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Multiversity Teen Justice #5 Black Adam Cover . dc #dccomics #blackadam #hawkman #teenjustice #justiceleague#justiceleagueofamerica#miltiversity #compracomicsenpanama #tiendadecomics #comicsenpanama #coleccionistasdepanama #comicbookcommunity #collectorcommunity #cosasdecomics #ventadecomics #superhero #superheroes #panama #arraijan #lachorrera #comics #cosasdecomics #yoquieroesecomic #panamaoesteuniversodesconocido #selfie #comicbookloop #wednesday #yoquieroesecomic (at Panama Oeste Universo Desconocido) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl_8vinuk3s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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superlustersnew52 · 11 months
the missing chapter of eros bay was a multiverse/superhero thing
chapter 1 was the crime family
chapter 2 was the mayoral election stuff in 2019
chapter 3 was going to be multiverse + people being given superpowers
but we skipped to chapter 4 which is witches and supernatural creatures and eldritch gods
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horsescary · 6 months
I think I accidentally convinced my friends that I'm a conspiracy theorists
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alpha-kid-au · 1 year
Chapter ten, "Book" two, Impotent King
It's a brilliant day out on the mountainside. As William and G are training, The mountainside is lit by the dusk, while they're training at one of William's overworld temples.
"You call this training? This ain't nothing!" G said, bouncing around.
"Hey, now that you have your own strings, gotta see if anythings different with em'" William explained, as with very slight movements he dodged all of G's attacks.
And as he continued to dodge, he jumped up in front of the mountainside, and as G swiped, William flew over it, and the strings hit the mountainside, the rocks fell down and crushed him.
William landed in front of the rock pile, and pulled G out.
"So. Whatcha learn?" William asked, holding him upside down.
"Uh… that I still can't beat you?" G replied, as William flipped him right side up
"Well, how did I beat you?" William questioned, dusting him off.
"Uhh, crushed me under debris?" G said, as William snapped his finger
"Ah! But I didn't. You did. All I did was dodge in such a way to use your strength against you. Get it?" William asked, as he removed debris with his telekinesis, fusing it back into the wall.
"I guess? But weren't we just gonna test out my new strings?" G asked,
"Well yes, originally we were but it seemed like nothing was different, and I needed a way to stop, so I just got you buried." William responded.
"That's your first thought of how to stop training? Why not just-" as G was interrupted,
"Ah, you're immortal. You're fine." William chuckled, as G seemed confused and asked
"Wait, I'm immortal again?" G asked, as William explained
"Well, not fully. You become more immortal the more you master your other powers. The seal on your magic helps you control your powers more, but blocks most of your immortality."As G stretched out.
"Man, it's almost time for the fireworks tonight." William said as he walked over to a cliff near the temple.
"Oh… me and Nightmare were gonna watch them.." G stated, scratching his head, as William turned to look over the cliff.
"But… we do that every year. I can watch it with you tonight." G continued, as he sat down with William.
"Thanks. G" William spoke as he hugged G
Down in the city, Nightmare was sitting with dust and killer, as he was signing books. The streets were filled with lights and activity as people began the festival.
"H-hello! Of course I can.. y-yeah sign it!" Nightmare said, nervously shaking.
"Hey Nightmare, you alright?" Killer asked as they ate snacks.
"Night gets anxious in large groups, and they also get anxious with fans" Dust replied, looking up from his book to help comfort Nightmare
"G was supposed to be here… what if something happened?" Nightmare said looking around.
"Nah, he's fine. He's with Error 404! Ever since that last fight with Vantus, he wanted to make sure he was ready for whoever might show up next!" Killer explained, as he opened up another box of food, "want one?" He continued, offering one.
"No… I'm alright for now." Nightmare said, calming down slightly.
And as they continued, Hunter walked over with his own food.
"Hey guys. I wanted to hang out with you guys tonight." He said smiling, as he sat down next to them
"Hey hunter! How's the day been?" Dust asked, smiling.
"Oh yeah, everything okA-" Hunter was saying as his cookie fell down a nearby drain.
"Whelp. Can't save that now." Hunter said, as he sat down with the others.
Down in his lair, Multiverse had captured a Sans, Papyrus, and Chara.
He has the sans assist him in developing a way to regain some of his power.
"Is everything working?" Multiverse asked, as he walked over to him.
Sans sighed, as he turned around. "It should work, given there aren't any complications."
As Multiverse pinned him against the wall with two bones, and yelled "It WILL work. You mean?" He said walking over angrily. "I swear if one more thing goes wrong-" he continued, as a cookie hit him in the head.
In anger, he nearly stabbed Sans, but stopped himself, saying "start it. NOW." He yelled, as he let the Sans go, and threw the piece of bone he got from G to him
The Sans reluctantly sighed, as he moved to bone over and put it into his contraption.
It whirred and whined, as it began to operate, but it scratched to a halt after a few seconds.
As it did, Multiverse chained the Sans between the roof and ceiling, running over yelling "This is your last failure! i should-." As he looked away, saying, "it CAN'T be over…"
And a sickening mist seeped through the walls, seemingly scaring the three prisoners just by its existence.
"It doesn't have to be, as long as I'm here." A voice said, as chuckles echo through the halls, and the light turns purple.
"W-who are you?!? SHOW YOURSELF!" Multiverse yelled.
"I am but a humble soul, drifting through, who saw someone truly deserving of the title, 'King' and I believe I may be of service." The voice continued, as a small vial rolled into the room, as the voice subsided, along with the signs of its existence.
"What is this?" Multiverse asked as he walked over, and saw a purplish vial, with a strange liquid.
"Perhaps… nothing could be worse than this." He said, looking at the contraption.
He poured the vial into the contraption, and it whirred back to life, as it seemed to stabilize and cause it to work.
"It… works!?! FINALLY!!" He screamed, as he took the device.
"Now, how about a test drive?" He continued, as he turned to look at the prisoners.
"HEY! you said you'd let us free if I helped you!!!" The Sans yelled, as he struggled against the chains.
"You failed me, and needed the vial for it to work. Therefore, you still owe me something." Multiverse said, stepping closer as he shot the three's souls with his magic, and they screamed as lines strung across their bodies.
And as they fall to the ground, they kneel before Multiverse, seemingly struggling against the control, before giving in.
And as Multiverse smiles, and turns to say, "now. Let us begin."
As the parade began, everyone smiled in celebration.
"man, I love festivals! Just a big ol bunch of fun!" Killer said, sitting on Hunter's shoulders
"Yeah, all the floats are so cool, there's the dragon, the… throne?" Hunter asked as the others looked to see a large float with a throne on it.
"That's not supposed to be there…" Nightmare thinks, as he gestures for the others to evacuate, saying "I think we've gotta go" as they all run to the woods.
Back in the city, rising out of the throne is Multiverse, who stands up saying.
"Citizens! I believe it is time for a change of leadership." And as he does, a couple of monsters run nearby, trying to hit him, he shoots them with his magic, and as they fall down, the crowd scatters, as one by one, he hunts out everyone who he can, bringing them under his control.
Back with William and G, they smile while eating cookies and watching the fireworks.
William stretched out, saying "Man, I haven't been out here to actually see the world myself for a bit, huh?" As he patted G on the back, "man, it's great to see this, huh pal?" He finished, smiling at him.
"Yeah, I'm glad we got to hang out." G smiled as he also stretched out.
And as they celebrate, the fireworks stop, and they stand up In confusion.
"Where did the fireworks go?" G asked, as he used code sight to view the city closer.
When he did, he saw the chaos beneath them, and saw Multiverse.
"Multiverse!" G yelled as he jumped towards them, before he was stopped by William.
"No. For the first time in a long time, I was having a good time. He messed with ME." William said as he summoned his blaster, and jumped on, grabbing G, and putting him on as well.
They both flew as fast as possible, towards the city.
"G. You sit this one out." As he put him down on a nearby rooftop.
"but wait, I can-" G responded as William flew off
William flew to the makeshift throne that Multiverse had made on top of a tall building.
As William lands, the snow sitting atop the building was pushed from the wind behind him, and he yelled, "Multiverse."
"Well well well, if it isn't the self proclaimed 'god of the Multiverse' finally come out of your pity dimension?" as he stood up to face William.
"As if you're one to talk, 'prince' of the Multiverse. Recluse to recluse a little bird told me you've been living in a dusty cave under the city." William taunted.
"it was a temporary living situation. And it's king and you know it." Multiverse sneered, stepping closer, before swiping at William with bones, as William dodged backwards.
G got to a vantage point, so he could watch from a distance.
The two fought, William clearly messing around with Multiverse as much as he does G, as if this is training to him.
"C'mon, you can't dodge forever your majesty" William spoke, as he heard a whisper behind him, he swiped at it, but only saw a skeleton with a patch on its skull, and a terrifying smile.
"WHAT THE?-" William yelled, as it disappeared, and Multiverse hit him in the back, grappling him with chains
William groaned as he was bound, as he said "seriously? The old chain trick? You think this can-" but he was interrupted by the chains zapping him, and as he attempted to escape, he couldn't.
"Well… this is new." He spoke as Multiverse laughed, and sat down on his throne.
G saw from a distance, and he was both confused and panicked, he dashed off, following signs of the others.
"Excuse me? This taco is really hot!!!" A monster said, metaphorically breathing fire.
"Oh dear customer, I must say that you did order the fire taco." Blue Moon responded, as he leaned over towards them.
"Well yeah, but this isn't just a 'fire taco', this is a bioweapon at this point!!!" The monster stated
"Ohoho, so I'm supposed to make pathetic tacos that are too weak to do what those close to them ask of it, HUH?" Blue Moon replied.
"Can I speak to a manager of some sort?!" The monster asked, as Vantus loomed closer, saying "you called?"
As the monster inched backwards, saying "y'know what? I didn't need anything, goodbye!" And ran off
"Brother, you cannot just scare any who would wish to talk to us. Now is a time for redemption. Now that… glitch is here, we can't take over the city, so perhaps you should calm down?"" Blue Moon suggested, as he stepped closer
"And what should I be? The taco king?" Vantus yelled, annoyed.
"Well no I'm the taco king" Blue Moon mumbled, "no- we can just… try something new! Two brothers, working to better themselves in a shifting world. No threat from heros, no… talking goop" Blue Moon continued, no longer mumbling.
At the mention of the entity, Vantus tenses up, as Blue Moon backed away, saying
"Oh- I apologize, fresh wound" as he backed away, but as he did, he looked outside and saw the carnage.
MV!Sans broke down the door, "the king demands an audience" he said, as he grabbed him and teleported to Multiverse.
"BROTHER!!!" Blue Moon yelled, as he was found by one of the monsters Multiverse controls attacked him, but he stabbed it, and took its soul, seeing as it was strange, and he took it with him in a vial.
And as he ran, he summoned his blaster, and hopped on it.
"I'll be back, brothers" Blue Moon said, as he flew off
Vantus was chained from a chandelier containing many others.
"What is this?!?" Vantus yelled, as he strained against the chains.
"Oh, but it's just the new order of things." Multiverse said, slowly walking from bone to bone up to him like steps.
"If it is you who defeated me, perhaps I have truly fallen" Vantus sneered.
"Or perhaps you were never upon the pedestal you saw yourself on." Multiverse responded.
"Tch, as if you could ever get further then here. If I know anything from attempting this myself the glitch will destroy you any moment. Vantus taunted
"Oh, well. I believe I have someone you would like to meet." Multiverse spoke, as he gestures to William.
"Heya ink demon. Got you too huh?" William said spinning around.
"YOU?!?" Vantus yelled as he struggled.
"It's not helping, can you not tell?" Multiverse said.
And as he did, MV!Chara and MV!Papyrus entered the room.
"My liege, I have news of the knight." MV!Chara said, their white cloak flowed in the wind as its gold trim shimmered in the light.
"Go on." Multiverse spoke, stepping closer.
"He… got away." MV!Chara continued.
"HOW?!?" Multiverse yelled, as he turned to face them, and Vantus laughed.
"Well you did give Sans a paltry force to command over, and he himself was busy with Vantus." MV!Papyrus mentioned.
Vantus cackled as he said "you spent the whole budget on me? My my, I must be your special guest!"
Multiverse turned, and stated "you are only one of many. Your brother can do nothing to me." As he turned away, and sat on his throne.
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askganon · 10 months
I loved our fight the first time I ever made it to the end of the cycle. You were confounding and confusing and within minutes I’d used up all my potions. It took forever to beat you.
Sometimes I wish I could boot up the game and this time, this time I could change it. I read the same story again, and I hear them all lament, even you. I boot up a new file, and I try to save you, and I never can. You’re corrupted by the Divine Beasts, twisted into pieces until I drag you biting and clawing from their mechanisms. You’re warped by the power of strange artifacts and by madness and by time and by miltiverses. Every time I tell the story, you are the one I can’t save. Every time, you slip through my fingers and the cycle starts again.
I believe I just spoke about those who think "I can fix him."
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fell-is-suffering · 4 months
-Tortoise anon
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psn-stalling · 4 months
bro doesntb kn ow about tge miltiverse lmao
Okay well NOOOOWWWW I know about it.
Also. You might want to get auto correct or something. You're not very good at spelling, are you?
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m-jelly · 2 months
Hello, hello!!! 🩷 This will be my first time requesting, but I have been a long-time follower of yours, hihi. I've been contemplating on requesting this to so many other authors, but I think you were the most suitable one for me. I really love the way you write for Levi so much!
I don't know if you have ever watched Pacific Rim. It suits them so much when you think about it since in the manga it states how it'll be a cycle and all. I'd like to think where in the futuristic miltiverse or whatnot, it'll be like Pacific Rim. Levi and the reader would always be partners. Despite the usual hardship they're going through, they got married and are still very romantic with each other and all that together with the other scouts. The young ones and the veterans.
I don't want anything specific, really. I would like you to have fun while writing it! I hope my request was clear, hehe. That's all, thank you, and have a great day ahead! 🫶🎀
Helloooo Anon,
So I have never seen this movie or read the manga. I've never seen anything really to do with mechs, but I love future stuff and space. I mean I have a space tattoo.
Anyway, I want to do something for you but I feel like I won't be able to do it like Pacific Rim cause I just don't know it. So, I wanna ask a few things.
Would you like a future fic with future soldiers with like full body armour? Kind of like Mass Effect or like a future setting like Blade Runner?
Also, do you want it to all be on Earth, or like a different planet? Do you want it in space?
Do you want aliens to be involved? Do you want it to be robots or mechs?
Do you want it pure multiverse? So lived multiple lives? Do you want like a going back in time thing maybe one person preventing the other's death as much as possible and succeeds?
Do you want their progress to become a couple, so short snippets, or straight in being a couple and detailed fighting?
Armour like this?
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Please let me know! I'm sorry I haven't seen or read Pacific Rim. Take your time getting back to me!
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How have things been in your world? Aside from the... miltiverse situation...
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[Today is a foggy day in a long streak, which means that the World Machine must be using that to fix some structures in a way that the residents won't interfere.]
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[They seem to be focusing on the Glen's southwest.]
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[But until the weather improves I won't ask Cedric to get me to the Refuge. ]
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[I wonder if I should approach Silver.]
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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Send 📱 for five texts my muse didn't send yours, and one that they did || Accepting !
@moonspower sent: 📱 Rick!
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Texts not sent ✘ [text to: P. Moonshine] i dont fukcing gt how yuo can do yhat LIVE POSITIVE shit whne the goddamm miltiverse is a dumpster on fire. and yoire the trahs in it [text to: P. Moonshine] taht cologne...or whatev...you use makes yuo smlel like a fcukin bouqet [text to: P. Moonshine] i dont like that were friends cause when im netx to you im constantly reminded evne MORE taht i DONT have my fukcing shit togehter [text to: P. Moonshine] Mooooooooooooorty jsdòkagklòsdng [text to: P. Moonshine] Yuo kinda suck at suckin gotta practise
Text sent ✓ [text to: P. Moonshine] Run out of flower drug thing. Sending Sum-Sum in an hour, give her some too, she earned it
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dx-orion · 2 years
Theseus, The courageous one
Theseus is brother to Orion. Brothers by bond and brothers by creation and brothers by Soul. Orion, Theseus and Rhea Share a connection that is not know to have, not only with other Stardroids, but with other forms of Sentient Mechanical life. They share, what their create calls. an Astral Soul. One soul for the 3 of them, Split but together.
Theseus is the most courageous of the 3, His name was given to him as such and he strives to live up to his namesake. Theseus  has 2 Wolf companions: Skoll and Peritas. They not only help him in his endeavors but, They Have CMV (Combat Motor Vehicle) forms. they can Combine into a Chase Vehicle, Ride armor and into a Combat Armor for Theseus.
Theseus was the first of the siblings to Go off on his own, not out of anger or a rebellious angst but to his Courage. They were each given a task, a task that would help stop the destruction of not only their universe, but to them, little did they know, all Multiverses.
Theseus was set out to Seek out a Power source, one that, in theory, would Provide the right amount of power to a Phasing machine. Not a time, More like a Miltiversal-Time and Space machine. Capable of allow them to move between Timelines and Time they had the tech already but it Took an incredible amount of energy to use and even more time for the energys creation. It only had enough power for a 2 set jump, into other Universe, and then back home.. He would scan for different source, give them to Skoll and Let him hone in on it. The First Destination was A timeline that He himself was Too familiar with, but never been to himself. A botched timeline, the timeline The Stardroids were ashamed of....The Timeline of the Milky Way Stardroids.....
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umbranstilettos · 2 years
Did you know that Kamiya himself said Bayovand Luka wouldnt happen because she would outlive him adnd the she and jeanne was more likely ? and any way being miltiverse me thinks bayo can be whatever XD
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//I didn’t thanks for bring that up, and yes of course Bayo is the perfect multiship character because she’s dealing with multiverse who’s a character more iconic than that NOW COME ON NOW! Dante? Not really. JK but seriously I’m still in my 65 followers I already got a hate anon from an anon that was lied to several times by “official” media that involves Bayo and Jeanne finger banging as if PG would sell posters of that to capitalize on ITS STILL EARLY FOR MY CANCELLATION ERA at least bring me to 700 or so followers GOSH!
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Please note that itnis not my place to judge you just know that there is an ‘accounting’ call it fate or karma or whatever your ancestral spirituality might say in any language on all freakwencies…..
We have thenopportunity in this part of the miltiverse to make this the best or thenworst of all possible worlds…..just like this somg and all songs…….the essence of God…/Satan duality that poured themselves into the universe and without…..That God died of boredom and sticking his tongue straight up his own ass…..it was a toroid affair of the nastiest kin
Anywho They were alone and bored…..so did that so as to give them a fram of refrrence from soinning chaotically in a blankness….
The result is everything an dnothing and imaginary numbers sre real if you square them….
The end IS coming of the Old Testament…..we are in the Garden of Eden and we have been doing everything in our oower to fuck it all to hell an dthe gods are pissed off….the earth will ring like a bell causing geography-changing ewrthquakes, and tsunamis…and the ice shelves nay crumble apart dropping billions of pounds of ice into an already inflated water table….
The sky has fallen already we are living amongst the cliuds and im not talking about racist undherhanded bullshit they use to signal their ‘Signs’ to one another…no more hiding in plain sight with your wolf or coyote rings or iron crosses that are piss poor substistutes for the peace symbol that the Nazi sumbol is actually based upon…..google it 45 degrees and its not hate anymore…oh and in a seig heil the oatchnis rotated back to pease but sorry i didnt explain myself monosyllabicaly for You’s
Anyway your heil hitler high beam Sylvania H11 wasteful headlamps might come in handy when the sky is choked with the smoke from …..take your pick of doomsday senarios….they are all active and on the table….Caldera under yellowstone over due….
Cobra slytherin comander underneath the arctic ice waiting for some Ssssssignal…if they arent killed by the nanites from the Nth dimensional spaces of every family genus phylum class and species…..
We are likely actually on ‘Middle’ earth…..even the Trees are pissed….Groot gonna crush some fucking octopus headed robot human cyborg hybrid beasts….
Dont tase me bros and hoes
If you are offended by my words….it is you who has the problems not me
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marinanuxd · 2 years
Lizzie Olsen Bloopers pt. 1
I love her SO much bye 🥺🥺🥺
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forza55 · 2 years
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