#more like by the power of gayskull
vivianvixen · 2 years
I can't believe they're trying to indoctrinate kids by putting pronouns in cartoons.
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swearyshera · 1 year
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i have terrible COVID rn so i'm hacking and sobbing violently. never expected this from a blog i initially saw as purely humorous. you've done this fantastically, and i'm so proud of all the work you've put into this. it's been incredible following this since the beginning, and i'm overjoyed to see it conclude after all this growth. the world is scary right now, and i really needed to see this scene as a reminder that, as the theme song says, "we're going to win in the end". thank you, once more. FOR THE HONOR OF GAYSKULL! :) <3
I certainly didn't expect I would turn this into something that expanded beyond the silly jokes and swearing that I started it off as, but it has been an absolute treat to write this stuff and I'm so glad people enjoy it.
From the moment I landed on characterising Prime as an anti-LGBTQ+ bigot, I always knew the ending had to be one of hope. I was initially a little worried that writing something so painfully close to what a lot of people are experiencing would not go down well, and that people would prefer a little escapism rather than a reminder of the increasing hate that's out in the world. But I've never given Prime the legitimacy of asking 'what if he has a point?' or 'should we listen to what he's saying even if we don't like it?'. No. Of course we shouldn't, he's a dick.
And I think that's what makes the ending even sweeter. Heroes vanquishing the hate many of us see on a daily basis using the power of love. Yes, it's not that simple in reality; and yes, love doesn't fix everything, but I truly believe that being unapologetically ourselves (if we can safely do so) will help us in the fight.
Adora's words in that strip are my words. I know it sounds a bit sappy, so indulge me a little, but what she's saying in her 'inspiring victory speech' reflects why the comic ended like this. I wrote this because I want to give just a tiny bit of hope that, just like Adora, queer love will win out against hatred. And it helps all of us.
Hope you feel better soon!
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itlivesproject · 2 years
Do you have some established romantic headcanons for Jocelyn x female!mc? It's missing Jocelyn hours for me 😭
i’ve always got more headcanons to spare! don’t you worry anon :)
Jocelyn loves being workout buddies. MC and Jocelyn are the type of couple to take hot gym pics together and post them on Instagram, and everyone thirsts in the comments. She loves it even more when MC wears matching workout clothes. The power couple vibes are very strong.
MC and Jocelyn love to watch trashy reality TV together, specifically dating shows. She’ll watch The Bachelor with her and they both argue over who the hottest girl is. Bonus points if she agrees because otherwise MC will spend the rest of the season hearing why she’s wrong.
Jocelyn loves Halloween, especially because of the couple costumes. Her and her girlfriend still go trick or treating despite being way too old, and like to trade candy afterwards. She dresses as Catra one year and makes MC go as Shera, and makes her shout “For the honor of gayskull!” at every house they trick or treat at. It makes her laugh every time.
When shark week comes around, Jocelyn is surprisingly supportive and helpful in any way MC needs. She’ll go out and buy her any supplies and cravings, she buries her in her hoodies and cuddles with her at all hours of the day. If anything, she’s benefitting too because of her love for physical affection. When her shark week comes around though, she’s a wreck. Super emotional, and generally more vulnerable than usual. The two of them watch sappy movies and she cries into MC’s arms about the tragic nature of romance. Frankly, it’s super adorable.
Jocelyn is built like a space heater, but she’s your space heater. The colder months of the year it’s a blessing because MC can latch onto her and she’s super thrilled. In the summer though? Jocelyn is constantly complaining about the heat. Cuddling is less than ideal, and she doesn’t even sleep with a sheet on the bed. Instead, she makes do with MC playing with her hair. Since it’s basically all she can get, she’s constantly grabbing MC’s wrist to move it to her head. Any time someone comments on it she just glares at them and resumes giving heart eyes to her girlfriend.
Jocelyn isn’t the best with words, but she loves to give romantic gestures all the time. She’ll buy MC a bouquet of her favorite flowers during the week just because, she’ll basically give MC her entire wardrobe despite the fact that her clothes almost never fit, and she is constantly attached to her at the hip. She tries to write MC a love letter once and it’s the sweetest thing she’s ever done because of how willing she is to push herself out of her comfort zone for her.
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aggressionbread · 7 years
Whats your opinion on kettle corn?
i think it tastes really good and also i sold it at a farmers market for like 6 months and people bought that shit. i was sold out every week. it wasnt my kettle corn, i was just being paid to sell it, but people sure love their kettle corn
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rpgsandbox · 4 years
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                                         *desperately* click! click!
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Thirsty Sword Lesbians battle the Lady of Chains when her enforcers march down from the frosty north. They rocket through the stars to safeguard diplomats ending a generations-old conflict. They sip tea together and share shy glances at the corner cafe with their old classmates and comrades. Even when swords are crossed, they have the potential to connect more deeply than anyone expects.
A sword duel can end in kissing, a witch can gain her power by helping others find love, and an entire campaign can be built around vagabond matchmakers piloting their sentient gay spaceship from system to system.
If you love angsty disaster lesbians with swords, you have come to the right place.
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Thirsty Sword Lesbians by April Kit Walsh is a roleplaying game that celebrates the love, power, and existence of queer people—specifically queer people with swords and a lot of feelings. Flirting, sword-fighting, and barbed zingers all mix together in a system designed for both narrative drama and player safety. This innovative take on the Powered by the Apocalypse engine is a breeze to learn and ensures that no matter how the dice fall, something interesting happens to move the story forward.
In this game, you will solve problems with wit, empathy, and style, fight when something is worth fighting for, and redeem (or seduce) at least a few of your adversaries. You’re part of a community that embodies important ideals and you’ll strive to protect it and make your world better.
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Play as one of nine character types: Beast, Chosen, Devoted, Infamous, Nature Witch, Scoundrel, Seeker, Spooky Witch, and Trickster. Each explores a particular emotional conflict that drives the drama and shapes your character’s story. Are you a Beast, faced with the dilemma of expressing your inner truth versus fitting in to a society that demands you conform? A Devoted, who sacrifices for others while struggling to care for yourself? A Trickster, who craves closeness but fears vulnerability? In long-term play, you may even resolve your initial arc and advance into a different playbook as you continue to change and grow, facing new challenges.
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                  Backers get immediate access to the playbooks too. 
                                          They're form fillable!
Thirsty Sword Lesbians provides clear, robust guidance and support for running the game, including how to make appealing adversaries, set the tone, structure play, and create a safe environment at the table. Handy reference sheets help you narrate appropriate twists and drama on the fly, depending on the feelings and character types you have in play.
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Want to jump into a one-shot? The game includes six adventures that can stand alone or kick off a longer series: Sword Lesbians of the Three Houses, Best Day of Their Lives, Constellation Festival, Gal Paladins, and Monster Queers of Castle Gayskull. For even more inspiration, it features The Starcross Galaxy campaign setting along with five more settings from these contributing authors:
Lesbeans Coffehouse by Dominique Dickey
Neon City 2099 by Jamila Nedjadi
The Three Orders of Ardor by Whitney Delaglio
Les Violettes Dangereuses by Jonaya Kemper
Yuisa Revolution by Alexis Sara
We also provide ample guidance on how to create your own tales of fighting with swords and falling in love, along with a world building worksheet, variant rules, and a set of starting scenario seeds to play with. Because the game focuses on feelings and relationships, it’s a lens you can use to play in a variety of genres. If you like slashfic of characters with swords, you’ll love this game.
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Thirsty Sword Lesbians is explicitly designed to tell melodramatic and queer stories; tales fraught with relationship triangles, mystery, intrigue, relationship anarchy, celebration, and revolution. It includes rules to highlight different identities, emotional connections, and setting elements.
This game is not for fascists, TERFs, or other bigots. The team behind Thirsty Sword Lesbians supports racial liberation, intersectional feminism, and queer liberation. We love and respect transgender people, nonbinary people, intersex people, and women. This game is a joyous celebration of lives and identities otherwise marginalized. If you don’t agree, fix your heart before sharing a table with other people.
What if... not Thirsty? The game fundamentally assumes that the characters crave connection, but that connection doesn’t need to be sexual or romantic. We offer you options for changing how the game addresses connection in our variant rules section.
What if... not Swords? It’s simple enough to swap out a different hand-to-hand combat option. Your campaign or your character can use a labrys, the double-bladed axe that became a lesbian icon in the late 20th century. You can use different styles of unarmed combat or even grapple using telepathic self-projections. It’s also possible to replace the swords with mecha, starships, or guns, but it requires some thought and the book will help you think about how to ensure that it stays intimate and relationship-focused. The conflict doesn’t have to be physically violent, either; you can use any kind of conflict that’s adrenaline-inducing and close-quarters.
What if... not Lesbians? We’ll let you in on a secret: you don’t have to play a lesbian. The game plays with themes that are common for all sorts of people who are marginalized on the basis of gender and sexuality, as well as feelings that go beyond the queer experience. If you want to play thirsty sword cishets, we’re not going to stop you—just don’t be surprised if the game turns them queer.
What if... I’m not good at flirting or zingers? You don’t have to be witty or good at flirting in real life to play a character with those skills, and not every character in Thirsty Sword Lesbians is good with words. Shy and awkward sword lesbians find love, too. You’ll find them well-represented in this game.
Ready? Let’s Go!
Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, November 12 2020 9:00 PM UTC +00:00
Website: [Evil Hat Productions] [facebook] [twitter]
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haemosexuality · 4 years
i don't know anything about racist she ra fic. can you tell me so I can avoid it?
The devil is in (the details): adora(+the rebellion), white girl, is a cop and catra(+the horde), brown girl, is a gang member criminal. Seasinkarnadine is the author and is literally ignoring poc telling her its racist because 'its just a fic i dont hold the power to be racist catra isnt even brown shes a cat (theres racism against hybrids in the fic)'. A person that was in a group chat with her and technoskittles sayd they wrote slave aus together and that she said racist stuff
The writer technoskittles: she wrote multiple slave aus (yeah) and her fics are full of racist stereotypes. Theres one in particular where the racism is in a sexual fic and its disgusting lmao. Her response was "poor me i am being attacked oh no"
upper west side: racist stereotypes, catra is latina and alcoholic unmotivated poor cant hold a job etc, i think the author is forthehonorofgayskull? I dont remember its something something gayskull, i haven't seen if she said anything about it
another one i used to like until some weeks ago but the last chapter made me realize its full of racist stereotype is simply absolute's senior year+sequel fic, with the "gotta add she eating some latin food and randomly speaking spanish and way more sexualized than she is" and "catra comes from a family with problems while adoras family is fine"
Just like, look out for stuff like catra is poor/lazy/unmotivated/a drug addict/fucked up family/promiscuous while adora is rich from a good family never does Anything Wrong but idk she has anxiety so its even, the Random Spanish Phrase/Food from latin america bc you Gotta Know shes latina you just. If you dont see her doing something Latina™ youre gonna die, or sexualization of catra/latinamerica stuff (oh look theyre fucking and catra says something is spanish 🤪 catra is wearing a minidress with heels and makeup bc i dont know how to write woc if they dont dress sexy 🤪), stuff like that
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aconitewolfsbane · 4 years
The Owl House reactions- Adventures in the Elements
- Coathanger earrings. - Wild embarrassing sibling attack! - Wait... They didn’t even know that she was in danger!... Like, they left the library to find something else to do before Luz and Amity were attacked by the kid’s book guy. - Shipper trash! - Burn it, so they can’t prove that it ever existed! - “Wow. A surprisingly peaceful domestic moment. When will it be ruined?” *slamming and stamping noises, followed by shouting.* “There it is.” LMTO! - That implies that this has happened before. - At least Eda knows her failings. She doesn’t hide them, or try to deny it. - Luz knows who she’s talking to. - I LOVE HIM! KING’S SHEER CUTENESS WILL RULE US ALL! - Eda now has regrets. - He was gonna try it! LMTO! - She needs to put a tracker chip or something on those! - She... couldn’t focus for more than two seconds... - Amity’s art is getting pretty good. - Well, she did something. - New magic! - Ouch... - Hooty’s a prick sometimes. - Eda! That’s low, even for you! - Siblings. Ugh.
TL;DR: Peaceful domestic moments will always be ruined. *snape voice* Always...; By the power of gayskull!
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takerfoxx · 5 years
She Ra: Princess of Power, Season 1 FINALE, First Impressions!
And it all came down to this.
You know, I noted earlier in this season that I really hoped that they stepped away from the formulaic plots and started to subvert our expectations a little. But now that I’ve watched the first season in its entirety, I can really appreciate what the writers pulled off.
First we got the first half of the season, which were entertaining but otherwise pretty standard episodes, where one could figure out the whole plot of each episode in the first few minutes and not be surprised by much. Like I said earlier, it got the job done, but that’s about it. All the appeal was watching the characters bounce off of each other.
However, that was just the set-up, a way to get us to like all these people and care about what happens to them. Because from Princess Prom onwards, they flipped the script and delivered wham episode after wham episode, giving us big moments, major game-changing exposition, major character reveals, and plenty of jaw-dropping twists. So by the time that the big fight for Brightmoon finally rolled around, the audience is now fully invested in the plot as much as we are in the characters and hanging onto every moment.
As such, even though the finale itself snaps back to standard formula, it...doesn’t feel like it.
I mean, it’s basically Helm’s Deep. Our heroes are cooped up in their castle/fortress, massive army is coming, no one is coming, have to prepare, army gets there, big fighties happen, showdown with rival, back and forth, bad guys get upper hand, darkest hour, suddenly HERE COMES THE CALVARY, they really were coming to save them all along, squad pose, and then kick ass with the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!
We’ve seen it a gazillion times. I’ve seen it a gazillion times! And had I been watching this episode in vacuum, then sure, I’d find the jokes entertaining and been impressed by the fight choreography, but that’s about it.
But because I’ve been on this ride, because I’ve spent so much time with these characters and gotten fully invested in the plot, I felt every moment. I was on the edge of my seat during the whole She Ra/Catra battle, was biting my nails as Angella struggled to keep the Moonstone alive, was begging for Adora to get up when she had fallen to her knees, and straight up started cheering when the other princesses arrived. Sure, part of me was going, “Oh, of course. We know these tropes, so of course that’s what they’re going to do.” But that part was largely drowned out by the part going, “HOLY SHIT, IT’S MERMISTA! AND YAY, PERFUMA! AND OH MY GOD, FROSTA’S WITH THEM! GLIMMER’S HEALED, EVERYTHING’S GOING TO BE OKAY!”
Basically what I’m saying is that sometimes it’s okay to go back to formula, because those things became formula for a reason. They work. They just require you to do the work and make them mean something.
Anyway, can we talk about that She Ra/Catra battle? Because damn, they both went all out! I mean, sure, She Ra didn’t have her sword, but Catra was unarmed as well, and she had She Ra on the ropes plenty of times! Hell, it could be argued that she kinda won until the cavalry arrived. That’s...not something I see often. I’m so used to the whole Team Rocket of the most persistent foe also constantly failing. But no, Catra has consistently gotten more dangerous with every episode. It’s like what she said to Hordak at the end: she has gotten closer to taking down Brightmoon than anyone, and she wiped out the Whispering Wood as well. Sure, getting the Princess Rebellion back together with the addition of Frosta was kind of an oopsie, but she also massively set Brightmoon back and took out their biggest line of defense. And Hordak recognizes that. Props to both of them for actually exhibiting good management skills. Like, an evil Overlord and a personal rival that actually know what they’re doing? What universe am I living in?
Okay, I gush about their competence a little too much, so let’s talk about another aspect that I’m...well, something I’ve been feeling a little divided on about Catra. See, I went in knowing that she was Adora’s former best friend and now her rival and that they have conflicting feelings about each other and that would lead to a redemption arc or whatever. But the more I watch this show the more I wonder: does Catra even want to be redeemed? Because she kind of seems all in on the whole Horde thing. Sure, she was hurt by Adora’s betrayal and clearly has some feelings toward her that she needs to sort out, but that hasn’t slowed her down much, and she hasn’t exactly shown any empathy toward...basically anyone. Even Scorpia and Entrapta, her most consistent companions, seem to come off as people she tolerates because of their usefulness. And given how she treats Kyle and the others, well...
What I’m saying I’m starting to see that cycle of abuse sending her down the path of becoming the new Shadow Weaver. I mean, maybe not as despicable, and definitely a lot more cunning, but even so. 
Don’t get me wrong, I think she’s awesome and I am probably invested in her story most of all, but it is going to take a whole lot of character development and moments of empathy for me to be able to buy a redemption arc. Hell, at this point I’d actually see Scorpia make that leap before Catra. At least with Scorpia you have a genuinely sweet girl that was just unfortunate enough to be born into a bad system and doesn’t seem to know better. I’m not getting that feeling of innate goodness from Catra, even with her abusive upbringing. 
It’s like I said in the past: sympathetic backstories only go so far, and shitty lives don’t excuse terrible behavior. Basically every Batman villain has some kind of terrible childhood, and they’re almost all monsters. So...basically I’m really curious to see how they pull this off. 
Okay, now that I got that off my chest, let’s tackle a few other points.
First, glad that Netossa and Spinnerella finally got to actually show up and do something! About freaking time too. And yeah, they were adorable together. I mean, given the people behind the show, it’s probably not an accident that a legitimate gay couple gets involved and the battle ends with the heroes washing away the evil with a giant freaking rainbow. FOR THE HONOR OF GAYSKULL!
Though speaking of which, I’ve been doing some thinking.
Okay, so Glimmer and Angella have the Moonstone, Scorpia had the Black Garnet until her family gave it to Hordak, Mermista has that big honkin’ pearl, Perfuma has the rock in the tree, Frosta has her giant Christmas tree ornament doo-dad, and I hear that there was a Fire Stone owned by a fire princess I guess who got corrupted or something? Also, Entrapta doesn’t have her own Runestone for some reason (though what happened to that First Ones disc she was repairing?)
So, uh, do Netossa and Spinnerella have their own Runestones, or are stoneless princesses like...some kind of lesser rank of princess, or how does the whole princessing thing work? Do you need an actual kingdom to qualify? I know they’re working with concept established in an 80′s toy commercial show aimed toward girls, so you can only do so much, but I’m curious!
Anyway, season two coming up. I basically watch these things when I’m on break at work, and my schedule’s going to be weird in the next few days, so things are going to get a little random.
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hipstersoulgushers · 6 years
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more like power of gayskull am I right?
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didsomeonesaygo · 2 years
We’re about halfway though our trip, so we started the day at a cute laundry cafe with the best hot chocolate and three (!) shop Scotties.
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Then headed back toward the castle and hit the Sketchers store for something squishier to walk up Calton Hill. Great 360 views of the city and Firth of Forth. Stopped at the Old Calton Cemetery on the way down - beautiful stones and family crypts that have been there for hundreds of years. Sad to see so many children - one family had 12 kids, and 7 of them died before the parents did.
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Heading back toward the castle, we realized that yesterday we had missed the Witches’ Well, a little fountain memorializing the accused witches burned at the stake over approximately 250 years. The two heads symbolize some witches using their power for good and others for evil.
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Just across the street from the Witches' Well is the Scotch Whisky Experience. It was not something we normally would have done, as it has a bit of a Fisherman's Wharf vibe, but our travel agent recommended it, and he was right - it was really well done! We learned about the distilling process and the 5 regions for Scottish whisky - P likes Seyside and I like Campbelltown - followed by a tasting and a tour of the world's largest collection of unopened bottles of whisky (3,384 bottles!) In the shop, we were excited to see a bottle of Highland Park whisky, the first drink we had to celebrate buying the house. We thought about buying the bottle to send home, but it cost more than 2 months of our mortgage, and we decided we didn't like it that much.
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We headed down the hill toward a couple of bars we'd read about online, but then realized we were close to Makars Mash Bar (mash of the potato variety), which we had planned to hit earlier in the trip. We had already passed the turn, but google maps said we could loop around, so we did. What google doesn't show you is elevation; the loop also included approx 5 stories of stairs (up, naturally), and then dropped us literally a block from where we started. And then we didn't stay for the mashed potatoes. Where is the google suggestion box?
So we continued with the original plan to go to Bannerman’s, a rocker bar with cool people, cool decor, and a terrible playlist. Strongbow Dark Berry Cider took me back to college - it tastes like a wine cooler. Ciders here continue to disappoint, but I remain optimistic.
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Just up the hill in the same alley, we hit Scotland's most haunted pub, Banshee Labyrinth, for dinner. They don't serve dinner. They don't have food at all, despite the fact that it says "now serving food" right there on their website. That meant another round on a still empty stomach (whee!) - the bartender recommended the March of the Penguins stout, which was very good, and not sweet, yay. Patrick proclaims this his favorite bar in Edinburgh; he especially likes the Castle Gayskull vibe.
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After that, we needed food, so went back to the famed mashed potato loop to Ecco Vino and had a bit of Italian (and wine, whee!) before heading back to P's favorite bar - we just couldn't stay away. Met a guy there from Austin with a man bun. (Everywhere we go, we run into Americans. The only other customer in the laundry cafe was a woman from Manhattan Beach named Karen. The name suited pairfectly.)
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Hit the Tesco on the way home for bubbles and Cadbury, then back to the hotel, where we boarded the elevator, rode up about 6 feet, and got off. Then got back on with an older couple who made us feel better by getting off on our floor with us by mistake. I guess you don't have to be drunk to get confused by those double-sided elevators. But it doesn't hurt.
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bellabooks · 7 years
5 good (and gay) things that happened this week: 12/9-12/15
Do you feel that in the air? Is that…hope? This week had its up and downs, so to usher you into the weekend, here are five good and gay things that happened. 1. Twenty the Webseries has a holiday special! This holiday special has it all: Gay Santa, party crashers, powerpoint!     2. She-Ra is coming back and with a gay showrunner. For the honor of Gayskull! Out artist and writer Noelle Stevenson (of Lumberjanes and Nimona fame) is heading up a new reboot of the classic 80’s cartoon for Netflix. Enjoy a bit of nostalgia with the original opening credits. The new She-Ra will arrive to save us all sometime in 2018. Expect a lot of powerful ladies and sharp, witty dialogue.   3. Ocean’s 8 gets a poster and it’s red hot. This highly anticipated film, filled with some of our favorite ladies, finally got a poster. There’s Carol herself, Cate Blanchett, plus real life bisexual lady Sarah Paulson, and a killer cast. Crossing fingers for a queer lady character too.   4. Bechloe…I mean the cast of Pitch Perfect 3 visits Ellen. Ellen had PP3 stars Anna Kendrick, Anna Camp, Rebel Wilson and Brittany Snow on her show this week, and kicked things off with a little bra-sharing story. Those ladies sure do know their audience.   5. Marvel Rising will bring lesbian superhero America Chavez to the small screen. America Chavez, aka Miss America, will be a major character in the upcoming animated series, Marvel Rising. She’ll be voiced by actress Cierra Ramirez (The Fosters) and join other beloved characters like Squirrel Girl, Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel and more. Bonus! File this under fun and funky. Tech company Beam Authentic has created a wearable smart button can display whatever image you like, from support of LGBTQ rights to a photo of your favorite fictional lesbians. It works via Bluetooth and connects to an app that non-profits and businesses alike can utilize. It also comes with a built in panic button that relays your GPS location and sends a message if you are ever in danger. A portion of each purchase is donated to charities providing clean water, education, and human rights. The buttons come in black or white and might make a cool last minute gift for a tech savvy and fashion forward friend or loved one. http://dlvr.it/Q665hj
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