#moto2 fluff
scrollonso · 12 days
Campione — Strollini
Luca had been buzzing with excitement for weeks, barely able to contain himself at the thought of finally seeing Lance race in person at the Baku Grand Prix. It felt like forever since they’d had quality time together.
Between Luca’s own demanding Moto2 schedule and Lance’s whirlwind rookie season in F1, their moments together had been fleeting — just the odd late-night call or a stolen weekend here and there. The distance had weighed on Luca more than he liked to admit, so the opportunity to travel to Azerbaijan and spend a few uninterrupted days with Lance filled him with a nervous anticipation. His heart had been racing almost as fast as his bike since the moment he boarded the plane.
As soon as he arrived at the paddock, Luca was hit with a wave of pride and awe. Lance’s name was everywhere, emblazoned on banners, screens, and merchandise, and it gave Luca chills to see fans sporting his number, proudly wearing his colors. It was surreal in a way that made Luca's chest swell with pride. The Lance he knew — the one who sent him stupid selfies and shared quiet mornings over coffee — was now racing in F1, and here he was, at the center of it all. Luca took a deep breath and allowed himself to soak in the atmosphere, his eyes scanning the sea of people, the bustling garages, and the whirring activity of race weekend.
As he weaved through the crowd, navigating through clusters of engineers and fans, Luca eventually found his way to the back of the Williams garage. He slipped into a spot where he could get a clear view of the screens and, more importantly, watch Lance during qualifying. His eyes stayed glued to the monitors, tracking every move, every corner Lance took. Watching Lance navigate the city streets of Baku, threading his car through the narrow turns at blistering speeds, sent a thrill down Luca’s spine. It was one thing to hear about Lance's races or watch them on TV, but seeing him in action like this, up close and in person, was something entirely different.
His heart swelled with every lap Lance completed, his chest tightening with a mix of anxiety and excitement. Every near miss or scrape against the barriers had Luca holding his breath, and every clean turn or fast sector made his pulse race. He could barely keep himself from grinning like an idiot, feeling immensely proud of his boyfriend. It was surreal to witness the man he loved performing at such a high level, surrounded by the noise and chaos of the race weekend, yet somehow maintaining that calm, focused intensity that Luca admired so much. It was a side of Lance he didn’t always get to see, and it only made him fall harder.
Race day was a whirlwind of adrenaline from the moment Luca woke up. The paddock was already buzzing with energy by the time he arrived, the smell of fuel and the hum of engines filling the air. Luca kept his look casual, blending in with the crew in a simple hoodie emblazoned with the number '18,' Lance's number, of course. He pulled on a pair of sunglasses to shield his eyes from the bright Azerbaijani sun, though they also served as a subtle way to keep a low profile. Luca wasn’t one to draw attention to himself, especially when it came to their relationship. He knew how private Lance liked to be about their personal lives, and Luca respected that. Still, there was a quiet pride in him that he couldn’t hide, and every so often, a small smile crept onto his face when he saw Lance’s car fly by.
The tension in the air was palpable as the cars lined up on the grid, engines revving, waiting for the lights to go out. Luca’s pulse quickened in anticipation, his eyes glued to the starting line. When the race began, everything exploded into motion, the roar of engines nearly deafening as the cars shot off. Lance started strong, holding his position and staying focused despite the chaotic start that often characterized the Baku Grand Prix. The long straights and tricky corners of the city circuit were a challenge for even the most seasoned drivers, but Lance was in control, his driving sharp and composed.
Luca’s heart swelled with pride as he watched his boyfriend expertly navigate the track, avoiding the near-misses and scrapes that others couldn’t seem to dodge. Every lap was a nail-biting affair, the race filled with constant lead changes, close calls, and a few crashes that sent waves of gasps through the crowd. Luca’s stomach twisted with anxiety each time Lance narrowly avoided a collision or when another car got too close for comfort. Yet, through it all, Lance remained calm, keeping his car clean and steady, managing the race with the kind of focus that made Luca's chest tighten with admiration.
As the laps wound down and the race neared its climax, the intensity ramped up. The top drivers were locked in a fierce battle, but Lance held his ground, positioning himself perfectly for a podium finish. Luca could hardly sit still. His hands clenched into fists as he watched the final laps unfold, his heart pounding in sync with the roaring engines on the track. Sweat gathered at his palms, and he found himself unconsciously leaning forward, as if the closer he was to the action, the more he could will Lance across the finish line.
Then, in what felt like both a blur and slow motion all at once, it happened — Lance crossed the line in third place. For a moment, Luca was frozen, the enormity of it all crashing over him. But then the realization hit, and his entire body flooded with joy and excitement. He shot up from his seat, practically vibrating with energy as he turned to accept a congratulatory hug from Lance's father, Lawrence. The excitement bubbled up inside him, so powerful that it was hard to contain, but he managed, keeping the outpouring of emotion just shy of what he truly felt. Luca wasn’t one for public displays of affection, not in this kind of setting, but he couldn’t wipe the grin off his face as he clapped along with the team, his heart swelling with pride for Lance's incredible achievement.
Watching Lance on the podium, holding up his trophy with that triumphant smile, Luca’s heart fluttered. It wasn’t just about the win — it was about seeing the person he loved shine in the spotlight, doing what he was born to do. And though they couldn’t share this victory as openly as Luca sometimes wished they could, in that moment, it didn’t matter. Lance had done it, and that was all Luca needed.
After the podium celebrations, with champagne still lingering in the air and the crowd's cheers fading into the background, Luca made his way back to the Williams garage, slipping through the throngs of people who were still riding the high of the race. He stood off to the side, his heart still pounding with the afterglow of Lance's incredible performance. The garage was a flurry of activity — mechanics packing up, team members sharing congratulations, and the occasional burst of laughter as they reveled in their hard-earned success. But Luca was only focused on one thing: Lance.
He waited patiently, glancing around as he tried to spot his boyfriend amid the sea of blue and white. Time seemed to stretch as the moments ticked by, his anticipation growing with every second. And then, finally, Lance appeared — still wearing his racing suit, hair disheveled, and cheeks flushed from the heat of both the race and the celebration. His face was alight with the same buzz of adrenaline that Luca had felt all day, and when their eyes met across the garage, it was as if the entire world melted away.
For a heartbeat, neither of them moved, just grinning at each other like kids with a shared secret. Then, without a word, Lance made a beeline straight for Luca, weaving through the crowd with purposeful strides. When he reached him, there was no hesitation — Lance wrapped his arms around Luca in a tight, sweaty embrace, pulling him close as if he couldn’t bear to let go. The scent of rubber, fuel, and sweat clung to him, but Luca didn’t care. He hugged Lance back just as fiercely, holding him like they hadn’t seen each other in months, even though it had only been a few days. The connection between them was palpable, electric.
“You were amazing out there, caro!” Luca said, beaming as he pulled back just enough to look into Lance’s eyes. His voice was filled with so much pride that it threatened to spill over, and he could barely contain the emotion bubbling up inside him. "I knew you had it in you."
Lance, still catching his breath, grinned wide, his eyes gleaming with the thrill of it all. “Couldn’t have done it without knowing you were watching,” he teased, his tone light but filled with sincerity. He leaned in, pressing a quick but sweet kiss to Luca’s lips — nothing too showy, just a brief, intimate moment shared between them. It was their own little piece of the victory, something just for the two of them amidst all the noise and excitement.
Luca chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. “You make it look so easy,” he said, his voice softening as he brushed a lock of Lance’s damp hair away from his forehead. He still couldn’t quite wrap his head around the fact that the man standing in front of him — the same guy who curled up beside him on quiet nights, who stole bites of his breakfast when he wasn’t looking — was also this strong force on the racetrack. It was like seeing two different versions of Lance, and yet both were equally his.
Lance shrugged modestly, though there was a playful twinkle in his eyes. “It helps when I’ve got the best support,” he replied, his voice dipping into that low, teasing tone that always made Luca’s heart skip a beat.
They stood there for a moment longer, the chaos of the paddock swirling around them, but neither seemed to notice. It was just them — Luca and Lance — sharing a victory in a way that was uniquely theirs. As the laughter and chatter of the team filled the garage, Lance rested his forehead against Luca’s, letting out a contented sigh. “This… today, it meant a lot to me,” Lance murmured. “Not just the podium, but having you here.”
Luca’s heart melted at those words, his chest tightening with affection. “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” he whispered back, his voice thick with emotion. He knew how hard Lance had worked to get to this point, how much pressure he’d been under. To be here for this moment, to share it with him — it was everything.
Later that night, back in the comfort of their shared hotel room, the adrenaline of the day finally began to ebb away, leaving behind a peaceful, contented stillness. The room was dimly lit, bathed in the soft glow of the city lights twinkling just outside their window. Beyond the glass, the streets of Baku were still alive with the distant hum of traffic and nightlife, but inside, it was as if the world had quieted just for them. It was their private bubble, where the noise and intensity of the race no longer mattered. All that mattered to Luca was the warmth of Lance beside him, and the soft, rhythmic sound of his breathing.
Lance had long since shed his race suit, opting for a worn-out tshirt — Luca's worn-our tshirt — and sweatpants, looking far more relaxed than he had in hours.
After a bit of playful resistance, Luca had managed to pull him down onto the bed, insisting they spend the evening cuddled up together. Lance had teased him, but he hadn't put up much of a fight — he never did when it came to moments like this.
As soon as they settled under the covers, their bodies naturally gravitated toward one another, falling into that familiar, comforting rhythm.
Lance lay stretched out across Luca’s chest, his arms wrapped snugly around Luca’s waist, as if anchoring himself to the one person who made him feel truly at home. His head rested in the crook of Luca’s shoulder, and Luca absentmindedly ran his fingers through Lance’s tousled hair, his touch gentle and soothing. They talked in hushed tones, replaying the day's events, laughing at the crazier moments, and marveling at some of the more heart-stopping overtakes.
“Remember that close call with the barrier on lap 22?” Lance said, his voice still carrying a hint of excitement. “I thought for sure I was going to lose the car for a second.”
Luca chuckled, shaking his head. “I was practically holding my breath the whole time. I couldn’t believe how calm you looked — like it was just another Sunday drive.”
Lance grinned, looking up at him with a playful sparkle in his eyes. “All part of the charm.”
They shared a quiet laugh, the kind that only comes when you’re completely at ease with someone, the tension of the day fading with each passing moment. Luca’s hand continued to stroke Lance’s hair, his fingers threading through the soft strands as he gazed down at him with a look of pure affection. He couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at his lips, his heart swelling with pride as he thought back to seeing Lance on that podium, standing tall in front of thousands of adoring fans.
“You looked so good up there,” Luca murmured after a beat, his voice soft and full of admiration. “I’m so proud of you, you know that?”
Lance chuckled, lifting his head just enough to meet Luca’s eyes, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Yeah? Did I make my boyfriend proud?”
Luca rolled his eyes in mock exasperation but couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face. “More than proud,” he replied, his voice dropping to a whisper. “I think I might have fallen even more in love with you.”
That admission hung in the air between them for a moment, and Lance’s teasing expression softened into something more tender. His eyes shone with a quiet warmth as he leaned up, capturing Luca’s lips in a slow, lingering kiss. There was no rush, no need to move fast. It was the kind of kiss meant to savor the moment, to express all the things they didn’t need words for. When they finally parted, Lance’s breath brushed against Luca’s lips as he whispered, “I’m so lucky. Getting to come home to you after a day like today? There’s nothing better.”
Luca’s heart clenched at the sincerity in Lance’s voice. He tightened his hold around him, drawing him even closer, if that were possible. They stayed like that for what felt like hours, wrapped up in each other’s presence, the rest of the world outside their hotel room fading into insignificance. There were no more crowds, no more race cars, no more flashing lights or roaring engines. Just the two of them, lying together in the quiet comfort of their little sanctuary, content in the simplicity of being with each other.
As the night deepened, Lance’s breaths began to slow, his body relaxing further against Luca’s. His eyelids grew heavy, the exhaustion from the day finally catching up to him. Before long, he drifted off, curled up in Luca’s arms, the stress and adrenaline of the race melting away into peaceful slumber.
Luca gazed down at him, a soft smile playing on his lips as he watched the steady rise and fall of Lance’s chest. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to Lance’s forehead, his heart full. “Goodnight, il mio campione,” he whispered, the words barely audible in the quiet room.
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lucy90712 · 1 year
Do you write for Pedro Acosta? Could you write some post win celebration kisses? I hope this isn't too vague, thank you :)
This year pre season has felt so incredibly long but finally after months off and a few tests it is time for the first race of the season in Portugal. I have been looking forward to the first race of the season for months as I really think this year could be Pedro's year to win the championship. Sadly I couldn't make it for the first practice sessions as I had classes which Pedro wouldn't allow me to miss even though I wanted to. Instead I had to just listen to what was happening on my phone throughout the day which wasn't anywhere near the same as being there in person but I made it work. 
I was worried that I'd miss free practice 3 as well as I needed to get a flight out to Portugal and then get to the track but luckily there was a really early flight that I was able to get on which should get there in time for practice. Getting a flight so early meant that I barely got any sleep as I had to pack and then get to the airport in time to make my flight but it will be worth it to see Pedro out on track. Pedro actually doesn't know that I'm getting a flight so early as I told him my flight was later in the morning which it was until I changed it. I could've told him about my new flight time but I thought it would be fun to surprise him before fp3 that's assuming that I actually make it in time to do that. I would love to surprise him as Pedro is always telling me that it doesn't bother him when I can't make it to races but I know he's not always telling the truth like this weekend I know he was hoping I'd be there for fp3 and right now he thinks I won't make it in time. 
Luckily my flight arrived on time and I managed to run through the airport and get into a taxi in pretty good time. I have never been to portimao before so I wasn't sure how busy the roads near the circuit would be but it seemed luck was on my side as there wasn't too much traffic so I made it to the track in good time. The only part of my plan I hadn't thought through was how I was going to get in as I didn't have my pass and rightly so security wouldn't let me in without it. After freaking out for a moment I calmed down and decided to text one of Pedro's engineers who came right out to meet me and together we headed into the paddock. By the time we were getting close to the pit garage there was just 15 minutes before practice so I had the engineer check if Pedro was in the garage yet but he wasn't so I knew he must be in his motorhome still. 
For some reason I started to get nervous as I approached the door to the motorhome but I still knocked on the door and waited until I heard Pedro respond before I opened it. My aim was to act like a member of the team so that when he actually saw me he would be surprised. When I went in Pedro was facing the other way getting his leathers on so I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. I made him jump but luckily he quickly realised it was me and turned around picking me up to hug me tightly. He gave me a kiss before putting me back down and gathering his things so we could head to the garage. 
"This is a lovely surprise but how are you here" Pedro questioned 
"I switched my flight to a really early one and just came straight here which means I've had pretty much no sleep so you need to do well to wake me up" I said 
"Well I better do well then to make it worth your trouble" he laughed 
We headed to the garage together and Pedro pretty much got straight on his bike to head out on track. The session did very much wake me up as there was a lot of fast laps coming in from everyone it was hard to keep up with who was where in the combined times. At the end of the session Pedro was 3rd which he was happy with as it got him straight through to q2 and proved that he was competitive heading into qualifying. Qualifying is something Pedro has been talking about improving for the entirety of the off season so it will be an important session for him later to know if all the work he's been putting in has paid off. 
In between sessions I had to do some work for my classes so I sat in Pedro's motorhome with him sat right behind me watching everything I was doing. His arms were around my waist and his head was rested on my shoulder as I pretty much sat in his lap. Usually Pedro doesn't ask too many questions about what I'm studying as whenever I try to explain he doesn't understand but today he wanted me to explain everything I was writing. If it were anyone else asking it might annoy me but I was happy to explain what I meant as I was writing to him and actually saying it out loud really helped me get my point together better. Together we wrote most of one of my essay I have due soon and it was actually turning out really good despite it being for my hardest class. When I stopped writing for the day and shut down my laptop Pedro pulled me backwards so that we were both laying down and it tuned over so that we were face to face. For the rest of the time we had between the sessions we laid together on the sofa just talking and exchanging kisses every now and then. 
Inevitably our quiet time together came to an end and Pedro had to get himself ready for qualifying. Once he was ready we headed into the garage and waited for the session to start. As he went to leave the team wished him luck and I gave him one last hug and kissed his helmet which has kind of become our thing before any session. Once he had gone out of the garage I took his seat and had my eyes glued to the screen watching as every lap time came in. The first laps came in and Pedro was a bit further down the order but I knew he had more to give so I kept my fingers crossed as the time on the clock ticked down. As the checkered flag approached I was starting to get nervous but the rest of the team seemed confident so I tried to feed off of their energy to keep myself calm. All of a sudden Pedro set a great lap that put him into 3rd which meant it was down to everyone else to decide the final order. After the final rider crossed the line  Pedro was still in 3rd so the entire team celebrated with each other before heading to parc ferme to greet him. 
Usually I don't go to parc ferme as I don't like to be on camera and we prefer to keep relationship as private as possible so it's easiest if I just stay out the way. Today I just really wanted to celebrate with Pedro in the moment as qualifying on the front row is a great achievement for him and I want to show my support. When he came in the whole team were so happy for him it was really nice to watch as his team are like his second family so it's always nice to see them celebrate together. I let him have his time with the team before Pedro's crew chief ushered me forward and as soon as Pedro saw me he engulfed me in a tight hug and kissed my cheek. 
We didn't get long to celebrate before he was dragged off to do his interview and then he had to do the rest of the media duties. Like always I just waited for him in the motorhome knowing he would take forever as he always likes to talk with fans for a while after he's done for the day. As much as sometimes it can be annoying that he spends so long signing things it's also really sweet that he loves the fans so much and wants to interact with as many as he can. 
Race day is hectic as it is but this morning was worse than usual as Pedro woke up early as he was nervous and of course I had to help keep him calm. Pedro doesn't usually get nervous before races the only time I've seen him get nervous was before the race where he won the moto3 championship. In fact the only other time I've seen him as nervous as he was when I woke up was when he asked me to be his girlfriend which at the time was cute but now seeing him so nervous is upsetting me. I know that nerves are normal to some extent but when Pedro started pacing around the room while I was doing my hair I knew that something was wrong. 
Over breakfast I managed to distract him but by the time we made it back he was definitely getting nervous again and I knew I had to stop him from psyching himself out. Usually it's Pedro calming me down when I have exams or am stressed with all my assignments but now it's my turn to return the favour. Having not done this very often I don't really know what to say that will help him and not make things worse but I can't start overthinking things too. As he was pacing up and down I stood in front of him and put my hands on his shoulders so that he would look at me. 
"Pedro you need to stay calm remember last season you always said that to be fast you need to be calm so please tell me what's on your mind so I can help you" I said 
"I'm just a bit nervous but I'm fine" he said 
"Don't lie to me amor you are pacing up and down the room completely in your own world just let me help you" I said 
"Ok I'm a bit more nervous than usual it just feels like there's a lot of pressure to win I mean everyone seems to think that I will win the championship really easily this year but I know it won't be that easy" he opened up
"Oh Pedro of course we want you to win but me and the team know that it won't be easy don't let what the media says affect you just go out there and do your best and you will show everyone what you are capable of" I reassured him
He didn't respond to that he simply just hugged me tightly while I told him how great he was and how proud I was of him no matter what happens out on track. What I said seemed to help him as he was a lot more pumped up and ready to race when we entered the garage for him to do the sighting lap. In fact I don't think I've ever seen him this ready for a race as usually he's just very relaxed and quietly in the zone. On the way to the grid Aki asked what I said to him so I told him what happened back in the motorhome and Aki told me that I need to be at every race if I'm able to get Pedro so ready to race. He also asked me if I wouldn't mind holding Pedro's umbrella on the grid as it would mean I could stand out there longer and it frees up another member of the team to be working on the bike. The entire time I happily stood on the grid holding the umbrella and right before I had to head of the grid I told Pedro to show everyone what he can do to help motivate him. 
The race was really intense but Pedro did really well to stay out of trouble at the front just working on sticking at his own pace which turned out to be too quick for anyone else as he crossed the line in 1st with over a second gap behind him. Everyone in the garage high-fived and hugged each other as it always means a lot to the whole team when one of their riders win as proves that the hard work pays off. The celebrations didn't last long as the mechanics needed to head down to parc ferme to be there when Pedro arrived. I had no choice in whether I was going to parc ferme or not as Pedro's crew chief pushed me out of the garage and down pit lane until we were far enough that I wasn't going to just turn back. The team also didn't let me hang back either they made sure I was stood at the front so Pedro would see me straight away. 
When Pedro finally brought the bike in I couldn't stop myself from smiling like an idiot but I honestly didn't care I was just so happy to see Pedro winning. He jumped off his bike and greeted his mechanics first before taking his helmet off and pulling me into a hug. He was really sweaty but it didn't bother me as I was more focused on taking in the moment with him. 
"I'm so proud of you you were so good out there" I said 
"Thank you it was tough though I was worried about the tires" he said 
"Forget about that for now just enjoy the win" I said 
"I will enjoy it later when we are done for the day" he said 
As ever Pedro is always focused on what's next so I just let him go get ready for the podium and the rest of his interviews. Knowing he was going to be busy for a while I went and helped the team with packing up the garage as I like to make myself useful when I come to races otherwise I feel bad just watching them all work so hard. Everyone was cleaning and packing things away when we heard cheering which everyone knew meant Pedro was back and ready to celebrate finally. I had my back turned to him which turned out to be an awful idea as before I knew it champagne was being poured on my head and then Pedro was throwing me in the air like I was the one who won the race. Eventually he let go of me and went to talk with the team but it wasn't long before he was back by my side with his arm around my waist. 
We stayed with the team for a bit longer before heading back to the motorhome where as soon as the door shut Pedro picked me up over his shoulder and brought me to the sofa so we could cuddle. Now that we were alone Pedro started pressing kisses all over my face until eventually he kissed my lips. Once he started he didn't stop kissing me even as we watched a movie together but I would never stop him as this is always my favourite way to celebrate one of Pedro's wins. 
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marquez-junky8920 · 2 years
Syd girl ❤️
You know me, so you know im requesting for the one and only 😏
I would love it if you wrote about a cute date and they and up back at his or her place. And maybe if you can sneak this in there somewhere? 11 “I think i can convince you to stay.”
You truly are the best ❤️🥰
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Author's Note: Girl... Get ready. You're gonna die. LOVE YOU 😬❤️
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'Damn, you look hot babe...' Augusto whistled at you when you walked to the front door in shorts and a tight fitting tank top. He had surprised you with a date night tonight and told you to dress casual since neither of you were super fancy people. On occasion, you'd both feel like going out to a fancy restaurant, but most of the time to fit in date night, it was just at your local diner or some place quiet where you could just have conversations with him over dinner.
'Yeah? This tank top is new. I didn't know how to feel about it in the store but I bought it anyway.' you said, adjusting the straps on your shoulders a little bit. You situated your breasts in your bra and he chuckled at you.
'It looks hot. Shows off my favorite part of you.' he winked, kissing your lips before opening the door for you to walk out to the car.
You held his hand as he drove you to the restaurant and he walked with you through the parking lot, proud to have you as his date tonight. As you were both seating at your table, he took his phone out and started snapping pictures of you. You covered the camera and laughed.
'Baaabe stop! You know I hate it when you do that.' you whined cutely at him, a smile playing at his lips.
'But you're so cute when you're not expecting a picture.' he laughed. He turned the phone on selfie mode and took a serious picture. The first one was of both of you smiling sweetly at the camera and the next was of you kissing him on the lips. He put the phone down after he snapped the picture, resting his hand on your cheek and pecking your lips a few times more.
'I love our little date nights together.' you whispered to him, smiling when he rested his forehead against yours.
'Me too princess.' he kissed you one more time before looking at the menu and deciding what he wanted. The waitress came by shortly after and took your orders. As you sat next to him, you both filtered through the pictures of the vacation you had just gotten back from. You'd both planned to go to Greece together and sight see while enjoying beautiful blue water and the unbeatable white sands. It was the vacation of a lifetime.
'Ahh moments before shit fest...' he joked, looking at the picture you showed him of him poking at a crab. 'I still have the scar on my finger, look!' he showed you the tip of his finger that the crab got a hold of.
'You're the genius who decided to touch it, not me.' you snorted out a laugh at him and continued to go through the photos.
'This is my favorite one.' he said, showing you a picture of you running into the water, the photo snapped at the perfect time as the water crashed up against your front. It was taken from behind and it looked like it belonged in a travel catalogue.
'That's a beautiful picture.' you said, zooming in on how clear the water was.
'Yes it is...' he said, moving the zoomed photo onto your ass and zooming in even further.
'You are such a dork.' you giggled, pushing at his shoulder.
'Hey, I just like admiring what's mine. You can't fault a man for that.' he kissed your cheek and you blushed lightly at his words.
'Ugh, remember this?' you tossed your head back in laughter at the photo you came across. Augusto dropped his head and laughed too. It was of him passed out in the airport while you were stuck there on a 5 hour layover.
'Of all the times I've flown, I've NEVER had a layover that long. That was fucking terrible.' he laughed, shaking his head.
'Yeah but it made for great memories.' you said, putting your phone down when the food came. As you ate dinner together, not much was said between you two but nothing needed to be said. His hand was rested on your thigh and your hand rested atop his, just enjoying each other's company as you ate good food.
'Steal another fry off of my plate, and I will put an ice cube down your shirt.' he glared playfully at you, watching your hand slowly go to his plate to grab another fry. You didn't think he would go through with it, but you were sorely mistaken when he scooped an ice cube out of his glass of water and dropped it down the front of you tank top. You tried to hold in a squeal in the restaurant because they weren't very crowded, so it was very easy to hear the smallest noise.
'Babe!' you whisper shouted to him.
'What? I told you I'd do it.' he shrugged, laughing at you when you tossed the ice cube on the table and covered your exposed cleavage and grabbed another fry, trying to prove a point.
'What am I gonna do with you?' he shook his head and laughed again.
'Love me forever and ever. Because I'm awesome.' you giggled, leaning your head on his shoulder as he let you lay partially on him.
'Yes you are. I wouldn't have you any other way.' he kissed your hair and sat in the booth with you for a little while longer, your top half leaned over on him while you finished picking some food off your plate. Soon after, he paid for the check and began driving you both home for the night. Unfortunately, tonight was the night he had to go back to his place before the season started again. He'd stayed with you the whole time during the offseason, and it was always the hardest part to see him leave.
'Mmm I don't want you to go.' you pouted, hugging him at the foot of the bed while he packed his stuff.
'I don't want to go, trust me. I'd stay here with you forever if I could.' he kissed your forehead before tilting your head up so that he could kiss your lips. You let him go and continue packing his stuff but suddenly got an idea. He had finished packing his bathroom stuff, so he was completely done in there. Currently, he was downstairs grabbing his shoes that he'd left down there. Perfect timing...
Rushing into the closet, you grabbed your black lingerie set out of the box it was in and went to the bathroom to change, closing the door and locking it. Checking yourself out in the mirror, you smiled excitedly before composing yourself. This was going to be fun...
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'Hey baby?' you said through the bathroom door, checking to see if he was back in the room yet. No response. Even more perfect... Prancing your way out of the bathroom, you moved his suitcase to the floor and posed yourself on the edge of the bed with your legs spread, giving him a perfect view of your womanhood. Thank god this lingerie set was crotchless...
Hearing his footsteps get closer and closer, you saw him stop dead in his tracks at the threshold of your bedroom, dropping the shoes he had in his hands. Letting out a seductive chuckle, you got off the bed and slowly walked your way over to him, letting him take in the lace you'd put on.
'I think I can convince you to stay.' you lilted in his ear, kissing his lips and not wasting any time in shoving your tongue in his mouth. He groaned lightly when he felt your delicate hand grasp his through his jeans.
'What do you say, hm? One last night of fucking me into the mattress before you go?' you whispered against his lips, watching a devilish smirk paint his features. His hand collided with your ass harshly before he picked you up effortlessly and tossed you on the bed.
'I like this. Makes it easier to access my dessert.' he gruffed, gripping your hips and bringing them up to his face while he still stood at the side of the bed. His tongue immediately went to your clit and was unforgiving, as usual. If anyone could get you off with just a tongue, it was Augusto.
'Wait, wait.' you said, watching him stop his actions as soon as you said something. He set your hips down and watched you change positions, ass high up in the air while your back arched beautifully into the bed.
'Jesus christ... How did I fall in love with a devil?' he asked himself, watching your ass shake when you moved your hips back and forth to give him a show. He rested his knees on the floor before locking his fingers together at the small of your back to keep you close to him. He licked a long, thick stripe from your clit up to your entrancd, tongueing at your entrance for a moment before slowly swirling his tongue back down to your clit.
'Fuck...' you whimpered out, pushing your hips back further into his face. He always had this strange power over you to make you crave his touch more, even when he was all over you. It's like you could never get enough of him raking his hands and tongue across your body.
'Such a bad little girl. But fuck are you sexy when you're bad.' he groaned, slapping your ass as a devious giggle fell from your lips. His tongue felt like it was splitting your body apart fiber by fiber, only to put it right back together perfectly. You imagined this is what heaven felt like - having Augusto between your legs with his tongue being incredibly unforgiving.
As you got closer to your high, your moans got more frequent and higher in pitch, signalling to him that you were close to falling off that edge. Gripping the sheets tight in your fingers, you felt him pay the most attention to your clit now. His tongue would explore other parts of you before, but now it was the final push to make you cum as hard as he could, therefore that was the reason why his lips were wrapped around your clit while his tongue flicked against it wildly. He chuckled at the way your hips twitched lightly in response to his motions, but he never once let up his actions. He locked his fingers together harder around your lower back and groaned when he heard you moan his name so sexily. You sounded like you were purring his name out and he couldn't get enough of it.
'Oh god, babe I'm gonna cum!' you screamed, rolling your hips into his face and listening to the suckling noises he made against your clit. You felt your fingers go slightly numb before you felt your orgasm rip through you like a freight train. It wasn't helping that Augusto's tongue wasn't stopping either... He always did love to overstimulate you a little bit after an orgasm.
Feeling satisfied with his work, he pulled his tongue from your pussy and stripped himself of his clothes quickly. Taking a fistful of your hair, he wrapped it around his hand before entering himself into you with no warning. A pleasure filled gasp echoed through the room followed by your thighs shaking when he bottomed out inside of you. With his hand in your hair, your head was facing forward as he pulled you back into him. Only then did you realize you had a perfect view of yourself in the bedroom mirror. Still in your lingerie, Augusto's hand wrapped in your hair, and your face already fucked out before he even started.
'Would you look at that...' he started off before grabbing at your neck and pulling you up to meet his chest. 'You can watch yourself as I make you fall apart for me.' he licked a thick stripe up the column of your neck before moving his hips inside you. He set a punishing pace right off the bat, not able to wait to hear your pretty moans that he loved so much. His arm hugged around your chest before his hand came to choke at your neck. The moment he applied pressure, you felt your eyes roll back in your head and your toes curl.
'My kinky little baby.' he growled in your ear when he felt you clench around him. His grip tightened a bit more, your hands coming to grip at his wrist and whimper. He always knew the right amount of pressure to apply to get you running crazy for him, and he just found it.
'Oh god!' you squealed, feeling his other hand snake down your lace covered front and to your clit. He pinched it lightly between his fingers before he rubbed circles into it as fast as he could.
'Look at yourself princess. Look at how sexy you are falling apart on my cock.' he said lowly in your ear, his deep voice and his accent making repeated shivers run down your spine. You willed yourself to open your eyes a little bit and look at the mirror. Seeing yourself with Augusto's hand around your neck, his other hand between your legs, and seeing the dangerous glare he was throwing you while his head rested at your neck was more than you could handle.
'Ahhh...' you whined out, feeling the burning in your stomach get unbearable.
'I know you're getting close babygirl. It'd be a shame if I stopped, wouldn't it...' he taunted, lightening his touch on your neck.
'No no no, please. Please don't stop.' you hurried out, feeling your high slowly dissipate when his hips stopped as well. Damn this man... He always fucking did this. Edging you was his favorite thing to do and he loved watching you squirm and beg because of it.
'Hm... I think I like hearing you beg.' he smirked against the skin of your neck before biting at the skin lightly.
'Augusto please... I need you in me please. Please let me cum.' you whined, your hand going between your legs to try and give yourself some sort of relief. He was not having that for a moment. He took your hand from between your legs, laid you on your back, and pinned both of your hands above your head. His cock entered back inside you, a relieved moan falling from your lips in response. That quickly turned to screams of pleasure when his other hand grabbed the headboard and used it for leverage to set yet another punishing pace. Skin slapping could be heard throughout the room, your body bouncing every time his hips collided with yours.
'Fuck, just like that. Oh my god!' you moaned out loudly, arching your back at feeling him so deep inside you. He let go of your hands and the headboard but quickly occupied them elsewhere - your neck and your clit again. Still going at his brutal pace, the moment his hands wrapped around your neck and rubbed at your clit, you were all but putty in his hands. Thighs shaking violently and your hands coming to grip at his wrist once more, you felt your second orgasm rip through you one ripple at a time.
'God you're beautiful.' he groaned out, watching your body snake its way through the pleasure you were feeling. He let go of your neck before placing a searing kiss to your lips, his hips stuttering lightly when he felt your walls continue to flutter around him.
'Where do you want me to cum?' he groaned, feeling his high approach quickly. He thought he had died and gone to heaven when he heard your answer.
'In my mouth.'
'Holy fuck...' he groaned, pulling out of you and watching you get on your knees on the floor. You immediately took control and wrapped your lips around him, bobbing your head up and down as your hand helped with the part that wouldn't fit in your mouth. Augusto with his head tossed back as he breathed heavily was the sexiest sight any woman would ever see, and you were beyond thankful that you were the one that got to see this on a daily basis.
Swirling your tongue around his tip and hollowing out your cheeks to suck harshly, he groaned and hissed in response. You looked up at him with doe eyes, almost begging him to cum for you and boy did he deliver. Loud groans, abs flexing, and his hand in your hair, he shot his release into your mouth and you gladly swallowed every single drop of it. Still breathing heavily, he looked down at you and watched as you slowly took your mouth off of him, showing that you swallowed everything even though there was still a string of cum and saliva that still connected you to him. His thumb stroked your chin for a moment before he helped you off the floor and laid with you in bed for a while. His fingers traced over the lace that surrounded your neck, fascinated with how unbelievably sexy it looked on you.
'This was a really nice surprise.' he smirked, kissing at your neck once more. Your fingers ran through his hair as you giggled, his breath tickling your skin.
'Did I convince you to stay?' you asked.
'Hm... I suppose I can stay one more night and just pack my stuff up at home tomorrow before my flight.' his large hand came to rest at your hip, pulling you onto his lap. As you straddled his hips, his hands rested on your ass before he squeezed it.
'How about we take this thing for another ride, hm?' he said, running his hand under the lace at your inner thigh.
Tonight was going to be a long night...
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charonaraccoon · 4 years
Queen of fluff, please discharge your duties and bestow some FLUFF upon us? (Pretty please ♥️ I just need three cute sentences today)
Fluff incoming, ILY!!♥️♥️ Sorry, this took me a while, but here are 2(+2) cute brothers:
Alex has seen the dust settle at turn 4, then the remnants of what had once been a Repsol Honda MotoGP Bike – and no sign of his brother, except from a crowd of people at the exit. Never has he hated it more, that he wasn’t able to communicate with the team than during these last laps around a hot and dry Jerez circuit, shivering and trembling on a bike that just wouldn’t click with him yet. He would have accepted the well-meant suggestions and critique – understandable and just and therefore hardly bearable as they would have been. If only they would tell him, what had happened...
He doesn’t care for the podium, he doesn’t care whether he jumps off the still coasting bike, all he cares for is to get to his brother as fast as possible.
Getting into the medical centre was weird and terrible at once because he’s been here so many times before and left with either pure elation or utter horror filling his entire being. Don’t think about Germany, don’t think about Germany...
It’s nerve testing and the second person, who asks him, who he is and what he wants here, is this close to getting punched in the face. As if the leathers he’s still wearing or the resemblance to Marc isn’t enough, all of a sudden. English feels weird on his tongue after all these months away from the tracks, but finally, finally he gets a room number and the permission to see his brother.
Marc’s a rumpled mess on a plastic lounger, too pale for the weeks they’ve spent sitting around in their parents’ garden or at dirt bike tracks. His whole right arm is wrapped in a stabilising sling, bruises are already forming on his neck and ribs. Marc greets him with an apologetic grin and Alex closes his eyes for a split second. He’s awake.
“Shouldn’t have pushed like that. Damn this track, damn this fucking turn.”
Marc closes his mouth and winces with the next deep, calming breath – and Alex carefully wrapping his long arms around him, just feeling an breathing and being.
“How bad is it?”
“X-rays aren’t ready yet, but something’s broken. I felt it crack during the tumble.”
Marc clicks his tongue and his tone is almost casual, before he starts to beam at Alex with widened pupils. They must have drugged him pretty bad...
“You did good today.”
“Not good enough, though. Pol was...”
“I don’t care what Pol did. You did great today. The rest will sort itself out.”
Alex’s eyes dart to Marc’s arm and his older brother shrugs half sidedly.
“Not the start I wanted, but something good might come out of it. I can annoy Mama a while longer during rehabilitation and you can sneak off with with a certain Moto2 rider in all the drama around me.”
“Wait a se-“
Marc rolls his eyes and tugs at Alex’s arm to give him a little hug around his fit shoulder.
“Alex, I know, okay?”
Jitteriness hits its next level inside Alex’s guts and he breathes against Marc’s shoulder.
“I’m not going to leave, though...”
“Yes, you are.”
“You need me.”
“Not as much as you might think, I’ll bounce back and you know that. And I’ve got a nurse, don’t worry.”
Marc’s smile is rather dreamy and Alex frowns until his brother flings his gloves at him and cackles.
“Go celebrate with Luca!”
“I’m your brother. I know things. Now go and find him for his well-deserved victory’s kiss. I’m okay, Alex, really.”
And Alex knows that Marc is telling the truth, high on painkillers or not, and he presses a kiss to his temple before leaving the room.
It’s difficult to fit the guy he’s just left behind and “Marc Márquez, eight time world champion and ruthless atomic ant” into one picture. I know, why people struggle to believe he’s real at times.
But Marc is human and he breaks bones and he gets hurt. And he also cares deeply for the people he loves and would choose their happiness over a title at any given day – and he pays attention...
As does Alex, when he crosses paths with a certain Italien on his way to the exit. Valentino nods at him and passes him without a second glance, worry edged into his usually so calm face.
Alex takes a note to ask Marc about this rather weird coincidence, which doesn’t feel like a coincidence at all, but for now he has other things on his mind: celebrating a first start and a first victory this season with the love of his life.
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ao3feed-ateez · 4 years
by lushluke
In which, Yeosang Kang, a moto2 "wonder" boy became a MotoGP rider who was not at all prepared for what was coming at him.
How a sweet, childhood dream became treacly before it festered with a bitterness. So abrupt, harsh and unpredictable that it left welts of fragile remembrance behind.
Words: 2002, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Multi
Characters: Jeong Yunho, Kang Yeosang, Jung Wooyoung, Choi San, Choi Jongho, Song Mingi, Park Seonghwa, Kim Hongjoong, Hirai Momo, Yoo Jeongyeon, Hwang Hyunjin, Hwang Yeji, Monsta X Ensemble, Other K-pop Artist(s), Original Characters
Relationships: Jeong Yunho/Kang Yeosang, Kang Yeosang & Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yunho & Song Mingi, Im Changkyun | I.M & Kang Yeosang
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, MotoGP, Motorcycles, Friends to Enemies to Lovers, Character Death, Heavy Angst, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, motorcycle crashes, Miscommunication, Rivalry, they are enemies but they make out from time to time n make things worse, Childhood Friends, Emotional Baggage, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Attempt at Humor, Fluff and Humor, Hurt/Comfort, everyone is going through some shit or went through it, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
0 notes
lucy90712 · 2 years
Augusto Fernandez- What a day
The last few days have been very busy with Augusto leaving for the last race of the season and me having to go to work and then pack to drive to the track to join him but finally we have reached the last race day of the season. I've never experienced a last race of the season before let alone a title decider so to been pretty overwhelming watching Saturdays track action and now getting ready for the race. With everything thats been going on I've not had much time to think about how this will be Augusto's last race in moto2 and possibly his chance of winning his first title. Its crazy to think that just a few months ago Augusto was trailing behind in the title fight and didn't see any hope of getting to motogp but here we are with him leading the championship and with a seat in motogp for next year. I couldn't be more proud of everything he's achieved this year as I've been here to watch everything and the amount of work and determination he's put into this season is like nothing I've ever seen before. As much as I would love to I can't get too ahead of myself as of course the championship isn't done as there is still a good chance that Ai could win but I have a good feelings about today.
On a normal race weekend we would have a bit more time together but since I got here I've barely seen Augusto as he's been so busy. The only time we got to spend together was in the evening but then we were both super tired so ended up just getting into bed. I guess overnight I didn't sleep so that kind of counts as spending time with Augusto as I spent most of the night staring at him to make sure that he was ok and sleeping while I worried about today. The busy schedule continued this morning as the alarm went off earlier than normal and I was dragged out of bed to go and get breakfast then left while the team had a meeting to talk about he race seeing as its an important one for the whole team. After the boring things were done it was time for warm up and I realised that I hadn't even got ready yet so I hid out the way during warmup just incase they had cameras as I didn't want to be on tv in my pyjamas.
Eventually we made it back to the motorhome and I got ready so that I looked a bit more presentable but then we had nothing to do until the start of the race. Seeing as we had some time I thought it might be a good idea to be doing something to take Augusto's mind off the race so I dragged him out of the motorhome to walk around the paddock. The paddock was very busy when we first went out as it was just before the moto3 race but after that began it was a bit quieter which made it a lot more enjoyable. As much as this walk was supposed to be to distract Augusto he seemed to be doing pretty ok and I was the one that was nervous about the race. I am always nervous before a race but I'm extra nervous for this race as I just know that if it doesn't go Augusto's way he will be so upset and will blame himself for all the mistakes he's made this season especially Australia.
Soon enough we had to head back to the motorhome for him to get ready which is when I noticed him getting a bit quieter and more nervous which was to be expected. I wanted to help him feel a bit calmer but I let him him go through his usual routine first as I know that he will be worse if he doesn't do everything like he usually does. Once he was ready I got up and grabbed hold of his hand to get his attention and once I had it I made him come sit down with me. I didn't say anything for a few minutes instead I just played with his hair running my hand through it as that often relaxes him. After playing with his hair for a few minutes he pulled me onto his lap and cuddled me into his chest.
"You've got this you know" I said
"You think so" he said
"Yeah I mean you like this track and the bike has been fast all weekend while Ai has been struggling you can do this you just need to believe in yourself" I said
"Thank you love" he said
"Now come on let's go so you can win the championship" I said pulling him up
We went into the garage and the whole team were busy getting things ready which meant it was a little chaotic but Augusto went straight to sit in his chair and I stood next to him while he got his helmet and gloves on. He put his gloves on and grabbed his helmet before getting up and giving me a kiss and getting on his bike and before I knew it he had left the garage and it was almost time for the race. Once he was gone I started to show my nerves a bit more as I was trying to hide them before but now that he's not here I can be as nervous as I like which is very nervous. You could sense that the whole team were starting to feel it as when everyone was back in the garage during the warm up lap no one said anything everyone just got in place to start watching the race. I was stood out the way to start with but Aki then got a chair for himself and allowed me to sit in Augusto's chair which I did as my legs were starting to shake from the nerves.
They did the warm up lap and then the lights went out and straight away I was very stressed. Augusto dropped some places on the start and Ai made up some places which meant that it was just 0.5 points between them. My nerves weren't helped by Alonso Lopez who seemed to be pulling some strange moves but luckily for Augusto after he passed him he lost it and crashed. The next worry was that Ai was gaining on Tony in the lead and Cam was rapidly getting closer from behind. I just couldn't watch so I put my hands over my eyes so I was only peaking through my fingers but as soon as I did chaos ensued with Cam crashing and Ai doing the same in a very odd crash. None of that mattered though as it meant Augusto was champion which took a second to sink in for everyone in the garage but when it did they all congratulated each other and I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes in just pure joy.
The rest of the race almost didn't matter but Augusto still fought to the very last lap and ended up 2nd with Pedro in 1st which was a brilliant result for the team. Before the end of the race I joined a few team members to going to the side of the track to greet Augusto and give him his world champion helmet. Of course he took a while to get there but once he did the team members greeted him first before he got off his bike and came over to give me a hug which was the best hug I've had in a long time. The team then gave me his special helmet which I got to give to him which I really enjoyed as I actually helped in designing the helmet. He celebrated with the fans for a bit before getting back on his bike to head back to parc ferme so I did the same by getting on the back of a scooter so that I could watch the podium ceremony.
Somehow I got to parc ferme before Augusto but that was fine by me as it gave me the chance to congratulate the whole team including Pedro who gave me a hug after I congratulated him for winning rookie of the year and the race. Eventually Augusto made it back and everyone went crazy celebrating and congratulating him. The team then gathered to take pictures so I tried to get out the way but Augusto gently pulled me back and got me to stand next to him for all the pictures which made me a little nervous but ultimately no one will really notice me. Once all the pictures were taken everyone went up to the podium and of course Augusto did his best to spray the team with the champagne which included me so I ended up soaked but I also didn't care.
It was a while before I saw Augusto again as he had loads of media to do but eventually he came back to the motorhome and straight away joined me on the sofa as he was clearly exhausted. I felt bad as I could see that he just wanted a moment to chill but he had the awards to attend later tonight which he had to get ready for and then travel there which meant there wasn't much time for chilling. When it was time for Augusto to start getting ready he pulled me up with him and made me come into the bedroom with him even though I was under the impression that I was just going to sit there while he got ready. As I just sat there he looked at me puzzled like I was doing something wrong so I gave him the same look back to see if he would explain. Instead of explaining he just looked at me for a bit longer before then switching to a look of realisation.
"Oh I never actually asked you to come did I?" He questioned
"I have no idea what you're on about so no" I replied
"Well I was going to ask you to come to the awards with me and I thought I did but clearly I forgot so would you like to come?" He asked
"I would love to but I don't have anything to wear" I said
"I have that covered I prepared everything else I just forgot to ask you" he laughed
"Well then I'm in" I said
With that I got up and went straight to the bathroom to shower and wash my hair as I didn't do it this morning. I had to be quick because Augusto doesn't take long to get ready and he got up in enough time for him to be ready even though I would have started getting ready an hour ago. Once out the shower I quickly dried my hair and curled it before starting on my makeup which I decided to keep simple to save time and because I'm not that good at makeup so can't do much else. When I was done with everything else I asked Augusto where my outfit was and he opened the wardrobe to show me the prettiest dress I've ever seen. The dress was black and had a slit up the leg and an open back but also long sleeves so it had some coverage but also showed some skin. I put it on with some help as I couldn't reach the zip but once it was on I fixed my hair and added shoes and jewellery before I was completely ready to go.
Augusto came up behind me while I was looking in the mirror and put his arms around my waist before leaning down to kiss me. I looked at him through the mirror as we just stood there together doing nothing until he pulled out his phone and took some pictures of us together which I watched him put on his Instagram story before we actually left the motorhome. Luckily there was a car waiting for us to drive us to the venue of the awards as I didn't want to do it and I wasn't going to let Augusto after he's been celebrating for hours. It was a really nice car too much nicer than any car I've ever owned so I felt very important getting in the back with Augusto especially knowing that we were going to an award ceremony too.
During the drive we didn't speak too much as it started to sink in what we were doing and I got incredibly nervous all of a sudden. I mean I'm ok with being seen with Augusto at races and he will post pictures of us together on social media which I'm fine with but for some reason the thought of going to the awards has me nervous. Knowing that is live and that there will be people there filming and taking pictures specifically of me and Augusto is something I've not experienced before and it is outside of my comfort zone. As much as I know people are there to see the riders from past years I know that many also like to see what the wives and girlfriends wear so I'm nervous about being judged on my outfit and just generally how I look. Augusto must have noticed that I'd been extra quiet as I felt him put a hand on my thigh and squeeze it slightly to get my attention.
"Are you ok there love?" He asked
"Yeah just a bit nervous" I said
"You seem more than a bit nervous what's bothering you?" He questioned
"I'm just nervous about there being so many cameras and people judging how I look" I admitted
"I promise it will be ok I'll be with you the whole time and if you feel uncomfortable you can hide out the way" he said
"Thank you that makes me feel slightly better" I said
"Good now lets go we got this" he smiled
We got out the car and Augusto stood there to wait for me to sort my dress out and to be ready to walk down the red carpet they put out which felt a little over the top but I guess this only happens once a year. Once I was ready to go he grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it gently before we started to walk towards the red carpet. I took one last deep breath before we started to walk down together and right away there was cameras flashing and others coming to film us as we walked. Augusto kept a tight grip on my hand the entire time until we made it into the building where he had to go and do an interview so I stood off to the side just waiting for him. I actually really enjoyed hearing him talk about winning the championship and going to Motogp next year as it's not something we have talked too much about as of course other things have been going on.
After the interview we had to take a few more pictures but after that we were able to go properly inside and take our seats. A few people were in there already and Augusto being the way he is started a conversation with them and eventually I ended up joining in when I felt like I could say something worth while. I don't talk to too many people in the paddock as I'm not the most outgoing person but it was really nice to actually talk to some people and make some friends who I can talk to when at races. Weirdly after being so nervous earlier I was feeling relaxed and was really enjoying the evening so far.
Before long the awards started and they went through each of the classes in order so starting with motoE then moto3 and them finally to moto2. A bit before they started with moto2 Augusto had to go backstage so I had been sat alone just waiting to get to watch him be officially awarded the championship. Seeing the team get the awards and then Pedro get rookie of the year made me really happy as the team are really great and this year has been a bit of a rollercoaster. Finally Augusto walked out on stage and the smile on my face only got bigger and a few tears even welled up in my eyes as just seeing him up there made me so proud of what he has achieved this year. I loved watching him get given his medal and certificate (is that what they are called?) and then stand with the others to take pictures before giving his speech which he was worried about doing but I thought he did great.
Once the ceremony was over and we were able to get up Augusto brought me with him to the photo booth that they have and we took pictures together which perfectly captured the moment and put into a physical thing that I can keep forever the emotions of the day. We then went and talked to a few more people who I already knew so was happy to chat to to kill some time. Like he promised earlier Augusto didn't leave my side even though there wasn't cameras around anymore he stayed with me the whole time. He even just stood there happily as I talked to one of the riders girlfriends for a bit before we then went to talk to someone else. It was nice to have him there as when I wanted to have a break from talking to people he would happily go to a more quiet corner with me for a few minutes which I really appreciated.
The whole evening was really enjoyable and by the time we left although I was exhausted and definitely needed to just be with Augusto or by myself I was happy that I decided to go as its a special moment that hopefully I will get to experience again but if I don't this time will always be in my memories.
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marquez-junky8920 · 2 years
Augusto Fernandez
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Smut - 💦
Fluff - 💕
Angst - 🔥
Stay - 💕+💦
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Tony Arbolino- Friends friend
A/n: thought I'd put out a bonus part as it's my birthday and I have had this one stored away for a long time but haven't posted it so enjoy everyone
This weekend is my first time going to a race which is so weird to think about because I have been friends with Fabio for so long but I've just never managed to make it to a race even though I've tried but this weekend I'm going no matter what. I really mean no matter what as well because I'm sure the universe is determined for me not to go first my car broke down so I couldn't drive there and then there was no flights available, luckily Fabio wants me to go as badly as I do and he offered to drive me and even offered to let me sleep on the sofa of his motorhome because he didn't trust me and my luck. Honestly it was probably a good decision because it really hasn't been my week so far and when I tried to book a hotel they were all booked up for literally no reason so I'm going to have to sleep in the motorhome anyways.
Going to a race with Fabio is completely crazy and we have only been here for a few hours he has introduced me to at least 20 people and that's not including all of his crew like I don't think I've said hi more times in my entire life and he's still walking round finding more people that he wants to introduce me to. So far everyone has been really nice and actually wanted to get to know me which was really nice because I thought people would be focused on their own thing but they all made an effort to speak to me like they were just normal people like Fabio is to me. Finally he got so distracted with talking to someone that I got a bit of a break and stood outside the garage watching everything that was going on mainly just to recharge my social battery but also because I had no idea where anything is I can't just go back to the motorhome as I don't know what direction to go in.
Eventually Fabio came back and grabbed hold of my wrist to drag me into the garage to meet what he promised would be one last person and I'm glad its only one more because I don't think I could handle meeting many more people. When we got in I realised it was Tony who he is pretty close with and in fact we almost met once before now but schedules didn't work out and I couldn't meet with him and Fabio. Right away he greeted me with a hug and initiated a conversation so that we could get to know each other a little. This was proved easier than I thought because Fabio had talked about me to him and I obviously knew a few things from what I had been told. Knowing a little bit about each other meant we got to talk about some more interesting things and make fun of Fabio a little because who would we be if we didn't share funny stories with each other. The two of us talked for a good while before we realised how late it was getting and that both of us should get on with our lives but when we looked around Fabio had left so I tried texting him but he didn't even read the message. I went to just leave and find my own way back to the motorhome somehow but Tony stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Let me walk you back I don't want you getting lost" he said
"Oh thank you I would definitely get lost out there on my own" I replied
Together we weaved between all of the trucks and other things and Tony pointed out some places that are good to remember and other little things to help me know where I am so I can get around easier. It was actually really fun and he kept making me laugh by showing the the stupidest little things that had the weirdest stories behind them like one specific pole on a truck that he walked in to one night when it was dark to which he advised to have a torch on at all times when walking round in the dark. We spent ages walking a pretty short distance because we were talking so much and kept making detours to go and look at other things but eventually we made it to the motorhome and we said goodbye to each other but not before exchanging phone numbers so we could talk more and in case I ever get lost he promised he would actually answer me and help me out.
Once he left I went up to the motorhome where Fabio was sat completely oblivious to the fact that he has just abandoned me. When I sat down next to him he looked at me and had some kind of flashback and panicked trying to apologise for leaving me and explaining that he had an interview to go to and didn't want to drag me away because me and Tony looked like we were getting along. I knew exactly what he meant when he said that because he's done this many times before, he likes to think that any guy I get along with and talk to will end up as my boyfriend. He's always trying to set me up with people because he loves to play matchmaker even though he is awful at it and has sent me on some of the worst dates ever as a result but this time I'm determined for him not to get involved and to just have a normal friendship with Tony unless it goes somewhere else on its own which I wouldn't be against.
"Don't you dare try and get involved this time we are just friends" I warned him
"Fine but just so you know you two would actually be perfect for each other" he said
"You have to be kidding me" I sighed
"I just want to put it out there so when you two are getting married in the future I can say I told you so" he said
It's in moments like these that I wonder how the two of us are even friends still because we annoy each other so much and bicker like siblings but we still make up every time and end up even more inseparable than before. I know he's not going to give up on this idea so it is my mission to avoid him getting involved in any way which will definitely be hard but hopefully I can manage it because I like the little friendship me and Tony have so I don't want to ruin it.
Finally it's race day which I'm so excited about because the weekend has been so fun so far I've experienced just about everything except what a race day is like. The only downside to this whole experience is that I've barely slept since Thursday because Fabio wakes me up really early every morning in a new way such as blasting an air horn which scared me so much I fell off the sofa or pouring water on my face which I didn't enjoy. Since Thursday I think I've had about 3 hours sleep at most each day between Fabio waking me up at the crack of dawn and not being able to actually fall asleep.
Any time that Fabio is busy either on track or doing media I spend with Tony either walking around new parts of the circuit or just sat somewhere quiet with just the two of us. Tony knows all too well what Fabio is like so we agreed to not tell him about our time together otherwise he would only freak out and never stop trying to convince us that we should go on a date which we were in agreement that we didn't want. Our time together has been one of the highlights of my days so far because it's just so chill and we get to talk about any nonsense that comes to our minds which usually is something very strange. He also brought me coffee yesterday after seeing how tired I was which was really sweet of him and it kept me awake for the duration of our conversation. Tony is also part of the reason why I haven't had any sleep because we usually sit outside for an hour or two at night just looking at the stars which now that I think about it is pretty romantic which it isn't meant to be it is just supposed to be a way to relax.
Over these past few days I have found my feelings for Tony growing past just friends which has been tearing me up inside because Tony is such a sweet guy but we only just met and we have already talked about just being friends so I know it will never go any further. Despite that I can't help but blush when he brings me coffee or our hands accidentally touch as we sit down looking at the stars at night which I know is bad but it's so hard when he's way nicer than any boyfriend I've had in the past. It makes it so much worse that Fabio was so determined that we would be perfect for each other and I've let myself fall for him because that will only give Fabio more of an ego when it comes to matchmaking or just in general which he definitely doesn't need.
Of course this morning Fabio dragged me to breakfast and decided that we should eat with some friends including Tony and typically this is the one morning I had no time to properly do my hair and put on a bit of makeup which would be fine if I didn't have dark circles under my eyes. Usually I don't care about my appearance but I can't help but feel a little insecure not looking my best around people I have feelings for so I tried to cover my face as much as possible when I sat down and tried to avoided eye contact with everyone but especially Tony. This didn't work out too well because he kept talking to me and I couldn't exactly ignore him but it ended up being a good distraction from the way I was feeling.
After breakfast things dissolved into chaos with warmups and getting ready for races so I've kind of just been standing around not knowing what to do with myself or helping out where I can because I hate just watching when people are busy because I feel so useless. After a while Fabio appeared and dragged me out the garage and to the pit wall to watch the moto2 race just as it was starting which was perfect timing. I was really enjoying the race and the whole atmosphere of watching it in person instead of through a screen to the point that having cameras in my face filming me and Fabio didn't bother me at all like it has the rest of the weekend. At some point Fabio left to go and get ready for his race but I stayed to see the end because Tony was in third and I wanted to see him cross the line and get his second podium of the season. As soon as he did I felt and overwhelming sense of pride flow through me which was weird as I only ever get like that when I watch Fabio do well but I guess Tony comes under that now as well.
Since I was stood at the pit wall I stayed there to watch Fabio head out to the grid and after a few moments I felt a tap on my left shoulder but when I looked over no one was there then when I turned back Tony was stood to my right and scared the life out of me. I wasn't expecting to see him so soon seeing as he just finished his race and you could tell because his hair was a mess and he still had sweat on his forehead, my god did he look good like that but I knew I shouldn't stare and so I didn't even though it was hard. He was smiling even more than usual which I knew was because of the rush of adrenaline and the result of the race but it will still nice to see him so happy after he was a little nervous this morning before he went out.
"You did so well that was a great race" I said
"You were watching?" He asked
"Of course I wouldn't dare miss it" I replied
"Well you must be some sort of good luck charm then because that's the best I've felt all season on the bike can you come to every race" he said
"I don't know about that I'm usually pretty unlucky" I joked
"I'm willing to take that chance" he laughed
As we were talking the race started but we hardly paid any attention because we were engrossed in conversation only checking back occasionally to see how things were going or when we heard that there was a crash to make sure that everyone was ok. Towards the middle of the race we started to pay attention especially when it started to rain when we had to take cover in the edge of the garage even though by then we were pretty drenched. (This part isn't necessarily based on any race in particular so just bare that in mind) We both wiped the raindrops off of our faces and I rung my hair out, when I stood back up Tony walked towards me and used his thumbs to wipe mascara from under my eyes which made me flinch to start with but I stopped my brain worked out what he was doing. He made sure that there was no more mascara on my face before he stopped and I thanked him while trying not to blush from having him so close to my face but I could still feel my cheeks getting hot which he definitely noticed but thankfully didn't mention.
All the racing action came to an end and Fabio ended up getting 3rd which was really great as he doesn't like to race in the rain as much so me and Tony parted ways and I went to go and celebrate with him and in typical Fabio fashion all he wanted was food so I ordered some for us which we enjoyed together in the motorhome. After dinner he fell asleep pretty much right away leaving me sat there not knowing what to do with my time seeing as it was only 7pm. Just as I was thinking about what I could do to pass some time my phone lit up with a text from Tony.
Want to meet me for a walk its really nice out
On my way give me like 2 minutes
I grabbed a hoodie to keep me warm and headed to our usual meeting place where we set off on our walk around the circuit, he wasn't wrong though it was a really nice evening especially after the rain we had there was a cool but not cold air and you could smell the drying tarmac which is a smell I have always liked. We made our way round the whole track before getting almost back to where we started where we stopped just to look out at the sky which was getting much darker now that it was later. As I was looking out in my own little world I felt something touch my hand which brought me back to reality real quick when I saw that it was Tony's hand grabbing hold of mine, I'm pretty sure my heart skipped a beat but even if it didn't it was definitely beating at a million miles an hour. His fingers intertwined with mine as his thumb rubbed the back of my hand ever so gently which even though simple the touch caused shivers to go down my spine. Of course I couldn't resist looking up at him and all that was looking back as me was a devilish smile and in contrast the most innocent eyes.
The two of us moved away from the wall we were leaning against with one of his hands still holding mine while the other went around my waist pulling me closer to him until we were just a few inches apart. If I thought my heart was pounding before it definitely was now and I was definitely blushing quite a lot but I didn't care all I wanted was to kiss him in that moment. As if hearing my thoughts he leaned down and closed the gap between us pressing his lips against mine in a passionate but sweet kiss that said everything I've been feeling the past few days without any words. Although the kiss only lasted a few seconds it was just magical like nothing I've ever felt before and it couldn't be put into words just how amazing I felt right after the kiss. He kissed me again this time for a bit longer before pulling away and resting his forehead on mine staring right into my eyes like if he blinked I would just disappear.
"I think its pretty safe to say I like you y/n would you like to go on a date sometime?" He asked
"I would love that but lets not tell Fabio he will be way too excited" I said
"Too late bitches" Fabio yelled running over to us
"How long have you been there?" Tony asked
"Long enough to see you two kiss now tell me everything" he pretty much squealed
We both shook our heads but gave in when Fabio kept bugging us to tell him everything which we mostly did but left out a few details just to keep some privacy and stop him blabbing every detail of our lives to anyone he meets which he will do. As much as it was annoying we have him to thank for introducing us in the first place so it guess I have to let him off just this once. He didn't want to leave us alone but Tony convinced him to go so we got a few moments to ourselves before I headed back to the motorhome to listen to Fabio talk about how he was right about me and Tony which I sure hope stops after a while because I don't think I could cope with it for the time me and Tony are together which will hopefully be a long time because I'm definitely falling hard for him.
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