#mishka is too cute
fabrickind · 1 year
Have you seen this cat?
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Now you have.
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maidgirl · 5 months
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fauville · 5 months
personally i think A & N should get together if neither are romanced but some people are pussies and too possessive over fictional characters to it ever be a thing
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astral-gamma · 5 months
bsd x reader when some bsd men are talking to another woman or person and they seem to be getting just a liiiittle too comfy so reader get jealous and is clingy all day but doesn't speak and/or ignores them. reader can be fem or gn
fluff , no smut or seggs pls
chars: fyodor, nikolai, dazai, ranpo and whoever else you want! (but maily fyodor cuz i'm a s.i.m.p)
(i can see reader just dragging niko where ever she/they go but don't even make eye contact with him)
u wanted requests and i thoughts of this so you can do it whenever u want and also thank you!
Characyers: Fyodor-Dazai-Nikolai-Ranpo (separeted) making reader jealous ^^
Note!: this took so long yet i couldve done much better 'cause i dont really like it *cries*
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Fyodor has been spending the whole day with this cute girl and ignoring you, it's not as we was cheating on you,you knew that, and you also knew that she Was just a pice for a new plan of his… yet he was only looking at her you kinda felt bad and sad. you felt a shockwave go through you as you  saw him smiling with her, a sudden jealously that I had not expected. His enthusiastic motions drew her in like a magnet as he leaned in a bit too near. You observed from a distance, creating fantastical stories about their friendship in your head. What were the secrets they were sharing during those giggly conversations? you couldn't help but feel irritated by his lack of interest.
As the day went by , dusk approached, the boy with darker locks eventually decided to come back to the house you shared.
Your cheeks were still wet from the tears you had just cried, and you were already fast asleep, cuddled up under the covers of your large bed. Fyodor, who was incredibly smart despite everything, saw this and knew right once what was going on.He knew what was coming for the day when he woke up the next morning with you in his arms (obviously, it wasn't bothering him in the least; in fact, he was just glad to have you close)... He probably knew that you had no intention of leaving him for at all, and for the rest of the day, Fyodor tried to work but was distracted by your soft touches and gentle actions. Eventually, he gave up and paid attention to you, giving you the cuddles and small gestures that you sorely needed.
"Still jealous my Mishka?"
You said nothing just stayed in is warmth “oh my,my dear i love you and you only”
we all know how dazai flirts with all girls but this time he went over the limit and spent the whole time talking to the waitress despite her and YOUR  discomfort. It was supposed to be your date and what does he do? Flirts and is with another girl!!!? 
When you were then on your way home he tried to talk to you and start a conversation but your responses were a simple "mh mh" or "yeah sure" in a cold and uncaring tone and this behavior went on until the next morning. You had calmed down and were getting up and noticed that the raven-haired boy had already disappeared to who knows where....
You got ready to go to work and noticed that your boyfriend was already there,without thinking much about it I took the chair and stood beside him linking your arms to his upper arm
He looked at you with a confused look
"Bella! You need"
No answer
No answer,just you snuggling into his arm
He understood and left you there while he did everything but work
Having a bright and cheeky nature, Nikolai would naturally draw attention from others.
You observed with a sinking heart as Nikolai struck up conversations with appealing girls.
You wondered, your mind racing with uncertainties and fears, "What if Nikolai prefers the company of those girls over me?"
You couldn't get rid of the uneasy sensation in the air that night as they sat by the fireplace because you couldn't look Nikolai in the eyes."What troubles you, my love?" With a soft voice, Nikolai questioned.
But you remained silent.You rushed up from where you were sitting and hopped on him, giving him a tight embrace without saying anything. The man realized after some consideration that you were probably overthinking things.
 Nikolai held your hands in his and soothed your anxious state with kind words of passion and love as his eyes softened with tenderness. He explained that while he appreciated the beauty of others, it was you who held the key to his heart, and no one else was comparable to you.
Ranpo acts and behaves in a very childish manner; he is direct in everything he says and does, frequently acting without hesitation.
He doesn't even understand it at first—he's the greatest investigator in all of Japan, yet he's incredibly naive—he doesnt even realise hes making you jealous and kinda feel bad.He didn't even look at you during a investigation in which you were tasked with assisting him, and he ignored you if you had something to say. All he was thinking about was that case and how he could make himself stand out and demonstrate that he was the greatest, the smartest, he and he only...
You'd be lying if you said this behavior wasn't upsetting you.You choose to remain in the distance, maybe to let time pass or in hopes that someone would eventually take notice of you.
Ranpo only returned to you a few hours later, mumbling about how foolish everyone was in comparison to him after Ranpo's Ultra Deduction had solved the case.
You didn't respond, and he realized right away—not because of his incredible deduction, per se, but also because he observed your depressing attitude.
He let you snuggle and love him because he knew deep down thats what you wanted and opened his arms to make you feel better and in hope you'll forgive him. 
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stargazer-sims · 2 months
Happy Together
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Mishka: Sasha, look who's back. It's Daddy!
Nikolai: Come here, little champion. Did you miss me?
Alexander: *squeals*
Mishka: I think he did. He's always so excited when you get home from work.
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Nikolai: Just him?
Mishka: *blushing* No. I... might possibly get a little excited too. I just don't make cute noises to show it.
Nikolai: *amused* Not out in the yard, at least.
Mishka: Uh...
Nikolai: Don't be embarrassed. I love all your cute noises.
Mishka: Should we be having this conversation in front of our son?
Nikolai: You started it. Anyway, I'm pretty sure he has no idea what we're talking about. I don't think he's grasped the concept of innuendo yet.
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Mishka: Is that what it was? Were you making a suggestion? Because I really did miss you.
Nikolai: And you want to show me how much?
Mishka: Later, if you're not too tired from being at the rink all day.
Nikolai: If you're not too tired from trying to keep up with this little one all day.
Mishka: Don't worry. I'm getting my rest. Sometimes I nap with him.
Nikolai: Oh, that's your secret. I wondered why you usually look so handsome and refreshed when I get home. It's the afternoon naps.
Mishka: That, and not being constantly anxious helps too.
Nikolai: I've noticed you've been doing a lot better lately.
Mishka: It's easier, now that Sasha and I have our routine and I mostly know what to expect. I love that I get to stay home and take care of him and my animals, and look after things around the house. It makes me happy. I might never want a real job after this.
Nikolai: This is a real job. Don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise.
Mishka: You know what I mean. A job where I have to leave the house. I don't want one of those.
Nikolai: That's okay. No one's expecting you to. Personally, I think you're exactly where you're meant to be right now, and if you're happy with that, then I'm happy.
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Mishka: I'm very happy. The happiest I've been in my life. With you and Sasha, I have everything I've ever wanted.
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ghost-rattan · 1 year
Hello! I hope you're doing well! Can I please request romantic Fyodor, Nikolai, and Sigma (seperate) with an extremely intelligent and calculated SO (Male or gender neutral if possible pls) who looks like a cinnamon roll? Like, reader looks innocent and eccentric and easy to manipulate but that could not be further from the truth. Like reader could be playing chess with Fyodor and talking about some random nonsense, beats Fyodor at chess and just walks away like it's nothing. Also, reader LOOOVES flustering the characters because they're smart and know exactly which buttons to push to get the best results. TLDR; reader has ultimate IQ and ultimate rizz XD
S/o with high IQ (male reader)
OOO! I was so excited when I saw this ngl! Hope you like it!!!
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He thought he could read you like a book
His sweet innocent boyfriend
He knew you where smart just didn't know that you where that smart!!
He first noticed when he was organizing a mission for one of his men
He was taking a break looking at his map with a marked out way to get in
"you know this way would be better"
he looked at you amused
"my, I seem to have missed that, what a cleaver boy you are~"
But the moment he really noticed it is when you where playing chess
he was going easy on you
"Wow! You might be handsome but you can't read the room can you"
"hmm, what do you mean mishka?"
"I can tell you are going easy on me pretty boy but I can assure you I can win with out your help"
"fine then"
you guys started again and while he was judging every move you made you where chatting to Nikolai about the circus thats coming to town
much too Fyodors surprise and annoyance you still won
"Oh! I win! But I think the acrobats will be the best! No clown can compare to you Nikoali~!"
He was so pissed off after that but he did learn not to underestimate you
After that he does play little games off wit with one another (thats how he flirts now)
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"MY HUSBAND! You look so cute!" he tells you this everyday
"Oh My! What a complement coming from the man who is in the lead for most handsomest man ever!"
"My little cutie! I am in no need to be in any competition unless its one for your heart!"
He is a hardcore flirt so you both often have little flirt wars with each other
His pick up lines are horrible though well they are creative
while you can come up with pick up lines that always fit what you both are doing
Fyodor thinks you both are a good duo
Fyodor also likes you because when you and Nikolai attend a meeting you often have a long talk with Fyodor about a book you both where just reading (DOA book club when?)
You and Nikolai once went on a mission together and you both had to split up for a bit
when Nikolai got back to you the enemy had found you first and was trying to get you to back stab and betray Nikolai!
Nikolai hid to see what you would do
"Join me, we can take better care of you pretty boy, better than that stupid clown can~"
Nikolai felt his heart break
Before any thing could happen you looked at Nikolai and smiled
You honestly would have just punched the guy but you knew not to underestimate him as you knew nothing about him
so you came up with a plan by looking at your surroundings
you saw a fire extinguisher
you got up and ran to grab it
the man went to use his unknown ability
but you grabbed the extinguisher and threw it at Nikolai who used his ability to hit the man from behind leaving him on the ground dead from the blow
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(I love him sm)
He thinks he is the one who has to protect you
If he doesn't what type of boyfriend is he
The first time you visited the casino you wanted to play some of the games
he was going to rig all off them for you to be able to win
To his surprise you wanted to play black jack!
he was very surprised by how good your pokerface was
he was even more surprised by how easily you where able to win
He gets so flustered with your flirting
even before you guys started dating he would blush uncontrollably
Scared you would get manipulated by some one but once he saw a bunch of people trying to and you where able to be polite and tell them to fuck off
He often ask for your help with the casino
Honestly once he realised how smart you where he was kinda scared you would manipulate him (poor baby)
You often help new comers to the casino on how to play the games (he finds it so cute)
He wants you to teach him chess (he wants to beat fyodor)
You win and sigma just smirks in the back like that’s my boyfriend
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ay-chuu · 2 years
hii can you do fyodor+3 but they're already married thnx <3
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Prompt 3: "I love stars" " And i love you."
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The stars begin to shine when they see the Sun for the first time.
Fyodor was the most different person you could get to know in this constantly evolving human world. He was mystical, difficult to predict.
But there was one thing you could never figure out about him. Was he the devil pretending to be an angel? Or is it an angel pretending to be the devil? Who knows… Only God understands the person he created, right?
Nevertheless, you liked the comfort and warmth that Fyodor offered you more than anything. When you first met, that's what attracted you to him. Two people standing in the classic books section in a cute, tiny and private library.
You have never been a very picky reader. You preferred to read only what interests you, which, perhaps, is why your information culture was so extensive, Fyodor thinks.
You could hardly perceive the magnificence of the man you saw in front of you. He was such a person that as he got closer, he turned to someone who belonged to older centuries, and as he got further away, he was more like a person who belonged to today.
He was a contrast to his own being. You knew that at the first sight. After a brief glance at the interesting man, you took the book you wanted, moved to a comfortable reading place and started reading. about 5 minutes later, until I saw that man coming to you.
"Hello, may I sit next to you? I'm Fyodor Dostoevsky."
Just like love ignites when it see lovers.
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The stars remain under its influence so much when there is a sun that they are not even visible.
Fyodor has admired you since the first day he saw you. Because you have always loved the beautiful beings in this world, alive or dead, and you have become one of them.
Fyodor fell in love with you after the third cafe date he went with you. Because in this world where crime and punishment are pursued as chastity, you are innocent enough to be a crime, committed by someone. You are one of the rare angels that Fyodor strives for this world.
When he realizes that he is looking at you more than the book you are reading, he slowly closes his book and sees that sweet sullen face of yours towards him.
"I'm sorry, my angel, today was tiring for me, and right now I'd rather cuddle with you than read a book together." he said, before he spread you out well in his arms and hugged you.
You blushed slightly at the sudden closeness of contact and hugged him back without saying anything. You were too excited to read it because the book you are reading is about stars and space. But when you had your real star right in front of you, books didn't matter.
"Always stay like this with me, mishka."
It's like two people in love being blind to everything around them when they see each other.
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The stars always shine brightly after the sun has gone, indicating their devotion to them.
Fyodor has always found a way to impress you. The simplest example is that he knows you in the most intimate way since he met you.
It'll feel weird… Because Fyodor can always read your thoughts. He can think about what you want, what you expect. But maybe that's why you were in love with Fyodor. Because it makes you feel more incomplete than anything.
"Do you like the rings?" He said, looking into the eyes of his fiancée. "Fyodor…" you murmured, still looking at your ring in astonishment. Fyodor has always known about your interest in the stars. That's why he made your rings special to just the two of you by buying a star and having it designed in the shape of that star. "I love them, but baby, you didn't have to work so hard…"
Fyodor just wrapped his hands around her waist with an innocent smile and a proud face. "If I don't, what is the special meaning of our marriage, my dear? These rings symbolize the fact that I want to be with you until every star goes out in this dirty and vile World, until the apocalypse breaks out and God takes our lives." he said, and slowly bent to your lips.
You didn't realize you were crying until you two kissed. Fyodor did nothing. He just put his hands over your face and said, "I love you," while wiping away tears.
Fyodor was a different person. He was unique to himself. And he would always prove it to you. Fyodor had always been the person you wanted, and he knew it.
Just like the rings worn by two fiancés.
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You and Fyodor were like two universes constantly trying to stay connected to each other.
After 4 years of marriage with you, Fyodor realized that you were no longer his star.
You were his sun..
You were the light that inspire he and your surroundings.
He thought its impossible fall in love, but with you the impossible was not to fall in love.
"I love stars"
You muttered as you stared at the sky with admiration. Fyodor, who brought you two to the observatory for your 4th anniversary, smiled happily.
"And I love you." He murmured with love. You blushed and looked at him and replied simply by kissing his cheek.
Same as the energy exchange of the same sun and stars against each other, even though they don't appear at the same time.
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dreepy-draws · 6 months
Okay hear me out, but I've been thinking about what beasts some heroes would have. they exist in the world, so the idea of some characters having pets isn't too crazy. here's some i've come up with
Gavus: flutterplume owl (serious and intelligent guy gets along with serious and intelligent beast)
Lucilla: shroom spider (well other than the fact she was shown playing with spooders multiple times in the comic, I believe she would love the fact that they are "cute but deadly". Liberta is also scared of them (personal headcanon), which makes lucilla like them even more lmao)
Tarnos: talismane (the guy despises hypogeans a LOT. tell me a beast who is strong against hypogeans and actively lives to protect wouldn't be perfect)
Eorin: grassy orb (this is kinda biased bc I used to always use Eorin with grassy orb bc of the haste boost lmao. but I also think Mishka would wanna get him a pet bc she has her wolves so she wants him to have a pet as well. she turns up with a grassy orb she rescued and gives it to Eorin. Eorin: I don't want a grassy orb! then he and the grassy orb r bonded by the next week ofc. (man I wanna write a fic about this now)
Nevanthi: radish rotunda (a gentle beast that goes out of its way to cheer on someone when they're in danger. a very sweet and kind beast for a very sweet and kind character :))
Lorsan: bellbellow (I imagine he befriends a bellbellow, but refuses to call it his "pet". when he's not traveling, he will visit the place where his bellbellow buddy hangs out, and talk to it about his travels)
BONUS Eugene: slumber seal (OH NO Esperia is now in ruins)
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miss--river · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
thank you so much!❤️ sorry this took me so long to answer 😅
i'll start with jori since she's the first one i created! i know it may not seem like it lately but she's the main baby of the other 2 main babies i have! ive projected so much of myself and interests onto her that i became attached quickly lmao! she's also the one who i insert into every piece of media that im consuming and like enough. like, if im playing dead space i totally imagine her in the place of isaac. or if im playing a backrooms game she's the one running around and trying to escape from the monsters lmfao! her story has taken different shapes and changes since i actually brought her over from red dead online. her twin brother, mika, doesnt exist in red dead online and was solely create for cyberpunk purposes. i love the pic on the left because i just think she looks really badass lmao! and i like the one on the right because im not usually patient enough to set up sets and backgrounds but this time i stuck it out and i loved it! it's simple compared to what others can do but im still proud of it!
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next is the love of her life, driss! back when i first started getting into modding my game i actually shipped her with river. i was trying to get a cute shot of her and river looking out at the sunset over the ocean, but sine i was so new to modding i didnt know bigger characters like river had a different locomotion type so i couldnt get any poses to work. as a test i replaced an NPC couple with jori and driss and that was when i fell into a hole lmfao! i thought they looked so much better together so i kept them going! their ship name is Broken and Beautiful because both of them have past traumas that still effect them but they found comfort and understanding in each other. i love how soft both of these pics are! especially the fire behind them in the one on the right!
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lottie is my second of the main 3! she also started out as a red dead online OC! i usually try to make her come off as a flowery, cottage core, disney princess aesthetic type. she's the softest and shyest of my OCs but she can be fierce too! she smiles at strangers in the street and will lend a hand if they look like they need it but she does it with caution because... its night city lmao! i chose these pictures in particular because i just thought they were the coolest ones. i do have some pics that showcase her as soft and flowery but i just couldnt resist showing these ones instead! the one on the left was made to be a tarot card called The World. the pic on the right was me trying out a greaser AU on her! i really love how they both came out!
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the last of the main 3 is phoenix! i made her fully expecting to just leave her to collect dust, just like certain other OCs, (and i feel so bad for them 😔) but i became attached to her very quickly too. i based a chunk of her personality off of vash the stampede from the 1998 anime trigun. after a short while of that i actually ended up shipping her with him lmfao! currently she doesnt have a backstory because nothing has really inspired me yet but at least i know some things about her current life! i think these pics are perfect for show casing her as she currently is. she lives in clutter but not, like, dirty clutter if that makes sense? she just likes having stuff and buying things that interest her. i mean doesnt everyone? haha! she doesnt really save her money for anything other than rent and bills, everything else is purely impulse. her favorite treat is donuts and when she's willing to share one with you thats how you know she likes you! her favorite thing is to make people smile!
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onto stuff that i made for other people! i really loves these pics that i took of mishka and claire for @thelonestrider! mishka looks SO GOOD in purple! and claire is chef's kiss! i had a lot of fun taking pics of her! i got such freeing vibes from her so i had to have her enjoying the sun's rays!
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i took these ones for @holofishes and i totally consider wren to be one of jori's besties! i think they'd have so much to talk about and i get such warm vibes when i see them together! jori is usually very sweet and kind but when it comes to her friends she'd kick anyone's ass 😉 the sunflowers and butterflies in the first pic took so long to place! but it was totally worth it! they're both rays of sunshine!
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angel-anachronism · 2 years
Mischa x Gn reader where he has had a long day manly cause of his adoptive parents and the reader finds ways to calm him down by watching horror movies together, because those are there favorite movies.
Hi! Sorry for the late response! I've been really busy with school, but that idea is do cute!
Here's your order of a Mischa x reader where they go to a horror movie at the cinema after Mischa had a rough day at home, thanks to his adoptive parents. Sorry that it's so short! I didn't really have time to write in the past few days!
(Tw: none!)
word count: 369 words
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A not so scary movie (Mischa Bachinski x gn!reader fluff)
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(𝓨/𝓝)'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥
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"Bye guys!" I waved back at my friends from Choir, as everyone was leaving. As I was walking away, I saw Mischa, my boyfriend, walking with his hands in his pockets. He looked very gloomy, yet grumpy.
"Hey, mishka! Are you alright?" I asked as I walked up to him. He looked at me, and his eyes softened. He looked like he was about to cry.
"Oh, it's nothing zaychik. I just had a rough day that's all." He responded, not looking at me, as he fastened his pace. I quickened my pace too so that I can catch up to him.
"Bro! I know that you're upset with something, and I want to help you!" I said as I got next to him. He tried to not luck at me, but I caught his chin with my hand.
"Please just tell me! I don't like seeing you like this!" I said as I looked deep into his eyes.
"It's nothing really! I just fought with my parents, that's it! And I will have to stay outside the house for some time since they're both mad at me and have gone to work." he responded.
"Well, don't you have the house keys?" I asked. He shook his head. "Well that sucks. What do you usually do when your parents aren't home?"
"I just sit on a bench and play angry birds on my phone," Mischa said.
(QUICK A/N: keep in mind that the musical happens in 2009-2010, so obviously Mischa would play Angry birds.)
"That sounds kind of sad..." I said as I saw him look at the ground with a frown. "But hey! Let's go to the cinema to watch a horror movie! How 'bout that?"
I saw a smile form on his lips. I smiled back and then looked away for one second, only for Mischa to cup my cheeks, and immediately kiss my lips. I blushed but kissed him back.
"You really are a genius (Y/N)! Now let's go!" He said as he took my hand, and we ran to the cinema to watch a movie. I know I'll have a lot of fun today.
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𝑅𝑒𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔 >> 𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 (𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒸𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈)
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shekitas-magic-house · 11 months
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⭒๋࣭ ⭑。° ✮ BEARS ✮ °。⭒๋࣭ ⭑
By: Mishka
My cousins came to visit so I wanted to make them these two bears, and they loved them! They didn't want to go anywhere without the bears. I'm glad they're enjoying them ^v^
I couldn't finish them because I got too busy studying and writing papers for college, so I made them a little quicker and couldn't make the whole pattern (the snout is missing).
Here's the pattern if you want to make them properly, these bears are so cute!
Free Pattern Link (RUS)! 🐻
Pattern has EN traduction.
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foreststepp · 1 year
Okay this isn't an ask but I want to say I adore your art so much !!!! I just love how you draw Daniil and Artemy they're so cute in your style <33 I'm obsessed with how you draw Artemy's hair too, it's one of my favorites, and I still look back on that little bear AU you draw all the time because oh Mishka is so delightfully mischievous
awwww thank you!!❤️❤️❤️
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(to be honest, Artemy’s hair is the most difficult thing to draw for me pfoskfkdjfks)
oh and bear au!! i didn’t forget about it!! sometimes i draw it, but right now i don’t have ideas
(i am surprised that people liked bears lol) ((anyway i am glad :3))
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sidelinesimmer · 9 months
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Mt. Komorebi Memories
Theo and Noah planned a big vacation in Mt. Komorebi. Theo, Divya, their kids, and Noah, Audra, and their kid all stayed in a large cabin in Mt. Komorebi near the ski trails. Also yes, even the dogs went on the vacation too. Everyone had a blast!
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Left - Theo and Noah making dinner the first night they arrived.
Right - Theo, Divya, Maya, and Natalia having breakfast the next morning and planning the day's activties.
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Left - Snowball fight! Maya thought it was hilarious when her dad got hit by her mom's snowball almost immediately. She stopped laughing when she got hit about ten seconds later.
Right - Since Theo and Maya were out of the game, they decided to hit the slopes.
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Left - Maya had to get a selfie with Yamachan for her Social Bunny post.
Right - Just a cute moment between Maya and Mishka.
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Top left - Maya and Divya
Top right - Divya and Theo
Bottom left - Natalia's candid photo of Maya yelling at her for being annoying
Bottom right - Natalia taking a break from pestering Maya and grabbing some hot soup for lunch
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On their last day in Mt. Komorebi, they decided to go out for one last slide down the hill. Maya and her cousin Maddie decided to race against Divya and Natalia. Maya and Maddie hit a bump a little too hard and went flying! Natalia was upset she wasn't on that sled. Everyone was a little homesick by the end of the trip but man this was one for the books!
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stargazer-sims · 4 months
Mishka said I had to make this...
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Look how cute they are ^
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Mishka: Let's show the nice people the back of your sweater too, Sasha.
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Help... I can't handle how cute this is
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
how about a lowlander drabble? mishka (cutely) asking him for something and jk is like AS YOU WISH MY TINY QUEEN (that one scene of her asking him to buy her a chicken is one of my favs)
OR mishka not wanting to do a chore (because she’s HIS spoiled princess!!) and jk telling everyone to leave her be 🥰 if his woman doesn’t want to do something then she shall not do it because she can do no wrong in his eyes 🥰 (remember his mother telling him ‘you spoil her too much!!!’)
Story: after The Lowlander, OR Series Masterlist Characters: Jungkook & Mishka Words: 3147 CW: references to sex, sex toys, language
The market of Treviso was only slightly more tame than the small, lawless one they’d walked through on Llomeryn. Mishka had wanted to see the famous pirate haven and against his better judgment Jungkook had agreed, but after two nights even she had suggested they return to the mainland. Forty-eight hours was all he could promise her without fighting anyone who looked at her, and people really wanted to look at her like that, followed by their hands and words no one had any right to speak to her other than him. 
But Treviso was better, still a little lawless, colorful, varied, bustling and bright and dirty and smelling like the saltiest dead fish, but also not yet any corpses to step over in the market and they’d made it almost a whole day without seeing an unprovoked brawl. Far fewer tits out but Jungkook hadn’t pointed that out to Mishka. Didn’t seem like something she would find relevant or amusing and on second thought, she might decide it was time to take hers out and then he’d be brawling again. Which he hadn’t done in Llomeryn! 
All right there had been one fight in the tavern there but he hadn’t started it! And then someone had offered him coin to fight again and suddenly Mishka decided they’d had enough of Llomeryn.
He felt bad, in case she had wanted to stay in Llomeryn longer, so he was humoring her with a trip through Treviso’s high-end market. He’d even dressed up for it, per her request, letting her braid his hair and wearing the suit she’d picked out for him in the Free Marches; he liked the red color better and besides, the blue one they got in Ferelden was too hot. Apparently she wanted him to have at least one nice outfit from each country they visited. Why was fucking beyond him, but she’d already dragged him to a tailor here and in a few days he’d be the owner of several blousy shirts and velvet vests and some leather breeches he had to admit were pretty nice. There was a leather vest too, and the ease with which he could move in it was remarkable –but the weather was hot and dry up here and never got very cold; he’d only be able to wear it during the short summer at home and, to be honest, he didn’t want it getting sliced up. He’d save it for special occasions–
Not that he admitted any of this begrudging interest in the clothing to Mishka. So what if he liked to look nice by her side? She moved through the market as brightly shining as she had that first faire he’d seen her at, when she’d captured his heart with a laugh. People looked at them less here than they had in Ferelden or the Free Marches, and while he had noticed far stranger couples than the pair of them, he was offended on Mishka’s behalf. The sun followed her; shouldn’t everyone stare? But they better not, if they knew what was good for them.
All sorts of people gathered in Rivain. It was the most boiling pot collection of people he’d ever seen in his life, even a couple Avvar –not anyone he knew– and tons of elves and dwarves and Qunari. So another Avvar and even a beautiful little elf didn’t attract too much attention. 
Mishka stopped walking and he was so busy glaring at anyone who might look too long that he almost knocked into her. Unbothered, she darted to the side, going right for a table full of sparkly and velvety things. 
Jungkook hesitated, shocked by very obvious dildos on the stall shelves behind a very voluptuous woman boredly tossing a coin purse in her hand. Her corset squeezed tight around her waist, absolutely spilling her out of her threadbare top. Mishka would look good in it, even though her tits weren’t nearly that big, but he’d still like to fall into Mishka’s chest–
“See something you like, handsome?” the woman asked, turning her side to him. She posed in a way obviously meant to be seductive, but he thought she might actually be laughing at him as she gestured with her arm to several impressively large and oddly shaped dildos. 
“My wife,” he answered gruffly, and slid close to Mishka. The woman laughed loudly. He hated her laugh, loud and sharp. He didn’t like the flirty way she looked at his small wife, whose attention was locked on the array of bracelets laid out. There were several dozen, some with shiny gems, some of brightly polished links of metal, some made of such deep velvet they seemed to be made of shadow. Mishka ran her fingers down one of several ribbons studded with spikes.
“You like those sweetheart?”
“They’re all right,” Mishka shrugged. Jungkook bit the inside of his lip so as not to smile. He had learned that Mishka was a hardass when it came to marketplace negotiations. They had paid next to nothing for a dagger he liked in the Free Marches after she had the vendor questioning probably all of his beliefs and existence and ability to make good products. Granted, Jungkook always wondered if there was an element of Mishka being the most beautiful little thing and everyone wanting to cave and give her whatever she wanted, but when he’d suggested that to Jimin and Marcus once they had laughed in his face and accused him of being “whipped brainless.” As if they too didn’t give in to nearly all her demands!
But even if her market skills had some to do with Mishka being adorable, it also was because she was a shrewd, demanding, take-no-prisoners negotiator as long as business concluded before she actually got pissed. He loved watching her and knew by now about the twitch to her lips and the sparkle in her eye that revealed she really loved something despite the derogatory way she’d talk about it to the vendor –as if she’d be doing them a favor of they let her buy it and get it out of their sight.
He saw the lip twitch and the eye sparkle now. He wasn’t surprised; the sparkly gems and shiny metal and lush velvet were exactly the luxurious trinkets Mishka pretended not to care about because they often didn’t fit into their budget. Mishka was strict about the money on their travels, shrewd with where she let them splurge, because they’d need to travel down to meet her brother for more money if they ran out, or sell somethings –or let Jungkook take a few mercenary jobs, which she seemed oddly opposed to for a woman who’d married a great warrior.
She picked up one with bright jewels strung around the ribbon and slid it over her hand; the ribbon stretched for her hand and then nestled around her wrist.
“Little elf…” the woman running the stall laughed. “Those bracelets aren’t for–”
“I know, but I can’t exactly try it on there… well, can I?” Mishka argued with the woman.
“Hm… I wouldn’t say no,” the woman. “In fact, I encourage it. I can help with fit.” She winked.
Jungkook didn’t understand. The bracelet clearly fit Mishka just fine. The jeweled one wouldn’t be the one he’d pick; he thought the plain ones would actually look nicer, but he wasn’t a woman and Mishka was particular about things –though he did usually have good luck picking things she’d like. He prided himself on it. 
“I’m sure you can but I’d scratch your eyes out,” Mishka snorted.
Jungkook was confused about what the shopkeeper had done to earn such a threat but wondered if Mishka was just jealous that the woman’s tits were practically out. He slid his arm soothingly across Mishka’s stomach and made a point of looking away from the stall, not at the woman. He liked when she was jealous but he also liked reassuring her that she didn’t really need to be. Her tits weren’t as big but they were still the best tasting in his mouth and the prettiest to look at and just the right size to massage in his palms when he took her from behind. 
“Those can be tied,” the woman explained, “to fit a range of sizes. Those stretch to suit…” She held one up; Jungkook noticed in glancing over his shoulder but it clearly wouldn’t even fit over Mishka’s hand.
Mishka rolled her eyes, “it’s none of your business but obviously not.”
“A good fit is important. Tight but not so tight–”
“How much are they?” Mishka interrupted. Jungkook’s eyebrow raised. Not that he was opposed to her getting pretty things for herself, but she’d been so adamantly frugal on their trip so far. It piqued his interest to know she was willing to splurge for these.
But the prices the woman rattled off didn’t agree with her and Mishka huffed, “Pah, that’s robbery. I won’t bother.”
“Robbery? You think just anything will work? The last thing you want is a gem falling off and getting fucked in, yeah?”
Jungkook could not understand any scenario in which that would happen after a gem fell off the bracelet, but he also found it fascinating to watch Mishka negotiate and knew better than to intervene, in case this was a lead up. He listened as Mishka suggested another price.
Annoyingly the woman refused it. Hard no. Price is firm. Jungkook didn’t like hearing that anymore than Mishka did, except he felt a little more inclined to pay it because, well, Mishka wanted one. 
Mishka turned her back and resumed walking. Jungkook followed after her, hand reaching up to tangle in the long curly ends of her hair just above her ass. She didn’t even look back, but he glanced over to confirm the merchant wasn’t calling them back to take the offer after all.
“Marguerite, you want one?” he stopped her once they were out of sight.
“Let’s go back and buy one. I will pay what she asked.”
“The price wasn’t too high.”
“The price was crazy.”
“It was worth it.”
“You think so?” she asked, face screwing up adorably. “No, it was too much…”
She looked to be deliberating, which clearly meant she wanted one and his precious wife was simply trying to be frugal. Damn that! Jungkook was angry now.
“Which one do you like? Go pick it up now, I will threaten her down or pay the price, I don’t care,” he said, already turning her around.
“Jungkook, no, we don’t need it–”
“Need? Who cares! You want it and you don’t ask for much, my mishka–”
“I ask for things all the time,” she laughed. “I can live without–”
“You will not live without it,” he insisted. “Have we come to this? My woman walks away from something that makes her face light up? We have the money for this place.”
“Well… yes–”
“And if we need more money, I’ll kill someone to get it–”
“We agreed no mercenary work!”
“You don’t worry about it, that is not your place, woman,” he grumbled.
She scowled and yanked on his hand, “Yes it is, I’m not just your woman I’m your partner and I was only curious about the– stop pulling me along, it’s all right. I don’t know even know if you’d like it–”
“I am your man, if you like it, I will like it.”
“Oh. Um…” She looked surprised, and then grinned, “Really? I wasn’t sure…”
Now he felt like an asshole. Mishka didn’t think he cared about her getting to wear lovely things? Yes, he preferred her with nothing on, but he wanted her to have all the lovely things she could dream of! Someday they would return to the Hold and he would drown her in the luxuries of the Avvar but those were different than the luxuries of Rivain and Orlais and the Free Marches and he wanted her to have those too. He’d give her the whole world and all its jewels if he could.
At the merchant he bellowed in common tongue, “Woman! We will buy whichever one she likes!”
The merchant did not seem surprised to see them back. She leaned seductively over the table and grinned, 
“Oh, had a little chat, hm? Wasn’t sure you were the type who’d be into it… can always tell the good ones by how much they want to please their lady.” She winked and grinned at him. Mishka growled low in her throat and grabbed one up, the jeweled one. Then she paused and looked at it in her hand. She looked slowly up at Jungkook.
“Really? You think we should get it?”
“Get two!” he said, grabbing for one of the velvet ones that looked small enough for her dainty wrist.
“That one’s too small,” she argued, picking up another jeweled one. But selfishly he wanted the velvety ones and scoffed,
“This will look nice.”
“I’d wager all of them will look nice,” the merchant insisted.
“You like that one?” Mishka asked with surprise. She reached out to brush the green velvet. “You prefer red.”
“This one matches your eyes.”
“Ah, that does make sense to coordinate… all right, those two then–”
“Get that one you like too,” he said.
“We don’t need three–”
He caught her chin and tilted it up to him, “You and the gods gave me a second chance to be your man and I will not waste it. I will give you anything you want or die trying–”
“There is the risk of that,” the vendor offered. “Perhaps I should show you how to–”
“I will gut you,” MIshka hissed at the woman. “Just the three, I’ll give you the coin–”
“I will buy them,” Jungkook argued, hooking coins from his own purse. 
“Since your husband is so eager, maybe I can offer you–”
“Yes,” he waved his hand, not even looking at what the woman said, but he had a point to prove. Whatever Mishka wanted, she got, and he hated that she had assumed that wasn’t the case, like he was going to make her beg or cry or miss out on these bracelets just because they were frivolous! Not that he didn’t love her begging… maybe she would humor him and beg for something else later tonight… it was easy to spoil Mishka when she was always so grateful later.
He smiled thinking about it as they walked off, the purchases tucked into Mishka’s satchel. But, realizing she hadn’t put one on yet, he frowned,
“Why don’t you put one on now?”
“Um…” Her eyes went wide. “You’re that eager?”
“I like when you wear pretty things, Mishka,” he said, voice low as he crouched down to be near her ear. “Put the velvet ribbon one on so I can take it off later.”
A little chirp came from her mouth, not unlike the sound she made when he surprised her with a hard thrust. Except this one was followed by a very different kind of smile as she gasped,
“But they’re for you to wear!”
“No… oh, Jungkook,” she giggled, covering her mouth with her hands. “You don’t know what they are?”
He didn’t like to feel like a fool. He stood straighter and glowered down at her.
“Bracelets,” he said, confused how they could be anything else.
“They’re cock rings.”
“Cock rings,” he repeated.
“It’s sort of a bracelet… for your cock,” she explained.
“Why would I want a bracelet for my cock?”
“Well because it holds it tight and makes it extra hard… it can make you last longer– you’ve never heard of a cock ring before?!”
His gaze narrowed more as he demanded, “How do you know of this, little one?”
“The whores I fucked in Orlais taught me about them,” she beamed at him. “And now I get to teach you about it, I see! Oh, this makes it so funny though… I was surprised you were so insistent but I thought maybe you were just up for something fun when we fuck!”
“I… I am ‘up for fun’ when we fuck,” he grumbled. “I like to have fun when we fuck.”
“This will be very fun–”
“You used these with another man?”
“Oh. Well… remember I told you I was having a hard time climaxing with anyone and they’d get worn out and tired–”
“By the gods, woman!” he groaned, torn between the rage of jealousy and the urge to drag her back to their flat this second and show her something better.
“Not that you have any issue with that,” she giggled, eyes glistening as she grabbed his arm. “But obviously I want to play… I want to see how your cock looks with one on. I want to see how hard you can get and if it feels any different when you cum–”
He breathed out heavily through his nose, then turned her around on the street.
“Fine, woman. Let’s go now.”
“Right now? We haven’t even had supper yet!” she laughed.
“I am only hungry for one thing.”
“You’ll really let me put one on your cock? You aren’t afraid? Some men are afraid to have something tight like that,” She was teasing. He could see it, and so now of course he was not going to admit he wasn’t wild about the idea. But if she wanted it… and if it did make him bigger and harder, that would be impressive. She was laughing again, “I thought that’s why you wanted the one that matched my eyes! So when I suck on you, we’ll match.”
“Yes,” he agreed. “Yes, we’ll do that first.”
“My brave man. You’re walking very fast! I really want to see the jeweled one though, your cock will look like a king.”
“Will that one not hurt when I fuck you?” he realized, thinking about it now, picturing it in precise and exquisite detail.
“The crystals are rounded. I think if the large one is positioned just right it will bump my clit just so.”
“We have much to learn,” he grinned eagerly. 
“I hope you aren’t going to regret spending so much now that it’s just for sex and not a pretty trinket for me.” She was teasing him again. The flush in her cheeks was obvious though; her anticipation made his even worse.
“I will fuck you until I feel like I have my money’s worth,” he shrugged.
“You made me sound like a whore!”
“No, wife, don’t cry at me. You’ll still be the prettiest jewel on my cock.”
“Ah, that was very clever,” she laughed, and tugged his arm, and urged, “Come on, Jungkook, let’s run faster. I want to play.”
Jungkook would give Mishka anything she wanted for the rest of their lives, and so they ran.
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thelonestrider · 2 years
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More of Mishka!\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/ They’re too dang cute. 
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