#muse: asami sato
bitofthisandthat · 1 year
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{ I need to point out that in ALL of MY Asami’s verses, be it modern or canon, Kor/r/sami doesn’t happen. However, just as it happens in canon, Mak/o cheats on her with K/orra, and those two ride off together. Asami then stays the hell away from both of them after this betrayal, and just like in canon, she nurses her very complicated feelings over them both. However, she maintains her friendship with Bolin, and does her best to distance herself from Mak/o and K/orra, and never drag Bolin in the middle of it. Maybe K and M break up eventually and find other people, which is totally believable, but they don’t end up back with Asami. She is free of them by that point, and has moved on. However, I don’t see her trusting them again even if they all platonically reconcile. 
Overall, THIS Asami finds love with completely different people, apart from those 2 }
NB: The only exception for “romance” I see is in Asami’s old crime AU where she joins up with a Triad inducted Mak/o. I want to see her with K/orra, but I just don’t anymore. 
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virtuousouls · 2 years
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                         thebridgeshqs task - moodboards
                                  𝒌𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒊 | @rosewaterdrunk​
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pelipper · 11 months
I think I want to wear my red contacts with my Kiba cosplay tomorrow. I feel like they give it that extra zing. ✨
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sexyzuka · 1 year
Being at Comic Con this past weekend has ignited the desire in me to cosplay as adult Kiba.
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ofaflower · 1 year
tags / asami sato
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empirelead · 1 year
tag posts
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selfcestmovies · 4 months
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Asami Sato's time in the Spirit World proved... inspirational, to say the least. She and Korra could live out their days in relative peace and isolation, but the powers of the Spirits were potent and new.
By the time the duo returned to the physical world, Asami had found herself blessed with some mild control of their abilities. It felt solely innate at first, as though she was learning to test a muscle that she didn't know she had.
Korra seemed even more curious than Asami did.
"Tell me what the powers can do," Korra had demanded. "Or... just show me. If you've got this new ability, you should at least try to use it."
Asami struggled to explain it: "I think, if I were to wish something," she mused, "I think it would come true."
"Amazing," Korra stared at her, wide-eyed. "Do it. Do it now."
Asami was hesitant, but she never had been able to resist Korra's pressure. Asami closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she and Korra were standing alongside a brand new red dragster. It was gorgeous.
"Holy—" Korra was awestruck. Asami had just willed the car into existence. "Don't stop there," Korra turned to her and teased. "You can wish for anything in the world, and you're stopping at a fancy new car?"
"I mean—" Asami tried to push back.
Korra stepped closer. "You can do anything, Asami. Don't hold back."
"Fine," she grinned, closing her eyes again, taking Korra at her word.
When Asami finally opened her eyes again, it wasn't just she and Korra standing alongside the red dragster... there was a second Korra, identical to the first, standing in the mix as well.
"Woah..." The two Korras spoke in unison. "Now we're talking."
"You're not mad...?" Asami blushed.
"Mad?" One Korra laughed, and the other smiled. "This is amazing."
"And I'm not sure if I can tell," the other Korra continued, "If we're turned on because of your wish, or if we've just always been into this type of thing..."
Asami sat back as she watched the Korras come together in a heated embrace. Abusing her new powers still felt strange, but at least Korra — both of her — seemed to be supportive of this new, exotic fantasy.
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hayleysayshay · 6 months
I'm one of those ppl who think the equalist Asami plot for TLOK likely wouldn't have played out that well. I get why peeople want it -- giving Asami simply more to do is always a plus, and plus grey morality is interesting in characters, plus we get to flesh out the equalist movement as it is quite sympathetic.' The problem I have is that committing to a true double agent story takes time and I just don't think TLOK has it, and could easily fumble it. Plus I'm not that bothered about enemies to lovers, and I think Asami's 'redemption' arc would be seen as Zuko-lite.
So my suggestion to develop Asami more, but keep the story relatively uncomplicated for such a busy series with many elements in it:
-- Asami is an equalist sympathiser, not a full blown equalist.
-- She doesn't hit Mako with her moped. Instead, Mako and Bolin put an ad in the paper asking for sponsors. Who drops by, Hiroshi and Asami Sato! Asami accompanies her father as she is a bit suspicious of the probenders, sees probending as a farce. She's angry as benders killed her mother. But Hiroshi wants to sponsor the team, says some spiel about it being good business, gets Mako on side like the show.
-- Hiroshi is an equalist like the show. He decides to sponsor the Fire Ferrets as it gives him in an in on the probending world and the arena that he can report back to Amon.
-- Asami and Mako and Bolin spend some time together. She's suspicious but at some point prior to Hiroshi's reveal her and Mako have a talk. She vents about bending that she knows not every bender is evil but bending took away her mum. Mako says the same thing, bending took away his mother. But bending helped protect his little brother as they had nothing else to rely on. This helps Asami put somethings into perspective a bit-- as I think the discussion of opression in this universe cannot be solely limited to bending, it has to include class as well.
-- Like the show she is still fairly kind.
-- Mako and Asami do not date in book 1, but there is maybe some attraction between each other, but with Asami's bending reservations there is no chance for an immediate attraction in canon. Korra is still jealous of Asami just because she's beautiful and captures Mako's attention. I'm going to keep this version fairly similar to canon so Mako and Korra still date at the end of the series.
-- Asami still invites Korra and Bolin and Mako to her house when the arena is shut down as she's a nice person. Korra is like OWO at Asami. But then she finds an equalist glove in the house-- who would have that unless you're an equalist? And she and Mako muse that it would make sense if it's Future Industries tech, and since Asami lives in the house and has voiced reservations about bending before, it would make sense if she's the equalist and even making them.
-- Asami is heartbroken that her friends would suspect her like that. She's interviewed and released due to lack of evidence. At some point Mako and Korra and Bolin find the secret passageway, Hiroshi is revealed. LIke in canon, she makes the choice to side with her new friends. They apologise to her for doubting her and she forgives them.
The rest plays like book 1 canon (but with less love triangle stuff) and we could spend more time on the ordinary non-bending citizens being victimised by the police.
The reason I like this is that we get a more developed equalist subplot. Asami is kind, but she's wary of bending, and how it can hurt people. It's complicated. If the rest of the show supports that, then Asami is seen as a bit more complicated and reserved than just kind and perfect. She's a bit short-sighted in terms of her wealth giving her privilidge.
I think for the rest of the series, to give Asami more flaws and depth post book 1 you can a) play up her privilege and wealth and b) play more into her insecurities. Book 2 does show that she's worried about literally running Future Industries as a CEO. Instead of the show where her problems are fixed by a man (Bolin) punching Varrick, instead we can see her POV more and how worried she is, more time is spent on her handing over the company, and she also gets the chance to bring Varrick to justice. She can still date Mako and realise he's not right for her. She dates Mako in book 2 because he's there, comforting her, so that can still happen.
Book 3 and 4 can be similar to canon, just have more time with Asami. In book 3, we mention how she's angry and insecure and just needs a break from beng CEO, that she just doesn't get everything right-- which Korra validates her with and relates with her own struggles and pressures as the Avatar. They touch hands, look into each others eyes, they say they understand each other (the start of korrasami).
Maybe in book 4 she makes sure she's a voice for non-benders and intra-community relations, tying the plots from the start to the end together more. And more time spent on her loss of Korra and her anger at her Dad.
Idk. Maybe I just don't see the solution to Asami being underwritten is to put her into an enemies to lovers plot. There's plenty there in the whole series to build off whilst keeping her 'good' and relatively uncomplicated.
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everythingfiction13 · 3 months
Avatar Korra lived a long life. Out of all the Avatars, everyone agreed that she'd accomplished the most, changed the world for the worst, and the better many times over, yet her greatest achievement remained her family.
At least, that's what Korra repeatedly said to anyone and everyone, soothing words spoken to her children when they watched her going to attend to her duties. She'd kiss them firmly, would whisper tender musings to their ears, and then, rising to her feet, would melt into Asami's embrace before they parted.
Asami died relatively young, succumbing to the pains of having given her soul to save Korra's. She did not regret it, she kept saying, and would do it again, for living without Korra was more painful than death. Raava helped bring Asami back to life, but the woman never fully regained her former strength. She could still fight, could still command an entire room with a simple click of her heels, but her recovery was slow and tedious, and she would often cry herself to sleep as numerous aches overtook her body. Her soul, while there, was in half, and by the time Asami turned 53, she needed the help of a cane to support herself, her long strides becoming shorter, her stamina dwindling at such a rate it became alarmingly obvious that she couldn't quite manage anymore.
Most painful, though, were her arrangements with Jinora. Asami figured out long before anyone else that she would not see her fifty-fifth year, made the quiet transfer of her company to hers and Korra's children, Suki and Rey, leagued the mansion to all three, and made sure that no one would need of anything. She signed legal papers stating that she'd be buried next to her parents on the family plot, jotted down the words she would like to have on her tombstone, yet asked that her grave be humble. There was no need for a bust or statue to commemorate her. Jinora wished that Asami would speak to Korra, let her on it all, but the heiress simply smiled, said that Korra needed her focus on her duties.
She spent her last days talking with her children, wishing that she'd had more time to see her grandchildren and hug them, kiss them and recount her wild youth, but all of that was pointless. She'd only put herself in a sour mood once, asked to be excused as Korra helped her back to their chambers.
On her last day, Asami had a serene smile plastered on her face. She admired her wife sleeping soundly beside her, having not left her side since Asami could not even lift her arms anymore. In her heart, Asami knew that Korra was aware that this, this would be the extent of her life. Eventful yet too short, complete yet still longing for more.
She pressed soft fingers against Korra's cheeks, quiet tears slipping from her slits to blotch the pillow, and when she closed her eyes, Asami Sato exhaled for the final time.
Korra smiled as she stepped into purple fields, the colorful sky a myriad of shades as the spirits flew everywhere, trees sprouting from nothing. She glanced around, took a long and deep breath to take it all in, let the sweet rays fall upon her face.
Ruffling to the right snapped her back to attention. Korra glanced there, her smile growing wider at the approaching figure. The young heiress appeared, regal and beautiful as always, now twenty-something-years-old, a coy grin drawing across her lips. Korra grabbed at her extended hand.
"I've kept you waiting, my love," said the Avatar. Their foreheads touched, eyes closed.
"I wouldn't have had it any other way, darling. I've missed you."
Korra huffed, a terrible mask to hide her grievance. But there was no need for it now, it was all done. Raava would've already found another Avatar, and the cycle would continue as the new generation took over, trained and ready and more powerful than anyone could imagine.
At last, Korra was reunited with her loved ones.
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irresistiibles · 4 days
plotting/starter call under the cut! they're lightly capped at four per muse but if you have a good idea and it isn't last minute i'm happy to add it. i'll also being doing memes at the start of the event, so don't feel like you have to go crazy. like and i'll come to your dms or reply with some starters and i'll get to queueing! glad to see so much love and hype for the event!
achilles : unaware any change has occurred
achilles is technically a lord but is currently serving as a knight and thinks this has been his life forever. he's fine with it though he does think he deserves a higher up position than what he currently has and isn't thrilled he has to do this service as a knight for image or whatever it is that got him there. he is probably some sort of officer or commander not just one of the guys in the crowd. he spends a little too much time at the tavern starters (1/4): hades
angel dust : aware things have changed
aware something happened but doesn't know how to explain it and is really worried he took something since everyone else is acting normal. he's also worried about how to find drugs here and will be very on edge all the time. starters (3/4): sir pentious, niffty, vaggie
asami sato : unaware any change has occured
working as a blacksmith and having a good time with it honestly. sure, it's less high tech than what she's used to back home but asami loves to learn new crafts and get used to new environments. actively involved in guild life and she's probably poking around with magic and monsters more than she should as well. starters (1/4): ben skywalker
ben hargreeves : unaware any change has occurred
honestly he's got no magic but would sign himself up to be a wizard's apprentice so fast. like that seems cool of course that's what he's doing. he likes adding ingredients to potions and chilling. absolutely will approach magical monsters even if he shouldn't starters (1/4): klaus hargreeves
clara oswald : unaware any change has occurred
she's happier now than she had been in modern washington. this is way more interesting to clara. she's working as a tutor but is absolutely getting too involved in nobility politics, and could get caught up trying to overthrow someone. also very interesting in the magical creatures all over the place starters (0/4):
deena johnson : unaware any change has occurred
a farmer who lives on the outskirts of town. she's really good with animals, and is probably one mistake away from being accused of witchcraft for one reason or another. she's not doing any witchcraft, but it probably way too comfortable talking to people who are. starters (0/4)
emery anden : aware things have changed
he is very concerned with everything going on, especially in the medical field, and it's not making him feel great about the chances he's actually aware of his real life in modern washington also. get this man some help (not leaches please) starters (1/4): kaul hilo
fizzarolli : unaware any change has occurred
truly living up his best life as a jester for charlie. i would say they're a pretty well acclaimed jester in general, so even though he's a court jester they will come and perform in taverns when possible, and he's really just thriving in this sort of environment. starters (2/4): louise belcher, charlie morningstar
glinda upland : unaware any change has occurred
your local witch, but glinda has a very good reputation. she doesn't do any curses, just things like charms, good luck potions, healing spells, love potions, what have you. she's very chill and not worried about any accusations cause she's very good at keeping people happy and on her side starters (1/4): fiyero tiggular
gu zi : unaware any change has occurred
you know what i'm committing. he's living as a rat catcher, and is honestly pretty chill about it. he absolutely also tries to befriend some of the bigger monsters and creatures running around washington even though he's got basically no way of defending himself. starters (0/4):
inej ghafa : unaware any change has occurred
she's actually gone from trying to work a respectable job in the modern day to going back to thievery and criminal activity. it's just easier and she doesn't trust as easily here with magic way more available and difficult to deal with starters (1/4): nimona
irina yang : aware things have changed
knows things changed suddenly, but has realized this is a great way to start scamming people. anything she can remember about the modern world she's selling as information, and they're also just kind of pretending to be a witch because she's got enough magic to get away with it, and when they ask for something she can't do, they're just putting drugs in potions. starters (0/4):
jang man wol : aware things have changed
she's working as an inkeeper but she's very upset to be back in the past. she already lived through this era! been there done that! where's her phone? her dramas? she will absolutely be complaining about this to anyone who will listen even if they think she's mad starters (0/4)
jin ling : unaware any change has occured
nobility. probably a whole king and very stressed and unhappy about it. made a ruler very young and has no idea what he's doing. he can't catch a break even when he's not home okay. starters (1/4): wei wuxian
jonathan sims : aware things have changed
he's going to become fully aware after the event. right now he's still unaware of his real life but he's aware of his life in modern washington and knows this is not right. probably accidentally became a local prophet because of how he's just starting to Know things now, but he's mostly running around trying to figure out what the fuck is going on starters (0/4)
kyoshi : unaware any change has occurred
she's probably gotten herself involved with a local crime group because with her luck she would absolutely catch too much attention and get kicked out from her nice servant job. give her a crime group to join, she's got way too many morals and will be annoying but she's also good muscle. another one of my characters who's one wrong statement away from a witch hunt starters (0/4):
luo qingyang : unaware any change has occurred
living her best farmer life. she's got a bunch of chickens and is truly just chilling. is a good place to go to if anyone needs to hide from monster hunters or a witch hunt starters (0/4):
madoka kaname : unaware any change has occurred
give me a witch for her to apprentice under! she can't do magic but she can get ingredients, and help make potions, and bring a cat and some good energy along and she would love it a lot okay! she will also defend them as much as she can when the inevitable witch hunt comes along. starters (1/4): homura akemi
mei nianqing : aware things have changed
he's aware things are different but honestly he likes this better so he's kind of keeping his mouth shut i'm afraid. he's thriving as an astrologer/tutor/priest for the rich, and kind of hopes things will stay like this. don't mention how things were different he will gaslight you starters (0/4):
nico di angelo : unaware any change has occurred
he's a priest, does exorcisms and everything. obviously he still has his powers and knows who his dad is, but he just uses that to genuinely be able to help with ghosts and gain trust with people. he's living surprisingly comfortably here. starters (0/4): bianca di angelo
nie huaisang : aware things have changed
he knows things have changed but he's not really making that clear to anyone. sure, he'll talk in fantasy about a modern washington, but there's no need to stress everyone out by making them think he's more than just an airhead. he's a lower noble who spends his time chilling and painting. he's very interested in the mythical creatures and will try and adopt a baby dragon starters (0/4):
ning yingying : unaware any change has occurred
apprentice under shen qingqiu and learning about european swords and clothing. the problem with her being more confident and a little bit better at fighting in a world where duels and jousting are possibilities is she keeps considering it. girl is mostly living as a scholar but is ready to brawl do don't encourage her. starters (1/4): sha hualing
pearl: unaware any change has occurred
she's obsessed with the human concept of knights so this is great for her. she is of course serving as a knight, and though i'm sure she's under a specific kingdom but i would love to plot someone who she's specifically guarding. she's very protective and will be willing to throw herself in front of danger without hesitation pls employ. starters (1/4): sella palpetine
roronoa zoro : unaware any change has occurred
working as a bounty hunter/sword for hire again for both humans and mosnters, whatever gets him a paycheck. he'll work for whoever, but he's less inclined to work for people of power, he just doesn't really get along with them that well, and he's mostly looking to fight more than get a massive paycheck. starters (0/4):
shang qinghua : unaware any change has occurred
advisor to some sort of noble! overworked and a schemer, so if anyone's plotting against nobles he is a good person to go to. he's happy to do a lot of underhanded shit to get rid of people. give me a noble for him to work under. starters (0/4):
shi qingxuan : unaware any change has occurred
honestly living a chill life as a barmaid/occasional beggar when funds are low. qingxuan is actually really comfortable and having a fun time with the common people in this form of washington, so it'll be a nice time for them. a good friend to have if you want cheap drinks starters (0/4):
toph beifong : unaware any change has occurred
technically somehow got herself stuck as a noble lady, and i think it would be funny for someone to plot being the poor knight/guard looking after her because i know toph is quite literally always running away from them and trying to get into fights or start trouble starters (2/4): katara, mai
yin yu : unaware any change has occursed
he's a gravedigger lmao, and not obsessed with it for obvious reasons. catch him sulking around in graveyards on the regular. he's staying away from most of the new mythical creatures and is trying to convince the people he knows to stay away from the dragons as well. starters (0/4):
zagreus : unaware any change has occurred
he's a prince but doesn't actually like doing that and is working a small apothecary job on the side and just hopping he doesn't get recognized. loves going to watch jousting and see if he can get included somehow. starters (0/4):
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bitofthisandthat · 10 months
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@reanimatedmuses asked: Leo pretending he's in a courtroom: "Your honor, let the record show one Miss Asami Sato has stolen my heart and should be sentenced to a lifetime of being my girlfriend."
Tell me why your muse would take mine to court!
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When it comes to the bold slider, Asami is ALWAYS amused (and enamored)--He can mug and tease all he wants, and it's a guaranteed laugh from the heiress every time. She chuckles musically, and grips his hands in hers, pulling him forward.
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"Aww! You're ridiculous. But you know I feel the sa--"
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"Wait. Is that a long-term commitment I hear?"
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empathiie · 1 year
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hi everyone, this is a hwevent16 starter call! a list of my characters will be under the cut, and i will be doing four starters per character. numbers will be randomly picked to choose what monsters our muses will be dealing with!
bigby wolf (1/4): snow white.
dora tonks (1/4): harriet hufflepuff.
draco malfoy (4/4): rabastan lestrange, scorpius malfoy, ginny weasley, harry potter.
garrett (4/4): drusilla keeble, alice cullen, edward cullen, renesmee cullen.
gwayne hightower (1/4): branwen.
hannah washington (4/4): alyssa brown, jessica riley, asami sato, beth washington.
jackie taylor (4/4): taissa turner, alec, annabeth chase, ellie williams.
jyn erso (1/4): mickey milkovich.
louis weasley (2/4): bill weasley, wednesday addams.
luna lovegood (3/4): cho chang, jeremiah fisher, harry potter.
lyanna mormont (2/4): veronica sawyer, daenerys targaryen.
maggie greene rhee (2/4): diana holland, princess jasmine.
minerva mcgonagall (2/4): hagrid, james potter.
rey (2/4): daisy johnson, samara palpatine.
rhaenyra targaryen (4/4): james norrington, harwin strong, helaena targaryen, rhaena targaryen.
rose weasley (2/4): hermione granger, peggy schuyler.
theon greyjoy (1/4): kevin keller.
will graham (1/4): galadriel.
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torntruth · 8 months
below the cut you will find the muses that i do still think about now again, but due to lack of interaction, fandom or i have once written just for a friend, they don't really see the light of day. they're being put back here for a big what if. they're requestable, i'm just not going to put any effort into musings, about pages, etc. they'll be written for pure funsies or ships.
ELEANOR LAMB , bioshock . BRASIDAS OF SPARTA , ac: odyssey . LYDIA FRYE , ac: syndicate . RANDVI , ac: valhalla. QUIET , metal gear solid 5. VENOM SNAKE , metal gear solid 5. MOIRA BURTON , resident evil series. LAUREN LEWIS , lost girl. JACOB SEED , far cry 5. CLARA GARCIA , far cry 6. JENNIFER HILLS , i spit on your grave. AMY WARE , dead island 2. CAITLYN KIRAMMAN , arcane / lol. VI , arcane / lol. CHLOE PRICE , life is strange. STEPH GINGRICH , life is strange. MAX CAULFIELD , life is strange. ASAMI SATO , legend of korra. JUDY ALVAREZ , cyberpunk. SAM PUCKETT , icarly / victorious. CATRA , she-ra. LOOSUM HAGAR , rage series . SARAH MORGAN , starfield . BUFFY SUMMERS , buffy: the vampire slayer . FAITH LEHANE , buffy: the vampire slayer . HALCYON HELEN , the outerworlds . ALEXANDRIA HYPATIA , dishonored . THE OUTSIDER , dishonored. PILGOR , goat simulator series. purely for inbox invasion. SEYKA , horizon series.
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rwac96 · 3 months
My Moods (June 22nd)
Original AU: Farmer AU, College AU, RWBY AU: Faunus AU, Yandere AU, Brothel AU, Prison AU, Beach AU, Spy AU, Domestic AU
Alpha Stud AU: Farmer AU, College AU, Yandere AU, RWBY: AU: Faunus AU, Brothel AU, Prison AU, Beach AU, Lust Virus AU, Domestic AU
General Moods: Dom/Sub, Worship Kink, Wholesome Romance, Happy Pride Month, Crossover: Fusion AU, Pet Play, Slice of Life
Main Muses: Batman/Bruce Wayne, She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters, Ragna The Bloodedge, Asami Sato, Izuku Midoriya/Deku, Weiss Schnee, Cloud Strife, Ino Yamanaka, Sonic The Hedgehog, Pyrrha Nikos, Cyclops/Scott Summers, Vi (League of Legends), Johnny Cage, Android 21/Vomi, Jaune Arc
Male Muses: Character/Muse List
Female Muses: Character/Muse List
Memes: Bubble Tea Challenge, What if...?Meme, Chest Stare, Kill or Spare, Marry Me Dammit!, Pregnancy Test, Love Confession Meme, Truth Serum, Porn Title & Tags, Magic Sex Doll, Futanarization
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aueternus · 1 month
muse(s) update! (as of 19/08/2024):
added muses: jane grey (my lady jane); guilford dudley (my lady jane); susannah (my lady jane); noah calhoun (the notebook) *cough* @maimedaffair *cough*; viktor hargreeves (the umbrella academy)
muses moved to tertiary: anna værnes + honeymaren nattura (frozen); asami sato (the legend of korra); pansy parkinson (anti-hp); eddie kaspbrak (it); patroclus (greek mythos); sloane hargreeves + eudora patch (the umbrella academy); tyler galpin (wednesday); all final fantasy muses; rose winters (resident evil); emily davis (until dawn)
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madmanwonder · 4 months
My Mood
AU(S): Horror AU: Ghost AU, Law and Crime AU: Assassin AU, College AU: Teacher AU, Apocalypse AU: Scavenged Punk AU, Celebrity AU: Youtuber AU, Mercenary AU, Star Wars AU: Jedi AU, Medieval AU: Commoner AU: Merchant AU, Slavery AU: Slave Seller AU, Beach AU
General Moods: Happy, Semi-NSFW, Celebrity Scandal/Controversy, Unexpected Love at First Sight, Funny, Odd Friendship
Main Muses: Dragon's Crown, Fairy Tail, Bleach, Nickelodeon, Soul Eater, Tekken, Capcom, Soul Calibur, Mass Effect, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, To-Love Ru
Main Male Muses:  The Wizard, Romeo Conbolt, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, Bolin, Death the Kid, Jin Kazama, Maxi (Soul Calibur), M!Commander Shepherd, M!Courier, Rito Yuuki, Vilkas
Main Female Muses: The Elf, Cana Alberona, Nanao Ise, Asami Sato, Elizabeth Thompson, Asuka Kazama, Sheva Alomar, Taki, Liara T'Soni, Cait (Fallout 4), Serana Volkihar
Meme: Free for All
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