#murdoch mysteries queer icons
geese-in-a-frock-coat · 7 months
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We do not talk enough about how camp season one is.
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jehans-flower-pot · 8 months
hi bestie how are you ^_^ how is your 2024 going. im making a zine about queer terminology for my history final project!!! i also changed my icon. it’s bobby brackenreid from murdoch mysteries.
LOML!!! my 2024 has been busy so far lmao but midterms r over so!!! omgomgomg the zine is so cool of u tell me more like r u making it fully traditionally or digitally at all whats the format can i read it when ur done please????? NEW ICON i love his colorscheme and all around vibe pretty pretty pretty
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theawkwardwriter64 · 2 years
My favorite Murdoch Mysteries characters
I for absolutely no reason decided to make this post.
So here are my favorite Murdoch Mysteries characters (not in order)
1. Julia Ogden: What's not to love about her?!? She has great fashion, and she's smart and kind and is a coroner, psychiatrist and a doctor.
2. Emily Grace: I know she broke George's heart (Believe me I hate her for that) but overall she has to be one of my favorites. I particularly love the way she would just walk into Murdoch's office without knocking, and that time she and George stole the Scrutiny Camera to take a picture of the ghost at Queens Park. And the fact that she's QUEER?!? 👏 Cherry 👏 on 👏 top!!!!
3. Ruby Ogden: She's underappreciated, and needs to be in more episodes. I mean she is a little nosey (Couldn't keep her nose out of Murdoch's desk in 4x13!!!) But she's kind and sweet overall. Honestly probably one of the only reporter characters I like (Bc screw Iris West)
4. Rebecca James: BECAUSE YES! She's determined, smart, funny, the list goes on! I was sad to see her go, but she's going to be a real doctor now. Anyways she is probably one of my favorite Morgue Assistants (Besides Emily obviously) Gotta love her.
5. Nina Bloom: Legit iconic, girl is the definition of: "I do what I want" She is a modern woman for sure, even though her job might be a little..... UHM- SO anyways, we love her anyways.
6. Freddie Pink: Miss Pink is literally the early 1900's Frankie Drake and I'm here for that.
7. Detective Watts/Detective 90 Degree Angle: Yes I do call him that, but he stands at a 90 Degree angle!! We have some things in common: Bad posture, we're apart of the LGBTQ and a love for soft pretzels, and we can't read our own handwriting.
8. George Crabtree/George Crab-Then-Tree: George deserves so much better!!! I'm fearing for Effie's life as his Girlfriend.. Honestly! I feel like after Emily cheated on him things only got worse for him. But who doesn't love our Newfoundland Foundling?!?! I'll tell ya who: THE WRITERS!!!!
9. Eva Pearce: There is so much to unpack with Miss Pearce, but I'll just scratch the surface: She's a Sociopath in love with Detective Murdoch. And honestly I prefer her to Gillies.
10. Charlotte (Maddy and Girly): Yes, more crazy people are on my list! I honestly love Charlotte very dearly, (and Maddy and Girly) and I'm very glad she didn't turn out like Lizzy Borden.
11. James Gillies: I know I said I didn't like him, but he's interesting but I like Eva better. I am very happy to be rid of him finally. But he and I have one thing in common: We're both afraid of being hung. Murdoch's presentation put the fear in both of us.
12. Henry Higgins: Oh sweet Henry, there is not a thought behind those eyes... We love him for it!
So if I was to put it in order it would be:
1. Julia
2. Emily
3. Rebecca
4. Ruby
5. Detective Watts
6. George
7. Henry
8. Miss Pink
9. Eva Pearce
10. Nina Bloom
11. Charlotte/Maddy/Girly
12. James Gillies
This post took me like 2 hours to make lol
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geese-in-a-frock-coat · 5 months
What's your evidence for Watts and Murdoch being autistic? (I totally agree btw)
Hello, internet stranger. Buckle up cause I've thought too hard about this.
Ok disclaimer I have not really sat down and watched the whole thing for a hot minute. Its past nine, you're just gonna have to trust me this one.
Credentials: Mega autisitc
Does not understand social conventions. Like this ones pretty obvious. He doesn't understand why people keep dogs. Raises his kid in a completely non traditional way. Frequently doesn't get why people care about something that he sees as not being worth it (sports and popular trends and so forth).
Doesn't like small talk
Cares about justice NOT the law. The thing that really makes me think he's autistic is that he cares about things being just and is prepared to break the rules to do so. The main example being he lets that woman out of prison depsite the fact that he could go down for it. He turns a blind eye to Watts and lets Giles go even though they're both criminals in the eyes of the law. And on the flipside he sends George to prison because I think that's what he percieves as justice (if anyone's seen the bridge this really reminds me of Saga at the end of season 2)
Sees through hierarchy. There are so many epsiodes that play out like "I think Mr X is the killer." "But Mr x is extrememly important and influential!" "I don't care he killed her."
Interest in science and inventing. Look I know we joke about stereotypes but like, its a stereotype for a reason. He builds things with an autistic brain. He uses pattern repition through learning about previous inventions and applying them to his own devices.
Visual learner. This is not autism exclusive but he solves cases in such a unique way that it screams ND to me. Murdoch often literally builds a case. They make a joke about clue/cludo but he literally has to make the model of a house to picture where everyone is. He makes all those model of the ladies that were covered in metal. And let us not forget his famous chalk board.
Buzzkill. I say this as a long-term sufferer of leaves parties at 8:45 syndrome. He does 'boring hobbies' which autistic people often have because we don't feel the need to take up traditional ones.
Remember that scene where he attempts to read out his and Julia's book and just absolutely cannot tell that no one gives a single toss about anything he's saying.
Wears the same thing for nearly 20 years. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Refused to let his wife cut his hair because he didn't want to change from the lady who used to do it.
breather. Part 2: watts.
Cannot read social cues: Frequently insults other station house four people. Pretty sure he called someone's baby ugly but I might have hallucinated that. "You're face is symetrical." Got chucked out of station house because he didn't get on with any of them
Disregard for societal norms: doesn't feel the need to be polite or tactful with anyone or to really follow police protocol. Acts very 'improper' a lot of the time. Only got one shoe shined that one time because that was all he needed. Puts his feet on the sofa, lies on the desk and leans over tables.
Makes limited eye contact.
The man will fidget with anything: Look this is clearly a character decision from Daniel Maslany but its an autistic character decision if ever I saw one. We're talking pencils, cups, fabric, anything. If it is on the set, he will find a way to play with out. And I don't normally like to assign autistic traits onto behaviour implemented by actors but it's basically stimming at this point. I dare you to keep an eye on this man's hands for any scene and I garuntee you they will not stay still.
Disorganised, but not: He always has tiny bits of paper and whatnot in his pockets but always seems to know where everything is. organised but doesn't have to time to be tidy. Same whenever we see his flat, it's equally disorganised. as an autistic person I find things end up all over the place because I don't have the capacity to keep them in order.
Bad handwriting and can't spell
Physicality: Most autistic people will have some sort of problem with co-ordination. He walks uneavenly. He has an odd posture. I always think about that scene where he steps in sick and moves around like a dear on ice. He's clumsy, can't sit straight and has a strange posture.
can't think when being interrupted
can't focus on two things at once.
George realised he'd been possessed by aliens because he was acting normally.
pretzels: dare i say safe food. If not, they're bland, usually the same everytime and take little mental effort to consume.
Strong sense of justic: see william murdoch.
Dr Emily Grace: didn't become a doctor becuase she didn't want to adopt a 'cheerful bedside manor.'
Dr Julia Ogden: Married to Murdoch (like calls to like) and sees through the bullshit of victorian society.
Susannah Murdoch: has those two as parents and I have the full confidence of genetics on this one.
In conclusion:
There's probably so much more I could talk about that I just don't remember because there is a lot more of this show than most others. But anyway. Murdoch is autistic because he has to be for the show to work and becuase he often comedic-foils far too close to the sun. And Watts is autistic because there is no way on God's green earth a man who stands like that is neurotypical.
Thank you, internet stranger, I am here all week.
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