call you…sir?” Dogma asks.
“You can call him Anakin,” Padmé says, sweeping through the door. They haven’t exactly been the most subtle about their relationship since the news of Palpatine’s treason came down the line, but then, Rex very much doubts the Jedi Council has the time to care right now. They’re too busy dealing with the fallout of an almost-Order-66.
And the fact that Fox and Fives, not the Jedi, were the ones that stopped it.
Everyone’s hair is still growing back from having their chips removed.
“Yeah, no, that’s not gonna work for us,” Jesse says. “What else is there?”
“Ahsoka used to call him Skyguy,” Rex says with a smirk. Skywalker scowls at him.
“No. Not that,” he says. “You can call me Anakin. You’re just gonna have to figure out how to make it work. Now hurry up and hide. Ahsoka and Kix were five minutes behind me so they’re gonna be here any second.”
Amidala clicks the lights off. Rex huddles behind the couch with Echo and Fives. Jesse and Dogma duck behind the overstuffed chairs.
“I think it should be open,” Ahsoka says from outside the door. “Anakin usually leaves it unlocked if he knows I’m coming by.”
“Sounds hazardous,” Kix says. Rex rolls his eyes. Beside him, Fives jumps slightly. He stills him with a hand on the shoulder. Not yet.
The door swings open. Amidala hits the lights. “Surprise!” they bellow, and Ahsoka’s face goes from startled to delighted.
“Happy lifeday, Ahsoka,” Anakin grins, and drags her into a hug. She holds on for a second and then Jesse’s elbowing his way in for his turn. Rex hangs back and waits until the others have had their chance. Ahsoka beams at him.
“Happy lifeday, vod’ika,” Rex says, and pulls her close.
“We made you a traditional Togrutan cake,” Dogma says proudly. “With the right flour and everything.”
Ahsoka’s eyes are shining. Rex hoists her up onto his shoulders. “Come on,” he says. “We barely managed not to burn the thing.”
“I’m sure you did fine,” she says.
“Well, it was mostly Dogma. Echo did the frosting.”
“I picked the sprinkles,” Hardcase says, following after. “They’re silver. Just because.”
Fives cuts the cake unevenly, Echo picks at him for it, but none of their bickering seems to bother Ahsoka. There’s a brightness to her eyes that Rex hasn’t seen since the first time he met her on Christophsis. The others are crowded around her, doting and stacking the gifts they brought beside her so she can open them later. Skywalker’s arm is around Amidala. He’s wearing a wide smile.
They’re safe, they’re happy, and they’re so very alive.
For the first time in his life, Rex’s heart is light.
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movienotesbyzawmer · 3 years
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August 30: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
(previous notes: Mission: Impossible III)
I bet the powers that be at the Mission: Impossible movie factory didn't lose any sleep over the stupid colon in the title that screws everything up. I mean, just look at that up there with the colon after my date, then the colon in the middle of the OG title, and then it's like, well, you can do whatever you want with punctuation but we're adding a subtitle after it now and you just have to deal with it. On posters and stuff it's just "Mission: Impossible" and then underneath those words they put "Ghost Protocol" so they don't have to deal with it. What a mess. I tell you it is a damn mess is what it is.
Anyway, we have arrived at the M:I movie that, more than any of the others, just really hit the spot for me when I saw it upon its original release. I saw it at the end of a frustrating and tiring work day and it was exactly what the doctor ordered. At some point in the middle I realized that I was enjoying it thoroughly without having to tolerate the kinds of flaws that were apparently part and parcel of this kind of movie. Maybe there were flaws that I just wasn't registering. We'll soon see.
Continuing the tradition of making very hip choices for the directing duties, here we have the live-action directorial debut of Brad Bird, who started off directing episodes of The Simpsons before moving on to no less than The Iron Giant and The Incredibles. Dude had two Oscars on his mantle by the time he showed up for this. Press play already!
Um Sweet Christ those opening shots look gook in 4K like HOO boy
Whoa, neat opening where Sawyer from Lost is chased off the top of a building in Budapest but his jacket deploys an air mattress right as he almost-hits, but then he's shot by Lea Seydoux in an alley, rat-a-tat-tat with the action here, like what is up
Simon Pegg is back, and he's being tricksy with the tech in a prison! He's opening cell doors and the prisoners are surprised and delighted with that twist! He plays them a jazz standard on the intercom and Ethan Hunt suavely emerges from one of the cells. Fun silly things ensue involving Ethan's rebellious and confident independent strategy and a small riot that seems kind of like a bar fight.
He has made a pal in the joint and he's breaking him out. Some kind of cool tech creates a really sweet vortex-y hole in the floor and they are swooped up by their helpers, it's fun.
We're introduced to Paula Patton who is a new team member, and then the credits roll, and they are spirited in a way that recalls the first movie, also showing real scenes from later in the movie.
Flashback to the thing that was happening with Sawyer shows how that botched operation, something about a file and a courier, got Sawyer killed because lots of bad guys were all over the place there. AR contact lens technology figures prominently, and that is a good idea (plus we totally might have those soon, right?).
0:18:16 - Once again we begin the movie without the leading lady from the previous one, but we're starting to get an explanation here. Or just a tease of one I guess.
And quickly we get a sneaky-style self-destructing message that sets up that Ethan has to disguise himself as a specific Russian and sneak into the actual Kremlin. This movie 100% gets what a Mission: Impossible movie is supposed to be.
This time, they aren't using fancy masks or voice shifter things, just costumes and a fake mustache. They comment about that in the dialogue but don't explain why.
0:24:52 - Dialogue mixed SO QUIET here I have no idea what SP just said. It seems like you're supposed to have heard it.
But that is quickly forgotten when they use the coolest spy gadget of them all - a screen that is placed in a corridor that makes the guy at the other end of the corridor think it’s the corridor, but it's a screen and SP & Ethan are hiding behind it and it is super super neato I love it
Then just when it's cool that that is going well, it's suddenly cool how NOT well it's going because someone is spying on their spycraft! The thing they were going to heist isn't there, and someone deliberately makes their comms thing be heard by the bad guys!
And THEN we see something we really didn't think we'd see and it is kind of mind blowing - Ethan escapes from the Kremlin with a very smooth quick-change of his disguise that we see him do in all one shot… but then the Kremlin totally explodes and it explodes all over Ethan as he's running away! It looks amazing!
Right after that there is some fun with subtitles - Ethan is in the hospital all damaged and concussed and stuff, and the news is talking about the obvious big story, and the subtitles are in Russian. At first I was like, "hey is my home theater tech busted?" but no, the subtitles become gradually more in English as Ethan starts to come out of it. Then we see with subtitles that Ethan is reading lips about the police people that want to be bad guys to Ethan.
After Ethan escapes, we shift to a wholesome-looking Russian family we haven't seen before. The scene is a nice little piece of drama about how the dad sees the Kremlin news and wants to get the family out of there, and very quickly that goes south and thugs have them all at gunpoint, it's nicely done
Ethan is being extracted by two new characters played by accomplished, Oscar-nominated actors Tom Wilkinson and Jeremy Renner… the conversation is dire and I don't want to type during it gahhh gah gah gah I am watching because holy shit this goes south too! TW informs Ethan that the DoD is going to frame him for blowing up the Kremlin and his only choice is to escape. He's telling him HOW to escape in a funny way, but they are attacked and it's visually very interesting and TW is headshot and they are in the water and it is such bad news for Ethan and his new colleague played by Mr. Renner, I probably typoed a lot during that because it was so hard to look away.
So Ethan is on the hook for the terrorist attack of the century and he's being chased by a little battalion of thugs who just shot that important spy boss, and he's in Russia. It is very not good for Ethan.
He's with JR and JR is playing a different character for him. He's a bookish analyst guy who feels very out of place in action-land.
We're learning about the main bad guy, Hendricks, who was the guy that screwed everything up in the Kremlin. He's a super-smart theoretical physicist or something who has big, well-thought-out ideas about destroying the world with nukes, and he took nuke codes from the Kremlin. So things are just really really hairy and it's effective storytelling is what I'm saying.
Also effective is that they met up with SP and PP on a neat secret train car thing that is well appointed with spy gear
And VERY VERY EFFECTIVE is what happens next, which is a series of establishing shots of Dubai which KILL ON MY TV. I am glad I have a 4K panel, kids. This begins what I recall as being an extended sequence of sweet-ass suspense. Ethan has to break into a server room by climbing the outside of the 130th floor of the Burj Khalifa using glove-gadget tech that will hopefully work. There is at least some actual Tom Cruise clinging to the side of that building. It's so cool looking. And to make matters worse, a dust storm approaches! Or should I say "to make matters even cooler looking". Yes I should. Please read that part.
Paula Patton's character seems underdeveloped so far, especially compared to her teammates Simon Pegg and Jeremy Renner.
Jeez you guys, if you like suspenseful action scenes about barely surviving climbing a skyscraper this movie is for you.
1:05:34 - In the middle of a tense conversation we see that they were using the maskmaker but it wasn't working. They just don't want us to have mask fun in this movie. They hate mask fun. Why does Brad Bird hate mask fun.
Oh then this scene which is neat - bad guys are meeting with LS… but Ethan and JR are taking their place, and PP is taking LS's place for the real bad guys one floor down. The movie explains it better than me, but it is pretty exciting, the two meetings happening at the same time with opposite trickery.
Hah, SP does a sweet fake-hand trick to get the diamonds from the bad guys so he can get them to Ethan and JN, and JN is doing the thing where he uses the contact lens tech… gosh why are you even reading this, just watch the movie. I really like the tricksy espionage.
It all falls apart because LS spots the contact lens in JR's eye. The plot is moving along in a way that, I'm once again noticing, would normally require more half-assed-ness. It's just a solid spy plot. Which probably makes these notes more boring. Poor you.
LS dies by getting kicked out of the open window of the Burj Khalifa with a brewing sandstorm in the background! Neat looking!
And then a thing where Ethan is in a thick dust cloud and he's tracking the important paper thing with his tracker device, and it starts moving quickly at him and we realize just as it's too late that it's in a car that's gonna run him over! Then that mechanic gets used in a car chase in a dust storm, which we don't see very often outside a Mad Max movie, and that climaxes in a really cool looking collision, followed by the reveal that one of the nuclear code bad guys was Hendricks in a supermask. So we DO like mask fun after all! Except why do we care that it was Hendricks?
A scene where JR is confronted for maybe being a double-crosser has a beautifully choreographed gun-get-grabbity-grab thing that was probably super fun for the actors.
1:27:05 - JR tells a story that at first we think is that family we saw briefly almost scramming, but no, he's talking about Ethan, and what seems to be a story about Ethan's wife (Julia from the last movie) getting killed in Croatia, and Ethan killing six Serbians for revenge, and that's why he was in prison in the beginning? It's still a little mysterious and kind of complicated. It doesn't quite fit with what we think we know.
Dubai imagery is pretty. I have been to Dubai. I am standing by for your marriage proposals now.
I didn't really follow how we got to this point, but Ethan went for a walk and met with some underworld Dubai person and made a deal the ended up with a huge cache of spy gear and a private plane to India. I went to India like right after Dubai. I have my own car and a job kind of so you might need to calm your hormones at this point.
A probing exchange with PP establishes that indeed Ethan's story is that he killed the men who killed his wife. Doesn't really seem legit, though. There's more to the story, clearly.
One of the tech things they play with on the plane is the most magic-seeming one. It is a suit that looks like tight chain-mail, and it floats over a cart, like a magic carpet that you wear.
We're introduced to Brij Nath, whose name I had to look up so I could tell you how it is spelled. He has an access code that they need, which seems like they just kind of simplified the situation, and he's one of those only-kinda-bad bad guys that's really just a pawn, for our heroes as well as for these storytellers.
The wearable magic carpet gadget is fun and funny! SP has to remote control JR wearing the floaty-suit and JR is trying not to freak out too badly, and maybe on purpose it recalls the scene from the first movie where Tom Cruise hovers parallel to the floor.
Hendricks is now in a secret room in the place where they all are, and he has a bad-guy briefcase computer and orders some subordinates to do something with a virus, and I don't actually understand what's really happening but am I to believe that Ethan et al are thwarting literal nuclear terrorism here in Mumbai? Right here at this pleasant party at the palace of an only kinda-bad bad guy?
1:48:30 - Ha, the climax of the wearable magic carpet thing involves JR barely surviving by doing an acrobatic stunt that seems oddly intuitive and satisfying. You'll just have to watch the movie to know what I mean.
The spy-tech car they have is rad.
They fail to prevent the launch of a nuclear missile! We see it come out of the sub and start missiling toward its destination which we have learned is California! Hendricks mutters things about how that should get the ball rolling making world powers hate each other and nuke each other and may there be peace on Earth, he also, yes, says that.
A chase on foot has Ethan and Hendricks suddenly brawling on an exotically elegant robotic parking ramp. Platforms move around mechanically and transfer unmanned cars to different areas, and it is against that video gamey backdrop that Ethan and Hendricks struggle to get that sinister suitcase which is all bouncing around that environment. Unexpectedly, Ethan's hope of grabbing it is thwarted by Hendricks suicide-jumping down several stories! We see it! He definitely does that! Ethan drives a car off a thing to follow him, plummeting down hood-first, and the airbag saves him! He gets the briefcase and barely saves the day in time!
Again a denouement making it very clear that everything is really shockingly okay and tidied up. Even the thing with Ethan revenge-killing Serbians and the thing with his wife is cleaned way up, but with an elegance and sweetness that elevates this movie above the others. She's not dead after all, just fake-dead for her protection. And they're only where they are in Seattle so he can glimpse her lovingly across a marina.
So! I feel strongly that this is the best Mission: Impossible movie! It is an extraordinarily deftly-constructed spy thriller! It's got all the funnest types of things that are in the other movies, and other fun spy thrillers, but with so much less garbage! They did a great job and they should be proud.
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changingourdestiny · 3 years
Nightlight Part 1: Endless Night
Fireteam Paralight awake to the Last City being plunged into darkness with the sun nowhere in sight. Ikora and Osiris have no doubt about it being the Vex's doing but with no answers on how to fix it, they turn to unlikely allies for them but familiar allies to Paralight: Mithrax and Tif of House Light.
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Next Part: Here
“I know I said to ‘party until the sun rises’…but this is NOT what I meant.”
Cayde and Fireteam Paralight all stood at the Helm’s front window at the endless night sky…at 11am. The sun hadn’t risen at all that morning with strange glitch-like wisps in the air. Rae let out a sigh, “Can…can someone pass me that cushion over there?”
“Oh, sure.” Crow picked up a nearby cushion resting on the war table and handed it to the Stasis Vanguard. “Thank you.” Rae calmly accepted the cushion and held it to her face before letting out a stressed and frustrated scream into the pillow. As her scream faded, Adam hesitantly spoke, “Are…are you ok, Rae?”
“My stress levels are PERFECTLY healthy, guys!” Rae said with a forced grin. “Uh huh…sure…” Blaze scooted away from Rae a bit as the sound of footsteps approached. Zavala and Ikora entered the Helm. “Thank you for coming on short notice.” Ikora began. “Figured we’d be called up here at some stage.” Blaze replied, “Usually when things take a turn for the crazy, we’re the ones that are called. And the sun being gone is kinda hard to miss.”
“Very true. With that said, allow me to deliver your briefing.” Ikora began, “As you saw, for the first time in humanity’s long and storied history, the sun did not rise. Osiris tells me it’s a Vex simulation that has plunged the City into an endless night. It seems they’ve found a way to harness our energy against us. And even in all his wisdom, Osiris can offer no solution.”
“To do something like this to the Last City…” Cayde muttered, “Whatever the Vex are planning, they’re confident enough to target our home turf.”
“That or they’re becoming desperate.” Zavala added. “The Vex rely on logic. Whatever their plan is, the chances of success for them are high enough for them to execute it.” Rae chimed in. “Rae’s right.” Ikora agreed, “I don’t know what will happen if we can’t break the Vex’s hold over the City. I do know that we must protect our people, no matter the cost.”
“Agreed.” Adam nodded. “So, what’s the plan? How’re we gonna pry the Vex’s robo-hands off the City?” Blaze asked. “The Vex are machines…” Ikora replied, “And no one understands machines better than the Eliksni. Osiris and I could only think of one we might turn to. And I believe you’re acquainted with him and one of his captains.”
“Wait…you mean…?” Rae perked up in realisation. Ikora nodded, “Mithrax, Kell of House Light. My spies report he claims to be among the last Sacred Splicers; those with the power to commune with machines. He may be our best and only hope.”
“I didn’t know he was a Splicer.” Rae muttered, “He never made it obvious during the times we met him and Tif never mentioned it either.”
“It makes sense that he would try to keep it hidden.” Crow replied, “House Dusk and the remnants of Salvation would find the abilities of Splicers useful against their enemies.”
“Hmm…fair point.” Rae said before turning back to Ikora, “Do we have any information on his location?”
“My Hidden report that both Mithrax and Tifawt were last seen on Europa, helping Variks evacuate Eliksni defectors.” Ikora explained, “Both the Vex and Eramis’s loyalists are down there hunting for survivors, shooting anything that moves. Be sure to shoot back. We need Mithrax alive if he’s to help us with our Vex problem.”
“Right.” Rae turned to her Fireteam, “You heard Ikora. Let’s hit the skies.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Fireteam Paralight hurried out of the Helm. Cayde went to follow but was stopped by Ikora. “No. You’re still in trouble for the last time you snuck out. Besides, we need all the help we can get for crowd control.”
Rae couldn’t help but feel sorry for Cayde as she heard his disappointed groan from down the hall.
“Oh, the Vex outside are frightful~ But the Light is so delightful~ Knock them down, blow-by-blow~ Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow~”
Blaze sang to herself as she shot down Vex after Vex with Firelight. “Nice Dawning carol.” Crow chuckled as he fired a round from Hawkmoon into a hobgoblin, “You should remember them for this year.”
“I’m already working on ‘Sainta Claus is coming to Tower’!”
Crow let out an amused snort at Blaze’s pun as Rae tuned into her comms, “Ikora, any luck on locating Mithrax?”
“You’re closing in on some residual signals. It could be Eliksni bound for House Light…or it could be more of Eramis’s loyalists.” Ikora replied. “I think I see an entrance in the ice.” Adam yelled from several feet away. “Let’s go say Velask.” Rae said as she slid down the ice into the hideout. The four Guardians landed with a faint clang onto the metal plating of the hideout. “Velask? It’s Fireteam Paralight. Is anyone here?” Rae called out before contacting Ikora again, “Empty. Looks like the Eliksni cleared out before the Vex showed up.”
“See if you can learn where they’re headed.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Over here!”
Rae looked up to see Blaze by an Eliksni terminal with Crow typing away at it. “I think we found something. Some sort of looped audio recording.”
“I’ll patch it through to Ikora as well.” Crow added as he played the audio.
“-over their possessions. Trigger message repeat. This is Misraaks. To those who renounce the violence of House Salvation and seek refuge in the House of Light, I will be landing a Skiff near Asterion Abyss. Bring only what you need. We must prioritise survivors over their possessions. Trigger message repeat.”
“Asterion Abyss. That’s their rendezvous point.” Ikora began, “A single Skiff recently touched down near your position. It’s got to be Mithrax. Hurry, before he takes off.”
“Uhh…we should hurry but I don’t think he’ll be taking off.” Adam said as he stood near a cave opening looking over Asterion Abyss. In the middle of the ice and snow was a crashed ship with smoke emerging from it. “Oh no…we gotta hurry!” Rae exclaimed as she began to climb up the ice with the rest of the Fireteam not far behind. As soon as they were on smoother turf, the four Guardians summoned their Sparrows and began to speed across the snow towards the downed Skiff. “Mithrax sure is wrapped up in dangerous business, huh?” Blaze muttered. “It’s a bad time to ask for a favour, true.” Ikora replied, “But he and his House of Light still worship the Traveller. And due to your previous interactions with him and Tifawt, he’ll trust you more than the rest of us.”
“I just hope we’re not too late.” Rae sighed, “The second we get there, we secure the crash site and help any Eliksni that might have survived.”
“Crow and I can handle any Vex or Salvationists that are around while you and Adam can protect and heal survivors.” Blaze added.
“Sounds like a plan. Let’s move!”
Upon arriving at the downed Skiff, all that remained was the smouldering wreckage, Eliksni bodies, and Vex swarming the ship. Rae prepared to shoot at the Vex with Lumina when-
A hobgoblin that was standing atop the wreckage was suddenly shoved off by an Eliksni captain from behind with two goblins that were standing either side of it getting sliced by arc blades. The captain wore purple, blue and grey armour with the usual furry mantle at the back and the back spikes. The armour looked slightly different to a standard captain’s, mainly the boots and gloves. That’s when Rae realised it. Only one set of arms. Short for a captain. And the last piece of evidence came when the captain punched a harpy with a Stasis-covered fist.
“Tif!” Rae exclaimed with a smile. As the last Vex fell, the captain spun around at Rae’s yell, only seeming to notice the Guardians’ presence just then. “Paralight!” The familiar voice of Tif came from behind the captain-esque helmet of the Titan. Tif ran up to Rae and hugged her, lifting the Warlock off the ground slightly as they did so, “Oh my Traveller, your timing couldn’t be better! We’re trying to evacuate Salvation defectors but the Vex-”
“We know. We actually came here looking for you and Mithrax.” Rae explained. “Wait. Really?” Tif cocked their head to the side before shaking it, “There’s no time to wonder. Misraaks is keeping the refugees safe but I don’t know for how much longer they’ll last. Please hurry!”
“Lead the way.” Rae nodded. “Berhane?” Tif began. “Pike is at the ready!” Berhane chirped as a Pike appeared beside the Titan. “Follow me!” Tif yelled as they hopped on and sped across the icy tundra, Rae and co. in tow.
Visibility decreased slightly as an icy wind blew in. “We should be close.” Tif yelled as they came to a stop, “Misraakskel, are you there? Paralight are here!” As Tif called out, Mithrax emerged from a nearby cave. He wore different attire compared to the last time Rae had met up with them. His upper right arm was heavily mechanised, and he wore a grey and purple helm. “Guardians, I find you in the Light.” Mithrax greeted, “And on your signal…Ikora Rey?”
“Mithrax-kell, it is an honour. We have been searching for you for a long time.” Ikora greeted from the comms. “This is known. You are not the only one with hidden eyes.” Mithrax nodded, “Many enemies pursue my House of Light. We did not wish to be found.”
“Then times are desperate for us all.” Rae chimed in, “The Vanguard need your help.”
“Oh yeah…the Vex have been messing with the City, right?” Tif began. “You know about that?” Blaze asked with surprise. “Yes. Vex systems pulse with talk of the City’s Endless Night…but my people demand much protection.” Mithrax explained, “If Paralight could assist Tif and I in blinding the Vex here, we can speak more without risking bloodshed.”
“Blinding the Vex…we’ll do whatever you need, Mithrax-kell.” Rae nodded. Mithrax motioned for the Guardians to follow as he ran to a large clearing in the ice. He held out his mechanical arm that began to glow as a sudden pulse of Vex energy opened up a hole in the ice, “I have opened the door for you, Guardian. Will you walk the path of the Sacred Splicer?”
The four Guardians glanced at each other before nodding. “We’re ready.” Rae replied. “You might wanna hold onto your tummies!” Tif suggested, “I did this once and it gets weird. WHOOHOO!!!” Tif jumped cannonball-style into the hole with Fireteam Paralight jumping in after them. In a flash of light, the Guardians found themselves slowly descending onto a series of teal, geometric platforms in a vast purple void filled with geometric creations emerging from below. “Is this…some sort of Vex simulation?” Rae asked as they touched down. “The path before you is no illusion.” Mithrax explained through the comms, “You venture through the Vex domain itself, where the machines guard their most precious secrets. I will clear the way. Tifawt, can I count on you to guide the Guardians?”
“Yes, Misraakskel!” Tif responded with a smile.
“Very well. Good luck, Guardians.”
Rae looked out at the vast space before her and sighed, “Alright. Let’s start the crazy.”
To Be Continued…  
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bi-naesala · 4 years
A small push, a story about two (clueless) people - On the other side
Maul and Obi-Wan discuss a certain trooper.
If you ask Maul, he’d tell you that this day has started in the best of ways: not only he’s managed to get commander Cody for himself for a while, and was able to catch up with him, but he’s also got the chance to annoy Obi-Wan, which is something that he’ll never get enough of. Even though their relationship has greatly improved from that bitter rivalry that has characterized his first years as a jedi initiate, they still like to rib at each other.
To think that he used to be jealous of him, something that isn’t true anymore… except for one small detail, but that’s another story, something that he doesn’t want to think about now, not when they’re in the middle of a debrief.
 Speaking of said debrief, if Maul has to keep staring at the holographic model of the factory, he’s going to cave his own eyes.
They’ve already discussed everything, why are they still there? Right, Obi-Wan would rather die than not to consider any tactical possibility, no matter how unlikely something is to happen. It’s not a wrong behavior per se - it’s good to prepare for anything - but it’s also oh so boring, and Maul can’t stand boring things, even though his station as a Jedi forces him to experience them quite often.
He ever so subtly moves his gaze towards the figure on Obi-Wan’s right. Cody is as professional as always, posture rigid and bucket on his head; a shame.
Maul knows well that he can’t afford to spare him more than an occasional glance, or else someone will notice his distraction and call it out, something that he doesn’t need at the moment.
 Soon, however, he begins to tune out Obi-Wan’s voice, bringing his attention back only when Cody intervenes. Even then, however, he doesn’t really focus on what he’s saying, rather on how he’s saying it: his voice, his accent…
He’s already committed all that to memory since his and Cody’s first interactions, but listening to him has never stopped being fascinating. It may or may be not one of the excuses as to why he always tries to keep him for himself, so that he’ll be forced to speak to him.
 It’s during moments like this that he appreciates how good he’s gotten at hiding his emotions, especially given how full this room is of Force sensitive people, between Obi-Wan, little Anakin - who isn’t that little anymore but since he hates being called that, Maul will continue until the day he dies - and padawan Tano.
 If anyone picks up his thoughts it would be very embarrassing, that’s why he keeps quiet about them, though he supposes he’s not entirely unsubtle, if the way Obi-Wan stops him after they’re done tells him something.
While everyone else is beginning to leave, Obi-Wan tells him:
“Master Oppress… Would you mind staying here another few minutes?”
He does mind, actually, because he has the feeling that he’s not going to like what Obi-Wan wants to tell him, but well if he gets to annoy him some more, he can take a hit.
“Of course, master Kenobi,” he replies.
He has to fight with all his willpower not to turn around to glance at Cody who, having been dismissed, will probably join his brothers. If he turns towards him, Obi-Wan will certainly pick up on it and will mention something about it, so he’s not going to do it, though at this point he could’ve done it, because Obi-Wan isn’t as oblivious as he’d like him to be.
 Once they’re alone, Obi-Wan rests his hands on his hips, staring at Maul with an unimpressed gaze.
“… So?” Maul echoes. What does he want this time?
“Are you going to try stealing Cody away this time too? I’ve already seen you looking at him instead of paying attention.”
At those words, Maul can’t help but to burst into laughter. Not that Obi-Wan is entirely wrong, because this is the only thing he’s still envious of him: Cody. Maul works alone, he’s a shadow, but even if he’d never admit it out loud, he longs for some company, Cody’s company that is; of course he’s a professional and he’d never actually try to steal him away, but that doesn’t mean that he can’t joke about it.
“What if I am?” he challenges, as if Obi-Wan could do anything to stop him. Just as he thought, his friend rolls his eyes.
“Why do I still deal with you?” he mutters under his breath, but loud enough to be heard by Maul.
“Because I’m a karking delight and you know it,” he replies immediately.
Obi-Wan doesn’t even say anything this time, he just looks at him with his eyebrow raised. Maul holds his gaze, but before they get locked into a staring contest that would last for ages - because neither of them would ever be willing to lose to the other - Maul receives a message to his comm; it’s Cody, telling him that he’s around if he wants to have another small debrief before their departure.
 Even though he’s not showing it to Obi-Wan, he must’ve understood anyway what this is about, since it’s not the first time Maul and Cody meet up right before a mission.
“You’re going to him?” he asks, voice carefully neutral.
“Yes,” Maul replies, immediately. “You can’t stop me.”
“I wouldn’t-- Maul, I’m no trying to stop you,” Obi-Wan says, realizing now that there has been a misunderstanding. “I’m just worried for you. Both of you.”
Now it’s Maul’s turn to rise an eyebrow at him, prompting him to continue.
“You’re obviously both holding back but… aren’t you hurting each other like this? Is this because you’re sticking to the code? I just don’t understand what you’re trying to accomplish, leading him on but never doing anything about it. And he does the same thing too! Is this some sort of game that I’m not privy to?”
“It’s not that…” Maul replies, though he doesn’t continue immediately. It’s not even that he doesn’t know how to explain it to Obi-Wan, because he knows how, and he’s sure that he would even understand, but… Some things you just have to keep to yourself, right?
Despite Maul acting like an open book, there are many things he actually keeps from himself; it’s a habit he picked from the start, when he was still unsure of his place in the Order - a dathomirian zabrak being a Jedi? That was just unheard of. Even though that feeling of not belonging soon became an unstoppable desire to rebel, he also rarely disclosed the deepest pits of himself to others. Even now, with the people he considers friends, not always he’s able to do it.
Cody seems to be the only exception to this: with him, Maul has never feared to be judged, even when it turned out that what he said was very dumb - Cody never fails to point it out, but the smile on his face as he does it makes it always worth it. This is but one of the many ways that Cody makes Maul feel at ease.
 Eventually, however, he’ll have to give Obi-Wan a concrete response, he owes him that, especially since he’s acting out of worry not just for him, but for Cody too. After all, he’s both their friend.
“It wouldn’t be right, at the moment,” he begins to explain. “I’m a general, he’s a commander. The chain of command expects him to follow my orders.”
By the face Obi-Wan makes, it’s obvious that he’s understood what he’s implying.
“You think you’d be coercing Cody?”
And that, in the end, is the major problem with this entire matter.
When he nods, Obi-Wan immediately says:
“Oh, come now, I think we both know that it wouldn’t be the case. Whatever it is that you’ve got going on is completely mutual.”
That’s another thing Maul’s aware of; he didn’t mean to search inside Cody’s mind, and in a way he didn’t really do it. It happened a couple of months ago; like now, Maul had been assigned to help the 212th. The battle was just over, and as Maul was about to approach Obi-Wan and Cody to get an update on how things went on their side, Cody noticed his approach and started projecting such warm feelings towards him, that for a moment Maul was completely overwhelmed, it must’ve been the stress of that campaign what made him lower his guard - he hadn’t even noticed it. Long story short, from that moment on, Maul knew that the affection he felt for the commander is completely reciprocated.
In a way, things would’ve been easier if that wasn’t the case.
“That may be true, but we’d never be fully certain,” he says, for once carefully choosing his words. “Also, if someone finds out, what would they think? That the Jedi use their authority over the clones for…”
He doesn’t need to finish the sentence for Obi-Wan to understand. Yes, that is a problem.
 Ironic, isn’t it, that this is what Maul is more worried about rather than, say, the code?
Well, as long as he doesn’t become selfishly attached, he’s fine; that’s the conclusion he reached. Besides, he thinks, with how Cody is, he’d never allow Maul to choose him over his duty, knowing how important it is.
No, the true problem is whatever the public opinion would come up to discredit their supposed relationship.
It’s not even that he cares about what they’d say about him; he’s handled way worse growing up already - never perpetrated by the Jedi, however, as they always treated him with kindness. No, he cares about what they’d say about Cody, because they would surely gang up on him for whatever made up reason they’d come up with; that, he can’t stand for.
Besides, it would also make the entire GAR - and especially the Jedi - look incredibly bad. No, he can’t do it.
 “Well…” Obi-Wan begins then, scratching his beard, “The war won’t last forever, isn’t that right?”
Maul huffs, rolling his eyes.
“As if this wasn’t the plan from the beginning, Kenobi,” he replies, because yes, he knows what Obi-Wan’s suggesting; it was his plan all along. Waiting until the end of the conflict sounds impossible, but he’s willing to do it for Cody. “So I need you to keep him alive when I’m not around, you understand?”
“I assure you,” Obi-Wan begins, smiling, “That he’s the one keeping me alive rather than the other way around…”
He turns serious, eyes still on Maul.
“But I promise you that I’ll do my best.”
Maul nods. That’s enough for him.
“Thank you,” he says, from the deepest of his heart. Obi-Wan goes back to smile.
“Now go, before we have to depart.”
 Maul doesn’t bolt at those words, no matter what Obi-Wan will say later, he doesn’t
And if he hears Obi-Wan laugh as he hurries out of the room, well, he’ll make sure to make him pay the next time he has the occasion to do it.
At the moment, however, he has something completely different in mind: he needs to find Cody.
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anika-ann · 5 years
Hands Too Cold, but Heart of Gold - Pt.1
The Recruitment
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, Matt Murdock x reader (no SR x MM x r)
Word count: 2120
Summary: Avenger!reader AU, love triangle. Every hero has an origin story. Yours not soall that great. One more reason not to mention it during the first face to face meeting with DD. ...right.
Warnings: mention of death, mentions of violence, swearing, fluff, mild angst…?
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Story Mastelist
────── ·❆· ──────
“No, no way. I’m not doing it,” you exclaimed resolutely, spinning on your heels.
Heavy, yet somewhat gentle hand fell on your shoulder, turning you back. You bit your lip and looked up at your boss and the closest friend in one person.
His eyebrow was raised in challenge. “Are disobeying your orders?”
You could hear his light teasing just like the serious note in his tone. And of course, Captain America’s authoritative voice was unmistakable. You just gaped.
“It’s a waste of time, St— Captain,” you bit back wryly and he made a disapproving face.
“Don’t pull that out, you know I-“
“Yes, Captain?”
His expression turned annoyed at the interruption and your snarky tone.
You knew you were being cranky, but trying to convince Daredevil, freaking Daredevil, the patron not-exactly-saint of Hell’s Kitchen, was not on your I’d-love-to-do-this list. More like the opposite. That guy was very obviously a lone wolf who loved playing on his own playground and you were not judgemental of that – he was dedicated to his home and that was fine. His way of saying no to joining the Avengers might be a bit rude, but given how many people – well, people – had been trying to convince him to step up to the plate and think on a larger scale than ten blocks, you couldn’t really blame him.
Steve’s hands caressed your shoulders and you bit your lip harder. His baby blue eyes were staring at the bottom of your soul, making you shiver. He had beautiful eyes, serious most of the time, getting incredibly charming when a spark of mischief appeared in them; and make no mistake, Captain America had a lot of mischief in himself despite the righteousness radiating from him to miles.
You blinked, trying to escape his gaze; it was annoying how it always sent your heart racing.
“Just give it a try. No one will be angry with you if you fail. I won’t either. But I believe in you,” he pronounced softly, making you swallow embarrassingly loudly when his thumbs caressed your shoulders.
Jeez, you were such a sucker for his ‘I believe in you’.
Of course, you had a good reason. His speech had been the one that inspired you to join the team. To stop pitying yourself and woman up – yes, that was exactly the term he had used, because his love for strong women was infinite –, to use your accidently gained powers to do some good. He had been the one to find you almost five months ago in the completely frozen lab – your work, not that you had intended it –, shaking, but not from cold. You had been scared to death – you had killed people. You had killed the people who had been trying to help you-- and he had come to you, slowly, putting his shield away despite your warnings and offered you a literal helping hand, promising he hadn’t been there to harm you and he had believed you wouldn’t have hurt him. That he had believed in you.
You fought tears at the memory – you always had. You had hurt him in the end – just a little frostbite really, nothing his super-soldier’s body couldn’t handle – and yet, you had felt almost as sorry as for taking the other people’s lives. But Steve Rogers hadn’t been mad at you. He had stuck around, helped you to get a hold of your powers and the two of you had become colleagues slash friends. Very close friends, actually. Also, you had a bit of a crush on him, but who hadn’t.
“Goddammit, Steve,” you whined silently and his face lit up as he realized he had won. Not from his boss position, no; he had won the way he always had, as a friend of yours.
“I knew I could count on you, Frosty,” he whispered, enclosing you in a short gentle hug.
You rolled your eyes. “You know, Rogers, for someone who napped for about seventy years in ice, you really are pushing your luck.”
Secretly, you loved the nickname he gave you. People called you Frostbite, but Steve never had, aware what kind of a painful reminder of what you had done to him and everyone else the first time using your uncontrollable powers it was. No, he called you Frosty or Snowflake, because he was a sweetheart. Tony, on the other hand, was a dick, calling you Elsa. The others called you either your first name, or your last name. And then there was Thor, calling you the Lady of Ice. You loved your team. It was a delight to work with them. A very exhausting delight.
“Nah, you like me too much.”
You scoffed. He was perfectly on point of course. “I still don’t understand why it’s not you coming, Captain Righteousness. I’m sure you would have handled him better, oh Star Spangled Man with a Plan.”
He let go of you, ruffling your hair to show how much he was still cranky about Clint showing you the videos, both old and rather recent ones. To be fair, you deserved that; but you couldn’t help but tease him about it; some of them were cute, while the others were just hilarious.
“Careful, you still have a problem for saying a bad word.” You rolled your eyes. You had said ‘goddammit.’ Wuss. “And I do have a plan.”
You expectantly raised your eyebrows, curious. He winked.
“I have you.”
────── ·❆· ──────
‘This is ridiculous. I’m tracking a man in a Devil suit in, myself in an icily blue catsuit, Captain America’s voice in my ear. What is my life?’
“Still copy?”
“He’s around the Piers 42/44, heading North.”
“Rogers that,” you mumbled, not fighting the smirk that always found its way to your lips when talking to Steve via comms, saying ‘Rogers that’ instead of just ‘Roger’. It was just too funny and you needed funny in your life. Even if you could basically hear him rolling his eyes at that. Rude.
You created an ice slide, rising and falling to help you to move faster. Tony had designed special shoes for you to move easily on it, while not giving yourself a shiner – it had taken quite a lot of tries and lots of black-eyes plus one broken radius, but hell if it hadn’t been worth it. Ha, hell.
Never mind. You had a task to complete.
You saw him now, the Devil. He slowed down visibly, which surprised you. He had actually managed to disappear on Tony in the sewers once. He had walked away in the middle of Cap’s recruitment speech, ignorant. Sure, he hadn’t shaken Natasha off, but hadn’t agreed either. Thor and Clint hadn’t tried yet. You wondered what Devil’s strategy was this time.
He stopped completely then and you landed few steps from him, a bit wary. You had done your reading on the Devil; he was fast, efficient and didn’t hesitate to break a bone or two. Or six. To be fair, you read about why he did it, on what occasions, and you truly weren’t judgemental.
“Wasn’t expecting any black ice tonight. It’s only September,” he commented nonchalantly, his voice deep. Not necessarily hostile though – you took that as a win.
Perhaps Steve knew what he was doing, sending you – you weren’t as notoriously famous as the others who had actually been present during The Battle of New York were, so maybe the Devil found it refreshing or something.
You wordlessly let your icy toboggan-bridge disappear. “Daredevil.”
“Why are you here? Have your teammates not gotten the message yet? Did you draw the shortest straw today?”
“Something like that.”
“The answer is still no.”
“Why?” you asked, already guessing the answer.
Because he belonged in the Hell’s Kitchen. Because he was a vigilante, not a hero, not an Avenger.
“I don’t really feel like fighting aliens. And someone needs to take down drug rings and smaller things that escape your notice,” he replied wryly and you sighed.
“You think we don’t see that?”
“Press harder.”
“Sounds like you don’t, given what your friend is saying,” he noted and you closed your eyes in defeat.
Steve’s voice was quiet, for you only, but it wasn’t news the Devil had extraordinary hearing. You couldn’t quite blame him for not liking you coming alone and not alone at all. You reached to your ear, turning your communicator off.
Daredevil tilted his head, seemingly confused.
“You think they don’t see that?” you corrected yourself, letting out the doubts you had despite the warm (ha) welcome the Avengers gave you. “You’re needed here. What you do matters, which is why they are letting you.”
“Why are you saying ‘them’?”
“Do I look like an Avenger to you?”
“You sure call yourself that.”
“Well, I don’t feel like one. But I let them talk me down. I’m a destroyer, yet, they convinced me I can help. And maybe I found a calling. Maybe I found a way to possibly redeem myself,” you whispered, being sure the Devil would hear you. He heard everything.
“I am answering a calling. By doing what I do,” he replied, aiming for firm, but failing. Could he tell the emotion behind your voice, the way you opened unexpectedly (to your own surprise too)? Could he hear the regret? Did he imagine what had caused it? Did it move him?
“And I understand that. Actually, kudos for aiming for achievable goal of managing ten blocks of Manhattan and not letting your ego get in the way too much. I mean, these guys are trying to save the world, talk about unrealistic goals,” you noted, lightening up the mood a little.
You imagined the man behind the mask frowned. “I’m sorry, I’m confused now. Are you still trying to get me to join, or…?”
You chuckled. “Doesn’t look like it, huh? I guess that’s fair.”
The corner of his lips quirked in an approximation of a smile. Your heart skipped a beat. You bet neither of your Avenging friends managed to do that. Not that this was a competition or a manipulation – you were being completely honest. Painfully so.
“I… I’m gonna be honest with you. Steve wants you on this one. And frankly, I have no idea why-“ you paused, realizing how it sounded. “I mean— I know why, we can always use some help saving the world and stuff, but... yeah. So just once for now, let’s team up. No strings attached.”
“That was quite a direct strike. Didn’t see that coming,” he chuckled and you blinked, your eyelashes brushing your eye-mask.
Did he just chuckle? Did he laugh at you? Not that he didn’t have the right, but it was still a bit incredible. His face returned to the mask of seriousness. For some reason, it seemed softer now. “It was… Steve, wasn’t it? You say they convinced you, but you mean Steve Rogers.”
You escaped his gaze – or you thought so. Escaped the way the glassy eye-covers of his helmet burned through you. Whatever.
“Yes,” you whispered. He didn’t comment on that. But you would swear he relaxed.
“How did you get your powers?”
You froze almost literally at the direct question. Well, he sure wasn’t beating around the bush. What was it to him? Was it a test? Did he want to know you before saying no? Was he considering a yes? Did he trust you?
You licked your lips, fighting a shiver.
“Untested treatment. I had a rare liver disease and they tested a treatment with some chitauri crap on me. I always had troubles with thermoregulation. The meds messed it up on a completely different level.”
“I’m sorry.” And he genuinely sounded as if he was, his voice dropping.
“I didn’t ask for this. I hurt people. I’m paying my debt, because I think it’s the only thing I can do apart from creating icicles and toboggans for kids and do some cold-drying of fruit for missions,” you said seriously and his shoulders slightly shook with laughter. You found yourself smiling too. Dammit, how did you switch from misery to joking so fast in one sentence?
“No strings attached?” he asked slowly and your mouth literally fell open. Did he just-
“Did you just-?”
“Yeah. How bad it can be? Plus, your friend is approaching with the jet, I guess he didn’t like you turning your comms off.”
“Oh I’m gonna be on detention for like a week, okay. Or until they need another cold-drying, Tony’s addicted to his dried blueberries.”
The Devil chuckled once more before a cute smile settled on his lips. He took several steps closer to you. “I’m sure they’re delicious.”
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Part 2
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Tags:  @murdermornings​ @mermaidxatxheart​
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Heya, people :) I decided to share one of my older fics with the tumblr, I hope a few of you will like it O:-) Whenever you want to be (un)tagged in anything of mine, shoot me an ask or a message or something like that. 
Thank you for reading :-*
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shinygoku · 3 years
Notable eps of CSatM
I’ve been working on a Top Ten episodes list for Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons, and at first I was going to group the subjects here into that post as a sort of Honourable Mentions category. However, as I’m not massively fond of the eps in question, I don’t want them on my Favourites list which is already going to be very long, so here’s something to cover these Notable installations and give a preview of the sort of thing y’all can see when the main post is finished!
Notable does not mean Good nor Bad. They may be Important, or Experimental, or the like. At least one’a these is kind of a Fandom Darling, but for reasons that irk me, but it’s not the episode itself at fault.
SPOILERS for everything featured below the Cut!
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Our series begins with quite the bang! Many bangs, in fact!
A man’s fatal mistake on Mars springboards a full out War of Nerves declared by the unseen but all powerful aliens, only ever shown with twin rings of light, a deep, booming voice, and their explosive actions. Their first act is to declare their intent to assassinate The World President, and part of the means to this end result in the death of the original Captain Scarlet, before he’s replaced by an identical, indestructible copy. He later is broken from the alien programming to become the main asset in the fight against them...
This episode has the unenviable task of having to balance exposition with an exciting story, to keep the audience interested and not completely lost in the concept. It’s a partial success, unfortunately bogged down with scenes that feel much slower or outright pointless (most notable to me is The President being shown... how he escaped from an assassination attempt. HE WAS THERE, DOING IT!) and with not enough time for the mystery of Retrometabolism, which ends up getting awkwardly shoved into the closing couple of minutes.
On the whole it does what it needed to, but I feel it should have been rewritten another time or two, and/or have been as long as a Thunderbirds episode instead of the brisker 25 minutes of this series.
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Because main man Gerry Anderson wanted to have a Comedy episode that he admits became a Black Comedy, and that dude loves Dream Episodes.
This episode, other than being a Dream, also has a swanky new Barry Gray score that Gerry paid for out of pocket. Also I do, in fact, find it a very funny episode. Unfortunately, there’s a dark cloud hanging over this, especially in Fandom spaces.
Too many people take it too seriously.
I’ve seen a guy who does work for the official Gerry Anderson youtube channel, and another dude who has a detailed blog with episode recaps of all the Thunderbirds eps and 5 Scarlet eps, among other things. But both of them have the bad take that it would have worked better as an actual thing that happened, maybe as the series finale. While this would have been a huge Downer, I can at least see where this train of thought comes from, as this is the darkest series yet and it would really shake up the status quo. And if it were written well, I may’ve appreciated a sad or bittersweet ending... BUT
This Episode was never intended to be a finale, and it shows! Because of it’s nature as a dream from Miss “I’ll abandon my comms and the meagre shelter I landed with to wander away aimlessly in the desert” Symphony Angel, it’s a very Odd experience. Again, it’s funny, but the characters are Out Of, at the mildest with one trait exaggerated and at the most extreme they become utter morons.
Symphony’s delirious, heat stroke’d mind also has some curious biases, like Blue randomly declaring his love for her although there’s next to no actual indication of this in the other episodes, and seemingly as a subconscious admittance that Blue and Scarlet are indeed very close, she to pairs Scarlet with White to keep him out of the way. I really can’t overstate how weird the White and Scarlet interactions are in this.
But there’s more! The Mysterons themselves are also wildly different to every other time they do anything. Completely breaking from their insidious, subversive nature of corrupting machinery remotely or having human pawns do the dirty work, they swarm Cloudbase in stereotypical UFOs. How gauche! How very Non-Mysteron!!
And Scarlet’s nigh inevitable death for this episode is hands down the lamest, being a slightly bumpy landing that leaves no blood, no massive smoking fire or explosion, yet this kills him and leads Blue to declare him perma-dead for reals this time. The dude’s walked off much worse!
But it’s ok, because it ain’t the last episode, was never made to be, and the only ‘canon’ events are Symphony getting shot down, wandering off and then later being found. Everything else, including the Mysteron’s opening titles threats and the bizarre shipping, were part of a fever dream contained in her head.
Damn, that was a lot to cover. Onto the last episode, which actually is the Last Episode!
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I don’t have as much to say here - it’s a Clip Show! About 2/3 of it’s runtime are adventures we’ve already seen, though the chosen selection is a little odd.
First is Big Ben Strikes again, which is tense and clever but far from one of my favourites. Then the fantastic Crater 101, which is one of my favourites! Finally, an edit of The Trap which spares us from the overly long dungeon scene lol
What I do like from this ep is the original content, which I would have utterly loved as a dedicated episode of its own. We open on Scarlet and Blue having a romantic date at an Inn, however it’s been infiltrated by Mysterons who Roofie Blue and spirit him away. He wakes up to find he’s in Cloudbase Control, sans White and Green and is being questioned by someone claiming to be from the Intelligence wing of Spectrum and demanding Blue tells him the Cypher codes.
We and Blue both know something’s terribly amiss, and I really got mad on his behalf at the [Mysteron] dude questioning him so rudely. I was also filled with sadistic glee when Blue breaks out and Scarlet arrives to blast the hell out of the Film Studio the Mysterons were using in this extensive scheme.
Again, this could have been fascinating if the other part of the episode was Scarlet focusing his efforts on tracking Blue down. The Scarlet and Blue interactions is something that really appeals to me, a last hurrah with more focus would have been a delight.
With the series only concluded in the comics, it’s hard not to feel a bit cheated that this is where the show ends, but I’ll absolutely take this And The Adventure Continues flavour over something like Attack On Cloudbase :P
This concludes the Notable Episode list! Soon I’ll be back with my Top Ten!
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The First David Job
leverage 1.12
sophie organized the notecards for the intervention
- - - - -
Sophie: Drunk again?
Nate: Are we still unclear? I'm a functioning alcoholic, you know? And the trick is not to get hung up on the "alcoholic." But celebrate the "functioning" part of the sentence.
- - - - -
Nate: Yeah, I- I know all this.
Hardison: No, no, no. See, while you are well-versed in dead-guy art, I myself am not. My entire criminal career is based on technology built after 1981. So I am riveted. Quite so. Please, do go on.
- - - - -
Hardison: Man, am I glad I don't have to break in there. That is one sick security system.
Parker: What, with our tools? Give me three days of prep, it'd be like taking diamonds from the French national bank. That's like taking candy from a baby.
Hardison: I got it.
Parker: A very easy thing to do.
Hardison: Got...it
I love her
- - - - -
Parker: Oh, look, little buddy. (picks up fake statue) That's your new home!
Hardison: Can you please not play with the little naked man? Please.
Parker: I'm not. (sets the statue down)
- - - - -
Eliot: You guys--you know each other?
Ian: Of course. Maggie is Nate’s ex-wife.
Eliot (nervously): Oh.
eliot being completely RATTLED lmfao
- - - - -
Parker: Which conversation do you want to listen to?
Hardison: That's what stereo was invented for.
- - - - -
Hardison: Now, Nate, is Maggie a very good Art Inspector?
Nate: Yeah, she's the best.
Parker: No, no, no, we can't let your ex-wife anywhere near our little naked man!
parker: don’t talk to me or my naked son ever again
- - - - -
Hardison: No, no. Nate, we haven't done any prep. We don't have our tools.
Parker: You want me to break into a secure storage facility with whatever I can scrounge up at the buffet table?
Nate: Pretty much, yeah.
Parker: Cool. I think Sophie left some dresses in here. (turns to look through things)
Hardison: I'll go, too. I, uh, I got a white shirt. I can go wait staff.
(Parker takes off her shirt and Hardison looks the other way, turning the fake statue away from her as well)
hardison is a bashful lil respectful boy and we stan him for it
- - - - -
parker walking in in that amazing dress and everyone looking? good, it’s what she deserves (I’m gay)
- - - - -
Parker: Door's got a silent alarm. (to Sophie) You should hide. (to Hardison) We should pretend to make out.
Hardison: Make what?
(Parker grabs Hardison and they begin to kiss and she pushes the door open a little)
[Founder’s Reception]
(Nate and Eliot turn to look at the building as the sounds of making out come over the comms)
(Sophie goes around a corner out of sight)
Hardison: Let's talk about-- A little bit--
(Parker and Hardison continue to make out. Two guards approach and seem embarrassed. One clears his throat)
Guard: You, uh, bumped the door there. Sets the alarm off.
Hardison: You know what?
Parker: Oh.
Hardison: We, you know how it is.
Parker: Sorry.
(guards walk away and Sophie rejoins them)
Parker: Makeup. (takes makeup from Sophie) Come on. (goes through door)
Hardison: Can we talk about the pretending? That was nice.
(Sophie pushes him after Parker and returns to the party)
poor hardison’s heart must be beating wildly
- - - - -
Eliot: Which one of you did she kiss?
(Sophie sighs)
- - - - -
parker’s laser grid dodging skills are legendary + her delight when she stands up to see the first david !!!
also we stan a QUEEN who broke into a vault with only a glass of ice, a roll of aluminum foil, gum, and eyeshadow (and a fake makeout sesh)
- - - - -
Hardison: You did not just think about this on the way in from the van.
Parker: Some people do crosswords
- - - - -
Maggie: I-I just, I’m just trying to tell you that I still care.
Nate: No, I-I was –
Maggie: Care what happens to you, I mean. I've never stopped caring about you, Nate
maggie is such a genuinely good person and we love her for it
- - - - -
Parker: Ready?
(Hardison uses his phone to access remote system)
Parker: Come on, come on.
[Parking Lot]
(alarms begin to blare an all the cars)
[Security Control Room]
Guard 1: Hey, the vibration alarm just went off in the restoration room.
Guard 2: Wait. (points at monitor) Look. The car alarms all went off in the parking lot.
Guard 1: Little earthquakes.
Guard 2: Just another tremor.
that’s so smart tho???
- - - - -
Parker tosses the real David to Hardison who catches it)
Hardison: Wha-you-- Don't throw the David.
Parker: You caught it, didn't you?
Hardison: You're crazy
I would have had a HEART ATTACK
- - - - -
Maggie: Adam!
Eliot (turns): Uh, yeah?
(Eliot stops as Nate continues away)
Maggie: Let me give you my number.
Eliot: Great.
[Leverage HQ]
Eliot: I'm sorry your wife gave me her phone number.
Nate: Don't want to talk about it.
Eliot: I-It was only to coordinate where we were gonna go anyway.
Nate: Not talking about it.
hardison is enjoying it so much in the background dnjsjajsjsnnsnn
- - - - -
(Parker puts the statue on the table between them)
Parker: We just stole an $8 million statue on, like, our day off! (she shakes their shoulders happily)
- - - - -
Pilot: Uh, work? W-what are you talking about?
Hardison: Spot inspection. FAA. Now, look, I want to see this plane's TCAS, VRSM, and 8.1 FM spacing in operation to make sure it's fully functional and in compliance with the new FAA regulations.
Pilot: New regulations?
(Hardison takes out a pen and writes on a clipboard)
Hardison: Pilot unaware of latest regulations.
Pilot: Oh, the new regulations. Of course. Please, come this way. I'll take you right up.
Hardison: Oh, no, no. It's cool, it's cool. I don't need to go up. Just taxi me around the building.
Pilot: Taxi? I thought you need to get up in the air.
Hardison (writes on clipboard): Uncomfortable with black authority figures.
Pilot: Sir, please don't write that.
Hardison: Oh, I will write a letter to your mama if I feel like it.
Pilot: This way, please. It's in order. I-I promise. This way. It's okay. (to copilot) FAA, he's a hard-ass.
(copilot tries to get bags)
Pilot: Screw the bags. Let's go!
this was really funny but also SUCH A GOOD WAY to con people
- - - - -
quinn’s hair did nothing for him in this episode. i said what i said.
- - - - -
(Sophie and Nate get into his car and leave while Quinn continues to take pictures from the open door of the hanger. Eliot walks up behind him)
Eliot: I'm gonna count to three.
(Quinn turns and hits Eliot hard, knocking him across the floor)
Eliot: Nate, we're blown. W—
Nate: Eliot, what’s--
(several feet away, Eliot’s earpiece is lying on the floor. Eliot tries to scramble away, but Quinn kicks him in the ribs, throwing him back, and kicks him several times more)
Quinn: That rib's broken.
(Eliot manages to get to his feet)
Quinn: He said you'd be tougher than this.
quinn: *is a really good fighter*
eliot: *surprised pikachu face*
ALSO the reason eliot was beat up so bad in the beginning was because he kept on trying to get back to his comm every chance he got INSTEAD of truly fighting back. his first priority was warning his team over his own personal safety and ugh we stan a man who cares about his family
- - - - -
,,, imagine you’re driving on a highway and see a chick jump off a bridge onto an armored car, pick its lock and then BREAK INTO said armored car ,,, wyd
- - - - -
poor hardison was ready to relax ,,, he got a soda and made himself some popcorn too
- - - - -
(Quinn and Eliot both stand hunched over, breathing hard)
Quinn: Why won't you go down?
(Eliot laughs, blood falling from his mouth to the floor. Quinn comes at him again, but Eliot catches him and knees him in the chest several times before pushing him away. Quinn falls to his hands and knees, gasping for air)
Eliot: Now that rib's broken.
(Eliot hits Quinn in the face hard, sending him to the floor. Holding his ribs, Eliot walks to the earpiece and puts it in)
payback is sweet
- - - - -
Sterling: Mr. Spencer?
(Quinn is still unconscious as Eliot walks out the hanger doors, breathing hard, limping and holding his ribs)
Eliot: Hey, Sterling. I got some dental work with your name on it. What do you say me and you hook up so I can give it to you?
- - - - -
Sophie: Sterling knows us. He knows how we think.
Nate: So we think like somebody else
- - - - -
Nate: With a couple broken ribs and a concussion, I don't think Eliot can take out six guys.
(Eliot looks like he’d give it a try)
Nate: You know, but then I thought, "what would Hardison do?"
(Hardison looks at Nate in surprise)
(Eliot pulls out his phone and accesses the computer system, sending a high pitched whine into the comm. devices of the guards. They all bend over in pain. Eliot punches the one closest to him. Nate grabs Geary and slams his head down on the table. Hardison hits another guard in the face with his tied hands)
also YEET hardison is a badass but wbk
- - - - -
(Parker runs for Sophie. Sterling and his men run for Sophie and Parker. Parker reaches Sophie first and the dive from the roof, Sophie screaming and Parker laughing all the way down)
parker is the only character I’ve ever seen that can scream “yeehaw” and “yahoooooo” without it sounding ridiculous
- - - - -
(Eliot walks into the lobby, holding his ribs. He turns to yell over his shoulder)
Eliot: Hardison!
(Eliot follows Nate toward the door)
Hardison (breathing hard): Wait, Eliot. Eliot, come on.
(Eliot goes back inside)
Eliot: You've got to be kidding me, man.
(Eliot goes to help Hardison carry the painting out)
Hardison: Bring it out, come on.
Eliot: This is just weird.
Hardison: I painted this
okay so we all know that hardison actually hit a lot of cash in the painting but also, eliot actually goes back to help instead of just rolling his eyes and leaving hardison behind. eliot can get annoyed with him but he’d never leave him behind. not even on day one when hardison fell in the exploding building in the nigerian job. eliot was there for him then and he will be there for him for the rest of their lives.
ALSO I really hope eliot got his ribs checked out sometime soon after
- - - - -
Sterling: You're fired. Dust the whole place for fingerprints, okay? I want a forensic computer spec—
(the monitors come to life, showing Hardison’s face)
Hardison: Hey, Sterling. Get out of my house.
(display changes to a 30 second clock that begins to count down)
Sterling: Run. Run!
(all of the men run from the office, coming out onto the street)
Geary: Maybe he was bluffing.
(the entire floor of the building explodes, shooting fire)
Sterling: That's the funny thing about con men. They don't bluff.
- - - - -
the third “scattering scene” of the series
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jaggedwolf · 5 years
TSCOSI Ficlets #2
Not being from the US
"So, Jeeter, what'd you learn this week?" Arkady plopped into the seat opposite him, stealing one of his fries. "The horrors of Fahrenheit?"
"Man, that was day one of international student orientation. We're on to way more advanced terrors now." Brian considered a token protest at the fry-theft. Eh, he'd get her back when she got dessert.
Arkady shrugged off her backpack. "Why do you even bother still going?"
"It's mandatory."
"Like you give a crap about that."
"Gotta be up to date with all these cultural differences."
"You're Canadian."
"Hey man-"
"And you told me you spent every summer in the States, anyway," Arkady said, looking suspiciously at him. Well, she tended to look suspiciously at a lot of things, so it wasn't the worst sign. "There's no reason for you to subject yourself to-"
A wide grin crossed Arkady's face. Oh no. "Wait, they're also an international student, right?"
"Maybe," said Brian defensively.
"Now, remind me what you said about their cheekbones?" Arkady's voice sounded even more delighted.
Brian pulled the hood of his sweatshirt over his head, and buried his head in his arms on the table. His voice muffled, he said "Drinking with you was a mistake."
"I for one, could not be happier that Tripathi took pity on a couple of freshmen and did us that favor."
Brian groaned. Three months into the school year and he still didn't understand how or when Arkady and him became friends.
"Should have guessed you'd be a poetic drunk." Arkady clapped him on the back. "Woah, speaking of-"
She tugged his sweatshirt. Brian reluctantly looked up, following her gaze to find the subject of their discussion striding towards them.
Yep, Krejjh looked about as handsome as they always did. That was fine. Their pace slowed as they approached the table. "Hey, it's Brian, right?"
"That's him," chimed in Arkady. "And I'm going to get some actual food now instead of skimming off Jeeter's"
She abruptly stood up and left. Krejjh seemed startled by her departure and asked "Is this a bad time?"
They sounded oddly hesitant, not at all like how Brian had heard them speak with their friends.
"Nope." Brian shoved back his hood. "Arkady's just like that. Do you want a fry?"
Holding your hand in mine
Arkady's always appreciated privacy. Couple of decades of sleeping in crowded rooms will do that to you. Being alone can be nice.
Being alone sucks a hell of a lot more when you're dying in one of Zone Z's dim-lit hallways.
Asshole shot her and her comms before she took care of him, and she supposes she'll only have his body for company as blood spurts out from under her collarbone. The instinctive pressured she applies slows it down. Not quick enough. He'd picked his shot well.
It's a waiting game now. She might as well distract herself. After all, hiding from the world in foolish dreams is a talent she's cultivated.
It's easy to paint a picture, as the world becomes fuzzy. No one could fault her for it. If someone wants to, she's not exactly going to be around to take their complaints. She squeezes her eyes shut. Folds herself smaller into the corner. Presses the heel of her right hand harder into the bleeding wound. Ignores how slick it feels. She's going to lose this fight, but like hell she's not clinging on all the way down, fingernails dug deep into life.
Back to the imagining.
What does she want, in these final moments?
What doesn't she want, is the better question. Her dreams had always been too stupidly big for reality. And yet. This is...this is a better death than she ever thought she'd get. Not much more to ask for. To her mind's rendering of the scene, she only adds a couple of selfish touches.
Long, soft fingers curl over the back of her right hand. They push insistently, added pressure to the wound, steadily, as if confident they can fix this. Fingers she's seen idly drum the table in the mess hall, fingers she's seen wrapped around a hypodermic syringe, fingers she felt trail through her hair just this morning. A presence that refuses to leave.
A rougher palm meets that of her left hand. The resulting grip is firm. Gentle. The calluses have a different contour from her own. Earned from building, where hers were made from breaking. They press against each other in a way that feels right anyway. Feels right, like twice-offered new beginnings. And even now, offering more.
It's good, Arkady thinks, that this is how it goes. Her alone.
Wouldn't be fair to them any other way.
Lesbian gaze
The ship turns out to be a monstrous patchwork, but Tripathi promises it'll fly, so she busies herself with staring at her new ID card. Arkady Patel. The card is new, nothing like the faded, scratched-up one in her back pocket. She'd gotten that one when she enlisted, been excited as hell about it, actually.
"Hey, Arkady?" asks Tripathi, sounding apologetic and swiveling the pilot's seat. "Could you check the local channels to see if they're tracking us?" Tripathi nods her head towards one of the panels.
She grunts in affirmative, shoves the ID card into a pocket and makes herself useful. She's mostly blocked out the pain. The channels are clear, takeoff goes without a hitch, and an hour later, they're as free as can be.
She could fish out that ID card again. There's a lot of people she's imagined being. Arkady Patel's the first one she actually will. If the IGR doesn't end up finding them first, that is. But that's not the name echoing in her head.
That would be Sana Tripathi.
Who's busy piloting, which means she can get away with looking her over. Tripathi's hair had been longer back on Cresswin, a single black braid that moved with her head through with every point made in those meetings snuck into. Now, Tripathi's hair isn't even shoulder-length. Nice and practical. Grey roots too. Tripathi seemed a little young for that. Not that she actually knew the woman's age, come to think of it.
There was a lot she didn't know about Tripathi. Maybe less if she counted Cresswin, and maybe she should, since Cresswin's what landed her here but - people changed. From time. From the war. From working a shitty job day-after-day. Easy enough to slip on an old skin if it got you a desperately needed crew member.
Not that it matters. She isn't looking for the noble, non-existent hero her teenage self had fantasized about. Now that she's on the IGR's bad side, she's pretty fucking good with settling for a place to sleep and food to eat. She can wait this out. See who Tripathi ends up being, and see if Tripathi figures out she isn't worth the trust.
Till then, she'll keep an eye on her new boss.
Low Expectations
It's ludicrous, he thinks, how exposed he feels without his eyepatch. Even more so when Violet's gloved fingers rest on his skin where the edges of the eyepatch would have. No matter. The feeling is a sign he has let himself become too comfortable. He's been far more exposed.
"Can you open the eyelid?" asks Violet.
There's that familiar half-second where he expects his range of vision to expand, and it grates on him, that his body has not yet adapted to its new reality. He opens his eyelid as wide as he can.
If Violet is perturbed by the sight of an empty eye socket, she doesn't show it. Her head comes closer to inspect it, fingers shifting slightly along his skin, and he tilts his face towards her to make it easier.
"Thanks," mutters Violet.
His hands start to tremble.
They're not in Violet's line of sight. He has the time to compensate, and the freedom to move his hands, so as carefully as he can manage, he grips his knees. He forces himself to start speaking, informing Violet of the current status of his eye socket and how the IGR had healed it.
It's no challenge to keep his face still. Whatever they do could only hurt more with unexpected head movements, they'd told him.
Eventually, Violet pulls back. Her fingers leave his face. Before he can even take a breath of relief, Violet pauses midway through turning to grab something, a concerned look on her face. "Park, you're shaking."
"I-" When Park looks down, he sees that his knees have joined his hands in trembling uncontrollably. His mind blanks. "My apologies," he acknowledges, "it shouldn't affect the checkup."
He'd given an uninformative answer. Needed a better explanation. "My head. It shouldn't affect my head, so-"
"Park," interrupts Violet quietly, a slow frown taking over her face, "I think we're done for today."
Wooing with sharp-edged gifts
As soon as Arkady was unhorsed for the last time, and her opponent declared the victor, Sana appeared out of nowhere to act as her crutch.
"You should be escorting Rumor, not me," Arkady pointed out, her helmet weighing down her free hand. Her left foot throbbed when she put any weight on it. "Who knows what she'll get up to without your supervision?"
Sana huffed, her armor clanging against Arkady's. "I could say the same about you. Besides, Krejjh is handling her fine."
Sure enough, a glance behind revealed Krejjh eagerly chattering away to Sana's steed. They swung a leg over to ride even that short distance to the stables.
"Showoff," muttered Arkady. "Krejjh bribes your horse with too many sugar cubes."
"Be that as it may," continued Sana, "I'm afraid there'll be no escaping the medical tent today. It's tournament day! We're safe, you need to get your leg taken care of, and if something happens you'll have the simple pleasure of saying 'I told you so', won't you?"
"It's not a pleasure."
Sana ignored her, holding up a flap of the tent they'd arrived at for Arkady to hop under. She did so, making sure to look as annoyed as possibly, and Sana followed, supporting Arkady over to the nearest cot...where Violet stood expectantly.
Sana flashed a quick grin at Arkady. "You know what, Kady, you're right, I should go check on Rumor. Just remember you did your best out there." With that, Sana nodded at Violet and exited the tent so quickly it was as if she were never there.
Arkady frowned at Violet. "Liu. Wasn't your shift yesterday?"
Looking amused, Violet replied. "They're hardly going to complain about an extra hand. Let's get that armor off your leg."
They did. Arkady winced the whole time, cursing herself for her choices. Jousting, really? Arkady would have fared better in the melee, her own two feet and her weapon of choice to depend on.
They could hear cheering from the lists from even inside the tent. Another bout ended, then. Violet examined Arkady's foot, fingers pressing various spots around the swollen ankle.
As if reading her mind, Violet asked, "Why the joust?"
Embarrassed, Arkady shot back, "You mean, why'd I pick something I'm so piss-poor at?"
"You won your first two bouts," said Violet mildly.
Oh. She'd been watching.
Of course she'd been watching, how else would she have known to come to this very tent? Even Sana's encouragement didn't extend quite that far.
Violet continued, "You've never mentioned it when talking about other tournaments."
The simple, foolish answer was the smallest prize the winners received. A single rose, fresh from the royal garden, to be presented to whoever they chose.
The melee was an ugly, crowded thing. It was not the melee's rose lauded in those songs she'd loved as a child, snatches of music caught in taverns and lyrics sung in street games, and it was not the melee's rose she had wanted to give to Violet. It was not the melee she had wanted Violet to see her fight in.
It was not after the melee she had wanted to broach a topic she had thought unbroachable.
Yet it was the ugly things in life that Arkady was good for, and so she was left here with empty hands and another injury.
Arkady half-smiled at Violet. "Thought I'd try something new."
"I...don't think that's the whole answer," said Violet, but she didn't press as she normally would have. She turned to her satchel, retrieving a cloth bundle and unwrapping it to reveal a dagger, sheathed in dark leather. It was good work, deceptively simple. She wondered how much coin it had cost.
Violet took a deep breath and then spoke slowly. "You probably haven't been counting the days but, um, it's been a year since you saved me from that ambush. A little less than that since you cleared my name."
Had it been that long? Had it been that short?
Violet pulled the dagger out of the sheath. The dagger's edges gleamed in the snatches of sunlight filtering into the tent, but Arkady only had eyes for the sharpening of Violet's gaze.
"You told me, once, that I didn't know what you'd done. What you'd do." Violet sheathed the dagger. "I do now."
She offered out the dagger, pale fingers around the sheathed portion of it, her face tentative yet determined. "A gift. A thank-you. You don't"-A short laugh escaped Violet-"Refuse it if you will. I just thought I ought to say it."
"I-" For once, Arkady didn't have the words to respond.
Instead, she took the dagger, and let the slowly growing smile on Violet's face be answer enough for them both.
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jadejedi · 5 years
Love Does Not Fail (3/?)
Summary: When Anakin saves the galaxy from Palpatine, Padmé and his children survive, but their family is split apart nonetheless. Leia is taken to be raised in the Temple, not knowing that the Jedi who "found" her is actually her father. Luke grows up with Padmé, knowing only his mother's side of the family. But some things are inevitable.
Chapter Summary: In which Padmé deals with grief, the Senate, and an unexpected visitor. 
ao3 link here
A/N:  Full confession: the timeline of TCW: s7 and RotS are completely a mystery to me, so I am just winging it. Who cares. It’s FINE. Also, I did not expect to get this chapter out so soon, but all of my university classes are cancelled for a bit due to the coronavirus until they can be moved online. Stay safe out there <3
In the aftermath of Palpatine’s death, the Senate had been awash with confusion and high emotion. Many Senators were not happy with a military coup, and to be entirely honest, Padmé wasn’t fully, either, and her husband had been a part of it.
Not that she wasn’t happy that Palpatine had been found out and dealt with, it’s just that she wished that he had been a normal corrupt politician, so that democracy could have dealt with him, rather than a mostly unregulated arm of the military. 
Thankfully, however, Palpatine’s status as a Sith and his red lightsabers were enough for many Senators to tie him to Dooku, and therefore brand him as a traitor to the Republic. For those who needed more proof, it was discovered (or rediscovered, in this case) quickly, thanks to Anakin: biochips implanted in every clone soldier, that would enable them to be turned against the Jedi. Not to mention the discovery of a private comm channel that Palpatine used to contact Dooku, the Trade Federation, and the Techno Union. 
For those that were convinced, but still uneasy about the Jedi involvement, of which there were only a few, mostly neutral worlds, the fact that Master Windu had been in contact with Mas Amedda as he had gone to confront the Chancellor had helped assuage some fears. This action had also helped implicate the Vice Chancellor in Palpatine’s crimes, as he had not passed on Master Windu’s information to the Senate at large. The fact that there was footage of Palpatine attacking Anakin first, who had clearly arrested him, also helped. 
But just because the Senate had been calmed, didn’t mean that Padmé’s work was over. Instead, after the meeting with the Council two days prior, Padmé had thrown herself into her work more than ever before, trying to block out her sorrow. 
In this period of transition, there was plenty of work to distract her. There was reaching out to the Separatist worlds, especially those who’d left due to the corruption of the Republic, there were several upcoming trials, including Mas Amedda’s, Nute Gunray’s (as well as several other members of the Trade Federation), and Prime minister of Kamino Lama Su. And those were just of the people who had been arrested in the last five days. 
There were also questions of who would lead the Senate next. An election was planned to take place two days later, for both Chancellor and Vice Chancellor. Several Senators had been nominated, including Bail Organa, who was seen as a strong, trustworthy voice who had always been loyal to the Republic while never trusting Palpatine, Ask Ask of Malastare, who was the favorite of the few Senators who remained loyal to Palpatine, and Kin Robb of Hapes, who was nominated due to her status as a member of the Council of Neutral Systems. 
Padmé herself had been nominated by Riyo Chuchi of Pantora, but had turned down the nomination for a couple of reasons. One, she knew that while her connection to Anakin Skywalker was currently a secret, she didn’t ever want people to look back on her actions and consider a conspiracy. Two, she was only weeks away from being the mother of twins, and while she wasn’t technically a single mother, she would still be the primary caregiver for her children, and she didn’t want nannies and handmaidens to raise her children. 
And third, the most politically relevant reason she declined to run was that her ideals were very close to those of Senator Organa. She did not want to split the votes of her party, especially when Senator Organa was seen as the older, more trustworthy candidate.
Padmé couldn’t help wondering, somewhat despairingly, if that was not an accurate assessment. After all, while neither of them had trusted Palpatine all that much, especially since the passing of the Military Creation Act, Padmé had trusted him for many years in a way that Bail never had. She was one of the main reasons Palpatine had gotten power in the first place. That was not something people were likely to forget anytime soon, even if many Senators were more likely to evaluate her on her actions since becoming Senator, and not on those actions she’d taken as a desperate, fourteen year old Queen. 
And even beyond Palpatine, Padmé wondered if she didn’t sometimes see too much of the good in people. Anakin certainly thought so, at times, though she knew he also loved that about her. She thought back to her endorsement of Rush Clovis for leader of the Banking Clan, and how she knew from later conversations with Bail that he had voted against the appointment. 
Just because she hadn’t accepted the nomination for Chancellor, doesn’t mean that her hat was completely out of the ring. Immediately after declining Senator Chuchi’s nomination, Bail himself had nominated her for Vice Chancellor, and she did not reject it. 
Once again, she was far from the only candidate whose name was up for the office, her dear friend Mon Mothma being another one, but she knew that the responsibilities of Vice Chancellor would be considerably less than that of the Chancellor, and in many ways, less than even that of a Galactic Senator, since her role would not be as representative of any one world, but as the being in charge of running and mediating the Senate. 
“Senator,” Dormé said, peeking her head into Padmé’s office in her apartment. Padmé looked up in surprise. She hadn’t realized it was late enough for Anakin to be home, yet. “You have a visitor. Captain Typho has let her in.” Instead of telling her who it was, she just smiled mysteriously.
Padmé sighed as she looked up from one of the five different datapads she had scattered on her desk, each one for a different committee or duty of hers. “Thank you, Dormé. I’ll be right there.” Dormé pursed her lips, but said nothing. Padmé knew that her handmaiden was just worried about her, but she was fine. Everything was just so… much. 
Dormé had taken an extended leave of absence during a majority of the war to help with refugee efforts in the systems around Naboo, but after Teckla died on Skipio a few months ago, she came back into Padmé’s service, for which she was extremely grateful. Dormé was such a steadying presence in her life, and to have her back in such a time of chaos was very much welcomed.
She quickly wrapped up what she was working on and stood up from her desk, which was quite a bit more difficult than it used to be. She followed Dormé in the main living space, curiosity piqued as to the identity of the mysterious visitor.
Sitting on one of her sofas, to Padmé’s surprise and delight, was Ahsoka, a little older and taller than she remembered, but it was her all the same. As she walked into the room, Ahsoka’s eyes lit up and she quickly stood up and strode over to her. “Padmé!” she exclaimed. 
Padmé smiled as she opened her arms to hug her, but couldn’t help the tears she felt prick at her eyes. She had been so worried about her since she’d left the Order almost a year ago. Seeing her here, in her apartment, safe, especially after what Anakin told her she’d been through after leaving the Order, it made her heart feel a little bit lighter.
“Ahsoka!” she said, so pleased, as they embraced tightly. “What are you doing here?” she asked, still overcoming her surprise. Ahsoka grinned, stepping back, letting Padmé get a good look at her. She was wearing a leather headband that was very different than the one that Padmé was familiar with, and similar clothes to those she’d worn as Anakin’s padawan, as well as a dark blue cloak. 
“I had to come,” she said. “As soon as I’d heard what’d happened with Anakin and Master Windu and the Chancellor, I knew that I had to come here and see him. I was going to go straight to the Temple and demand that they let me in,” she said, and Padmé could tell that she was only partially joking, “but the Force was telling me to come here first.” She gave Padmé’s pregnant belly a knowing grin. “I think I know why.” 
Padmé only smiled at her. “I know that you know about Anakin and me,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t know why you would be surprised.” Ahsoka chuckled. “Yeah, I knew about you two, but I didn’t expect you to start having children!”
“I suppose we didn’t either,” Padmé admitted. “Let’s sit,” she said, motioning back to the sofas. “My feet are killing me these days, and these two are really throwing out by back,” she said with a fond huff, one hand around her stomach. 
“Two?” Ahoska asked, eyes wide.
“Oh yes,” Padmé said with a smile, “I’m having twins. A boy and a girl.” She tried not to sound too sad as she said that, but as much joy as the children she was carrying brought her, there was also sadness surrounding their impending birth, something Padmé would never forgive the Council for. 
“Is everything okay, Padmé?” Ahoska asked as they sat down on the sofa. She angled her body so she was facing her, face etched with concern. “I know everything is going to be crazy for a while, what with the Sith Lord in the Senate and all, but everything just seems...tense.”
Padmé sighed and looked behind her, out the window towards the Temple. “No,” she said. “I don’t want to say that nothing is okay, because it’s not true, but in my worst moments it certainly seems like it.” She turned back around towards Ahsoka. “The Jedi are going to take one of my children,” she whispered, still not fully believing it.
Ahsoka’s eyebrows rose, but otherwise, showed no signs of visible surprise, letting Padmé speak.
After she was done explaining the events of the last few days, Ahsoka crossed her arms, leaning back against the sofa, and sighed. “I wish I could say I was shocked, but I’m not,” she admitted. “The Jedi have truly lost their way; for so long the dark side clouded so much that they clung to the only thing that they could be sure of,” she said sadly, “tradition.”
Padmé nodded. “I have always respected the Jedi, and been thankful for their intervention during the Invasion of Naboo,” Padmé began, “but more and more, I have questioned their judgement.” A small, harsh laugh escaped her. “You know that Anakin always has,” she said, and Ahsoka agreed with a nod and a wry grin. 
“I suppose he has to be right sometimes,” Padmé joked, making Ahsoka smile. 
“I’m always right!” Anakin said indignantly, walking through the door from the landing pad at that moment. He stopped in his tracks upon seeing the two of them. “Snips?” he said, dumbly. 
Ahsoka gave a wry smile and waved. “Hi, Skyguy,” she said, standing up to greet him. He walked over to where they were sitting and reached out to clasp her hand in greeting. “You act like I didn’t see you just a month ago or so,” she said with a grin.
Padmé shook her head lightly at the emotional distance that Jedi had instilled in them. Although they weren’t far off in age, she knew that Ahsoka was like a daughter to Anakin, even if their relationship was more sibling-like much of the time. 
He motioned for Ahsoka to sit back down and took his own seat on the other side of Padmé. He reached over to give her a quick peck on the cheek. “Hi,” he said quietly, with a smile. Padmé felt herself smile in return, as she always did when he came home.
“What are you doing here, Snips?” Anakin asked curiously, redirecting their attention to their guest.    She shrugged, spreading her hands, palms up. “I guess I don’t really know. I heard what had happened here, and I knew that you were involved.” She paused, considering. 
“I guess I felt the Force guiding me. Telling me that it was urgent. Rex wasn’t thrilled that I was charging back to Coruscant,” she continued fondly, “but he knows that I can handle myself.” She gave Anakin a look. “I think he feels like he has to watch over me since you can’t.” 
Anakin pasted on his most “innocent” expression. “I don’t know where he would get such an idea,” Anakin joked. 
Padmé smiled at the two of them. She was glad that Ahsoka had so many parental figures in her life: Anakin, Rex, Obi-Wan, Master Koon. She supposed that her child would never be lacking in that regard, she told herself, trying to ignore the obvious. That she would not be one of those parental figures. 
“So what are you going to do, now?” Padmé asked her, trying to pull herself out of her negative thoughts. “Rex is on Mandalore, correct? Are you going to stay with him?” 
Ahsoka looked at them both thoughtfully. “I was,” she said slowly, “at least for a while, but now I feel like the Force was pulling me here for a reason.” Her expression turned serious. “Master Yoda was right in one thing he told you both. Force-sensitive children, especially powerful ones like yours are going to be,” she said, nodding to Padmé’s stomach, “should be trained.” 
She looked them both in the eyes in turn, nodded determinedly to herself. “So I’ll stay here, with you, Padmé, if you want, and help train the child that he-” she nodded at Anakin, “-can’t.” She looked at them, arms crossed, as if daring either one of them to argue with her. 
Before Padmé could say anything, Anakin laughed a little, surprised and happy, the first time she’d heard him do so since discovering Palpatine’s treachery. “I don’t know why you’d think I’d argue with you, Snips. I’d much rather you be here on Coruscant, with us, than out there in the galaxy on your own.”
Padmé shook her head fondly at her husband, before turning back to Ahsoka. Just as Anakin had thought of her as his daughter or younger sister, Padmé had as well. She had been crushed when Anakin had told her that Ahsoka had chosen to leave the Order, even though she had understood why. And now that she was back, and wanted to stay? 
“Oh, Ahsoka,” she said, unable to keep the emotion out of her voice. “That would be wonderful.” She leaned over and pulled her into a hug. She seemed surprised, at first, but quickly gave in and returned the embrace. 
“I made up the guest bedroom for you,” Anakin said, stepping out to join Ahsoka on the balcony. Padmé had finally been convinced to go to bed, seeming more at peace then she’d had since their meeting with the Council.  Ahsoka turned, and shot him a brief smile. He knew he’d seen her not too long ago, but it was still amazing to him how much she’d grown. She was almost as tall as him, now. “I’m sorry this is happening to you both,” she said, as he stood next to her by the rail, looking out over the Coruscanti skyline. 
Anakin shook his head and sighed. “You were right, Ahsoka.” He clutched the railing. “About the Jedi Order, and trust. Palpatine had been manipulating me for years,” he acknowledged, “but they didn’t trust me from the moment I walked into the Temple. I don’t know why I thought I could trust them, even a little.”
He felt Ahsoka’s hand on his shoulder. “Anakin,” she sighed sympathetically. “They were your family, your life, just as much as they’d been mine. I’m only sorry that I had the ability to leave, and you don’t.”
“At first, when I turned Palpatine over to Master Windu, and when he died, I thought I’d defeated my anger. If he’d been the one manipulating me, if he was at fault for all of this rage and anger I feel, then it should be gone with him.” He laughed darkly.
 “I feel angrier every day, Ahsoka. How could they do this?” He’d often turned that thought over and over in his mind these last few days. How could they do this? How? Why? “I never thought the Jedi were this cruel.”
“Fear does funny things to people. And it’s natural to feel angry,” Ahsoka said, echoing a sentiment often expressed by Padmé. “You taught me to release my emotions, to be at peace with them, not to hold on to them and bottle them up.”
“So, what? I should just be at peace with everything that is happening?” he demanded.
Ahsoka shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t know what else you could do. You have one year for you and Padmé to spend with your children. Do you really want to spend it drowning in anger?”
Anakin chuckled. “When did you get so wise?” 
She bumped him with her shoulder. “I guess I had a good teacher.” She grinned quickly, before turning serious and looking down at her hands. 
“I’m sorry you won’t be able to be more a part of your children’s lives,” she said. “I hope you don’t think I’m overstepping anything by offering to help train the child that stays here.”
Anakin shook his head. “I don’t feel like that at all. I guess I’m just relieved that she’ll have help. That there’ll be someone there who can do what I should be doing.” He sighed. “I think I’ve accepted the reality of what is happening. If I can’t be here helping them both, then I am glad that someone I know and trust will be.”
Two days later, in Naboo’s Senate pod, Padmé was thankful that she was so good at her expressionless regal “queen” face. 
She had lost the Vice Chancellor race. To Mon, for whom she was very happy, and knew would be a wonderful Vice Chancellor to Bail’s Chancellor. She shook her head slightly. She didn’t even know why she wanted the damn office. She loved Naboo. She loved representing Naboo. 
As she walked back to her Senate office after the votes had come in, she wasn’t even sure why she was so upset. She wanted to blame pregnancy hormones, but she knew that it was more than that. 
“Are you okay, Senator?” Dormé asked quietly as she and Ahsoka walked on either side of her. “I’m sorry you did not win.”
“Me, too,” Ahsoka echoed. “It doesn’t seem fair.”
Padmé shook her head and sighed. “I’m fine, both of you. Really.” She sighed again as they entered her office quarters. “I guess I just wanted that validation. That my peers would recognize…” she paused as she lowered herself into her seat behind the desk, “That I was right, suppose.” 
She shot the two of them a self deprecating smile. “Silly, isn’t it? I guess I just took so much flak for my anti-war, pro-negotiation stances that I thought that people would see me as someone who was right, rather than just an idealistic radical.”
“I don’t think it’s silly at all,” Dormé said, trying to comfort her. “I think that you would make a wonder Vice Chancellor, or even Chancellor someday, because you have always stuck to your beliefs and fought for what you believed to be right.” She frowned. “But I think that you being right might have played against you, so soon after it all happened. People don’t like to be reminded that they were wrong. Senator Organa has been in the Senate long enough that the other Senators associate him with stances outside of the war.”
Padmé tilted her head, contemplatively. There was certainly something to what Dormé was saying. Even before becoming a Senator, people already associated her with opposing the Trade Federation because of the Invasion, and it wasn’t even a full term in the Senate later than the Military Creation Act was written.  “It is still frustrating though,” she said, looking down at the datapads on her desk. “I tried so hard to help the people of this galaxy, to end the war, and it is those actions that may have turned people against me.”
“But you did the right thing,” Ahsoka said, fiercely. “If the Senate can’t recognize that, then they’re bigger idiots than I thought.”
“If you weren’t the kind of person to fight for your beliefs despite the political consequences, you wouldn’t be you,” Dormé agreed, with a serene smile. 
Padmé returned the smile. “Thank you, both of you. I needed that.”
The night of Padmé’s loss in the election for Vice Chancellor, Anakin climbed into their bed much later than he would have liked. 
Padmé was already in bed, but not asleep, lying on her side. She’d been reading one of her datapads until he’d come into the bedroom, but had put it on the nightstand, when he’d come in, smiling at him.
After quickly getting ready for bed, he slipped under the covers and moved so he could hold her from behind, his mechanical hand resting above her head on the pillow and his flesh hand resting on her belly, where he could most strongly feel the two bright lights in the Force that were their children. 
She turned her head so he could reach her lips to give her a kiss, as he always did when he came home. She hummed happily as they parted, lying back down on her pillow, putting her own hand around her stomach to meet his, so their fingers intertwined. 
“I’m sorry I’m home so late,” he apologized, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of her shampoo. Her hair was so curly that his face tended to end up half buried in it when they cuddled like this. “It feels like all I’ve been doing is attending meetings all day,” he explained. “Updating all of us on our role now that the war is all but over.”
“You’re not that late, Ani,” she soothed, a smile in her voice. “I was just feeling a bit tired, so Ahsoka insisted that I go lay down,” she said, her voice clearly reflecting her fondness for his former Padawan. 
“Are you alright?” he asked in concern. He knew that the last few days had been taking a toll on her. His fear from early on in her pregnancy came rushing back. “What did AZ say?” he asked, referring to her medical droid. 
“It’s nothing to worry about,” she tried to reassure him. “I just had a long day. AZ agreed that it was just normal stress.”
“Well, good,” Anakin said in relief. He grinned into her curls. “I’m glad one of my lessons stuck with Ahsoka,” he said. 
“And what lesson is that?”
“Protect Senator Amidala,” he said, reaching over to kiss her cheek. She smiled as he did so, and pretended to try and swat him away. 
“I’m sorry about the election,” Anakin said after a few peaceful moments. “You would make a wonderful Vice Chancellor. Or Chancellor.”
Padmé sighed. “Thank you, Ani. But I’m not upset.” 
He hummed, unconvinced. 
“I was frustrated this afternoon,” she admitted, and Anakin was once again upset that he still had to spend his days at the Temple, rather than with her, where she needed him. “When Bail was elected Chancellor, I thought that I was the obvious choice to stand next to him. But I guess my connection to Palpatine and to the war just couldn’t be overlooked.”
“Well, I think that the Senate is a bunch of bureaucratic fools. They are too blinded by politics to see what would be best for the whole galaxy,” Anakin told her. Politics really weren’t his thing, but he knew that Padmé would be an amazing leader, and that the Senate would have to come to their senses one day.
She laughed. “That certainly may be true,” she acknowledged. “But it isn’t as if Mon’s politics are all that different than my own. She was just less vocal than I was throughout the war. Maybe that was smarter, politically.” She turned her head to smile at him. “I find it hard to stay out of conflict, though. I think your bad habits are rubbing off on me.”
“Oh, I can think of plenty of times where you were the one dragging me into a fight,” he said with a grin. He was glad that they were talking like this, teasing and laughing. The past week had been so quiet and tense, both of them walking on eggshells, handling their grief in different ways. 
Padmé didn’t say anything, just smirked slightly and laid her head back down. “Have you been given any assignments, yet?” she asked, changing the subject.
He shook his head. “No. For now, the focus of the Jedi will be accompanying diplomats to meetings with the Separatists, as well as relief missions. There will probably be a few battles left, here and there, but without any of their leaders, this war is all but over.”
“What do you think about us going to Naboo?” she asked. “I know I talked about it before, but that all seems so long ago.” She sighed, idly playing with his fingers, still intertwined with hers. 
“I want to be with my family. I want to be somewhere away from all of this. Since I didn’t win the election, there is no reason that I can’t. The Senate will be in session for another week, and then I will still be three weeks out from my due date.”
She sighed again. “If we only have a year with both of our babies, I want to spend it on Naboo, where we can all be together. And surely, if you have a mission, the Council can give it to you over comm?” 
Anakin was sure that they wouldn’t be thrilled about it, but he was also sure that they really couldn’t do anything to stop him, at this point. 
“Okay, let’s do it,” he said. “Let’s go to Naboo.”
Suddenly, he felt a sharp movement under where his palm rested on Padmé’s belly. 
“I think they’re in agreement,” he said with a smile, and Padmé pulled his arm tighter around her. 
“Good,” she said, and Anakin could hear the sleep heavy in her voice.
He held her until she fell asleep, and then moved gently to his side of the bed, lying on his back, and let sleep carry him away.  Hooray for Ahsoka! I know she didn’t have a lot to do in this chapter, but that will change. Expect some of her POV later on :D Next chapter things really get moving (Or, as much as things will get moving in this story lol). I know this chapter was kinda a filler, so bear with me.
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magicmanias · 5 years
One Step Ahead
Request: “15 list one with [Pietro] please?” @dawnie39uk
15. “You know I love you.”
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff × Reader
Summary: Pietro is sent to stop a mutant cat burglar who always seems to be one step ahead of him.
Warnings: Fluff, Super Unedited
Word Count: 5.3k (This was not planned to be so long. Kind of got out of hand.)
A/N: Sorry this fic is so trashy, but I just wanted to post something. I haven’t posted in weeks. Like seriously, this really sucks. I think I used the word quickly like ten times. I’m so sorry. I’ll out more effort into other fics.
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“On your six!” Tony flew down from the sky and proceeded to blast another Hydra agent. Steve turned and clocked the agent behind him.
“Thanks.” Steve paused to breathe. “I owe you one.” His break didn’t last long as Hydra backup entered the room.
“Don’t mention it. Actually, please do. I could use another set of salt and pepper shakers.” Steve rolled his eyes and kicked a couple agents.
Clint shot two more agents and knocked a few more out with his bow. “Nat, you got the vibranium?”
Natasha kick several agents' legs out from under them and lifted herself from the floor. "I was swarmed. They're heading to the roof."
Vision widened his eyes and scanned the building. "You can only access the roof from the top floor,” he said.
"Alright. Let's head out!" Tony flew out of a broken window to fly up from outside and check for other obstacles.
The Avengers regrouped and headed to the top floor. Pietro rushed ahead of them and Vision phased through the ceilings.
Pietro busted through the door, ready to head up to the ceiling. However, he was stopped when he saw the agents unconscious on the floor. It was dark, and Pietro could barely see them in the dim moonlight.
Pietro slowly lifted his hand to his comm. "Something is wrong. I—”
"Hey, soldier. Looking for me?" a feminine voice called out. Her voice was smooth and rich like aged wine. Pietro looked up to see a woman in a black catsuit. Her lips were painted ruby red and a mask covered her face. However, he could still see mischievous E/C staring at him.
Pietro didn’t know how to react. Something about her just… made his heart race. Instead, he just stood there, mouth slightly agape. She snickered lightly. “Not much of a talker, are you?”
Before Pietro could react, Vision came up through the floor. “Oh, you have a friend?” the woman purred.
“Where is the vibranium?” Vision asked, the Mind Stone starting to glow.
“Hm… It’ll be with the highest bidder in a couple of hours,” she replied. The woman climbed up to the sill the elevated window and sat down, leaning up against the edge. Pietro didn’t fail to notice the way the moonlight highlighted her features.
The rest of the team busted their way through the door, causing Pietro and Vision to turn. “Well, boys. It’s getting a little crowded in here. I think I’ll head out,” she said. She lazily stood up and jumped out of the window.
Tony flew up to the window and looked out. “She’s gone.” He lowered to the ground and approached the speedster. “What the hell were you doing this whole time?”
“Well at least I didn’t take half a century to get here,” he retorted.
“We ran into some stragglers. And you had Vision with you. It was one woman!” Tony yelled.
Pietro groaned and placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose. “Look, I-I don’t know what happened. I didn’t even know who she was,” Pietro defended.
“Goes by the name Shadowcat. She’s from the Red Room. I don’t know her name though. I only knew codenames,” Natasha spoke up.
“Well, we have to find her. We can’t let her sell that Vibranium,” Rhodey said.
“I’m tracking the vibranium now,” Sam said. “She’s in Jersey.”
"How'd she get to Jersey already?" Rhodey questioned, lifting an eyebrow.
“Shit,” Clint groaned. “I hate Jersey.”
Pietro glanced back at the window where the woman escaped. He wasn’t going to let her get ahead of him again.
What was this girl doing to him? Pietro couldn’t stop thinking about her and he didn’t even know her name. There was something about her that just made him crazy. Was it the way she looked in the moonlight? Was it her flirty behaviour? Was it her carefree attitude? Something inside him hoped he would find her again and soon.
The Quinjet landed near an old abandoned factory building in New Jersey.
“Alright, let’s split up,” Tony said. “I’ll go with Rhodey. Cap goes with Sam and Bucky. Clint with Thor and Nat. Bruce you stay in the jet in case of emergencies. Vision and Wanda are together. Twinkle Toes, you take a run around the perimeter, ok?"
Everyone ran off into the building and Pietro sped off around the outside. When he came to the back of the building, Pietro heard a door close. It came from a small cellar door.
He carefully opened it up to not make any noise and crept inside. There was a small room below. It was dimly lit with not much in it.
"You know I can't say I haven't crashed a party before, but I don't like it much when it happens to me," a voice cooed. You walked out of the shadowy corner of the room and stepped close to him.
Pietro now had a chance to get a good look at you. Your Y/E/C eyes sparkled with mischievous delight and your lips were curled into a bright grin. Your hair was sleek and cascaded down your shoulders like a waterfall. Your black suit hugged your body from your neck and ended at your combat boots. You had a black mask covering your eye area and the very top of your nose.
Pietro ignored your enchanting features. He was ready to retaliate this time. "Why did you run away so quickly last time? I didn't even have time to give you my number," he said in his heavy accent, displaying a smirk.
"Sorry. I had to run. Urgent business and all," you quipped back.
"How did you manage to get here so quickly?" Pietro questioned.
"I did something like this." Suddenly you disappeared into thin air. Pietro took a step back. He felt a finger tap and his shoulder and swerved around.
"Surprise," you whispered. An innocent smile shown on your lips.
"How did you do…?" he trailed off.
"Teleportation. I just think of where I want to go and…" You closed your eyes and disappeared again. Not even a second later, you appeared right at Pietro's side. "There I am."
"How did you—Where did you get your powers?"
"The Red Room became a lot more exciting after Black Widow left,” she answered sarcastically. “I was a little Guinea pig just like you, Pietro," Her smile turned into a wicked grin and she flirtatiously tapped her finger onto his nose, placing her head on his shoulder.
“You know my name?” he asked. She just nodded in response.
Pietro moved out of her touch, confused. "What are you doing here?" His skin burned where her fingers once laid.
"Good money," she shrugged as if it was so obvious. "Well, my business here is done actually," she corrected. "But I figured you'd come so I stuck around."
Pietro's smirk returned. "I suppose we're supposed to fight now." He lazily brought his arms up, ready to speed up. "But careful. I don't want to hurt you."
"Don't pull your punches," her voice lowered as she prepared to fight.
"I don't even have to hit you. I'm faster.”
“Maybe,” you said. “But at least a pretty face doesn’t distract me.” You teleported behind Pietro and landed a blow on the back of his head and kicked him in the back. Pietro sped around and wrapped his arms around you.
You stayed there for a moment, stunned. Pietro did say anything. He just stood there, holding you. Had someone walked in, it would almost look like the two of you were dancing to an old song. What was he doing?
Abruptly, you snapped out of your thoughts and broke the silence. “If you wanted to dance, you could’ve just asked,” you cooed before stepping on his foot and elbowing him in the neck. Pietro dodged another one of your attacks and kicked your legs out from under you. You landed on the ground in a huff and quickly got back up.
You teleported behind Pietro and swung up on his shoulders. “You know, I don’t think people talk this much when they’re fighting,” Pietro grunted, struggling to lift you off of him.
You fell back, taking Pietro with you. He gasped for breath on the ground, pulling at your legs, but they were held tight. Eventually, you let go and straddled his waist. If he wasn’t gasping for breath, Pietro would have made a snarky comment about the position you were in. “You know, usually I’d just go for the kill now, but I hate to waste this pretty face,” you teased. “Guess I’ll just go for the second option.” Pietro went out cold.
“Buddy! Hey, quickie!” Tony patted Pietro’s face until he woke up. He was back on the jet. “What the hell happened to you?”
“That girl... “ Pietro hissed as he tried to sit up. His left eye was throbbing where she hit him.
“Don’t tell me a girl beat you up,” Sam laughed. “I mean, you’re literally faster than lightning. That chick isn’t even enhanced. She’s just a burglar.”
“Oh, she’s enhanced,” Pietro said. “She can teleport. That’s how she got to New Jersey so fast.”
“Ok, well we can’t have an enhanced thief running around everywhere,” Steve said. “Is the tracker still on her? Let’s send a team out to catch her.”
“You know, for the fastest man alive, she seems to always be one step ahead of you,” Bucky joked.
“Conference meeting in ten minutes! I think I have a plan,” Pietro announced, ignoring Bucky.
“Can he call conference meetings?” Tony asked, leaning over to Steve. “I thought we did that.”
After a few days, you were starting to feel bored. Sure, you always had money, but a little more never hurt. You researched artefacts coming into the state, poorly secured casinos, large imported diamonds, or really anything that would be exciting to steal.
Eventually, you came across a news article. Tony Stark was having an auction party.
“Well, it seems like it’s my turn to crash a party.”
“Are you sure this is going to work?” Wanda asked her brother as he finished putting his bow tie on.
“I hope it will. I mean, it seems she likes to steal shiny things, right?” Pietro joked.
Wanda laughed lightly. “Your bow tie is crooked.” She helped him fix it before saying, “You know she’s a bad guy, right? I don’t think this suit will do much to impress her.”
“First of all, I don’t like her. She just flirts a lot. And second, we weren’t the best people before. But, look at us now. We’re Avengers. Not everyone is stuck the way they are.”
“Just be careful, Piet.” Pietro nodded and Wanda left him with his thoughts.
This was just a bit of flirting. Nothing more, nothing less. Oh god, what was he thinking? This woman was the enemy. Ok, he just needed to finish this and he wouldn’t have to see her again.
But was that what he really wanted?
The party was already started by the time Pietro came down. The large crowd of invites surrounded Tony, who was standing behind an elevated podium. “Welcome, everyone to my auction! We have lots and lots of items up for purchase today. Well, as long as your pockets are full.” The crowd laughed and Tony continued.
Pietro surveyed the room, looking for the woman. We spotted the other Avengers on the perimeter of the room, looking for her too.
“Name?” the large security guard asked. You looked up at him through your long eyelashes, “Um, I’m actually…” You looked for a name on his clipboard. “Marc Spector’s plus one. He’s already in there. I was just running late.”
“Your name should be on here…” he said. “What was it again?”
“You can call me Cat,” you cooed.
“I’m sorry. Your name isn’t on the list, Miss. I can’t let you in.”
You pretended to pout and batted your eyes. “Surely you can’t just let me slip in? I mean, I’m all dressed and everything. Please, sir. Marc just came back from a business trip and I haven’t seen him for weeks…” You let your eyes water. “And-and I just…”
“Hey-Hey, it’s ok. Just go in. I’ll let it slide,” the guard said.
“Thank you so much sire,” you smiled brightly and kissed his cheek before waltzing in. Men were too easy.
Pietro couldn’t find the woman. The rest of the team decided to have a little fun since she didn’t seem to be there. Pietro, on the other hand, refused to give up. So, he walked to the entrance to try and cut her off there. After a few minutes, his heart rate when up as well as his nerves. She had to be here.
Suddenly, he saw a woman in a glimmering silver gown with those same mischievous E/C eyes he saw that night he met you. It was you.
Right when Pietro was about to tell the team he found her, he saw Wanda dancing with Vision. He realized that everyone was finally taking a break. Usually, they were all busy with Avengering that they never really got to smile in the company of others. Maybe he could have some fun of his own. I mean, he found her, didn’t he? Who says he had to ruin everyone’s night by incarcerating her in the middle of the party?
The night was still young. You’d have time to steal everything later. You had time for a drink. “I’ll have a Merlot,” you told the waiter, flashing an innocent smile. “Oh, and if you want to add a little extra in that glass, I won’t stop you.”
“Make that two,” a voice said behind you. It wasn’t just a voice though. It was his voice.
You turned, glass in hand, and smiled. “Speedy. We meet again.”
“So it seems,” he replied, as if you were old friends. He waved down the bartender once more. “Put it on my tab.”
“Just for little ol’ me?” you teased, widening your eyes in fake delight. The music winded down and the man on the piano began to play a sweet melody.
“Anything for you,” he tittered. “A drink, a dance—I’ll even turn you in for free. Handcuffs included.”
“Maybe we could put those handcuffs to some actual good use,” you retorted, taking a sip of your drink. Pietro did the same, though he drank a bit more than you. “Did you say something about a dance, Mr. Avenger, sir?”
“I think I did,” he answered. “You told me if I wanted to dance, I should just ask.” He paused and looked at you. “So I’m asking. Would you like to dance, Miss Y/L/N?”
He extended a hand out to you. Before you could even contemplate hesitation, your body moved for you and took his hand. The couples around you danced freely in their own unique ways. There were only smiles on their faces. Smiles were a foreign sight to you. And although your smiles could seduce a man into giving you what you wanted, they were never genuine like the ones here.
You were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts when Pietro wrapped his arm around your waist. “Relax, любимая [darling]. Let’s have some fun.” He began to softly sway left and right. Left and right.
“Sorry for the black eye, honey. But if it’s any consolation, it makes you look real tough.” You chuckled lightly. Pietro could listen to that sound all day. He looked down at you and your eyes met his. For a fraction of a second, you thought his gaze flitted to your lips. You needed to stop this before it started. Emotions did not suit you well.
You stepped away from his grasp. A look of confusion crossed his face, followed by disappointment. “I hope you know why I’m here,” you warned.
“Why do you think this event happened in the first place?” he quipped. “It seems like you just can’t avoid things that are shiny.”
You paused to think. How could you let this happen? You were just supposed to act like you belonged, then steal everything. You needed a plan. How were you going to get away from him? “You know that accent of yours could be a real lady killer,” you cooed, wrapping your hand around his suit jacket.
He seemed to fall for it. “Oh yeah? Who says?”
You went up on the tips of your toes and leaned into his ear. “I’m sorry.” He furrowed his brow in confusion, but before he could say anything, you stepped on his foot with the heel of your shoe.
“Ow—Hey!” he muttered. All of a sudden, you teleported away. The crowd around Pietro stepped away, shocked at what they just saw.
“Hey! Where’d she go?” Cap yelled, grabbing his shield from the corner of the room.
“Energy scan says she’s in the storage room!” Tony activated his armour and started to fly over the room of people.
Pietro sped down the staircase onto the lowest floor. There she was. You were holding three small pieces of jewelry, each one priceless.
“You can’t stop me, Speedy. I’ll just teleport away,” you reminded him. Pietro stepped towards you cautiously, afraid that you would run away again. He needed to stall you just a bit longer.
“You don’t need to do this,” Pietro warned.
You smiled, now feeling cocky. “And who’s going to stop me?” You let out a short laugh. “It doesn’t seem like you can stop me with a quick set of feet.”
“No, I’m just one step ahead of you, sweetheart.” Pietro sped behind you and put you in a headlock. Before you could react, a woman came in. Her hands glowed red and before you could react and teleport away, your vision clouded and faded to black.
“I found her,” Tony said, looking up from the hologram. “Y/N Y/L/N. Alias is Shadowcat. She trained in the Red Room as a stealth operative and later, their experiment. It seems she’s been on her own for some time.
“So what are we going to do with her?” Bruce asked.
“I don’t know. Hand her over to the authorities?” Clint suggested.
“Teleportation. A regular prison won’t hold her,” Steve reminded.
“Well, we can’t just keep her here,” Tony argued.
“Maybe we can get her to join the team,” Pietro spoke up. “I can talk to her.”
“Talk to her? What, are you gonna give her some kind of plea deal?” Clint joked.
“I think my brother here has a little crush on our guest,” Wanda taunted, jabbing a finger at Pietro.
“No,” he said quickly. “I just spoke to her before, so I think it’s best if I speak to her again.”
“Yeah, whatever, Casanova. But yeah, I guess we could try. But if she tries to escape, it’s on you, Maximoff,” Tony warned.
“Got it,” Pietro said before running off to the containment floor.
You woke up in a cell and groaned as you lifted yourself off of the small cot. You grabbed your throbbing forehead and began to rub the pain away.
Once your vision cleared, you instantly tried to escape. You closed your eyes and imagined the roof of the building. You opened your eyes. "Shit." You hadn't gone anywhere. You were still sitting on the small cot in your cell. That's when you noticed the dim, red light shining below you. There was a thin brace on your left wrist.
They must have dampened your powers. Great. You tried to pull the brace off, but you were only successful in bruising your arm. Where the hell were you?, you thought.
The memories of fighting in New Jersey came back to you. And the speedster. Pietro. A pretty name for a pretty face. Too bad he was an Avenger. You would have liked him otherwise, you told yourself.
Footsteps behind you snapped you out of your thoughts. You were now on high alert and snapped your head in the direction of the noise. It was Pietro.
“Hey, Speedy. You come here often?” You looked at him through squinted eyes, unsuccessfully avoiding the bright lights.
Pietro returned your gaze with a cocky form of delight.
He crossed his arms and shifted his weight. “Kitty, it’s been too long.” His accent became a little heavier, bringing the hairs on the back of your neck stand. You chuckled and gathered your hair, tying it into a ponytail.
“Why did you miss me?” You pouted playfully. Despite your outward demeanour, your voice did not carry the tone you had wanted.
Pietro noticed it as well. “I’m sorry we keep meeting under such unfortunate circumstances.”
“Well, let me out and maybe I’ll make it up to you.” Pietro blushed slightly.
“You know I can’t do that,” he said, almost warning himself.
“Fuck you,” you huffed.
Pietro chuckled lightly. Something in him gave him the confidence to push his limits just a little further. “You know I love you.”
“Sure feels like it,” you scoffed, leaning up against the wall, ignoring the impact his words had on your heart. Suddenly, you remembered the pain your head was in. “You know, I was starting to think all of the Avengers were soft like you, but hell, your sister really packs a punch. Or whatever it is those powers of hers do.”
“I call it revenge for the black eye you gave me,” he chuckled. “Hey, you know if you don’t want her to do that anymore, I suggest you behave,” Pietro added. You rolled your eyes.
“Well, there’s not much I can do now. I’m a little stuck,” you said, tapping on the cell's bars.
“That is why I came down here,” Pietro explained. “If you want to get out, you’ll have to join our team.”
You squinted in suspicion. “Why would you want me on your team?”
Pietro walked forward, “We want to help you—”
“Ha! You’re just like every other ‘savior’ out there,” you sneered, making air quotes with your hands. “You say you want to help me, but you just end up using me to make some easy money.”
“Isn’t that what you do? Make easy money?” Pietro provoked.
“Maybe. But I do it alone,” you defended.
Pietro kneeled down in front of your cell. You huffed and turned your head away from him. Although, if you hadn’t been annoyed, you wouldn’t have minded staring into his dark blue eyes for a little longer. “Isn’t that… well, lonely?”
“It’s better to be alone sometimes,” you mumbled. Wait, what are you doing?, you thought. Why are you just telling this stranger everything? You scowled and said, “You don’t even know me.”
“I don’t,” he admitted. “But I’d like to, Y/N.”
“You know my name?” you asked, confused.
“Well, you knew my name. It seemed only fair to even the playing field.” You lifted your eyebrow, unamused. Pietro sighed. “Look, you don’t want to stay here forever, right? And we’re not just going to let you free, so this is your only choice. You might as well try. A room and decent food are better than this place.”
You turned to the wall of the cell and crossed your arms like a child angry at their parent. “I rather like the cell."
"Well, then I guess I have nothing left to say. I can't convince you," Pietro said dramatically. He began to back away and placed his hands in the air in surrender. You refused to face him and continued to pout. You listened intently as his footsteps got quieter and quieter.
"No luck?" Bucky chuckled, taking another sip of coffee.
Pietro shook his head. "Just give her time to blow off some steam."
"I don't understand why we have to go through all of this trouble when we can just give her to SHIELD or something," Bruce said, sliding his glasses off of his face.
"Because my brother is in love," Wanda giggled.
"Wanda," Pietro warned, scowling. Wanda took another sip of her tea, smiling into the cup.
"Just give her a few more days," Steve suggested. "I'm sure she'll take the deal by then. And if not, then we'll take her to SHIELD."
"Or maybe Quicksilver can take her out for a bit of fresh air. You know, a walk in Central Park, maybe a nice dinner, a carriage ride…" Sam started to laugh at his own joke. Bucky laughed too.
Pietro turned around and began to walk away from the group. "I will not be bullied like this," he said, placing a warning finger in the air.
"He's totally screwed," Nat said, leaning back onto the couch.
"I think you mean they're totally screwing… each other," Tony snickered. Steve lightly punched him and shook his head.
Sam lazily lifted an arm in the air. "I give 'em two weeks before we hear the bed squeaking."
"Well, based on the way things are currently going, I believe it will take no more than three weeks," Vision calculated.
"I don't really know, but I'll just say something like fifteen days," Bruce said.
"My brother may be a flirt, but he is horrible at actually admitting his feelings," Wanda said. "It might take some time."
"I'll go with three weeks," Clint added. "The robot knows all."
"The speedster is a fine lad. I say no more than ten days," Thor bet.
"Alright," Tony concluded. "Losers take the winner out to dinner and pay."
Ten days. It took ten days for you to give in. Pietro checked in periodically but it would only really end in pointless bickering between the two of you. It had taken two days for you to decide that you hated him. And it took you the rest to grow tired of the small cell. And as much as you despised the Avengers, you hated not being able to stretch your limbs even more.
“Hey, Kitty. How are we doing today?” Pietro came in with his repetitive morning greeting.
Instead of your usual, “Fuck off” or “Still in here. What do you think?”, you said, crossing your arms, “I want out.”
Pietro was taken aback. “You do?”
“Yes! I can’t take it in here. I’ll… join your stupid team.”
“And you won’t try to escape?” he asked sceptically.
You sighed. “...If it means I don’t have to come back here.”
Pietro’s frown broke into a smile. “Alright. Let’s get started.”
To say that adjusting to being an Avenger was difficult was the understatement of the century. It was near impossible in the beginning. At first, only Pietro would talk to you, although you never really said much back. However, Wanda and Nat eventually began to talk to you and you became good friends with them. You learned to bond with Tony over your mutual love of tech and ACDC. And you often tried to explain your powers with Bruce and Vision.
Today, you, Nat, and Wanda went grocery shopping. “So remind me again why you aren’t with my brother?” Wanda asked. You sighed. It’d probably been the tenth time that week she asked.
“I told you, Wanda. I don’t like him like that.” You tried to keep your voice as steady as possible because you were totally lying.
“You know he totally likes you, right?” the red-head said.
“He doesn’t!” you yelled defensively. “A-And even if he did, what then?”
“You guys would go out in the next two days and I’d be taken out to a nice dinner?” Wanda suggested. You lifted your eyebrow.
“You what?”
“We made a bet!” Nat admitted. You rolled your eyes. “Now will you just kiss the damn boy already?”
Did he really like you? Over the course of a few weeks, the two of you had grown sort of close… The two of you  And sure, he flirted, but that seemed like it was a part of his personality. Yeah, that was it. He just flirted a lot.
“Pietro just flirts,” you countered.
“That’s true, but Y/N… I know my brother. He does not look at you like he does other random women. He really likes you,” Wanda assured.
An alarm went off on your phone. “Shit! I’m late for training!” You placed the items you held in the cart and ran off, abandoning your friends.
Just as Nat was about to protest your immediate departure, Wanda placed a hand on her arm. “Don’t worry. She’s training with Pietro today.”
You rushed into the locker room to find Pietro there, halfway through putting his shirt on. A blush crept onto your face. You cleared your voice.
He looked up in surprise but smirked when he saw your blushing cheeks. “Saw something you like?”
“Shut up. Let’s just get this over with,” you muttered, stepping into the boxing ring.
“You know it’s ok if—” You threw a blow to his chest to interrupt him. Maybe you could punch the smirk off his face. You threw more punches, but he dodged every one, using your super speed.
“You’re distracted,” he finished. You grunted in frustration and tried to kick him. He dodged that too. You tried to teleport, but you were unsuccessful. Shit, the ankle brace. While you were distracted, Pietro sped to you and pinned you down. You tried to break free from it, but he was too strong. Plus, you didn’t really mind being pinned down by the speedster, as much as he annoyed you.
“What? You got nothing to say?” he asked smugly. A wicked smile flashed across your face. You one had one last card to play. It was risky though.
You lifted your hips and ground them on his. Shock initially filled him and his grip on you loosened, allowing you to sit up and pin him down. To your surprise, he smiled. “I didn’t know you played dirty.”
“That’s the only way I play, Speedy. Come on, you should know that. Don’t you have a brain under all that hair?” He chuckled. Without notice, you felt something below you and instantly realized what it was.
You quickly remembered your position and tried to slide off of him. Instead of letting you move away, he grabbed your thighs and held you in place. “Don’t move. You look nice from this angle.”
“I hope you’re not thinking of naughty things, Maximoff.”
He laughed and rolled his eyes. “Says the woman who just ground her hips onto me—”
“To win the match,” you corrected.
There was an odd moment of silence between the two of you. He just looked up at you with a goofy smile. A smile began to curl on your lips, but before you started to actually feel something, you shoved yourself off of him.
Pietro stood up and walked over to you. “I’m sorry. I thought…”
You turned to him, frowning. “You thought what?” you whispered.
Pietro took both of your hands in his and closed the distance between the two of you. You waited in anticipation for him to say something. He leaned in even closer and you stared at the lips you’d been secretly aching to kiss.
You gasped when you somehow found yourself on the ground and Pietro once again, on top of you. “I guess I really am just one step ahead of you,” he whispered, before connecting your lips with his. You returned the kiss with equal excitement while your hands found their way into his mop of hair. He moved his hands all over your body, never stopping for breath. You whimpered slightly against his lips, begging for more.
Eventually, he pulled away. You rolled on top, “Trust me. I will always be one step ahead of you, Speedy.” You pulled your shirt off and kissed him again.
“Hey!” You shot up to see Tony. “Get a room, will you?”
“I’ll race you,” Pietro said before speeding off.
You looked at Tony, annoyed. “Will you get this damn ankle brace off of me so I can beat him?”
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littleblackqrow · 4 years
Nah, the fandom didn't do anything to me. I just didn't like how hostile and dark vol 6 was. The way the group treated Oscar for a while, and Yang's hypocritical accusations kind of made me lose respect for the characters. If that makes sense
((It makes perfect sense friend. Sorry about the late response, I just got home from work
I can definitely see how the actions of the main cast would be a turn off, and I cant say that they’ve been handling their secret knowledge well in s7, but I think thats partly because there is no good answer to the situation they got themselves in.
I didnt really mean to use your consternation about the main cast to throw a meta word vomit up, but I’ve been thinking about this all day SO-
Oz has very good reasons for keeping things secret, and for involving as little people as possible in this war between him and Salem A war that she initiated and seems to delight in framing so it looks like Oz is building people up to sacrifice them. He’s perpetually on defense here and has been for centuries because offense against an enemy that is immortal and out of any and all weight classes that modern Humanity 2.0 can muster, even with technological advances would be next to impossible. Salem has Humanity 1.0′s magic, and doesnt seem to have an exhaustible supply like Oz does in addition to her cursed, conditional immortality, and what is apparently control over the creatures of Grimm thanks to her dip in the Forbidden Grimm Soup.
What does Oz have to work with? Regular ass humans and faunus with only regular ass semblances, his own dwindling power, and the occasional Silver Eyed Warrior to work with. The Relics are dangerous objects to just have laying around, and none of them seem to have a practical use as weapons. He is outgunned, out-manned, outnumbered, out-planned and instead of launching all out assaults against Salem, he’s been quietly protecting her, trying desperately to outmaneuver her whenever possible.
The Fall of Beacon is when Salem finally managed to find a chink in his armour, probably for the first time since the Great War. And she managed it in part because Cinder has determination and is able to roll with whatever she’s given and improvise, but also partly because RWBY has done as much to stop her as they have to give her an opening. For instance, had Blake told Oz about the White Fang’s involvement sooner, he could have called Qrow back in to poke around and spy on Roman’s operations. Ruby could have given everyone more information on Cinder, like what she was doing in the comm tower, and maybe someone with a brain could have figured out there was a virus being planted in the network.
Our protags are kids, and its important to remember that kids fuck up. Sure they’re 17-21 years old now, and should know more, but god knows I made All of the Mistakes during that age. They’ve gotten positive reinforcement for all of their skulking around, digging up secrets, and kicking bad guy ass, but they’ve never had to reconcile with consequences before. Ozpin has. Yang is being hypocritical, but she’s never been called on it until s7, and even then it wasnt direct. But the effects of it are immediate and painful. Atlas will probably be lost because she went behind the back of a man who has been consolidating power and has been shown to be mentally unstable since the Fall of Beacon and didnt do it in a smart, underhanded way. Clover Ebi was killed because of the things she set in motion. My hope is that next season, the kids will have to reconcile with the damage.
And I know for a fact that when the dust settles, Oz will still be there for them. He’s made more mistakes than any man, woman, or child, and dammit if that doesnt give him empathy for people who also made mistakes with the best of intentions. 
Idk man, to me its a subversion of the “Child Hero that saves everyone because the adults are just doing it wrong” trope. The child heroes here are actually not more competent than the adults, but they’ve been told, especially recently, that they’re the hope that Remnant has, so doing what they feel is right has to be good and right. Right?
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pinkbutterfly84 · 5 years
Scorpion Season 2
Here we go season 2 and my personal favourite season.....
2.01 - there has been a break between episodes supposedly over the summer whilst Walter recuperate, Paige tries to improve the office, Cabe is working on a film, Sly tried to evolve, Tony was outdoors and Happy developed a paint gun
The question is have Happy and Toby been spending their time together they walk into the garage together??
No fratanisation at work...... but that doesn't mean out of work? Happy's look to Toby makes me think they see each other a lot out of work
Notice how each time they say no fratanisation 'at work' is always added
I love the way Toby's tone of voice changes when he is taling just to Happy or caring for her
Last scene they are off to Kavalskis together
Favourite quote- 'what do you see' 'a rare and delightful fungus' - this is a very Happy type compliment definitely there are still feelings there but she is still torn between wanting to move on with him and wanting to remain friends
Favourite scene- Toby taking care of Happy and her eye, his hand casually placed on her leg she once hated any form of contact now she didnt even flinch
2 02 - poor Toby obviously feeling the frustrations of being sidelined by Happy so he directs is attention onto poor Sly
The look Toby gives Happy when she said Orphanages suck a look of pure luck and he could help heal her wounds
First time Toby uses the nickname 'Hap' also the only person who calls her this
I love Dr Toby seeing him use his skills either medically or behavioral is when his character shines
Favourite quote- it's like jumping off a really high diving board going 100 miles an hour, exposure therapy
Favourite scene- not my favourite scene but definitely the cheesest was paige coming out the sea slow motion and Walter's face pure cheese
2.03 - this episode doesn't have much Quintis in it but I love Sly having an episode revolving around him he overcomes some fears and opens up to Megan
Ray is a very funny character 'the right way, the wrong way and the Ray way'
Poor Toby overhearing Happy's conversation thinking she is moving on meeting someone at a club he looks so hurt and Happy looks regretful that Toby overhead
How does Toby know Happy doesn't like to dance? Maybe suggested they go dancing together?? Happy's face when Toby actual fights back a bit at her half impressed half annoyed
Chet turning up at the end broke Toby's heart he needed to release some tension. Happy wanted him out of the garage so the team wouldn't know what they meet at the club to do
Favourite quote- Slyvester you and I are about to have a very uncomfortable conversation
Favourite scene- Toby talking g to Sly over the comms picking a fight in the jail yard
2.04 - Happy coming in with Chet either Happy is clueless on what effect this has on Toby or she is trying to make him jealous either way Happy is doing wrong this time
Starting to get some humour from Happy..... I wonder why!
I feel this is one of the first turning point episodes for Happy starting to acknowledge she doesn't need to be alone and there are people especially Toby who will stick with her and support her
Toby is so worried about Happy during this episode he even admits his love to her dad - good advice from him to let her come to him
Happy wants the list to go to Toby none of the others a subconscious decision that proves she relies on Toby
Happy acknowledges she is in denial!
The look she gives Toby over her dads shoulder what do you think she is thinking?
Favourite scene- Toby giving Happy the dolls house, he just wants to spend time with her even if friends
Favourite quote- I am surrounded by Robots!
2.05 - such a fun episode off set with the seriousness of Sly and Megan
Toby looks hot boxing 🔥🔥
Toby giving Happy a gift then saying there just friends - someone is in denial
Toby only worrying about Happy being in danger how does she not pick up on this?
Plus the minute she says she's stuck Toby is out the van to rescue her
Notice how they play dumb about knowing anything about Superfun guy yet in season 1 when Sly was in hospital they all sat and read the comics!
Toby saying no to hanging out with Happy must have been so hard for him but he obviously is feeling too much hurt not being with her but did she overhear him saying he was done with her, she wasn't far away, how would she have felt?
Question is the orange van the same as in the Cuba episode and the episode with Mya Hernandez??
Happy looks so impressed with Toby when he punches the guy, think she likes that he can be tough when needed
Favourite quote- with great responsibility comes great wedgie or dear diary it finally happened
Favourite scene- seeing the team dressed up nice to see the comedy side of the show
2.06 - part 1 of a double episode a really good episode showing Walter being taken advantage of and the guys all in danager
Toby trying the show his independence from Happy but taking it too far they work better together.
Toby looking fine in a suit!
Favourite quote- I kicked that habit cold Turkey, I need Happy like i need necrotizing fasciitis
Favourite scene- Happy creating a speaker and using it to put out a fire great mechanical engineering
2.07 Part 2 - Happy put her life in danger for the greater good in the sub but when Toby was in danger in the server room nothing else mattered but rescuing him
Toby will never know how much she fought to get him out
The look of pure fear and worry about Toby dying was excellent acting and showed such emotion and perhaps made her reevaluate her relationship with Toby
Happy was quite hostile towards Toby when he thanked her why was that? I think it was a defense mechanism he shield going up because she was scared to loose him
Favourite quote- with the clarity of one just risen from the dead, you're being a grade A tool
Except you cant unring a bell - Toby knows he cant easily get over his feekings
Favourite scene- Happy trying to get Toby out of the server room this first real sign that she really does have deep feelings for Toby
2.08 - Toby in the boxing ring he is trying to toughen up the ond thing Happy is known for iz being tough
Happy at the comedy club trying to be funny the one thing Toby is known for
I think there interests are a way to become closer to each other and understand each other
Mighty love oak - Toby finally realised if anything is going to happen he needs Happy to make the first move he has been as open as he can she needs to make the decision herself to get into a relationship with him
Favourite scene- Happy at the comedy club Slys reactions were so much funnier then the joles
favourite quote- this is nuttier then squirrel poop
Yes I know I drive crazy, just give me the keys
Suicidal genius says what now
2.09 - very sad to see the decline in Megan and what Sly is dealing with. How Walter deals with it is unfair to them both and quite selfish although I appreciate everyone handles these situations differently
Happy and Toby support Toby the only way they know bh giving him money.
Happy and Toby seem in sync in this episode just good friends with a deep connection
Toby is focusing his energy in predicting the future possibly to keep him distracted from Happy
In previous episode Toby has been seen with smart phones why all of a sudden is his phone old??
Favourite quote- dental hygiene is beautiful
Favourite scene- no real favourite scene but I do enjoy this episode the team hring scared of the unknown is hilarious
2.10 first time I watched this episode I was hooked and confused and loved the twist of Scorpion playing on Cromwell
Happy and Toby stood next to each other again mimicking each others postures
Walter finally accepting Megan's condition and her relationship with Sly is a heart warming moment and one of the few moments I like Walter
Favourite quote- are we heading to England for a spot of tea
Favourite scene- the team relaying how they duped Cromwell
2 11 - a really sad but beautiful episode with a touch of humour at the right times
Toby shines in this episode with his medical ability
Toby's face when Happy collapses and the lady is in labour his heart wants him to ho to Happy but he knows he must deliver a baby.
I would like to know what Happy thinks when she wakes and sees Toby?
Such a heart breaking scene 💔
Notice how Toby instinctively stays by Happy in the garage providing emotional support
Happy doesn't deal well with the situation so excuses herself to make the drinks
Favourite quote- i have super powers, I am bacteria man
Am I seriously the only doctor in the house
Favourite scene- the end scene with Megan's video and the team gathering to hear Walter's story a beautiful end to a touching storyline
2.12 - really liked this episode finally Happy giving into her feelings for Toby plus seeing them all dealing with their own issues from college gave some of the funniest moments of the season
Seeing cabe trying to talk wrestling was hilarious
She also admitted Toby was cute!
What Mavis said to Happy got her thinking she needs to let her shield down if she wants a Toby/ a family
Meeting Quincy Berkstead I don't think Toby's issue is him stealing Amy away it's a reminder of what a bad place he was back then and that Quincy was a better person than he seemed to be. Quincy said some things which hit close to home. Let's remember Toby is a doctor Quincy is just a psychologist!
Favourite quote- you were cute, what happened
Favourite scene- Happy and Toby dancing this showed real feelings from Happy she wanted to.do something nice for him when he obviously felt so down. I imagine that they all heard what Quincy said to Toby she she knows how it would of effected him
2.13 - quite possibly my favourite episode of the season maybe all 4 seasons
Happy seems uncharacteristically happy at the beginning embracing Christmas or looking forward to a possible future with Toby
Walter talking to himself, Megan's ashes in his car - Toby has his work cut out for him this episode
Sly talking about his love for Megan and not wasting time really gave Happy something to think about
Grandma got ran over by a reindeer! Supposedly some or all of this wasnt scripted just shows how amazing the actors are
The pure panic from Toby when Happy gets pulled under water shows his love and then change in his voice when talking to her is a beautiful moment
Favourite quote- at least we got a doctor in the house, who has 2 thumbs and rocked his GI rotation
'Quality kiss doc, good work' ' now that was a Christmas miracle
Favourite scene- the kiss! Need I say more you can even hear Happy hum during the kiss perfect chemistry
Toby waited so patiently and it paid off Happy came to him and initiated the next step
2.14 - perfect Quintis episode
Toby full of new year spirit wonder why??
Happy is also uncharacteristically Happy perhaps thet both had a good new year together.......
Happy trying to change be more positive maybe to help in a relationship with Toby, so much to surmise in this episode
The look happy gives Toby when he asks to make out is not a never gonna happen but a not now later look
Notice how when Happy is separated she repeatedly calls for Toby. Instinctively that's who she knows will rescue her
Toby is never seen as the brave one but when happy is in danger he is willing to risk his life
Near death has changed the dynamic between them. Happys dad points out she needs to find her Happy- then looks longingly at Toby
Question what everyone wants to know is what happens in the tent!
Favourite quote- who are you and what have you done with unhappy quinn
Favourite scene- Toby admitting he never thought he could die being so lucky with Happy in his arms
Such an honest and emotional scene excellent acting by #EddieKayeThomas
2.15 - poor Toby not feeling well love the thought of happy quickly scribbling down instructions for Ralph on how to look after Toby. Starting to show her feelings more openly
Paige and Walter singing was actually really good
Favourite quote- this is what I get for trying to help Walter date, influenza
Favourite scene- truth is I'm falling for the guy - finally Happy admits it then if only to Ralph - I do think Toby here her and probably calls her out on it later
2.16 - poor Walter trying to do something normal and it all goes to pot!
Toby and Happy going to Kavalskis under the pretense of taking the dish back..... sounds like a date to me that they dont want the others to know about, one of many over the course if the last few episodes I think
Favourite quote- that was a compliment knucklehead lob a little ear candy at her
You got sent to the senior section of speed dating and now your trying to Benjimen your Button
Holy ball boomerang Mericks back
I might only be a psychiatrist but they taught me at med school blowing people up is bad
Toby is on fire in this episode with his one liners - I wonder if all these jokes and sarcasm is because he is finally happy with Happy
Favourite scene- no favourite scene in this not much Quintis action but Toby was in fire in this episode great behaviourist skills and jokes
2 17 - love seeing the dynamic between Walter and Toby in this episode, seeing them in therapy is funny
Toby is definitely the more antagonist one is this episode he says its because he is happy with Happy I think he hates keeping secrets from his best friend and so he is distancing himself
Happy starting to side with Toby shows character growth
On a separate note I love Sly and Ralph's relationship in this episode they are a great duo
Favourite quote- hands at 10 and 2, check, seatbelt on, check, eyes firmly on the ramp in front of you, check, dont tell your mother, check
Favourite scene- the end scene Happy and Toby together at Toby's home confirmation the are together how long has this been going on is the question we all want to know
2.18 - Quintis is announced!
Walter being so upset is a bit strange surly he should be happy for his friends- maybe he's jealous he doesn't have what they have or maybe he is hiding something else........
Comparing to quintis to brangelina maybe not such a good comparison
Walter punishing Toby by making him stay behind is petty and not the first time he has tried
Toby is obviously very excited about his new relationship but suffocating Happy slightly
Walter giving them the ultimatum is uncalled for and Toby is not happy with him
First time we discover Happy's fear of blood, seeing Happy slightly off kilter and Toby supporting her is nice to see
Happy looks do happy when Toby says he is proud of her
Toby using his tone of voice he only uses with Happy, this is his caring soft voice
Oh Toby tracking Happys phone not a good idea I get why he did it and I think she does but not a wise move without talking it over first! I like how they experience normal bumps in the road in their relationship
Happy standing up to Walter was a big step and an important moment in showing she is all in and she looks so Happy when Walter says its ok
Favourite quote- for a million reasons the answer to that question is yes but believing in you the most incredible person I've ever know, no that does not make me crazy. You hear my voice now you hear how calm it is......
Favourite scene- Toby talking Happy through medical procedure
2.19 - Gambling addiction is a very sensitive topic which needs to be dealt with correctly
It is always alluded to Toby being addicted we are lead to believe over the past few years largely thanks to Happy it has gotten better but is obviously an issue for Happy
I dont buy that he gambles more cause he is happy but I'm no addication specialist
I think this shows real growth with Happy 1 year ago she would of just called it quits but now she raises her concerns which are genuine due to her childhood and Toby agrees to give up gambling for her - now that is true love
I feel Toby needed to hear this from Happy he had cut back a lot but the risk of losing Happy is too high and he knows he needs to stop
I think they really played into the gambling references this episode when usually it gets one or 2 mentions if that!
Favourite quote- 'that Pantera is the sexiest thing I've ever seen' 'second sexist'
Favourite scene- the end scene with Toby and Happy, Jadyn gives probably the best performance of the series so far so much emotion
2.20 - playful team is nice to see makes a pleasant change!
Toby shows his medical and behavioral knowledge off well In this episode
I really like that happy is comfortable in her relationship with Toby to show affection ftomt of the team by falling asleep and hugging her
Favourite quote- that guy doesn't respect the game
Well you make friends wherever we go
I know I'm the oh one wearing a hat, hold on to your hats I'm gonna profile the crap out of this guy
Favourite scene- the team waiting to see how Olivia gets on following her surgery
2.21 - so we meet interloper Tim, going to he controversial now but I quite like him.as a character!
Toby doing dares as a way dealing with giving up gambling - Happy should be supporting him not belittling him after all he gave it up for her
Toby compliments Happy and gets told off for doing it st work 1. He is allowed to shower her love and compliments at home 2. She turns her face and smiles secretly likes the compliment
Toby marking his territory with Happy when Tim talks to her its shows his jealous side
Happy chastise Toby for truth or dare he says he still needs to adrenaline rush so she kissee him and compares the adrenaline from the kiss to the gambling adrenaline. This shows how she must feel when she kisses him and is encouraging him to lean on her when he feels the need for the rush
I've also noticed that most kisses on screen she goes to him he also doesn't speak after the kiss until she does - shows he is learning from their first kiss
Favourite quote- 'just dance monkey', 'a 20 year old just called you monkey is life working out how you planned'
Favourite scene- happy kissing Toby on the piano
2.22 - this is a good episode considering it lacks in quintis moments - something which highlights the difficulties in gaining closure with missing military personnel
Oh no Toby lost his hat, I hope this isnt the one Happy bought him hopefully he keeps that safe at home!
Toby asking Happy if something were to happen to him would she move on, Happy saying no she wouldn't just shows her love for him.
Also theoretical marriage proposal and Toby asking Happy to think about it..... could a ring be on the cards although Happy's face is not convinced scares or hiding something
Favourite quote- dont use humour on a date because your not funny
Me and the hat are a package deal
Favourite scene- Toby asking Happy if he was missing would she move on
2.23 - not many quintis moments in this episode I start to look for the small moments in the background the looks std justices telling as the big scenes
Happy and Paige both outting Toby in his place when he makes a joke is funny
Funny how this time Happy doesn't have an issue with Toby crawling behind her in the tunnel
Toby has his arm around Happys shoulders swoon...
Happy puts her arm around Toby when they celebrate its these small things which show the couples development
Walter may diss Toby's skills but he does value and listen to them
Favourite quote- she is very much EQ for my IQ
Crazy man says what now
Favourite scene- Toby and Happy talking at the table playing cards - do I sense a proposal on it's way...... too soon surly they have only been together a few months???
2 24 - Toby Toby Toby winding up mark collins may prove to be a big mistake
Happy actually taking Toby's feelings into account doing a guessing game when Toby isn't around
Happy's jealous face when Toby said a show girl made him a man so sweet
Favourite quote- medically speaking hes nuttier then peanut brittle
I will always give you what you need whether it be emotional, spiritual or romantic so here it is sugar plum
Oh no Toby is in trouble what's going on......
Favourite scene- happy talking to Walter about Paige. This just shows the growth in her character willingly having a this conversation also picking up behavioural tips from Toby
2.25 - there is so much about this episode to write about from the kidnapping to the marriage proposal to the rejection.........
Happy comes in thinking the worst of Toby is he gambling lovd the fact she references the fact they text and meet outside of work - obviously they do but it's never referenced
The minute she hears Collins escapes she knows Toby is in danger and is worried
What is Sly hiding Happy knows he is and isn't Happy that Sly wont say anything
Seeing how worried Happy is, is a refreshing change from her normal closed off self. Her love for Toby really shows through in the episode
You can see Happy's frustrations Sly keeping a secret and Walter not giving up his researched
Happy's face when she thinks Toby is being electrocuted, she looks in pain telling Collins to stop the fear in her voice must be reassuring for Toby to know how much she loves him
Happy face when Collins outs the proposal, she blames herself for Toby getting snatched whilst picking up the phone, is there another feeling there aswell???
When Toby talks to Happy there is so much emotion in his voice saying goodbye, he uses that soft tone he saves just for Happy
Happy risking her life to save Toby shows her commitment to him
The first time I heard the proposal song I thought it was so cheesy but the more I watched the episode the more I realise it was perfectly Toby
Happy face when Toby is singing and proposing is the first sign of any guilt we have seen from her. She is obviously distraught that she has to say no and admit she is married to someone else. Utter heartbreaking scenes acted out superbly
Happy actually had tears in her eyes she must of been so devastated to have to had said no
Toby has never lost his ability to smile or joke but he looks completely heartbroken not only to have had his proposal turned down but to also find out the lovd of his life is already married. So much so he doesn't want to talk to anyone just hit the bottle.
Anyone notice how guilty Walter looks??
Favourite quote- hey is that hat wearing dipstick here
Its Toby Curtis, Doctor, Harvard trained. Were the smartest people in the world why is it so difficult to locate a 168lb wise ass
Favourite scene- there is no favourite scene I love this whole episode even Tody drowning his sorrows in tequila
Season overview - Sly has dealt with alot this season falling in love and then losing Megan he is now trying to look forward still keeping his love for Superfun Guy
Walter has had a few good moments this season mostly with Megan and he seems to deal well with kids. He is still obnoxious and struggles to communicate with people and says the wrong thing
I don't like the say Paige is going she is losing the qualities she was known for at the beginning kindness, compassion. I do like her relationship with Tim
Quintis- the start of the season started with them trying to get back to being friends and they had a few moments early on and then Happy merry Chet which made Toby jealous and he eventually realised that he needed to wait for Happy to come to him. A string of events finally broke down Happy's walls starting with her thinking Toby was going to die then Megan passed away, she met Mavis who encouraged her to lower her shield. Sly then told her to life in the moment and she finally kissed Toby from then things moved quickly secretly at first then in public before Toby gets kidnapped, proposes to Happy, gets rejected and finds out she's already married.
Questions are who is Happy married too?
Why didnt she tell Toby before? I think because she didnt want to ruin what they have and was scared to tell him and the more time passed the harder it got
How is Toby going to deal with this news?
Season 3 will certainly be interesting.......
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