#mission season ❁ anniversary 2022 ❁
lualamina · 2 years
higan [Jertiza & Pelleas]
starter for @pirrhyc
There’s been word of crumbling ruins, remnants of an old town and its gravesite becoming overgrown with strange greenery. Beautiful though its blooms may be, superstition and old maid’s tales have painted it as a beautifully haunting omen for a disaster to come. To that effect, the neighboring villages are too afraid to venture and clear it up, avoiding any and all routes that might cross it, and so have pleaded for aid from every passerby willing to help. As you enter the mouth of the ruins to dispel their needless fears, however, you find that these are no mere ruins. The vines close the entryway from which you came, and, looking ahead, you find that the ruins are, in fact, a huge maze. To make matters worse, the vines that now prevent you from leaving don’t seem to be content to stop there. All around you, the labyrinth shifts and changes; the walls move, the plants snake and snap. You and your companion must hack and cut your way through and find a way out, lest you intend to bury yourselves in a grave that never needs to beg for flowers. [Grants Sword +1]
The ruins had been an eyesore. Rats darted between the crumbling houses, tangled weeds clambered over one another for the sunlight that baked the dusty earth, flower heads brown and balding. The pyres in the square still hid the bones of disease, for which the village had been abandoned decades ago, and the ghosts of the lost still roamed the streets restlessly when the moon was full. So the rumors went. But it was easier to carve a half-circle out of a journey around the village than to clean away the stories and the decay in which they had rooted.
The village was in a territory northeast of House Bartels. Jeritza had heard the stories growing up, but he supposed Fódlan had at least a dozen other villages that had grown into local legends over the years. When Mercedes left, so did his interest in the ghosts, and the stories faded away with the rest of his patchwork memories. It could have very well been wiped from history, for all he cared. For the villagers who lived in the area though, the stories grew and mutated until it was not simply a folk tale, but the portent of an untold disaster.
“Something is happening to Laagven...”
A middle-aged woman had grabbed Jeritza by the wrist when he set down a coin for his meal in a tavern a half a day away from the ruins, and held him desperately even when he recoiled at her touch.
“Please. You’re a knight. Please.”
Perhaps it was the name he had thought lost to memory, the reminder of stories by the hearth with his sister, or the resolution in the woman’s grey-blue eyes that made him think of his mother that convinced Jeritza to listen to the tale again, but he stayed long enough to hear her out. The story didn’t match what he remembered of it, but few things did these days, and the woman trembled as she recited a tale of a man and his friends who had ventured into the old village. Only one of them had made it back home, but he had collapsed within hours, foam and flowers as red as blood spilling from his mouth. The others - her husband among them - were written off as dead, too. Something had to be done, if not to save the lost, then to put the ruins to rest.
Jeritza had finished his last mission early, and loath to return to swinging mindlessly at straw effigies in the monastery, agreed to investigate on the woman’s behalf. Death did not scare him. He had nothing to lose.
The dusty ghost town of the old stories was buried deep beneath vibrant green leaves, snaking vines, and spidery, crimson blooms by now. Were that itself not so out of place, Jeritza might have passed the ruins in search of a memory that no longer existed. He drew his blade resolutely and cleaved a way through the thorns and branches, but like a wound healed by magic, the vines stitched shut behind him. Gloved fingers tightened around the hilt as he assessed the entranceway now once more overgrown. If cutting could get him through, then cutting would get him out again too. He set his eyes on the path ahead.
Birds didn’t sing here. That was the first thing Jeritza noticed as he walked, accompanied only by the sound of dried leaves underfoot. The second was that the flora was so dense in some places that it appeared to form nearly entire walls of flowers. But beyond that, he saw no sign of the missing men until he rounded a corner and nearly collided with one crouched by a row of multicolored blooms. He stepped back quickly, drawing a hunting knife from his belt and holding it in front with his left hand.
“Are you...” He scraped his memory for the name of the village he had just left. “... from Lockwood?”
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freedomarrow · 2 years
A Reunion Most Peculiar || Leonardo & Kurthnaga
@goldoandragonprince ; Any Skill +1
Leonardo has already heard prior to his arrival, that Lord Kurthnaga had scored himself a teaching position at the Academy, and he cannot help but find his interest piqued. To go from total isolation of his whole kind from the rest of the world, to sharing his knowledge and experience with the young generation of upcoming beorc knights, warriors and leaders - Leonardo had heard that the Dragon Prince intended to open Goldoa up to the rest of the world, and it would seem that he has chosen to do so in quite the... extreme way.
But of course, if it works, it works. Leonardo is certain the decision was well thought out and planned for.
What also makes him curious is seeing how well the laguz (whom, quite frankly, the archer is not sure whether he should call Your Majesty or Professor) has been mastering the art of beorc weaponry; a chance that, as it would seem, Leonardo will have soon, seeing him as his sparring partner for Sir Lanton’s event.
“Sire. Good morning,” he greets him with a light smile, opting for something kind of in between the two titles he had been considering. Honestly he is not even sure if Kurthnaga will recognize him; sure, they traveled together for a while, but it is not as though he was significant or anything.
In his hand is a light rapier, a weapon more suited for fencing than anything else, really; as befits a training weapon, the tip is dull, unlikely to do any harm even if the wielder were to seriously try.
“It looks like we’re up against each other today. What do you have?”
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disgracedvessel · 2 years
Fate’s Sense of Humor [Julius & Seliph]
starter for @virtuoustyrfing
The Academy is always hard at work inventing new and extraordinary methods of helping its pupils find their true potential. One day, an announcement appears on the board, inviting all those interested in discovering something new about themselves to Lieutenant Lanton’s Loose Lottery. The idea is simple: Lieutenant Lanton hands you a weapon and puts you in front of another participant for you to spar with. The catch? You receive the first item he happened to grab and have to work with it, no matter what it is. No second chances! [Grants Any Skill +1]
“You can not be serious.” Julius held out the battered pole the upright Lieutenant Lanton had handed him after he called his name to the center of the training hall, and watched the way the musty, faded cloth scraps of the mophead droop languidly at the other end. Their instructor regarded him with one raised brow, but the snickers and grins of the spectating students interested in seeing what this “lottery” was all about never reached his tightly drawn mouth nor his eyes, which were as hard and black as coal. He was serious. His face said that well enough. Nevertheless, Julius issued his challenge with a stare as if willing sparks to fly between them.
“This is a training exercise, my young pupil,” the man said at last, though the lines of age carved into his face looked even deeper and darker when he spoke. A joke is what it was, Julius thought, glowering, but Lieutenant Lanton was unflappable.
“If you find yourself unarmed in battle, knowing how to use what you have at your disposal - however unconventional it may be - could save your life.” He nodded toward the mop and Julius looked at it again. He couldn’t imagine a world where a cleaning tool was his only option, not when he could conjure flames from thin air, but he conceded with a huff and let the mophead drop downward, the back end of the pole now against the underside of his forearm. This obviously was to be a lesson for the others watching. Or entertainment. Julius threw his scowl to his opponent at the other end of the hall to avoid making eye contact with the grinning students waiting for a show.
Seliph had been called alongside his own name, and even now his blood ran cold with the memory of his final moments in Belhalla. The gleam of a blade and the pressure of a god that had stirred up a deep, primal fear Julius had never known he had. He could have even called it desperation - the need to survive. Nevertheless, the root of that fear had been severed, but his half-brother reminded him of its flowers still withering in the back of his mind. His knuckles turned white around the mop’s pole.
“So much for a rematch,” he called out sardonically to ease his own nerves. Lieutenant Lanton made his slow and deliberate walk back to the large box at the base of one of the room’s many columns where he had first retrieved Julius’ new weapon and began to sift through its mysterious contents. After a moment, he withdrew a rotting log speckled with mushrooms. Julius couldn’t suppress his bewildered sneer.
“And this one will be yours,” said Lieutenant Lanton, and carried the unconventional weapon to Seliph’s side.
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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Special Edition Magazine Commemorates 80th Anniversary of The Black Sheep Squadron
January 4, 2024 Vintage Aviation News Articles, Press Releases 0
United Fuel Cells
Gregory ‘Pappy’ Boyington was a Marine Corps fighter pilot and the commanding officer of the VMF-214 Black Sheep Squadron in the Pacific during World War II. Boyington was a leading flying ace, Prisoner of War, and a recipient of both the Navy Cross and Medal of Honor.
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Probably one of the most famous photos Col Greg ‘Pappy’ Boyington (Photo by Mike Schneider Collection)
Boyington’s Black Sheep VMF-214 began in 1943, so this is the reason for the 80th Anniversary. VMF-214 Swashbucklers was in existence before Boyington took over the squadron number with a new group of pilots. The Swashbucklers had been in combat operations and just lost their commanding officer, and while they were out on R&R, higher command decided they needed more squadrons in the fight, right about the time that Boyington was lobbying to get a squadron. So, on paper the command of VMF-214 was given to Boyington, he collected from the the replacement pool a nucleus of pilots and also added new pilots to start their “VMF-214, and they came up with a new moniker, the Black Sheep.
The U.S. Marine Corps’ Black Sheep squadron has served the nation continuously for 80 years. A new special edition magazine commemorates the milestone and their legacy.
“The WWII Black Sheep were among the most effective combat units and their achievements made them legendary,” said Kevin Gonzalez, the magazine’s creator. “An ace is a military aviator credited with downing five or more enemy aircraft during aerial combat, and there were nine Black Sheep pilots who became aces.”
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Boyington – Black Sheep Leader is a special edition magazine that features historical articles, archival photographs, and original graphic novel art. A special art section includes a depiction of Pappy’s last dogfight, when he and his wingman Captain George Ashmun, were both shot down during a strike mission over Rabaul. Boyington survived the dogfight and was captured at sea by the crew of a Japanese submarine. He was never officially reported as a prisoner by the Japanese and was secretly held prisoner for 30 months. Eventually, he found his path to military aviation through an aviation cadet program, which then led to the Marine Corps Reserve in 1937 and flight training at Naval Air Station Pensacola.
Boyington was allowed to leave the Marines to join the American Volunteer Group, also known as the Flying Tigers, where he gained combat experience flying against the Japanese. After the U.S. entered WWII, he returned rejoin to the USMC. He wrote about his experiences in his best-selling book BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP, published in 1958, which later became the basis for a popular NBC television series for two seasons in the 1970s.
Colonel Gregory Pappy Boyington died on Jan. 11, 1988, in Fresno, Calif., and was buried at Arlington National Cemetery. In 2007, the local airport added the commemorative name Coeur d’Alene Airport/Pappy Boyington Field. In 2019, Boyington was inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame.
The modern-day Black Sheep continues the squadron’s legacy. Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 214 (VMFA-214) is stationed at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma and flies the F-35 B Lightning II, the Marine Corps variant of the Joint Strike Fighter, manufactured by Lockheed Martin.
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On March 25, 2022, the squadron was redesignated as Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 214 (VMFA-214) as it began accepting new F-35B Lightning II aircraft from the Lockheed Martin factory in Fort Worth, Texas
“Many of the graphic artists who contributed to this project are military veterans,” said Gonzalez. “It’s exciting to see their artwork on the pages of this magazine.”
Boyington – Black Sheep Leader is a special edition magazine from the creator of the Pappy Boyington Field documentary film. More information about Boyington at the website: PappyBoyingtonField.com
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
Rewrite vs. Canon: Power Rangers series (Mighty Morphin' to Dino Fury)?
Note: If you can't do every PR season, that's fine. I understand and respect your decision. I recently discovered this trend from your ask posts from 2022, and I know it's currently 2023 at this point in time, but I thought of giving this trend a try; hell, maybe I might do this trend as well when I get the chance with my own rewrites).
P.S. Sorry about the long post from my last ask to you. I'll be more mindful of how long my ask posts are from now on.
Well it's basically my OCs inserted in the plot but here's a general rundown (im only going to Dino Charge because that's the last show I watched in full)
Maria and Bianca are african american twins, the former becoming mmpr purple and the latter being the school journalist
Originally maria was only going to be MMPR to Turbo 2nd half but I decided to keep her as Turbo Purple and have both her and Bianca travel to space with Maria becoming Space Violet. Bianca becomes a mission control for the team.
After Space ends, Maria and Bianca takes a long hiatus giving way for a new protagonist: Maggie Phenomenous.
Maggie is the Purple Space Ranger with Ice&Snow element. The twist is she didn't want to become a Ranger and felt it intruded on her civilian ofc she grows out of it & becomes less cold
After Galaxy, Maggie is given a job working for Lightspeed Rescue and befriends that series Purple Ranger; Alya Moon. Alya is a supernatural expert (she was gonna be a cop but I'm acab).
After Lightspeed, Alya learns of paranormal activity in another city which turns about to be time travel setting off the events of Time Force. There she meets the rowdy heiress Wendy Collins.
Wendy becomes that series' purple ranger and undergoes an arc about taking responsibility. She also has a romantic arc with Eric Meyers. I thought about making her Quantum Pink as a foil for Jen.
After Time Force, Wendy moves to a beach city (lol) and becomes involved with the events of Ninja Storm. Introduced to Alli Velasquez, the Ninja Storm Pink Ranger of Fire.
After Ninja Storm Alli gets a job as a teaching assistant at a local high school. At the same time, Rosalyn is starting her freshman year and becomes Dino Thunder Pink. Tommy already knows who Alli is.
After that we go to 2025 where the daughter of Maria is a Ranger for SPD. Her name is Amethyst "Amie" Lee Scott. A big change is Isinia: rather than being a plot device she's an actual character and formerly a Ranger herself but was captured by the bad guys. In the finale she stages a breakout & reunites with Doggie.
Back to 2005 we're introduced to the Triple Threat: Opalina, Octavia, and Olivia. Opalina is the Mystic Force Black Ranger and her power is gemstones. She's a stage magician who becomes a real one.
Overdrive gets a major OVERHAUL and becomes a legitimate adventure series also the Rangers don't quit when they lose their powers. Since it's meant to be an anniversary season we get updates to what the previous Rangers are doing including a Family Reunion. Octavia is the Purple Ranger and she doesn't have powers.
Olivia is the last triplet and a skilled martial artist. So impressed RJ offers her a spot on the team; later she becomes the pink ranger.
RPM has Mavis as the Pink Ranger.
Samurai is more cohesive in terms of lore: Jayden and Lauren's mother married a Japanese businessman who is also the leader of the Shiba Clan, making them explicitly adopted. But because of an injury Mr. Shiba is out of action leaving Lauren to step up to take care ot business duties while Jayden does all the demon hunting.
Silvia is that season's purple ranger of ice and snow bc i found out Antonio's powers are gold/metal based. Her arc is learning to make new friends after she moves away.
After, we go to Bobbi, a high school student and Silvia's friend from her old hometown. Bobbie becomes the season's Purple Ranger (Mega and Super Mega). Maria and Bianca makes their big return; Maggie and Leo are married and so is Wendy and Eric. poor Amie is forced to halt her wedding plans to go back in time to help her family. The series ends with Amie and Sky getting married in the present (well 2014)
After that, Maria gets a job at a dinosaur museum and gets involved in the Dino Charge season as a mentor for her younger cousin Frieda. She adjusts to being the Yellow Ranger. Cuz I don't know how you're gonna have a PR season and exclude one of the primary colors 🤔
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pixydew · 2 years
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&&.      ◜ tw:  none  ◞     %     …    🦋    ›     OCTAVIA  are  an  active ,  eight  piece  girl  group  that  debuted  back  in  march  of  2008 .  they  were  the  first  ever  group  to  come  out  of  evergreen ,  reaching  great  success  early  on  which  solidified  their  spot  as  one  of  the  top  2nd  generation  girl  groups  within  the  idol  industry .  the  group  is  mainly  recognized  for  their  pop  music  that  constantly  goes  viral  during  the  summer  due  to  fitting  the  season  best  &&.  for  the  girls  being  featured  throughout  the  entertainment  and  music  industry  as  well-received  actresses ,  producers ,  choreographers ,  models ,  and  more .  their  reputation  remained  spotless  and  pristine  for  years  up  until  the  departure  of  kyungri  in  2015  just  shortly  after  promoting  her  debut  solo  ep .  fans  speculated  that  the  company  always  wanted  to  make  her  go  solo  at  some  point  since  2013  after  she  started  being  absent  from  group  activities  to  focus  more  on  her  individual  work .  it  became  even  more  prevalent  when  rumors  began  circulating  that  the  group  would  be  facing  possible  disbandment  or  that  none  of  the  members  re-signed  their  contracts  just  3  months  after  the  event .  evergreen  were  quick  to  dismiss  the  news  but  did  confirm  that  the  girls  would  be  going  on  a  short  hiatus  so  they  could  work  more  on  their  solo  activities .  the  messy  aftermath  of  kyungri’s  departure  was  peak  entertainment  for  fans  as  angela  was  seen  rolling  her  eyes  at  kyungri’s  screen  time  during  an  interview ,  yujin  jokingly  saying  they  were  always  7  when  on  vlive  for  their  anniversary ,  and  the  group  looking  disinterested  during  the  former  member’s  performance  at  mama  with  eunmi  and  mina  even  laughing .  this  led  to  fans  thinking  that  her  departure  held  more  meaning  than  they  thought  which  was  slightly  confirmed  by  angela  after  participating  on  lee  youngji’s  drinking  show  in  2022  where  she  stated  that  no  one  was  surprised  when  it  happened ,  just  shocked  that  it  did .  
──────    YOU’VE  SEARCHED   :   BASICS
DEBUT  DATE  ›   march  23rd, 2008
DEBUT  SINGLE  ›  mamma  mia
COMPANY  ›  evergreen  entertainment
FANDOM  ›   octagons
──────    YOU’VE  SEARCHED   :   MEMBERS
LEE  KYUNGRI  :  former  member,  lead  vocalist  ❪ 1989 ❫  +  NOH  MINA  :  lead  vocalist,  lead  dancer  ❪ 1989 ❫  +  HAN  YUJIN  :  lead  dancer,  main  vocalist  ❪ 1990 ❫  +  ANGELA  KIM  :  lead  dancer,  main  vocalist,  visual  ❪ 1990 ❫  +  KWON  DAHEE  :  leader,  lead  vocalist,  main  dancer  ❪ 1991 ❫  +  SONG  EUNMI  :  lead  dancer,  rapper  ❪ 1992 ❫  +  AHN  JIWON  :  lead  dancer,  main  vocalist  ❪ 1993 ❫  +  ELIZA  KANG  :  main  vocalist,  center,  maknae  ❪ 1994 ❫
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MAMMA  MIA  ›  ALL  8  SIDES  ;  2008  ❪ debut ep ❫
HEY  MISTER!  ›  LADY  CHARM  ;  2008  ❪ mini album ❫
EXCUSE  ME  ›  SUMMER  DANCE  ;  2009  ❪ mini album ❫
ONLY  YOU  ›  OCTO-LOVE  ;  2009  ❪ mini album ❫
MISS  AGENT  ›  AGENT  008  ;  2010  ❪ full album ❫
iSPY  ›  MISSION  IMPOSSIBLE  ;  2010  ❪ repackaged album ❫
CELEBRATE  ›  OPEN  OCTAGON  ;  2011  ❪ japanese debut ❫
RUN  DEVIL  RUN  ›  HELL’S  HOUR  ;  2011  ❪ mini album ❫
LUCKY  ›  BAY  WATCH  ;  2012  ❪ mini album ❫
SUMTHING  ›  8X1  ;  2013  ❪ mini album ❫
FIRST  LOVE  ›  SET  THE  MOOD  ;  2013  ❪ mini album ❫
SIGNAL  ›  SIGNAL  ;  2014  ❪ single ❫
ELETRIC  LOVE  ›  STATIC  SHOCK  ;  2014  ❪ full album ❫
GOLD  ›  GOLD RUSH  ;  2015  ❪ japanese mini ❫
FLASHBACK  ›  REMEMBER  WHEN  ;  2016  ❪ mini album ❫
BYE BYE BYE  ›  NO NEW LOVERS  ;  2020  ❪ mini album ❫
SHOWTIME  ›  SHOWTIME  ;  2021  ❪ japanese full album ❫
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jackiebarnard11 · 1 year
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Contact: Chris Boneau/ Amy Kass / Michelle Farabaugh / Kenya Williams
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Manhattan Theatre Club
Announces Full Casting for the
New York Premiere of
Poor Yella Rednecks
By Qui Nguyen
Directed by May Adrales
Previews begin Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Opening on Wednesday, November 1, 2023
At MTC at New York City Center – Stage I
Lynne Meadow (Artistic Director) and Chris Jennings (Executive Director) are pleased to announce the full cast for the New York Premiere of Poor Yella Rednecks, written by Qui Nguyen (Vietgone) and directed by May Adrales (Vietgone, Golden Shield). Poor Yella Rednecks will begin previews on Tuesday, October 10 and open on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at New York City Center – Stage I (131 West 55th Street).
The cast of Poor Yella Rednecks will feature Jon Hoche (Vietgone, Life of Pi), Ben Levin (Vietgone, “Kung Fu”), Samantha Quan (Vietgone), Jon Norman Schneider (The Coast Starlight), Maureen Sebastian (The Best We Could: A Family Tragedy), and Paco Tolson (Vietgone).
The creative team for Poor Yella Rednecks includes Tim Mackabee (Scenic Design), Valérie Thérèse Bart (Costume Design), Lap Chi Chu (Lighting Design), Shane Rettig (Original Music & Sound Design), Jared Mezzocchi (Projection Design), David Valentine (Puppet Design), Kenny Seymour (Arrangements), and Alyssa K. Howard (Production Stage Manager).
Qui Nguyen, the wildly inventive playwright (and screenwriter for Marvel and Disney) known for his use of pop culture, pop music and puppetry, reunites with his frequent director, May Adrales, for this funny, sexy and brash new play. A young Vietnamese family attempts to put down roots in Arkansas, a place as different from home as it gets. A mom and dad balance big hopes and low-wage jobs, as old flings threaten to pull them apart. It all makes for a bumpy road to the American dream. From the world of Nguyen’s Vietgone, with its comic book and action movie influences, comes a play that melds a deeply personal story with the playwright’s trademark, killer humor. The New York Times hails the writer’s work as “culturally savvy comedy,” and this production shows you why.
Poor Yella Rednecks is co-commissioned by South Coast Repertory and Manhattan Theatre Club. Support for MTC’s production of Poor Yella Rednecks is provided by the Howard Gilman Foundation and Laurents/Hatcher Foundation. Developed in part in Center Theatre Group’s Writers’ Workshop.
The 2022-23 season marked Lynne Meadow’s 50th Anniversary as Artistic Director of MANHATTAN THEATRE CLUB. Meadow was recently joined at the helm of MTC by Executive Director Chris Jennings, who succeeded Executive Producer Barry Grove. MTC’s mission, which Meadow created in 1972 and has implemented since, is to develop and present new work in a dynamic, supportive environment; to identify and collaborate with the most exciting new as well as accomplished artists; and to produce a diverse repertoire of innovative, entertaining, and thought-provoking plays and musicals by American and international playwrights. Since 1989, MTC Education, which uses the power of live theatre and playwriting to awaken minds, ignite imaginations, open hearts, and change lives, has also been an important part of our work.
Over five decades, MTC has grown from a small off-off-Broadway showcase into one of the country’s most prestigious and award-winning theatre companies, creating approximately 600 world, American, New York and Broadway premieres. Our productions have earned 7 Pulitzer Prizes, 28 Tony Awards, 50 Drama Desk Awards and 49 Obie Awards amongst many other honors. Our Broadway home is the Samuel J. Friedman Theatre (261 West 47th Street) and Off-Broadway at New York City Center (131 West 55th Street). MTC is an anti-racist organization that respects and honors all voices, and upholds the values of community and equity, For more information, please visit www.ManhattanTheatreClub.com. 
Joining MTC’s season of plays is easy! Just call the MTC Clubline at 212-399-3050 or go to www.manhattantheatreclub.com. Group Sales available now, contact Joanna Lee at [email protected]. Single Tickets on Sale September 5.
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JON HOCHE returns to MTC after performing in the Off-Broadway Premiere of Vietgone and has collaborated with playwright Qui Nguyen for over a decade. Other credits include - Broadway: Life of Pi (Richard Parker Puppeteer, Associate Puppetry and Movement Director), King Kong: Alive on Broadway (Voice of King Kong/Puppeteer). Off-Broadway: Little Shop of Horrors (Audrey 2 puppeteer); Soft Power (The Public Theater - Grammy Nominated); Vietgone (Manhattan Theatre Club); Soul Samurai, The Inexplicable Redemption of Agent G (Ma-Yi Theater/Vampire Cowboys Theater); Hello, From the Children of Planet Earth (Playwright’s Realm). National Tour: Warhorse (Puppeteer/Puppet Captain). Regional: Revenge Song (Geffen Playhouse). TV: “Hello Tomorrow!” (Apple TV+) - @JonHoche
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BEN LEVIN’s MTC debut. Ben just wrapped a season-long arc on the CW series “Kung Fu”. Prior to that, he starred in the series Legacies for four seasons. Selected TV credits include “Arrested Development”, “Love”, and a recurring role on ABC’s “Time After Time”. He appeared in a supporting role in the critically acclaimed Independent Spirit Award nominated feature Test Pattern. Ben can also be seen in the Freeform/Hulu feature Turkey Drop. Other features include Allegiant, Admission, and Mike Birbiglia’s indie comedy Sleepwalk with Me. He's thrilled to be reprising the role of Quang in Qui Nguyen’s Vietgone, after starring in the 2018 production at the San Diego Repertory. Ben is New York City born and raised and is a graduate of NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. Shout out to TADA Youth Theatre. In addition to acting, Ben makes music under the moniker Grasshapa, available wherever music is found. 
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SAMANTHA QUAN’s theatre credits include Poor Yella Rednecks (South Coast Rep); Vietgone (South Coast Rep, MTC); B.F.E. (Just Add Water Festival); Masha No Home (Ensemble Studio Theatre); An Infinite Ache (The Globe Theaters), workshops of To Red Tendons, Peerless, Hannah and the Dread Gazebo, Red Flamboyant, American Hwangap (Ojai Playwrights Conference); Monument: Or Four Sisters (A Sloth Play) (Boston Court New Works Festival).  Television credits include “Home Before Dark”, “Elementary”, “NCIS”, “The Mentalist”, “Blue”, “Suburgatory”, “Castle”. Film credits include 4 Wedding Planners, Sake Bomb, Good Grief and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
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JON NORMAN SCHNEIDER most recently appeared onstage in Keith Bunin's The Coast Starlight at Lincoln Center Theater. Select New York credits include Catch As Catch Can (Playwrights Horizons), The Chinese Lady (The Public), Henry VI Parts 1-3 (NAATCO), Awake and Sing! (NAATCO/The Public), The Oldest Boy (Lincoln Center Theater), Lunch Bunch (Clubbed Thumb), A Map of Virtue (13P), among others. Regionally, he has worked at Actors Theatre of Louisville, The Alley, Alliance, Barrington Stage, Dorset Theatre Festival, The Goodman, Huntington, The Kennedy Center, Long Wharf, Magic, McCarter, Milwaukee Rep, Mosaic, Northern Stage, The Old Globe, and South Coast Rep. His film and TV credits include Bitter Melon, Manila Is Full of Men Named Boy, The Normals, HBO's Angel Rodriguez, “The Endgame”, "Jessica Jones", "Veep", "30 Rock" and "Law & Order: Criminal Intent".
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MAUREEN SEBASTIAN’s theatrical credits include, most recently, MTC’s The Best We Could: A Family Tragedy for which she received a Lucille Lortel nomination for Best Featured Performer in a Play; Vietgone (South Coast Repertory) ; Arabian Nights (Berkeley Repertory/Arena Stage); Thunder Above, Deeps Below (Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center/Second Generation); Now Circa Then (Ars Nova); Lonely, I’m Not and Year Zero (Second Stage); and Soul Samurai (Vampire Cowboys/Ma-Yi). Television credits include “Love Life” (HBO), “American Gothic” (CBS), and “Revolution” (NBC). She produced and starred in the web series “Pretty Precious Unicorns” and the short film “Second Province”. She co-created the podcasts “Gulp” and “A Guide to Freedom” with The North Star Fund. She is a member of May-Yi’s Writer’s Lab and The Gotham Film & Media Institute.
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PACO TOLSON is thrilled to return to Manhattan Theatre Club where he received a Lortel nomination for his work in Qui Nguyen’s Vietgone. Paco and Qui have enjoyed an artistic collaboration of over 18 years, and Poor Yella Rednecks will mark their ninth full production together. Select Off-Broadway Credits: Fiasco Theater’s productions of Knight of the Burning Pestle (Red Bull), Twelfth Night and Pericles (Classic Stage Company); The Unwritten Song (EST); Slavey (Clubbed Thumb); The Children of Vonderly (MaYi Theater); Soul Samurai (Ma-Yi/Vampire Cowboys). Regional: to the yellow house (La Jolla Playhouse); Fiasco’s Measure for Measure (Actors Theatre of Louisville); The Winter’s Tale and Vietgone (OSF); Peter and the Starcatcher, Vietgone, and Poor Yella Rednecks (South Coast Rep). Audio: (There’s) No Time for Comedy (Playwrights Horizons), The Memory Motel (Two River Theater), Witness (Paramount/Gideon Media), Play On Shakespeare’s Henry V, The Tempest, and Measure for Measure (Next Chapter Podcasts). Film and TV credits include “Billions”, “Law & Order: Organized Crime”, “Law & Order: Criminal Intent”, “Prodigal Son”, “Search Party”, “The Good Fight”, “Madam Secretary”, “Happy!”, “The Code”, and 7 DAY GIG.
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QUI NGUYEN (Playwright) is a playwright, screenwriter, and co-founder of the pioneering geek theatre company, Vampire Cowboys. His plays include Vietgone, Poor Yella Rednecks, Bike Wreck, and the critically acclaimed Vampire Cowboys shows Revenge Song, She Kills Monsters, Soul Samurai, The Inexplicable Redemption of Agent G, Alice in Slasherland, Fight Girl Battle World, Men of Steel, and Living Dead in Denmark. For TV/film, he’s written for Marvel Studios, Netflix, AMC, SYFY, and PBS. He most recently wrote Disney’s Raya and The Last Dragon (nominated for a 2022 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature), and he co-directed and wrote Disney's Strange World in 2022.
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MAY ADRALES (Director) is a director, artistic leader, teacher and mother; she has directed over 25 world premieres nationally. Her work has been seen most recently at Second Stage (Rajiv Joseph’s Letters of Suresh), Manhattan Theatre Club (Anchuli Felicia King’s Golden Shield, Qui Nguyen’s Vietgone). Awards include: Ammerman Award at Arena Stage; TCG’s Alan Schneider award for freelance directors; Denham fellowship; New Generations Grantee. She is a Drama League Directing Fellow, Van Lier Fellow, WP Lab Director, SoHo Rep Writers/Directors Lab and New York Theater Workshop directing fellow.  She served as an Associate Artistic Director at Milwaukee Rep; Artistic Associate at The Playwrights Center; Artistic Associate at The Public Theater; and Director of Artistic Programs and Artistic Director at The Lark. She serves on the board of Theater Communications Group.  She is currently the Director of the Theatre Program and Assistant Professor at Fordham University.  MFA, Yale School of Drama. (www.mayadrales.net)
# # # #
Follow MTC on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook
Follow BBB on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
Exciting update! Ben will be making his Off-Broadway debut this Fall! Here is Manhattan Theatre Club's announcement on Instagram and the theatre's press agent BBB's press release that was sent to our magazine.
Poor Yella Rednecks website link:
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galaxxies18 · 2 years
Translation Masterlist
Card Stories
Team K
Kei - 3rd Anniv 4* ;
Sotetsu - June Bride 4* ;
Team P
Rindou - Hanami 4* ; Stage Costume P 4* ; 3rd Anniv 4* ; Onsen 2022 4* ; Initial 5* ;
Nekome - Summer 4* ; Medical Checkup 4* ;
Team C
Qu - Summer 4* ;
Event Stories
2nd Anniversary (2021)
∠ Chapters 1-5
Hanami (2022)
∠ Prequel Chapters (1-2)
∠ Common Route (1-3)
∠ Common Route (4-6)
∠ Common Route (7-9)
∠ Common Route (10-12)
Main Story / Talks Season 4 Finale - Seeking Mission Talks: Team P ;
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stargatevp · 2 years
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I posted 474 times in 2022
71 posts created (15%)
403 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 117 of my posts in 2022
#sgvp - 60 posts
#stargate - 58 posts
#sg1 - 48 posts
#promo gallery - 48 posts
#stargate: sg1 - 44 posts
#sgvp promo - 41 posts
#sga - 31 posts
#mod dorothy - 26 posts
#dorothyoz39 - 25 posts
#stargate: atlantis - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#note: this isn't exactly funny as the expedition; esp. sheppard do commit actions that would be considered war crimes...
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Thurs 20th of January SG-1 sga
The Serpent’s Venom   Host: to be determined
Sun 23rd of January SGA 5x03 Broken Ties. Host: @dorothyoz39 (backup @1989nihil )
Time: 3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CEST
Links: Episode List | Watch HERE | Subscribe to Calendar
DM a MOD ( @arrowsbane @1989nihil @dorothyoz39 @angelblaze) for the password.
33 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
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Thursday 17th of November Stargate Atlantis 1x02 The Rising Pt. II Host:
Sun. 20th of November Stargate Universe 1x02 Air Pt. II. Host:  @dorothyoz39
Time:  3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CET
Your Local Time Thursday
Your Local Time Sunday
Links: Episode List | Watch HERE
DM a MOD: (@arrowsbane @1989nihil @dorothyoz39 @angelblaze) for the password.
33 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
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Thurs 27th of January SG-1 4x15 Chain Reaction   Host: to be determined
Sun 30th of January SGA 5x04 Daedalus Variations. Host: @dorothyoz39 (backup @1989nihil )
Time: 3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CEST
Links: Episode List | Watch HERE | Subscribe to Calendar
DM a MOD ( @arrowsbane @1989nihil @dorothyoz39 @angelblaze) for the password.
35 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
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Thurs 7th of April SG-1 5x03 Ascension   Host: to be determined
Sun 10th of April SGA 5x14 The Prodigal. Host: @dorothyoz39 (backup @1989nihil )
Time:  3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CEST
Local Time Thursday | Local Time Sunday
Links: Episode List | Watch HERE
DM a MOD: (@arrowsbane @1989nihil @dorothyoz39 @angelblaze) for the password.
38 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Halloween 2022 Election Fight
Comtraya and Tek'ma'tek, y'all! I know we said that, come September, we would restart the twice a week showing, and bring back SGA and SGU. However, since our anniversary is coming up again, we decided to implement those changes after that.
Regarding the Anniversary viewing on Sunday 30st of October: Last year we announced that for our Anniversary viewing on Halloween, we will be starting to show two spoopy episode, with one being SGA's Whispers as per tradition, and the other episode being another spooky SGA, SG1 or SGU episode. Please reply to this post with the number of the episode in the list. The one with the most votes wins and will be shown on our Anniversary Viewing this year together with Whispers.
Here's the list of spooky episodes to choose from: (SG-1 4x20 Entity was excluded since we watched it last year; SG-1 S05E08 The Tomb as well as S09E17 The Scourge removed in case people can’t deal with creepy critters)
1. Atlantis Season 4 Episode 4: Doppelganger During an off-world mission Colonel Sheppard unknowingly becomes host to an alien entity, which infects others in Atlantis and afflicts them with terrifying nightmares. (Clowns in boats)
2. SG-1 Season 3 Episode 4: Legacy When Daniel goes insane, SG-1 must deal with the legacy of Machello's anti-Goa'uld technology. (mental health care)
3. Atlantis Season 2 Episode 7: Instinct The team discovers a young Wraith girl who has been raised by a human, and is in hiding from the people of her human village in fear of her life. (Can a scorpion change its spots?)
4. Atlantis Season 3 Episode 9: Phantoms Sheppard and Ronon are influenced by a mind-altering device created by the Wraith while on a mission to rescue a lost team. (Trust no one)
5. Universe Season 1 Episode 17: Pain Dr. Tamara Johansen tries to track down what is causing the crew to hallucinate. (pain)
6. SG-1 Season 9 Episode 3: Origin Daniel comes face to face with the Ori, a fiery race of beings who demand the worship of mortals. Elsewhere, Stargate Command encounters the first Ori missionary in our galaxy. (Religion)
7. SG-1 Season 4 Episode 1: Small Victories O'Neill and Teal'c risk their lives to keep the Replicator bugs from gaining a foothold on Earth, while Carter helps the Asgard fend off a Replicator invasion. (Robospooders)
to recap: just put the number of the episode you want to see together with Whispers in the replies
Voting possible until October 27th!
49 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kotothewolf · 1 year
My Pokemon unite items.
I'm just listing all of the free event items in Pokemon unite that I got. Note: Some are currently unavailable. This will not include Battle pass stuff, because I payed for that. No shop items either.
Avatar clothes:
Custle set: Completing "Beginners challenge" event.
Sailor set: Obtained from "Energy rewards"
Sylveon set: Energy rewards
Unite Ranked set: Getting to ultra class in a specific season.
Bulbasaur set: Energy rewards
Unite Ranked set (Season 3): Make it to ultra class in season 3
Stakeout set: Energy rewards
Greedent set: Completing "Greedent missions"
Pioneer set: Completing "Frontier mission"
Unite Ranked set (season 4): Make it to ultra class in season 4
Decidueye set: "Decidueye event"
Unite Ranked set (season 13): Make it to ultra class in season 13
Unite Ranked set (season 12): Ultra class in season 12
Trainer outfit (Cynthia): Trainer showdown event for Cynthia
Unite Ranked set (season 11): ultra class in season 11
Unite Ranked set (season 10): ultra class in season 10
Unite Ranked set (season 9): ultra class in season 9
Paldea Region school uniform (Pokemon scarlet): Pokemon scarlet/violet event
Paldea Region school uniform (Pokemon violet): Pokemon scarlet/violet event
Unite Ranked set (season 8): ultra class in season 8
Trainer outfit (Leon): Trainer showdown event for Leon
Balmain fashion set: Balmain collaboration event
Unite Ranked set (season 6): ultra class in season 6
Pokemon hat (Eevee): Eevee day event
Ribbon headband: Log-in event
Pikachu hat: Pika party 2022 event
Lucario headband: Log-in event
Pikachu headband: Pikachu event
Pikachu mask: 2021 Halloween event
Pointed hat: 2021 Halloween event
Red hat: 2021 Christmas event
Zeraora hat: Christmas event
Ninetales hat: Christmas event
Blastoise hat: Christmas event
Charizard hat: Christmas event
Heart comb: Valentine event
Bandana: Valentine event
Pokemon day hat: 2022 Pokemon day event
Pokebuki hat: Pokebuki event
Sylveon hair (Pink): 2022 Pokemon day event
Talonflame hair (red): 2022 Pokemon day event
Eevee hair (brown): 2022 Pokemon day event
Pikachu hair(Yellow): Pokemon day event 2022
Special hair (e): 2022 Pokemon day event
Dragonite hat: event
Halloween mask: 2022 Halloween event
Cinderace mask: Halloween event 2022
Snorlax hat: event
Glaceon hat: Glaceon event
Stantler headband: Christmas event 2022
Red had 2022: 2022 Christmas event
Gengar hat: Event or store
Pokemon day shirt (2023): Pokemon day 2023 event code
Knit cardigan: 2023 Christmas event
Ruins cloak: Ruins event 1
WCS London shirt: WSC London event code
Pokemon day shirt 2022: Pokemon day event code
Knit hoodie: 2022 Christmas event
Holiday socks: Christmas event
Holiday shoes: Christmas event
Short boots: Christmas event
Egg basket: Easter event 2023
Glaceon backpack: Glaceon event
Tyranitar backpack: Event
Espeon backpack: event
Wreath backpack: Christmas event or shop
Lace gloves: event
Ruins gloves: Ruins event 2
Sweet bracelet: Valentine event
Red gloves: Christmas event
Venusaur: Log-in event
Pikachu: Starter Pokemon
Ninetales: Log-in
Dragonite: event
Gengar: Selection box
Mewtwo X: Mewtwo X event
Mew: Mew event
Espeon: Espeon event
Mamoswine: event
Gardevoir: Selection box
Glaceon: Glaceon event
Leafeon: Eevee box
Delphox: event
Hoopa: Hoopa event
Decidueye: event
Tsareena: Tsareena event
Zeraora: Gift event
Greedent: Greedent event
Zacian: Zacian event
Mewtwo Y: Mewtwo Y event
Beach style Venusaur: Log-in event
Tuxedo style Venusaur: Event
Firefighter Blastoise: 1st anniversary event
Festival style Pikachu: Sign up event
Pastel style Wigglytuff: Easter event
Excavation style Machamp: Frontier event
Gardening style Slowbro: Event
Theater style Gengar: Event
Holiday style Gengar: Christmas event
Sweet style Blissey: Valentine event
Berry style Snorlax: Energy rewards
Bedtime style Snorlax: 1st anniversary event
Holiday style Dragonite: Christmas event
Tuxedo style Espeon: event
Knight style Mamoswine: Season 3 rank reward
Practice style Mamoswine: event
Holiday style Gardevoir: Christmas event
Scared style Absol: event
Stakeout style Garchomp: Energy rewards
Martial arts style Garchomp: event
Masquerade style Garchomp: event
Concert style Lucario: 1st anniversary event
Shrine style Crustle: Energy rewards
Tuxedo style Crustle: Pokemon 1st anniversary event
Piolet style Talonflame: energy rewards
Checkered style Sylveon: 1st anniversary event
Happi style Trevenant: Pokebuki event
Hip-hop style Hoopa: event
Tuxedo style Decidueye: Season 5 rank reward
Sacred style Tsareena: Victory by the dozen event (Twice)
Pokebuki style Eldegoss: Pokebuki event
Tuxedo style Cramorant: 1st anniversary event
Every Holiday style was free except, Wigglytuff and Urshifu holiday style.
Mew(Bronze, sliver, and gold): Friend referral event (twice)
Mew platinum: Code event
Zacian Platinum: Twitch drop rewards
Mewtwo platinum: Code event
Pikachu platinum: Unite weekend event
Bellibolt: Panic parade event
Paldean Tauros: Panic parade event
Flamigo: Panic parade event
Captain hat: Captain Log-in event
2nd cake: 2nd anniversary event
Party hat: 2nd anniversary event
Tinkaton: Panic parade event
13: season 13 master reward
Lechonk: Log-in event
Gold with Pink diamond: Log-in event
Pokemon unite Eeveelution: Eevee day event
Zorua: Ghost Log-in event 1
Kubfu: Ghost Log-in event 2
10: season 10 master
9: season 9 master
8: season 8 master
5: season 5 master
7: season 7 master
Batwing lollipop: Halloween event
Spiderweb: Halloween event
Candy pumpkin: Halloween
3: season 3 master
6: season 6 master
4: season 4 master
Charizard balloon: event
Eldegoss balloon: event
Pikachu balloon: event
Gengar balloon: event
Sylveon balloon: event
Gift: 1st anniversary
Party horn 🎉: 1st anniversary
Hat with egg: Easter event
Egg: Easter event
Magician hat: Pokemon day event
PokeBall bow: Pokemon day event
Heart glasses: Hoopa event
Heart balloon: Hoopa event
Championship series: event
Leon hat: Trainer showdown Leon event
Cynthia accessory: Trainer showdown Cynthia
12: season 12 master
11: season 11 master
Sprigatito: Scarlet/Violet event
Fuecoco: Scarlet/Violet event
Quaxly: Scarlet/Violet event
Zacian sword: Boss rush event
Tuxedo Zacian: Boss rush event
Bell cookie: Christmas event
Tree cookie: Christmas event
Gingerbread cookie: Christmas event
Christmas stickers: Christmas event
Pikachu pumpkin: Halloween event
Cinderace vs Buzzwole: event
Zacian stickers: boss rush event
Background and frame:
It's hard to describe all of them.
Mewtwo X event frame and background.
Captain Log-in event background.
Halloween 2021 and 2022 frame and background.
Unite rank from different seasons(frame and background).
Special frames and backgrounds for Pokemon day.
Easter frame and background for Easter event.
Valentine frame and background for Valentine event.
Log-in event frame.
Garchomp background from Cynthia event.
Cynthia background and frame from Cynthia event.
Cinderace vs Buzzwole background and frame from hero vs villain event.
Christmas 2021 and 2022 frame and background.
Pokemon unite anniversary frame and background.
Leon frame and background from Leo event.
Charizard background from Leon event.
Pokemon scarlet/violet background from Scarlet/ Violet event.
Balmain background and frame from Balmain collaboration event.
Rose frame and background from Valentine event.
All of "win a battle this many times to get the background" event.
Lechonk frame from Log-in event.
I have some other ones that I can't describe myself, so I'll leave them out for now.
Leon pose from Leon event.
An expression from Leon event.
Other expressions from events.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Tower of Fantasy’s anniversary update is packed with free pulls
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The gacha anime game Tower of Fantasy, which has been around for over a year, is celebrating in style with a massive bounty of free pulls so you may get your favourite characters. The Tower of Fantasy 3.1 update Summer Reunion marks the game's first anniversary of its August 11, 2022, global debut as well as its upcoming August 8 release on PlayStation systems. There’s plenty to dig through in the Summer Reunion update, with a full set of Tower of Fantasy 3.1 patch notes below if you want to get up to speed on all the details. While you unfortunately won’t be able to match up with the new PlayStation audience, with developer Hotta Studio confirming that the Sony platforms will “regrettably” be independent of the PC and mobile servers, there are still many reasons to check out the new update. Chief among these for many players is the news that you can get up to a whopping 73 free draws by taking part in the huge range of anniversary events, which begin after the server maintenance period ends on August 8. That gives you a wealth of chances to grab your favorite Tower of Fantasy characters that have as yet eluded your fingers, so don’t miss out on the chance to take advantage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU-1X12HTJ4 Tower of Fantasy update 3.1 patch notes, maintenance schedule, and events – August 5, 2023 Here are the patch notes for Tower of Fantasy version 3.1: Maintenance Times Tower of Fantasy 3.1 will be deployed on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 4am – 9am (UTC+0). The servers will be down for maintenance during this time, and you are recommended to log out of the game 15 minutes prior to the update. Times for each region are listed below: RegionStart TimeEnd TimeUS WestAugust 7 @ 9pm PDTAugust 8 @ 2am PDTUS EastAugust 8 @ 12am EDTAugust 8 @ 5am EDTUKAugust 8 @ 5am BSTAugust 8 @ 10am BSTEuropeAugust 8 @ 6am CESTAugust 8 @ 11am CEST Compensation - Server shutdown compensation: 500 dark crystals. - Client update compensation: 200 dark crystals. - Boundless Realm weak point bug fixing compensation: 200 dark crystals. - Compensation range: Players who reached level six before the update – the above compensation will be sent to your Mailbox within two hours of the maintenance update completion. Version 3.1 New Content - New map area: Cloudpeak Manor - Cloudpeak Manor is available in Ignisville. Two Vermilion Statues and one new Tower Slayer are added. - New world boss: Black Crow Dark Wretch - New Simulacrum: Ming Jing - Lord Xuanwu’s blade is capable of cutting through everything. With him around, we can definitely defeat the Darkness. Ming Jing and his Simulacrum Story Mission are coming soon! - New Side Mission Story: Jade Pavilion Fair - Attend a date at the Jade Pavilion under the full moon of the summer night. Guests of various origins gather together, reunions and encounters take place here! - New Raid: Black Jade Warrior - Black Jade Warrior is a limited-time Raid. Zhuyan’s Flames of Wrath are extremely dangerous. Please be very careful! - Black Jade Warrior does not share the same cooldown with regular Raids. Please feel free to participate in it. - Evolved and more challenging Frontier Clash - A new Evolution Mode is added to Frontier Clash. The gameplay is now seasonal, and you will challenge the boss in stages. You will get rewards based on the stage you have completed! - New Equipment Augment Parts: Fortress bracers and Fortress leg guards - New Combat Servant: Flame Sparrow General Updates - Added in-game texts and voiceover in Simplified Chinese. - Increased Lin Epiphyllum’s base damage. - Increased the damage multiplier of Annabella’s dual module. - Added Augment Module Box to Crystal Dust Store. - Core control modules will be removed from Crystal Dust Store in the next version update. Please redeem your items in time. - Fixed the bugs of Boundless Realm weak point. - Added new Tanium purchase amount on MidasBuy. - Saki Fuwa and Ruby’s limited weapons/matrix will be added to the permanent ordering pool after the update. - We will optimize and upgrade the customer service function, allowing Wanderers to contact the customer service team more conveniently. Additional details and event timings can be found via the Tower of Fantasy website, courtesy of Hotta Studio. If you’ve just decided to start your adventure, check out our Tower of Fantasy leveling guide to see how to level up quickly and catch up to the rest of the audience. Newcomers and veteran players alike will want to make sure you haven’t missed out on any Tower of Fantasy codes for bonus goodies either. Read the full article
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Warning I May Start Talking About Mavericks At Any Time Shirt
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In terms of skills it depends what position they are moving from and to, but I think a season of training with a pro side and some regional amateur rugby games in the lower leagues followed by 1-2 seasons playing below the top flight would be required, if they had the right attributes to reach the top flight. It could be 2 years in total for a winger, or 4 for a more involved position with higher technical and tactical requirements. A player with exceptional physical attributes like being able to run a sub-11 second 100m at 275lbs and a lethal side-step or being fit at 300lbs and immensely strong and Warning I May Start Talking About Mavericks At Any Time Shirt explosive might make it earlier as their attacking threat with the ball in hand would do more to cancel out their shortcomings than a more physcially average player.
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Buy it now:         .Warning I May Start Talking About Mavericks At Any Time Shirt
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ear-worthy · 2 years
“Tagline” Podcast: When The Ad Becomes More Than Just An Ad
Advertisements are everywhere. The football halftime show has an ad sponsor like an insurance company or a sub fast food franchise. Above the urinal in the men’s room has an ad for a sports betting company. Watching a ten-second clip on YouTube often means watching a fifteen-second ad first. Even movies and V shows have carefully placed product placements, like an Apple Mac computer used by the true-crime podcaster.
Consumers pay extra money for streaming or podcast subscriptions to avoid advertisements. Let’s face it. We are exhausted by ads.
Now here’s the truly weird part. It’s Super Bowl time and people buzz around talking about what? Super Bowl ads! What was the best ever? Joe Greene with the little kid and the jersey? The Budweiser Clydesdale ads? There’s even an annual TV show about Super Bowl commercials.
So consumers have a true love/hate relationship with advertisements. We find them endlessly annoying and not relevant to our buying needs, but we enjoy the hell out of a creative ad campaign.
And, those ads that do catch our attention, affect our purchasing habits, even though we refuse to admit it.
So it’s natural that a podcast about the best ads would cause many listeners to shrug their shoulders in a body movement that announces, “who cares.”
But the Tagline podcast has discovered that sweet spot between love and hate, as the show is all about the making of great ads.
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Tagline is a production of Muse by Clio, the content division of the Clio Awards. Founded in 1959 to honor excellence in advertising, the Clio Awards “celebrates bold work that propels the advertising industry forward, inspires a competitive marketplace of ideas and fosters meaningful connections within the creative community.”
Annually, the Clio Awards brings together leading creative talent for an exclusive and collaborative judging experience to select the entries that will win the coveted Grand, Gold, Silver and Bronze Clio statues.
If you’re interested, here are the 2022 Clio Award winners.
So 2019 was the 60th anniversary of the Clio Awards, and somebody must have said aloud, “Hey, how about if we develop a podcast about great ads. Its mission will be the same as the Clio Awards. Recognize great ads.”
By February 2021, the Tagline podcast launched its first season and first episode. After a trailer in February, the podcast’s first episode was about the Dos Equis beer “Most Interesting Man in the World” campaign, which created a lot of buzz, sold a lot of beer and then collapsed due to the actions of its spokesman.
Perhaps, Tagline’s most intriguing episode from my perspective was the May 24, 2021, show titled, “We’ll leave the light on for you.”
The Motel 6 ad campaign was everything an ad campaign shouldn’t be. It wasn’t splashy or exciting. It didn’t have expensive development costs. You could even call it bland.
But what it did have was a direct pipeline to the consumers who use a budget motel like Motel 6, and it did have the perfect spokesperson.
In 1986, Tom Bodett was building houses in Homer, Alaska, and contributing to NPR’s All Things Considered. A creative director at the Richards Group ad agency heard him on NPR and hired him to record a commercial for Motel 6. Bodett ad-libbed the famous line “We’ll leave the light on for you” and was the chain’s spokesperson for nearly 30 years.
The director David Fowler hired him because Bodett “sound[ed] like the kind of person who stays there.”[ Fowler said he thought, “Gosh, if I only had an account for a national budget motel brand with a sense of humor and humility, I could make a heck of an advertising campaign with this guy.”
In 2005, Motel 6 began using Bodett for their wake-up calls. The chain hoped to bring a more personal touch to people’s day by using their spokesperson’s voice.Bodett was also featured on the first Motel 6 podcast, released for the holidays.
In November 2015, a new marketing campaign featuring Bodett’s voice premiered, highlighted by TV and radio commercials touting the investment in and renovation of Motel 6 properties nationwide.
Listen To a Motel 6 TV commercial here.
After a successful first season — Tagline was named Adweek’s Marketing Podcast of the Year in 2021 — season two began in February 2022 and just wrapped up in January 2023.
A notable episode among many in season two was the November 14, 2022, show about the origin of Ted Lasso, an immensely popular TV show on Apple TV +, its streaming service.
The show’s notes explain it this way: “Ted Lasso is one of the most beloved shows on TV. But not many people realize the character originated in an ad campaign, a decade ago, for NBC Sports and its Premier League coverage. This week, we look back at Ted’s fascinating origin story: how Jason Sudeikis, the agency Brooklyn Brothers and the London club Tottenham Hotspur collaborated on two hilarious videos that got NBC’s soccer coverage off to a flying start — and set Sudeikis and his team on an unlikely path to Emmy-winning glory.”
Since it’s Super Bowl time, it’s only right that I mention the May 21, 2022, episode called “It’s a Tide Ad.”
From Tagline’s show notes: “How do you hijack all 53 ads in the Super Bowl while buying just 90 seconds of airtime? P&G’s Tide and Saatchi & Saatchi managed that remarkable feat in 2018 with It’s a Tide Ad, one of the most clever and entertaining campaigns ever to run on the game. This week, we learn the backstory, from the idea, to the craft, to the wild experience on game night, to the results — which included one of advertising’s best-ever marriage proposals.”
The show does a tremendous amount of research for each of its episodes and nicely mixes interviews, clips of the commercials, narrative storytelling, and the host’s own observations to juice up each episode.
Clio Awards editor-in-chief and longtime ad critic Tim Nudd is the host of the podcast and performs at a high level on the podcast. Nudd understands narrative storytelling and structures the episodes so that listeners are never sure what’s next in the story. His voice is steady, reassuring, and pleasing.
So even though you may say “I hate ads” after watching back-to-back-to-back commercials on Hulu, the Tagline podcast will fascinate you with its tales of highly successful, creatively superb, and culturally ubiquitous ad campaigns.
If you have time, I recommend you listen to the Motel 6 episode in the first season and the Ted Lasso episode in the second season. In both episodes, you’ll discover spokespeople who intuitively knew how to verbalize the product / service they were selling.
Finally, if you read this article at night, I promise that, “We’ll leave the light on for you.”
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Five U.S. Navy jets will fly over in Super Bowl LVII
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/29/2021 - 11:13 in Military
Jets from three squadrons of U.S. Navy tactical aircraft will perform an integrated overflight at the completion of the National Anthem during Super Bowl LVII at the State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona, on February 12.
To celebrate the anniversary of the first naval aviators in the U.S. Navy, the NFL invited naval aviators to fly over the field during the performance of country music star Chris Stapleton of the "Star-Spangled Banner" before the start of the game, the league announced this week.
But before the 2022 football season ends in February, when Bengals, Chiefs, 49ers or Eagles will raise the Vice Lombardi trophy, the Super Bowl will have to wait for the Super Hornets, Growlers and Lightning.
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The overflight formation will include two F/A-18F Super Hornets from the "Flying Eagles" of the Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 122, an F-35C Lightning II from the "Argonauts" of the VFA-147 and an EA-18G Growler from the "Vikings" of the Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 129. These aircraft represent the attack and electronic attack capability of the "Embedded Air Wing of the Future", providing advanced technology and greater flexibility to our military combating commanders. VFA-122 and VFA-147 are based at Lemoore Air Station (NAS), California; the VAQ-129 is based at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. The squadrons will prepare and leave from the nearby Luke Air Base.
The overflight also celebrates 50 years of women flying in the U.S. Navy. In 1973, the first eight women began flight school in Pensacola, Florida, and a year later six of these eight women, entitled "The First Six", won their golden wings. Since then, women have served, operated and led at all levels of Naval Aviation.
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Naval aviators are prepared to make an overflight in the Super Bowl and the U.S. Navy has created cards with the chosen pilots.
Lieutenant Katie Martinez, Naval Flight Officer assigned to VFA-122, hopes to represent Naval Aviation at one of the most watched events in the world.
"It's not a feeling I can put into words," Martinez said. "It doesn't get bigger than the Super Bowl, and I'm honored to be able to participate with my friends and fellow naval aviators as part of this unique opportunity in life."
The fifth-generation F-35C Lightning II attack fighter integrates advanced stealth technology into a highly agile supersonic aircraft that provides unprecedented awareness, versatility and survival capability on the battlefield. The F-35C, which is the Navy variant of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, sets new standards in the integration of weapon systems, maintenance, combat radius and payload that bring a formidable multi-mission power projection capacity of the sea.
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Entering service in the fleet in 1999, the F/A-18 Super Hornet gained reputation as the backbone of the Navy aircraft carrier air wing and a cargo donkey within the fleet, continuing its role as an attack fighter against the advanced threats of the 21st century. Designed to meet the current U.S. Navy escort and interdiction mission requirements, Super Hornet maintains fleet air defense and approximate air support functions, as well as a growing range of missions, including air refueling.
The EA-18G Growler is a variant of the F/A-18 aircraft family that combines the proven Super Hornet platform with a sophisticated electronic warfare set that performs a variety of functions, including communications blocking and countermeasures.
Tags: Military AviationEA-18G GrowlerF/A-18E/F Super HornetLockheed Martin F-35C Lightning IISuper BowlUSN - United States Navy/U.S. Navy
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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chibi-sunrise · 2 years
Where can I watch Luminaria’s Story?
Youtube. I made a list of channels in the event that Youtube’s horrible algorithm can’t give you what you’re looking for. You’ll also find a number of interesting miscellaneous references!
Luminaria also had four non-canon seasonal event skits in addition to the main story, and I’ve made note of which channels have them uploaded.
It really wasn’t easy to record this game’s story, considering how long the character episodes can get, so I’m very thankful to everyone who went out of their way to do it! And I think you’ll be surprised at how many unique ways people recorded the episodes...
-This channel’s playlist has all of the main story and all event skits -One whole episode = one video; one whole event skit = one video *EN audio, EN text *Default cosmetics Additional Note I recommend this channel the most for EN first time viewing because it’s the closest to EN players’ first experience playing the game in episode release order.
Iira Ellaos
-This channel uploaded all of the main story during the twitter Luminaria Party 2022 that led up to Luminaria’s first anniversary. Check out their other playlists for outfit turnarounds and Mystic Artes! -One whole episode = one video *EN audio, EN text *Custom cosmetics *Enemy names are displayed Additional Note I recommend this channel the most for EN repeat viewing because it’s ordered differently from episode release and can offer unique perspective. Players also had to play through an episode with default cosmetics first to unlock the ability to play through with custom cosmetics. It adds to the experience! It’s a good way to get references for character armors and attachments too.
-This channel’s playlist has all of the main story -One whole episode = one video *JP audio, JP text *Default cosmetics Additional Note I recommend this channel for JP first time viewing if you prefer to view lengthy videos. They also have a playthrough of Amelie’s first character episode while she’s wearing her 5 Star “Daily Wear of Fate (989 Y.C.)” outfit! A recording of that is quite rare!
-This channel’s playlist has all of the main story -The episodes are uploaded as separate chapters *JP audio, JP text *Default cosmetics Additional Note I recommend this channel for JP first time viewing if you prefer to view in short videos. These episodes can get quite long, so this could be a nice way to break things up for you!
-This channel has all of the main story -Multiple whole episodes = one video; because I have absolutely no idea how the episodes in the videos or the episodes in the playlist are organized, I would recommend checking the summary of this video and navigating to the specific episode you want to view *JP audio, JP text *Default cosmetics *Enemy names are displayed *Battles against mob enemies are edited out
-This channel’s playlist has all the event skits -One whole skit = one video *JP audio, JP text Additional Note The playlist also has a few EN audio + EN text clips
-This channel’s playlist has all the event skits -The skits are uploaded into separate parts *JP audio, JP text Additional Note The playlist also has a few secret mission videos
-This channel has CN closed captioning for some character episodes and one event story *JP audio, JP text, occasional CN CC *Default cosmetics Character episodes with CN CC Leo ep 1 Lisette ep 2 August ep 1 August ep 2 Ana-Maria ep 1 Valentines Day Event Skit Character episodes with no CN CC Celia ep 1 Michelle ep 1 Lisette ep 1 Maxime ep 1 Vanessa ep 1 Alexandra ep 1 Gaspard ep 1 Crossroads 1 *Battles against mob enemies are edited out
-This channel has a few character episodes and some tracks ripped from the game *One whole episode = one video *JP audio, EN text *Default cosmetics Leo ep 1 Celia ep 1 August ep 1 Alexandra ep 1
-This channel has a handful of character episodes and some miscellaneous references -One whole episode = one video *EN audio, EN text *Custom cosmetics *Enemy names are displayed Leo ep 1 Leo ep 2 Celia ep 1 Michelle ep 2 Lisette ep 1 Lisette ep 2 Falk ep 2 Additional Notes They’ve got a video on Luminaria’s game overview, terminology, and a look at Leo and Hugo’s outfits, various attachments, motions, chronology tabs, etc. They’ve also recorded the occasional idle line, occasional world map checking (you can open the world map while in the middle of a character episode to see where the character is on the map), and occasional LOOK mode (to check out the character’s surroundings when they enter a new area)
Jumping Coconut
-This playlist has a playthrough of Ana-Maria’s ep 1 through forced landscape orientation with an app -It’s uploaded into separate parts -Ana-Maria’s ep 2 in this same style can be found here -This one is one whole episode = one video *EN audio, EN text *Custom cosmetics *Enemy names are displayed -The channel also has all the event skits. They’re not organized into a single playlist, so I’ll list them here:
Valentines skit
White Day skit
April Fools skit
Easter skit
-One whole skit = one video *EN audio, EN text
-This channel has a Mic Test video, a motion collection video, and videos for Leo and Celia using all battle actions and Artes available to them *JP audio, JP text
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mycheerykid · 2 years
Marine toys for toddlersthe flagship Group Motion Program of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, declares its seventy fifth anniversary of supporting kids in want throughout the nation and the beginning of the Program's 2022 vacation marketing campaign. The thought for the Marine Toys for Tots Program started in 1947 below the course of Marine Corps Reserve Main Invoice Hendricks. Main Hendricks' spouse, Diane, was the inspiration behind the Program after she requested Main Hendricks to ship some handmade dolls to an company that helps kids in want. When Main Hendricks knowledgeable his spouse that he could not discover an company for handmade dolls, Diane inspired her husband to "begin one"! The Marine Toys for Tots Program started as a single marketing campaign in 1947 with Main Hendricks and the Marines in his Reserve unit gathering over 5,000 toys and giving them to needy kids within the Los Angeles space. The next 12 months, below the course of Commandant of the Marine Corps, Normal Clifton B. Cates, every Marine Corps Reserve unit applied a Toys for Tots marketing campaign, which reworked Toys for Tots right into a Nationwide Program of Motion. Group. Over the previous few years, Marine Toys for Tots has distributed hundreds of thousands of academic toys, books, video games, and sports activities tools to kids in want through the spring and summer season months. These kids and their households had been going through adversity and distinctive circumstances, together with challenges associated to the pandemic, restoration from pure disasters, and different extenuating occasions. "Toys for Tots is greater than only a Christmas charity, that is why we needed to DoGoodNOW and proceed to increase our partnerships with different non-profit companions," he stated. Lt. Gen. Jim Laster, USMC (retired), President and CEO of the Marine Toys for Tots Basis. "With the help of a number of nonprofit organizations throughout the nation, Toys for Tots has the flexibility to increase our attain and supply assist to households going through great challenges all year long." The Toys for Tots literacy program has additionally expanded since its inception in 2008 by offering books to nonprofit organizations to distribute books to Title I-funded colleges throughout the nation. Over 47 million books have been distributed, and with every e book offered, the Toys for Tots Literacy Program hopes to interrupt the cycle of poverty. One other program that has allowed Toys for Tots to succeed in extra kids in want is the Toys for Tots Native American Program. Every year, greater than 180,000 Native American kids dwelling on distant reservations in the US obtain toys and books that go away a constructive impression and assist in the event of those kids. As our nation has confronted many nationwide challenges and crises over the previous 75 years, the American public has by no means let Toys for Tots down. Our Marines and volunteers have been capable of assist hundreds of thousands of kids in want 12 months after 12 months. Marine Toys for Tots had a document 12 months in 2021, distributing an unprecedented 22.4 million toys to eight.7 million deprived kids. For the reason that starting of the Marine Toys for Tots Program in 1947 with a single handmade doll, we've got distributed 627 million toys to greater than 281 million kids in want over seven a long time. We've got tailored and overcome many challenges, however we all the time fulfill the mission. Immediately's kids are tomorrow's future, and Marine Toys for Tots is devoted to making sure it is as vibrant as potential for youngsters dwelling in tough circumstances. Because of the assist we've got acquired over the previous seven a long time from the American public, our fantastic company sponsors, and our devoted native coordinators and volunteers, we're 75 years sturdy! Now in our seventy fifth 12 months, the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program additionally supplies
year-round assist to households going through distinctive challenges and circumstances, fulfilling the hopes and desires of hundreds of thousands of kids in want throughout the nation at Christmas, and past. Assist Marine Toys for Tots fulfill the Christmas desires of hundreds of thousands of poor kids who would in any other case be forgotten, in spite of everything, each little one deserves a bit of Christmas. For extra data on donations and the seventy fifth anniversary of Marine Toys for Tots, go to www.juguetesfortots.org.
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