Okay we’ve talked about human Ashlyn and not Ashlyn and we’ve even covered predacon Ashlyn in the adoption Au. But what about minicon Ashlyn?
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oh, my fricking word. she would be unstoppable.
A tiny metal gremlin with the attitude problems of a chihuahua and the bite to back it up. I could see just, popping up, right next to bot's ped and scaring the spark out of them. Or just dropping out of vents at random times. Or on shoulders. Helms. Anywhere is a possibility.
She thrives off the startled screams.
Ashlyn would be Cogman on steroids. Dramatic organ playing and everything. I could totally see her as Ratchet's assistant, helping him with his equipment and polishing his arsenal of wrenches. No one really knows where she came from, she doesn't give a straight answer, and all Ratchet knows is that this little spitfire found him one day and refused to let go of his neck cables until he said she could come with him.
All the kids know is that AshBite isn't allowed outside the base. For insurance purposes, Fowler says.
They never realized insurance referred to an actually legal insurance firm and not backup. Not until Ratchet tells the minicon to keep an eye on the kids while he goes to fight zombies with Optimus, and said kids sneak out the Groundbridge. She wouldn't be doing her job if she didn't follow, now would she?
The children bear witness to the monstrosity that is an armored Ashlyn Moore, unchained by the weaknesses of the flesh. It's almost as traumatizing as seeing her drool over a burger.
In short, vehicons run away screaming as the little terror, covered in energon, skips down the halls and crawls through vents while seeing the Hide and Seek song. By the time everyone is off the Nemesis, the engine room is on fire, the control room has been graffitied, and a berth in the medical wing has a sign on it labeled; RESERVED FOR THE EXPLODING BUCKET.
Fowler, passed out on a gurney in the base, is blessed with careful head pats and a first hand account of the horrors done by little miss Ash. The man is lucky that he isn't lucid enough to understand it. The rest of the base is not.
Soundwave is prepared to battle for minicon custody.
Makeshift makes eye contact with that scraplete-like face and yeets himself back out the ground bridge he walked through.
Wheeljack does use her as a grenade.
The matrix is too scared to bother trying anything.
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What if Ashlyn meets RiD Decepticons in the future? Time travel or not, I can imagine how she could mess with them all. No Cons be safe from Ashlyn... maybe except minicons
Steeljaw will learn how terrifying humans can be, just like TFP Decepticons already learned :)
Steeljaw will be having a flipping crisis. It's inevitable.
Honestly, this situation will be even funnier if it’s a time-travel version. I can't go into too much detail for spoiler reasons, but Ashlyn Moore would have done several exploits that have left major ripple effects in the timeline. And then comes past Miss Moore, who is not quite that unhinged yet and fully unaware of anything except some TV show knowledge. She is going to be very, very confused.
When Starscream arrives, armor upgrades and all, and proceeds to cry at the sight of her?
The mini cons that were hunted to be used as a super weapon, why is the eagle calling her Origin?
WTF is MECH doing?!???
Ah, Soundwave is sticking with the original design… not all bad then.
Ohhhhh, hey Knockout! …. Whose that other con in the distance?
… why is everyone giving up on the deception hunters, and hunting her?
Is Earth still getting invaded? Is that a thing? Please, let Decepticons subtly integrate themselves and control the government so they can blacklist Autobots and brainwash the populace... no she is not being sarcastic.
... Why is Doctor Morocco calling her madam?
The Vehicons have a union now?
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