#millet banana cake
stimsofooo · 2 months
Recipes for a Parakeet Therian!
Banana Nut Breakfast Farro - Budget Bytes
Whole Grain Porridge - Veggie Inspired
Blueberry Smoothies Recipe | Bon Appétit (bonappetit.com)
Salted fish with macadamia and native pepper recipe | Gourmet Traveller
Colorful Millet Salad with Chickpeas, Veggies, Garam Masala (katheats.com)
One-Pot Millet Pilaf With Vegetables & Turmeric Recipe on Food52
Braised eggplant with saltbush | SBS Food
Stir-fried Australian native greens recipe by Kylie Kwong | Gourmet Traveller
Kingfish ceviche recipe with avocado and finger lime by Jacqui Challinor | Gourmet Traveller
Millet Veggie Burgers - Detoxinista
Gorgonzola, leek and walnut orzotto recipe | delicious. magazine (deliciousmagazine.co.uk)
Celeriac & Walnut Tacos (eatingwell.com)
Kap mauri oxtail ragù recipe | Gourmet Traveller
Barramundi with cavolo nero and capers | Gourmet Traveller
Thai Peanut Noodles - Nora Cooks (PARAKEETS CANNOT EAT PEANUTS.)
Puffed Millet Granola with Almonds, Honey and Coconut - Craving California
Tasty Millet Zucchini Fritters - Vibrant plate
Kale Chips!
Kakadu Plum, fingerlime, and all sorts of fruits & nuts!
Baklava Recipe-How to make the BEST Honey Baklava (themediterraneandish.com)
Greek Walnut Spice Cake (eatingwell.com)
Pavlova with Fresh Berries | Williams Sonoma (williams-sonoma.com)
Lemon myrtle brown butter madeleines | Gourmet Traveller
(i put too many desserts because it was fun!)
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dheemahi · 2 months
Managing Diabetes with Ayurveda
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Understanding Diabetes in Ayurveda
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, views diabetes as an imbalance in the body’s doshas, particularly Kapha and Pitta. This imbalance affects Agni (digestive fire), leading to poor metabolism and elevated blood sugar levels. In Ayurvedic terms, diabetes is categorized as “Prameha.” Effective management involves balancing the doshas through diet, herbs, and lifestyle changes.
Ayurvedic Dietary Recommendations for Diabetes
Ayurvedic principles emphasize a personalized approach, considering an individual’s constitution (dosha), current health status, and the nature of the disease. Here are some key dietary recommendations:
Balancing Kapha and Pitta: Focus on reducing foods that increase Kapha and Pitta doshas while favoring those that pacify them.
Enhancing Digestion: Opt for easy-to-digest foods. Prefer cooked foods over raw, warm meals over cold, and avoid heavy, oily foods.
Choosing the Right Foods: Incorporate whole grains (like barley and oats), legumes (like lentils and mung beans), bitter vegetables (like bitter gourd and leafy greens), and moderate amounts of fruits (like berries and pomegranates).
Avoiding Sugary and Refined Foods: Steer clear of sugary foods, refined carbohydrates, and heavy dairy products that can aggravate Kapha and worsen insulin resistance.
Herbal Support: Use Ayurvedic herbs such as fenugreek (Methi), turmeric (Haldi), bitter melon (Karela), and Indian gooseberry (Amla) to support blood sugar regulation. Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before incorporating these into your diet.
Foods to Avoid for Better Diabetes Management
To manage diabetes effectively, it’s essential to avoid or limit foods that cause rapid spikes in blood glucose levels. Here’s a list of foods to be cautious about:
Sugary Foods and Beverages: Avoid sodas, sweetened beverages, candies, cakes, and desserts.
Refined Carbohydrates: Limit white bread, pastries, white rice, and pasta.
Trans Fats and Saturated Fats: Steer clear of fried foods, commercially baked goods, and high-fat dairy products.
High-Sodium Foods: Reduce intake of processed meats, canned soups, and salty snacks.
Alcoholic Beverages: Drink alcohol in moderation and preferably with food.
Fruit Juices and Sweet Fruits: Limit consumption of sweet fruits like grapes, mangoes, and bananas, as well as commercially prepared fruit juices with added sugars.
Ayurvedic Foods Beneficial for Diabetics
Bitter and Astringent Tastes: Foods like bitter gourd (Karela), fenugreek seeds, turmeric, and leafy greens like spinach and kale help balance Kapha and Pitta doshas.
Whole Grains: Prefer whole grains like barley, oats, quinoa, and millets (such as ragi) over refined grains.
Legumes and Pulses: Lentils, mung beans, and chickpeas are rich in fiber and protein, supporting digestive health.
Healthy Fats: Moderate amounts of healthy fats from sources like ghee, cold-pressed oils, and nuts/seeds can be beneficial.
Herbs and Spices: Incorporate fenugreek, cinnamon, bitter melon, Indian gooseberry, and turmeric into your diet.
Practical Tips for Managing Your Diet
Read Food Labels: Pay attention to serving sizes, carbohydrate content, and added sugars.
Choose Whole Foods: Opt for whole grains, lean proteins, and plenty of vegetables.
Control Portions: Use smaller plates and measure portions to avoid overeating.
Monitor Blood Sugar Levels: Regularly check your blood glucose levels to understand how different foods affect your body and adjust your diet accordingly.
Dheemahi Ayurveda’s Expertise
Dheemahi Ayurveda offers a comprehensive Ayurvedic approach to managing diabetes, combining ancient wisdom with modern science. Their personalized therapies and dietary plans are designed to balance the doshas and improve overall well-being. With ongoing support and guidance, Dheemahi helps individuals manage their condition effectively and achieve optimal health.
For those seeking a holistic approach to diabetes management, the best Ayurveda resort in Kerala offers personalized treatments and therapies that promote healing and well-being.
By following these Ayurvedic dietary guidelines and lifestyle changes, individuals can manage diabetes more effectively and enjoy a healthier life.
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samrasfibronics123 · 9 months
Baking Courses on Gluten free millets cup cake and cookies
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Jowar Vanilla Cupcake
Tutti Frutti Flavour
Vanilla Chocohip Cupcake
Jowar Oats Cupcake
Banana Oats Cupcake
Ragi Chocolate Cupcake
Double chocolate cupcake
chocolate walnut cupcake
Banana Walnut cupcake
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adalidda · 1 year
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How Small Farmers in West Africa Can Boost Their Revenues
West Africa has a huge potential for agricultural and agrifood development, but many small farmers face challenges such as low productivity, poor market access, and climate change.
To overcome these challenges and increase their revenues, small farmers can adopt the following strategies:
Focus on profitable crops Small farmers can increase their incomes by growing the most profitable crops such are: Maize and cassava: These are two of the main staple food crops in the region, and they have multiple market applications, such as flour, starch, animal feed, ethanol and beer. Maize and cassava can also be processed into value-added products such as snacks, chips, bread and cakes. Some of the best practices to improve their productivity and quality are:  Adopting improved varieties that are high-yielding, drought-tolerant, disease-resistant and suitable for local preferences and markets.  Applying appropriate amounts and types of fertilizers to enhance soil fertility and crop nutrition.  Practicing integrated pest management (IPM) to control pests and diseases that affect maize and cassava.  Practice of intercropping will increase the farmers' income. For example, growing legumes like soybean or beans in the Maize field or in the Cassava field will give more income, and legumes fix atmospheric nitrogen in soil and help to increase the yield of maize or Cassava. Rice: Rice is another staple food crop that has a high demand in West Africa, but the region currently imports about 70 percent of what it consumes. By increasing their rice production and quality, small farmers can reduce their dependence on imports and tap into the lucrative domestic and regional markets. Rice can also be processed into products such as noodles, crackers and puffed rice. Some of the best practices to improve rice production are:  Adopting improved rice varieties that are adapted to different agro-ecological zones and have desirable traits such as high yield, drought tolerance, pest resistance and good grain quality  By following "System of Rice Intensification” , (SRI) is the latest technology to increase the Rice yield by 35 -40% more, by spending lesser money on seed ,fertilizer, pesticides, labor and less water .  Implementing good agricultural practices (GAP) that optimize rice yield and quality. GAP includes land preparation (bunding and leveling), crop establishment (sowing time and method), weed management (manual or mechanical weeding), fertilizer management, water management (irrigation or rainfed) and harvest management.  Improving post-harvest operations to reduce losses and maintain the quality of rice. Post-harvest operations include threshing, drying, cleaning, parboiling, milling and storage.
Sorghum and millet: These are two important cereals for food security in the Sahel region, where they are consumed as porridge, couscous, bread, and beer. Sorghum and millet have low water requirements and can withstand drought and high temperatures, making them suitable for the changing climate. Some of the best practices to enhance sorghum and millet production are:  Adopting improved sorghum and millet varieties that have higher yield potential, better adaptation to harsh environments, and higher resistance to pests and diseases.  Applying adequate amounts of organic or inorganic fertilizers to improve soil fertility and crop nutrition.  Practicing integrated Striga management (ISM) to control the parasitic weed that affects sorghum and millet production. ISM involves combining different methods such as crop rotation, intercropping, resistant varieties, soil fertility improvement, Striga seed destruction, and herbicide application.
Tropical fruits and vegetables: These include mangoes, pineapples, bananas, plantains, papayas, avocados, tomatoes, onions, peppers, okra, and leafy greens. They have a high nutritional value and are in strong demand in local and regional markets, especially in urban areas. They can also be exported to international markets if they meet quality and safety standards. Tropical fruits and vegetables can be processed into products such as juices, jams, sauces, dried fruits, and pickles, which can increase their shelf life and value. Some of the best practices to improve tropical fruit and vegetable production are:  Adopting improved varieties or cultivars of tropical fruits and vegetables that have high yield, good quality, pest and disease resistance, and consumer preference  Implementing good agricultural practices (GAP) that ensure the safety and quality of tropical fruits and vegetables. GAP includes site selection (avoiding contaminated soils and water sources), crop management (using certified seeds or planting materials, applying fertilizers and pesticides judiciously), harvest management (harvesting at optimal maturity, using clean tools and containers), and traceability (keeping records of production activities).  Applying appropriate post-harvest handling techniques to reduce losses and maintain the quality of tropical fruits and vegetables. Post-harvest handling techniques include sorting, grading, washing, trimming, peeling, slicing, packaging, cooling, storage and transportation. Proper post-harvest handling can prevent physical damage, microbial contamination, enzymatic browning, water loss and ripening of tropical fruits and vegetables.
Cashew nuts and sesame: These are two emerging niche products that have a high potential for export growth in West Africa. Cashew nuts are rich in protein and healthy fats, and they are used as snacks, ingredients and oil. Sesame is a versatile crop that can be used as food, feed and oil. Both cashew nuts and sesame have a growing demand in Asia, Europe, and North America. They can also be processed into products such as butter, paste, candy and flour.
Some of the best practices to improve cashew production are:  Adopting improved cashew varieties that have high yield potential, good nut quality, pest and disease resistance, and adaptation to different agro-ecological zones.  Implementing good agricultural practices (GAP) that ensure the health and productivity of cashew trees. GAP include site selection (avoiding waterlogged or saline soils), planting density (10 x 10 m or 12 x 8 m), pruning (removing dead, diseased or crossing branches), fertilization (applying organic or inorganic fertilizers according to soil test results), pest and disease management (using integrated pest management or IPM strategies), and harvest management (picking ripe nuts from the ground).  Improving post-harvest handling and processing of cashew nuts to reduce losses and maintain quality. Post-harvest handling and processing include sorting, drying, shelling, peeling, grading, packaging, storage and transportation. Proper post-harvest handling and processing can prevent damage from moisture, fungi, insects and rodents, as well as enhance the appearance, taste and nutritional value of cashew nuts.
Some of the best practices to enhance sesame production are:  Adopting improved sesame varieties that have higher yield potential, better oil quality, weed competitiveness and market preference.  Implementing good agricultural practices (GAP) that optimize sesame yield and quality. GAP include land preparation (ploughing and harrowing), crop, weed management (manual or mechanical weeding at 2-3 weeks after sowing), fertilizer, pest and disease management, and harvest management (harvesting when 75% of capsules are ripe).  Improving post-harvest operations to reduce losses and maintain quality of sesame seeds. Post-harvest operations include threshing, winnowing, cleaning, drying, storage and marketing. Proper post-harvest operations can prevent damage from shattering, moisture, impurities and adulteration.
Produce value-added products Small farmers and Farmers cooperatives can increase their revenue with the following products: Dried fruits and vegetables: Drying is a simple and low-cost method of preserving fruits and vegetables that are abundant in certain seasons. Dried fruits and vegetables can be sold as snacks, ingredients, or animal feed. They have a longer shelf life and can be transported easily. Some examples of dried fruits and vegetables are mangoes, bananas, pineapples, tomatoes, onions, and peppers. Honey and beeswax: Beekeeping is a sustainable and profitable activity that can be done by small farmers with minimal land and resources. Honey and beeswax are valuable products that have many uses in food, medicine, cosmetics, and candles. Honey and beeswax can also help pollinate crops and improve biodiversity. Herbs and spices: Herbs and spices are plants that have aromatic or flavorful properties that can enhance the taste and quality of food. They can also have medicinal or nutritional benefits. Herbs and spices can be grown in small spaces, such as pots, containers, or gardens. They can be sold fresh, dried, or processed into oils, teas, or powders. Some examples of herbs and spices are basil, mint, rosemary, turmeric, ginger, and pepper.
Direct sales to Cut Out the Middleman Many small farmers in West Africa rely on middlemen for the sale of their agricultural products. One possible way to avoid middlemen is to form or join a farmer cooperative that can directly sell their products to exporters or processors. This can help them get better prices, access to finance, inputs, and training, and reduce the risks of fraud and corruption.
Branding strategy Keep your branding simple. Small farmers and farmer cooperatives often have limited resources, so it is important to keep their branding simple. This means using clear and concise language, avoiding too much visual clutter, and using consistent branding elements across all marketing materials. Use social media. Social media is a powerful tool for small farmers and farmer cooperatives to connect with their customers and promote their products or services. By creating engaging content and using targeted advertising, small farmers and farmer cooperatives can reach a wide audience with their branding message. Partner with other organizations. Partnering with other organizations can help small farmers and farmer cooperatives to reach a wider audience and gain access to new markets. For example, small farmers can partner with food processing companies to produce value-added products, or they can partner with export companies to export their products to international markets. Use visual branding elements that can be easily understood. This could include using symbols, icons, or pictures to represent your brand. For example, you could use a logo that shows the name of your cooperative and an image of your main product, such as cocoa beans or coffee beans. Use branding messages that can be easily communicated verbally. In countries with a strong oral tradition, it is important to use branding messages that can be easily communicated verbally. This could include using simple language and avoiding jargon. For example, you could use a slogan that summarizes the benefits of your product or service, such as “Quality cocoa from West Africa” or “Fresh coffee from our farms”.
In conclusion, West Africa has a great potential to develop its agricultural and agrifood sector, but it also faces many challenges that hinder its growth. This article has discussed how small farmers can overcome these challenges by focusing on profitable crops, producing value-added products, and branding their products. These strategies can help small farmers increase their revenues, improve their livelihoods, and contribute to the food security and economic development of their region. Therefore, it is important to support small farmers in West Africa by providing them with adequate resources, training, and market access. This will enable them to harness their potential and achieve sustainable development.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post and learned something new and useful from it. If you did, please share it with your friends and colleagues who might be interested in Agriculture and Agribusiness.
Illustration Photo: Women buying cassava from farmers in a local farmers' market at Onipepeye area, Ibadan Nigeria (credits: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture / Flickr CC BY-NC 2.0)
Read the full article by clicking here https://dekoholding.com/dekoposts/6HoFFc2TuJ3hxPq5t/how-small-farmers-in-west-africa-can-boost-their-revenues/dekonews
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alexjames2022 · 2 years
How to Make a Cake in Mumbai with Healthy Substitutes?
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Biting into a freshly baked, tasty cake is something that everyone likes. Whether it is homemade or purchased from the grocery store, cake has about the same number of calories. Baking healthily is quite difficult, especially if you like soft, spongy cakes.You can reduce this delicious dessert's caloric content in half by making a few adjustments to the ingredients; alternatively, you can have an online cake shop custom-make a cake using healthier substitutes.
You can easily order healthy cake with online cake delivery in mumbai service. As many online websites are there which can customise your cake according to your need. 
In Place Of Sugar, use honey
White sugar contains a lot of empty calories, therefore it's advisable to avoid it as much as you can. When making a cake, substitute natural sweeteners for white sugar. You can use several healthy substitutes for white sugar, such as dates, honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, and coconut sugar. Natural sweeteners do not increase blood sugar levels. 
Incorporate dark chocolate
You may also make your cake with dark chocolate, which is another healthy element. When baking a chocolate chip cake or brownie, use dark chocolate to reduce the number of calories. Because it includes more than 70% cocoa, dark chocolate is a particularly healthy food option. When used properly, chocolate can help with weight loss, stress relief, and appetite management.
Fruit Includes
We don't mean you should limit yourself to a plain apple when we suggest fruit as a daily dessert. Desserts that accentuate the fruit itself, such grilled pineapple, baked apples, or poached pears, or fresh fruits served with a few adornments, like a scoop of frozen yoghurt and a sprinkling of fresh mint, nuts, or dark chocolate shavings, are examples. The amount of extra sugar you can eliminate by utilising fruit as your main sweetener should also be considered. Granitas, smoothies, and frozen desserts can all be sweetened with citrus and berry fruits, while baked items can be partially sweetened with apple juice, dates, bananas, raisins, and prunes.
Slice the fat
Although fat is not harmful, if you're trying to lose weight or are watching your weight, you can substitute healthier options for the fat in your cak. Bananas, when mashed, make a fantastic substitute. Replace any 1 cup butter or 1 cup oil calls for with 1 cup mashed banana . 
Apply skinned tofu.
Vegetarians and others who want to stay away from eggs and dairy should use tofu when baking. Silken tofu quickly incorporates into the batter and takes on the flavours of the other ingredients. There are no set ratios; the best option is to incorporate these nutritious substitutions into desserts like Minecraft cake, cheesecake, brownies, and chocolate mousse.
Replace Maida with Whole Wheat Flour
In every cake recipe, maida, or all-purpose flour, is called for. It is a specific variety of refined flour. All of the healthy elements of wheat, including fibre, bran, and germ, are removed from maida during the extensive processing process. You can use healthier flours such whole wheat flour, almond flour, ragi flour, and other millet flours in place of maida.
White vinegar can be substituted with apple cider vinegar.
White vinegar can be used in the same amount in place of apple cider vinegar if you run out or don't want to spend the money on a complete bottle for a few teaspoons. You can always add a little extra white or brown sugar to it to make it sweeter if you're worried about the sweetness.
Rather for butter, use avocado
With a fork, a potato masher, or a blender, mash the avocado until it is smooth. After that, you may use it in a dish similarly to how you would use butter. Avocado can be used in place of butter when nibbling on treats, which is a fantastic way to lower your dietary fat intake. Although they have a reputation for being high in fat, avocados are really high in monounsaturated fat, which helps to raise good cholesterol while lowering bad cholesterol.
Use Chia Seeds Rather Than Eggs
Along with other vitamins and minerals, whole eggs are a good source of vitamin A, vitamin D, and phosphorus. They are also well known for having high cholesterol levels, which may be a problem. If you are worried about your cholesterol intake, chia seeds make great, healthy alternatives for whole eggs in baking. Chia seeds are devoid of gluten and wheat, abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, and good for the digestive system. If you find it messy to bake your own cake then don't worry. Just visit online portal and avail their Online Cake Delivery In Pune, thana, and many other locations. An online portal can deliver your requested cake at your home.
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jeffreyastevenson · 2 years
Dubai is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It is a mash-up of differences in many different ways. It delivers the best dining experience ever and serves as the capital of new trends. Why? because there are a wide variety of restaurants to pick from that provide food from all over the world. The food in Dubai is just as vibrantly colored, aromatic, and upbeat as everything else there. Read information about the Food Experience Dubai.
Dubai's cuisine is truly distinctive, especially if you choose to try vegan fare. Forget the notion that vegan food lacks flavor; it is in fact tasty, tempting, and delectable. If you have never tried vegan food, I highly recommend doing it in one of the many vegan-friendly restaurants in Dubai. Vegan food is not only prepared with love and passion, but it is also presented in a unique and beautiful way. Therefore, vegan cuisine not only offers your palate a unique culinary experience, but it also has a beautiful appearance.
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SEVA Table is undoubtedly one of the utterly singular eateries that offers vegan meals prepared with ardor and dedication. Beyond flavors, scents, and spices, your dining experience in this health haven will transport you to a place where you can find calm, awareness, and relaxation. You'll experience this in this unusual restaurant's ambiance. You will be oblivious to the fact that you are in the center of a bustling metropolis while relaxing in their stunning garden. All of us occasionally need to tune out of our demanding schedule and reconnect with ourselves. SEVA Table is the ideal solution for it.
All of the locally sourced, organic, and seasonally prepared meals is plant-based. Additionally, it is health-conscious and free of GMOs, gluten, and soy. But it also contains a number of incredibly beneficial components, like Camu Camu, Maca, Lucuma, and cocoa powder.
Breakfast options like the Acai Bowl with Vanilla Protein, which is a bowl of berries, granola, banana, and passion fruit, might help you get your day started. This sounds amazing, doesn't it? Enjoy a revitalizing macrobiotic soup made with millet, mushrooms, carrots, ginger, and kombu seaweed to round off a hectic day. Or just sip on a detox smoothie or health coffee.
There are several delectable sweets available for people with a sweet craving, like luscious Lemon Berry Cheese Cake with cashew cream, monk fruit, and saffron. Alternatively, if you like chocolate better, don't pass up a Chocolate Fudge.
Any item you select from the SEVA Table menu will enrich and enhance your dining experience.
Your meal at SEVA Table will take you on a journey of enlightenment and delight with delectable plant-based vegan food and a wonderful setting.
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gameofspice · 3 years
Why is the eggless ragi banana cake better than regular banana cake?
Why is the eggless ragi banana cake better than regular banana cake?
The healthy banana cake does not always need to be tasteless and dense. And they don’t need to be fat loaded ones to make it tastier. Healthy less fat eggless banana ragi cake recipe is one of the best recipes to enjoy the yogurt banana cake guilt-free. This vegetarian banana cake is versatile, moist and fluffy to enjoy the rich banana taste. What makes the eggless ragi banana cake different…
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mooneyedandglowing · 2 years
Meal Plan/Groceries - Order For 30th of April
Trying to get a handle on food waste, over-spending due to under-planning, consumption of too many refined carbs + processed foods, + some unhealthy nighttime snacking habits due to not eating enough during the day. Chatted with my best friend who uses a sort of loose meal plan system where she doesn’t have specific days for each recipe, so I’ve gone with something similar here. It’s likely that not everything will wind up in my shopping cart, but I wanted to give myself some wiggle room in planning. We’ll see how it goes!
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Homemade Granola: https://minimalistbaker.com/super-chunky-coconut-granola/ Items Required/Ingredients: - Air-tight Container - Rolled Oats - Unsweetened Coconut Flakes - Coconut Oil - Coconut Sugar - Raw Pecan Halves - Raw Slivered Almonds - Maple Syrup - Sea salt - OWN - - Vanilla Extract - Dried mangoes  - Larger baking tray?  (recipe makes 13 portions + will last 2 to 3 weeks in an airtight container) (to be used for breakfast w/ - Greek yogurt - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Raspberries - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Bananas - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Chia Seeds - OWN -
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Spinach Millet Egg Bake - Dinner Recipe  https://naturallyella.com/spinach-millet-egg-bake/ Ingredients: - Eggs - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Millet - Milk - REGULAR PURCHASE -  - Fresh Spinach - Fresh Dill - Parmesan Cheese Chicken Sausages With Red Potatoes - Dinner Recipe Ingredients:  - Chicken Sausages - Bell Peppers (red, green, yellow) - Onions - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Apple Cider Vinegar (check pantry) - Cabbage - Tinned Tomatoes - REGULAR PURCHASE -  - Red Potatoes  Chicken Curry With Brown Basmati Rice and Veg - Dinner Recipe  Ingredients: - Cilantro  - Brown Basmati Rice  - Chicken breast chunks  - Curry Powder  - Ginger - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Garlic - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Jar of Curry Sauce - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Cauliflower - Peas - REGULAR PURCHASE -  Tex-Mex Sweet Potatoes - Dinner Recipe  Ingredients: - Tinned Black Beans - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Sweet Potatoes  - Tinned Tomatoes - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Onions - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Garlic - REGULAR PURCHASE -  - Cumin - OWN -  - Chili Powder - OWN -  - Dried Chipotle Chile - OWN - - Bell Pepper  - Green Onions - REGULAR PURCHASE -  - Greek Yogurt (in place of sour cream) - REGULAR PURCHASE - Dumplings, Miso Soup, and Vegetable Stir-Fry - Dinner Recipe Ingredients:  - Frozen Dumplings - OWN -  - Miso Paste w/ Dashi  - Silken Tofu - OWN - - Frozen Spinach - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Wakame  - Button Mushrooms - Green Onions - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Stir-Fry Vegetables  - Egg Noodles - OWN -  (Sauce ingredients such as dark soy sauce + sesame seed oil already owned) Salmon Cakes With Asparagus and Brown Basmati Rice - Dinner Recipe Ingredients: - Tinned Salmon (American-size tin) - Fresh Dill  - Onions - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Whole-Grain Crackers - Asparagus  - Garlic - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Lemons - Brown Basmati Rice Zucchini “Lasagna” - Dinner Recipe  Ingredients: - 3 Large Zucchinis  - Part-Skim Ricotta Cheese - Parmesan Cheese - Onions - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Carrots  - Garlic - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Roasted Red Peppers  - Dried Basil - OWN -  - Pesto - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Dried Mixed Herbs - OWN -  - Marinara Sauce - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Part-Skim Mozzarella - REGULAR PURCHASE - - 1/2 Pound Lean Ground/Mince Meat - Beef, turkey, or pork  LUNCHES:  Leftovers - if available -  If not left-overs, then: Veggie Pitas / Wraps Ingredients:  - Hummus - Fresh tomatoes - Cucumbers - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Onions - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Roasted Red Peppers - Black Olives - Whole-Grain Pita Pockets - Or Whole-Grain Wraps Soup and Bread Items Required: - Whole Grain Bread - Butter - REGULAR PURCHASE - - Premade Soup in Plastic Container - REGULAR PURCHASE  Ramen  Ingredients: Frozen Spinach - REGULAR PURCHASE Korean Ramen - OWN - Garlic - REGULAR PURCHASE Ginger - REGULAR PURCHASE  Green Onions - OWN - Cabbage  Eggs - REGULAR PURCHASE - Indomie Mi Goreng Ingredients: Indomie - OWN - Green Onions - REGULAR PURCHASE - Eggs - REGULAR PURCHASE -  Sweet Tooth Purchase: - Dark Chocolate (70% or higher) - Tinned Peaches (in juice) - Grapes (can freeze) - Clementines/Tangerines - REGULAR PURCHASE - 
Own: Frozen Fruits Drinks: Fizzy Water Water from Tap Green Tea Coffee Chia Seed Water Snacks: Hummus Raw veggies Black Olives Popcorn  Whole-Grain Crackers Veggie Wrap/Pita
(Fresh herbs, fresh greens like spinach, + anything else with a short shelf-life to be purchased day of use if possible in order to minimize risk of spoilage)
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Another headcanon of mine: Fennorian has a huge sweet-tooth.🍪🍰
Apple Cobbler Supreme, Banana Millet Muffins, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Sweetrolls, Carrot Cake, Sweet Sanguine Apples, Creamcheese Frosted Gorapple Cake! You name it, he has nom'd it!...probably.
(Preferably while studying)
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tastesoftamriel · 4 years
I believe the Orcs (and Dunmer?) sustain themselves mostly with meat. What races eat primarily vegetables, and how do they prepare them? Do provincial climates have any effect on the availability of certain plants? Thank you for such a wonderful blog; I'll let you know if I try a recipe.
Hi there! Funnily enough there aren't really many vegetarians in Tamriel, but by and large people do have fairly balanced diets and that includes a large amount of fruit and vegetables. Like you mentioned, geographic location and climate plays a large factor in cultivating local crops, as well as what can be feasibly imported by road or sea (magical import methods are risky and expensive).
A notable exception to this list is Valenwood, which exports extremely minimal plant matter beyond its borders due to the Green Pact, though certain regions are known for producing cacao beans, cinnamon, and vanilla beans (none of which are part of the traditional Bosmer diet).
In northern mainland areas of Tamriel, including northern High Rock, Hammerfell and Skyrim, fruit and vegetables are either grown on farms or foraged from the wild. Mountainous regions often produce delicious apples and berries between late summer and autumn, and a large portion of these are dried or preserved both for personal consumption and export. A large variety of vegetables are also cultivated on farms, as well as greenhouses for things like tomatoes, which are usually more accustomed to Cyrodiilic climates. Potatoes, cabbages, squash, leeks, and other seasonal vegetables and fruits are plentiful, and fresh provisions are often imported in winter for those who can afford them. Nords and Orcs love simple vegetable dishes like soups, pasties and stews, while Bretons are more inclined towards salads and vegetable tarts too.
Cyrodiil and parts of High Rock and Elsweyr produce a large amount of grain. Aside from wheat, you'll find things like millet, spelt, quinoa, and other cereal grains which are exported widely across the continent. Of course, Morrowind and some areas of Black Marsh are famous for their production of saltrice (a cornerstone of Dunmeri cooking), but the largest production of rice in Tamriel comes from southern Elsweyr, in addition to corn. Khajiiti corn flatbread is a staple in many households across Tamriel, while saltrice is in 4E a common food to most men and mer alike.
The Khajiit have lots of lovely vegetarian dishes, though ingredients vary between the more arid Northern Elsweyr and lusher Southern Elsweyr. Needless to say, moon sugar is the Province's main crop, which is an industry worth billions of gold per year. Shredded coconut and corn cakes dipped in moon sugar syrup or lemongrass and sweet chili sauce are a staple snack for the Khajiit on the go.
Cyrodiil is also famous for its wine, and needless to say a dizzying variety of grapes are cultivated on its fertile slopes and fields. Since vines thrive well in the temperate climates, you'll also find beans, tomatoes, and aubergines. And of course, who can forget the humble olive, which is used both as oil and preserved? A delicious tomato and basil salad with fresh goat cheese and drizzled with olive oil is a classic.
Corn is also cultivated by the Redguards, who have been credited for the invention of polenta too. Drier, arid regions of Tamriel such as the Alik'r and Northern Elsweyr still produce lots of vegetables and fruits too! Dates are of course a staple, and you'll find many things like chickpeas, edible cacti, beets and other root vegetables, and lots of types of peppers. The Redguards love a good spicy chickpea stew, often served with goat or lamb, but vegetarian variants often come with okra, peas, and bitter melon.
Black Marsh is slowly opening up to trade with wider Tamriel, and they're famous for their weird and wonderful rare plant ingredients used in both alchemy and cooking. The swampy, tropical climate produces all sorts of treats such as pineapples, bananas and coconut (also grown in Elsweyr), fragrant palm leaves and fruits, scuttle bloom, lemongrass and watercress. In my opinion, the only reason Argonian cuisine hasn't taken off in Tamriel is because it's a bit too...exotic, but nobody can say no to some chilled papaya and sago in coconut milk on a hot day!
Aside from saltrice, Morrowind also produces ash yams galore, as well as other crops like marshmerrow, bittergreen, comberry, hackle-lo, and canis root, to name a few. You're sure to know a few dishes containing these delicacies, such as the classic hackle-lo and saltrice warm salad, served with scuttle dressing and crispy kwama "bacon".
By and large, the Altmer cuisine probably has the most focus on vegetables and fruits, and Summerset produces all sorts of wonderful produce ranging from leafy greens to luscious fruits like lychees, cherries, and peaches. The climate (and natural magical aptitude of the High Elves) makes it easy to grow produce year round, but seasonal cherry blossom salad is a vegan must-try for visitors to Summerset.
Hopefully this list gave you some of the answers you seek, and I look forward to hearing about your Tamrielic cooking endeavours in the future! ~Talviel
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babakery12 · 3 years
1. Peanut Chocolate Cake
This nutty scrumptious delight is filled with proteins and vitamin E. Infused with the goodness of peanuts and cocoa, this peanut chocolate cake also boosts strength and stamina and balances pitta and vata doshas.
Ingredients - Maida (wheat flour) & Atta (whole wheat flour), Eggs, Ghee, Milk, Brown Sugar, Peanuts, Homemade Peanut Butter, and Cocoa Powder
2. Mint Chocolate Cake
This cake with the ultimate chocolate and mint combo is nutritious, digestive, rich in flavour, and energizes you from within. It is also good for balancing pitta and vata prakritis and aids digestion.
Ingredients - Maida (wheat flour) & Atta (whole wheat flour), Eggs, Ghee, Brown Sugar, Cocoa Powder, Milk, Green Mint Leaves
3. Multigrain Carrot Cake
An old fashion favorite, our Ayurveda-inspired spiced cake balances kapha and pitta doshas, and has cooling properties. Loaded with vitamin A and dietary fibers, this cake is good for the eyes and helps improve digestion.
Ingredients - Maida (wheat flour), Jau (barley flour), Ragi (finger millet flour), Ghee, Brown Sugar,     Cinnamon and Carrots
4. Beetroot Cake
Loaded with iron and minerals, this yummy goodness helps boost energy and benefits vata and pitta prakritis.
Ingredients - Atta (whole wheat flour) & Maida (wheat flour), Eggs, Ghee, Brown Sugar, Milk, Cinnamon, Beetroot
5. Gluten Free Banana Walnut Cake
This gluten-free decadence is a rich source of iron and Vitamin B & C. Wait there's more! This cake also boosts immunity and keeps the tridoshas in balance.
Ingredients - Ragi (finger millet our) & Singhara (water chestnut flour), Eggs, Ghee, Brown Sugar, Bananas, Walnuts
 For More Visit Our Website: https://babakery.in/
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kfireforall · 4 years
Kundalini Awakening Diet and Lifestyle
- For those who have it flowing in themselves already -
by Chrism
Yes organic foods as much as is possible. No caffeine. No high fructose corn syrups. No really hot spices. No cigarettes. Alcohol is also best to surrender. If you can grow some of your food even better. Coconut milk and or water is helpful for the vitamin combination and well as the electrolytes. As is watermelon. It is individual for everyone as well. Follow what your Kundalini guides you to have. If you are to eat meat try to get wild game if you can or at least organic meats. Eat the meat even if you have been vegetarian for many years. Kundalini uses it to transform the body. Do not resist this. Same with the plants if you mainly eat meat. Always thank the plants and animals that give of themselves for your benefit. Lifestyle is to become all of the noble qualities as much of your conscious time as you can become. Loving, forgiving, tolerant, gracious, patient, trustful and trustworthy, diligent, joyful, compassionate, disciplined, considerate and kind, strong and courageous, fearless, discerning, intelligent, non egotistical, honest and truthful among others. This relates to why a person is even given the gift of grace. Become that healer, that saint in the populations. Give of your love and your care for others especially strangers. Let yourself feel the Kundalini as it brings itself to and through you every second of your life as it is the Kundalini that is taking you into the next levels of the human divine. Nothing else can really matter but your bond with God in this sense. This is what I do as well. Become that person that is the new expression of humanity on this planet. Let the Kundalini come into you in stronger and stronger waves of grace. Go out of your way to encourage its greater presence within you "as much as you can." Take the Shaktipat. Come to a seminar. Meet other awakened people and begin, in a greater way, to merge into the divine channel that is opening itself within you. - blessings and grace to you all!
RAW FOOD AND KUNDALINI / FRUIT Pre Kundalini go with what you feel is best for you in this regard. Teach your ego consciousness to feel and discern that which your higher consciousness is communicating via the intuitive processes. When Kundalini comes your surrender to her in this way will be complete and that which is given to you from the Kundalini will dictate what is and what isnt consumed. In regards to preparing the way through nutrition. Balance is best and with respect to how others view the Kundalini, I feel it is best to have balance in what is consumed. Root vegetables and yes melon for the kidneys and adrenals but not just any melon "Watermelon" is the one that I will recommend. Meats are not forbidden in my offerings of Kundalini preparation. Meat is always an option and the Kundalini itself will give this option to some and then retract it the very next week or in a similar time period. Vegetarianism is also given and this must also be adhered to or avoided as is determined by the actual Kundalini within a person. Before hand it is also a good and viable preparatory choice. Follow the personal intuition. Celibacy is a personal choice. Kundalini in the activated or awakened state once again will take control of these expressions. But for the inculcation of an awakening or activation sexual conduct is not prohibited. The love of a person for another must be part of the equation. - blessings -chrism 
Are You Eating Enough Alkaline Foods to Maintain Vital Health?
This chart provides information that shows the contribution of various food
substances to the acidifying of body fluids, and ultimately, to the urine,
saliva, and blood. In general, it is important to eat a diet that contains foods
from both sides of the chart.
Allergic reactions and other forms of stress tend to produce acids in the body.
The presence of high acidity indicates that more of your foods should be
selected from the alkalizing group.
You may find it useful to check your pH using our Personal pH Test Kit in order
to find out if your selection is providing the desired balance.
People vary, but for most, the ideal diet is 75 percent alkalizing and 25 percent acidifying foods by volume.
Fermented Veggies
Brussel sprouts
Collard Greens
Mustard Greens
Edible Flowers
Parsnips (high glycemic)
Sea Veggies
Barley Grass
Wheat Grass
Wild Greens
Nightshade Veggies
Banana (high glycemic)
Honeydew Melon
All Berries
Tropical Fruits
Whey Protein Powder
Cottage Cheese
Chicken Breast
Tofu (fermented)
Flax Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds
Tempeh (fermented)
Squash Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Sprouted Seeds
Apple Cider Vinegar
Bee Pollen
Lecithin Granules
Probiotic Cultures
Green Juices
Veggies Juices
Fresh Fruit Juice
Organic Milk
Mineral Water
Alkaline Antioxidant Water
Green Tea
Herbal Tea
Dandelion Tea
Ginseng Tea
Banchi Tea
Chili Pepper
Sea Salt
All Herbs
Dandelion Root
Sea Veggies
Avocado Oil
Canola Oil
Corn Oil
Hemp Seed Oil
Flax Oil
Olive Oil
Safflower Oil
Sesame Oil
Sunflower Oil
Rice Cakes
Wheat Cakes
Oats (rolled)
Rice (all)
Hemp Seed Flour
Cheese, Cow
Cheese, Goat
Cheese, Processed
Cheese, Sheep
Brazil Nuts
Peanut Butter
Distilled Vinegar
Wheat Germ
Drugs, Medicinal
Drugs, Psychedelic
Hard Liquor
Black Beans
Chick Peas
Green Peas
Kidney Beans
Lima Beans
Pinto Beans
Red Beans
Soy Beans
Soy Milk
White Beans
Rice Milk
Almond Milk
Facebook: facebook.com/groups Visit: kundalinisafeties.com kundaliniawakeningsystems1.com
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foodloosein · 4 years
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Today is my boss' birthday. We share a love hate relationship . But one thing he has always encouraged is my interest in food & made a point to even visit the stall we did at @handpickedbypc 's Farmers' market. Since he is a fitness aficionado, I have tried to bake a cake he may have liked. I have to admit I am a terrible Baker though as I am an instinctive cook & find it difficult to follow exact measurements. As @susmitafoodguide jokes you haven't been in a Lockdown on social media if you haven't made a dalgona coffee or banana bread. This is a finger millet ( ragi) & oats banana bread sweetened with only dates & flavored with pumpkin spice ( warm spices like ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg & allspice). I have used coconut oil to make it vegan, so the end product tastes so much like a unniyappam , I am going to anoint this uniyappam Rotti with last bit of chopped trail mix gone into the batter. It is moist , but a bit dense because of the flours used. When I was growing up, mom would bake a lot of cakes, and a tiny loaf she would bake in a steel rectangular katori which was part of my lunch box. Because she knows I would be impatient and this would bake faster , she would take this out and give it to me. Life has come a full circle & I cut the smaller one into two & gave it to mum & dad. In retrospect this loaf makes me wonder why a millet like ragi which is the first solid food that is given to babies in South India loses its prominence later. Food for thought ? #foodloose #vegan #plantfood #dairyfree #noaddedsugar #bananabread #ragi #veganbaking #veganismdaily #plantbasedfoodie #datecake #fingermillet #bananaloaf #birthdaycake #menwhobake #ovenbaked https://www.instagram.com/p/B_r7dkVFkH3/?igshid=vufk96x8jjnj
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valen-dreth · 5 years
have you thought abt favorite foods or favorite places for ur ocs?
yeah ive got a few!!
for fav foods ive got
vaeren-LOVES sweet foods, he prefers sweet rolls and cakes.  his biggest comfort dish is clam and ash yam soup, though, it reminds him of home
dya-she also has a big sweet tooth, prefers taffy and sweet lavender tea cakes.
rilles-kwama egg with beetle scuttle, it’s what he used to make every morning in gnisis and he’s perfected it
allsdair-banana millet muffin.  i have kind of a running joke w my gf where i would play as him in eso and just keep sending them to her and it just stuck
savet-he grew up in valenwood so his options were a lil limited, he LOVES kebabs though he thinks they’re really neat.  besides that theres something like ice cream made from honey and mammoth milk, he likes the variety w jagga added to it!
never thought about favorite places so i’m just going to wing this one
vaeren-overlooking lake honrich.  after he buys honeyside he spends a lot of time outside and takes up fishing just to be on the lake
envah-she always loved the palace in mournhold.  she got up to the top of the tower once and wishes that she could have saved that view forever
arlio-chorrol.  would be weatherleah if there were like, more goin on there probably.
drolva-the bitter coast!!  it reminds them of the swamps back at home, and there’s always something there they’ve never seen before (also a certain mudcrab that keeps eluding me)
reyla-solitude!  she studied at the bard’s college for a while so she has some very fond memories of the city
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tastesoftamriel · 5 years
Sorry if this has been asked before, but can you recommend me some good-for-beginners simple meals with ingredients that are fairly easy to get? I finally have the right conditions to cook and am super excited to try something from your blog! Stay awesome, keep the inspirations going and take care! ~Lots of love, Wind-Guide-Us
Dear Wind-Guide-Us,
Congratulations on finally having a kitchen, I'm so excited for all the culinary possibilities now at your fingertips! I have lots of easy recipes for beginners. Why not try my banana-millet muffins or my vegetable and cheese omelette for breakfast, a refreshing Summer Sundas Soup or a tasty classic Vegetable Soup? My Ashlander Nix-hound Chili is a surprisingly simple and hearty meal that isn't anywhere near as challenging as it looks! For dessert, the Carrot Cheesecake is wonderfully low-effort and a great place to start for cakes and pastries. These are just a few beginner-friendly recipes in my collection, but I hope that these provide a good place to start!
Best of luck in your cooking endeavours, and I'm very excited to hear back about how you go! ~Talviel
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thors-soft-cheeks · 5 years
Hi Thor! I've been dealing with PCOS for a bit over a year and have found that I also have a gluten intolerance. But the gluten free options are often higher in calorie due to being made with rice or corn. I've also lost some weight recently and don't want to sacrifice that. I know cauliflower pizza crust is delicious and healthier. Any options like this for baking and desserts?
Ahh… gluten. As a baker I know that these little proteins are both a blessing and a curse. They are terrific coagulants; making everything stick together awesomely. Also rising and making things like cake and cookies nice and fluffy is partly due to those proteins. But I also know that there are many people who can’t eat them. Under no condition. And do everything I can to avoid cross contamination when I work on my gluten free options. 
Thankfully there is a wide array of pseudo grains and flours that do not contain gluten like teff, amaranthe, oats, quinoa, millet and buckwheat. If will take some home baking exercise to use these flours in your cooking; the lack of gluten will require a different approach. And there’s also the matter of taste: some of these pseudo grains will have a flavour you might have to get used to. Definitely buckwheat isn’t for everyone. Oats, on the contrary, are affordable and usually mild in taste and VERY versatile in use. I love making granola bars with oats and banana oat pancakes work excellently too, or what about a light greek yoghurt cheese cake with a cinnamon granola base? (see below) When it comes to calories, oats are more or less similar to regular wheat and generally gentle on your system. 
Important: If the gluten sensitivity is really bad, (ie with celiac patients) you may also have to pay attention to traces in these flours because often they come from the same factory/packaging company as regular flours that do contain gluten. Definitely with oats there may still be gluten in it from other grains that got mixed up in packaging and shipping. It’s very tricky and I hope for you that this can get better soon. I always buy them from a company that guarantees gluten free oats here in Norway but it may be different on your location. 
A recipe for you, my friend! 
Greek yoghurt cheese cake (serves 12)
Ingredients for the base: 
100 g (1 cup) oats1 tbsp oil30 grams sugar (don’t use a substitute or the base won’t stick together)Cinnamon or cookie spices to taste
Ingredients for the topping: 1000 g (a kilo) greek yoghurt, quark, skyr or kvarg (depending on your location)4 medium eggssugar or other sweetener to tastevanilla aroma to tastelemon aroma to taste3 tbsp maize starch or pudding powder
Method:Grab a pan, put all base ingredients in and cook on medium flame until the sugar begins to melt. Make sure you don’t burn it because that definitely ruins the taste. Remove from flame. Grab a spring form, put baking paper on the bottom and fixate it. Lightly grease the sides of the spring form to prevent caking. Spread the hot oat mix evenly on the bottom, press lightly together and let it cool down and stick together nicely.
Get yourself a big bowl and a whisk. Make sure the yoghurt is not too wet, if it contains too much water, let it drain for an hour or two in advance. (use a kitchen towel and hang it above the bowl) Kvarg and skyr usually already have a good consistency. Mix with the other ingredients for the topping, stir well until its a smooth mixture.
Pour the mixture over the hardened oat bottom evenly, spread it out to the edges.
Place the cake in the oven (no need to preheat) at 150 degrees celcius for 70 minutes.
Let the cake cool down before eating it, put in the fridge for a quicker cool down. Should be ready to eat in 2 or three hours. Enjoy! 
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