#moons later he lives in and around the city. roaming the streets for food
enternalempires · 4 years
What She Learned
Jasonette fic, a lil hurt/death, a lil romance, and I like it so... (also can someone please explain to me how to add the thing that I can make it so yo guys can click ‘read more’ instead of being forced to scroll past the whole thing???)
7-years-old and Marinette is told by one Chloe Bourgeois that she will never be worth anything in life, because ugly little girls like her don’t deserve attention. She’s pushed to the ground but she does not cry at her split knees or the scraps stinging on her palms; she stands up and she doesn’t talk back but she returns from school to a warm house and caring parents.
Her soulmate mark appears a month later and her bully spends a month sneering at the Phoenix resting against the inside of her wrist, dancing in reds and darkness and resurrection.
A week later, she learns that there are more important people to listen to than those who make her cry at 8 in the morning.
9-years-old and Marinette thinks that the blonde mayor’s daughter is the worst person she will have the unfortunate chance to meet. She gets insulted and glared at and has a hard time making friends but she is strong and she is kind and she will continue to stand even if she doesn’t know how important it is to get up after you fall.
She’s having dreams of dark streets and color nights; of dark gargoyles hanging off buildings, dirty-faced children, a city drowned in fear. She sees the face of a dizzy woman and an angry man and she wakes up terrified because there are bruises on a body that is not her own and the ache of an empty stomach underneath their palms. When she looks into a mirror there is a boy with a too-serious expression for such a young face and eyes blue enough to drown her in the sadness there.
She learns that there are some children out there who never had the chance to learn kindness before they learned how to survive.
10-years-old and Marinette is shoved into a row of lockers by a boy she doesn’t recognize, her pink dress and pigtails sneered at until tears fill her eyes. She doesn’t know how to defend herself  but she tries until she’s shoved onto the school’s grimy floor and breaks a finger trying to catch herself.
She does not cry, she does not say sorry, she does not think that it is fair for her teacher to say, “Boys will be boys,” instead of “I’m sorry you got hurt on my watch.” She will continue to stand up for herself even after a broken wrist.
She asks her parents about the nightmares, about the boy with blue eyes and an empty stomach; they tell her about her soulmate and they tell her that one day, she is going to meet him and love him how their parents loved each other.
13-years old and Marinette does not understand the word sacrifice but she is about to learn. She flinches at the sight of magic-tainted earrings and feels her fingertips run cold with insecurity— because she never wanted this, she didn’t want to be a hero and she didn’t want to be in charge of saving people when, in the past, she never knew how to save herself.
It has been a year and she starts to see flashes of a man in black and a large house that feels too clean to be tainted, too open to be safe. She sees the reflection of a boy in red, green, and yellow and feels the comfort of the heavy books underneath his fingers.
He never got the chance to be smart before, never got the right education, never learned something unless it helped him stay alive— and she goes to sleep smiling because even though he’s not quite happy, at least he’s safe.
15-years-old and Marinette is dreaming of a man in green and purple and she’s sobbing because— he’s getting hurt and she’s watching from his eyes and she can’t do anything about it. He cries out for his father, for the man promised to be there, and he dies alone and staring at a bloody crowbar, his blue eyes going dull in the reflection of his own blood.
She wakes up screaming and feeling empty and with the Phoenix on her wrist looking like nothing more than a pile of ash, red feathers and glowing eyes going blurry and dark. There is not enough light in the world to make her chest hurt any less and her parents hold her as she cries but don’t speak; there is nothing that could be said to comfort someone in the face of a loss like this.
She learns what it is like to be alone for the first time in her life and she no longer knows how to dream.
17-years-old and Marinette is standing at the bottom of the Eiffel tower, ruination around her, swirling and teetering on the edge of death, surrounding her like a wet blanket, the water of horror digging deep into her bones. She has watched her comrades die for her and she has watched them protect her with everything in them, believing that she will win. Believing that she will bring them back— and she does, and they’re safe, but nothing can change the fact that she will always remember what her loved one’s looked like dead, empty eyes staring right at her.
She did not win against Hawkmoth, not really, not when she has lost so much. She casts her cure and she returns home with the two recovered miraculouses, a heavy heart, and enough trauma to last a lifetime.
She knew what it felt like to mourn someone she never met but now she learns how it feels to grieve two people at once, even when they are still alive.
19-years-old and Marinette is staring at the fire that consumed the bakery, her home, her parents. She saw too many horrible, traumatic things that it takes a couple seconds to register that this is it, they’re not coming back. Because yes, she has seen the world end but no, the world did not end. She is used to being able to fix things that are broken in a way that makes sure they never broke but this is not one of those things and her parents are not some of the people whose lives she has the luxury of saving.
She is desperate to run and she is desperate to fight but there is no longer a battle in Paris. Her instincts tell her to go, go, run, don’t look back and don’t think about the bodies left behind, so she does and she ends up in Gotham and she ends up looking at familiar gargoyles and familiar streets and feels an ache so wide inside her heart she’s surprised it’s still beating.
She owns a small bakery on the corner of crime alley that is the only neutral ground in seemingly all of Gotham and she learns how to bake without crying at the scent of baked bread, turning her grief into comfort as she’s surrounded by her parent’s smell and memories of her childhood— she shares that comfort with any kids who come in looking for a safe place to spend the night.
21-years-old and Marinette has built herself a home; the building is old but warm and drenched in magic. She found all the other Miraculous boxes and lets the Kwamis roam free inside of her apartment, there’s over a hundred of them in total but she bonded with them all and, in return, they love her. She is the Guardian; both a monster and a protector at once.
The kids flock to her like moths to a flame and over the years she has gained all of their trust. She asks for nothing in return when she gives them food and medicine and a warm place to sleep. There’s magic on the doors that lead to rooms full of bunk beds and closets with food and medical supplies and sleeping bags and all is welcome— the kids know about the Kwamis and they know that she is safe, in a world that has taught them to fear everything, she is safe.
They call her the Guardian or Lady luck and she learns how to have a family again without being terrified of losing them.
23-years-old and Marinette has just saved one of her kids from Scarecrow. It is not the first time and it will not be the last. There are those that are terrified of her, gang leaders and villains that won’t step foot onto her land— but these are her kids, these are her people, this is her home and she will not feel guilty for protecting them.
She is polite to Batman and the other vigilantes, she has made friends with the Sirens, and she knows her way around Gotham and she knows when there is a problem that needs to be solved. She does not know what to make of Red Hood or the dreams that come with him or how her fingers tremble when one of the older kids comes through the bakery’s doors with a crowbar tucked under her arm.
She does not know how to make her mind any lighter, she does not know how to get rid of the darkness but she learns that there is such a thing as healing with time.
24-years-old and Marinette comes home from patrol and finds her balcony’s doors open and the living room smelling like blood. She sees Red Hood’s eyes for the first time and she does not cry, she does not fall, and she does not flinch. They are blue and more angry than sad and guilty— so, so guilty— but she knows them well. Her wrist burns and the Phoenix rises again from the ashes, and she no longer feels so alone.
She patches Hood— Jason, his name is Jason— up and she still does not fall over but her knees are weak, so very weak because he’s here and he’s alive and oh my God. She does not ask about the bullet wound but she asks about the sickly and tainted magic clinging to his skin. He tells her about waking up in the Lazarus Pit and when asked, she tells him about a boy in white and the moon cracked in half in the sky.
They do not know each other’s past well, they do not know so many things but they know that they don’t want to lose each other again. They do not know what to do next but she learns not to question it because her soulmate is alive and that’s good enough for her.
26-years-old and Marinette is getting married under a sky full of stars and the hands in hers are warm and there’s nothing cold about her life. She has her home, she has her kids and bakery and she has her Kwamis. She has Jason and he isn’t gentle but he is kind and he knows how to hold her just right when she feels like falling apart. She is kind and soft and knows how to hold him when he feels like the madness is getting worse again.
She is happy for one of the first times in years and she knows that, despite it all, she’d go through it again if it meant she could end up here; happy in her husband's arms and cheeks hurting from smiling so wide.
She has learned a lot and she’s not even 30, but she has learned how to love and how to be loved and how to always get up when she falls. She knows how to stand, feet firmly planted into the ground, and she knows how to not let herself get blown over when things get too hard.
But if she did happen to let herself fall?
Well, now there’s someone there to catch her.
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brooklynmuseum · 4 years
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Join us for a virtual tour of JR: Chronicles, the first major exhibition in North America of works by the French-born artist JR. Working at the intersections of photography, social engagement, and street art, JR often collaborates with communities by making portraits and wheat pasting them in nearby public spaces. See how JR has expanded the meaning of public art through his ambitious projects that give visibility and agency to a broad spectrum of people around the world.
Created by Sharon Matt Atkins, Director of Exhibitions and Strategic Initiatives, and Drew Sawyer, Phillip Leonian and Edith Rosenbaum Leonian Curator, Photography, Brooklyn Museum.
Born in Paris in 1983 to Eastern European and Tunisian immigrant parents, JR began his career as a graffiti artist under the alias Face 3. 
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JR (French, born 1983). Expo 2 Rue, Action à Paris, 2001–4. Gelatin silver photograph. © JR-ART.NET 
After finding a camera in the Paris Métro in 2000, he started to document his posse of friends in the act of graffitiing and eventually pasted photocopies of these images onto exterior walls and added painted frames, creating Expo 2 Rue (Sidewalk Galleries). 
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Since the pasted images almost always get washed and worn away, documentation of these installations, including the voices of the participants through video and audio recordings, is central to JR’s practice.
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In 2004 JR initiated his first major public project, Portrait of a Generation, which featured photographs of young people from housing complex in the Parisian suburbs of Montfermeil and Clichy-sous-Bois.
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28 Millimètres, Portrait d’une génération, Amad (2004). Gelatin silver photograph. © JR-ART.NET
JR and his friend Ladj Ly, a filmmaker and resident of Les Bosquets, worked with these communities to produce black and white portraits. 
JR used a camera with a wide-angle lens, which not only distorts their faces but also conveys extreme proximity and intimacy, as opposed to photojournalists who use telephoto lenses from a distance. 
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28 Millimeters, Portrait d’une generation: Amad, Paris, Bastille, 2004. Installation image. Wheat-pasted posters on building. © JR-ART.NET
JR and his collaborators then pasted the enlarged images in the surrounding neighborhood of Montfermeil and, eventually, throughout central Paris. Each pasting included the name, age, and address of the sitter.
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This photograph of Ladj Ly and friends was the first large-scale image that JR and his friends wheat pasted in the neighborhood prior to the riots there in 2005. It appeared as the backdrop in photographs accompanying newspaper articles and television footage about the uprising, thereby becoming JR’s first published work.
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JR (French, born 1983). 28 Millimètres, Portrait d'une génération, B11, Destruction #2, Montfermeil, France, 2013. Installation image. Wheat-pasted posters on building. © JR-ART.NET
In 2013 JR learned that the housing towers in Les Bosquets were going to be demolished, so he and a group revisited the Portrait of a Generation project by pasting portraits in the interior. As the buildings were being torn down, the monumental images of residents were slowly revealed.
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In 2005 JR traveled to Israel and Palestinian territories, where he and his friend Marco were inspired to carry out a public project similar to Portrait of a Generation. 
The following year, during a period of fierce tension and fighting in the Gaza Strip, they began meeting with and making portraits of Palestinians and Israelis who held the same jobs.
Ayman Abu Alzulof, a Palestinian actor from the town of Beit Sahour, said he agreed to be photographed because the images would be seen on both sides of the border. "It shows that both parties look like each other, as human beings,” he explained. “It's difficult to differentiate between a Palestinian face and an Israeli face. It will also show that we live here. I think a lot of people will talk about it.”
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In 2008 JR initiated Women Are Heroes after learning about the deaths of three young men in the favela of Morro da Providência in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the subsequent riots ignited by the involvement of the Brazilian military. 
The exhibition includes this multi-media diorama that narrates the stories of the participants and project.
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28 Millimeters, Women Are Heroes, Action dans la Favela Morro da Providência, Stairs, a Few Days Later, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008. Color lithograph. © JR-ART.NET
After meeting with residents for a month, the artist collaborated with them to make photographs of the eyes and faces of local women, including some related to the murdered men. Together, they pasted the blown-up images on staircases and buildings around the favela.
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28 Millimètres, Women Are Heroes, Action dans la Favela Morro da Providência, Favela de Jour, Rio de Janeiro, 2008. Installation image. Wheat-pasted posters on buildings. © JR-ART.NET
Giant faces and eyes appeared to be staring down into Rio from the hilltop.
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Casa Amarela, in Morro da Providência, Brazil. © JR-ART.NET
JR continues to work with the communities with which he partners. In 2009, he established the Casa Amarela (Yellow House) in Morro da Providência in 2009. 
The moon on top of the house is actually a room, where artists from all over the world can stay in exchange for conducting workshops for the children and adults of the favela. They just celebrated their 10th anniversary! 
The exhibition includes a model of Casa Amarela, created by Brazilian artist Raphael Truffi Bortholuzzi
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Between 2008 and 2010, JR also completed Women Are Heroes installations in Cambodia, India, Kenya, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.
Here is an installation that shows portraits of some of the participants alongside an aerial shot of the images printed on vinyl and installed on rooftops in Kibera, Kenya in 2009. 
The images both transformed the landscape and provided protection from the rain.
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In 2008 JR began his project The Wrinkles of the City in Cartagena, Spain. As he had done for Women Are Heroes, JR collaborated with the community to create large-scale portraits. This time he photographed the oldest inhabitants of the city.
This gallery also demonstrates more of JR’s process, including the rolls of paper shown here and mockups.
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In 2011 JR won the TED Prize, a $100,000 award given to “leaders with creative, bold wishes to spark global change.” The prize enabled JR to launch Inside Out, a global public art project. He began encouraging others to use his process and providing the means to do so, expanding his collaborative practice to a fully participatory art project.
This installation highlights many of the Inside Out projects (@insideoutproject) through more than 50 videos created by the organizers and participants of actions around the world.
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Since 2011 more than 400,000 portraits have been pasted in 141 countries worldwide, including visitors to the Museum’s First Saturday programming last August!
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In September 2017 JR installed a monumental photograph of Kikito, a one-year-old boy from Tecate, Mexico, in a location near the child’s home along the U.S.-Mexico border. The giant toddler, seeming to peer over the fence, prompted the viewer to wonder, What does a child think about a fence he sees every day?
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Kikito, 2017
Although the nearly 70’ tall image stood in Mexico, it could best be viewed from the United States. Kikito’s mother remarked: “I hope this will help people see us differently than what they hear in the media. . . . I hope in that image they won’t only see my kid. They will see us all.”
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JR (French, born 1983). Migrants, Mayra, Picnic across the Border, Tecate, Mexico—U.S.A., 2017. Installation image. Wheat-pasted poster on table. © JR-ART.NET
On October 8, 2017, for the last day of the Kikito installation at the U.S.-Mexico border, JR organized a gigantic picnic on both sides of the wall. Kikito, his family, and dozens of guests came from the United States and Mexico to share a meal. 
People at both sides of the border gathered around the eyes of Mayra, a “Dreamer,” eating the same food, sharing the same water, and enjoying the same live music (with half the band’s musicians playing on either side).
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In 2016 JR returned once again to Clichy-Montfermeil with the filmmaker Ladj Ly to photograph more than 750 people from the Parisian suburb in order to create a large-scale mural, inspired by the work of the Mexican painter Diego Rivera. 
In 2017, the mural was installed at Les Bosquets. Here the work is shown as a large-scale transparency print in a lightbox. 
In early 2020, JR started teaching a course titled “Art and Image,” at the École Kourtrajmé, a film school in the neighborhood founded by Ladj Ly.
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Still from The Gun Chronicles, 2018. Video, black and white, sound; 4 min. loop. © JR-ART.NET.
Commissioned by Time magazine for its cover on November 5, 2018, this video mural visualizes a spectrum of views on guns in the United States through collaged portraits of 245 individuals, including gun collectors, hunters, law enforcement officials, shooting victims, emergency room teams that treat victims of mass shootings, and gun industry lobbyists. 
Participants were invited to share their individual views, describe their own experiences, and search for common ground; their accounts are accessible on the project's website.
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At the center of the exhibition is JR’s new monumental mural project, The Chronicles of New York City (2019). In the summer of 2018, JR and his team spent a month roaming all five boroughs of New York City, parking their 53-foot-long trailer truck in numerous locations and taking photographs of passersby who wished to participate.
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JR (French, born 1983). The Chronicles of New York City, 2018–19 (detail). © JR-ART.NET
Each of the 1,128 participants was photographed in front of a green screen, and then the images were collaged into a New York City setting featuring architectural landmarks. 
The participants chose how they personally wanted to be represented and were asked to share audio recordings of their stories, which are now available on a free mobile app.
In keeping with the public and collaborative nature of JR’s art, the museum partnered with organizations in Brooklyn to install murals throughout the burough.  
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The Chronicles of New York City, JR and Triangle Stack 2, LOT-EK at Domino Park Photo credit: Marc Azoulay - JR-ART.net
A monumental version of The Chronicles of New York City is on view in Domino Park (@dominopark) in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The project has been conceived in collaboration with LOT-EK, which designed Triangle STACK #2 to help bring JR's mural into the city's open space. 
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Installation view of The Chronicles of New York City at Kings Theatre, 2019; and Inside Out project at Brooklyn Academy of Global Finance, Bedford-Stuyvesant Courtesy © JR-ART.NET
JR’s murals are also on view at Kings Theatre in Flatbush and the Brooklyn Academy of Global Finance in Bedford-Stuyvesant.
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Thank you for joining us on our tour of JR: Chronicles. Tune in next Sunday for another tour of our galleries! 
Installation views of JR: Chronicles by Jonathon Dorado
111 notes · View notes
nomnomsik · 5 years
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Pairing: Sugar daddy (1880′s)!JK x FEM!Reader
Word Count: 5.1K
A/N: I heavily based this off events and theories of the Jack the Ripper! I tried my best to incorporate some of the language of the time in London/Victorian era. I’m sorry if it doesn’t do it justice! (I don’t know much about it and only worked off my own research) If you see some of the references to theories let me know~ Can you find them all? Also, this is for the anon who wanted SugarDaddy BTS x OC
Trigger warnings: blood, murder, sexual themes, prostitution, incisions, cuts, body mutilation, yandere themes, obsession, toxicity, noona reader, woman troubles, toxic masculinity. Please do not read if you are sensitive 
“Mayhaps it wouldn’t be the best idea to go out tonight, no? Nonetheless, I can take care of you and any burdens you may have, my darling.”
The younger male looked worriedly, his voice laced with concern and love as he stared at you. The two of you stood near the door as you slipped on your worn out boots. You had a tattered and worn out dress on that was in very poor condition. Your hair was messily put together, a dusty pin sticking out.
“If you remember, you know my answer from the first time. I’ll be seeing you again later.”
Your voice was cold and short as you went to leave immediately. Your response was rough and straight to the point, fitting your very poor life. Everything in your life was what it was supposed to be growing up poor, except for the gorgeous man who stood next to you. His posture, diction, and mannerisms screamed rich.
“How long, my dove?”
Without turning back, you answered.
“Oh well… Perhaps it depends on how long my client wants.”
With that, the door shut closed, leaving the man all alone in your home. His fists were clenched as he rolled his tongue on the inside of his mouth. He turned the other way, walking upstairs to the small bedroom. It was much smaller than any bedroom he had ever stepped foot in. It smelled of wet wood and the waste from the streets that roamed around this part of the city.
As he stared at the night sky, the illuminating lights of the London cityscape seemed to be the only thing that welcomed him in your home.
Jungkook discarded his dark brown trench coat, tossing it onto the neatly made bed. His fingers came up to his tie, loosening it at the top before unwinding it all together. All he had left was his tailored dress shirt accompanied with his dress shoes that had developed dirt over time in this area.
He crossed his arms as he stared out of the window, the cool breeze of the night blowing past him. No matter what he seemed to do, his mind was filled to the brim of you. 
Your gentleness and purity all taken for granted by these disgusting older men who only wanted to use you for their own pleasures. And yet, he knew you didn’t have a choice.
No matter how much he spoiled you with gifts or beautiful encrusted jewelry, you always smiled, refusing to accept them. When he forced you to take them, you placed and stored them away, brushing his questions to the side.
It was always, “I’ll wear it someday.” or “Maybe not today.” He quickly grew agitated. The only thing you chose to keep was the house he had bought for you at the East end of the city. 
This side of the city was far from luxury. It was dirty and disgusting, filled with poverty and swarm of immigrants that had no common decency. He had always believed it was because you were too prideful to accept anything from him, but then again, much as he wanted to deny it, maybe you enjoyed what you did.
It didn’t help him that he was younger. Maybe you saw him as a kid. Maybe it hurts you to see a younger man plead on his knees to take care of you. Maybe you wanted him to find someone better. He groaned, holding his head in both hands.
Couldn’t you see there was no one else for him? He remembered the day he burned with rage and jealousy when you told him you were going back out again. It was like you threw all his hard work away. He worked tirelessly, running through London during the nights just for you. He even got the top headlines on the papers just for you.
If you truly knew what kind of person he was, then would you see how much of a man he was? Jungkook laughed cynically to himself, burying his head in his arms. As he stood up, his eyes were wide and a smile graced his face. He flipped open his pocket watch, before returning downstairs.
“Oh, my silly love,” He moaned, threading his arms through his suit vest before buttoning it up. “The things you do to make me crazy.”
With that, Jungkook opened the door, stepping out on the dirty streets of the Eastside.
Labored breaths filled the grimy and unkempt room as you pulled your clothing to your bare chest. The older man threw his spare coins and bills at you that you desperately caught with your hands. Within minutes, you slipped on your messy and wrinkled dress before securing the money in your pocket.
You were pushed out of the door and back on the dark streets of London. The muddy and rotting smell filled your nose as you quickly walked down the darkened streets. You had always known it was dangerous to be walking out on the streets alone, especially this late at night.
You remembered the way your roommate had come up to you, pleading you to not go out again. He went on his knees, scared for his life he would lose you. 
How long has it been? You silently cursed to yourself as you rushed back. You missed the security of Jungkook’s arms even though you were sure he only pitied you. Why else would he waste his wealth on you?
You were dim-witted. You needed money. It was the only way to survive and yet, when your roommate came up to you, his pockets stuffed with an unimaginable amount of coins, you rejected. You truly were foolish. From then on, you rejected everything, swearing on your pride to never give in.
As you quickly unlocked the door, you were greeted with Jungkook who sat quietly in the living room, watching the latest silent film. Or was it a motion picture? You didn’t know the specifics nor cared. You didn’t have the luxury for that sort of hobby. Jungkook smiled at you, standing up before wrapping both of his arms to give you a tight hug.
“I missed you, sweetheart.” His delicate fingers brushed the back of your head as he straighten your hair out. “Do you not feel well, my love?” His eyes scanned your face for any sign of discomfort. You shrugged, brushing him off and once again breaking his heart.
“Could you tell me the time?” You asked, walking up the wooden stairs that creaked.
“It's ten-to-four, darling. You don’t know what I had to endure with your prolonged stay out there…” Jungkook pouted, following you up the stairs. He leaned on the doorway of the bedroom, closing his pocket watch.
Jungkook watched as you nonchalantly stripped out of your only ‘good’ dress, throwing the thing you’ve worn for a solid four years.
“Oh love, why don't you wear any of the dresses I’ve given you?” He questioned, walking over you as he brushed your hair once again. He lowered himself down to your ear, digging his hands into your shoulder. “And why won’t you sleep with me, sweetheart?”
You jumped, pushing him off.
“Leave me be.”
His face contorted in pain once again.
“Darling, I love-”
“Don’t make me repeat myself, Jungkook. Leave me.” You warned as you slipped into the bed, covering yourself with the knitted blanket that began to develop holes.
Jungkook sighed, nodding before slipping downstairs.
Bread, potato, cheese, gruel, and broth. Breakfast. You quietly ate at the small dining room table that sat in the middle of the living room. Meanwhile, Jungkook walked over, peering at you and your meal.
“Dove, that will surely not be enough to fill you up.” He looked distressed and anxious, looking at your thing arms and bare bones. “Why don’t we take a joyous trip away from the East side?”
You cleaned your fingers on a dirty cloth, looking up to meet the younger man’s eyes.
“Thank you for the offer, but I’ll decline.”
Jungkook let out a deep sigh, clearly frustrated. It irked him how much you refused him. What was your problem? Why were you so set on having a miserable life?
“Don't you want to be respected, bricky lass?” He grunted. “Why is it that you seem to be miffed by me whenever I try to lend you my services? When I try to be a remedy for your poor life?”
You clicked your tongue in annoyance. “Even if I did desire for those to respect me… Do you think that perhaps those people will?”
Before Jungkook could answer, you cut him off again.
“I don’t think so, Mr. Jeon. I believe no matter what I do or what you do, you cannot save me from this life. I don’t need your help, nor did I ask for your help. Don’t you know what they think about women like me?”
Jungkook knew. He gulped loudly, averting his eyes to the side.
“Darling… You know that there’s no way I think that-”
“I don’t care what you think, Mr. Jeon. I sell myself for money! They call me a hussy because I am!” You yelled, forgetting about your meal as you approached the handsome man. “I’m a fallen woman! That’s what they all say… And I’m fine with it. I don’t need you. I don’t want your money.”
Jungkook remained silent, his eyes dropping down to the floor. You jumped as he abruptly moved, grabbing his trench coat and heading towards the door. Your feet quickly followed him as he opened the entrance of the door, revealing the light of the East side morning.
“Please be careful at night, y/n. We’ll see each other another time. If you see the moon, think of me.”
Jungkook shut the door and you watched like a puppy out of the window, following his powerful strides down the contaminated street. When he was no longer in view, a sigh left your body. You put the spare food away in one of those recently developed refrigeration machines.
You walked over to the front door, opening it to the foul air.
“Good morning!~” A bright voice greeted you as well as a ring of a bell.
“Good morning, Jin.” You replied calmly, walking down the front steps. He handed you the morning paper before giving you a warm smile that scrunched his eyes and puffed out his cheeks. “Thank you.”
“Todays, issue…” His voice trailed off as you looked back at the front page curiously. “A psycho is out there, y/n. Watch out!”
You looked down at the front headline, your eyes widening. GHASTLY MURDER AT THE EAST END! Two hussies were found on the streets of the East end, their heads decapitated and their organs removed. The officials suspect that-
“Thanks for letting me know, Jin.” You thanked, before waving him off.
“See you again soon!” He chirped before riding off to the next set of houses.
You walked back in, locking the front door while setting the paper down on the table. You took a seat thinking over your choices. How much money could you survive on without going out for a few nights? 
The murders seemed to get worse and worse nowadays. Everyone in the East side was unhappy with the high poverty and you assumed the lack of happiness resulted in violence.
You laid on the only piece of furniture in your house, stretching your legs out on the plush cushion. As you drifted off into a quick snooze, your mind faded off.
His breath was rough and ragged as he hovered above you, leaving a trail of kisses down your skin. His thrusts were slow and steady as he looked at you straight in the eyes. Every emotion and expression on your face was carefully observed. He slowly increased speed as you loosened more and more for him. His grip tightened around your hips as he pushed deeper and deeper into you. You cried out as you met every one of his thrusts.
“Love… I don’t think I c-can-” Jungkook stuttered, his hips erratically sliding in and out. “Ah…!” He grunted, slipping out before spilling his white cum all over your chest and stomach.
“Jungkook…” You murmured, your arm stretched out for him.
“Yes, love?” He whispered, bringing you closer to his chest. He wrapped an arm around your back, your chest squishing against his.
“Thank you.”
Immediately, your eyes snapped open as a raging hot burst of embarrassment filled your face. You slapped your cheeks, cooling that humiliating memory.
“I was so…!” You scolded, hastily standing up and finding something else to do in your small home before heading for your morning job at the restaurant in town.
Needless to say, you didn’t see Jungkook for the next three days. His presence was definitely missed, but you felt pride swell in your chest at the independence. You could make your own money and you could certainly rely on yourself. You didn’t need his pity. Or maybe… you weren’t used to such affection before from another man.
However, you shook your head, dressing for another night out. You met your newest customer during your shift, quickly sharing information and prices. He wasn’t the most handsome man in the world. He was overweight and lacked proper hygiene, but he was much better than some of the other customers you had stayed with before. Money was money after all.
With that, you slipped on your trusty boots before heading out again.
“Oh my sweetheart, you truly are smart despite what you say you are.” He sighed blissfully, staring once against at the bright moon that hung over London. He sat in his home, looking out from the bathroom window. Jungkook’s hands unbuttoned his dress shirt, throwing the item into the bathtub. Then he unbuckled his pants before throwing it too in the bathtub along with the shirt. Turning the faucet on, he splashed water on his face before thoroughly scrubbing his gorgeous skin.
As he rubbed his face with a cloth, he stared at his reflection and his toned chest.
“If you only saw the look on their faces! And the fact I still came home before you did…! Ahahah!” Jungkook laughed loudly to himself, tossing the knife that sat on the kitchen counter into the bathtub with all the other bloody items. Cleaning would commence immediately.
It was such a pleasure for Jungkook to see you remain in your home after those nights. It was pleasing to see his actions have proved successful. No longer would you need to go out. All he needed was to scare you, to make you question whether your job was truly worth the risk. Slicing up those stupid women was completely worth it.
Now you wouldn’t go out, destroying your purity more and more with other men. Men that weren’t him.
Unfortunately, you were too difficult to persuade. He watched as you left your home on the third night. Did you not see all the warnings? The dozen of papers warning women to not leave their homes at night because of him? His body was fueled with anger as you walked into another home.
“Because of your actions, my precious dove… Another will have to pay the price in your stead. When will you learn…?”
His feet carried him swiftly through the night. Ever since his recent killings, the alleys were scoured by police and authorities, all searching for him. He was to move quickly and carefully, avoiding all suspicion. It was always interesting to read the papers.
Doctor? Surgeon? Ridiculous. He mocked them all, sending in letters in which he explicitly called them fools. Screw them, they wouldn’t understand. But he loved the name, Jack the Ripper? Who knew it would fit him perfectly. Two letters and it was truly him. Two more deaths and maybe you'll finally stop this foolish game.
His eyes spotted a woman down the street, quickly rushing out a house. A house that looked in too good of conditions for her to live in. His eyes analyzed her body moments. Why was she rushing and why, most importantly, did it look like her clothes were hastily put on? Jungkook licked his lips, his hand sliding the blade out into the open, yet concealing it in the darkness.
Jungkook studied his prey for a bit longer before he no longer needed to watch. Bills and coins. The woman counted them for a few seconds before shoving them in her pocket. He laughed to himself before quickly following after her. Almost from out of the darkness, he was suddenly behind her and as the woman turned around she was met with her doom.
Down with one strike, she fell, her head harshly colliding with the cobblestone. With quick knife work, he sliced the woman open, blood gushing open and spilling onto the darkened streets.
“Bloody whore! It’s because of you. You!” He emphasized, his voice hushed to avoid suspicion. “It’s because of you my love thinks she has to do the same.” He grit, deeply slicing her throat and gashing her face.
With a flip of his knife, he was about to cut the abdomen before he heard several footsteps. Jungkook paused, shoving the blade back into his coat pocket. He darted his head side to side, carefully listening for the direction of the sound.
North… He made a run for it, leaving the corpse on the ground. He ran west, maneuvering through the alleys and streets while using the darkness of the night to his advantage. Luckily for him, he avoided all officials that were searching the streets.
However, Jungkook clicked his tongue. Those damn police! Why the hell are they still out this early in the morning? He wasn’t satisfied. Not only was he interrupted, but he also didn’t even to mutilate the genitals or cut open the abdomen. They wouldn’t even know it’s him!
I guess… There is no more time to think. I have to find another one to make up for this loss.
Making his way from Berner Street, he ran towards Mitre Square. He hid in the shadows of the buildings, taking in deep breaths to calm his pounding heart. When he opened his eyes again, he looked around in the Square, before seeing a lovely woman who sat on the benches.
After checking and fixing his appearance, he walked over to the woman.
“I’m terribly sorry to bother you, but is this seat taken?” He asked politely, watching as the woman’s cheeks flushed a tint of pink.
“No, of course not. Please.” She pointed to the free seat, allowing him to sit right next to her.
“And what’s your name? It’s awfully strange to be alone here during the night after all these horrible events that have taken place over the past weeks.” Jungkook gave her a warm smile which made her blush worsen.
“Oh… I was… Well… I was supposed to go home with a man today, but I don’t think he’s coming or showing up.” She admitted softly.
“I see…” Jungkook sympathized, nodding his head up and down. “But then why do you seem so upset? It doesn’t suit your delicate face.” He extended his hand out, brushing a few strands away from her eyes. She looked down, completely flustered.
“Well, it’s just, I have some payments I need to make… But I don’t have enough money for it and I was hoping the man would show up tonight… I’m just, oh I’m not so sure, I feel let down.”
It was almost an instinct, as Jungkook responded immediately.
“Then, how about, if you could let me take you home? I would be incredibly honored to be with such a beautiful woman and I would be happy to give you payment.”
He cringed internally.
Her eyes lit up as she stared at Jungkook with love and adoration. He smiled back at her, holding one of her hands before bringing it to his lips and kissing the back of her hand.
“It would be my pleasure.” He winked, before looking at his surroundings. There was no one. He stood up with the woman’s hand still held by him. “It would also be my pleasure if you got out of my sight.”
Before the woman could even look back up, Jungkook brought his blade up, slashing her throat. He severed it completely before moving on to her abdomen. He ripped it open with his blade, leaving a jagged wound and disconnected the left kidney from her body.
“Haha...hahahaha!” He smiled, ripping a majority of her uterus off. “You bloody whore. Absolutely disgusting… But, you should’ve seen the look on your face, love.” He spit mockingly.
“Why won’t you accept me?!” He cried, slashing her face apart. “I would do anything for you! I’m killing for you!! I have all the money you could imagine, so why!”
Blood splattered onto the ground.
“Can’t you!”
Blood pooled out from under her.
“Accept me?!”
Breathing heavily, he stood up and looked down at the mutilated corpse. His body felt numb. He felt like he was an immature kid again. Had he just taken his anger out on something again? Was he going to regret his actions? Right now, it didn’t feel like he was going to any time soon. As long as you never stepped out of the house again to go on one of your sexual adventures, then he had truly succeeded.
Jungkook ran. His feet carried him to your home, unlocking the door himself and throwing all his dirty and bloodstained clothing into the bathtub once again. It took about an hour of work, scrubbing all the blood away and washing his body off. Blood flushed down the bathtub drain and he squeezed the remaining water from his clothes before hanging them up to dry.
“Ahh…” He sighed, relaxing on your bed. His eyes fluttered shut as his body melted into a deep sleep.
You followed shortly after, sticking your key to unlock your door. When you felt no heavy friction or the click of the door, you pushed open the door to find it already unlocked. Your eyes immediately caught the pair of dress shoes that sat in front of the door. You sighed, throwing off your own boots before climbing the stairs.
When you walked into the bedroom, you sighed once again. The younger male was spread out across your sheets, drooling sloppily on your already dirty blankets. Before you’re about to yell at the younger, you just sigh, huddling next to him.
It’s no surprise you woke up first. You got far away from the youthful man, stepping down the creaky stairs to receive the morning paper once again. As you stepped out at the bright Friday morning, the Eastside seemed to shine back. It was quite beautiful despite living in the most run-down area in London.
“Good morning, Jin!” You called as the paper-boy stepped on the brakes as he approached your home.
“Good morning to you too, Ms. y/n!” He chirped, handing over the paper. “Today’s story is crazy! This is no foozler, let me tell you that.”
You looked down at the front page, your mouth slightly parted as two pictures of blurred women that were brutally killed greeted you back.
“Oh my-” You choked, your hand clamping your mouth as if you were about to choke or gag.
“I know, I know. I had the same reaction if I do say so myself, Ms. Y/n. Hedge-creepers are having it rough by this psycho. It seems like the mutton shunters have no choice but to protect them now.”
“I see…” You forced out a smile and waved him goodbye. As you entered the living room, you threw the paper onto the small dining room table.
This was absolutely crazy! Two murders in a single night?
The huge bolded words of “Double Event” stood proudly on the front cover it made you sick to the stomach. As you turned around, you bumped into a solid chest.
“Oh, I apologize for that dove. It wasn’t in my intention to sneak up on you like this.” He apologized, steadying your body with both hands. “What are you doing up so early?”
“I was reading the morning paper, Jungkook.” You pointed at the paper that laid on the table. Jungkook walked over, studying the front cover while smirking to himself. “Who could do such a thing?” You complained, shaking your head.
“Damfino.” He laughed, scratching the back of his head. “Surely if this is the same person, you shouldn’t be leaving at night, sweetheart.” He cooed, kissing the top of your head. “Let me take care of you, please?”
You stood there thoughtfully, thinking his offer over. But, the irking feeling of already being a shame to all of society immediately erased the thought.
“I will be alright, Mr. Jeon.”
“What’s got you so poked up, darling?” He asked as your cheeks flushed. “Why are you so determined to reject me? Am I someone who’s skilamalink?”
“Then why?!” He raised his voice this time as you flinched. You turned around and met his pained expression. “Please! Just tell me. At this point, I’ll change! I’ll do anything!” He grabbed onto your shoulders, shaking your frail body.
“Am I meater? Is that why? Darling, please talk to me!” He wailed. “Am I too young or do I not meet your standards of being manly?”
“Mr. Jeon… Stop…” You broke free for a second and ran up the stairs, Jungkook following and running after you. He forced the door of the bedroom open as you took several steps back. “What are you-”
He grabbed both of your wrists, crushing his lips and devouring you fully. Jungkook pushed you further and further back into the room until you fell on top of your bed. You felt hot and uncomfortable as Jungkook did whatever the hell he wanted to do. He shoved his tongue into your mouth as saliva pooled down your lips. He nibbled on your bottom lips and sucked, rarely giving you enough time to breathe. His hold on your wrists was like iron vices that forced you in place.
“Mm!” You winced, struggling in his hold. With a loud pop and lick of his lips, Jungkook finally let go.
“What do I have to do to get you to love me?” He pleaded, staring into your eyes.
“There’s nothing…” You harshly breathed out. “I’m a fallen woman.”
“No!” Jungkook lunged at you, pinning you down with both hands as he breathed heavily. “Please… Just feel the same way for me… Please. Please!” He cried, squeezing your wrists.
He looked hopefully at you, but his heart dropped as you shook your head in defiance.
His lips trembled as he stared back at you. So it doesn’t matter now… Nothing matters now.
His body shook as a tear made its way up to the surface of his eye, rolling down his cheek.
“I just wanted to love you…” He whimpered.
“I know.”
“I wanted to be loved, dove.” He pleaded.
“I know... I’m sorry.”
After the first tear rolled down his cheeks, a consistent stream pooled down. He rubbed one of his eyes, keeping his hold on your right arm.
“I love you.” He whispered.
He reached for his blade from the back of his pocket as he hovered above you. His tears stuck to his face as he brought the knife down, making a deep gash on your throat and severing it down the spine.
“AHH!” He screamed, ripping and tearing you to pieces. He cut open your abdomen, emptying almost all the organs as your mouth fell agape, your life completely gone from your eyes. Your deep crimson blood spilled onto your favorite blanket and through the thin sheets of your bed as Jungkook cut you to pieces.
Your organs fell out, dropping onto the sheets as well as Jungkook hacked at your face. If you couldn’t be his, nobody deserved you. Nobody deserved your beauty and purity. He was your final moment, the last thing your eyes saw.
“Why?! WHY?!” He hollered, his mind going numb as he continued his ministrations. “WHY?!” He wailed, grabbing his right hand with his left and slowly lowering the blade down. 
He breathed heavily, his eyes wide and a smile graced on his lips. Bringing his bloody hand to his mouth, he touched his curled lips.
“I’m… happy?” He whispered, looking down at your disfigured body. “Haha… Hahahaha!” He giggled, a tongue coming out to lick the blood off his finger. “Hahaha! Oh, how funny this truly is!”
Jungkook stumbled back up, looking back at the room. He inspected the floors as well as his appearance to make sure he left no trail. He paused as his foot passed the threshold and looked back at you one last time. Immediately, he turned back, sinking his hand into the gory mess.
“Mine…” He picked up the no longer beating heart and brought it to his chest. He slowly tucked it into his trench coat. “You’ll always be with me, love.”
From then on, Jungkook disappeared from London. Women were no longer found with his notorious incisions and marks. 
How long has it been? As he sat in his new home, he dipped his pen in ink, scribbling nonsensical words in his journal.
This was no home. He wrote.
They found out. Close people. They did.
Scared at first, but realized…
His writing trailed off.
They knew but kept it private. They didn’t want to ruin themselves.
Now, I’m here. They said it’ll be my final resting place.
I’ll be with you, my love.
Just wait for me.
I loved and killed the only important person in my life.
Now, it’s time.
JK the Ripper
The door to his room opened, revealing a fresh and young man.
“It’s time. Get up.”
Jungkook rose, following the man out. He touched his own hair, realizing just how long it got.
“Ahh, no good. You wouldn’t like that, right darling? I’m not handsome with long hair…” He chuckled to himself as he walked through the dark hallways. “They’re keeping me in some weird place…” He whispered. “They say it’ll help me, but the only thing I really need is you, my love.”
A pair of guards opened another door, ushering him in. Jungkook stepped in, taking a seat in the only chair. The walls were painted white. Almost everything in the room was the same white color.
“Any last wishes you crazed man?” A man also dressed in white asked.
Jungkook smiled, his bangs covering most of his face.
“I hope I’ll see her.”
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war--lords · 5 years
I love your writing so much and I hope that you are taking care of yourself!! May I ask for Nobunaga and Angel and devil? Please and thank you!! :D
Thanks for the kind words!
Here's one that's longer than what I usually write. My Angel/Devil lore is based on Terry Pratchett/Neil Gaiman's Good Omens (a great book), which basically says that angels and devils coexist on the mortal plane to do their respective jobs, appearing as normal humans, but they don't die.
I really hope this isn't confusing. I started writing and went with wherever the flow took me. Enjoy the read (if you can)!
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He's seen you around. How could a spawn of evil not notice his enemy flitting around his territory? Though really, Oda Nobunaga shouldn't be concerned. He's a high ranking officer of immorality, while you're just one of the virtuous obscures. (Your upper management would insist that all angels are equally important regardless of their rank, yet he barely ever sees them in the field and/or at work, so who's to say that they actually mean it?)
Often he'd spot you in less decent areas of the city, sometimes the slums, sometimes at shelters where good people congregate. And all that time he thinks you're foolish—hanging around outcasts, addicts, lost causes, trying to 'bring them back to the light', whatever that means.
But the more he watches you, the more muddled his sentiments become. He notices the results of your hard work in the air, because he is aware that there's slightly less depravity (a feeling he's born to sense) and more of something he can't completely place his finger on. Resilience? Hope? He's not familiar with those, but it has to be something along those lines. It happens whenever you talk to those people, whenever you offer a gentle touch on their weary shoulder, a simple smile. Everyone feels a little bit better, and that's good enough.
You roam the city alone like a hummingbird amongst concrete, trying to save souls, while he's riding in Bentleys and Bugattis to go to meetings where he inserts his hellish influence. He doesn't even need to do much work—the people he meets already think a lot like him.
"There's room at the shelter tonight. You'd better go—and please tell anyone you see on the streets. It's not safe out here."
You receive one last grateful hug from the homeless man before he walks off to the direction you pointed at, and dare you say his steps look a little lighter. The sole of his worn-out boots are no longer being dragged across the pavement.
The sky doesn't. It's been a consistently dark afternoon, and through the open door of a quickly emptying restaurant you hear the faint sound of the TV. Category two typhoon... travelling from the southwest to the north... full force at 7 PM... looking at three days, maybe more... public transportation at total stop...
You have a few hours left to do your job, maybe help a couple of people get to a safe place if they don't already have somewhere to stay. You wonder if the shelters have enough water to make it through. Upper management probably wouldn't mind if you turn some dive bar moonshine into fresh drinking water—a great homage to the original, they'd say. You smile at the thought.
A car passes by the discreet drab streets, sleek black with newly polished tires and deathly silent even as it approaches. Not unlike many other cars in the city, but you feel it. Him, rather. From miles away you sense him, and you have known of his presence in your area for many months already. You don't bother with him, and in return he doesn't bother you, which is natural, since he's a good amount of leagues above you and you're too insignificant for him to deal with—or so upper management says when you relayed your report about him. You take it as a compliment. It means that you can continue to do your job while he continues to do his. It's mildly infuriating to think about (board meetings with lawmakers and huge corporations are obviously a big problem if the other side is behind it), but you trust that the senior officers will handle him.
You feel a gust of cold wind hitting you in the face and you zip up your jacket before shoving your hands into the pockets.
There's no time for you to dwell on the devil.
Being an angel doesn't mean you're able to protect yourself from getting drenched. You'd gladly conjure a supernatural force field above you as the torrential rain hit an unsuspecting city one hour earlier than forecasted (successfully interrupting your work), but there were people all around and you didn't want the attention.
A bad day to leave the umbrella at home, you muse, running for shelter towards a local bar. The typhoon has begun, slowly but surely, starting with downpours and later on accompanied by strong squalls. You mutter a curse word under your breath that might upset your kind, but you can't find it in you to care at the moment. Your apartment is miles away and you have no way of going home in this weather.
Might as well get a drink.
You're busy playing with your order in the old dimly lit bar, stirring and stirring and staring at the mini-tornado that forms in your glass. You take the stirrer out—a minute later and the liquid still moves, round and round and round it goes.
In desperate times like these, you're not above using your powers for your entertainment.
It's cold outside. The sun looks like it has taken the rest of the day off.
Cabs come around this area once in a blue moon, not wanting to get involved in shady dealings that are known to happen frequently. The rainstorm doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon, so there's no chance to make a run for it, unless you want to be soaked to the bone and, if you're unlucky, have some debris hurled on you, causing serious injuries. The bar is empty except for you and the bartender, so you have no hope of getting a ride out of this place. Unless the bartender plans on bouncing anytime soon...
You look up when the young man passes you a small platter of warm cheese fries you didn't order. You thank him with a smile—human food isn't a necessity for you, but you enjoy eating.
You're about to reach for a fry when you feel it. Him.
You sense it coming from a mile away, like a blip in your mind's radar. He's moving fast—must be riding in that fancy car, as always, but where's he going in a category two typhoon?
Ah well, the devil does work hard.
Trying to ignore the feeling of him, you play and play with your glass, never once touching your lips to its rim, as if the whole purpose of you ordering it was just to watch the storm that brews inside. That is, until you pick up his signal slowing down, down, down... before he finally stops. Outside the bar. Not even ten feet away from your seat.
Your gaze darts to the wooden door and its frosted glass centerpiece. A figure clad in black approaches. The door opens.
He has the gall to stop at the open doorway, his amber reddish eyes looking straight at you as if he's got you exactly where he wants you to be. He smiles.
You smile back. Courtesy is free.
While you turn your focus back to your drink, he walks toward you, the clacking of his dress shoes on wood panels resounding throughout the room. A normal person would consider the sound intimidating, but you're not a normal person—not normal, nor a person.
He sits next to you.
You slide the bucket of fries towards him. "Hungry?"
His gaze on you is intense, examining the most detailed of your actions. He contemplates on counting your eyelashes, but instead finds himself lost in the contours of your face. Your cheeks, your nose, the curve of your lips...
He offers you a small smirk, picking up a single fry from the woven bucket and eating it in one go, all the while still looking at you. You look at him back, though in a more lighthearted fashion. It's not everyday you get to see a high ranking devil, let alone share a bucket of fries with him—actually, it's very likely, humans just won't know it when they see it.
"Do you like it?" You ask, actually wanting his opinion on carbs instead of making small talk. There's nothing between you and him to fight about in this moment, even taking the sides you're on into account. The bar is a safe space—you're just two otherworldly entities taking a break. Or so you hope.
"Of course I do," he replies. You realize this is the first time you've heard him speak. Sonorous and deep, he commands attention, and you don't happen to have other things to pay attention to right now. "I happen to be the one who put it in the menu."
You chuckle. "Of course you own this place." You've been around—it might not seem like it from front view, but you're not surprised if he owns the whole city.
The bartender now visibly looks less casual and more professional, preparing the usual drink for the proprietor of his workplace. Once he places the drink on the counter—an Old Fashioned—he leaves at the command of Nobunaga's hand. You're guessing that he lives upstairs.
"Oda Nobunaga," he says, extending a hand. You offer your own mortal name, clasping your hand with his in a firm yet amiable handshake. The two of you return to your drinks, him sipping on his Old Fashioned while you stare at yours go round and round the glass. There's a loud crashing sound outside followed by the howl of the wind. Neither of you look disturbed.
He ponders on your touch as clarity dawns upon him, as slow as a winter sunrise. It's the soft of your skin. And your smell. He doesn't know it yet, but he feels safe around you, like you'll never let anything bad happen to him. That's why all those lost souls are able to grow hope, even within the dry soil that is their hearts—one person who cares is all it takes to keep the dark at bay.
"What brings you here?" He asks, looking over to you.
"Work. You?" You reply, sounding simultaneously indifferent and courteous. A mystery, how you manage to do it. He doesn't care.
"The same." He watches as you finally pick up the glass to take a sip, and before he knows it, he's extended his hand to tuck a stray strand of your hair behind your ear.
"Thanks," you say into the cup.
He smooths your hair from the top of your head to the tip and you nearly freeze. It's such a gentle gesture that you're left wondering if he's in the angel-corrupting business. He did mention he's here for work, didn't he? Perhaps the reason why he's still left unchecked in this city is because all the senior officers fell into his trap and, by default, from grace? All because of his affection that they find out to be false, but it's too late?
You don't know that he thinks your hair really is soft—softer than your hands, maybe. You don't know that it makes him want to play with you, toy around, perhaps with a little bit of force, perhaps break you. And yet. Yet! Another part of him cries in despair at the thought of you in rupture. Another part of him thinks that that would be the day all good in the world is gone, and then he would find himself disappointed at the lack of opposition to his power.
"Are you always this friendly with angels?"
"Only the pretty ones."
"Why, you make me blush."
"All the better," he says, sipping on his drink. "Red would look good on you."
"Can I ask you what your plans are exactly, Nobunaga?"
His lips curl into a smile. You said his name for the first time—how exciting.
"I intend to be acquainted with you, since we seem to share the same territory. It is likely that we'll be seeing each other for a much longer time."
"I suppose there are no other supernaturals around here to make friends with."
"I have my aides," he supplies, "but I am always looking to expand my circle."
You look at him, into his amber reddish eyes. They're eyes that have seen many a thing. Things that he didn't do, things that he did. Catastrophe upon catastrophe, but maybe also miracle upon miracle. Perhaps he's bored and needs a change—he has been around for quite a while. But seeking an angel's company? There might be something behind those eyes, lurking unspoken, waiting to be discovered. You've seen it all in humans, you just can't see it now in him. Maybe if you're patient...
What did the Book say about this again? Right. "Do not say to your neighbor, “Go, and come back, And tomorrow I will give it,” when you have it with you now."
Well, whatever he wants, you seem to have it with you. And come to think of it, you might have something you want from him, too.
You finish your drink in several big gulps and gently place the glass on the table.
"I'm actually thinking if I could get a ride home."
"Where to, my Lord?"
A strange way to address your senior officer, you think, but stranger yet is the fact that this man sitting in front of the steering wheel is wearing a pair of olive sunglasses in the midst of a thunderstorm.
"You know the address, Hideyoshi."
It doesn't bother you that he knows where you live. You know where he lives, too. It's the radar in your head, the soft blip, blip. The unbiased supernatural comforts you, makes you feel like there is such a thing as justice. Both sides are on equal ground.
Much like the two of you right now, sitting side by side in the back seat, angel and devil, not far from each other, but not too close, either. Enough for your hands to touch if you want to. Speaking of, his hands do look cold.
You notice him look over at you again, this time more appraising and ponderous than the last, and you hear a displeased huff from Hideyoshi. Nobunaga seems unaffected, once again tucking your hair behind your ear for no noticeable reason.
"I look forward to getting to know you better, angel."
"In what way?" You ask, half in jest, the other half in actual curiosity. Is friendship between good and evil achievable, when the Grand Plan is designed to keep you apart? What course will he and you take, and will the end be as devastating as you think? Do you even dare think of the things to come?
He chuckles at your remark.
"An angel delivering an innuendo at me. I didn't think this day would ever arrive."
"One has to learn to change with the times," you answer good-naturedly.
"And how do you find the responses to that question so far?"
"My job doesn't require me to ever play that card," you say, incisive in the most off-handed way.
There's silence.
"Be careful not to get too arrogant," he finally replies, his voice lulling and deep, almost seductive. "Even the devil was once an angel like you."
Somehow, though, you feel as though it's a front—like he's acting his evil part, but there are things inside of him that are locked away. You felt this back in the bar, too. A secret that perhaps even he doesn't want to find out.
The devil was once an angel. Does he still carry that memory with him?
On the leather seat, the tips of his fingers meet yours. They're pleasantly warm.
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jhara-ivez · 5 years
Childhood (part 1)
Jhara Ivez, born on 15. 12. 8210 after starfall near the western plains. So it stood on a small piece of paper somewhere buried in the collections of the temple. But it was wrong in two ways. First of all, the place actually had a name, but the temple obviously attached so little importance to the small nest that it was omitted without further ado. Secondly, there could not have been a legal Jhara Ivez in 8210 after starfall, because it was not until 8211 that a man appeared in office and duly indicated that his wife had given birth to a son at 3 p.m. on the aforementioned day. The son had been given the name Jhara. The real father was unknown. The man stated that he intended to adopt him. Not a problem. The fewer hungry mouths landed on the street, the better. The official in charge noted at the bottom of the form "undercrossed because of writing disability".
There is not much to say about the place of birth itself. It lies between jungle and sandy desert, near the Makhidh, the biggest lake of the Southrealm. All in all not a very significant piece of land. It has produced no great thinkers or warriors, no great landowners and no merchant lords. There was no temple, but several shrines had been built by the temple authorities. What was found here was the inconspicuous gold of the society: woodworkers and farmers, fishermen, small craftsmen and herdsmen. 15 people in total. They lived their days indifferently and patiently and when they talked to each other, the conversations were about chicken eggs, sandstorms, the full moon and its influence on the harvest and beetle plagues.
8217 Jhara was called by his father. No different than one did with his dogs. Jhara trotted over. There was always something to do for him on the farm. Cutting weeds, picking and collecting fruit, moving cattle to the pasture, chasing birds out of the flowerbed, driving the handcart to the field and bringing food to his parents, walking to the next farmer with a message, twisting yarn, feeding chickens, raking sand or watering horses. Today goat slaughter took place. Daddy was already there. The goat who was supposed to die today was called Lina. Daddy slapped the animal's backside and talked to him while he tied the goat's hind legs with a rope. She had to stand still, otherwise it wouldn't work. It was quite simple in itself. Put a bolt on her forehead and hit it with the hammer. Daddy hit accurately, the goat fell over. Jhara flinched. A few seconds later Daddy started with the preparation. Splashes of warm blood hit Jhara's naked lower legs.
Gods. Mother's gods, Daddy's creator. Both had names and temples and didn't care much about people, and that was a good thing, because dealing with something, especially with so many at once, was work. And work was something for people and only for people. The priests or the shamans were responsible for the conversation with the gods. And the shamans from Arazeal were teachers and doctors at the same time, and the priests from the Southrealm were... Jhara did not know exactly. Perhaps they were just priests. Anyway, the similarities already stopped there. When you made a sacrifice to the gods of his mother, it was to please them. And then you had a good harvest or many foals or calves. But when you brought a sacrifice to the Creator, a beautiful chicken for example, it was received so angrily as if it were the worst evil. "The Creator does not want you or your gifts! The Creator is disgusted by us and therefore we must repent in our lives," Daddy said. Jhara thought that the Creator had to be a rather bitter God, but when he once said it out loud, Daddy said: "He who does not pay homage to the Creator must die". And he said it so that Jhara did not doubt the seriousness of his words.
8220 Daddy didn't know any songs. Jhara thought it was strange. Mother knew a lot of them and she sang them whenever she was out in the field. But never when Daddy was present. Maybe he didn't like singing. Daddy didn't know any stories either. Not like mother. Mother had a book hidden under a loose floorboard. Some pages were so loose and tattered that you couldn't see what was once written there. But Jhara knew the stories by heart anyway.  
Jhara cried out. Less out of pain, he had slowly become insensitive to it, but because it was part of the ritual. "I'll teach you a lesson, kid! A scorpion in my bed! I can't believe it!" With the horse whip on the fingers. "Get out of here!" At least 5 hours until the father remembered that his son was missing. Jhara sat down near the house on a big stone and looked at his bleeding fingers. It was already dark, but in the bright moonlight he clearly saw the scratches and reddening. In the house he heard things fall to the ground. And the father's angry yelling. But that was all alright. The whip was the symbol of fatherly discipline in the house. Father said that sin was deeply rooted in man. The chastisement was therefore rooted in the divine education. The pain talked to the soul and if it hurt, then only because Father loved him and hoped that he would improve.
8223 The wind that came from the sea stirred the blossoming trees and caressed the young storks in their nests, and it filled the sails and pushed the ships on the horizon. It blew over the paddock and the young foal puffed his nostrils and stomped and ran towards him. It was such a beautiful animal, Jhara could have looked at it for hours. It was the foal of her mare Mayla and had her soft eyes and rusty red colour. The horses in Nehrim were all light and courageous, with a slender neck and beautiful head. They were obedient and knew no fear. But his mother said the most beautiful horses on Vyn were the Qyrans. Fiery, spirited, graceful and fast like deer. It was a great pleasure to parade with them in brocade and silk in the white squares of the cities. But they were weak. They did not pull wagons. And they died, harnessed in front of a plough. They were too tender and too nervous for the war. When one brought one of these horses to the colder continents, they were like the Qyranian girls - they did not settle in, they were sickly, they were homesick and died of longing for the desert sun. Only the horses in the north had it worse, mother had said. A few riding horses would probably have room in the fortresses, but horses needed more than a dark, damp stable in some cellar, more than brackish water and dry straw. Jhara didn't know the north, and he didn't want to get to know it.   But the big city? Ostian? That surely was something he wanted to see.
Jhara roamed the meadows. He had barely escaped Father. His father wanted to send him to pick figs again and there would be trouble later if he caught him. Jhara would have loved to go to the horses but his father knew he had to look there first. Instead Jhara wandered towards the Reshar. Nobody went there voluntarily. He had once heard that the temple brought the dead there. They dumped them and the vultures and the heat took care of the rest. He sat down on a steep slope and dangled his legs. It was hot this time of year, the sun was high in the sky and swallows flew deep above him. In the distance, he could see a few small plainstriders. Jhara thought of what would happen if they sensed him. Nothing. What should change really. What was the difference - smashing a fly or a plainstrider biting a man's head off. There were lots of flies, people too. What was the whining about when one was missing? Maybe what religion said was true. Maybe Jhara could improve if a plainstrider were to bite him to death. And even if there was nothing after death, then it wasn't much different from now.
8224 He heard a broom fall over and peered through the small crack in the wood of the door. Father tore the shirt off his upper body. He looked like a giant bat as he got entangled in the fabric and got angry. More angry than before. "Come here!" "The children!" Father ignored her and threw himself at her. Mother screamed and fought back. He defeated her, pressed her onto the bed and forced her legs apart. Jhara prayed that his father would stop. His mother became very quiet as the man roared like the stags at the lake. Jhara wanted to silence him. The man was calling him. Jhara set himself in motion. The man had grabbed a fat white hen and pressed it onto the big block. But the animal fought for its life and got its wings or feet free again and again. Jhara made efforts to hold the chicken. But the man wanted it differently. "Take the axe." Jhara could not believe it. "But..." "Don't you have the guts?" "... I do." Jhara took the axe, lifted it. The chicken clucked nervously and slapped the man a wing in the face. "Come on now", the man barked impatiently.
8225 Jhara had the feeling that the ever scorching sun would eventually eat him up. Like the dead in the desert. Sometimes he saw himself as an ant crawling through the Reshar, so endless each day seemed to him. And hour after hour he stood there, repairing fences and staring into the distance. There were horses that had to walk in harness day in, day out and pull heavy carts, and there were horses that could gallop across the pastures and only had to carry a rider from time to time. As he grew older, he had hoped too. In vain. He had to turn the hay around, look after livestock, help with the butchering and to build roads. He had to dig ditches in the field and do everything else a farm worker did. "You barely managed anything this morning," the man complained. "I have -" "Pah! The few meters!"
8226 Fire.
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granny-griffin · 5 years
tumbling forward we spin on 2/4
Avariya broke the window of her father's apartment with a loose brick she'd found in the courtyard. After climbing gingerly over the broken glass she went to the kitchen and rummaged around for the junk drawer. They were there. She snatched up the scissors, marched straight to the bathroom, and began cutting her hair off at the scalp.
There were five memories from her time alone that would stick out. No matter how faded her childhood grew in her old age, these five scenes stayed vivid. She couldn't have told you why. But this moment—standing alone in front of the mirror, chopping piece after piece until her head was bare except for a vague white fuzz—this moment would become the first of them.
[This is part two—read part one first. Thanks @masterfuldoodler for teaching me how to put links in posts.]
The second occurred a few weeks later. She had been scrounging dinner from the other apartments on the compound. One night she ran into somebody else who had the same idea. Frightened out of her wits, Avariya scampered out of the compound, down the street, and in the door of the first building that wasn't locked. It was a museum. For a moment she thought she was safe, and then she heard footsteps. A whole band of marauders was prowling through the halls, probably attracted by the various treasures which had been suddenly abandoned. Avariya grabbed a short sword from a nearby display and huddled behind a giant stone sarcophagus with weird runes scratched all over it. Somehow she knew that she was just like all the things on display. If someone were to come and steal her, there wouldn't be anything she could do about it, sword or no sword.
She crouched there all night. Nobody noticed her.
The third was in winter. It didn't snow, but the rain was coming down in sheets. By then she knew to stay away from buildings when she could. Where there were buildings there were people. But it was cold and wet, so she did the stupid thing and ducked into a doorway that looked relatively nonthreatening. Inside she found a nice spot to sit and drip water onto the floor. She was hungry, but she couldn't think of anything she could do to get food. Huddled there against the stone was she looked up and saw them—rows and rows of books.
Shakily, Avariya got to her feet and began to walk along the rows. She moved faster and faster until she was running from shelf to shelf, reading the labels on the ends of the aisles. Action Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Romance...these were all fictional. She turned and ran to the other side of the library. There were other categories here; Biography, Book Reviews, Encyclopedias, Guides—she skidded to a halt. This had to be it. She walked down the Guides aisle and began skimming the book titles. Methods for Tidying up Your Life, Tips on Making Friends and Being Popular, How to Read Books—and then she saw it, just above her eye level, thick and faded. An Adventurer's Guide to Survival in the British Countryside. She snatched it off the shelf and flipped through the pages. There were sections on edible plants, simple traps, field dressing game, shelter construction, and so many more. Avariya slid to the floor and started to cry. This was it—this was how she was going to survive.
The next moment was months later. She'd gathered up enough confidence to start raiding buildings again. This one had already collapsed in on itself, so she didn't need to worry about it collapsing while she was inside. She had found some pretty useful things in the rubble (three cans of tuna, a sash she could hang her sword off of, and a spool of thread she could use to mend her clothes and pack) when she lifted up a loose board and saw a handheld radio.
It was a cool gadget, but it wasn't useful anymore. Nobody was broadcasting anything these days. She picked it up anyway and began fiddling with the dials. Suddenly she heard a voice. She dropped the radio and spun around—who was here? She'd thought she was alone.
When the voice came again, this time from her feet, she knew it was the radio.
That night she found a nice spot by the Thames, turned the radio on, and listened until the dawn was pink in the sky. There was only one station—the city of London's official broadcast. England may have fallen, but the city of London had a power structure that had been around since time immemorial and it wasn't planning on going anywhere anytime soon. In the time since the ships had left they'd set up a militia force to guard the farms.
It took Avariya a bit to figure that one out. Around midnight, someone named Linda got on the air and explained—so many people from the British Isles had left Earth that the whole infrastructure gone down. Which meant nobody was supplying the supermarkets. Linda had packed her bags and used the rest of the gas in her car to high tail it out of town. She stopped at the nearest abandoned farm and began to care for the stray animals roaming the area. She now had 38 chickens, 29 ducks, 3 cows, 10 cats, an herb garden, and a goat. Things had been tough for a while what with the raiders and all, but now that the city of London had sent out the militia force to make sure that the food raised by people like her stayed not stolen long enough to make it to a market, she wasn't having any trouble bringing in an income. Now she just needed to figure out how to keep the goat from eating the rosemary. 
Avariya laid her head back on the grass. She could see the stars so much better now that the power was out most places. The radio droned on. It was nice to hear so many voices—each of them telling a story. She hadn't realized how lonely she was. And now she had a secret between her and the stars. All the unwanted ones were here—they were still here—still living like nothing had happened. Maybe it was hard, but it was good. Despite everything, there was still good in the world.
She went to London that autumn. She'd heard adds on the radio—there was a blacksmith there who wanted some particular kinds of scrap metal—bits of electronics too. Avariya had found them and she was ready to collect the reward. And to have a conversation. She hadn't been around people in over a year. 
The outer city was still—buses stood idle and there were no pedestrians to speak of. Even the birds seemed to have disappeared. It was beautiful in an eerie sort of way. Then she rounded a corner and saw it—just down the street in front of her was a statue of a dragon, marking the entrance to London proper. Behind that was life. There were people walking around between booths and street-side shops. Lanterns were strung up on wires that zig-zagged between the alley walls, and a smell of spice hung in the crispness of the air. She walked down the street in a daze. She hadn't known a city could feel so warm. It was like a fairy world come true. Just then she glanced up and saw another of the dragon statues guarding the border of the city, perched on the ledge of a building.
It moved.
Avariya looked away, blinked a few times, and looked back at the dragon statue. It was staring at her. She felt her heart thump harder and harder as it jumped down into the street before her. Now that it was in the light, she could see that it wasn't grey or silver or gold like a statue should be, but bright orangish red. Avariya stood as if she had been the statue as the creature hopped onto a nearby crate of vegetables, took a big bite of the nearest one, and immediately spit it out. This might have been comical—except the spit was on fire, and the fire caught onto the crates.
Somebody, probably the vegetable vendor, bumped Avariya's shoulder as he ran past with a water bottle and immediately poured it onto the crates. This didn't help particularly, and it got the creature all wet. Enraged, it reached up and bit the vegetable vendor on the hand. 
A gun went off behind her. Startled out of her trance, Avariya spun around. The first creature had been the size of a small dog—the one standing in the road behind her was at least as tall as a horse—it should have been bright red, but parts of it were all covered in a strange green liquid which made it look sort of brown. A militia member stood a few yards off with his rifle trained on the larger creature. It growled—a deep, unearthly noise—and spat flame at the gunman. It missed the man and hit the building behind him, which also caught on fire.
Avariya turned and ran. She probably should have a long time ago. Nobody was milling about on the street anymore, and there were strange shadows dancing on the ground, as if a thousand different kinds of birds were swooping around above the city. Avariya didn't look up to see what was casting them.
Suddenly her foot caught on something and she hit the ground hard. A hand grabbed her shoulder and flipped her onto her back. Standing over her was yet another creature, this one a deep purpley black, with eyes that shone white like a spotlight. Without thinking, Avariya drew her sword and held it out at the creature with as much menace as she could muster. Shockingly, it stepped back. Keeping the sword pointed at the creature, Avariya slowly got to her feet. The creature just stood there, blinking its unnaturally bright eyes. She stepped backwards slowly until she was at a somewhat safe distance, then she turned and ran again. 
She ran down the first underground entrance she saw. None of the trains were running, so she jumped down onto the track and kept running. The sky couldn't reach her here, and she was too terrified to realize that it was creepy down here, alone in the dark. 
When she couldn't run anymore, she walked to the next station and went back up to the surface. She was somewhere in London's suburbs. It was night, but she could still see around her. There was a sort of glow to everything. It was strange. She didn't think the moon was full just now, but she looked around for it anyway. 
Then she saw the sky behind her. Back towards the inner city, beyond the inky black silhouettes of the surrounding buildings, the sky was bright with color. Orange and grey and yellow and white spread out from the ground like a painted sunset. She didn't know it yet, but the image would stick with her forever—the fifth vivid memory of her time alone. London was burning.
[part 3]
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shanastoryteller · 7 years
Red Robin Hood
sherwood is a poor village, and completely at the mercy of its neighbors. to the north is the great castle, ruled by a merciless and cruel king, and all the people between them and castle reflect their king’s nature. to their south is a deep dark forest, where wolves as large and powerful as horses threaten to gobble up any who dare stray too deeply within it.
the village has nowhere to turn, nowhere to go. the people north overcharge them to keep them poor. there is a road that will take them around the forest to a different kingdom, to a kinder kingdom, where they might receive fair aid and fair prices. but the tax to take the road is so great that none of them can pay it.
they are in the midst of a harsh winter, and people are falling ill. they beg medicine from their king, and they’re ignored. they beg better food for their sick, and they’re laughed at.
robin is thirteen years old, and she has within her the fury to fuel a thousand lifetimes. her grandmother is her only remaining family member, and she’s dying, and no one cares. “if they won’t give us what we need, we must go to the southern kingdom!” she cries.
but the adults look at her with fear and pity and shake their heads. “the tax is too high. even if we pooled our money we have only enough to pay the tax to leave, and not enough to pay it again to come back. and the journey is so long, we might not make it back in time.”
she crosses her arms and gnashes her teeth against her lip, dark eyes glaring. another day passes, and her grandmother grows weaker. “then we shall go through the forest!” she declares, standing in the center of the village. “we will cut through the forest, and the journey will be much quicker than if we took the road which winds around it, and we can return laden with medicine in time to save everyone.”
“it’s too dangerous,” they all insist, “if the wolves don’t kill us, then the cold will. then we will be dead, and so will everyone else, and our village will be gone. no, we cannot do it.”
and robin understands their fear, but she can’t abide by it. people are dying. her grandmother is dying.
fear and logic and common sense mean little to her. she knows what she must do.
she waits until everything is quiet, until the moon hangs fat and bright in the sky. her coat will not do, it is ragged and threadbare, and she is going to the southern kingdom, to petition a king, to walk through miles of snow and sleet, and she will not make it if she wears her coat. so she tip toes into her grandmother’s room, reaches into the back of her closet, and takes out a thick cloak, beautifully made and red as blood. “i’ll bring it back,” she promises, kissing her sleeping grandmother on both cheeks before sneaking out of her room once more.
her hair is a dark brown the same color as her skin, coiled and falling to her mid back. the hood doesn’t sit right on top of it, so she ties it back in a bun at the back of her head, just like her grandmother taught her how to do, and it settles better.
she takes a deep breath, hoping this isn’t the last time she sees this home, and walk outside into the forests no one ever returns from.
she’s noticed missing the next morning. people cry, and some try to say they should look for her, but it’s pointless.
she’s walked into the forest from which no one returns. if the wolves don’t kill her, the cold will.
four days later, robin returns, her bright red cloak a violent contrast to the snow all around her. she lugs a picnic basket in her hands, so heavy she strains to carry it. “robin!” the townspeople cry, rushing forward. “you’re alive! you’re alive!”
she falls to her knees, and pushes the basket into the first hands that reach for her. “here,” she says, eyes wide, “here, i got the medicine. tell me i’m not too late.”
and everyone goes silent. they look with disbelieving eyes as the basket is opened, and the medicine is revealed. “you’re not too late,” someone says, “you’re just in time.”
and no one dies, everyone lives, and this horrible sickness doesn’t destroy the village. she says she was nearly killed many times, but managed to escape the massive wolves. she says she petitioned the southern king for medicine, and it was given. she says it was all too dangerous for her to ever do again.
when robin’s grandmother is well again, robin hugs her too tight and apologizes for taking her cloak without asking. “it’s quite all right,” her grandmother says, “here, it’s yours, a gift from me to you. why are you shaking even now, when i am well and the village is well and you are home safe?”
and robin glances to the door, knowing no one can hear them but worrying anyway. “i did not petition the southern king,” she confesses. “the line was too long, and i was worried we didn’t have time. that you didn’t have time. so i snuck into a hospital and stole it. they had few sick and much more medicine than i took – no one will go ill for my actions. but i still stole it.”
her grandmother looks at her for a long time and asks, “are you upset because you feel guilty for taking something that didn’t belong to you?”
“no,” she admits, “i’m upset because i don’t. we were dying, and they had so much, so much more than they needed, when we had none at all. medicine doesn’t last forever, were they just – going to throw it out? throw out all that medicine even though so many people are dying?”
“if you had seen the king, he might have given it to you,” her grandmother says.
“but the line for the king was so long!” robin cries, “it winded its way out the palace doors, to all the way around the castle, and into the courtyard, and out of the palace grounds all the way to pauper’s street. if i waited for someone to decide if i could have the medicine they didn’t need and wouldn’t use, then everyone who was sick here would have died! you would have died!”
her grandmother watches her with solemn eyes. “so you did it, and you’re not sorry. where does that leave you?”
robin squares her shoulders. “i said the forest was too dangerous for me to venture into again. i lied. i stole and i lied, and i’m going to do it again, because those crimes will always be so small compared to the crimes of people who have too much and refuse to give it to people who have too little.”
her grandmother smiles, and tucks her granddaughter’s hair behind her ear, and says, “if you’re going to continue wearing the cloak, you should cut your hair. when i wore it, my hair was to just above my shoulders, and it fit perfectly.”
robin lets her grandmother cut her hair, puts on her cloak, and never looks back.
ten years later, the tales of red robin hood are as varied as they are infamous.
a young woman with a cloak as red as blood and a laughing, mocking mouth should be easy to find, easy to stop. yet she darts impossibly through cities, stealing jewels from court ladies’ necks and gold from royal vaults. she plunders hospitals in places where no one gets sick, and takes them to places that are suffering, that are dying. she leaves sacks of gold in desolate villages and in pockets of children whose bellies are swollen with hunger. she’s almost a caught a dozen times, a hundred times, a thousand times – it’s the most exhilarating part, and it’s why she’s always laughing.
it’s been too long since she’s been to her village, and she waves goodbye to a grateful, tearful family who clutches at the string of pearls she’d pressed into the mother’s hands. she’s expecting another child, and kids are expensive.
she steps into the forest from which no one returns, and disappears between the thick trees.
robin walks on her own for a while, then she hears it – the rumble of a pack of wolves running in her direction.
she’s laughing by the time they make it to her, arms wide for the pure black wolf that barrels into her and knocks her to the ground. “you are too reckless,” musta says, he and his pack so much bigger than any other normal wolf could grow to be. “what if it was not us? we are not the only dangerous beings that roam in these woods.”
“perhaps,” robin says, beaming, “but you are the most dangerous, and you and your kind have made it known that i’m not to be harmed. i am safer in this forest than i am in any city in this country.”
“that is because you are a wanted thief with a reward for your head in every city in this country,” musta says. he finally lets her up, and robin waves a greeting to the rest of the pack, reaching out to scratch the ears of every wolf in her reach.
she shrugs, “details have never been my strong suit, you know that.”
there’s a wheezing sound as several wolves laugh at once. musta growls, but not loud enough that any of them bother to quiet themselves. “are your returning to your village?” he asks.
she nods, “i don’t have anything for them, i just – miss them.”
musta gives a great sigh, “come along, we’ll take you most of the way. if you’re with us, then we can ensure you don’t get into any trouble on the way there, at least.”
there’s more wheezing wolf laughter as robin climbs onto musta’s back, and he takes his place as leader in front of them, directing them all in a steady lope toward her village.
“it feels like cheating,” she says, knowing he can hear her. “brave warriors and soldiers and knights come into this forest, yet i’m the only one who gets to leave.”
musta scoffs, “they are not brave, they are foolish, and then they are delicious. you are brave. who but you has ever been brave enough to show us kindness, to bare your throat and ask to trespass instead of assuming the forest was yours to claim?”
“there will be others,” she says confidently, “one day the whole world will be full of people who ask to travel through your forests, full of people who don’t hoard what they don’t need, full of people who have what they need and how much they need and never have to worry that it won’t be enough.”
“on that day, you won’t be needed anymore,” musta says, darting through and around an especially thick clump of trees.
“good,” red robin hood says, “then i will spend my days playing with you and sneaking into lavish parties just to steal the food, and i will never stray more than a day’s ride from my village. i don’t want anyone to need me musta, that’s the point. i don’t want people to have needs at all, just wants. just a life of wants, with sturdy homes and full bellies and healthy bodies, and never any worries that they’ll be without any of them.”
red robin hood was always there for those who needed her. she wanted to be the one thing they didn’t have to worry about losing, the one thing they could always depend on.
as long as there were people with too much, and others with too little, red robin hood was there, a blood red cloak and mocking grin, ready to even the odds.
just a little.
  read more of my retold fairytales here
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justkpopjokes · 7 years
A/N: Jesus Kylie we’re going to die together prepare the grave aLSO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I was really uncontent with the ending, and the angst level isn’t too high but hopefully wolf cub Cheol makes up for it(?)
So I’ve never written a werewolf au
But eh who cares about werewolves
I mean you think it’s just a stupid fairy tale that people rumor are true (I mean people are finding evidence they’re real but that can’t be true can it?)
Like hahaha tf??😂😂😂 Humans that turn into wolves during the full moon? Lmao
Also wolves scare you but anyway
And then there’s Seungcheol who just
Wtf are normal humans???
So basically
Seungcheol grew up as a werewolf
He was bitten as a child poor smol
His parents didn’t know what to do, so they abandoned him
He was roaming the streets alone
He goes through this painful fit on the ground, but the pain goes away after a few seconds(?)
He’s just like wait wut why can’t I stand on my legs?
Do I have legs???
What is this thing on my face?? It’s called a muzzle sweetie
“So I’m a wolf now?” yea boiiii
And so our smol wolfie was found by other werewolves when he howled
And they took him in even after the full moon was over
So he lives with werewolves now!!!
Which makes him kinda…savage? Basically he isn’t really used to human etiquette
He grew up as a wolf ok, his werewolf parents didn’t teach him much human stuff
They thought it would be best if he didn’t come in contact with humans
And for a while, they were right
He was better off away from people, growing up in the woods
Away from (normal) human communication
And with the exception of his weird wolf family,
Forever alone
…well…maybe not forever
He has the keep reading bar as his friend
He’s been away from the cities all his life
And now he’s in his late teens
And you know what happens in your late teens
You don’t want to face adulthood be alone
Seungcheol is curious to know how regular humans live
And this guy…well you know he doesn’t give up
So one night, once his family is asleep, he sneaks out of his family’s cottage in the woods and goes to the city
Once he gets out of the forest, he notices how the city is so lighted up
Like it’s shouting “Come here, Seungcheol!”
Ofc our guy goes to the city
Just so happens that you’re out too
You’re out because you can’t sleep relatable
And even though you need to get up early tomorrow, at least you have time to study right? Ha yeah right
So you’re on your way to a 24-hour-wherever to get coffee or a drink or a place to read
So you’re walking around the streets when you see this guy wiTH RIPPED CLOTHES AND LOTS OF SCARS?? WHO’S KIND OF BLEEDING???
Obviously you’re scARED TO DEATH LIKE WHAT THE HECK IS HE GOING TO KILL ME but also v concerned bc “you poor thing…what happened to you?”
So you walk over to the tall guy and tap his shoulder when he’s looking at graffiti
And he just jumps back and screams. Roars? No growls. He growls.
Eureureong eureureong ay
Cue you screaming at his scarred face
After you two recover you’re just staring at each other while he’s on the ground sitting like a dog
You think it looks really weird but like what the heck is this grown man doing with his life, he’s muscular af but looks like he just survived a war
“Uh—um…are…are you okay…?”
“What’s your name?”
K lemme just mention how Cheol has limited speaking skills, bc his parents only taught him basic words in case of emergency
(I’m guessing they just…growl to communicate? They really don’t like humanity okay like no speaking in this household)
But you take the quiet guy him home to clean his wounds
Whenever you try to disinfect the scrapes on his leg he yelps like crazy so eventually, you get tired and stop
Well…there’s a scarred man on your couch, all you can do is try to feed him
“Listen, I don’t have much food…any allergies?”
He just tilts his head and raises an eyebrow
“What, have you been living in the woods all your life? Yes I said allergy”
“Wait what”
He just ignores you and walks to the fridge you’re holding open
“I only have raw meat, it’ll take a while to cook—”
He just takes out the huge chunk of meat and unwraps the plastic around it
Then just bites this huge chunk off
Your jaw just drops
You try to grab it away saying “You’ll get a disease or som—”
But he just snarls and turns away noisily chewing
So you’re sitting across from the man on your couch still eating a huge chunk of steak
Eventually you drift to sleep
Now Seungcheol isn’t entirely stupid (to human standards)
He knows no one likes sleeping in an uncomfortable place
So of course when he sees you quietly snoozing, something clicks in him
Like an imprint? Except for something else👀
The next morning, you wake up in bed like nothing ever happened
You think it’s a dream, especially because your house seems like the man was never there
So you ignore your weird dream and try to get ready for an early class
You didn’t notice the half-eaten meat in the fridge until later
That’s when you questioned whether you dreamed of the strange man
The bloody cotton balls in the trash bin confirmed your suspicions
That night, you went back outside to walk in the same area
You saw the same man again across the street
This time he sees you and smiles really widely and walks basically runs towards you
And you accept his hug tho you’re kinda…still confused on what the heck is happening
But yknow what? He doesn’t seem dangerous, might as well make him some dinner (because that’s definitely the reasonable decision)
So you bring him home again and make steak and mashed potatoes
And he’s just like?? whAT IS THIS HEAVENLY FOOD YOU MADE
But obviously, he doesn’t really speak soooo he just enthusiastically bounces his head around and does a little dance
We gotta change that tho, so you slowly teach Seungcheol words by holding up items and saying them, and then making him repeat them
And slowly he learned more!
Obviously he’s happy to learn, but he has to be careful not to speak with his…secret family
He definitely needs to keep his secret since the full moon’s coming up soon…
But he decides to still visit you, and even memorizes where your house is
So every night, he comes and knocks on your door
Every night, you cook for him and teach him how to speak and write, and in return, he keeps you company and tucks you in bed
Spending time with him is like having a little puppy istg
Always bouncing around and being so interested with new things
Sometimes you’ll tell him to put something in the microwave and he’ll just stare at you and like furrow his eyebrows
Then you’ll remember he has the communication skills (and knowledge of machines) of a 3-year-old
Don’t even get me started on discovering the tv
He tilted his head to the side when you turned it on, and did that thing where little kids check behind the tv to find the people on screen
You also tried to make him shower but the second the water ran he was just like “nononononono”
He needs to stay messy or else his family will know he’s been going out to see a normal human
But he eventually takes a quick shower because you said you wouldn’t hug him otherwise
You buy him a change of clothes when he visits, but he always leaves them behind when you wake up in the morning like what?
He’s a questionable guy but trust me he’s a good person
Remember when I said he kind of imprinted on you?
It’s like a ‘protect this one at all costs’ imprint
He protec he attac but most importantly he snac on your meat
He feels like he needs to protect you now and keep you safe
He’s just a really close friend who even calms you when college gets stressful
And when I mentioned hugs earlier…they are giant wolf bear hugs
Listen ok he doesn’t really have a sense of love, his family doesn’t really show it directly
But you give him all the love he needs
You even fell asleep in his arms one night
You hardly remember it though, because you were back in your bed the next morning
All you have is the memory that it was nice and warm
But there’s a full moon coming up tomorrow
So before Seungcheol leaves, he tells you he won’t see you the next night
You’re really sleepy, so he brings you to your bed and brushes your hair away from your face before growling softly *cough* lovingly and leaving
The next night, you remember what Seungcheol said about not being there, but he never stays until morning wtf
Does he…have another family?
Wait no that’s impossible if he had a family someone would’ve taught him that the word “confused” means his mood 24/7
So when he doesn’t show up, you go out to look for him
When he isn’t on the streets, you wander and stumble across the entry to the forest, and start to hear noises
“Oh Seungcheol, is that you? It’s me Y/N”
Suddenly the growling gets louder
They tackle you, but suddenly another wolf pushes them off of you as the first wolf scratches you
And like I said before YOU ARE TERRIFIED OF WOLVES
So you’re just frozen in fear and confusion
You could try to escape, but the wounds on your shoulder are bleeding and the pain is stinging really bad
All you can do is watch as 2 wolves battle it out before one wolf chases the other away
The remaining wolf starts charging at to you, but you just scramble to get up and try to grab the nearest stick to protect yourself
You hesitate at running when you see a familiar scar on the wolf’s face
It can’t be him…right?
But it makes so much sense
The growling
The scars
The messiness
The limited knowledge of anything basically
He’s just a wolf?
But then wtf has been happening?!?!
Have you been hallucinating and hugging a wolf?!
Or worse: werewolf
So they do exist.
You throw the stick at the wolf and run all the way home crying of pain
There were way more tears as you tried to disinfect the big scratches on your shoulder
And there was no Seungcheol to comfort you or tuck you in that night
The next day, you can’t go to class with a giant scratch bothering you so you tell a classmate you’re sick and ask for any updates on assignments
You feel sick to your stomach anyways
You know how sick it is to fall in love with a monster?
IM CREEPIN IN YOUR HEART BABE that’s the 3rd exo reference already I’ll stop now
When your doorbell rings that night, you check through the peephole and see the same scarred face you always love to see
But given the circumstances, you just walk away from the door
Before you can leave the room, you hear a soft voice
“Y/N? Does the wound hurt?”
“Go away, you monster”
The sound of “monster” tore Seungcheol’s heart in half
All he did was sit against your front door
For hours
Until he was sure you were asleep
Then he left for home
He didn’t go back the next night or any night after that
His family noticed him not going out at night anymore, and thankfully didn’t disown him or anything
They actually felt really bad because Cheol’s adoptive brother was the wolf who attacked you, and it was their fault he had to visit you in secret
Even though his family didn’t teach him human things, they knew how to speak and just chose not to teach him
So when he heard them speak to him, he was v angry but at the same time happy? Bc he can finally communicate with them better
And they finally started teaching him to speak and write better
Which made him more courageous to do…something
One morning as you stepped out the door, you found a bouquet with a small note
~From Seungcheol
Of course, it’s not just a bouquet, it’s a man holding a bouquet
Yknow what? I don’t think you need to be scared of wolves anymore
“I’m sorry my brother attacked you…”
“Wait that was your brother?!”
“Yes did you not know??”
“No?!? That’s why I was angry oh gosh I’m so sorry”
It gets kind of awkward…
…Until he gives you a big hug
And you teach him what a kiss is (if you know what I mean😉)
I think it’s safe to say things are back to normal
If you consider having dinner with a werewolf every night as normal
Ok I know Vampire!Gyu has a dog already bUT WEREWOLF!CHEOL WITH A PUPPY
Ohmygod they could communicate
I’m actually screaming internally like you’d bring him to the shelter and he’d wait until no one is looking and start growling at all the dogs and then whisper to you “this one was abused by his previous owner” and “this one never knew her parents”
And in the end, it would be really sad because you want to adopt all of them but you can’t
So you both decide on this one fluffy puppy and you and Cheol are soft af at this smol pup
Every time you get home from school there are just 2 puppies to shower you with kisses
You’ll walk into the living room and they’re both growling and barking at each other
“Y/NNNNNNNN come play with us! Both puppies agree you better get over here”
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micoamkurts-blog · 7 years
Reviews and Poems
Food Review
           The Peri Peri chicken is one of the newest chicken house here in Iligan. This one in the picture is one of their branch at Robinsons Place, Iligan City. As far as I am concerned, I had a good dining experience with them. They told me that the chicken would be serve in 15 minutes and just like they said in less than 15 minutes my order had been served.
           However I have noticed things and wished that this restaurant will do or implement in order to improve more. First of all is that they should have brought service water during the time their customers wait for their orders in order to make sure that their customers would not get tired of waiting since they have something that can quench their thirst. Second is that I hope the price for their drinks will decreased since 35 pesos alone is pretty much expensive along with 100 pesos of chicken especially for students. I hope they would have combo meals that would be much cheaper. Lastly, as a maranao and Filipino, I hope that there would be chilis in the table since we would love to mix them with the sauce and in order to add more flavor. Overall, I had a quite nice experience and hopefully they would implement some of the listed things above soon.
Movie Review
           For me the movie “COCO” is one of the most underrated movie this year I think it is because of the trailer which is not quite as good as the movie itself. Honestly, it thought that it would be a movie with a cliché story plots just like other Disney animated films. However, it was not what I expected the story was full plot twists, it shows how death could really affect a family especially if they have committed a mistake in the past. The movie also emphasizes the love of each family member for one another an example is the story of Hector and his family where they thought Hector had abandoned them where in fact he was murdered by his best friend Mr. Dela Cruz. One of the best scenes that emphasizes the love of Hector for his daughter is when he wrote a song for her which was sung by Miguel to his great grand mother(Coco). It was a heart melting scene for me since all the time Coco would not speak due to old age and because of the song of his father she was able to recall everything especially the love of his father. As for Miguel I loved how he pursue his love and passion for music even though many people tried to stop him which is also his family members but still he chose to fight in what he believe which is a hard thing to do in the very first place, Overall, I love everything from this movie from the graphics and especially the ost which is very good. For me it shows that a person may lose a loved one but not his/her love for that person.
(Book Review) The Magician’s Nephew
By C.S Lewis
 Summary of the plot
          The novel is all about how the land of Narnia was and created and how evil takes over the land. The book includes plenty magical series and it depicts the battle between good and evil.
             The story begins when Digory and Polly meet and become friends one cold, wet summer in London. While the children attempted to get into an empty house which happens to be the house of Digory’s Uncle, Uncle Andrew Ketterly, the children happen to see yellow and green rings on a table in the house. Uncle Andrew decided to offer a ring to Polly. At the moment she touches it, she suddenly disappeared. Digory was then told that the rings happen to be special and that they were made from magic dust. He was told that the yellow rings allow a person to be transported to other world while the green rings has the ability to bring a person back to the present time. Due to the fact that Polly does not have the green ring, Digory must use one of the yellow rings for him to be able to bring back Polly.
 Eventually Digory was able to find Polly in a place called Wood between Worlds. The pair then decided to explore the space which allows them to explore different kinds of worlds. They found themselves standing in a place known as the Charn. Charn is a place in where no life can be found. However, the two still decided to explore and ended up at the Hall of Images. They have found out that there is a bell with a warning at the hall. Despite the warning, Digory still rang the bell which causes the awakening of the Queen as soon as she was awake the building started to fall down and ended up being destroyed.
 Digory and Polly learned that it was the Queen’s fault in why the Charn’s been ruined and because of her greediness and thirst of power she killed her sister and everyone in the Charn. The children are frightened and tried to go back to London but the Queen had managed to grab a hold of them and was transported to London as well. The Queen had cause chaos and destruction in the entire London. She told Uncle Andrew about her plans of taking over the whole world and later on steals the jewelry as well as the horse and the carriage. Due to how complicated the situation is, Digory and Polly uses the ring to transport the Queen which was also called the witch but the problem was that all of them was touching the ring and they all ended up at a strange and dark place. Later on, they heard a voice singing which comes from a large lion. Horrified, the witch managed to escape and runs away. As the song is continuously sung flora and fauna had also appeared from the earth.
 The lion who was called Aslan, instructs some of the animals to protect Narnia. Digory followed Aslan to know if the witch has already entered Narnia. He was then commanded to bring Cabby’s wife to tell the couple that they will be the rulers of the land.  Digory was then given a mission to go and help protect Narnia. He was ordered to go to a hilltop garden to get an apple from a tree. As soon as He and Polly arrived, they noticed that the witch was already there eating an apple. She tried to catch him and tried to convince him to transport the apple to London in order to save her mother. Even with the temptation of the witch, Digory was still able take the apple back to Aslan. Digory was told by Aslant to bring the apple with him. Aslan then returned them back to London. Digory’s mother was able to get better. The children then decided to bury the rings along with the core of the apple. After sometime, a tree grows out from the rings and apple. However, a storm had destroyed the tree and causes it to be knocked down. Some time later, Digory made a wardrobe out of the tree in where a new adventure will soon begin.    
    The book was actually interesting and was well written. It had the fantasy that I want and it was just simply amazing. I was just surprised to learn that the there is a sequel that can already be read. The author has done a great job in capturing his audience’s attention and has actually greatly entertained me. Overall, the book deserves to be recognized and be acknowleged by other readers.
    I would recommend  the book to readers who are greatly fond of fantasies. I would also be happy to share it with my family and friends knowing that the book has already been transformed into a movie.  I also would whole heartedly share it to those new readers.
Diamond Poem
You look happier,
Sadly, I was not the cause
Your smiles have returned
Those smiles were not meant for me
They are meant for someone else
Most people seem like giant towers
Reaching books from the shelves takes forever
Often mistaken as elementary students
Hoping they can find their way through the crowd of high school students
Blessed  are they not, Height is just a number
will already grow
out of nothingness of trees
Like how these wounds would
turn into scars of our hearts, Everything
will be alright in time. In the end everything was worth
the fight. Never regret everything we had. Leaves
will soon cover the bareness of trees. Just like
how you came into
my life
Free verse
Life, what makes it worth remembering?
It is mostly the small things which we never noticed,
Or which we often take for granted
 What makes it memorable?
It is the efforts of other people that made you smile and
Have brighten up your day no matter how down you are
 What makes it worth living?
It is often the moments of your loved ones
Which you have learned to cherish and treasure
Do you remember those days?
When we are allowed to roam around with nothing to fear
Hoping we can reminisce those days
 Laughing without thinking of the incoming days
Children playing near the streets without fear
Do you remember those days?
 Enjoying the view of the bay
Visiting your loved ones with nothing to fear
Hoping we can reminisce those days
 Wishing and looking at sky of blue and grey
Listening to deafening music with your peers
Do you remember those days?
Hoping everyone would find the right way
Without anyone sacrificing their blood and tears
Do you remember those days?
Hoping we can reminisce those days
Her eyes, dark as the mysterious night sky
Her skin is as white as the winter snow
Her smile is my sunshine after the rainy skies
Her long hair is like a river that flows
 She is the first one whom I want to see
And the last one whom I want to be with
She always know what is the best for me
And often treats me like a childish kid
 I may not be as perfect as it seems, But,
I will give her the sweetest chocolates
And the fragrant roses that she have sought
I shall give her my love and not my hate
 In the end, she is someone dear to me
She is the someone that no one could be
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tnaypi3 · 5 years
Pushkar & Jaipur
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Starting our day early for our 4hr drive to Pushkar. 
Our driver, Hassan sent his buddy and fellow cab driver, Raeez to go with us. I’m not a fan of these kinds of surprises but it ended up being a nice change of atmosphere. He was a quieter, chill dude and unlike Hassan who sometimes tries to sway me away from my itinerary while suggesting other things that are usually very touristy. Raeez, who even though doesn’t speak much English, is my favorite because he is kind, fuss-free, doesn’t have schemes up his sleeve and is definitely quirky in his own little way ;-)
Asked why Hassan couldn’t make it, Raeez said he found a good deal with an older tourist couple and will be touring them around Jaipur for the day.
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The drive was long but smooth. The farther we get, the quieter and less congested the streets are. But because of less traffic, the switching of lanes has become more dizzying as your driver is picking up speed. Surprisingly, none of us got sick (literally) of this. I had an entire collection of essential oils for all sorts of sickness and we never got to use the one for motion sickness!
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I’m very captivated, almost bewitched by the sight of these holy men 
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First camel sighting! Soooo exciting!!!
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Pushkar is unlike anywhere else in Rajasthan. This small, yet enchanting town has a unique mix of mysticism, religious fervour, and magnetism. Life here is so simple and I got the most rural feel from this place compared to all the others that we’ve been to. 
The town itself encircles a holy lake, thought to have been created when Lord Brahma vanquished a demon, Vajranash, using a lotus flower. The lotus flower fell to the ground, creating Pushkar lake. To this day, the town contains one of the world’s only Brahma temples, making it a prominent Hindu pilgrimage town that devout Hindus should visit at least once in their lives.
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Each year, once the month of Kartika (a popular Indian feminine given name derived from the god Kartikeya, which means "bestower of courage") arrives, 200,000 people descend on Pushkar, bringing with them 50,000 camels and horses. The city is transformed into a colourful, heaving mass of animals, tourists, mystics and musicians and traders arrive to flog their livestock.
Although business is the main order of the day, once the fair starts, a vibrant and diverse cultural program draws in the crowds; snake charmers, wedding parades, sports and competitions for ‘best moustache’ or ‘most beautifully decorated camel’ fill up the schedule. 
Aside from all of the festivities, Kartik Purnima is also the time when thousands of pilgrims arrive in Pushkar to bathe in the sacred waters. 
The fair takes place in November. Lucky us? We sure feel like it. I kept blurting out “Alex, how are we in Pushkar, in the middle of a camel fair right now?!”
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According to the internet, there are about 400 temples in Pushkar. We saw a handful, randomly picking out colorful or enigmatic, old looking ones to enter. The town hums and vibrates to the constant sound of chanting, drumming and incense-fuelled puja (act of worship).
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Pushkar is considered sacred, so many rules that apply within India’s religious sites, apply within the town as a whole.
Consumption of alcohol, meat or eggs is not allowed within 2 km of the Brahma temple. Not that this affects us since we couldn’t eat anything here anyway. Most of the food spots are stalls, kiosk, or in tents and I didn’t want to risk it. Foreigners are always reminded that when in India, only eat at places that look like they have a legitimate kitchen and absolutely not a makeshift one, where many other foreigners are going, places that look clean and that observe proper sanitation, etc. 
Everything looked yummy but one can never be complacent with picking out restaurants. We never let our guards down when it came to protecting our bellies!
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We spent all early afternoon getting lost and weaving our way through a maze of stalls selling all kinds of goods from pots and lamps to spices, accessories, clothing, handcrafted bags and shoes, instruments, tapestries, etc. Admittely, I have a weakness for moments like this but I kept reminding myself that we really don’t have any room in our luggage for a shopping spree. I equally hated and loved being restricted in a haven like this, surrounded by all things pretty, exotic and cheap.
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We spent too much time wandering around the bazaar and temple area with the intention of finding where the camels were kept. Finally we made our way to a more open space and found the stadium.
Sadly, they had the camel shows earlier during the day so we missed it. No losses here though. We were very much satisfied with all our camel sightings and encounters. 
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The Pushkar camel fair is a livestock festival which happens annually and falls on the Kartik moon according to the Hindu astrological calendar. 
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Camels from all over Rajasthan, Punjab and beyond will be showcased here and to in an effort to make them more alluring to prospective buyers, they’re decorated in all sorts of colorful pom-poms, elegant cloths, anklets, flowers and flair!
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We were offered a lot of camel safari rides but refused each time. Out of the question! Our driver couldn’t understand why. He was upset but in a funny and cute way when he later on asked if we did the infamous tourist activity. We explained to him our stance on animal cruelty, even though we are well aware that the lines on this subject may be  blurred and crooked in places and cultures like India’s. But we still tried. I think he understood what we were saying but stiil... ;)
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Kartik Poornima is the full moon day and  the main day of the fair. This is also where one can catch hundreds of Hindus bathing in Pushkar’s holy lake. The legends say this is the day that Lord Brahma, the creator of the world in Hindu mythology, created the very lake which still stands today.
This was moments before my attention was called by the city guards to tell me that photographs are prohibited. It was only then that it dawned on me.. Of course, because people are bathing here. We people-watched and roamed around for half an hour, observing men and women of all ages and coming from all walks of life praying and doing their rituals. 
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Wrapping up our Camel Fair adventures in Pushkar
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Back in the cab
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Budha Pushkar
As per our driver’s suggestion, we stopped by this prayer stadium and sacred ponds. It was not a popular place as we did not see many tourists or locals. So, in absolute silence we walked around and maybe have taken a moment to just gaze at the jade waters and majestic hills surrounding it. A nice way to end our Pushkar adventures before heading back to the city.
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Good morning! Another full day in Jaipur to explore!
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First stop: City Palace
Jaipur is often referred to by one of its many nicknames; The City of Gates, The Pink City or The Paris of India. However, the present-day metropolis that is modern Jaipur has been built on centuries of history. This is the ‘Land of the Kings’, the realm of maharajas, where majestic forts and opulent palaces are more numerous than anywhere else in India. No wonder why my Disney-adoring little girl heart has been borderline obsessed over seeing this part of India. This day is one of the main reasons I voted for Jaipur to be a part of our trip. 
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The splendors of Rajasthan’s past are still here to explore. At the centre of Jaipur, the elegant City Palace, still housing the former royal family, is an island of tranquillity.
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Here you can enter through the pink outer walls to find a maze-like complex of gardens, courtyards, halls and buildings. 
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Sarvato Bhadra 
The Sarvato Bhadra is a unique architectural feature. The unusual name refers to the building's form: a Sarvato Bhadra is a single-storeyed, square, open hall, with enclosed rooms at the four corners. One use of the Sarvato Bhadra was as the Diwan-e-Khas, or the Hall of Private Audience, which meant the ruler could hold court with the officials and nobles of the kingdom in a more private, intimate space than the grand spaces of the Sabha Niwas in the next courtyard, which was open to more people. 
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Several rooms 
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Pritam Niwas Chowk
Here, there are four small gates known as Ridhi Sidhi Pol. These gates are adorned with themes symoblising four different seasons and Hindu gods. At the centre, above each of the gates are miniature carved reliefs in marble dedicated to the respective gods. All four gates have beautiful, embossed brass doors.
I snapped 2 of 4 having grown tired of waiting in line for the rest of our fellow tourist to finish and move on 
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Mubarak Mahal
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There is no doubt that the grounds are an architectural masterpiece. From the pink sandstone architecture in the pavilion, the intricate design of Mubarak Mahal, and the chiselled marble stone structures, the city palace is both elegant and artistic.
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Leaving the City Palace on foot, we set off to Hawa Mahal. Surprisingly, Google Maps didn’t let us down. I successfully got us there without getting lost. I didn’t tell Alex but my heart was dancing, bursting with pride and satisfaction.
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Absolutely adoring the scenes here
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This was a photo snapped after seeing the monkeys squabbling. As we drew closer, we realized that they were shrieking and yelping at something or someone to the opposite side of the road, where a dozen middle-aged tourists were loving and snapping the monkeys in action. 
Our theory is that perhaps one of the merchants hurt them in an effort to drive them away from the food/goods that they are selling. We all know how these Macaque’s can be aggressive and are expert thieves. Still not cool to hurt them though :(
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The Hawa Mahal / Palace of Winds
We made it! I am shaking and my pulse is picking up again! The marvelous honeycomb facade of the Hawa Mahal looms over a traffic-clogged thoroughfare. The city’s pink-tinted walls are punctuated with 7 imposing, decorative gates. Look further to the right and you will find sprawling hilltop fortresses, Escher-like step wells, and temples left to the care of roaming packs of monkeys.
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One of Jaipur’s most iconic and distinctive landmarks, the Hawa Mahal was constructed in 1799 by Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh as a way to allow ladies of the royal household to watch life on the streets below without being seen themselves. The five-storey tall honeycomb hive facade consists of 953 latticework windows for the ladies viewing pleasure.
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For once, we decided to resist yet another tourist trap so we skipped paying for  the Palace entrance fee and opted for a more underrated experience. Having googled another way to appreciate the Hawa Mahal, I led Alex to the opposite side of the street and looked for the entrance that would take us to the  the Wind View Cafe which have absolute prime spots for viewing the structure’s magnificence to our hearts’ content. Or more like to my heart’s content. I love this day!!!
While trying to figure our where the cafe’s entrance was in the street level, I had another encounter with a young fellow. He and some others, like clockwork, came up to us. I asked if this door leads to the cafe, pointing to the entrance where my GPS brought us. He said yes and went ahead, taking the stairs  up before I could say there’s no need to accompany us. On our way up, I thought “Ugh, here we go again. He’s not gonna let us get away without any kind of scheme or something”. It was a very narrow, tight squeeze climb with several flights of winding stairs. He stopped at the second to the last level and directed us to the Tattoo Cafe. I said we were going to the Wind View Cafe. He was being pushy so I stood my ground. He saw that I refused to be swayed and meant it. This had him upset and started acting sour. He says “You come to our home and you do this to us. You are not a good person”. Sounds familiar. Right away, I realized this is a formulaic dance of intimidation and mind games that some of them pull out from their back pocket in situations like this. Again, I apologized to him saying I didn’t mean to offend, explained my side while looking him in the eye. He left without another word. But the unwanted energy sure was lingering and thick as the smog outside.
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The city’s bustling streets burst with colour and chaos. Cycle rickshaws weave among clouds of exhaust and soot as they dodge camels, cars and the occasional dawdling elephant. Swarms of motorbikes honk and buzz through the city’s vibrant marketplaces and grand gateways. Not the most relaxing breakfast with a view but we’ll take it!
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Heading back to the City Palace to meet with or driver. Another mini adventure because we did not exactly have the name of the spot where he said he’d wait for us. I went by my memory of the small pocket where he said was a parking lot for cabs, marking it in my mind being remotely close to the Jantar Mantar, another tourist spot we opted out. But walking around, I realized that everything started looking alike. If we weren’t pressed for time, I wouldn’t mind getting lost but OMG, I have a serious itinerary and I wanna hit all the remaining spots before the day ends please!! This is our last day in Jaipur, if I haven’t mentioned that already!!!
After about 10mins of me oficially declaring to Alex that I think we’re lost, two girls passed by. I asked, pointing to a direction we haven’t tried yet, if the Jantar Mantar is that way. Giggling they said yes, I thank them with two fruit juices from our backpack and carried on. I wonder what was so funny? Haha!
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Jal Mahal
It says a lot about the sheer quantity of beautiful buildings on display in Jaipur that the Jal Mahal, or ‘Water Palace’, isn’t overrun with visitors peering across Man Sagar Lake in the hope of glimpsing it. In any other city, it would be the main tourist draw. At the moment, the palace is undergoing extensive renovations meaning that it cannot be accessed but it is worth stopping off on the road if one is headed to the famous Japur forts.
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Jaigarh Fort
An opulent structure built in the early 18th century in the city of Amer and is one of the major forts in Jaipur. It is located next to the magnificent Amber Fort. The main aim for constructing this fort was to protect the Fort of Amber from Invaders.
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Breathtaking views!
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Wanna see every nook and cranny of this stunning place
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The Jaigarh Fort is a majestic stronghold built by Sawan Jai Singh II. This almost-intact fort is surrounded by huge battlements and is connected to the Amer Fort (also called 'Amber' Fort), with subterranean passages. Sadly it’s not accessible to the public.
The fort houses the world's largest cannon on wheels, a majestic palace complex and the assembly hall of the warriors known as 'Shubhat Niwas' along with a museum and an armory. Yeah, we skipped seeing the cannon part hehehe. We have better things to do!
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The Amber Fort can be seen at the center of this photo.
The one thing you can see from anywhere in Amer are the huge red sandstone walls of Jaigarh Fort. It may seem endless from certain angles but it is only a total of 3kms long.
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Shot and directed by Alex. I approve :)
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The watchtower that offers a magnificent view of the landscape below
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The stunning Amber Fort which we skipped because it’s too touristy
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So ready for our favorite part of the day - food! hahaha
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I’ve noticed that the farther we are from the touristy areas, the more authentic, less fuss and not overpriced our meals were. And these are our absolute favorite moments. Don’t get me wrong, we loved and adored about 95% of all our meals on this trip. At times though, as restaurants in busier areas attempt to cater to foreigners and make it universally palatable, the local cuisine almost loses it’s magic.
This is one’s for the books though and this day just kept getting better and better.
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As we were finishing up our lunch, a commotion outside drew our and the rest of the diners’ attention. Our eyes fixed at the door and windows, without warning, there came monkeys leaping off roofs and running wild in different directions. Cab drivers, restaurant workers and tourists though laughing fondly at our primate friends were shooing them away from the dining areas.
Like our last few encounters with wild monkeys, we both couldn’t contain our excitement. Alex, as always finished before me so I urged him to go and I’ll catch up with him as soon as I finish and pay our bill.
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As if we needed more min-blowing moments from this day... Fam and friends, I present to you the Grey Langur monkeys of Jaigarh Fort!!! WHAAAAT?!?!?!
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It took me about 10 more mins to finish my food and find Alex. This is how I found him HAHAHA
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Then this happened. I almost dropped to the floor and roll laughing
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The Grey Langur is a group of Old World Monkeys.
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They are large, inhabiting animal and mainly found in the areas which are located in the Indian Subcontinent. These langurs are generally of grey color, with a black face. Male grey langurs are up to 75 cm long and female langurs are 65 cm long
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And according to the internet, historically  and up to date, these guys at the fort have not harmed any human. They were just doing their own thing, monkeying around, pretty uninterested with us boring humans. 
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We did witness this particular shameless one who came on to a cab driver walking by who had a bag of Lays chips on hand. Without second thought, the driver surrendered his chips. And I’m not sure if it was already opened or not but the monkey was gorging on it right away. 
Old chips thief!
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Couldn’t get enough of this mumma and bebeh monkeh. Too precious!!!
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These two pups were trying to engage the langurs in a playtime cuddle session but went unnoticed. We saw one in a submissive stance drawing himself close to the monkeys to no avail. Too cute!
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As soon as we thought we were done for the day, on our way to the exit, a guard ushered us to what looked like a passageway to a tunnel. At first I wasn’t interested but for whatever reason, we still found ourselves walking into it moments later. 
More surprises in store! More halls, courtyards, secret rooms and gardens. The tunnel also led us to what seemed like a hidden room but if you keep going, inside is a puppeteer who’s just waiting to give any one a show. Too content with everything we are experiencing, we passed on that.
It’s worth mentioning though, what an eerie yet fantastical vibe it was in there. I heard females, animated voices talking as I was entering that room but came to only saw one person, a man. In that moment it definitely gave me heebeegeebees. I kept telling Alex it sounded like there were more than one person in there.
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With our super lovable and dear driver, Raeez. About 30mins before this picture was taken, all three of us in his cab felt completely lost and desperate in a maze of winding and bumpy roads in the middle of a residential area, passing though the tiniest alleys and roads of our lives which of course, our driver expertly navigated through without a sweat. We were reluctantly moving to another hotel for the night because our hotel messed up our reservations. It was a last minute booking but the good thing is it was right next to Jaipur Airport which we need to be at 8am the following day. 
All our GPS kept leading us to vacant lots if not dead ends instead of our newly booked hotel. We couldn’t find a phone number in their website nor in the email confirmation I got from them. We asked a passerby but he has never heard of such hotel. Alex started thinking maybe I got scammed? Oh God. Everyone was tired and this is past the time we agreed with our driver. He patiently kept trying out different formats of our address in his GPS. We asked him to just leave us and we’ll find it by foot. He refused and made a face as if we said the most absurd thing in the world. 
I don’t know how but we did find our hotel, enclosed in a gated community. We thank and hug Raeez tight and off he went.
What a day. What an unforgettable chain of experiences, vibrant Jaipur. 
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celestiaknight-blog · 7 years
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Akayuki - Reference Sheet
Species: (Snowy) Avastan (note: same species as Captain Vul)
Parents: None, she is an orphan.
Siblings: One older sister, named Mithra.
Current profession: Mercenary, expert spy, employed by Sir Meta Knight.
Main traits: Cold, blunt, quiet, kind to those who deserve it in her eyes, autoritarian, has a strong sense of leadership that makes her a great leader in her team.
Gender: Female.
Bio summary :
        Born in a demon-beast occupied city on the war-torn planet of Avasta Star, Akayuki had no one to take care of her but her older sister, Mithra. Her birth name was Kiyoi; a pure name for a pure girl. She never met her parents; her father had been taken by the war long before she was born, and her mother was killed shortly after laying her egg, Mithra was left alone to hatch and raise her sister. Kiyoi and Mithra, poor, with nothing to own but the clothes on their back, spent their younger years begging for money and stealing. It was a dangerous life, for if they were caught by demon-beast patrols, it would mean imminent death, and so they were forced to quickly learn how to be quiet and invisible to the public eye. Being twenty years older than her little sister, Mithra already had more experience than her and had more than one trick up her sleeves, but she only taught her the basics of what she knew, for fear of seeing her sister become nothing more than a lowly thief. Despite her protection, in the world they lived, it was inevitable.
        Some time later, the Galaxy Soldier Army arrived to Avasta Star, and the already blackened planet became a war zone, with each city and each country torn left and right by both sides as they fought to take it back. Food became scarce, the air itself polluted with poison, and each stranger on the street was an enemy. In order to survive, Kiyoi and Mithra had no other choice than to leave their home country and hope to find a liberated place. They held all of their hope on the Galaxy Soldier Army, and it was that hope that held them together as they fought against the harsh, poisoned climate of war.
        One day, while she was out hunting by herself in the dense woods while her sister rested, Kiyoi came upon a group of demon-beasts, who threatened to take her life if she did not give them everything she had. Afraid that they would starve if she abandoned the food she had found, a young, scared yet bold Kiyoi tried to run away and lose them in the woods, but alas, they caught her quickly and would have killed her on the spot, had it not been for their leader, an eccentric Kibble Blade who enjoyed keeping prisoners for himself, who ordered them to stop. Instead of killing her, they tied her up and took her with them, thus separating her from her sister.
        Back at the demons' military camp, Kiyoi served as a slave for no more than a month. They simply gave up trying to keep her in chains; she was too rebellious, she wouldn't do as ordered and no matter what method of torture they used to tame her, Kiyoi's spirit never flinched. Seeing this, the Kibble Blade commander decided to take advantage of that spirit and gave her a sword; she had never held a weapon other than a bow before that, so she found herself at a loss. She was put through a rough and harsh physical training, and was treated just like any other trainee and rookie; like an ant, ready to be crushed by the bigger demons. When asked what her name was, she lied and invented a new name, so as to not stain the name her sister gave her, and called herself Akayuki. It became her new name from this day on.
        For many months, she remained at that military camp, hidden away in the mountains; as time went by, her body hardened, her skills with a blade heightened, her mind became numb to the pain and the killing, and in a matter of weeks, she became the favourite of the commander, who had many plans in mind for her.
        However, it wasn't long before the camp received news that GSA soldiers had been spotted scouting around the mountains. The situation was bad for the demon-beasts; rumours were going around the camp that Holy Nightmare Co. had stopped sending troups to the star, and they were left with only those who remained. Why they had abandoned so soon, they didn't know… but Akayuki kept this information close to her, fueling her hopes of freedom. As the months passed, it became harder to remember her real name…
        One night, in the middle of a harsh and cold winter, after a particular event, Akayuki's spirit shattered before her; that night, she roamed around the camp, murdering each and every demon she found, murdering those who had taken everything from her and those who had stained her, until there remained no one else but her, and the blood on the snow… After that, she fled to the mountains, having nowhere else to go, and she wandered for a long time, injured and broken… until she came upon a monastery, hidden away in a crook in the mountain range, and she collapsed in front of their door. The Kiridan monks that lived there took her in and healed her, both of mind and body, but Akayuki suddenly became terribly ill… She remembers very little of that period.
        When she recovered, she requested of the monks to become an apprentice and learn of their peaceful ways, and they accepted. The head monk, a Kiridan older than Avasta Star itself, took her under his wing, and she remained at the monastery for many years, healing her mind and learning all that she could of all that they had to teach. Not only did she learn their peaceful ways, but she was also taught how to properly fight; before that, she would fight like a demon with the stance of an angered and savage beast, but the monks taught her the ways of the shadows, a much more preferable approach to what she already could do.
        Many years later, a group of travelers coming to the monastery brought them news that the war was still going strong in the mainland, with the GSA fighting to take the star back from the demons, and hearing this, Akayuki was reminded of her sister… and of her real name. She decided to leave the monks, and travelled back down the mountain range to the mainland, now a completely different person and a grown woman. As expected, she found the mainland torn apart by war, but her years amongst the monks allowed her to cast a peaceful gaze upon this tragedy; instead of crying in rage, she lent her help where it was needed, and used her skills to free small villages of demon occupation.
        Eventually, she found herself in larger cities, and she decided to offer her services to the Galaxy Soldier Army. She finally learned the reason why HN Co. wouldn't send more troups to this star; it was all because of one of the soldiers stationed here, a young Kiridan knight who bore the name Meta Knight. Looking upon him, she recalled the monks speaking to her about a child sent to them from the stars, a child who would stand up to face the Nightmare… and following her instincts, she offered her services to him.
        Following the knight wherever he went, she travelled the star along with the army, working hand in hand with the local resistances of Avastans, until came the day that the last commander fell by the knight's sword, thus dispatching the remaining demon-beast troups and freeing the planet for good. The war was over, but the only thing that truly brought happiness to Akayuki's heart was when the troups went back to the planet's capital; there, in the resistance, she saw her sister, Mithra. She had never felt such relief in her life before that, and though they were overjoyed to be reunited once again, they would need to be separated once more, for Akayuki wished to join the GSA's forces and leave Avasta Star. Mithra accepted this, finding peacefulness in knowing that her sister was alive after so long, and while Akayuki went away, she stayed on the planet, to help bring it back to its former glory.
        Meta Knight's commanders had been very impressed by Akayuki's show of talents on the planet, so as soon as she joined the GSA, she was recommended to the Ninja Special Forces, where, after some time climbing up the ladder from a trainee to a full grown ninja, she became part of the Blue Moon Shadows, a small division of the NSF devoted to offering protection to the Star Warriors. Meta Knight, impressed with what he had seen on Avasta Star, personally requested that she be assigned to him, and she served him for many years after this promotion. Eventually, she was given permanent team members, ninjas that she chose herself amongst the rising stars of the NSF; two Kiridan twins, Laï and Kaï, a Kiridan hybrid who called himself Hailan, and a married couple, Bürra and Makü (note: they are the same species as Tac from the Kirby games, I don't have a name for it yet). Together, they formed Team Gekkou, a team with tight bonds that would be hard to break.
        (Read Hailan's bio for more information about what happened with Team Gekkou.)
        When Yamikage, the master ninja who commanded the Blue Moons, betrayed the Star Warriors and sent an army of Dark Matter upon his own students, Akayuki fought against him valiantly, and though she came close to disarming him, a Dark Matter caught her from the back, sending her into a perpetual nightmare that lasted for months. In that nightmare, Akayuki kept coming back to the demon-beast camp in the mountains; her fear of being chained and shattered kept her captive to the Dark Matter's influence, so much so that when she and the other Blue Moons were freed of the evil beings, she could still feel the chains around her neck, tightening at night, when she was alone… Like all the others, she suffered from Dark Matter sickness, even long after the incident was gone, and she felt shameful. Yamikage had stained her, like the demons had done on Avasta Star, and for that, she swore vengeance.
        After the GSA disbanded and Sir Meta Knight ordered them to go their own way, the remaining members of Team Gekkou travelled across the stars, helping those in need of their services, until they came upon Hailan's star, Arranza Star. They found it in a poor state, a state similar to what Avasta Star had suffered all those years back, and so it was Akayuki who decided that they would go there. For years, they fought back against the demon invasion, bringing the people together and freeing them of their chains; and like on Avasta Star, after the last demon fell, a sense of relief washed over them. Except this time, they did not have to go anywhere else. Team Gekkou travelled back to Hailan's little hometown in the mountains, a place that reminded Akayuki greatly of her own time at the monastery, and they helped rebuild it, bringing back its former grandeur.
        Now, Akayuki has set her weapons down, and opened a dojo in the small village, welcoming all who wish to learn. She and Team Gekkou are at peace, finally, and yet… when she looks at the sky, she feels the chains around her neck rattling… She watches with worry as Hailan responds to Sir Meta Knight's letter asking him for his services and leaves Arranza Star. What could be happening out there, now that Nightmare was gone…? She prays that her friend Hailan would be alright in this rising darkness…
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everyonesastar · 8 years
Sing! Apocalypse AU!
I remember making a small post about this- though I never got to explain the characters in the AU- so might as well!
What if the Sing! universe had suddenly just got thrown into the apocalypse? 
While living in his own theatre, no one had any idea on what was going to happen, except Buster Moon. He had opened up his theatre to anyone who needed shelter for this awful night. Only few animals had came for shelter as they were all separated from their own groups, and shortly after Buster had close his doors to anyone who needed shelter as well, the theatre ended up collapsing which sent the gang off. They learned how survive on their own and learned how to get stronger from the losses in group
Buster: Before the apocalypse had started, he had majority of the time spent his days with his close friend Eddie and making musical shows, one of which never really was successful. Still, he continued to do what he believes in. Once the theatre had fallen, he believed that they could all still survive in the hard conditions if they believed as well, he was right, even after losing some friends along the way. He was right.
Johnny: While helping his dad in his heist, they were everywhere on the streets. The Dead. Once his father had escaped, they all drove down to the garage for shelter. Only overnight his father and the rest of his gang friends had disappeared to find more weapons and eventually never came back. So Johnny set out for the streets, trying to survive on his own. Until a friendly koala had opened up his theatre for those who needed shelter-and he needed it badly. Once it had all collapsed down, he had known very well on how to survive on the streets so it was a good advantage to the team. They all had hopped to one place and another until they had lost too many to even go anywhere. (Still editing his part so this is all I have for now)
Rosita: While helping all 25 kids to school, she hadn’t noticed or even heard the news about what was going on. Once she did, she had called the school and the office Norman had been working in to check if they were ok, no answer from anyone. She figured they had went to the shelter a koala had opened to the public, none of them were there, she was losing hope on finding them. So she tried to focus on her new family she'd take care of for a long time. As they traveled from place to place and lost people along the way, she had gotten used to feeling alone and hungry. But also she had gotten used to fighting as well, that surely wasn't hard for her to get used to.
Ash: Hearing the news immediately, the only thing she could think of was Lance. And she did all she could to protect him, to get food for him, and everything else he needed. One night in particular, Lance was making too much noise due to him playing his guitar. No one was there to save him because Ash had went out to go find anything from any near by gas stations or restaurants. Once she had returned home she had turned into a mess. She couldn’t believe he had let them get him, let alone bite him. She did all she could to save him, but to no avail, after having to kill him herself she had took everything she had owned and things that were useful with her while she traveled along the streets. She did hear the call about open shelter but felt like it was some trick or that it had been taken over by the dead. She remained on her own until encountering a group of animals, they weren’t bad, the couldn’t hurt a fly. Except from the gorilla, who she had seen on the streets before as well. So she joined them, she knew they were going to need more help out in a world like this.
Meena: Her and her family had taken all precautions, they hid in every place they could from the dead. It lasted for a while before one had broken into the house and caused a pretty big problem, which resulted in Meena losing her dad, she had her grandpa, grandma, and mother alive still but she couldn’t believe they made it out without him. They walked everywhere to see if their neighbors would offer to let them in or make a deal, but some didn’t bother to answer the door or they yelled for them to run off. They found out about Buster’s shelter which was a theatre, they couldn’t hope for anything more better than this. Only to be even more shocked when 3 days later, the theatre had fallen apart and they were put back on the streets again. During her and her family’s travel with the new group, they encountered the dead themselves but had no way of defending themselves. Not many of Meena’s family made it from the attack, however Meena was given another chance when being saved by the group she was staying with. However how many more chances will she get?
Mike: He had no idea on what to do or what was going on, it was late at night when he had noticed there was motionless animals wandering around. When he left the club with Diana, thats when things got even more crazy. They started driving as fast as they could away from them and eventually lost them in a matter of minutes. Many people were doing the same thing as them and were trying to drive off away from the city, that means loads of traffic which would not help them whatsoever. So they hid below in the dark sewers, waiting for them to all pass by. Once they had, they ran off and continued doing so and sneaked into Buster’s theatre, not knowing there were other animals there as well. Him and Buster had fought over who’s place it was, they only settled it with a deal. Buster would let him and Diana stay as long as he had helped them survive in these conditions, even for Mike’s size, he’d be able to steal some supplies without getting noticed by the dead roaming around. Which really did make a very good advantage once the theatre had went into pieces. It continued to be that way through every place they had went through, maybe this wasn’t too bad after all.
Gunter: Skipping around as he usually does for his daily exercise, it didn’t take too long for him to notice the odd people on the streets. He quickly warned those around his neighborhood and the streets, though, the houses looked as if there was no one even remotely in them. He came across a fallen building and luckily found people alive under the crumbles of whatever building was. He was offered to join in the group for helping them out and possibly saving them from being dead meat. As he tagged along with them, he became very close with them all and kept encouraging them through everything, even after some of their losses. He began learning fighting techniques from his dancing routines, it didn’t take too long to learn, it almost seemed as if he was a natural. His fighting without a weapon was very impressive and useful at the most, with a weapon like a gun, would cause sound. Sound brings the dead closer as Ash has learned. They were glad to have someone as optimistic and skilled as him.
Eddie: He was off to visit his Nana, it was on the schedule after all. He had arrived and supervised and talked to her calmly about certain topics, not like they were interesting. Until he had gotten a phone call telling him to turn on the TV, radio, or just simply look outside. It was from his best friend Buster. Once he did, he and his Nana immediately hid somewhere. But couldn’t, all of the downstairs exits were blocked by the heards on the streets. They exited by going out of one of the windows of the house by using tied up fabrics as rope to get down. The first they could go was his friend’s theatre, it was the closest place they could get to in a few minutes before getting cornered by the dead. Though the shelter didn’t last very long for anyone who had stayed there but they made it out and started traveling and learning combat, it was the only thing that was going to help them. Only Nana had gotten too old to move very fast or to even fight, that was one of the reasons he had been practicing, she was her only family right now besides his friend Buster who also was another reason why he was practicing as well. He couldn’t risk losing the two, and once he lost Nana it was devastating to him. But he still had Buster there to comfort and fight along his side.
Mrs. Crawly: She hadn’t made it very long into the apocalypse, not even long enough to fight the dead or to see the theatre fall down. The last thing she had remembered doing was sending out a radio broadcast of the news of the dead and that there was shelter to help all stray citizens who needed the shelter. She held on as long as she could, enough to tell Buster to let her out on the streets. She knew what she was doing in her last moments was crazy, but she knew what was going to happen once she had died and she didn’t want to hurt anyone who decided to come and take shelter. Most likely, she was glad she made her decision, because she knew what was right. 
And thats about it! I may make some wardrobe doodles for them and I’ll eventually write up a story about it sometime soon. Anyways if you have any questions, or just wanna submit a story or headcannon, I’m all ears!
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tgifmel · 6 years
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Healthy looking meadow marmot by oldmantravels Always inquisitive. Always amenable to having their photo portrait taken. This marmot was in quite a different environment than his cousin, we found still making a living in a snow and ice landscape up by Lake Solitude. After hiking upon the snow and surrounded by snow for several miles and several hours, returning to the meadows and forest at the lower elevations, overwhelms the senses with colors and fragrance. These are the photos of our return hike from Lake Solitude; down the North Fork Cascade Creek Canyon to the North/South Forks trail junction; down Cascade Canyon to Lake Jenny; and then back along the Jenny Lake trail to my car at the String Lake trailhead. The views were new facing the opposite direction, we met lots of hikers and backpackers coming the other way. Most of the clouds had long since drifted away from all but the highest of Teton peaks. We saw the only bear on this hike near the trail junction, and where we had met the cow moose earlier that morning, she was gone and two bull moose, with antlers in velvet were feeding along the same stretch of creek. We passed many more of the endearing trail clowns and photo bomb artists, the marmots. On the Jenny Lake trail the osprey tended its nest and seemed a little put out with all the hikers passing below its nest. We reached the trailhead, and returned to Jackson Hole to catch up with the stories my two granddaughters had to tell and thank my wife for watching them, while we took a most memorable hike (with some clear mountain air good exercise thrown in, not to mention the scenery, flora, and fauna). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jackson Hole, Wyoming Road Trip: June 18 through June 29, 2018. I drove to Salt Lake City from our house in Eastern Washington on Monday the 18th of June 2018. I drove it straight through in our Honda Fit. Over the next ten days of driving I got an impressive 42 mpg or better, with the little car. Monday through Wednesday 6.18 - 6.20.2018 I stayed at our son's home outside Salt Lake City. My wife was already there, helping with the care of our two granddaughters now two and five. Thursday (6.21.18) morning my wife and I took off for Wyoming in the Honda. We took favorite scenic back roads to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. (starting with Utah highway 150 over Hayden Pass) Our son, daughter-in-law and two granddaughters left later that day. The kids had use of a friend's condo in Jackson Hole, and were good enough to invite my wife and I to join them for a week there, using Jackson as a "base camp" for hikes and scenic drives in the area. Family fun. Thursday brought stormy weather to Teton Nation Park, making for some interesting photo ops with the sun breaks and dramatic storm clouds racing across the landscape. Friday and Saturday the weather turned sunny, clear and beautiful. We enjoyed a variety of activities in Jackson and in Teton National Park. Walking the streets of Jackson Hole is always entertaining and frequently full of surprises. Sunday my wife volunteered to watch the two girls while my son, his wife, and I took an all day, 17 mile round trip, day hike. For me it was the highlight of the trip. I had researched hiking Paintbrush Canyon to the Divide, but rangers informed me that too much snow lingered on that route and ice axe and even crampons would be best for that route. The same ranger told me that the Cascade Canyon hike to the junction and to the designated camps halfway to Lake Solitude, were hike able (not too much snow) so that is the route we decided to hike. We opted not to take the shuttle boat across Jenny Lake but to start our hike early at the String Lake trailhead, hiking to the foot of Cascade Canyon by that route. We started hiking at around 6:30 am. The first shuttle boat (which leaves at 7am) beat us to the canyon but we much preferred the extra hiking. My son and his wife had previously hiked to Hidden Falls, so we left that off our agenda for this hike. We saw a cow moose on our hike to the trail junction (South Cascade Creek with North Cascade Creek). A hiking couple from France arrived just as we were leaving so we pointed out the moose across the creek, and when we encountered them later in the day they told us that two bull moose had arrived after we left. Up the trail from the moose sighting a solo hiker coming down the canyon warned us that he had spotted a grizzly about a mile up the trail. We kept our eyes open and bear spray handy but did not encounter a bear on our hike on to the trail junction. We took off our day packs at the trail junction and had some trail food. Other hikers showed up including the French couple, Several hikers headed back down the trail, having selected the junction as their day's destination. A few others headed up the North Fork Cascade Canyon route towards Lake Solitude, as we intended to do. It is about 2.7 miles from the junction to the lake and we figured we would make it about half day before deep snow stopped us. Well, we decided to keep going past the designated campsites and the trail become covered with deeper and deeper snow. We did our share of post holing and moon walking but there was only one very short troublesome section among big boulders. Once past that 25 yard section the snow hiking was no problem. Two young women hikers (later I would learn they were from Minnesota and Indiana) led the way, hiking light and fast, we could see them up ahead of us making decisions on the best route when the snow cover made basic cross country the only choice. The French couple followed the three of us and we leapfrogged them all the way to Lake Solitude. Lake Solitude (though 95% frozen over) resides in a scenic cirque. The trail route coming down to the lake from Paintbrush Divide could be seen up above the lake. The two young women passed us as they were leaving the lake and the French couple and the three of us had Lake Solitude to ourselves. It was a wonderful experience and a just reward for the mile and half or so of deep snow hiking we had done to get there. As you might expect we met hiker after hiker as we made our way back to the North Fork / South Fork junction, most asking us for trail beta, which we gladly supplied. Two young hikers told us that they had spotted two black bear on the trail before the junction. Like the "grizzly" we didn't encounter them. At the trail junction a large cinnamon black bear was roaming about. He was beautiful and it is my bet he may have been the bear that the early morning hiker had mistaken for a grizzly, but clearly he was a brown "black bear". He hiked in the woods, found a mud hole behind a downed snag, and plopped in the middle of it. They he returned the way he had first traveled, back down the canyon. On our hike back down to Jenny Lake we were rewarded by the presence of the two bull moose in the same section of creek bottom, where we had spotted the cow moose earlier that morning. On the hike from the foot of Cascade Creek Canyon to the String Lake trailhead we saw the osprey tending a nest, overlooking Jenny Lake. We reached the String Lake trailhead just before 5:30 pm, so it had been an eleven hour, 17 miles covered (three up and back through deep snow) day. All three of us felt great and did due justice to hot showers and a big dinner, when we returned to Jackson Hole. Monday June 25th the kids headed up to Yellowstone and my wife and I relaxed and took short walks and drives in the Teton National Park area (including a fun trip to Two Ocean Lake). Tuesday June 26th, I got up before everybody and took a short hike to Leigh Lake, where I saw a fox on the trail but no moose or bear (there was a warning sign at the trailhead for an aggressive Mommy Moose with a little one, in the area). Back from the hike it was family activity the rest of the day around Jackson Hole. Wednesday, June 27th, my wife and I started our two day back road drive back to our house in Eastern Washington. We drove Jackson to Arco, to Challis, past Clayton, where we got a cabin for the night at Torrey's Burnt Creek Cabins. A most enjoyable stay, Thursday June 28th, my wife and I traveled past Stanley, Lowman, and Banks, Idaho (a favorite route of our traveled many times both directions over many years), on to Ontario, Oregon - - where we got on the interstate and whisked on home. We toured one of the first nuclear reactor sites near Arco, Idaho (EBR 1 and had to ask the tour guide to hear the story of the three workers killed at one of the facilities there). We also stopped to read about and see the results of a 1983 earthquake at the foot of Idaho's Lost Mountain Range (near Mt. Borah - Idaho's highest peak). Photos posted mostly in chronological order. There will be an inordinate number of the Grand Teton peaks, in their different moods and from different angles, and a ton of photos from our Lake Solitude hike. When posting photos I err on the same side of quantity as I do when taking them - - too many! Oldmantravels July 9, 2018 https://flic.kr/p/28UU4Ry
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How to spend 3 days in Agra and see the Taj from every angle!
We came to Agra for the same reason everyone else does: to see the Taj Mahal. This symbol of undying love is one of the seven Wonders of the Modern World and one of the most beautiful buildings in India, so like countless travellers before us, we too made the long journey to see it with our own eyes. (Spoiler alert: it lived up to every single expectation and then some!)
Since our month in India was all about travelling at a slow and leisurely pace, we gave ourselves three full days in Agra (we later learned that most people only stay a night or two!), and fortunately for us, that meant we got to see and do quite a bit around the city.
Now here’s a look at how we spent our 3 days in Agra:
Tour Agra Fort on foot
Agra Fort was the main residence of the Mughal emperors before they moved their capital to the Red Fort in Delhi, so if you’ve already been there on your travels through India, it’s kind of cool to see some of the similarities between the two structures. 
Like the Red Fort in Delhi, Agra Fort is also a walled city and inside the enclosure you’ll find gardens, palaces, mosques, audience halls, and basically a maze of marble and red sandstone. If you’re interested in the history of the fort, you can easily hire a guide at the gates, however, it’s also the kind of place that you can enjoy on your own.
The cherry on top is that because Agra Fort is located just 2.5 kilometres from the Taj, you get some pretty cool views of it as well!
Admire the Baby Taj up close
Alright, so you’re not going to get any views of the Taj Mahal from the baby Taj, but if you’re already heading to Mehtab Bagh, this stop is right along the way.
The Baby Taj, whose real name is the Tomb of I’timād-ud-Daulah, is a mausoleum that was commissioned for Mirzā Ghiyās Beg; he was the grandfather of Mumtaz Mahal, the woman the Taj was built for.
The Baby Taj has been regarded as an early draft for the Taj, but I personally don’t see the resemblance – I think Humayun’s Tomb in Delhi offers a better representation of that! But what I can agree with is that the Baby Taj looks a bit like a jewelry box. From a distance the building may appear to be solid white marble, however, when you get up close you can see that it is covered in arabesques, geometric patterns, and colourful semi-precious stones!
Catch sunset at Mehtab Bagh
Another place you should make time for in Agra is Mehtab Bagh, which also goes by the ever romantic name: Moonlight Garden.
Aside from offering a quiet respite from Agra’s busy streets, these gardens sit directly behind the Taj Mahal and right across the Yamuna River, which means that once again you get some postcard perfect views.
This location is really popular at sunset, and couples, families, and tour groups were already starting to gather across the lawn long before the sun went down.
Legend has it that Emperor Shah Jahan, who commissioned the Taj Mahal, had wanted to build a mausoleum of black marble for himself in these very gardens to mirror the Taj Mahal. As history would have it, Shah Jahan’s own son ended up throwing him in prison, which meant this plan never came to pass, but can you imagine what that would look like today?
Tip: Because Mehtab Bagh is located so close to the Yamuna River, it can partially flood during the rainy season. Something to keep in mind if you visit during that time of year.
Get close to nature on the Taj Walk
One of the biggest surprises in Agra was the Taj Walk, also known as the Taj Protected Forest, which is located just before reaching the East Gate.
The Taj Walk is a mix of paved paths and dirt trails, where you can spot peacocks roaming wild, however, the crowning jewel of the park are the free views of the Taj Mahal! They have a few benches scattered across the grounds and every once in a while you’ll come across an unexpected hill that offers views of the Taj dazzling in the sunlight.
Because the park is located east of the Taj, you get the best views in the morning when the sunlight hits the building. You can still visit in the afternoon, but the Taj will be backlit – something to keep in mind for all you photogs out there.
Enjoy a meal with a view of the Taj
Saniya Palace Rooftop Restaurant calls itself “the restaurant with the best views of the Taj Mahal”, and while I didn’t try every restaurant in town, I can’t really argue with that statement either because the views were pretty spectacular.
This restaurant is located on top of a guesthouse by the South Gate and you have to huff and puff your way up several flights of stairs, but once you reach the top, you can see the Taj Mahal framed by pastel buildings.
The food did take a long time to arrive (we waited 45 minutes) and it’s not going to win any awards (expect standard Indian fare), but if you’re in no rush, the rooftop is a nice place to linger while you enjoy views of the Taj just a little bit longer.
Visit the Taj Mahal itself
And now I’ve saved the best for last: seeing the Taj Mahal up close!
What can I say about the Taj Mahal that hasn’t already been said before? The structure is striking from the minute you first set eyes on it.
We decided to skip the early morning wake-up call for sunrise, and made our way there at 9:00 a.m. without any rush. We were visiting on a weekend, but there were no lines at the East Gate, so we went through security and were standing in front of the Taj within minutes.
We spent the entire morning walking along the complex, gawking at the building’s beauty from every angle, and taking a gazillion pictures because you never know when you’re going to be back! If you’re planning on visiting, I would suggest you give yourself at least 2-3 hours to explore every nook and cranny.
Tip: Once a month on the full moon, the Taj Mahal is open for nighttime viewing, so if your trip happens to coincide with that, it’s a pretty rare opportunity to enjoy! Sadly, we missed the full moon by just a few days.
Stay within walking distance of the Taj
Our hotel in Agra was my favourite property of our whole month in India, so I just have to write about it! We stayed at a place called The Coral Court Homestay, which is a boutique hotel with a familiar touch.
The property was run by a travel-loving couple who had a colourful home filled with trinkets from around the world. I loved that wherever I looked there was an unusual artifact with a story, be it embroidered silk pillows with elephants, tinted glass lamps dangling from the ceilings, or shelves and coffee tables piled with books in foreign languages. It was like setting foot in the home I’d like to have one day. 
Aside from being a beautiful property, it was also within walking distance of the Taj Mahal while simultaneously being in a quiet area just off of Taj East Gate Road. If you’re looking for a place to stay in Agra, I would highly recommend this hotel!
Lastly, they served breakfast, lunch and dinner in a communal dining area where guests could mix and mingle, while swapping tales from their travels across India.
To wrap things up, I’m really glad I had three full days in Agra to sightsee without rush and tack on some lesser visited attractions. That being said, if you are on a tighter schedule, you can still pack quite a bit into a day or two, especially if you hire a rickshaw driver to take you around, so either way, you’ll enjoy your visit.
Have you been to Agra? What were your highlights?
via Travel Blogs http://ift.tt/2mTl4vv
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