#mick rory oneshot
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Summary; Mick Rory a notorious thief and villain, so who would have thought he would so impatient. Pairing; Mick Rory x Gender Neutral Reader Wordcount; 423 Warnings; 1 Sexual innuendo
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺ ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺༻ ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺ ༻✦༺ 
Mick Rory was many things, a pyromaniac, a romance novelist and a hardened criminal. When he got offered a place on the waverider, he was reluctant and with good reason. Mick and Leonard were quickly witnessed as outcasts and criminals. Everyone had given them a wide birth, apart from you.
You never treated them any differently, they were another member of the team in your eyes. So over some time, the three of you got to know one another. mick had never encountered someone as accepting as you. You saw past their pasts as exactly that, their pasts. You truly believed their unique skill set could be used and adapted to your future missions.
Mick didn't know when it happened exactly, but over the months that followed Mick had fallen in love with you. At first, Mick decided he would never utter a word of his feelings to anyone. Then Leonard placed everything together. Slowly, the rest of the team all uncovered Mick's secret. He refused to let them be the one to tell you, so for the first time in Mick's life, he was nervous.
In reality, Mick had nothing to worry about. You had feelings for Mick since the moment the two of you met. Mick had never been met with such relief. Finally there was someone in his life besides Leonard that truly cared for his well being, cared and loved him for the man that he is.
A year later, Christmas began to cover the Waverider like a fresh blanket of snow. Decorations provided a change in atmosphere. People were trying to create or find gifts, but your boyfriend was the most impatient From the moment, mich caught on you were beginning to hide his presents in your room that you both shared together.
"Will you stop trying to find your Christmas presents, you'll spoil the surprise!" You asked as you brought the basket of laundry in, resting it on the nearby desk.
"But I don't like surprises." Mick frowned as he wandered over.
"What about that "special surprise" I gave you the other day"
"That one I liked....a lot" Mick brought you into his arms in a tight embrace, leaning in to kiss you softly.
"You can wait for another twenty-four hours to open your presents, but if you are good perhaps you can open one present before we go to bed."
"That sounds like a plan...let's go to bed now"
"Mick it's only noon." As Mick shrugs, you attempt to stop mick from attempting to get ready for bed...
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poutypanties · 4 years
Who writes for Leonard Snart or Mick Rory?🤔
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happyimagines · 3 years
Legends of Tomorrow: Mick/Reader
Hello! I saw that I had a Mick Rory request in my inbox, but I wasn’t able to get all the details because it was accidentally deleted. I have done my best to try and write a oneshot, and I hope that you like it!
Author: Queen of Geeks
I grumbled under my breath as my foot sank into another pile of snow. I stopped and took a deep breath before continuing after Mick. Every now and then he would look back to either make sure that I was still behind him or frozen in place.
“Next time, we’re going somewhere where snow doesn’t exist.” I said loud enough for it to be heard over the comms.
“That would be nice, but it doesn’t work like that.” Sara responded.
“Says the one who isn’t trudging through a forest in snow.” I stepped over a log but my foot slipped as it may contact with the ground. I fell onto the ground into soft snow and Rory stopped and looked back.
“Here. By the way, happy birthday.” Mick held out a gloved hand and I took it. Effortlessly, he helped me to my feet and I dusted off the snow.
“Thanks,” My face was either growing warm from the fact that I realised how close I was standing next to Mick, or it was just an attempt to stay warm. I cleared my throat and looked past Mick further into dense snowy forest.
“Does someone want to tell me what we’re looking for again?” I asked hoping to ignore the fact that Mick was still looking at me.
“Yeah,” I listened to Ava give me the details regarding the task at hand.
The task at hand was to find some sort of amulet that got lost in the time stream. According to Gideon, the amulet was powerful and ended up in a forest. In the middle of January.
Sara had suggested that I would go even though we had plenty of feet on the ground. There were people in the town outside of the forest that we had embedded ourselves into to find more information, however Sara and Ava persisted. Along with that, they sent Mick with me which was probably a better idea than sending me alone into unfamiliar territory.
A part of me was glad that I wasn’t alone. Another was glad that it was Mick rather than Behrad or Nate. They were great guys, but there was something comforting in being around Mick. Even though he wouldn’t speak much, it was nice.
“Hey,” I looked up from the desk in the library at Sara. “What’re you doing?”
“Just going through some books,” I showed her the books that I was flicking through to look at different images of outfits throughout the years. “I was thinking about making a new dress.”
“I think I saw your book in the kitchen.” Sara told me looking at the books.
“Awesome, I was looking for it earlier.” I stood up from the table and made my way to the kitchen. I couldn’t help but notice that following me was Sara.
“So,” Sara began.
“So…?” I raised my eyebrows at her.
“Your birthday is coming up.”
“And I’ve told you, just as long as I get a cake, I’m good.” I assured her.
“And there’s nothing else that you want?”
“I’m good.” I repeated. I began making my way out of the kitchen only to bump into someone who was going into the room. I dropped my notebook and looked up at Mick.
“Uh,” He looked at me and then at the notebook that was at our feet. “Here,” He quickly picked up my notebook and handed it to me. “Nice drawings.”
“Thanks. I’ll see you later.” I nodded to him and rushed past him into the hallway.
Sara said something and soon I heard her behind me once again.
“What was that?” She asked.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” I shrugged my shoulders.
“Really (Y/N)?”
“Because to me-”
“It looked like I dropped my notebook and Mick picked it up for me.”
Sara crossed her arms and watched me. She stayed silent for a moment before she nodded. “You know, you are the only one who calls him Mick most of the time.”
“Is that so?”
A shiver ran through my body as the snow that had gotten into my boots had melted. That, and the rest of my clothing was soaked from the snow.
“Mick, I’m running away to Aruba.” I announced.
Mick laughed and turned to me. There was a look on his face that stopped the smile. Instead, he shrugged off his coat and passed it to me.
“You look cold.” Mick told me.
I smiled and pulled it on. It was still warm from his body heat and I smiled. “Thanks.”
“Hey guys, so it looks like we have the amulet.” Behrad told us. I looked at Mick.
“Behrad’s in town. And we are ankles deep in snow and slush.” I pointed out annoyed.
“It’s not too bad.” Mick shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t mind the company.”
My face grew warm and I looked at Mick. There was a small smile playing on his lips as he watched me.
“Sara told me that she’s getting you a cake for your birthday.”
“Yeah, I told her that that’s pretty much all I needed.” I shrugged my shoulders.
“I managed to, uh, find some fabrics that you were looking for.” He added. I raised my eyebrows. “Sara told me that you were looking for something new and I saw something and I thought that it was pretty. Like you.”
“Mick Rory, are you blushing?” I teased stepping in front of him as he ducked his face away from my view. “You are a romance writer, and you’re getting embarrassed?” I took Mick’s face in my hands so that he would look at me and there was a grin on my face. “This has been a pretty good birthday,” I brought his lips to mine and kissed him. As I did, I felt his arms go around my waist and keep me close to him.
“I think that they have a cake for you on the ship.”
“I think that they can wait a little longer.”
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ginger-canary · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe Characters: Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe, Amaya Jiwe, Zari Tomaz, Wally West, Mick Rory, Nate Heywood, Ray Palmer Additional Tags: Femslash, Femslash February, guys this is not serious, just really funny, at least I think so, AvaLance Summary:
This story's based on a CAH result; "If I'm a cinnamon roll, too good for this world. Too pure. And you're for the aesthetic, then who's driving the waverider?"
After defeating Mallus, Nate wanted to help Sara and Ava relax. If only Mick hadn't set the fruit on fire, causing Nate to give Sara and Ava lyoga root tea. Honestly I loved writing this so please enjoy.
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fandom-fic-rec · 4 years
Always Beside You
Fandom: DC:TV
Ratings: Teen
Warnings: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
Relationship: Mick Rory/ Leonard Snart
Characters: Mick Rory, Leonard Snart, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson, Rip Hunter, Sara Lance, Ray Palmer, Martin Stein, Kendra Saunders, Gideon            
"What the [flip] just happened to us?" Mick growled from where he had fallen to the floor.
Jax laughed. "Dude, what happened to your voice? You been sucking on helium?" Then he looked over. "Oh no."
An incident on the Waverider highlights the tensions between crewmates.
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firesoulstuff · 6 years
Mick’s Secret Girl
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16100462
A little story I’ve slowly been working on for awhile now. 
Mick has been exhibiting some... odd, behaviors lately. Nothing bad, definitely nothing bad, but strange, at least for Mick. Now, on top of it, he's up and disappeared. Sara has no idea where he's gone, but the excuse he has for her when he gets back is a load of bull, right?
Sara thought it was weird when Mick stopped drinking.
Ok, to be fair, she doesn’t actually have any proof that he’s stopped. He didn’t quit cold turkey, or at least, she doesn’t think he did. She could be wrong, considering she hadn’t even noticed on her own that he wasn’t buzzed literally every second of the day anymore.
Of course she isn’t an idiot, nor is she blind. She had noticed that he’d been a lot more agreeable lately, while simultaneously being a little gruffer and on edge at team meetings. She did pick up on his voicing his opinion a little more frequently, and while she had absently wondered about the gradual change in his demeanor she still didn’t notice he’d stopped drinking until Leo stopped by the ship to give them a hand with an Earth-X fugitive and made a comment to her about it.
“So,” he had said in that drawl of a voice that still reminds her a little too much of their Leonard. “I see Mick finally got the help he needed.”
She had almost asked him what he was talking about, her eyes suddenly flying to the sight of Mick at the other end of the galley, and that was when it clicked. Leo had been so obsessed with getting Mick to change, namely by addressing his love of beer, and here the other man was sitting at a far table and drinking water.
She almost thought it was a fluke, that maybe Ray had given it to him or he just wanted water in that moment. So she kept her eyes on him for the next few days, making mental notes of what she saw him drinking.
It’s been over a week, and she still hasn’t witnessed him touch a drop of alcohol.
Mick Rory, the man who blew their cover with a group of Vikings all because he wanted some ale after having his beer confiscated for an hour, hasn’t gone near alcohol in over seven days.
It’s a miracle, it’s amazing, it’s, it’s….
It’s driving her insane.
It’s not like it’s a bad thing, obviously, but she just doesn’t understand why or from where this sudden change came about.
She tries not to think about it, after all, it isn’t hurting the team and so therefor it isn’t her business.
At least, that’s what she tells herself up until the day she can’t find him.
It isn’t an emergency; there isn’t any life or death situation at hand or anything like that. But Axel has wormed his way out of his cage again and with the entire team looking for him, except for Mick, she decided to go to his room and drag him from what she could only assume would be a very deep sleep.
He wasn’t in there.
Now she’s scouring the entire ship looking for him, at least Ray caught Axel and put him back where he belongs.
“Gideon,” she finally says, closing the floor panel in the office that she hasn’t touched since the day she hid down there with Leonard. “Do you have any idea where Mick is?”
“Mr. Rory is asleep in his quarters and wishes not to be disturbed.”
Sara furrows her brow at that, because she knows for a fact that Mick is not asleep in his room.
“Gideon?” She asks again, her voice drawling suspiciously. “Are you lying to me?”
There’s a pause, as though Gideon is trying to come up with an explanation.
But, ultimately, she can’t.
“I am sorry Captain,” she says, “Mr. Rory instructed me to tell that to anyone looking for him, as well as to alert him if a mission came up. He commissioned the jump ship earlier today, saying that he expected to be back by tonight.”
“Where did he go?” Sara demands her eyes narrowing as she rises from where she’s crouched on the floor.
“He didn’t say,” Gideon replies, voice regretful. “He also erased the jump ship’s logs.”
When the jump ship clicks back into it’s rightful place Mick makes sure to slip the access key back into the glove compartment, tucked into the 3rdpage of the owners manual, where it belongs. He’s right on time getting back, though he wishes he could’ve stayed later. But he doesn’t want anyone catching on to his little trips just yet, not before he figures out how to handle it anyway.
Too late.
He jumps back with a shout the second in which he opens the door, because Sara is standing right there just far enough away for the opening hatchway to avoid clipping her face, her arms folded over her chest and a deadly look in her eye.
“Jeez Boss,” he says, regaining his composure and stumbling out onto the actual ship. Sara steps back to make room for him, not saying anything when he turns to close the hatch for the jump ship. They both know he can only procrastinate this for so long, and she is going to let him drag out every guilty second of it.
He sighs while turning back around, dreading this conversation more than she can possibly know.
“So,” he says awkwardly, swinging his arms in front of him and hitting the palm of one hand against the other fist. She lets him do this a few times, letting him suffer with the knowledge of being caught until he can’t bear it anymore. “Busy day?”
“Where were you?” She finally says; voice unimpressed by his stalling, like she had been expecting at least a halfway decent excuse.
He wishes he had one to offer, he isn’t ready to tell her the truth yet, too worried about how she’ll react.
Damn, he really is going soft.
“I was uh… I was visiting my girlfriend.” He tries to sound confident, but it doesn’t really come off and instead he sounds more like he’s making it up, as evidenced by the eyebrow she raises at him.
“You were visiting your girlfriend?” She asks, pronouncing each syllable of every word, like she wants to make sure there won’t be any way for him to mishear her.
“Yeah,” he confirms with a nod, though she’s still looking at him as though he’s lost his marbles.
“Does your girlfriend have a name?” She finally asks, apparently deciding she is going to go along with what she has to be thinking is a load of bull.
Maybe he should’ve tried lying, oh well.
He shakes his head, and again she quirks an eyebrow.
“No?” She asks, then she waits for a response and of course he doesn’t give one. “So you stole the jump ship and had Gideon lie about it, so that you could go somewhere and visit a nameless girl?”
He lets his eyes wander up to the ceiling so that he can avoid her gaze, hoping that maybe if he stays quiet long enough she’ll let him go without any more questions.
It’s entirely too long that they stand there in silence, her watching him and waiting for an explanation and him doing all that he can to avoid giving one. It isn’t that he never wants her to know, not if things work out anyway, but right now things are still new and he can’t say if she really has to know yet or not.
She stares at him blankly, like she’s trying to decide if she wants to force the information out of him or let him get away with it. He waits until she hasn’t said anything in over minute, and when it still doesn’t look like she’s going to demand any more answers he decides to try getting out of here.
“Well goodnight,” he says with a wave, excusing himself and heading off down the hall to his room.
After getting caught Mick knows he needs to be more careful about when he leaves the ship, and for how long, yet even with every instinct he has screaming at him to lay low he just can’t stay away from 2018, or the warm bed awaiting him there.
His eyes flutter open with the early morning light creeping through the edges of the shades, something he’s learned to appreciate ever since he established his life on the Waverider.
Another thing he has right now that he’s learned to appreciate is the warm feeling of another naked body against his, the subtle rise and fall of breathing lungs under his hand, and the faint scent of coconut lingering on the blonde hair he has found his nose buried in.
Suddenly that hair moves, Laurel waking up and rolling to look at him. He’ll never admit to being soft, but he knows that’s exactly what he’s become when he feels his heart skip upon seeing Laurel smiling at him. He matches her expression even as she leans up to kiss him.
“Morning,” she mumbles, her voice still thick and dreamy with sleep.
“Morning.” He returns, still grinning at her like an idiot, until she frowns thoughtfully.
“I thought you would’ve left.”
He hums at her words, “You want me to leave?”
“No silly,” she giggles at him, and it brings the smile back to his face. She takes a second to stretch her arms out then, nearly smacking him in the face, but he’ll let that slide because of how often he does leave in the middle of the night. “I just know it’s dangerous if you stay away from the ship for too long.”
He can feel his expression turn thoughtful as another hum escapes him. That’s a loaded word she’s used, dangerous, but it’s accurate. He keeps one of The Professor’s temporal walkie-talkies here so Gideon can notify him if he’s needed, but that isn’t to say he doesn’t ever get… distracted. As she’s pointed out, he rarely ever stays the whole night, and he isn’t going to pretend he didn’t wake up and check for an alert twice last night. He’s always afraid the thing isn’t going to work and the team is going to need him, that he’ll get back and someone will be laid up in the med bay with an injury he should have been there to prevent, or worse.
Then there are the more rational fears. The fear that somebody, probably Haircut, Pretty, or even New Girl, will break their way into his room while he’s here and realize that he isn’t locked up in there. Which brings him to his most consuming fear as of late.
“Your sister’s getting suspicious.”
Laurel whines at his reminder, and he chuckles. They’ve talked about this already, to an extent. He told her one night while they were talking via the walkie-talkies about Sara discovering his absence. They agreed, though neither of them was happy about it, to cut back his visits.
That was last week, so they aren’t off to the best start.
“What do you want to do?”
Laurel’s question snaps Mick’s attention from his thoughts and back to her. She’s lying stiff now, picking at her nails and actively avoiding his eyes.
Now that is a loaded question.
He may have called her his girlfriend to get Sara off his back, but they’ve both been avoiding labeling this thing between them. At first they were just having fun, letting off steam. It started after all the Nazi shit, nothing more than a half drunken hook-up at Scarlet’s wedding (Laurel was completely sober, he was a little more buzzed than usual). But holy hell was it a good hook-up, so they agreed neither of them was going to read into it when it happened again, and again, and again. He stayed maybe one of those times, too tired by the end of it to get up before the sun and head back to the ship. Then her dad died, and Sara was hailed home. She asked him if he would come over that night, not for sex, just to keep her company, and he went.
That was when they realized how deep they’d gotten in with each other.
They’ve been avoiding talking about it, even though they talk about almost everything else. He knows things about her he’s never cared enough to learn about anyone else, and he’s told her some things about him he once thought he’d be taking to his grave.
He doesn’t do feelings, though, and it isn’t like she’s had the best luck with them. So deciding what to do now, if they’re gonna admit where they are or if they’re going to fall back on the familiar safety of running, is one of the scariest things Mick’s ever faced; likely because he knows the answer.
She’s still picking at her nails when he looks back at her, acting like she hasn’t just put the nature of their relationship into his hands. He smirks at the purposely-neutral expression on her face, and leans down to press a kiss against her lips.
She smiles against his mouth, giggling into the kiss when he settles a hand on her waist and then pulls back.
“Well, I know I don’t want to give this up.”
Her beaming continues at his answer, her arms winding up and around his neck while her legs do the same at his waist, and then in one swift motion she flips them over. The sheets fly halfway off of them with her movement, knotting around his legs, but Mick can’t bring himself to care. He hardly notices the chill that should come with the sudden loss of coverage, her skin against his more than enough to keep him warm.
They’ll work out the details later about how they’re supposed to come clean to Sara, along with when, but for now he needs to be getting back to the Waverider before anyone notices he’s gone. Meaning he doesn’t have time to focus on anything other than getting Laurel off one more time before he goes.
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pleasantdreamqueen · 7 years
Our Girl // Mick x Yn x Snart
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Pairing: Mick x Yn x Leonard
Requested: Yes by @companionjones
Request: Can I have a poly Leonard Snart x Reader x Mick Rory?Reader is a girl?
Warning: Handsy Customer,Mention of sexual themes, Protective!Snart,Protective!Rory, Strong!Reader
Summary: Yn lived a normal life in Central City. She was no damsel in distress either. She had an attitude that made the room go silent as well as a gorgeous body to match. When a customer gets too handsy , two unlikely people step in. Will they turn into something more?
My routine was simple wake up , brush teeth, get dressed, wash face , then head to work at a strip club. I was a pretty good bartender , as in the only one that does their job.
Half the staff is making out with strangers or extremely hungover.I sighed when I waked in. Customers were already staring at me like I was a piece of meat.
Some of the people in the bar were more interested in me than the dancers.
I rolled my eyes. ‘I know I look good in jeans and a t-shirt , but damn some of these guys need to stop’, I thought.I hid my things and headed behind the bar.
“What can I get you”,I said giving the guy a fake smile. He smirked at me. “The name’s Jake. I’ll take three shots of whiskey and your number sugar”, the guy replied.
“Not interested buddy. I’m taken”,I lied giving him his three shots. “Like I’m going to believe that”, he answered. “They just came in. Mind giving me a hand here fellas”, I added as the two men entered.
Jake was still trying to make a move on me. One took note of the situation and sat next to him. The other nodded to me. ‘
Snart POV
“Can I get a beer”, I said. “Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something”, Jake replied irritated. “That’s my girl, Unless you want to lose an arm I suggest you get a blowjob somewhere else”,I answered glaring at him as Mick sat on the other side. “I suggest you listen to him, or I’ll turn you to ash”, Mick answered as the bartender gave him a beer.
“We’re giving you a chance to walk away alive. What’s it gonna be”, she said placing her hands on the counter. Jake looked like he was going to pee his pants. He quickly ran out of the bar.
We laughed at his reaction. The bartender noticed he left his wallet behind and took most of his cash . “That’s not very ladylike”, I said taking a sip of my beer.
Mick POV
She rolled her eyes. “He didn’t pay for the drinks , I barely make any tips. Besides a woman has to make a living somehow. I’m Yn”,she said smiling.
“I like you. You got moxie”, I replied. “First one that didn’t say gorgeous. That’s a new record. Got any names ”, she answered cleaning a glass. “Mick Rory and this is my partner”, I said patting Snart on the back.
“It’s Leo. I’ve got plan to get you out of here”, he replied. “You already saved my ass from the douche bag. I think you guys have done more than enough”, Yn added. “Look me in the eyes and say: I want to work here for the rest of my life. Don’t worry I’ll wait”, Snart said.
Yn tapped the counter in defeat. “I’ll join your little group, but I need you to do a favor me”, she replied.
Snart and I looked at eachother. “We’re listening what did you have in mind”, I answered intrigued. Yn told us what she wanted. “Really that’s all”, Snart added.
“Believe me, my boss acts just like the truckers and drunks in this bar”,Yn added crossing her arms. Luckily for us , her boss Michael was passed out from his love affair with whiskey and bourbon.
All I wanted for them was to rough Randy up for the 3 years he disrespected me. I heard a few ribs crack and smiled when I saw a bloody Randy clutching his left side. He looked at me angered.
“You slut. You couldn’t even handle me alone. You’re a pathetic woman”, Randy said as I kneeled beside him. “You made the biggest mistake of your life by threatening me. Too bad it came to bite you in the ass”,I replied grabbing his head and punching him.
Leo and Mick smiled at me as they kissed my cheeks. “That’s our girl”, they answered in unison.
Hope you like it let me know what you think in the comments below😏😀
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Bloodhounds Series:
The Sound of Magic Series:
Do You Believe Me? (Ri-eul x BestFriend!Reader)
Vincenzo Series:
You're My Person (Vincenzo x Female!MafiaReader)
When Fear Becomes Strength (Jang Han-seo x BestFriend!Reader)
So, This is Love? (Jang Han-seo x Paralegal!Reader)
Teasing An Gi-seok
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Series:
Facing Your Feelings (Mick Rory/Heatwave x Reader)
Insecure (Ray Palmer/Atom x Reader)
Supernatural Series:
Trickster’s Sweet Tooth (Gabriel x Reader)
Sacrifice (Winchesters x AngelFriend!Reader)
Closure (Dean Winchester x Past!Reader)
Do They Know About Us? (Mick Davies x Hunter!Reader)
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Pure Happiness (Steve McGarrett x Reader)
Movie Night With Danny
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A True Hero (Tony Stark x Reader)
Shenanigans (Avengers x Friend!Reader)
Blindfolded (Avengers x AvengersInTraining!Reader)
Soulmate Mark (Loki x FemaleWinged!Reader)
Somebody to Lean On (Friend!Tony Stark x SuperSoldier!Reader)
Night Changes (Tony Stark x Avenger!Reader)
Mission Gone Wrong (Tony Stark x PastWife!Reader)
Bowling With the Avengers
Once Upon a Time Series:
Memory Potion (Archie x Female!Reader)
The Hobbit Cinematic Series:
Surprise Confession (Dwalin x FemaleHuman!Reader)
Until We Meet Again (Fili x FemaleElf!Reader)
Enchanted Mirror (Bofur x FemaleModernHuman!Reader)
X-Men Cinematic Series:
Meet Your Son (Logan/Wolverine x Female!Human!Reader)
Lucifer Cinematic Series:
Lucifer’s Desire (No Pairing)
Being Human (US) Cinematic Series:
Vampires, Ghosts, & Werewolves. OH MY! (Aidan Waite x Female!Reader)
Wynonna Earp Cinematic Series:
This Time is Different (Doc Holliday x Reader)
The Librarians Series:
The Truth Is (Jacob "Jake" Stone x Reader)
Crossover Fanfics:
Something There That Wasn’t There Before (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)/Bones): (Danny Williams x FemaleRommate!Reader)
A New Life (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)/Avengers): (Steve McGarrett x Reader & The Avengers x FemalePastAvenger!Reader)
Sam, Dean, and Cas meet John Constantine
Lucifer and Chloe meet John Constantine
Any Fandom:
Falling Through Ice
P.S.-all works also found on AO3 under mirajanefairytailmage
Writing Prompts:
Songbird Enchantment
Death's Apology
Original Works:
Forget The Rain
My Nightmare Will End
I Wish
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alycosworld · 3 years
hi, I was wondering if you're do a valentine's day x reader oneshot on mick rory/heatwave from Dc's Legends of Tomorrow!
The Note
Mick Rory X Reader
btw takes place around s5 bc when I wrote writing this I only just started s6 👍
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"So...you're not gonna do anything?" Mona asked, dressed in some blue jeans and a pink and red loose cardigan with a repeating heart pattern and a white shirt underneath, perfectly on theme for Valentine's Day. It was still the 13th, but a romance enthusiast like Mona Wu decided that she should be in the spirit of the holiday at least a day in advance.
"About what?" Mick shrugged, taking a long sip of his beer.
"(Y/N), of course!" Mona rolled her eyes.
"What about them?" Mick asked.
"Well, tomorrow's Valentine's Day! There is no better time to confess your feelings." Mona smiled.
"I don't feel anything for them!" Mick insisted.
"Really? So, you don't wanna visit them in the med bay right now?" Mona asked.
"They're in the med bay?! What happened?" Mick hurriedly stood up as Mona laughed at his involuntary reaction.
"They're not in the med bay, they're fine. I just said that to prove you like them." Mona grinned.
"I don't." Mick denied.
"Hey, I'm not judging you! I mean, if I knew an attractive, badass, caring person that gets along with my daughter, I'd probably fall for them too." Mona said.
"I haven't fallen for anyone." Mick reiterated.
"Uh-huh. Look, Mick, you should just address your feelings head-on. The sooner you admit you like (Y/N), the sooner we can get to planning the perfect Valentine's Day date. I'll even get Lita in on it." Mona smiled.
"We? Date? Lita?!" Mick asked, clearly confused at the implications of the words.
"Well, you're not gonna plan it yourself. Your writing is phenomenal, but in practice...not so great-- no offense! Besides, Lita and (Y/N) get along amazingly! If anyone knows how to win them over, it's her." Mona nodded decisively.
"Asking my daughter for help with a Valentine's Day date...sounds complicated." Mick said.
"That's fine! You just...figure out what you're gonna say and we'll handle the rest, okay?" Mona grinned.
"I don't trust you to handle it."
"Well, we're handling it so, there you go." Mona said before excitedly walking off.
Soon enough, Lita and Mona had planned a classic Valentine's Day date for you and Mick (they had decorated the cargo bay so it was fit for a fancy dinner), but you were still blissfully unaware of the event. In fact, everyone on the ship excluding you was gossipping about it.
"Hey (Y/N)." Sara smirked as you walked passed the bridge.
"Hey...Sara..." You quirked an eyebrow up, confused at her expression and tone.
"So...Valentine's Day tomorrow." Sara said.
"Oh, yeah, guess it is." You shrugged.
"You-- you didn't know?" Sara asked in perplexity.
"Nah, I guess I forgot. Maybe I'll get Gideon to fabricate me some fancy chocolates while I watch romance movies." You decided.
"But, what about Mick?" Sara asked, unaware that Mick hadn't asked you yet.
"Mick?" You responded, still not understanding what Sara was getting at.
"What?" Mick asked, entering the bridge and thinking you were calling for him.
"Oh, god, Mick, hi." You tensed up at his voice and jumped slightly at his unexpected entrance.
"Yeah, hey Mick. We were just talking about Valentine's Day, y'know. I thought that you had already--" Sara stopped herself, gesturing to you and widening her eyes at Mick.
"Already what?" You asked, tilting your head in Mick's direction. He seemed stunned for a moment before letting out a half sigh, half groan kind of noise in an exasperated and overwhelmed fashion.
"I need a drink." He said, before unceremoniously storming out and towards the kitchen.
"No, wait, I-- Sara, what?" You asked, looking to the captain for some semblance of an answer.
"You better go ask Rory, not me." Sara suggested, and you sighed before rushing after him.
"Mick, wait up!"
When you arrived in the kitchen, you saw Mick sitting at the table with a crumpled note in one hand a beer in the other. He seemed to be reading whatever was on the paper over and over in his head, mumbling the words quietly and incoherently.
"Mick?" You asked hesitantly.
"What is it?" He asked, quickly scrunching up the note in his hand.
"I just-- what was that about?" You asked, taking a seat next to him and smiling comfortingly.
"I..." He started, before opening up his palm and allowing the balled up noted to rest on the table.
"Go ahead, read it." He said, before abruptly standing up and walking out of the kitchen, taking a swig if his beer as he left.
You made quick work of the paper, flattening it out and reading the words scrawled on it. You couldn't help but smile at the contents - the words had clearly come straight from Mick, in the strangely beautiful and profound way his writing came across. The paper, although seemingly worthless to anyone else, held Mick's confession and proposition of a date; a vulnerable and honest statement that you would treasure.
Suddenly re-realising that Mick had left, you tucked the note carefully into your pocket and chased after Mick for the second time.
You took a quiet breath to calm your nerves before knocking on Mick's door. He opened the door after a few moments of waiting but seemed surprised to see you there.
"(Y/N)...huh." He raised his eyebrows slightly but displayed no emotion other than slight confusion.
"Mick, hi...again. Uh, so-- you-- that note was really sweet and I...I also like you. I didn't really expect it but, I would love to be your valentine, if the offer still stands." You stuttered slightly as his gaze hardened, but he relaxed when he heard the last part.
"Tomorrow, eight o'clock, in the cargo bay. Lita mentioned a dress code, but...where whatever you like." Mick said, before smirking slightly and walking past you, out of the hall. You stood in front of his room, stunned for a few moments and still in disbelief that you had just scored a date with Mick Rory. You spun around to see him disappearing down the hall, and sighed for the third time that day, this time with an uncontrollable grin on your face.
"Dammit, Mick! Stop running away!"
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allurenia · 3 years
Arrowverse Masterlist
Updated 8/8/2021
Disclaimer: These fanfictions do not belong to me and the owners have been credited. I strongly recommend checking out some of their other fanfictions.
* = Smut
Harrison EoWells
"Nightcall"* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 written by @elfwoodfae
"Game of Addiction" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 written by @cursed-ocs
Eobard Thawne
"Little Brat"* written by @taylorsage22
"Make his Life Hell" written by @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction
Harrison Eowells
"Temptation" written by @darlingpetao3
"Hurt me" written by @darlingpetao3
Harrison 'Harry Wells
"Vampire Imagine"* 1 2 written by @crazythoughtsandlove
"Finally"* written by @darlingpetao3
"Risk"* written by @darlingpetao3
"Dr. Wells & Mr. Hyde" written by @darlingpetao3
"Make out session" written by @straight-outta-slytherin
"Behind closed doors" written by @reversephysics
"E2 Harrison Wells x Reader" written by @skylarmoon71
"Rethink" written by @central-city-meta-pocalypse
"Feel the Pulse"* written by @jay-wells-writes
"Close Encounters of the Awkward Kind"* written by @central-city-meta-pocalypse
"Loud and Clear" written by @central-city-meta-pocalypse
Harrison 'H.R.' Wells
"The Assignment" 1 2 3 4 writen by @darlingpetao3
"Christmas to Remember" written by @central-city-meta-pocalypse
Harrison 'Sherloque' Wells
"Excitée"* 1 2 3 written by @darlingpetao3
"Through the eyes of a nemesis"* written by @darlingpetao3
Barry Allen
"Perfect Job"* written by @fanfics4all
Malcolm Merlyn
"Being Malcolm's Protege" written by @thefastarrow
Damien Darhk
"Jealousy"* written by @taylorsage22
Mick Rory
"Shy"* written by @taylorsage22
"Baby Y/n" written by @taylorsage22
"Scars"* written by @jay-wells-writes
Leonard Snart
"Secret" written by @taylorsage22
Sara Lance
"Home Videos"* written by @taylorsage22
"You could call me babe for the weekend" written by @bi-bard
"Riots are Easy to Start" written by @bi-bard
"Instant Connections" written by @reminiscingtonight
Lena Luthor
"Mrs. and Mrs. Luthor"* 1 2 3 written by @thinking1bee
"Coming Home to You" written by @dreamersdreamloud
"Sugar Momma"* written by @eliotsbambimargo
"Illicit Affairs" written by @reminiscingtonight
"Cant Compete with Her" 1 2 3 4 written by @supergirl-fanfiction
"She's Gone" written by @supergirl-fanfiction
"Cheater"* 2 written by @supergirl-fanfiction
"Home Videos"* written by @taylorsage22
Ava Sharpe
"Instant Connections" written by @reminiscingtonight
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First Move
Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow
Series: One Shot
Pairing/s: Mick Rory x Reader
Warning/s: None
Word Count: 1011
Summary: could you do a romantic x reader christmas 🎄oneshot on Mick Rory from- DC's Legends of Tomorrow (Where sometime after the reader returned from a ski trip in New York the legends decided to relax and spend christmas at John Constantine's house...
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The good thing about having a magical key that transports you to a little mansion? You can be taken there from anywhere. Skiing in New York for instance, had been made 10x better by the fact that as soon as you were done, you and the other Legends that had accompanied you had placed the key in the most convenient door you could find and suddenly you were in Constantine's house.
Wiping the snow off your coat you were grateful for the sudden warmth as you slugged off your thick, heavy boots, careful not to step your socks in any of the snow.
"Welcome back," Sara called from the landing upstairs, hair a certain kind of messy that told you she and Ava had been enjoying their Christmas break.
You'd all decided, after the disaster with a second waverider and royally screwing up history, that it was best for all of you - and, let's face it, the timeline - if you took a proper Christmas off to relax in Constantine's other dimensional house.
"Logs are on the fire and gifts are under... well, they're not under anything at the moment," Sara said as she made her way downstairs, "so tomorrow a bunch of us are going to grab a tree - Y/N you can sit this one out since you went and got all the decorations for said tree to replace the creepy and... probably haunted baubles we found in the attic."
"You won't hear me complain," you laughed, shrugging off your coat and running your hands through your tangled, windswept hair, already planning a day to read, bake, and unwind completely.
When the others had finally left for the day - Zari and Constantine out god knows where and the rest to grab the biggest tree they would find - you were left with the place nearly all to yourself, save for Mick, who had grumbled about taking time for his favourite Christmas tradition - drinking in peace.
Curled up in a chair close to the first with a blanket, cushions, a hot drink and a good book, you sighed and settled in.
An hour or so later you head footsteps heading in, glancing over the back of the chair to see Mick enter.
"Hey," you said lazily, the warm fire and drink making you sleepy.
He nodded in his usual way in response and took a seat on the couch near your seat. "What're you reading?" He asked, trying to read to cover from where you both sat. You slid your bookmark in your page and showed him. He nodded, again, seemingly in approval.
"Not bad, not her best, but not her worst," he commented, getting your full attention now. You sat up at bit in your seat and stretched out your limbs like a cat, aching from all the time you'd spent in the same position.
Mick watched you wordlessly. "She's not Rebecca Silver huh?" You smirked.
"Not even close," Mick chuckled lightly, settling in to his seat.
"Is the ending as predictable as I think it is?" You asked, lifting the book slightly to show him what you meant.
"You mean cheesy and Hallmark worthy?" He replied, "absolutely."
You both laughed and you placed the book on the arm of the chair. "Yeah I thought as much."
"You got anything else planned today?" Mick asked. He didn't usually take such an interest, but you didn't mind.
"Thinking of backing some Christmas cookies in a bit," you answered, checking the time, "hopefully they'll be cooling by the time the others get back.
"I could... give you a hand if you want," he offered, much to your surprise. You did your best to hide said surprise, smiling at his generous offer and nodding.
"Let's do it." You stood up, shivering as you removed your blanket and heading towards the kitchen, Mick following behind.
You made small talk as you baked the Christmas cookies, mostly in the realm of you showing Mick how it was done, and laughing as he attempted to decorate said cookies once they were done.
"This is stupid," Mick grumbled, accidentally decapitating a gingerbread man as he tried to spread some coloured icing on top with too much force.
"Oops," you laughed, taking some of the icing from Mick as he threw the knife down in frustration, looking a little embarrassed that he couldn't get it right.
"It's not big deal, see," you covered both parts of the severed neck with icing and glued them back together. "There, now he looks like he has a scarf on."
"I'm useless at this," Mick grumbled.
"So maybe decorating isn't your speciality, I guarentee they'll taste good either way," you reassured him. "Why did you offer to do this with me anyway?" It had been fun, baking with Mick, but for the life of you you couldn't figure out why he'd decided to join you in the first place.
"I guess I erm," he stumbled for an explanation, ears going red. Was he... nervous? But what would he be nervous about?
"Mick-" You began, confused, when he cut you off.
"Ah to hell with it," he decided, one hand on your waist and one on the side of your head as he surprised you with a kiss.
"Oh," you blinked when he drew back, a slight noise from above you causing you to glance up to see mistletoe growing from the ceiling above you. Constantine and his magic house.
"I like you, okay, genuinely, and I've been trying to figure out how to tell you," he gestured around with his hands, full face red now.
You didn't know what to say so you kissed him back instead, something he had half not been expecting. When you both finally parted he looked pleased, even more so when you smiled at him.
"You want to go watch a movie?" He asked, not really knowing where to go from there.
"Only if there's hot chocolate," you replied.
"It's a date," he grinned, realising what he had said.
"Yeah, it is."
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kamamo1 · 3 years
More DC comics ideas/ oneshots/ mini issues because I got a lot of them:
Barry Allen and Zatanna team up against Abra Kadabra. Have flirty back and forth they used to have when they dated, makes jokes that Zatanna has a thing for blondes. Bring back Abra signature move of turning the Flash into a puppet and Zee's fears of puppets.
The Flash and the Spirit team up for the sole reason of that they both live in 'Central City'. Make jokes that they both been operating in the city for a while but never meet before and thought the other was a myth/publicity stunt. Team up against the Rogues/Octopus who eventually turn on eachother
Mr Myxlplyx and Bat Mite team up/competitively mess with the laws of time to try to screw with superheroes origins stories after meeting Mopee. Their shenanigans are only stopped when Johnny Thunder's Lightning gets wind of what's going. Maybe make a crack about how
Bart Allen accidentally goes back in time and meets Barry a year after Iris' death who is moving on with his life. Bart lives with him in Utopia Towers as Barry's 'nephew', with Barry telling everyone that Bart is just the son of his twin brother he never mentioned before till now. Barry and Bart kinda dance around eachother, neither knowing what to do.
'The Bus Came Back' mini comic issues where past and forgotten supporting characters come back into the story for a little reunion
The Rogues make one to many enemies and criminals start targeting their families
Shenanigans/problems happens at the same time forcing both Mick Rory and Hartley Rathaway needing a place to lie low for awhile, they both sneak into Barry's place at the same time
Barry goes to Gorilla City and is reunited with Solovar and they drop the Speed Force plot
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entityupdates · 3 years
New fic! It’s called Don’t Look At Me.
Summary: When Constantine loses his magic, he also loses all the spells he cast on himself. Now, he must face the Legends in a body that doesn’t feel like his own.
Rating: T/ Teen
Category: M/F, Gen
Fandom(s): DC Legends of Tomorrow
Characters: John Constantine, Zari Tarazi, Spooner, Behrad Tarazi, Sara Lance, Mick Rory, Nate Heywood, Mona Wu, Astra Logue
Relationships: John Constantine/ Zari Tarazi, John Constantine & Nate Heywood, John Constantine & Mona Wu, John Constantine & Sara Lance, John Constantine & Legends
Other Tags: Trans Character, Trans Male Character, Trans Constantine, Aromantic Character, Demiromantic Character, Aromantic Constantine, Demiromantic Constantine, Aromantic Allosexual Character, Constantine-centric 
Warnings: Internalized transphobia, gender dysphoria, being forced to come out, mentions of being outed, mentions of surgery, mentions of smoking, mentions of child abuse, misgendering, self-misgendering, transphobia, mentions of sex
Word Count: 4.7K
Chapter Count: 1 (Oneshot)
Year(s) Written: 2021
Status: Complete
Where To Read: Ao3
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hi, I know you're not doing requests at the moment but could you do a romantic x reader oneshot on mick rory from- DC's Legends of Tomorrow (he's my favorite character)!
Mick is such a loveable Legend! I’ll add this one to my request queue. x
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fandom-fic-rec · 5 years
Fandom: DC:TV
Ratings: General
Warnings: None
Relationship: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart
Characters: Mick Rory, Leonard Snart, Barry Allen, Joe West, Sara Lance, Ray Palmer
In Mick's humble opinion, Len's inability to speak doesn't make him any less of a goddamn chatterbox.
But maybe it's just Mick.
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could you do a romantic x reader oneshot on Mick Rory 😍 from Dc's Legends of Tomorrow he's my favorite character (Where he falls in love with the newest member of the team (who's skilled in martial arts, skilled with hacking into computers, and loves to design clothes) after meeting and befriending her new teammates: Sara, Ray, Nate, Zari, Charlie, and John Constantine. The reader was aware that rory has a crush on her when he flirts with her a bit, the team didn't know that the reader had a genetic power called: Replication (that allows her to clone herself), rory was hoping to ask the reader out and also steal her first kiss after easedropping on the reader and sara telling her that she never had her first kiss)!
(The reader's a vegetarian, loves to read and it's always been her dream to be a fashion designer, she doesn't drink: wine, beer, liquor, or, alcohol of any kind. her favorite flowers are blue orchids, and her favorite color is blue. she lived in Lynchburg, va before joining the legends)!
okie dokie it took a few days but i have it, i tried to fit everything you asked for in and i hope it’s okay!
mick rory x reader, no warnings apply
Prompts: mick rory in love with reader, reader is: martial arts/fashion design/hacking trained, rory flirts w reader, she has replication and nobody knew, she tells ava and sara she’s never had her first kiss and rory overhears and wants to ask her out, reader is vego and bookaholic, doesn’t drink, likes blue and blue orchids, lived in lynchburg virgina.
You were two months into your most recent career, and every day you considered yourself grateful. Your whole life, you wanted nothing more than to be part of a team or a family, and accomplish something wonderful. You had wanted to be a fashion designer since you were young, but your attempts hadn’t yet reached the heights you craved.
You wanted it all, and little did you know it was possible to have everything at the same time. You had been helping Gideon write period accurate designs into her program, adding your own details and revelling in the compliments you received. They were kind people, more so than anyone you had met in your other careers. 
And yet, you still had secrets that you tried your best to hide from the team. You were brought on with several recommendations, and the reasons why was only a resume. Accomplishments you had worked harder than anything to achieve lay on a few pieces of paper, but you knew there were still things to be done, and to see.
Time travel seemed a good way to do and see it all, but you weren’t expecting them all to be so accommodating. Although you first thought of some of the crew a little more rigid, you made friends with them all quickly, but tried to stay out of the way of the more quiet one they had warned you about.
They called him grumpy or rigid, a criminal even, but he barely spoke to you, only a few grumbles or glances. Still, he seemed nice enough, once tossing you a blue coat when the ship’s AC was broken. You had insisted you help Zari fix it, and she finally gave in, only the pair of you working together finally fixing it. 
You tried to give him the jacket back, but he looked away and mumbled “Keep it”. You wondered if he’d overheard your favourite colour was blue, or maybe it was just coincidence.
Seated in the kitchen, you were reading as Ava and Sara entered. Joking around with each other, they greeted you with matching mile wide grins. Sara started playing with the food fabricator as Ava joined you at the table.
‘Hey, Y/N, wanna weigh in on a discussion Sara and I are having?’
You lowered your book, morbidly curious. ‘That depends, do I get kicked off the ship if I side with the wrong captain?’
Sara turned to shrug, ‘I won’t, but Ava might. We’ll decide later.’
You were now concerned more than curious, but figured why not, surely it was a reasonable discussion. 
‘So, Aves and I were watching tv and making out, you know, like people do,’ Sara started, ignoring the embarrassed sigh from Ava, ‘and suddenly, I hear this noise-’
You grimaced, and Sara stopped, waiting for you to say what was hanging on your tongue. ‘I can’t weigh in.’
‘Why not?’ Ava asked, absentmindedly rubbing Sara’s shoulder.
Wishing more than anything you could have what they did, you glanced around to make sure no one else was listening. ‘I haven’t… kissed anyone.’
‘What, in like a while, or…?’ Sara started, shutting up as your cheeks grew red. ‘Oh…’
Maybe you should have checked the hallways before saying something so loudly, as they weren’t exactly empty. Mick had overheard, and quickly disappeared before he could be spotted eavesdropping.
The following weeks, Mick seemed to speak more per day than he had your entire time on the ship. After a mission to Assam in the 1800s, you returned to your room to find a blue orchid taped to the door, one that you had mentioned in passing about being your favourite to Zari and Nate.
You looked for the culprit in the halls, but whoever it was seemed to be long gone. It made your heart buzz, and you quickly hid in your room as your powers began to override you. Replication, your doctor had called it, and you couldn’t think of a more fitting name.
Your body quickly split in half, followed by three more splits. You tried to calm yourself and rejoin, but each part of you was as excited and energetic as the last. Bursting from your room, all but your original form spread out across the ship ins search of stimulation.
One ran to the gym, practising the martial arts skills you’d been gaining since childhood, and another for the library, to study up on all the monstrous and mysterious missions you’d missed in the years the Legends had run prior to your addition. You couldn’t keep track of where they had all gone, but you collapsed in exhaustion, only hoping no one saw more than one of you together.
Mick mumbled over and over to himself as he paced the halls, stopping short as he saw you run from the laundry down the hall, frowning and starting to head after you. Quick footsteps sounded behind him, making him turn, only to see you again, but running from the library to the kitchen.
He growled and spun around to follow you again, when another you appeared to the side and vanished before his eyes. ‘Y/N, I don’t like tricks,’ he hissed, but you weren’t there to calm his anger.
Mick appeared at your door, pounding hard with the side of his fist. Some of your replicants had returned to the host body, but you were still down one, and answering your door right now was something you didn’t know if you had the strength to do. And yet, you did it anyway.
‘Hi, Mick,’ you smiled, exhaustion plainly clear on your face. ‘How can I help you? Did your typewriter ribbon get caught again?’
He growled a response, and you smiled kindly at him, but your eyes widened at the sight of yourself standing behind him.
‘Gotta go!’ you grinned, quickly shutting your door and barricading it with your body. A soft knock sounded then, and you hoped it was yourself.
Opening it, you swallowed heavily as Mick still stood there. He seemed to have a strange look on his face, and your eyes trailed down to see his hand tightly holding a clump of blue orchids.
‘You’re from Virginia, yeah?’ he queried, forcing a smile as you nodded curiously. ‘I had a mission to break at least ten laws there, maybe you can help.’
Positive that wasn’t what he came there for, you gestured to the flowers. ‘You brought me flowers to ask if I wanna help you break laws?’
He tightened his fist around the flowers and finally blurted the true reason he was there, and the air immediately softened. ‘I uh… wanted to take you to dinner.’
‘That’s what I said. You don’t have to drink, I know you don’t do that,’ he said, not even remotely tripping on his words, and his grumble was reduced to only a light grizzle.
You were stumped to say the least, and only when your last replicant returned to your body did you realise that the whole time you had been onboard the WaveRider, Mick had been flirting with you. He was asking you out, and you were about to say yes, until you realised he had just seen your powers.
‘Mick, wait, I can explain-’
‘No need, I’m caught up,’ he muttered, holding out the flowers. ‘So, dinner or breaking the law?’
taglist: @marvelfansince08love @mymarvelwomen @imnotasuperhero @natasha-danvers @veteranwerewolf95 @monihaswritersblock @natasharomanoffswife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx 
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