#misty donovan // musings.
mistyfms · 2 years
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Misty recently realized that while she has a lot of specific playlists -- she doesn't have one that describes her music taste as a whole. Hence spending the entire day on the couch creating this playlist. No, she did not answer her texts. No, she is not sorry about it. Music is also a love language for her / how she communicates her feelings. If she cares about you, you will get a playlist. It's the only thing that has kept her sane through everything she's been through.
Template credits to @auriants
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crownedhopelesss · 10 months
@aaurelia asked: ⭐
Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi.
violet harmon
michael emerson
sam emerson
misty day
kyle spencer
winter anderson
damon salvatore
elena gilbert
joe goldberg
justin foley
alex standall
clay jensen
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snelbz · 4 years
Lost Time {17}
A/N: Shit’s about to hit the fan. :) Another chapter written with @tacmc​.
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Azriel was waiting in the kitchen, trying to distract himself to pass the time. He wasn’t dressed in anything fancy, and he knew Elain wouldn't be either, but she still made him wait. He’d only been waiting for twenty minutes or so, and he was already on his second cup of coffee.
It was a big day.
He needed the energy.
Miryam had just come to pick Novan up, excited to spend the afternoon with him. She’d tried to give Azriel a comforting talk, sensing his nerves, but he hadn’t heard a word she had said.
He checked the time.
“Elain!” He called, standing at the bottom of the stairs. “It’s almost noon!”
“Be right down!” Her voice floated down the hall and he shook his head, laughing quietly.
Of course Elain, the most punctual woman in all of Velaris, would be late to her own wedding.
Neither of them felt that a traditional wedding ceremony was necessary after all that they’d been through. They didn’t want to send out the invitations and wait for replies and pick out linens and dessert menus. After four years, they wanted to pick up right back where they’d left off.
So that’s exactly what they did.
Azriel heard heels clicking down the stairs and he walked that way from the living room. When he met Elain at the bottom, he was speechless.
The ivory dress she wore was elegant, but its simplicity allowed the beauty of the woman wearing it to shine through. And not only did she shine, Elain glowed.
Azriel took her hand as she reached the main floor and he kissed her lips softly. “You are stunning.”
She blushed and pushed him away. “Hush.”
“No,” he breathed, smiling down at her. She leaned up on her toes, kissing him one more time, and he asked, “Are you ready?”
She nodded, beaming. “Do you have the rings?”
Smiling, he patted his pocket. “Yep, and a surprise from Mom in the kitchen.”
Elain’s eyebrows rose, but she headed that direction.
Azriel followed closely behind and when she saw the handmade bouquet, her reaction was everything he hoped it would be.
Elain came to a slow stop as she neared the table, her hand coming up to cover her parted lips as she beheld the pink and white roses, the eucalyptus leaves and baby's breath, tied together with a strip of burlap, straight from Miryam’s garden.
“She wanted you to have something to make it seem more…” Azriel’s words trailed off as he searched for the right word. “Like a wedding,” he finished, at last.
“I love it,” she breathed.
Azriel cleared his throat as she turned back around, her eyes misty and bright. He took her hands. “I know this is what you said you wanted, El, but if you want an actual wedding-.”
“No,” she interrupted him, softly. “I want to be your wife, and I want to be your wife, right now. It’s already long overdue.” When she reached up to press her palm against his clean-shaven cheek, he leaned into her touch. “And our appointment is in twenty minutes, so you better get me there quickly, Mr. Draeven.”
He snorted, laying his hand over her own and turning his face to kiss her palm. “I’m not the one who took two hours to get ready.”
She leaned up and kissed him one last time before saying, “A girl only gets ready for her wedding day once.”
With a barked laugh from Azriel, they were out the door and on the way to the little chapel on the Sidra.
The ceremony was sweet, simple, and, most importantly, quick. Not even an hour later, Elain and Azriel were on their way back to the house, matching silver bands on their left hands.
“So, Mrs. Draeven,” he mused, his hand on her thigh as he drove. She sat in the middle of the truck bench, the beautiful bouquet buckled into the passenger seat. “What now?”
The smile on his face was infectious, but the smirk on Elain’s lips had his eyebrows raising. “Well, you already knocked me up,” she chuckled.
He winked. “Twice.”
She threw her head back and laughed. “We’re horrible at this whole birth control thing.”
“The first time we were eighteen,” he said with a shrug. “It happens.”
“And surprise baby number two?” She asked, shaking her head. “What’s our excuse this time?”
He opened his mouth to reply, but then closed it and shook his head. “I’m really bad at pulling out?”
Her laughter was louder as she nudged him in the shoulder. “Obviously, but I’m not complaining.”
His grin was wide, radiant, as he took her hand and squeezed her fingers. “I’m not either.” He looked over at her, his eyes going soft as he pulled up to a red light. “I’m so happy, Lainy.”
“I am, too,” she breathed, her eyes lining with silver as the light turned green, and they were moving, once more.
“We have three hours before we have to be at mom’s,” he said, quietly, turning onto their street.
“What are you implying?” she whispered, eyes lit up.
“It’s not official until I take you to bed,” he said, his small smile full of amusement.
“It that so?” she asked, keeping her eyes on him as he pulled into their driveway.
“Mhmm,” he crooned. “So, we better make it official before we do anything else.”
He put the car in park before getting out and rounding the truck to open Elain’s door. After she took his hand and hopped down, Azriel was scooping her up into his arms and carrying her up the front porch steps.
“I’m a sucker for tradition,” he chuckled when she looked up at him, delight in her eyes.
She laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him lightly. “Okay, tradition. I’d like to reiterate that I’m almost four months pregnant.”
“Yeah,” he smiled and opened the front door without even jostling her. He carried her across the threshold and without pausing to put her down, he was heading right up the stairs. “It’s tradition that I knock you up before our wedding. Now I’ve traditionally carried you across the threshold of our home and I’m going to traditionally go upstairs and make love to my wife, for- how long until we have to be at my mom’s?”
She chuckled and said, “We told everyone we’d be there at four.”
“Then about three hours,” he said, letting his lips drag across her skin.
As if on cue, Elain’s stomach growled as they were entering their bedroom and he added, “Right after I go get her a snack.”
She blushed as he set her down on the bed. “It’s the baby, not me.”
He chuckled and shook his head, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. “Whatever you say, my love.”
Azriel hurried downstairs, stopping at the truck to get Elain’s bouquet and return it to the water it had been in earlier. He then grabbed her standard The baby is hungry snack from the past few weeks - a string cheese and three mini powdered donuts - and was heading back up the stairs, when he heard the quiet moan and froze. He heard it again and picked up the pace.
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but finding Elain naked on their bed, her fingers already inside of her, was not it.
Her snack was quickly forgotten.
Just after four, they were pulling up to Miryam’s house, the rest of their family having already arrived. After Azriel put the car in park, he was looking over at his wife, his eyes soft and full of adoration.
“How mad do you think mom would be if I just took you back home so we could keep doing what we were doing?” Azriel whispered.
Elain laughed, rolling her eyes as she got out of the car. “Come on, hubby, let’s celebrate.”
With a chuckle, and a hefty yawn, Azriel followed her lead, taking her hand as they made their way up to the backdoor. Over the last three hours, Elain had completely worn Azriel out. Not that he was complaining, but he had no idea how he was exhausted and she, the one carrying a child, was wide-eyed and cheery.
He didn’t care, though.
It was completely worth it.
When they opened the backdoor, everyone was in the kitchen, and all eyes swiftly swiveled toward them. Congratulations! were shouted, and then everyone was rushing toward them, wrapping them in hugs. Miryam was in tears, whispering “Finally,” as she took her youngest son’s face in her hands and kissed his cheek.
There was food passed around and smiles shared and after about twenty minutes, Elain blinked and looked around the room. “Where is my child?”
“He refused his nap at one,” Miryam said, shrugging her shoulders. “I told him if he stayed up, he’d be sleepy when mama and daddy came over. He told me that he was a big boy and big boys don’t need naps.”
Elain sighed, rubbing her bump, “He fell asleep right before we walked in, didn’t he?”
“Literally crashed on the couch minutes after we got your text,” Cassian chuckled, his arm wrapped around Nesta’s shoulders.
After seven months, she was finally over the sick part of her pregnancy, but now she was constantly, constantly horny. Miryam had been joking about making a rule that her grown children couldn’t disappear to have sex in her house, specifically while Donovan was over, until she’d actually had to enforce it.
Az let his head fall back against the couch cushion. “Great,” he chuckled. “Getting him to go down for bed in three hours should be a piece of cake.”
The sarcasm lacing his tone had Elain chuckling, until Feyre mused, “Az, you’re acting like such a daddy.”
Elain’s laughter quieted and she looked up at him, cheeks heating. He smirked and pressed a kiss to her forehead, and she snuggled closer into him. “It happens,” he muttered.
Rhys cleared his throat. “Speaking of kids and daddies and all that, we, uh.” He looked at Feyre and took her hand. “We are officially adopting. We signed all the paperwork yesterday. Someone will be coming to inspect the house and interview us next week, but aside from that…”
Feyre said, “We didn’t want to steal your thunder, but we couldn’t keep this from y’all.”
For a moment, everyone was silent, staring, then they were all rushing at Rhysand and Feyre, giving them the same congratulatory greeting as they gave Azriel and Elain.
“That’s so exciting!” Elain cried, one hand over her heart, the other over her abdomen. “Stealing our thunder, are you kidding me? Oh, I’m so happy for you two, congrats.”
Feyre’s eyes were lined with tears as she leaned into Rhysand’s chest. “It may be a long journey...but, I can’t wait.”
“Me either,” Rhysand breathed, kissing her nose.
Cassian cleared his throat. “Okay,” he began, choked up, “before I start sobbing like a baby, let’s get some wine out and make a toast for all the good news, yeah?”
Elain and Nesta rolled their eyes, but nodded nonetheless, chuckling and doing just that.
At some point, the photo albums had been unearthed, even the ones that had come with Azriel and Rhys when they’d started their new lives with Miryam and Drakon. Cassian, having nothing but the clothes on his back, had no physical copies of his memories before they became a family.
“Nothing worth remembering happened before you found me,” he said, pressing a kiss to Miryam’s forehead as she and Elain looked through the baby book Azriel’s birth mother had put together and hidden from the world.
She smiled up at him as Elain flipped the page and froze, saying, “Okay, but you can’t convince me that’s not just a picture of Donovan.”
Getting up from where they sat on the floor, Azriel, Rhys and Feyre looked at the picture.
“Forget the blood test,” Rhys muttered. “I should have just had you bring this picture to the paternity test that day.”
Azriel snorted, but he said nothing. He was amazed, looking at the picture his wife was pointing to. He couldn’t have been older than four, couldn’t have been older than Novan was now.
He started to find himself wondering about the new baby, not for the first time, whether it would be a boy or a girl, what the baby would look like. Would this baby look just like him, too, or would the baby take after Elain? What if what she said before was to be true, and there would be twins?
If they were twins, would he get them confused?
The thought suddenly felt like a weight in the pit of his stomach.
Elain blinked, looking up at him. “You okay?”
He cleared his throat. “Yeah, no, yeah. I just...got thinking about what’s going on in there.” His hand tenderly rubbed her little bump, and she laughed, quietly.
“In a bad way?” she asked.
His smile was genuine when he said, “No, not in a bad way.”
A small creak at the top of the stairs had everyone glancing up. Elain’s smile grew as she said, “Hello, sleepyhead.”
He slowly made his way down the stairs and climbed onto the couch before climbing on top of Elain and and flopping on top of her. She grunted quietly.
Everyone tensed, but then she carefully resituated him, moving the bulk of his body off her abdomen and scratched at his back. Azriel’s eyes were worried as he extended his arms to take him, but she shook her head, nestling Donovan’s head in the crook is her neck. “Did you have a good nap?”
He nodded, but asked, “Is that me, mama?”
Elain turned her head, looking over at the photo album she’d set off to the side. She smiled and picked it up, turning it where Novan could see the picture and Az. “No, baby, that’s daddy when he was your age.”
“Oh,” he said, with a yawn.
“What do you think?” Azriel asked, quietly. “Do we look alike?”
He nodded, starting to smile the more he woke up. “Yeah, a little bit.”
Azriel chuckled. “Just a little bit?”
Novan nodded. “What about when I was a little baby? Did I look like you then?”
Azriel hesitated, but Miryam was quick to say, “Just like daddy, buddy.”
Novan’s smile widened. “I like little babies. Aunt Nesta has a little baby in her tummy.”
Nesta nodded in agreement as Elain said, “Sure does.”
“How do babies get in mommies’ tummies?” he asked, those questions continuing.
For a moment, no one said a word, but then Cassian started laughing and Nesta rolled her eyes.
“Well,” Azriel began, a thousand different approaches flew through his mind. “Mommies and daddies….they….it just….happens.”
Novan’s brows scrunched together, but Elain only shook her head, laughing quietly. “Don’t worry about it now, bud, ask us again when you’re older.”
Novan groaned and rolled his eyes. “I don’t like that answer, mama.”
“I know,” she laughed, kissing his head. “All you need to know is that soon Aunt Nesta’s little baby is going to be here, and you’re going to be able to hold it. And you know what?”
“What?” Novan asked, kicking his feet from the side of the couch.
They hadn’t planned on telling Novan that he was going to be a big brother until later, didn’t plan on telling Nesta and Cassian until they were alone, but when Elain looked up at Azriel with a question in her eye, they knew it was the right moment.
“See how big Aunt Nesta’s belly is getting?” Elain asked.
With a raised eyebrow, Nesta quietly scoffed, “Bitch.”
Miryam scolded her quietly, but her own eyes were filling with tears as she realized what was happening. Novan nodded.
With one last glance up to Az, seeing the silver lining his eyes, she said, “Soon, mommy’s tummy is going to get that big, too.”
Donovan’s big, hazel eyes lit up. “You got a baby in your tummy?”
She bit her lip to keep from crying and tucked the loose fabric of her dress around her small, defined belly.
The biggest grin spread across Novan’s mouth. His voice got significantly louder as he asked, “I’m gonna be a brother?!”
Nesta was looking between Elain and Azriel, her mouth hanging open, and Cassian’s tears had returned.
“Yeah,” Elain breathed, holding Novan’s hand in one of her own, Azriel’s in the other. “You’re gonna be a big brother, buddy.”
“When?” He asked, clapping his hands together.
“It’ll be a little bit,” she laughed, wiping a tear from her cheek.
“I can’t wait.” His grin was infectious and everyone else couldn’t stop the smiles on their own faces. Elain wrapped him up in her arms, holding him tightly to her chest. His little arms snaked around her neck. He asked, “Is it a brother or a sister?”
“We don’t know yet, buddy,” she said, pulling back to look at him. “We’ll find out next time we go to the doctor. But in the meantime, you have to be really careful around mommy’s tummy, okay?”
Nodding excitedly, he crawled off of her and asked, “Can I give the baby a kiss?”
Elain’s eyes were filling with tears as she said, “Of course.”
Donovan carefully leaned down and pressed the softer of kisses to her stomach. “Hello, I’m Novan. I’m your big brother and I’m always gonna take care of you, okay?”
The footsteps as Azriel stepped out onto the porch got everyone’s attention and Elain was about to stand up, when Nesta said, “Let me.”
Cassian and Elain glanced at each other warily, but nodded.
Nesta was careful not to let the door slam behind her as she followed Azriel. She was expecting the pacing, she was expecting some tears from him, but she wasn’t expecting the full body sobs she found when she stepped outside.
Her voice was surprisingly quiet when she asked, “You okay?”
He spun around, his cheeks red as he wiped at his face, but when he tried to speak, he only cried harder. Nesta, around her bump, took Azriel into her arms and patted his back as he cried into her shoulder.
“Sorry,” he said, through his tears, but she just whispered, “It’s okay.”
“I just…” he began, leaning back and wiping at his face. “I never thought I’d have this life, you know? I’d always dreamed…” He shook his head and took a shuddering breath. “I feel like I’m living in a dream, the life I always wanted, and I’m so fucking happy, Nesta, I’ve never been this happy...but, I’m almost not used to being happy, you know? I’m just...so overwhelmed.”
She ran a protective hand over her stomach. “I know the feeling, trust me.”
He wiped at his face again, and nodded. “I’m just…” He sighed and shook his head. “I’m waiting for someone to rip the rug out from under me. Like I’m not supposed to get this much happiness. And I’m-.”
“You can’t think that way,” she interrupted. “No matter what happens and what life throws at you now, you’ve got the most amazing wife, the sweetest son, a supportive family and a baby on the way. Whatever it is, Az, we’ll get you through it.”
He nodded and hugged her once more, awed by how far their relationship had come since he’d come back to Velaris.
“Now come on,” she said. “Donovan hasn’t realized that weddings mean cake yet.”
Azriel laughed, quietly. “That is the best part of weddings as a kid, isn’t it?”
“The only good part when you’re four,” she said, winking.
Azriel nodded, hesitating as he wiped at his damp face, yet again, not wanting Elain to know that he was crying. She had enough to worry about it, and didn’t want her having to worry about him, too.
Nesta, a spark of understanding in her eyes, pulled a tissue out of her dress pocket.
Azriel blinked.
“What?” she shrugged. “I’m pregnant, I always have tissues.”
He chuckled, thanked her, and took it to clean himself up before he followed Nesta in through the backdoor. Laughter floated in from the living room, and that feeling settled into Azriel’s chest, once again, that there was so much happiness, so much joy, and he was so grateful, so blessed, but he just couldn’t believe it. Especially as he rounded the corner and caught Elain’s bright eyes, the perfect smile plastered on her face.
She was so unbelievable stunning that it took his breath away.
Nesta said loudly, “Az, why don’t you take your son into the kitchen for some cake so I can use adult language while I talk to your wife.”
Novan’s head popped up from where he’d been trying to fly, thanks to his Uncle Rhys. “We have cake?!”
Donovan was launching himself into Az’s arms and he caught him with a grunt as his mini-me said, “I asked Meme if there was cake! There’s always cake in movies.”
He chuckled, as once again, the words out of his brilliant son’s mouth surprised him. “You’re too smart for your own good, kid.”
He just wrapped his little arms around his daddy’s neck and beamed up at him.
Nesta was right, he realized, smiling down at his son. Hard times might come, there could always be some kind of trouble on the horizon, but as long as he leaned on his family, as long as he had someone who looked at him the way Donovan did, Azriel knew that he’d be fine.
“Daddy?” Novan began, yawning as Azriel tucked him into his bed.
“Hmm?” He sat down on the edge of the little twin mattress, cocking his head to the side as he looked at his son.
“I’m excited to be a brother,” he said, sleepily. “Are you excited?”
Azriel chuckled. “I’m very excited, and I’d love to talk to you more about it tomorrow, but it’s way past bedtime and you need to get some sleep.”
“I’m not tired,” he said, the lie perfectly obvious when he yawned, again.
Azriel tried not to laugh as he said, “Well, I’m tired, so you have to go to sleep so I can go to sleep. And mommy needs her sleep, because the baby in her tummy needs the most sleep.”
It was quiet for a moment before Novan gave in. “Okay, okay, fine. Goodnight, daddy.”
“Goodnight, buddy,” he said, quietly, kissing Novan’s head before he got up to turn off the light, his nightlight still glowing brightly in the corner.
He cracked the door as he left, shutting the light off in the hallway and made his way into their room. Before falling face first onto the bed, he noticed the little plate of donuts on Elain’s night stand, and when he looked up from his pillow, she was peeling her string cheese apart, bit by bit. Her eyes were on the television across the room, but when Azriel’s hand covered her bare belly, one of his old t-shirts raised to expose it, she began to smile.
“It’s a bit late for the baby to be hungry,” he smirked.
“Oh, I know,” she smiled and looked down at him. She brushed his hair back off of her head. “That’s cause mama was hungry this time.”
He snorted and leaned up and kissed her, sneakily grabbing a donut from the plate and eating it in one bite.
Elain raised an eyebrow. “Did you just steal food from a pregnant woman?”
Azriel quickly swallowed, powdered sugar still on his lips and said, “No?”
She rolled her eyes and settled into the pillows. “It’s a good thing I love you.”
Pressing a kiss to her head, he said, “I love you, too. My wife.”
The smile was back and she said, “Say it again.”
He kissed her once and said, “Wife.” Kiss. “Wife.” Kiss. “My-.” Kiss. “-beautiful-.” Kiss. “-wife.”
Her smile was breathtaking and she opened her mouth to say something when they heard vibrating.
Elain glanced to her nightstand, where her phone was lying face up, no notifications lighting the screen up. “It’s not mine.”
Quickly, Azriel was up, grabbing the dark jeans he’s discarded on the chair in the corner and fishing his phone from the pocket.
He froze and stared at the screen, silencing it and lying it face down on his nightstand.
“Who is it, baby?” Elain asked, looking at the clock on the wall. It was only nine, but that was late for either of them to get a call that wasn’t from their family.
He crossed the room shut off the light before crawling in bed and pulling her tightly against him. “Someone I used to work with in New York.”
She traced the lines of his tattoo across his chest and asked, “Should you get it?”
With a shake of his head, he said, “No, I’ve spoken to them about it once before. Any other info they can get from my voicemail.”
Elain yawned and nodded, almost immediately falling into a deep, peaceful sleep. Azriel kept one arm around her as he grabbed his phone and unlocked it.
Not only was there a missed call from her, but there was also a text message, which had come in seconds after the phone call ended.
His eyes flicked to the contact at the top of the screen and he cursed himself for not getting a new number. As much as he didn’t want to see Ianthe, he sure as hell didn’t want her anywhere near his family.
I’m in Velaris for a shoot and would love to see you. Call me and we can get together. Like old times.
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broomsandbrews · 6 years
Witchy Playlist and Inspiring Songs for Different Spells/Curses/Rituals (Masterpost)
Jill Andrews - No One 
Donovan - Season of the Witch 
Within Temptation - Neverending Story
Kelli Ali - Psychic Cat
Local Natives - Mt. Washington
Fleetwood Mac - Gold Dust Woman   
Cocorosie - Smokey Taboo 
Within Temptation - Mother Earth 
Libana The Circle is Cast - The Earth is our Mother 
Marilyn Manson - Salem
Halsey - Garden  
Eagles - Witchy Woman
Florence and the Machine - Cosmic Love 
Alina Baraz - Maybe 
Within Temptation - Our Solemn Hour 
Son Lux ft. Faux Fix - No Fate Awaits Me 
Dolkins - Mountains 
Tove Lo - Out of Mind 
Culte de Ghoules - Children of the Moon
Gary Stadle - Fairy Nightsongs 
Amy Nuttall - Scarborough Fair 
Meg Myers - Numb 
Tori Amos - Lust 
Vienna Teng - Lullaby for a Stormy Night 
LEAVES' EYES - Hell To The Heavens 
Florence and the Machine - My Boy Builds Coffins
Within Temptation - Memories 
Myah - Circus Freak 
Trobar de Morte - Summoning The Gods 
Denean - Angels Calling Me 
Heather Dale - Mordred’s Lullaby
Evanescence - Whisper 
Birdy ft. Rhodes - Let it All Go 
Inkubus Sukkubus - Wytches
Secret Garden - Sleepsong
Wolf Gang - Lions in Cages 
AMBERIAN DAWN - Magic Forest
Apocalyptica ft. Lacey - Broken Pieces
Florence and the Machine - Never Let Me Go
Within Temptation - Our Farewell 
The Neighbourhood - A Little Death
Russel Brower & Derek Duke - Lament of the Highborne 
Evanescence - Lacrymosa 
Peter Gundry - White Witch 
Culte de Ghoules - Vintage Black Magic
The Bird and the Bee - Witch
Nicholas Hopper - In Noctem
The Brothers Bright - Blood on my Name
Ruelle - Monsters (Acoustic Version)
Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful
Little May - Hide 
Within Temptation - The Truth Beneath The Rose
Emily Afton - Lost 
Sofia Karlberg - Crazy in Love 
Alanis Morissette - Uninvited 
Gothica - The Cliff of Suicide
Sparklehorse - Piano Fire
Within Temptation - See Who I Am
Lana Del Rey - Once Upon a Dream 
Lisa Thiel - Samhain
Indica - Children Of Frost
James S. Levine - La La La 
Wardruna - Fehu 
Meg Myers - Monster
Silversun Pickups - Future Foe Scenarios 
Joseph Van Wissem ft. SQURL - The Taste of Blood 
Raffertie -  Last Train Home
Halsey - Haunting 
Irfan - Invocatio 
The Civil Wars - Poison & Wine 
Olafur Arnalds - Raein
Florence and the Machine - Only If For a Night
Aurora - Under Stars
Warbringers - Jaina (Daughter of the Sea) 
Ross Copperman - Holding on and Letting Go 
Love Spit Love - How Soon is Now 
XANDRIA - Nightfall 
Angus & Julia Stone - The Hanging Tree
Loreena McKennitt - Incantation 
Marina & The Diamonds - The Outsider
Meadowlark - Fly (Acoustic) 
Omnia - Wytches Brew
Panic! At the Disco - LA Devotee
Culte de Ghoules - Storm Is Coming, Come the Blessed Madness
Deadmau5 ft. Colleen D’agostino - Seeya
Gandharvak - The Time Machine: Eloi 
Lana Del Rey - Born to Die 
Ella Vos - Down in Flames
Nouvelle Vague - The Killing Moon
Joji - Don’t Wanna Waste my Time 
Michael Holborn - Sunbird
Ed Sheeran - I See Fire 
The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build a House 
Crystal Fighters - Follow
Phildel - The Wolf 
Skillet - Hero 
Evanescence - Hello 
Calla -  Custom Car Crash
Ordo Funebris - A Witches Song
Daughter - Improve 
Blue - Birdshake (Remix) 
Evanescence - Going Under
Within Temptation - Angels 
koethe ft. Riley Hawke - Taking You There 
Within Temptation - The Howling 
Breaking Benjamin - I Will Not Bow 
Bjork - Frosti 
Within Temptation - Aquarius 
Loreena McKennitt - The Old Ways
Fleurie - Hurricane    
Corpo Mente - Scylla
Beth - Waves
Within Temptation - Stand my Ground 
Sofia Karlberg - Berlin 
Helios - A Rising Wind (Instrumental) 
Florence and the Machine - Blinding
Evanescence - Bring me to Life  
Elle Vee - Fly Low 
Koethe - Amber 
Verite - Echo
Within Temptation - Faster
Little Red Lung - 50 Fingers
Little May - Boardwalks
Stevie Nicks - Edge of Seventeen
Iko - Heart of Stone 
Beach House - Levitation 
The Moon and the Nightspirit - Ejkoszonto 
Suuns - Pie X
Austin Wintory - Bloodlines 
Loreena McKennitt - The Heart of the Witch
Lana Del Rey - Love 
Jose Gonzalez - Crosses
Peter Gundry - The Forest Queen 
Within Temptation - All I Need
Dead Can Dance - Yulunga (Spirit Dance)
Breaking Benjamin - Failure 
Lisa Gerrard - Swans
Glass Animals - Holiest
Ingrid Michaelson - Turn to Stone 
Bibio - Dye the Water Green 
S.J. Tucker - Witch’s Rune 
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Face to Face
Daughter - Dreams of William 
Bjork - Dark Matter
Within Temptation - Forsaken 
Widowspeak - Harsh Realm
Wolf Alice - Soapy Water
Erutan - Come Little Children 
Artie Shaw - Nightmare
Dead Can Dance - Summoning of the Muse (Remastered) 
Tove Lo - Habit 
Legs Occult - Breathe
Agnes Obel - Riverside
The Soft Moon - Want
Willy Moon - I Pull a Spell on You 
Fleetwood Mac - Sara
Gorillaz - Saturnz Barz
Bahari - Wild Ones
The Zombies - Time of the Season 
Evanescence - Haunted
Lia Marie Johnson - Relapse 
Ella Fitzgerald - Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Evanescence - Tourniquet 
The Eastern Sea - The Snow
Gabriel Rios - Broad Daylight
Maty Noyes - Haunted
Kim Petras - Boo! Bitch
Lorde - Biting Down 
Florence and the Machine - Seven Devils 
Plumb - Cut
Rasputina - Transylvanian Concubine 
Olivia Foa’i - Tulou Tagaloa
Gorillaz - Sleeping Powder
Masha - Come As You Are
Agnes Obel - The Curse
Richard Armitage - Misty Mountains
Lera Lynn - Ring of Fire
An Danzza - Hekate
Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek 
Evanescence - Lithium 
Gin Wigmore - Written in the Water
Russell Shaw - Temple of Light 
Loreena McKennitt - The Mystic’s Dream
Lana Del Rey - Black Beauty 
Marika Hackman - Deep Green
Faun - Walpurgisnacht
Agnes Obel - Stretch Your Eyes
CHVRCHES - Broken Bones
Decyfer Down - Fading 
The Weeknd - Earned It
The Changelings - Melusine
Sonic Youth - Halloween 
 Les Rita Mitsouko - La Sorciere et l’inquisiteur 
Chelsea Wolfe - Carrion Flowers
Florence and the Machine - Third Eye
In this moment - Witching Hour 
Portishead - Magic Doors
Myrkur - The Serpent
Arcade Fire - Abraham’s Daughter
James S. Levine - Violet Theme
Lauren O’Connell - House of the Rising Sun
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Spellbound 
Haroula Rose - Lavender Moon
The Chainsmokers - It Won’t Kill Ya
Hozier - Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene
Stranger Things - Theme Song
Eivor - Trollabundin
Carina Round - Do You 
Son Lux - Flickers
Fever Ray -  Keep the Streets Empty 
Ibeyi - River
Benjamin Wallfisch ft. DiSA - New World Coming
Emily Browning - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) 
Igorrr - Probleme D’emotion
Stevie Nicks & Don Henley - Leather and Lace
Whilk and Misky - Love Lost 
Amorphis - Amongst Stars
Cocorosie - The Moon Asked the Crow 
Linkin Park - My December
Nightwish - Turn Loose the Mermaids 
Black Lullabies - Black Lullabies
Florence and the Machine - Which Witch 
Kehlani - Gangsta (Harley Quinn & Joker Flashback Version) 
Sara Bareilles - Winter Song
Exxus - Glass Animals
Najwa - That Cyclone
Pierce the Veil - Tangled in the Great Escape
Dotan - Let the River In
This Mortal Coil - Dreams Made Flesh P.S.: Keep in mind a lot of these songs might not be ‘‘witchy’‘ or have ‘‘witchy’‘ lyrics but some people suggested them to me because they help them with their craft, put them in a ‘’witchy’’ mood and inspire them with certain spells for certain situations like strained/toxic relationships, breakups and heartbreaks, not feeling accepted, family problems, mental illness (although if you are feeling like you want to end your life, please talk to a professional), etc. (or curses, though I’m pretty neutral about curses and hexes.) Use the ones you like, and ignore the ones you don’t or don’t do it for ya. Thank you!  
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daresplaining · 6 years
not sure if you have been asked this before but how would you rate the daredevil runs from miller to soule, and why?
    It has taken literally a thousand years to answer this, and I apologize– it’s just a huge question, even skipping all of the pre-Frank Miller runs (thank you for that, by the way– maybe I’ll rank them in a separate post, because I love a lot of the pre-Miller stuff!). Every reread brings with it new insight, and so my preferences are ever-evolving. That said, here’s how I would rank the main Daredevil runs from Miller onward (I’m not including annuals, mini-series, or novels, and I’m skipping the really tiny one-or-two-issue runs for the sake of brevity):
1. Mark Waid Daredevil volumes 3 and 4 are, for me, a perfect encapsulation of everything that makes Daredevil great. It’s all there! Smirking, swashbuckly Matt pulling off badass feats to save the day? Check! Dark, emotionally turbulent Matt trying to cope as the world falls apart around him? Check! An excellent supporting cast? Check! Fantastic hypersensory moments? Check! Great stories? Stunning art? Stilt-Man? Check! Everyone needs to read this run. It’s pretty much perfect.
2. Brian Michael Bendis I’ve learned that my Daredevil preferences tend to lean light(er…), but dang, Bendis writes a heck of a noir comic. He balances intense crime drama with striking character moments, changes the status quo over and over again (in a good way), and gives Matt some of the best zingers he’s ever had. (Seriously. Bendis’s Matt is really funny.) He also gave us Milla Donovan and Angela Del Toro, and for that I am eternally grateful. And whooo, that Alex Maleev/Matt Hollingsworth art… This is a classic, enduring run for a very good reason.  
3. Karl Kesel/Joe Kelly Okay, I’m cheating here. These are two separate runs. But they happened back-to-back, had the exact same tone, and were great for all of the same reasons, so I usually squash them together. If Karl Kesel and Joe Kelly have a problem with this, they can take it up with me (preferably in person– I have a lot of comics for them to sign.) These runs are fun. The Daredevil pendulum swings from light to dark and back again, and these guys landed on the upswing, after Matt had reconnected with his quippy, swashbuckly past. They feel old-fashioned, nostalgic in the best possible way, not afraid to be a little silly while still delivering solid, character-rooted stories. And it helps that the cast of characters is top-notch. Karen is around, trying to re-start her life while juggling humorous relationship issues with Matt. Foggy’s family drama is on full-force as Rosalind Sharpe and Candace come to town. Misty Knight stops by, as does Natasha Romanov. Kathy Malpher, one of my favorite minor DD characters ever, has lots of panel time. Deuce the Devil Dog is there. And it all ends with the breathtaking DD #375, which has got to be one of my top five favorite issues of all time. If you haven’t read these runs yet, go do that and thank me later.  
4. Frank Miller Darkness is only effective when interspersed with some light, and lightness is only effective when injected with some darkness, and Frank Miller (pre-”Born Again”) hit that perfect balance. It’s noir. It’s deep. It’s intense. It’s also some of the funniest Daredevil material ever written. Please go back and read “Guts”, or “Hunters”, or the Power Man and Iron Fist crossover. Let me say it louder, because I feel like I’m alone here: I love Frank Miller’s Daredevil because it is FREAKING HILARIOUS! And it goes without saying that “Born Again” is also stunning– definitely one of my favorite DD stories. And he gave us Stick and the peerless Elektra Natchios (three different versions of her, in fact) and the world has never been the same.
5. Denny O’Neil Denny O’Neil had the misfortune of getting sandwiched between Frank Miller’s two runs, and I feel like that’s the reason he doesn’t get the attention he deserves for some truly fantastic comics. Uh… weird comics, in a lot of cases, but heck, I like well-done weirdness. O’Neil added an international angle to the comic. He sent Matt to Japan and Italy (and even- gasp- New Jersey) and brought in Glori O’Breen, a great character even with her slightly over-the-top accent. He reconnected Matt with Natasha Romanov for a few beautiful one-shot team-ups. He killed off Heather Glenn in a horrible way, but did it with such grace and style that it didn’t feel entirely gratuitous. And he’s responsible for “The Price”– one of my favorite stand-alone issues. Plus, the fact that he was working with David Mazzucchelli didn’t hurt either.  
6. Ann Nocenti Superhero comics– superhero comics writing in particular– has been a white male-dominated profession for far too long, and there are far too few women who have written Daredevil. I hate to start a discussion of Nocenti’s run with “Look! A woman!” but it’s worth pointing out because look at this list. Seriously. (And for anyone unfamiliar with the pre-Miller runs, I assure you, it’s more of the same.) Ann Nocenti’s run is fantastic for the ways it really digs into the heart of the material. She took the post-“Born Again” landscape and ran with it. This was the period that tied Matt to Hell’s Kitchen, and Nocenti made that plot point stick by showing us the fabric of the neighborhood, bringing in characters like the Fat Boys, placing Matt and Karen within the community with the founding of Karen’s free clinic, and turning the Hell’s Kitchen of the Marvel universe into a living, breathing place. In contrast, she also took Matt out of the city, and in doing so, wrote some of my favorite Daredevil stories. She wasn’t afraid to address pressing social issues. She wasn’t afraid to tell stories that were just plain weird. And her run is utterly unique and complex as a result.
7. Ed Brubaker/D.G. Chichester Yeah, okay, this is really cheating. These are two completely different runs, but they are nevertheless tied because of the same factor: I adore some parts, and dislike other parts. “The Devil in Cell Block D” (the first arc of Brubaker’s run) is phenomenal. I re-read it a lot. So is “Last Rites” (by Chichester). Chichester wrote two of my favorite stand-alone issues: “34 Hours” (vol. 1 #304) and “Just One Good Story” (vol. 1 #380). Brubaker gifted us with the awesomeness that is Maki Matsumoto (A.K.A. Lady Bullseye), and Master Izo! Chichester gave us D.A. Kathy Malpher, one of my favorite DD characters ever (bring her back, Marvel! Where did she go?)! Also, his hypersensory writing is visceral verging on gross– which, for me, is ideal. However, Brubaker’s run went downhill a bit after the first arc. I mentioned the light/dark balance in regards to Frank Miller’s run, and Brubaker went all dark. (I consider it the darkest DD run yet.) It’s great storytelling, but not my style. And while I love his shorter arcs, Chichester’s longer work– “Fall From Grace” and “Tree of Knowledge” in particular– don’t do it for me. I find them overly convoluted and lacking substance. Also, while Scott McDaniel draws my favorite rendition of the radar sense, he’s my least favorite DD artist. D.G. Chichester + Lee Weeks 4ever.
8. David Mack I like “Vision Quest” a lot more than “Parts of a Hole”, though that’s somewhat due to the artist switch partway through the latter. “Parts of a Hole” did an excellent job of introducing Maya Lopez, and has a lot of great moments, but “Vision Quest” is practically a piece of fine art. It’s stunning, both narratively and visually. I consider it more of an Echo comic than a DD comic, but it still belongs on this list.  
9. Charles Soule I haven’t had a chance to reread this run in its entirety, since it just ended, and I really need to do so because I’m having a hard time figuring out my feelings on it. There are aspects of Soule’s characterization of Matt that I disagree with. The sensory writing varied in quality, and we clearly have different perceptions of the radar sense. There was a distinct shortage of female characters– and, in fact, of side characters in general. And the mind wipe was a huge misstep, since it erased so many of Matt’s long-held friendships. In a comic that has traditionally drawn much of its power from its strong supporting casts and Matt’s dynamics with them, that decision has caused serious lasting damage. However, there’s also a lot I loved. Sam Chung, though (I feel) underused, is a great character in his own right, and he also provided the chance for us to see Matt in a long-term mentorship role– something I’ve wanted for a while now. Muse was a fascinating and terrifying antagonist. And Soule’s perspective as an actual lawyer added extra zip to many of his stories, whether it was putting Matt in the mayor’s office (finally!) or sending him to the Supreme Court in what may be my favorite law-centered DD story ever. But the real reason Soule’s name is this far up this list is because of the “Double Vision” arc (or, as I call it, “Mike Murdock Must Die 2.0″) which is sheer brilliance, and to my mind, one of the greatest Daredevil stories ever told.
10. Bob Gale “Playing to the Camera” does not get nearly as much credit as it deserves for being a genuinely hilarious superhero law-based comedy of errors, and a bright spot amid the angst-fest that is Daredevil volume 2. My major complaints are that it’s too short and I dislike the art.
11. Andy Diggle I don’t dislike “Shadowland”. I don’t love it, but it’s a cool story concept that suffered– as events often do– from storytelling spread too thin, across too many characters, in too short a timespan. (Though I need to know if he came up with the “Matt Murdock dared evil… and lost” tagline, because if so, that wordplay would rocket him right to the top of this list.) I prefer the lead-up to “Shadowland” to the event itself. But I love DD: Reborn (yes, I said I wasn’t going to cover mini-series, but it’s essentially part of the main comic because it bridges the gap between two volumes. I say it counts). I’ve always enjoyed stories that take Matt out of NYC, and Reborn is a fun adventure story that gets back to basics and serves as a great bookend for volume 2.  
12. Scott Lobdell I like “Flying Blind”. It’s quirky and unusual (which I appreciate), and Matt is written very well. I just don’t love it. It’s one of those arcs that slides right to the back of the memory and only returns to the forefront when you’re reflecting on the first time Matt ever saw Foggy, or wondering if Matt’s bad French in Brubaker’s run is left over from his SHIELD-implanted fluency. It’s a neat idea, but could have been executed in a more engaging, lasting way.
13. Gregory Wright This short run went right out of my head the instant I finished it the first time, and upon rereading it has remained fairly unmemorable. The art is hit-and-miss, and the story– while perfectly fine– isn’t anything exciting or innovative. There are some great hypersensory moments, it’s worth reading, but I don’t have much to say about it beyond that.
14. Alan Smithee “Alan Smithee” is a pseudonym used in the entertainment industry by writers who don’t want to be associated with a certain project. The commentary on manwithoutfear.com states that this run was actually written by Chichester, who used the pen name as a way of protesting his abrupt firing from the comic. I treat it as a separate run, since that’s clearly what he wanted. I always tend to group the Wright and Smithee runs together in my mind because they take place one after the other, are both very short (only 5 issues each), and are very similar in both tone and quality. I like the art in Smithee’s run more, and the writing is solid. However, the whole thing is colored for me by the horrific and unnecessary death of Glorianna O’Breen, a character I love. I’m perfectly fine with characters dying if their deaths are well-written and impactful (heck, I’ll be honest– I love a good death), but Glori’s demise just seems gratuitous, and is therefore not appealing to me.
15. J.M. DeMatteis This run is super weird, but not in an interesting way. It leans toward the religious, which is not my thing, and it relies on the dead sex worker storyline from Man Without Fear, which is really not my thing and should have stayed out of the main continuity. It’s good to read, because it’s a major shift in Matt’s life and sets up the fabulous Kesel/Kelly runs, but… eh. That said, Matt battling his different identities in a graveyard while getting heckled by Stick, and yellow suit DD running around creating mayhem, are 100% my things… so credit where’s it’s due.  
16. Kevin Smith You may have noticed that “Guardian Devil”, the first arc of Daredevil volume 2, the run that rescued the series after its cancellation and brought Matt Murdock to the forefront of the Marvel street-level universe once more…! …is rarely ever mentioned on this blog. That’s because I really don’t like it. At all. I’m grateful to Smith for bringing readers back to DD, but would be happy if he never wrote these characters again. His run is poorly paced, out-of-character, and covers themes/topics/etc. that I personally don’t enjoy. I forced myself through it because I’m a Daredevil completist, but I haven’t read it again. I probably will someday, just to make sure I remember all of the key plot points, but… not yet.  
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tenebroustm · 6 years
n i n e
asks for multis !     /    ✔
Tumblr media
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
call out post for tumblr user @acadiian for always going hard asdhagsdujshhhh
   alarmingly , i relate to her a lot! AND honestly that’s super , super rare for me bc although i love a lot of characters i rarely relate to them ?? her magical thinking & disinterest in relationships & her need to forever close herself off in smaller and smaller suffocating spaces rather than interact with the world? big ass mood. i’ve never been all that comfortable playing female roles but i just can’t shake merricat! i love her devotion to her sister bc i live for sibling dynamics but also i love that she’s genuinely … bad. ( HOPEFULLY I DON’T RELATE TO HER THAT MUCH ) 
and fun fact , my mom wanted to name me that bc she also loved the book as a kid and when i read it , i absolutely love this character wow.
we stan SMASHMOUTH HOWARD and you know this. okay anyway i love a villain and i LOVE a villain who’s at once ruthless and still weak. he squirms with guilt , he buries what he does and denies it and actually fools himself so well but his conscious is rotting inside him. i love that he has these pleasant qualities , like almost .. sweet. like i genuinely started to believe him myself when he’d had his ‘crucifixion epiphany’ , bc to me he truly was broken in that moment but he still does the WRONG thing , he still sweeps the dirt under the rug and i both hate and love that. it’s easier for him to do the wrong thing then have people see and have himself face his monsters , and timbo takes the easy road , the road of less upheaval and that’s unfortunately so human. the fandom for real does not appreciate him enough and the actor was so damn good and just wOW i love timothy bastardman howard. i really do
the only muse here i’ve played for a longer while , he even had his own blog! i LOVE tristan duffy , holy shit. everything about him reminds me of the quote “i’ve got a very childlike rage and a very childlike lonliness” ( msp will never not be a tristan aesthetique , fite me ) he’s so big and bold and cocky and violent and demanding of attention , i love it !! i love that literally all he wants is love and respect , damn
no loyalty , like none. this bitch does what he wants! he’s calculated and manipulative and devious and , ya i love a villian and i love witches
a good , lots of potential , i love the whole rear window vibe of him living right next door to this house where so MUCH happens. like half the neighbors are living dead people , or half dipped their toes into hell !! while he’s so sheltered he can barely even watch tv. he had POTENTIAL dammit
i love rosemary’s baby , it’s a fave and although my andy isn’t based on the follow up book ( i haven’t read it , ooof )  i just really can’t shake the urge to play him even tho i haven’t figured him out much at all yet. which is why he’s gotta be a test muse for now 
i just love the idea of andy raised by this coven of octogenarians who worship the ground he walks on and rules the bramford apartment like his very own mini hell on earth while he waits on the ushering of the end days , that’s my jam.
idk how to answer this one without sounding weird so lemme just sound weird and u can all go ahead and live with it. the first introduction to connor was a picture of him with like zerO info and i was intrigued , then we see him as a body laid out on an embalming table while donovan’s hurdy gurdy man plays all spooky in the background and i was like iCOnique .. i just , from the minute he’s introduced I couldn’t get past him , he wormed his way in. it’s wild as shit. i had read the caos comics ( which he isn’t even in lmfao ) and went into the show expecting to come out wanting to play ; harvey , salem , edward , father blackwood … all of these character’s with ACTUAL roles ?? but instead i see the “only relevant for 40 seconds dead guy” and i’m SHOOK.         he’s a nerd who has no friends except his lizard familar and his parents and he’s a witch and i love him ……. yeh.
i love psycho , i love alfred hithc*ck movies , i wanna play so many characters from those movies but ofc norman is where to start. i love everything about him tbh , i’m alarmingly attracted to intensely isolated characters ( but u can’t judge u play misty okay !! ) like timothy he’s capable of such BAD THINGS , but is rattled by them to the point of delusion , i love that song. i luv his personality , also he scared the hell out of me as a kid omg 
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uneminuteparseconde · 7 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Mars 05. Sef III + Muyassar Kurdi + Ronxshka & Jzerhard + Boris Allenou (aka Cathode) – Treize 05. Ritual Extra + Mhönos + Alahuta + Pisitakun – Pointe Lafayette 05. IAMX – La Machine 07. Les Troupes de l'imaginaire (fest. Sonic Protest) – Médiathèque musicale (gratuit) 07. Franck Vigroux & Antoine Schmitt : "Chronostasis" + Alexander Schubert : "Codec Error" – Centre Pompidou ||COMPLET|| 07/08. Ryuchi Sakamoto & Shiro Takatani (Dumb Type) : "Dis.Play" – Maison de la Culture du Japon ||COMPLET|| 08. Cheval scintillantes + Delphine Dora – Le Zorba (gratuit) 08. Molecule – Elysée Montmartre 08. Regina Demina & Eggplant + Léon Septavaux : "Haters" – Palais de Tokyo 08. Trevor Wishart + Davide Tidoni + Pancrace (fest. Sonic Protest) – Théâtre de Vanves 08. Léonie Pernet – O Gib (Montreuil) 09. Bretzel Göring + Kollektiv Barner 16 + Mohamed Lamouri (fest. Sonic Protest) – Centre Barbara-FGO 09. Elliott Murphy – Mona Bismarck American Center 09. Extrawelt + Ben Men + Präri – Rex Club 09. Adam X + Perc + Pulse One + Parfait – tba 10. ARP TARK (Aymeric Hainaux) – Centre national de la Danse (Pantin) (gratuit) 10. Julien Desprez – Centre national de la Danse (Pantin)   10. Wild Classical Music Ensemble + Dolly Rambo + DNA,AND feat. Ogrob (fest. Sonic Protest) – Centre Barbara-FGO 10. Uriel Barthélémi & Tarek Atoui – Silencio 10. Anaconda + Casio judiciaire + 2035 – Le Jardin d'Alice (Montreuil) 10. Radioactive Man + AZF + Erika b2b Noncompliant + Powder – Concrete 10. Deena Abdelwahed (dj) + Sundae (dj) – Centre national de la Danse (Pantin) (gratuit sur résa) ||COMPLET|| 13. Luminous Bodies + Klarinetthor + Enob – Espace B 14. Balmorhea + Martyn Heyne – Point FMR 14. I Hate Model + Marc.Andrea + Sina – Rex Club 15. Arto Lindsay + Seijiro Murayama & Thomas Brinkmann + Masami Kawaguchi (fest. Sonic Protest) – Eglise Sant-Merry 15. Mathias Delplanque + Club Cactus – Espace B 15. Esmerine – Point FMR 15. C.A.R. – Badaboum 15. Regina Demina & Eggplant + Léon Septavaux : "Haters" – Palais de Tokyo 15. Octave Courtin + Emmanuelle Gibello + Frédéric Mathevet + Hélène Singer + Alexandra Spence + Jean-Charles François & Nicolas Sidoroff + Kwangrae Kim – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 15. Maud Geffray & Lavinia Meijer jouent Philip Glass (fest. Paris Music) – Eglise Saint-Eustache ||COMPLET|| 16. The Altered Hours – Supersonic (gratuit) 16. Morton Subotnick, Alec Empire & Lillevan + Kevin Drumm (fest. Sonic Protest) – Eglise Saint-Merry 16. Panico Panico + The Absolute Never + Thharm – Pointe Lafayette 16. Koki Nakano & Vincent Ségal – Le Bal 16. Virginie Despentes & Zëro + Dream Wife + The Pack AD + La Pietà + Léonie Pernet (fest. Les femmes s'en mêlent) – La Machine 16. Minimal Syndicat + Illnurse + Murd + The DJ Producer – Glazart 16. Pär Grindvik + SHXCXCHCXSH + Nozen – Nuits fauves 17. Hélène Breschand & Wilfried Wendling : "Imaginarium" – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) (gratuit) 17. Vox Low – La Station 17. Arnaud Rebotini + Etienne Jaumet (dj)... (fest. Paris Music) – L'Aérosol 17. Maher Shalal Hash Baz + Mick Harris aka Fret + Russell Haswell + ZB Aids + Paddy Steer + Thomas Tilly + Terrine + Satan (fest. Sonic Protest) – L'Echangeur (Bagnolet) 17. British Murder Boys + Lucy + Dasha Rush + Anetha – Terminal 7 17. Chloé + Curses – Nuits fauves 19. Koban – Supersonic (gratuit) 19. Fever Ray – Olympia 20. Hackedepicciotto – Walrus (gratuit) 20. Les Tambours du Bronx + Acyl – La Machine 21. Hackedepicciotto + Phoenician Drive + Maninkari – Supersonic (gratuit) 21. Egopusher – Centre culturel suisse 22. Jean-Philippe Renoult & Dinah Bird : musique pour "Absynth" de HeHe (Biennale Nemo) – WIP 22. Goran Bregovic & l'orchestre des mariages et des enterrements – Salle Pleyel 22. Petra pied de biche – Pointe Lafayette 23. PurForm + TRDLX (Biennale Nemo) – Grande Halle de La Villette 23. Pierre Henry (diff.) + Anabelle Playe + John Chantler + Bill Orcutt + Anthony Child (Présences électronique) (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 23. Hey Colossus + Grey Hairs – Espace B 23. Delacave – Supersonic 23. Zombie Zombie – Le Plan (Ris-Orangis) 23. Paula Temple + Tommy Four Seven + Umfang – Nuits fauves 24. Alva Noto & Anne-James Chaton : "Alphabet" (Biennale Nemo) – Grande Halle de La Villette 24. Else Marie Pade + :such: + Bellows + Phonophani + The Caretaker (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 24. Youth Code + Carpenter Brut – Olympia 24. Jessica93 + JC Satàn – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 25. Jacques Lejeune + Chris Corsano + Ben Vida & Marina Rosenfeld + Mads Emil Nielsen + Gravetemple (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 29. Chicaloyoh + KosmoSuna – Le Zorba (gratuit) 29. Bleib Modern – Supersonic (gratuit) 29. Drame + Le Réveil des tropiques – Centre Barbara-FGO 29. Angry Skeletons + Laurence Wasser – Pointe Lafayette 29. Laurent Garnier + Scan X – Rex club 30. Orval Carlos Sibelius + Domotic – Le Zorba (gratuit) 30. Polar Inertia + Shlømo + Luigi Tozzi + Twin Peaks – Concrete 31. Schlaasss + Petosaure + Enfance de merde – Supersonic (gratuit) 31. Maulwürfe (fest. Artdanthé) – Théâtre de Vanves 31. The Noise Consort (fest. Artdanthé) – Théâtre de Vanves 31. L'émeute philharmonique de SEC + Kouma + Polar Polar Polar Polar + Stratocastors + Joujou – La Parole errante (Montreuil) 31. 14anger – tba 31. Arnaud Rebotini – Nuits fauves
Avril 04. Suuns – Elysée Montmartre 05. Michaela Antalova + Amundsen + On lâche les chiens – Le Zorba (gratuit) 05. UUUU – Espace B 05. Dance with the Dead + Christine + Mlada Fronta + Confrontational + Midnight Danger – Gibus 06. Le Prince Harry + Whispering Sons + The Guru Guru + It It Anita + Empereur – Supersonic 06. Le singe blanc + Nohaybanda! + Casse gueule – Cirque électrique 06. NSI (Tobias & Max Loderbauer) + Sendai Soundsystem (Peter Van Hoesen & Yves De Mey) + ENA + Izabel – Concrete 07. Nozomi Misawa & Marion Bataille (fest. Raccords) – Bibliothèque Françoise-Sagan (gratuit sur résa) 07. Terminal Cheesecake + GuiliGuiliGoulag + Sweet Williams + Futuroscope – Espace B 10. Jamie Stewart joue Xiu Xiu – Olympic café 10. Structure + Walking Idiots + Oktober Lieber – Le Klub 10. John Olson + Nate Young + Regression + Henry & Hazel Slaughter + Stare Case + Wolf Eyes + Evil Moisture – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 11. JC Satàn + Cockpit – La Maroquinerie 12. The Ex + Anarchist Republic of Bzzz (fest. Banlieues bleues) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 13. Amusement Parks on Fire + Ulster Page + Misty Coast – Supersonic (gratuit) 13. DJ Krush – La Bellevilloise 13. La secte du futur – La Station 14. Dominique a + My Brightest Diamond – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 14. Infecticide + Exo_C + Randy x Marsh + Mauvaise foi + Forge (Monospace fest.) – Petit Bain 14. Techno Thriller – La Station 14. Badbad – 2, rue Paul-Eluard (Montreuil) 14. Function + Shifted – La Machine 14. Lil Louis + Josh Wink + Ellen Allien + Levon Vincent + Acid Arab + Paranoid London + Wlderz + Thomas Delacroix – Paris Event Center 15. Dominique a + Adrian Crowley – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 18. Chrysta Bell – La Maroquinerie 19. Christian Death + Punish Yourself + Volker – La Machine 19. Peter Kernel – Point FMR 19. Carole Robinson, Buno Martinez & Charles Curtis : "Naldjorlak I, II et III" d'Éliane Radigue – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 20. Idles + Lice – Trabendo 20. Die Selektion – Supersonic 21. Igorrr + Niveau Zero – Trabendo 21. Yan Wagner + Tristesse contemporaine (fest. Clap Your Hands) – Café de la danse 22. The Body + Fange – Olympic café 24>26. Franck Vigroux & Kurt d'Haeseleer – La Pop 26. Ought + Foammm – La Maroquinerie 26. Wrekmeister Harmonies – Espace B 26. A Place To Bury Strangers – Trabendo 27. Popsimonova + Sleep Loan Sharks – Le Klub 28. She Past Away + Lebanon Hanover + Selofan – La Machine 28. Arcade Fire – Bercy Arena 28. Rhys Chatham + Krikor Kouchian + Chloé & Vassilena Serafimova – Centre Pompidou 30. Koudlam + Bajram Bili + Pointe du lac – La Maroquinerie 30. Iron Fist of The Sun + Am Not + Kevlar + Kontinent – Les Voûtes
Mai 07. Iceage + Pardans – Petit Bain 10. Derya Yildirim & Grup Simsek + Stranded Horse (Le Beau fest.) – La Petite Halle 11. And Also the Trees + Tropic of Cancer + Better Person + En attendant Ana + Magic Island (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 12. Deerhoof + Ulrika Spacek + First Hate + Good Morning + Pantin plage (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 13. God is an Astronaut – Trabendo 14. Bryan's Magic Tears + Le Villejuif Underground + VVVV – La Maroquinerie (gratuit sur résa) 19. Yo La Tengo – Cabaret sauvage 19. Deux boules vanille (fest. Switch) – Théâtre de Vanves 20. Biscuit Mouth + Melkbelly + Storm{o} + BadBad – Espace B 20. SNTS (Marvellous Island fest.) – Ile de loisirs (Vaires-Torcy) 23. Otomo Yoshihide + Kaze – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 24. Otomo Yoshihide & Chris Pitsiokos + Ikuro Takahashi – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 24. HMLTD + Faire (dj) – Petit Bain 25. Mogwai + Jon Hopkins + James Holden & The Animal Spirits (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 26. Car Seat Headrest + Naked Giants (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 26. Marquis de Sade + Anna Von Hausswolff + Exploded View (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 29. The Damned – Petit Bain 29. Deerhunter + Midnight Sister (Villette sonique) – Cabaret sauvage 30. John Maus + Flat Worms + Kate NV (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 30. Klimperei – tba 30. Igorrr + Ni – Les Cuizines (Chelles)
Juin 02. Penguin Café – Fondation Cartier 02/03. Björk + Beck + Jamie XX + King Krule + Father John Misty + Migos... (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 09. Trisomie 21 – La Maroquinerie 11. Preoccupations – La Maroquinerie 12. Damo Suzuki's Network – Espace B 13. L7 – La Cigale 14. Ty Segall & The Freedom Band + Mike Donovan – Bataclan 15/16. Ryoji Ikeda : "Formula - c4i - Datamatics" – Centre Pompidou 22. Modern Life Is War + Cro Mags – Petit Bain 25. Nine Inch Nails – Olympia ||COMPLET|| 27. The Jesus & Mary Chain – Le Trianon 29>01.07. Motor City Drum Ensemble + Antal + Golden Dawn Archestra + Tin Man + A Deep Groove + Josey Rebelle + Toshio Matsuura + Cotonete + Zaltan + Lomboy + Ceephax Acid Crew + Nick V + Saint DX (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 30. Echo Collective joue "Amnesiac" de Radiohead (fest. Days Off) – Le Studio|Philharmonie 30. Nils Frahm (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
Juillet 03. David Byrne (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 04. MGMT (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 06. Trami Nguyen et Laurent Durupt jouent "Piano Phase" de Steve Reich + Bruce Brubaker + Laake + Fabrizio Rat + Murcof & Vanessa Wagner + Tom Rogerson + Grandbrothers (fest. Days Off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 06. Amelie Lens + Daniel Avery + Floating Points + Folamour + Jeff Mills + Laurent Garnier + Kink b2b Gerd Janson + Not Waving + Solomun... (The Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 07. Richie Hawtin + Tale of Us + Charlotte de Witte + Chloé + Maetrik + Mano Le Tough + Octo Octa + Joy Orbison b2b Kornel Kovacs (The Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 08. Maulwürfe – La Gaîté lyrique 09. Eels – Olympia
Septembre 22. The Wedding Present – Point FMR
Novembre Michael Nyman : "War Work: 8 Songs with Film" – Salle Pleyel
Décembre 01. Deux boules vanille (fest. Marathon!) – La Gaîté lyrique
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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beautifclminds · 7 years
below the cut, you will find a list of my current muses. the bold names are primary characters. if there is an * next to it, it indicates an oc / a canon child with an older fc / or a canon character with a different fc. i’ll be making individual starters on a sidebblog for them over the next few days and then making a masterpost here. i also have a note next to each fandom name as to how far into the series i currently am up to.
the 100 (season 2)
abigail griffin
bellamy blake
clarke griffin
finn collins
jasper jordan
monty green
octavia blake
raven reyes
wells jaha
american horror story: coven
cordelia foxx
kyle spencer
madison montgomery
misty day
zoe benson
american horror story: hotel
billie dean howard
detective john lowe
james patrick march
sally mckenna
american horror story: murder house
ben harmon
tate langdon
violet harmon
vivien harmon
the big bang theory (season 8)
amy farrah-fowler
*april hofstadter
bernadette rostenkowski-wolowitz
*halle wolowitz
*hayden wolowitz
howard wolowitz
leonard hofstadter
penny hofstadter
rajesh koothrappali
sheldon cooper
*stephen cooper
criminal minds (season 12)
aaron hotchner
*alexandra hotchner
*amelia hotchner
*annabelle lamontagne
*aria hotchner-reid
beth clemmons
*brooklyn reid-morgan
*carter hotchner
david rossi
derek morgan
*desiree morgan
emily prentiss
*erin morgan
*gabriella hotchner-morgan
*hadley reid
*haley brooks
*hank spencer morgan
*henry lamontagne
*jack hotchner
*jasmine hotchner-morgan
*michael lamontagne
*nathan hotchner
penelope garcia
*rylee rossi
*sarah morgan
savannah hayes-morgan
will lamontagne
divergent (book & movie canon)
caleb prior
peter hayes
tobias eaton
tris prior 
er (season 8)
carol hathaway
doug ross
*emma greene
john carter
*kate ross
mark greene
*rachel greene
*tess ross
the flash (season 2)
barry allen
iris west
the fosters (season 2)
brandon foster
callie adams-foster
jesus adams-foster
lena adams-foster
mariana adams-foster
stef adams-foster
friends (entire series)
*ben geller
*emma geller-green
*erica bing
*jack bing
*josephine tribbiani
*penelope tribbiani
fuller house (entire series)
alexander katsopolis
dj tanner fuller
jackson fuller
*jerry gladstone
*joan gladstone
*lewis gladstone
max fuller
michelle tanner
nicholas katsopolis
*phyllis gladstone
ramona gibbler
stephanie tanner
girl meets world (entire series)
cory matthews
farkle minkus
*hannah hunter
katy hart hunter
lucas friar
maya hart hunter
riley matthews
shawn hunter
topanga matthews
glee (entire series)
*alayna schuester
*anthony duval
blaine anderson
*christopher schuester
cooper anderson
*daniel schuester
*danielle sterling-duval
dave karofsky
*destinie anderson
emma pillsbury schuester
*evan schuester
*frannie fabray
*hannah clarington
hunter clarington
*isabelle schuester
jeff sterling
*jessica sterling
kurt hummel
marley rose
nick duval
rachel berry
sam evans
*samantha schuester
santana lopez
*savannah smythe
sebastian smythe
will schuester
harry potter (book & movie canon)
*albus severus potter
*astoria greengrass
*dominique weasley
*elianna malfoy
*fred weasley II 
ginny weasley 
harry potter
hermione granger
*hugo weasley
*james sirius potter
*lily luna potter
*louis weasley
*lucy weasley
*molly weasley II
nymphadora tonks
*rebecca potter
remus lupin
ron weasley
*rose weasley
*roxanne weasley
*sabrina snape
*scorpio malfoy
severus snape
sirius black
*teddy lupin
*trinity lupin
*victoire weasley
how to get away with murder (season 2)
asher millstone
connor walsh
laurel castillo
michaela pratt
oliver hampton
rebecca sutter
wes gibbins
the hunger games (book & movie canon)
annie cresta
finnick odair
gale hawthorne
haymitch abernathy
*lucilla abernathy
peeta mellark
primrose everdeen
*rowan odair
*rye mellark
*willow mellark
ncis (season 5)
abby sciuto
anthony dinozzo
*brianna gibbs
caitlin todd
emily fornell
leroy jethro gibbs
*tali david-dinozzo
timothy mcgee
tobias fornell
ziva david
pretty little liars (entire series)
alison dilaurentis
aria montgomery
caleb rivers
emily fields
ezra fitz
hanna marin
mona vanderwaal
spencer hastings
toby cavanaugh
fitz grant
jake ballard
*kennedy grant
mellie grant
olivia pope
the secret life of the american teenager (entire series)
adrian lee
amy juergens
ashley juergens
ben boykewich
grace bowman
lauren treacy
madison cooperstein
ricky underwood
shameless (season 7)
debbie gallagher
fiona gallagher
ian gallagher
lip gallagher
switched at birth (entire series)
bay kennish
daphne vasquez
emmett bledsoe
toby kennish
travis barnes
twilight (movie & book canon)
alice cullen
angela weber
edward cullen
emmett cullen
eric yorkie
esme cullen
bella swan cullen
jacob black
jasper hale
jessica stanley
mike newton
renesmee cullen
rosalie hale
tyler crowley
the walking dead (up to date / tv show only)
beth greene
*bianca grimes
carl grimes
daryl dixon
*judith grimes
lori grimes
*mackenzie jo anderson
rick grimes
shane walsh
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thebgo · 6 years
BGO Staff Picks 2018
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The fine folks who put in the work behind the counters at Beat Goes On stores all over the world have humbly submitted for you their lists of their most favourite albums, movies, TV shows, games, concerts and other miscellany for your approval.  Enjoy responsibly.
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1. Foxing - Nearer My God
2. mewithoutYou - Untitled
3. boygenius - boygenius ep
4. Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel
5. Thrice - Palms
1. The XX
2. Foxing
3. Toe
4. mewithoutYou
5. Tokyo Police Club
1. Jim James - Unified Distortion
2. Voidz - Virtue
3. Father John Misty - God’s Favorite Customer
4. Johnny Marr - Call The Comet
5. Gorillaz - Not Now
6. Greta Van Fleet - Album Of The Peaceful Army
7. Roger Daltrey - As Long As I Have You
8. Iggy Pop & Underworld - Tea Time Dub Encounters
9. Mudhoney - Digital Garbage
10. Neil Young - Songs For Judy
2. Dark Tourist
3. Kominsky Method
4. Final Space
5. Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee
1. Sherlock Gnomes
2. Incredibles 2
3. Peter Rabbit
4. The Grinch
5. Hotel Transylvania 3
1. Neil Young - Songs For Judy
2. Alice In Chains - Rainer Fog
3. Johnny Marr - Call The Comet
4. Jack White - Boarding House Reach
1. Avengers: Infinity War
2. Black Panther
3. Mission Impossible: Fallout
1. Dinosaur Jr. at Danforth Music Hall, Toronto
2. Jack White at Budweiser Gardens, London
1. A Perfect Circle - Eat The Elephant
2. Johnny Marr - Call The Comet
3. Leon Bridges - Good Thing
4. Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
5. MGMT - Little Dark Age
1. Janelle Monae - Dirty Computer
2. Young Fathers - Cocoa Sugar
3. Dan Mangan - Love Is Magic
4. MGMT - Little Dark Age
1. A Quiet Place
2. Upgrade
3. Annihilation
4. Mario
5. Black Panther
1. Spider-Man
2. Starlink: Battle For Atlas
3. Hitman 2
4. A Way Out
5. Donut Country
1. Broken Social Scene at Supercrawl, Hamilton
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1. Gorillaz - The Now Now
2. Beach House - 7
3. Mitski - Be The Cowboy
4. Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
5. Cat Power - Wanderer
1. The Meg
2. Black Panther
3. Coco
4. Avengers: Infinity War
5. Bohemian Rhapsody
1. Mother Mother - Dance & Cry
2. A Perfect Circle - Eat The Elephant
3. Gorillaz - The Now Now
4. Metric - Art Of Doubt
5. Florence + The Machine - High As Hope
1. Deadpool 2
2. Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse
3. Black Panther
4. Coco
5. Incredibles 2
1. Life Is Strange: Before The Storm
2. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider
3. Detroit: Become Human
4. Spider-Man
5. The Walking Dead: The Final Season
1. Metric - Art Of Doubt
2. Mother Mother - Dance & Cry
3. Muse - Simulation Theory
4. Gorillaz - The Now Now
5. Florence + The Machine - High As Hope
1. Black Panther
2. Deadpool 2
3. Ocean’s 8
4. Annihilation
5. The Spy Who Dumped Me
1. Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
2. Jack White - Boarding House Reach
3. Mitski - Be The Cowboy
4. Father John Misty - God’s Favorite Customer
5. Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel
1. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
3. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
4. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
5. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
1. Mitski - Be The Cowboy
2. Parquet Courts - Wide Awake
3. Kero Kero Bonito - Time ‘n’ Place
4. Brockhampton - Iridescence
5. Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel
1. Hereditary
2. Annihilation
3. Suspiria
4. Mandy
5. Eighth Grade
1. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
3. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
4. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
5. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
1. Dear Rouge - Phases
2. Metric - Art Of Doubt
3. Now Now - Saved
4. Frank Turner - Be More Kind
5. Chvrches - Love Is Dead
1. Crazy Rich Asians
2. Black Panther
3. Love, Simon
4. A Simple Favor
5. Widows
1. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider
2. Life Is Strange: Before The Storm
3. Detroit: Become Human
4. Spider-Man
5. The Walking Dead: The Final Season
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1. Tesseract - Sonder
2. A Perfect Circle - Eat The Elephant
3. The Ocean - Phanerozoic I: Palaezoic
4. Judas Priest - Firepower
5. Between The Buried & Me - Automata II
1. Solo: A Star Wars Story
2. Ready Player One
3. Avengers: Infinity War
4. Annihilation
5. Bohemian Rhapsody
1. Red Dead Redemption II
2. Sea Of Thieves
3. God Of War
4. Detroit: Become Human
5. A Way Out
1. Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
2. Muse - Simulation Theory
3. Twenty-One Pilots - Trench
4. Sleep - The Science
1. Bohemian Rhapsody
2. Venom
3. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald
4. Deadpool 2
5. Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse
1. Kurt Vile - Bottle It Up
2. A Perfect Circle - Eat The Elephant
3. Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel
4. Harm’s Way - Post Human
5. Judas Priest - Firepower
1. Avengers: Infinity War
2. Venom
3. Halloween
4. Deadpool 2
5. Ready Player One
1. Moby - Everything Was Beautiful & Nothing Hurt
2. The Decemberists - I’ll Be Your Girl
3. Sleep - The Sciences
4. Jonathan Davis - Labyrinth
5. 30STM - America
1. Black Panther
2. Avengers: Infinity War
3. Bohemian Rhapsody
4. Venom
5. Ant-Man & The Wasp
1. World Of Warcraft: Batle for Azeroth
1. Sleep - The Sciences
2. Brian Fallon - Sleepwalkers
3. Oh Sees - Smote Reverser
4. Kamasi Washington - Heaven & Earth
5. Chvrches - Love Is Dead
Hon. Mentions: Nine Inch Nails - Bad Witch, Black Panther OST
1. Disenchantment
2. Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina
3. Final Space
4. Haunting Of Hill House
5. Hilda
1. Black Panther
2. Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse
3. A Quiet Place
4. Avengers: Infinity War
5. Isle Of Dogs
Hon. Mentions: Aquaman, Bumblebee, Happytime Murders
1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles OST (1990)(Orange & Green Vinyl)
2. Fritz The Cat (Picture Disc)
3. Chris Cornell - When Bad Does Good (7″ w/Mother Love Bone Cover B-Side)
4. Primus reissues
5. Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit - Live At The Twist & Shout
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1. Sleep - The Sciences
2. Sumac - Love In Shadow
3. High On Fire - Electric Messiah
4. YOB - Our Raw Heart
5. Baptists - Beacon Of Faith
1. mewithoutYou - Untitled LP & Untitled EP
2. Ben Howard - Noonday Dream
3. Slow Machete - Ola Mala
4. Mark Kozelek - Mark Kozelek
5. My Epic - Ultraviolet
Albums Discovered While Reading Year End Lists
1. Typhoon - Offerings
2. The Magic Lantern - To The Islands
3. Barbarossa - Lier
4. Valley Maker - Rhodedendron
5. Bas Jan - Yes I Jan
1. Transit
2. Annihilation
3. An Elephant Sitting Still
4. State Kitchen
5. Our Time
1. Efrim Manuel Menuck - Pissing Stars
2. (Ph)authers - (Ph)authers
3. Smallertide - All Among The Northern Lights
4. Tim Hecker - Konoyo
5. Hifiklub & Lee Ranaldo - In Doubt Shadow Him
6. Nadia Struiwigh - WHRRu
7. Hibernis - Middle Of The Meds
8. Felicia Atkinson & Jefre Cantu Ledesma - Limpid As The Solitudes
9. Low - Double Negative
10. Foudre! - Kami
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1. Neko Case - Hell-On
2. Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
3. Kamasi Washington - Heaven & Earth
4. John Coltrane - Both Directions At Once: The Lost Album
5. Esperanza Spalding - 12 Little Spells
1. A Quiet Place
2. The Mule
3. Welcome To Marwen
4. Ballad Of Buster Scruggs
5. BlacKkKlansman
Used Vinyl Finds
1. Starchild - Children Of The Stars
2. The Ramones - The Ramones
3. The Clash - Combat Rock
4. Tom Waits - Franks Wild Years
5. Paul Horn - Inside The Great Pyramid
6. The The - Infected
7. Herbie Hancock - Headhunters
8. Freddie Hubbard - First Light
9. Straight To Hell OST
10. Elvis Presley - Elvis Presley
BGO Used CD/DVD/Blu-ray Finds
1. The Hidden Fortress (1958)
2. Seven Samurai (1954)
3. Paper Moon (1973)
4. Metropolis (1927)
5. Tsuyoshi Yamamoto Trio - Midnight Sugar (1974)
1. Franz Ferdinand - Always Ascending
2. Riva Starr - Curveballs
3. The Sheepdogs - Changing Colours
4. Paul McCartney - Egypt Station
5. The Good, The Bad & The Queen - Merrie Land
Vinyl Reissues
1. Katamari Damacy OST
2. The Rutles - All You Need Is Cash
3. XTC - Apple Venue Vol. 1
4. U2 - Achtung Baby
5. Liz Phair - Whitechocolatespaceegg
1. Yakuza 6: The Song Of Life
2. Fire Pro Wrestling
3. Burnout Paradise Remastered
4. Soul Calibur VI
5. Far Cry 5
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1. Joe Bonamassa - Redemption
2. Joe Bonamassa & Beth Hart - Black Coffee
3. Joe Bonamassa - British Blues Explosion
4. Buddy Guy - Blues Is Alive And Well
5. Billy Gibbons - Big Bad Blues
1. Heredity
2. A Quiet Place
3. Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse
4. Mandy
5. Upgrade
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1. Janelle Monae - Dirty Computer
2. Eyedress - Sensitive G
3. Florence + The Machine - High As Hope
4. Various - The Grinch OST
5. Metric - Art Of Doubt
1. Roma
2. The Death And Life Of John F. Donovan
3. Museo
4. Burning
5. Gloria Bell
Father John Misty - God’s Favorite Customer
Idles - Joy As An Act Of Resistance
JPEGMafia - Veteran
Mac Miller - Swimming
Saba - Care For Me
1. Jeff Rosenstock - Post
2. Tribulation - Down Below
3. Father John Misty - God’s Favorite Customer
4. Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats - Wasteland
5. Andrew W.K. - You’re Not Alone
1. First Reformed
2. The Favourite
3. Mandy
4. Roma
5. Hereditary
Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy
Father John Misty - God’s Favorite Customer
Kids See Ghosts - Kids See Ghosts
MGMT - Little Dark Age
Ty Segall - Freedom’s Goblin
1. Hereditary
2. Eighth Grade
3. Boy Erased
4. Bohemian Rhapsody
5. Green Book
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1. Ty Segall - Freedom’s Goblin
2. Kurt Vile - Bottle It In
3. Low - Double Negative
4. Sleep - The Sciences
5. Kanye West - Ye
6. U.S. Girls - In A Poem Unlimited
7. Kacey Musgraves - Golden Hour
8. Sons Of Kemet - Your Queen Is A Reptile
9. Beach House - 7
10. Father John Misty - God’s Favorite Customer
1. Avengers: Infinity War
2. Bandersnatch
3. Annihilation
4. Eighth Grade
5. A Quiet Place
1. The Flaming Lips at Riverfest, Elora
2. Phil Collins at Scotiabank Place, Toronto
3. B.A. Johnson at Jane Bond, Waterloo
4. Father John Misty at Fort York, Toronto
5. BadBadNotGood at Maxwells, Waterloo
Favourite Things About New Waterloo Store
1. There’s room for a microwave
2. There’s an actual backroom
3. Used vinyl isn’t on the floor
4. Not fighting for space in a tiny triangle
5. The garage door
1.Idles - Joy As An Act Of Release
2. Pusha T - Daytona // Kids See Ghosts - Kids See Ghosts // Kanye West - Ye
3. Anna von Hausswolff - Dead Magic
4. Against All Logic - 2012-2017
5. Father John Misty - God’s Favorite Customer
6. Noname - Room 25
7. Parquet Courts - Wide Awake!
8. JPEGMafia - Veteran
9. U.S. Girls - In A Poem Limited
10. Kero Kero Bonito - Time ‘n’ Place
1. Burning
2. Ballad Of Buster Scruggs
3. Sorry To Bother You
4. BlacKkKlansman
5. Suspiria
6. Avengers: Infinity War
7. The Favourite
8. Mandy
9. You Were Never Really Here
10. Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse
Best Concert
Idles at Lee’s Palace, Toronto
Best Performance
Tom Waits in Ballad Of Buster Scruggs
Best Criterion Release
Ingmar Bergman’s Cinema
Best Single
Pusha T - The Story of Adidon (Shoutout to Drake from BGO Oakville)
1. A Perfect Circle - Eat The Elephant
2. VNV Nation - Noire
3. Ty Segall - Freedom’s Goblin
4. Father John Misty - God’s Favorite Customer
5. Nine Inch Nails - Bad Witch
6. Chvrches - Love Is Dead
1. Final Space
2. Disenchantment
3. Killjoys
4. The Tick
5. Legion
6. Letterkenny
1. Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse
2. Black Panther
3. Isle Of Dogs
4. A Quiet Place
5. Bumblebee
6. Teen Titans Go To The Movies
1. Mark Lanegan - With Animals
2. Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel
3. Father John Misty - God’s Favorite Customer
4. Neko Case - Hell-On
5. Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
6. Ryan Bassett & The Bassett Hounds - Bitches Be Hustlin’ Da Dancin’ Shoes
1. Hereditary
2. BlacKkKlansman
3. Annihilation
4. Isle Of Dogs
5. Dumpsty Scott Brings The Sausages
1. Chvrches - Love Is Dead
2. Shad - A Short Story About War
3. Father John Misty - God’s Favorite Customer
4. Deafheaven - Ordinary Corrupt Human Love
5. Same Fears - Glitching
6. Lissie - Castles
7. Jeff Rosenstock - Post
8. The 1975 - A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships
9. Thom Yorke - Suspiria
10. Antarctigo Vespucci - Love In The Time Of Email
1. Final Space
1. Mandy
2. Annihilation
3. You Were Never Really Here
4. Incredibles 2
5. Hereditary
6. Sorry To Bother You
7. Suspiria
8. Disobediance
9. Black Panther
10. Eighth Grade
1. “De-Louse Your House: How I Learned To Live The (Mostly) Itch-Free Live” by Kyle Robb
2. “Ditch The Itch! The Wonders Of Talcum Powder” by Kyle Robb
3. “Drywall & Me: How I Crafted A Personality” by K.R. Obb
4. “Growing Up In The 3rd Century” by Robert Kylington
5. “To Have & Have Not: A Chicken Pox Tale” by Kale Robe
1. Kurt Vile - Bottle It In
2. Father John Misty - God’s Favorite Customer
3. Sleep - The Sciences
4. Ty Segall - Freedom’s Goblin
5. Jack White - Boarding House Reach
6. Kanye West - Ye
7. Kyle Robb & The Robb Kyles - It’s Itchin’ My Tickley! (EP)
8. Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel
9. Neko Case - Hell-On
1. Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel
2. Beach House - 7
3. Father John Misty - God’s Favorite Customer
4. Ty Segall - Freedom’s Goblin
5. David Byrne - American Utopia
1. Pose
2. The Crown
3. Legion
4. BoJack Horseman
5. The Good Place
6. Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina
1. Hereditary
2. A Quiet Place
3. Crazy Rich Asians
4. Sorry To Bother You
5. BlacKkKlansman
6. Eighth Grade
1. The Americans
2. The Handmaid’s Tale
3. BoJack Horseman
4. Maniac
5. The Good Place
1. Slow Burn
2. Reply All
3. Serial
4. Stay Tuned With Preet
5. The Wilderness
1. Clutch - Book Of Bad Decisions
2. Neko Case - Hell-On
3. Brian Fallon - Sleepwalkers
4. Great Lake Swimmers - The Waves, The Wake
5. Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats - Tearing At The Seams
1. The Arkells - Rally Cry
2. John Butler Trio - Home
3. Buddy Guy - The Blues Is Alive & Well
1. The Last Ship
2. Letterkenny
3. Ballers
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rocksbackpages · 5 years
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The Writes of Spring tour brought Hawksley Workman, Amelia Curran, Donovan Woods and Tim Baker to Canada’s National Arts centre for their fourth stop, of a nine stop tour. It was a wonderfully laid back night full of innuendos, hockey talk and awkward giggles!
The Writes of Spring: Official Tour Poster by Renée Doiron
Going into The Writes of Spring, I had very little in terms of expectations. I was essentially going in blind, and I loved it! I wish I could attend every concert with no expectations and a very limited knowledge on the artists. This allowed me to appreciate every moment and be mesmerized by the music.
The artists performed four songs each, taking turns down the line.
Hawksley Workman
Hawksley kicked off the night by playing host and MC, introducing the other three singer-songwriters, and telling us all that if at any point we didn’t like what they were presenting, to listen to the exit signs and walk out. He even marvelled at how, here in Ottawa, our signs have arrows, ensuring we know exactly where to exit.
He couldn’t believe how many people were there (the theatre was practically full!) and kept reiterating that we had no good reason to be here – no one likes songwriters. Boy, did we ever prove him wrong! The crowd was engaged the entire night. Between Hawksley’s humour and the music, everyone was hanging on for the next word or note that would be fed to them. Having never attended a songwriting style show before, I was especially impressed.
After finishing telling us all we were crazy for coming out to see silly little songwriters, Hawksley proceeded to comment on Ottawa’s state of constant construction. Claiming that he’s impressed we all made it. Not simply from a lack of interest standpoint, but because of all the “circuitous paths” one had to endure to find the entrance. He even compared it to having to run the Terry Fox run just to make it in on time, showing up sweaty and out of breath, and coughing a little because of a cold.
Hawksley Workman by Renée Doiron
As can be seen, Hawksley kicked the Writes of Spring off immediately with some good natured humour and jokes at his own expense. It wasn’t long, however, until his jokes took a slightly … darker … turn. When observing and interacting with the crowd, Hawksley noticed 4 seats empty in the front row. He metaphorically referred to those seats as being the empty space in your mouth you’d tongue as a kid after losing a tooth. Even though it was small, your attention is constantly drawn to the gap. Now of course, regardless of the crowd, a statement such as tonguing the gap will bring some snickers throughout the audience. Hawksley quickly picked up on this, and proceeded to call out Ottawa on its randy, hot, and unrequited hyper sex vibe. As if asking us to prove his point, when he sang about an ignition and a key, he was greeted by giggles and titters throughout.
Hawksley Workman was not afraid to stop a song and try something new, he interacted with the crowd constantly, and clearly fed off their energy. He was constantly playing with his vocal abilities, showing his incredible range and different styles. He entertained us with songs, both new and old, although he apologized profusely for singing the new stuff. Claiming that new songs should be saved for those you really trust to tell you they’re crap, and not pulled out in concert. This was a tiny jab at Tim Baker, who started with something new. Hawksley felt the need to tease the kid.
The song that Hawksley performed that resonated the most with me, was Birds in Train Stations. It was a sweet song, with a funny tone, that was relatable. He pointed out the cheesy lines midway through the song, which only added to the experience for me.
Amelia Curran
Amelia Curran by Renée Doiron
After Hawklsey Workman’s first song, it was Amelia Curran’s turn to dazzle us all. She started by walking up to the mic and giggling. You could tell that she was one of those people who embraced their awkwardness. Often introducing her songs with something to the effect of: K, I’m gonna sing now. This was a breath of fresh air because it made her seem real. She was relatable, in that she wasn’t super scripted, and she was just overall very sweet. She started things off with a lulling ballad and I was immediately drawn in. Her voice was so soulful and her passion just emanated through the music.
My favourite performance by Amelia was her song The Mistress. She introduced it by saying that everything in this song is true, except for the title. After that, she sang a hauntingly beautiful tune that drew you in, and you just had to close your eyes to appreciate.
Donovan Woods
Donovan Woods by Renée Doiron
Once Curran’s first song was over, it was Donovan Woods’ turn to capture us all with his humour and punchy, straight-to-the-point, style. His first interaction with the audience was to tell us that Tim McGraw has tiny jeans. Woods then proceeded to tell a story of how once, when he had travelled to Nashville, he was writing with McGraw in his home. Donovan couldn’t believe the smallness of Tim’s pants, coupled with the vastness of the couch where he was sitting. He said “It was literally the smallest pair of jeans on the biggest couch you’ve ever seen”. This story had the audience laughing and also seemed to install some respect in everyone. They realized that you must be talented if you’re sitting on McGraw’s couch, songwriting with the respected country artist.
Woods’ voice was not what I would have expected, although still incredible! He sang very close to mic and created this, almost hum, with every note he sang. His style and music was by far my favourite, but this could very well be because I am a country fan and his sound was very country-esque. This could also be because he appealed to my inner Canadian girl and referenced hockey.
Donovan was telling a story of how his song, Put on Cologne, came to be. Explaining that his friend Frasier experienced heartbreak in Cologne, Germany. And how Frasier wasn’t too thrilled that Woods had written a song about it. But hey, artists got to do their art, right Donovan? And this song paid off for Donovan when Erik Karlsson (of the Ottawa Senators), with his dreamy long hair, once tweeted at Woods about this song. Woods couldn’t believe that famous hockey players listened to his sappy love folk songs.
After this revelation, Hawksley had to tell the story about when Mike Bossy sent him a signed jersey. Bossy sent the jersey with a note to tell Workman that he did not shoot it wide, contrary to what was stated in his song Warhol’s Portraits of Gretzky. He mused over the fact that, while Bossy did send him a reply, he had yet to hear anything from Gretzky. Maybe the Writes of Spring will be your chance Hawksley! Gretzky can finally know how pretty bloody sexy that portrait really is.
Tim Baker
Tim Baker of Hey Rosetta! by Renée Doiron
The final artist we heard from, before the order repeated itself was Tim Baker, from Hey Rosetta!. Although we had seen some samplings of his piano abilities when Hawksley asked him for a solo, we hadn’t heard much from the singer songwriter. Tim was a ball of energy, who was clearly passionate about, not only his music but the other three artists’ music as well. He had a quick laugh and wasn’t afraid to try new things in front of the audience, usually in the form of some free style on the piano. Tim Baker showed his diverse artistic abilities, playing the piano, guitar and hitting us with his vocals flawlessly.
My favourite Tim moment is when he was describing the song Welcome. Baker explained that the inspiration hit when talking to his friend’s unborn child. Tim was embarrassed to admit that it wasn’t until telling this story to another friend, that he was made aware that you’re not supposed to talk to pregnant bellies. He didn’t know that most women do not enjoy having their bellies spoken to. Although, I think we can all agree to forgive him, as the result was Hey Rosetta!’s beautifully sad song Welcome.
Overall, the night was a great success! Full of belly laughs and misty eyes, the Writes of Spring brought us through a plethora of emotions and finished us off on a high note. For the encore, all four artists came back on stage to perform the Traveling Wilbury’s Handle With Care.
To learn more about these artists, visit: Hawksley Workman here, Amelia Curran here, Donovan Woods here and Tim Baker here.
More photos by Renée Doiron from Writes of Spring
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Tim Baker of Hey Rosetta! by Renée Doiron
Tim Baker of Hey Rosetta! by Renée Doiron
NAC Theatre pre-show
The Writes of Spring: Official Tour Poster by Renée Doiron
Hawksley Workman by Renée Doiron
Hawksley Workman by Renée Doiron
Hawksley Workman by Renée Doiron
Hawksley Workman by Renée Doiron
Hawksley Workman by Renée Doiron
Amelia Curran by Renée Doiron
Amelia Curran by Renée Doiron
Donovan Woods by Renée Doiron
Hawksley Workman by Renée Doiron
Writes of Spring’s Hawksley Workman Brings an Unrequited Hyper Sex Vibe to Ottawa The Writes of Spring tour brought Hawksley Workman, Amelia Curran, Donovan Woods and Tim Baker to Canada's National Arts centre for their fourth stop, of a nine stop tour.
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uneminuteparseconde · 7 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Mars 13. Luminous Bodies + Klarinetthor + Enob – Espace B 14. Balmorhea + Martyn Heyne – Point FMR 14. I Hate Model + Marc.Andrea + Sina – Rex Club 15. Astéréotypie (fest. Sonic Protest) – Médiathèque musicale (gratuit) 15. Arto Lindsay + Seijiro Murayama & Thomas Brinkmann + Masami Kawaguchi (fest. Sonic Protest) – Eglise Sant-Merry 15. Mathias Delplanque + Club Cactus – Espace B 15. Esmerine – Point FMR 15. C.A.R. – Badaboum 15. Regina Demina + Sentimental Rave – Palais de Tokyo 15. Elsa Quintin + Ivan Samokrutkin + Dispoition Matrix – Bar Oued Rhiou 15. Octave Courtin + Emmanuelle Gibello + Frédéric Mathevet + Hélène Singer + Alexandra Spence + Jean-Charles François & Nicolas Sidoroff + Kwangrae Kim – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 15. Maud Geffray & Lavinia Meijer jouent Philip Glass (fest. Paris Music) – Eglise Saint-Eustache ||COMPLET|| 16. The Altered Hours – Supersonic (gratuit) 16. Morton Subotnick, Alec Empire & Lillevan + Kevin Drumm (fest. Sonic Protest) – Eglise Saint-Merry 16. Koki Nakano & Vincent Ségal – Le Bal 16. Virginie Despentes & Zëro + Dream Wife + The Pack AD + La Pietà + Léonie Pernet (fest. Les femmes s'en mêlent) – La Machine 16. Minimal Syndicat + Illnurse + Murd + The DJ Producer – Glazart 16. Pär Grindvik + SHXCXCHCXSH + Nozen – Nuits fauves 17. Dick Voodoo + Bockers + Walking Idiots – Supersonic (gratuit) 17. Hélène Breschand & Wilfried Wendling : "Imaginarium" – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) (gratuit) 17. Panico Panico + The Absolute Never + Thharm – Pointe Lafayette 17. Vox Low – La Station 17. Arnaud Rebotini + Etienne Jaumet (dj)... (fest. Paris Music) – L'Aérosol 17. Maher Shalal Hash Baz + Mick Harris aka Fret + Russell Haswell + ZB Aids + Paddy Steer + Thomas Tilly + Terrine + Satan (fest. Sonic Protest) – L'Echangeur (Bagnolet) 17. British Murder Boys + Lucy + Dasha Rush + Anetha – Terminal 7 17. Chloé + Curses – Nuits fauves 17. Neil Landstrumm + Fallbeil + ADC 303 + Soul Edifice –  Petit Bain 17. Overmono (Truss & Tessela) + 138 + Ontal + Mayeul + JKS + Airod + Ossian + Gëinst + Kuss + Moth + Jusaï + 16H07 + Absurd + The Engineer – tba 19. Koban + IV Horsemen + Night Night – Supersonic (gratuit) 19. Fever Ray – Olympia 20. Hackedepicciotto – Walrus (gratuit) 20. Les Tambours du Bronx + Acyl – La Machine 21. Hackedepicciotto + Phoenician Drive + Maninkari – Supersonic (gratuit) 21. Egopusher – Centre culturel suisse 21. OD Bongo + Qonicho Ah + Nuage magique – Pointe Lafayette 22. Jean-Philippe Renoult & Dinah Bird : musique pour "Absynth" de HeHe (Biennale Nemo) – WIP 22. Goran Bregovic & l'orchestre des mariages et des enterrements – Salle Pleyel 22. Petra pied de biche – Pointe Lafayette 23. Oren Ambarchi (dj) – Chair de poule (gratuit) 23. PurForm + TRDLX (Biennale Nemo) – Grande Halle de La Villette 23. Pierre Henry (diff.) + Anabelle Playe + John Chantler + Bill Orcutt + Anthony Child (Présences électronique) (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 23. Hey Colossus + Grey Hairs – Espace B 23. Delacave – Supersonic 23. Zombie Zombie – Le Plan (Ris-Orangis) 23. Paula Temple + Tommy Four Seven + Umfang – Nuits fauves 24. Alva Noto & Anne-James Chaton : "Alphabet" (Biennale Nemo) – Grande Halle de La Villette 24. Else Marie Pade + :such: + Bellows + Phonophani + The Caretaker (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 24. Youth Code + Carpenter Brut – Olympia 24. Jessica93 + JC Satàn – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 25. Jacques Lejeune + Chris Corsano + Ben Vida & Marina Rosenfeld + Mads Emil Nielsen + Gravetemple (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 25. Alarm + Trashley + Pour X raisons – La Comedia (Montreuil) 29. Chicaloyoh + KosmoSuna – Le Zorba (gratuit) 29. Bleib Modern – Supersonic (gratuit) 29. Drame + Le Réveil des tropiques – Centre Barbara-FGO 29. Angry Skeletons + Laurence Wasser – Pointe Lafayette 29. Collateral + Le Casquette tour + Grégoire Bruno + Allister Sinclair + Gérard Jugno 106 + Macmann – L'International 29. Laurent Garnier + Scan X – Rex club 30. Orval Carlos Sibelius + Domotic – Le Zorba (gratuit) 30. Luminance + Pure Ground + Bunker Bal (dj) + Haktion (dj) + Dasz (dj) – Le Klub 30. Polar Inertia + Shlømo + Luigi Tozzi + Twin Peaks – Concrete 31. Schlaasss + Petosaure + Enfance de merde – Supersonic (gratuit) 31. Maulwürfe (fest. Artdanthé) – Théâtre de Vanves 31. The Noise Consort (fest. Artdanthé) – Théâtre de Vanves 31. L'émeute philharmonique de SEC + Kouma + Polar Polar Polar Polar + Stratocastors + Joujou – La Parole errante (Montreuil) 31. BIC + Kasper Toeplitz – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 31. 14anger – tba 31. Arnaud Rebotini – Nuits fauves
Avril 01. Olden Yolk + Delphine Dora – Espace B 04. Suuns – Elysée Montmartre 05. Michaela Antalova + Amundsen + On lâche les chiens – Le Zorba (gratuit) 05. UUUU – Espace B 05. Dance with the Dead + Christine + Mlada Fronta + Confrontational + Midnight Danger – Gibus 05. Eric Chenaux + Bass Clef – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 06. Le Prince Harry + Whispering Sons + The Guru Guru + It It Anita + Empereur – Supersonic 06. Le singe blanc + Nohaybanda! + Casse gueule – Cirque électrique 06. NSI (Tobias & Max Loderbauer) + Sendai Soundsystem (Peter Van Hoesen & Yves De Mey) + ENA + Izabel – Concrete 07. Nozomi Misawa & Marion Bataille (fest. Raccords) – Bibliothèque Françoise-Sagan (gratuit sur résa) 07. Terminal Cheesecake + GuiliGuiliGoulag + Sweet Williams + Futuroscope – Espace B 10. Jamie Stewart joue Xiu Xiu – Olympic café 10. Structure + Walking Idiots + Oktober Lieber – Le Klub 10. Wolf Eyes Music 2018 + Evil Moisture + Delphine Dora & Sophie Cooper – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 11. JC Satàn + Cockpit – La Maroquinerie 12. The Ex + Anarchist Republic of Bzzz (fest. Banlieues bleues) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 13. Amusement Parks on Fire + Ulster Page + Misty Coast – Supersonic (gratuit) 13. DJ Krush – La Bellevilloise 13. La Secte du futur + Shiny Darkly + The Space Padlocks – La Station 14. Dominique a + My Brightest Diamond – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 14. Infecticide + Exo_C + Randy x Marsh + Mauvaise foi + Forge (Monospace fest.) – Petit Bain 14. Techno Thriller – La Station 14. Badbad – 2, rue Paul-Eluard (Montreuil) 14. Function + Shifted – La Machine 14. Lil Louis + Josh Wink + Ellen Allien + Levon Vincent + Acid Arab + Paranoid London + Wlderz + Thomas Delacroix – Paris Event Center 15. Dominique a + Adrian Crowley – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 18. Chrysta Bell – La Maroquinerie 19. Christian Death + Punish Yourself + Volker – La Machine 19. Peter Kernel – Point FMR 19. Carole Robinson, Buno Martinez & Charles Curtis : "Naldjorlak I, II et III" d'Éliane Radigue – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 20. Idles + Lice – Trabendo 20. Die Selektion + Gost + Hørd + Koy + Valeskja Valcav – Supersonic (gratuit) 21. Igorrr + Niveau Zero – Trabendo 21. Yan Wagner + Tristesse contemporaine (fest. Clap Your Hands) – Café de la danse 22. The Body + Fange – Olympic café 22. Norma Loy + Babel 17 – Supersonic (gratuit) 24>26. Franck Vigroux & Kurt d'Haeseleer – La Pop 25. Nine Eleven + Binaire + Unlogistic + Ayatollah – Le Klub 26. Ought + Foammm – La Maroquinerie 26. Wrekmeister Harmonies – Espace B 26. A Place To Bury Strangers – Trabendo 27. Popsimonova + Sleep Loan Sharks – Le Klub 28. She Past Away + Lebanon Hanover + Selofan – La Machine 28. Rhys Chatham + Krikor Kouchian + Chloé & Vassilena Serafimova – Centre Pompidou 28. Tomaga + Vanishing Twin + Veik – La Maroquinerie 28. Arcade Fire – Bercy Arena 30. Koudlam + Bajram Bili + Pointe du lac – La Maroquinerie 30. Iron Fist of The Sun + Am Not + Kevlar + Kontinent – Les Voûtes 30. Seth Troxler & Miss Kittin – Badaboum
Mai 03. Black Leather Jesus + Vomir + Rien – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 07. Iceage + Pardans – Petit Bain 10. Derya Yildirim & Grup Simsek + Stranded Horse (Le Beau fest.) – La Petite Halle 11. And Also the Trees + Tropic of Cancer + Better Person + En attendant Ana + Magic Island (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 12. Deerhoof + Ulrika Spacek + First Hate + Pantin plage + Le Couleur + [Good Morning : ANNULÉ] (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 13. God is an Astronaut – Trabendo 14. Bryan's Magic Tears + Le Villejuif Underground + VVVV – La Maroquinerie (gratuit sur résa) 15. Sinivia Alvise + Erwan Keravec & Mats Gustaffson + Orchestre orange & Gëinst (fest. Switch) – Théâtre de Vanves 17. Clément Edouard + Giani Caserotto + Elise Dabrowski & Claudine Simon (fest. Switch) – Théâtre de Vanves 18. Joachim Florent + Nox.3 & Linda Olah + Chassol (fest. Switch) – Théâtre de Vanves 19. Yo La Tengo – Cabaret sauvage 19. Deux boules vanille + Mondkopf + The Noise Consort (fest. Switch) – Théâtre de Vanves 20. Biscuit Mouth + Melkbelly + Storm{o} + BadBad – Espace B 20. SNTS (Marvellous Island fest.) – Ile de loisirs (Vaires-Torcy) 23. Otomo Yoshihide + Kaze – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 24. Otomo Yoshihide & Chris Pitsiokos + Ikuro Takahashi – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 24. HMLTD + Faire (dj) – Petit Bain 25. Mogwai + Jon Hopkins + James Holden & The Animal Spirits (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 26. Car Seat Headrest + Naked Giants (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 26. Marquis de Sade + Anna Von Hausswolff + Exploded View (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 29. The Damned – Petit Bain ||COMPLET|| 29. Deerhunter + Midnight Sister (Villette sonique) – Cabaret sauvage 30. John Maus + Flat Worms + Kate NV (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 30. The Damned – Petit Bain 30. Igorrr + Ni – Les Cuizines (Chelles)
Juin 02. Penguin Café – Fondation Cartier 02/03. Björk + Beck + Jamie XX + King Krule + Father John Misty + Migos... (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 07. Molly Nilsson – Badaboum ||COMPLET|| 08. Molly Nilsson – Badaboum 09. Trisomie 21 – La Maroquinerie 11. Preoccupations – La Maroquinerie 12. Damo Suzuki's Network – Espace B 13. L7 – La Cigale 14. Ty Segall & The Freedom Band + Mike Donovan – Bataclan 15. Bernard Grancher + Infecticide + Les Trucs – Centre Barbara-FGO 15/16. Ryoji Ikeda : "Formula - c4i - Datamatics" – Centre Pompidou 16. Vitalic (fest. Bains numériques) – Lac d'Enghien-lès-Bains (gratuit) 22. Modern Life Is War + Cro Mags – Petit Bain 25. Nine Inch Nails – Olympia ||COMPLET|| 27. The Jesus & Mary Chain – Le Trianon 29>01.07. Motor City Drum Ensemble + Antal + Golden Dawn Archestra + Tin Man + A Deep Groove + Josey Rebelle + Toshio Matsuura + Cotonete + Zaltan + Lomboy + Ceephax Acid Crew + Nick V + Saint DX (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 30. Echo Collective joue "Amnesiac" de Radiohead (fest. Days Off) – Le Studio|Philharmonie 30. Nils Frahm (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
Juillet 03. David Byrne (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 04. MGMT (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 06. Trami Nguyen et Laurent Durupt jouent "Piano Phase" de Steve Reich + Bruce Brubaker + Laake + Fabrizio Rat + Murcof & Vanessa Wagner + Tom Rogerson + Grandbrothers (fest. Days Off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 06. Amelie Lens + Daniel Avery + Floating Points + Folamour + Jeff Mills + Laurent Garnier + Kink b2b Gerd Janson + Not Waving + Solomun... (The Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 07. Richie Hawtin + Tale of Us + Charlotte de Witte + Chloé + Maetrik + Mano Le Tough + Octo Octa + Joy Orbison b2b Kornel Kovacs (The Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 08. Maulwürfe – La Gaîté lyrique 09. Eels – Olympia
Septembre 01. Ariel Pink (Paris Inter. Fest. of Psychedelic Music) – La Machine 04. Thee Oh Sees (Paris Inter. Fest. of Psychedelic Music) – La Cigale 22. The Wedding Present – Point FMR
Octobre 20. Tallinn Chamber Orchestra : Fratres, Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten, Adam's Lament, Salve Regina et Te Deum d'Arvo Pärt – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 26. Jon Hopkins – Trianon
Novembre 04. Peaches Christ Superstar – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Ensemble Links : Drumming de Steve Reich – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 23. Michael Nyman : "War Work: 8 Songs with Film" – Salle Pleyel
Décembre 01. Deux boules vanille (fest. Marathon!) – La Gaîté lyrique 09/10. Moriarty – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 15. Gaspar Claus – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Avril 14. Arnaud Rebotini joue la BO de "120 Battements par minute" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Mai 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Juin 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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