#my archive of art is going to be at mysandwichranaway
mysandwichranaway · 1 year
a recruiter said they wanted to see my portfolio, and my most complete archive of art is this account, but i don't want an employer looking at my blog, this is my only safe space man!! i guess i'm changing the URL and making a professional portfolio somewhere else...
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yorknewauction · 2 months
Artist 10: @mysandwichranaway
Writer: @shalnarkonice
Artist 11: @extratt413
Writer: @chubsonthemoon
Artist 12: @oolongtea-fluff
Writer: @clood
Writer: @mangetsuame
Artist 13: @ribreadloaf
Writer: @storybookprincess
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So usually when I get to this point, I have a fic ready to go and post. However, this one is a little different. Based on the nature of this fic, I’m not going to reveal it until October. 👀
BUT!! Just like I have all week long, I’ll give you guys a VERY TINY sneak peek (because I’m still tweaking), and feel free to scroll down to see some AWESOME MIND-BLOWING ART that @mysandwichranaway​ did for me earlier this summer for this fic. 😍
Otherwise, don’t forget the previous six plot bunnies can be found here, and you have til SATURDAY to make sure your favorite fic remains in the lead and becomes my next major project!!
Thank you for making this another awesome year of BPB!!
Summary: When Tauriel asked Bilbo whom she jokingly calls her “work dad” to walk her down the aisle at her wedding, he honestly thought that would be the most surprised he’d be that week. Showing up to meet the groom and his family and discovering that he actually knows her uncle-in-law-to-be intimately well, nearly sent him into shock. And then, of course, there’s all the ghosts because why not get married in a haunted hotel?? 
Excerpt from Chapter 1: Father of the Bride
Bilbo couldn’t even begin to believe what he was hearing. A breathless laugh left him as he turned the corner, shaking his head. 
“Oh please, Bilbo!” Tauriel pleaded.
She had taken to trailing after him like a puppy as he removed binders of old case files from his arms to place back on the shelves in the archives. Every once in a while when he couldn’t quite reach, she effortlessly plucked it from his hands and put it away for him. He thanked her, moving on as if ignoring her outlandish request would make it disappear.
“I mean, I know we’re just work friends, but I’ve always thought of you as a sort of work dad.” She remarked.
Bilbo shot her a look. “It was the dumb jokes, wasn’t it?”
She grinned widely. “You are well versed in them.”
“‘A man sued an airline company after it lost his luggage, and sadly he lost his case’? It was clever.” Bilbo tried to argue.
“It’s very telling that you think so.” She teased. “But on a more serious note, Bilbo. You sort of took me under your wing when I first started at the firm. Showed me the ropes while the rest were…”
“Intimidated?” Bilbo filled in for her.
“I was going to say wary of a young red-haired woman wanting to make it big as a lawyer, but sure.”
Bilbo snorted, placing his last file away.
“I don’t think being ‘kind’ is enough qualification for what you’re asking. I mean, walking you down the aisle at your wedding…that’s a bit…personal.”
Bilbo finally gave her his attention, and he rather wished he hadn’t as her expressive eyes seemed to pin him with repressed sorrow. She shifted on her feet, before ducking her chin to stare at the ground between them with her arms crossed.
“My foster father refused to do it. He has…history with Kili’s family, and basically disowned me when I refused to call off the wedding.”
Bilbo crossed the distance to lay his hand on her shoulder.
“Oh Tauriel, I’m so sorry.”
She shrugged and tilted her head, but the tears she stubbornly held onto that caused her eyes to shine were far too telling of her true feelings. And with five simple words, the flood was released.
“I don’t have anyone else.” She whispered hoarsely.
Bilbo handed over his handkerchief before awkwardly pulling her down into a hug. It was a challenge when your female coworker was almost a foot taller than you, but if the way she sunk into the embrace was any indicator, he could tell Tauriel appreciated it. His right hand slowly reached back to play with his golden hoop earring. A nervous gesture of his that he jokingly blamed on why he stayed in the background as a paralegal rather than taking on cases like a true lawyer.
After a few more minutes, she finally released Bilbo, carefully wiping away the streaks of mascara under her eyes and blowing her nose. Bilbo silently mourned the death of that handkerchief, feeling guilty for the thought. He opened his mouth, ready to deny her request in the most gentle way possible, but instead all that came out was a heavy sigh. He gave her a little half-grin before taking hold of her free hand with both of his.
“I think you could do better than a stuffy old fool like me, but yes. Yes, I would be honored to walk you down the aisle on your wedding day.”
A squeal, reminding him of just how young Tauriel was despite how she acted in the office, was released and he found himself with a mouth full of red hair as she practically crushed him against her.
“Thank you, Bilbo. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Bilbo gave a huff all in good fun as he pat her back. 
“It is absolutely the least I could do.”
Excerpt from Chapter 2: Touring the Venue
“And we can consider this as place for the reception.”
Bilbo looked out across the decent sized wooden gazebo, appreciating the way the trees framed the shot, and the small string of lights delicately hung around the inside edge of the structure.
“It’s beautiful.” Bilbo breathed.
Tauriel grinned and nodded in agreement which made Kili want to take it right then and there.
“We’ll consider it.” Dis was quick to step in. “Let’s look around at some other some of the other locations on the property first. Because if it’s raining like it was this morning, an outdoor reception might not be the best idea.”
The wedding planner was quick to agree as she started to steer them back inside to show them alternatives. Bilbo, who was quite frankly, worn down already by wedding preparations decided to hang back and admire the beauty of the property a little bit longer. Placing his hands on the railing in the back, he could just make out the slope of the river and the gardens before it. He closed his eyes, basking in the beauty of it all. This place was almost his paradise.
“It’s too bad Dis isn’t a fan of outdoor weddings.”
Bilbo spun around, his heart hammering in his chest as he narrowed his eyes at Thorin. The man was almost sheepish if it wasn’t for the rather conspicuously innocent smile and way he had his hands tucked in his pockets. Much like Bilbo’s initial impression of him from their uni days, the man truly was too handsome for his own good.
“It’s the bugs.” He continued.
Bilbo raised an eyebrow, which finally got him faltering a bit.
“Dis!” He quickly explained. “It’s why she’s not going to okay this spot. She doesn’t like bugs.”
“Fascinating.” Bilbo drawled, deciding now was the best time to make his exit.
“It’s too bad.” Thorin shrugged, purposely brushing up against him. “It really would be the perfect place for a dance.”
With the flip of a switch, the lights blazed to life, giving the gazebo a soft warm glow. Bilbo stopped, his appreciation for the display stronger than his desire to escape the other man. As he turned a circle to really get a feel for the ambiance, he was flummoxed by the hand suddenly before him.
“Don’t you think?”
“Don’t I think what?” Bilbo repeated dumbly staring from the large palm before him and back to Thorin’s impossibly blue eyes.
“That we should dance.”
“Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no! I don’t dance.” He explained trying to back away.
Thorin, however, was unfortunately persistent. He raised an eyebrow, but made no move to chase Bilbo, always leaving the choice with him.
“Will you not have to dance the father-daughter dance with Tauriel?”
Well, damn. Bilbo had certainly not thought of that when he agreed to this.
“Just think of it as...practice.” Thorin shrugged.
Bilbo pursed his lips. He should be thinking of it as practice saying no to Thorin bloody Oakenshield. Instead, he stepped forward with a sigh, putting his hand in Thorin’s.
“Fine. I will dance with you to no music in this public space. Idiot.”
Thorin only grinned as he spun Bilbo around before his hand found its way onto Bilbo’s waist. Honestly, it was awkward relinquishing control to Thorin when there was no beat to go off of, and the man was unabashedly staring right at him.
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“You have always been my greatest regret.” Thorin admitted softly.
Bilbo scoffed, even as he tried to ignore his burning cheeks at the confession.
“That’s so cliché.”
“Doesn’t make it any less true.”
“Really?” Bilbo finally turned his head to look at him properly. “Because I’ve always thought of you as just another mistake.”
Thorin looked stricken, almost making Bilbo regret his tone, if not his words. They stopped swaying, but hadn’t quite moved away from each other. 
“I didn’t know how to handle it. I thought in a drunken stupor I had just let myself be another notch on Bilbo Baggins belt.”
Another notch on his belt? The nerve.
“So you ran.” Bilbo remarked quietly. “And I never got the chance to find out why I wasn’t good enough for the great Thorin Oakenshield.”
The other man’s shoulders slumped and his eyes gazed down upon him mournfully. However, that didn’t stop him from pressing closer. His countenance almost imploring. Bilbo could feel his palm start to sweat inside the other man’s as his gaze flickered between Thorin’s eyes, his lips, and the little hint of his raven tattoo poking out of his shirt at the neck. So. Damn. Hot. Bilbo thought for a moment, Thorin might try to kiss him, and he raged silently over whether he would let him, when a light exploded overhead. 
Bilbo jumped, pushing himself into Thorin’s chest as another exploded before the whole string went dark. His arms wrapped tightly around Thorin’s waist while the other man had his around Bilbo’s back, the smaller took the time to remark on the whole ordeal.
“Well that was...odd.”
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