#much to curator reader’s displeasure
gravehags · 4 months
just imagined copia walking into his living room after a long day and curator reader being passed out on the couch with his rats curled up next to her. he just fumbles for his phone crying like
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“amata mia…i miei bambini…”
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Pumpkin Juice ~ JJK [Request]
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PAIRING: slytherin!Jungkook x Hufflepuff!Reader
GENRE: HogwartsAU, Harry Potter Universe, friends to strangers, strangers to enemies, enemies to lovers who have secret crushes on one another, touch her and I’ll kill you vibes, there is no wizard war in this so shhh, everyone is happy...Fred is Fred .
A/N: I used the “Wheel Of Names” to generate who would be used for this imagine and I got Jungkook, I thought since I didn’t give anyone a chance to request him I would do this as a one off for now :) 
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Ever since you could remember it had always been you and Jungkook together, since you were kids you were always hanging out together and having fun. You'd met when you were younger, both your wizarding families had been friends for hundreds of years so it was fate that you and Jungkook would get along with one another. The two of you could never be separated, spending time with one another so much that people considered you siblings or some would even assume that you were dating. Your parents hoped you would date Jungkook since he was one of the best wizards in the country along with you by his side, the two of you were exceptionally smart and everyone had high expectations of you but once you began attending Hogwarts however, all of it changed. Instead of being your rock as he had been for all those years, Jungkook became a total stranger to you, being placed in Slytherin changed his personality for the worst. He began hanging around with all of the wrong people, Draco and Pansy influencing him to become one of the worst people you'd ever had the displeasure of knowing. 
Even in your final year, he was still pretending as though he'd never even known you, escaping to talk to you whenever he could though and in the summer he would attend parties at your home as if nothing had changed. As if he hadn't spent the entire school term torturing you and your friends with mean nickname and chants that they had been coming up with. The worst one being a song they had curated around Cedric's death in The Triwizard Tournament when he knew that you and Cedric had been dating for some time. 
"Look who it is, the book worm." You heard a familiar coo as you sat in the library one day during a free period, this voice didn't fill you with dread as many others did within the school grounds. 
"Fred," You greeted coldly, pretending to be mean to him as you tried to focus your mind on the potions book in front of you trying to get everything to set in your mind, Snape was always on at you for being behind in his class but it wasn't your fault. Potions weren't something you wanted to take but it was forced upon you by your family, almost every member was a master at potions except for you. Quidditch was where your skills laid and you could have been a professional if you could keep your grades up but you kept getting "D"'s in your potions class, 
"Another Dreadful?" George chimed in as he sat down beside you on one of the wooden chairs, glancing over at the latest potions report card you had gotten back, you slid it under your book not wanting anyone else that was inside of the library to see or overhear what was being spoken about.
"Snape hates me, that's all there is to it." You grumbled as your eyes continued to scan over the same sentence again and again but it was as if your head wasn't taking anything in that you were reading. 
"You just need a good tutor, someone who is exceptionally brilliant at potions," George said as he began straightening out his robes, brushing them off as he was clearly speaking about himself, 
"Someone who is also exceptionally good looking, charming and funny." He added as he put his elbow onto the desk, staring at you as he waited for you to take the hint. You smiled at him pretending as though you were taken in by everything he was saying, 
"You're so right Georgey...But where would I find someone like that, Hogwarts is filled with Idiots." You winked at him pushing his elbow out from underneath him and laughing in sync with Fred as George hit his head onto the wooden desk below him. 
"You're so mean to me," George began pouting out his bottom lip you were about to give him a sarcastic comment back when a shiver ran up and down your spine and the nearby candles blew out. 
"Well, well, well, it's the Weasleys and their little Weasley Whore." You shuddered at the sound of Pansy's voice, it was like nails on a chalkboard to you as she made her way over to the desk. Glancing you up and down as she spotted the report card sticking out from under your book.
"How was your Potions exam?" She asked as she pulled out a chair across from you, you knew she didn't care about your exam so you began to slowly pack your things up in silence, wanting nothing more than to get away from her and study in peace.
"Not so fast!" She called out, slamming her hand down onto the book in front of you and dragging it towards her with a giant smirk across her lips. 
Sliding out the report card the smirk only began to grow as she saw the large blood-red D written on the top of your card, 
"I would have given you a T so it would match you," She tilted her head to the side faking sympathy as she said something mean to you,
"T for troll...Get it? I thought I would explain seeing as you're so stupid," Fred went to step forward to say something but you clutched his wrist, it wasn't worth the fight or the detention you would no doubt get from Snape if he heard you were standing up to one of his favourite students. 
"Oh, this is a recent development," She snickered, staring down at your hand that was wrapped around Fred's pale wrist, the boy began to shake with anger but you tightened your grip. 
"I'm sure Jungkook would love to hear about this, maybe we could add a verse to the Weasley Is Our King song with Y/n in it as well!" She jumped up from the chair with excitement and began giggling as she walked out of the hall, humming the tune to the song she had referenced. 
"Not worth it, if Snape hears someone stood up to her there'll be hell to pay," You reminded Fred who was beginning to rant on about how Pansy had the face of a dog and the breath of one trying to get you to laugh. 
"It's nothing, I need to go and study some more in the common room, maybe I can convince one of the house-elves to sneak me some food," You nudged George as you got up from the table walking out of the library and down to the moving staircases. 
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While on your way to the Hufflepuff common rooms you passed Jungkook who was standing outside the kitchen as if he was waiting for you to come by which would have completely outlandish to everyone else but to you it was normal. His leg was kicked up against the wall, nose down in a book as his eyes scanned over the text that was inside, 
"Struggling with something?" You questioned making him jump a little as he looked up from the Astronomy textbook, his leg dropped to the floor as he nodded at you. 
"I'll meet you at the Astronomy tower tonight but keep Pansy away from me, that was my deal with helping you with your studies," You reminded him of the deal you had made that summer between the two of you. 
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Trapped inside your bedroom you waited for Jungkook to say something first, all-year-long he'd been torturing you relentlessly with Pansy and Draco. The name-calling and the persistent annoying pranks he would do were starting to get to you but in the summer he was the old Jungkook you knew and loved pretending as though nothing had happened. It was the same every year and you hated it. You couldn't see any reason why he acted the way he did in school,
"It would be nice if we could still be friends at school instead of pretending that you hate my guts," You mumbled as you watched him, he was sitting on the floor in front of your dresser, knees pulled into his chest as he listened to the party that was going on downstairs for your mother. The two of you were supposed to be doing the summer reading but your head was starting to pound with all of the new information and Jungkook was struggling with his Astronomy textbook.
"I can't...If I did that-"
"They would all hate you and you would feel like an outsider in your own wizarding house," You repeated what he had to you over a thousand times back to him in a mocking tone and he sighed looking at you, he never meant to hurt you when you were in school. It was all just supposed to be a joke but this time it had gone too far, joking about Cedric was one of the worst things he could have possibly done. Jungkook had known how much you and Cedric liked one another which was one of the reasons he was rooting for Cedric to lose in the tournament he'd never been good at placing his feelings but he knew jealously when he felt it.
"I am sorry about Cedric, he was a good guy." He mumbled not believing what he was saying but he knew he had to be there for you, deep down he had no idea why he was so jealous of you and Cedric all he knew was that he was and it made him feel like he had to be mean to you about the boy you liked. 
The room fell into silence as you both listened to the faded music playing downstairs, you never knew what to say when someone bought up the reminder that your ex-boyfriend was dead.
"Will you help me study this year?" He asked out of the blue, making you glance up at him and nod without thinking about it first. The two of you would normally study together in the summer, what difference would it make in the School year. 
"I'll make you a deal, we help each other study and I'll keep Pansy and Draco out of your way." He offered, reaching out his hand for you to shake if you accepted the deal he was making.
"Sounds like a good idea to me," You shook on it before sliding off the bed and sitting beside him, where Jungkook struggled in Astronomy you were great and where you struggled in Potions Jungkook was great it was the perfect combination. 
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"I do keep her away from you but I can't watch her all of the time," He laughed softly as he looked at you but you weren't laughing, you were too angry from the fact that she had been mocking you again when Jungkook had promised to make all of it stop and for the most part it had. He wouldn't torture you as much as he had done for the last few years and he had done his best to keep Pansy out of your face, 
"Keep her on a short leash or Dogface will get a punch," You poked his chest as you began walking towards the entrance to your common room, it was no secret to where it was hidden since everyone and their great aunt seemed to know where it was located. Not to mention most Hufflepuffs allowed all of their friends to come and go whenever they wanted, 
"I've never been inside the common room," Jungkook hinted as you reached the barrels, 
"And you never will," You smirked evilly at him waiting for him to leave but he continued to stand there waiting for you to go inside so he could follow you in but you weren't going to move. 
"Jungkook, what are you doing down here?" Taehyung's voice rang out from the top of the hall, he had a tray of what looked like baked goods in his arms as a house-elf pushed him and Jimin out of the kitchen. 
"Torturing the house-elves again?" You questioned the two of them, folding your arms over your chest as a blush crept onto the two Hufflepuff's cheeks as they made their way over to you,
"We needed sustenance for our all-night-long study session," Jimin whined as you hummed at him, taking a cake from the top of the tray Taehyung was holding and began eating it waiting for Jungkook to leave once again. 
"I'll see you in Divination class," Jungkook whispered as he walked back down the hall backwards, his eyes never leaving yours despite being stared down by Taehyung and Jimin who turned to you as soon as the dark-haired boy was out of their sight.
"Flirting with a Slytherin, how scandalous," Jimin wiggled his eyebrows but you pushed him to the side, knocking on the barrel in the correct order before heading into the common room.
Instantly greeted by the warmth of the fireplace that was burning and the small chatter from everyone in the room, sitting beside Scarlet - one of the girls in your year - was Jin from Ravenclaw as they studied together...Well, it looked like they were staring down into the root of a plant but since they both loved Herbology so much you assumed they were studying.
"That's what it looked like to me," Jimin mumbled as he followed you over to one of the giant armchairs where you sat yourself down and took out your book to prove you were ignoring him. 
"You need classes then, there is and never will be something going on between me and Jungkook." You snapped as you looked up at him with piercing eyes as if you were daring him to say something else but he stopped speaking and you went back to reading. 
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Divination class was normally one of the most laid back subjects you had taken in the school, it was all mostly a bunch of guessing work as well as skillfully avoiding getting asked to demonstrate by keeping your head in the book and avoiding Professor Trelawney's gaze as much as possible but today you could sense something was going to happen. 
As soon as you first walked in and saw Pansy on your table you knew there had to be something going on that involved pairs and bonding with other students for different Houses. 
"Pansy dear, you go first." You held back a snort at the idea of someone calling Pansy dear, Professor Trelawney was attempting to get everyone to read one another's future. A crystal ball was the only thing standing between the two of you on the table and it was taking everything inside of you not to pick it up and launch it at her face, maybe it would have made an improvement if you had.
"I see that Y/n is..." Pansy began staring into the ball intensely as she squinted a little everyone began to watch her as she dragged on the anticipation of everything,
"Y/n is going to get a "T" in the next potions exam," You scoffed out as everyone else in the room began to erupt in laughter, everyone that was except for you and Jungkook who was staring at you with "I'm sorry" eyes. 
"Do you know what I see?" You asked sarcastically as you looked at the ball in front of you and then back up to Pansy who had one eyebrow raised at you, 
"That the stupid dogface will fall off her broom in the next quidditch match this weekend," Pansy stood up ready to fight when Professor Trelawney clapped her hands together loudly and asked for the next pair to try and do it properly this time. Meanwhile you and Pansy exchanged looks as she threatened you with her eyes, you knew she was plotting something inside of her mind and you couldn't wait to see what it was. Not. 
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Later that night when everyone was asleep you'd managed to sneak out of your common room and make your way up to the Astronomy Tower, you would have apparated yourself there but you still didn't have your license thanks to George and Fred distracting you one time and getting you caught between a wall.
"Took you long enough," You hissed playfully to Jungkook as he made his way into the tower and sat beside you, you had a blanket laid out on the floor beside the telescope that was already pointing where it needed to be for him to study Jupiter's moons. 
"I set everything up so you don't have to worry about it," You brushed off your legs as you raised up to greet him, he smiled at you. Even in the low light, the smile he was giving you sent your stomach into a whirlwind of butterflies, ever since Jimin had mentioned you flirting with him you'd began to see Jungkook in a different way and the romantic setting of the moon wasn't helping you fight back those feelings.
"You didn't have to, I just need help remembering which is which." He sighed as he walked over to the telescope with you, peaking through it to see that you'd already put it into the perfect position for him to see each moon.
"Which is why I did this, you can focus on remembering...Now, start with the red one."
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The studying had gone brilliantly Jungkook was well under his way to remembering the moons and some of the named stars that surrounded it.
"Thank you again...and I'm sorry about Pansy earlier, she's just being a bitch because Draco has started to ignore her," You laughed at the thought of Draco ignoring Pansy, everyone knew how much of a crush she'd had on him for years. 
"It's fine, I'm used to her, but you're all going down in that match at the weekend," You teased as you placed a grape into your mouth, laying down on the blanket as you looked out at the night sky, Jungkook laying beside you so close to you that you could feel his chest rising and falling with every breath that he took. 
"You're on," He chuckled, turning to look at you as he watched you. He adored the way your eyes would light up whenever you looked up into the sky, the way your eyes seemed to shine no matter what light they were in, it made his head spin and his stomach do flips whenever he caught you.
"Thanks again...For helping me study," He whispered as he watched you waiting for you to look at him, 
"Well it's no problem-" You stopped when you realised how close you were to one another, your faces inches away as you stared into his eyes. Both of you so lost at how close you were that you hadn't heard the door to the tower open and Pansy making her way up the staircase, 
"I-I want to do something," He whispered to you as he moved a little closer, you stayed perfectly still as if you moved it might scare him away and you licked your lips. 
"Go for it," He leant closer to you, his breath touching your lips and making you shiver from how cold it was on your now wet lips. The two of you stayed like that, lips hovering above one another until you finally smashed your lips together, having enough of playing the waiting game. He smiled against your lisp, pressing his body against yours as he wrapped his arms around your body your heartbeat danced as he held you close to him. This was your first real kiss with someone and it had been someone you'd loved all these years without knowing it until right now until his lips were brushing against yours and your heart was trying to leap out of your chest. 
Pansy froze as she saw the two of you making out on the floor, she knew Jungkook had been meaning to study and was going to "accidentally" bump into him tonight so she could help him only to find this. While everyone thought she had a crush on Draco it was the opposite, she'd been crushing on Jungkook since the beginning of time but what wasn't there to love about him. Once she saw you weren't going to pull away she stormed off in an attempt to find Snape and lead him to the tower.
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The weekend quidditch match had come faster than you expected it to, the week seemed to pass in a blur and Pansy, for the most part, had left you alone. You figured she was training for the match and focussing on that instead of focussing her attention on you so much which had been nice since you were trying hard not to focus on the kiss that had happened with Jungkook. It wasn't that you didn't want to think about it you did but he was insisting on telling everyone you were dating which meant everyone would know you were together. The pro to that would be that the teasing would finally stop and you could be with the man you loved but the con would be that everyone would know, the teasing could increase and you knew your parents would instantly start planning a wedding. Not to mention the two of you were up against one another in a quidditch match and you were both highly competitive against each other. 
"Here," George said as he handed you a small weaved basket filled with cupcakes inside, 
"What is it?" You laughed thinking it was one of their inventions but George shrugged his shoulders before pointing out the gift tag that was on the side of it, your name was written in cursive writing. 
Dear Y/N,
Good luck today, if I kick your ass please don't be too mad, I'll take you out on a date for it...Astronomy tower? ~ JJK 
A warm feeling spread through your body as you saw the note from him, quickly throwing it away before any of your teammates could sneak a look. 
"Cupcakes for us?" Fred called out loudly gaining the attention of the whole Hufflepuff tent who swarmed around you for the cupcakes, leaving one for you to take as you shook your head. 
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"In the lead, we have Hufflepuff by 3 points, all we need is for someone to catch the golden snitch," Lee Jordan yelled out as you flew under Jungkook winking at him before doing a turn on your broom and heading over to Fred and George who high fived you. 
"Rub it in their faces," George laughed as he watched you steadying yourself, the match had been going on for almost an hour now and you were starting to get a little light-headed but you weren't going to let up, your team needed this win.
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"Y/n?" Someone called out but their voice was faint as you felt swear pooling around the top of your head as you tried to focus on what was happening. The match was going on around you but it felt as though you were even there, you felt sick, faint and as if the whole world was upside down on you.
"She's going to fall!" Someone screamed out from the crowds right as your grip loosened on the handle of your broom, suddenly there was a rush of air coming at you as you fell towards the quidditch ground, the cold air cooling you down as you fell freely. 
"Catch her!" You knew that was Jungkook which only made you smile as you fell, it was nice that he was showing his caring side for you despite wanting to hide it all those times before whenever you would get hurt in a match. You could still remember the first injury you had, 
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"You should have been watching where you were flying," Cedric barked at you as he sat beside you in the hospital wing, you were getting your arm stitched up since you'd accidentally flown into one of the stands in the match, cutting your arms and legs open but nothing too bad.
"You okay?!" Jungkook's panicked voice called out as he burst into the hospital wing thinking that you were alone, as soon as he saw Cedric bis blood boiled. If he'd been training you properly you never would have flown into the stands so this was his fault, 
"Showing a caring side for a puff?" Cedric laughed sarcastically as he watched Jungkook storm over to you, if there was anyone else in the wing he wouldn't have bothered coming near you but Cedric was Cedric. 
"You could have hurt yourself a lot worse than this," He mumbled as he looked at your arm and then into your eyes as his eyes filled with tears at the thought of you being injured even a little.
"Jungkook? Came to torture pipsqueak?" Draco taunted as he opened the door, your arm was dropped and you looked away from Jungkook who instantly began to pretend he didn't care that you were hurt when it was obvious that he did. 
"You should have heard the scream she made," Draco laughed loudly as he began to imitate you in front of everyone. 
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Waking up to a bunch of hushed voices you groaned, your head felt as though you'd been hit over it by a cauldron around fifty times and you were praying Madame Pomfrey wasn't going to give you any more of the disgusting-tasting medicine she had been. You'd been in and out of sleep most of the night and you couldn't remember anything that had happened, it was all a blur from the tent to the pitch. 
"She'll be a little groggy but she's okay," Pomfrey announced to whoever was standing beside the bed, your eyes blinked open as you adjusted to the light coming through the windows. Taehyung and Jimin were standing by the bed holding a basket of cakes and fruit and on the other side was a worried looking Jungkook who was still in his quidditch gear despite the match ending yesterday.
"He hasn't left since he brought you in," Jimin smirked as he placed the basket down on the nightstand beside your bed, 
"I told you, you liked him." You would have picked up one of the cakes to throw at him as he left with Taehyung if you didn't feel so weak but you rolled over to face Jungkook. 
"That stench is you then." You laughed weakly as you sat up in the bed, leaning against the metal frame as you tried to remember what had happened in the match. You hadn't hit your head and there were no curses that you knew of that would do this to you. 
"I'll get you some water," Jungkook whispered as he got up and placed a small kiss on your forehead, he headed behind one of the curtains and began pouring a drink in silence when the doors flew open. 
"Well if it isn't Little Miss Y/n," Pansy squawked as she sat down beside you on the bed, almost crushing your leg which was still healing from the fall.
"Did you enjoy your cupcakes?" She smirked and that was when it hit you, the cupcakes that had been from Jungkook, It had been the only thing that could have done something so harsh to you but why hadn't it done anything to anyone else who had eaten them? It didn't make sense,
"Don't go looking too confused, if you paid attention in potions you would know why it only worked on you," She quipped, placing a cupcake from Jimin's basket into her pocket. Jungkook's grip on the jug of water tightened from behind the curtain, Pansy had no idea that he was even there and it made his blood boil. 
"Stay away from Jungkook and it'll never happen again," She told you as she got back up ready to leave when she was suddenly thrown against the wall by a blast of blue coming from Jungkook's wand. 
"Kookie!" You gasped out as he walked over to her, pinning her to the wall by her robes as he stared deep into her eyes, 
"Don't come near her, don't even breathe in her direction! If I even find out that you so much as glanced at her I will kill you." He pushed her a little before stepping away, 
"She's an ugly, good for nothing loser and I will kill her-" You flinched at the thought of her trying to kill you and it didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook. Before Pansy could continue on her mouth was suddenly zipped shut and you froze looking at Jungkook who shook his head, 
"You insulted her, threatened her and made her flinch...I won't forget that and neither will my parents." He whispered as she shuddered, walking away from him. He knew how much his parents meant to her since they were some of the most well-known wizards in the community and she so desperately sought their approval.
"You're intimidating when you want to be," You laughed softly as he walked back over to you, running his hand over your cheek and smiling to himself. 
"I have to protect those I care about," He whispered before leaning down and kissing you once again. Your heart skipping a beat as soon as your lips connected but just as soon as it started it was over, he pulled back and made a disgusted face, 
"Pumpkin juice," You laughed as you realised he could probably taste the medicine you had been having since the night before.
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii​ @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @innersooya​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​
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145 notes · View notes
taniasinel · 7 years
For years, Kristin Mullen, her husband, and four children all lived in this wonderful house which they had designed upon returning to the states after living abroad.  With 3 sons and one daughter, a large house was much desired and very needed.  Kristin loves to decorate and this house was her greatest project. 
I first wrote her house and her décor years ago – Kristin’s rooms were a Pinterest and blog favorite.  The house, on Meadowood, was featured in magazines and catalogues even rented it out for photoshoots.   Kristin and her husband had lived in the Far East and when she chose a decorative scheme for this house, she opted for a French Indo Colonial look – to remember those happy times.  
The front door opened to the foyer and the loggia beyond, with views of the expansive back yard.
The entry was my favorite – the skirted table and gray painted molding.
The living room was painted black - years before it became so on-trend.  Later, Kristin rearranged the room.   She brought in lots of red to create that French Indo Colonial feel.
Remember these two chairs – is all I will say!!!
The dining room was the highlight of the house!  Fabulous red Chippendale chairs, two chandeliers, and matching red Chinoiserie cabinets flank the side door.
This stunning piece was repurposed by Kristin.  Painted red, she added leather and brass studs to make it an even more Oriental piece.
The  family room looked as if it was transported from a Scottish mansion with it gorgeous Pine paneling.
The back patio with fireplace overlooks the pool and fountains.
The pool includes a water rill.
With such a large house – at almost 11,000 sq. ft and with three stories - when the children start leaving for college, you start thinking about downsizing.  Well, downsizing is all in the eyes of the beholder.
Kristin’s beloved daughter Darcy has a disability and will always live at home with a caregiver, so a downsized house still needs to be large enough to accommodate her needs, along with room down the road for visiting grandchildren, yet to be born.
Their plan was to sell the house on Meadowood, move to a townhouse and then build another, smaller dream house.  When Meadowood was finally sold, the family quickly moved to an ultra modern townhouse which was to be a nice break from classic décor.  The problem was that Darcy didn’t like the contemporary townhouse.  In  fact, she hated it and was very vocal about her displeasure.  After enduring it for a month, Kristin and her husband decided to meet with a realtor and that very morning they found a classic Tudor that had been remodeled.  It was smaller than Meadowood, but at 7,000 sq.ft. it wasn’t small.  Still – the set up was perfect for Darcy and that was the most important thing.
Like I said – one person’s downsizing isn’t the same as the next person, but the new house is 4,000 sq. ft. smaller!!   
The new house with Tudor accents is very cozy looking from the outside.  But the façade hides its true expansive size.
Kristin decided to give the house an inside/outside garden feel,  the opposite of the glamourous and dressy décor that Meadowood had.   Her family wanted a more casual home where they could use every room and walk around barefoot!    Her pricey rugs were put in storage and Dash and Albert rugs were used instead.   She christened their new home “The Barefoot House.”
BEFORE:   The Tudor house had dark molding and paneling, something that Kristin would never want to live with in a house.
One note – the house had been remodeled before the Mullen’s purchased it.  These are the before photos so you can see how different the house looks today.
TODAY:   Painted white, the room is now stunning!!    Recognize the chairs?  Fancy before in yellow silk, they now wear blue and white linen stripes and painted wood!    Beside the new white paneling and walls, the floors were stained black – a great contrast to all the white.
I am in LOVE with this room!!!!   Just beautiful!!!!
Another view towards the front window showing the urns on wood pedestals.
In the corner is this accent gilt chair and ottoman. 
You might remember that Kristin had several Aidan Gray pieces in Meadowood, which she used here in the Barefoot House.   That nest!!!  That’s fabulous!!!
Another view shows a bit more of the chandelier.  Love the sunburst which was found in Round Top!!
Cowtan and Tout curtains.  So pretty.
BEFORE:   Dark moldings and faux paint on walls.   The wine cellar is behind an iron door on the right.
TODAY:   All the walls are white with white moldings and dark, black wood floors for contrast.  Striped Dash & Albert rug.  The room has an inside/outside feel with the door that opens to the garden which Kristin created. 
After Kristin moved from Meadowood, she sold much of her furniture, including her dining table because the rental townhouse didn’t have two dining areas.  The new house did – and Kristin told me she refused to buy another table one month after she sold a perfect one.  Instead she decided to use her table from her outside loggia.  Paired with kubu chairs – the dining table is perfect for the Barefoot House!!
The chandelier came from the Meadowood living room and the bookshelf is from the former breakfast room.
The Tudor/Tuscany styled iron door to the wine cellar was removed by Kristin and a barn styled door styled by her is used here instead. 
Kristin used antique shutters throughout the house, as you will see!
A close-up of the styling in the bookshelves.  An antique pine chair stands in the corner.
A close-up of Kristin’s styling in the dining room – casual and perfect for the Barefoot House.
BEFORE:   The family room with more dark molding and light wood floors – both of which were changed. 
TODAY:  First Kristin removed a built in TV cabinet which was installed on this wall.  Next, she collected antique shutters to hide the large flatscreen.   The two center shutters open to reveal the TV. 
The upholstery is light and casual with blue and white stripes and beige tufted leather.   Against the wall is her prized antique Swedish grandfather clock.
A view of the shutters and console table which showcases Kristin’s talent at tablescapes!   I absolutely love how she hid the TV here!!!   Love her accessorizing! 
A view of the antique Swedish clock.
Behind the sofa is an antique desk with wood wing chair (!) 
The accessories have an watery, beach feel. 
Water colors are brought in by the accessories.
BEFORE:   The kitchen was just…dark. 
It’s amazing what paint can do!!!!  Look at this!!  New marble of course.  And a few new glass cabinet doors – but this is an amazing difference with just paint and new countertops.
BEFORE:  The breakfast area off the kitchen, more dark and light woods.
In the breakfast area, Kristin added a seating area at the window. Pewter plates hang over the desk.
The  library is off the front hall.  More dark moldings and light floors.
In the library, Kristin  added a slipcovered sofa and two red chinoiserie chairs.  Behind the sofa is the desk and slipcovered wingchair.  I love the red accents in the Dash & Albert rug!!!
BEFORE:  The master bedroom on the first floor, with  a sea of carpet. 
Today, the carpet is replaced with the dark wood floors and a pretty skin patterned Stark rug.
The bed is from Tara Shaw’s line.  Kristen mixed the toile curtains from Meadowood’s dining room with plain cream curtains.
There’s a zebra bench at the end table.
Kristin used the chinoiserie breakfront here in the bedroom to give the room that French Indo Colonial feel.
And, more antique shutters add layered texture to the room, along with the ticking covered wing chair.
A view at dusk in the back yard, where Kristin created an English styled garden with a pool.  The grass softly creeps right up to the pool – so as to eliminate a mass of hardscape.
And, a day view. 
There is also a smaller, secret garden, right off the dining room, at the side of the house.
Recently, at a Kappa luncheon honoring popular designer and blogger Mark Sikes, Kristin was invited to design a table setting.  Using Mark’s favorite blue and white stripes as a jumping off point, Kristin added antique French chairs along with red and white stripes.
Another view of her table, which was an unusual perfect square shape.   The movie “Home Again,” which Mark consulted on, also influenced her with the bougainvillea centerpiece.
Isn’t this just the perfect table to honor Mark Sikes??
Kristen opened her shop “Curated” a few years ago for another outlet to showcase her creativity.  The shop features Swedish & European antiques and accessories,  all handpicked by Kristin, along with objets d’art.  The shop also serves as a home base for her decorating business.
Don’t live in Dallas?  You can still shop at Curated online HERE.
Curated is also a Sponsor of Cote de Texas and it has its own button on the sidebar, where you can reach the store directly.
Kristin was so sweet to have a Giveaway for Cote de Texas readers.
One lucky reader will win these two 19” pillows in Swedish Grey
To win:
All you have to do is visit the Curated web site
and pick out your favorite item for sale.  Come back and leave a comment here, telling us your favorite item!
Be sure to go and “LIKE” the Curated Facebook page HERE
Want to visit Curated?
Call 469.930.9811
6725 Snider Plaza Dallas, Texas Monday - Saturday | 10am - 5pm
from COTE DE TEXAS http://cotedetexas.blogspot.com/2017/10/another-downsizing-story-giveaway-by.html
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