#mr. hopeless romantic bear
howlofhades · 1 year
🌟 for Bear? pretty please?
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
AHK, a bear ask!
For one, he loves space probably the stars even more. But he doesn't think of any specifically, however he would love to stargaze with someone it would mean the absolute world to him!
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deadpresidents · 2 months
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On the cliffs of Normandy, in a small holding area, the President of the United States was looking out at the English Channel. It was only six weeks ago, on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, and President Biden had just finished his remarks at the American cemetery atop Omaha Beach. Guests had been congratulating him on the speech, but he didn't want to talk about himself. The moment was not about him; it was about the men who had fought and died there. "Today feels so large," he told me. "This may sound strange -- and I don't mean it to -- but when I was out there, I felt the honor of it, the sanctity of it. To speak for the American people, to speak over those graves, it's a profound thing." He turned from the view over the beaches and gestured back toward the war dead. "You want to do right by them, by the country."
Mr. Biden has spent a lifetime trying to do right by the nation, and he did so in the most epic of ways when he chose to end his campaign for re-election. His decision is one of the most remarkable acts of leadership in our history, an act of self-sacrifice that places him in the company of George Washington who also stepped away from the presidency. To put something ahead of one's immediate desires -- to give, rather than to try to take -- is perhaps the most difficult thing for any human being to do. And Mr. Biden has done just that.
To be clear: Mr. Biden is my friend, and it has been a privilege to help him when I can. Not because I am a Democrat -- I belong to neither party and have voted for both Democrats and Republicans -- but because I believe him to be a defender of the Constitution and a public servant of honor and of grace at a time when extreme forces threaten the nation. I do not agree with everything he has done or wanted to do in terms of policy. But I know him to be a good man, a patriot and a president who has met challenges all too similar to those Abraham Lincoln faced. Here is the story I believe history will tell of Joe Biden. With American democracy in an hour of maximum danger in Donald Trump's presidency, Mr. Biden stepped in the breach. He staved off an authoritarian threat at home, rallied the world against autocrats abroad, laid the foundations for decades of prosperity, managed the end of a once-in-a-century pandemic, successfully legislated on vital issues of climate and infrastructure and has conducted a presidency worthy of the greatest of his predecessors. History and fate brought him to the pinnacle in a late season in his life, and in the end, he respected fate -- and he respected the American people.
It is, of course, an incredibly difficult moment. Highs and lows, victories and defeats, joy and pain: It has been ever thus for Mr. Biden. In the distant autumn of 1972, he experienced the most exhilarating of hours -- election to the United States Senate at the age of 29. He was no scion; he earned it. The darkness fell: His wife and daughter were killed in an automobile accident that seriously injured his two sons, Beau and Hunter. But he endured, found purpose in the pain, became deeper, wiser, more empathetic. Through the decades, two presidential campaigns imploded, and in 2015 his son Beau, a lawyer and wonderfully promising young political figure, died of brain cancer after serving in Iraq.
Such tragedy would have broken many lesser men. Mr. Biden, however, never gave up, never gave in, never surrendered the hope that a fallen, frail and fallible world could be made better, stronger and more whole if people could summon just enough goodness and enough courage to build rather than tear down. Character, as the Greeks first taught us, is destiny, and Mr. Biden's character is both a mirror and a maker of his nation's. Like Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, he is optimistic, resilient and kind, a steward of American greatness, a love of the great game of politics and, at heart, a hopeless romantic about the country that has given him so much.
Nothing bears out this point as well as his decision to let history happen in the 2024 election. Not matter how much people say that this was inevitable after the debate in Atlanta last month, there was nothing foreordained about an American President ending his political career for the sake of his country and his party. By surrendering the possibility of enduring in the seat of ultimate power, Mr. Biden has taught us a landmark lesson in patriotism, humility and wisdom.
Now the question comes to the rest of us. What will we the people do? We face the most significant of choices. Mr. Roosevelt framed the war whose dead Mr. Biden commemorated at Normandy in June as a battle between democracy and dictatorship. It is not too much to say that we, too, have what Mr. Roosevelt called a "rendezvous with destiny" at home and abroad. Mr. Biden has put country above self, the Constitution above personal ambition, the future of democracy above temporal gain. It is up to us to follow his lead.
-- "Joe Biden, My Friend and an American Hero" by Jon Meacham, New York Times, July 22, 2024.
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
could i ask for headcanons of what petnames / endearments the Weasleys like to be called by their significant other 😄
thank you if you do! and thanks anyways for reading this even if you don't 😊
Oh my god this is so adorable yes yes yes yes yes-! The flip side of what the Weasley call you. Now THEY must be attacked with the affection mwhaahahah!!!!
Nick Names The Weasley Siblings Like To Be called By
William ‘Bill’
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His siblings, and the goblins at the bank, get to give him little wolf inspired nick names. Anyone else will be stabbed. But you are the exception to the rule. He won’t lie. He always gets flustered whenever you call him “Mr. Wolf” all teasingly, in a sing song tone. What gets him red in the face is you calling him “Red Riding Hood-“ Tho. As a flip of the script, and also the fact he’s a red head. That’s the only nick name you are blessed with saying. Calling him Red, Big Red Wolf, and other teasing nick names of that nature. Maybe the Weasley twins, on a good day, but you are his little fairy tale.
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He’s the playboy type, so you calling him Big Boy is a winner. Daddy to. That’s one way to get his engine going real fast. He does have a nick name he likes that you are only allowed to say, and not infront of company. Amber. He likes the nick name amber. A cute play on the fact many dragons of hoards, and a compliment to his ginger hair. Makes him feel like he’s precious. Big guys deserve to feel soft.
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He’s not really one for nicknames. It feels childish to him. He has an image to uphold. He’s always trying to act like he’s the exception and what everyone aspires to be. Doesn’t help Molly fed that idea to him. Still, what gets him to flush will be those cheesey wifey names. Calling him Pumpkin, Honey, Dear, Darling. The classics. Hey, his nose is always in books. He’s got that hopeless romantic in him.
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Freddy, kinda a given. A names branching off that. It’s simple and classic. But everyone does that. Like Charlie, he’s a sucker for the Big Boy comments. His real heart stopper, though, gotta be Boss/Bossman. Bossman in the playful tone, and Boss for the…You know what tone. What can he say? It feels good to be in charge.
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Similar to Fred. Georgie though gets to him a lot. He loved being called Georgie. Along with very sugary names. Like Pumpkin, Sugar, Cupcake, Sweetie, stuff like that. He’s adorable like that. He loves flirty nick names. He just loves it. Call him Teddy Bear, and he’s puddy in your arms. Since he loves hugs and cuddles.
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Ever since his sixth year at Hogwarts, he’s kinda not the most excited by nicknames. Can you blame him? He LITERALLY got drugged. Bro. There is an exception, though. It sounds egotistical, but it really isn’t. He loves when you call him “My Hero.” He doesn’t really feel appreciated or as loved as the others. He deserves to feel special. He’s not smart like Hermione, special like Harry, and don’t get him started on his siblings. Make him feel special. He deserves it.
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She has a weird thing about her femmnity. Not because she was raised by brothers. Just that she is excepted to be femmine, and gets called a pick me for not being it. So Nick names are very but it miss. Her siblings get a pass, but still. You gotta find that special one. You took notice how her siblings did dumb names. Like to make fun of the act of Nick names. Such as Gin Gin, Ginger Ale. Stuff like that. So, one day, you called her your “EnerGinny Drink-“ She laughed so hard she fell off her broom. Now you have an inside joke that her nick name is “Energy.” Only the twins figured it out, but are bros and keep hushed. So you two can have your special inside joke.
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steddieasitgoes · 9 months
@steddiemas Day 30: Smut Themed Sentence Starters
I ended up using two sentences: "Who needs a sleigh ride when I can ride you instead" and "Is that a candy cane in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"
Tags: Established Relationship, Implied Smut, Bad Pick-Up Lines, Eddie Munson Is A Menace, Steve Harrington Is A Romantic
wc: 1345 | Rating: M
Read on ao3 | ao3 collection
Steve is a hopeless romantic.
Always has been and probably always will be.
Eddie pretends to hate it, but Steve knows the truth. That under all that leather and loud music is a giant teddy bear who swoons every time Steve shows up with a fresh bouquet of flowers or a pack of his favorite cigarettes from Melvalds.
Everyone else may be fooled, but not Steve.
Which is why Steve has to pull out all the stops for their first winter together as a couple.
He set the bar high last year when they were just friends and now he has to top it. Not because Eddie’s expecting it or anything, but because he wants to. Eddie deserves it. And honestly, so does Steve.
After watching hours of romantic holiday movies and driving around the local towns to see what winter activities they have to offer, Steve draws up the plan. He rents a small cabin two towns over where the snow is already two feet deep with more on the way and buys tickets to all the fun events the town has to offer. Well, almost all of the events. Ice skating is out of the question after last year’s incident left them both battered, bruised, and so sore they could barely get out of their own beds for the Hopper-Byers New Year’s Eve party.
So far, the vacation is everything Steve hoped it would be. They’ve played in the snow, eaten the best apple pie he’s ever gotten his hands on, and strolled around town whispering judgments about the over-the-top Christmas decorations people have outside their houses. They’ve also made themselves comfortable in the cabin — breaking in the bed and the couch and maybe even the indoor hot tub once or twice.
But today is the real showstopper. The grand finale to their little winter weekend getaway and the entire reason Steve booked this place in the first place.
They’re going on a reindeer-pulled sleigh ride through the picturesque snowy terrain of the town.
Or at least they’re supposed to be going on a reindeer-pulled sleigh ride.
“What do you mean you double booked?”
“It seems we accidentally scheduled you and another party for the two o’clock sleigh ride,” the woman behind the counter says. She’s older, graying hair pulled back in a neat bun and thin glasses falling down the bridge of her nose. Steve glares as her lips turn up in what is supposed to be an apologetic smile as she continues. “Since the other party included children, we assumed you wouldn’t mind giving up your spot for a refund.”
“Well, you assumed wrong,” Steve snaps, hands slamming down on the desk a bit more forceful than he had hoped. “You didn’t even give me a courtesy call to let me know of the cancelation.”
“We were just about to do that.”
“Bullshit! My reservation was scheduled for ten minutes ago. If you were going to call you would have done it the moment you realized your mistake.”
“I am sorry for the inconvenience Mr. Harrington but we only realized the error when the other family checked in early.”
“So if I was allowed to check in early like I tried to do, you would have let us keep our reservation?” Steve asks, growing more and more irritated by the second.
He and Eddie have been freezing their balls off for almost an hour now outside of the rustic shop. Even bundled up in their winter coats, beanies, and hand-knitted scarf and mitten set from Claudia hasn't been enough to keep them warm. It’s why he sent Eddie off in the direction of the hot chocolate stand while he tried to work his charm and get them into an earlier slot.
“Well, no, that’s not what I’m saying, but—“
“This is ridiculous,” Steve huffs, tugging at the hem of his scarf. “I booked this trip specifically for this sleigh ride and now you’re telling me I can’t go on it.”
“I understand your disappointment Mr. Harr—“
“Stop calling me that!” If there’s one thing Steve hates more than being unjustly inconvenienced it’s being referred to be his surname. He doesn’t need to be reminded of the man he shares his name with. Not now, not ever.
“Um, sorry…” the woman trails off and glances down at her schedule. “Steve. I can offer you a voucher for the trouble. Unfortunately, we are booked up for the rest of the week.”
“Keep the voucher and shove it,” Steve hisses before shoving himself away from the counter.
It takes him a minute to reign in his anger as he stomps his way toward Eddie. He’s sitting on a bench holding two cups of hot chocolate. Judging by the way his body shivers, they’re not doing much to keep him warm.
“Uh oh,” Eddie says, setting the cups aside when Steve gets closer. “I don’t like that frown.”
“Yeah, well, get used to it. Gladys over there fucked with our reservation,” Steve sneers, plopping down on the bench. “Said they doubled booked us and voided our reservation to give to some couple with kids because she “figured I wouldn’t mind.” Of course, I fucking mind!”
“Oh sweetheart,” Eddie sighs, tugging Steve until he’s tucked securely under his left arm. “M’sorry. She sounds like a bitch.”
“Those kids aren’t even going to remember the sleigh ride when they’re older! But we would have!”
Eddie nods in agreement, nuzzling his cheek into the soft cotton of Steve’s beanie. The contact is almost enough to extinguish Steve’s anger. Almost.
“Now the vacation is ruined.”
“And you say I’m a drama queen,” Eddie teases, pulling away and twisting on the bench to face Steve. He tucks one leg under him and lets the other dangle off the bench before joining their hands together as best he can given they’re still wearing mittens. “Our vacation is not ruined. It’s been fun. Maybe our best one yet.”
“Yeah, well it could have been even better.”
“Oh come on,” Eddie tsks, squeezing his hand. “Who needs a sleigh ride when I can ride you instead.”
“Eddie!” Steve gapes. He can feel what little heat is in his body crawling its way to his cheeks, turning them a bright shade of red if he had to guess.
“Or you could ride me,” Eddie says, before leaning forward. He gets his lips on the shell of Steve’s ear before continuing, “You know I’m not picky.”
Suddenly the blood rushing to his face takes a detour traveling down, down, down until it settles in his dick. Steve can feel it twitch at Eddie’s word and the feeling of his warm breath against his ear.
“You’re a menace.”
Eddie hums, glancing around to make sure no one is watching them before letting his hand drift to Steve’s lap. He moves slowly at first, teasing him until his hand finally settles on the apparent bulge in his pants.
“M’ you like it though, don’t ya big boy,” Eddie says, giving an experimental squeeze before pulling his hand away completely. When Steve looks up, he’s staring at him with those big round mischievous eyes of his. “Is that a candy cane in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”
Steve groans both in pleasure and in exasperation. He buries his head in the crook of Eddie’s neck for a moment before pulling away. “You just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”
“Hey, it put a smile on your face didn’t it.”
It did. Though, if he’s honest with himself, Eddie always puts a smile on his face. Even when he’s being an annoying, teasing, little shithead. Leaning forward to close the distance, Steve gives him a quick kiss on the lips before pulling away.
“Christ, your lips are freezing.”
“Better take me inside and warm me up.”
Steve gets himself on his feet before turning around to offer a hand to Eddie. “Come on then, I think I know just how to get you nice and warm, baby.”
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terezicaptor · 7 months
Here's the alternate frubbo canon divergent timeline that exists in my head:
After Tubbo rescued Fred their letters stopped for a while, just like in canon. They saw each other at spawn that one time but Tubbo was very out of it and not really interested in speaking to Fred because he both is unsure how he feels about them and thinks it's safer for both of them if they put their situationship on pause. He doesn't want Fred getting killed or some shit, and he doesn't want Fred being used against him.
Tubbo does his now every-other-week mailbox checks because he's kind of lost hope that there would ever be a letter again. He's just doing it out of habit at this point.
Until he gets a letter from Fred.
They say he's seemed distant, and they ask if he wants to break up.
Tubbo is confused because as far as he knows they aren't dating. But it seems Fred has a much different perspective.
This leads into a role reversal, where Tubbo is the one who really isn't sure about a relationship and is trying to be 'professional' with Fred, and Fred is the hopeless romantic reading into every one of Tubbo's signals and wondering if it's so over or they're so back.
Then the server restarts.
The bears are gone, but after a while of just Mr. Rabbit and the black Bunnies, white Bunny Workers begin showing up. They're dressed formal like the rest of the staff, but it's clear they're lower rank than the black Bunnies.
One of these white Bunnies begins talking to Tubbo. Seeming to try to hint towards something. Send signals.
Tubbo doesn't get what the Bunny is after.
Until another white Bunny shows up and starts terrorizing him and calling him 'mate.'
Then the connection is starkly clear. The 'bears' have been somewhat reset and made into the new Bunnies, but pieces of their personalities and feelings from their old lives are still there.
This new Bunny seems to have been at one point Fred. And it seems like it still has inklings of its past life in its mind.
And Tubbo doesn't know how to feel.
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fleurbin · 2 years
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a night in paris
hj drabble | masterlist
summary: what could be more romantic than slow dancing with your boyfriend under the eiffel tower?
pairing: hyunjin x reader
genre: non-idol au, romance, pure fluff
word count: 636 words
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Paris, France.
The idea of visiting this gorgeous place is beyond spectacular. The feeling of love and desire is everywhere, matching the aromatic and sweet smell of pastry shops across the town.
Going here has always been your dream.
“Come on!”
It was 8 pm at night. The moon was shining so brightly, and the stars lit up sparkles in the sky. There is really nothing more exciting than finally witnessing the real Eiffel Tower with the man you’ve settled your heart with.
You hurriedly grabbed your boyfriend’s right hand and interlocked it with yours as the both of you fasten the pace of your walks.
“Slow down a bit, love. We might trip” Hyunjin chuckled.
“Oh, sorry” You looked up at him for a brief moment and flashed him a sheepish smile. “I’m just excited. I mean… it’s the moment we’ve been waiting for!”
“Yeah, but I still worry for you. You’re one clumsy baby”
“Hey! I’m not clumsy” You laughed at his remark while throwing a small punch at his arm. “And if ever I fall, I know you’ll be there to catch me”
Hyunjin squinted his eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Oh, so you won’t?” You let out a dramatic gasp, followed by the sounds of laughter.
“Of course, I’m joking. I’ll always be there for you, love.”
Despite the coldness of the air, you felt warmth traveling all the way up to your cheeks which eventually turned into a shade of pink causing Hyunjin to tease you for it.
In a span of 10 minutes full of giggles and nonsense topics, you’ve finally reached your destination.
The pace of your walk slows down as you admire the view in front of you. Thousands, or maybe billions of emotions came by to greet you while you were busy staring at the Eiffel Tower.
Hyunjin felt your hand slowly loosening from his grip. He whipped his head to look at you and he swore he saw stars in your eyes.
“This…” You started.
“Hyunjin, this is so—“
“Beautiful, right?”
You slowly looked at him to find him smiling right at you. His eyes hold lots of emotions and you can tell how happy he is right now just like you.
“Let’s come closer” Hyunjin spoke as he grabbed your hand again. Both of you walked together hand in hand, watching how the breathtaking sight in front of you getting closer and closer.
“There sure are a lot of people even at this time of the night” You heard him laugh.
“Wanna dance with me?” He whispered, voice ever so gently.
Your gaze suddenly returned immediately back at your boyfriend when you felt his breath right on your ear. You nodded, looking around and scanned your eyes through the crowd. Luckily, everyone was in their own little world.
Hyunjin grabbed your left hand and placed it on top of his shoulder. Encircling you with his arm, he pulled you closer to him and intertwined your free hand with his.
“Wait… “ You removed your hands and stepped away from him a bit, fishing out your phone from your coat. You also took out your airpods and gave him one bud which he gladly accepted.
“It’s incomplete if there’s no music” You giggled.
Shuffling your playlist, the music started to play which also happened to be yours and Hyunjin’s favorite. You placed your phone back inside your pocket and renewed your hold on his
Hyunjin then slowly danced with you, twirling you and giving you kisses from time to time.
“There is nothing that could taint this night forever” He started, breaking the silence. “Everything is perfect, especially since I’m dancing with the love of my life”
“Okay, Mr. hopeless romantic” You smiled. “Kidding. I love you”
“And I love you too… so much”
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hi, i'm reese, and i'm a new author here ^____^
this is my first time posting an au muehehe. if you have any thoughts or feedbacks about it please do let me know ! also, english isn't my first language so kindly bear with it or feel free to correct me for any grammatical errors !
if you liked my work, please don't forget to leave a like or reblog because it is much appreciated <33
will be writing more soon ! i promise :D
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tvstarkuma · 1 year
Please repost do not reblog
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FULL NAME.: Teddie (legally Kumakichi Hanamura)
ALIASES: The (other) Prince of Junes, Comet (Phantom Thief code name)
HEIGHT:  4’3” (bear), 5′3” (human, up to Arena), 5’7” (human, DAN onward)
ZODIAC: Cancer
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Japanese, English, and a bit of other languages here and there
HAIR: Short, blonde hair pulled to his left side. By P5 he grows it out near shoulder. In a more feminine presentation his hair is straight and down to his waist
EYES: Bright blue, grey in bear form
SKIN TONE: Pale and fair without any blemish
BODY TYPE: Very lean and on the shorter side at first. Hints of muscle tone on his arms but hard to notice. He is very proud of his physical appearance and enjoys outfits that show a bit of skin when he can
VOICE: Friendly, energetic, and on the louder side. Can be a little deeper when he is speaking on a serious subject. His voice is at a higher pitch in bear form
POSTURE: Sits upright with his hands on his lap. While standing he has his shoulders back and feet apart
SCARS: No physical scars since his body has self-healing capabilities. There are a few mental scars from the murder case. Big ones are Nanako’s temporary death and being dragged into nothingness by Izanami
MOST NOTABLE FEATURES: In his bear form everything about him is noticeable. As a human, he constantly has a very well-kept appearance without any stains on his clothes or hair out of place. He can create charming sparkles out of nowhere and his eyes have a varying level of brightness to them. He can make cute shapes in his eyes, his skin is bright and blemish free, his teeth are always a bright white. One could say he looks too perfect
HOMETOWN: Both the TV World and Inaba are hometowns to him
SIBLINGS: Yosuke Hanamura (adopted brother)
PARENTS: Mr. and Mrs. Hanamura (adopted parents)
OCCUPATION: Junes part-timer and mascot, Protector of the TV World
CURRENT RESIDENCE: The Hanamura residence in Inaba
CLOSE FRIENDS: Everyone on the Investigation Team
FINANCIAL STATUS: Stable since the Hanamura’s provide food and home. Has a habit of spending most of his own money on snacks
VICES: Overindulgent when it comes to food, has a habit of breaking other’s personal space, gets starved for attention very quickly to the point that he is easily lonely, clingy, self-sacrificial tendencies, lets his emotions get the better of him
LOVE LANGUAGE: Words Of Affirmation, Touch, and Quality Time
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES:  He is a hopeless romantic through and through and longs for the day he’ll find the love of his life. Being in a relationship means he’ll be loved for who he is and will never be alone again. Despite this, he’s never actually felt romantic attraction towards anyone (with one exception) so he isn’t good at identifying it. If Teddie’s in love with you, he’ll be more shy than usual at first since these feelings will be new to him and he’ll care about his love so much. He would be a very romantically intimate partner that is very protective and clingy. Fun games and cuddling with his partner are a must!
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE: Teddie Circus (Persona 4 Arena)
HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME: Watching TV, walking around town, reading, making glasses and accessories
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED: More right-brained but also has his own moments of left-brain miracles
SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL: Much lower than other’s would be led to believe. While he has accepted what he is and is confident in his decision to stay in Inaba and, doubts still occasionally return. He values his friends' lives above his own to the point that he would die for them with no hesitation. He is working hard to stand on his own feet as someone that he and his friends can be proud of. By P5, he is even more comfortable with what he is and knows for sure that he is wanted and appreciated.
Tagged by: @tacitusauxilium (thank you for the tag!)
Tagging: @sylviareviar, @the-flower-karasu, @evokemessiah, @ijustgottabelieve, @halfxspider, @knightshonour
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vanderwoodlings · 2 years
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You can’t make people love you: a Blair Waldorf playlist (x)
Text version of the tracklist (and commentary) under the cut
1. “Being Good Isn’t Good Enough,” Barbra Streisand. Like, uh… hello Blair’s thesis statement on life. I also love the sound of it as a Blair kind of energy
1. “Being Good Isn’t Good Enough,” Barbra Streisand. Like, uh… hello Blair’s thesis statement on life. I also love the sound of it as a Blair kind of energy
2. “Everybody Wants To Rule The World,” Tears For Fears. Turn your back on Mother Nature/Everybody wants to rule the world
3. “homecoming queen?” Kelsea Balllerini. Well, Blair was prom queen, but close enough. Does it get hard/To have to play the part?/Nobody's feeling sorry for ya
4. “Headlock,” Imogen Heap. You say too late to start/Got your heart in a headlock/I don't believe any of it
5. “Running Up That Hill (Deal With God),” Kate Bush. As Blair like. Literally does
6. “I’m Not Calling You A Liar,” Florence + The Machine. I'm not calling you a ghost/Just stop haunting me/And I love you so much/I'm going to let you kill me
7. “Paper Bag,” Fiona Apple. I was having a sweet fix of a daydream of a boy/Whose reality I knew, was a-hopeless to be had
8. “Money Changes Everything,” Cyndi Lauper. I mean, it’s Cyndi Lauper. Who else goes on a Blair playlist? But also I was thinking a lot of that cynical classism that dogs her mindset, especially after the last couple songs
9. “Dolls Parts,” Hole. I want to be the girl with the most cake
10. “Brand New City,” Mitski. I think my life is losing momentum/I think my ways are wearing me down/But if I gave up on being pretty, I wouldn't know how to be alive
11. “I’m Not an Angel,” Halestorm. Who else could love what I’ve become etc etc. Can't help myself/From hurting you/And it's hurting me
12. “When You Break,” Bear’s Den. You keep begging for forgiveness/But you don't think you've done wrong
13. “You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid,” The Offspring.
14. “Hollywood,” Jukebox the Ghost. I love the play between Blair as the singer, and Blair as the audience, in listening to this. Like, You want Hollywood/And this is real life in both that cynical, manipulative self and that hopeless romantic who literally envisions life in film self
15. “The Heroine,” Unwoman. I asked just one thing of you, to be here/Did I not let it slip that I was sincere?/That was my best poker face, trying not to care/I watch and I wait while you never appear
16. “Envy Green,” The Arcadian Wild.
17. “Cop Car,” Mitski. You know, I don’t actually listen to Mitski but making these has almost gotten my autocorrect to accept her name? I get mean when I'm nervous like a bad dog
18. “Oh No!” MARINA. I always feel like I’m the worst/So I act like I’m the best
19. “The Walk,” Imogen Heap. No, it's not meant to be like this, not what I planned at all/I don't want to feel like this, so that makes it all your fault
20. “Losing My Mind,” Montaigne. It's over, I'm fine (I'm fine)/I'm fine/I'm fine/I'm fine/Then I start crying
21. “Winter Bird,” AURORA. I’ve talked a little in a few of these notes about Blair and her dream sequences, and this song isn’t… quite as directly evocative of their content as some of the others, but I liked it in that way
22. “GIRL,” Maren Morris. If vanity's my vitamin, well, I don't feel the difference/I don't like myself right now, gotta find a way out
23. “Bad Man’s World,” Jenny Lewis. It's a bad man's world/I'm a bad, bad girl
24. “Heartbreak Hotel,” Whitney Houston, Faith Evans, Kelly Price. Since you're not around for me/To tell you, baby, face to face/I'm writing you this letter/And this is what I have to say/All I really wanted was some of your time
25. “Everybody Loves You,” The Chicks. mrs-nate-humphrey called this post-series Blair vibes and like. Yeah
26. “I Will Survive,” Gloria Gaynor. I should have changed that stupid lock/I should have made you leave your key/If I'd have known for just one second you'd be back to bother me
27. “Yesterday,” Tammy Wynette. We needed a non-chuck sad romance song. Also, Blair’s drunk karaoke song is Tammy Wynette! (But it’s “Stand By Your Man,” which I find depressing both in and out of context)
28. “Everytime,” Britney Spears. Every time I try to fly, I fall
29. “King,” Lauren Aquilina. There's so much more/You can reclaim your crown/You're in control
30. “Final Girl,” CHVRCHES. In the final cut (In the final cut)/In the final scene (In the final scene)/There's a final girl (There's a final girl)/Does she look like me? (Does she look like me?)
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
Your ranking of the Austen heroes
Okay so bearing in mind I haven’t read all of the books (I own most of the books, I just keep rereading my faves and put off reading the others as the procrastinator I am, doh!), here’s my ranking of the Austen heroes;
1. Captain Wentworth - my man, my guy, my number one. He appeals to the lazy bitch in me because Persuasion is the shortest of Austen’s novels so it makes it easier to reread whenever I’m in the mood to. But he is the epitome of everything I crave from a romantic regency hero; his love for Anne remains constant, he yearns and pines for her, he gets angsty around her because of the heartache of not being with her, he rescues her from stroppy toddler; and of course the letter. I have never had a reaction to a romantic novel the way I reacted to reading his letter. I gasped, I clutched at my heart, I had to put the book down and walk around my room with giddy excitement because I knew the longing was all building up to something but Austen really knocked it out of the park with that one. I am half agony, half hope - my fucking god Jane, your mind!!! I will never get over this, it’s the love letter every hopeless romantic out there deserves to receive. A man of Captain Wentworth’s character is the type of man I aspire to one day find in this world and fall in love with, and my god such a high standard will only lead to my perpetual disappointment. 
2. Mr. Darcy - we all love a bit of enemies to lovers but what we love more than that is a man who listens to a woman’s valid criticism, takes everything on board and actively chooses to do and be better. Even though he was sure Elizabeth could never love him the way he had fallen for her after she rejected him, he still chose to right his wrongs and do everything he could to be a man worthy of Elizabeth’s heart. Below the surface level that the likes of Mrs Bennet see, he’s a very loving and caring person; he does what he thinks is best for his closest friend and he’d do anything for his sister. There’s a reason why us girlies keep harping on about Mr. Darcy to this day; we don’t ask that much from men, just for them to learn from their mistakes and grow from them. I also love just how much of a dumbass he is, being all “I guess Elizabeth Bennet is tolerable but not enough to tempt me!” and several chapters later he’s all “she has the finest eyes” - not to mention he steers Bingley away from Jane due to how cringe her family are, only to be unable to control himself and propose to Elizabeth, being willing to marry a woman from the same cringe family he advised his friend from marrying into because of how much he loves her. This silly man loves his dearest loveliest Elizabeth most ardently and loving her was the making of him. 
3. Knightley - I now forever associate Mr. Knightley with Johnny Flynn’s portrayal of him; tearing his clothes off and collapsing to the floor because of how tormented he is with his love for Emma. I aspire to one day have someone be so in love with me that this is how they react lmao. I love how Knightley and Emma are friends to lovers, how they tease one another, but how they’re also not afraid to speak up when the other is being messy af (I phrase that as if Knightley is ever the messy one). Knightley knows perfectly well when to rein Emma in, never in a controlling manner, but in a more nurturing way to ensure she remembers how to act and treat others. The only hang-up I have with Knightley is the age thing, mainly due in part that he’s known Emma since she was a young girl and he was already a young man so I find it a bit icky. I’d have preferred if they were closer in age or if he was only acquainted with her since she had become of age. But that ickiness aside (and best ignored so I can properly enjoy the story), I still think of Knightley fondly; he’s one of the good ones.
4. Colonel Brandon - I respect the fuck out of Colonel Brandon. He is nothing but a perfect gentleman; I just wish Jane had properly developed his and Marianne’s relationship. My man pines for her all novel long and yet he has for more interaction with Elinor than his love interest, which always bothered me, not to mention the fact they were paired off in a paragraph in like the very last chapter. I wanted more, especially considering Colonel Brandon is such a stand up guy. That being said, a similar hang-up to Knightley that I have is of the age difference between him and Marianne. Again, I would have preferred if they had been closer in age, if Marianne was a little more mature and not so girlish. But basing it on the character of Colonel Brandon alone, he is the goodest of boys and deserves the world. 
5. Edward Ferrars - of the books I’ve read, Edward’s my least favourite hero. Yes, he seemed sweet at first but the whole twist of him already being engaged to another woman? And he failed to mention it to Elinor? And then he’s gone for like half of the book while Elinor pines after him? Only to return without much of an apology or explanation? I really don’t fuck with him, he should have been held accountable far more than he was, and it always annoyed me Elinor just welcomed him back without so much as a demand to explain himself. You can best believe any one of the other four heroes listed above would have explained to their love interests of their own accord what happened and whole-heartedly apologise for upsetting their respective woman. One of my best friends, who has read all of the Austen novels, was complaining to me the other week about another Austen hero being the worst (can’t think of him off the top of my head) so I can’t say for certain that Edward Ferrars is by far the worst of the Austen heroes - but for the time being, of the books I’ve read thus far, he’s the worst to me. 
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mizunetzu · 4 years
hi mr. mizunetzu, how are you?? i’m late but congrats on hittin over 1k!! may i request headcanons of iida trying to show his boyfriend (he/him pronouns) affection? maybe a bit of shy or nervous iida 👉👈 thank you!!
I need,,,to start,,,working on,,,requests again,,,feel so,,,unproductive,,,hhhh HERES IIDA !!
Headcannons - Iida trying to show affection (and failing miserably)
⚠️Warnings - none
Pronouns - male, he/him
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LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT...this guy is not-
Iidas love language is verbal affirmation, telling you he loves you and leaving kind ‘good morning’ texts or little sticky notes on your notebook when you’re not looking
And he was raised in a poised household, which means he wasn’t the one to run up to his boyfriend and give him a big ol’ bear hug. He had manners, regretfully
Tho it didn’t stop him from occasionally fantasizing about kissing you dramatically in the rain like in dramas
This corny guy-
So that’s why
He was
 Accustomed to physical touch
At All
It’s not like he didn’t want it, it’s just that he didn’t know how to yknow...do it
But damn,,,did he really want to
When you two started dating, he started reading more romance novels, and even secretly watching love dramas as a guilty pleasure, pretending those cheesy scenarios were happening with you and him
Whether it be the ‘accidental Kabedon’ or giving you his jacket when you ‘accidentally leave it at home’
Iida was such a hopeless romantic yall, it’s not even funny 😭😭
But he figured enough was enough
Today was the day he finally...
...held your hand walking to school...
...from the dorms
Baby steps, everyone. Baby steps.
You were honestly really surprised when he grabbed your hand and immediately looked away, covering his face with his hand with how red it was—
You just smiled and squeezed his hand back
The things you do to this mans heart...if he wasn’t in public he’d be squealing like a schoolgirl rn
But none the less, it became ritual to intertwine hands wherever you went, and Iida was very happy to say the least <3
I mean he was happy but his stupid heart wanted more—
Which is why he decided it was such a great idea to kiss you after studying in his room
He wasn’t a monster, he very nervously asked if he could kiss you while looking off the side stiffly and shaking his sharp hands around like a robot
You said yes and waited patiently with your eyes closed for a kiss
Iida kept approaching your face, and jerking his head away everytime he got close
really, really nervously
He looked like a chicken with the way he was bobbing his head back and forth AHAHAH
you peeked one of your eyes open to see his screwed shut, a cute, scared expression on his face as he balled up the fabric of his pants in his hands
He had his glasses off too, a sight you rarely got to see (and ngl it was pretty attractive)
He probably didn’t want to have his glasses knock into your face awkwardly during the kiss, how cute
You snickered quietly, making Iida’s eyes snap open, embarrassment flooding his already red face
“I-I-please stop laughi-mmphf-?!”
You grabbed his face delicately and smushed your lips together
He went stupidly ridgid, before letting his eyes droop close and his mouth relax into the kiss
What a great first kiss 🥰🥰
Especially when Midoryia steps into Iidas room, holding up a notebook he borrowed from Iida that morning 🥰
“Iida-kun, I came by to retuuuuurr...”
Iida snapped away from you, scrambling off his bed and slapping his glasses on his face
“Hi, Midoryia, ahaha...!”
Midoryia threw the book on the bed
And with that, he slammed Iida’s door shut.
Yes. What a wonderful first kiss 🥰
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
Leo's ABCs
A/N: Hi I hope you’re happy to see me around -Danny
Request: Y'all I need more Leo x reader in my life! Idea: Leo knows mores code. Reader catches him tapping out cute little messages and taps back. Weird lil conversations ensue. I just really need some fire-boy fluff rn // Anything sweet with Leo qwq there's not much with him
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Words: 1,380
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Leo would be happy just watching you do your thing, or if it’s you the one who has free time, he would let you hang at the workshop and he’d ramble about his new projects– If both of you have some time to spare, you usually just watch movies and cuddle
Beauty - What do they admire of their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He loves the way you love. The way you treat your friends and family and how you express your feelings, he thinks it’s unique.
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Leo is an expert at rambling, he’ll talk for hours and hours if you need a distraction, if you need a break from life he’ll take you to one of his hiding spots and will let you stay there just chilling, maybe brushing your hair gently while you breath in and put your thoughts in order.
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Honestly, he still has a bit of trouble picturing a future, but not because he doesn’t want you in it! It’s just demigod life, you know? He prefers living in the present, and either way, time goes by so fast when you’re having fun…
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
I think it depends on the day. If Leo’s too distracted with a project to eat or to make plans with you, you’ll take the lead. But it’s usually a shared thing, he loves planning your outings and dates and you love making proper schedules so you can attend your duties and still have enough time to hang out together. It’s about equals <3
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Leo is the kind of person to walk away when he knows he’s wrong and that pisses you off, but he comes around eventually and apologizes properly. When it’s you the one who messed up, he really isn’t good keeping score about that stuff, his brain is always running so he usually forgets about your fights and treats you like nothing happened. You apologize anyway, even if he tells you it’s no big deal.
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Leo is grateful even for the things he shouldn’t be lmaoo He just feels like having you in his life is enough to thank you every day.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Sometimes he has a hard time talking about his bad feelings on the spot, but he eventually gathers the courage to talk to you about it. You have to be patient though, sometimes he won’t mention it until it’s been a month or so.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Would love to say no, but he definitely gets jelous. He’s the pouty type tho, won’t yell at you or treat the other person rudely, he just sits there and grumbles under his breath until you smoother him with kisses.
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He could NOT believe someone actually wanted to kiss him. Him??? on the lips??
Every time you guys kiss his brain goes !!!!!
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
I think he either blurts it out while being sleep deprived, or it’s you the one who takes the first step. But boi does he love to flirt…
Memory- (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Probably the first time you guys ever talked for more than two minutes. It was like sparks were flying, the chemistry was just THAT good.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Probably just your name in general, bc it’s his s/o name! I also think ‘Mi vida’ bc he’s that kind of guy, also sunshine bc I strongly he just likes the word
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He’s such a lovesick fool, a stranger on the street could tell he’s in love. A very touchy fella, he needs to TOUCH to know it’s real (not in a icky way, just like, hand holding or stuff like that)
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He just found the love of his life and you expect him to be quiet about it? PLEASE
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He’s really good at solving problems on the spot, once again his brain is always going fast af, you never have to worry about a mishap when he’s around. Also morse code, he taught you how to use it and now he’s always saying ‘I love you’ to you all day
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s so creative in the weirdest ways, and you love it. It makes the relationship extra interesting. Again, bc he’s a lovesick dork, he’s also a hopeless romantic. He would give you the moon if he could.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Mr Valdez is known in every single one of your clubs and teams bc he’s that loud dude that’s always shouting stuff about how cool you are even when you’re just standing there.
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He’s a sucker for routines. After moving around all his life he just loves to know there’s a place he can just sit and enjoy stuff, he gets his excitement whenever he starts a new project and honestly that’s good enough, he doesn’t need another life-changing quest when he’s got you. He’ll never get tired of what you guys have
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Leo knows your entire schedule by heart at this point. Whenever you cry he hugs you tight against him bc he doesn’t want you to see he’s crying too. He really feels every single one of your defeats and wins as if they were his own.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
YOU. ARE. HIS. LIFE. Sometimes the thought scares you, having someone who depends on you can be draining, but Leo has never put you on a tough spot, he loves you more than he loves himself but he’s considerate with your feelings to the point that he’ll give you space if you ask for it. All he wants is your happiness.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
When he’s especially happy he will snuggle his face on your hair and hug you close. You’re like his real-life teddy bear.
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Poor puppy, he tries his best to hide it when he’s with others, he laughs and continues to be the life of the party, but he usually calls you by iris message every morning so he can see your face, the reunions are always worth it.
Zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Ride or die, this bastard would die for you more than once and then come back just to die again. I hate him.
Taglist:   @beneaththeiceandsnow,  @bandshirts-andbooks
Leo Taglist: @diaphragmjellyfish​
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mystery-vixen · 3 years
♡ + Mistocavity? and Platugger? maybe? :3c
Mistocavity will probably be very similar to yours though 💖
Mr Mistoffelees/Macavity:
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Macavity, actually. Around others they barely touch. That kind of stuff is private to them. When they’re alone however, Macavity doesn’t keep his hands to himself. It’ll be small things. Keeping a hand on Misto’s thigh when they sit, kissing the top of his head, laying across Misto’s lap when he’s decided he’s done being evil for the day and wants to be loved now etc.
2. Who initiates the hand holding?
Macavity. He strikes me as the type of cat that doesn’t like having their paws touched. He’ll generally let Misto touch him anywhere, but he detests having his hands touched. “It’s too intimate” he would put it and Misto understands.
However, when he needs it, really needs it, he’ll reach for Misto’s hand.
3. Who worries more for the other?
Mistoffelees. Can you blame him? Macavity comes home covered in new bruises and scratches and Misto cleans him up. He knows Mac gets in trouble and he stays awake until he comes home.
4. Who is more likely to ask for help?
Mistoffelees. The pair of them are proud. Neither of them like asking for help. But, when it comes down to it, Misto will ask if he needs it. He trusts that Macavity won’t judge him for needing help. He’ll be annoyed at having to ask, but ultimately, he’s glad for the help.
5. Who is the one always losing the keys?
Macavity. Misto can conjure. He literally can’t misplace them. Macavity on the other hand? Hopeless.
6. Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Macavity can’t read. Only a few cats can. Misto being one of them. Misto probably would if Mac could read them! They’re working on teaching him though.
7. Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Mistoffelees. He gets cold too easily. He worries about Macavity when he isn’t there. Most of the time he only sleeps because Mac forces him to. That, and Mac is very soft. Would you believe it? The fluff on his chest is Misto’s pillow of choice.
8. Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Macavity. He’s a romantic. Of course, I feel it wouldn’t be a normal proposal. More of a discussion. Mac would bring it up and the pair would simply talk about how they feel with the idea.
9. Who introduced the other to their family first?
Misto already knew Macavity’s family before beginning a relationship with him, but Macavity would be reluctant to meet Misto’s. Macavity would have been pushed to introduce Misto despite them already knowing him.
10. Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Mistoffelees. He loves playing with Mac’s hair. Macavity will never admit he enjoys it even though he purrs every time and normally falls asleep within minutes of Misto starting.
11. Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Macavity. Misto doesn’t take very good care of himself and Mac often has to ask whether or not he’s eaten/drank water etc.
12. Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Macavity. He already has anger issues and generally doesn’t care about class or the consequences of his actions. If someone upsets Misto, he doesn’t care who they are, they’re going to pay for it.
13. Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Mistoffelees. He’s bad at keeping secrets, but he does his best. He loves surprising Macavity just to show him how important he is.
14. Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
Mistoffelees. Yes, he still uses Pinky promises. Macavity doesn’t take them seriously. He does do as Misto wishes though most of the time.
15. Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Mistoffelees. Macavity would normally just scoop Misto up and take him to bed. Misto will drape a blanket over him and probably snuggle up with him too.
Plato/Rum Tum Tugger:
Ahhhhh this ship has taken over my life 😭😭
I need more content for them PLEASE
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Tugger. I’d like to think at first, Plato was weary to touch Tugger, thinking he wouldn’t like it. Tugger however, loves it when it’s someone he loves. He’ll kiss Plato whenever he’s given the chance, wrap an arm around him in social settings, bonk his head against Plato’s playfully etc.
2. Who initiates the hand holding?
Plato. He’s uncertain. He’ll reach for Tugger’s hand if he ever feels uncomfortable and Tugger will give his hand a squeeze. In any other circumstance, Plato will take Tugger’s hand for no other reason than wanting to touch him, but being afraid to do much else in public.
3. Who worries more for the other?
Plato. Tugger is reckless. He never gets very hurt because that might leave an unsightly scar! He does however, get himself into some sticky situations very often and Plato worries.
4. Who is more likely to ask for help?
Plato. Tugger is much too proud to ask for help! It takes Plato a while to open up about needing help, but Tugger is relentless and will ask until he eventually tells Tugger what he needs.
5. Who is the one always losing the keys?
Tugger. He’s not very organized and will lose a lot of his belongings.
6. Who leaves little love notes for the other?
While Tugger is more physically affectionate, Plato is better with words. He leaves small love notes scattered through Tugger’s den.
7. Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Tugger! Mr. “does not care for a cuddle” can’t sleep unless he’s cuddling Plato. If he can’t hear him, feel him or smell him then he stays awake. It’s infuriating for him when he needs his beauty sleep!
8. Who introduced the other to their family first?
Tugger. I don’t think Plato has a family. He’s a stray and I hc that he came to the junkyard alone when he was very young. Meeting Tugger’s family and instantly being accepted was a very big surprise for him. He considers them his family now.
9. Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Plato. He loves playing with Tugger’s mane/hair. It’s insanely soft after Tugger has groomed it so well and he feels loved knowing that he’s the only one allowed to touch it.
10. Who makes sure the other one has meals/stays hydrated?
They both take good care of themselves, but I think Plato would need to remind Tugger to drink water every now and again.
11. Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Plato. He would never sit still and listen to anyone disrespect Tugger. Even if he knew he had no chance of winning the fight. Tugger will also stand up for Plato, although less aggressively. He detests hearing comments that he could “do better”. He loves Plato. There is no better. 😤
12. Who is more likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Tugger. He does what he can to make sure Plato knows how much he means to him. He’s very bad at organizing such a surprise however and will usually ask Mr Mistoffelees for help.
13. Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
Tugger. Plato thinks it’s childish, but he’ll always link his pinky with Tugger’s and promise not to do something.
14. Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Plato has the sense to take himself to bed when he feels tired. Tugger, on the other hand, will often fall asleep anywhere. Of course, he’s comfortable anywhere when he’s that soft.
Plato will lay a blanket over him and kiss his forehead. He couldn’t bear to wake him when he’s so peaceful.
I got very, very carried away.
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csbinnie · 4 years
REQ . . ah your blog already looks so cute~ i was wondering if maybe i could request an enemies to lovers with kai~? i totally get if you’re being swamped with messages right now though ^^ in any case thank you
˒ this one got a little bit long so the rest of it is under the cut below!
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when you were little, you and kai were inseparable. you shared everything with each other, from teddy bears to cartons of banana milk to your cute five-year-old secrets.
your parents were close friends, so it made sense that you spent a lot of time together. with your lives so intertwined, it was easy to let everything feel like it was a contest. if kai got a B on his math test, you had to get an A. if you started playing a new video game, kai learned too, always with the intent to one up you.
kai loved to make fun of you. he was so kind and sweet with everyone else, more of an introvert than anything else, but he stuck to your side like glue, determined to get under your skin. growing up, he knew exactly what to say to make you angry. it felt like a game and somehow you were always losing.
you hated that feeling. little did you know, kai was desperately trying to cover up the big fat crush he had developed on you. it was so frustrating. he tried everything to convince himself you were annoying, but he couldn’t stop his heart from beating a little faster every time he saw you, even if you were being mean.
your mini rivalry continued into high school. kai was frustrating to be around, for many reasons. because despite the way that he bothered you, you couldn’t deny how cute he was or how much you clicked, even when he was being irritating on purpose.
luckily, this was obvious to everyone else, including your fifth period chemistry teacher who insisted on making you lab partners (and who could blame her? even teachers can be hopeless romantics).
at first, the two of you were like oil and water. arguing over everything, each of you insisting that you knew how to do everything better.
“oh my god, stop! you’re going to hurt yourself if you do it like that,” you snapped, slapping kai’s hands away from the bunsen burner he was holding. he glared at you.
“i’m going to hurt myself? you weren’t even paying attention when she explained this to us. maybe you should let people who know what they’re doing handle this.”
tldr: kai lit your shirt on fire.
after you were done panicking and mrs. kim had finished putting out the fire and yelling at both of you, you were both given detention.
you and kai had to sit next to each other and write an essay (together) about the benefits of working collaboratively. it was like your own personal hell.
“i shouldn’t even be here.”
“shut up, it’s your fault for not rolling up your sleeves like we were supposed to.”
long story short: the essay did NOT get written because you and kai spent most of the fifty minutes fighting.
and the world probably would have continued spinning, completely unchanged, had kai not completely lost his mind mid argument.
because there you were, yelling at him with a passion he had only seen when you were ten and he stole your bag of fruit snacks out of your lunch, and before he knew it he was kissing you, effectively shutting you up.
and just like that everything changed.
“are you out of your fucking mind????”
pushing the thought of how soft kai’s lip felt against yours and how faintly they tasted like ice cream, you shoved him away from you.
for once, kai had nothing to say, mouth dropped slightly open in shock as he watched you storm out of the classroom.
he ended up writing the essay alone, ironically, so that neither of you would get in to more trouble, and then he had his whole ride home to think about what he had just done.
by the time you got home the anger had melted away, replaced by confusion and hurt. you didn’t know how to feel about anything anymore. part of you hated him for making you feel this way, but the other part of you wished you hadn’t pulled away.
it wasn’t until later that night, after kai decided he couldn’t sleep, that he finally texted you.
from kai — can we talk?
you debated ignoring him, but eventually decided against it, letting him in through the back door. you had to walk quietly so you wouldn’t wake your family, but you ended up in your bedroom without making any noise.
“i’m sorry i kissed you,” kai admitted as soon as he sat down next to you. you were curled up against the headboard, hugging your knees. he sat at the edge of your bed, like he wasn’t sure if he was really supposed to be in there. “i shouldn’t have done that without asking first. i think maybe there are a lot of things i should have done first. like… this crush i have on you. i should have told you about that.”
“a crush?” you repeated, squeezing your knees. you wouldn’t have believed him if you didn’t see the look on his face, like he could have passed out from nerves.
“yeah,” he breathed out slowly, chancing a glance at you. he was playing with a loose thread in your comforter, avoiding your gaze, but now he lifted his eyes to look right at you. “i like you, y/n. i’ve liked you for as long as i can remember. i’m sorry i was such a jerk about it.”
this was a side of kai you hadn’t seen in a long time, embarrassed and a little shy, but also completely genuine. you missed it, you realized as tears suddenly blurred your vision. you missed him.
“don’t cry!” kai gasped, forgetting his earlier reluctance as he sprang forward to cup your cheeks. he used to do the same thing all the time when you were little. that’s what causes the dam to break, sending your tears cascading down your cheeks.
“i’m okay,” you protest. kai ignores you completely, crushing you in a hug. it feels so much like when you were small and afraid of thunder storms. kai used to cover your ears for you, hugging you tightly until it was over.
the memory makes you smile. you and kai end up falling asleep like that. you wake up before kai’s parents have a chance to notice he was ever missing (thank god).
your parents raise their eyebrows at you when he comes over (read: sneaks out the back to meet you in front) to walk you to school for the first time in forever and you know you’re going to have some questions waiting for you after school when he slips his hand into yours, but for the first time in a while you feel completely happy, stopping to press your lips to his as soon as you’re out of their sight.
241 notes · View notes
auror-lovie · 4 years
I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) (Theseus Scamander)
━━━•✦.✧. Author’s Note.✧.✦•━
Second writing challenge??? LET’S GO.
Also, I’m trying out a new editing thing. So may be I’ll be using a mix of moodboards and character banners??? I don’t know, tell me how the aesthetic feels.
Congrats Haley ( @wand3ringr0s3​ )!!! To one of my lovely motivators, you deserve all the followers and so much more! Sending all the love and support!
A big thanks to @weasleysflowr​ and her fic for this challenge! Thanks to your fic, it gave me the motivation to bust my butt off and finish this AT 2 AM. Love ya, Ayli!!!
━━━━━•✦.✧. About .✧.✦•━
(Y/N) didn’t mean to fall in love with him- she was only doing her job.
━━━━━•✦.✧. Add- Ons .✧.✦•━
It’s about time I start sharing my man with the readers (Sorry I’m such a simp for Theseus-)
Preface: Theseus and Leta are not engaged in this universe.
Angst, but what’s new?
Dialogue heavy
Character death :)
I usually write Theseus and Victoria with perfect personalities… I hope this fic will change that and I can start writing more of their ugly sides.
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Haley’s 1.9K Writing Challenge:
I Won’t Say (I’m in Love): Theseus Scamander x Reader
“You’re so pretty, why don’t you have a boyfriend?”
Was the question that (Y/N) received on a near day to day basis. Some from colleagues, some from distant relatives, and some from random people who tried to ask her out on a date.
To answer that question would take a whole other story, but to keep it short: She was hurt by first love. (Y/N) loved him with all her heart and he repaid her by falling in love and running away with another woman.
(Y/N) was a hopeless romantic and she was aware of that. All the romance novels that the muggles always talked about- she read them. All the romance films- she watched them. When her fellow Aurors were in relationships, she felt joy and happiness swell in her heart.
Though she desperately wanted a boyfriend, she was afraid. Afraid that one day, he’d leave her. So she kept her heart locked away. Besides, there was no time for romance- not in the midst of a war. Rumors of Grindelwald gathering more members for his “organization” spread through the Auror department like wildfire.
Under the temporary direction of Head Auror Victoria Howard, missions were successful. Despite feeling anxious, she led her fellow Aurors with confidence and determination. Yes, there were casualties, but that was the price of any mission.
Victoria always had a weird feeling about (Y/N). (Y/N) was sweet, nurturing, and quite intelligent. She was a great Auror, but something didn’t sit right with her. These feelings amplified when War Hero, Theseus Scamander, came into the picture.
Theseus walked into the room full of Aurors behind Victoria and Travers. “As you all know, the Head Auror Howard will be stepping down and Theseus Scamander will be taking her place.”
Declarations of distress echoed throughout the room. “But sir, Miss Howard was leading us just fine!” An Auror argued.
Before Travers could stupidly respond, Victoria took a step forward. “I know some of you may not agree with the changes, but Mister Scamander is a great leader. I think he’ll bring us farther than I ever could.”
Theseus nodded and patted Victoria’s shoulder. “One of the reasons why I’m a great leader is because of her. She’s always pushing me to be the best. So I hope I can lead you all to victory to the best of my abilities.”
After the formalities, Victoria had led Theseus around the room to get to know his fellow partners. He got along with most of them. The ones he didn’t get along with were the ones still slightly upset about the change, but he paid no mind to it. Then they got to (Y/N).
“Hello, Mr. Scamander. I’m (Y/N) (L/N) and I’m looking forward to working under your direction.” (Y/N) greeted happily.
Victoria felt her stomach twist up in knots, but didn’t let it show. Was she jealous? No- something didn’t feel right about (Y/N) and she was determined to find out.
“Well, Miss (L/N), I’m looking forward to working with you as well. Victoria has said amazing things about you.” Theseus replied.
It had only been three months and he asked (Y/N) out on a date.
Victoria was in Leta’s office, pacing back and forth.
“Three months. Three months, Leta! And he’s already made his move on her!” Victoria ranted.
Leta sighed, rubbing her temples. “From what I’m hearing, I’m assuming you’re… jealous.”
Victoria stopped pacing and glared at her friend. “I’m not jealous, Leta. I’m over-protective. I trust my intuition and I know that (Y/N) girl is up to no good.”
“Have you talked to Theseus about it?”
“W-Well… No…” She trailed off.
“Then that’s your problem, Vi.”
Victoria sighed and plopped herself on a chair. “I swear… That girl’s got something to hide…”
To say he had a crush was an understatement. No- Theseus was in love with her.
“Wow. What a day. First that restaurant and then a nice walk in the park?” Theseus started as he and (Y/N) walked into a nearby park.
They both chuckled, Theseus shoving his hands in his pockets. “I didn't know that playing hooky could be so much fun.”
(Y/N) smiled. “Yeah. Neither did I.”
“Thanks, (Y/N).”
“Oh, don't thank me just yet. Oh!” She exclaimed, tripping on a crack in the pavement, falling into Theseus’ arms.
“Careful. I guess being quick and light on your feet only applies to the mission field, huh?” Theseus teased.
“Sorry,” (Y/N) laughed nervously. “I’m a klutz.”
“Oh? Well, maybe you better sit down for a while.” He said, carrying her to a nearby bench and they sat down.
(Y/N) cleared her throat, ignoring the blush rising to her cheeks. “So, uh, do you have any problems with things like… this?”
Theseus cocked his head to the side in confusion. “Uh…”
“Klutzes, I mean.”
“Oh. Uh, no. Not really.” He shrugged.
(Y/N) moved closer to him. “No weaknesses whatsoever? No mundane worries?”
“What are you getting at, (Y/N)?”
(Y/N), moving even closer to him. “No… insecurities?”
“E-Everyone has insecurities and worries. I worry about losing the people I care most about. My parents, my brother, Victoria, Leta…” He paused. “You.” He mumbled.
“What was that?” She asked.
“Nothing!” Theseus cleared his throat. “It was nothing.” He said, finally stood up from the bench. “Let’s just get back before people notice that we’ve been gone for most of the afternoon.”
Theseus and (Y/N) quickly made their way into the Ministry Headquarters, making sure to stay out of sight. They ran up to the Auror department without causing a scene.
When they reached the door to (Y/N)’s office, they stopped outside to catch their breath.
“Pretty Boy… You are... perfect.” (Y/N) said between breaths.
“Thanks…” Theseus paused. “You know, as a kid, I was expected to set high standards. I was Quidditch captain, Head Boy, and took as many NEWT level classes as I could. I think that’s why my brother dislikes me so much.” He chuckled, resting his head against the wall. “I just… I just wanted to be like every other guy.”
She scoffed. “You wanted to be petty and dishonest?”
“Not everyone is like that.”
“Yes, they are.” (Y/N) said softly.
Theseus turned his gaze to her. “You're not like that.”
“How do you know what I'm like?” She spat.
Theseus took her tone as a defense mechanism. “All I know is... You're the most amazing person I've ever met. (Y/N), when I'm with you I don't feel so... alone.”
“Sometimes it's better to be alone.” She said, rubbing her upper arms.
“What makes you say that?” He asked, pushing himself off the wall.
“Nobody can hurt you.” (Y/N) said, trying her best to not look at him.
“I would never ever hurt you.” Theseus quickly replied.
(Y/N) turned to face him, not realizing how close they were to each other. “And I don't wanna hurt you, so... let's both do ourselves a favor and stop this before we-”
Their lips moved in close for a kiss, but the moment before it happened, a voice interrupted them.
“All right, break it up! I’ve been looking all over the Ministry for you.” Victoria said as she came into view.
(Y/N) groaned in annoyance once she realized who it was. “Calm down, Victoria. It was all my fault.”
“I already have a bone to pick with you, so don't make it worse,” Victoria said, glaring at (Y/N).
“And as for you,” She looked at Theseus. Theseus looked at her before quickly avoiding her stare. “You’re lucky I saved your arse from Travers. We had a meeting today and you were supposed to lead it, but no. You decided to play hooky.”
“Okay, okay…” Theseus said, feeling like a child being reprimanded by their parent. As much as he deserved it, he hated it when she scolded him.
“I'm sorry.” (Y/N) said softly.
He let out a half-hearted chuckle. “Ah, she'll get over it,” Theseus said, facing her. He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek.
“Come on, Theseus. We have work to do.” Victoria said, crossing her arms over her chest.
Theseus gave (Y/N) a smile before walking off with Victoria.
(Y/N) was left alone, her hand touching the cheek he’d kissed minutes ago. “Oh, what's the matter with me? You'd think a girl would learn.”
“(Y/N)! You’re finally here! I have things to discuss with you.”
(Y/N) quickly turned around to see Leta. “L-Leta!”
Leta smiled. “Don’t worry. Unlike Victoria, I won’t go all Mama Bear on you. Shall we discuss this in your office?” She asked, gesturing to the door.
She nodded. “Of course!”
Once inside, Leta and (Y/N) sat on the chairs. “So, tell me everything! How was your date?”
(Y/N) blushed lightly. “I-It was hardly a date. It was more of an… extended lunch.”
“Come on, spill the details! Do you like him?” Leta asked excitedly.
“What? O-Of course not.” She sighed, reminiscing on her first love. She would not fall victim to love- not again. “If there's a prize for rotten judgment, I guess I've already won that. No man is worth the aggravation. That's ancient history been there, done that.”
“Are you kidding? He’s the Earth and Heaven to you! You may try to keep it hidden, but honey, I can see right through you.” Leta replied.
“Oh, no. That’s preposterous! I can’t possibly be-”
“I know how you feel. I can see it in your eyes, (Y/N). You’re in lo-”
“No way. It's too cliche,” (Y/N) quickly interrupted.
“(Y/N), just listen-” Leta started again.
“Get off my case, Leta…” She trailed off.
Leta sighed, patting (Y/N)’s shoulder. “It's okay if you're in love…”
(Y/N) looked at Leta and smiled, relaxing in her chair. “At least at loud, I won't say I'm in love.”
After a while, Leta had left and (Y/N) sat at her desk to complete her piling paperwork. All was silent until-
“Hey, what's the buzz, huh, (Y/N)? What is the weak link in the Pretty Boy's chain?” A voice asked.
“Get yourself another girl, I'm through.” (Y/N) replied, exhausted.
“I'm sorry. Do you mind running that by me again? I must have had a chunk of stone wedged in my ear or something.” said Grindelwald as he came into view from the shadows.
“Then read my lips! Forget it!” She said, slamming her hands on her desk and glaring at him.
Grindelwald chuckled darkly. “(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), my sweet deluded little minion. Aren't we forgetting one teensy-weensy, but ever so crucial little, tiny detail? I own you!”
“I’ll just apologize for snapping at them and not considering their relationship… Whatever they are…” Victoria mumbled to herself as she walked to (Y/N)’s office.
Grindelwald continued, “You work for me! If I say, "sing", you say, "Hey, name that tune" If I say, "I want Pretty Boy’s head on a platter," you say-”
“Medium or well done,” (Y/N) sassed back.
Victoria gasped softly as she heard a snippet of their argument from the opposite side of the door. “Oh! I knew that girl was trouble. This is gonna break Theseus’ heart.”
“I'll work on that.” (Y/N) mumbled.
Victoria quietly ran back to Theseus’ office to give him the news.
“I'm sorry... You hear that sound? That's the sound of your freedom fluttering out the window forever.” Grindelwald continued, his hand moving in a shoo-ing motion.
“I don't care. I'm not gonna help you hurt him.” (Y/N) said, her voice cracking.
“I can't believe you're getting so worked up about some guy.” He said nonchalantly.
“This one is different. He's honest, and-and he's sweet. He would never do anything to hurt me.”
“He's a guy!” Grindelwald said, making a last attempt to get it through her head.
“Besides, you can't beat him. He has no weaknesses-”
Grindelwald walked into her line of view and smirked. “I think... he does, (Y/N). I truly think... he does.”
Theseus sat in his chair, spinning around. “After Victoria and (Y/N) make up, we can put this all behind us.”
Victoria walked sad, slowly closing the door behind her. She whispered a silencing charm on the room before trying to figure out what to say.
“Hey, Victoria! What happened? Did you do it?”
Victoria cleared her throat. “Thes, we gotta talk.”
“Oh, Victoria, I just had the greatest day of my life! I can't stop thinking about (Y/N). She's something else.”
“Theseus! I'm trying to talk to you! Will you stop spinning in that stupid chair, calm down, and listen?”
He stopped spinning in his chair before trying to look at her- his head adjusting to the sudden stop in motion. “Aw, how can I calm down when I'm feeling so up?”
“What I'm trying to say is-”
Theseus grinned. “If it wasn't for you, I never would have met her. Oh, I owe you big time.”
“Will you just knock it off for a couple of seconds?” Victoria said, a bit agitated.
“Come on, Victoria, live a little! I’ve finally found happiness during this stupid war.”
“Listen to me! (Y/N)'s-” She started, moving closer to his desk.
“A dream come true?” Theseus quipped.
Victoria rolled her eyes. “Not exactly.”
“Absolutely beautiful?” He said, dreamily.
“Aside from that!” Victoria sighed, rubbing her temples.
“The most wonderful-” Theseus began.
“She's a fraud! She’s been playing with your feelings!”
“I know you're upset about today, but that's no reason to-”
She ran her fingers through her hair. “You're missing the point.”
“The point is - I love her.” He said, standing up from his chair.
Victoria crossed her arms over her chest. “She doesn't love you, Thes. She's nothing but a two-timing,”
“Stop it!” He moved around his desk.
“No-good, lying, scheming-”
“Shut up!” He yelled, shoving Victoria towards the bookshelf.
She lost her footing and her back slammed against the bookshelf, causing some of the books to fall. She yelped as her back made contact.
Theseus’ eyes widened at his actions. He looked down at his hands, which were twitching, before looking back at her. “Victoria, I- Oh, I'm, I'm sorry.”
Victoria hissed in pain as one of her arms reached over to rub the spot of impact. “You need to control your temper, Theseus, but besides the point. You don’t want to face the truth? Fine.” She winced as she slowly shoved herself off the bookcase and walked towards the door, not caring about the books on the floor.
“Victoria, wait. W-Where are you going?” He stammered.
“I'm going home.” She replied, wincing once again.
“What? Why? You can’t go home until you’ve been checked. I can take you to the Healer-”
“You know… You came home a War Hero and became the highly respected Auror that you are…” Victoria trailed off, stopping in her tracks. He took a step towards her. She turned her head slightly, Theseus now able to see the small, sad smile on her face. “But you’re not the Theseus that left me all those years ago.”
Theseus sighed. “Victoria, you can’t keep living in the past!”
Victoria turned around- quickly regretting her actions as her muscles ached. “So was our friendship nothing? All these years, since we were eleven- nothing?!”
“You’re making a big deal out of nothing! I thought you were my friend!”
“Of course I’m your friend! You’re just not seeing that… that (Y/N) is working for the other side!” She said, flailing her arms around to make her point, no longer caring about the pain it caused.
“She wouldn’t-”
Victoria grumbled. “Here we are again. Don’t believe me? So be it… But remember this: when the truth reveals itself? Don’t come crying to me.”
“Fine! It’s not like I needed you anyway!” He said angrily, but instantly regretted his choice of words.
Victoria gasped, her hands covering her mouth.
Now he’d done it. Theseus made his way to her. “V-Victoria, I didn’t mean that- I was just-”
Victoria put up her hand to stop him mid-sentence and mid-walk. “It’s okay. Just finish signing the paperwork and you can leave.”
“Victoria-” He called out, a pathetic attempt to keep her there.
“I’ve saved your arse time and time again- since the beginning. Years ago, that was schoolboy stupidity. Now? Hell, I don’t know what this is. I don’t even know who you are anymore. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mister Scamander.” She said before leaving his office.
Months after their argument, things were back to normal- sort of. Auror duo, Howard-Scamander, had split apart. Even though it was odd not to see them on missions together, no one dared to question it or ask either person about it.
Then Victoria’s claim about (Y/N) working with Grindelwald had been proven. Theseus, Victoria, and (Y/N) gathered in Travers’ office. After a long interrogation, Travers had decided (Y/N)’s fate.
“Due to your affiliation with Gellert Grindelwald, you are therefore guilty of a treasonous-”
“You know I didn’t hurt anyone, you know that! You’ve seen me in the field! Or are you in such a high position where being deployed on missions is not in your job description?”
“You are therefore guilty of a treasonous betrayal of your fellow wizards and are sentenced to death.” Travers finished.
Two executioners step forward. They calmly, intrusively, press the tips of their wands into (Y/N)’s neck. (Y/N) was so overcome with shock and fear that she could barely speak.
“Just do it immediately. I will inform Minister Fawley myself.” Travers said to the executioners.
Victoria opened her mouth to speak, but no words could come out. 
“Travers, she doesn’t deserve this!” Theseus yelled.
Travers placed a finger to his lips. “That’s enough. Miss Howard, please escort Mister Scamander out of here.”
A long, black, metallic corridor led into a pure white cell, which consisted of a chair suspended magically over a square pool of rippling potion. (Y/N) was forced into this room by the executioners. A guard stood at the door.
“Don’t do this. Nicole, please-” (Y/N) pleaded.
“It won’t hurt.” Nicole cooed softly.
(Y/N) was led to the edge of the pool. She began panicking, her breathing heavy and erratic.
The other executioner raised their wand and carefully extracted (Y/N)’s happy memories from her head. (Y/N) instantly calmed down, her expression now vacant. The executioner cast the memories into the potion, which rippled, coming alive with scenes from (Y/N)’s life.
A young (Y/N) smiled up as her mother called, “(Y/N)... (Y/N)... Come on, dearie, time for bed. Are you ready? You’re headed off to Hogwarts tomorrow.”
“I’m ready, mum…”
(Y/N) watched, smiling down at the scene.
“Doesn’t that look good? You wanna go to the chair?” Nicole asked calmly. (Y/N) nodded vacantly as she was guided onto the chair.
She now sat in the execution chair. She gazed down and beneath her swirled happy images of her at Hogwarts.
“(Y/N) (L/N)!”
(Y/N) hesitantly walked to the stool and sat down. She felt the hat being placed on top of her head.
“Difficult! Very difficult… Decisions, decisions…"
A small moment passed before the hat roared, “RAVENCLAW!”
(Y/N), still gazing into the pool, smiled wistfully. A small bubble started to form around the chair,
“(Y/N)!” Theseus’ voice echoed throughout the room.
A spell fired, hitting Nicole, who dropped to the floor, her wand falling into the pool. As it fell, the liquid rose up in viscous black bubbles, instantly engulfing the wand. In reaction, (Y/N)’s memories turned from good to bad: The memory of Grindelwald’s plan to use (Y/N) was displayed.
“See, he's gotta have a weakness, because everybody's got a weakness I mean for what? Pandora, it was the box thing, for the Trojans, hey, they bet on the wrong horse, okay? We simply need to find out Pretty Boy's.” Grindelwald said, walking around the room.
(Y/N) sat on the cushion of the bay view window. “I've done my part. Get your other imps-”
“They couldn't handle him as a soldier. I need someone who can... handle him as a man.”
“Hey, I've sworn off manhandling.” She replied.
“Well, you know, that's good because that's what got you into the jam in the first place, isn't it? You swore your allegiance to me to save your boyfriend's life. And how does that jerk thank you? By running off with some babe. He hurt you real bad, didn't he, (Y/N)? Huh?” He taunted.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “Look, I learned my lesson, okay?”
Grindelwald circled around the room before stopping at her side. “Which is exactly why I got a feeling you're gonna leap at my new offer. You give me the key to bringing down that War Hero and I give you the thing that you crave most in the entire Wizarding World,” He stopped next to her and bent down. “Your freedom.” He whispered in her ear.
(Y/N), still enraptured by the pool, looked increasingly terrified. Her stool lowered closer and closer to the liquid.
Theseus managed to disarm and bind up Nicole, the other executioner, and the guard. He was about to save (Y/N) until
“Expelliarmus!” A voice shouted from the door.
Theseus’ wand was knocked from his hand. He turned around to Victoria standing at the door, catching her breath. She muttered the summoning charm before his wand was summoned to her hand.
Victoria quickly got hold of his wand before Theseus could reach it.
Theseus looked at her. “Victoria, I know we’re not on speaking terms, but please… My wand…”
She stared at him. A year ago, she’d give in, but not now. “No, I can’t let you save her Mister Scamander.”
“If you can’t beat them… then join them, right?” He let out a sad laugh. “If this is the last thing I tell you, I want you to know that even after this, you’re still my best friend. And you’re one hell of an Auror.” He said before making his way toward the edge of the pool.
Victoria gasped. “Damn it, Theseus!” She walked into the room and pointed her wand at him, “Incarcerous!”
Theseus was then bound by thick cords that came out of thin air, causing him to fall on his side. He hissed at the pain, but Victoria paid no mind. At least her friend was safe.
Victoria pointed her wand at the executioners and guard, unbinding them from their restraints. “Now get out of here.” The three of them nodded before shuffling out of the room.
Theseus looked at the memory pool, watching the last of (Y/N) memories. Victoria looked up at (Y/N), seeing the tears running down her cheeks. She almost felt pity for her- almost.
“Victoria, please…” Theseus pleaded for probably the last time.
Victoria then looked at the memory pool. It changed to the day where she and Theseus played hooky. She could see how happy they were together.
(Y/N) let out a sad laugh, causing Victoria and Theseus to look up at her. “I love you, Theseus… Sorry I didn’t tell you that day…” (Y/N) cried before the potion fully consumed her.
Theseus choked a sob as he held onto Victoria, hugging her torso, hiding his face in her shoulder. Victoria felt the tears building up before reality caught up to her. She gasped softly, tears running down her face.
Victoria was responsible for the execution of a fellow Auror. She was worried about her standings with Theseus, but that didn’t matter at the moment.
At that moment, she needed to comfort and be there for her friend. For her friend was mourning the loss of the one he loved the most.
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tanzaniiite · 4 years
how they cuddle/ sleep with you
requests: OPEN
warnings: none!
a/n: this is my first headcanon that no one asked for! i hope y’all like it 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 feel free to request some you want me to do!
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okay we all know this boy is touch starved
so he wants to hold you as often as he can
not so much in public but in private.. get ready to be smothered (with love)
i wouldn’t say he’s clingy but,,
he’s clingy
as we know, todoroki gets sleepy pretty easily
like he’s dragging you to his/ your dorm for a post-training cuddle session and nap
now on to the part that matters
shoto is a quiet person, same applies in bed
he just likes laying between your legs, his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat
or if you’re on the more talkative side, he has no problem listening to you
whether you’re venting or just talking about your day he’s there to lead an ear
even though he might not be fully listening, he grasps the noteworthy parts
now imma be honest with you, he’s out cold maybe 5-10 mins into cuddling
if you play with hair he’s down for the count in like 2 mins max
i personally don’t peg todoroki to be someone who snores loudly or someone who snores at all
maybe if he’s dog tired or sick you might get a light snore out of him
but for the most part, he doesn’t make a sound
sometimes you have to check his pulse to make sure he’s alive
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(why aren’t there more gifs for him? 🥺)
ugh my under appreciated boy 😔🤟🏽
i feel sero is a person whose really into.. vibes?? idk
like he’ll light candles/ incense just to set the mood
it took me way too long to write incense correctly
let’s just get one thing out of the way,,
you guys cuddle and sleep together in 👏🏽 his 👏🏽 hammock 👏🏽
i am not taking criticism at this time
ngl it takes y’all a few times to get into it without falling out (and no you guys don’t improve as the relationship goes along)
but once you guys get into a comfortable position (which is usually you sitting in between his legs), now the real fun begins
sero is a talker, he will talk about anything and everything
not to be rude or anything but his voice is great background noise, like he literally puts you to sleep with his voice
you’ve had to apologize a dozen few times for falling asleep while he was talking
and you’ve had to explain to him on a couple dozen circumstances that he was not boring you
on the rare occasion you don’t fall asleep, you just watch him play on his switch or vise versa
honestly cuddling with sero is chill asf
at least until he falls asleep
when i tell you this dude snores,, were talking about ‘chainsaw’ type snoring. MY GOD
you don’t mind it too much cause you sleep on his chest and his head tends to loll back so his snoring is somewhat away from you
ofc that position messes his neck up when y’all wake up but he continues to do it anyways
one surefire way to make sero flustered and/or go to sleep: trace. his. elbows.
yes you read that right no need to reread it
i say this because it’s basically a headcanon from the fandom that sero is pretty self conscious about his quirk and himself as whole
if you trace his elbows and whisper sweet nothings in his ear about how good he was during training that day or just about how great of person he is..
he’s putty in your hands
he definitely sleeps better on those days
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tbh i believe kirishima is way too energetic to ever cuddle willingly
but if you ask him to, ofc he won’t protest
there’s just so much more he wants to do with you besides cuddling
like hiking, going for a jog, playing video games, helping him study
you get the point
i also see him as the type to not realize how tired he is until he actually lays down
that’s why you have to drag him to bed
leave it up to him he’ll stay up all night (which has happened more times than he’d like to admit)
but once you finally get him to settle down, he is stuck to you
good luck getting up if you gotta pee
you guys tend to cuddle with your back pressed against his chest and his face in your neck and hair
he will sniff you, he just likes the way you smell okay?
kirishima also likes to press soft kisses against your neck and shoulder
he so cute omg
when he finally falls asleep, he snores, it’s not as loud as sero but it’s not light snoring either
he’s kinda in the middle
i see kirishima being a sleep talker for sure
this redhead says the most outlandish things
“no i don’t accept your proposal mr. bear, that’s bestiality”
lmao what? and god forbid if you answer back
“why not kiri? i love you!”
“you make a good argument but the world wouldn’t accept our love”
100/10 would recommend sleeping with kirishima, it’s a great time
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sleep? who is that, we don’t know her?
it’s basically canon at this point that shinsou suffers from insomnia
obviously some days it’s easier to go to sleep than others
on those bad days, he simply just enjoys watching you sleep
woah that sounded creepy
tbh he gets a bit jealous that you can fall asleep with apparent ease
you always try your best to help him go to sleep
like giving a warm glass of milk, getting him on a better schedule, asmr 👀
but he explains to you insomnia just doesn’t work that way unfortunately
on good days though, he likes facing you so you’ll be the first thing he sees when he wakes up
oof he’s such a hopeless romantic
he’s another one that like when you play with his hair
but you don’t do it often because he doesn’t take care of his hair (he has soo many knots)
if shinsou’s feeling up to it, he’ll sit between your legs and let you brush and detangle his hair
it’s a good method that helps him fall asleep 90% of the time
going back to the bad days for a min
you always try to stay up with him despite his protests for you to get your rest and to not worry about him
like hell you won’t worry about him
this either ends one of two ways;
#1 you stay up the whole night and end up sleeping in all your classes (which he feels guilty for)
#2 eventually sleep catches up with you and you knock out
whenever #2 happens he plants a small kiss on your forehead and whispers “thank you”
ugh i’m soft 😩
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 4 years
‘wreck my plans’ chapter 6: your heart was glass...
FFN | Ao3 | Buy Me a Coffee?
               They took the night train into Sheffield. Tom sat across from her, a science fiction novel open in his hands. It was only a two hour ride, but Molly wished she had brought something to distract her from everything. Instead she sat there, her heart hurting, wishing she had the courage to bring up what she needed to speak to him about. There had been a lack of that lately, courage. The first weekend of the new year, she had a symposium to attend where she’d be giving a talk about her most recent published article.
               Curious, she decided to at least say something. “Did you ever read my paper? The one that was published a few weeks back?”
               Without looking up from his book, Tom furrowed his brows. “What paper?”
               “It was the one about the unusual cases of tandem bullets and how to spot the findings of such an injury,” Molly reminded him.  
               “Uh, no, sorry, Molls, can’t say I have,” he replied, still not looking at her. “You know it’s not my cup of tea.”
               Not his cup of tea, indeed. She rolled her eyes. Of course he hadn’t. But Sherlock had. And without prompting. A small smile bloomed on her face at the memory. He had told her it was brilliant. “My clever Molly,” he called her.
               Molly turned her head toward the window, watching as more stars dotted the sky the further from London they got. She blinked her eyes slowly, fighting the exhaustion she felt. It wasn’t long before everything went black, dreams of Sherlock in her head. This time, she didn’t fight them. They were lovely dreams of Sherlock kissing her, holding her, touching her, making her his. It was more than she could bear. Then they were dancing, the song playing in the background tugging at her heart.
                                     Goodbye, my almost lover
                                   Goodbye, my hopeless dream
               Tears stained her face as she slept. She’d cry an ocean for him, the water’s colour matching his eyes. He was calling out to her, her name like a prayer on his lips. What followed were the words she had longed to hear him say: I love you. And damn it, she could no longer deny that she loved him too.
               Arrived in Sheffield safe and sound. It probably won’t be long until I’m dead to the world. Happy Christmas to you too, Sherlock. And thanks for thinking of me.
                Sherlock read over her words several times before finally setting his phone down to look over the sheet music in front of him, adding the final notes to his composition for her. Reaching for his violin, he put the bow to the strings, allowing the first sorrowful notes to overcome him. The music coursed through his veins as it poured out from his heart. The tone shifted into something tender, romantic. He thought of her eyes, her laugh, her smile; the way she lingered long enough to drive him crazy when she kissed his cheek.
                Downstairs, Mrs. Hudson listened to the music—she loved it when he played—with tears in her eyes. “You poor dear…” she blubbered, using a tissue to blow her nose. She so wished he would just tell Molly how he felt. There was no doubt in her mind that the girl loved him back. They were both so damn stubborn.
                 As Sherlock brought the music to a close, he let out a ragged breath. Setting the violin back in its case, he thought of how much he wished he could have her here for Christmas. He wasn’t overly fond of the holiday, but it sparked joy in her. They could spend it together—just the two of them by the fire, he in his chair and her, legs curled up on his lap. It was a nice little dream. Sherlock so desperately wanted her to know he loved her. He wasn’t giving up without a fight this time.
                  Molly looked around at all the once-familiar faces. The house was crowded with Tom’s family—people she met only a small handful of times—but she never felt so alone in her life. When she thought of family, images of John and Mary showed up, Greg, Mycroft, Mrs. Hudson, and, of course, Sherlock. They were the ones she should be spending Christmas with. It wasn’t that Tom’s family was awful—quite the opposite. It had been so long since she had a parent-like figure in her life.
                   “Have you two set a date yet?” his mother asked. She threw a stealthy wink at her son.
                   Tom shook his head, amused by the question. “We discussed April in the beginning, didn’t we, Molls?”
                   “Hmm?” she said sleepily. “Oh, uh, yeah.” They only discussed it, never officially choosing anything yet. Or, at least, she never did. “Sorry, just a bit tired from the ride over. Thomas, do you know if my phone is done charging yet?”
                   He headed over to the small charging table across the room and retrieved it for her. “All charged up,” he smiled, leaning down to kiss her cheek.
                   “Thanks,” she replied, a sad smile on her face. Tom did love her, she had no doubt about that, but it wasn’t the way she had always imagined. Then again, life wasn’t a fairytale. But it could be, Mary’s voice rang clear in her head. Molly unlocked her phone finding another text from Sherlock.
                   Glad you made it safely. Have a good night, Molly. Sleep well and have pleasant dreams.
                   She had no idea how long she sat there staring at the little ‘x’ he added beside his initials just for her. Needing to be alone with her thoughts, Molly headed upstairs. A few people—his mum, aunt, and grandmother—bid her goodnight. She acknowledged them briefly, happy when she was able to turn the corner at the top of the steps. It was another hour or so before Tom joined her. He slipped in beneath the duvet, oblivious to the fact she had been crying. Not that she knew what for. She wanted to start a fight with him if only just to feel something other than the pain that had been eating her up for weeks.
                   “I don’t think I’m who you think I am,” she muttered to him.
                   Tom turned toward her. “Where’s this coming from?”
                   Molly sighed. “From a long overdue conversation, and please don’t just shut me down like you always do. It’s getting old. I think when you met me, I was a shell of the person I am. You fell in love with the wrong girl.”
                   “Come, now, Molls, I know who you are,” Tom tried to assure her. “This is just wed—well, engagement jitters. Is that why we haven’t done much of anything to plan? I know it can be overwhelming.”
                   She shook her head. He really didn’t know her at all. “What’s my favourite colour?”
                   “I—what’s that got to do with anything?” he asked. “It’s green.”
                   Molly smiled sadly. “No, it’s not. It’s yellow.”
                   “It’s just a colour, Molls,” he told her, yawning.
                   “It’s your favourite colour,” she told him.
                   “What is?”
                   “Green,” she replied. “That’s the colour you like.”
                   “Actually…it’s not,” he admitted.
                   Molly scrunched her face in confusion. “Then why do you wear green so much?”
                   Tom ran a hand through his hair. “You said you really liked green on me when we were first dating.”
                    She tried so hard, but couldn’t control the laughter that came out. Tom joined in, knowing how ridiculous they’d been. Sharing a laugh helped lessen the tension, but he couldn’t deny she had a point. Like most things though, he let it roll off his shoulders, chalking it up to nerves or pressure. Maybe if he could make things easier on her. Wedding planning was a bit contrived. Perhaps she’d prefer spontaneity? The cogs were turning in his head, though it wasn’t long before they both drifted to sleep, facing away from one another.
A Little Over a Year Ago
                “Molly! You made it!” Meena shrieked in excitement. The pub was crowded, music from the house band thumping through the speakers around her. She dragged Molly over to the bar. “I’d like you to meet Tom! He’s a friend of my brother’s!”
                “Hi,” Tom greeted her somewhat awkwardly. He held out his hand to her and Molly shook it.
                “Hello,” she replied, forcing a smile, unable to ignore how he dressed similarly to a certain consulting detective. Some days were still difficult since Sherlock had gone. It had been nearly a year since he left. Molly knew he was alive, but she grieved him just the same. She felt his absence in everything she did, searching for him in the lab or expecting him to come sweeping in the morgue like he did before. Mike had caught her once in the lab, heaving sobs wracking her body.
                “It’ll be alright, Molly,” he had told her, silently asking permission to hug her. She nodded and let him comfort her. He knew how much Sherlock meant to her. “We all miss him.”
                Needless to say, it wasn’t difficult for her to convince everyone of her own grief. She prayed for his safety every single night. And, Meena, bless her soul, was trying to help Molly move on.
                “Would you mind if I bought you a drink?” Tom asked.
               Determined to enjoy herself, Molly replied, “Not at all. Thank you.”
               Meena’s brother joined them moments later, and the four of them traded stories from Uni, laughing at all the shit they got into. It was the first time Sherlock hadn’t lingered in her mind since his departure, and Molly felt lighter than she had in months. Tom was lovely, treated her kindly. They bonded over their love of BBC’s Miranda and Doctor Who. She learned that he liked to go to the pub on weekends to watch football with his mates.
               Molly was hesitant to share anything about her. She certainly didn’t want to tell him she was still grieving the loss of her closest friend, though it would eventually come out later thanks to Meena. She listened to him talk about his family, growing up in Sheffield. When he asked about hers, all she could muster was, “There’s no one left. Just me.” The emptiness left inside her made itself known once more at the reminder that she really had next to no one left in her life. She had Meena, and of course that should be enough, but somehow it wasn’t.
               “Hey…you okay?” Tom asked, breaking her free from the depressing thoughts in her head.
                “Hmm? Sorry.” She laughed nervously. “I tend to get lost in my head sometimes—it’s been happening a lot more often lately.”
                “Nice to see you joining the land of the living,” Meena joked.    
                Molly rolled her eyes playfully. The rest of the night eased her troubled mind. They had gone and played darts, girls against guys. Only by two points, the girls had lost, but it was because of Tom’s insanely accurate throws. She felt flirty with the alcohol in her system, and decided to present a proposition to Tom. “Take one more shot, and if you hit the bullseye—“
                “And what?” he asked, teasing her, his eyes practically undressing her. “Do I get a snog out of this?”
                Meena’s brother whistled loudly.
               Feeling bold, she nodded. “You better not miss.” Surprising her, Tom took a moment to line up the shot and hit it right in the center. Meena and her brother cheered and started shouting in excitement when Molly pulled Tom in for a searing kiss. From that alone, she could feel the void that had been left in her life from Sherlock’s absence start to close up bit by bit. And it left her wanting more.
 Nine Months Ago
               It had been a bit of whirlwind. Molly had dated Tom for a month before they made it official. Now, two months in an actual relationship, she felt content. His gentle demeanor was exactly what she needed in her life at the moment, and she was thankful for it. They were to have dinner tonight over at his place. She was excited mostly to see his dog, Milo, who always looked put out every time he took a whiff of her, smelling her cat’s scent on her clothes.
               “Molly,” he smiled brightly when he opened his door to his flat. “Come on in. Milo’s missed you.” He shut the door behind her after she stepped inside, and kissed her lips firmly. “I’ve missed you too.”
               She laughed, feeling her face flush. “You know I’m only with you for your dog, right?” she joked, bending down to scratch beneath Milo’s chin. He sniffed her, letting out a disapproving growl. “You’ll have to just get used to it, Milo.”
               “I knew you were too good to be true,” Tom joked back from the kitchen. “Milo gets all the love.”
               They eventually sat down to eat the delicious dinner Tom had cooked up for them. There wasn’t a lot he was good at making, but Molly didn’t care much, for she wasn’t one for cooking, herself. “There was this tumor I found during my autopsy today; it was so small, but intricately woven throughout the tissue. So sad for the poor man, of course, but it was fascinating!”
               Tom blanched, fighting the urge to vomit. “Is that so?”
               “Oh! Sorry, I forget I can’t just talk about that stuff with anyone.” Molly wanted to slink beneath the table, embarrassed of her enthusiasm.
               He smiled weakly. “No worries, just maybe no autopsy talk tonight?”
               “Right, of course, sorry.” It was the fifth or sixth time she felt she had to apologise for her more…odd interests.
               They finished up dinner and settled on the sofa for a movie that, about halfway in, was ignored in favor of a little snogging. Molly tried to get herself to relax, matching his enthusiasm in an effort to clear her head.
               “I think I love you,” Tom had spoken against her lips.
               Molly paused, unsure at first, and then spoke slowly, “I think I do too.”
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