#my bjd sort of
eveningdreams8 · 26 days
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I wanted custom labels for my doll clothes, and perhaps other items as needed, for ages and I finally got around to it on Ali and was pleased to find it was a lot more affordable then I expected (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
It was a lot less then 1$cad a yard, I didn't get to use my preferred font since the seller advised I use a simpler more crisp one for such a small ribbon and I will take their professional opinion on it
The idea is that larger items will get the full name and smaller items get the abbreviation ! It's a little pinker then I expected but the colour is still very nice and I am actually not that particular about the colour of this as long as it's within a certain range, honestly it's so nice now I am thinking of getting another roll in slightly different colours;;;
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volfoss · 7 months
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i would like to find a yarn color that is roughly close to this shade of orange:
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as the doll is going to be using dark blue eyes and the contrast would look pretty good (ty to my friend for helping me narrow down colors here lol) but well. you would not believe how hard it is to find a more muted light orange. i have been to specialty yarn sites. if i did either of the two multi-colored yarns, it would be for highlights/still mostly orange just with other tones in there :) if u have specific opinions on this please comment bc good god i hate yarn shopping for this.
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vanadiumheart · 6 days
Every now and then I will try and find ppl making fat doll art. Nothing much yet. I have to do everything myself huh
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quilleth · 10 months
Soooo......I uh I started a layaway for a doll head to turn into Vanora....because the sculpt's name is also Vanora x'D She's cute, though i am not entirely convinced that she suits my character, but it's going to be a few months until she's here to decide.
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I ordered her in white so I can dye her the correct color, and my girl doesn't have bunny ears obviously, but the doll already has pointed ears, which is awesome, given how badly modding them is going with dollbei jun :/
I originally wanted to go with 1/4 scale for Vanora since they're smaller and less expensive, but the doll is 1/3 soo, now i've got a lot of thinking to do. She's also an odd size of 1/3. She was listed as 66 cm, but the neck and shoulder measurements are more in line with a doll that would be 58-60cm in other companies. And of course, there really aren't any buff girls in that size range, and she's a barbarian- she needs to be buff. The ones I've seen are 64cm+ or the 45cm miracle doll girl.
But this entire time i've ALSO been planning on making a doll of Vanora's best friend Faolán whom she's looking for in the campaign so she doesn't get lonely. And I'd basically already decided on a doll for him where I hadn't really for her 🙃So now I need to figure out a roughly 60-62cm option for him and i'm having a hard time :/
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I also am realizing i should probably try to draw not meme things for him xD On the plus side, the resin soul Cen body would work really well for him, since it's slim and not really muscular, so if i can find a head that would fit, that could be an option, and hopefully make it so i'm not dropping 400+ on each of them T_T
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ambrosiafaery · 1 year
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Oh no the expensive gouache is *really nice* to use
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meo-eiru · 2 months
heyy!! here I am with some more thoughts, this time about Elias.
honestly, for some reason, he seems like a very lonely person to me. you mentioned his will to change himself (and go to extreme lengths in that); also his almost paranoid fear of darling leaving him, (delete all of your contacts except for him, etc) – usually such level of jealousy is a sign of very low self-esteem. dunno if it's true, I just had a feeling that he's super insecure deep down. (he's afraid to look bad in our eyes, remember? to an unhealthy extent.)
and he's so empty. so beautiful on the outside, but so so empty. he loves you, he exists for you, isn't that enough? it isn't. you can't feel genuine affection for someone just because they look good. and Elias knows that! he's actually self conscious (unlike some elf with big tatas), but he can't offer you anything else, which must make him feel even more insecure, because deep down he knows that he won't be able to keep you by his side forever.
actually that will of his to go to extreme lengths for us is pretty frightening. how toxic it can be? depends on the darling! because if you are a normal person, you'd be patient with him, change him, and have a happy ever after and all those boring things. but what if Elias happens to fall in love with an unreasonable and possessive monster?
I feel like he'd go very well with a darling who's yandere for him too. and a stereotypical one at that, who'd want to keep him by their side like a pretty doll. get it? not a life partner, not even a human. a doll, a pretty thing to take care of. they would choose pretty clothes for him, brush his hair, but at the end of the day, he's nothing more but a pretty thing, an object.
I really like the doll metaphor for Elias. (I'm a huge doll lover, I ever have one of that super expensive bjd) dolls are beautiful, but aren't alive. they can't be someone you'd open your heart to; under their shiny porcelain skin, they're hollow.
unlike Silas, Elias is a more tragic character in my eyes. he's willing to carve his bones to whatever shape you desire, because if he isn't validated and noticed by you, he has no value. and you (if you are a normal person) will grow tired and bored of him, sooner or later. he wants to be loved, when there's pretty much nothing to love in him.
unlike Silas, his love can ruin only himself.
(I swear it's not like I want to see him suffer in particular. I'm open to all kinds of despair, pain and sadness, whether it yan's or darling's!)
(also I tried to find his colour scheme, but all I found was you mention his hair, so it's just how I think he looks like.)
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I love you thank you god I love asks like yours.
You’re very on point, Elias is like a pretty doll. Beautiful on the outside but completely empty inside, and that beauty is the only thing that gives him any kind of worth. He’s aware of this more than anyone.
He’s not rich, he doesn’t have an amazingly successful career, no hobbies, no specialities, no interests. He’s extremely pathetic and all he can do is pitifully attempt to pull you down to his level.
That’s why committing self harm comes so easily to him even if he doesn’t yearn for it. Endangering himself, his only value, his body, is the only way he can keep you with him. He doesn’t have any power over you he can use against you. He only has this disgustingly and pathetically beautiful body.
He wants to be loved by you, he wants you to be obsessed with him as much as he is with you, but deep down he knows he doesn’t have any qualities that could deserve such love. That is why he leans into his appearance so hard, since the moment he was born that face of his was the only thing that gave him any sort of value.
If you find any part of him ugly he’ll have no choice but to try to fix it even if it completely ruins him. Because he thinks that’s the only way for him to keep your eyes on him. He’s just through and through pathetic. Extremely pitiful.
He would indeed roll well with a yandere reader who treats him like a living doll. Because Elias wants to be values by you, even if it means getting stripped of the little sense of identity he had. He wants you to keep your eyes on him and see him as an object who exists for your satisfaction. Because at the end of the day that is what he is. An empty shell who was unfortunate enough to be born with the ability to love.
Elias’ existence can’t handle his own love. He’ll start breaking from inside out like a doll under pressure. That’s why he needs your reassurance, he needs you to reaffirm his worth. He can’t exist for himself so he needs to exist for you. He might be a beautiful shell of a human but he too can have some sort of value if he’s being used like a tool by you.
But watching you also makes him feel extremely jealous and frustrated. Because you have everything he doesn’t have. You have hobbies, things you enjoy, things you do for yourself, people who stay with you not for your outer shell but for who you are inside. Everything Elias never had and never will.
That’s why he tries so hard to ruin your relationships and threaten you to stay with him, to keep you at his level like a pathetic bug. Because you’re not like him. You can abandon him any day of the week and continue your life like you lost nothing, but Elias isn’t like that. If he loses you he truly will have nothing left.
So please love him, ruin him, break him, treat him right, use him, make him feel alive, give him some sort of value. Please be kind to Elias. He needs you more than anyone on this world
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joshybearhuggies · 20 days
Meet my Darlibg Son ✨Squash✨
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This wonderful lil man is a sculpt I picked up at this years past Resin Rose BJD Expo. Sculpted by the lovely Logan of “Logan Dolls”. Sculpt name is “Jack-O-Leery.
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✨Squash✨ has been an absolute joy bringing to life from the moment I purchased him. I believe he’s suppose to have been on a MSD (45cm-ish) body, the proportions definitely lend themselves. I popped this head on a Unoa boy body while at the con and almost had to tear myself away from the look. It was so gooooood! LOOKIT!
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Ugh! So good right? The moment he fell into my world I just knew he HAD to be named ✨Squash✨ it just stuck. . .
I originally felt this style would stick as well… until I got home and plopped the head on a blind box BJD body by the name of ”Dividing Lines”. I was planning on selling this particular doll as I wasn’t bonding with them as hard as another of the same make. The sell didn’t happen because after this boy sat on it I WAS SOLD! 😂🥰❤️
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Something about him being this short really fits the energy he embodies for me. I had old hands leftover from selling a “Summer Bird BJD Viola” a while back, this doll would also be of the MSD size so the hands aren’t exactly proportional for this smaller body. PERFECT! 🤩 I full on yelped from how excited and pleasing this was and the fact the hands don’t match the body is exactly the kind of mix matched ideal a doll named ✨Squash✨ would need.
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After sorting his body, I took a random Sunday afternoon and gave him this fun, also mix matched, faceup. My intention here was to make him warm feeling, cozy. I also wanted him to be a doll I could have fun with, even if he sustains scratches later in life he’ll still be himself. Pumpkins have imperfections all the time so painting him felt so freeing. The possibilities are so endless, in a few years he might not even look like this and this makes me feel like he could grow with me 🥰❤️
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The photo ideas I have for fall is just so endless, he looks so good even as just a head so I’m tempted to take him pumpkin picking and plopping him down with his brethren and taking a million pics 😂❤️
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nuzzle · 7 months
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today i'm welcoming home my first BJD, "lieselotte!" i would like to occasionally post more doll content (especially lolita related) on my blog from now on.. so you may be seeing her often!! ♡
lolita collaborations sparked my interest in ball jointed dolls quite a while ago, but i've only recently started researching them and have come to love all of the similarities these hobbies share. i was very lucky to be able to find my discontinued dream doll completely unopened from a secondhand sale despite this specific model being made and distributed almost 15 years ago. it gives the same feeling as a very well preserved time capsule of sorts.
to give more information on her--she is a 2010 limited release model volks super dollfie x baby, the stars shine bright collaboration from the storyline "harajuku memories"
she is absolutely everything i wanted in a doll and a perfect fit for me as a lolita and avid fan of btssb. i prefer the older faceups of her rather than the more modern ones. i intend on matching coords with her-- so far, i own the same gingham rose OP, her default dress, and the honey cross shoes and socks.. though i want to hunt down the same christina hat she wears. i plan to take her outside with me once the weather gets a bit nicer, as her storyline mentions that being her wish!
i'm quite new to the hobby and still have a lot to learn, so feel free to share any resources or tips ^_^
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dollsonmain · 6 months
It came up in conversation how I'm often finding good BJD listings on eBay and how do I search in order to find things.
My main searches are:
bjd -ucanaan -toy -toys -popovy -recast -eva -doris -barbie -gift -changeable -removable -gifts -oueneifs -faiiry -ken
volks -azone -blythe -pullip
However, I've also excluded a lot of sellers that sell recasts.
To do that you have to go to Advanced search and scroll down to here:
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and put in whatever sellers you don't want to see in your search results.
I just added one, so mine's:
right now.
Probably better explained by someone else:
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which is from here: https://community.ebay.com/t5/Ask-a-Mentor/How-to-block-a-seller/td-p/33017351
I also set the first search to North America only because there's no "everywhere but China" option. China is where most of the fakes are coming from as of now. That does mean I miss out on a TON of listings, though.
That helps filter out recasters that don't disclose they're selling recasts and AliExpress junk.
The Volks search's results are much fewer so sorting through them isn't as daunting and I have that one set to worldwide.
Either way, afaik Facebook Groups is the most active place to buy and sell BJD right now? I'm not in any groups, though.
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brightness-at-onesixth · 11 months
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I’ve been kicking around the idea to create a sort of hybrid of Monster High g1 and g3, with a bit of my own aesthetic flare to the core characters! There are still have a few tweaks I want to make but overall I’m really happy with them and I hope you guys like them too.
This is sort of my “proof of concept” for my “ideal” Monster High doll line – the g1 head / face sculpts combined with the g3 bodies and a slightly more detailed face paint style.
I do really love g3 a lot. Obviously I’m a huge fan of the improved articulation, larger scale, and sturdiness of the bodies. I actually do like the new headsculpts and even prefer the screening style of the eyes! But there is something so beautifully detailed and magical about Lily Martinez’s sculpts. They’re very “bjd meets bratz” in a way, with features that are both delicate and exaggerated.
Everyone got makeup and hair refreshes to make them a bit more glam and I had so much fun getting to work with each of the characters.
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synniestar · 3 months
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catch a falling Star and put it in your pocket / save it for a rainy day ✨
REVENGE - Star for @myaphelion !
lightly referenced from an @adorkastock pose :]
taglist: @8full
rambling: the more i look at this piece, the more i like it, despite my very apparent inability to draw more androgynous/masc-leaning faces (i need to do more studies. we'll get there). the braids were sooo fun to render, i should draw them more often tbh. and i loved drawing these prosthetics, they're so fucking cool. why have i never thought about a bjd-style prosthesis before?!
i experimented briefly with some sort of glitchy effects for this piece before deciding they weren't needed, but i do think they looked cool. maybe i'll share that at some point once i work out how to not have them overwhelm the whole piece lmfao.
a slight drawback to the piece as a whole is that the outfit is so, so dumb in the context of the background LMFAO. it's kinda like—he was cleaning around the house in comfy clothes and then came across those thigh-high fishnets, and had JUST tried them on (as one does, when it's cleaning house) when he got abducted by aliens. or something. anyway. i think it's very funny and it somehow works for my brain so i hope you enjoy it too, Ash!
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mythosidhesdollhouse · 4 months
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Morning, all! Just wanted to do another quick check-in as I continue to get caught up from the past few days. First of all, thank you and welcome to all the new followers! This is not something I was looking for or expecting, but is much appreciated. We've barely scratched the surface of my collection so far, so I hope you'll stick around for the rest of the excavation XD
A few points have been popping up in replies to my 'doll blog rec' post that I wanted to address:
Not sure what type of dolls you're interested in, but...
The short answer to this is all of them. All the dolls. I've been in this hobby a long time (I'm in my mid 40s and have been collecting seriously for 30+ years), and although the main focus of my collection has prodomentely been fashion dolls, I have at least an academic interest in many other types--antique dolls, vintage 20th c. dolls, porcelain dolls, BJDs, art dolls, haunted dolls--I love seeing and learning about all kinds of dolls, as I never know what might spark a new avenue of research or collecting (I have many of these other kinds of dolls in my collection, they just haven't made it onto the blog yet). So don't let the predominance of fashion dolls in my photos deter you from introducing yourself.
The only hard and fast exception to this is those hyper-realistic baby dolls. Keep those cursed things away from me.
I do a lot of reblogs, not sure if you're ok with that....
I am 100% here for your reblogs :) Not only does it give me a better idea of your personality and aesthetic tastes, it also gives me a chance to see content from other blogs I don't already follow (but may as a result of your sharing!). Reblogs have always been one of the best ways to build community on this site...and tbh if you look at my main blog I am the reblog queen, I'd be kind of a hypocrite for throwing shade on someone else for doing it ;p
I do mostly DIYs...
Here for that too! As a needlework enthusiast who is a mediocre seamstress and reasonably skilled at crochet I frequently dabble in making doll clothing and am always open to learning new crafting skills and techniques, including but not limited to various aspects of doll customization.
Ok I think that's it for now XD Things are still a bit hectic for me offline, but I will continue to catch up with your comments and messages as I can. New doll posts may be slow in the next few days, but once I get my display situation sorted (I need to box up some books to go into storage to clear shelf space) things should pick up a bit.
[Pictured above: ICY Blythe clone dressed in mostly Fashion Fever pieces; Cry Babies BFF Jassy & Phoebe from IMC Toys]
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volfoss · 8 months
Done with the worst parts of sanding :)
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spookysnooty · 1 year
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I don't know what sort of traction this will get, but I'm opening up commissions! I'm gonna go with about 5 slots for the time being, and I'm open to creating multiple sorts of things.
I make detailed 16" historical dolls with full wardrobes for 100 USD for base price, the price may raise with difficulty of the project and cost of material depending on whatever era you wish. This goes for modern dolls as well! They will most likely stay at the base price, but they will also depend.
I can make a wide variety of animals and creatures with little button joints, my little cat mascot being the example here. I just like to make a variety of dresses for her, but really, any outfit is possible! I'm asking a base price of 60 USD for a 8" figure, the price once again may raise due to difficulty.
And then of course, the weird little poppets. I like to make these out of scraps, and they don't have to be a cat- they are about 3" tall and I figured it might be fun just to offer them! I'm asking 15 USD if you wish such a little creature for yourself.
Of course, I make a variety if things, so I'm perfectly open to discussion as well, if you are curious as to whether or not I can make something!!! My DMs are open- that goes for my past BJD projects as well!
Also, a link to the Etsy store I share with my husband!
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quilleth · 15 days
I think I'm going to have to suck it up and just request a customer body from resinsoul for bjd vanora, both for the costs and so I'll be able to bring her to the con with me in March :/
I really would like the impldoll muscle body, since the sculpting on their new bodies is nice and they seem to pose really well, but she keeps getting pushed back for other releases and their turn around time seems to have gotten longer than the 3-4 months it was (understandable with all the releases they've been doing). But I feel bad because I've been occasionally dropping in social media to ask about it, but unless it drops in the next week or two won't be getting it :/
At the same time though I'm already going to be ordering a custom body from resinsoul for bjd Faolan so....it makes sense to just do that for them both. Hopefully they'll be able to accommodate the request. Based on measurements and other hybrids, I need to see if they can combine the chest piece of the bigger boy body with basically everything else from the newer cen body for him. The neck/ shoulders of the cen body are about the same as the 62cm loongsoul I have and they're a little too small for the muhyul head I got for him on DOA, but it seems the bigger boy body works pretty well without looking off.
And or course hopefully they'll be able to do a custom muscle girl body based on the old 60cm/58 cm bodies they have for vanora. That's the big thing I should be worried about probably lol but I know they've done it at 45cm scale before so there's some kind of precedent
Plus side - if I'm ordering custom bodies anyway, I can actually just have them be around 60-62 cm instead of bumping it to 65 like I would've for the impldoll body :) that'll make them easier to bring places and display
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bug-memory · 1 year
Muriel bjd update
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An update about my Muriel ball-jointed doll(s)!
I am planning a Kickstarter for this project. It is not ready yet but I hope to have it ready later this month or early next month. I do NOT plan to sell these online apart from the KS campaign, because of recasting. I plan to sell them at furry conventions and ball-jointed doll conventions if I can get myself to one (I live in Florida, though). There will likely be fewer than 100 of these but I haven't calculated all of that yet. I have a serial numbering system and a way to authenticate them that I'm excited to try in my next prototype!
After discussing having them casted, I think I will be 3D printing them myself, as the open mouth faceplate cannot be casted, and I don't want to deal with having to print that anyway and making it fit a casted one... If I regret that choice, I will learn for next time lol. The next doll I am working on (my Harold) I thinking might be a better choice for casting, as they would be one color and have a closed mouth.
I was using Siraya Tech Fast Mecha for my next prototype, which was to be the Official Muriel in her natural colors. What happened was basically two things: 1) resin is expensive and 2) it got really really hot outside, which separates Fast Mecha from the Tenacious I mix it with. My next prototype is basically on hold until it stops being 100 degrees out, which it has been since May... Fast Mecha is a compounded resin and does separate. One of the tails I printed for another doll had a transparent tip because the resin separated at the end of the print once it got hot out, so I'm not going to have that happen with a 20-hour print!
Anyway, I'm going to try a few different mixes of the good resin with some ABS-like and Tenacious, as I like how those feel more than Fast Mecha on its own. Mecha is kind of like, powdery, or has a rougher sort of texture, seems to get dirty easier (or I am bad at cleaning it) and is not as transparent. I liked how you could see through the ears a little, like real ears, and Mecha robbed me of that lol, so I want to try cutting it to like a 50/50 ABS-like and Mecha mix, and then add 1/5 of Tenacious to that (math is not my thing but I always add my Tenacious at the end now; it gives me extra resin to not run out in the print and helps my brain calculate things). Also, the cleaning process for Mecha is like, they tell you to toothbrush the entire thing with alcohol, and I want to streamline my post processing, so a resin mix would be good, as long as it doesn't create the scratches in the joints. I want to get it down to a ratio where there is no powdery grinding residue on the joints. The only review I can find said they did 50/50 Mecha and Tenacious and it still did not powder itself at that ratio, so I'm hoping I can do that but with the ABS-like resin I like.
So! Stay tuned for updates for the Kickstarter. I know a few people on here expressed interest and I'm excited at the possibility of actually being able to send some Muriels out into the world, if I can generate enough interest!
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