#moon's sun | 2 | The Voice
jeon-s-sins · 2 years
Moon's Sun | 2 | The Voice
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Warning : None
Word count : 3.1K
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Weekday mornings were the thing you hated most in the world. Of course, you weren't the only one in the world who found mornings to be an extended torture; many people shared your opinion.
Unfortunately, you couldn't help it. If you wanted to make a living, pay your bills, go out, and enjoy life's few pleasures, you had to get up in the morning and earn your keep.
When you first moved to this city far from home, you were more lost than a puppy from its mother. You didn't know anything or anyone. You had no place to stay and didn't know what to eat. Steal? Never in a million years.
You were wandering the streets when you came across a gentleman, not very old, who was kind enough to help you by putting you up for the night.
Of course, one night was not enough. He had agreed to let you stay with him, just long enough for you to find a job that would allow you to pay decent rent. He promised to help you get your life together, and he did.
He advised you on all sorts of things. He helped you find a job. When the time came, he helped you find your tiny home, which has become your little paradise on earth. Everything you know about life, everything you have, is because of his kindness, goodness, and determination to keep you on the right path.
Today you live in a small apartment just outside the city. The apartment is small but very cute, warm, and inviting.
Your mentor, who helped you, found this small, abandoned apartment on the outskirts of town, ready to be torn down for lack of occupants.
Your mentor helped you out financially. No, he didn't buy your furniture or anything else for you, but he helped you open your bank account and put some money aside for excellent and friendly savings. He taught you to ensure you never exceeded your limit or ran a deficit.
With his help, you could set aside money to buy everything you needed. Start with food, a mattress, furniture, wall paint, and decorations. Today you were more than proud of what you had accomplished.
You had enough to eat, a roof over your head, a job allowing you to live comfortably, and some pretty friendly and funny co-workers you enjoyed working with.
You also had to hurry or be late - which would be a first since you started working.
You hurried down the stairs and into your garage to get the car. This car was your most significant purchase in life, and you were more than proud of your baby.
Within half an hour, you arrived at work. You had about 20 minutes before the doors opened to customers.
At that time, your mentor had found you a job in an Internet café. You worked as a waitress. Sometimes you played during your breaks. Eventually, you tried your best, but gaming wasn't your thing. Your co-workers wanted to get you started, but you couldn't. Maybe the day you get into gaming, you'll be able to succeed.
"Hey there, Speedy. Are you ready for a new day?" No sooner had you pushed open the front door than one of your colleagues greeted you with a big, boxy smile.
"Ready as can be." You sigh as you think about the day ahead. No, you weren't complaining because you love your job and wouldn't change it for the world. It's just that today is the first day of summer vacation. The cyber cafe is usually ready by now. Now it will be twice as bad because the hours are changing.
On the positive side, your salary will increase a little more, and the jackpot would be if you were on a weekend day.
Sometimes some clients spend an entire day with their butts glued to a chair and their eyes glued to the screen.
There are six of you-two girls and four boys-and you take turns. When group A works, they don't work for the next two days because the next day, it's group B's turn, and the day after, group C's turn. In short, each group has two days off.
Today because you work, tomorrow, and the day after, you and Tae will have your day off before working again.
"Cheer up, champ. You're going to do great." Then he rubs your hair.
You work in pairs. Since the first day of work, Kim Taehyung has been your partner. You got along well even though you were three years apart. But seriously, what are three years?
He was super cute no, gorgeous, modest, kind, talented, and friendly. You knew you could count on him no matter what. He was the closest thing you had to a best friend.
He had gotten you to open up to him - something always tricky for everyone else. He also introduced you to his group of friends, who were different from each other but fit together like pieces of a puzzle.
They all adopted you immediately.
Speaking of adoption, one of the group members, the youngest of them - Jungkook - was adopted by the oldest of the group - Seok Jin.
Well, adopted is a big word, but he took him in. They have known each other for a long time. Their families were very close. After Jungkook's parents died in a car accident when he was only fifteen, Seok Jin became responsible for Jungkook.
When Jungkook's parents were buried, Seok Jin - Jin to his relatives - promised to take good care of their son, no matter what it took. And that's precisely what he did. Today, Jungkook was very smart and has become a handsome man. Humble, charming, generous, hardworking, and very attractive.
Your paths crossed very soon after you arrived at the cyber cafe. Taehyung was your co-worker, and he introduced you to his buddies: Kim Seok Jin -Jin -; Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok - Hobi or Jhope -; Kim Namjoon - Joon or Jooni; Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook - JK or Kookie.
It was your second day on the job, and this time you were working with Kim Taehyung just before 11:30 p.m. - 30 minutes before closing time - Tae asked you to watch the room and warn him if a group of six boys came in before they left behind the counter.
The High-Speed Wing Cyber-Café (HSWCC) where you worked was located near a shopping mall, which optimized customers' constant and regular attendance. Its atmosphere was always festive and worthy of science fiction movies.
It was always almost dark, with computer screens and red and blue LEDs as light sources.
Six boys entered the building a few minutes after Tae was busy behind the counter. Everything was in slow motion at that moment, worthy of those silly movies girls love.
They walked towards you like mannequins. You were sitting on one of the benches at the counter, which was a good thing because if you were standing, your legs would have fallen off.
You thought they were all very handsome, but one, in particular, caught your eye. Jeon Jungkook. And from that day on, you had a massive crush on him.
After passing behind the counter to reach the staff toilet, you put your things in your locker and took your apron before entering the room to help Tae place some orders.
When you were done, you quickly grabbed everything you would need for the customers during the day from the storage room: boxes of noodles, cakes, candy, cakes all kinds of drinks. You also stocked the refrigerator to keep the drinks cold.
They also delivered the machines for ice cream, coffee, and other hot drinks.
Finally, everything was ready. "I guess it's time to open." You turn to Tae and see him looking at his watch.
Looking toward the glass doors, you see that people were already waiting with bated breath for the room to open. "Here we go!" You say to yourself to encourage yourself. Tae taps you on the shoulder to give you courage and then opens the doors.
As soon as the doors open, a flood of people enter the room and head toward you to reload their cards.
This is how the house works. The customers have a card that they charge. They have several options: they can charge it for the day, they can charge it weekly, or they can charge it monthly. They can also recharge it quarterly.
They parade in front of Tae and you to recharge their card before rushing to the PCs. They ask you for their breakfast when they get their butts in the chairs.
"So, Mitch, are you ready to break your record?" Mitch, a 19-year-old boy. A regular at the house for a few years now. "More than ready!" He lifts his eyes from the screen to rest on yours. "Just waiting for that traitor Jay to show up. Yesterday he had the chance to kick me off my throne, but I'm more than ready to take back what's rightfully mine."
His eyes sparkled with determination. "Of course," you said, smiling at him. "So, what can I get you? The usual?" He nodded his head. "I'll let you get back to your business and come back with your order."
Before you reached your destination behind the counter, two more people stopped you to order breakfast. You rushed to prepare the orders when you got behind the counter.
Tae was also busy reloading the newcomers' cards. "So, beautiful, did you sleep well?" Hearing his voice, you smiled. "Wonderfully well. And you?" There was no need to look up to see that he had a silly grin on his gorgeous, full lips. You could hear it in his voice. "With you haunting my nights, I can only sleep wonderfully."
"Good morning, Jiminie." You could feel his presence behind you. As usual, he walked around the counter to hug you from behind. "Good morning, Jiminie." He kisses your temple softly and holds you in his arms.
Tae's friends - and now yours - are the kind of customers who spend their lives here at the Cybercafe, which hasn't been to your detriment. It allowed you and Tae to spend a little more time with them.
Of course, this is ironic because when they were here, they spent their time on the computers while you and Taehyung worked like convicts.
Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook usually only came to HSWC on days when you and Tae were on duty. On your days off, they would either leave you alone to rest, or you would meet up later in the day.
"So guys, what can I get you?" Jimin tightened his hug around your body and rested his chin on your shoulder as he watched you prepare the order for Mitch and the other two customers.
"Don't worry, baby. I'll take care of it." Taehyung finished with his orders, ruffling your hair before preparing your friends' orders.
The boys knew you didn't have a family, and it was a pleasure for them to accept you into the group.
From the first day you crossed paths with them, they kept saying you were all siblings from different parents. Your relationship with each of them was fused. Different and unique.
However, Jungkook is not like the others. You're close and laugh a lot, but you don't have that little thing you had with the others. But your relationship was still unique and precious.
There was still a connection between you, a little stronger than with others. 'Attraction' was the most appropriate word to define what you had with each other that confused you.
Jungkook was the one you had the slightest contact with and only went out with. He was also the one you didn't have a private text conversation with. The only way you could text him was through the group chat.
Whenever you saw each other, you were always shy.
You wanted to get closer to him, but every time you did, you looked like an idiot every time you opened your mouth to say something.
Every time you saw him, your breathing became more labored, and your heartbeat became so fast that it broke your rib cage.
One look from him, and you were on cloud nine. The electricity traveled through your entire body as soon as your skin touched. It was what you called the 'Jungkook effect.'
Reluctantly, you challenged Jimin's warm embrace to serve your customers. When you returned to your station, you noticed the boys were no longer there. Instead, they were all sitting behind their usual computers.
Even though you were far away from each other, you could still feel your attraction to Jungkook. It was something you couldn't describe even if you wanted to. You didn't even know why you were attracted to him. The question that kept returning to you was, why him and not someone else? What did he have that was different from the others?
Simply handsome. At only 23 years old, Jungkook had a body more perfect than any Greek god. He had a remarkable ability to fight and defend himself - you could often see him during his Taekwondo competitions. He was endowed with almost superhuman strength, so much so that he could open a pineapple using only the power of his hands.
This had always fascinated you. How could a person have so much strength? How could one person be so perfect?
This was one of the many questions you would never be able to answer.
For a few years now, two to be exact, Jungkook has been collecting tattoos on his right arm, and he recently pierced his right eyebrow, making him even more attractive and adding more spice to his mysterious bad boy side.
His clear caramel skin and dark piercing eyes did not leave you indifferent, and you had very little that he noticed, despite all your attempts to hide it from him.
"This is Earth calling YN. Hello? Are you there?" You were interrupted in your self-inflicted suffering by Namjoon's voice. "Huh?" Coming to your senses, you were surprised to find that you were no longer alone but with Namjoon, who was looking at you with a huge smile.
"What?" He sneered, shrugging as he shook his head. "When will you find the courage to admit your feelings for him?" You. Confess your feelings for Jungkook? That was unthinkable for you. You'd rather dream of a perfect life with him than see all your dreams vanish when he rejects your feelings.
You laugh out loud at all the answers. "When the chickens get their teeth! That means: NEVER!"
Everyone in the group knew you had a massive crush on Jeon Jungkook. Everybody tried to give you the courage to face your fear and confess to Jungkook. What was easy and stupid for them. It was impossible for you. You were too shy and afraid of what could happen if he ever denied you his feelings.
You remembered when you all played truth or dare on Jungkook's twentieth birthday night and that Yoongi dared you to spend seven minutes in heaven with Jungkook.
On that day, the boys didn't even let you choose whether you wanted to do a dare or a truth. They gave you direct promises to do with Jungkook.
You cursed them every time, but ultimately, these were your best memories and experiences. For example, your first kiss.
"Tell me quickly what you want if you don't want me to send you back to your seat with a kick on your pretty little ass." He laughs and looks behind you to the refrigerator with the fresh drinks. "Give me a can of Sprite for Mr. Hoseok before he makes me lose my mind."
You look at him with an air of asking for more explanation.
"Yesterday, I promised him that if he ate a whole hot dog full of wasabi, I would pay for all his cans of Sprite for a week."
You laughed as you held the can out to him. "Joon, this boy will do anything for his Sprite cans. It was a lost bet."
He sighed, "I know, YN, I don't know. I think I had a little hope that it would fail."
"Never!" You heard Hoseok's voice in the distance while still sitting behind his screen. "Now stop whining and bring yourself back with my can."
You couldn't hold back your laughter at these two. An old couple. "Remind me again why I made this stupid bet?" He looks up, and you laugh at his desperation. "Because you love me. Now, my Sprite!"
The rest of the day was like being on wheels. The boys stayed until the end. This time it was your turn to close the doors of HSWCC and ensure everything was okay before you went home.
During the day, your manager visited you and Tae to see if everything was okay and to warn you that there would be a meeting the next day about summer hours.
As for your vacations, you usually took the same months every year: the first group had June off, the second group had July off, and the third group - you and Taehyung - had August off.
At first, Tae didn't want to let you close the cafe alone, but you thought it was unfair to let him work independently when you were two. While he was washing the floor, you were busy chatting with the boys.
After several minutes of trying to convince him, you finally reasoned with him. "I'll stay awake and wait for your message that you've arrived home," Taehyung said. That was his condition.
You were now alone in this large building, cleaning and disinfecting screens, mice, and keyboards so everything would be clean for the next day.
Concentrating on your task, you heard noises and felt a presence behind you. "Sorry, but we are closed…" When you turned around to face the person who had just entered, you were surprised to find no one there.
But you were not crazy and knew you had not invented anything. You had heard sounds and felt a presence. However, to encourage yourself and not fall into paranoia, you told yourself it was the effects of a long day's work. You tried to convince yourself that it was fatigue.
But your fears grew, and you broke out in a cold sweat when you felt the presence of a person again, even more strongly than the last time. Worst of all, this time, you also heard a voice. "Very soon." It said before disappearing.
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stunning-eclipse · 5 months
For the first one I'm doing I'll show a lil sneak peak heheheheh, this is the only sneak peak y'all gonna get at the voice line animations.
I plan to make them all individually and post them here and on TikTok, then make a compilation video on YouTube as well as a bunch of YouTube shorts!
Here's the first one I've been working on:
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satsuha · 7 months
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akala/mahina humanizations (beastling-izations??) i did for fun
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naffeclipse · 11 months
Just imagine, orca eclipse find two baby orcas (Sun and moon), and he just decided to adopt them and bring them to y/n.
Eclipse: Happy day, we are parents now. Our babies :)
That's in character for him—Eclipse would be very concerned about abandoned siren young and immediately tend to them, protecting them from predators and feeding them. Once he confirms their parents are gone or dead, he would graft them into his family unit.
Baby orca sirens are incredibly adorable, so as much as you might be shocked by Eclipse becoming a sudden father (you are also a parent now, he just hasn't told you yet), the little chirping babes are very compelling. It would also show you a side of Eclipse you never imagined before... and it's very sweet.
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starheirxero · 11 months
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THIS PROBS SEEMS RANDOM BUT THERE’S CONTEXT I PROMISE LOL I just can’t say it all without spoiling a huge part of my tsams fic …
Eclipse’s voice box ends up getting very very damaged tho and when he starts to finally reconnect with the main celestial gang, everyone’s asking what happened and his ass is getting VERY bored with the grim truth, so he just starts making shit up LMAO
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"Y'all cool with the FNAF 2 movie? Y'all cool with it--"
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dcawritings · 9 months
You know, sometimes when I'm feeling sad I like to listen through the voice lines of Sun and Moon from SB/HW2, and Sun's barely-restrained customer service rage helps me feel better UvU
Also bc Moon's giggling is adorable <3
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tsubasagirl · 24 days
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My thirteenth photo featuring Grimsley ✨
(Specifically his rise and fall in riches ;u;)
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jackiedoes-things · 9 months
my sillies as emo/alternative style
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I tried to make ruin the emo-est, I honestly don’t know if these clothes would be classified as emo or goth-
don’t look to closely at solarflare’s shoes
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horizonandstar · 2 years
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canvas of me trying to figure out what eclipse looks like in my latest pokemon au
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zoombiezoom · 2 years
I miss my moon, I miss them and they aren't coming back for a whole eclipse. I miss their laughter echoing through the wind and the welcoming cold to the sun's surface. I wish for us to be whole again, and for the moon's cold hugs. I wish for them to smile on the warm summers night and their guiding palms showing me the way. The sun always feels incomplete without its moon and I am missing mine.
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soft-spooks · 2 years
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ok so i ran out of art energy so this is just. really awful sketch time but ohhhhmy god
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targaryen-dynasty · 5 months
Cregan Stark x female!Targaryen!Reader (Part 2 here)
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"It was on request of your younger brother's small council that Lord Cregan Stark agreed to take you to the North with him to prevent you from succumbing to grief like your aunt did. And now it's at his hands that the haze in your eyes is replaced by an emotion you haven't felt in so long, an emotion he’s giving back to you. And you let it flood you."
WARNINGS: SEXUAL CONTENT—MDNI; p in v, oral (fem receiving), angst (?), breeding kink, size kink, size difference, romantic fucking in front of the fireplace, afab reader, post dance of the dragons
WORDS: 4.8 K
NOTES: I dedicate this to @sylasthegrim. You're not only one of the few people I really grew fond of in the short time we truly got to know each other, but since both our minds basically came down to the same idea, this is for you! Thanks for beta reading this. 💕
❗️𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
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You’ve been in Winterfell for a moon’s turn by now, and have quickly noticed that the ancestral castle possesses a beauty and calmness the Red Keep can be jealous of. But even that isn’t enough to make you feel at home – as if you could ever call a place your home again. Not after you’ve witnessed almost everyone in your family, no matter whether you liked them or not, perish at the hands of each other. 
It was on request of your younger brother, now dubbed King Aegon the third, or rather of his small council that Lord Cregan Stark agreed to take you to the North with him to prevent you from succumbing to grief like your aunt did. And while you’re grateful for the chance to flee the one place that has caused you more hurt than good, riding in a carriage up to the far North like a commoner wasn’t exactly pleasant. 
But how else should you have gotten there when your precious mount died along its kind as the common people stormed the Dragonpit?
For the past month, you’ve very rarely seen the sun – or anyone else than your maids. 
Your days are spent in your chambers, not leaving the safety of the Guest House as you often try to find the sleep you can’t seem to get at night. And during the night, when the Hour of the Owl strikes and no light other than that of the moon reaches Winterfell, one often finds you wandering the quiet halls of the castle. Sometimes one even spots you outside in the Godswood, regardless of the low temperatures that make the three pools fed by an underground hot spring look even more inviting. 
But warmth and comfort are never what you’re after. 
You feel incredibly daring tonight, sitting beneath the ancient weirwood tree on one of its roots. Although there is a thick fur coat draped around your frame, the thin nightgown beneath does not allow you to be kept as warm as one usually desires, your bare feet hidden inside of the coat not a big help either. 
Tiptoeing barefoot through the snow was the hardest part, but it was worth it as it gave you exactly what your body longs for. 
You’re far too absorbed by the reflection of the moon dancing on the pool of black water beneath the tree, and the peaceful allure of the snow-covered night that you don’t notice you’re not alone anymore.  
“Princess?” a husky voice rings out from the shadows, one you’d even recognize in a room full of loud and drunken men. 
Almost as if he doesn’t want to startle you, the tall frame of the Lord of Winterfell approaches you without any sudden moves, becoming more visible with the moonlight shining down on him. “What are you doing out here this late?”
Only when he’s stopping not far away from you do you avert your eyes from him to the water again. “I could ask you the same, Lord Stark,” you reply softly. 
A chuckle rumbles in his chest at your remark, and you can’t help the tint of heat hearing it brings to your cheeks. “Indeed you could,” he says. “I have not slept well, and the night has a peaceful allure. But you should not be out in the open without any guards, especially not this late at night.”
You drag your index finger through the snow at your side, drawing a mindless pattern in the dark as you do not pay any mind to his words. “And why is that, Lord Stark?” you ask, a certain snarkiness to your tone. “There is nothing worse that could happen to me than what I have already endured.”
Cregan sighs, and even in the dim light you can make out that he’s scratching his stubble covered chin. “And yet, should something else happen to you, I would not like myself for neglecting you and not protecting you just as I have sworn to the king,” he explains. “Besides, there is a cold chill in the air that I can not believe you are not feeling right now.”
“Perhaps that is the answer you’ve been looking for, my lord,” you mumble. “Perhaps I came here to feel something.”
The Wolf of the North doesn’t immediately answer you. Instead, there lingers a pause between you. But it’s not uncomfortable or feels as though it doesn't pass, no, you find yourself to actually enjoy his company. 
His next words, however, even surprise you as you didn’t think he was capable of it. “Feeling the cold of the snow has its way to make one feel alive, that much is true,” he agrees, and then looks up to the dark sky. “You wish to feel something else than the pain of the absence of the people you’ve lost in this war, I understand… I think.”
His words make the feeling of emptiness, the hollowing ache of loss just worse, while at the same time, he seems to know the feeling of craving pain when you’re just so used to it. 
“This cold bite, the chill that lingers on the skin — no one should want to feel it, Princess. It makes even my bones shake, do you know that? Surely you must be shivering, and we should be getting you inside. I should be getting you inside.”
You know he‘s right. While his words are blunt in nature, they are very much that of truth. You shouldn’t be out here, nor should you want to be out here. There‘s nothing to enjoy about this cold chill and the snow, not when you‘re as sparsely dressed as you are. You‘re not yet used to the chill of Winterfell, of the North. 
Cregan offers you his hand, but you‘re still hesitant to take it. Albeit you reach out, your significantly smaller hand hovers over his, not yet grabbing it. “You‘re not exactly wearing proper attire to be out in this wretched cold for very long,“ he remarks. “Let me help you get up, your feet must be in agony by now.“
“And what if I don‘t want to?“
“Then I will still get you up.“ There is a tinge of amusement in his voice now, seeing this little bit of rebelliousness from you, your strength of mind. Even if he doesn’t exactly approve of it. “I shall simply pick you up myself, throw you over my shoulder, and carry you inside to your chambers, even though I‘d get you quite angry and don‘t imagine you want me to do just that.“
You don’t believe he actually has the gumption to do something like that at first, although you know he’s able to muster a decent amount of strength that would easily allow him to lift you up. But then, you wonder if he would truly do it if challenged. “Try that, if you dare, my lord.”
He lets out a snort of amusement, enjoying the teasing that slowly shapes between you two. It still is a challenge, and as a man of his station, he could never let words like this go unspoken. “Oh, I dare, Princess.” 
Putting forth his arm, he wraps his fingers around your wrist and easily pulls you forwards onto your feet without applying too much pressure. You’re certainly caught off guard by his actual willingness to lift you up, and a squeal escapes your lips before you’re tossed on his strong shoulder as if you are some silly, helpless girl. 
Cregan carries you through the Godswood and towards the Guest House, though you don’t resist too much as you’re hanging there over his shoulder – a part of you is grateful you don’t have to walk through the snow with your bare feet once more. 
“Lord Stark, put me down at once!” you demand with a little twinge of laughter in your voice. You feel so light, much lighter than you imagine he’s used to lifting up, almost as if it’s taken all of the pressure off your shoulders. 
But when there doesn’t come an answer from him, you grow slightly frustrated. “What if anyone sees, you madman!” you remark, embarrassment warming your cheeks. 
“Madman? That’s rich coming from the woman who was willing to freeze to death in the snow,” he says jokingly, approaching the large doors. “Who do you think could see us at this hour, princess? The rats? And what if they do? What if someone sees me carrying the poor princess, who had the gall to get out of her bed after midnight and wander the Godswood while in her nightgown?” Although there is amusement in his voice, you also notice the faintest hint of flirtation laced within. “Will they judge me for carrying her, or would they judge her for her imprudent midnight excursion?”
You stay silent thrown over his shoulder, not sure how to reply. You thought you had a good comeback, but it seems Cregan is one step ahead of you. The flirtatious teasing you’ve heard catches you off guard, not expecting to hear it from him at all. It makes your cheeks flush with even more embarrassment when you notice that he’s actually right. But you don’t want to admit the truth in what he’s said. 
“You mock me, but you shall see there would be much scandal if someone were to see this,” you retort, trying to keep calm as you’re now a little bit flustered by these sudden developments. “Besides,” you say, trying to remain unbothered and nonchalant, “who says I won’t tell a tale of you being the imprudent one?”
“Ah, you little rascal,” Cregan replies with a chuckle, giving your thigh a tight squeeze. “I see you’d find a way to turn the tides and have it end up with me being the bad guy, taking my chances on a vulnerable woman in the guise of protecting her.”
You’re clearly enjoying the teasing a tad too much, enjoying these quick and witty back-to-backs with him, taking your mind off of your grief. Drawing in a deep breath, you hold onto Cregan’s thick coat. “What would you have been protecting me from, Lord Stark?” you ask with feigned innocence. “Were the trees too menacing that you just had to sweep me off my feet to carry me away from their clutches?”
“No, I am afraid it was not the trees that had me worried, Princess,” Cregan replies as he brings you further into the Guest House, easily opening the door to the sleeping quarters with one hand. “The cold was the greater menace, and it had you in its grasp.”
Your words die in your throat when he puts you down on your bed, the soft furs very welcomed beneath your cold feet. You look up at him with wide eyes and a heaving chest as he towers over your significantly smaller frame, and you wait for him to make the next move. 
There’s a moment of silence between you, obviously he’s considering his next words. 
And boy do they disappoint you. “I shall make sure a fire is lit for you to warm yourself, princess,” he says, turning around to approach the hearth on the other side of the room. 
Cregan crouches down to build and start a small fire in the hearth that should last the night, not wanting you to stay too cold. But you wouldn’t be a thoroughbred dragon if it didn’t mean for you to take any risks. And so you get onto your cold feet, the coat still draped around your shoulders sliding down to the ground. 
Feeling a bit too exposed too quickly, you grab one of the thick fur blankets laying on your bed instead and wrap it around your frame, before you tiptoe towards the large wolf kneeling in front of the fireplace. 
“I have something different in mind,” you speak softly. Cregan, startled by your words and your sudden approach, turns around and faces you as he rises to his feet. You reach and bury your hands in the collar of his coat, the blanket falling to the ground in the process, and when you use your grip to pull him close, you find that he does not shy away in the least – if anything, he follows the tug to connect your lips in a heated kiss. 
He brings his large hands to your waist with ease, and presses his body against yours. The wolf feels like he’s drowning in you, in your lips, your warmth, your presence and scent. Wanting to lose himself in the moment, in you, his hands wander lower to your hips. 
“I did not expect you to do this tonight,” he breathes against your lips, breaking the silence. 
“And I did not expect some things from you tonight either,” you reply, breathlessly, voice breaking with every breath you take. “Is that a bad thing?”
His voice is low and smooth as he speaks, shaking his head. “Quite the contrary.” There is a flirtatious smile on his lips, and a playfulness you haven’t seen before in his gray eyes. It’s as if that small spark between you has quickly evolved into an inferno that now burns bright in the both of you. 
It’s a fierce and burning kiss when your lips connect once more, fueled by the fires coursing through your veins. You release a soft whimper with his large paws trailing over your sides, feeling the fabric of your nightgown. 
“If we continue this, I won’t be able to stop myself,” he rasps.
You tilt your head back to look at him, a cheeky grin on your lips. “Perhaps I do not want you to.”
Cregan’s eyebrows raise at your reply, and you feel his hands tighten around your waist once more. He can’t help but feel a jolt of arousal run down his back, which prompts him to release a low chuckle. “Well, if you wish for it that much…” he whispers in response, before pulling you back toward him, kissing you passionately. 
A breathless chuckle slips past your lips as you pull back from him, licking your kiss swollen lips. “But there are a few things we need to get you out of first,” you tease, tugging at the thick, furry coat that’s draped over his broad shoulders. 
“Are you this eager to have your hands over all of me?” he replies with a flirtatious smirk, but still unclips the coat and lets it fall to the ground. He doesn’t mind you seeming quite intent to get him out of his armor, allowing you to fumble with the clasps and buckles, and eventually helps you remove the heavy bits until he’s left wearing nothing but his breeches. But even those are quickly unlaced by you, left to be a puddle around his feet. 
“My my, do you not feel a little too hot still, Lord Stark?” you tease, letting your fingers wander over his exposed stomach. You can’t help but feel warmth creeping onto your cheeks as you see him in such little clothing, so exposed. He’s a muscular man, tall and large, and the sight of his bare skin with the dark of hair on his chest and a trail of it running below his undergarments is a welcoming one. 
Through the linen you see that he’s already hard and begging, waiting for you to take things further. Truly a shame you seem to relish in the teasing. 
Goosebumps prickle on his skin in the wake of your finger, making you smile. You drag your finger along the waistband of his undergarments, hooking it beneath to tug on it. He knows what you desire, and he’s not ashamed to give you just that. “I do not see you so eager to remove your own clothes, Princess,” he teases, undoing the laces in the front for his undergarments to join his breeches. “It is hardly fair you want to see all of me, yet I am not allowed to do the same.”
You take in a sharp breath at the sight of his hard cock, standing to full attention. It has you licking your lips. Batting your eyelashes at him, you’re quick to pull your nightgown over your head, a smirk on your lips. A flimsy piece of linen conceals what lies between your legs, but it’s still enough for him to all but devour your almost bare frame. 
“There,” you whisper, “now we are on equal grounds.”
Cregan takes a moment to look over you, licking his lips at the sight of your breasts fully exposed mto him. He knows you’re no maiden who’s completely untouched, you wouldn’t be as confident if you were, but it doesn’t stop him from appreciating the sight in front of him. 
“Equal grounds, truly?” he asks you, taking a step toward you. One arm snakes around your waist, pulling you against him, as his other hand fists the linen of your smallclothes. “I think you still have an advantage over me, Princess. Because I have yet to see what lies beneath your undergarments.”
Your palms rest flatly against his chest, and you press a chaste kiss to his skin. “I will not stop you, Lord Stark,” you whisper, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes. 
“Then let’s make these ‘equal grounds’ a little bit more equal, hm?” Cregan whispers as well. He sinks to his knees with his mouth trailing a path down your body, licking and kissing over your skin until he reaches your navel. His large hands trail over your sides and thighs on his way down, the movement and sight making your breath hitch in your throat. 
A shudder ripples through your body as he tugs your smallclothes down your legs, and while you watch him with your hands buried in his dark curls, his eyes are all but focused on what’s between your legs. 
He drapes one of your legs over his broad shoulder, his dark blown eyes darting up to meet yours, and before you can make any teasing remark, his mouth is on you. A gasp catches in your throat. “Cregan, please,” you whimper, forgetting all courtesies the moment his tongue drags through your slit. There’s no softness, no gentleness in the way he all but devours your cunt, the previous teasing having made his patience run thin. 
Your head tips back in pleasure as his tongue alternates between sliding into you and swirling around your pearl, noticing both options have you grind your hips against his face. The tip of his nose rubs so perfectly against your pearl when his mouth pays attention to your entrance, and Cregan’s fingers dig into your flesh with your body tensing up already, keeping you steady. 
The Wolf of the North growls against your cunt as if he’s truly turned into one, devouring you with all he’s got, the sheer pleasure brought by his tongue and lips taking over you. 
As you look down at him again, you find him already staring up at you, watching you carefully as you slowly but surely unravel on his tongue. It’s intense, but you’re captivated enough not to break eye contact. 
“Gods, yes, I–” you whimper, and fall apart all over his tongue with a shudder. If it wasn’t for Cregan’s paws on your body, you would have lost balance by now, especially with the way he seemed to work his tongue in and out of you faster just in rhythm to his nose rubbing your pearl. 
He pulls away from you slowly as your peak subsides, and with his beard and lips glistening with the remnants of your arousal, how could you not pounce on him right then and there?
He supports his body with one arm placed on the ground and stretches his legs as you push yourself against him, wrapping your arms around his strong neck. The taste of yourself on his tongue makes you moan against his lips before you deepen the kiss. 
Cregan’s hard cock is nestled between your bodies, and you can’t resist wrapping your hand around it, stroking him once, twice, before you shift your hips and slowly sink down on him. 
Muscular arms completely wrap around your waist, making you very well aware of the size difference between the two of you. You’re significantly smaller than him, and relish in the feeling of being safe and protected with him around. You two haven’t been too close upon your arrival in the North, but it seems that there has been a hidden attraction lingering for quite some time. 
You know your hips would sooner or later become sore from pumping him with your core, hence you stick to rocking your hips back and forth with his cock stuffed deep inside you. It’s intimate and slow, but with the coarse hairs around the base of his cock dragging over your pearl with each swivel of your hips, you’re still racing for completion. 
While he mouths along your jaw and the curve of your throat, one of his hands comes up to cup your breast. Rolling the perky bud between his index finger and thumb, the slight sting works wonders to amplify the pleasure coursing through your veins. 
“By the Seven,” you whimper, grinding your hips against him with more determination. 
There comes a sharp hiss in return from him, barely audible between the open mouthed kisses he presses to your collar bones. You’re clawing at his shoulders and neck by now, scratching it despite the sensuality of your movements, and it feels as though you’re even drawing blood. But he doesn’t care about that – he rather enjoys having a woman that doesn’t hold back. 
Trailing his lips up to your throat, he nudges your chin with his nose, prompting you to tip your head back. “It’s not them you need to pray to right now, Princess,” Cregan rasps, a clear strain to his voice. “But perhaps I should take that as a compliment, hm?”
His words cause you to chuckle, and you’re grateful that he’s quickly distracted by kissing your throat again, because otherwise he might have noticed the heat his words bring to your cheeks. “If that is…” you trail off panting, burying your hand in his curls to tug his head back, forcing him to look up at you. The sight of his dark blown eyes hungrily gazing at you sends a shiver down your spine. You feel desired. “If that is a compliment, then I shall have to say it much more often.”
You’re not sure if it’s the fact you state wanting to compliment him more often, or if he’s just not used to having an appreciative lover in general, but your words seem to flip a switch inside of him. You quickly find yourself lowered on the fur blankets, warming your back while the flames heat up your skin and Cregan your blood. 
Nestled between your legs, he’s growing more determined now, the sensual rocking of your hips clearly not enough for him, but you don’t mind it. As much as you enjoy being in control, setting the tone, you also revel in following the lead. 
He’s propped up on one elbow, supporting himself as he thrusts into you, rolling his hips that make his cock drag so expertly against the sweet spot inside of you. 
With one hand, you hold onto his broad shoulder, digging your nails into his skin, while the other gropes at his chest, teasing his bud just like he’s done with yours before. The feeling of his coarse hairs beneath your fingers feels somewhat strange at first, for Aemond hasn’t had as much chest hair as Cregan does, but it’s also comforting. 
The familiar coil in the pit of your belly tightens slowly with his hips snapping into yours over and over again, split open by his hard cock.  
“Will you fill me up, my lord?” you moan breathily, arching your back with your breasts pressing against his sturdy frame. 
Cregan releases a choked groan at the question, and for a moment you can feel his hips stutter. You briefly wonder if you’ve pushed your luck too far, especially with him not replying immediately, until his raspy voice cuts through the heavy pants and moans. 
“Only if you let me take you to wife, Princess.” 
You inevitably clench down around him as a small, hiccuped gasp catches in your throat, resulting in Cregan drawing in a sharp breath. The haze in your eyes is replaced by an emotion you haven't felt in so long, an emotion he’s now giving back to you. And you let it flood you. 
Your hand comes from his chest to his biceps, holding onto it as you gather your thoughts. His hips haven’t slowed down one bit, and he’s truly expecting you to answer as if he wasn’t repeatedly impaling you on his cock right now. 
Staring up at him with wide eyes, your voice isn’t any louder than a whisper. “It would be foolish of me to turn this offer down,” you reply.
An impish smirk dances along Cregan’s features. “Is that meant to be a yes?”
“Y-Yes, it is, “ you whimper beneath him, arching your back once more. 
The warmth of his body, his weight and scent cloud your every being, and his thrusts are determined and harsh enough to render you speechless, your mind and body completely claimed by him. 
His hand snakes between your bodies, aiming for your sensitive pearl. Though the coarse hair around his cock has granted you at least a bit of friction, it’s not enough to bring you to your peak. His thumb circles over the little bud, fully coated with your arousal, and the thread in your belly is close to snapping. 
“Then I just might,” he grunts in return. 
Your body jerks at the sudden touch, but his muscular frame between your legs is enough to keep you pinned to the ground. “I need you… Cregan,” you whimper, bringing a hand behind his head to pull him down for a heated kiss. Your lips hardly part to release whimpers and moans, swallowing each other’s sounds of pleasure without any shame. “Let me give you a spare.”
It appears that your words give him a new-found vigor that leaves you gasping, the pace of his hips increasing. As you start to roll your hips against his thumb, you not only create some friction that feeds your pleasure but his as well. It’s not long after that your peak washes over you with a soft gasp, walls clenching around him like a vice. 
With your small frame trembling between his strong arms, Cregan releases a strained grunt, his own peak being milked out of him by your cunt fluttering around his cock. He keeps on dragging his thumb over your sensitive pearl, prolonging your peak and the pleasure that comes with it.
You stare up at him with wide eyes as you’re milking him for every drop, because there’s something so vulnerable in this wolf of a man, towering over you with his skin glistening with sweat, so desperate to fill you with his seed and breed you. 
The last jolts of his peak force him to languidly rut his hips into yours, desperately chasing the feeling of bliss that courses through your veins. His chest heaves with every heavy breath he takes, and the dark curls are damp and fall into his face. 
Only as Cregan is certain there’s not one drop of his seed left inside of him does he slowly stop his ministrations, and the hand that has toyed with your bud seizes your hips, stilling them.
His erratic breaths fans over your sweaty skin with his lips pressing to your temple. The feeling of being whole with him doesn’t leave you, not when his weight pins you down and keeps you grounded, easing your tumbled mind.  
“I shall welcome the arrival of any child you bear me,” Cregan says, inevitably breaking the silence. 
A smile spreads across your lips as you wrap your legs around his hips, and your arms around his neck. “Be careful what you wish for. My children will certainly be just as stubborn as me.”
His heart is practically pounding against his ribs, and he can feel himself on the verge of being lost by your touch alone again. You make him go wild and feral, your bold and flirtatious nature bringing out another side to him that’s completely unexpected. And yet it feels so right.  
The teasing banter brings a smile to his lips and a light to his gray eyes, your wit and humor shining through. “Let them be stubborn, then,” he chuckles, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. “They only need to be half as feisty as you, and I shall be the happiest man in Winterfell.”
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starheirxero · 8 months
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A guy will spend years in isolation and STILL be just as snarky and smug as the day he left!!!!
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harmoonix · 4 months
Fashion/Beauty Astrology Observations
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~ Find your style ~
♥ - Air Risings/Air Venus, usually these natives tend to appear taller in height, slim body, their body especially their legs are out in evidence
♥ - Fire or Earth Mars natives have some of the baddest walks, body full of movement, strike the pose, confidence
♥ - Earth Risings/Earth Venus, the mother earth meets the naturalness beauty, they look beautiful with makeup or not, the natural beauty, the bossy attitude, sassy, everything in one piece
♥ - Libra or Taurus degrees on your Sun, Moon or your Rising gives venusian beauty, a little drop from Venus beauty is moved into you
Libra Degrees 7°, 19°
Taurus Degrees 2°, 14°, 26°
♥ - Scorpio Risings/Sun/Moons/Venus/Mars appear to be magnetic and hypotonic, whenever they go, they get eyes on them immediately
♥ - Gemini Placements especially Venus/Sun and Rising have a curious beauty, people are curious about your beauty and simply stare at you
❤️ - Sagittarius & Gemini Liliths, might have the most jovial lilith out there, don't forget how good she can feel in these signs because of the self expression and the free will. Afterall all Lilith wanted from God was to be free (From Adam but thats another story)
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♥ - Leo Placements, Leo Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus, of course the star of the show, Leo is known for having a very beautiful face features, eyebrows, eyes and their back can stand up! Looks good in clothes that reveal your back
♥ - Sagittarius/Pisces/Cancer Venus/Rising/Moon > Exotic beauty, and because of that people can often admire your beauty from afar, those eyes you don't always see but they are there
♥ - Capricorn & Aries Placements, My dear goats, your horns are able to stab any heart you want, the heart becomes obsessed with the looks and the energy of the native
♥ - Aquarius Placements Beauty, If you would be able to open them up, they'd be full of diamonds inside, Aquarius is known to wear provocative clothes to stand out
♥ - Venus in your 1st/10th/11th, your beauty is made for the public, people can often appreciate how you style and your overall energy
♥ - Virgo Placements Beauty, There is a saying Virgo chosed to be a virgin so no one can steal their pure energy, Virgo is a soft sign but in the same sharp and intelligent, they won't be let down by nobody
♥ - Lilith in Water Signs, > Make them obsessed with you, you can simply get hate for the way you feel and people can make you feel bad, well keep them obsessed because you work harder than the devil
♥ - Lilith in Fire Signs > Make them regret, people can steal your happiness, don't show your happiness to those to may hate you in secret
♥ - Stand out of the crowd if you have Aquarius Degrees on your Venus/Rising/Sun
Aqua Degrees 11°, 23°
♥ - Lilith in Air Signs, People can often gossip or talk bad about you, it's important to be yourself, to let yourself free and to stop caring about others opinions, make them feel embarrassed if they spread fake rumors
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♥ - Juno aspecting the ascendant, your beauty can be appreciated by people who will want you only for them
♥ - Venus aspecting the ascendant, your beauty is just like Venus, permanent and peaceful, Venus is here to support you and to help you with loving yourself
♥ - Mercury aspecting Venus, these natives have a very beautiful, catchy voice, elegant voice, charming personality and easily liked by others
♥ - Mercury aspecting Neptune, in a way people can become addicted to hearing your voice, it can be peaceful like the ocean waves
♥- Scorpio Degrees on your placements can make you feel like you attract too much attention and sometimes it can be the wrong type of attention
Scorpio Degrees 8°, 20°
♥ - Lilith in Earth Signs > People can be envy your success, your victories. So double check with who you share those good wins with
♥ - Sagittarius Mercury/Leo Mercury/Aries Mercury, they are those savage or sassy people in a conversation, or those who make a joke in the middle of the conversation and then y'all forget what we were talking about
𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲'𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭
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♥ - Jupiter or Uranus and Saturn in the 1st house is when you can become very popular just for being yourself, for being authentic
♥ - Neptune in the 1st house is blinded by the lights, sometimes they don't realize how beautiful and unique they are
♥ - Mars in Virgo/Mars in Virgo Degrees has something to do with their waist or stomach area, you always dress or show it to the world, you can even have a belly button
Virgo Degrees 6°. 18°
♥ - Moon in the 2nd/8H/12H/ houses are those natives who just wanna hide away from the public/people, you deserve to to shine!!
♥ - Moon aspecting the ascendant is so calm, caring, kind, they love to share emotional connections with others and you just want to protect them!
♥ - Saturn aspecting the ascendant, grows slowly like a tree, in time they learn things, they evolve, they learn about people, about themselves, how to love and how to live
♥ - Saturn aspecting the Moon have their own inner world, that world can be sensible for some of them, but beside that they make sure to make everyone feel safe
❤️ - Capricorn & Cancer Liliths, I love this axis of Lilith because they both know how to seduce using the emotional state of a person, in a way they're comforting while seducing as well
𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
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♥ - Gemini, Virgo and Libra Moons can be very indecisive, even when it comes to fashion they might not know what to wear in that specific day
♥ - North Node aspecting the ascendant really gives "legend or myth" vibes, you're a legend ready to go on your path
♥ - North Node aspecting Venus is all about learning how to love and to accept love beside your phenomenal style, lies a heart that wants to know more about relationships
♥ - Cancer Degrees on ascendant really give sweetheart vibes, you just wanna hug them all day, they can dress based on how they feel/mood
Cancer Degrees 4°, 16°, 28°
♥ - Leo/Aries/Aquarius Juno give funny spouses, maybe not from the first sight but if you stick with them til the end, it can evolve
♥ - Capricorn and Scorpio Juno really want a long time partner, they love long lasting relationships
♥ - Not really an astro observation but you can try to wear jewelry based on your vein colors
If you have blue or purple-ish veins, then you are cool toned, silver and rosegold can go for this
If you have green veins then you have a warm tone, gold is great with these
♥ - Capricorn Risings can have chances to reach modelling with their strong ambition and perseverance, lots of models have Cap Rising
𝐆𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰
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♥ - Gemini Degrees on your sun/moon/rising or Venus, gives charm upon the native, their voice can give you chills tho
Gemini Degrees 3°, 15°, 27°
♥ - Mars/Pluto/Sun and Lilith in the 1st house are bad bitches for real, their energy is "I'm the boss". Category: Bad Bitch Superstar
♥ - Crazy how Madonna is a Virgo Rising and she got called a "Demon" just be being herself and for trying to make women feeling comfortable in clothes, she will forever be mother of the house
♥ - Capricorn & Cancer Moons, both know how is to feel uncomfortable or anxious, but the thing is to feel comfortable for being YOU! being yourself is the best thing you can do to evolve
♥ - Libra & Leo Lilith have such an elegant style! Is giving icon! Make them addicted
♥ - Pisces Venus/Rising/Mercury, an intense yet charming power placement, dreamy, most of them are the chill people ever. I adore their energy
♥ - Saturn in your 6H makes you to be serious and charming in the same time, you know those people who are both smart and sexy
♥ - Some of the hottest to have in your BIG 3 (by elements)
Fire Rising, Earth Sun, Water Moon
Water Rising, Air Sun, Fire Moon
Air Moon, Fire Sun, Air Rising
Earth Risings, Air Sun, Water Moon
Water Rising, Water Sun, Fire Rising
Earth Rising, Earth Moon, Fire Sun
Fire Sun, Fire Rising, Earth Moon
Air Rising, Air Moon, Earth Sun
♥ - Having Juno aspecting your Midheaven, you can be known for dating someone public/more popular. Think also of a person who is also supported by their spouse
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♥ - Style/Fashion/Attitude. Hope you like this post as much as me 🥰 lots of love to everyone! The observations are applied to both vedic/sidereal and tropical.
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scarlet-star-witch · 2 months
The moon and his sun (Part VII - Final Part)
Aemond Targaryen x Female Reader
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Summary: People would remember their story. Even decades after they were gone, Septa’s would tell young children about the one-eyed dragon prince and his sweet wife as if they were a part of a fairytale, too good to be true for the harshness real life possessed.
Aemond meets a young girl who quickly becomes his most cherished friend and changes the course of history.
Word count: 13.2 K
Warnings: Angst as usual, Aegon testing my patience, smut, and fluff
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6 ... Epilogue
She and Aemond had barely spoken since their fight, the strain between them growing with each passing day.
He was always quick to leave their chambers in the early morning, leaving her to break her fast by herself. 
She didn’t mind, she found she had trouble even meeting his eye without feeling as though her insides were crumbling into dust, reminding her of how easy it would be to lose him. 
It felt like dying a slow, agonizing death. 
The door to their chambers opened and she instinctively perked up at the thought of seeing her husband, despite the warring emotions within her, but she immediately froze, fear rising as Aegon strolled inside as if they were his own chambers. 
He smiled widely at the sight of her and was quick to take a seat beside her, entirely too close for her liking. 
“What are you doing?”
“Joining my sweet sister for breakfast.” Aegon smiled, the gesture anything but innocent as he helped himself to the spread of food in front of him. “Where is my brother?”
“He’ll be back soon.” She answered immediately, as if she could use Aemond’s presence to deter him from staying. But with the way he looked at her intently, it was obvious he didn’t believe her. 
He knew the rift between them kept Aemond out of his chambers for hours on end. 
With a lump in her throat that grew larger and heavier with each second that passed with Aegon beside her, she kept her eyes down, beginning to sparsely pick at her food. 
“You know I never thought much of you.” Aegon began, his gaze never wavering from her tense form that refused to relax in his presence. 
She flinched and jerked away as Aegon’s fingers brushed against her cheek, her breathing becoming heavy as she fought hard not to smack the most powerful man in the realm. 
He smirked at her as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, feeling victorious at the sight of her discomfort. 
“It wasn’t until I saw you bouncing on my brother’s cock…saw this body bare, saw the kind of whore you are, that it felt as though I was truly seeing you for the first time.” He crooned, his fingers tracing down the length of her jaw and down her neck. 
As his fingers trailed downwards, getting close to the dip of her breasts, she finally snapped, her hand shooting out, gripping onto his wrist tightly, desperate to stop him before he could touch her further, in places only her husband had ever touched her. 
“Careful, sister. The punishment for putting your hands on your King could cost you your hand.” Aegon warned, delighting in the fury that crossed her features. “Save that fire for my bed.” 
“I will slit my throat before you could ever take me to your bed.” She told him with a fire in her voice that only made his eyes light with intrigue and delight, knowing he was getting under her skin exactly the way he wanted. 
The door to their chambers opened, Aemond stepping inside wearily, though when he saw Aegon, how close he was sitting to his wife, his wrist encased in her grip, her face drawn tightly with hatred, did cold dread settle over him, washing away any ounce of hesitation he felt to face her and their fight.
“What are you doing here?” He barked at his brother, his face hard with a deadly scowl.
“Just getting to know my future wife.” 
Aemond grit his teeth. It took all of his willpower to not beat his brother into oblivion. 
“Get out.” He ordered sternly, though Aegon only laughed and leaned back in his seat.
Aegon’s sharp response had Aemond flinching in surprise, his surprise overtaking his anger for a moment at the presence of his weak brother’s backbone. It seemed that the crown on his head had finally made him unmovable in the face of his younger’s brother’s rage that used to make him cower.
“I am your King, you don’t command me, brother.” 
Aemond, without caring for the consequences or the threat of Aegon’s guards that stood outside the door, stormed forward, grabbing his brother by the shirt and hauling him to his feet, desperate to wrench him away from his wife who watched on with fear. 
“If you have any hope of winning this war, it is because of me and my dragon. You are a drunken idiot that has no idea what it truly takes to rule and if you wish to keep breathing and sitting on that throne you will keep your mouth shut and stay far away from my wife.” Aemond spat darkly, jerking his wastrel of a brother in his harsh grip. 
“I am already a Kinslayer and I will take whatever judgment the Gods give me for sinning again.” Aemond threatened him, his hatred clear. 
Aegon looked back at him with nothing but disdain, hating the fact that he needed Aemond, needed Vhagar, to fight his cause. His harsh glare moved to the woman who remained sitting, watching the brothers with wide, nervous eyes. 
“I will see you soon, Sister.” Aegon drawled out the word as if it were an insult, sneering at her one last time before he shoved his brother off him and made his way out of their chambers, leaving the couple in a tense silence. 
Aemond breathed heavily and turned toward his wife, his eye softening immediately at the sight of her. 
“Did he hurt you?”
“No.” She spoke quietly. 
Aemond watched her carefully, noting that she had yet to meet his eye. He sighed and sat next to her. The news from the council the previous night that he had yet to tell her weighed on him heavily. 
She had been asleep by the time he returned to their chambers last night and he loathed to wake her, especially for news that would only upset her. 
“We are to go to battle tomorrow.” He finally blurted out. 
His words finally had her gaze rising to meet him, a startled fearfulness growing in her eyes. 
“I am taking Vhagar to Rook’s Rest.” 
She remained quiet as she took in his words, the growing fear inside of her quickly incapacitating her. A thousand thoughts ran through her head, most of them all the ways she could lose him.  
The longer she stayed quiet, the more tense he became. 
“I’ve talked to my mother.” He continued quickly, looking at her hopefully. “She has agreed to let go of the annulment. I’ve asked her to station more guards at the door. A group will be with you any day I’m not here. They will protect you while I’m gone and if I… if anything happens in battle… they will take you home.” 
Her eyes watched him calculatingly, as if she were staring at a stranger and not the man she loved. Her mind was a mess of thoughts, none of which she could really make sense of. 
Her silence rang out in the room loudly, agonizing Aemond. He looked at her intently, pleadingly. 
“Say something, please.” He whispered weakly. 
She let out a long sigh, her face impassive, not revealing any emotion. Even the sight of her husband’s sadness wasn’t enough to sway her. 
“What do you want me to say?”
“Anything.” He practically begged, her monotonous voice causing an ache to grow within him.
She grit her teeth, looking away from him. “Do you really believe it?”
“That your mother is no longer a pawn in that ridiculous plan. That a few more measly guards will protect me from your family. That in the event of your death, I’ll be free to go home and not thrown in the black cells or shackled to Aegon’s bed.”
Aemond flinched at each of her words, looking pained at the reminder of the danger she was in, the danger his own family was placing on her head. 
“You are many things, Husband, but I have never known you to be naive.” 
“I am not naive-”
“You are if you believe I am safe here, especially in your absence.” She interrupted him sharply. “If you were to die in battle, that would be the end of me. No one would take me home, no one would let me live out the rest of my days as a mourning widow, they would have their boots on my neck the minute it was clear you would not be around to protect me.”
Only a stunted breath escaped him, as words were lost to him.
He looked at her pleadingly, but the guilt that lingered in his gaze did not go unnoticed by her and it only served to fuel her anger, knowing that he knew exactly the situation they were in, exactly the hard rock they were pushed up against by his own family.
“They won’t hurt you.” He began and held back a wince as she scoffed and shook her head. “They won’t. I have to believe it.”
“You have to?” She repeated, almost mockingly.
“Yes, because I cannot take another fucking breath if I don’t.” He replied loudly, his desperation, his slipping control clear as he looked at her, his eye wide and brimming with frustration. 
Her expression changed in an instant, the hard front she was portraying shattering the moment she saw how close her husband was to cracking. He had always tried to shield her from the worst parts of him, never wanting her to worry or fuss over him.
It wasn’t often he let her see him falter, but she could see now just how exhausted and broken he was over everything that had happened in the past month. 
She suddenly thought of all the times he had held her, picked her back up when her grief knocked her down, and she struggled to think of the times she was there for him, when he allowed her to be strong for him when he couldn’t.
He didn’t let himself show his weakness, hardly even to her, and it was slowly crushing him. 
“Do you truly have to go tomorrow?” She asked quietly, the fight gone from her voice. 
“I do.” 
There was a hesitation to him, as if he knew it wasn’t a good idea, but didn’t have another choice. He was burdened by the duty he was shackled to, beaten down by the sentiment that had been drilled in him since he was a child.
He felt this was all he could do, simply because his family told him so.
She hated they had such a hold on him, that they held such control over him.
“I will come back.” He told her, looking at her intently, as if he could will her to believe it. 
She just nodded, her throat growing tight with emotion at the thought of how tomorrow could go so wrong, at the thought of losing the one person she cherished with her entire being. The thought of losing him was already unfathomable, but the thought of losing him now, never being able to heal the rift between them was enough to break her. 
He stood, hesitating for a moment, knowing he had to meet with Ser Criston, but wary of leaving his wife, of furthering the divide between them. 
He looked to her longingly, as if he wanted to reach out to her, to kiss her, to lavish his affection on her as he used to, but just couldn’t find the courage to. 
He didn’t know if she even wanted him to, so he settled for a half-hearted nod and a mumble of goodbye before leaving her side once again, feeling as though the cracks in his heart were growing deeper and deeper with each passing day they were fractured.
She remained in his thoughts for the rest of the day, as she always did any moment he was not at her side.
He didn’t see her until that night at the feast Aegon was adamant on hosting. It was more of an excuse for Aegon to lavish in praises for his bravery for their planned battle on the morrow. 
Aemond could only roll his eyes at his brother’s brazen showmanship. 
They would run out of coin soon enough with all the celebrations he’d thrown in the short amount of time he sat on the throne. 
It seemed parties were the only thing Aegon could think to decree during his reign, despite the war that raged. It was a wonder a battle even got planned with his ambivalence for planning anything that didn’t include wine.
He looked to his wife sat by his side, her expression portraying she’d rather be anywhere else. She boredly looked among the dancing couples and reveling Lords who were drinking copiously, their laughter unable to stir a smile of her own. 
Aemond knew better than to ask if she wanted to dance. He knew she would refuse. 
He thought back to that night, the beginning of their divide and wanted to scream and cry all at once for the state of things, for this dreaded feeling of being so far from her in a way he had never experienced before. 
The thought of her not by his side was too terrifying to even imagine. The thought of her willingly separating from him broke his heart and he didn’t know how to react in any way but anger.
She had barely spoken to him since that night and it wasn’t as though he was any more forthcoming in swallowing his pride and apologizing for his anger that had struck her that fateful day.
Next to him, his mother sat, sending him a weak smile. Despite her assurance that she wouldn’t be forcing an annulment, he couldn’t deny that he had trouble believing her, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how agonizing it was to not believe it. So he did what he could to force himself to. 
But he knew he would worry every time he was not at his wife’s side that Aegon would swoop in and use his power to take her from him.
His brother was certainly not above despicable behavior. 
His wife was barely able to look at his family. A curt smile was all she was able to give as they arrived that evening. The only real emotion she had shown was towards Helaena, but even then it was only a weak smile that didn’t reach her eyes. 
Aemond was sure it did not go unnoticed how tense the table of royals looked. He could only imagine the gossip that was spreading about them. 
He felt as though he could breathe easier once his mother retired for the night, his view of her irrevocably changed since that meeting. 
He tapped his fingers against the table erratically, stealing another look at his wife. A servant placed a new cup of wine before her and Aemond waved his hand, refusing another cup for himself, it was only making his already churning stomach worse. 
“Are you enjoying the music?” He asked, internally wincing to himself for how awkward he sounded as he tried to engage his wife in conversation. 
“Not particularly.” She answered monotonously. 
Aemond’s lips parted, but no words were found. It felt like talking to a stranger than to the woman he had loved for years.
“Could you two cheer up?” Aegon chastised as he approached the table to fill up his cup. “You look like you’re attending a funeral.” 
Aegon’s attention on her seemed to be the last straw of her already waning patience. With a sigh, she pushed her chair out and stood.
“I’m tired, I’m going to retire for the night.” She explained and left without another word.
Aemond watched her go with a frown. The lack of affection wasn’t something he was used to, not from her at least and it was enough to leave him with a sick feeling in his stomach. 
“She’s become quite frigid.” Aegon noted, not bothering to look at his brother and catch the glare he would surely be sending his way. “Have you stopped fucking her? Is that why she’s become such a surly bitch?” 
Aemond grit his teeth, his hands twitching with the urge to knock his brother’s teeth out. It seemed the drunken idiot had already forgotten about his earlier threat on his life. 
“Well, if she’s not drinking it.” Aegon laughed, grabbing the goblet that sat before his wife’s empty seat, handing it over to some foot soldier from the Lannister army who eagerly swallowed it down in one gulp, the cheering crowd around him growing raucous. 
Aemond could barely contain his annoyance, his desire to leave overwhelming. His fingers tapped at the table incessantly, itching to follow his wife, to be as far from Aegon’s arrogance as he could. 
“Must you look so sullen, brother?” Aegon chastised him.
Meeting the glassy eyes of his drunken brother, Aemond was forced to use all the willpower he possessed to not throw a punch, removing the smug smile from his face. 
“Stop crying over your wife. There are plenty of other women here-”
“Don’t finish that sentence.” Aemond snapped at him darkly. 
Aegon scoffed, a multitude of insults on the tip of his tongue, but the sound of hacking coughs caught both of their attention. They looked to the Lannister soldier, his eyes wide, his face turning red as he gasped for air that wouldn’t come. He clutched at his neck, his body-shaking coughs bringing him to his knees.
The chattering of the crowd ceased, leaving terrified gasps and screams as men quickly surrounded the dying man, surveying for a threat.
Aemond stood from his seat, taking large steps forward, pushing others out of the way. He took in the scene before him with a growing dread. His gaze moved from the man twitching out a last painful breath, blood and bile spilling from his lips, to the empty cup on the ground. 
The cup that was meant for his wife. 
Something broke inside him at the realization. 
He rushed out of the room, elbowing his way past the crowd. He sprinted through the halls, a shrill ringing in his ears, his mind conjuring the horrible sights that he would find. 
What if he wasn’t fast enough this time?
He had already lost his child, he couldn’t lose her. 
The thoughts raced through his mind torturously as he ran, his fear growing with each step. His pulse thundered in his ears, his throat tight as he pictured the gruesome scene waiting for him.
He came to an abrupt stop, almost losing his footing, his chest heaving as he narrowed his gaze on the lone guard at their chamber doors. The man startled slightly at the sudden appearance of the disheveled prince and he bowed, greeting him dutifully. 
“Has anyone been inside?” 
“No, my Prince. Not since your wife.”
He stepped forward purposefully, the adrenaline in his veins and the fear that lingered, causing his hands to tremble. 
“Where’s the rest of you?”
“My Prince?” The guard questioned in confusion.
“Where are the other guards? There’s supposed to be more of you here keeping watch.” He seethed impatiently, the man before him blanching in intimidation.
“I-I’m sorry my Prince. It is only me. I have not heard of any others to be stationed with me.”
Aemond stared the man down angrily, his mind racing with thoughts he couldn’t quite make sense of. He pushed past the guard and rushed into his chambers, his shoulders sagging immediately, expelling a heavy exhale of relief as he spotted her. 
His wife lay in their bed, fast asleep and unharmed. 
He stepped towards her on weak legs, sitting on the edge of the bed, taking a moment to just look at her, to ease his wounded mind. He knew he wasn’t reaching, that what had happened just minutes ago, that man choking on his own blood, was no accident. 
Someone had tried to take her from him, again. 
He leaned down, placing a gentle kiss to her forehead, reveling in the sweet scent of the floral oil she had put in her hair that night. 
“I’ll make it right, I promise.” He whispered into the quiet room, needing to speak the promise aloud, even if she wasn’t awake to hear it. He needed to reassure himself that he could protect her, for he felt as though he had been failing. 
With one last lingering look at her, he stood and stepped out of the room, giving a quick warning to the guard to be on alert as he stomped down the hall. 
He made it to his mother’s chambers, barely acknowledging Ser Criston who stood vigil and stormed inside. 
His mother startled at his abrupt entrance and her face twisted, gearing up to scold him, but she soon noticed the fear in his eye, the lingering fury that made her stiffen.
“What’s happened?” She asked tersely, placing a hand over her racing heart, her stomach churning for what she was about to hear. 
“A man was murdered tonight.” He spoke monotonously. 
“What? Who?” Alicent asked breathlessly. 
“He drank from my wife’s cup. He drank the wine that was meant for her and barely a minute later he was dead.” 
Alicent’s throat went tight, her blood running cold within her veins. She straightened her posture, attempting to remain composed. 
“Rhaenyra and Daemon’s bloodlust knows no bounds.” 
“Where were the guards?” Aemond asked abruptly, glossing over his mother’s comment.
“What guards?” 
“In front of our chambers.” He clarified, his voice hard as stone. “I asked you to assign more, to ensure my wife would be protected. You said you would, but there was only one.”
Alicent’s heart raced wildly within her chest, the rapid rise and fall of her chest visible as she tried hard to settle her breathing. 
“I will have a talk with them. They should have been there.” She answered, the wavering of her voice clear, forcing her to swallow hard in an attempt to get rid of the lump that had grown and threatened to stop her from breathing.
Aemond watched his mother thoughtfully, the sinking feeling he had already been plagued with growing tenfold the longer he watched her, slowly becoming aware of her charade. 
His eyes moved to watch the flames dance in the fireplace, breathing out a long sigh as the thoughts in his head swirled like a hurricane. He wanted to refuse it, to not believe his mother would ever have anything to do with something so sinister, but her entire being portrayed guilt. He knew his family's ambitions made for crass and even sometimes despicable actions, he knew the way of war, he just never expected to fall victim to it at the hands of the ones who should have loved him dearly. 
“I was excited to be a father.” He started quietly, the tension in his body the only sign of the storm silently raging within him. “I knew I would have done anything for my child. They could’ve asked me for the stars and I would have flown on Vhagar in the night and taken every one of them from the sky.” 
The mention of the babe he had lost had Alicent’s chest tightening, her eyes beginning to sting with tears that threatened to give away the turmoil plaguing her. 
“I don’t even have a babe to hold and I know I would have done whatever I could to make them happy.” His voice became stunted, anger tinging the heartbreaking words that kept his emotions on a short tether, the reminder of what he lost, what had been ripped so brutally from him and his beloved. 
His lone eye raised from the fire and landed on his mother who seemed to squirm under his intense gaze. 
“You… you weren’t even trying to keep me from my happiness, you’re trying to rip it right out of my hands.”
Alicent’s breath caught in her throat, her stomach sinking with dread. 
“I don’t know what-”
“You know exactly what I’m speaking of.” He interrupted her angrily, his hands clenched into fists as it took all of his restraint to not lunge at her, having to constantly remind himself that the woman in front of him was his mother.
“Think about what you are accusing me of, it’s absolutely ridiculous.” Alicent screeched, her emotions fraying as she desperately tried to pull her son back to her. 
“You never wanted me to marry her. You wanted to deny me her, you wanted to tear her from me even when you knew she was the only one that truly made me happy.”
Alicent rolled her eyes, her fear quickly shifting into indignation. That Island girl has sunk her claws so deep in her son, she scarcely recognized him anymore. 
“The only one?” She questioned, almost sarcastically. “After everything I’ve done and you still don’t see that it was all for you, for our family.” 
Aemond let out a bitter sounding laugh, a sound that would have sent chills down the spine of a lesser man. 
“Tell me, Mother, when exactly were you thinking about my happiness? When you tried to force an annulment from the woman I love or when you tried to murder her?” 
Alicent’s voice caught in her throat. Each word was like a slap to the face. The guilt churned in her stomach so violently she thought she was going to be sick. 
“I know grandsire’s ambitions would have retribution, but I never thought you would bend to them at the expense of your children.”
Alicent sunk back in her chair, the fight swept from her as she realized Aemond was not going to budge an inch. She picked at the skin by her nails anxiously, her teeth biting her bottom lip incessantly as her heart raced. 
“We needed to help Aegon’s cause.”
The whispered words were all the confession he needed to hear. 
Aemond fumed silently, his jaw clenching so tightly it was a wonder he didn’t crack any of his teeth. His first thought was that he couldn’t believe his own mother would do this to him, to break him into disrepair by taking his wife from him, but as he remembered the forced annulment, he soon realized he didn’t really know his mother at all. 
“We know what Rhaenyra would do to us once she sat on the throne. I had to protect you, I did what I could so our family would survive.”
Aemond scoffed bitterly. He too once thought his life would be forfeit once his half-sister rose to power, but the longer he thought of it over the years, the more he spoke of those fears with his wife, the more he realized how unfounded they had been. 
“You really think my father-by-law would allow that to happen? Ixtal is King’s Landing’s greatest importer, you think Rhaenyra would risk the entirety of the realm, her position as ruler, just to do away with siblings she could not spare a second thought for?” 
“You don’t know that!” Alicent yelled, becoming desperate as she felt as though her son was slipping through her fingers.
Aemond sighed and stood from his chair, heading towards the door, but Alicent’s sobs stopped him as she begged him not to go.
“Aemond, you have to understand.” She cried. “I had to do what I could to keep you safe. You will see that one day, you will see that I only did what I thought was right for our family.”
To hear her speak of the life of his wife, his greatest love, as nothing more than collateral made him feel sick, his disdain growing even further. 
“I hope you will see one day that your ambition is what ruined this family.” 
With those final words, he left, leaving his mother to sob in solitude. He numbly walked back to his chambers, the look in his mother’s eyes haunting his mind. 
It wasn’t until he was behind the closed door of his chamber, standing in the dark room that he allowed himself to release a shuddering breath, his throat tightening as it all caught up to him. 
His mother’s betrayal was like a dagger to the stomach, letting the wound bleed until there was nothing left of him. 
His gaze fell on his sleeping wife and the dam broke. Tears fell from his eyes as he realized how close he had been to losing her and by the hands of his own family. It was enough to undo him completely. 
He knelt at her bedside, unable to stop the tears that fell. His lip trembled, shaking breaths escaping him as he clutched to her hand. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He whispered weakly. 
She stirred and blinked her weary eyes open, frowning immediately as she noticed the tears her husband was shedding.
“Aemond? What happened?” She asked tiredly, propping herself up on her elbow as she intertwined their fingers. 
“I didn’t protect you.” He whispered, his voice tight with tearful emotion.
“What are you talking about?”
“The second this war started, I should’ve done something. I knew you weren’t safe here, I knew you weren’t safe with them and I didn’t do anything. I’m so sorry, issa prūmia, please forgive me.” 
“Aemond…” She was stunned, watching as her husband, the stoic man she knew, broke into pieces before her. 
She laid her hand over his that held her other tightly, caressing gentle touches over his hardened knuckles. 
“Darling, there’s nothing to forgive.” She assured him, but the look on his face remained tortured. 
He sniffled and wiped his tears forcefully, tearing his hand from hers and he got to his feet, making his way across their chambers to her wardrobe. 
“I’m getting you out of here.” He spoke, his voice now full of determination.
“It’s not safe for you here. You’re going back to Ixtal.”
Her heart jumped in her chest, it was everything she had wanted since this war started, but she couldn’t ignore the lingering dread that settled within her like lead, realizing what it would mean for them. The thought of separating from him was unbearable. 
“I’m not leaving without you.” She spoke forcefully, standing from the bed, her eyes hardened as she stared back at her husband. 
She knew it was a big ask to leave his family and his home for her, but circumstances were different now. She had already lost so much, she wasn’t going to lose him too, she certainly wasn’t going to let his family take advantage of her absence and shackle him to another woman. 
Aemond swallowed thickly and stepped towards her, his hands cradling her face gently as he revered her with nothing but adoration, his decision made in a split second.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but by your side.” 
Her face softened, emotions swelling, tightening her throat. 
“What happened?” She asked quietly. His change of heart was unexpected and the state of him she had woken to was more than concerning. It wasn’t often he let himself feel his emotions, except anger of course, and it was upsetting to say the least.
Aemond seemed to shudder at her question, his eyes holding a faraway look that seemed tortured. 
“Not yet.” He said, his voice barely audible. He would tell her everything once they were safe, once they were far from King’s Landing and his scheming family. “Pack your things, we need to be quick and leave before the light.” 
She nodded and rushed to her wardrobe, hauling out as many dresses as she could carry and tossed them on the bed. A sudden realization came to her, igniting her worries once more.
“Wait, Aemond.” She spoke up frantically. “Helaena and the children. We can’t leave without them, they’re not safe here.”
Aemond’s entire being softened. Helaena and her children were the only ones, outside of her, that he cared about above anyone else and her care for them, her willingness to accept them as her own warmed his heart, only confirming to him that he was making the right decision.
His mother’s betrayal stung, it festered in him like a disease that threatened to spread and ruin him, but he pushed it down. He would feel the heartbreak when they were safe in Ixtal.
It didn’t take long for them to pack their meager belongings. They didn’t need to take much, there wasn’t much of anything with sentimental value he would miss. He just needed his wife at his side. 
They traveled through the hidden halls, quickly coming to the entrance of Helaena’s room. Aemond pushed the entrance open slowly, wincing at the noise, hoping he wasn’t about to scare his sweet sister.
He was soon shocked, flinching back as he met the awaiting eyes of his sister, her children cradled to her sides, bags at their feet.
“Is it time?” 
“What- Helaena…”
“We are leaving, are we not?” 
“Well… yes, but-”
“Let’s go. We shouldn’t waste any more time.” She smiled warmly, placing her hand on her brother’s cheek briefly before moving towards her friend, wrapping her up in a tight hug, her gratitude overflowing from her. “I knew you would be our saving grace.”
The whispered words of the Princess left her shocked. She had to shake herself of her surprise and hauled Jaehaerys into her arms. With Helaena carrying Jaehaera, their bags secured with Aemond leading them, they were on their way. His hand fluttered towards the sword at his hip every so often, senses sharp and at the ready for anything and anyone that dared to stop them.
It didn’t take long to get to the Dragon Pit.
“I’ll meet you outside with Vhagar.” Aemond assured her and with one last squeeze of her hand, he was gone. 
Her heart was in her throat, her palms sweating with nerves as she helped strap the children’s bags to Dreamfyre’s saddle. Once Helaena was seated on her dragon, she helped Jaehaera up and strapped her in. 
“It’s alright, my Darlings.” Helaena cooed to her children who were quiet and sullen with fright. “We’re going to a beautiful place where we’ll be safe.” 
“Is father coming too?” Jaehaera asked quietly and Helaena shook her head, almost seemingly delighted to share the news of the absence of their father. But the child just nodded and whispered ‘good’. 
She repressed a shudder. She didn’t want to think of the neglect Aegon had forced on his children. She swept Jaehaerys up into her arms once again, her heart aching as he nuzzled into her, burying his face in the crook of her neck. 
“You like to swim, don’t you, Jae?”
He nodded against her and she smiled, brushing her fingers through his hair soothingly.
“I know where to find the most beautiful beaches. You’ll get to swim in the bluest water you’ve ever seen where the fish swim between your toes and jump out of the water to greet you.”
“Will you show me?” 
She smiled and nodded. “I’ll take you there myself.” 
With the assurance, he loosened his grip on her, more at ease. A distant roar caught their attention, the familiar sound of Vhagar. With one last look to Helaena, silently assuring her that she would keep her son safe, she slipped out of the Dragon Pit, hurrying her way up the hill where Vhagar rested. 
Her hope spiked, her fear receding slightly as she spotted Aemond atop his dragon. Their escape was imminent. No one would stop them now, not when they had Vhagar to face. 
She helped Jaehaerys climb up into the waiting arms of his uncle who strapped him in carefully. She climbed, her movements familiar use, not something she’d ever thought she would say in relation to dragon riding, but Aemond had been insistent over the years of his two favorite girls bonding. 
She used to roll her eyes at him, but now she couldn’t have been more thankful. 
As she settled herself, her heart sped, uncertainty suddenly overtaking her adrenaline, the gravity of their actions soon crashing into her overwhelmingly. She placed her hand over Aemond's, stopping him before he could grasp the reins. 
“Aemond,” She spoke, her voice tight as her mind raced. “You have to be sure, entirely sure, that this is what you want.” 
He sighed, as if disappointed by her hesitation, believing he would ever second guess the decision to run away with her, to keep her safe. 
“I’ve never been more sure of anything.” He assured her, tilting her chin with his finger so she was looking at him head on. “I promised you, didn’t I? We’re going to Ixtal where we’ll grow old and raise our children.” 
His words, which were once said in the comfort of their sheets, their love nothing more than a secret from the rest of the realm, soothed every ounce of insecurity that had crept through her veins. 
She breathed out in relief and leaned forward, kissing him swiftly. 
Dreamfyre’s roar broke them apart and they watched as Helaena took flight with her daughter. 
“Are you ready, Jae?” 
The child nodded eagerly to his uncle and leaned back into his aunt’s arms, holding tightly to her as the mighty dragon below them rumbled and stretched her wings, taking to the skies with ease. 
The moonlight was their only guide in the dead of night. It wasn’t until they settled high in the sky, covered by the clouds, easy on their course, did she finally let herself relax. She leaned back into the strong chest behind her, her husband’s hand leaving the reins to wrap around her, securing herself to his front, his forehead rested against hers, a look of nothing but pure contentment on his face, a far cry from the scowl that had been securely etched onto his features for months. 
She knew his decision to leave could not have been easy and she was terrified to hear what had happened, what the final straw was to get him to agree to leave the place he called home, to leave his mother behind.
She leaned into him, as if needing his comfort from the mere thought of what transpired to make him turn his back on the woman that raised him.
Aemond held her tightly, breathing in the scent of her, his eye falling closed in fulfillment at the feel of her skin under his fingertips. Even the brush of her hair against his face in the wind was the greatest thing he could have ever felt. 
She was all he needed. 
A weight was lifted from his chest, allowing him to breathe easier the farther they flew from King’s Landing. His family’s schemes, his mother’s betrayal, Aegon’s threats, they all seemed to melt away as the distance grew between them. 
The sun was just beginning to rise as they spotted the shores of Ixtal. 
Warmth bloomed within her at the sight of her home, knowing she was only minutes from reuniting with her family. 
She felt jittery, anxious excitement taking over every inch of her as they landed on the shores. A slew of guards were already waiting for them on the shores, the dragons having been spotted in the distance and causing mayhem in fear of a potential attack. 
Among the pointed spears and swords, she spotted her father’s face. She breathed shakily, eagerly undoing the straps around her waist, charging down from Vhagar’s back despite Aemond’s protests. 
She didn’t care for safety, she didn’t care for decorum. She charged towards the group of guards who soon lowered their weapons at their leader’s cries for a cease. Her father pushed the guards out of his way, coming to the front of the blockade, the sight of her causing tears to brim in his eyes. 
Barely a second later, she was in his arms, the force of her embrace almost knocking him off his feet. 
“You’re here.” He breathed out, holding tightly to his beloved daughter with a force that could only be portrayed by that of a father with a heavy heart. “How are you here? I haven’t heard from you in weeks, we thought-”
His words stopped as he noticed Aemond’s presence over her shoulder. His brows furrowed at the sight of the young child in his arms, his confusion only furthered as Princess Helaena stepped forward, another child in her arms. 
“You brought an entourage?”
Her face turned serious, worrying him immediately.
“Father, we… we’re seeking refuge from King’s Landing. It’s no longer safe for us there.”
He looked at his daughter incredulously, sensing there would be a long story to come. He nodded stiffly, having trouble tearing his eyes away from his daughter, his little girl he had been fraught with worry over the past moons.
A yell of her name sounded, catching their attention. Her face smoothed out, her worry disappearing as a bright smile grew. 
“Mother!” She called out, racing past her father and the litany of guards still standing at attention to seek out her mother who had raced out of the palace at the sight of the dragons, her arms open and ready for her daughter. 
Aemond watched, an ease settling over him as he saw her smile again, that bright, wondrous sight that could only assure him he had done the right thing. 
The Lord of Ixtal stepped forward, sending a polite smile to Helaena and eyeing the children with a soft gaze.
“Come, you must be exhausted from your journey.” He motioned them forward, allowing Helaena to lead, hand in hand with her twins, the two men settling in a matching pace side by side. “I knew you were the right man for the job.”
Aemond looked at the man beside him questioningly. 
“I knew you would keep my daughter safe. I never had any doubt.”
The young prince seemed to deflate under the praise. The guilt that had been festering within him unfurled, overtaking him so powerfully, he stopped walking.
“I didn’t- there was… it was too close-”
“Aemond,” His father-by-law placed his hand on his shoulder, squeezing comfortingly. “You’re here. You brought her home, safe and sound.”
“But I couldn't-”
“You are one man. You cannot fight the entire world of enemies alone, especially not when they are your own family.”
Aemond’s eye widened, looking perplexed by his words. The Lord just smiled sadly and shook his head.
“I had my suspicions from the start. I knew they didn’t want you to marry her, I knew their ambitions would become too great.”
Aemond just nodded stiffly, the words getting caught in his throat, not yet able to voice just what his family, his own mother, had done. 
“You’re a good man, Aemond. I hope you’ll be happy here.” 
“I will be.” He spoke, his voice laced with conviction, as if there were no doubts in his mind about his life now that he was standing on the sandy beaches of Ixtal, his future no longer out of his own control.
They stepped into the palace, his eyes finding her immediately. Her mother left her daughter’s side, coming towards him, a tearful smile gracing her features. 
Before he could say a word, she wrapped him in a tight hug. 
“Thank you.” She whispered to him, the words and the affectionate gesture plucking at his weakest points. The affection of a mother, a caring and kind soul, reminding him of what he had just lost, what he had purposefully stepped away from.
But it had never been like this. Alicent had never held him this tight, he had never felt love from his mother in a single touch, not like he was now from a woman he had met only a handful of times before. 
“You three look like you have hiked through the seven hells and back. Why don’t you rest for a while longer, we can talk later.” Her mother suggested. 
Helaena was guided to her new chambers for her and the children, her smile wide, no trace of derision from her escape. She seemed all too happy to be back to the place she had fallen in love with in that first visit years ago.
Aemond let his wife lead him to her old childhood chambers. 
He stepped in, taking in a deep breath, letting the events of the night roll off his back. He looked at the dried flowers and childhood drawings that lined the walls, some hers, some her siblings that had been gifted to her years ago that she couldn’t bear to part with. 
Her sentimental heart never failed to warm his own. 
As he set their bags down, his gaze fell to the view of the horizon from the balcony, picturing the chaos that would be ensuing across the sea in King’s Landing as their absence was discovered. 
He thought of his mother and the state she would be in once she realized both he and Helaena were gone, her grandchildren safe from their clutches. 
He let out a shaking breath and barely a second later, arms were winding around his waist. He hummed a grateful sounding noise, placing a hand over her clasped ones at his front.
“What are you thinking about?”
“They’ll send search parties.” He mused, his mind beginning to conjure the many ways his brother and grandsire could ruin the peace they tried to find for themselves.
“My father will handle it.” She assured him. “Besides, no one would dare try to force Vhagar away from here.” 
He smiled, his eyes falling to his mighty dragon that was basking in the sun, her wings fluttering in the waves that crashed onto the shore, her rumbles of contentment echoing up to their room. He looked over his shoulder at his wife, the warm feeling in chest growing at the sight of her, the ease she now carried around her.
“Thank you.”
Her eyes softened, a small smile growing. “I think I should be saying that to you.”
He had a million things he wanted to say but no idea how to say them. So he settled for kissing her softly, hoping it conveyed every ounce of love and adoration he held for her, the thanks he wanted to bestow upon her for saving his life, for saving his sister and her children. 
He pulled away regretfully, letting his forehead rest against hers as he thought over how close he had come to losing her just hours ago, causing tears to brim in his eye.
“I’m sorry.” He choked out, emotion welling his throat yet again. 
Her brows furrowed, not used to seeing him break as he was now, as he did just hours ago. 
“I haven’t been a good husband.” 
“I haven’t.” He spoke again, interrupting her attempt to soothe him. “I didn’t listen, I thought I could fight against everything alone. I pushed you away and I hurt you.” 
She watched him carefully, noting the guilt that seemed to seep out of every inch of him. 
“I’ll spend the rest of my life making up for it all, I swear.” He whispered frantically, as if he was desperate for her to believe him, as if she had any doubt. 
“What happened?” She questioned again, looking at him worriedly, but he shook his head, pushing the thought of this mother, of that man choking on his own blood, from his mind. 
“Not yet.” He whispered again, not yet ready to reveal to her the threat on her life, not wanting to break the peace they’d finally found after months of such heart-breaking tension. 
She was in his arms, they were safe, his sister and her children were safe. That was all that mattered. 
He kissed her again, this time firmer, more sure of himself. After tumultuous weeks of grieving and then spite between them, they hadn’t been close like this in ages. It had been too long since he had made love to his sweet wife. 
She melted into him, the feel of his hands on her, his lips against hers so desperately, was enough to heal the wounds in her heart the war had caused. 
“You are so beautiful.” He whispered as he planted kisses down the slope of her neck. “You are so wonderful, so kind. You have the most perfect, golden heart.” 
He lavished praise as his hands untied the laces of her gown, his lips finding their place over her racing heart, the heart that had given him so much love, enough to heal a boy doomed from the start. 
They moved slowly, treasuring each gentle caress and loving kiss as they stripped themselves bare. The waking nightmares they had been faced with in King’s Landing melted into nothing but old memories in the wake of their embrace. 
For so long, after the attack and losing their child, she had felt so disconnected to her own body. Now, as Aemond kissed every inch of her, as his hands roamed the familiar curves of her body, she felt she was finally herself again. 
She had spent too long watching her husband succumb to who his family wanted him to be. It made her determined to remind him why she loved him, how much she cherished him. 
Her hand slithered down the strong planes of his chest, his breath hitching as it traveled lower and lower until she gently grasped his stiff length in her hand that twitched with desire under her touch. 
Breaths left him in desperate pants as she stroked him, her touch familiar yet so missed. He repressed a shiver as she quickened her pace, her eyes watching him intently, the sight of his pleasure a welcome reprieve to how tightly wound she’d seen him for months. 
He moaned and quickly grabbed her hand, stopping her motions. He would not spill too early, before he even had the chance to bring her pleasure. 
She squealed in surprise, her laugh ringing out in the room as he picked her up and eagerly carried her to the bed. Her delighted giggles continued as she fell back on the soft mattress below her, biting her lip and practically writhing at the heated look from the man above her. 
She reached up, taking his eye patch off and tossing it to the side, needing to see all of him.
Aemond wasted no time, he couldn’t go another second without her. He spread her legs and kneeled before her, his mouth devouring her with a fervor of a man starved, moaning at the delectable taste of her.
She cried out, her hand falling to his head, tangling her fingers in his hair, pulling with each deliberately devastating stroke of his tongue. 
Her body was powerless against him, a litany of praise falling past her lips without her knowledge, mindlessly calling out to him, divulging every ounce of her love for him, both cursing and acclaiming his tongue and his ability to render her completely mindless. 
He growled against her, the sound of his name spoken so breathlessly, so desperately, quickly becoming his undoing. He quickened his pace, his need to push her over the edge growing as his own desires did.
She almost screamed, her back arching as he added his fingers, curling them in just the way he knew would drive her crazy. 
Her hands twisted into the sheets below her, her legs beginning to quiver from their place over his shoulders as he worked her to the cusp of ecstasy. 
“Aemond!” She cried out as his wicked tongue and fingers brought her to a blinding peak. 
She panted heavily, her limbs still trembling from the force of her release, barely able to comprehend the heated kiss Aemond pressed to her lips, the taste of her on his tongue making her moan. 
The soft sound turned into another high pitched cry as he entered her slowly, a shuddering breath falling past his own lips as they joined for the first time in months. He stilled, needing a moment before he lost his composure completely. 
He gazed at her below him, his lone eye shining, the love he felt for her in that moment suddenly overwhelming. He ducked his head into the crook of her neck, squeezing his eye shut as her hand caressed through his hair, her soft lips brushing against his temple. 
“It’s alright.” She whispered. “I’m here. I won’t ever be parted from your side.” 
Her words, as if she knew exactly what had happened just hours ago, the attempt on her life on the orders of his own family, were the salve to the torment running through his head since he learned of the threat against her. 
He raised his head, kissing her firmly, his tongue tangling with hers, desperate for her touch, her taste, every inch of her. 
“No one will ever take you from me.” He spoke softly, though the air of determination surrounding his words did not go unnoticed, whether to reassure her or himself he wasn’t sure. 
His hips began to move rhythmically, thrusting in and out of her gently, as if it were their first time again. 
She sighed, her eyes fluttering closed. Her hands gripped onto his back, feeling his muscle ripple under his skin as he moved. 
She wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him tightly as he made love to her as if he were afraid to break her, afraid to cause her any more harm than what she had endured since the war started. 
“Aemond,” She breathed out, leaning upwards, her nose brushing against his as she brushed her lips against his. “I’m ok. You can go faster, I can take it.” 
His face twisted, memories of the night of the attack, of her screams and cries of agony, of how close she had been last night to succumbing to the war. The thoughts were torturous. 
“I can’t-” He choked out, his jaw clenching, his brows furrowed as if he were in pain himself. “I can’t hurt you.”
“You won’t. I know you would never.” She assured him, her hands cradling his face as she looked at him intently, pure trust and love echoing through her eyes. 
He exhaled loudly, allowing his pace to quicken slightly, the moan she let out like music to his ears, soothing every ounce of his worry. 
“I trust you.” She whispered and his resolve shattered completely in an instant. 
He whimpered and began to thrust into her harder, his movements becoming more assured, his hunger for her reaching its peak, his hips now crashing against hers purposefully, moans falling freely from his lips as she cried out at every hard thrust, his cock hitting that place inside her that made her writhe against him.
Her noises were beautiful, they sent shivers down his spine, made his head spin in that delightful way only she could give him. He never liked to feel as though he wasn’t in control, but with her he welcomed the feeling. 
She was the only one he felt safe around to let himself feel it. 
He gripped onto her thigh, hiking it higher on his hip, allowing him to reach deeper inside her, her name like a desperate prayer on his lips as he felt himself nearing his end. It had been too long and he was no match for her perfect body. 
He brought his hand down, his thumb brushing against her clit, desperate to bring her with him. It didn’t take long until she trembled against him, her nails digging into his back, her head thrown back against the sheets as she cried out loudly. 
The feeling of her tightening around him and the sight of her lost in pleasure beneath him undid him effortlessly. He gasped, his movements becoming more frantic in his end, frantic groans following with each of his movements. It hit him like a wave, crashing over him all at once. He cried out, a sound more desperate than she had ever heard from him, his body stiffening before falling lax as he came hard. 
His eye fell shut as the haze of pleasure overtook him. He breathed harshly, letting the aftershocks of bliss roll through his shaking limbs. Her hands brushing his hair out of his face brought him back into the present.  
His eye fluttered open, meeting the eyes of the woman below him, her easy, pleasure filled smile bringing one of his own.
He leaned down, kissing her softly. Silently vowing to himself that he would never let anything threaten her life again, not as long as he lived, that he would never bring her pain ever again. 
He held her tightly, breathing out a long, drawn out breath, expelling every bit of the bitter anger and betrayal that clung to him. 
As he lay beside her, his softening length still buried inside her, the blissful touch of her hand running through his hair, he listened to the waves outside the open balcony doors, the calls of seabirds reminding him of where he was, where he would spend the rest of his days with her by his side.
It brought him more peace than he ever could have imagined. 
With Aemond’s absence, and subsequently Vhagar’s absence from the frontlines, the Greens quickly succumbed to the Blacks. 
She held tightly to Aemond’s hand as her father read outloud the letter sent from Rhaenyra who now sat the throne. He gave no reaction as he heard of Otto’s execution, of Aegon’s demise in the black cells. He barely twitched as he heard his mother was to be sequestered in the Red Keep, forced to live out the rest of her life in solitude. 
The only emotion he showed was the breath he let out when he heard Daeron was to remain in Oldtown, with strict orders never to return to King’s Landing. He was thankful his younger brother never played a role in the war, that his life was spared from a gruesome fate. 
Helaena looked forlorn, her eyes cast down to her hands that fidgeted in her lap. She left for a reason, she had escaped with her children, an act she would never regret, but it didn’t lessen the unease in her heart.
She always knew this was how it would end. 
The knowledge that Aegon would never touch her again was a shining ray of light in the storm of dark clouds that was the news of the demise of her family. 
They were dismissed quickly, her mother throwing her a wary look as Aemond practically sprinted from the room as if it were deprived of air he desperately needed. 
She walked at a slow pace, knowing he’d need a few minutes to himself to take in the news. Making her way through the gardens, she knew exactly where he’d be, where he often found himself in moments of deep thoughts and contemplation. 
She knew he didn’t regret leaving, but some days the decision was harder to swallow than others. 
Within a few minutes, she found him sitting on the bench in front of the billowing willow tree, the place they had first spoken, the place he had complimented her drawings, the place where she had made him laugh as if they were old friends rather than new acquaintances. 
He didn’t look up as she approached. 
The only indication he gave to her presence was the long breath he let out as she took a seat next to him. 
“I’m fine.” He spoke impatiently, as if to assure her so he could be left to his torturous solitude.
“You know I don’t believe that.” She admonished softly, making no move to leave. 
His foot tapped erratically against the stone below him, his teeth biting his bottom lip, his shoulders hunched, the very picture of discontent. Frowning, she placed her hand on his arm, sliding down the length of his tense muscles until she found his hand, intertwining their fingers.
“I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re feeling.”
“I can’t quite make sense of it myself.” He admitted quietly.
“I know you’re not happy Rhaenyra is on the throne-”
“I don’t care about that.” He spoke abruptly, his tone becoming sharp. “Our lives would have been much easier if that damned chair didn’t exist.”
She knew since coming to Ixtal, after the month of peace they’d had without his family breathing down his neck, forcing his every move, he could breathe easier. But it was still his family, his own brother and grandsire who had perished in the war. 
“Aemond,” She began softly. “Talk to me, please.”
“I know what my brother was. I won’t pretend to mourn him.” 
“You do not have to.” 
His eyes held a vacant look, as he retreated into the mess of thoughts in his head. He knew what his grandsire had done, the game he had played long before he had even been born. He knew the retribution Otto faced was well deserved. 
It didn’t cause him much grief. 
It was the thought of his mother that left his insides twisting in a way he hadn’t anticipated. 
“It doesn’t seem like enough.” He whispered, his words almost lost to the wind. 
“What doesn’t?”
“She tried to take you from me yet she lives.” 
Her breath caught in her throat. She had never had a close bond with Aemond’s mother but after she had been told what had happened that fateful night they left, what caused her husband’s tears, her view of Alicent had been forever changed. 
Aemond held tightly to her hand, as if saying the words aloud were too much to handle. 
He let out a shaking breath, pinching the bridge of his nose, he could feel a headache coming on, one that was all too familiar when it came to the derision his family caused him. 
“It does not seem a fitting punishment yet I’m… relieved. I don’t think I truly want her dead.”
Aemond didn’t know what to make of what he felt for his mother. He was angered she still drew breath yet relieved she hadn’t been killed brutally by Rhaenyra, yet he still couldn’t stomach the thought of her, not after what she’d done. 
“Of course you don’t. No matter what she’s done, she’s still your mother.” 
He thinks to himself that he doesn’t deserve her, this wonderful woman in front of him, the only one to truly see him. 
When he lies with his wife, when he sees her beautiful smile, when he feels her touch on his skin, he thinks he’d be content if his mother never saw the light of day again, yet deep down, the guilt festers. 
He was the reason their side lost. His departure was the sole reason Aegon and Otto are dead, the reason his mother is confined for the rest of her days. 
He can’t find himself regretting his actions, knowing the outcomes, yet he can’t help but feel as though he had failed his family. 
The sense of duty they had instilled in him was screaming, raging at him for what he had done. But he wasn’t that man they raised him to be. 
He was the man who fell in love with his best friend. He was the man who finally felt love as a child from a girl who tried endlessly to get him to see the beauty in himself and the world around him. 
The part of him that felt guilty for his mother was soon crushed out by the love he held for his wife. When he looked at her, he realized no one had ever truly cared for him but her. No one had ever had his best interest at heart except her. 
He squeezed her hand in his, finally letting his gaze reach hers, the concern in her eyes melting a part of him that desperately needed to be melted. 
“I don’t regret a single moment with you.” He tells her, the look in his eye now soft, no longer shrouded in agony and confusion. 
She smiles softly, still worried for him, worried for what the news would cause him. 
“I just want to think about our future.” He interrupted, knowing exactly what fears lay on her tongue, fearing much of the same for himself. 
But he would cross that bridge when he came to it. He would feel the moments of guilt, of relief, of whatever other emotion his family would cause him, as they came. 
He didn’t fear what he would feel because he knew the woman he loved would be there to soothe him in every one of those dark moments. His family, though they may try, couldn’t hurt him anymore.
“I want to raise our children here, where they won’t know any pressures of the court or successions, of war or conflict.” 
“Are you sure you don’t-”
“Protecting you was and will always be my number one priority.” He assured her before she could even voice her question about his regret. 
Her smile was much more genuine, his words soothing the anxiety she felt at his reaction. He felt himself smile at the sight before him, eased merely by her presence.
He leaned in, kissing her softly, letting his forehead rest against hers.
“You were always my purpose.” 
His whispered words were assurances they both clung to in the face of uncertainty. 
Tension would always exist as long as their enemy sat on the throne, but they were content, miles away, across the sea where their love flourished, where they would start their family.
No one would take that away from them.
A year had passed peacefully. No further word from King’s Landing came. Helaena and her children thrived in the beauty that was Ixtal. The eccentric Princess made many friends with the ladies in court, finally feeling as though she could be herself without judgment, without fearing retribution or gossip. She no longer felt the pressure to be the perfect image of a Targaryen Princess. 
Aemond had quickly found his place alongside her younger brother in leading the city watch. He melded into his new life with an ease she hadn’t expected. 
Her own father accepted Aemond into their council, his voice soon becoming a valuable and respected asset to the island and its governance with most of the realm. 
Their new life was everything they wanted. 
Until the day their past caught up to them. 
“My Lady?” She looked up to notice her guard approaching, a nervous expression painting his features. “A dragon has been spotted approaching our shores. Shall I request your husband?”
Her face was drawn tightly and she shook her head brusquely. She knew exactly who would be accosting them.
“No, I will handle it.” 
She walked determinedly to the throne room, her guard following behind her worriedly.
“Where is my father?”
“In a council meeting.”
“And my husband is with him?”
“Yes, my Lady.” 
“Good.” She breathed out. She didn’t need either of them catching wind of their guest’s arrival and causing a stir. “You are dismissed.” She spoke to her guard whose eyes widened at the command, his mouth opening to refuse, but she gave him a pointed look.
“I can handle this, Ser Jerrod.” 
The guard sighed defeatedly and gave her a look of resignation.
“I am telling your husband of your orders when he comes to punish me.” 
Aemond had developed quite the reputation of being protective of his wife, the guards were terrified to obey her orders when they knew they would face the ire of her dragon husband. 
“I will take the blame, I promise you.” She assured him with a smirk. 
As her guard left, leaving her alone in the throne room, she let out a long breath, her heart racing as she prepared herself for what she would soon face. 
Only minutes later, the great doors opened and Queen Rhaenyra entered, her face hardened, bitter anger in her eyes. 
Her steps faltered, her powerful pace slowing as she met the eyes of the person she had least expected. 
Rhaenyra spoke her name slowly, her entire demeanor changed, abruptly thrown off from her course of murderous rage that darkened her thoughts, that prompted her abrupt arrival. 
She breathed deeply, straightening her posture as she steeled her expression, putting on the mask of anger back into place.
“I’m sure you know why I am here.”
“I do.” She answered Rhaenyra cooly, her posture relaxed, an exact contrast from the woman before her who looked as though she was unraveling. 
The dark circles under her eyes did not go unnoticed. 
“I need to see Aemond.”
“That’s not going to happen, Rhaenyra, you know that.”
“He needs to pay for what he did.” The woman spoke through gritted teeth, angry tears filling her eyes. 
She stared at the woman, the Queen, before her for a few long seconds, taking in her state of weariness with a heavy sigh, which only seemed to upset Rhaenyra further, her face turning red, her jaw clenching as she took a mighty step towards her.
“He killed my son!”
“And you killed mine!” She yelled back, matching her with the ferocity only a devastated mother could have. 
The reminder of what Rhaenyra agreed to, what she allowed Daemon to do, made her face crumble, her eyes falling to the floor, refusing to meet the gaze of the woman in front of her, the woman she had made lose everything. 
She never wished the loss of a child on any woman, yet here she was, standing face to face with the woman with whom she had directly caused the greatest sorrow. 
“Gods, Rhaenyra, do you think yourself innocent, do you think you are absolved of punishment from your place in this war?”
“I know I am not.” She choked out, her voice barely above a whisper. “But I did not start this. Your husband must pay for what he has done.”
“My husband does not hold this blame alone. This war would’ve happened no matter who laid the first blow, you know that.”
“They usurped my crown!”
“Yet you sit on the throne and the only reason you do is because Aemond chose to step down from the fight.” 
Rhaenyra’s jaw tightened, the fury in her eyes taking over her grief. 
“You did not come here to wager about succession.”
“No, I came to kill my brother.” Rhaenyra stated simply, her glare deepening when the woman in front of her scoffed.
“Aemond is under Ixtal’s protection. He has no governance under the crown.”
“Your father is an honorable man, he will do what is right-”
Her sarcastic laugh stopped Rhaenyra mid sentence, the older woman scowling at the young woman before her with blooming hatred.
“My father does not know all the details about what happened that night in King’s Landing, why I was attacked, how I lost my baby. If he knew it was you and Daemon that orchestrated it, that you were the reason he lost his grandchild, no force in this realm could save you.” She threatened, delighting in the way Rhaenyra shrunk under her pointed words. 
“Your position is tentative, Rhaenyra. Most of the realm despises you, especially after this senseless war. The smallfolk in King’s Landing are starving, the Lords of great houses are fed up with your trade arrangements, raising taxes, abandoning treaties.” She started, her voice low with animosity that steadily grew with each passing second she stood before her.
Rhaenyra looked surprised by what she knew, the details that hounded her night after night, the reason she was berated practically daily in court by smallfolk and Lords alike. 
“Most leaders in this realm hate you, you have little support anymore. If my father were to break tradition and take a stand against your position, how many houses do you think would remain loyal to you?”
Rhaenyra remained silent, her face twisted with disdain, mostly because she knew she had no argument. 
“If you threaten my husband, if you plan some heinous attack on his life, if you darken Ixtal with your presence again, I will tell my father the role you played in my attack and nothing will stop him from marching to the gates of King’s Landing, with the support of the entire realm behind him.” She warned darkly. “Don’t forget, we’re the reason you still have food on your plates. You shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds you.”
“Who do you think you are to threaten me? I am your Queen.” Rhaenyra raged, losing what little control she had left. 
“You think you can threaten me?” She countered. “That’s what you came here for, wasn’t it? To exert what little power you have left to boost your ego, to enact revenge for a bitter fight you caused.”
Rhaenyra flinched, her face twisted with derision at her words.
“Don’t pretend you have no role in this, Rhaenyra, you are smarter than that.” She added before the queen could speak another senseless word. “You pretended some measly words against your sons were more dire than a child who lost an eye. You added fire to an already growing inferno and you think they would, what? Live in peace?”
Rhaenyra gazed past her, refusing to look her in the eye. 
“I am truly sorry about what happened to Lucerys.”
“Don’t say his name.” Rhaenyra seethed.
“A son for a son, that was what you wanted, wasn’t it?” 
Rhaenyra flinched, swallowing harshly against the lump in her throat, the guilt she still felt for her role in such a violent act drowning her, especially now as she faced the woman she hurt directly. 
“You got what you wanted, so consider us even.” She choked out through her own growing emotions, the memory of that night still haunting her. “Now leave.”
She watched, feeling victorious as Rhaenyra bowed her head, unable to look at her, as she turned on her heel and began to walk to the door in defeat.
“You may sit on that throne but it is my house that holds the power.” She called out before she could leave the room. “Remember that next time you get the urge to visit again.”
The door closed behind the Queen and she let out a long breath, feeling as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, having spoken to the reason for her attack for the first time, having expelled her anger towards the woman who had caused her greatest loss. 
She let her shoulders relax, suddenly realizing how tense her entire body had become. She turned on her heel and stopped abruptly as she noticed Aemond in the doorway across the room.
His face was passive, she couldn’t read a single emotion on his face. Even after all their time together, she still had trouble reading him in moments when he was guarded. 
“How long have you been here?”
“Long enough.” He answered vaguely. A moment passed before he let a small smile grow and she breathed out, laughing slightly as she approached him. “I quite like seeing that side of you.”
“You are not mad?”
“Mad?” He asked in disbelief and laughed. “No, I think you handled that with much more grace than I ever could.” 
He held his hand out to her as she came before him, taking her hand in his and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. 
“In fact, seeing you defend me as valiantly as you did was quite… stirring.” 
She rolled her eyes and pushed at his chest.
“Aemond.” She admonished. “This is serious.”
“It is and you handled yourself as if you’ve been ruling for years.”
She sighed in annoyance, the praise not having the effect she expected. She felt as though he was avoiding the seriousness of what happened, or how wrong things could have turned out. 
“Your sister arrived to kill you and all you can do is compliment me?” 
Aemond’s smile faltered, his demeanor changing in an instant, the cool air around him gone.
“I have to live with what I did… to Lucerys.” He admitted quietly. “She must live with what she did. It’s like you said, we are even.” 
She intertwined their fingers, her hand squeezing his in a silent show of comfort. She knew he still felt immense guilt about what had happened that night, for what she endured as a result of it. 
He still had nights when he couldn’t face it. 
“Do you think she will retaliate?” She asked quietly and Aemond shook his head, clearing his throat and the air of intensity surrounding him as his easy smile returned. 
“Not unless she wants another verbal lashing from you.”
She scoffed and looked at her husband plainly. He pulled her towards him, a serious look in his eye even as his smirk remained. 
“If she ever dares to return, she will have to face Vhagar.” He told her. “I would never let her hurt you or anyone on this Island.”
She breathed out in relief. She didn’t want it to ever come to that, but to hear it so plainly, the lengths Aemond would go to protect her, to protect her family and their home, was a strange comfort. 
He kissed her forehead and looked at her with a gaze full of nothing but love, the words she had said to Rhaenyra in his defense running around his head. He would not soon forget it, the way she stood up for him. 
Her name was called from across the hall, breaking the moment between them. 
They turned to see her younger sister approaching, their smiles widening as they saw the bundle she carried in her arms.
“Sorry to interrupt, but she was getting fussy. I think she’s missing you two.” 
Aemond met her halfway, his arms already outstretched to take his daughter from his good sister. He whispered his thanks, his gaze locked onto the babe in his arms, his precious girl. 
At only 3 moons old, she was the greatest light in his life, aside from her mother of course. She had him wrapped around her little finger the second she took her first breath.
“Thank you for looking after her.” She told her sister and stood by Aemond’s side, latching onto his arm as they both gazed down at their child. 
“Is everything ok? I heard there was a dragon spotted.” Her sister inquired.
She looked over at Aemond, but he seemed too engrossed in their daughter to have even heard the question. 
“Everything’s fine. There’s nothing to worry about, she won’t be coming back.” She assured her sister who nodded and quickly made her exit, sensing the couple wanted to be alone with their little family.
Together, they walked out of the palace and through the gardens, coming to the familiar bench by the willow tree. 
Aemond sat, sparsely taking his eyes off his daughter. Next to him, his wife laughed, continually amused at how effortlessly their daughter mesmerized him. 
She leaned her head on his shoulder and reached out, gently tracing her finger over her daughter’s chubby cheeks that grinned at her touch, making a noise of contentment as she wriggled in her father’s arms. 
Aemond placed a kiss to her forehead and she raised her head, meeting his gaze. 
Their smiles grew at the same time, the same thought running through their minds. They had made it.
Whispered promises made in the beginning of their love had finally come true. 
They had their family and nothing could take it from them. 
Thank you all for reading and coming with me and this wild ride! All of your comments have meant the absolute world to me and I'm just so happy I got to share this with you all xx
There will be an epilogue so this will not be the end of Aemond and his Sun xx
Tag List:
@jacaeryslover @allsouls-emma @lianna75 @emoxio @noneedtosearch @watashiwasun @guacam011y @darlingisntit @trickycarrot89-blog @stcrrjoon @knyam @bettysexile @marysucks-blog @lovelyteenagebeard   @darktrashsouldbear @violetiss3lfish @hueanhdang @mamawiggers1980 @azaleapotterblack @littlestarfighter03 @discofairysworld @ner-dee @kananenmus @summer-and-sunflowers @booksandbud4me @blackravena @pinkautismjournal @aleemendoza2425-blog @callsigncrushx @taylordaughter @baby-i-can-see-your-reylo @tanyaherondale @uhnanix @r3v3rt @mizuki80 @iloved1lfs0 @odeioemail @brxkenartt @lechat-rouge @mrs-starkgaryen @cassianswh0reeee
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