kopiya · 7 years
@morethanbiology from that breaking in meme bc this is too long for an ask .
Helena went slow, slow, slow through the house, clutching a knife tight, tight tight in her right hand. Somebody had been here before her. The back door was kicked in and each room she went through was more destroyed than the last. Clothes, books and records and broken furniture lay scattered throughout the house. Neither Kira nor brother-Sestra Felix seemed to be home. She had crept up the stairs and checked. In the biggest bedroom that belonged to Missus S, Helena saw Sarah. Clutching the knife in her teeth, she ran to Sarah, dropping to her knees beside her twin. Spitting the knife back into her hand, she reached to check for a pulse. Sarah was covered in bruises and blood. “Sestra. Can you hear me?”
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“Ah, come on, Manning. You’ve got everything under control here.” The wolf’s eyes strayed from Sarah to her sisters, camped around the fire as Helena shared her story. “You’ve got them to keep you on your toes. The threat’s gone, the bad guys are dead. I’m...” Arcadia paused, drawing in a deep breath as a hand come up to rub at the back of her neck nervously. “Not needed here.”
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whiskeystained-a · 7 years
🍆 for Kel
send noods | accepting | @morethanbiology​
[ 📲 • sms: sarah ] ——  goddamn. but ya know[ 📲 • sms: sarah ] —— i bet you look even better in person
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drcormiier · 7 years
{   Halloween / Fall Prompts !  }
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she had been wondering where thebrunette had gone off to, hence her being up to search for her. delphinerounded a corner, calling out softly,
❝ Sarah, where are- ❞before she could finish her words, therewas a loud noise and a monster in front of her.delphine shrieked and her fists were alreadyballed up in a defensive reflex. within secondsshe realized what was going on. sarah hadscared her. with a devil mask. the blonde was definitely not impressed.❝ S A R A H ! ! !  Ugh ! I cannot believe you…   My heart nearly stopped beating !    Where and when did you get that mask ? !              I hope you know I will be burning it. ❞
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sestragif · 7 years
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Parallel of encouragement.
Requested by @morethanbiology
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If it hadn’t been for Tumblr, I’d have never stumbled upon a role play account for a character name Cosima Niehaus. I’d have never met Deb, my buddy who nagged me for weeks to watch the show. I caved and my world hasn’t been the same since.
I came to the bandwagon late, but Clone Club accepted me with open arms. Never have I met such a passionate group of ladies and gentleman who genuinely cared about forging friendships from all over the world. Who would have thought a small show would bring together so many people? Without it, I’d never have traveled to NYC or Toronto to meet other friends, like @eatingpizzawithcophine , @jenniferfitzsimmons, @merissknits, @helenas-angel, @c-estmabiologie, @lcmorganart, Jackie and Pattie, or interacted with my online pals, @hxdaleksakomtrigedakru, @g33kych33ky, @imperfectvalues, @arraigns and @morethanbiology.
To the cast, crew and creators of @orphanblack: You deserve every single accolade and award. You deserve the praise and recognition. You gave us joy and sadness, pain and fear—even anxiousness. You helped shape our lives—You brought happiness and acceptance to a group of misfits looking for their place to fit in.
You all took us on a roller coaster ride that lasted five seasons and left a legacy for the future of television about how women should be viewed. You taught us that we are ONE. We are autonomous, we deserve our freedom and we can do more than just survive—we can THRIVE.
Thank you for everything.
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atomgun-a · 7 years
@morethanbiology amsterdam - daughter
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“i used t’ dream of adventure when i was younger.”
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kopiya · 7 years
From X
Helena smiled, reaching for her sistet’s hand. “I have big plate,” she said, “I have room for your...mmmmm....,” Sestra Alison said she would teach her babies bad words if she wasn't careful, repeating what Sarah said all the time.  “Manure, also.” There that was better. SestraAlison said it meant the same thing, but was not A Bad Word. So. Probably that was better. “We are family. That is what we do. Make room for each other. I want to help. Let me. Please?”
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sestragif · 7 years
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“I survived you. We survived you. Me and my sisters, together. This is evolution.” //requested by @morethanbiology
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*Please copy and don’t reblog
Tagged by: @lovesjello
Speed: I try to hop on at least once a day. But with my work schedule, sometimes I come home and just pass out. And my hiatus’ usually only last two weeks or so, when I’m on vacation.
Replies: On a good day, I’d say I hammer out anywhere from 3-5. If I’m feeling tired or sluggish, 1-2 a day.
Starters: I love random starters, especially from new followers. I’ve got nothing against just jumping right into it. I’ll normally read someones rules before writing a starter myself, just to make sure I’m safe.
Inbox: Gimme all the memes. 
Selectivity: I’ll roleplay with anyone, seriously. Don’t be afraid to just jump right in my inbox, or message me to plot!
Wishlist item: Arcadia hates it, but I forever wish for angst. Fluff is nice, but there’s so many more emotions you can translate through an angsty thread. Also, I don’t get to do it often, but I always love having threads where Arc turns someone to save them.
Honest note: If I hadn’t come back to the RP community like three years ago and found @onecosima as my first RP partner, I’d probably have never continued. She was so welcoming and down to plot anything with an OC character that knew little about the Orphan Black verse. I’ve expanded my reach and I’ve met so many partners that I cherish, and several other fabulous OC’s. I couldn’t ask for anything more!
I tag: @g33kych33ky, @arraigns, @braccati, @morethanbiology and anyone else interested!
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whiskeystained-a · 7 years
morethanbiology replied
Clean slates are always nice! If you think that would help? Then absolutely go for it! We’re all here to write and have fun so whatever you think would allow you to do that best :) you do you. I think whatever you decide, you still have lots of people ready and eager to have you back
Awh, thank you so much! I think it really would help, tbh. I love writing, and I miss all my brain kids, but I just haven’t felt like bein’ here lately? And I think a completely clean slate would really help. But thank you for being so sweet and supportive!
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lovesjello · 7 years
How Do You Run Your Blog?
*Please copy and don’t reblog
Tagged by: @morethanbiology
Speed: It totally varies. Usually during the week I can get on for a few hours and get through drafts. Some times I’m on all weekend and some weekends I’m MIA. Replies: It all depends on the above. Usually I can get one reply per thread per day. Starters: I love writing them up and when people are totally willing to write them as well :)  Inbox: Love when people send in memes! Selectivity: Barely selective. I don’t mind if people’s first language isn’t English. As long as you give me something to work with in a reply, I’m totally down! Wishlist item: Always and forever bonding between the clones. But also a healthy dose of ANGST. LMAO Honest note: I totally found a family through RP and hope that all of my fellow OB RPers will stick around with me now the series has finished. <3 I enjoy writing with every single one of you.  
I tag: @thegirlwiththebuffytattoo @trilliumjones @g33kych33ky and literally anyone else that would like to do it! I’m so bad at remembering everyone to tag. 
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morethanbiology · 7 years
bestrcng ----> morethanbiology
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