#might jump back over here at some point to clear out what little drafts i've got
thesherrinfordfacility · 10 months
clearing out the drafts of Random Things I've Noticed if you can't tell but here, have another one - this building on the end of aziraphale's row of shops, on the other side of the record shop:
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now im fairly certain about two things. first, it's called 'Alf Laylah wa-Laylah' - translated to english from arabic as One Thousand and One Nights. i can't quite tell at this quality if the writing below it is hebrew or yiddish, nor if it's a translation of the text above it (although, as best as i can tell? it isn't? but not sure)
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im also not entirely sure on the relevance of the reference - if there is any to be had - to the story compilation that is One Thousand and One Nights, to tell the truth. the immediate thought that springs to mind is how scheherazade tells the king countless folk tales and stories over 1001 nights in order to keep him in suspense of hearing how the stories end - so he essentially stops killing women as revenge for the infidelity of his wife (it's a whole thing), whom he eventually pardons/spares from execution.
all the tales - as well as returns to the 'present' - include debate on philosophies and ethics, and explore various themes and topics, but regardless... my thoughts are somewhat jumping between this, the questions around the reliability of events as presented in s2, the flashbacks and the Lessons, etc. maybe that's not the link to make here, but it's all im coming up with so far.
but back to the building, and the second thing: think that the stars on the bottom half of the building, in the specific configuration they're shown, are the kaheksakand (estonian) / auseklis (latvian) - an eight-pointed star representing fertility and life, the triumph of light over darkness, as well as used as a protection symbol against evil (aptly placed outside the door).
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there's a lot to go into re: the symbology behind '8', including its relationship to the concept of balance and harmony, especially in nature. the eight-pointed star in general, not just in the above exact shape, has dozens of cultural, religious, and mythological links (tbh it's probably featured in some capacity in nearly every culture), but i think particularly apt is how it links to venus aka. the morning star.
in the interest of keeping this brief (im sure cleverer people may wish to clarify/develop this more!!!), and keeping on track with where its place may sit in the show, i think it's first of all potentially of interest how this building is lit, given the above. we see the shot of the bentley arriving to whickber street in ep1 at night, and this particular shop (?) front is the most brightly lit... might mean nothing, might mean something:
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but when the demons descend in ep5, a good portion of them appear out of the mist from that direction; a green mist (green shop?), reflecting the hell vibes we saw in ep1 etc. that being said, when crowley starts sensing Trouble Is Afoot earlier on, he's looking in all directions and certainly we see some demons behind him (in the direction of the dirty donkey) when he confronts this particular little gang of them, so unless some demons started arriving ahead of schedule, they may not have all come through this building:
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but. we know from eric that the lift is broken, and the only other routes are the small lift, one at a time, or the stairs. shax obviously arrives in style, but the other demons? taken the stairs. what if this front is that exit onto earth? but just the back stairwell?
there's so many potentially loose threads to weave in here, and im sure i'll come back to this at some point, but felt it was an interesting design choice nonetheless, even if it ultimately means naff all✨
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jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
An Hour of Bliss
Edward nygma x Gordon!reader
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Summary: lucius needs help, just so happens the smartest man in Gotham walks across his path. And he knows exactly whonto bribe him with to get him to cooperate
Warning: swearing,angsty otherwise its decently i think fluffy but sucks ass so
Kiddo's, Imma be honest here I have not watched gotham in so fucking long i watched three episodes of season five then waited for it to come onto netflix so not it is and i will be rewatching season five soon but here enjoy this it was sitting in my drafts from when i was watching it
He had walked in pretty easily, walked around pretty easily. Lucky him. He was only phased once on his way to the back, once when he saw you.
God you looked horrible.
dark bags under your eyes that he could see even from where he was standing, fresh cuts as well as old littered your arms and face.
God you still looked beautiful.
He watched sadly from where he stood as one of the other officers wrapped your arm up with bandages. Your noise crinkled when you smiled at something the officer said.
He wondered if you where doing better now. Probably not, not with the way everything was now. But he hoped it was decently better then the hell he put you through. A part of him hoped you wheren't, that your life was just as miserable as his without you besides him. The other half knew you where and was glad about it.
You looked up and met his eyes, he saw the instant confused and scared look across your face that made it seem like you'd just seen a ghost. He should've left then. But you glued him to his spot more so then he was before. The officer caught your attention again quickly giving him the chance to continue with his mission and headed to the back.
When you looked up again he was gone. "You alright Gordon?"
"Yea...i just...just thought I saw something..." She smiled reassuringly.
Ed had been in the back for less then ten minutes before he was interrupted. "Hands up." He froze and scilently cursed himself for not being more careful, but did as he was told and turned around slowly. "lucius Fox, Good to see you." He smirked.
"Can't say the same." Lucius stopped a moment and lowered his gun slightly. "Although it might be." Ed raised an eye brow.
"I need your help, if you help me know one needs to know you where here."
"If i don't?"
"One of two things I tell that whole room of officers outside that you are here, or I shoot you myself."
"I think I'll take my chances." Ed made a slight move to leave before being stopped again.
"You know, she misses you just as much...If not more then you."
He was certain his heart stopped when he said those words. "What?"
"Y/n Gordon, Jim Gordans sister? She's been a mess since you went away."
"You're lying!"
"I'm not, I know it may seem like she's not but she just doesn't want her brother knowing."
"And how do you know all this?"
"We're good friends now." Ed looked at him skeptically. There was no way all of that was true as much as he hoped it was he knew he was just saying things about you to get his help.
"If you help me I can let you see her, alone."
Ed thought. "You mean it?"
"Cross my heart hope to die." Lucius said sarcastically.
"An hour, one hour alone with her." He attempted to bargen a little too eagerly.
"Twenty minutes." Lucius shot back.
"Thirty." Ed went quiet and thought. Thrity minutes was a short amount of time shorter than he had hoped to ever spend with you again,but any time to actually see you again, to see that you where really ok, and to tell you he was fine that would have to be enough.
"So do we have a deal?" Lucius voice cut through his thoughts. "Deal."
It seemed like the longest few hours Ed had ever spent with one person. Probably because he was too eager to get to the end but he went along with it. Even as he went along with it he slowly started to not like the outcome more and more because all evidence pointed to him.
But that didn't matter he helped lucius find what he needed. "The roof of The Gcpd, and hour, I'll bring y/n up and I will be timing it."
"Why are you still letting this happen? I did this? I blew this place up I...she'll think-"
"She won't think anything...y/n loves you, loved you even before this! You've done worse even with her by your side and she never left you then...I'm letting it happen because you held up your end of the deal. It's my turn."
Ed smiled slightly and followed him Back to the prestinc. He knew lucius was right you, for some reason he was never able to figure out loved him. And accourding to lucius still loved him.
"What is so important that you dragged me up here fox?" Ed turned to the door as you backed out of it facing lucius onto the roof.
"Well lets say I found something...or Someone very important to you." He jestered to behind you and you spun around to look.
"Holy...ED!?" You could only bring yourself to stop and stare at the man.
"Hi y/n."
"ED!" You raced over to him practically jumping into his arms hugging him tightly you cried excidedly into the crook of his neck. "I...i...i've missed you so...so.. much..."
"I've missed you too..." You pulled away from the hug to kiss him. Which took him by suprise but he happily melted into it and kissed back.
When you finally pulled apart lucius cleared his throat. "An hour. Thats as long as i can promise the both of you before Jim get suspicious."
Ed furrowed his brows and opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off. "One.Hour."
Ed smiled thankfully and you ran over to hug him. "Thank you..."
He nodded and let you go you both watched him leave through the door before you turned back to eachother.
"God look at you!...your hair.." You reached up to play with his grown out hair and laughed before your hands moved to cup his face and kissed him gently once more. "An hour isn't long enough.." You mumbled against his lips.
"Let's just enjoy it to the fullest."
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