#mxtx discourse
amenokage · 2 years
My HOLY TRINITY of MXTX animatics has to be the wrecking ball liushen animatic by @orogenese , the wangxian bathtub scene animatic by wenwen, and the love like you hualian animatic by melts. If you know of others, please share them! I want to know others' favourites. Spread the love!
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3kidsinacoat · 9 months
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miniminijiminni · 9 months
one of the things that gets lost in a lot of the discussions around tgcf is that hua cheng knows xie lian can take care of himself. xie lian knows he can take care of himself. although he's had 800 years of bad luck, that's different than not knowing how to take care of yourself. not just that, throughout the whole book, especially the flashbacks, shows how xie lian tries to shoulder all the weight of the world by himself. hua cheng just shows him that he doesn't have to do go through it alone
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"Jc AnTI's are so jobless the are so obsessed with jc, they should cope"
Says the ppl who rewrote the whole novel and made up stuff with no proof or evidence just to 'like' their fave. Constantly harassing and discoursing with people if they disagree with their deluded opinions calling them 'anti'.
Babying a whole ass adult man and "wwx is an unreliable narrator aksually you should look at both sides" while they parade jc's words like it's the ultimate truth. Making up millions of excuses for his abusive and toxic behavior that harms jin ling and people around him. Undermining the effects of the abuse that jl goes through and blaming wwx for shit he didn't do. Holding wwx responsible for deaths of jiangs and yanli even when they know he wasn't at fault here. And worst of all saying "mxtx doesn't understand her own characters" like be for fucking real. In jc stans minds everything jc does is justified they will not show any proof for thier arguments but seethes at the facts we dared to point it out to them.
If engaging in fandom discussions makes someone jobless than every fricking person on tumblr is unemployed lmao.
Now they wanna barge in on canon jc tag and say "this is slander and bashing of my lil meow meow tsundere angry grape, you anti!!!😡" meanwhile the text itself presents and highlights jc's behavior in a negative light. Ask them to present proof of 'jc good natured behavior' and they are blank or they would post/take shit completely out of context.
In conclusion there is no point in arguing with jc stans who have completely and willingly let go of any kind of sensibility, logic, and chose to accept their delusions. Also canon jc fans and "jc antis" y'all are doing great, mxtx is proud of us. Keep discussing canon jc more so than ever. We don't need to make another tag, let's protect this one.
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sonik-kun · 5 days
Jiang Cheng having complicated feelings about the Wen (and by extension, Wei Wuxian's actions and saving the Wen) are kinda valid considering that these people literally MASACCRED his own and many other minor sects, raping and pillaging along the way. They would have decimated every major sect if given the chance and indoctrinated them. It makes sense why JC would have trauma, fear and a hatred for them.
How can you not have this understanding and empathy for JC and the Jiang in general, yet feel sympathy for the Wen when everyone turned on them thereafter? And expect LSZ to get revenge for what happened to his clan?? It's literally the same thing. Both are victims of a massacre. How are you sympathetic over one but not the other?
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mdr-reikas · 3 months
I'm so glad that my mxtx fandom of choice was svsss from the start because what in fucking tarnation are the rest of you doing
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drivingmebonkas · 13 days
The hell is going on in the MDZS fandom right now?
The SVSSS guys are as chill as ever, revelling in their fun and weirdness.
The TGCF guys are too busy being horny over the new ghost rut audio to be up to much else.
But I swear by whatever deities apply, my MDZS feed has been filled with little else but discourse and fan drama. What happened to all the art and meta discussion? Why is everyone attacking each other?
Follow your MXTX fandom siblings lead and either revel in the weirdness, be chillax or be horny.
No more squabbling in my dash please 🥺
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yea-baiyi · 10 months
people on twitter are discoursing about whether xie lian’s chastity-based cultivation is a form of abuse (?????) which is so backward to me like huh???? yes jun wu’s thing about xie lian being a virgin is fucking creepy and weird and part of his overall obsession and desire to control him. but did they just completely miss the part where xie lian chose this method of cultivation bc the abstinence wasn’t an issue for him? he got hit by sex pollen and never once thought of sex? he didn’t even cultivate for 700 years and just never had sex because he never wanted to and as soon as he found a guy he wanted to fuck he just went for it? literally didn’t even pause to consider the cultivation thing at any point. if this were any other character it might have been used against him but the whole point is xie lian once again perfectly dodging jun wu’s manipulation attacks by just being a weird little guy with autism
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danmei-confessions · 1 month
MXTX’s novels have an adult rating. You should not be interacting in the fandom if you are a minor full stop
I believe a lot of petty arguments in the fandom start because of teenagers hot takes and misunderstanding of the books. I mean it, no matter how mature you believe you are, there is a reason for ratings in books to exist (apart from porn)
Also I believe is ridiculous to have to hear prudish takes, I am ace so I get if someone doesn’t want to engage in that side of conversation but is infuriating to read someone complaining about adult content *existence*. Get out
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tea-cat-arts · 7 days
Madam Yu defenders will be like "Madam Yu was a complex person with a tragic life and though none of that excuses her actions, it does explain them so please stop reducing to her to a monster and a caricature of an evil woman" and her haters will respond "so you condone child abuse"
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scumvillainess · 3 months
look, it’s been a while since i’ve read svsss so there’s definitely some things about the novel that i’ve forgotten (and also i’m more of a qijiu girlie anyways (doomed yaoi? doomed yaoi!)) but can someone explain to me why people hate bingqiu/bingyuan so much?
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whatwhywhowherewhen · 2 months
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maria-taiwin · 1 year
Top/bottom discourse in mlm couples is so ridiculous, especially on twitter, people talk like sex dynamics is some unfunny activism or the meme of the superior galaxy brain but you should just chill and mind your own business.
Especially you need to learn how in reality whether top or bottom is not tied to any gender shit stereotypes, these are just very personal preferences and many couples even change role.
However you can't brag to read MDZS and love wangxian because uuhh LWJ is got associated with some maiden trope and then making him a top is a synonymous of huge superior brain, and then making stupid discourse over how is bad that Xie Lian is over feminized (?) because he's the bottom. You know you are talking about characters from the same author, right? It's really dumb this fight about what trope is progressive over a fucking sex dynamic. It's 2023 folks.
I don't think MXTX would be proud to read such old stereotypes about femininity and how the dignity of her characters depend on random bed positions.
Sure, analysis over masculinity/femininity and gender roles in fiction are always interesting, and I too love how WangXian take both male and fem elements along the story but without being tied to just one personality trait. I really like to discuss it. But why this is a matter of praise only in mdzs fandom (mmmh half of it honestly, hypocrisy is high there too) and then everytime I interact with TGCF fandom I read misogynyst bullshit against Xie Lian and how he's a shou stereotype just because he's shorter, tiny, called a princess etc.?
Active your brain and stop relying your beliefs over old unrealistic 2000s porn magazines 🤷‍♀️
Top/bottom roles depend just on how you seek pleasure in bed, that's it, it's not a standard over morality, dignity, strenght, and sure it doesn't depend over height difference or physical appearance or either gender.
Both Xie Lian and Lan Wangji are amazing and complex characters and this doesn't change over who is the top or the bottom. Sure you can prefer one over another, but if you tell stupid misogynyst (plus homophobic) bullshit then don't cry if I call you out about this 🙃
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miniminijiminni · 10 months
wei wuxian should thank his lucky stars that lan wangji figured out how to withhold his flustered-ness if it meant making wei wuxian flustered bc otherwise this would be as far as they got
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(Idk why I can't reblog that post directly so I am writing it here) @jianglemy
First of all, do you know how crazy and bigoted you sound calling a yuan/shizhui, a child, an "ugly wen"?? This sentence says all I need to know about you. Jiang cheng's family and sect was slaughtered by wens yes BUT his life was infact saved by a wen, the zidian he wears on his finger was brought back to him by a wen, the reason he has a golden core is cuz of a wen and the reason he could possibly give his parents a proper funeral is also because of a wen, If all wens are evil how come jc is still alive and well?? Yet he chooses to slaughter the said prople who saved him.
Also lsz's family got nothing to do with the slaughter of the jiangs do you read the book with your eyes closed??
Secondly, if you read with your eyes open he strikes jin ling to the ground several time, jl saying his uncle didn't hit him was disproved by canon itself.
If you need more then refer to this post by @chai-chahiye-yr
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sonik-kun · 4 days
Jiang Cheng's achievements are so overshadowed and overlooked in this fandom, especially by JC antis.
Like them calling him a miserable, pathetic loser who's not good at anything is both a lie and a cope because:
He literally built his sect up virtually on his own with little to no experience thanks to his neglectful father
He was able to keep up with WWX in training and ability, despite the former being a child prodigy
He is one of the strongest swimmers in his sect, hence why WWX suggested JC dived first in the turtle cave to look for a safe exit for everyone
He is a hard worker who is politically adept, who scarily predicts outcomes correctly and can read the room *cough* unlike WWX
He was a renowned hero during the sunshot campaign, so much so, it earned him the title of the three poisons
He recruited new disciples pretty much on his own, all whilst searching for WWX
He travelled for days without rest or any food and water just to rescue WWX (and LWJ) from the turtle cave. He still didn't receive any thanks for this
His sect not only bounced back, but also became a political powerhouse, rich enough to completely do up Lotus Pier which WWX remarks as being gaudy now
He is able to provide JL with dozens of nets to help him on his night hunts and have his disciples assist him
He was able to counteract JGY's attack at Guanyin temple. He only failed in stopping him because he was forced to defend WWX
He did all these achievements, building up his sect and apprehending DCs all whilst helping to raise JL despite not being required to
There could be more I'm missing out on here. But it's such a shame he's a slept on as a character because JC antis have a shallow interpretation and understanding of him and can't get over their weird hate boner for him to admit that actually, he is a strong, capable and competent man. And that actually, he is a much more successful leader than WWX. 🤷‍♀️
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