#mwehehehe i love when names have meanings
angelfoodscake · 8 months
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elios art from yesterday . ive been wanting to alter him for a while since i thought him and ai's body shape were way too similar , but suddenly the PERFECT body shape just appeared in my mind and tada
I LOOVVEE how he looks now im so so happy !!!! hopefully i get to draw him a bit more
also im thinking of giving him a new name which means dawn, (i never really liked the name elios anyway) since they symbolise new beginnings and hope and ect, which is exactly what ai gives him upon her arrival
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blinddreams24 · 4 months
A Mermay Prompt
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“U-U-Ugh!” Complained the glitchy voice of your new companion. You were starting to understand why his name was Error. “Wh-Why did-d you ha-ha-have t-to nest-st s-so far away-ay-ay-ay?” It was like a broken record. You tried not to let it get to you but it was really annoying that every few minutes he’d complain like a fussy child. Big man baby ribbon eel.
“We’re Only One More Mile Away Error!” Blue chirped. He didn’t seem phased in the slightest by Error’s behavior. “Thank You For Agreeing To Come! It Really Means A Lot To Me!” He swam closer to Error but not close enough to touch. Error had been very strict about touch when you’d met him. So much so that he’d almost immediately attacked you even though you hadn’t even approached him. Blue had gotten between you and calmed Error with surprising speed. Error didn’t threaten you again after that.
“M-M-Mmh.” Error grumbled. “Wh-Whatever. You o-o-owe me-me f-f-for this-is.” He didn’t clarify what exactly Blue owed him. He also didn’t seem like the type ask favors of people, opting instead to get his own hands dirty.
Blue’s smile didn’t waver. “Of Course, Error! You Know I Love To Help!”
It was weird.
You could see the power in this beast. The way the water rippled and sharpened around him into silvery blue strings that whipped around in his agitation. The way Dream had immediately put Blue between him and Error before retreating back to his den, leaving you in Blue’s more than capable hands. The power blazing in his mismatched eyelights that made Nightmare’s cyan eye look tame. The way he didn’t hesitate in any decision because he was certain nothing could stop him anyways.
And yet he was easily calmed by your fellow dolphin siren.
Not completely calmed, Error still growled and hissed and was overall aggressive, he was just less likely to do anything rash while Blue was talking. Which encouraged you to keep Blue talking.
“So, uh…” You rubbed the back of your neck. “How are you both doing?” It felt dumb to ask, but you didn’t know either of these people really.
Blue chirruped. “I’m Doing Great! Thank You For Asking, Y/n! And How Are You? Does That Spot Still Itch?”
“Yeah, a little bit. But it’s not as bad as earlier. Thank you, by the way.”
“Of Course! I Am Always Glad To Help!”
“Wh-Wh-What a-are you ta-ta-talking about-out?” Error grouched, his brows furrowed at being left out of the conversation.
“Y/n Had A Suckerfish Stuck To Them And I Helped Them Get It Off.” Blue supplied.
Error laughed and his eyes locked onto you even though he was still talking to Blue. “A-A-Aww, Blue-ue-ue! Y-You c-c-could have-ave l-left it for a-a-a-a f-few min-min-minutes longer! I-I-I would-ld-ld h-have enjoy-joy-joyed th-that!”
Blue scowled sternly. “Error, We Don’t Leave People In Pain Just Because It’s Funny.”
“Y-Y-You don’t-t.” Error grinned, baring his sharp teeth.
Blue responded with a heavy hearted sigh. “Let’s Not. How Are You Doing, Error? Y/n Did Ask Both Of Us.” He turned the question on the destroyer curiously.
Error scoffed. “M-M-My peace-eace was int-interup-rup-rupted b-b-by two abom-ominations an-and an annoy-oy-oying dolphin-in. I’m ter-ter-terrible.”
“Aw, Thanks!” Blue whistled happily at the insult.
Okay. There was either something terribly wrong with these two or you were missing important information.
You had a feeling you wouldn’t get an answer to that.
“Y/n? Wait, Blue?!”
“Cross!” You and Blue chirped at the same time, turning toward the voice.
Cross caught sight of Error and hesitated as he came closer. “What are you doing here, Blue?” He asked, reaching out for your hand.
“Mweheheh!” Blue laughed. “I Am Here Because Y/n Invited Me! How Are You Doing, Cross?”
“Uh, I’m good, I guess. Y/n, what’s going on?” Cross’s tense gaze didn’t leave Error and the eel gave him a big toothy grin. He pulled you closer to himself.
You let him pull you. “So, you know how Killer got hyped up on positivity and Nightmare helped him balance out? And now Boss has been acting really tired?”
Cross’s brows scrunched together as he looked down at you. “…He has been really tired… but what does this have to do with Blue and Error?” His eyes shot back to the destroyer, who was starting to look annoyed.
Blue noticed Error’s frown. “Mweh! Would You Like To Answer That, Error?”
At the attention, Error relaxed and scoffed. “Y-Y-You t-tell him, B-B-Blue. I d-don’t care-are.” He crossed his arms and looked away.
“Of Course.” Blue smiled, as always, and turned to address Cross. “Y/n Had The Amazing Idea Of Inviting Me And Error Over To Help Nightmare Get Rid Of The Lingering Positivity In His Body. Dream Has Had A Similar Problem Before And Asked Me To Help As Well.”
Cross’s eyes darted between the three of you, more concerned than confused. He pulled you away. “I’d like to talk to y/n real quick.”
“Mweh! Of Course! We’ll Be Right Here When You’re Ready!” Blue chirped
“Sp-Sp-Speak f-for yourself-self.”
As Blue started entertaining Error, you and Cross took a sidebar. Cross pulled you around and held you by the shoulders.
“Y/n. What were you thinking? You left the pod and went to get Blue and Error all by yourself? Are you insane?” He snapped. You could see the worry behind his anger.
“I wasn’t alone. Dream helped me-.”
“That’s worse! Do you not remember what happened the other day?”
“I remember!” You shoved him away. “I’m the one that went through that! But Ink wasn’t there this time and Dream has only ever been nice to me. He just wants to fix things with Nightmare. Cross, he wants to help. Isn’t that a good thing?”
Cross hesitated and glanced back at your guests. “…Maybe. I’d say he has good intentions, but the guys… they won’t believe him for a second. He could just make things worse.”
“That’s why he’s not coming. Cross.” You pulled his focus back to you. “I brought Error and a message and I haven’t delivered either. Could you please help me?” You pleaded.
He glared at you, his eyelights dilating at you. “You’re ridiculous. Fine, I’ll help. I’ll let the guys know what’s going on. Just wait here and don’t do anything stupid.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll try. Be safe.”
Cross turned to your guests. “Blue, I will be leaving for a little while. Guard y/n, would you?” You punched Cross’s arm. You could take care of yourself!
Blue smiled. “I Will Help In Any Way I Can!” He chirped happily.
With that, Cross sped off for only a few minutes before returning with Dust. They escorted you and your guests into the trench while Error kept puffing up proudly and flashing his colors every time he glanced at Dust. Sure Dust wasn’t as pretty, but he didn’t have to rub it in.
You and Cross crested the edge of the trench first and you froze. Now that you knew, it was much easier to spot Nightmare’s exhaustion but you would have noticed anyways. The leviathan was laid out on the bottom of the trench, Killer circling his head and Horror worrying at his hand. Despite the worry from the boys, he had a comforting smile on his face as he tried to soothe them.
His eye was half-lidded.
“Boss.” Cross called carefully. “We brought help.”
Nightmare looked up and his eye caught on Error. The eel sneered at him, smug. Boss sighed. “I did not need help, Cross. I told you, nothing is wrong.”
“Y-Y-You look l-like a dying-ing st-st-starfish.” Error observed.
“Error!” Blue scolded.
“A-A-Am I wr-wrong??”
Ignoring the chaos that came with Error, you swam forward into the trench. Nightmare watched you swim all the way down. Killer and Horror didn’t acknowledge you in their worry.
“Nightmare,” You started. “I know you’re not okay. We know you’re not okay. Please let us help.”
Nightmare glanced between the four other sirens of the pod. He sighed. “If it will make you feel better.”
“Also, I have a message.”
Nightmare smirked at you. “Oh~? A message? From who?”
“From Dream.”
Everything stopped.
Killer, Horror, and Nightmare were staring at you with varying expressions of shock as Error cackled like a glitchy witch behind you.
“Y/n.” Killer said, tense. “You were talking to Dream?”
“Yes.” You responded boldly. “He’s been very helpful to me. He had a simple request, I said I’d do it.”
“Still.” Killer growled.
“Killer.” Nightmare warned. Killer backed off and swam down to join Horror. Nightmare looked back to you. “What is the message?”
“He said he wants to negotiate peace and I quote; ‘I swear on my apple I will let you have the first say.’ And said you can bring whoever.” You supplied. “Out in the dunes by Blue’s place.”
“What’s an apple?” Killer piped up.
“It’s a fruit on land. I don’t know why Dream was talking about it though. I’ve never seen or heard of an apple-like plant in the water.” You said, just as confused as Killer.
Nightmare hummed vaguely. “It’s not a normal apple. Y/n, did he set a date?”
“Uh… no. I think he wanted me to ask you.”
“Good. I will take time to recover and then I’d like you to be my messenger, y/n, to discuss a time to meet with my brother.”
“What?!?!” Yelled four sirens at once.
You smiled. “I’d love to, Nightmare.”
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
dia entirely forgot it was thungo thursday until mayoi reminded her and she dropped everything to watch the ep. here are all her thoughts, live-documented, in chronological order (apologies for this):
ranpo is so small next to minoura. he's so tiny and cute i just wanna cuddle him sm (and yes i am a little taller than him- height means nothing to me. we all know where the rest of his inches went YKNOW WHAT IM SAYIN YA FEEL ME)
'the police of this nation are idiots' yes minoura you're absolutely correct but consider this: the police of every nation on god's green earth are idiots
isn't it amazing how it was written in this magical reality-bending book that nobody would believe in the agency's innocence and in a couple minutes worth of running his mouth, ranpo just...undid it?? for like hundreds of police officers??? the sheer power of this man
god i forgot just how fucking fantastic this intro is. tbh this is probably my favourite intro of all of them. the colours and imagery and the chaos of it all MWAH (also kishow voice mm)
bones. was this panel too hard to animate properly?? did you read the fucking manga bones?? do you HATE US BONES??????
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i could listen to ranpo talk for HOURS. literally hours, in a language i don't even speak, about anything he wanted, for hours, and i wouldn't get bored. his voice just...*kicks feet and giggles*
i missed you tecchou <3 please keep cooking for fukuchi. you're doing great sweaty xx
some loser: 'when do you suppose a life ends?' even bigger loser: 'when it becomes unable to adapt to change' fukuchi on his celestia ludenberg arc ok
i wish people reacted to seeing my posts on their dash the same way that the united nations reacted when fukuchi appeared onstage
congressmen will excuse mass shootings of gay ppl and then have shirtless fukuchi posters hanging above their beds where they half-heartedly fuck their wives and go to sleep before the thought of helping her also cum even crosses their mind
wait. *pauses and zooms in*. WAIT. YOU'RE TEL
thinking about it, doesn't the decay of angels sound like a really cool name for an operatic metal band??
fukuchi really is like 'you havent changed at all, boy' ranpo is literally eight years older than me. if he's a boy i'm primordial soup
fukuchi also said that ranpo's title of 'excellent detective' is self claimed. the thousands of people whose lives ranpo's probably saved must all be like 'say sike rn'
ranpo trusting fukuchi solely because the president said he trusts him. crying screaming throwing up ranpo GIVE ME ONE CHANCE (that's right guys we're back to this again)
fukuchi thinks he's hot shit cus he can jump high?? well my ocs can also do that fukuchi. sucks to be basic huh
IT'S NOT RANPO'S FAULT HE WAS BORN LATER AND THUS MET FUKUZAWA LATER??????? FUCK OFF FUKUCHI (also i love the way they're sitting they're all so silly mwehehehe)
omg ranpo also commented on the 'boy' thing lmaooo he and i are so good for each other <3 if only he'd give me a chance... </3
i wonder what portion of atsushi's budget goes towards emergency ramune. also imagine someone caring enough about you that they always keep one of your favourite snacks on you in case you get hungry or something. that's so cute i can't <3333
imagine coming up with a complex plan, twelve or so years in the making, to end the world, all because u asked ur friend out like thirty years ago and he said no T-T
fukuchi: *tilts neck* *minecraft skelly noise*
oh atsushi. i know other people won't like me saying this but you're so hot and i want to do the sex with you <3333333
wow bones. you've outdone yourself. this has to be the best fisheye yet- maybe even beating lucy's fisheye for how terrifying it is. i'm genuinely speechless
omg atsushi's speech on how loneliness is his biggest fear and how much he cares about his loved ones (kinnie moment), and the one thing he needs, truly needs right now is someone to fight alongside him to save all that he has to lose and the world as he knows it, and then akutagawa appears? soulmates. i mean it's not even like this is a surprise to me as someone who read the manga but, like, it's different when i'm watching it. soulmates. soulmates soulmates soulmates
and that's a wrap for tonight's edition of dia's thungo thursdays!! be sure to tune in for next week and see them cry tears of hopelessness and despair!!
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mirika · 7 years
Now it's my turn mwehehehe: Laslow, Niles, Camilla, Sakura and Leo?
The only downside to some of these is that you had already told me so much about them, that I could not create a true first impression.
This took ages.
First impression:
Laslow: I did not notice his existence at all in Birthright to be fair. I might have even killed him off while he is one of the four deaths that you can spare (sometimes this haunts me). When I started playing Conquest, I had the words of my former classmate in my head (”you’re going to like Laslow probably” and me thinking “you don’t know my taste in men!” and well here we are), so my first impression got blended in with a feeling of “well I do seem to be rather fond of this one” but it was merely attachment at that point.
Niles: I already knew he was a pervert cause of you, and honestly that was something that just ended up being confirmed. I couldn’t shape my own first impression.
Camilla: I’m going to have to dig in my memory, but I had not much of an opinion of her other than “okay she is behaving a little creepy towards Corrin” and it doesn’t help I played male Corrin most of the time.
Sakura: I was annoyed with her stuttering because I thought Fire Emblem pulled a “shy girl that stutters” anime trope. I know better now, but that was my first impression.
Leo: Of him too I could not form a true first impression, sadly.
Impression now:
Laslow: In the end my former classmate was right and I ended up liking the guy. Uh. A little too much, perhaps. I will always wonder how my former classmate knew as he is nothing like the other fictional character he knows I’m into. Xander may give him a lot of shit for flirting, but knowing his background as to why he flirts so much with other women, and especially with his attitude of “you never know when you see someone for the last time,” he’s simply a precious human being trying to get to know his fellow people. Over a cup of tea, if possible.
Niles: He’s still a perv, but he’s also hilarious. Not an Odin-kind of hilarious, but hilarious nonetheless. Also, he does the random meow thing like me, so I send love to this guy. Not too much love though, don’t want to give him wrong ideas.
Camilla: Strong fierce woman, do not mess with her! I still find her a bit creepy when you play male Corrin though. I don’t feel like they translated that very well. I am rather fond of her though.
Sakura: Protect her! PROTECT HER! I became rather fond of Sakura. She’s adorable.
Leo: Well… he’s… he’s a grumpy book nerd, what can I say? I did not name him Ugh Boy for nothing. I actually don’t have a strong impression of Leo, I feel like he fell a bit into the background for me.
Favourite moment:
Laslow: Gee. A favourite moment. It’s a bit rough with non-royals as light isn’t shone upon them as much (is shone proper English?). I mean, obviously I like any interaction of his with Corrin, especially when he gets serious for a moment, but uh… I cannot think of any moment other than specific supports, like the support between Laslow and Mozu.
Niles: Remember when Niles said meow? Good times. No, I actually really enjoyed the Felicia and Niles support (mostly C and B when Niles is messing around). I just love Felicia’s obliviousness towards Niles’ innuendos.
Camilla: Her fight over Corrin with Jakob, whenever Camilla threatens others showing that you can’t mess with her, her support with Elise where she tells Elise need not be like her.
Sakura: I can currently only think of her support with Kaden and Elise.
Leo: Honestly his cut scene is pretty darn cool.
Idea for a story:
Laslow: Honestly, I’m going to fall back on a headcanon post I once made. Laslow being drunk allowing Odin to mess with him as payback from the times Laslow has been reading Odin’s book as I believe Laslow would be the kind of guy to spill the beans on whatever when he’s drunk.
Niles: Niles and his daughter Nina being thieving outlaws, but for the greater good like Robin Hood, helping the poor and all that.
Camilla: I would love to see a story in which Camilla would have to be in a more realistic medieval situation where she has to be ladylike in a clean and virtuous way, especially as a royal, even though we all know that’s not who she is. Of course this story would lead to her desire to protect her family as a warrior of sorts.
Sakura: A story in (short) movie format of Elise and her having a tea party with stuffed animals would be adorable even though they are likely to be too old for that. Let the princesses be their younger selves.
Leo: Can we have a story in which Leo falls hopelessly in love with a book character? A quest to somehow turn this fictional character into something real. I’m sure Odin’s got some supportive ideas.
Unpopular opinion:
Laslow: Oh boy. Well, I hate Xanlow and I dislike Peri and Laslow as well, but these appear to be two of the biggest ships. I actually like Elise and Laslow, I feel that this isn’t very popular, but maybe that’s because of Elise’s age; I headcanon their relationship as innocent and pure so I guess it’s just the point of view I have. Also, I hate the very idea of Laslow in female dancer clothes because I hate how Laslow is always turned into ‘the feminine one’ in whatever gay ship they like to imagine as if gay relationships consist of ‘the masculine one’ and ‘the feminine one’, just let the characters be who they are without ‘straightening’ gay relationships. Sorry, we hit the pet peeve area as that is something that bothers me in general.
Niles: I do not think there are any unpopular opinions to be created about Niles. I think everyone loves Niles. I do am pooped he’s the only character you can have a gay relationship with, but I think everyone agrees with that.
Camilla: I don’t mind her oversexualized clothing like you said in your answer too, especially because her gear is still convincing of that it is heavy armour that is capable of protecting her. Besides, boobs are a weapon too. Do not underestimate medieval times and the ability to distract men with boobs in combat. Do not underestimate boobs. In all honesty though, I really do not mind armour showing skin so long it still looks like the armour is protecting them. That’s character design for ya. Of course it’s a typical anime trope and therefore many dislike it, but it works for Camilla.
Sakura: I do not know the opinions about Sakura cause the only person I follow reblogs Nohrians and not so much Birthright (looking at you evangeline). I cannot imagine anything I could disagree with.
Leo: The Leo and Takumi ship is something I don’t really understand, but then again, I am not far enough into Revelations yet.
Favourite relationship:
Laslow: Corrin, but only my Corrin. This one’s rough. I paired him with with Elise and Azura as I liked these combinations when I play the male avatar, but I haven’t tried all things out yet (but reading into Laslow and Effie I like that Effie allows him to still chat up with women so that gets my stamp of approval as well).
Niles: I have a sincere adoration towards Niles and Felicia, I can’t help it.
Camilla: I like that putting her and Jakob together is basically a contest as to who loves Corrin more.
Sakura: Kaden!!! Sakura and Kaden are terribly adorable together! They take naps together and stuff. 
Leo: I like to pair up Leo with Azura, because you forget that Leo’s a grumpy kid as he seems to enjoy Azura’s singing so much.
I just wanted to add that I am not too much of a shipper to be that invested in this section of the ask, and I simply don’t feel that strong about every character and I do not know many supports by heart.
Favourite headcanon:
Laslow: After the war, Laslow found that it is time to put down his sword and invests his time into what he truly loves: dancing and making people smile. He would still low-key keep himself fit for combat by implementing his skill with the sword in some of his dancing rituals in case any new war would break out or if his partner were to come to danger, but the last thing he would want for is his partner to worry for his life as he would do the same for them if they were to be sent into battle.
Niles: Despite the sadist that he is, he reveals to have a weak spot to those who seem ever so oblivious to his behaviour. He feels the need to protect these people at all costs while continuing to behave the way he is with others. No one knows this softer side of him, however, until they get close to him.
Camilla: For some reason I like to think that Camilla ends up as a cat lady, always surrounded by furry friends. And uh, don’t mess with her cats either.
Sakura: She becomes best friends with Elise. Together they would always visit peasants and offer them food and flowers whilst keeping the children entertained with toys. They are to be known the kindest princesses of their current age as they are absolutely selfless in all they do. Even whilst growing into adulthood and marrying off other men, their friendship never lost its strength.
Leo: I like to think Leo is aromantic. His love for knowledge and magic is greater than for other humans, other than the platonic love he carries for his friends and family. This is why he remains an unmarried prince and this has always worked out as Xander’s son Siegbert is to take over the throne when Xander passes. If for some reason he must marry, he would find political reasons for this much more than to marry for love.
These headcanons are not necessarily favourites, I was already happy I could come up with some whilst avoiding any headcanons that involve specific ships. Some characters already have such a strong canon that I find it hard to headcanon around it as well.
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miraclemirages-blog · 6 years
Soooo yeah I have this draft at wattpad (well I have a LOT of drafts, around 8 stories I think? Hehehe) that I'm really hesitant to post because really, I'm not that good with words lol plus English is my second language so I kinda suck at it. Why is it so hard to turn those ideas into words uuuuuugh. But still I love writing and I wanna share it, even if it's crappy lol This story is a MysMe one shot for Zen mwehehehe __________________ "Babe, are you sure you want to do this?" Zen raised a brow at your direction as you stretch. "Of course I am!" You said, smiling. "Besides, I want to get rid of these baby fats, you know..." You muttered and pinched your stomach underneath the sweatshirt you're wearing. You asked Zen if you can go with him and workout. He was a bit hesitant at first, but with your persuasion, he gave in. You heard Zen chuckled and felt arms wrap around your waist from behind. "Even if you have those baby fats as you call it, I'll still love you, (Y/N)." Your face heat up in an instant and giggled. "Zen, didn't you said that you want us to be healthy together? I just..." You paused and played with a fringe of your hair. "I just want to live healthy with you... Like what you said..." You didn't see it, but Zen totally looked taken aback by your words. He smiled and hugged you tighter, pulling you close to him. "If that's what my princess wants, so be it." The first thing you did was to walk at the nearby park and leave your belongings in a guard house. You thought it's going to make the guard mad, but he just smiled and told Zen good luck. Zen smiled at you over his shoulder, his hand wrapped around yours as he guide you around. Even if it's too early, there are already a number of people jogging at the park. Some were waving at Zen and he just waves back. You stared at him as he greeted an old couple taking a walk around the park. It made you smile. "Babe, are you okay?" Zen asked, worry in his face, when he saw you staring. "Y-Yes! I'm fine. So, where do we start?" "I usually do 10 laps around this park for warm up. But you're with me, so if you think you can't carry on, just tell me, okay? I'll slow things down." You internally sweatdropped. '10 laps? Warm up?! God, he is a beast...' "Hmm. Okay, that's fine with me." You're fine with jogging around, since back at the apartment, there was a treadmill there that you often use, so it'll be a piece of cake for you. You're already at your third lap when Zen called your name. "Uhm, babe? Aren't you tired yet?" "Hmm, only a little. But I'm fine." "I'm just worried that you're forcing yourself because of me. Please do tell me if you want to stop, okay?" Your heart soared at his concern and smiled sweetly, reassuring him that you're fine, but Zen decided to stop at your fifth lap, saying that it's just for your warm up and you don't need to push yourself. Your next stop is at the gym. Your jaw slackened at all the equipments around and the people that's working out. Most of them are men, their bodies buff and ripped, while some girls are using only the treadmill, bike or a 5-10 pound dumbbell. Zen wrapped his hand on yours and led you as he walk towards a buff guy, who you assumed runs the gym. "Hey Chul!" The man turned and greeted him. "Yo, Zen!" They fistbumped and Chul's eyes landed on you. "Ohoho, I see you have company. Who's that pretty lady, eh?" "Oh, well," Zen draped his arms over your shoulders and pulled you beside him. "This is (Y/N), my girlfriend. Babe, this is Chul. He runs this gym and he's my bud." You bowed your head and smiled "Pleasure to meet you, Chul." "The feeling is mutual, little gal." He bowed his head back and turned to Zen. "So, are you going to do your usual set with her?" Zen laughed and shook his head. "Not on my life! I'm gonna go soft today. I don't want to push her too hard." Chul then said goodbye and tended to other customers. Zen turned to you and smiled. "So, how would you like to start?" "E-Ehh!?" You pouted. "Why are you asking me? It's my first time in a gym. I don't really know how  everything works here!" He laughed at your outburst and pinched your cheeks. "Ahhh~ why are you so adorable? You look so cute when you're flustered." He chuckled and grabbed your hands. "Okay, so first we'll go with stretching, then the set itself, okay?" You just agreed with him, since you really have no idea what he was saying except for stretching. You did everything he told you and taught you how to properly stretch and that you should never forget to do it to avoid injuries. He was being so gentle with you and if you're doing something wrong, he'll go behind you and position you body. You could feel his warmth at your back and his steeled body pressed against yours. You took a deep breath to calm your heart and focus on what you're doing. "Now, let's focus on your core. We'll do sit-ups. I'm sure you're familiar with that?" You nodded and he smiled. "Then, let's start!" He led you to where the mattresses are laid and asked you to sit. He positioned himself in front of you and held your legs and feet firmly so it won't budge. Zen told you to stop if you can't go on. Then you started. Zen was watching you intently without you noticing, as you were busy on doing sit-ups and controlling your breathing. He bit his lip as he watched you go up and down. He closed his eyes silently took a deep breath to calm the beast inside of him. When he opened them, however, you were upright and he accidentally took a peek of your cleavage from behind your sweat shirt. He stopped himself from screaming but still, you heard a slight squeak coming from him that made you stop. "Zen, are you okay--? Wait, your face is red..." You asked in concern. He opened his mouth and tried to get out some words, but he just end up stuttering and closed his mouth. He cleared his throat, not looking your way. "U-Uhm, babe, is it okay for you to continue your set? I have to do some workout too..." He muttured under his breath. "O-Okay... Are you sure you're fine?" You asked and touched his shoulder, causing his body to tense. "Y-Yeah! Don't worry about me. Just do your set 5 times and if you're done, look for me. And don't talk to strangers! You know they bite." You giggled. "Okay, okay. Go and workout. I'll be fine here." He smiled and pat your head. He was soon out of your sight and you redo the set he gave you using the equipments. You were on your fourth set doing that squat and jump thing Zen taught you, when a guy stopped in front of you. "Hey there! Are you new here?" He greeted with a smile. You stopped for a second to look at him before continuing with your exercise. "Yeah." Was all you said. You don't want to start a conversation with him since Zen specifically told you not to talk to strangers because they may bite you. "Ohhh~ I see you're kind of a snob, eh? What's your name?" At that moment, you were done with the squats, so you stood up and moved to the bench thing that Zen told you you can use to do sit ups by yourself. The man tailed you, repeating his question. "None of your business." You said, curtly, wanting him to stay away. "Nice you meet you then, none-of-your-business. My name is Hae In." You rolled your eyes at his response. 'Typical technique of flirts: consider what your target first said as his or her name after you asked them. Tss.' You positioned yourself on the bench and started doing sit ups, ignoring that 'Hae-In' guy. "Well, I see you're the quiet type. I like that." He said and grinned. You admit that he's good-looking and if you're an ordinary girl, you'll swoon at his smile. But you're not just some girl. You're Zen's girl. You stopped and sighed, before turning to him and tell him to back off but a hand landed on your shoulder. You looked up and saw Zen, glaring at the guy. "Zen!" You exclaimed cheerfully and stood up, linking your arms with his, ignoring the guy. He smiled down on you. "Hey babe. Did you finished your set?" "Uhm... I was just finishing my fourth set, so..." "Is that so?" He muttered and looked back at the guy that's been tailing you earlier. "And who's this?" He stood up and approached Zen with a smile before offering his hand. "My name's Hae-In. Is she your girlfriend?" "Yes, she is." He said with a dark look, emphasizing the word 'yes'. "Woah, woah. Sorry dude. Didn't mean to offend you." He turned to leave but looked over his shoulder to wink at you. "Then, I'll see you around, none-of-your-business." You felt Zen's muscles went taut and he took a step towards the guy, whose back was now facing you. You took a sharp breath and tighten your hold on him knowing what might happen next. He instantly look down on you and you looked back with pleading eyes and shook your head. "Zen..." You called, trying to calm him down. He took a deep breath and relaxed, before turning to you and hugged you tight. "I'm sorry (Y/N), for you to see that..." He trailed off and tighten his hug. You chuckled and patted his back. "That's all right, Zen." He pulled away and you saw him pouting, brows furrowed as he stared at you. "Didn't tell you not to talk to strangers? Look, you were nearly bitten!" "Sorry... I was actually going to tell him to back off, but you appeared..." He hummed in response before pulling you to a random direction. "E-Eh? Where are we going Zen?" "Home." "B-But... Isn't the exit the other way?" "Let's shower first and change." Your eyes widened and pulled your hand, causing him to stop. "W-Wait... Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" Zen looked at you innocently, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Hmm~? What do you think I was thinking, babe~?" You felt your face heat up. "I-It's nothing!" You stuttered and avoided his gaze. Zen chuckled and pulled you towards the shower rooms. "Don't worry. There are separate shower rooms for male and female." He stifled a laugh and glanced at you. "I wouldn't dare do it here." You mentally sighed in relief, even if you felt slightly pained by his last remark. Suddenly, Zen leaned towards you, his lips inches from your ear. "I prefer doing it somewhere private. Where I can only see and hear you. Like... back in the house. There, no one will interrupt us... unlike in the showers." His voice was low and husky that actually made a chill run down your spine. Your heart starts beating fast and you're pretty sure your face is beet red at the moment. "Z-Zen!" You chided at him, looking at him with a glare and pout. He started laughing again and pinched your cheeks. "But I'm serious about doing it in our private place, (Y/N). You better get yourself ready, we won't be going out 'til later~"
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