ofaphrcditearchive · 7 years
(meg) who’s your favourite disney princess?
“Listen. I ain’t not gonna mention my namesake. Fuck whatever my parents told you, I was named for the Princess Megara from the iconic Hercules film. But she might just have been beat to the throne by Kida. I mean it’s Atlantis. Civilisation lost to the sea and she’s just brilliant? First time I dyed my hair, it was white just so I could match her. First Princess I ever saw to kick a guy in the throat too.”
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scorchedmonarch · 7 years
who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
if it hadn’t been ivar, it must have been milla. in fact, i doubt i even have anything remotely close to a deep conversation with anyone other then my family.
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rebclheartsarchive · 7 years
( @pandaemonius and @miscrere )
It was a terrible plan. Michel doesn’t even know why he went along with it when there were so many risks, potential for it to go wrong. He did not care for his own life, hasn’t for as long as he could remember, but Anton and Melchior...if they were caught, they would hang beside him without a doubt. Yet Michel went along with them anyway, following them through tunnels and passageways, keeping pressed again walls as they made their way through the castle. Selfish, selfish, selfish. He should never have let them talk him into this, into escaping into the night  on the path for a different life instead of finding absolution. He simply could not stomach their pain, could not resist their pleas for him to live despite the fact that he was ready to embrace death with open arms. Looking around a corner, he glanced both ways before he moved along, remaining close to what little of the walls had remained from the explosion and he’s surprised there wasn’t more damage. It had meant to be bigger, more powerful than that and it only leads to more disappointment that nothing had gone to plan. If it had, then he wouldn’t be making his way to the castle grounds with two of the only people left in his life that he was sure he loved.
His feet meet grass finally and instead of feeling some kind of freedom, he just feels daunted by what lays ahead. His plan had either been to end up on the German throne, or get himself killed in the process. He had never accounted for a third possibility, had not even thought that he had other options. It’s not until they’re at the outskirts of the castle that they stop, that he turns to his brother and lover and flails for what to say. He’d thought he’d had his last conversations with them, that they were done now, but this somehow feels more final. Because he knows that he can never return. Returning would mean putting them in danger for helping a traitor, it still could if anyone found out. It was best to get as far away from the Germans and Bern as he possibly could. “You two...will take care of each other, won’t you?”
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
(agnete) what's currently playing on your playlist?
agnete has two types of playlists. the playlist when she’s out and about walking her beb, while being your typical soccer!mom, which is basically workout/yoga inspo. and then there’s the music she actually listens to on a daily. mostly it’s pop, swedish pop or electronica bc bish takes inspo from music for her clothing designing. actually i’m being extra and you can listen to it here. 
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to-do list
‘cause i am trash who loses count, here are all the threads i have going - the replies i have done are in bold.
if i’ve missed anyone, please hmu!!!
anton ⇒ karina @hvpelesskingdoms​
anton ⇒ serafina
anton ⇒ carolina
anton ⇒ vasiliy @svmphvnies​ !!!
anton ⇒ eideard @eideardtheprince​
anton ⇒ imogen @prinxessimogen​
anton ⇒ melchior @miscrere​
anton ⇒ michel 
demetrios ⇒ isidora @rebclhearts​
demetrios ⇒ faustina @faustinadinaples​
demetrios ⇒ josie @mclodramas​
demetrios ⇒ megaira @ofaphrcdite​
demetrios ⇒ elif @gvntls​
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
(ida) what was the last party you went to? when's the next?
‘ the last party i went to? my cousin’s filipe. it was in a karaoke bar and as expected, i got drunk –– just because realization hit that i had to eventually sing and i wouldn’t ever do that sober. i’m not so sure about the next but it’ll be hard to up step from that. ’
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