#my art block said “draw but make it so ugly”
dancinghannigram · 2 years
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minecraft friends
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dseval · 1 month
New AU? 🤔🤔
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(This drawing took several years of my life, i think. Had fun but I wasn't a pro artist, sorry color theorists)
I made a joke UTMV AU based on Blue Archive, as a joke, said joke took too many effort now to just be called a joke. Decided to post it on Tumblr because I guess I need Social Media sometimes. The AU is based off Blue Archive (heavily) and To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (loosely). Interested in this long idea dump?
Under the cut.
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(logo made with the Blue Archive Logo Generator, this is also a joke name)
ArchiveVerse, or I would personally abbreviate it as ArchV or ArcV for the remaining of this post, is a UTMV AU, where all the characters are our favourite skeleton: Sans but from multiple AUs. It is heavily based off Blue Archive, borrowing a lot of concepts— and loosely from To Aru Kagaku No Railgun.
Side note, i do not actually watch To Aru, nor do I play Blue Archive anymore. So several stuff are definitely made up.
This is literally my second post ever on Tumblr.
The joke concept image that started it all...
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I'm sorry for the terrible artwork sksksks
Do note ahead that this AU is made in-and-out of art block, so some information and designs are inconsistent throughout the post. Everything is also written in Comic Sans MS, as a joke.
The Academy City
Do not take this AU seriously, it's just a slice of life thing. (Unless)
The academy city is occupied with students, nobody is an adult. However there are complete facilities in the city, like malls, restaurants, etc. Some students work in these facilities, but most of the time they are ran by robots/artificial intelligence.
In the heart of the city, rests the Omega Tower, which, hypothetically, kept the city running. It is occupied by the General Student Council. The Academy City itself is shrouded in mystery.
There are four academies in the city, each with their own districts:
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(Thanks to an irl friend for helping me design and clean up the logos ♡)
Each student belongs to their own unique academy, though students can be promoted and enrolled from OPS to either Ordenance or Paradigm if they possess the qualities of excellence. Students who have already been in Juvenile Containment aren't allowed enrollment in Ordenance or Paradigm.
Here are several more fun facts about the academies:
Juvie students are still allowed to go out of their district, though this depends. If the student has a light sentence and hasn't committed any heavy crimes, they're allowed to go pretty much everywhere (unless they're banned in certain locations). Any student can go in and out freely if they have a pass.
There are no teachers, the students learn from text books and videos, though they still attend class.
Even if students come from different academies, they're still allowed to visit and make friends with students from other academies.
The Omega Public School district is the largest district among all academies, and each and every student has their own house, as opposed to the other academies' dormitory system.
Only the Paradigm Academy has a standard uniform. Ordenance students have a dress code, OPS is free to wear whatever. While Juvie students must still wear the uniform of the academy they are once associated with.
A list of basically every student I have somewhat designed for this AU. Each student has their own unique halo, and their own unique powers, which I have put in the sheets. It also includes a short backstory.
However, they're, uh, pretty shabby. This is the most I have designed for a joke (what the hell). Some are well-made, though i faltered around the end. So please zoom in to see text more clearly.
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Friendly note that Nightmare's bones isn't covered in goop in this AU, see the very very first Illustration on top of this post to see what I mean. They also have wings. Nightmare's wings are broken and a bit ugly here and there, while Dream's wings are white and pristine. Can they fly? Take a guess.
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Guys I love Reaper but I suck at drawing him Im sorry
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Halo designs are not final. Also, rest assured, these three are not the only members of the GSC.
Each student has their own special power. So far, I... Literally have nothing to say about these powers, except a few things:
They can manifest from emotions. For example, when Horror is flustered, smoke can come out of the crack of his skull. Or when Dust is nervous, he gets 'cold feet,' A.K.A the ground under his feet turns to ice. Cross also has lightning fizzle out of his fingers when he's nervous or surprised.
They can channel their powers to a weapon, though it's not necessary.
Welp, that was fun. I have fun making this AU (even if it's unlikely anyone will see it). Thanks, guys, have a nice day.
Credits (please tell me if I missed anyone, or misspelled anything):
Undertale by Toby Fox
Nightmare and Dream Sans by Jokublog
Dust Sans by Ask-Dusttale blog
Killer Sans by Rahafwabas
Horror Sans by SourAppleStudios
Cross Sans by Jakei
Epic Sans by Yugogeer012
Color Sans by superyoumna
Delta Sans by AnimatedZorox
Ink Sans by Comyet/Mye bi
Error Sans and Geno by CrayonQueen/LoverofPiggies
Reaper Sans by Renrink
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sashabunnie · 16 days
Hi! I apologize for not posting recently despite having a resurgence in wanting to draw. I've recently gotten a new art program and am still trying to figure out how to use it. In the meantime I'd like to discuss a topic I find important to talk about.
I recently received a question in my inbox. I found it rude and decided to delete and block the person. But now I'm realizing I could use this comment to educate those not in the art field on this subject, specifically about how proportions and different body types are taught to be drawn. I'll paraphrase the comment received:
"It's funny how you're fat but you draw yourself skinny, it's hilarious."
Yup that's the basis of what the comment was. I could tell from this comment that a) they're trying to be rude and mean and b) they at least don't draw humans and at most have no idea how to draw period.
Now you may be asking, how does this comment lead to an educational moment? I'm glad you asked.
I've been drawing since I can remember, and I only took a few art classes in middle school and highschool. Other than that I'm almost completely self taught and often took my inspiration from cartoons.
I also grew up in a much larger body than a good portion of my peers. I had binge e@ting disorder. This was caused by growing up in a poor family. I was taught to eat whatever I was offered(unless it was by a total stranger). I was also taught at school to inhale my food starting from kindergarten as we only got 15 minutes to eat and 15 minutes to play, if we went over the 15 minutes to eat we weren't allowed to play. Anyways this conditioned me to have BED.
Being overweight as a child was torture. Just like any ED it's very hard to control and even harder to spot in a child. I went untreated until I was 19. I'm a lot better now but sadly my stomach is now partially paralyzed.
Now like I said, growing up fat was extremely difficult, seeing others in my life who were skinnier than I, seeing all the cartoon shows on TV with the pretty skinny ladies and bulked up men, or even lanky men. And sure there were fat people in cartoons, but they're often portrayed as these lazy, stupid, people or they're middle aged with greying or thinning hair, in a mobility scooter, who are also portrayed as stupid and lazy.
I never saw a true representation of myself in cartoons. I never saw a plump nine year old with dreams to become a ballerina or baseball player, I never saw a bigger girl who exceeded in every class who wanted to become a paleontologist. All I saw were people making jokes about the fat character, how dumb and lazy they were.
But to me, I was never lazy or stupid. And when I started drawing myself I did so as a beautiful young person who was smart, clever, and always taken seriously. It was my escape from this world of hate.
Then I started taking art classes in middle school and highschool. They taught very basic anatomy in drawing, such as "this is how long your arm should be" and "the hand should be able to cover the face", just teaching proportions. But here's the catch, they hardly taught anything more than an hourglass shaped body for females and a rectangle shape for men.
In fact if we tried to explore more or less body shaped, whether it was a flat chested female, a dad bod male or vice versa, it was met with severe criticism.
Now over the years I've learned how to draw different body shapes and sizes better than I have in the past. And I have worked greatly to improve my self image and that a bit of extra fat here or there won't be the end all be all.
However that's not to say that I still have a hard time drawing myself as big as I see myself irl. The ED that warped from BED to OSFED in my teen years still yells at me from my mirror, telling me how ugly I am for being in a bigger body. People have told me several times that I'm not as big as the mirror says I am, which is true.
I may be in a bigger body but it's not to a point where my weight is affecting my health. The only real thing affecting my health are a slew of genetic disorders that I cannot control.
Just to conclude, just because someone draws themselves as bigger or smaller does not mean that they're delusional. It's just how they draw themselves.
Just be kind and non judgemental. You don't know what that person has been through and honestly it's not really your business unless it's a threat to safety, theirs or others.
And if you don't like what you see, scroll, it's not your place to get upset over something as small as someone drawing themselves in a different light than your perspective.
Love y'all!
(Picture of my gravity falls x the owl house OC for y'all)
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snoodls · 9 months
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2023 art retrospective! ✨
I can't believe I'm writing one of these again already; where did this year go??
Looking back on this past year, wow! I can see and feel my confidence with my art growing tremendously. Finally it feels like I'm comfortable with tools and the process. I'm not totally lost when I open a canvas; there's a sense of reassurance that I can do it, and if I can't, I will figure it out along the way. 
Overall, finding time, space, and energy for art proves to be both exceedingly difficult and yet the only thing that I want to do when I get home. I know logically this is mostly because of my job--new office, new boss, new responsibilities, new position--and a few huge life transitions, but when you're someone who makes things who is not making things, it can be rough seas in the brain soup.
I think a major theme for this year was getting back into creative habits. It's an annual tradition at this point to nosedive into an artist's block death spiral. February into March into April...were all lean months for my creativity. Intense job/interpersonal stuff plus news of two of my big art inspirations both suddenly dying...the world hit me hard in these months.
I owe a lot to Lynda Barry's Making Comics for giving me my spark back and for helping to heal a part of me that I didn't realize was so broken and bruised. I remember when I picked the book up around my birthday; the cashier said the book made her cry and I didn't understand. I asked why, and she said "It's just healing." I was skeptical, but now I get it. I've been observing more, giving more credence to my creativity, and being less afraid of making a "bad" drawing.
Now I've been focusing on creating portfolio pieces that I'm proud of and happy to display in my space, as well as finally getting around to my hoard of accumulated characters. I've been picking away at my personal site and uploading much more to toyhouse to keep track of them all.
The last month or so has been completely consumed by making gifts, meeting deadlines, finishing owed art, continuing special projects 👀...so I haven't had much of a presence here. I've been doing lots of traditional art--getting back into acrylic painting and hopefully back into oils soon. I started pine needle basket weaving and have made 2.25 baskets so far! it's a long, tedious, menial process, but it's so satisfying to have something physical (and functional) that you've worked on for hours. I've also been living in my sketchbook the past week--practicing with pens, markers, and practicing itself. I've been conditioned to have the sketchbook be a precious space, and I am trying my best to break out of that. If you want to see some of my traditional sketches and offline stuff, I made a little collage for this year's picks too. ↬ sketchbook 2023
I think for next year I'd like to continue finding better balances--in how I spend my time, how I can spend my time...and to continue pushing myself out of my comfort zone with experiments and messiness. I want to continue being creative in so many more mediums--more film photography and video, hopefully!
In my sketchbook I wrote this meandering paragraph that I want to share: this is a living document--of breath, of movement, not of polished stasis. I reject capitalistic notions of being "industrious" "beautiful" "marketable" "pristine" and on public display at all times. I am not a product to be consumed; neither is my work. I embrace the messy, the incomplete, and the ugly. I refuse to tailor myself to an unseen audience. We thirst for the drafts, the brushstrokes, the incomplete works of the famous. Is this because, in our minds, this makes them more human? Less untouchably great? Or do we see ourselves in the struggles and not in the finished pieces? How charitable is that reading? What I would give to see my inspirations' marker streaks, their 12yo sparkledogs. Framing these byproducts--there's that word again--as art reframes them, reframes myself. To be human is to mark-make, to scribble in the dirt. I hear they reconstruct civilizations from stuff like that.
All my best to you & yours, and happy new year!
art featured: garden ghost | Vagabonds - Aqua Fria River | 6040 elk? | i'll still be around | blue sky | umm hihihi omg hi ...? | porcelain | nothing to remember | Lacquer | river bed-time
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overtaken-stream · 9 months
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C0ok Me a Meal, Make Me Starve.
Akutsu Nagisa x Gn!Artist!Reader
This goes out to all 5 Akutsu fans bc I love jerks. + It's been a while since I've read Ao Ashi and I apologize for any mischaracterization. Akutsu is one of my favorite characters in the whole wide world of sports manga/anime. Also, it's a self-insert which I feel slightly embarrassed about and It's my experience as an artist. If you find any pronouns that aren't gn please feel free to correct me.
Warnings: Negative self-talk, artist pain, art block(?)
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He's somebody that you would consider closest to you, an individual who one would not consider describing with pleasing words, he looks ragged like a cheap brush on all sides sealed with plastic and packed in a tight box, his personality dry, in need of honey water. The long lips spew honesty like no man you've seen, it drags the pigment picked by the brush across a thin paper, dooming it to dissolve under the colors.
He carries no kindness in him. Is what one would say, without knowing more than the outer layer of the said individual. You on the other hand would say that he emits honesty with no kindness. Some would describe truth without empathy as brutality.
His rugged exterior is a shell that you're able to barely imitate on a piece of paper, the pencil sketches of the defender (that are nowhere near good enough compared to the real example) cover the pages of a notebook, messily erased pencil routes divide and combine to create what you consider to be the best replica among other failed poses and portraits that're left unfinished.
You sit alone on a bench, outside the practice domain of footballers, with knees touching under the uniform as the gentle breeze of spring dances in the meadows, carrying with it the sounds of laughter and gazes of interest, all directed at the field where ball means the world to boys with big ambitions.
Among them lies the prey to your infatuation. Your observing eyes are left overlooked between the other groups crowding around the fence, it lays low as the sportsmen exercise, and the scratches of pencils go unheard by anyone who isn't looking directly at them.
Erasers are doing a poor job of concealing blunders, little missteps that continue to pile up as time passes and whistles blow. They stay, becoming a part of something you never wanted it to be a part of, unnerving eyes stare at the scratchy lines. The sounds around you flatten, continuing as the pencil rests between your fingers, shouting comes from behind the fence signaling the start of the game, however, the world is subtle, and blurry colors of the background slowly disappear from your view, until the notebook and you remain. A notebook whose pages contain countless figures of one particular fellow, in all the directions you could manage to witness. A slow sigh leaves your lips as you turn the pages.
One page;
The ringing in your ears picks up its intensity, heartbeat fastens.
It's hard to put the feelings into words, the bubble of disdain that engulfs you only shrinks as you think. Why is it that you are lacking? Was it the months that went by with the notebook collecting dust on the cover? Forgotten on a shelf with the same pencils that await you? Was it the texture or have you finally reached the deep end? Is it alright for you to blame the school for your idleness?
The tip of the pencil drags down the side of the paper, it leaves a lame stripe behind.
Are you an artist? If you are, then why can't you draw a line? Why is it so hard to even the space between the eyes? Why is the jaw drawn the way it is? Why is it that cheeks seem high and mouth too low? Why the thick lines? Why are those ugly features consistent in your art while the beauty and inspiration of others, that you try to sow in your style always fade away?
You conclude. Akutsu is beyond your skills to portray, even if he was the person who pushed you out of your art block, who motivated you to pick up the pen again, who you proceeded to sketch when the lesson was too monotonous to pay any attention to. He'll never know of your thoughts, you hope he'll never know, after all, Akutsu was never one to meddle in others' privacy too much. There's a line friends don't cross and Akutsu makes sure to never stay too close to it, for too long.
There should be boldness inside of you, and ambition to pursue art more, but the countless lessons and rules of reality, of adulthood leave no fuel for effectiveness to take place. Your notebook eats away at you, spitting nothing but guilt on the way, years of work and practice are slowly slipping through the gaps of muscle.
It's painful losing yourself, betraying it for something you're not even sure brings you happiness on this planet. It's a simple wish to be bold, more angry, like Akutsu, to prove something and be someone who does one thing expertly. but it seems so far away from you, who did nothing as the light of ambition gave out somewhere along your development.
You wish you had a heart like Akutsu, forever shackled by hobbies he'll never get tired of. But as always, there is a welded fence in between, keeping a distance, thus forever dooming you to goggle over a man you admire.
Is it love? Why does it not feel like it? Are you in love? No... Or are you? It's a question you will not know the answer until you spend more time with the fellow. Even then, you're certain of the rejection. This one-sided obsession will only be a negative trait, that will prove just how unacceptable your behavior truly is. An eerie attitude towards (who you consider) your friend, could only give birth to a quicksand of shame that'll swallow you whole before ever confessing your feelings.
A loud chatter of voices infiltrates your depressive bubble, slowly yet sharply passing by your eardrum until the gloaming atmosphere you got lost in fades away. With no extra weight, the air seems easier to take in. The colors slowly bleed back into your vision as the wind blows gently across your school uniform.
With a clear head, you stare at the unfinished draft presented on the paper, all with shaven heads and tense looks. The silhouette of number four adorns their chests and stretches over the fold of a football uniform like a prize, all in different positions. Where you're sitting, everyone would guess his identity. Nervousness aside, you should leave before anyone calls you out for being a creep.
Even if you forgot to take into account that the crowd has disappeared, only few remain to watch the players do their post-game stretches, you're unsteady, fearful of the hidden eyes. Gathering the energy to stand up and trying not to mind the electric pain that sprouts through your knee is becoming harder and harder to conceal every time you stand, legs demand exercise but your hands hold the evidence, persuasion of a dream you're trying to relive using the digits you were born with.
By the time you close the two halves of the notebook a hand lands on your head, it relaxes between your hair, heavy and bigger than average, their fingers are separated, thumb lands on your temple as the middle finger touches your forehead from behind. Its grip strengthens for a couple of seconds before letting go of the pressure and tension lifts off of your shoulders, the rough grasp it had left behind slightly messy strands for you to fix. You can't bring yourself to correct it.
``Where do you think you're going?`` The flat voice would send butterflies in your belly if it weren't for the expression adoring the holder's face, stable and shielded, anger is nowhere to be seen. You scramble for words to answer him.
``Don't tell me you were leaving.`` Because of course, you would forget that the reason why you were here in the first place, was to wait for him. He with a blue uniform and a heavy bag on his shoulder that has nothing but hard work to show.
His long eyes stare down at you with sharpness, awaiting your answer.
``I was... Trying to stretch my legs, I spent a lot of time sitting and watching you... A-and your team play y'know.`` so much yous in one sentence. How does The Akutsu deal with you...?
His eyes close before letting out a loud sigh. Akutsu must be annoyed, in his shoes you would certainly be if a friend almost left and forgot about you.
``C'mon, let's go.`` His voice is much softer as your eyes watch him turn without looking back, however before he can call out once again, you follow after his lead, walking just behind him. Akutsu was never a patient man.
You stare at his back as you always do, wondering, eyeing. If only he knew how much you think of him every day, dreaming about scenarios that have almost no chance of coming true, with a speedy heart and red hue to your face. Maybe he knows but doesn't tell. In that case, you're thankful for his company, you merely wish you had the bravery needed for this type of stuff. Tolerance if your specialty.
His broad shoulders stop and so do you.
``So.`` confusion overtakes your features as his face slowly turns back to you, a soft grin in tow.
``Where to now?``
Oh. You were the one who wanted to go somewhere weren't you? The amount of time it takes for you to open your lips for an answer, his eyebrow is already raised. You just keep digging your own grave.
Even trying to remember it is difficult, the title of the place is blurry, and the way to it is unreachable. How irresponsible of you.
``I... Forgot, the places name...`` Embarrassment is an emotion you know inside and out. It's a word that describes all of your interactions outside of family members. It's what you feel as you watch his small smile die. You turn to another word that has made home in your vocabulary.
``... I'm sorry.`` disappointed is what you are, in yourself. Surely Akutsu must also be let down, the time you guys spent together is becoming rare these days, and memories are coming to be cherished.
``You seem out of it today, you're alright?`` Akutsu has never had a filter.
``Oh, yeah, it's just...`` That you have been crossing my mind for a couple of days, you are all I think about as I draw a male figure, you are making me blush each instant I replay our moments together where you showed me little bits of yourself.
The excuse that stumbles out of your mouth is a lie you don't even believe in.
``You're a terrible liar.`` Neither does he.
``...`` A sweat travels down your cheek, carrying with it a shiver that dismisses comfort, the color red blooms over your face.
``... Sorry.`` You wonder if you can love someone despite feeling uncomfortable with yourself.
``Stop saying sorry. It's getting on my nerves.`` Barely are you able to hold in another apology as chasms of anxiety overtake your mind, swiftly seeping into your fingertips and making them shake with heartbreak. His harsh words are no foreign from a jab in the heart, making the muscle twist itself as your ribs fail to defend it from your mind. Your tongue is dry, lips are fixed in a line. So ruthless.
As always, you don't have a tongue, it's deep in your stomach somewhere hiding from the real world.
A soft exhale is heard as he straightens his back.
``Have you eaten yet?`` His eyes turn to the road ahead before continuing to move, your body moves along with him, never showing the hurt his harsh demeanor brings. Your silence is accepted as an answer.
``I have some leftovers we can eat.`` He always has ingredients lying around waiting for you to come over so they can be cooked. Never can he find any leftovers to warm up and eat. It's a harmless lie, a manner he developed when you slipped into his life. A simple gesture that he only shares with you. Seeing you enjoy his cooking is pleasing.
``... Alright...`` He doesn't want you to hide away, doesn't want you to apologize for being messy and clumsy. It's a dance he knows by heart, a dance you are not even acquainted with.
He hopes that someday you acknowledge it.
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londonfoginacup · 2 years
if ur goal was make louis ugly with that rapunzel drawing then you made it, congrats
Hi, love! Let’s talk about this :)
Now, since you sent this message pretty soon after that piece was reblogged by a handful of other accounts, I’m going to say you probably don’t follow me. Good for you! That means you’re likely not seeking out and following content you don’t like! That’s one of the first rules of keeping a positive internet space.
That being said, the fact that you felt the need to seek me out and send this message shows that you’re still dealing with the desire to engage with content that is impacting you negatively. Now I know it’s not easy, but in the long run you’ll find yourself in a healthier mindset if you don’t let yourself send the anon hate. Stuff like that really builds up in your system, like a poison that you don’t notice until it’s six feet of sludge in your heart. It’s much harder to deal with six feet of sludge than to deal with the few teaspoons. Remember that you can block me, or blacklist my username!
Because I assure you, I will continue to make art that you will think makes Louis look “ugly”. The inktober challenge is fun because it’s a challenge. Yesterday I didn’t have time to create anything until approximately 10 at night, which was the first time all day I had gotten to sit down and just turn my brain off. I’m an adult and my days are busy! So sometimes my art is done fast! And ink is hard because I’m used to a digital medium where I can move the lines around after I’ve drawn them. It is, like I said, a challenge. And challenges create ugly art.
Don’t worry, though. Last month I drew the ugliest picture of Harry I’ve ever seen. I finished it and zoomed out and realised he looked like my ex boyfriend combined with a beaver. Literally I cannot look at that picture anymore. But I still posted it! Because it’s ugly, but it’s an ugly I made :)
You should try it! Make art indiscriminately! Put your heart into it! Then message it to me, so I can reblog it and we can both find joy in the creation of fanwork! It’s good for the soul. And don’t worry, if anyone sends you anonymous hate, you don’t have to care. Because anyone who isn’t brave enough to put their name on their hate is probably hurting without knowing an outlet for their grief or anger.
It’s okay, anon! We’ve all been there.
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ryuichirou · 2 years
do you have advice for people who want to draw like you? resources you would recommend?
Anon, thank you for an art-related question! Sorry for replying so late and thank you for your patience.
It’s a bit difficult to give any specific advice, but in general, I would recommend a couple of things (these are pretty vague, but I find them very important):
Whenever you feel stuck or dissatisfied with your art, or even art-blocked, draw studies. Study anatomy, study backgrounds, clothes, anything that feels like something you’d like to know how to draw. Even if it seems challenging, especially if it seems challenging! Drawing studies regularly is a good habit to have: believe it or not, it makes drawing much more fun. Unfortunately, I don’t study nearly enough, especially when all I want to draw is fanart lol
Study your favourite artists. Look at their work and try to analyze what exactly is that you love about them. You can even try to recreate your favourite art of theirs, as long as you’re only doing it as a study and not posting it.
Don’t limit yourself when it comes to ideas. Have no filter; just sketch whatever comes to mind, even if it feels weird or stupid. Being as self-indulgent and spoiled as possible is important, it gets the creative part of your brain working!
I also have a couple of posts about my drawing process, even though these are pretty old, but I hope they’ll still be helpful! Here and here.
If you have any specific questions (maybe about my rendering/colouring style, lineart, whatever you want), please feel free to ask!
When it comes to resources, I can mostly recommend you sites that I used to study anatomy. I still use some of those whenever I feel like I should brush up on my skills. Although a lot of times I just google “random poses”, and it leads me to the QuickPoses site, which is pretty easy to use. Another place that I go to get some pose inspiration/references is AdorkaStock. That being said, I rarely use anatomy references when I draw… So these are only for studying in my case.
Also, this site is pretty useful when you’re drawing a head in an unusual angle; it helps me out a lot whenever I feel like I’m stuck with an ugly face or don’t know where to stick an ear or something haha. 
Once again, if there is anything in particular you’d like to know, ask away!
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bromantically · 1 year
Genuinely do you have any advice on tuning back into the joy of creation. Personal stuff plus an emphasis on learning skill to try to get back in touch with art after said personal stuff has me really blocked and I've been struggling to find my way out of it for a while
it helps me to draw with friends watching sometimes, take silly suggestions and get funny with it! try drawing with things u cant erase too, so u have to work with ur mistakes and get used to making them.
also, u dont have to show anyone everything u make. u can keep it between u and ur canvas that u drew something u werent very happy with, but if u do share with others u will be surprised to find out people are not as critical about ur art as u
aside from that, next time u draw something and u arent satisfied with it, try to refrain from telling urself that its "bad" or "ugly", and instead tell urself "this didnt turn out how i imagined it" or "this is close enough to what i had in mind." separate urself from the idea that art is only worth making if its impressive or skilled or "good"
and be kind to urself. loosen up. it doesnt have to be perfect, it just has to be created
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yellowtiebite · 1 year
I saw your comments on the AI post and sorry if this is annoying lol, I just wanted to say if AI art brings you joy then obviously you should have at it,
but I also wanted to say, as an artist, you left an impression on me. One I’m sure I’ll think about often from here on out.
I covet the “early” stages of art… learning a skill is difficult, but you can make anything of yourself in that window. There is no objectivity in art — no good, no bad, not even ugly. That is all opinion and mentality.
There were times I abandoned art, too, so I understand you. There were times I simply thought I was no longer going to be an artist. But eventually, by doodle or by the human need to create, I came back. And art block is also very real… but there are so many mediums to dig into, as well. Why not carve, sculpt, or even write? Your writing skills are quite nice, from what I read.
To conclude my message…After a long time (critical detail here:) studying and imitating art I *did* like that was made by others who inspired me, I had a breakthrough, and I’m now happy with what I can create. Still, I keep pushing myself. This doesn’t even mean my art is good (especially not in any objective sense), I am simply satisfied with it. I accept and love it. It is my mark on the world that I have every right to make.
I encourage you to read up a little on things like “naive art” — such raw self expression is innately human. Even if it doesn’t make you want to create again, perhaps you will find some beauty in it.
I don’t mean to proselytize. Simply put, from one member of our species to another, I’d like to impart you some anonymous encouragement.
Don’t let the glass be half empty when the whole of all art is sprawling endlessly and calling to you. Take up the space you have the right to, make a horrible mess on paper if that’s what it comes to. It is healing. It is necessary. It may not feel good immediately, but we all need some way to empty out our feelings. It’s like stretching out a stiff muscle until it can really work again.
I learned a long time ago to ignore the devil on my shoulder that said my work is meaningless.
I wish you the very best and much optimism for all that lies ahead, whatever it may be… and above all, peace! 🫂
First of thanks for making such a long, detailed and heartfelt comment. I appreciate and respect that. I never had art blocks myself. It was just my art was terrible but I get what you mean. I also pretty much quit writting. More recently realised not just drawing but all art I do is terrible and awful and plan to stop it all soon enough. I don't actually use AI art but wanted to say I could if I wanted to. Sorry for putting it poorly in that text. I just should not draw. I think I knew that since the start but little white lies I told myself put the truth away. I prob won't be doing any other creative art forms. They are just misserable amalgamations of my incompetance and stupidity. Hell who knows I maybe will finally be able to take my life. We can hope.
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kharmii · 2 years
Sorry this is showing up on the tag again, but the OP blocked me, probably for reposting other peoples' art (but then they go and do my job for me). Anway.....I'll add to it with the English song lyrics and such:
(INTRO TEXT START) Mind Plate: "The Original One breathed alone before the universe came."
Icicle Plate: "Two beings of time and space set free from the Original One."
Zap Plate: "The third being raged, raining down bolts of anger."
Draco Plate: "Three beings were born to bind time and space."
Dread Plate: "Two make matter and three make spirit, shaping the world."
Blank Plate: "Three beings whose power can hold both time and space fixed."
Earth Plate: "When the universe was created, its shards became this Plate."
Insect Plate: "Where all creation was born, that is the being's place of origin."
Meadow Plate: "The powers of Plates are shared among Pokémon."
Sky Plate: "The being poured the remains of its power into stone and buried it deep."
Stone Plate: "It gathers power from the Plates, listening for the flute's song."
Splash Plate: "The rightful bearer of a Plate draws from the Plate it holds."
Flame Plate: "The power of defeated giants infuses this Plate."
Spooky Plate: “The other side of this world was given by the Original One to its raging third"
Legend Plate: “From all creations, over all creations, does the Original One watch over all.” (INTRO TEXT END)
He said "miracles do happen, those who believe will receive salvation" Pray your prayers, wholeheartedly. Pray by yourself, wholeheartedly. Devote your voice, devote your arms, devote your tongue, and pray to the Lord. The wishes that were wished, all of them are, for a life to return to?
Blind followers are marching in packs whoever they are, are all searching for "life" what's "correct" is secondary, quinary even selfish desires = as you see, the status quo Even withered trees can be miraculously restored? it's all full of ridiculous stupid bullshit Frankly, there is no such things, see, again, another lie.
Your lives are taken away even your desires are devoured I breathe through trampling on the misfortunes of others (devote, devote, devote) The world was not a wonderful place to begin with anyway. Those who are saved by flattering idols there are no correct doctrines for them.
He said, “Things such as miracles are just fiction, after all, it’s all just lies.” Even so, just pray, wholeheartedly, pray by yourself, wholeheartedly Devote your body, devote your heart, devote your everything, and pray to the Lord. Jealousy and envy, the ones drowning in greed are these gloomy lives
Blind followers are marching in packs whoever they are, are all searching for "life" What's “correct” is whatever someone wants it to be. Self-sacrifice ≠ another justification Can dried-up lakes too be restored by a miracle? Nothing but frivolous idealism float around Even so, you misunderstand what you believe in yet again I can't stop my voice anymore!
Religious fanatics are revolting, marching in packs, they go whoever they are, marching in packs, they die The saints recites the scriptures, inciting "Everyone, pray to the lord." Religious fanatics are revolting, marching in packs, they go whoever they are, marching in packs, they die the follower's runaway, the laughing clown "Hey, look! it's so ugly, isn't it?"
Your lives are taken away even your desires are devoured I breathe through trampling on the misfortunes of others (doubt, doubt, doubt) Humans are not wonderful beings to begin with anyway. Those who couldn't be saved by flattering idols there are no correct doctrines for them
Your lives are devoured, your everything is devoured I breathe through trampling on the misfortunes of others “Was love, too, not such a wonderful thing after all”? What the hell are you saying? You hypocrite
Your lives are taken away even your desires are devoured I breathe through trampling on the misfortunes of others (hate, hate, hate) So, in this present situation, in the end, "you reap what you sow" I suppose Those who are saved by flattering idols Equally worthless, and unrewarded lives The unsightly stupidity and beauty of these lives there are no correct teachings for them.
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the-musical-cc · 2 years
Just some examples on what I mean by how people in Deviantart who do comment are just way too comfortable being inappropriate, there was:
Rando who commented on everything Toy Story I posted with lyrics from the CATS musical but adapted to the TS characters. It could be literally anything, character concepts for No Name, a Woody/Bo piece, a Prideyear thing, a sketchdump. He’d never comment anything even remotely related to the piece. Turns out he’d written that crossover and he figured rather than use his words, he’d just push.
Generally people who rather than ASK if you wanted to look at their stuff, just pushed it onto you. Like. I’m not your kindergarden teacher, PLEASE, give me space.
The dozens of askers of ‘Can you draw this for me?’ who additionally often got defensive or downright rude when I pointed at my commission prices. I knew literally none of them but they expected me to draw them stuff (Highly specific stuff too, most of the time) for free.
Person without basic knowledge of how recessive and dominant genes work who did a cheating joke on a TP Zelink piece I did with their fankid ‘cause the kid’s hair was red (A nod to classic Zelda.) 
Weirdo who would just comment on my BLOSC with ‘Post more’ and directly lifted details from my design for Buzz’s mom to tweak her own pre-existing one to, and I quote ‘Make her more interesting’ (So it really did come off as ‘Race is something we do for brownie points, not because it actually matters.’) When I blocked her, she just went into an alternate account to keep it up. She was the reason I stopped posting about BLOSC there, I simply didn’t have the patience or energy for it. 
Funny dude who constantly dropped into my Ghostbusters stuff containing Peck to comment the ‘That man has no dick’ bit.
Another funny dude who constantly dropped on my GB art to comment downright incomprehensible jokes at the expense of my shipping Janegon.
Person who demanded I translated a comic (That, I cannot stress this enough, WAS translated in the author’s comment) after saying I was dumb for making it.
Rando who dropped in a Bo/Woody piece to say ‘It’s a bad ship’. Nothing useful or even interesting, just tripe. Additionally, when I told them to look elsewhere, then, they acted like I was over-reacting. My sibling in the Ide, how, pray tell, the fuck am I supposed to react. I wasn’t even being rude, just setting boundaries.
Peep whose only comment in one of my TP Zelda pieces with heavy ambient tint was ‘Why is she blonde’.
Mean girl trio who picked on a friend who was just learning how to art and made fun of me when I asked them to lay off, said they’d pick on whoever the fuck they pleased ‘cause they were badass like that, and then proceeded to clutch their pearls when I told them to ‘Have fun with that’ because I figured they were pathetic and not worth my time. My friend, sadly, ended up leaving due to them and I lost all contact with him.
My sister, who would go into my pieces and just generally ridicule me.
Alternate shipper from a fandom I was who redrew (More like copied) a well-known piece from a more or less famous fanartist but for their ship and got amazingly defensive when it was pointed it out. Said it was ‘Referencing’ and refused to credit the original.
The shipping discourse regarding Jack Frost.
There was a generally bad experience with the fangroup of a relatively popular Zelda fanfic but it’s too complicated to explain? Let’s just say, it was a cult to the personality of the author and it got UGLY.
QueenZelda and whatever the hell was up with her.
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rosescries · 2 years
Hey Rosey, how are you? I hope I'm not interrupting but I really, really, need help. One of the people that I love and admire is you, and knowing that you do art is a relief.
See, I have this problem regarding my art style. I just started a week ago and during that time, it's been tiring but surprisingly rewarding and fulfilling. I haven't done art before, and the only part of art that I amateurly mastered were the eyes, now, the way I draw eyes is just plain and chibi.
To further explain, I'll tell you the whole timeline.
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I started making this on Nov. 6, this was my very first digital art, this is also when I was oblivious to art in general. I finished it in Nov. 7 and while bad and just plain ugly, I was happy with it so I continued.
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Here is my second digital art. I started this from Nov. 8-11. To be honest, I was surprised by what I made. I honestly though I was going to get something ugly but....it was surprisingly decent. I showed it to my friends and peers, and they expressed positive reviews. That gave me the motivation to further enhance my amateur skills.
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Now, this was made during Nov. 12-13. I wanted to focus on drawing the head, I also wanted to properly color and blur, add highlights and all that. And well, I was Really happy. I could actually see my progress. And I've never been happier. I showed this to my friends and they told me that I was progressing at an outstanding rate. I was ecstatic, and well, it gave me even more motivation.
Now, here's where the problem arises. On Nov. 14, I wanted to start focusing on the body, however, when i was ready to start drawing, it was like....I forgot how to draw.
I tried to draw eyes. But somehow, a simple, straight line appeared to be ugly. I kept erasing and deleting layers and just kept starting over, but whenever I finish a simple sketch. It was just plain UGLY. I never seemed to be satisfied with anything.
I changed direction, I tried drawing circles with IbisPaint X's ruler, but the shape seemed to be at the wrong position despite being on the center. I also had this perception where the circle seemed wonky. And I was using a ruler. A RULER, IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A PERFECT CIRCLE.
Im got frustrated, and kept trying for the past few days. I asked my friends if loosing your art style or just forgetting how to draw is normal, that it's fine, and they told me it it, they say they get it all the time. But it never seemed to make my panic settle.
I searched online and it said that I have art block. It said that I was getting used to using the same style for so long despite only drawing for a week.
With you being an artist, I wanted to ask.
*Is this really normal? Is it normal to suddenly forget how to draw? How everything you draw seemed to be ugly?
*Do you have any advice on how I should handle this?
With every day that passes, I get more and more discouraged. I'm borderline hysterical, I want to cry and scream.
I need help. Please....
I'm so sorry that this post is so long, but you are someone who I can trust in this. I apologize if I'm disturbing you, and you are free to delete this. Just know that I am giving you a choice.
Again. Thank you, and Goodbye.
Firstly, I want to say your art is absolutely lovely. All three of them are wonderful.
Secondly, yeah it's normal. I get that sometimes where I'm just not happy with what I draw and it happens a lot with my writing even. I think it's just something that happens with all creative things, it's okay.
I don't know if I'm really the person to ask about what to do about it though. Because when I get that way I just... don't draw. Don't write, don't really do anything until I get the will to pick up the pencil again. That usually helps me, especially when I get frustrated with a drawing. I'll sometimes just abandon that drawing too and do/draw something else. And there's nothing wrong with that, it's a part of the creative process really.
I guess I'd just suggest taking a break from it. If you really want to draw, you could try something else? Drawing humans are hard, I will say. Even chibi humans. You could try something more abstract, I like drawing butterflies, flowers (these are hard too though), and decorative hearts. Just low effort doodles that can look really nice once finished.
Don't give yourself too much of a hard time about this. Art is hard, it can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. Plus you're still learning! It's the time to make "bad art" and mistakes. Try things out and learn what you like and what you don't. All artists are their own worst critic. If you're frustrated and not having fun, just try take a step back and relax. It'll still be there to come back to and try again later. It's okay.
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finalrestingplace · 2 years
i have not been told by anyone "well just start drawing again then :/" in a similar vein to how people say "well just don't be sad then :/" as a ~magic depression cure~
but i AM saying it to myself. just do it? mission failed it's not working.
(i am not comparing art block/burnout/self loathing & hating what i do to depression, but yes i am actually because they are the same thing at least in my case)
also i feel so manipulative sharing about this because it's like when i say i'm ugly and horrible on the inside. i know it's not true and i'm just being unkind to me, because that's how these things go. i hate my art, my art is bad. i know that's not true and people do like it and i am just being unkind to me. but like man i just wanna express how i'm feeling and say it with mouth words (or in this case typed by the fingers words) instead of keeping it all up here as brain words. let it out. just say it and make it be said.
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cleverchildblizzard · 3 months
I had a vision
Yall know Pico 2,that cancelled sequel to Pico's School?? Well I like the art style so have some Destiny :)) I you wanna understand what I'm talking about search up Pico 2 demo or something,it'll give you a better look into it
Maybe this can help!
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edit: made the talking icon :)
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so like I feel like if Destiny was in Pico 2 her relationship with Pico would have a deeper look into it,especially since the two attend different schools in Philadelphia.So maybe after Pico was walking about he spotted the school Destiny attends (I'll just name it Philadelphia Boarding School) and the player could just choose to break into it.
And after walking around the place,maybe shooting some students,I wanna headcanon most students don't like Pico.And then Pico bumps into Destiny (who is bunking math class in the toilets) so then they just catch up and chat for a while.
But then the Ghetto bots break into the school in the need to find Pico,so Pico has to get out of the school.Pico was about to go confront the Ghetto bots head on but Destiny stopped him,saying she'll handle them herself and Pico should get a move on.
Basically something like this:
Pico: Destiny,you get back to class,I'll deal with these bots!
(Pico starts walking to the door to leave,his gun in hand,but Destiny blocks his way)
Destiny: Oh no you don't! Quit being stupid,their after you,aren't they? I hold those punks off while you escape.
Pico: But-
Destiny: No buts! Now get outta here!
And maybe this instead Pico saying "But-" maybe he could've said this??
Pico: But what if they kill you? I can't let that happen!
Destiny: Pfft,gimme a break Pico! I always clap back,y'know me,I'll be fine! Besides,my death will probably be quicker then whatever they got planned for you! I'll make sure to die with HONOUR! Now quit bitching around and get a move on!
And Pico leaves whilst Destiny distracts the Ghetto bots,but she ends up being shot dead by them.If the player chooses to enter the school after the Ghetto bots leave,they can see Destiny's dead body in the hallway. BUT!!! I want to make Destiny come back like Nene,since Nene always dues in the games but just comes back like nothing happened.I kinda want that to be the same with Destiny,but not for a while,maybe after a few more Pico's school games then she just comes back.
And I drew some fighting stances for her 💗💗please ignore how ugly the second one is-
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She mainly uses knives or her fists since she practises kickboxing...and I'll do JD later don't worry guys..
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I love drawing her and her funky hair
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ratking-lyrr · 7 months
This week has been hellish. Necessary and good for my health, but painful. I just want to write about it to have it out there in the open and maybe mark the day, because right now things are going to get better. This is going to get a bit long so I'm putting it under a cut.
After a lot of reflection, I've come to realize I've been used an abused for a long time. Maybe not groomed specifically, but I was absolutely pulled into adult spaces as a kid. Like, when I was in junior high school. And, well, manipulated into doing kink and fetish art and roleplay for people. It started small and innocent, then slowly became more overt, by a rotating cast of creeps. It sucks. It's another aspect of my life that leads me to feel like I never got to be a kid properly.
I think a lot of my problems stem from this. Those people would get upset with me if I talked to people outside that space, shame me for experimenting or drawing SFW art, and get angry if I was playing games or doing schoolwork instead of roleplaying. And even now, as an adult, sometimes one reaches out to insult me. "Why are you not drawing kink stuff? I like your normal fursona more, so stop drawing that stupid ugly cat (Pascal.) You're disappointing your fans. Draw what WE want." And that still does affect me. I still don't talk much outside of a few people and I spend a lot of time laying down, inactive. A lot of my artistic progress has regressed over the year because of it. I'm sure you might have noticed I'm not as experimental as I was last spring and summer.
I've managed to properly cut off all of those people as well as I can, as of this morning. Blocking accounts, exiting Discords, that sort of thing. Most were banned, inactive or nobody accounts. A few were genuine people that did apologize or weren't actually aware of my age at the time, but we've still closed off contact. Whoever slips through the cracks now really doesn't matter to me anymore, so I think I can call myself free. And I can be open about it. None of them care about my page here.
All that said, despite everything, I'm still who I am now because of that. I've been piecing myself back together over this past year or so and this was one of the toughest bits to figure out. Tossing the people and the memories. I'm glad to be rid of my abusers. I'm not going to turn a negative into a positive. What I went through sucks and I hope no one else ever has to. I should find a way to live with it for my well being, at least.
I still love what I do. I'm still a kinky asexual, though I wish I could have discovered that in my own time. I still love to make NSFW (and SFW, of course) for my actual friends, with permission. It feels empowering to have turned that around into a show of care and affection for those close to me, as opposed to just a product for the people that used to act like they cared. I'm still an artist, no matter what.
I think I'm happier now. My head is certainly clearer and I feel like a burden's gone now that I shouldn't have to deal to those people. It was tough and stupid, but I should have more space to flourish.
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bells12 · 10 months
So I feel the need to apologize to artists everywhere on behalf of non-artists.
And I am not an artist. I have had my drawings mocked by young children (and they were right to do so). You know the asshole who compliments your art by saying "I can't draw a stick figure"? I'm that asshole. I think I'm creative, but my execution is poor. I can't cut or fold straight.
With that said, I always volunteer to do the Halloween/Christmas decorating for my departure at work. I worked at a preschool during college, so I love making stuff and this takes me back to that mindset. It's a lot of paper crafts, cute, but nothing to write home about. And it was instilled at me during the time at the preschool to make different things, show initiative, don't have the kids coloring all the time, don't have mass produced things, see and let them do what they can. Hence the paper crafts.
But holy shit is it exhausting.
Our theme for Halloween was candy. So I decorated one of our doors with Nerds. I found the Nerds online, I printed them out, I traced them (because I'm a piece of shit), I colored them in with paint markers, I found out my paint markers were all used up and it made them look ugly, so I ordered new paint markers, I repeated all those steps, I can't color, so I had to do a few coats. I got told by management that I can't leave things out on my desk. The cleaning lady constantly made jokes about how my job is so easy I can color. I had coworkers comment on my job being easy. I accidentally found foot fetish Nerds on Google (why is the rhyming dictionary blocked by work, but I can see Fur Affinity Foot Fetish Nerd Images?).
And it's a lot of work. My wrist would hurt, my back would hurt, right in between my shoulder blades would hurt. And I wasn't doing "nothing". I was doing this in between processing wires, posting ACH files at certain times during the day, processing mobile deposits, all the while being in the phone queue for dispute calls and questions about wires and ACH's and checks.
And that was one fucking door. I had another door, 22 posters to make look like Starburst Wrappers, working on my Pumpkin, and figuring out what to do with the wall (I literally cut out shapes and made a gumball machine).
And now I'm doing everything again for Christmas.
So I can't even imagine what artists go through with their supplies, their body aches and pains, mistakes that may happen and set them back, douche bags who don't think it's a "real job" or think that it's all fun and games. The jerks who say "it won't take you long" or "I'll color it in myself". Because yeah, it took me over a month to throw something together that's up for a day at the most, so do not disrespect artists or their work!
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