shieldkeeper · 1 year
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Writing Prompt: Call it a Day Word Count: 723
“This one is bored.”
“You or me, kupo?”
“Mmmm, both?”
Two lalafells had been left to their own devices upon Garen’s ship. Both of them recently recruited into the crew and given a set list of duties for each individual. Of course they were free to do as they pleased! So long as they did their chores and kept up with the rest of them.
Which was all nice and dandy and all, but these two in particular held no attention span for work for long! Even when they were playing nice and pretending to play the act of the landwalkers, their worlds were a little different in their own eyes.
Those born of mischief and play. A member of their respective tribe clad in glamoured disguise.
“Wishy washing the floors with hands are so boring. These ones should just fly and let loose our magicks to do the trick!” The ‘lalafell’ dressed in forest greens and bark browns whined in a sing song voice. Flailing dramatically in a way not befitting their form… before the guise held no further and they transformed into that of a masked sylphling.
The other ‘lalafell’ dressed in rags and his most notable featuring being a poof of white hair fluff blinked as eyes grew wide and lit up in mischievous glee. The best part about this whole ship crew thing was finding someone much like him, just looking for an excuse to cast whimsical wonders for a spot of fun.
“But won’t we but wrung out and forced to walk the plank, kupo?”
Garen, the captain of this motley crew, had gone to great lengths to emphasize to the two tribe members of their duties and how it needed to be done after all!
But the sylphling merely shrugs its small arms, beating its wings to float further up towards the ceiling. Olyxio would not suffer doing this the normal way any longer. “How else are these ones supposed to clean every nook and cranny? This one thinks it faster this way!”
With a flourish and flick of its wings, magicks did thusly fill the room as swabs and rags marched to their own beat. Whipping around the room as splatters of soap and water rained down from above. Mogcan, starry eyed by the display, could hold back no longer as they popped up into the form of a moogle, a triumphant little ‘toot’ from a horn as they giddily added their magicks into the fray.
Before long, anything in close proximity had been absolutely soaked as water and soap from all nearby buckets had been sprayed about the cabin and hull. Soap that lathered up quickly from the chaos, where it only grew in size instead of being infused with water for proper cleaning.
But the two of them were having fun with it! Everything was getting cleaned as promised! The captain would be so proud of them!
Except when the captain wasn’t exactly proud of them.
The duo turned. There, standing at the entryway of the room and having come to check on how they were doing, was none other than Garen himself. He’d walked in at just the wrong time, getting just about instantly drenched in water! And Garen, who was usually so patient, so kind, so always warmly smiling—
Was smiling even now. Though not in a kind way as he loomed over the two shrunken crew members.
“How about we stop here hmmm?” Despite his smile, poison dripped in his voice. That was the sound of a land walker who looked about ready to strangle their lot! “Since you were so close to damaging our wood and all and likely sunk us if you continue.”
Both Olyxio and Mogcan instantly sensed they were in deep trouble, swift to frantically buzz around the air space in fear of what Garen might do them! Even bumping into one another before finally bumbling out of the room.
“These ones are sorry…!”
“Big big big time sorry, kupoooo!”
As the made a run for it, Garen simply sighed as he gazed out upon the mess they’d left behind. There would be… much to do in terms of drying out the room before all the water settled in. It wouldn’t be too bad, but he’d have to be fast to deal with their blundering…!
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shieldkeeper · 27 days
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Writing Prompt: Steer Word Count: 765 ---> masterlist
Ahhh… blue seas, clear skies, and boundless possibilities!
Or so it should have been.
Garen’s crew had set off from Old Sharlayan once all crew was accounted for. Everyone had their own place, their own duty, and their hull full of supplies for the journey that would take a few days to cross the ocean proper. They were as ready as they’d ever be to make for the New World of Tural.
Joining him was Emrys, Totsuka, Kojin, Luin, Mogcan, Olyxio, Seiseito, and most of all his Da, Yavin. Each associating and serving as ambassador for a specific society tribe to foster friendly relations amongst their people. Tural was but another place on the docket to complete that mission, though it was also for the fact of… adventure! A land full of mystery and intrigue compared to those of Eorzea and Othard. Tale was that Tural was home to many communities and tribes that had managed to make friends with their neighbors and live amicably.
Something that intrigued Garen most in his desire to bridge that same gap back home.
Though that was neither here nor there given their… current situation.
Halfway into their journey across the western seas did they encounter a storm unlike other. Yavin had been the first to sniff it out before it so much as came into view and warned Garen that they were in for a rough one. Trusting in his Da’s knowledge and experience with the seas, as captain of his crew he called for all hands on deck. To prepare for the worst as he would steer the boat on course—for the clouds they approached spread far over their path.
Indeed, the waves grew choppy and seized round them as they entered the fray. The unexperienced of the crew holding on for dear life to their appointed spot as the vessel swayed unnaturally beneath their feet. Rain poured heavily and lightning struck hazardly all around them. One wrong move and they might very well go overboard. Worse yet if their ship ended up struck and sunken!
Through it all, Garen managed to carry them through the storm. His Da barking orders to the others much like he had in his heyday as a captain himself. Where some struggled, Yavin was right there telling them what to do. Any who appeared to have no clue what they were doing, he sent down into the ship to instead fortify their belongings and nothing of import broke—though it was mostly to get the useless hands out of the way so he himself could take over.
It was an all-out effort to be certain… and there were times Garen wondered if he might have lost a crew member amidst the struggle…
But ultimately they had escaped rather unscathed! 
Well, except for the majority who were sick as a dog from being tossed and turned all over the place.
Once they were free of the storm’s clutches completely and able to assess damages, Yavin took over the helm as Garen checked in on each member. Mogcan and Olyxio having been the most useless of the lot (and at times, made things worse) had remained below deck for the majority. Out of fear of the situation, they had unglamoured back into their original forms and were found huddled together beneath a blanket as sylph and moogle refused to come out. Not until they knew all was well again. It was Emrys who truly kept everything safe and restrained below decks in the grand scheme of things.
Kojin and Seiseito had held their own above decks just fine. Luin and Totsuka struggled but ultimately were able to assist in a meaningful way with Yavin’s direction—though they may have been a bit too sick for words after being tossed about so roughly. Garen thanked them all regardless for keeping their cool and relieved them of their duties to get some rest.
Through the rest of the journey, Yavin and Garen took turns manning the wheel and watching for any further rough waters that might take them for a turn. Though it had been a rough one, it had been the only thing standing in their way of Tural.
For the closer they got, the clearer the waters became. Seabirds ringing in their arrival as Tuliyollal came into sight. Their destination just beyond the coral reef.
At long last, the New World lay right before their very eyes. A new place to call home as they settled in for their next grand adventure. And a step closer to Garen achieving what he so wished back home.
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shieldkeeper · 1 year
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Writing Prompt: Amity Word Count: 1006 (Continuation from Envoy!)
Garen never could find himself allying with one singular nation in particular. Though his travels and past would take him closest to becoming friends with the Gridanians and the Twin Adders as a whole, the relationship was only just that: acquaintances. Taking and giving from one another as necessary. A business partnership as some might think. It was amicable, but hardly in the relation of being considered friends with the Elder Seedseer.
Nay… Garen always did find himself so far removed from society. A hermit and a wanderer who walked to the beat of his own drum. Instead, he found himself one with nature and its inhabitants. Taking many an odd job that others flat out refused to take if only because he was of the few who could successfully commune with local tribes without coming under too much threat.
Fate would have it that he met with Ryme, a young padjali who gave him the inspiration for such an interesting field of work. To be able to connect with those who the Alliance refused to connect with at the time. Though Ryme only served to commune with the elementals, it served as a base for where Garen wished to start.
To be the bridge between society and their neighboring tribes. To be the one the outcasted tribes could depend on to serve as their ambassador in the future where their weight as a whole could be presented and trusted by the Alliance.
It began with two friends. He and Kojin, whom were already bonded with their respective land’s tribes… that being the Sahagin and the Kojin.
Always have the relations between he and the Sahagin been an amicable one. Forever sharing the seas between La Noscea and the Southern Isles, frequently did his people run into theirs… and to continue life without loss of life, a treaty has been prospered amongst them. So long as the Sahagin protected those of the Southern Isles and left their boats alone, they in turn would get a nice cut of the profit the fishermen made in shared waters.
So easy was it then when Garen offered to serve their cause in full and be accepted as one of them!
As for the Kojin… they too shared the waters between the Ruby Seas, Thavnair Seas, and the Southern Isles. Twas bound to happen that he would meet the Kojin’s ambassador… Kojin! Who had lived and thrived amongst them since he was a newborn babe. They made for easy friends and occasionally they would partake in a little adventure or two. Easy enough the get them to alliance and start the crew proper.
Thus did Garen continue to bridge with other tribes. One after the other, with the help of some friends and allies he made along the way.
His beloved Emrys served to bond with the Ananta. As war had passed and they were in dire straits, they would find some common grounds and assisted in their restoration.
One of his other beloveds, Totsuka, bonded well with the Ixali. Their connection rather easy to make when already he was in the process of trying to bridge the gap between he and the tribe.
Strange were the next crew that Garen obtained… two tribe folk who had glamoured themselves to walk the lives landwalkers! But behind their guises were a sylph and moogle in disguise. How better to serve as ambassadors of their tribes than actually being one of their tribe?
Olyxio was a mischievous little sylph who had found great interest in the spoken races and how they lived their lives. He couldn’t help but wish to join in out of those interests in learning more about Garen’s kind!
Mogcan on the other hand had been… outcasted by some of his kind. But with Garen’s help, managed to make amends on the moogles behalf if only to foster good relations between them—that and moogles just kind of ruled the realm so to speak. Always easy to find and one of the few if not only tribes that were allowed within actual city ranges! So long as he took Mogcan off their hands, their connection would grow just fine.
Abandoned and alone, they would thus pick up a roegadyn child by the name of Luin. Left for Twelve knows what reason at the mines of the Kobolds, a small family of them had taken him in as their own for fear of what might succumb the little one. Garen offered to take the boy off their hands and care for him as one of their own, provided they could connect further down the line in the future—for the boy had bonded with their kind well.
Then there was… their most recent recruit. As Garen continued to cross the realm in search of other tribes to connect with, he came under the attack of a feral man who had grown up with the Vath. Though the Vath appeared friendly by nature, they were in need of great protection from those still connected with the one-mind, the original Gnath.
Seiseito served as their protector and spoke few words. He was the most difficult to convince to join their lot. But the Vath wished for Seiseito to join them now that the realm was closing in on peace… the dragons no longer a threat and the Gnath easy to contend with now that they were without their eikon. They wished for him to learn the ways of freethinking landwalkers and thought it would serve well to give the man a further outlook than fighting.
…Garen could already tell they would be a tough person to content with. The sort of person that his da, Yavin, might have a better chance setting straight.
Thus was his crew formed in whole. A motley little crew at that! Filled with so many interesting persons and characters… who knew how things would go over time? Whom else might join his fight to be that bridge?
For now… they sailed ever towards the dawn.
Towards the New World.
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