#midterms are kicking my ass honestly it would take a lot to break through my wall of exhaustion rn.
writersmorgue · 1 year
i would pass away
still debating. although i don't know if it's the Adult Wisdom finally kicking in or just bc it hasn't hit me, but it's not affecting me like i thought. i mainly feel bad for accidentally sexting him with no warning which was not my intention but is definitely how it came across.
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hcs for studying with tsukki and agashee?🥺👉🏻👈🏻 like maybe a s/o who gets easily distracted and stressed, how would they help them study and also how they'd help their s/o remain calm and get out of ruts :(
ahh I love that idea anon!! I actually wrote a one shot a little while ago for my friend that was similar to this :)
btw Tsukishima’s s/o is the one who get easily distracted and Akaashi’s s/o is the one who gets stressed. I know you probably didn’t want them separated but it was easier for it to flow that way sooo 
anywhooo I hope you enjoy and ty for the request!!
(oh also I'm referencing the american school system in these head canons soooo I apologize if some of this isn’t accurate for some of you. Im really only familiar with that school system.)
•Study Dates w/ Tsukishima and Akaashi•
warnings: one or two curse words
genre: fluff + comfort
characters: Tsukishima + Akaashi
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you had a little over a week to prepare for your upcoming midterm test 
normally tests wouldn’t really be a problem for you, except this class was definitely not your strong suit
you constantly struggled with everything involving that class
it didn’t matter if it was a lecture, notes, examples, classwork, homework, quizzes, or tests
you practically failed them all
to put it quite frankly, this subject kicked your ass day in and day out
honestly you could not afford any more blows to your GPA 
so, you decided to ask your boyfriend for help
I mean he was top of his class after all 
not to mention he was really good at the class you were struggling with
the first time you brought it up to him he sat there with a look of pure disinterest on his face
then he just started snickering you were lowkey offended that he was laughing at your stupidity but like what did you expect
you knew the only way to get him to agree was to stay persistent, so that’s exactly what you did
it took a little while and you went though a lot of teasing but you finally got him to accept your request
so here you were, sitting on tsukishima’s floor with papers and books spread out between the two of you
however, your forgot to mention how distracted you became when you studied
this meant that tsukki had to figure this out first hand safe to say he was a little irritated he didn’t get a heads up
he didn’t know how you could become so interested in every little thing that wasn't your textbook
“Hey Kei, those dinosaur figurines are pretty cool.”
“Y/N, you need to focus or I'm kicking you out.”
[hmm I wonder if Kei would let me borrow a hoodie or two]
“Y/N. Y/N. Y/N!”
“Kei Kei, look at my pencil mustache!”
*takes pencil and snaps it in half*
“Kei did you kn-”
Tsukishima knew that at this rate you two would not make any progress at all
he grabbed his headphones and covered your ears with them
you looked over at him with a confused look on your face
that was until you heard the slow beat of lofi music fill your ears
he pointed back to your textbook and you happily obliged 
at some point Tsukishima had grabbed your hand, placing it in his lap and tracing light circles in your palm as he completed his own work
with the mixture of the soft music and comforting touch, you slowly felt yourself begin to focus on the task at hand
tsukki had you take breaks every so often so that you wouldn’t overwork yourself 
you two would go get a snack from the kitchen or play a round or two of among us before going back to work
he would calmly talk you through any problems you were struggling with in a way that wouldn’t confuse you too much and answer any questions you had
to be honest, tsukishima was a really great person to study with and he did everything he was able to help you focus and feel comfortable
even if he didn’t show he cared, you knew he did
in the end, you ended up getting your first ever good grade in that class and spoiler alert, you and tsukki had a lot more study dates after that 
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Akaashi knew that you had an upcoming test
you two took that particular class with one another and it was pretty obvious how much you struggled with the work
so, being the good boyfriend he was, he offered for you to come over so he could help you study
you ended up refusing said offer
you didn’t want to interfere with his tight knit schedule and mess up his own study time
he didn’t want to push you so he just told you to call him if you were stuck or needed help with anything
you mentally refused to take up that offer too, which ended up being a pretty bad decision on your part
you were now sitting at your desk, practically pulling your hair out
you got extremely stressed whenever you had to sit down and study and with this class being so difficult for you in general, you started to break down
you felt warm tears stream down your cheeks, biting at your lip in an attempt to hold back sobs
this felt absolutely impossible and you were ready to give up at this point
coincidentally, your phone began to viberate
“H-Hey Keiji. What’s up?”
“Y/N, are you crying?”
“Hold on, I'm on my way.”
“Wait Keiji, I'm okay.”
“I know you're struggling my love, please let me help you.”
“Okay, I’ll see you soon.”
you tried to steady your breathing and reel in your tears but it was no use
you were way too stressed at the moment to calm down so quick
Akaashi used his spare key to open your front door and walk in
the first thing he did when he reached your bed room was pull you into a hug
he whispered words of comfort and encouragement into your ear as he rubbed your back
after you had calmed down he had you point out the questions you were having difficulty with and calmly talked you through each and every one
by the end of things, you had actually understood the material really well and felt calm and prepared for your upcoming test
after this little incident, you and Akaashi ended up studying together more often.
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seijorhi · 4 years
hello, i love your writing and was hoping if u could write a yandere kuroo x reader where he corners her in a corner and kenma is there and is getting off from it 😳 thank u !
Asdfghjkl this was supposed to be posted on Sunday I’m sorry, bby!! I hope it’s worth the wait! 💕 also, loved this request so thanks for sending it in 😊
Kuroo Tetsuro x Female Reader, Kenma Kozume x Female Reader
TW dub con, coercion (kinda?), stalking, humiliation
Helping Hand
There’s a certain peace you find in the looming stacks of the library after the sun sets. It’s quieter then, less people milling about. You don’t have to fight for space or books, and considering you have midterms soon and essays coming out of your ears, that makes it the perfect study environment.
It’s only a little after eight, the library’s still open for another two and a half hours, but on the fourth floor it’s almost a ghost town - just how you like it. There’s a professor tucked away in the back corner, piles of books built up around him, an older librarian with her trolley, slowly re-shelving books, and two other guys around your age sitting huddled at a table a few down from yours - the textbooks and highlights spread across their desk having been long since abandoned in favour of literally anything else.
Honestly, you’d wonder why they’d bother coming to the library at all if it wasn’t an almost daily occurrence. Most days you were there, so were they - usually together, although it wasn’t uncommon to see just one of them camped out between the stacks as you made your way to your desk. The duo, one tall and lean with a shock of messy dark hair that always looked like he’d just rolled out of bed, and the other smaller, more reserved, with bleached hair and dark roots in serious need of a touch up, seemed to prefer this time to study too - not that they ever seemed to actually do all that much studying.
Usually the blonde ends up absorbed in his switch while the other casually thumbs through whichever book is closest.
So long as they were quiet and didn’t disturb you, who were you to judge?
You don’t really remember when they’d started to appear, only that they’d quickly become a fixture in your refuge - distantly familiar presences like strangers travelling on the same bus to work each day. They smile (well, the dark haired one does) and nod whenever you happen to look up from your notes and catch their eye, and while you’ve only spoken a handful of words to the both of them, they always seemed nice. 
Nicer than the clearly overworked professor muttering away in the corner at any rate, which makes them the logical choice to approach when you find your bladder uncomfortably full halfway through your self imposed study session. Realistically, you know at this time of the night nobody else is likely to make their way up to the fourth floor, much less have any interest in your shitty, old laptop or the five whole dollars in your wallet - yet you find you making your way over to the twosome’s table anyway, a faint blush dusting across your cheeks.
“… don’t want to,” you overhear the blonde mutter, his attention wholly focused upon the game in his hands. “Things are fine, why change that?”
His friend sighs, “Because you can deny it all you want, but I know you better than that. I know I’m not the only one who wants more. You can’t just sit back and…” he trails off suddenly, hazel eyes flickering over to you in surprise. 
Confused by his friend’s sudden silence, the blonde lowers his game and glances up - only to still at the sight of you.
You swallow down your nerves, plastering what you hope is a friendly enough smile across your face, “Hi, uh… sorry to interrupt you guys, but would you mind watching my stuff for a few minutes while I go to the bathroom? I won’t be long or anything, I just don’t like leaving my stuff out in the open,” you say with a sheepish laugh, well aware that you’re rambling like an idiot. 
It’s the dark haired one who answers, a wide grin breaking across his face as he nods, “Yeah, no worries. We’d be glad to.”
You smile back, ignoring the faint fluttering in your stomach (he does look kind of cute grinning like that), thanking him again before rushing away in the direction of the bathroom.
It doesn’t take long for your thoughts to drift away from the duo back to the essay you’re mid-way through drafting. You have a sinking feeling that the argument you’re trying to use in the fourth paragraph is essentially a just rehash of the point you made in the first. By the time you unlock the stall door and make your way over to the sink to wash your hands, you’re starting to debate the merits of scrapping the whole thing and starting fresh with new ideas.
You still technically have time, it’s not due until the end of the month, but you just kind of want it done so you don’t have to think about it anymore. Then again, that’s kind of your feelings towards the semester as a whole. 
Who are you kidding? University’s kicking your ass this year.
The ancient hand dryer’s almost deafening as it clicks on - it masks the sound door swinging open and the footsteps that echo out from the tile floors.
It’s only when your eyes flicker up to mirror that you see that you’re no longer alone-
Standing right behind you is the guy from before; the tall, dark haired one. 
- and jerk in surprise, stumbling backwards with a choked yelp.
It doesn’t hit you right away - no, that’s relief that has you drawing a hand over your chest and letting out a shaking laugh. “You scared the hell out of me!” you say, bracing yourself over the sink to try and calm your breathing.
No, it doesn’t hit you quickly. Realisation is slow - creeping through your veins like ice as your eyes flicker back up the mirror. 
He hasn’t moved. 
He’s smiling, grinning really, but there’s something… something off about it. It doesn’t quite meet his eyes… Why isn’t he saying anything?
W-why isn’t he moving away?
Your heart, still hammering from his shock of his sudden appearance, squeezes uncomfortably and your eyes slowly widen.
A rough, calloused palm slaps across your mouth, smothering whatever words you’d been about to speak. “Ah, ah. Gotta keep it down, sweetheart.”
He winks at you in the mirror, taking a tiny step towards you and you squeak, breathing in sharp, shallow pants through your nose as a warm, muscled chest presses against your back. “You’re a nervous little thing, aren’tcha?” he chuckles. “Relax a little - promise I don’t bite.”
With one hand wrapped around your lips the other creeping across your waist, his words don’t exactly bring you a lot of comfort. 
It makes no difference either way - you’re paralysed, shaking and trembling, but utterly unable to move as he noses at the column of your throat, his warm breath tickling your skin.
You could scream, but there’s no guarantee anybody would hear you. You could try and fight him off, but he’s taller than you, and you’re willing to bet stronger as well.
Will he hurt you if you try and resist?
Is he gonna hurt you anyway?
You’ve heard the stories before about men who follow women into empty bathrooms and the awful things they do, but you never...
Those things don’t happen in places like this. The library is supposed to be safe, he- he’s been-
Your stomach drops.
He’s been visiting the library with his friend, sitting across from you for weeks.
His eyes bore into your reflection in the mirror like he can hear every terrified thought that passes through your head, and with excruciating slowness you’re forced to watch as his lips brush a kiss against your cheek, lingering and sweet - a mockery of tenderness. 
A scared little whimper is all you can manage, and even that is swallowed up by the sound of the bathroom door squeaking open once more. 
Your heart skips a beat, eyes widening.
A faint burst of hope flickers to life.
You might not be a fighter, but this might be the only chance you have. You shriek again, the sound woefully muffled, and writhe against your captor’s tightening grip as slow footsteps round the corner.
Please, you think as tears stream silently down your face. Please help me.
What little hope you have is quickly - brutally - extinguished as your would be saviour steps into view.
Your legs shake and you’re almost positive that if it wasn’t for the strong arms wrapped around you, you would have crumpled to the floor.
It’s his friend, the blonde, hands shoved into the pockets of his hoodie, watching the scene before him - you struggling against an iron grip, gagged and terrified - like it’s nothing out of the ordinary. 
Your captor chuckles, relaxing his grip as his hand drifts upwards to palm at your breast and you want to die. “Glad you finally decided to grace us with your presence.”
“Shut up, Kuroo,” the blonde groans as he makes his way over, but he barely glances at his friend before his catlike eyes come to rest on you.
Your cheeks are burning, a potent mix of shame, nausea and dread churning in your stomach as you’re crudely felt up, but under the blonde’s attention you freeze.
While his face is a blank mask of apathetic disinterest, those golden irises are piercing in their intensity as they study you.
The glint in his eyes is as unmistakable as it is stark; anticipation - like a house cat watching a golden canary flit restlessly in its cage.
The hiccuping sob comes unbidden, choking at your throat as you wail against the palm at your lips. You’ve never wanted to disappear so badly in your entire life, to slap yourself awake and realise that it’s nothing but a stress induced nightmare because this can’t be happening.
Why you?
What could you possibly have done to deserve this?
“Relax,” Kuroo repeats, leaning down over you again, “we’re not gonna hurt you. Just wanna have some fun, that’s all.” You think he’s going to try and kiss you again, but instead his tongue darts out and he licks at the silvery tear tracks, groaning softly.
You shoot the quiet blonde a desperate, pleading look. He hasn’t lifted a finger to stop what’s happening, hasn’t done anything other than stare at you, but even as his lips twitch into the faintest hint of a smile you hold out on the shadow of a prayer that maybe, just maybe-
Kuroo follows your wide, panicked gaze and almost snorts. “You’re barking up the wrong tree there, baby. Kenma’s not gonna help you. He wants this just as badly as I do.” His thumb slides across your cheek, brushing away more tears, “C’mon, on your knees.”
He doesn’t give you a choice - the hand on your shoulder forces your shaking knees to buckle and you fall down to the bathroom floor.
The tiles are cold against your bare legs, but the shivers that wrack through you have little to do with the temperature. It’s far too late to regret the short skirt you’d thrown on that morning.
Kuroo hums appreciatively, lifting his palm to tap it a few times against your cheek like you’re an adorable little puppy who’s just learned its first trick, “It’s a good look for you, baby, but I think it’d be even better without this-” his fingers tug at the collar of your top and his grin widens, “- in the way.” 
Yet he makes no move to take it off for you. One look into his eyes, the glittering amusement darkened with lewd desire and you know that he won’t.
He wants you to do it, to play along in their fun - to be an active participant in your own humiliation.
And really, what other choice do you have?
It’s impossible to ignore the bulge straining against his jeans as your trembling fingers grip the hem of your top and reluctantly yank it upwards. There’s a sharp inhale - Kuroo you think - and a whistle as it comes off, baring your lacy bra and the soft skin underneath to their hungry gazes. 
Only for a moment. 
Staring resolutely at the floor you’re quick to try and cover what little modesty you have left, bringing your arms up to wrap around your chest-
Except a hand catches at your wrist and tugs it back, and when you glance up you find it’s Kenma’s. 
“… Don’t,” he murmurs. “I want to see you.”
You let your arms drop, hands clenching into shaking fists in your lap, fingernails biting into your palm.
The sound of a zipper being pulled undone is almost deafening in the quiet bathroom. Fresh tears sting at your eyes, but you can’t bear to look at either of them as Kuroo reaches inside his pants and frees his cock.
The hand that cups your cheek is surprisingly gentle as he coaxes your face back towards him and the achingly hard member in his grip. “See Kenma, I told you - change ain’t always a bad thing.”
His dark eyes flicker back to you and he grins, “Open up, sweetheart.”
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thank you for keeping most of it private, and thank you for even listening and reading the messages. i would really love to go into detail especially my love life so i can get even any advice or opinions on it. but i also know exactly how you feel, but there are some people who constantly ask if i’m alright, which makes me sometimes think that they weren’t sincere for me to break down in front of them or that they’re just saying that.
Yeah, no problem! I get not wanting the entire world to know your business but still wanting to talk about stuff.. Honestly, I’d be totally down to hear about your love life and stuff. I’ve never dated or anything at all, but my friends say I give pretty good relationship advice.
Okay, I have the same problem! Literally, the tiniest things will trigger a hard depression, it’s so frustrating right? And it’s hard to trust people! Like I understand how people would have them- how you could- there is so much to be wary about, one minute you feel like you can be totally honest with someone and literally not even a second later they’re proving that you couldn’t have trusted them at all.
God, I really can’t in words, I literally have the same problems with the same things lol, literally half this blog is just my depressed rambles, Click, Click is straight verbatim how I am feeling at any solid moment (one of the reasons I say I feel like my friends don’t care is that they know my blog, they know Click, Click is a good representation of how I’m feeling, and they stopped reading it. I think they know it hurts me too, I mention it a lot, cause it’s the only way I can really verbalize my feelings and they just oh I’m really busy, I wish i had more time to read :( and I love them, but it hurts a lot. I know I write a lot, but like I really wish they��d actually read it.
Okay, but, writing probably helps right? Just to work through what’s in your head? I know it sucks to feel utterly alone, especially when it feels like you’re the only one. And when people don’t understand that you genuinely care so much about them and that you’re trying to be there for them in the ways you can it’s just hard. I always kind hope it’s just like a temporary thing. Like maybe you just haven’t found the person that you’ll be able to trust everything on, and I hope that’s so. Everyone’s always saying that no one is alone, but I know it sure as hell doesn’t feel that way sometimes.
Although I wouldn’t say you’re just bad at interacting with humans, I’d just say that maybe you just haven’t met the people who get you the most you know? I’d feel pretty comforted if someone sat in a room with me while I cried I feel like that’s just what you need sometimes ya know?
Haha, one of these days maybe I will, who knows? Life is crazy. And please stop apologizing to me for sending lots of messages. I really do not mind at all, I really like talking to you. (I know it doesn’t seem it when I take so long to respond- sorry sorry sorry midterms tried to kick my ass, and i got really busy out of nowhere.) But seriously you don’t have to apologize for anything, your messages despite the heavy topic, always make me happy to receive. Just... Talking to you at all is really nice.
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teacher’s assistant
Hi there! Could I request George x reader reuniting after breaking up for a while?--Anon
warnings: none, kinda pg-13ish but nothing awful
pairing/au: george x reader, muggle!college au
a/n: so a lot of this idea sprang from me talking to @nosebleednougats​ sO GO FOLLOW MY WIFE 
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It started out innocently enough.
If innocent meant that you’d spent every class since the first one day dreaming about how to get your hot TA to make out with you. 
Then yeah, started out pretty innocently. 
Could anyone blame you though? He stood out like a red flag. 
Which was not a pun about his bright red hair.
In your business class, you hadn’t expected the TA to show up with long red hair to his shoulders, much less dressed in what appeared to be a homemade sweater. You remembered someone next to you cracking a joke that he missed the Humanities building by a couple hundred yards. 
But you couldn’t stop looking at him. 
When your teacher introduced him, his name stuck to your mind more than anything else you’d gone over that day. 
George, around midterms had offered a tutoring session at his place. You were very quick to accept the offer, and you could feel your heart thumping in your chest when you knocked on his door. 
Your grades were fine-- it was a hard class and you were wrangling in a high B. Which was probably why George looked so surprised to see you at his doorstep. “Y/N?” 
“Hey George-- I ah... today’s the study session right?” your brow crinkled as you noticed his face grow just a bit pinker before he began to nod quickly. 
“It is-- yeah. We were about to start. Come on in. I ordered some pizza, are you hungry?” 
The study session went well-- about you and five other people from your class had come but as it got later and later more and more people filtered out as the studying ended and it became more of a chatting session. 
Finally it was you and George, with you sitting on the counter and him standing right in front of you, close enough to touch. He’d told a funny story and you let out a laugh, trying to cover your mouth while you did so only to have him gently put a hand on your arm. “You shouldn’t cover your mouth. Smiling’s a good thing y’know.” 
He liked your smile. 
It was one of his favorite things about your class. 
Not sure where to place your hand when you’d lowered it, you’d set it on his shoulder and fiddled with the ends of his hair. You sucked in a deep breath as you both leaned in and his soft lips crashed into yours. 
George let out a groan as he gripped your waist and pulled you as close to him as he could, and one of your hands gripped a fistful of his shirt and the other ran through his hair. 
After that things just seemed to keep happening. You’d wrapped your legs around his waist, he’d pressed kisses and bites to your neck before asking if you wanted to take things further, to which you enthusiastically nodded and said, ‘Hell yes’. 
Which was how you got here, groggy and grumpy as a rather loud alarm clock went off and woke you both up. “What’s happening?” 
“It’s for my morning class.” George’s voice was soft next to you, as he rolled over to turn off his alarm, before rolling back to look at you. One of his large hands ran through your hair, and his expression had the same sense of conflict that you were feeling at the moment. “I don’t do one night stands or just-- flings, really.” 
“Me either.” there was silence as he pulled you closer, your face pressed into his collar bone. “I really like you George.” 
“I like you a lot too. You’re awful distracting in class, you know that right?” 
At that you snickered, “I ought to be telling you that.” he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head and you felt your heart flutter a bit. “But-- are we allowed to date? That sounds like something that’d get you in trouble.” 
“Both of us in trouble, actually.” his voice was soft against you, and you felt your heart sink into your stomach. 
“So this can’t happen again?” 
“No, not until the semester’s over.” 
So almost-- eight weeks? 
Two months.
That sounded like forever. 
“That sucks.” 
George felt a pang of pain in his chest, your voice sounded so quiet and hurt. He didn’t like this any more than you did. He’d always thought of himself as the guy who wouldn’t have sex outside of a proper relationship. 
Not that doing it was bad but-- 
It wasn’t him. 
But here he was, having made things so much more difficult. 
“I don’t think you and I should be by ourselves until the semesters over.” his voice was quiet and you nodded. 
It was harsh sounding sure, but you had to agree that were you alone with him again it meant you’d probably wind up making out or worse. “That’s a good idea.” Suddenly, without much warning you rolled out of bed and quickly started to get dressed. 
“Y/N I’m sorry.”
“‘ts not your fault. I wanted to have sex just as much as you did George. I like you just as much. We both did the stupid thing.” 
He winced at hearing you call it a ‘stupid thing’. 
In your rush you simply shoved everything into your backpack, thanked god you didn’t have classes on Friday and threw on your shoes. “I’ll see you in class.” 
Like that you left his room, brushed past who you assumed to be his brother, and hurriedly left his apartment. 
George felt a rather cold space in his bed now that you were gone, and covered himself up with a blanket before Fred popped his head in the door. “Is that the--”
“And you slept with--”
“Even though you could get kicked out of the program?”
Fred pursed his lips and stared at his brother, “Maybe you ought to skip class today.”
At that, George laid back down. “Sounds like a good idea.”
What had been your favorite class, had turned into your least favorite class over night.
You were still doing well, but instead of looking forward to talking to George thrice every week you now dreaded the fact that you had to see him at all. 
It hurt George just as much. You would come in right before class stared, exit the moment it ended, and pointedly avoided eye contact the entire time. 
Really, it was for the best. 
It was. 
It was it was it was. 
If you weren’t to do those things George was fairly certain his resolve would crumble. 
It wasn’t until you’d missed a whole week of class because of the flu, that your agreement to not see each other had to be ignored. You’d sent an email to the professor asking what you needed to make up and what you’d missed and he’d told you to go to George’s office hours and find out what had happened. 
With a sense of dread, you’d done just that. 
Weaving through the maze of cubicles you stood at the entrance of his little space before finally stepping in. He looked at you in surprise before finally speaking, “Y/N! Are you alright? I haven’t seen you come to class in ages--”
“I had the flu, the professor wanted me to ask you what I missed and have you catch me up.” 
George glanced around and realized that since it was towards the end of office hours you two would be alone all too soon. 
Still, it wasn’t like he could just shove notes at you. 
George pulled up the lecture slides on his computer and ushered you to sit next to him. “I’ll catch you up.” 
You nodded, and instead of focusing on the fact that you could feel how warm he was you focused on the short lecture he was delivering and your notes. 
It took a couple of hours, but you were finally caught up.
Caught up and very exhausted from acting like you weren’t in love with the man next to you. 
“Thanks George. Good to know I’ll be set for the Final.” 
“The semester ends in two weeks.”
You nodded at his words, eager to get out before your resolve completely dissolve. “It does.” you caught his gaze and realized what he was getting at. “When you said-- after the semester... did you mean after the final or once grades are processed? If you still- I mean, if that’s what you meant...” you found yourself stumbling over your words, your friends had brought up the very good point that even if George seemed like a good guy, there were plenty of people who would use that as an excuse to get out of a one night stand situation. 
“Once grades are processed, since I have a hand in grading, even if I don’t see who it is it’s important that no one says I favored you--” then the rest of what you said hit him. “I meant it!” his voice carried quite loud, though it was a good thing there was no one else in the office left. Really, George wasn’t sure how it’d happened but he’d fallen quite in love with you, and wasn’t sure how to get out. 
He stood up from his seat, and you felt every nerve in your body light up as he reached out for you. “George we can’t.”
“I’m serious though. I don’t want you to think I’m not.” 
You nodded, though it was hard to really think in those terms about someone who you couldn’t actually date. Words and actions were different things. “I should go. You were right, us being alone together isn’t a great idea.” 
He swallowed thickly and nodded, his arm dropping “Okay.”
Like your night together six weeks ago, you rushed out, and George felt rather cold with you gone. 
It was done. 
It was over.
The last grade was processed, there were no ways the grades could change, you were officially done with the class. 
Honestly, your first thought had been to seek out George, but the student part of you that had a final just yesterday that had whooped your ass and had pulled several all nighters that week was tired as hell. 
So you were quite deeply asleep when you heard a banging on your apartment door. 
Grumbling just a bit as you rolled out of bed and shuffled to answer the door-- not paying attention to your sweat pants and baggy sweater when you opened it to see a rather flushed George who seemed as if he’d run a long ways. 
“George?” the sleep was still in your voice, and you quickly rubbed your eyes to wake yourself up. You opened the door a little more so he could step in and closed it behind him. “What’s going on?” 
“Do you want to be with me?” 
Well that woke you up. 
“Well yeah--” you were cut off by George pulling you into a crushing embrace and pressing his lips as deeply into yours as he could. Like before you wrapped your arms around him as tightly as possible and let out a groan as he pressed you against a wall. Even though it wasn’t possible you kept trying to pull him closer and closer as you groaned into his mouth. 
When he parted from you, you let out a rather pitiful whine to which George responded with a chuckle. “’m not doing that again until I can take you out on a proper date, alright?” 
You let out a snort of a laugh, “I didn’t take you for such a traditionalist.” 
“Well, I feel like we missed a few steps. Thought it’d be nice to go back and fix that, if you didn’t mind.” 
“I don’t mind at all.” 
Permanent tag list: @artemiserenity @fainting-fancy @scumbag-joker @rexster10 @oh-the-snowinthemoonlight @hermione-who @geeksareunique @phantomhive-shadow @thephelpstwins @notstandingstill-imlyinginwait @siriuslyimmoony @yourslytherinprincess @bloomweasley @gobletofweasley @stillwater20-blog @dramatic-and-young @starlitmoony @blusnowflakee @l-am-tired @lovelaughlivesmilebright @wizardingworldwaitforme @imaginethis-st @xinyourdreamsx 
george weasley tag list: @wildfire-whizbangs @dwarfwizard-from-panem
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babblingbat · 6 years
Various Characters I meant to post Months ago
Various Characters of mine
I have so many I want to write (some) of them down! This is a suuuuuper long post so more under the cut! Includes a spy, a crime lord/activist, and a bargaining warlock (I have to reblog this later bc tumblr threw a hissy fit about the length)
- Kinda in a Bond-esque spy agency, but more of a contractor
- When everything goes to shit, you can count on them to fix it
- Nonbinary protege of whoever is in charge of the tech division (Mezza? Sloane? Dixon? idk, but they have a hell of a shady past and there’s like… noooothing that can keep Sloane out of computer systems)
- X isn’t formally recognized by APO (authorized personnel only, the spy agency) but they do have access to all information because of a backdoor Sloane made
- So I guess the name is Sloane
- Anyways, X goes on the black ops of black ops, typically with either mercenaries or no back-up at all
- Thus trust issues and like the opposite of dependency - they have so much trouble asking for things but are willing to help anyone or offer material assistance - if they have it
- X is nonbinary and really doesn’t have any preferences on pronouns, as long as they aren’t he/him or she/her
- They’re also autistic and shut down if there’s too much loud noise or if they’re just too tired for some reason - sometimes this means going nonverbal or just Not Functioning and their favorite way to feel better is to sit on the ground, wrap themselves in a blanket and listen to music - so in conclusion they don’t really use guns unless there’s a silencer, and they aren’t v good with them
- A huge part of their espionage function is language!
- They speak German, Spanish, Japanese, FSL, and ASL all idiomatically
- They also speak Russian, French, and Afrikaans, but not fluently
- They can swear and count to ten in Korean and Czech
- They’re pursuing a PhD in computational linguistics, though APO gets in the way
- They’re 24, and have a bizarre set of skills because both of their job, previous jobs and jobs they hold as a cover to pretend they pay their taxes, and special interests
- Sloane is only 7 years older than them, and recruited X out of high school
- At first it was small things, like ‘pick up this book from Elm Street and drop it at Main’ but it got bigger after they graduated
- When X turned 18, they went through formal training - protocol, combat, and analysis
- They’d done some martial arts before hand, but not much punching, mostly kicking, throws, and staffs (5 and 6 feet)
- X’s main job is to clean up messy situations, usually by stealing things or extractions, and their own ops are less combat oriented than the clean ones
- X is not the best at math, not by a long shot, but they can see patterns from a mile away
- “I am the fact guardian, guardian of the facts!” “Puzzles quiver before them!” “FUCK OFF”
- They do simple division when bored and solve a lot of math things by finding patterns and using them
- X is both their designation in the agency (as in ‘x factor’) and their actual name- they use an alias for college
- They live with a few people, most of whom complain at their erratic sleep schedule and ask that please, for the love of god, X gets sleep meds and just a solid 8 hours, for once
- Sloane eventually sends X on an op to extract Mel, Sloane’s girlfriend and top operative
- X doesn’t know what to tell Mel, so mostly they just tell them that things will be answered later
- Mel asks Sloane, who reluctantly explains X’s role, and this sets some things into motion of X eventually being brought into the spotlight
- They have several hearings about their activities
- Eventually, Seville (who runs things? I guess) tells them to carry on as they do, reporting directly to Sloane, but they are recognized now by the APO
- There are three other things I want to fit in:
- Goes missing for [period of time], leaving a very close friend behind, comes back after being presumed dead and no memories, apparently solved a conspiracy and now has many illegal friends who all enjoy thievery
- Magic is a thing (because it wouldn’t be my words if it wasn’t lmao) and common enough that people know it exists but rare enough that it’s kinda intimidating and sometimes people will freak out about it, despite plenty of people having it.
X has/develops magic at some point but is terrified to tell anyone and tries to hide it from their team (which is now their family, love that trope) because they don’t want to be barred from the APO, but it comes out accidentally during a mission
- X’s infodumping saves the day somehow
The Celestian
- K so this is more about an organization, but the Celestian lives in a like a 1920s fantasy setting and likes dancing
- They run a social activism group masquerading as a crime network that uses queer bars and stuff as fronts
- To get money, they dance competitively with their bodyguard and d8m8, the BFF (butch femme fatale) who identifies as a nb lesbian
- To get into any of the places where actual political dismantling and activism happens, who have to have very specific patterns on your nails - nail painting is a method of communication and is also a huge teambuilding exercise
- There are different codes for everything
- When cops try and get in (they can only find the places if they have a member of the Queer Folk), the code is “blue denim” and then the person caught tells the police they need nail polish and then laugh as they get caught, as if they were bullshitting the whole thing
- Other things are called “10:50 am” which looks like a sleepy eye
- Or “songbird rhapsody” which is also a popular song that the Celestian sings at clubs
- Or “money” which is just a green splotch on all the nails
- If you’re a member of the Queer Folk, you get a crate monthly of money and nail polish, and special things on birthdays and holidays
- The Queer Folk do everything from organize protests to take kids in and try to pay for their education through crime - as in robbery from different places
- Their crimes always have a certain flair to them - they value creativity and snazziness
- The Celestian is like 5’ 3” (which, to be fair, is 3 inches taller than I am) and the BFF picks them up a lot
- They don’t like alcohol or caffeine but drink herbal tea 24/7
- If they don’t, something is very, very wrong
- They have a prosthetic leg
- Literally in high school
- A warlock! They traded their gender and all “gender identifying features” to a trans demon for magic powers
- The demon mostly asks them to get coffee and stuff because the demon isn’t very good at bargaining and just wanted Red’s gender, but it’s expected of a patron to keep using the warlock for things
- (on the demon phone) “hey so this is super duper important and if you could get it in the next half hour that’s the best thing”
“what is it”
“alright so go to the corner of Lincoln and Greenleaf, turn three times to your right, once to your left, and a door should open behind you. Don’t try to turn towards it, just fall backwards”
“if I fall onto poison ivy or concrete I’m breaking my fucking contract”
“No, no no no, you’ll appear in that good good heaven spot”
“… the coffee shop?”
- Red focuses on science in their school
- Every interaction is a deal. E V E R Y I N T E R A C T I O N
- Breakfast? “I’ll give you the salt if you hand over the pancakes”
- Entering a building? “Hold the door open and I’ll give you praise”
- School? “You want me to tell you what I do in my spare time? Give me an A on my midterm and I’ll tell you”
- The last one has left a lot of teachers confused and more than a little scared of the silly little nerd in their class
- Honestly, they have straight A’s because they make deal after deal about grades. They never cheat on tests, but they make deals, hold people to them, and know what they’re doing
- Red’s demon is getting a little worried with all the deals
- Red is most accustomed to deals rather than anything else because they think that unequal exchange (i.e., gifts) is really suspect
- That said, Red has no problems altering “equal” exchange to benefit them
- If they ever became a business owner, they would be terrifying
- They want everything to turn out the best it can for every one but… are not fans of laws
- They have many Opinions on law, its enforcement, and the government
- That cousin that will tell you constantly about how the government is corrupt and should be rebooted with the youngest people as the primary interest
- Anarchy? Not quite, but revolution? Most definitely
- No angst, just high school silliness and chaos
- Has no idea what’s going on 90% of the time - a kid on a sportsball team did something amazing, people started treating him like shit for adults liking him, and Red had no idea until like 3 months later
- Red just kinda lives in their head
- Did they hear what you just said? Nah, but they sure did hear that wristwatch every time it clicked on the second.
- Likes the sound of adventure, but mostly gets lost in Ikea and makes deals with the eldritch monsters in the mattress section
- Charismatic, but mostly in the sense of lying their ass off and persuading people
- Once tried to go a day without making a deal (on a dare), ended by making a deal to not have to ever do that again
- Businesses both hate and love them - they pay for nothing but will bargain away odd things of equivalent value every time and catch shoplifters, dislikes shoplifters because it’s not a fair trade
- Bizarrely good luck with finding things in pockets, particularly to “pay” for things
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dioskourixx · 7 years
In The Blood Ch.9
“So...how was you guys’ Spring Break?” I asked. Raven, Sophie, and I had met up for lunch in between classes the first day back. Himchan and Yongguk were kind of AWOL, so it was as good as time as any to talk with just us girls. Sophie was the first one to respond, speaking in between small bites of her pepperoni Hawaiian pizza.
“Mine was great actually. I had so much fun in Tennessee. Oooh! You guys should definitely come with me next time! My uncle wouldn’t mind at all. And the animals are just so darn cute! The horses are so big now since last time I saw them. Oh! And I got to see a couple of the ducklings hatch. It was so cool!” Rae and I laughed softly at our bubbly friend.
“Well then,” Rae started as she picked around her spaghetti. “Sounds like you had a rather busy and adventurous break. I’m glad you had fun. I just mostly shopped around Washington and slept in. You know, catching up on my beauty rest and what not.” She chuckled as I rolled my eyes at her last comment.
“Wait a minute. I thought you and your parents were going to go to New York. What happened?” I asked, remembering how excited she seemed for the shopping trips she was bound to have in the big city. I heard her groan.
“You know that my dad is a history geek right? Always spouting off random facts and whatnot. Well, for some reason, he felt like New York was just a place for people to become mindless zombies of sales, and figured Washington would be more enlightening and beneficial. I, of course was not happy. Mom was kind of neutral.” This time Sophie spoke up.
“Well if it’s history he was seeking, you could've tried to persuade him by mentioning the Harlem Renaissance. Lots of history and art with that argument.” Sophie sipped her drink in a matter of fact manner as Raven groaned into her hands, muttering to herself that it would’ve been genius.
“Ugh! Enough about me,” Rae declared as she stopped wallowing in self pity. “How was your Spring Break Haze?”
“Not much, actually. I mostly just sketched and read.” I could already see the disappointed looks they were giving me.
“Don’t you do that on a regular basis, Haze? Is that all you did?” Sophie was the first to speak. I took another bite of my food before I told them that I also went to see a movie.
“The one you and Yongguk were supposed to go see?” Raven asked. “How’d that go by the way?” I looked down at my plate.
“I didn’t go with him.”
“Oh really?” It was Sophie’s turn. “So, you went by yourself?” I bit my bottom lip.
“I went with Ethan actually.” Immediately there was eyebrow wagging and “ooohs” from both of them. Raven spoke up after having her fun.
“How’d that happen? How did it go??” So, I ended up recounting the whole thing. Starting with meeting him coincidentally at the sandwich shop and him tagging along with me to the sci-fi movie.
“....then he walked me back to my dorm and he kind of...kissed me.” A confused Raven looked back at me.
“So? What’s the big deal? He’s kissed you before hasn’t he? On the first date? Unless this kiss was more on the hot and heavy side. If that’s the case then I need details miss.” I scoffed at her.
“What? Of course not. It wasn’t like that. It was on the forehead.” This time Sophie spoke up.
“Then, what’s so special about this kiss Haze? I’m confused.”
“I’m not sure Sophe. It just felt different. His demeanor was different. Instead of being shy like how he was the whole night, he seemed more...confident. More bold. I’m honestly confused myself. I can’t really pinpoint him just yet.”
“Well aside from all of that, it seems like you two are getting along well.” Sophe said in between small sips of her coke.
“Yeah...it seems so.” I caught a small smile play on Raven’s lips at this revelation as she took another forkful of pasta.
I saw Yongguk the following day in class. As we prepared to start taking notes on the lecture, my phone let out a soft buzz from my back pocket. Fishing it out, I saw that I had received a text message from Ethan.
“Good morning Beautiful :)” I felt the familiar smile I seemed to get lately find its way on my lips. I quickly typed out a “good morning” back, turned my phone on mute, and set it down on my desk. The teacher had just started talking about the midterms we had taken before Spring break. Apparently she wasn’t finished with the grading, but promised to finish soon and have the grades posted by the end of this week. My phone’s screen lit up briefly, before it faded to black once more. Another text message.
“How’d you sleep?” I responded with a simple “fine,” and asked him the same. The teacher began lecturing as I placed my phone back on my desk. Yongguk proceeded to get his pen out, ready to take notes and I followed suit, taking a sip of my morning coffee I bought before class. The teacher’s voice droned on as I tried to pick out the key concepts of the lecture. About ten minutes passed by before my phone lit up again. Ethan.
“I slept fine.” Before I could type out a response, another message popped up on my screen.
“So...I sort of have a problem. Maybe you can help me.” Now this definitely piqued my interest. My fingers started dancing across my keyboard before I had time to stop myself. I mean, I was in class after all.
“What kind of problem?” I placed my phone down on my desk, once more, only this time it was face down. Hopefully, by me not seeing my phone brighten whenever I get a text, I’ll be less inclined to respond immediately. I will say, that I managed to go a good twenty minutes before I couldn’t help but to snatch my phone up and read Ethan’s next message. I managed to jot down a few notes before then though. One glance at Yongguk’s paper though, told me that I missed a good bit of key points. Bright Screen.
“So there’s this really pretty girl that I want to invite for dinner this week, but I’m a little nervous. :/” A small burst of giggles left my lips as I read the message. Is he being serious?
“Well, why are you nervous?” I typed back. I went back to try to take more notes. God knows that I missed a huge portion of the lecture. The screen lights up again.. Only this time, I ignore it. The information seems really important, and I already don’t have sufficient notes as it is. No. I need to focus. That message will be there at the end of class, but for now, I need to take notes.
I’m not exactly sure, how many minutes ticked by, as I struggled not to let my curiosity of what Ethan sent back, win. Concentrate Haze. Stop looking at the damn phone! It was only a minute after chastising myself, that I rolled my eyes in annoyance towards myself and simultaneously picked up my phone to read Ethan’s reply.
“Well, it’s because I want to cook for her, and I don’t want to mess it up. Plus, I’ve never cooked for a girl before. What if she doesn’t like it?” Why was he being so...adorable right now?
“Lol. I’m sure she will be happy with the fact that you’re even trying to cook for her. Girls tend to appreciate the effort given. As for what to cook...what does she like to eat?” I exchanged the phone in my hand for my pencil as I was about to take notes...again. That is, before I saw what time it was. There was only seven minutes left. There was absolutely no point in trying to jot down the remainder of the lecture. I just hope Yongguk pulled through this time around. Bright screen.
“I’m not sure. :/. Let’s say that you were the girl I was planning on cooking for...hypothetically speaking, of course, what would you want to eat?” I didn’t have to ponder for long.
“Pasta and salad. It’s simple, easy, and hard to mess up.” As I sent my last message, everyone around me was packing up their belongings and headed for the exit. I followed suit, placing my notebook with my half assed notes and barely used pencil inside of my backpack. Once Yongguk and I were on the outside, safe from the herd of students, I turned to Yongguk wearing what I imagine looked like a sheepish expression.
“Soooo….Any ch-” Yongguk began shaking his head in amusement and laughed at me.
“I already know what you’re about to ask me and the answer is yes. I do have good notes this time, and yes you can copy them down.” I let out a relieved breath.
“Thanks Yongguk. I was somewhat distracted today.” A wide smile found its way on his lips as he nudged me in the arm.
“Yeah, I noticed. Was it this Ethan guy? You know, I’m not sure if I can approve of him, if he’s already hindering your school work young lady.” I playfully rolled my eyes at him.
“Come on. I’ll treat you to breakfast while I copy your notes.”
“Deal. But I’m buying.” he proclaimed. I shrugged at his offer.
“Fine by me. Let’s go ‘Dad.’” I said with as much sarcasm I could muster up.
A few moments later, I was nibbling on a piece of French toast while copying the final page of  Yongguk’s notes. Yongguk sat across from me, grumbling about the amount of people that asked for his tutoring help. After a while, I guess he figured out that I wasn’t wholeheartedly paying attention to him. It wasn’t until he brought up the movie he had missed, as I finished writing the last bit of notes, that I finally looked up at him.
“I’m sorry I had to miss it,” he said, but I just waved him off. It wasn’t really a big deal after all.
“It’s fine Gukkie. I ended up going with someone else, so we’re good.”
“Oh, so what you mean is that you replaced me with some second rate being. Alright, who was it?” I shook my head at his silliness.
“I went with Ethan, actually.” I looked down at my plate of French toast, as I waited for Yongguk to say something.
“Oh really? Wait, I thought you said he was going to be out of town until the end of the break. How’d that happen?”
“I’m not sure, actually. I was just as surprised as you are. We met as I was getting food before the show. It was pleasant coincidence.”
“Hmmm...Pleasant huh? Sounds like I’m already getting kicked to the curb.” I couldn’t help but laugh as he started to pout.
“Oh shush you big baby. No one is kicking you to the curb as you like to put it. Like I said, it was a coincidence.”
We continued to talk as we moved on from the subject of Ethan. I was in the middle of laughing at some corny joke Yongguk had told, when I noticed him stiffen in his chair. My giggles died off my lips as I regained my composure. I started to ask what was wrong, until I heard a familiar voice behind, saying my name. I turned back to see Ethan standing behind me, looking casual in his plain jeans, but still handsome.
“Ethan. Hi. You remember Yongguk don’t you?”
“Of course. Nice to run into you again.” he said smoothly. Yongguk gave a quick nod.
“Yeah...you too.” Yongguk started packing his belongings and stood up from the table. Before I could ask where he was headed too, Yongguk spoke first.
“Haze, I’ll see you later, okay? I gotta get this tutoring schedule in order and stuff. I’ll text you alright?” But before I could respond, he had already started walking towards the doors that lead to courtyard outside.
“So,” Ethan began. “When’s your next class?” I looked at my phone for the time and realized that time had gone by quickly and that my next class started in half an hour.
“Then can I walk you to class? I’m not busy with anything.” He looked at me expectantly.
“Sure. I’d like that.”
With ease he picked up my bag after I had packed it and carried it while we walked.
“So, how was your break?” I asked after walking for a couple of minutes.
“It was alright,” he stated. “A little weird though. It felt like I was being watched most of the time.”
“Watched?” I asked, clearly puzzled. He laughed at my worried face.
“My dad was in the military and sometimes his PTSD and paranoia consumes him. He was very...watchful during the break. Another reason why I left earlier. But enough about that...How about dinner? At my place? I’ll cook.”
I pretended that our little text conversation hadn’t happened earlier and feigned surprise. I let out a small gasp.
“You cook?” Ethan gave me a sideways smirk before he answered.
“Sweetie, I’m full of surprises. Stick around long enough, and you might get to see them all.” Okay. To say that I was unnerved...again, would be an understatement. I don’t understand how he can go from cute, shy, and  dorky to...well, this. I found myself flustered before I was able to respond.
“Oh really? I might just have to take you up on that offer.” Ethan flashed his white teeth in his signature smile.
“Good. You won’t be disappointed. Now, come on. We gotta get you to class,” he says while slightly picking up the pace.
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Malia- You’d Be Worth It
Request-  hey lovely! can you do a malia x reader where the reader has a crush on her and is an avid hiker in the preserve, but she gets extremely injured and can’t get help. conscious coyote malia find her and keeps her warm and alive through the night. she talks to her in coyote form until a rescue team finds her. she wakes up in the hospital with a human malia by her side who confesses her feelings. love you!!
A/N- So much love and right before Valentine’s Day! I’m blushing. Hope you guys like this one!
Malia strode to her lunch table with her tray in hand, looking forward to digging into the nachos she had picked up. As she walked over to Scott and the others, she realized that there was one new edition to the table, someone that usually wasn’t there, but caused her to grin nonetheless. You were sitting there next to Lydia, smiling and laughing as you opened a packet of mayo and spread it onto to the sandwich you had picked up from the sub line. You didn’t go to Beacon Hills High, so it was a surprise to see you sitting there, but Malia knew Lydia picked you from Devenford Prep for lunch sometimes. You and Malia met during the deadpool, when your ear-splitting scream sent an assassin crumpling to the ground in front of her. That scream may have left her ears ringing, but one glance at you left stars in her eyes, and from then on, the two of you became friends. The minute she realized you were a banshee, she felt an undeniable urge to protect you, and a couple of Scott’s pack members had commented on it, but you just chalked that up to her nature. She had spent half of her life as a wild animal after all, but you would be lying if you said you weren’t into Malia. She was strong and beautiful, and loved being outside just as much as you did. Besides, she seemed to really like you, and you could definitely tell when she slammed her tray down next to yours. “Hey!” Stiles cried, jerking back from the seat Malia had just stolen. “I was gonna sit there.” “And now I’m sitting here,” Malia stated, shooting him a sharp look. He looked from Malia to you, and then backed away with a look that seemed to say he wasn’t going to get in her way. Malia grinned and sat down next to you. “Hey, Y/n.” “Hey, Malia,” you told her with a smile. “What are you doing here?” she asked. “I just wanted to come see you guys,” you told her. “It’s nice to get away from Devenford for a while.” “And Brett,” Lydia said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes at her, but Malia frowned. “Is he bothering you again?” “No, not really,” you said. “He just doesn’t seem to get that we play for the same team, and you know I’m not talking about lacrosse.” “You want me to kick his ass for you?” Malia asked sincerely. “I mean, he would heal, so it’s not like breaking his arms is a big deal.” You laughed softly. “I appreciate that, Malia, but I think I’ll be okay. If I really needed to, I could make his ears bleed, so…” You shrugged and Malia smirked. She would honestly pay to see you kick Brett’s ass, and she knew that you very well could. “So are you guys doing anything fun this weekend?” you asked. “Studying for midterms,” Lydia said with a sigh. “We’re actually having a group study session on Saturday, if you want to drop by my house. We could compare notes.” You nodded. “I’m going hiking in the afternoon, but I could drop by later if you really wanted me to.” Lydia shrugged. “I don’t want to pull you away from the trail-” “You should come over,” Malia cut in. “I could really use some help with Chemistry.” You nodded. “I took it last year, but I can try to help you. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have Lydia do it though?” “Yeah, Malia, I can-” Lydia began. “I’m sure,” Malia cut her off, nodding at you vigorously. You felt a blush crawling on your cheeks. “I guess I can’t say no to that.” Lydia smiled knowingly and winked at Malia, who shot her a glare. “You can come over at four, Y/n. And I might go out and do a snack run, so you and Malia can have a one on one session while I’m out.” Malia’s eyes widened, but you simply smiled and glanced over at Malia. “That sounds great.” You spent the rest of your lunch laughing and talking with her, and you were so lost in Malia that you didn’t even realize lunch was almost over. “Oh shit. Lydia, we’d better go, right? You’re gonna be late if you take me back Devenford.” The Banshee shrugged. “Eh, it’s okay. I can miss a few minutes of one class.” “I can take you,” Malia said quickly. “I have my car now, and I’d only be missing study hall.” You raised your eyebrows. “Are you sure?” “Yeah,” Malia told you. “Of course.” Your lips turned up at her determination. “Okay.” Malia grinned and gathered her things, and you grabbed your bag. You stood up and said goodbye to Lydia and the rest of Scott’s pack, and then followed Malia to dump your tray. “I really appreciate this,” you told her. “It’s no big deal,” she said with a shrug. “Besides, I like hanging out with you. You’re a lot hotter than my algebra homework.” You laughed softly. “Thanks, Malia.” She shrugged at you again, and you followed her out of the cafeteria and to the parking lot. You hopped in the car just as the bell signaling the end of lunch rang, and then she started to drive. “So what trail are you taking Saturday?” she asked curiously. “The one that goes to Lookout Point,” you told her. “But the long way.” Malia raised her eyebrows. “You’re doing that on your own?” “Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” you asked. “Because it’s a rockier trail than the others. After all that rain from the Ghost Riders, there have been a bunch of rockslides. My dad was talking about all the erosion, and how people shouldn’t even be hiking that trail, especially not by themselves.” You scoffed. “Malia, I’m a good hiker.” “That doesn’t matter,” she told you. “It would be dangerous even for me.” “Don’t you think I’d be able to tell if something bad was going to happen?” you questioned. “I mean, I’m a banshee.” “You and I both know it doesn’t work that way,” she countered. “No one knows how it works,” you protested. “Exactly,” she agreed. “And it sucks, but the voices aren’t really reliable.” You sighed. “Tell me about it.” Malia frowned. She could hear the weariness in your voice, and she mentally cursed herself. Even though she had made a lot of progress at being human, she still tended to say the wrong thing sometimes, and she had just done it again. “I didn’t mean it like that,” she added gently. “You’re still a badass. You can kill someone just by screaming, and at least that part’s reliable. Your lips turned up. “Thanks, Malia.” “Just take a different trail, okay? I can’t have you dying before our study session.” “Alright fine,” you relented. “I guess I can’t be the reason you fail chemistry.” Malia smiled. “Thank you.” She pulled into the Devenford parking lot, and parked in a space right in front of the doors. “What are you doing?” you asked, your brow furrowing. “Walking you to class?” she offered, cocking an eyebrow at you. A grin broke its way onto your lips, and you scooped your bag up from the floor of her car. “Guess I can’t say no to that.” You opened the door and hopped out of the car, and Malia did the same. She came around the back of the car to meet you, and as you headed into the school, you heard someone call your name. “Y/n! My life just got a little bit brighter.” You sighed as Brett jogged up behind you, and Malia glared at him. He slid between the two of you, and you raised your eyebrows at him. “You know, you’d think that after almost being assassinated, you’d be a little less cocky.” “Hey, I’m just grateful to be alive,” he told you smoothly. “You know, enjoying all the pleasures life has to offer? And looking at you…that’s definitely one of those pleasures.” Malia’s low growl cut through the air, and Brett smirked. “You have a little crush, Malia?” “No,” you snapped, shouldering him out of the way to grab Malia’s hand. “I do.” Brett raised his eyebrows at you and paused on the sidewalk, but Malia grinned and darted forward. She tugged you against her, and kissed you right in front of Brett, causing your eyes to go wide. It wasn’t like you didn’t like it, but it still caught you off guard. Brett scoffed as you and Malia pulled apart. “Get a room.” You and Malia laughed as he walked away, and she glanced down at you with a smile. “I’m sorry. I had to.” “It’s okay,” you told her with a grin. “I also really wanted to kiss you,” she continued. “And I have for a long time.” You flushed. “Me too.” “Come on,” Malia told you, reaching out for your hand again. “I don’t want to make you late for class.” You headed into Devenford Prep gripping her hand, and you couldn’t hide the grin on your face. It wasn’t like you even wanted to, because with Malia by your side, you certainly had a lot to smile about.
“Malia!” The Coyote huffed and looked at Lydia, who was staring at her with one eyebrow raised.  “Seriously?” “What?” Malia groaned, leaning back on Lydia’s couch with a huff. “I was thinking about the answer.” “Malia, I asked you if you were paying attention,” she said, shooting her a look. “Oh, then no,” Malia told her plainly. Lydia let out a sigh and reached out to shut the chemistry textbook sitting between them. “Fine. Maybe we could both use a break.” “Thank you,” Malia breathed. “But,” Lydia added. “When I come back, you better be ready to focus on electron configurations and not Y/n.” “I can’t help it!” Malia protested. “I haven’t kissed her since Thursday. I wanna do it again.” Lydia rolled her eyes and moved away from the couch. “She’ll be over later. And you had better not be planning on sneaking off into one of my bedrooms.” “I wasn’t,” Malia said with a shrug. “But I am now.” Lydia huffed and headed into the kitchen, her heels clicking on the wooden floor. Malia leaned back on the couch with a smirk, and Scott shot her a smile from the armchair. “I think you guys are great together, Malia.” “Yeah,” Stiles added from where he sat by Scott’s feet. “She’s a total badass. She’s perfect for you.” “Stiles,” Liam complained next to him. “Help me.” He gestured frantically to his homework, and Stiles rolled his eyes and turned back to the younger boy. “Liam, come on, all you have to do is find x.” “How?” he groaned. “You know,” Stiles told him. “You take the thing and put it here, and then you take the other thing and do the thing to it.” Liam glared at him, and Malia felt a twinge of pity. Math was by far her worst grade, and the only reason she had passed it was Lydia’s notes. Liam was better off going to her for help instead of Stiles. The Brunette meant well, but he usually just ended up talking or flailing more than he did any actual explaining. Malia sighed and picked up her phone, checking the time. You weren’t supposed to be over for another hour or so, and every second she had to wait felt like an eternity. She’d rather have you explaining atomic structure to her than Lydia, and she knew there would be an opportunity for you two to sneak off at some point that night. She would have given just about anything to be with you on your hike, but she knew there would be plenty of opportunities for that later. Malia slouched back against the couch for a few seconds, hoping that she would have a little more time to daydream about you before Lydia came back. Wherever you were, she hoped you were having fun.
Birds twittered above you as you hiked up the trail, your muscles burning with the strain. You loved the challenge that hiking brought you, and as you trudged up the sharp incline, you felt a rush of exhilaration. You knew it wasn’t the best idea to take the trail up to Lookout Point, especially with what Malia had told you, but there hadn’t been any rain for a day or two. The weather outside was perfect, and you knew the view from the top would be amazing. To you, the risk was worth it, especially because you were so sure you would be fine. You had been hiking since you were five, a direct product of living with outdoorsy parents. You loved being in the woods, and so did Malia, and that was just one the things that added to the growing list of why you fell for her. Hiking gave the both of you an opportunity to break away from all the monsters and the death, and just detox from everything going on. Whenever you found a body, a hike was your go-to coping method, and you could think of no better person to have alongside you than Malia. You continued to head up the incline, but you had to stop for a few moments to catch your breath. You placed your hands on your knees and paused, gazing up at the blue sky above you. You reached into your backpack to grab your water bottle, and that was when you heard a soft rumbling sound coming from in front of you. Every muscle in your body froze, and for a second you were sure what you were experiencing was an earthquake. California was no stranger to seismic activity, but when you looked up and saw a cascade of rocks tumbling toward you from the top of the incline, you knew this was no earthquake. It was a rockslide just like Malia had warned you about, and you quickly scrambled back down the trail. Your breath came in heavy gasps as you tried to get away, but you knew there was no outrunning this thing. In your haste to escape, you tripped down the trail and rolled into the dirt. All you could think before you felt a sharp pain in your head was that you never should have ignored Malia’s warning, and then suddenly your vision went dark.
Malia was still sitting in the living room with the others when she heard it. It was a crash, not unlike the sound of something shattering on the floor, and everyone in the room looked toward the kitchen. “Lydia?” Scott called, jumping up from his chair. “Are you alright?” Only silence came from the kitchen, and with a concerned look at Malia, he headed toward the Banshee. Stiles,  Malia, and Liam all  jumped up too, and when they crept into the kitchen, all they saw was the back of Lydia’s head. Shards of glass and inedible popcorn covered the floor by her feet, but she wasn’t moving an inch. “Uh, Lydia?” Liam asked hesitantly. “Are you okay?” She whirled around suddenly, her green eyes filled with fear, and everyone flinched. “Something’s wrong.” “What?” Stiles questioned. “Something’s wrong,” she repeated, her eyes darting to Malia. “I can feel it.” “Why are you looking at me?” Malia demanded. “Because Y/n’s in trouble.” Malia’s blood ran cold, and she took a step forward, her boot crunching on some glass. “What do you mean she’s in trouble?” “I’m not sure,” Lydia told her. “But I think she’s trapped, or…or stuck. She’s hurt…really hurt.” “Oh god,” Malia realized. “She must be on the trail.” “What trail?” Scott asked. “In the preserve?” “I told her not to,” Malia practically growled. “But she’s stubborn and probably did it anyway. There’s a trail my dad was complaining about, the hard one that goes up to Lookout Point. He was saying that it wasn’t safe because of all the erosion from the rain.” “You think she went up there?” Stiles asked. “Yes,” Malia told him. “And we have to find her.” Lydia nodded. “We need to hurry.” Stiles nodded. “Me, Scott, and Liam can take the jeep. You can go with Malia.” “What the hell are we waiting for?” Malia demanded, glaring around at the group. “She said we don’t have a lot of time. Let’s go!” She was the first to burst out of Lydia’s front door and head to her car, and she nearly left the Banshee behind in her haste to get to you. She was speeding the whole way to the preserve, and she was either lucky enough to avoid the police, or they were all out investigating another murder. Whichever it was, it didn’t matter to Malia. All she wanted to do was get to you. She finally skidded to a stop at the entrance, and then jumped out of her car without even cutting off the engine. Her boots hit the dirt, and she immediately began to strip off her clothes. “Malia!” Lydia shrieked. “What are you doing?” “I’m faster as a coyote!” she snapped, tossing her clothes and shoes into a pile next to one of her tires. “I need to find, Y/n. The guys will catch up with me.” Before Lydia could protest any more, Malia was morphing into a ball of fur. She dropped to the ground on all fours and took off into the woods without a second glance, leaving Lydia there to heave an exasperated sigh. She brought a hand to her mouth and resisted the urge to bite her fingernails, an old childhood habit that had plagued her whenever she was nervous. She just hoped that Malia could find you, because if the sinking feeling in her stomach was any indication, you didn’t have a lot of time.
You woke up to a pounding in your head, and a heavy, painful feeling all over your body. It was like you were being crushed, and when you opened your eyes and found you couldn’t move, you realized you were. You were half-buried under a pile of heavy rocks, covered in bruises that were already beginning to decorate your skin. You shifted, but your right leg and arm both screamed in protest, causing you to grit your teeth against the pain. Birds were still chirping above you, and the sun hadn’t stopped shining down. The forest was making its normal sounds, with one tiny edition that you had no doubt was all thanks to you. A small whispering seemed to creep into the edge of your sense, sending a chill down your spine. You had heard the voices of the dead before, and when they gave you a warning, it always scared you. With that being said, that fear was nothing compared to what you felt when you heard your own name. You felt tears pooling in your eyes, and you knew that if you didn’t get help, you were definitely going to die. You stared up at the trees above you, and you were just starting to think that it was a beautiful day when you hear soft, thumping steps. They were quiet, so quiet you were sure you had imagined them at first, but then a furry face appeared over yours. You froze in terror, but as you looked into the creature’s eyes, you saw recognition in them. “M-malia?” you croaked. She leaned down and licked your cheek once, and you smiled. “God, you must think I’m an idiot. And…and you still came out here after me?” She trotted over and laid down by your side, the one that wasn’t covered in rocks. Her fur pressed against your stomach, and you weakly reached out to run a hand over her flank. “I can hear it you know,” you whispered. “They’re saying my name. I’m going to die.” Malia picked her head up, her eye growing sharper, and she looked at you as if to say ‘shut up’. You smiled softly. “Maybe not. Maybe you’ll be my hero again, huh? Just like when we met.” Your voice grew softer as your eyes grew heavier, and before you know it, you felt your head tilted to the side. You felt Malia nudging you with her nose, even gently nipping at your hand to get you to wake up, but it wasn’t working. Your fingers fell from her side and hit the ground, and you slipped into unconsciousness, watching the forest flur blur out behind your eyes.
You arm was itching. You reached out to scratch it, still not quite ready to open your eyes, but as your fingers grazed something rough, hard, and definitely not flesh, you had change of heart. You opened your eyes to find a purple cast covering your arm. You shifted around, still incredibly sore, and your one very stiff leg told you that there was probably a cast on that too. “I’ve got a bone to pick with you.” You jumped at the sudden voice, and you glanced around you to find Malia sitting in a chair next to your bed. You blinked. Had she been there the whole time? “I…yeah, I figured you would,” you said softly. “You’re a banshee,” she stated. “That doesn’t mean you’re invincible.” “I know, Malia, I just-” “That was stupid,” she interrupted. “And it was reckless, and you could have died. How do you think I would have felt if you died? You’re one of the few people who actually make me want to be human, Y/n. You’re part of the reason I decided to stay this way. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” “Malia,” you said softly. “I had no idea.” “Well now you know,” she said. “So you better not go running off into the woods again. At least not without me.” You glanced down at your casts. “I don’t think I’ll be doing that anytime soon.” “Well, it doesn’t matter,” she told you. “Because you still owe me a study date anyway.” You smiled. “Right.” “And another kiss,” she added. You grinned at her. “When did I promise that?” “You didn’t, I just want one,” she said with a shrug. “Well, I’m right here,” you said flirtatiously. “And kind of immobile right now, so if you wanted to make your move-” Your last few words morphed into an ‘mmph’ as Malia darted forward and pressed her lips against yours. She was gentle, more gentle than you had ever imagined Malia could be, but you guessed she was worried about hurting you. You closed your eyes as she tangled her fingers in your hair, and you wished so desperately that you could sit up and thread your fingers through hers. When she pulled away from you, staring down into your eyes and grinning, you felt like maybe being stuck in bed wasn’t so bad. “Do you like your cast?” she asked suddenly. “Scott’s mom let me pick out the color while you were out.” “And purple’s your favorite,” you remembered with a smile. She nodded. “I figured you’d like it.” “I do,” you promised her, running your fingers over it. “And I’m going to make sure you’re the first one to sign it.” “Stiles already called dibs,” she said with a shrug. You rolled your eyes. “Well, it’s my cast, so I say you sign it first. Stiles can wait.” “Good,” she said with a smile. “But as much as I’d love to stay and keep kissing you, I have to leave.” “Why?” you asked quizzically. “Because I can hear your parents coming back down the hall with a nurse,” she informed you. “And I’ve been kicked out of your room twice already, and I’m not really supposed to be in here.” “Malia,” you complained. “What?” she asked, backing toward the door. “I don’t want you getting in trouble because of me.” She suddenly pulled open the door, wedging herself in the threshold. She shot one cautious glance down the hall and looked back at you for a few more seconds, and then her lips turned up in a grin. “You’d be worth it,” she assured you, winking and then slipping out the door. You felt your face flushing as Malia slipped away, and you leaned back against the hospital pillows. You closed your eyes, knowing that you only had a few seconds before your parents and the nurse got there, but you wanted to dream a little longer. And with your lips still tingling from Malia’s kiss, you knew there would be a lot to dream about.
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dioskourixx · 7 years
In The Blood Ch.7
Raven wasn’t in by the time I came back to the dorms. Must be still out wreaking havoc on the weak hearted guys that couldn’t resist her charms. I figured I’d catch her tomorrow after she comes back from her last exam in the morning. Until then, I’ll just unwind. I kicked off my heels and placed my purse on a nearby desk chair. Heading to the bathroom, I found a discarded hair tie on the bathroom counter and pulled my hair back into a ponytail, changing into my pajamas afterwards. It was peaceful tonight, since most of the students who had plans to leave for spring break had already left after their exams. Now would be the perfect time finish my book from earlier. Curling up in my bed, I unfolded the page I stopped on and started reading again, with soft music playing on my phone in the background. About thirty minutes had passed before my music was briefly interrupted by a text message. I placed my book down in exchange for my phone. It was Yongguk.
“Hey, what’s up?” -Yongguk. My fingers danced across the keyboard.
“Just reading. What’s up with you?”
“Oh, am I interrupting the book worm?” -Yongguk
“Haha no. You’re not interrupting. What’s going on?”
“Nothing really. I just felt like talking to you.” I shouldn’t be smiling at that. It wasn’t a big deal.
“Any plans this spring break?”
“Just visit my folks for a few days. I’ll be back before the break is over though. What about you?”
“I’m staying on campus this time around.  My aunt is on a cruise now, so she’s not even home.”
“When I come back do you want to hang out? We can catch that movie you were talking about last week.”
“Really? But you said sci-fi movies weren’t your thing.”
“I know, but they’re your thing. I’m willing to suffer through it.”
“Thanks, Gukkie.”
“No problem Haze. It’s a date.” It’s definitely not a date. It will never be a date. We’re just friends.
“Well, I think I’m going to turn in. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight Haze. Sweet dreams.”
I started playing my music again, trying to get back to my book. After a while the words started to. It wasn’t a big deal. I’ve hung out with Yongguk plenty of times. It was just two friends spending time with each other. Then what was up with that whole “it’s a date,” thing? Well, it is just a saying. He didn’t mean anything by it. Frustrated with the thoughts that battled each other inside my head, I eventually slammed my book down, got up to turn the lights off, and threw myself in bed. Getting any reading done wasn’t possible anymore. Outside was quiet and still while my mind was buzzing like a swarm of bees.
I don’t know when I fell asleep, but surprisingly I felt well rested. I was woken up by Raven’s small body, jumping up on my bed excitedly. I groaned from the sudden intrusion, trying to kick the bouncing body off my bed.
“Oh, come on Haze! You promised we could go shopping after my exams are done. And guess what? I’m done! Can we go now? Please?” I slowly removed the pillow that was covering my mess of a head, letting out a sigh. Raven tugged on my arm pulling me into a sitting position. Another groan leaves my throat. My hair tie broke in the middle of the night, so I could only imagine how my hair looked right now.
“Alright. Alright. Just give me a few minutes to get ready first.” A gleeful screech escaped her as she jumped off my bed, allowing me to get up myself. This is going to be long ass day.
 The mall was bright and cheery. There were families walking about, smiling at their children and as they bounced excitedly on the balls of their feet whilst holding a slice of pizza or corndog from the food court. Over by the Greek influenced fountain placed in the center of the mall were a couple of teenage girls flicking coins in the water with their eyes closed. I wonder what they wished for. For their parents to buy them that one expensive thing they just have to have? Or maybe to pass the midterms with the grades they felt they earned? I found myself smiling to myself, curious as to what they would become when they got older. A doctor? Lawyer? Or maybe an artist? That was my wish at their age at least. I felt a tug on my arm, being pulled out of my own little world. I allowed Raven to pull me this way and that to various stores that piqued her interest…which was pretty much every other store. I didn’t mind though. Hanging out was Rae was fun and different from hanging out with Yongguk for more than one reason. Besides, I enjoyed shopping if my wallet allowed it. Probably not as much as Raven did. She practically lived for it. If she could make a career out of shopping, she probably wouldn’t be in college right now.
The store we had just entered was bright and played the top trendy songs that were always heard on the radio, providing a fun loving atmosphere. This store was obviously one of the most girly ones that we visited so far. There were lots of pinks, powder blues, light yellows, and whites. Very Springy. The articles of clothing were mostly dressy tops with ruffles or an off the shoulder concept, skirts, dresses that you could pair with sandals or heels, depending on the occasion. The store was exactly Raven’s style. The store was also having a sale. I knew we were going to be here for a while. I left Raven’s side, browsing through the different pieces of clothing, without really giving much thought to them. I found a couple of shirts that I liked. Thumbing through the rack, I found my size and decided to get them without trying them on. Going in a dressing room to try on a mountain of clothes was my least favorite part about shopping, in all honestly. If it fits, then great. If not, then at least it was on sale and didn’t cost more than ten bucks. Raven on the other hand was already in the dressing room with the stack of clothes she found in a matter of thirty minutes. I think she might’ve tried on about nine different outfits before I found a bench to sit on waiting for her to emerge. Her door finally open and her eyes had a flood of relief when she spotted me playing on my phone.
“Oh thank heavens, you’re here now. Which outfit should I get?” I looked over each item she picked out and came up empty. She knew that I was never really any good at this, but she still asked for my opinion nonetheless. I gave the clothes another hard look, struggling to come up with an appropriate answer. I finally decided on the blue ensemble. Blue always looked good on her, no matter what shade.
“How about this one?” I said pointing to the light blue dress.
“I was thinking the same, but I also like this one.” She held up the pink and white dress that was once laying on the pile of clothes she had accumulated.
“That one’s cute too, Rae.” I can already see where this is going. By the end of all this debating, she will eventually buy most, if not all, of the pieces she picked out.
“Ugh! This is so frustrating Haze. Why can’t I just decide on one? I’m going crazy here.” She began to pout as her brow furrowed, concentration marking her face. Saying eenie meenie miny moe, no doubt. I couldn’t help but to laugh at her “dilemma.”
We finally left the shop after waiting on Raven to decide that she was indeed going to buy all but two of the clothes she picked out. She was about to drag me to another store, but I dug my heels into the ground. She looked at me with confusion.
“Rae, if you’re going to keep dragging me to stores, I’m going to need food.” She laughed, nodding her head.
“Sorry Haze. I forgot that we didn’t eat before leaving.” At that her own stomach growled. I shook my head at her, draping my arm around her delicate shoulders as I lead us towards the food court. I had decided on a simple slice of pepperoni pizza, while Rae got a sub for herself. We searched for a while for the cleanest table available. Rae spotted one before me, and speed walked to it, before it could get claimed by anyone else. We started eating in silence at first, taking in the noises of the mall. Kids laughing and playing in the children’s area. Babies crying. Random packs of teenagers talking loudly amongst themselves. Despite the noise, I rather enjoyed it. The silence between Raven and I didn’t break until Rae cleared her throat, gaining my attention.
“So, how was your date with Ethan?” A slow smile crept on my lips remembering the date with him last night.
“That good, huh?” She teased.
I recounted everything from the date. The way he was dressed when he picked me up. The restaurant. The conversation we shared throughout dinner. Well not everything we talked about. I didn’t mention the Yongguk thing. Other than that I recounted everything I could think of.
“It sounds like he’s a complete gentleman Haze. How’d you get so lucky?” I shrugged.
“It’s still early. You know people put their best face on in the beginning. He could be a real jerk in the end.”
“Haze, don’t count him out already. It was only the first date. This guy could be meant for you.” I scoffed at her fantasy after only the first date with Ethan.
“We’ll see,” was all I said. Silence came over us for a couple of minutes until Rae broke it again.
“You like him don’t you?” her eyes almost looked pleading.
“Yeah, so far. I mean he’s handsome, nice, and generous from what he’s shown me so far. What’s not to like about him?”
“Then why are you so hesitant about him? From the looks he gets around school, he’s quite a catch. You two seem to vibe really well. I just don’t understand, is all.” A small smile found its way on my lips. I appreciated her for caring and wanting to see me with a great guy. I really did. It’s just I didn’t want to rush anything. Especially since I still didn’t have a full grasp of my feelings for Yongguk. Of course she couldn’t understand. I hadn’t told her. I hadn’t told anyone. It was still amazing how Ethan was able to pick up on it last night. I wasn’t afraid of rejection per se. I was afraid of my group of friends changing due to the rejection. I didn’t want anyone to feel sorry or bad for me if I got rejected. Which in turn would make my friends start hanging out in separate groups. Not wanting to convene together in fear of me being hurt, or Yongguk feeling guilty because he rejected me. It was just a can of worms that wasn’t worth opening. I was content with how everything was right now, and didn’t have any plans on changing that. But instead of explaining all of this to Rae, I settled for a simpler explanation.
“I just don’t want to rush anything, Rae. You know how I am.” She sighed.
“Yeah, I know. I just want you to have that epic romance that you deserve. Like Romeo or Juliet or something.” I couldn’t stop my laughter.
“Umm Rae, you do know that Romeo and Juliet is full of nothing but drama and death. The main characters don’t even get a happy ending. They both die.”
“Well, yeah. But up until the double suicide thing, they were star-crossed lovers. They were destined to be together. That’s what I was referring to.” I could only shake my head.
“We’ll see how things go, okay?”
“Okay. I wish you the best of luck. And if he turns out to be a douche, just let me know. I’ll borrow a spell or something from that one Shakespeare play. ‘Bubble Bubble…something.’”
“Alright, deal. And the play is ‘Macbeth’ by the way.” I said between fits of giggles. “You’re referencing Shakespeare a lot. Seeing a Literature major? Is he cute?”
“Oh, he’s downright scrumptious.” She said with a wink.
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