#much taiora
ashxketchum · 9 months
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Digital Love
This is a birthday fic dedicated to @dutchforstrangers, someone who has become irreplaceable to me in every sense of the word. She helped me rediscover my love for Digimon and more than that, helped me discover things about myself. She takes amazing care of me and I couldn’t ask for someone better in my life. She is truly my Digital Love 🧡🧡🧡
The 21st of March. Out of all days, Taichi knew to tread lightly on that one. It was the day of one of his largest fights with Sora, and consequently led to almost losing the entire world. And if it weren’t for the ingenuity of his best friend Koushirou, they would have.
“I guess that’s why old men say ‘a happy wife is a happy life’.” Taichi laughs softly and sighs, drinking from his glass of orange juice. It was years after that fateful day, and it was nothing but a memory. A strong, nerve-wracking one, but one he didn’t share alone.
And, ever since that day, he was much more careful to gift Sora things she would enjoy, and they would talk about them properly. If she felt upset by a gift they would talk it out and learn to understand each other because of it. Even if gifts didn’t always work out, it was a valuable experience to learn about each other.
This birthday was not like normal birthdays though. It was the first birthday of Sora’s since they began dating, and it was so close to their anniversary as well. To Taichi, who had grown familiar and happy with their current system, felt like one wrong move and everything could collapse on-top of him.
So, naturally, there was only one person he could call.
“Hey, Koushirou? Are you awake?”
“Mmmh, you caught me just as I got out of bed. So yes, but barely. Is something wrong?”
“Yes, it’s about Sora…”
After explaining his insecurities, Koushirou was quick to invite him to his apartment for breakfast.
After the phone call, Taichi hears the small clacking of claws against hardwood. Turning his head thallway quickly greets him with a small dinosaur-like monster, currently rubbing his eyes.
“Wow, you’re up early Tai! Normally you don’t get up till noon on saturdays.” Agumon notes, drawing laughter from the crazy-haired man as his partner walks to his side.
“It’s a bit of a special day, Agumon. I have to get Sora some gifts before her birthday next week.” Taichi explains, softly scratching the firm scaly head of Agumon.
“Oooh, then that means you’ll be picking up a cake too, right? And speaking of food, I’m hungry! What’s for breakfast, Tai?” Agumon looks up inquisitively, sniffing the air to see if he can tell what it may be without seeing it.
“Let me get you a quick bite, we don’t need you emptying Koushirou’s pantry! Remember how annoyed Tentomon got when you accidentally ate his favorite honey crackers?” Taichi laughs, shooting Koushirou a text of his sudden change in plans before moving to fix him an omelette.
“Hey, it’s not my fault! He showed them to me and I was hungry! Wait, are we going to Izzy’s after breakfast?” Agumon grins at the idea, taking a seat at the table.
“Yeah! To plan out Sora’s gift. Now eat up Agumon, we can’t keep him waiting!” Taichi quickly serves his favorite dinosaur his plate, steam slowly rolling off the fresh omelette.
“Oh boy! Thanks Tai!”
After feeding his ravenous reptile, Taichi begins the trek to his favorite (male) redhead. A rather short one, they only lived a few floors apart thanks to their shared work, but it was still far enough that they unfortunately didn’t spend all of their time together. Though it still gave Taichi comfort, as he was reminded of their childhood being in the same apartment building.
Taichi soon nears the familiar door. Giving it a firm knock reveals Koushirou, dressed in a large t-shirt and pajama bottoms.
“It appears I’m underdressed for the occasion, eh Taichi-san?” Koushirou jokes, pointing to Taichi’s novelty “suit” t-shirt as he steps aside to let them in. Taichi laughs as he enters the apartment, thanking Koushirou for his hospitality.
Soon they’ve sat down to eat, and Koushirou begins the conversation rather swiftly.
“So, you’re worried that after so long, being in a relationship with Sora-san will change how she perceives your gift?” Koushirou questions casually, beginning to dig into his food as he smiles warmly.
“Of course I am! Things are different, we’re not kids anymore. What if she doesn’t enjoy my gift? What if she takes it the wrong way and we fight?” Taichi lays his fears out plainly to his best friend before Koushirou turns to his side, softly hugging Taichi.
“You’ll both be fine, she’s our Sora-san after all. She’ll fully understand your buying habits and methodology after so long.” Koushirou soothes Taichi as best he can, gently pushing Taichi to start to eat.
“Hmm… but I’m still unsure of gift ideas…” Taichi slowly states, thinking as he starts to eat his own meal.
After that they were left in a comfortable silence, eating and enjoying themselves as they watched their Digimon goof around, eventually ending in a harmless “stand off” between Agumon and Tentomon over Tentomon’s cat perch-turned-‘tree’.
“You know, Taichi-san, if it would help you, I may have a gift idea…”
“Please Koushirou, I’m drawing nothing but blanks!”
“Alright, well, I know she’s been gossiping a lot about some boy band with the rest of the girls. I believe their name was ‘Stray Kids’. I can’t say I entirely follow, but I know she’s been very enthusiastic about it.”
“So that’s what she’s been dancing to! Koushirou, you’re a genius!” Taichi beams wide, holding him tight.
“Will you come with me to find a gift, Koushirou? Or have you already bought yours?”
“I already have a gift, however, I have been planning to pick up some new CDs.”
“Really? CDs in this day and age? You’re still so old-school Kou~”
“If they still make them then it’s not quite all that ‘old-school’, now is it? Anyway, give me a moment to change and we can head out.”
“Kou, we’re fine like this! Casual, sure, but it’s the weekend!”
“Fine, Taichi-san, I’ll try to be casual today. Tentomon, could you please hold down the apartment while we’re away?”
“And Agumon, don’t touch Tentomon’s tree!”
“Thank you Taichi-han, at least someone tried talking some sense into him! And I will do my best Koushirou-han, please stay safe!”
“Aww but Tai, it looks so comfy!”
“Agumon, I’ll build you your own comfy cave when I get back, okay?” Taichi laughs as he stands to retrieve theit jackets, the air still not fully warmed after the Winter’s harsh chills.
“Alright Tai, stay safe! Byeee!” And with that, both Agumon and Tentomon begin to wave, the young men returning the gesture as they close the door.
After a long, albeit fun, day with Kou at the local shopping mall, Taichi finally had his gift for Sora in hand. It was pristinely wrapped in tiger stripes, something he felt fit Sora perfectly.
Although, his fears were still prevalent. What if she hated the CD? She has them all on streaming, after all. Regardless though, Koushirou assured him that it was a good gift as it showed his interest in her hobbies and acknowledges them.
Taking that to heart, Taichi intended to listen to the music with her. He began to research into the band, at least well enough to decipher who was who in the group. He even noticed some similarities between himself, his friends, and this group.
So, with all of the prepping he’s done and the gift in hand, he decides to rush in headfirst.
“Soraaa, I’m hereee~” Taichi sings playfully, knocking the syllables out as he waits for Sora to answer. Rather quickly an arm grabs him and pulls him inside, a tight hug formed around him.
“Well there you are Taichi! I’ve been waiting for you~” Sora coos happily, moving to kiss his cheek.
“Sorry! I had to do some last minute preparations! We should be all set now for our night alone~” Taichi returns the sentiment as he holds her close, their lips just about to touch before the present slides itself inbetween their faces.
“But, before that, your present my love~”
“Hehe~ You didn’t have to!” She smiles warmly, kissing his lips softly as she gently takes the package. She leads him to the living room, the two of them taking their favorite places on the couch. She slowly begins to open the present, warmth filling her eyes.
“It’s a… Daft Punk album?” Sora says, confused and grinning.
Taichi, however, is mortified. How did they get swapped??? Did he grab the wrong album from the shelf??? He sits there, deep in self-demeaning thought at his own perceived slights, so deep he doesn’t notice Sora put the album into her stereo system.
Flipping through a few songs, she gives Taichi just the time he needs to snap back to reality.
“Sora, I’m…”
“Taichi, this is great! Wanna dance?~” She questions, a playful spark in her eye as “Digital Love” begins to play.
“Of course, Sora…!” Taichi almost jumps up, eager to spend the rest of the night enjoying the time he spends with Sora, wanting to love her so completely.
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labelle-verte · 6 months
About movie parallels and telephatic connections
As a teenager I was quickly impacted by the bond Taichi and Sora (from Digimon) shared, much deeper than others, as brightly put in the novels:
“Because of the smooth two-top coordination that Taichi and Sora showed within their soccer plays, he must have gotten the mistaken impression that they shared a telepathic link. Perhaps he thought Sora would use it to get Taichi to come flying out to see him.”
It wasn’t just a male main character meant for the female one. It was conflictous, complex, realistic and pretty much solid. 
There was no way not to worship them.
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Some say Sora is obsessed with windows but in reality she was trying to connect to Taichi all the time.
I’m getting older but still very much obsessed with Tai and Sora’s connection. Yes, I’m a nearly forty years taiora trash.
That said, I watched Past Lives some time ago and I couldn’t help but draw a parallel with my favorite ship from the anime world.
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It’s all there: the long term friendship, the growing apart, the “what ifs”, the one-sidedness, the complexity, bittersweetness and tenderness beyond place and time.
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No, it can’t stay like this forever. Something will always remain not only in this but beyond life. “There is a word in Korean. In-Yun. It means "providence” or “fate”. But it’s specifically about relationships between people. I think it comes from Buddhism and reincarnation. It’s an In-Yun if two strangers even walk by each other in the street and their clothes accidentally brush. Because it means there must have been something between them in their past lives.”
(Wait, let me remove something that just fell in my eye. :~)
And it’s funny how, in the Last Evolution Kizuna movie art, if we take away the other characters, Sora and Tai trace parallel paths. And, from what I remember from school, parallel lines meet at the end, at always, at infinity.
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So, in my headcanon, all this adorable-stormy-irreplaceable relationship will only get stronger over the years (physically or not).
"Finally, let’s remember That less for less gives more love If the parallels will at infinity meet Why do it take so long for two hearts to integrate?” (Tom Jobim’s “Math Class” - my translation)
That´s all. For now. ;)
Lots of love! @earlgreymon and @dutchforstrangers this post is for you guys, just adore each one of yours.
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lovelopmon · 7 days
My Adventure 02 Epilogue Evolution Lines ~ Part 1
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Part 2
Ever since I saw the Epilogue as a kid, I've always wondered what adventures the next generation of Digidestined would partake in. And I never understood the backlash the Epilogue received in regards to the kids having the same baby Digimon as their parents.
Thus, the WIPs were born.
My original next generation WIP idea catered more to my personal interests and what I shipped (Taiora, Mimato, Daikari) but my second WIP idea (the one I'll be talking about here) is much more canon adjacent. This second idea originally stemmed from myself challenging myself as to how I could mould the canon into my liking without entirely rewriting it.
While many of my original digivolution ideas were practically copycats of their parents, I'm much more satisfied with the evolutions I've come up with now. Many of which were inspired by YouTuber Karn EX's video, "What Would Their Partner DIGIVOLUTUONS Be? | Digimon Adventure 02 Epilogue Kids". And while they did a great job with making that video, there were a few digivolutions that I wasn't satisfied with.
When it came to coming up with digivolutions, I wanted them to be inspired by their parents without exactly mirroring the Digimon partners of their parents. At the same time, I wanted some of the Digivolutions to call back to Adventure and Adventure 02.
So for part 1, I'll be discussing the digivolutions for my WIP, Digimon Adventure 03: Inheritance, for the kids of the Adventure cast (minus TK and Kari).
First up, the son of Tai and Meiko:
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Koromon -> Agumon -> Tyrannomon -> MetalTyrannomon -> RustTyrannomom
While there are other options for Rookie Digimon for Makoto (the name I gave him) to have, 1.) Agumon is too iconic and 2.) there's a specific story reason as to why Makoto and Tai share the same Rookie. Tai being the leader of the Adventure cast, and one of the two partners of Omnimon, on top of being a decorated Special Agent in Charge for the National Data Processing Bureau after retiring from his professional soccer career has made quite a name for himself. And Makoto silently struggles with living the shadows of his father's spotlight in a world where Digimon and humans are living in harmony. Being a bit rebellious, he desperately hopes that whoever Koromon digivolves to, it won't be the same as Mr. Agumon's digivolution, and some doubt is cast in as Makoto's Koromon becomes an Agumon.
Initially, I had the Digivolution as Agumon, to GeoGreymon, to RizeGreymon, then to VictoryGreymon. And while I do love that evolution line, it felt lazy. Thanks to Karn EX, I realized Tyrannomon made a great replacement, while also subtly calling back to the battle between Tyrannomon and Greymon in Adventure, as well as the DarkTyrannomon that Togemon fought before digivolving into Lilymon for the first time. MetalTyrannomon is pretty similar to MetalGreymon without being a complete copycat. However for the mega, I decided to stick with RustTyrannomon instead of Machinedramon.
I also have a secret dark evolution line, for when the plot really gets going, but I won't spoil that just yet.
Next, are the children of Matt and Sora:
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Left: Yokomon -> Pomumon -> Parasaurmon -> Toropiamon -> Ceresmon
Right: Tsunomon -> Elecmon -> Leomon -> SaberLeomon -> DinoTigermon
For Mizuki (their daughter), I initially wanted Pomumon as the Rookie as displayed above, with Ornismon being the Mega. Being a huge, blue bird calls back to her mother's partner, Biyomon with her father's partner's, Gabumon's, color scheme. I struggled with finding a champion and ultimate stage to fill in the blanks so I figured I'd lean more into the plant dinosaur aspect of Pomumon for the digivolution. Plus, Sora saved a Pomumon in Digimon Adventure 2020, so that's a nice callback as well.
The idea for Shinji's (their son, and no, I promise not all of the names follow this similar naming convention) partner's digivolution came from Karn EX, however, they had intended it for Yokomon. I felt Tsunomon into Elecmon made more sense than Yokomon into Elecmon. Elecmon somewhat resembles Gabumon with similar blue stripes, and despite being different mammals, Garurumon, WereGarurumon, and MetalGarurumon look very similar to Leomon, SaberLeomon, and DinoTigermon, but red, which is Sora's signature color.
Also, with Pomumon turning into a dinosaur while Elecmon eventually transforms into a saber tooth tiger gives the siblings a nice, fossil, extinct animal theme with their Digimon as well lmao.
Izzy and Mimi:
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Left: Motimon -> Kokabuterimon -> Searchmon -> Kongoumon -> Shivamon
Right: Tanemon -> Aruraumon -> Togemon -> Ajatarmon -> BloomLordmon
So, they didn't originally end up together, and had children with other people but by the beginning of the WIP, they're happily married (it'll be explained in another post) so Umeko (Izzy's daughter) and Akihiko (Mimi's son) are siblings now, which is why they're being group together like Mizuki and Shinji lmao.
Karn EX had introduced me to Kokabuterimon from another video of theirs, so from there, I did some digging and found Searchmon and Kongoumon. Yes, they're both armor digivolutions but I think I'm allowed a few creative liberties. Searchmon being an Armor Digivolution is hardly a problem for me, no one from the Adventure 02 ever had a Searchmon, and Armor Digivolutions were seen as on par with regular Champion level Digimon. Plus, Chuumon from the 2020 remake was seen digivolving into Searchmon naturally without an Armor Digivolution, so who's to say Kokabuterimon can't as well? Kongoumon is a bit trickier, quite a few games have changed Kongoumon's level, but one game did list Kongoumon as an Ultimate, so that's good enough for me (if Digimon can change certain mon's levels to their convenience, so can I. And apparently, SaberLeomon is a Mega and was only listed as Ultimate in a specific video game...oh well, lmao.).
I won't lie to you, seeing BloomLordmon as a Mega for Mimi's son really inspired me to try to find other Megas just as cool for the others. And while I did, BloomLord and the digivolution associated with him is my all time favorite. I also loved Ajatarmon but I wasn't fond of Mushroom and Woodmon, so I needed to find a starting point. Then, I remember my OG Wip, which included a Mimato daughter who had a Aruraumon as a Rookie. All I needed then was a Champion. I saw a post on Reddit with Shurimon listed as the Champion. And while that fits PERFECTLY, I couldn't. 1.) Shurimon had been used by a previous Digidestined and 2.) Shurimon wasn't partnered with Mimi, which would've been the only excuse I could give myself for using it (sure Shurimon comes from Digi-egg of Sincerity, but using Shurimon with that excuse is a stretch). Incorporating Togemon into the digivolution (which is the only instance of a kid sharing a Champion with their Digidestined parent) is not only fitting but shows just how fluid digivolutions can be.
And finally, Joe's son:
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Bukamon -> Syakomon -> Shellmom -> WaruSeadramon -> Gigaseadramon
Originally, I was gonna give Yujin aka Jin (shut up, lol) a Gomamon. But then, I came up with this.
Hear me out, lmao. It's a little all over the place, but for starters, there aren't as many of a variety of aquatic Digimon, specifically, aquatic Digimon that can dwell on land as well. And Gomamon doesn't seem to have a variety of options other than Ikkakumon or Dolphmon.
I came across Syakomon for another post I made on assigning Digimon partners to Descendants characters, and I felt Syakomon was a great starting point. Shellmon and WaruSeadramon share a similar color palette, and given that Jin will bear the Crest of Adaptability, WaruSeadramon to Gigaseadramon makes perfect sense. Apparently, other Digimon digivolve into WaruSeadramon in wickedness from what I've researched, but we can skip over that, right? Honestly, I might have a solution for it if I need one, considering I already have Makoto and another next gen Digidestined going through dark digivolutions for plot reasons.
Next part will include the children of T.K, Kari, Davis, Cody, and Ken and Yolei.
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dutchforstrangers · 9 months
Tour • ne • sol - Taiora double bill pt. 2
January 6th/7th 2024.
Summary: On the day after New Year's Eve, Sora misses her sunny boyfriend, worrying herself sick over his whereabouts. Luckily, her friends have some flower-y surprises, with the biggest one to come at the end.
A/N: Happy New Year! Today marks the date of something dear to my heart and so it’s time for Taiora double bill part 2 (here's part 1)! See it as some sort of “anniversary present” ;) And remember, no matter how far we’re apart, turn your head to the sun (or moon, because you’re more of a moon person) and you know we live underneath the same sky <3 Enjoy! P.S. That song is an ChatGPT original haha :D
Taiora double bill pt. 2 | Characters: Sora Takenouchi (POV) x Taichi Yagami, appearances and mentions of the other DigiDestined | Genre: Long distance surprise, romance, general, friendship | Rating: T | Wordcount: 3.094
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Tour • ne • sol
Sora would be lying when she said New Year’s was a blast. Right before the clock would strike midnight, she had felt nothing but anxious and alone. Why exactly that feeling was dominating, she couldn’t pinpoint. She was surrounded by people she loved and who loved her back just as much, if not more. And the past year had been an absolute miracle in so many ways. Her trip to Italy standing out to her the most.
The trip to Taichi. The trip that changed it all.
It had been one of the hardest goodbyes when they had to part in August, knowing he had to stay while she had to leave again. It was a bittersweet goodbye. Bitter, because their parting happened right after finally answering the genuine love the two of them had been feeling all along. Sweet, because, at least, it wasn’t forever.
Fortunately, time had passed rather quickly and now it was already January 1st. Taichi would return to Tokyo at the end of February, in time for her birthday and a planned vacation they would spend together. Sora was absolutely thrilled, looking forward to every future second. Sure she had been missing him until now, but it would all turn out fine.
Still there was this anxious feeling.
Perhaps, deep down inside, she was afraid for his return. Would the feelings have stayed the same, or did they change? What if he would look different than what she could remember. Than how she had always known him? Something told her, however, that that anxious feeling had nothing to do with those irrational fears.
Sora bit her lip, looking down at the cellphone in her hand. The screen was lit, on it Taichi’s last message to her.
Happiest of New Years to you my lovely Sora!
It had definitely turned a smile on her face and of course she texted back as soon as she could, but due to an overloaded mobile network and the poor reception that was the logical follow-up, her message didn’t come through. That had made her anxious of course, but the phone call she had with him earlier in the day had made up for it.
But now it was the morning after, her message was eventually sent, but he didn’t replied, probably not even seen it. A wave of sadness overcame Sora and the anxious feeling of being forgotten washed over her.
Sora sighed.
For all she knew, Taichi was still celebrating with his newfound friends in Italy. She wanted, needed, to know and with her fingers she typed another message to ask him about his day and celebrations, only for it to be deleted again right after. She wasn’t the pushy girlfriend, right? If he wanted to text her, he would.
All sorts of scenarios crossed her mind, from Taichi kissing other girls to him being drunk from all the Italian wine and this passed out. Maybe his phone died. Maybe it fell, or he lost it…
“Stop it Sora, you can trust him! Right?” she said out loud to no one in particular as she held her phone to her forehead. For a little while she stood like that, unnecessary tears stinging behind her closed eyes. She wasn’t going to give in to those, and she didn’t have to.
Through her eyelids Sora could see a sudden light, cueing that her phone had just received a message to show her. Her eyes shot open and within a second she had unlocked her phone. Her messaging thread with Taichi was still opened, but there was no new message to be found.
Slightly annoyed, Sora swiped away Taichi’s chat to see who was the one who had sent her a message. Probably her mom telling her she had forgotten something at their house early this morning, she immediately thought, but she was surprised by someone else’s name.
Sora-san! Happy New Year! I have a little present for you, I’m at your door in 5 minutes. Could you open up? Love you soooooo much!
It was Mimi and a smile replaced her frown. Sora remembered how lucky she had been with such wonderful friends, then remembered she wasn’t exactly dressed to receive guests, so she hurried to the bathroom to wash up and dress herself in something more decent. She hoped that Mimi’s coming by would cheer her up good enough to stop the sulking over her boyfriend being far far away from her.
Just in time before she could get back into the sulking, the bell rang and she sprinted to the door to welcome Mimi in. As she opened the door, Sora tilted her head in pleasant surprise.
“Not alone I see?” she asked with a grin on her face.
“Hello Sora-san, happy New Year.”
“Nope! As you can see, I dragged Koushiro-kun with me. Hope that’s okay with you? We actually won’t stay long,” Mimi said with a wink.
The two guests entered Sora’s apartment, both of them being familiar enough to know the way once inside. Sora closed the door and followed her friends into her own living room where all three of them took a seat, Mimi on the chair and Sora and Koushiro on the couch. Mimi placed the bag she had been holding on the coffee table in front of Sora.
“I baked you something!” Mimi exclaimed happily as she impatiently waited for Sora to reveal the insides of the bag.
She found it the sweetest gesture, but had no clue to what she owed this exactly. Nonetheless, she was grateful for it and carefully unpacked the baking from the bag.
“Is it a carrot cake?”
“Mmhm!” Mimi confirmed excitedly, nodding her head rapidly. “But I gave it a touch by adding a nice amount of sunflower seeds. To wish you both an orange and sunny new year.”
Sora smiled as she kept looking at the cake, the orange and ‘sunny’ reminding her of Taichi. She was happy with the gift, but couldn’t help to feel the sadness pinching a little. She looked up to look at Mimi, hiding away any visible sorrow.
“It looks delicious. Thank you Mimi-chan, I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” Mimi said lovingly, flying out of the chair to give Sora a friendly little hug. “You deserve to have all the orange and sunshine in your life. He will return in less than two months, am I right?”
Of course Mimi looked right through her, Sora thought to herself. Without saying a word, hiding it away as best as possible, Mimi knew it anyway. And of course she tried to find a way to cheer Sora up. So Sora nodded to the question, now knowing she was unable to hide it from them.
“Then why the sad face?” Mimi asked as she sat back down in the chair.
Sora looked down at her own hands. “He hasn’t texted me after his last message at midnight our time. I’m a bit worried I think?”
“I see,” Koushiro started, “it’s normal to feel that way. But I don’t think you have to worry, Sora-san.” Koushiro reassured her with a knowing smile, a careful hand gently placed on her shoulder. He usually wasn’t the type for physical reassurances like these, but with Sora he felt more open and she absolutely loved her co-redhead for it.
“Unless he fell into a river while being overly drunk. I mean, right? There is a river in Rome, right?”
“Mimi-san!” Koushiro called out. Mimi ducked away further into the chair, in her way feeling sorry for her words. Sora could only laugh at her friends’ antics, even though Mimi’s words did sting a little, exposing a possible truth Sora wished wouldn’t be true. “Anyway,”
Koushiro diverted everyone’s attention with just that one word, his hand reaching for something in his pocket. Sora watched him closely, curious what was so important to change the subject. It didn’t take long for Koushiro to take the item out and he proudly held up a USB stick.
“It contains a little PowerPoint presentation I made.”
Sora thought it was suspicious, for the simple fact that it was ‘just’ a PowerPoint and not some sort of complicated other piece of software Koushiro would have created himself.
“I think it might peaks your interest, maybe you could take a look and let me know what your findings are?”
Unable to say no to her friends, she held out her hand and took the little thing from Koushiro. “I let you know,” Sora said with her kindest smile
“But not now!” Mimi said after looking at the clock hanging on the wall. “Koushiro-kun and I have to go.”
Sora’s suspicion rose. “Why the sudden hurry?”
“Koushiro-kun and I promised to pick up my cousin from Europe!”
“Mimi-san didn’t want to drive alone, so she asked me to accompany her.”
It at least sounded honest. Sora nodded and followed her friends to the door to say them goodbye. As she shut the door behind them, the feeling of being alone flooded back. Sora sighed, dragging herself and her racing mind back to the living room.
Once arrived, she seated herself on the chair, slumping away while tightly holding on to one of the pillows. Her eyes looked at the cake and the USB on her coffee table and a faint and grateful smile appeared. She didn’t have much time to take it all in and wonder about their intentions.
The phone in her pocket announced an incoming message. Her heart skipped a beat and with one sharp motion she flew out of the chair, now able to get deep into her pocket. Her heart skipped another beat seeing the first part of the name on her screen.
She should have known though that he wasn’t the only one with that last name in her phone and disappointment hit like a stab in her stomach.
Hikari: Happy New Year dear Sora-san! I wish for you to have a warm year with lots of Love and Light that will brighten your sky. I was going through some pictures from crafts made by my kindergarten kids and I stumbled upon some shiny ones! Who knows this will make you feel less alone, he will be back before you know it.
Sora wondered whether Mimi or Koushiro had texted Hikari to let her know about how she felt. Especially after looking at the pictures of the crafts Hikari had sent her. Sunflowers, in all forms and shapes. The yellow and orangeness combined with the by the children taken creativity warmed Sora’s heart, Hikari’s attentiveness even making her heart flutter.
Still she couldn’t help but to want the attention from the girl’s brother and not Hikari. So Sora quickly typed a thank you message in return before heading over to her chat with Taichi. With blind annoyance she wrote a message.
Taichi, where are you? I’m starting to feel like I’m not important enough for you. I feel kind of neglected? Anyway, I’m worrying myself sick over you and that’s not the way to start the year for Kami’s sake.
For once she did not read it twice and immediately hit send only to feel complete guilt right after. Her heart started racing.
I’m sorry! I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I just… I love you so much and you haven’t replied to anything and I just want to know whether you’re safe or not. Please, Taichi, can you please send me a message back? Even though it’s just an “I’m OK”… I’m so sorry…
Sora bit her lip as she crushed her phone between her hands as it was the only way for her tension to get out. She was on the verge of crying, of feeling miserable and an incredibly bad girlfriend. Her mind wandered everywhere and felt numb all the same. She was slowly losing herself and hyperventilation was close.
However, a vibration in between her hands brought her back from the spiraling. For a moment she concentrated on the ongoing vibrations, easing the fast pace of her heart. Or at least try. Because the chance this was Taichi calling her was rather high after those messages she sent and Sora wasn’t sure whether she was ready to face him like this.
She was both relieved with and surprised by the caller ID popping up on her screen.
“Hey Sora, happy New Year.”
She had never felt so happy to hear his voice. There was no way for her tears to stay hidden.
“Are you okay?” He sounded worried. Knowing.
She nodded, then remembered she was on the phone. “Yes. No. I don’t know? I’m just happy it’s you who’s calling and not him.”
There was a short silence on the other side, but Sora knew Yamato was nodding his head. Taking his time to find the right words.
“I know this is hard to believe when you’re feeling the way you are feeling, but believe me as I say that Taichi hasn’t forgotten you. He would never forget about you, you and I both know that,” he reassured her and Sora nodded understandingly. “And if it helps, he hasn’t texted me either. I think he’s just… occupied. You’ll hear from him sooner than you think.”
“Okay,” she replied quietly, taking the time to let his words sink in a little more. “Thank you, Yamato, and a happy New Year to you too,” she eventually said.
“To what do I owe this phone call?” She asked.
“Erm…” he sounded nervous. “I was wondering… could you listen to these lyrics I just wrote?”
Lyrics? Sora thought to herself. “You’re writing music again?”
“Just a little something. You don’t have to listen to it if you don’t want to—”
“No! I’d love to actually.”
“Alright,” he said and after some shuffling he started softly playing.
Sora closed her eyes and she felt herself zoning out. The melody felt like warming rays of light embracing her.
As the seasons change, and the days drift by We’ll hold onto the light, under the open sky Through gentle rain, and the storms that may come, We’ll stand tall and strong, turning to the sun
The lyrics made their way to her heart and a single tear rolled its way over her cheek, a bright smile accompanying it.
“It’s beautiful,” she said as he ended his singing. They exchanged some more words, making Sora feel a bit more relaxed, then wished each other a good day.
“Oh, before I forget,” Yamato interrupted. “Please look in your mailbox, I think Takeru has left something in there. I gotta go now, take care of yourself.”
And with that he hung up, leaving Sora with questions.
Hadn’t it all been a coincidence? Her friends, acting like this. Everyone coming over, texting her, calling her, apparently leaving her things in her mailbox… Everyone, except that stupid Taichi.
Sora balled her fists, then walked to her front door, stepping into her shoes and opening it. On the ground stood a small glass bottle with a note attached to it. Another surprise.
“Hi Sora-kun, Jyou here! I got you a little massage oil, it’s made from sunflower oil and I immediately thought of you. Please save it for a special occasion. And a happy New Year!”
Again the sunflowers… What was going on with everyone?
She placed Jyou’s present inside, shut the door and headed for the staircase of her apartment’s building. Because even though she could take the elevator, the stairs seemed to be more fitting to get that adrenaline out of her system.
She jumped, flew down the stairs, skipping at least two steps of the stairs with every step. Once arrived on the ground floor, Sora sprinted to the mailbox, opening the thing and immediately seeing what Yamato had meant on the phone.
There was a little notebook with on the first page Takeru’s handwriting telling her the notebook contained handwritten short stories about sunflowers. And that all their other friends had come to him with inspiration.
Sora’s mind was blown, completely overwhelmed with all the information she received. The gifts, the sunflowers… Still the feeling of being ignored by her own boyfriend lingered the most. And she wanted to ugly cry and scream. Loud.
She turned around to see if there was anyone there who could worry over her if she was going to scream.
She turned around, her eyes taking in the sight of a boy she had been longing for since midnight. His brown hair was a bit of a mess, his cheeks showing a blush, though Sora couldn’t tell whether it was from being outside or from their for her unexpected encounter. In his hand he held a bouquet of sunflowers.
Sora could feel the tears sting. Her friends were right when they said he would be back sooner than she thought he would.
“It was really hard to get these flowers in the middle of winter.”
She exhaled quick and sharp, only to inhale the air right back. “Oh no, you didn’t…”
“I kinda did?” Taichi replied and Sora could hear both the excitement as the worry in his voice. “Please don’t hate me…” He lowered the bouquet.
She had felt every emotion these past twelve hours. She had been plain mad and worried and desperate, both separately as all at once. But now, all she felt was relieve and sheer love for her Taichi standing in front of her.
“How could I?” Sora said, longing in her eyes.
“Well, I thought you’d be more excited and— ouch!”
She slapped his arm first. Then threw herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck while her lips found his as if they had never done anything else in life.
“Excited enough for you?” Sora asked as she parted her lips from Taichi, locking her eyes with his and staring deeply into them.
The lopsided grin on his face said it all.
x X x X x
Bonus time! (They have just watched the PowerPoint about Sunflowers made by Koushiro)
She grabbed the hem of his sleeve and stretched it out over his hand.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his eyes shifting from Sora to his sleeve and back to Sora.
Sora looked at him with a fond smile, not answering his question. She then looked down at her own sleeve and stretched it the same way she had stretched Taichi’s. Carefully she tied the two ends together into en tight knot.
“There,” she said, “forever.”
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seventeenlovesthree · 7 months
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As you may have noticed through the course of the past few months, I have done a lot of shipping polls (and will probably do more, because it's just so fascinating to me to see the current status of what the fandom likes and prefers!). This won't be as big of a project as the FANDOM SHIPPING POLL ANALYSIS 2023, but I thought to at least give you a short summary of my findings at least!
"Pick a ship dynamic": I do realize that I already put a bit of a bias in this one, because I already mentioned the dynamic/tropes that the respective ship was mainly associated with! Back then, it was still common to have my polls circulate in more Taishirou centric spheres, so I am not surprised that they won this one by a landslide! (Only Takari and Daiken reached more significant numbers, with Taiora at least crossing the 10% mark!)
Digimon Adventure Rarepair: Again, this one has a bit of an inherent bias, because there are obviously a lot more rarepairs out there, but I wanted to mention mainly those I actually had seen tumblr fandom content about through the course of the years! There haven't been that many participants, so the results are a bit more balanced and thus, of course, not really representative - so it was more surprising to see Kenkeru be the ship to come out on top!
Favourite 02 Ship: Since DigiFes was around the corner and the hype for the "Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning" movie was speeding up slowly, I wanted to do some 02-centric polls, starting with the most obvious one. It should come to nobody's surprise that Daiken - and basically Takari too - won by a huge margin here. All Jogress combinations aside, these two have always been and probably always will be the most popular 02 ships around the globe!
Favourite Adventure/02 ("Senpai/Kouhai") relationship: I chose this poll with a similar intention as the previous one, wanting to see which of the "generational relationships" were the most popular. Seeing how much emphasis the series had put on the lesbianism sisterhood of Mimi/Miyako, this was an interesting result! They were also closely followed by Taichi/Daisuke, which can be seen as a male counterpart, seeing how much these two are being paralleled.
Most "Shippable" Chosen Child: This was one of the more recent polls and, to at least some degree, it mirrors the popularity the characters had in last year's shipping polls. Seeing Taichi on top of this list shouldn't really surprise anybody, as he had already been one of the most voted on polls last year as well (with his most popular shipping choices having been Koushirou, Yamato and Sora). Mimi had also been among the most popular in last year's ship polls (with her most popular shipping choices having been Jyou, Koushirou, Sora and Taichi). But this time, she only finished third in the poll and was surpassed by Yamato, who did not have as many votes last year (with his most popular shipping choices having been Taichi, Sora and Jyou). It would be really interesting to see how the overall results would change this year.
"Which Chosen Child could you see yourself only ever shipping with ONE other character": Or how I put it up there: "Who is the least multi-shippable?" I do realize that the question may have been a bit confusing here and there, but in the end, the polls did mirror the poll results of last year to at least some degree; Ken is mainly being shipped with Daisuke (or Miyako), whereas Koushirou is mainly being shipping with Taichi (or Mimi), so people prefer being very selective with them! Surprisingly enough, Taichi and Sora also received more than 10% of the votes - whereas the former is usually considered pretty multi-shippable (as seen above), the latter is usually also part of shipping debates. So my interpretation here is that people who voted on this poll may not have voted on the previous poll and actually do prefer these two to be shipped with only a selective number of characters!
Favourite OT3: This poll has only ended today and while Taichi/Koushirou/Sora had led it for the majority of the time, it's not too outlandish that Taichi/Yamato/Sora surpassed it in the end, as it had always been one of the most popular OT3s since the very beginning (due to both fandom popularity/division and canon handling). Daisuke/Takeru/Hikari coming in third is also an interesting result, which has also always been part of fandom discussions (and each ship combination, as with Taiorato, can be found in their respective shipping polls from last year as well!). Again, I do realize that there are always more OT3 combinations out there to focus on, so the poll was somewhat limited.
The OT4 poll is still going on and I'm really curious what this one will bring... I also left a "Others" option in there, so feel free to mention your own favourite group dynamics!
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yana125 · 3 months
Hi! 12, 20, 28 for the ask game :3
ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ!!!!!! This took me too long to answer! TT_TT But here are the answers!
12. Who is your current OT3? I only have ONE OT3. Taiorato (Tai/Sora/Yamato) from Digimon. My long history with this ship in a few lines goes:
Kid me watches Digimon Adventure in German
Kid me likes Taiora (Tai/Sora) very much
Kid me gets upset when Sorato (Yamato/Sora) happens in Digimon Adventure 02
Kid and teen me denies the existence of Sorato
Adult me watches Digimon tri
Adult me goes 'Oh. Taito (Tai/Yamato) 👀'
Brain clicks, Taiorato shipping happens
Adult me reaches inner peace about the whole 02 thing
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm………….. I can't really think of a specific one but almost every time I see the characters interact with each other and I feel something just clicking in me like 'mmmmmm-hmmmm', I'm either surprised or shocked or annoyed by myself because 'why are you doing this to yourself again??!'
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? I would really REALLY like to see a fanart of my Naruto fic. Of any scene, really. That fic is my baby TT_TT
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adventurexheart · 2 years
Taiora 🤝 Daikari
Both ships having the male character love the female character so much but not ending up with them in the end ☹️💔
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sliceoflove · 1 year
Its still trippy that pretty much the majority of the Digimon fandom ships/expects Taiora (Taichi x Sora) to end up together (I know the majority of them came from watching the English dub). My little kid self would’ve appreciated the solidarity.
Speaking of that I understand that the english dub played them up cause they also thought they would end up together. That said, I hate it when I say I like/ship Taiora they immediately assumed I only watched the english dub.
I never watched the english dub as a kid, I shipped them way before knowing about the existence of english dubs.
I’ve made my peace with the fact that my ship isn’t canon, I appreciate that they didn’t, a platonic boy/girl friendship is also important. But I still hate that out of all the hetero ships they made Sora end up with Yamato. I don’t hate Sorato (anymore) but I’m just baffled by the decision, out of all the male characters she end up with, its Matt?
As a kid I hated Joe x Sora but at least that pairing would’ve make some more sense.
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redthreadoffate · 2 years
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header by @/earlgreymon
i’ve always wanted to do an alphabet soup challenge and i’m finally starting one! let’s hope i commit to this, hahaha. first off, we have taiora. hope you enjoy! it isn’t my super best but let’s give it a shot.
alphabet soup - letter a 
a - swoon (age) | main characters ; yamato ishida, mimi tachikawa | setting ; au | ships ; yamato x mimi | genre ; fluff | word count ; 419 | rating ; g | edited ; three times - forgive me for any mistakes
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Mimi had always dreamed of living happily ever after with the love of her life. But, if she was being completely honest, she was not too sure about Yamato. She knew he loved her, and she loved him just as much. But Yamato never talked about the future, and it scared her so she never talked about that either. Until today.
She was in a nice restaurant with him. It was their anniversary and she had been looking forward to eating in this place. When she told Yamato about it a few weeks before, she was not surprised that he was able to get them a reservation on their desired date.
She smiled, intertwined her left and right fingers, and raised her shoulders in excitement. “Wouldn’t it be nice if our children knew how to cook and bake as well?” She was looking around the dimly lit establishment enthusiastically. When he did not reply, she looked at him and tilted her head. “Yamato?”
He was simply staring at her.
“Did I say something wrong?” She thought back and a few seconds later her lips parted when she remembered what she had said. “I didn’t…I mean…um. Well, I just…I think. Maybe. It was just a silly idea.” She sighed. “Don’t think too much about it, okay.” She placed her hands on her lap and looked down. “Sorry.”
“You think us having kids is a silly idea?” Yamato asked, a bit of an edge in his voice.
Mimi was surprised by the tone and she looked up right away. “What?”
“You think us having kids is a silly idea?” he repeated, but this time softer. “Why?” he asked.
“I…I just…we never really talked about our future together so I just assumed that…that we…might not have one,” she admitted.
He pursed his lips. “You never said anything until now.”
Mimi’s eyes widened. “You never said anything until now.”
They gazed at each other before laughing. “I guess we were both scared,” Mimi said.
“I guess we were.” Yamato leaned on the table and held out his hand, beckoning for hers. “Mimi,” he started once her hand made contact with his, “I plan to spend an eternity and more with you.” He smiled. “I want to grow old with you. I want to spend my seventies and eighties, and if we reach nighties…I want to be with you forever. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Mimi sniffled, wiping an escaped tear. “You sure know how to make a girl swoon.” She grinned.
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Also the first 5 for the salty asks lol
To answer your first ask, if I wasn't convinced to watch NOTR before, I certainly am now!
As for the Salty Ask List...
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Kenyako and whatever you call Optimus Prime x Megatron (specifically their G1 versions). For the former, I just really don't care for it all that much. For the latter, enemies to lovers just isn't my cup of tea.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Taiora. I'm not too fond of it romantically (see 5), but I really like it platonically.
Takuma x Minoru. I don't mind it romantically, I just prefer them to be best friends lol.
Optimus Prime x Bumblebee. I just like Optimus Prime being more of a dad to Bumblebee more lmao.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Someone was still mad at Daisuke for the horrible sin of, oh god forbid, having a crush on Hikari! The nerve of him for trying to break up the pure and sacred bond of Takari!!! *sarcasm intensifies*
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Takuya x Izumi. It's just not for me.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
(Sorry this one got really rambly I just got frustrated for a minute lmao)
Takari, and to a lesser extent, Taiora. The shippers are just so obnoxious about their ship not becoming canon.
Maybe it's just my aromantic ass, or maybe it's just me not taking shipping seriously in general, but I really just don't get why people get all angry over ships not becoming canon. I especially don't get it in a show like Digimon Adventure where actual romance takes up a very small amount of the actual story.
Oh, and remember when Taiora shippers tried to retcon the epilogue (and in some cases even 02 as a whole) just so their ship would become canon? Yeah, that was a thing that happened.
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ashxketchum · 4 months
Yesterday I said I won't probably talk about this but you know what fuck it I found the BEST PICREWS EVER!!!
Link: M / F
Regency Romance AU feat. my favourite OTPs:
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2. TysonxHilary
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3. Mimato
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4. Taiora
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I am still not sure how much I can explain well but for now the gist is that the girls are all childhood friends, despite having different backgrounds/upbringings.
Charlie (OC)'s father is a solicitor for the royal family which puts her family in the nouveau rich category. Sora's father is a very high ranking military official who doesn't spend much time at home. Both Charlie and Sora are very rebellious (considering the time period lol) and do not get along well with their respective mothers at all. Mimi's father belongs to the nobility but with her mother often falling sick, he lets her run free and act as per her wishes very often. Hilary too has a noble background but both her parents pass away at a very young age without proper heirs assigned so the royalty takes back her property and she grows up with a disinterested grandmother caring for her in a bare minimum fashion.
Save for Mimi, the other three girls are set to debut in the same season. Mimi is not very happy about having to wait a whole year in joining her best friends out in society, so she does attempt to manipulate her father into letting her debut early quite a few times but it just so happens that her mother's health is in a good condition on those days and she doesn't end up succeeding.
Charlie doesn't want to get married, but wants to inherit her father's soliciting business which her mother is against. When she's forced to debut, she decides to create a scandal around herself to get herself out of the marriage race and sort of doom her chances of being courted for a long time so she can focus instead on secretly studying to take over her father's work.
Sora is also not very interested in the idea of marriage and she enjoys designing/stitching clothes. But her mother is against the idea of a military officer's daughter running her own boutique, so she's eager to get Sora married off as soon as possible. Not having the will to drag her own family into a fake scandal like Charlie, she instead decides to chop off all her hair right before her presentation in front of the queen, hoping to seem more tomboyish to keep potential suitors at bay.
Hilary thinks her life couldn't possibly be more tragic but her grandmother too passes away a week before the presentation. Mimi's mother is feeling healthy at the time and offers to sponsor her for the day, and although she's dressed the most plainly, the Queen does praise her appearance which puts her in the spotlight. (Sora's mom thinks that if Sora wouldn't have cut her hair she would be the one to receive the praise and gives her shit about it for quite a few days lol) Hilary is unsure whether she's pleased with this because she does get a lot of attention from suitors and marriage would mean finally leaving behind her financial struggles, her romantic nature makes her keep her hopes up for a love match.
Jk, jk but not really, putting the plot details under the cut. Just fyi that the last names will be different, more victorian and this will follow the same logic as most of my crossovers where Tyson (Beyblade) and Tai (Digimon) are brothers.
Charlie, Sora and Hilary make their debut in society together with the spotlight being on Hilary instantly, despite of her being completely unprepared to handle it. Charlie is not looking forward to having to go through a bunch of suitors and maybe find the guy she's looking for after so many attempts. Sora just wants to escape whatever plan her mother has hatched up for her, long enough for her father to come back home so he can support her choices.
Kai, a distant relative of the Queen and Prince in line of whatever kingdom, is in town after some time away and is awarded the title of the most eligible bachelor the minute he sets foot in public. He's not happy with all the people swarming him constantly, and is even more disappointed to find that the Queen is planning to set him up with who she thinks is the best debutante this season, Hilary. He spends his time at parties, skirting the corners and hiding in the shadows where he runs into Charlie. When Charlie finds out about the Queen's plan, she knows that Hilary is too overwhelmed to handle a courtship like this, so she makes a proposal to Kai. The two can fake a courtship for the entirety of this season, after which Kai plans to go back to his travels abroad. When he's leaving they can stage a dramatic break up, where Charlie's reputation can be ruined just enough to keep her out of the running for the next few seasons. Although Kai is reluctant at first, but when he sees that Charlie really doesn't care about scandals and such, he agrees, and the two create a shocking ripple by dancing together at the Queen's ball - which dissuades the Queen and also takes the attention off Hilary so that she can finally breathe.
While Hilary is fully aware that the only way for her to secure a future with money in it is for her to find a decent match, when she's chosen as the Queen's "favourite" of the season, she ends up being tied to the centre of the society with no room for imperfection or mistakes. With only a few decent dress to wear to such fashionable events, she knows she has limited opportunity to find a husband. She does appreciate all the men approaching her without any effort on her behalf, but half of those have not read as much as her and the other half are too old for her liking. She is grateful to Charlie for taking the Prince off the list for her, because she could not imagine faking another conversation that night, when the attention moves on to the latest attractive event, she makes her escape to get home and try and figure out just how she would get money to go on attending these parties. On her way out, she bumps into someone, and the other party ends up spilling wine on her only very good dress. Completely overwhelmed by the events of the night, she goes off on the stranger, not knowing his name or title, even if his face feels oddly familiar, and then stomps out in tears.
The next morning, she is visited by the Dowager Viscountess Godsworth, she shares that when she was younger she used to be very close friends with Hilary's mother, and when she noticed Hilary at the Queen's Ball she wanted to share how much she resembled her mother with her. Hilary hosts her for tea, though embarrassed by the state of her rundown lodgings. Lady Godsworth offers to sponsor Hilary for the season, as a gesture towards her late mother but Hilary is stubborn about accepting charity. It seems that the Viscountess is equally unwilling to accept a refusal, so instead she suggests that Hilary provide guidance to her daughter Kari, for a decent fee. She explains that Kari had always been sick since she was a baby and the doctor advised to not let her travel far, so Kari never got a chance to go to finishing school and was very much unprepared to debut next season. Hilary decides that since she would actually be working for the money, and doing something she's good at, she accepts the offer and the following week she arrives at the Godsworth House.
There she is greeted by the eldest son, Tyson, who also happens to be the same man she shouted at a few days ago. Realising it was too late to back out now, she keeps her head down as the Viscountess introduces the two of them, and pretends to meet him for the first time. While he doesn’t call her out on the lie, she notices the smug look on his face when his mother turns away, and figures out that her job won’t be as easy as she assumed. She is introduced to Kari, and the two get along well, years of experience in trying to keep all her friends in line benefits Hilary and she’s able to connect well with the young girl. Her lessons are supervised by the Viscountess but Tyson often crashes them unannounced, poking at her by raising contradictions against everything she says, arguing with her on the more philosophical part of her lessons. Hilary's glad that sweet little Kari is blessed with such a progressive minded brother, but she does not appreciate him butting heads with her and often ends up arguing in support of notions she herself dislikes, always leaving the Godsworth House more huffier and restless than when she arrived.
With the help of Sora, some of Hilary's mothers older dresses are repurposed for her usage and she spends her nights attending parties and events with her friends. She realises that having Kai next to Charlie gives the girls a chance to relax and have fun talking with each other since most people are too nervous to approach them. The few times she does have a conversation with potential suitors, she finds it completely drab in comparison to her arguments with Tyson, she finds herself often hoping to run into him in the evening, outside from his house, where there would be no familial duty or job requirement binding them and they could freely express their true feelings to each other. But to her disappointment, he rarely attends these events, occasionally stopping by to greet important people briefly, spare a dance with his mother and then leaving without even looking in Hilary’s direction.
Meanwhile, the fake courtship is working out well for Charlie, with Kai’s help she’s able to spend her time studying at the palace library under the ruse of spending quality time with her suitor. When her Aunt Nancy (Matt/Yamato’s mom) is visiting the city for a weekend, she overhears a conversation between her parents and her Aunt about an upcoming two week long reprieve at the Stonefield Manor (Ishi (stone) da (field) = Stonefield GEDDIT?). Her mother suggests to Nancy that they should invite Hilary as a potential match for Matt, so Charlie warns her friend beforehand. Hilary makes up a lie about not being able to travel, and instead Charlie has Sora and Mimi tag along with her.
Since a lot of other young boys and girls have joined the party, Mimi being the oldest out of the lot ends up babysitting most of them throughout the two weeks. She can’t complain to Charlie because it took a lot of convincing on her friend’s behalf to let her parents to allow her to travel so she suffers in silence, until she runs into Matt. Although Matt had visited his cousin Charlie in the city often, he never met her friends in person despite hearing about them, so he doesn’t recognise who Mimi is. Seeing this is an opportunity, Mimi lies about her age to get away from all the boring kids and befriends Matt during her stay at his manor. The two are fans of the same composer so they quickly connect over music, spending a lot of their time hiding inside the manor and playing the piano together.
Charlie and Sora are not so lucky in escaping what is required of them at such an event. But since Kai agreed to join her for the reprieve, Charlie loudly declares that Sora will be their chaperone and the three are able to get out of most activities planned by the parents using this strategy. Because they also spend a lot of time avoiding the main areas of the Stonefield manor, they coincidentally never run into Matt and Mimi hanging out together.
When the hunt is planned, Tai shows up to invite Kai to join and meets Sora for the first time. Sora expresses her wish to join the hunt as well, but Tai just laughs it off saying that with Kai joining they’d have enough men as was the custom. Kai, who has been slightly confused about his feelings towards Charlie recently, thinks that if he helps out Sora, Charlie would surely think highly of him. So he pretends to be a little sick, urging Tai to let Sora join the hunt in his place. Tai finds it hard to argue with him, considering the hierarchy, asking Sora to do some target practice and if she performs well, the hunting party would consider letting her join.
Sora, the daughter of a military man who raised her like a son, obviously outshines everyone at the practice and is allowed to accompany the men for the activity. Tai is awestruck and captivated, and after spending time with her that day, he’s obsessed with making her fall for him. Sora is very flattered but she also knows that her mother would turn up her nose at the idea of her marrying the second son so to say. She’s also afraid that marrying into nobility would only lead to more restrictions and duties, stopping her from pursuing her dream of having her own boutique. She tries to avoid all of Tai’s advances, keeping things friendly between them as much as possible, but he’s persistent with his approach throughout.
When everyone is in the country side enjoying the fresh air, Hilary still continues giving lessons to Kari at the Godsworth House. Happy that her schedule is not running as tight with no evening parties happening for the time being. Since the Viscountess accompanied Tai to the reprieve as well, Tyson is stuck supervising the lessons as the ‘head of the household’ and sweet but not so innocent Kari is very happy with this situation. She was quick to catch on to the tension between her tutor and her brother so she spends a lot of time coming up with ways to make them end up in embarrassing situations with each other. When the two weeks are almost coming to an end, Kari insists that the only way for her to know if she’s good with the piano would be to see if people enjoying dancing to her music. Tyson, unable to turn down a request by his little sister, and Hilary, bound by her duty as a tutor, give in to her demand and end up dancing together for the first time, which ignites a lot of feelings in both of them.
The party at the countryside begins to wrap up and Mimi prepares to tell Matt the truth about her not being out in the society, but that’s exactly when he shares that he has decided to join Charlie in the city for the rest of the season. Their conversation is interrupted and Mimi never gets the chance to tell him the truth. Matt ends up in the city later and attends one of the balls where he’s surprised to find Mimi missing. That’s when Charlie tells him about Mimi still being young, which shocks him. Since he’s hurting and angry over the lie, he goes to Mimi’s house and tells her parents about how she lied while she was away, carefully omitting the part that he was the man she spent so much unsupervised time with. Mimi’s parents are angry of course, and they forbid her from leaving the house for the rest of the season.
After a few days when Matt has calmed down, he regrets his actions but when he goes back to Mimi’s house, he’s not allowed to see her. Mimi is also overtaken by the guilt she feels over lying to Matt so shamelessly, and she ends up writing an apology letter where she pours her heart about feeling left out and just wanting to enjoy this period of her life like her friends were. At the end she requests that if he decides to forgive her, she would be happy to show him around the city next season when she is officially out. Charlie is tasked with delivering the letter to Matt, but is unable to hand it over to him directly. Not thinking too much of it, she hands it to her Aunty Nancy instead, who is aware of the situation.
Nancy opens the letter and reads it before Matt comes home. She knows that if Matt read the letter he would shut himself off in the country again for another year, spoiling her plans to get him married, before next season. So she ends up destroying the letter, and eventually the two head back to their manor to receive another set of guests she has invited, that includes an eligible woman she hopes to set Matt up with. Mimi on the other hand thinks that Matt was too arrogant to accept her apology, and though she is heartbroken, she decides to move on, setting her sights on preparing herself to debut as the Queen’s favourite next year so she could pick anyone she wanted as her husband.
So this is all I have for now. I have to think about how to tie all the loose ends.
Tai has to win Sora’s parents over and make her see that a life with him would award her more freedom than she could ever dream of. Tyson and Hilary have to put their stubbornness and their obsession with their duties aside to really talk to each other and understand why they are always so drawn to one another. Kai and Charlie need to figure out if their fake courtship is really as easy and fake as they thought it would be, or if the element of pretence is wearing off and real feelings are starting to seep in. Matt and Mimi need to come face to face next season, and see how much they have changed over the time they’ve spent apart.
If I do end up making a coherent ending, I’ll definitely post an update! If you read it till here, I hope this 2.9k worth of idea dumping was worth your time, thanks for sticking around 😆
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db-gochifan · 1 year
I’m a Taiora fan but I wanna hear more about Sorato from you lol. How about 8,9 and 10? (Sorry if these are too much lol)
Ohhh yay!! I'll tell you anything you want to know! Maybe this helps me get back to writing them again lol Btw, I adore Taiora friendship <3
8. What happens if one of them gets sick? The other one would cook their favorite food, do housework, while taking care of the sick one. 9. What are their thoughts on having children? They both wanted to be financial stable and successful professionally to have children. With Yamato's job, it was hard to find the perfect time to have them, that's why they were almost 30 when she gave birth to the first one.
10. Describe their first date. Sora made him take her to a Russian restaurant, since she couldn't eat the real Russian food lol. Yamato wasn't too fond of it, but he did it for her. Also, they waited until the DigiWorld was at peace again to have their first date.
Thanks for this ask too! <3
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eisa96 · 2 years
Taichi and Sora as a unit
Can we talk about how good their bond are and how much they care for each other?
I've seen a lot highlighting their protectiveness towards each other especially during 01 but have you all seen how much Taichi respected Sora? Taichi from the beginning has always been shown treating Sora as an equal, a friend that he shows great care about. He has never once doubted her skills and despite her been a girl, he has never once mocked her for playing soccer.
Instead, he extended his hand towards her to join the team and we all know how grateful Sora was.. He never questioned her decision on playing tennis and quitting soccer, something that she cared about a lot to the point, arguing over it with her mother. He encouraged her, and gave her that little push in giving the Christmas present and confessing her feelings towards Yamato. He showed no sign of reluctance and was been shown to be very supportive towards her.
Something that some of the fans especially shippers took for granted. This allowed us to see a different side of Taichi and see how much he has grown as a person.
When Sora was crying in that one scene in 01 because of her crest, Taichi was shown to be concerned because he doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know how to comfort her. In Tri, the same situation happened, only this time he took a step forward when neither him and Yamato could understand the inner struggles that Sora went through. He stated that since she was always keeping things to herself, making it harder to read her, he told her that's what he likes about her. That she cares more about others than herself. How selfless she is.
Something that Taichi can relate to.
Taichi is the type of person who will put the other lives before himself. He will always put himself in front of others in order to protect the people he cares about. And Sora knows this. She knows this all too well and this is why we have been shown her looking after him especially in situations where conflicts happened. Whether it'll be mentally or physically, she knows Taichi would not hesitate. She knows how much Taichi is struggling and was shown supporting him, simply just being by his side.
Both of them shared conflicts with each other. And Taichi doesn't like fighting with her. In Our War Game, he was the first to apologised to her through e-mail and after that apologised through voicemail, in which Sora didn't get to hear. Taichi always have a hard time reading the mood, so it's really interesting to see him been the first to confront about this even if he is stubborn (both of them are actually).
That just shows how much Sora mean to him. He doesn’t want a fight this little, over a hair pin, to cause a rift to their friendship. And Sora felt this. Knew this and apologized to him as well. Taichi is one of the few people that could cause such reaction from Sora.
And that just shows how much Taichi means to her as well.
People also took that for granted and instead, using it to make their ship looked better, more canon than others.
Their close friendship can be felt in Tri. Even in the smallest interaction because that’s how much they knew each other. The stageplay also showed that. Giving us one of the biggest conflict that we have ever seen from them. The biggest from Sora and the biggest from Taichi.
Taichi and Sora as a unit is something I don’t see people talk that often and it’s such a—shame….
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dutchforstrangers · 10 months
Love in orange - Taiora double bill pt. 1
December 13th 2023.
Summary: Taichi's in Italy, all alone on his rainy birthday. But then an orange surprise brights up his day.
A/N: Welcome to part 1 of this very special Taiora double bill that is much needed to get into the world. Fully dedicated to the most dedicated person one will possibly ever meet, a forever precious soulmate, and the one and only “digital love” I have experienced and ever will experience in this life of mine. Especially for your birthday today, because even after the unpretty things that have happened between us, the thought of letting this day pass without at least gifting you something makes me too sad. Set in the “About all the times he/she kissed me” Taiora-universe (after part 7.2) that brought you to me almost two years ago. Can be read as a stand alone too ;) If you know, you know. Missing you tons. With all my heart, all the love in red. But mostly love in orange.
Taiora double bill pt. 1 | Characters: Taichi Yagami (POV) x Sora Takenouchi | Genre: Long distance surprise, romance, general, friendship | Rating: T | Wordcount: 2.520
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Love in orange
Usually, Italy in October was still rather sunny and warm, but apparently the weather gods had other plans. It was a drizzling day in Rome and the sun played hide and seek behind a grey cloudy sky. Taichi had imagined his Italian birthday to be at least a bit more sunny and uplifting. And beside all of those saddening weather conditions, he felt lonely.
So he pitied himself and seated himself in front of the window, dramatically staring into the grey, depressing distance.
A sigh escaped his lips, maybe in the hopes of someone hearing him and acting on it, even though he was very much aware that he was indeed alone at his place. His roommates were out. He was miles and miles away from his family and friends in Japan. He was parted almost two full continents and an ocean from his girlfriend
He felt close to Sora by heart in a way he had never imagined he could. Long distance was something he laughed at, it would never work. But now that he was part of one, even if it was for just seven months in total, he knew it could work. Still he hated the literal distance between them, the thing depriving him from his physical love language.
Sure, they had found other ways to be ‘physical’ and he had loved every little bit of it. It was exciting plus Sora was surprisingly good at it. Her words and descriptions made him blush wildly every time and her expressive talents over the phone gave him manga-ish nosebleeds every now and then. It was hard to contain himself so he teased back and their physical relationship took a flight despite the distance. The mere thoughts of all this made him all shy again, heart throbbing in his chest and other places.
Their contact and relationship had of course been way more than just play. It was a depth he didn’t find in any other girl he was with yet. The conversations they had was a beautiful mix of small talk and heated discussions. They watched movies simultaneously while being on the phone and going over the things they enjoyed or made them cringe. Taichi adored how she could get all passionate about traditional Japanese movies and he in his turn annoyed her with his knowledge of all things weird (and musical sing-a-longs). It was a connection he would go through hell for. And right now, hell was seven months longs. Fortunately for him -and Sora- from those seven months, two months already passed.
Although they had been rather close, even closer than ever, he missed Sora even more so. He needed her to be in the same room as him so he could cuddle her warm underneath a fuzzy blanket. He wanted to drink the tea with her Koushiro recommended to them. He wanted to feel her lips on his, her soft hair gliding through his fingers, her smooth skin creating goosebumps as he nuzzled into her.
He missed her tremendously, in a way he could only miss her.
Taichi sighed the biggest sigh he could sigh while his fingers reached inside his pocket for the umpteenth time that day, fishing his phone out of it. He quickly glanced over all of his messages, between them some already received birthday wishes, in the hopes he had missed an unread one. It was painful when he found exactly none. It hurt even more when he had to scroll down passing so many messages to get to his chat with Sora.
He got straight up mad for a bit. Noticing it was already eight hours into the future in Tokyo even drove him insane, a wave of disappointment hitting him hard, and it made him awfully realize how he despised time zones.
Unfairly furious, Taichi threw the phone onto his bed in the corner of his room.
“Oh shut up, you’re just playing games with me,” Taichi said annoyed as he heard his phone buzz the moment it hit the soft sheets. He stared at it. He was disappointed, sad and felt alone. He was pathetic and had every right to be. And thus with crossed arms, like a little kid, he turned his head away from it, trying to ignore the device with all of his might.
It didn’t take long for his impatience and curiosity to take over and he basically flew across the room to get to his phone as fast as possible, hoping it would hold any sign of life from Japan. Preferably a sign from a certain redheaded girlfriend.
Hello T. Yagami! A package has been delivered. Quick! Open your door to find it and take it inside. We wish you a great day and enjoy the unboxing!
He raised an eyebrow to the message from the delivery service. He didn’t order anything, did he?
Frustrated it still wasn’t a message from Sora or anyone else, he stood up and dragged himself to the front door to pick up the package from the hallway.
Once arrived at the door, he thought he’d be excited for the present, but instead he felt depressed even more. Taichi opened the door and bent himself over the package to look at the address label. That was indeed his address in Rome, but looking closer he immediately recognized the sender’s address and his heart skipped a beat. His excitement bulldozed over him upon seeing that one name.
Takenouchi S.
The smile that emerged on his face covered the complete width of his face. No matter the cloudy and rainy sky, to Taichi, the sun finally began to shine. He excitedly lifted up the light-looking box like a little kid on his own birthday party. The heaviness however was a complete surprise and his curiosity peaked again.
He let the weight softly fall on his bed, his mind trying to think of all the possible presents inside of it.
Perhaps she designed him some traditional clothing? A collection of his favorite Japanese sweets and candies. The sneakers he had told her about over phone.
His mind wandered off to more lewd things too, grinning at the thought of something like that having to go through border security. And even though he discovered different sides to Sora, Taichi was sure she wouldn’t go that far. So he shook it off, still completely clueless of what could possibly be in the package.
The sheer curiosity that came with the simple ignorance of the whole situation was already a welcoming present to him, breaking the depressing day in ways he hadn’t thought of in advance. His hands were itching, the sparks in his eyes getting more intense.
Unable to contain his enthusiasm any longer, he started to open up the box. Still he did it with a carefulness not many people knew he had in him, in case Sora had wrapped up something very fragile. He guessed she was smart enough to not pack something like that, but he couldn’t be more sure.
He had to be careful with it in one way or another considering it was a gift from her.
Before the content revealed itself, Taichi came across one last piece of bubble wrap. It was the last thing separating him from whatever was inside. Yet he smiled just seeing the color of the bubble wrap and it was definitely a strange color at that.
The sunlight that was finally seeping through the watery windows made the orange plastic inside the paper box light up, creating shiny rays of light through his whole room. For a brief moment he looked up from his awaiting present to behold the illuminating spectacle, a sensation he had felt as well when his Crest first lit up. It warmed his heart.
Reminded by his courage, he proceeded with the unboxing.
A big smile spread across his face once more, his jaw slightly dropping as he took in the collection Sora seemed to have assembled for him. It was an overstimulation he didn’t get to experience that often. But it was wonderful all the same.
As he lifted up the bubble wrap, Taichi’s eyes were met with more orange colored things. Thing by thing he took it out of the box, observing every piece with newfound amazement, as if he had never seen these things before.
All sorts of orange colored presents passed the revue, from serious things to more unserious ones. A set of animal plushies; foxes and tigers, a clown fish, Monarch butterfly and an orange cat that reminded him of Miiko. A few packages of Kawaguchi Wakayama Orange Candy and a small tray with actual oranges. In a photo frame there was a picture of a beautiful orange sunset on a beach. He found wooden children’s toys in the shape and colors of vegetables and fruit, such as a pumpkin, carrot, sweet potato, orange bell pepper, an apricot and tangerine. Sora must have asked the help of Hikari for that, Taichi thought to himself.
He laughed when he picked up a set of incredibly small sized orange traffic cones after the folded life jacket and wiped away a single tear of a pocket photo of Agumon. The packages of cheese crackers made him feel hungry all of a sudden, as did the bag of Cheetos. Sora had of course thought about something to feed his sports-cravings too and he felt excitement when he held up an orange shirt from the Dutch National team. The basketball he found in the box as well was signed with ‘Troy Bolton’ and he remembered how he had surprised Sora with his knowledge of High School Musical.
At the bottom he found an orange notebook. The cover felt soft because of the fabric. He couldn’t help but to see the resemblance to the color of Sora’s hair and it made him remember how much he missed her.
He flipped blank page by blank page, but found dried little orange flowers and leaves in between some of the sheets. Marigolds, Autumn leaves, tiger lilies. He had learned about some flowers from Sora, so he knew.
Of course there was a gazania too and his heart instantly warmed.
It was a surprise he never expected, just like he had never expected to find this love with her. She was miles, continents and seas away from him, but she felt so incredibly close through this wonderful orange colored gesture. For eternity, Taichi would feel like the luckiest boyfriend in the whole wide world.
The loving daze he was in still made him flip page after page, even though there wasn’t any flower left. He only noticed he arrived at the last page when no page was left to flip.
Hoping to find something else, Taichi looked in the box, but sadly the thing was as empty as could be. Just a tad disappointed he shifted his gaze back to the notebook. He felt the urge to start all over again and thus he flipped back to the beginning of the notebook.
His eyes stopped on the written letters forming words and eventually sentences at the beginning of the notebook he apparently had missed at first.
Happy birthday lovely sunshine. I hope you’re having a fantastic day even though we’re so far apart. We all miss you, but I know I’m the one who misses you the most.
Forever yours. With all my heart. All the love in red.
But mostly love in orange.
Sora &lt;3
His gaze lingered a little bit longer on her name. He had to talk to her. He wanted to see her.
Without thinking for another second, he stood up and jumped towards his phone, only taking one second to find Sora’s caller-ID and hitting the videocall button.
“There’s my birthday boy,” came Sora’s excited yet calm and sensual voice. It sounded like music to his ears.
“You do know how to surprise me,” he grinned widely, holding his phone exactly so she could see all of the orange presents spread out on his sheets. She giggled. “It’s sad however that the most beautiful orange piece is still in Tokyo.”
Sora rolled her eyes, though her slight smirk revealed how the comment had actually flattered her. “You cheese,” she said. “Anyway, happy birthday! I hope you like the present.”
“Like it? Sor, I love it! It’s the most creative thing and it’s very thoughtful. I am wondering how you got some of these things. I mean, traffic cones? Genius.”
“Heh, I had some friends helping me,” Sora winked. “The life jacket is thanks to Miyako-kun who was so nice and bold enough to steal it from the cruise ship where she was celebrating her vacation.”
Taichi laughed, finding it both funny and sweet. Sora had really asked all of their friends to help her out. It only made him love her more.
The conversation went on for hours, up till the point they decided to watch a movie together since they weren’t near done talking to each other. Laughs, words and silences were shared among other things, transcending time zones in the best way possible.
“Say Taichi,” Sora started out of the blue in the middle of the movie. “What’s it with you and orange anyway?”
The left corner of his mouth curled up into a faint smile, his mind wandering off to the schoolyard back in kindergarten.
“Ah, I had a very warm first encounter with orange when I was little,” he answered, deciding that would be everything he’d tell her.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I see you made a new friend,” his mother cheered after she had watched him play before they would head home. Taichi nodded, looking back at his newfound friend still playing with the ball. The scene and memory made his face and heart smile. “What’s her name?”
“I forgot to ask,” little Taichi started babbling, “but she played football with me and she was really good at it!”
“That’s great honey! I’m so happy for you.”
His mother sweetly stroke through his big brown messy hair, proud of how her son had made a new friend at his new school so quickly. Taichi looked back one more time, taking in the way she looked so he would remember her when they’d meet again tomorrow.
It wasn’t hard to forget her, or to loose sight of her in a crowd. She stood out with her shiny hair that looked like the fallen Autumn leaves he loved to play in. The leaves that would catch all the sunlight with its brightness. It made the twinkles in his eyes shine more bright as well and the warmth in his heart increase.
Yuuko looked down. “Yes dear?”
“Her hair color, what is it called?”
“I think it’s auburn,” his mother replied as she turned her head around one more time.
“Yes honey, but to simplify it, you could say it’s orange.”Orange… He loved it! He felt connected to it in a way not even an adult could describe. It felt right. So from that moment on, Yagami Taichi decided orange would be his forever favorite color.
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How would you imagine Taikoura would play out in the 2020 reboot? And do you have any moments from the anime where you you imagined this ship shining through?
Mhhh, that's a very interesting question. I have probably memorized all of their most prominent interactions - and less obvious/just implied ones - in the OG anime timeline and usually base my OT3 ideas on that specific version of them as well. But I gotta say... Reboot!Taikoura has its own appeal. In fact, while both versions have several things in common, there are still aspects about them that could - potentially - play out very differently. It all comes down to their different set-ups and personalities (and also a little bit of imagination, because one might argue that the reboot characters are not as fleshed out/deep as their OG counterparts, but that's all a matter of perspective). I will probably compile a post with their most interesting moments at some point, but it's fun to theorize for a bit, shall we?
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Let's start with the things both OG!Taikoura and Reboot!Taikoura have in common to establish our baseline. In my opinion, that's exactly three things: 1.) Taichi and Sora already go "a long way back" in both timelines and have a solid foundation as we enter the series. Which gets displayed time and time again by Taiora being portrayed as football duo that is incredibly devoted to (and soft with) one another, even framing Sora as a second in command every now and then. Unfortunately, the OG!football trio does not exist in this timeline - but that doesn't keep Koushirou from swooning over them anyway.
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2.) Taichi is basically Koushirou's first "real life" friend and it shows. While OG!Koushirou is seeming more independent and confident in his skills (and masks his insecurities a lot), Reboot!Koushirou only really discovers his self-esteem through the encouragement of their bond (+ Tentomon).
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3.) This is probably the more interesting aspect, which is both the same and yet portrayed more visibly than in the OG: The fact that, due to point 1 and 2 combined, Sora and Koushirou are LITERALLY Taichi's knights. Team Light exists for a reason and that is to have these two being constantly framed together to be a.) worrying about Taichi, b.) fighting by his side/to protect him, c.) sending him their energy.
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I maintain that the OG was very adamant about framing Koura to be completely ride or die for Taichi as well, but it was never as visibly obvious as it is here. And while Taichi is basically very omni-shippable with the majority of the cast in the reboot anyway, he reciprocates their attitude in particular by CONSTANTLY praising both of them in ways that encourage and enable them to become stronger as well. He helps them to overcome their own insecurities and boundaries for the sake of supporting him and recognizing the true nature of their crests. One could also say: Love and Knowledge can only really thrive when Courage is involved. And the "awesome counter" has been broken by now anyway.
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As mentioned in my Taishirou comparison analysis before, that also means there isn't a lot of friction between the three of them - but who doesn't like a peaceful iteration of their favourite OT3 every once in a while, huh?
While the bond between Taichi with Sora and Koushirou respectively is, as mentioned above, very elaborated upon in regards to both individual bonding moments and the "knighthood", Koura don't get as much time to bond individually with each other outside of that. There are some cute moments, but outside of their devotion to Taichi, they still have quite a way to go.
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But either way, there is a lot of potential and the fondness is definitely there, so aside from basically all Team Light moments and all those I have already shown above, these are also some honorary mentions. Because these kids are positively enchanted by each other and nobody can tell me otherwise (with episode 36 and 50 probably being my favourites):
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