#more intense and contrasted than in the series but the idea is here
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Lalo Salamanca
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greenerteacups · 9 months
Hi! Just wanted to say the latest chapter is lovely & amazing & sweet & had me smiling the whole time! I absolutely love your characterisation of everyone, especially Draco, so it was so so lovely to return to this world & to his thoughts!! with his best friend and crush at malfoy manor no less! All the yearning is already off to a great start hehe I am so excited for the rest of book 5!
Wanted to ask you how has it been for you to write this new book and volume? Has your writing process changed since when you’d first begun taking on a long form project like this?
& also are there any moments or surprises in this book that you’re especially excited about?
sending so much love & gratitude for you and your incredible works 💓
Thank you so much! This is really encouraging, I so appreciate it.
Inasmuch as I can use this metaphor without having kids myself, I sort of see each of the books as a different child. The first one flew out in basically a few weeks of very intensive writing, and it was a total dream — plot, pacing, symbolism, major beats, all fell into place basically without effort. The character stuff was the hardest, as I've written about before, but even then, the glorious part of writing beginnings is it's the most energy you'll ever have for a project, so the lows were pretty soft lows. Book 2, in contrast, I had to drag kicking and screaming by its ankle from under the bottommost mattress of my brain. It's one of my least favorite books (tone problem; COS has killer plot/setting/ingredients for a YA novel, but it's stuck in the doldrums of Harry Potter's well-documented Early-Installment Weirdness, before Cedric Diggory slams the gas and upshifts the whole series into its correct age bracket). More specifically, once I'd gone through and picked out everything in the book that happened because of Lucius, I didn't have a plot — hey alexa how do you rewrite Chamber of Secrets when We Got No Fucking Chamber Of Secrets — and oh by the way, even if you want to do a moody tone/political setup book, remember that your protagonists are still twelve, so if you go too dark or too intense, you'll risk torpedoing your readers' suspension of disbelief. Good luck, Charlie.
Book 3 felt the most like its own novel, if that makes sense? It's the last truly feel-good book of the series; it's a great stand-alone mystery novel with relatively low stakes. Plus you get a bunch of the big series icons: patronuses, dementors, werewolves, Hogsmeade, the Marauders' Map, and time turners arithmancy. It just felt like a good old-fashioned motherfucking romp of a mystery/adventure story, before any of the complex character work and major stakes of the late books come in.
Book 4 was the most fun I've had writing anything maybe ever. I don't even know what it was. Maybe the tournament arc, honestly? Love me a tournament arc. But in any case, I opened every new chapter feeling a tingle of excitement for what I was gonna get to do. Oh, and the romance started, finally, Jesus God (if it feels like a slow burn reading, just imagine what it felt like writing it, when everything takes ten times as long, and you have to figure out how to word the fucker.)
Book 5, in contrast, has felt much less like that tingle of "here we go!" and more like "oh, man, this is gonna be cool." Because this is the arc of the story that composed the original idea for Lionheart, literally years ago, and to be honest, I didn't think I'd get this far! If you'd asked me "do you know that it's going to take you 500,000 words of backstory before you can start writing that concept you're thinking about, and you're going to do it anyway?" I would have said: "absolutely not, strange mind-reader!" But like... I'm here! Finally! And it's... real now? Like, this isn't just a bunch of clips of scenes in my head anymore! That's rad!
That being said, it's definitely been slower than Book 4, because I kept switching back to my outline document to make sure that certain things were set up properly, and that I hadn't lost any of the plot threads or forgotten a minor beat that was vitally important for the story three chapters later. And I had a minor crisis about three months ago when I ripped out about 8 chapters in the first third of the book — basically everything from September to December — because I'd done a readthrough to check pacing (big mistake! never edit while drafting, that's satan talking) and realized I had a missing storyline. Like, there was a whole layer of the story that was just. Missing. Not there. And the existing text really couldn't fit another thread, so instead of taking weeks to pore through and try to sift out what I could save, I needed to factory reset and start over. And I didn't want to! I vividly remember sitting there with my head in my hands, trying not to weep, because I'd decimated 90,000 words of work in a single edit. But it had to be done. Because the story wasn't going to work. And now (hopefully) it will.
And of course, there's still that sense of excitement and exhilaration from before. Always. But whereas Book 4 felt like a delicious chocolate pudding, Book 5 is a medium-rare steak.
(Book 6, so far, is four shots of espresso and a whiskey chaser. FWIW.)
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raayllum · 10 months
The Path Trilogy #1: Introduction and A Path Forward — Viren and Karim
So, Callum, Karim, and Viren all have a lot of parallels to each other, right?
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Let's talk about 'em.
The basics:
Mage-brother-advisors to a sibling who is an actual monarch. For Callum and Karim, they get points for both being princes; for Viren and Karim, they get points for being usurpers (but more on that note later).
The mage is particularly important, as we know for Aaravos "mages were his prey" and while Karim hasn't fallen into his clutches yet, it is likely that he will, given there's little reason to make Karim a mage as opposed to just another warrior otherwise.
Karim and Viren's belief in destiny ("But destiny favours us, Pharos" / "Please, guide us. Direct us to our destiny") and pre-determination
Viren and Callum (and Finnegrin) all seeking out how to kill their enemies specifically (for Viren, it was Avizandum; for Callum, it's Aaravos).
Viren and Karim both enlist the help of shadowy, imprisoned elves to do their bidding in assassinating monarchs in order for them to take said thrones.
Callum and Karim have loyal partners who come back after perceived/actual abandonments, whereas Lissa does leave (and permanently leaves) Viren.
Karim and Viren both want to restore their people to a former glory, just with very different ideas of what that looks like.
If you've been taking note of the list above, you'll probably notice that Karim and Callum are both walking similar 'paths' to arc 1 (and arc 2) Viren in a variety of ways, but Karim tends to take Viren's political path and Callum tends to take Viren's personal path. That is going to be the bulk of the meta examination today, in addition to parallels (mostly juxtaposition) between Callum and Karim. If you are interested in more of Callum's parallels to Viren, I would recommend checking out these prior metas of mine (compilation here) + their foils tag.
Originally, I intended this meta to encompass all three dynamics of Viren-Karim, Viren-Callum, and Callum-Karim. However, the sections rapidly grew longer than expected (shocking, I know) and I hit the picture limit, so
we're dividing it up into three metas.
This is the First One, and I hope you enjoy!
With all of that out of the way, let's begin.
A Path Forward: Karim and Viren
So as indicated about, Karim and Viren are both very concerned with paths - and more than that, in some ways, they are concerned with strength and weakness.
K: She will forfeit, and they will see where strength truly lies. (4x09) V: If we are strong enough to make the right decisions, humans may finally return to Xadia. (1x06)
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K: Humans in their weakness allowed evil to flourish. (5x04) V: But if we are led by a child king... S: He'll make bad choices? V: He will make weak choices. (1x06)
Now, this is unsurprising, in a lot of ways. Both Viren and Karim have a vested interest in becoming king of their respective peoples. Both believe wholeheartedly in symbols ("It's the symbolism, sister!" / "An empty throne is a beacon of weakness"), the aforemetioned belief in destiny, and a strong desire to return to times past. Viren and Karim both want to reclaim lands that were lost because of exile and dark magic, even if Viren is the one who doomed Karim's home in the first place, and Karim wishes for humans to leave (which was the root cause, in a lot of ways, of Viren's subsequent issues - however far removed by history).
These intense desires and beliefs instigate much of their political and general wrongdoings, being subsequently impatient when it appears that other people are not taking things as seriously / willing to wait.
V: Settle down? Can't you see the danger we're in? (2x01) K: [Clucks tongue] We don't have time! (4x08)
This is in direct contrast to the series' idea that things can, and often should, take time ("You say you want to make a difference, to really change things, but that's going to take decades of hard work [...] There's no monster you can slay to solve all your problems!" / "You and I will not live to see this new day?" "No... Nurturing the seed is the work of our lifetimes").
However, Karim and Viren are also fundamentally different people. Karim has watched the crown pass to both his sisters and primarily (it seems, for Khessa) been supportive. He doesn't seem to crave power for himself, even if he is politically minded, and he is focused on conserving something collectively that has directly recently been extremely under threat (his culture and his people's wellbeing). He's a mage but thus far has never shown any inclination towards dark magic (which we see in S5 very much isn't the case for all elves) and was Viren's preferred magical method even when having more access to primal magic. Karim is also friendlier and gets along well with Amaya, which we don't have any indication that Viren ever did.
Furthermore, Viren is far more efficient and can actually know how to be patient and how to try to achieve his own aims than Karim, who fails constantly and consistently. That being said, Karim does undeniably take on Viren's prior political plot line by becoming an
and largely for the same reasons that Viren wanted the crown as well, fearing stagnated weakness or integration with their enemies. Both, also, largely following through similar steps of
1) Attempting to converse with their sibling monarch and being shut down regarding their concerns or ideas
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2) Calling a political meeting in order to cement their goals that goes very wrong
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3) Being arrested and punished for things going by the wayside
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4) Only to return - wholly in Viren's case and somewhat in Karim's - victorious the following season after successful to unsuccessful exchanges/betrayals
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Last but not least, as a closing (mostly unrelated) note but one I thought was cool enough to mention anyway, Viren and Karim both seek to use archdragons to aid in their takeover coups and world acclimation plans. While Viren wanted to harvest Zym and Zubeia in order to achieve ultimate power, Karim is less concerned with consumption (not a dark mage, after all) and more with collaboration, believing that Sol Regem could be a great and powerful ally.
This is, of course, ignoring the main other relationship in which they parallel one another, which is
Kim'Dael and Aaravos
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Kim'Dael and Aaravos, in a lot of ways, have a few parallels beyond just "imprisoned elves who seek their freedom, and team up with power hungry mages," some of which are:
Being, seemingly, the last of their kind — Kim'Dael is the last of the blood drinkers, Aaravos is (possibly?) the last of the Startouch elves
Their own kind as well as the archdragons turned on them
They are both very comfortable and regularly use dark magic for their own ends
Have very specific monikers — the Midnight / Fallen Star and the Bloodmoon Huntress
There is also the layer of how Viren and Karim are useful/appealing to Aaravos and Kim'Dael, respectively, because of their history. Viren is a human mage, like so many of Aaravos' previous victims, and has the Staff of Ziard (one of if not the first thing Aaravos notes about him, and thus knows so much about Viren immediately, I might add), and Karim is tied to Aditi's bloodline, a requirement for Kim'Dael to, well, give a shit.
But the crux of it is how Viren goes to and uses Aaravos' power to achieve his own ends in becoming king and leading a war on Xadia. Time will only tell how effective an ally Kim'Dael will truly be to Karim (thus far it's been a deadly but unsuccessful fetch quest / hostage exchange), but she definitely has the potential, and I think it's likely S6 will see both her and Aaravos being freed from their confines.
I've said before, though, that there's little reason for Karim to be a mage, specifically, rather than just another (less talented) warrior like his sister, unless he is going to become Aaravos' prey by manipulation or proxy in future seasons, given that he preys on mages. However, we'll simply have to wait and see whether Karim will fall into Aaravos' clutches, willing or unwillingly, going into S6.
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Misc Notes:
There's a lot to be said about how Viren is the kind of person who would create Karim, a character who is much like Viren in many ways and largely emboldened by the trauma he and his people have suffered at Viren's hands. I think it's one of the show's best "show not tell" examples of how the cycle perpetuates itself unless it is actively stopped, and how tradition and being constantly stuck on the past can sometimes be more of a hindrance than a help, and why Janai's line very much mirrors Harrow's dying philosophy, one that is extremely in contrast to both their mage advisors: I make history. History does not make me. Even if they grew up as radically different people — Viren from a disadvantaged background, Karim as a pious prince; Viren a dark mage, and Karim a primal one; Viren, relatively safe growing up in Katolis with a long standing cold war versus Karim having his culture recently and brutally ripped away from him — one of the worst and best things the Cycle does is create similarity through suffering and trauma response(s).
The parallels between Janai and Harrow go steeper, too, with Harrow's statement of "I'd rather die a king than live as a coward" (which Viren mistakes as pride rather than accountability) and Janai's assertion that she wants to be queen when Karim tries to make her back down. Likewise, we see Karim and Viren justify the actions they take in a similar manner to most of the other mages in the show when it comes to escalating/restoring to violence:
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V: I had no choice! K: What choice did I have? You pushed me to this, sister!
There is also, of course, the theme of exchange running throughout both mages once we get to S5. Viren wanted to exchange a soldier's life for Harrow, thinking in exact scales and numbers rather than in the horrific humanity lurking underneath, whereas Karim treated his sister's life as a bargaining chip in exchange for the Sun Seed, and thereby control of his people's future. However, where Viren always sees himself as an active participant in his guilt/decisions, and therefore focuses on self-martyrdom as a justification, Karim still looks externally for signs and gifts to be given, tying back to how he uses his religion and fear of the new to justify his own decisions, making himself more passive but no less dangerous as a result.
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One of the biggest differences between Karim and Viren is, perhaps, their choice of partner. Lissa ultimately left Viren after he was further corrupted by dark magic in order to save Soren, meaning that whatever he did was not something she could morally justify/accept or feel comfortable with, even if it successfully saved their son's life. Meanwhile, although Miyana appears to abandon Karim (and more on their dynamic here), he remains fairly faithful in her love for him ("Miyana, I knew you'd come!") until 5x08 and overjoyed when she does end up returning to him, even before the reveal she's brought gifts.
M: Whatever appearances might have been, my loyalty never wavered. K: Your loyalty? M: My love.
Last but not least, we have the interplay with the concepts of truth and blindness running throughout the series.
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Viren has always had eye symbolism — pouring literal darkness into his eyes in order to try to see the mirror; Aaravos overtaking and turning one of his eyes white in S3; Viren, upon waking resurrection, having clear eyes — which makes sense, if you want to reaffirm a character is short sighted or not seeing things clearly. It seems Karim assuming that healing Sol Regem's blindness will fix their problems, even when the sun king reaffirmed the opposite. In this way he borrows more from Claudia, perhaps, banking on the idea that fixing physical means fixing the emotional, and that it will give him everything he wants with none of the repercussions or hangups.
Where Viren finally sees the truth, Karim is blinding himself in order to try to heal Sol Regem (and unsurprisingly gets a cut across his eye/eyebrow, courtesy of Amaya) along the way.
As discussed in the meta above, where Viren progresses past his arc 1 well, arc, Karim largely steps in to fill his political shoes, demonstrating how history and the cycle repeats itself and the dangers of such attitudes and choices. We don't know whether Karim's quest for power and control will end as disastrously or deadly as Viren's, but his army turning into a monstrous one seems likely, given Pharos' lingering Aaravos induced corruption and subsequent involvement. If you are interested in even more Karim and Viren parallels, check out this post for ones that didn't make it into / weren't relevant to this meta (the "cutting your palm open with a knife" is a particular favourite of mine).
Now that we've looked at how Karim is unknowingly walking Viren's political path, the next upcoming meta — The Path Trilogy #2: In the Name of Love, I Would Do Anything For You — will explore how Callum is mostly unknowingly walking Viren's personal path. The final Path meta will focus on additional parallels between Callum and Karim.
Now at the end, as always — thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I'll see you in the next one!
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scoobydoodean · 5 months
I think people tend to view Dean as more unhinged about Sam because Sam seems to be the one shown consistently "fine" living without Dean. Like S8 Sam and series finale Sam. Like not trying to get Dean back. Whereas in S6 Dean said he tried to get Sam out of the Cage but kept hitting dead ends. But he didn't just let Sam go like he said he would. Sam seems to be less hesitant to just let Sam go and more able to live on without Dean. Idk what are your thoughts on this?
The thing is is that I don't feel the need to respond to the notion that being willing to sacrifice yourself for your brother is more unhinged than killing people to keep him alive or get him back or get revenge on his behalf. Because I don't think that's true at all. All that difference reflects is Sam's willingness to go to morally questionable lengths beyond where Dean will go. Dean's moral compass will cause him to hit a point where his only option is self-sacrifice long before Sam ever hits that wall.
That said... some of what you've said is extremely misleading.
Between season 3 and 4, Sam ignored Bobby's calls and spent months in a bottle stumbling drunk, drinking hard liquor straight from a bottle. He captured a crossroad's demon and tried to trade his life for Dean's (Gifset), and tried to open The Devil's gate (Gifset). He at one point planned to charge into battle against Lilith knowing he would lose and die—it's an intentional suicide mission (4.09). He also readily rejects Dean's dying wishes by working with Ruby for revenge against Lilith (Gifset).
Contrast this with season 6: Dean researched how to get Sam out of The Cage—in books--on the side while living with Lisa and Ben, without risking his own life or anyone else's, and without trying to make any demon deals or do anything else reckless, and while managing PTSD.
Which of these people actually sounds more "fine"? Because there's an objectively correct answer here and it's not Sam.
Season 8 Sam is an exception—not the rule. What we're looking at is not character growth (we need no more proof of that than season 10 and The Book of the Damned). The Reason Sam Is Like That™️ is because he's experiencing a break from reality.
As for 15.20 Sam, we have no idea if Sam tried to find a way to bring Dean back. SPNWin might actually suggest Sam has been trying to get Dean back the entire time Dean's been dead (depending on whether you think "Clarence" is an obvious Cas reference, whether the brother relationship makes it clear he's Sam, or whether he's both). Regardless, at that point we are dealing with a Sam who has maxxed out his knowledge about the pitfalls encountered when you try to bring back your family (this includes Jack). This makes him generally less reckless because he vividly understands the consequences. We see the same thing with Dean as early as season 6, and again in 13.21, when he thinks Sam has been torn apart and is convinced to leave Sam behind and prioritize the safety of the people around him instead.
Additionally, a lot of the less versus more reckless plays the brothers make with their own lives have to do with how badly they might be struggling with suicidal ideation at one point or another. This is a massive motivator for Dean's deal in 2.22 for example. His actions aren't just about Sam—they're also about his belief that he "came back wrong" and shouldn't be alive, and that dying will set the universe right. Literally the entire season he is struggling with the intense guilt and a sense of wrongness over being alive.
So yeah. One time, Sam abandoned Dean to die. At other times, he came up with plans that involved sacrificing himself, or other people, or dedicated himself to revenge to the exclusion of all else.
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alinawritess · 3 months
𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐬 ✩
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❀ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. Vinnie Hacker x fem!reader x Reggie Hacker
❀ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬. Seattle's buzzing streets set the stage for "Torn Between Two Worlds," chronicling your childhood with the lively Hacker brothers. You arrived from a war-torn country, taken in by your grandparents in this new land. While your folks, busy with their jobs, pushed for top grades, the Hackers were all about "just do your best." Reggie, warm and welcoming, became your best friend, but Vinnie, was always trying to get on nerves, rubbing you in the wrong way since the very start. As you all grew up, things got complex. Summer hit, and secrets spilled out, shaking up your feelings for Vinnie and your bond with Reggie. Settle down for a whirlwind of emotions with the Hackers, Seattle, and your own heart on the line.
❀ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭. no clue yet
❀ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬). Emotional Turmoil ┆︎ Family Dynamics (Immigrant Experience, Distant Parents) ┆︎ Themes of Cultural Adjustment and Displacement ┆︎ Childhood Trauma (War-torn Country Background) ┆︎ Pranks and Initial Conflict Between Characters ┆︎ Complex Relationships (Friendship, Crushes, Love Triangle) ┆︎ Emotional Distress and Insecurities ┆︎ Themes of Personal Growth and Identity ┆︎ Potential for Intense Emotional Scenes and Confrontations┆︎ No Use of Y/N.
❀ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞. I haven't finished the last series yet, but here's an idea that's been lingering in my mind. I'm not sure where it came from, but this concept won't leave me alone. If you enjoyed "The Summer I Turned Pretty," you might like this too. I've only just started writing it, so I hope you enjoy it (and I might make some edits of this later on).
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You had known the Hacker brothers throughout your entire childhood, each year binding you closer to their vibrant world. Three years younger than Vinnie and a year younger than Reggie, you were introduced to them at the tender age of five, shortly after your parents relocated to Seattle, WA for their careers. The move forcibly severed your ties with the only country you had ever known—a place untouched by the concept of America, where the echoes of bombings and mini-wars were the grim lullabies of your youth. In this foreign land, your grandparents had been your steadfast anchors, and leaving them behind felt like abandoning your true family.
With little say in the matter, you were uprooted to a new country and into the orbit of parents who, despite their noble professions as a pediatric surgeon and a paramedic, were often absent from your daily life. Their ambitions were high, demanding nothing short of top grades while the Hacker family next door embraced a more laid-back mantra of "do your best." Despite your academic excellence, accolades were sparse from your parents, who deemed your achievements merely average.
The day you met the Hacker brothers remains etched in memory, a moment teetering between intrigue and irritation. Vinnie, mischievous and quick-witted, greeted you with a prank—a feigned handshake that left you bewildered and slightly affronted, raised under the strict tutelage of your grandparents' prim and proper etiquette. In stark contrast, Reggie exuded warmth, his genuine smile and friendly handshake signaling the dawn of a friendship that would anchor your early years.
As time passed, you and Reggie became inseparable, forging a bond that weathered childhood adventures and adolescent trials. Yet, Vinnie remained an enigma—a constant source of friction and bemusement. His charisma and looks held no sway over your steadfast disapproval, convinced that nothing could alter your stance.
But the fateful turn of a single summer altered the trajectory of your relationships. A pivotal event reshaped your perception of Vinnie, challenging your deep-seated reservations. It cast a shadow over your once-unwavering friendship with Reggie, stirring emotions that had long lain dormant. As you navigate this tumultuous juncture, the lines between friendship, loyalty, and love blur, revealing layers of complexity and unexpected truths that redefine your understanding of the Hacker brothers and your place in their world.
╴╴╴╴╴⊹ꮺ˚ ╴╴╴╴╴⊹˚ ╴╴╴╴˚ೃ ╴╴╴╴╴
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neousfics · 2 months
Bungo Stray Dogs Fic Recs (The Ties That Bind Edition)
If you liked my fic The Ties That Bind here's a bunch of other fics I think you'd love :)
dolls don't have emotions (so why am I so scared?) by DeviBlue
Words: 15,313
Rating: E
Status: Complete
“You found me,” Dazai croaked.
She walked towards him and rested a deceivingly gentle hand on his cheek. He tried his best not to lean into it. Soft touches were rare, especially from her, and she used them to wrap him around her finger. Giving him the love he craved whenever he strayed too far. It was disgusting and humiliating that she still had that effect on him.
“Shuuji-kun, you know you can never hide from us,” she said, just like all those years ago.
Dazai's past comes back to destroy the life he's built for himself in the light.
Review: This is one of my absolute favorite BSD fics. The angst and horror in this concept are such a gut punch and I adore it. If you like the more raw, intense parts of The Ties That Bind, you'll love this fic
People-Pleasing and the Affects of Caring by Allegory_For_Hatred
Words: 4,565
Rating: Unrated but I would say M for violence
Status: Complete
Dazai may have let himself be tortured to get information. It's not that big of a deal. You guys are just overreacting.
OR: the agency has a revelation about Dazai's... let's say "work ethic." Is it too late to fix what the Mafia has drilled into his head?
Review: A really solid exploration of the ADA reacting to how absolutely dreadful Dazai's mafia work-habits. I enjoyed the idea and characterization quite a bit
5 Times this, 1 Time that (but After that, Always) by gev_ao3
Words: 15,994
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Just a quick 5+1:
Five times Chuuya thought there might be something… off about Mori and Dazai’s relationship, and one time he decided to do something about it. Can be read as a ship, but it doesn't have to be. The world is your oyster. (just, please, don't ship Dazai and Mori)
Review: If you like the Soukoku aspects of my fic/you're looking forward to the Chuuya confrontation, you'll enjoy this fic. It's well written and a good mix between indulgent and moderate
the bones are melting (the skeleton is ash) by FlowerCitti
Words: 2,879
Rating: T
Status: Complete
When Dazai first joins the Agency, there is something inside of him that is waiting to mess up. Something inside of him that is almost craving it, if only to get it over with.
He gets his wish after only three months of working with the Agency.
Or, Fukuzawa Yukichi is not Mori Ougai.
Review: Honestly, I love this entire series. I think it captures the dread that is Mori Ougai very well, and the ADA provides a great contrast
Ruiner by gev_ao3
Words: 124,622
Rating: E
Status: Incomplete (Ch 13/14)
from S2E9:
“Do you still wear the coat that I gave you?”
“I burned it.”
They’re the wrong words to say.
Mori’s abuse runs deep—deeper than anyone, including Dazai, had realized. And he’s doing it all over again.
Review: Brutal psychological warfare, 10/10
Nivea's Mirror by Raiimil
Words: 42,077
Rating: E
Status: Complete
Every night, a purple letter appears in his doorstep. Every night, the letter have different contents inside. Every night, Dazai breaks a little more. And this time, it might break him thoroughly.
Previously called: RAVAGE (Before I Break)
PLEASE, read the tags, PLEASE
Review: Also brutal psychological warfare, utilizes new ideas / characters in a way that doesn't feel self-indulgent or distracting from the plot. This one is very unsettling /pos
There's a few for now :) I will likely add more later
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aihoshiino · 10 months
What are some aspects you dislike (or decisions which you feel are weak) in Oshi No Ko? And what hopes do you have for the future of the series?
Disclaimer before I get into this that obviously I am deep in the paint for Oshi no Ko or I would not be here LOL but chewing on stories I like and engaging in critique is how I have the most fun! I've also talked about this stuff before to varying degrees in other metas enough that it would be redundant to mention every time it's the case, so please bear with me if you see me repeating myself.
These also aren't, like, in any kind of order necessarily unless I specifically mention so, it's just whatever order they came to me as I was typing.
That said, this first one is the manga's biggest problem imo and it's simply that it's super unbalanced, at least past the prologue arc. The story initially presents itself as being about Aqua and Ruby as co-protagonists who are both equally important to the story's ideas and themes. This results in that nice pingponging rhythm you get up to about chapter 30 where the story switches focus between them at pretty natural feeling intervals, even if they aren't necessarily really rippling out and impacting each other. Things are still weighted more towards Aqua given that he's the POV character for the most part and we spend the most time in his head but tbh given the comparative dramatic intensity of his goal Vs Ruby's, I think that's fine. Once we move into Tokyo Blade, though, the balance irrevocably tips in Aqua's favour and Ruby basically becomes a guest star in her own story. Even as black hoshigan Ruby. That whole arc in hindsight really just ended up feeling like filler to pass time until The Real Protagonist could come back. It results in this feeling of not really knowing Ruby well or making her seem like an underbaked character because we have such little direct insight into her thoughts and feelings in comparison to Aqua or even Kana and Akane.
Spinning off from that point, the way Ruby is treated in the series more specifically is a huge issue. Up until the start of the Tokyo Blade arc, Ruby was actually one of my favourite characters and I think she was a really great contrasting point to Aqua in the story's themes. While Aqua drags people along through manipulation, Ruby's genuine kindness, enthusiasm and love makes her a bit of a guiding star for everyone else in her orbit. She isn't necessarily the deepest or most complex character at that point but like... I don't think she needed to be? Sort of similar to Memcho, I think Ruby in that first stretch of the story has a really fantastic "flat" arc in that while she herself goes through minimal development, the strength of her character inspires positive changes in the people around her. That's great!
It also just unfortunately completely falls off during Tokyo Blade. She vanishes during this arc more or less completely and even though B-Komachi are the focus of the following arc and we get time with black hoshigan Ruby... that's it! Black hoshigan Ruby gets literally one entire arc to herself to shine and do anything meaningful to the story (the Mainstay arc) and even though she's supposedly even more in the revenge sauce than Aqua at this point... she doesn't do anything! Her scheming literally does not impact the revenge plot at all! It's fucking AKANE who finally uncovers the father's identity and passes this info to Aqua and literally nothing Ruby does contributes at all to the scheme before Aqua gets back into the driver's seat.
And I'm gonna be honest: I really hate how Ruby has been handled since the mutual past life reveal! I hate that an arc that was setting up to be about Ruby untangling her long held maternal trauma got thrown aside in favour of incest bait and I absolutely despise the way the story since then retconned and diminished the importance of Ruby's connection to her mother in favour of framing Gorou/Aqua as her sole important person. This is made ten times worse by the fact that the only insight we've gotten into any of her feelings about this change is her going "omg Sensei squee" in a way that is clearly comedically exaggerated. In general, the story feels like it has a really major lack of respect for Ruby's feelings unless they can be voyeuristically oogled at and mined for sympathy points. This shit sucks!! Justice for Ruby!!!!
Ruby isn't the only character who, imo, suffers this issue of revolving around Aqua to the detriment of her own arc. I've talked in a lengthy post before about my issues with the way Akane has been written post LoveNow and while I am not going to reiterate everything in that massive post (this one has already taken so long oh god forgive me anon) it does give me an opportunity to segue into one of the other major issues with the story, which is its weird reluctance to commit to the effects of big status quo changes.
In Akane's case, this is visible both in way her suicide attempt is just completely swept under the rug and never addressed again without any focus whatsoever on Akane's healing process and the total absence of the persistent online negativity we were promised even in places it should be extremely relevant. The one time Akane ever talks about this is like 50+ chapters later where she vaguely goes "oh, you know how it went with Love Now" in a tone of someone recalling an embarrassing flub and not a harassment campaign so persistent and vitriolic that she almost took her own life.
In general, the story has a bad habit of dropping any hanging plot threads when it moves into a new arc as opposed to tying them off or letting them naturally evolve as time goes by. This results in a story where major upheavals to the status quo and character relationships are *shown* to happen but ultimately do not result in that many meaningful or observable changes within the story, especially ones that might be inconvenient for where the plot is supposed to go. This valuing of convenience over writing that is verisimilitudinous (i'm so fucking sorry) to the previously established characterization and world combined with this tendency of abandoning lingering plot threads rather than resolving them is, imo, why the movie arc feels so weird and all over the place. BUT this post is long enough and wtfever is going on with the movie arc is worthy of its own ramble at some point so I'll cut myself off here.
As for my hopes, I really want us to loop back around to having Ruby address her lingering trauma over Sarina's illness and abandonment. That felt like an arc that was sooooooo long in the making for Ruby and having it just swept off the table is really frustrating. Other than that, I don't have any really big hopes for the future other than just hoping everyone's arcs tie off nicely.
In particular, I hope Aqua's arc has some good resolution... my son has gone through it and I do really just want him to have some happiness at the end of the day. Please let my boy smile, Akasaka!!!
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ae-cow · 3 months
Bulletproof Corset
#2 of the 1818 series, Jay of Enhypen
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Warning: NOT AN ACTUAL STORY, THIS IS JUST A IDEA OF MINE. This is a work of fiction with nothing to do with the idol's actual life. I do like some feedback. If you ever feel like "Hey this is very offensive." do tell me.
Pairing: Jay of Enhypen x fem! Oc
Summary: General Jung Kiara or Princess Kiara is the third heir to the throne, After her sister Queen Jung Kiyeon and niece Princess Lee Leia. Being a royal wasn't what she was known for. She was the ruthless General of the royal guards. Others look down on her because she is a princess who needs to be protected rather than being the protector.
She meets their royal tailor. Who doesn't mind making the princess/general a gown that could make her elegant but also swiftly move in action.
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: Hi hi everyone. I got inspiration from Bridgerton. These were ideas I had since 2022 and I would like someone to write a story based on this lol.
Written: 6 May 2023
Masterlist Here
© ae-cow. Do not claim, steal or repost. All rights reserved
The Royal Gardens were serene, a tranquil escape from the regimented world of military drills and royal duties. Princess Kiara walked alone among the blooming flowers, her thoughts weighed down by recent frustrations. Though she took pride in her position as General of the Guards, the shadow of her elder sister, Kiyeon, seemed to loom larger with each passing day.
Kiyeon, dressed in her refined and elegant royal attire, made her way through the gardens, her demeanour graceful and poised. Her eyes soon fell upon Kiara, who was seated on a bench, her posture rigid and her gaze distant.
As Kiyeon approached, she couldn’t help but notice the stark contrast between her regal ensemble and Kiara’s practical, military uniform. The elaborate embroidery and fine fabric of Kiyeon's gown highlighted the difference in their roles and lifestyles.
“Kiara,” Kiyeon called gently as she drew near. “You seem troubled. Is everything alright?”
Kiara looked up, her expression a mix of surprise and frustration.
“It’s nothing,” Kiara replied bluntly, though her eyes betrayed her inner turmoil. “Just the usual.”
Kiyeon took a seat beside her, her gaze softening. “I can see it’s more than that, You’ve been distant lately, If something is bothering you, please tell me.”
“Oh please, distant? You’re the one who’s distant,” Kiara shot back, her voice laced with frustration.
“I am the Queen, Kiara. You should understand the demands on me,” Kiyeon said, her tone carrying a hint of weariness.
“You know what I don’t understand?” Kiara retorted. “Everyone’s always talking about how great you are, how regal you are, how much better you are at everything—even training. It’s like I’m just the shadow to your spotlight.”
Kiyeon’s face flushed with frustration. “I don’t think you understand,” she snapped, her voice sharp. “I used to be a carefree girl,” she continued, her voice tinged with bitterness. “That was until I turned eighteen, That’s when Father decided I had to go through military training and then, at twenty-three, I was married off to Duke Jeno—a man I barely knew.”
Kiara was taken aback by the intensity in Kiyeon’s voice. Before she could respond, Kiyeon cut her off, her anger boiling over.
“Have the former King and Queen asked you to do any of that?” Kiyeon demanded, her voice rising with indignation. “Have Mother or Father ever forced you into a role you didn’t choose? No! You’ve never had to sacrifice your freedom or your desires, you get to live your life with choices, while I was thrust into a role I didn’t choose, with every decision made for me from the start.”
Kiara’s eyes widened as she absorbed her sister’s anger and frustration. “I—”
“Do you have any idea what it’s like?” Kiyeon interrupted, her voice shaking with emotion. “To have every aspect of your life dictated by duty, to have no say in the path you’re forced to follow? I don’t get to choose my future. I don’t get to make mistakes or have regrets, I am bound by expectations and protocols, and it’s suffocating!”
Kiara stared at her sister, her anger fading into a deep sense of empathy. “Ki-”
Kiyeon stood up, not batting an eye “Be ready for the ball tomorrow, that's an order.”
This is the ball of the season, the Debutante Ball where debutants show themselves to society so that others know that they are ready for society and to find a husband.
Every Season, the royal family would host the very first ball. The grandness of them all. Everyone will be there, even the captain of the guard.
The grand ballroom was resplendent with extravagance, its high ceilings adorned with sparkling chandeliers that cast a warm, golden glow over the attendees. The air was filled with the soft murmur of conversation and the elegant strains of a string quartet.
Princess Kiara, in her striking red gown and crown adorned with countless jewels, stood out amidst the crowd. The room buzzed with excitement as debutantes in their finest attire mingled with nobility and distinguished guests.
As she made her way through the crowd, a young man, clearly not accustomed to the high society, approached her. He seemed nervous, his eyes darting between Kiara’s regal appearance and the formidable guards stationed around her.
“M'lady,” he began, bowing deeply
Kiara turned, her voice tinged with irritation. “Excuse me?”
The young man looked up, slightly puzzled, and then glanced around, noting the impressive line of guards behind Kiara. “Does this look like a lady?” She asked
One of the guards chuckled softly, drawing the man’s attention. “That’s Princess Kiara.”
The young man’s face flushed with embarrassment. “"Oh!" He bowed lower this time "Your Highness, My apologies, I did not know."
"You're standing there with a crown bejewelled with billions, a red dress probably the only dress in the whole world, and with guards next and behind you," Her guards laughed at his comment
She steps her heels on one of the guards' shoe
A mix of embarrassment and frustration. “That’s not what I meant,” she said sharply. “I’m General Jung Kiara, captain of the guards. And—”
She hesitated, her voice softening. “—I am the second daughter of former King Kihyun.” She was embarrassed, she never wanted to be considered as a princess cause factually speaking she is third in line to the throne. Her older sister, the Queen with her daughter next in line after her.
Her guards, observing the interaction, exchanged amused looks. The young man, now visibly anxious, nodded quickly. “I see, Your Highness. I’ll remember that.”
"My role as General is more known than that is of a Princess who is merely only a third choice in the family."
"Who are you may I ask?" Kiara asked
"Park Jongseong or Jay, I'm the new royal tailor." He accentuates the word royal
She laughs "Just add the word royal and it will sound good."
"I'm only here as Princess because this is a Debutante Ball and everyone needs to see all the royals dressed up," She plays with her dress
"If I had a choice I would've been here as general protecting my family," She looks at him
"Behind the expensive things and title, we are still people and they are my family, of course, I want to protect them."
The Promotion in full swing, Princess Kiara stood, visibly distressed, as Park Jongseong, confronted her with concern.
“You are a princess, Kiara,” Jay said earnestly, his voice gentle but firm. “A princess shouldn’t be the protector but protected.”
Kiara’s eyes flashed with frustration. “I was the General for three years. There won’t be any changes, I spent years training from the lowest ranks to the highest, I am fully qualified to serve as General for a fourth year.”
Jay shook his head, his expression serious “Yes, but you should remember that you are a royal, You need to be protected, We cannot afford to lose an heir.”
“I am third in line to the throne, just a spare...” Kiara’s voice cracked as she whispered the last part, her frustration giving way to tears.
Jay’s heart ached at the sight of her distress. “Why do you care about me so much, Jongseong?” Kiara’s voice trembled as she looked at him, tears streaming down her face.
Jay stepped closer, gently wiping away her tears with his handkerchief. “Yes, you’re the third heir, but your life is precious, Princess, more precious than you can imagine.”
Kiara looked up at him, her eyes red and filled with confusion. “And how is it precious when I am only seen as a replacement if my sister dies?”
Jay’s face softened with a mix of urgency and tenderness. “Goddammit, Kiara! You are precious to me and will always be, you are a precious diamond, your existence means more to me than anything else.”
Kiara’s breath caught in her throat. “Wait, what?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper
Jay took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. “I love you, Kiara. Do you love me too?”
For a moment, the world around them seemed to stand still. Kiara’s eyes searched Jay’s face, seeing the sincerity and depth of his feelings. The weight of her own emotions and the burden of her royal responsibilities seemed to lift, if only for a moment.
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melodyofthevoid · 2 years
The Crane Wives Examined: Fool In Her Wedding Gown:
Second in my Crane Wives series, first one here
The second album released, this collection centers more on love, both for ill and for good. Contrasting both the extreme highs and reliefs of love with tracks like “How to Rest” and “Icarus”, and more toxic and bitter emotions like “Tongues and Teeth” and “Back to the Ground”. If Safe Ship, Harbored was more of a mixed sea, this is intensity on every front: a hurricane. The whirlwind of love for all the beauty and pain.
Buckle in because this one is long. 
A euphoric ending to a relationship that dragged the singer down, and now their former lover is flying away. And yet there is no resentment, as they wish for them to breathe cleaner air. There is almost joy in the singer’s voice in asking who he has become in the wake of their relationship. Now that they are free, who are they?
The orchard is the life they made together, once perhaps flourishing, but now a reminder of the one sided sacrifice it became. It wasn’t healthy, it bore no fruit, so it all burns to the ground, making way for a new life. Fire can be a destructive force, but it can also make way for new fertile earth.
There is not room for someone who doesn’t want to stay, who won’t put in the same effort. Anyone deserves to have their love returned, so the lover can fly away, he wasn’t worth keeping around. They’ve both torn what they had apart, and it’s not worth salvaging. Why lie when they can leave it be and let it rest?
The singer is flying away too, also free to soar and find new heights on their own. They’re spreading the ashes of what once was in the sun, until they fall back in love again, like Icarus.
Steady, Steady
There are expectations placed upon a couple to settle down. That one day all of the wild impulses of youth will fade into nothing more than dreams gone by. This singer sees this, hears the calls to ready herself for a quiet life of marriage. But she knows that isn’t her.
The shift in tone between the choruses and verses is the shift from quiet hesitation to wild abandon. A banjo line like a galloping horse, running for its life out on an open plane. The singer is in love, this much she knows, but the concept of traditional life and marriage is a plague, “all of our for good makes me ache to be alone”. What good is this love if forever means changing? The expectation of marriage is ill-fitting, and they’re feeling ever more constrained by it all. They challenge their love with a question.
“Are you so sure you’ve tamed me?”
Then the quiet returns, telling the singer to stay steady. That they’ll know when they’re ready. Life’s troubles and tribulations, the heat of the sun in this case, can make someone go crazy, lose all direction. But the singer says they’re ready to run, and the beat kicks in again.
The couple had talked about escaping the dead end town they’re in and moving out west, a dream that is fading by the day. The singer refuses to give up on it though, they won’t be stuck here, they won’t give up. They plead with their lover to keep up with them and run, they can’t stand the idea of staying and rotting away. At the end there’s an implicit threat, that if their lover can’t keep up, that they’ll escape on their own. It’s not their fault.
But in the end, they weren’t ready together, and the song ends on a melancholic note, fading off defeated. The wild abandon too much, and the future now is uncertain.
Getting over a betrayal isn’t a simple task, especially one where there is no closure. The singer’s lover left while they were sleeping without a word, and they’re left to pick the pieces up by themselves with no one to turn to. They wonder if they’d done the same if it would’ve hurt their partner, consumed their every thought like it does to them. The need to exact equal harm is so tempting, but useless in the end. Because it doesn’t change the fact that they were abandoned.
A change of scenery might fix things, free them from the memories hung on the walls and seeped into the soul of the house.
This house, this peace was the first and only one the singer’s ever known though, there’s so much anchoring them to this place even though it’s hurting them. What does one do in this situation?
And would being someone else make this process easier? After all, some are unaffected by these things. Some people can pick themselves up and live again. The singer just wishes it would be easier to move on. It’s never that simple though.
Logically it’d be better for them to pack up and move on. Leave this relationship in the past. But human nature is fickle, and so they stay, trying to convince themselves that it’ll get easier in time if they just ignore it and let it go.
Shallow River
A classic mourning of the love lost to another, the singer mourns a life she cannot share with a woman soon to be wed, knowing that they’ll never have a life together. The song starts with the metaphor of the red sky at morning, a warning sign of an oncoming storm. A flood is coming, a storm that threatens to swallow the singer. Her love is promised to another, a ring on her finger. She tells herself to settle down and forget the other. For her heart to be still.
Because on some level she’s furious, that her love is seemingly throwing what they had away for the stability of another, who can give her the title. Who can give what the singer cannot.
The singer then turns to her love and tells her to leave whatever they had in the past behind, let the embers flicker out and die. It’s for the best for them both. The title is dropped here, the subject the eponymous “fool in her wedding gown”. It’s heavily implied that she’s not in love with the one she’s marrying, and that this wasn’t what she really wanted. But now there’s no choice to make.
Any punishment that may come the singer welcomes, so long as her love leaves her sight and her mind. Separated forever more for both their sakes. And finally she calls her love beautiful one more time, saying that she’s “no one’s baby”, perhaps a mixed metaphor for how this marriage is loveless, and the one love she had she can no longer pursue. Forever trapped in this situation. The singer bids her farewell, telling her to keep the chains of her marriage off the ground, and to never think of her.
There does lie the question of why they split, but given the seemingly forbidden love angle, there does appear to be at least one answer. The singer is a woman, singing to a woman, A Fool In Her Wedding Gown released prior to the Supreme Court ruling that made gay marriage legal across all 50 states, so it’s possible that this was the only option that the subject had in terms of a future. Tragic, but all too real.
Strangler Fig
In nature, it isn’t uncommon for there to be relationships between beings that are unequal. Parasitic. The strangler fig is one such invader, growing over a tree and true to its name strangling out the host, sapping nutrients from it. So too is this relationship unequal and toxic, and the singer wants out.
Their partner trapped them in, building up a “kingdom” around them. Treating them carelessly and taking their options from them one by one until they couldn’t stand it anymore. They acknowledge that he can be charming but at this point his games are driving them even further away.
In the chorus the singer asks their lover to “climb me to the canopy”, like the strangler fig does. It wraps around the trunk in a spiderweb and kills the host. However the partner is using the singer, his desires will be the undoing of both of them. Perhaps not at the same time, but it will be.
After all, once the tree dies, there’s only a hollow shell of the strangler fig left behind with nothing to support it, much like this toxic partner will be left in a mess of his own making once the singer leaves and has enough. He preaches and controls the singer into a miserable life, and it makes them wonder how he’ll ever get anyone else.
The rest is a demand for autonomy and for their life back. For the effort and life they gave to be returned. They will not feed this parasite any longer and they’re making themselves clear. No more.
The Glacier House
Over time once a pair separates, changes occur. It’s inevitable, time shifts all things. People drift apart and find each other again after years and it’s hard to reconcile those differences. This pair were lovers once, and now after so long, the other is colder, more bitter. Eyes that once held sweetness are now vacant of life. Like a glacier their heart is unyielding and they’ve settled beneath its weight. The singer beseeches their ex to understand that they carry no ill will towards them, not really. But they had to leave that situation, it wasn’t healthy for them.
They tell their ex to bundle up, to try and make themselves warm even though they’re alone now. The seasons will change, things will get better, and maybe they can meet again as friends years down the line. They’re both not in a place to be near one another for better or worse.
Even though they’re resigned to bundle themselves in for now, shut away the world, shut out love, things will change eventually. They will have to heal themselves, as difficult of a journey as that may be. They made the bed that they lay in, and it’s up to them to change it, if they want that.
Tongues & Teeth
An anthem to the unapologetic, the dangerous, the wolf not bothering to wear sheep’s clothing. An unstoppable train of a song, the banjos and drums lively and bouncing. There is a cloying sweetness to the instrumentals in the quieter moments, but it’s all a ruse.
The singer is all sharp edges finely honed over the years. A mouth barbed and stinging, and that’s all they can offer. An attempt at sweet gestures, a kiss, a moment of tender affection will only end in pain for the other. They sing this with an audible grin, as if taunting the other to lean in closer if they dare.
There’s a patronizing air as if they’re patting their lover on the head, understanding that they mean well, but nothing they can do will change who they are. “I am not a vessel for your good intent”. They’re honest, if anything, they only want to break and use, be themselves no matter the consequences for anyone else. It’s a pattern, one they’re more than aware of. But if the other is fine like that? Well who are they to stop them?
But they do warn again that any preconceived notions of traditional love or idealization of them will fall through. They belittle the notion of the dreams of who she might be, knowing that her lover’s expectations will never be satisfied. Mere fantasies. Then there is a warning, saying this will fall through, a crack in the facade of uncaring glee. They’re desperate to keep their genuine feelings hidden away in a small box. Perhaps in small moments before things fall apart the other may see a glimpse of what lies beneath. But she’d prefer the blindness, it’s easier.
There’s another howling warning, as if she’s shouting to the winds that she’ll ruin her lover before she shifts to a softer tone, acknowledging that she’s ruined others before and will in the future. It’s in her nature.
Then the growl returns, warning that she’ll poison any happy thought, any good thing her lover’s ever had. Using them up and throwing them away when she’s done, but so long as they know… she’s fine with that.
It ends as wild as it starts with more howling, she’s riding off into the sunset, untamed and unchanged.
Back to the Ground
There’s not much to do once a relationship has run its course. There’s an exhaustion, a resignation like laying down to die. The singer knows that this is it, that there’s nowhere else for this transaction to go.
They’ve been shelved emotionally, collecting dust as the pair drifts apart. Yet at the same time, they carry all of the memories of what once was. The knowledge of their partner. They may be tired and worn, but as they say “there’s nothing about you I don’t know”. And with that knowledge, they confess that they know that this is coming to an end. Asking, pleading, for the breakoff to be gentle. To be given back to the ground, to be given peace.
They put all they could into the relationship, trying to make the relationship flourish. But the seeds didn’t have the right soil, or were simply doomed from the start. The relationship dies, the buds dying, the warmth and love dying, but there’s an element of grief there as well. The singer doesn’t want to let go, but has to.
There’s a callback to “The Glacier House”, as the singer says that their hearts lay under frozen soil and ice, both stewing in their misery. But the singer will escape, and only wants to be let go with grace back to the ground.
Show Your Fangs
A battle cry, a declaration in the style of an old western. Wavering like the desert heat rippling off of the sands. It is the song of a lone woman, wandering the world to find herself again. Rejecting the weight and sins of her past on a path all her own. Trying to find a new way.
She finds comfort in the night, among the stars, the light of day bringing with it a sun that threatens to burn her, and an anger that boils within. A wedding on the horizon.
And she won’t have it. She refuses to be the meek, demure bride shuffling obediently towards her fate. She is a lioness, capable and willing to defend herself at all costs. As she's run away from the wedding that was to come, defying the expectation of others. Making a makeshift tent out on her own, knowing her husband-to-be never truly understood a single thing about her. 
Once this might’ve been the end for her, making it out on her own in the endless heat, but she’s calloused and won’t give up so easily. In the face of a threat, beasts snarl and show their fangs as a warning. She is the product of all of those who came before her. Forced to live in loveless marriages and try to pass their knowledge onto the next generation in hopes that their mistakes wouldn’t be repeated. And the singer has forged weapons from that knowledge and is ready to use them. 
Showing her true self to the world. 
Once & For All
Similar to “Back to the Ground” this is a story of a relationship falling apart, but this is not a slow decay. Not a war of attrition. This is a prolonged battle, one fought on every angle and from every side. No one’s won, it’s a continuous net loss.
The singer wants to put an end to it once and for all, her anguish echoing through the other singers, showing the mutual frustration between both parties.
There’s a desperate back and forth in their relationship, one that the singer fought for, and yet they found themselves on the receiving end of the breakup. Caught off guard by the cut off. They resent that their partner walked away first, in spite of them wanting to before. What else could it be but a betrayal?
They hope that their partner will regret it, that their blood will forever stain their hands. That one day they’ll regret walking away and find no enjoyment or joy in the break-up.
At the end there’s only resignation, this song and dance too exhausting to keep up. They’ve promised themselves before that they’d walk away once and for all and yet they didn’t. The desire to leave strong but not strong enough to drive the final nail in that coffin. So they simply repeat once and for all to themselves, and wait for the inevitable. If their partner returns, the cycle will continue once more.
Canary in a Coal Mine
Is there an image as evocative as the canary in the coal mine? The small beacon of light and song in the dreary dark, singing until the fumes threaten to choke it out. A warning to the miners who rely on it to leave before the carbon monoxide kills them too.
Here, the singer is the canary, trying to be the light in the dark as both of them try to heal from old wounds. Twin open graves that threaten to bury them alive in the dark. The black air and lungs indicative of those who toiled in the coal mines and lost their years to the toxins in the ground. The singer wonders if they’re the only one keeping their partner alive when their hope is gone.
But is that all that they are? Are they like the canary, only valuable as a warning sign that things have gotten too deadly to continue? They hope that this isn’t so. In reality, miners cared deeply for the birds that brought a piece of the outside world down into the depths but the imagery is one in popular culture that stands for a sacrifice. A lesser being meant to keep another safe.
So they keep trying to keep the other afloat, willing to take whatever empty promises they’re given if it means that their songs have meaning. That is enough. But what happens when the singer has nothing left to give? When the darkness claims them? Will their lover stay? Will their love’s recovery from the trauma that clings to them both like blackened dust in their lungs mean that they’ll turn around and help them too? Or will they be abandoned. A canary who can no longer sing.
They’ll keep burying themselves in the woes and worries of their partner, and hope that even if it kills them, it’ll be alright.
How to Rest
A song of healing, of recovering after a deep and unending hurt. It’s so easy to seclude oneself away from the world. Build a fortress around the heart and let no one inside out of the sheer terror that vulnerability will lead to pain once again. Trapped in the land of regrets and fear. It’s easy to convince oneself that this is safety and shelter, but it is a prison devoid of what makes life rich and full. This “sanctuary” has no light, no ambition to grow, no person to share in the highs and lows with. In spite of all the fear, you’ll leave that castle because what you yearn for, it’s stronger.
You wanted an escape from that prison, no matter what you told yourself.
And you’re not alone, so many people vow to try to never love again after their heart is broken. That they won’t need someone else to share their lives. But they’re making a liar of themselves in a vain attempt at comfort. The desire, the all too human desire, for companionship isn’t something that one can put away and forget about. Love doesn’t know how to rest. It seeks to make connections.
There isn’t any place where one can go to shelter away from the world at large, or from one’s own emotions. They’ll act sometimes without regard for what is wanted. It’s a childish notion to assume you can hide from them forever. Acceptance is the way forward.
And then there is the thesis: the heart is a muscle with a rhythm all its own. It won’t just stop, emotions don’t just stop, whether you want it or not. Life keeps going on, the heart wants to feel again and will do what it can to make that happen. It needs to survive too. Love is the only thing worth being alive for, and vowing to cut oneself off from that is just an act of harm in the long run.
A note, I personally am aroace, and the sentiment “Love is the only thing worth being alive for” carries a different meaning for me than it might for someone else. The way I interpret it in this song is that “love” is not purely romantic, it is the culmination of care and joy one can get from friends, from family, from passions, and so on. This isn’t strictly limited to one expression of how a person can care for another. Personally I’m more agnostic on the term “love” but it’s an individual thing.
At the end of the day this song is about opening yourself up to healing and moving on from times when we’ve been hurt and wounded. Retreating to lick one’s wounds is alright for a time, but you can’t stay there forever. Go out, and find a new hope in the world. 
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deadendtracks · 4 months
More overly detailed asks where I cannot phrase a question but just scratching at conversation starters…  XD
In your Not series, there’s a scene where Alfie is at Tommy’s house, and Curly is tending Tommy’s injured knee. Alfie realises suddenly that Curly is an alpha and, while the thought doesn’t get explicit in the prose, the impression is a sexual undercurrent in Alfie’s intense shock because alpha!Curly is touching omega!Tommy in such an intimate/close way -> so this sense of how could *they* possibly have…!
So, I was interested in the thinking behind the scene, and also wondered if maybe it was an opportunity to do a bit of compare/contrast on that other aspect of alpha biological-drivers -> some omegaverses also have that driving alpha need to ‘care-take’ for an omega, and was wondering if your verse leans into this, and maybe this was an example of showing that non-sexualised caretaking?
One thing that comes across with Tommy and Alfie’s relationship is that it’s so sexually driven, but then, Alfie also grapples with all these non-sexual motivations that he never *really* seems to want to think about very hard – like the one that made him drive out to Arrow in this particular fic – to caretake, while Tommy *does* seem conscious of those drivers in Alfie and constantly pushes back on them. That particular scene with Curly struck me a little tiny bit of Alfie being jealous/annoyed/frustrated/bemused that actually, Tommy has people (the herd) who care for him (including alphas) and his relationships with those people don't have all these *other* heavy sexualised drivers laid over the top of that. Alfie trying to cross a boundary into something more than sexual, and while Tommy does verbally push Alfie back later, Curly's position in the scene as an *alpha* just felt very particular.
So that Curly scene -- yes and no?
Taking care of an injured Tommy and worrying over him is something canon Curly would do anyway, so his being an alpha isn't the primary driver of his behavior. The scene is more about Alfie's perception of the dynamic (and of what it means to be alpha) than it is about anything naturally inherent to being an alpha. Something Alfie probably doesn't understand is how Curly completely lacks an impulse to *control* as part of his caretaking. He has no desire to dominate as part of taking care of someone, because Curly doesn't have that perception that being alpha requires it. Curly is a nurturing guy; he'd be that way whether he was alpha or omega or beta but Alfie still slots people into these categories and tries to make sense of them that way.
I think of Alfie as someone who still has unconscious ideas about what alphas and omegas are supposed to behave. My personal omegaverse isn't hinged on the concept that alphas and omegas are *inherently* or naturally any one thing at all gender role wise -- but there are still stereotypes in that world along the lines of some of the typical omegaverse tropes, with some spins on it, I guess. I like to try to undercut them a bit here and there or find my own expression.
Alfie is someone who thinks he hasn't bought into those societal stereotypes, thinks he's risen above them or is enlightened, but has a lot he hasn't unlearned. Kind of a "male feminist" idea lol (nothing wrong with male feminists; just that even the well-intentioned cishet male feminist tends to have at least a few areas where his behavior doesn't match the theory).
Your last paragraph sums up how I was trying to write the dynamic really well!! That was my underlying idea -- that when it comes down to it, Alfie doesn't know much about Tommy's life, has no real understanding of how it's embedded in a community, even if that community is fractured between s3-4. He doesn't fully understand the impact of Grace's death on Tommy except abstractly. That's why I needed to bring Curly and Uncle Charlie into the story. And I've always been curious about Frances in canon; I haven't done alot with her in this series but whether Tommy wants her to be or not she's part of that community for sure. But Alfie is *surprised* by it and doesn't know how to process it; his mental version of Tommy is isolated from all context. In a lot of ways this series is about Alfie's assumptions being peeled back one by one.
I also think of Tommy as a bit more self-aware of some of these things than Alfie is. Like of course he has his own hangups and blindspots but he ... understands Alfie a lot better than Alfie understands him, and knows it. He can see through Alfie more than Alfie is able to see through him. At least when it comes to their dynamic. Of course there's a ton about Alfie's life he doesn't know about either, but I think he's more aware of that fact than Alfie is of the reverse. Alfie has this idea of who Tommy is and thinks he's right about it; Tommy only really exists in relation to Alfie for Alfie. Where I think Tommy just assumes Alfie has his own life in Camden Town that Tommy frankly doesn't give a shit about beyond his compulsive need to research the people he deals with. But he knows it's there!
Part of that is how they met -- Tommy first comes to Alfie on Alfie's territory surrounded by Alfie's people, alone. And a big part of Alfie has never revised his mental picture from that first meeting.
So what finally comes to a head here is that Alfie has this unconscious suspicion of Tommy-as-omega-seducer, combined with the fact that before he met Tommy he basically never let himself be in a situation where that caretaking instinct has an object. Eternal bachelor sort. So these two undercurrents are at war in him.
At the same time he's struggling with wanting more from Tommy. Much of his frustration is due to a fundamental misunderstanding or ignorance -- he just completely misses the fact that Tommy loved his wife and his wife just fucking died and Tommy still basically wants to be dead because of it. Alfie is (unconsciously) a bit dismissive of this, even when he considers the idea of Tommy having been 'bonded' to her. It's like... Tommy existed for him, then Tommy went off and got married and ceased to exist as anything but a distant business contact, and now that Tommy's wife is dead he exists again, and for Alfie there's this kind of continuity that doesn't exist for Tommy. For Tommy there's been an extremely violent rupture.
IDK if I'm expressing this well! But Alfie's looking for a man that doesn't exist, to quote Uncle Charlie.
Alot of this is driven by my wanting the relationship issues between them to not be 100% Tommy's fault/responsibility, which is how alot of Tommy/Alfie fic tends to go. When in canon Alfie is just... not the well adjusted guy who wouldn't be fucking up his relationship with Tommy if it existed! Like the issues between them aren't because Tommy's sexually repressed or internalized homophobia or because Tommy can't commit or idk. Even Tommy's trauma. Whatever. It's messier and more complicated and Alfie has a big responsibility there.
Beyond Grace's death, Alfie's actions (the ones from canon I've kept in this universe, which is all of them) have had a direct negative impact on Tommy, and that, you know. Affects Tommy's willingness to trust him, etc. At the same time there is something there for Tommy too, and he keeps coming back.
I'll stop here, though I'm aware I have only covered Alfie's half of this whole dynamic in any depth.
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prof-ramses · 6 months
I know you’re on a Spooky Month kick and I’m mostly offline due to classes and work, but here are some Hellaverse ideas/headcanons I’ve come up with:
Satan and Mammon are both hoarders, but their reasons, what they hoard, and how they store it differs greatly. Satan’s hoarding tendency is related to how imps (which are associated with him) have a hoarding instinct according to Viv. He typically collects battle trophies and has all of them displayed throughout his personal dwellings, with his favorite trophies being displayed in his man cave/in home gym. Mammon‘s hoarding tendencies are an offshoot of him being the Sin of Greed. He collects pretty much anything that he has even a shred of sentimentality towards, ranging from old performing outfits to drawings a young Charlie gave him to the beta models of Mammon brand products. Mam’s collection is so big he stores it in a series of heavily guarded warehouses.
After Stella divorces Stolas and gets together with Mammon, they refuse to let Asmodeus live down how he unwittingly helped and enabled the prince beforehand. To Ozzy’s credit, he doesn’t offer much of an argument against them.
I’ve sort of always in visioned Mammon and Stolas first interaction going like that meme/video where a guy blows an air horn at a goose and yells “Get fucked!”.
The rare instances Belphagor actually talks instead of using her text-to-speech device, the other’s immediately start listening.
Sort of building off of the idea of Baphomet dressing like a tourist, he has a collection of different hats (primarily fishing, bucket, sun, & straw) that he’ll cycle through. All of them are specifically designed to accommodate his head candle(s).
I had an idea on how to (sort of) power scale the Sins: barring Lucifer who is on a different level by virtue of still having his angelic abilities, the Sins are more or less equal in terms of power, with each possessing specific areas that give them an edge over the others. To elaborate, Satan=physically the most powerful & durable, Leviathan=propaganda (I'm honestly not sure what to put here), Belphagor=smartest on a technical/mechanical level, Asmodeus=smartest on a magical level, Beelzebub=smartest on an emotional level, and Mammon=the single wealthiest demon in the entirety of Hell.
My idea for the Sins ages from old east to youngest: Lucifer, Belphagor, Leviathan, Mammon, Satan, Bee, and Ozzie.
Since we agree Levi is probably based on deep sea life, I really like the idea of him having bioluminescent markings all across his body that he can use to mesmerize weaker demons and possibly even use as a sort of built in light show whenever he performs.
Speaking of performing, I like to think that whenever the Sins get together, Baph doesn’t actually perform with them and is instead placed in charge with organizing and running the events.
I really enjoy the idea of their being a massive gallery in the Morningtars’ castle that contains nothing but the family portraits and pictures that have been collected over the millennia. The twist being that since the Sins, Lilith, and Charlie are some of the oldest beings in existence, these “portraits” range from cave paintings, to ancient mosaics, to intricate tapestries, to antique oil paintings, to monochromatic photographs. Naturally, each depiction has them in (mostly) period appropriate attire.
At the heart of the gallery is a massive painting that is essentially a cursed artificer in and of itself. It looks as surreal as a Hieronymus Bosch painting and has brutal imagery comparable to Francisco Goya’s Jupiter Devouring His Son. Any demon below the Ars Goetia that gazes upon it are stricken with an intense feeling of existential dread, as if they are getting a vision of their truest, final death. The members of the Ars Goetia themselves feel an intense, primal unease that stays with them for months on end just from looking at it. By contrast, the Sins, Lilith, and Charlie look at it as little more than a kitschy family photo that holds a special place in their hearts despite no one else getting the appeal.
I’m just going to say it, Ozzy probably has more than a few kids running around… and I’m not entirely convinced Fizz is aware of the fact.
I think I remember you suggesting that Mammon had a hand in Charlie’s education, and I think that could be built upon by the other Sins similarly aiding in it or otherwise imparting wisdom to her while she was growing up… with mixed results of effectiveness (Bee and Ozzy didn’t do a great job teaching her get what she wants through charisma alone).
Related to the above point, Mammon is an undisputed mathematic and analytical genius. Like, with a cursory glance at a jar full of jellybeans, he can tell the exact amount in the jar and the jar’s total volume. I also like the idea of Mam’s approach to calculating being pretty old school, with him being able to do the work of a whole team of mathematicians with little else but an abacus and a notepad.
A persisting thought regarding the Sins true demon forms I’ve had is that what we see in canon is only a “game face” the put on when sufficiently pissed off. My idea is that the Sins True Demon forms sees them turning into mind breaking eldritch abominations that cost them the use of their higher mental faculties. My ideas for each one include: Lucifer=a biblically accurate Angel that exudes blinding light, Satan=a dragon made of volcanic rock, Bee=a huge queen be with sparse fox features, Mammon=a massive, electrified spider made of gold that has elements of Moana’s Tamatoa and Yo-Kai Watch 3’s The Goldfather, Asmodeus=a three headed beast wreathed in flames, Leviathan=a titanic, rotting eel/whale fall that can encircle the Pride Ring, Belphagor=takes a page out of Akira’s Tetsuo’s book. Before you ask, yes, I was watching anime when I came up with this headcanon.
On a more lighthearted note, I like to think each Sin has an affectionate nickname for Charlie. The only ones I have in mind are Mammon (Little Dingo), Belphagor (My Favorite Patient), Satan (Pardner), and Bee (Sweetie).
This is a lot more words than I thought it would be, but I hope you like it.
Sorry for the slightly delayed response, I've been all over the places in the last few days
I really like these ideas, but especially their contrast. One has a very personal view on it and is keeping things with a set intention, the other is hoarding from an intuition and with a general sentimental attachment.
Realistically, I think Ozzie would personally take the most offense at Stolas' actions, I definitely spends some time focusing on making sure Stolas is never in a position of authority over someone again. But also, yes, I do feel they would occasionally use it to annoy him.
Oooo. Yeah, the idea of Bel suddenly speaking is scary because she either thinks the thing is very important, or, the worse alternative, it's somehow managed to provoke and intense emotional state from her.
Baphomet having multiple candles on his head is a really interesting visual. This gave me the idea of his horns having a similar texture to the candle wax, this might extend to candleheads in general, but it's more pronounced with Baph.
I actually have a completely different take on this topic. Basically, the rings are laid out in the order of the Sins' power levels (which have quite a variance between them) at the time of Hell's formation. Bel got the bottom ring on the grounds she didn't want to participate in the activity that was used to scale them. Since then, the differing values of society lead to different sins proliferating differently. Ozzie is now the weakest, then Levi, Bel, Bee, Mammon, Satan, Luci. I'm still working out the kinks on Levi's whole deal on this front, but that's for another time.
I would consider Satan the second oldest and Bee the youngest, and Mam and Levi switched, but other than that, I agree.
My take on this is Levi's skin being partly translucent, also works with his design being highly metaphorical of a scummy reviewer/publisher, in that one can literally see through him if they squint a little.
I also share the view that Baphomet wasn't a member of the Sins troupe, now that think about it, by our logic, Baph would be one of, if not the first non-sin goetic demon.
I love this. Luci always complain about inaccuracies of human portrayals of his family. Somewhat related to this, Lucifer, Satan and Beelzebub despise being conflated. The other Sins sometimes mess with them by doing exactly that.
Can't remember where I first saw it, but I remember coming across the idea of Ozzie being barren as a sort of ironic punishment upon his fall. As in some contexts, lust is viewed as anything sexual outside the context of procreation....... ..... That or you could do the Quagmire joke of him realizing too late that someone is one of his bastard children.
Again, nothing to add, just an idea I agree with.
YESSS. I live for the idea of Mammon "secretly" being a genius, I put secretly in air quotes because it's common knowledge, it's just a bit hard to take seriously when you're around him, because of his eccentricities, but that exactly what he wants.
I like your ideas, but I have some concepts of my own on the Sin "truest" forms which I'm saving for another occasion.
I love these!!!!!!! I'll add on Asmodeus calling her Char-Char, to go with his fire motif.
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samasmith23 · 1 year
Evangelion: You Can (Not) Marathon — (Part 5)
Neon Genesis Evangelion, “Episode 5: Rei, Beyond the Heart/Rei I”
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Continuing my Evangelion re-watch marathon with NGE, "Episode 5: Rei, Beyond the Heart/Rei I"! For my thoughts on the previous episode, click the link to the post below:
With that out of the way, let's dig in!
So here’s something that I’m rather curious about. We’ll learn later on in the series that each of the EVA Units are possessed by the souls of the pilot’s dead mothers, Shinji’s mother inhabiting Unit-01 and Asuka’s mother inhabiting Unit-02. While it’s never confirmed exactly whose soul inhabits Rei’s Unit-00, many fans have speculated that it’s inhabited by the soul of the first toddler Rei clone from Episode 21 (i.e. the one strangled to death by Ritsuko’s mother Dr. Naoko Akagi).
If we go with that interpretation, then I’m curious as to who exactly Unit-00 was trying to punch behind the glass when it went berserk during the activation test? Was it Ritsuko since she’s the daughter of Rei I’s murderer? Or was it Gendo since he was sleeping with Dr. Akagi and is manipulating the current Rei to help fulfill his own version of Human Instrumentality?
Also, while Gendo does appear to show legitimate concern for Rei’s safety (far more than he ever has for his own son Shinji) by burning his own hands to open Rei’s ejected Entry-Plug, the viewer is also given a subtle indicator to the fact that said-concern is not exactly benevolent as he when Rei tells him that he’s alright, he simply gives the cold response of, “I see.”
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So NERV uses a cross-shaped object to in the place of an Entry-Plug in order to keep Unit-00 from going berserk again after the failed activation test? Interesting…
Two things about the scene where Shinji notices Gendo’s burnt hands:
-1) I love how Misato immediately encourages Shinji to drop his facade of saying he was looking at “nothing,” and to instead be honest, as it’s a continuation of the resolution of Shinji & Misato’s character arc from the previous episode! -2) Shinji’s usage of the word “bullsh*t” when reacting to Ritsuko’s description of Gendo risking his own safety to protect Rei actually marks the first instance of one of the more colorful 4-letter curse words in the original ADV/Manga Entertainment Dubs of EVA (said-swearing is completely absent in the Netflix re-dub). And similar to future instances, Shinji’s more extreme swearing here is strictly reserved for intense emotional moments rather than being gratuitously spread out, as it helps convey Shinji’s shock and disbelief at the idea that his douchebag father would actually risk himself to protect another child.
I love the contrast between Shinji’s perception of Rei versus Toji & Kensuke’s perception of Rei during the gym pool scene. While Toji & Kensuke are acting like a bunch of perverted horny idiots, objectifying Rei by talking about her physical anatomy, Shinji is instead asking questions about just exactly who Rei is personality-wise, wanting to know more about her as a person since despite her being a fellow EVA pilot she’s completely silent and isolated from the rest of her peers and yet seems to have a more visible bond with Gendo than Shinji himself does.
And as anime YouTuber GoatJesus pointed out in his "Rei Ayanami Analysis" video, Shinji’s non-gazey perspective is further supported by the framing of the camera through Shinji’s POV when looking at Rei sitting by the pool. As a director, Anno purposefully avoids objectifying Rei in this scene by utilizing camera angles which frame her from distance instead of resorting close-up shots of her physical features.
Essentially, both Anno the director and Shinji the character are refusing to satisfy the perverted male-gaze that’s personified here by Toji & Kensuke.
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The way Anno places the viewer directly in Shinji’s shoes during this scene is absolutely phenomenal! Just like Shinji, we’re invited to ask further questions about Rei when we see her and Gendo happily interacting with each other, especially since neither Shinji nor the audience is able to hear what either character is saying to each other. If Rei is so emotionally withdrawn from the rest of her classmates and even her fellow EVA-pilot, then why does she seem so open and happy around Gendo? And why does Gendo seem to be more open and caring towards this random mysterious girl than he is to his own biological son?
Lol! The way poor Pen Pen passed out stone cold upon consuming Misato’s terrible cooking literally just had me burst out laughing!
On the subject of Misato’s bad cooking though, the way Ritsuko suggests that Shinji move out and, “Not let a bad roommate ruin his life.” As well as Shinji’s reply that, “I'm used to it by now,” this exchange seems to subtly infer that despite Shinji & Misato deciding to be more open and honest at the end of the previous episode to try and overcome the Hedgehog’s Dilemma, they’re still living in a relative dysfunctional living arrangement.
It makes me wonder if whether or not by Shinji “coming home” and Misato “welcoming him home,” they were actually purposefully inviting each other to inflict further pain as a coping mechanism to avoid isolation instead of expressing their true feelings in an honest and healthy manner. So does that contradict my previous interpretation of the final scene from Episode 4, or are both interpretations simultaneously valid?
That’s part of the beauty of Evangelion being such a complex and multifaceted open-ended series, as there’s no single universal interpretation of events and seemingly contradictory character behavior and motivations can simultaneously co-exist and inform each other.
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Alright, the famous scene where Shinji first encounters Rei in her apartment! I’ve already spoken at length before about how I feel effectively this scene actively subverts the typical fan-service cliches that you commonly see in anime, and that reading still holds true upon rewatch!
For starters, I love how the first and most immediate attention to detail in this scene is on the condition of Rei’s living quarters themselves, as Shinji discovers them to be incredibly dirty and unsanitary. Not only because of the recently used blood-stained bandages on Rei’s bed and nightstand, but also because of the dozens of unopened letters in her mailbox and visible shoe-prints on the floor (in Japanese society it’s customary for people to take their shoes off at the front door before entering).
Additionally while Shinji does end up accidentally walking in on Rei naked as she’s just existed the shower, she’s more visibly concerned about the fact that Shinji’s wearing Gendo’s old pair of glasses instead of her own modesty, and silently rushes in to pull the glasses off of Shinji’s face which causes him to lose his balance and accidentally fall on top of her and his hand to unknowingly land on her breast.
Whereas in most anime this would be framed in a comedic light, with the female character angrily lashing it out and beating the crap out of the male character for his accidentally assaulting her, Rei’s reaction is instead a silent deadpanned stare before asking Shinji, "Will you get off,” in a monotone voice (which voice actress Amanda Winn Lee conveys phenomenally well in the ADV Dub).
Shinji’s obviously embarrassed and ashamed about the accidental encounter while also being confused over Rei being seemingly undeterred by the event, to the point where she completely fails to notice his attempts to give her the replacement NERV ID badge that he originally came by her apartment to deliver.
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In addition to subverting uncomfortable sexist anime tropes, I also love how Rei’s unusual reactions instead invite the viewer to ask further questions about her character? Like... why is her apartment so dirty and noisy? Why does Rei only seem to show visible emotion whenever it’s related to Gendo, considering that she cared more about protecting Gendo’s glasses than her own modesty (plus her later slapping Shinji when he says he has zero faith in his scumbag father in front of Rei)?
Speaking from personal experience, when I saw this scene for the first time all I could think of was just how many questions I was then having about what exactly was going on inside of Rei’s head, as her status as a complete enigma made me very fascinated by the mystery of her character and want to learn more about her!
Also, the fact that Rei’s apartment is located in what appears to be a noisy industrial complex filled with completely identical generic buildings (combined with her emotionless almost robotic mannerisms) serves an excellent bit of visual foreshadowing to Rei’s true identity as a artificially-engineered clone born in a laboratory!
I love the bookending close-up shots of Gendo’s different pairs of glasses at the beginning of each Unit-00 activation test scene!
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So… that sighing expression that Rei gives while still inside of the LCL of her Entry-Plug after Gendo halts the test to have Shinji go fight against the newly detected 5th Angel, Ramiel? Is it meant to convey a sense of disappointment that Gendo said she was yet not ready to go into battle yet as an EVA pilot? Because he assigned that task to Shinji who previously doubted his father’s abilities as a commander (which Rei took offense to)? Or is it symbolism of her finding peace within the proverbial womb of the Evangelion and the primordial soup of all life that is liquid LCL, foreshadowing the other side of Rei’s true identity as the reincarnated soul of humanity’s progenitor, Lilith? Again, so many possible interpretations and layers of symbolism…
Speaking of Ramiel though, I FREAKING love this Angel’s design as it looks so wildly different in comparison to either Sachiel or Shamshel! In contrast to the previous two Angel’s more organic appearances, Ramiel has an almost otherworldly inorganic appearance and makes this ominous mechanical humming sound as if it were a literal UFO (there’s a reason that I’ve always referred to this particular Angel by the nickname of, “the Flying Fortress”)!
In regards this specific Angel's name, according to Wikipedia, "Ramiel (Imperial Aramaic: רַעַמְאֵל, Hebrew: רַעַמְאֵל Raʿamʾēl; Greek: ‘Ραμιήλ) [refers to] a fallen Watcher (angel) not to be confused with the holy angel "Remiel” who is an Archangel in the apocryphal Book of Enoch. Ramiel [Watcher] mentioned in [Chapter 7], is one of the 20 Watchers (angels) that sinned and rebelled against God by mating with a human woman and creating an offspring called Nephilim."
Dang! What an intense cliffhanger to end this episode on with Ramiel immediately blasting Shinji and Unit-01 with a deadly laser beam the moment they emerge from the NERV GeoFront!
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So that was that was NGE, "Episode 5: Rei, Beyond the Heart/Rei I," and overall it’s definitely another strong entry in the series upon rewatch!
Next up is Episode 6!
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msilwrites · 1 year
(3AM) ODD Women Series - 40 days Ascent (TWO)
A/N: I’ve had this in my draft notebook for a very long time, now I’m publishing it. I hope you enjoy.  If you want to read the first one; here it is: ASCENT (ONE)
40 Days Ascent
After two weeks of climbing, Sage and her group took a much-needed break. They found a spot to rest and gazed at the cloudy skies above Everest. The sky above the mountain was filled with swirling clouds, creating a mesmerizing sight. It felt peaceful and calm, contrasting with the busy world she had left behind.
As she gazed at the cloudy skies, her mind momentarily drifted from the mountain to thoughts of Henry. It struck her that in the past two weeks of climbing, she hadn't thought much about him. The challenges and intensity of conquering Everest had consumed her every thought and energy.
But now, during a brief break, her mind wandered back to Henry. She couldn't help but wonder what he was up to, who he might be with. It made her a little sad to imagine him moving on so quickly, finding happiness with someone else. After all, Henry had always been handsome and charming.
The idea that he might have found comfort in another person while she was here pushing herself up the mountain stung a little. In the quiet of the mountains, those thoughts seemed bigger, and she felt a touch of jealousy. She was relieved that the poor signal up here prevented her from checking social media and falling into a spiral of sadness.
It gave her a break from the digital world, allowing her to fully focus on the present moment. Without the constant distractions and comparisons of social media, she could concentrate on her personal journey and the challenges ahead.
As their guide announced their proximity to Camp 3, Sage braced herself for the next phase of the climb. She knew it wouldn't be easy. The terrain would be steeper, icier, and more challenging than before.
Taking a deep breath, Sage mentally prepared herself for the upcoming ascent. They would have to navigate sharp rocks and narrow ledges, testing their balance and courage. The biting cold made each step more difficult, but she remained determined.
With each stride, Sage could feel her muscles working hard. The relentless wind threatened to throw her off balance, but she focused on her breathing and heartbeat, finding comfort in their rhythm.
Occasionally, she stole glances at the breathtaking scenery around her. The mountains stretched out in all their grandeur, reminding her of the magnitude of the task at hand. Every small accomplishment brought her closer to her goal.
Finally reaching Camp 3, Sage’s body felt fatigued but her spirit remained unyielding. Rest was necessary to regain her strength for the next leg of the climb. Amidst the towering peaks, she took a moment to appreciate the beauty of her surroundings, a reminder of the challenges and rewards of her journey.
Though she knew the climb was far from over, settling into Camp 3 surrounded by fellow climbers brought her a renewed sense of purpose. She drew strength from the mountains and the support of her teammates, ready to face whatever came next.
Exhausted from the arduous climb, Sage settled into the tent, her body craving rest. She was too fatigued to bother with the discomfort of lying down, so she found herself drifting into sleep while sitting.
In the peaceful silence of the tent, her mind gradually succumbed to the realm of dreams. As her eyes closed, vivid images and sensations began to unfold. She found herself transported to a world beyond the icy slopes and jagged peaks of Everest.
Drifting deeper into her dreams, the boundaries of reality faded away, and a familiar figure emerged within the ethereal realm. In this dream world, she found herself lying in a cozy bed, wrapped in the comforting embrace of Henry. Their bodies intertwined, their whispers of affection filling the air, creating an intimate sanctuary just for the two of them.
In that moment, time seemed to stand still. Henry's fingertips traced the contours of her cheek, igniting a trail of electric sensations that surged through her entire being. His touch was gentle yet filled with desire, as if he couldn't get enough of her.
The room was filled with an intoxicating blend of passion and vulnerability. Every word he spoke was laced with affection and longing. "I love you," he whispered, his voice sending waves of pleasure cascading through her. Their connection, both physical and emotional, grew stronger with each passing second, as they reveled in the intimate moment they shared together.
But suddenly, she was abruptly pulled from the dream, as if a gust of wind had torn through the scene. The sheets around her stirred and fluttered, as if they had a life of their own, swirling and twirling in the air. The dream dissolved, leaving her disoriented and yearning for the fleeting warmth she had experienced.
In that fleeting moment between the dream and waking up, Sage was overcome by a bittersweet rush of emotions. The memory of Henry's touch lingered, while the reality of her solitary tent surrounded her. It was a stark reminder that even the most vivid dreams could slip away, leaving behind an ache and a desire to hold onto those precious moments for just a little bit longer.
As Sage emerged from her tent, she was greeted by a breathtaking sight. The vast expanse of the night sky stretched out before her, a tapestry of darkness adorned with a multitude of sparkling stars. The air at Camp 3 on Everest was crisp and pure, allowing for a remarkable clarity in the heavens above.
Sage let out a sigh, her mind drifting to Henry and the ache in her heart. The peacefulness of her surroundings brought her comfort, a respite from the tumultuous thoughts swirling within. As she reflected on her relationship with Henry, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the tranquility of this place.
She remembered the moments of tenderness and the way Henry had chosen her, despite her own doubts. Sage saw herself as an ordinary woman, always striving to enhance her appearance with clothes and makeup, hoping to feel beautiful in his eyes.
But deep down, she battled with insecurities, never fully embracing the love and attention she received. In this moment, amidst the quiet mountains, those doubts seemed to loom larger. Yet, there was a glimmer of gratitude shining through. Despite her reservations, she had experienced a profound connection and a love that had touched her soul.
As Sage gazed at the majestic landscape, she recognized that true beauty went beyond the external. It was a reminder that she, too, was deserving of love and happiness, irrespective of her perceived imperfections. And in the silence of the mountains, she found solace, allowing herself to believe in her own worth.
-----  With a heavy breath, Sage continues her arduous ascent towards the summit of Everest. The higher she climbs, the thinner the air becomes, making it increasingly challenging to breathe. Sensing the need for additional support, she reaches into her backpack and pulls out the oxygen mask, securing it tightly to her face. As she inhales the crisp, purified air, a renewed sense of energy courses through her veins, revitalizing her weary body and allowing her to push forward with greater determination.
As Sage continues her climb towards the summit, exhaustion starts to take its toll on her body. Her legs grow tired, and she begins to feel the strain. Suddenly, her foot slips on the icy surface, causing her heart to skip a beat. Reacting quickly, she plants the sharp pick of her ice axe into the frozen ground, saving herself from a dangerous fall.
With a firm grip on her pickaxe, Sage dangles in the air, her eyes fixed on the drop below. The height of the cliff sends a shiver down her spine, and she can't help but think about how close she came to a disastrous fall without her trusty tool. As her mind wanders, memories of her life in London flood back, inevitably bringing Henry to the forefront of her thoughts. Why does he have to be the one who occupies her mind in this moment of danger? She questions whether he would even give her a second thought if she lost her grip, picturing him in the arms of another woman. The realization stings, but before she can dwell on it, her companions rush to her side, pulling her away from the edge and returning her to safety.
The guide approached Sage, assessing her condition and inquiring if she felt capable of continuing or if she needed a break. Sage expressed her desire for a quick pause, feeling the need to recharge with some snacks and refreshments. The rest of the group agreed, understanding the importance of maintaining their strength and stamina for the final stretch. They found a suitable spot, taking a moment to catch their breath, replenish their energy levels, and perhaps share some lighthearted conversations to uplift their spirits. It was a brief respite, but a valuable one, allowing them to regroup and gather their determination before continuing their arduous journey towards the summit.
Energized by their brief break, the climbers pressed on, their movements purposeful and steady. The anticipation of witnessing the sunrise from the summit propelled them forward. With each step, the air grew crisper, and the surroundings became bathed in the soft glow of the approaching dawn. The sky transformed into a breathtaking tapestry of colors, as if the heavens themselves were putting on a magnificent show. Shades of orange, pink, and gold painted the horizon, casting an ethereal light over the majestic landscape. It was a sight that seemed almost surreal, a reward for their unwavering determination and resilience. As they ascended, the view became more awe-inspiring, a testament to the beauty and grandeur of nature. With the summit within reach, their hearts filled with a sense of wonder and anticipation for what awaited them at the top.
Sage's determined steps propelled her relentlessly towards the summit, oblivious to the passage of time. And then, at last, she reached the pinnacle. A rush of feelings overwhelmed her, and tears started streaming down her face. It was the result of all the hard work and training she had put in for weeks or maybe even months. The moment hit her hard, and she felt a deep connection to the stunning beauty that surrounded her. As Sage looked out from the summit, she couldn't help but be amazed. The sunrise painted the snowy peaks with a golden glow, making everything shine. The peacefulness of the scene mixed with the incredible achievement made Sage feel both humble and incredibly happy. In the midst of this incredible moment, Sage wanted to capture it forever. She wanted to take a picture that would remind her of this beautiful view and the triumphant feeling she had at the top.
She reached for her camera, eager to immortalize the sight that had moved her so deeply. But before she could click the shutter, one of the guides, offered to help. He understood the significance of this achievement and wanted to make sure Sage had the perfect photo to remember it by.
Gratefully, Sage handed her camera to him, who skillfully framed the shot, capturing her radiant smile and the awe-inspiring landscape in the background. He knew just the right angle and lighting to do justice to the moment. With a click of the camera, the image was preserved, a tangible reminder of Sage's triumphant journey.
As they celebrated their accomplishment as a group, Sage felt immense gratitude for the support and camaraderie of her companions. They congratulated her, sharing in her joy and pride. The summit photo became a cherished memento of their shared triumph, a testament to the indomitable spirit that had carried them all to the top of the world.
As the group began their descent from the summit, Sage's initial excitement was tinged with a mix of fear and uncertainty. Glissading down the steep slopes brought both thrills and nerves. Would she be able to control her speed? What if something went wrong? Taking a deep breath, Sage decided to go for it. She sat on her pack and started sliding, feeling an immediate rush of adrenaline. The world around her became a blur as she picked up speed. She focused intently, trying to navigate the twists and turns, all while maintaining control. With each passing moment, Sage's confidence grew. She trusted her instincts and made quick decisions to avoid any obstacles in her path. The wind whipped against her face, adding to the exhilaration of the ride. Despite her initial fears, Sage found herself embracing the challenge. The rush of adrenaline fueled her determination. She pushed through the fear, realizing that she was capable of more than she had imagined. Finally, the glissade came to an end, and Sage couldn't help but smile with a sense of accomplishment and relief. The journey down had taken them around an hour, and she was grateful to have experienced such an exhilarating descent.
After leaving the base camp, Sage quickly made her way back to Lhasa. The journey was filled with stunning views of snow-capped mountains and beautiful Tibetan villages. The winding roads offered glimpses of the vast Tibetan plateau and its serene landscapes.
As Sage traveled along the Friendship Highway, she couldn't help but be captivated by the ever-changing scenery. The majestic mountains, colorful prayer flags, and Tibetan nomads with their grazing herds created a sense of awe and wonder.
Once she arrived in Lhasa, Sage headed straight back to the luxurious St. Regis hotel, where she had left her belongings before embarking on the challenging climb. She was relieved to find that her luggage was safely stored, ready to be retrieved.
With a sense of comfort and familiarity, Sage settled back into the elegant surroundings of the hotel. The impeccable service and luxurious amenities provided a much-needed respite after her arduous journey. She unpacked her belongings and found solace in the familiar items that carried memories of her expedition.
As Sage looked out from her hotel room window, she marveled at the panoramic views of Lhasa's ancient streets and historic landmarks.
As she settled into her hotel room, she couldn't contain her excitement to relive the breathtaking moments she had captured on her journey. With her laptop in hand, she carefully retrieved her precious footage and began curating the best photographs and videos from her GoPro.
Sage settled into her hotel room at the St. Regis, eager to relive the breathtaking moments she had captured on her journey. With her laptop in hand, she sorted through her footage, selecting the best photos and videos to share.
Memories flooded back as she edited and trimmed the footage, choosing the most awe-inspiring moments. The thrill of accomplishment and the beauty of the mountains were preserved in these digital memories.
As she began uploading, Sage realized it would take longer than expected. Feeling a mix of exhaustion and anticipation, she decided to rest while her laptop continued the process.
She nestled into the plush comfort of her hotel bed, feeling the fatigue of the climb. Her mind was filled with contentment and excitement. Wrapped in soft sheets, she drifted off into a peaceful slumber, dreaming of the majestic peaks and endless possibilities.
Groggy from her slumber, Sage reached for her phone and was immediately startled by the overwhelming number of missed calls she had from Henry. Over 500 missed calls, all from him. The weight of the situation sank in as she wondered what could have happened in her absence to trigger such a desperate flurry of attempts to reach her.
 Her heart pounding, she quickly opened the message notifications, bracing herself for the barrage of emotions that awaited her. As she read through Henry's messages, a rollercoaster of emotions washed over her. Concern, anger, apology, and even resentment were all present in his words. Each message revealed a different facet of his feelings, shifting from worry to frustration, and eventually pleading. The sound of his voice, filled with a mix of anger and desperation, echoed in her ears as she listened to the voicemails one by one.
Sage absorbed the weight of the situation, she realized something unexpected. Henry hadn't crossed her mind since she left Camp 3 and arrived back in Lhasa. The mountain had consumed her thoughts and emotions, leaving little space for anything else. It was as if her focus on the climb had pushed Henry to the periphery of her consciousness.
She let out a tired sigh and rubbed her eyes, deciding against calling him back. She didn't want her newfound peace to be disturbed by the emotional turmoil that awaited her on the other end of the line. Resolute in her choice, Sage set her phone aside, determined to focus on her own well-being.
Still groggy and barely awake, Sage let out a yawn and absentmindedly reached for her phone, answering it without fully realizing who was on the other end. As she scratched her stomach, she mumbled a sleepy "Hello?"
To her surprise, a familiar voice crackled through the line, instantly jolting her awake. It was Henry, calling once again. The grogginess still clouding her mind, Sage listened as Henry poured out his worry and concern, expressing how scared he had been after seeing the video she had uploaded.
Henry explained that he had come across a video she had uploaded on social media. It was a clip from her GoPro that captured the terrifying moment when she slipped and almost fell off a cliff. The sight had sent him into a panic, imagining the worst possible outcome. He had been worried sick about her safety.
Sage's drowsiness began to dissipate, replaced by a mix of confusion and concern. She vaguely recalled the clip from her GoPro, the one capturing her near-fall from the cliff. She had uploaded it without thinking much about the impact it could have on others, especially Henry.
An impish grin spread across Sage's face as a mischievous idea formed in her mind. She decided to have a little fun at Henry's expense, unable to resist the temptation. With a hint of mischief in her voice, she replied, "Oh, Henry, I'm so glad you called. Guess what? I'm actually still hanging on that cliff. The Wi-Fi signal here is surprisingly strong, so I thought I'd upload the videos while I wait for help."
There was a brief moment of silence on the other end of the line, and then Henry's voice filled with a mix of disbelief and concern. "Wait, what? Are you serious? Sage, that's not funny!"
Unable to contain her laughter, Sage couldn't resist taking the prank a step further. She exclaimed, "Weee!!" as if she were playfully jumping off the cliff. Then, with a mischievous giggle, she abruptly ended the call, leaving Henry bewildered and confused on the other end.
As she lay back on the bed, a sense of satisfaction washed over Sage. She knew she had successfully messed with Henry, even if just for a moment. The thought of his puzzled expression brought a mischievous smile to her face. 
Feeling a wave of contentment, Sage closed her eyes and allowed herself to drift off to sleep.
Still in a daze from her deep slumber, Sage's eyes fluttered open to the sight of the late afternoon sunlight filtering through the curtains. A growl from her stomach reminded her of her hunger, and she decided to indulge in some laziness and order room service for lunch.
As she lounged on the comfortable chair by the study table, the hotel staff arrived with a tray of delicious food. Sage greeted them with a grateful smile and thanked them for their service, making sure to leave a generous tip to show her appreciation. With her hunger piqued and the aroma of the freshly prepared meal filling the room, she couldn't wait to dig in.
Just as she was about to take her first bite, her phone rang, breaking the silence of the room. Absentmindedly, she picked it up, her mind still foggy from sleep and hunger.
As Sage held the phone to her ear, she recognized Henry's voice immediately. It was filled with a mix of concern and frustration, a familiar tone that she had grown accustomed to over the years. "What were you thinking, Sage?" Henry exclaimed, his voice tinged with worry. "I just saw the video from your GoPro. Glissading down those steep slopes? It's dangerous! You could have seriously hurt yourself!"
Sage couldn't contain her mischievous laughter as she responded to Henry's concern. "Oh, Henry, you won't believe it! I'm still glissading down the mountain as we speak. The mountain is just too tall, and I couldn't resist the thrill of it all. I only answered the call because the Wi-Fi signal is surprisingly strong during glissades!"
There was a momentary silence on the other end, followed by Henry's bewildered voice. "Wait, are you serious? You're still sliding down the mountain? Sage, that's not possible!"
“The slope is just too steep! Call me again when I finally reach base camp, okay?"
Sage couldn't resist the opportunity to mess with him a little longer. With a mischievous giggle, she cut the call abruptly, leaving Henry bewildered on the other end.
Chuckling to herself, Sage placed her phone aside and continued enjoying her room service lunch. The thought of Henry's reaction made her giggle even more, imagining his puzzled expression as he tried to make sense of her ongoing glissading adventure.
After returning from Lhasa, Sage arrives back at Shanghai, and gathered with her friends.  They gathered around the table, enjoying the skewers and beer at the outdoor seating area. The conversation shifted to Sage's recent adventure on Everest, and her friends expressed their relief that she had made it back unharmed. They discussed the challenges she faced, but there was an underlying sense of caution and concern in their voices. While acknowledging her accomplishment, there was an unspoken understanding of the risks involved in such a daring feat. The atmosphere was a mix of relief, curiosity, and perhaps a hint of apprehension as they listened to Sage recount her journey.
As they indulged in their conversation, one of Sage's friends noticed the vibrating phone atop the table. The group's collective gaze shifted towards the caller ID, revealing that it was Henry trying to reach her once again. They exchanged knowing glances and one of them spoke up, "You don't have to answer that and ruin your evening, Sage. Let's just enjoy our time together."
With a grateful smile, Sage nodded in agreement, appreciating the understanding and support of her friends. They returned their attention to the lively atmosphere around them, savoring the moment and leaving the unanswered call to be a silent reminder of the complexities that lie beneath the surface.
As Sage walked back to her hotel, feeling a bit bloated from the beers she had consumed earlier, she spotted a 24-hour convenience store nearby. Craving a fizzy drink to help soothe her stomach, she decided to step inside and find a seat where she could gather her thoughts.
Taking a seat at one of the small tables inside the convenience store, Sage reached for her phone as it buzzed once again. With a fizzy drink in hand, she answered the call, hoping to clear her mind before heading up to her room.
She listened silently as Henry's voice filled her ears, berating her for not answering his calls and accusing her of seeking attention. She could feel the frustration and worry in his words, but something within her refused to engage in an argument.
Henry's voice grew sharper as he continued his tirade. "This isn't about safety anymore, Sage. It's about your constant need for attention and thrill-seeking. You've got everyone's attention now, so can you please come back home and stop putting yourself in these dangerous situations?"
Chuckling softly, she replied, "Attention seeking, huh? Well, if I wanted your undivided attention, Henry, I could think of more dramatic ways to get it. Maybe I'll set myself on fire next time we meet."
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, and Sage could almost hear Henry processing her response. In that moment, she realized her teasing remark might have been more provocative than intended.
"Hmm, maybe that wasn't the best example," she quickly added, trying to lighten the mood, and the alcohol playing a role.
With a mischievous glint in her eye, Sage playfully retorted, "Oh, Henry, you're like a mosquito buzzing around my adventures. But guess what? I've got my bug repellent called 'We're-No-Longer-Together' spray. Works like a charm! So, go ahead and bug off!"
She pretended to spray an imaginary can, making exaggerated gestures and sound effects. "Pssssshhh! Take that, Henry! Now you're officially repelled from interfering in my life!" The alcohol fueling her funny bone. “Don’t you have new women to pester now?”
Henry let out a heavy sigh. "Look, Sage, I know we're no longer together, but that doesn't mean I’ve stopped about you”
Sage raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in her voice. "Why care? Tell me, Henry?"
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and then Henry's voice softened. "I'm just worried, okay? I know I hurt you, and I can't help but feel responsible for your well-being."
A wry smile played on Sage's lips as she interrupted him. "You flatter yourself, Henry. While it's true that you've caused me pain, this trip to Everest was a dream of mine long before our relationship even started. The world doesn't revolve around you anymore, or anyone else for that matter."
Henry's plea echoed through the phone, "Then can you just come home now, please? Or do I have to come and get you myself?"
Henry's plea hung in the air, and Sage couldn't resist the opportunity to deliver a witty retort. She grinned mischievously, playing along with his suggestion. She tilted her head, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and fired back with a sly grin, "  "Oh, Henry, I'd love to see you scale Everest in a suit and tie. Just imagine the headlines: ' Man Climbs Everest to Drag Back Ex!' It would be quite the spectacle. I'll be waiting at the top of Mount Everest, sipping a margarita and enjoying the view. Just make sure to pack your climbing gear and a sense of humor! But here's the catch: you'll have to do it blindfolded and hopping on one leg. It's the only way to truly appreciate the thrill! "
As she spoke, Sage couldn't help but envision Henry's bewildered face and the sheer absurdity of the image. The thought of him attempting such a ludicrous feat sent her into a fit of laughter echoing through the convenience store. She quickly regained her composure and added, "But don't worry, Henry. If you survive the blindfolded hopping, I'll reward you with a mountain of ice cream. Deal?" 
As her laughter subsided, Sage composed herself and continued, "But here's the catch, Henry. If you manage to conquer Everest blindfolded and hopping, I'll have an even bigger challenge for you. You'll have to climb back down while juggling flaming torches and reciting Shakespearean sonnets. It's the only way to truly impress me!"
"Damnit Sage, can you please take this seriously!" Henry's exasperated voice filled the air. He paused for a moment, searching for the right words. "Wait, are you drunk? You've been spewing nonsense all this time, and I can't tell if you're joking or not."
Sage burst into laughter, unable to contain her amusement at Henry's exasperation. "Drunk? Oh, Henry, if I were drunk, you'd know it! I'd be climbing Everest wearing a traffic cone on my head, or perhaps wearing a sombrero, and serenade the moon with a ukulele”
Henry sighed, his tone filled with concern. "Seriously, Sage, how much have you had to drink?"
Sage turned silent, her mind filled with a mix of emotions. She couldn't help but question Henry's sudden concern. After all, he was the one who ended their relationship, casting her aside without a second thought. Why should she still feel obligated to answer to him?
As the weight of her thoughts settled, Sage let out a sigh. She realized that it was time to assert herself and stand her ground. "Henry," she began, her voice steady but tinged with a hint of defiance, "it's not your concern anymore. You made that clear when you walked away...”
Henry's voice wavered on the other end of the line, filled with a mix of regret and vulnerability. "I told you I still care for you! I... I don't know, your absence has made me realize how important you are to me. That day, when I caught you leaving for the airport, I wanted to fix things between us."
Sage took a deep breath, mustering her strength to speak her truth. "Henry, you never truly loved or appreciated me for who I am, or accepted me fully. I can't simply forget the way you treated me and the emotional turmoil you put me through."
There was a brief silence on the other end of the line as Sage's words hung in the air. Henry's voice wavered as he responded, "Sage, I... I never realized the impact of my actions. I never meant to hurt you."
Sage let out a bittersweet chuckle. “Oh, Henry, your ability to tune out the obvious is truly remarkable. Did you have a secret portal to a parallel universe while we were together?“
"Look, Sage, can you just come home, and let's talk about it, please?" Henry pleaded, his voice filled with desperation and a glimmer of hope.
"I think... there's nothing left to talk about," Sage replied, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation. She knew Henry all too well—how quickly he could switch gears, from showing affection one moment to seeking attention from other women the next, leaving her feeling insecure. It was a cycle she couldn't bear to repeat.
With a newfound determination, Sage made a swift decision. She calmly put down the phone, imagining Henry's bewildered expression on the other end. Without hesitation, she blocked his number, removed him from all social media.
And as she contemplated whether the alcohol had indeed played a role in this absurd conversation, she couldn't help but think, "Maybe it's time to switch to herbal tea."
A/N:  I will be doing some soft editing since there might be a few grammatical errors. I hope you all enjoyed the story, even though it began with a somber and heavy tone. I tried to inject some humor towards the end to lighten the mood.
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Alright. So.
My today's agenda is:
bring some justice to Wen's actions.
I'm talking about the speculations abt him cheating on Alan that I see on my timeline/dashboard.
Let's goooooo.
Almost every post I see abt this topic mentions that Wen is actually-basically-as-it-turns-out cheating on Alan. And I'm here, at your service, to argue with that. I even have a few facts that will (hopefully) prove my point. Some are more solid, some are not so much, but anyhow.
Fact #1:
the overall feel of the condo/apartment when Wen comes back.
What I mean is that it feels empty, lonely and cold. Of course the colour palette chosen for this scene plays a huge, dare I say gigantic, role in our perception of this place and the vibe of Wen's "home". It highlights calm and cold tones of blue that are generally associated w/ loneliness and sadness.
Look at the tones and colors of that scene. They are pale, dark, kinda hostile and unwelcoming. It doesn't feel like "home", it doesn't have that signature warmth to it that every "Home" has.
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And to highlight that feeling of emptiness, we're shown a few shots of a previous night. Which, despite all the 'no complications and deeper connections' thing, still feels warm and full of emotions and feelings. The contrast is literally palpable.
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AND. If we can see it and feel it - all of those hints at the atmosphere at Wen's 'home' - than it was probably the intention of the creators. They purposefully created such an atmosphere so that we can get the gist of the state in which Wen's private life is at the moment. And this gist would be that he is lonely. His loneliness is actually appears to be so intense, like you can almost feel it yourself.
Side note: the more I think abt it, the more it seems like he didn't even want to come back. Like he was really reluctant to leave Jim and this little corner of comfort he unintentionally found
This leads us up to fact #2:
the feel of Wen's relationship with Alan.
It seem cold. Again. It seems to be void of affection that is usually more or less palpable in romantic relationships. The main tell-tale of that fact would be the note Alan left. It looked really office-ish. Like the note that you usually leave for your co-worker whom you're not really close with. It's 'strictly business', straight and plain.
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When you leave a note for someone close to you, you usually draw some little cute doodles on it or maybe a smiley face or use a pet name/nickname of a person or write some small 'addition' to it like: "The leftovers from dinner are in the fridge. Microwave them and eat"/"I'll be back by 7. Lets have chinese takeout today"/etc. You get the idea. You do it to make the note more personal, to make a person smile, to give the note a warm feel and fill it with emotion. There was none of it.
So. Summarizing these two thoughts leads us to the conclusion that the relationship between Wen and Alan is at the VERY LEAST became cold and devoid of affection and any romantic feels. OR, maybe it even ended for good. And they live with each other for God knows for what reason, the main point of said reason being the lack of another/better option at the moment.
Now. With the speculations and ambiguous vibes of that scene - which everyone may interpret however they want - out of the way we can move on to more solid fact #3:
TAGS at MyDramaList
I'm talking about "Ex-boyfriend comes back" one specifically. Now, I know that we can't trust everything that's written and that we see on the Internet.. BUT mdl so far has been pretty accurate (at least in my experience of using it) with the info it provides. So I don't see why we can't trust this tag.
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And by using some logic we can deduct that this mysterious 'ex-boyfriend' will probably be Wen's. And as such, it'll probably be Alan. Since it's mini-series that tend to be not really complicated, so we probably won't be getting any new characters who theoretically speaking can turn out to be someone's ex.
Summing this monstrosity of a post (which was supposed to be a short 3-point list of facts) up I'd like to justify my precious boy Wen's actions and state that he is not cheating per say. Like, personally I'm convinced that he and Alan broke up, so there is no cheating when there is no relationship. But if they haven't like 'officially' broke up - like haven't said it out loud that they are no longer in a relationship - but still there are no more feelings between them anymore, then I still don't really consider it cheating. 'Cus, like, you have no feelings anymore towards this person. Should you talk and break up? Yes. Are you a dummy for not addressing this issue first and jumping into some strangers' bed? Also yes. Can you be blamed and called 'cheater' if you have no feelings anymore? No. And I stand by it.
This turned out to be way longer than I anticipated lol. Sorry not sorry.
If someone will make it through all my ramblings and find them somewhat coherent - thank you. If you also have some thoughts on this, quite controversial, topic - I'm open to a discussion.
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project-omori2 · 2 years
You know since you are unsure with Rowan’s personality I had a idea. Since a lot of Rowan’s moves are based on chi or power blasts, you could have it that in the past Rowan got introduced to anime, he was super into it, always watched the new episode of DBZ and it’s why he got into martial arts.
Here’s my ideas for both versions
Headspace/younger Rowan: Rowan is looking to be that cool hero kind of person, he often makes a fool of himself but he will always help people, strangers and friends alike because he really wants to ignite that sense of awe and heroism he sees in a lot of the anime he (and possibly whoever introduced him to anime) watch. He likes to compares himself to specific moments, episodes, or specific characters when he does manage to do something right or cool, and tries to live by this “code” a character he watches has.
IRL Rowan: Rowan is probably still a huge fan or anime (the time period is when anime was really picking up in the west), but you could have it that he’s HUGELY embarrassed with how openly he acted based on his anime love, you know that “Don’t fuck with me, I have the power of god and anime on my side” kind of kid, probably have it that his kid and teen years was something loves talking about how different and cool western animation were to him. The embarrassment part is Rowan is like super chill now, he talks the martial arts lessons a lot more seriously, but everyone he knows from the past pretty takes the time to bring up his introduction to anime phase anytime they can, it’s as friendly banter sure, but he can’t help but try to distance himself from how often it made kids at high school avoid him. He’s probably the person to go to animecons, meet some online buddies, but he’s not nearly as energetic about all of it now.
This was just a random idea I had while going over some stuff on the blog.
Ooh, I love the idea of Rowan being a huge anime fan! Though, that obsession may only be that intense in Headspace, as it's based on Hail's somewhat biased perception of Rowan. (Similar to the first game, Hail/Omori's friends in Headspace have much more "one-note" personalities than their real-world counterparts.)
Considering that, like you said, anime gained huge popularity in the West during the 2000s, it fits really well with the time period.
I imagine that, while being nowhere near as enthralled as Rowan was, Hail also really enjoyed watching anime, especially when it was with their friends, and as such associates it with positive memories.
This opens up the idea of a boss character in Headspace that is pulled from the anime series that the gang used to watch together. I imagine them to be a bit of a parody of Goku, Naruto, Ash, Luffy, etc., who takes an interest in Rowan, similar to Pluto with Kel.
It'd also be kinda funny if, as contrast, one of the other friends was secretly really obsessed with some other media. Like, maybe Kya was kind of annoyed with Rowan's Shōnen obsession, but she herself was also secretly a hardcore MMO player (MMOs like Final Fantasy XI and World of Warcraft really popped off in the 2000s). Just a thought.
Thanks once again for the ask! I'm loving these ideas.
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prismasartworks · 2 years
My concept for a JT Spinoff series!
Since I'm in the mood of bringing my own direction to the series, because of course the series has so much potential, that needs to be expanded and use some new ideas and concepts into play, here is my idea for a JT Spinoff, that'll bring new ideas into the mix.
Get ready for some crazy intergalactic adventures, with some magic, chaos and futuristic technology mixed in!
Let's power up!
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Johnny Test: Power Up! is a hypothetical spinoff idea, that will go beyond their planet and into the cosmos! The usual shenanigans of testing and misadventures will happen, along with intergalactic travel and supernatural elements. During a battle against his enemies, who were about to use a powerful device to change space and time, in a desperate act, Johnny would shoot it down. Unfortunately this would result in the device malfunctioning and engulfing everyone in a blinding light. Thus, Johnny, Dukey, Susan, Mary and many of their allies and enemies were sent on a new planet in a new galaxy, filled with new faces and before they knew, the Test quartette will get tangled in many intergalactic (mis)adventures, filled with fun, action, emotional moments, teamwork and the occational chaos, while facing enemies and friends, both old and new.
Since this is a different concept, the characters will be redesigned and aged up a bit. The new designs will be inspired by Sonic Boom and Winx Club. (I have yet to make the new looks and the new artstyle)
Johnny (who will be 13-14 years old)  will somewhat be similar to his canon counterpart, BUT there will be changes to his character. Like for examples, I wanted to give him a softer and more mature side to his character, in order to make him more likeable. Think of it as a three dimensional verison of revival Johnny, with shades of S1 in between. As for his redesign, he would wear a torn, yellow scarf, fingerless, black leather gloves, white sports tape, ripped pants, stylized high sneakers, a denim vest, optional shades, a futuristic watch, that'll act as a communicator/housing new features and a detailed shirt. As for new things, I want to add, is a new interest in parkour and breakdancing, to bring out a more active and fast side to him, as well as listening to music. Recently, he's been listening to K-Pop, J-Rock and J-Pop, since they're very energetic. He will be the (sort of) leader of the team and the way of a quick transport will be an updated version of the Turbo Action Backpack. To flesh out his character, he would have a greater sense in justice and when the situations are tough and intense, his demeanor will change into a serious fighter with a sense of humor.
Dukey will also be similar to his revival counterpart, but once again, I wanted to add a bit more dimension to his character, since he will be known as the voice of the gang. His redesign will be simple. Add a red scarf with a diamond-shaped gem, a utility belt with bags, some white sports tape on his arms and that's it. As for new things to add for our mutt friend, since he'll be in a city full of people of different species and more, he doesn't need to disguise himself, unless some of the returning characters, who are unaware of his unique talent (i.E. speaking and being bipedal) are present. Another new talent of his will be, much like Johnny, an interest in parkour. However, his dog skills would make him more nimble and fluid, a contrast to Johnny's fast paced moves. New things to add to his personality would be him being more social to the anthropomorphic animals, since he's not the only one anymore and if things are reality tough and his friends are in danger, he would have no choice than to swallow his fears down and stand up against his enemies. Mind you, it's not a common thing, especially that if he has to be the only one, but at least he's trying his best to protect his friends. During the day, he had to deal with not just the Test siblings' antics, but also those from his new friends. However, two of them would help him ease his worries.
Susan (who will be 15-16 years old) will be one of the two brains of the team. Even though she and Mary may have the same personality (similar to the original and revival), I wanted to add some elements to distinguish her from Mary. That includes the outfit and personalities. Sure, both keep their lab coats, but for Susan, her redesign will have hear wearing a bright blue sleeveless turtleneck top with yellow and indigo stars, a black choker, dark blue/almost black skirt with black shorts underneath, shorter white socks, black mary-jane shoes with a golden star attached to each shoe and special gloves, covering only the thumb, index and middle finger with some color on the finger tips. Why the special gloves? Well, even though the glasses will look identical to their original glasses, they would receive special smart glasses, containing a little, yet highly advanced operating system. As for new thing adding to her personality, is due to seeing the highly advanced and futuristc technology of the new planet, they're living for the first time, she'll be very intrigued in those and would use the technology for future inventions and gadgets. Unlike, Mary, Susan is more tomboyish and hot-headed, but at least she has some control, unlike a new friend, she just made. (We'll talk about that later) and Mary and others would point it out for her to calm down.
Mary (who will also be 15-16 years old) will also have some elements, in order to differentiate herself a bit more than Susan. Her redesign will still include that lab coat, but she'll wear a yellow crop top with some crescent moons, a high waist flared jeans with moon and sparkle embroidery, a moon necklace, high neon pink sneakers with moons and the same special gloves, like her twin sister. Her new glasses will also contain a little, yet highly advanced operating system. We all know, that Mary is more rational and calm than Susan and believes a bit more on the supernatural. In that spinoff, she would also believe a bit more in fantasy. Not only that, but she would interact with some of the mythical creatures, since the new planet has some of them and even befriend one of them (Again, we'll come to that later). She would also have her limits on overconfidence and would remind Susan, if she's crossing the line. Basically these additions are made, because I wanted to give Mary more spotlight and love and to make her three-dimensional.
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But that's not all....They will be joined by three new characters, who will help them (or not, depending on circumstances.) on their adventures and misadventures! And sometimes, they would also creating new problems. Each of them having their own personalities and flaws. (I have yet to make the designs of the new characters)
Schalot (VA: Brian Doe) is the strength of the group, even though he's not the most buff one. (His body type is slender, like androgynous) He's a pastel pink snail with cyan eyes, wearing a singed red coat, a white collar shirt, almost open to let a bit of his chest breathe, a golden-yellow shell, a communicator on his right wrist, belts with one of the having bags on his waist and like those straps-like ones on his torso. The back sill include a strong magnet to carry his main weapon. His design will be based/inspired by Escargoon from the Kirby anime, but make it a bit more human like with human hands and a body type. And I want to make his head to be more friendly. Like give him full teeth and make his eyes bigger. (And no beard, since he would be between 18-19 years old) Almost like a gijinka in some ways. As for his personality, I can describe him as a moody, sassy and aggressive introvert, who's mostly seen spending time on his phone (I wanted to make him a phone addict, because some aspects are inspired by me.), with a chaotic side sprinkled on. This fella is knows as the luckiest and unluckiest snail, since he would get hit by random objects, but he would always survive unharmed. (Though, he has problems with staircases, as he would often fall down from them)  All of those inconveniences, coupled with the constant stress every day (along with some paranoia), would become the fuel of the one thing, everyone's afraid of: his nuclear temper. Even bigger than Hugh and Susan combined. (Inspired by the 2003 and 2012 version of Raphael from TMNT) Schalot is known to be highly sensitive. If you try to insult him, annoy him too much, hurt his loved ones and friends, look at him the wrong way or heck, do all of these above, he would definitely not hesitate to be loud and aggressive and he would definitely attack you. That' s right, he would attack you with his main weapon, a scepter. But not any normal scepter, a highly modified one, that contains advanced technology and have several attack modes (like Smash, basically make it as strong as a big hammer or blade, which meant, it would pull out a plasma blade for effective slashes.) Heck, he would often use it to break doors down, even the strongest ones, create holes from walls, etc. Aside from his burning anger, he would be good at insulting people and giving them savage remarks (except for the two new characters below and his siblings, since he is the youngest of them.). Like he would call the men in black as "Agents Dumb and Dumber", Eugene as "Bowling Ball Creep" or to Dark Vegan "Mushroom Head". But of course, he's not a full blown jerk. He just has trouble controlling his emotions and having problems with socializing. If you know him well and respect his boundaries, he would be loyal and protective. Plus, Schalot would take his responsibility and would do his best on making things right. When it comes to alien attacks or any form of battles, instead of running away like the citizens, he would never go down without a fight, since he has the spirit and the heart of a rough warrior. With his main weapon, some kunais with special effects (like explosion, shock, freeze, etc.) and other weapons from the lab, Schalot would make sure, no one would get away with it and give them a lot of pain. Some fun facts about him: Unlike Johnny and Dukey, this snail loves cats and has a different opinion about them! (Like he would melt at the sight of a kitten for example.) I mean, he’s catlike in some ways. Another thing is, he has such a sweet tooth with his favorite treat being a chocolate chip cookie roll with some ice cream. And also, if he gets too panicked, he would simply faint. Finally, it seems like, he may be bi, since when it comes to love, it’s basically an afterthought, due to a busy schedule. As for some depressing facts: while his siblings are still alive, his parents are not, like something has happened, that changed his life forever.
Serena (VA: Either Christina Masterson or Shannon-Chan-Kent) is the heart of the group. A sweet and kind girl (who's at the same age as Johnny), who's not afraid to help people and hope for a better future. Her design is described as a young girl with short, black hair, a white hibiscus flower on her head, yellow/amber eyes, a white top, pink belt with a huge bow/ribbon on the back, light blue leggings, transparent green skirt and boots. While she may sound like a very boring character, there is a twist. While she looks like a human, she's also a fairy with magical powers! That's right, I want to include a magical girl into the mix. Her inspirations came mostly from Winx Club. Like sprouting her sparkly pink, butterfly/moth like fairy wings, (which is at the same size as the original Magic Winx/Charmix wings.) firing magical blasts beams and performing spells. However, there are several downsides to this. First of all, it's due to her past. You see, she originated from Earth and while her father is human (In fact she and her father are from New Zealand) , Serena actually obtained her fairy powers from her mother. One day, her mother went missing, when she was three and nobody knows, what happened to her. Then when she was 6 years old, during a camping trip, she got lost in the woods, while chasing a butterfly. At the same time, a bear was nearby and she was so scared by it launching at her, that something awakened inside of her and created a magical explosion. Thankfully, no one was harmed and the bear ran off in fear. That explosion has alerted anyone, including her father, thus reuiniting with his precious daughter. Since then, she tried her best to surpress and hide her magic, out of fear of hurting anyone. But this resulted in the second problem: Unleashing blasts at random intervals. Even when she got teleported into a new world, that problem still persists , due to the fear. It wasn't until Johnny and the others learning the truth about her and accepting her of who she is, that Serena decided to open up more and started training her skills. Around the same time, she would receive her own communicator watch. And guess what, it'll still be an issue, but at least she tries her best. Few things, I can add to her personality, despite her kind personality, she dislikes Johnny's sisters, due to their treatment towards him (and unintenionally create the rift between magic vs. technology), but she would tolerate Mary more than Susan. Also, life lession: DO NOT USE HER KINDNESS TO EXPLOIT TO YOUR SELFISH DESIRES! If she finds out, well...the last thing, you piss off is a sweet fairy. The third and final problem is, when she tries out new spells, it'll end in unintentional disaster, due to the side effects. Plus, she has a limit on how many spells she would perform, without exhausting herself. Not to mention, she would profusely apologise, if her random blasts hit anyone. Yeah, she can be quite gullible, but give her time to mature and learn. Aside from this, I also wanted to give her some cool factors, like Serena not really the most girly one, but not the tomboyish one. She would be in between. Plus, despite being opposite to Johnny, both would become good friends.
Ziffy (VA: Andrea Libman) is a small, yet extremely advanced robot assistant with an advanced AI, that creates a human personality. In this case, a very happy individual, ready to help their friends! However, unlike Spongebob and Pinkie Pie, whose personalities inspired Ziffy's, that little fella is more level headed. Inspired by G3 Frankie, Ziffy's pronouns are they/them (even though robots are genderless, therefore pronouns doesn't matter). Designwise, they’ll be a small, cute robot with a monitor, projecting their face and a cute ,violet and blue, six-point star shaped antenna. As for their personality, they will be an happy and highly expressable extrovert and ready to help anyone, but also has a level-headed approach. LIke they will play the neutral ground and tries their best to give out compromises and suggestions, since they're the balance of the group. Despite the small size, Ziffy packs a lot of devices inside, like a flamethrower, a hammer, giant tweezers, a confetti cannon, laser blasters, a bell, a megaphone, a scanner, a hologramm projector and many, many more. Interestingly enough, they wasn't built by the Test sisters at all, as they originally came from a different planet far away from the new planet, their friends are staying. On top of that, before meeting Johnny and the others, they actually built several robots for several purposes. For example, MediBots are the medics, cleaning bots for cleaning, CheerBots for cheerleading, etc. After meeting them, Susan and Mary will collaborate them to create new devices and more. And here's the thing, they and Schalot are best friends, despite being opposites to each other! Don’t worry, Ziffy knows a lot more about him and therefore, respects his space and even helps him. Just make sure, his schemes wouldn’t cross the line. Of course, their flaws would include: Them being a bit overreactive, can get really tired at some point, so they have to recharge themselves and sometimes, they can go out of control, because the AI is very good, but not 100% perfect. Most of the times. they’ll be in the background, while their friends often go on adventures, but when push comes to shove, that little robot wouldn’t hesitate to protect their friends at any cost.
Of course, there will be more new characters during the gang's crazy journeys and of course, some returning characters will also show up time after time, like Mr. Black, Mr. White, Sissy, the General, Gil, etc. Ideas for new characters will be like a strict female general, an artist, a musician and many more. Ranging from anthropromorphic snails, tigers and other animals to aliens to mythical creatures like elves, fairies, etc. As for the villains, it'll be a mixture of the old villains, like Bling-Bling-Boy, Dark Vegan, Zizrar, Brain Freezer, Mr. Mittens, etc. and brand new villains in rotation.
Each of their communicator watches (now called T-05. As in, T for Test and O5 referencing the release year of the original.), that the main cast have, have many features than just for communication. Inspired by the Enerbeam, they would contain something, called the Neocord, which is a beam containing bright plasma. Each of them will sport a different color. (Example, Johnny's being yellow). It'll be used as a rope to grab enemies, swinging them around, throwing them into the stratosphere, using it as a bungee cord, slingshot, etc. A special thing, it can do is to split into multiple beams to grab multiple enemies, tethering the beams together to create a net, etc.
The main location for the premise is in a planet, named Lumina. Specifically in a shiny, futuristic city, known as "Starfall City" The city is home to its thriving community, amazing technology and beautiful greens.  The planet itself is full of beautiful forests, cascading water and snowy areas, all filled with hybrid animals and other creatures. The residents will be full of aliens, anthromorphic animals and even supernatural and mythical creatures.  The inspiration of that location came from Astro Boy and the music video of K/DA's "MORE". The main protagonists will live in a HQ with a highly advanced lab, a training room, a garden and many rooms, like a living room, some bathrooms, a kitchen and multiple bed rooms. However, there are times, where the gang will travel to different planets and galaxies either to take a vacation there or solving problems.
The comedy will be a mix between the JT humor and comedic anime elements. (i.E. falling down in a comedic fashion, very expressive, slapstick, etc.). On top of that, it won't be afraid to make some self aware jokes and referencing their own history.
BUT! It won't be just filled with just comedy! It'll contain a lot of action scenes and emotional moments, in order to give the characters depth in developing. Basically, if Johnny Test is an anime. A semi-serious one.
As for the aesthetic, I could describe it as, if sci-fi future meets urban street vibes and add some myths.
Even though, there will be call backs, it'll take place in a different continuity, as the premise will take place 2 years after the original and revival.
And one more thing, when it comes to those cosmic adventures, most of the times, Johnny and Dukey, along with Schalot and Serena, had to deal with the situation. Sometimes, it's just the two, or maybe three or heck, solo missions will be a possibility, but when the situations are tough and intense, the ENTIRE team will be involved. And sometimes, Johnny wouldn't be involved in some missions.
The inspirations behind this project come from Sonic Boom, Winx Club (mainly the first 4 seasons), Sonic Prime, Sonic X and Ratchet & Clank. As in aspects of comedy, settings, action, emotion, story etc.
Anyway, what do you think of those ideas?  Comment down below for feedback and suggestions for improvement! I hope those ideas will develop the series even further beyond. It's also a dream project of mine, that I wish to make it into official reality.
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