#michael x erin
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Jenna We got fan questions about it. Theresa M in Chicago said, I love the scene of Michael and Erin celebrating. It is pure joy. Did Steve really shake up a bottle of champagne or was it a special effect? It was real, you guys. And it was all scripted. You know, what they did was they would shoot the top of the scene over and over and over and over and over again. And once they were sure that they got it, then they would move on to the champagne part. 
Angela Yeah. 
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kenstewydyke · 11 months
in season 3's prom episode of derry girls, it was clear that the dynamics between the mothers when they were in high school were replicated in the next generation too. The four women attended the prom with Diedre's cousin accompanying her (and then all of them). So we have four girls and a male cousin of one of them which is just like the Derry girls' situation. And Rob was openly gay. Doesn't this hint at James being gay/queer too ?
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theoffice-imagines · 10 months
Dwight’s prank
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Pairing: David Wallace x reader
Warnings: None
Requested: @ricflairdrip20
Request: prompt # 23 & #29
For as long as you can remember, you’ve always been the one who had been the most hurt by those who thought you could call your “friends.”
One of the things that has attracted you to David Wallace is the fact that he was a good listener to anyone who needed an ear to trust. Though he hasn’t listen to you yet, he was more than willing to. Seemingly more than willing to do it and when he took notice in how you seem down one day, that was when he decided he was going to walk up and talk to you.
David stopped halfway, his tongue had gone dry as he couldn’t form the words he wanted to say to you. He always chooses his words wisely when it comes to talking to someone, but now he realizes it’s when he’s about to walk up and talk to you. Finally, something in mind had come up and he started to speak, but he spoke in a soft voice that you almost missed it. It was surprising to say the least, it spooked you as were deep in thought and you never get spooked, that wasn’t like you at all.
“What’s on your mind?” he asks softly, causing you to jump.
You deny the fact there was anything wrong at all.. well, at first.
As eerie as this may sound, David Wallace had been noticing you better than noticing anyone else in the office. David didn’t mean to do it, he was just so taken by your beauty that he couldn’t help but to keep an eye on you. Before you could speak to even try to deny things, David noticed as he looked closer that you seemed to be short of breath and and sweating as if you had just come back from running a marathon. Seeing you in this condition is where his concern for you grew even more than it already had. You said nothing as David takes the empty spot next to you as he asked you again, a bit differently this time.
“What’s happened? Did something happen?”
You don’t respond at first, but than decide it was best to be honest with him and so you told David why you were looking so upset and how your day had been going so far. You didn’t want to get anyone in trouble, but you felt you had no choice this time and called that person out to David as you begin explaining.
David wasn’t too pleased to say the least after hearing your story and he wanted to get to the bottom of it.
“You know that weight loss competition we’re doing?”
David nods as you continue.
“Well, Dwight thought it would be funny to trick me into thinking I’m helping him out with a new client and what does he do? Well he drops me off at an abandoned warehouse in a bad part of town and left with my purse as well as my phone.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes.. but don’t worry! I’m okay, I wasn’t before but now I am.”
David sighed.
“Stop pretending you’re okay, because I know you’re not.”
“I’m not pretending-“
“Yes you are!”
Before you could say another word, David storms away and you know exactly where he’s headed.
So you follow him.
Once you got to the office, David walks up to Dwight and interrupts his phone call. Dwight immediately gets defensive and even more so when David confronts him of what he did to you.
“Let’s make this the last time I hear of this!”
“Oh come on..”
“You left her in a bad part of town, Dwight!”
“So? I took her purse what’s the big deal?”
“It is a big deal, Dwight!”
“She burned calories walking back here-“
“That’s not how healthy weight loss workout!”
David had to pull himself out of there as he was close to losing it, you followed. Once he had calmed down enough after the events of defend/protecting you, he turns towards you and says only one thing.
“You don’t deserve to be treated that way. You deserve so much better, (Y/n).”
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dundermisfits · 1 year
Michael Scott Headcannons
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Michael Scott x reader
Requested: @maleahoswick
• In the beginning, the relationship is kept secret until Dwight finds out about it shortly after you and Michael inform David Wallace
• Not everyone in the office is approving, Kevin is always on the lookout to see if it’s true, sort of how he spied on Pam and Jim. Angela doesn’t approve, she likes to believe that your love is fake
• Most everyone in the office is approving, even in the warehouse below, they all approve and it’s most surprising to know that Roy is one of those that is more supportive than others
• You and Michael seem to have everything in common but you honestly don’t
• When you’re sick, Michael will make you take a sick day, even if you’ve taken them all up he will make you stay home and rest
• Being insulted by the fact Ryan invited you and not Michael to his weekend campout was easy for you turn him down and say you wouldn’t be going if Michael was not invited
• Seeing that Michael is still a little vulnerable to Jan, you have no problem sticking up for Michael whenever she tries to pull a fast one on him, trying to talk him into leaving you, you just weren’t having it
• When it happened one too many times, you let her have it and from that point on, she stays from you both
• You take things slow in the start of your relationship. By about a year into it, you move in together and two years after, you both are engaged
• If you have to work any late nights, Michael will stay with you. But as each person is leaving, he’s doing it more in a way as your boyfriend than he is your manager, and that is something kept between the two of you
• If someone disrespects you in anyway, especially in front of him, Michael will get upset and start defending you immediately, putting that person in their place
• Michael is your comforter during panic attacks and surprisingly, so is Dwight at times if he’s there as well
• Sometimes he likes to leave little gifts on your desk before you arrive. It could be anything from your favorite chips, soda, to your favorite candy with a little note attached to it
• When you had gotten the iPod during secret Santa, you knew immediately it was from Michael and had sort of the same reaction as Ryan did in that episode, only you were more gentle about it
• It wasn’t like you didn’t appreciate it because you did, to you, it was always the thought that counted but truth be told, you were a little embarrassed this happened in front of everyone
• You both LOVED pretzel day, Michael would always wait in line for you both and would brings yours back when he returns because you were often busy with some work
• When you meet Michael, he was with Carol at the time, and because you weren’t there when she rejected his proposal, you comforted him as he told you about it
• This all happened before you got together, so when she refused while breaking up with him, you agreed to go to Jamaica with him, and that’s where things begin for you both
• Michael becomes overly protective of you after Roy’s attempt to attack Jim, so he bans Roy from the building unless escorted by Hank. Your safety to Michael has always been his top priority.
• Michael loves to brag about you and to show you off when given the open opportunity
• Threat Level Midnight was a blast to film
• Michael just loved you to pieces as you did for him
Requests: open
• Michael Scott
• Dwight Schrute
• Jim
• David Wallace
• Angela
• Pam
• Karen
• Kelly
• Erin
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The Scranton branch has officially absorbed the Stamford branch, and as a show of good faith, Michael calls everyone into the conference room to explain why [Oscar] being gay is okay.
WC: 734 words
Song Inspo: I Can See You by T. Swift
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The staff were sitting in the conference room. A beige table was set up in the center with tan chairs inside it and around it by the three, beige walls. The fourth wall had a whiteboard, inches apart from the open door. The gray carpet was well-vacuumed and the white window shades were shut. Self-explanatory, the room made for an exciting meeting.
"Oscar is a good person." Michael spoke as he paced in front of the whiteboard. "You know, it should've matter if he's gaaayy or normal," Jim side-eyed the camera, "he's a human being, man. I...," Michael sighed and grabbed his hips, "I just don't understand how people could be so hateful."
"Michael," Kevin's deep voice rose from somewhere behind Karen. "We don't hate Oscar because he's gay... At least, not all of us." The large man mischievously glanced at Angela.
"Hmph." Angela crossed her arms, Bible in hand. "I don't support that lifestyle. It's impure, ungodly, unsanitary..."
"Unprotected- that's what he said!" Michael chuckled then caught himself. "No. No! I meant that as in unprotected because they are unprotected in this country. So anything you took from that is anti-gay. Case closed."
Dwight nodded along and took notes. Andy stroked his protruded chin and squinted with pretend intrigue. Stanley did his crossword puzzles in the far-left corner. Meredith's mouth hung agape and her eyes were red, clear signs of early intoxication. Pam looked uncomfortable between Karen and Jim but said nothing. Jim condescendingly smiled and did routine stares at the camera. Erin sat closest to Michael and the door, in clear view of Karen. While Michael went back-and-forth with Angela, Karen watched Erin doodle in her notepad. Fillipeli's cheek found her shoulder and her eyes found a tranquil lowness. Amongst all the speel and chaos, nothing seemed to matter then.
"-I refuse to give my American right to practice religion. Seriously. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? My first amendmant right-"
"Second." Dwight coughed.
Angela eyed him then returned to Michael. "If you can't afford me that right, I'll just have to pray for you." She smirked and patted her Bible.
Phyllis looked at her with terror and sadness, having the displeasure of sitting right next to the blonde woman.
"Can I ask," Karen turned around to her, "what type of Christian are you?"
"Excuse me?" Angela raised a brow.
"Catholic? Mormon? Jehovah witness? Baptist? Born-again?" Karen listed off the sects.
"I'm a devote Christian, old testament." She specified, enunciating the last part. She looked around the room with a finger up, as if expecting someone to oppose her.
"I grew up Catholic. Read the Bible every Christmas."
Angela smiled a bit, then cleared her throat, lifted her chin, looked at the floor, and raised a brow. "Favorite passage?"
"Easily Psalms 139:7." Karen scoffed. "Arguably the best passage, aside from Leviticus and Luke, of course."
Angela pouted a smile, almost holding back delight and disdain for not needing to correct Karen.
"Wow, Karen, I never pegged you for a Bible thumper." Kelly stated what the room was thinking.
"That's because sinful women like you wouldn't know a real holy woman from your left elbow, Kelly." Angela spat at her, making the Indian woman gasp.
"Ryan!" Kelly called for her boyfriend's aid, but he just shrugged.
"Invite Oscar back if you want. Invite the AID's epidemic right along with him. I don't care anymore." Angela shrugged. "As long as I have this," she held up her Bible, "and my undeniable faith, I'm safe."
"From gay people?" Jim replied. "You think the book wards off gay people?"
"I do." Angela said matter-of-factly.
"What'll happen if I say I'm gay and I touch it?" Kevin asked on top of his question. "I'm not." He addressed the room. "But it'd be funny if I was, right?" He laughed throatily.
"You'd burst into flames." Dwight answered.
"Not accurate." Andy counteracted.
"Oh, how do you know, Cornell?" Dwight looked him up and down.
"Can I see it?" Karen cut him off. "It's been so long since I've held one that wasn't mine."
"Sure, Karen. I trust my fellow God warriors." Angela sneered at Jim as she outreached her black little book to Karen. Granted, this was Angela, so she never let go, but Karen did stroke it's cover.
"Whoa. Leather. Very nice." Karen complimented her.
The scene cut to Karen's interview.
"I'm also a lesbian."
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taking-an-apple · 2 years
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theaawalker · 11 months
The Scranton branch has officially absorbed the Stamford branch, and as a show of good faith, Michael calls everyone into the conference room to explain why [Oscar] being gay is okay.
WC: 734 words
Song Inspo: I Can See You
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The staff were sitting in the conference room. A beige table was set up in the center with tan chairs inside it and around it by the three, beige walls. The fourth wall had a whiteboard, inches apart from the open door. The gray carpet was well-vacuumed and the white window shades were shut. Self-explanatory, the room made for an exciting meeting.
"Oscar is a good person." Michael spoke as he paced in front of the whiteboard. "You know, it should've matter if he's gaaayy or normal," Jim side-eyed the camera, "he's a human being, man. I...," Michael sighed and grabbed his hips, "I just don't understand how people could be so hateful."
"Michael," Kevin's deep voice rose from somewhere behind Karen. "We don't hate Oscar because he's gay... At least, not all of us." The large man mischievously glanced at Angela.
"Hmph." Angela crossed her arms, Bible in hand. "I don't support that lifestyle. It's impure, ungodly, unsanitary..."
"Unprotected- that's what he said!" Michael chuckled then caught himself. "No. No! I meant that as in unprotected because they are unprotected in this country. So anything you took from that is anti-gay. Case closed."
Dwight nodded along and took notes. Andy stroked his protruded chin and squinted with pretend intrigue. Stanley did his crossword puzzles in the far-left corner. Meredith's mouth hung agape and her eyes were red, clear signs of early intoxication. Pam looked uncomfortable between Karen and Jim but said nothing. Jim condescendingly smiled and did routine stares at the camera. Erin sat closest to Michael and the door, in clear view of Karen. While Michael went back-and-forth with Angela, Karen watched Erin doodle in her notepad. Fillipeli's cheek found her shoulder and her eyes found a tranquil lowness. Amongst all the speel and chaos, nothing seemed to matter then.
"-I refuse to give my American right to practice religion. Seriously. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? My first amendmant right-"
"Second." Dwight coughed.
Angela eyed him then returned to Michael. "If you can't afford me that right, I'll just have to pray for you." She smirked and patted her Bible.
Phyllis looked at her with terror and sadness, having the displeasure of sitting right next to the blonde woman.
"Can I ask," Karen turned around to her, "what type of Christian are you?"
"Excuse me?" Angela raised a brow.
"Catholic? Mormon? Jehovah witness? Baptist? Born-again?" Karen listed off the sects.
"I'm a devote Christian, old testament." She specified, enunciating the last part. She looked around the room with a finger up, as if expecting someone to oppose her.
"I grew up Catholic. Read the Bible every Christmas."
Angela smiled a bit, then cleared her throat, lifted her chin, looked at the floor, and raised a brow. "Favorite passage?"
"Easily Psalms 139:7." Karen scoffed. "Arguably the best passage, aside from Leviticus and Luke, of course."
Angela pouted a smile, almost holding back delight and disdain for not needing to correct Karen.
"Wow, Karen, I never pegged you for a Bible thumper." Kelly stated what the room was thinking.
"That's because sinful women like you wouldn't know a real holy woman from your left elbow, Kelly." Angela spat at her, making the Indian woman gasp.
"Ryan!" Kelly called for her boyfriend's aid, but he just shrugged.
"Invite Oscar back if you want. Invite the AID's epidemic right along with him. I don't care anymore." Angela shrugged. "As long as I have this," she held up her Bible, "and my undeniable faith, I'm safe."
"From gay people?" Jim replied. "You think the book wards off gay people?"
"I do." Angela said matter-of-factly.
"What'll happen if I say I'm gay and I touch it?" Kevin asked on top of his question. "I'm not." He addressed the room. "But it'd be funny if I was, right?" He laughed throatily.
"You'd burst into flames." Dwight answered.
"Not accurate." Andy counteracted.
"Oh, how do you know, Cornell?" Dwight looked him up and down.
"Can I see it?" Karen cut him off. "It's been so long since I've held one that wasn't mine."
"Sure, Karen. I trust my fellow God warriors." Angela sneered at Jim as she outreached her black little book to Karen. Granted, this was Angela, so she never let go, but Karen did stroke it's cover.
"Whoa. Leather. Very nice." Karen complimented her.
The scene cut to Karen's interview.
"I'm also a lesbian."
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thepurpaholicfan · 2 years
Chapters: 2/6
Fandom: Derry Girls (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: James Maguire/Erin Quinn, Clare Devlin/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Erin Quinn, James Maguire, Orla McCool, Clare Devlin, Michelle Mallon, Mary Quinn (Derry Girls), Sarah McCool, Gerry Quinn, Joe McCool, Sister Michael (Derry Girls), Anna Quinn (Derry Girls), Jenny Joyce, Aisling (Derry Girls), Geraldine Devlin, Deirdre Mallon, Sean Devlin (mentioned), Original Characters, Kathy Maguire (mentioned), Marie McCool
Additional Tags: non-binary Orla, domestic Jerin, Erin and James have a miracle baby, Clare has a gay step-brother, Erin and Orla have a lesbian cousin who looks like Nadine Coyle from Girls Aloud, close to Lisa McGee's canon I guess, Adulthood
Chapter Summary:
Erin panics over her lost diary. James tries to help, with polarizing results. Clare and Michelle have a heart-to-heart. Orla has a pet capybara and a bull python. Steo is an expert at getting first dibs on yet-to-be-released wines.
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tvshowscouples · 1 month
If you love Navid&Silver (90210) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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alphawolfice1989 · 6 months
couples in the office that shouldnt get back together
pam and roy ( season 2 and 3
pam got back together with Roy because Jim moved to the stanford branch
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michael and jan ( season 3 and 4
michael got back together with jan because she got breast implants
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daryl and justine ( season 8 and 9 )
justine got back together with daryl because he is moving to austin Texas
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andy and erin ( season8 and 9 )
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Erin got back together with Andy because he traveled to florida for her
kelly and ryan ( season 8 and 9
Ryan abandoned his baby to be with Kelly
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
hey chai, long post incoming--i'm slowly chipping away at a draft of a vivzie drama masterpost i'll be phrasing as "why are people mad at vivziepop" for new-comers. i'll be including screenshots where i can and small summaries for things. that said, this is my rough list, have i missed anything that you can think of, or any specifics you think outta be mentioned?
VivziePop General Issues - Some from the Past that still happen in the Present
Inability to Handle Criticism / Confrontation
Misogynistic Tendencies
Issues with Improper Crediting / "Stealing" Ideas
Liking Tweets of Fans and Otherwise Who Agree with Her / Praise Her / Defend Her
Most of both her series’ “charm” is thanks to people other than her
Despite having two "LGBT+ friendly" series she primarily focuses on gay men and hasn't been the most LGBT+ friendly in other areas (acephobia, transphobia, lack of rep for queer women/wlw, thinks polyamory is just an excuse to cheat)
Conflicts between Vivzie putting forth an image of a struggling small-time creator who pulled herself up by the bootstraps and made it VS. circumstantial evidence that she is very well off financially and always has been; had her schooling paid for, spent a summer in Paris, takes expensive trips, makes expensive purchases, and lives in a million dollar house with multiple bedrooms and a pool
Testimonies of Ex-Employees and Friends
Erin Frost
VivziePop “Canon Events” of the Past and Present (20??-Present)
The Snake Tub & Creepy Fanart
Blaire White Fanart
Nazi Sausage Party Fan-Characters from blog “i-hate-jewce”
Starvader Drama
DollCreep / JayJay/Jiji Drama
Viv guilt-tripped a Patron for trying to get at least a partial refund for a financial emergency--many feel that while Viv was in the right for not wanting to refund the Patron, she handled it extremely poorly
Viv's 2018 "Apology"
Support of Angel Dust x Valentino as a “r*pe ships”
Her sister apologized on her behalf to someone she cyber bullied and her sister cited Viv as “having a problem” cyberbullying people. [Kedi's consequent reaching out to the sister having heard she was being a mediator for said person resulted in Viv saying Kedi was stalking her family.]
Viv kicking the original Hazbin Hotel pilot cast after saying she’d fight to keep them onboard [Michael has stated it was not a union issue and explained how he was even willing to shoulder the cost of having him on the show but was still let go.]
Viv saying redesigns are "disrespectful"
VivziePop Opinions of Other Artists
“I could destroy her” and everything else shitty she said about Kyra -- Kyra’s "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" comic & tweets People Suspect Are About Vivzie
Calling Tracy Annoying
Ashley (Creator of Far-Fetched)
- Viv wasn’t happy with Hunicast’s popularity (mainly run by Ashley) and was mad people were mistaking Ashley for the creator of Hazbin Hotel despite Ashley always making sure to correct people. - Viv learned something personal about Ashley that she used to make fun of her behind her back. - Allegedly one of the reasons Viv kicked most the original VA cast of Hazbin Hotel were due to them associating with Ashley. - Allegedly didn’t like that Ashley was leaving to work on her own indie pilot (Far-Fetched)
Bullying KediKatzen for having a similar art style, accusing Kedi of stalking her and her family, cyberbullying Kedi
SpindleHorse Related (VivziePop’s Animation Studio)
Rushed, Disorganized, Unprofessional Productions
Favoritism by Viv
“Cliquey” Behavior from Executives
Tight Deadlines
Working on other projects / working multiple jobs was generally frowned upon and discouraged.
In at least two instances Viv actually went out of her way to try and keep people from being hired elsewhere. - In one she told Ashley that Erin was "mentally unstable" - In another she told Nico Colaleo (Ollie & Scoops) not to hire “her artists” aka people working on her project(s).
VivziePop Criticisms Specific to Her Writing
Being Known to Skip Development to “Get to the Good Stuff”
Revealing / Confirming Story and World Lore via Liking Tweets, Making Tweets, or Behind a Patreon Paywall, instead of writing them into the series itself
Adding New Ideas Just Because She Likes Them, with Little Regard for how they Affect the Story
Rushing Characters’ Development and/or Retconning Characters to fit New Plots / Ideas
Apparent Lack of Research, Or At Least Poor Execution, of Her Ideas, Resulting in “Wasted Potential”
Concern over Mis-Management of “Morally Gray” and “Abusive” Character / Relationship Dynamics
Concern over apparent increasing themes of Inc*st in Helluva Boss
VivziePop Criticisms Specific to Her Art / Character Design
Over-Detailed Character Designs
Confusing Character Designs
Character Designs with Too Many Colors
Art style / designs that are “not animation friendly” --As well as her personal quality of art deteriorating over time
Animation is jittery, moving too much, or moving too fast
What Happened with Lackadaisy
VivziePop allegedly wanted to be on the Lackadaisy production in the past, but didn’t get hired
VivziePop has called Lackadaisy Creator Tracy “annoying” for “being active” in an animation channel on Discord
VivziePop tweeted a screenshot of a $5,000 Pledge to Lackadaisy’s backer-kit [which would’ve given Spindlehorse an Associate Producer’s credit on the future Lackadaisy productions]
Lackadaisy Crew Member ZeBirdBrain passive-aggresively replied that “since Medrano couldn’t be bothered to share the donation link, here it is!” And that money amount didn’t matter, every little bit counts.
It was revealed by SH Animator Mel in reply to ZeBirdBrain that the donation came from multiple team-members at SH (VivziePop did not mention this in her donation tweet.)
ZeBirdBrain deleted her original tweet.
ZeBirdBrain was harassed by VivziePop fans to be fired
Fans found tweets in ZeBirdBrain’s likes that appeared to be transphobic
One of ZeBirdBrain’s friends, a trans man, spoke up in defense of Ze, that Ze had known them since before their transition in 2013 and had been nothing but supportive.
Lackadaisy Co-Creator Fable, a trans masc, chimed in that they were made aware of the tweets, they looked into the matter, and were satisfied with the explanations they were given and hoped that would be enough for everyone.
[Fighting continued between fans and Lackadaisy crew members but the general consensus from the Lackadaisy crew seemed to be that they knew Ze to be a supportive ally, the liked tweets were a debated subject even in trans circles w/trans folk on both sides of the argument, Ze uses/used her likes as bookmarks rather than using the bookmark feature, and the reason Ze wasn’t saying all this herself was out of fear the rabid fandom wouldn’t take her word for it and would instead slander her further.]
Later, Lackadaisy’s Backer-Kit campaign ended, at which point Backer-Kit begins processing all the payments.
VivziePop posts a screenshot that “Spindlehorse’s” donation was denied.
Tracy replied to Viv’s tweet professionally, saying they had explained to SH the reason for the denial in private.
Viv’s fanbase became increasingly volatile towards this, claiming Tracy was “unprofessional” and “just should’ve accepted the money” and everyone should “boycott Lackadaisy”
Tracy, on one of her servers, not only elaborated more on the Ze incident (repeating much of what had already been said), but also revealed they had actually reached out to Spindlehorse in private, well before the campaign ended, and requested that they withdraw their donation. Spindlehorse refused.
i think that's about it--and obv where screenshots are available they will be linked in the full post i eventually make.
This looks amazing to me, and also you're doing god's work; something like this was insanely needed.
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theoffice-imagines · 10 months
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Pairing: David Wallace x reader
Warnings: None
Requested: @ricflairdrip20
Request: Prompt #23
“You’ve always felt like home.”
Out of all the people you work with in the office, you have made friendships with them but the only person you seemed to have the most in common with was David Wallace, although David was in New York most of the time.
The best way to have describe this relationship you shared was almost an identical one to Pam and Jim’s from the start, before they eventually got married. You had to admit, in the beginning you weren’t too sure of David but the more you got to know him, the more you took a quite a liking to him as he did towards you as well. One of the very first things David learns of you is the fact that you don’t have a very kind past from your childhood and teenage years and when you told him, you warned David beforehand that there wasn’t going to be anything nice to what he was about to hear.
Before telling David personal details of your life, the only nerve that was tugging at you was the fact on how he might judge you for what you were about to tell him, but to your delight, David put in no judgment at all and accepted you without question. While it seemed opening up to David about these things happened just yesterday, two years had already past since than and your relationship had turned into something much more serious. Just like how it was for Jim and Pam, your relationship was made pretty obvious to everyone in the office as they would often comment on it. Anytime that happened, your face would go red and would shy away from the subject. As of now, you have taken the next step in the relationship by accepting David’s proposal to move in with him, and by now, your relationship had been made official and is now out in the open.
Three months go by since the move in, and you’re now engaged. You were living the happiest times of your life now, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. Of course just as everyone else, you had a family and you had a roof over your head in your younger years, but you didn’t feel more at home than you did whenever you were with David.
“You’ve always felt like home.” you’d say, and made sure it was said when exchanging marriage vows.
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dundermisfits · 1 year
HC request!
Pairing: Karen x (female) reader Pam x (female) reader
Warnings: None
Requested: @buckysmetalarm08
Request: Do you think you could do some Karen and/or Pam x fem!reader fluff headcanons ?
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• Karen will come to know as someone shy at first, until you really get to know each other, you’re pretty open and eventually come out of your shell
• It’s Karen who discovers you’re the one she truly loves, her true feelings, the she feels whenever she’s around you the whole time, even when she was with Jim
• In this case, it’s Karen who breaks up with Jim so that she can be with you, it’s now clear to her that you’re the one she’s been waiting for this whole time
• When you’re having a bad day at the office, Karen knows the right way to cheer you up. She will leave little gifts on your desk whenever you turn to leave for break or for something else and when you get back, you find a treat waiting there for you, bring a smile to your face
• The treat is usually your favorite snack, candy, bag of chips, or favorite sodas along with a cheerful little note to boost you through the rest of your day
• You take your lunch breaks together often, as you’re both trying to keep your relationship status low. But word gets around quicker than either of you would have liked
• Both to your surprises, everyone in the office is very supportive of your relationship, even Angela. Although Angela may feel a little jealous because she didn’t have enough of the courage in her to tell you of her little crush on you, that she liked you as well
• Karen is very protective of you, just about as much as you are of her. If someone starts teasing or talking badly about either one of you, they’d better watch themselves
• You get engaged later on, of course Karen is the one who proposes and Pam helps her arranges on how she was going to do just that
• Of course, you accept Karen’s proposal and you both marry
• You both make a great team together, and everyone can truly say the same
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• Pam will come to know you as an outgoing, bubbly person who is willing to do the most daring
• Racing together on the coal walk was quite a ride and everyone enjoyed watching you both do it. Though, technically it’s not a race since your holding hands while hopping across it together
• Sometimes during your lunch breaks together, it gets cold in the office so you both huddle up and cuddle, keeping each other warm while everyone finding it cute
• Karen can’t help but to feel a little jealous of the relationship you and Pam have as she had been crushing on you
• You have severe anxiety and when one starts up, Pam is the one you go to for comfort, she knows exactly what to do
• Late night phone calls from Pam to you because every once in a great while, you stop by her apartment to hide the tv remote in her freezer
• Your first date was attending a concert together, the band Mumford & Sons were in town
• Your song is “Broken Crown”
• Pam’s song is “Roses of Sharon”
• Movie nights are traditional when it’s a stay at home date
• Pam is the one to propose to you, and she does it at the end of the work day, standing outside the entrance/exit as she wanted to do so in front of everyone
• Of course, you accept her proposal and now have a beautiful engagement ring on your finger
• The wedding takes place at the beach (ocean) and you couldn’t have asked for any better than that
• When you’re attending Phyllis’s wedding together, you comfort her after you both realize Phyllis had stolen all her ideas of a previous wedding with her ex
• Pranks and jokes are something you both enjoy doing, and Jim still remains the leader of pranks on whoever you have chosen to pull a prank on
• Adopting a dog together, you adopt two actually! Miniature Schnauzer and one with a mix of Border Collie and Poodle
• Wearing each other’s clothing
• Developing habits together (good and bad)
• Comforting Pam while her parents go through that rough patch until and even after divorce is decided what’s going to happen
• Hugs
• Forehead kisses
• Holding hands at work
• Spending a lot of your time at the receptionist desk to flirt even though you’re already married to each other
• Protecting each other
• No secrets kept from each other
• Admiring and encourage her talent in the arts
• Going to her art show
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femmehysteria · 11 months
Best Character Named X Poll
FOLLOW @best-character-named-x-poll
I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day. New polls scheduled for 1:30PM GMT everyday.
ask box closed for now
WILL BE POSTING POLLS ON @best-character-named-x-poll FROM FEB 1ST
If your favourite character is not included in the poll very sorry i have either never heard of them or actively chose not to include them as theres only 6 characters per poll. Characters will only count of that is their first name, surnames do not count.
Round 85: David
Round 86: Tiffany
Round 87: Charlie
Round 88: Sandy
Round 89: Cody
Round 90: Amanda
Round 91: Jeremy
Past Polls and Poll Ideas under the cut
Names that I have a complete list for*
Caroline, Tyler, Louis, Leonard, Rebecca, Steve, Nicole, Isabelle, Victoria, Katherine, Jade, Alex, Sophie, Greg, Jake, Ellie, Isaac, Robin, Tony, Annie, Lisa, Margaret, Oliver, Clark, Kara, Phoebe, Emma, Ruby, Bart, Alfie, Beth, Julian, Nancy, Penny, Margaret, Tessa, Erica, Theresa, George, Kevin, Sebastian, Felix, Martin, Michael, Erin, Caleb, Helen, Charlotte, Kyle, Martha, Diana, Elsa, Gary, Zoe, Connor, Colin, Daisy, Eric, Maya, Adam, Andy, Magnus, Alma, Nora, Alice, Spike, Leon, Marcel, Kim, Juno, Sue, Chris, Otto, Donald, Daphne, Kate, Todd, Ned, Ken, Angel, Judy, Jo, Hazel, Naomi, Diego, Miranda, Joel, Lila, Duncan, Dexter, Meredith, Pearl, Lily, Malcolm, Napolean, Joan, Nico, Jamie, Nadia, Velma, Jill, Kiera, Rory, Evan, Tam, Klaus, Neil, Derek, Michelle, Luna, Laila, Cordelia, Zack, Imogen, Felicity, Cindy, Alicia, Kelly, Alan, April, Astrid, Delilah, Jodie, Claudia, Juliet, Karen, Jonas, Milo, Celia, Hannah, Joy, Ethan, Katya, Aria, Atticus, Ian, Cynthia, Faye, Frank, Boo, River, Corey, Gabrielle, Minerva, Ebony, Zia, Beverly, Rudy, Georgina
Names I have an incomplete list for (welcome to send character suggestions)
Richter, Sean, Troy, Cain, Agatha, Warren, Percy, Reggie, Mina, Ryan, Felicia, Dylan, Josh, Shirley, Debbie, Jared, June, Mabel, Ray, Chad, Moe, Hugh, Fearne, Christine, Joe, August, May, Scarlet, Alana, Leela, Manny, Dean, Francis, Mason, Oscar, Quinn, Guy, Ulrich, Wally, Yasmin, Tobias, Woody, Sabrina, Quentin, Margot, Alina, Matilda, Freya, Kendra, Angus, Ophelia, Leisel, Zelda, Adora, Piper, Scarlet, Sheila, Valentine, Laurie, Laurel, Fitz, Violet, Gabriel, Ford, Artemis, Owen, Bianca, Newton, Summer, Darcy, Noah, Taylor, Miriam, Hugh, Aurora, Hank, Henry, Dawn, Delia, Cosmo, Wanda, Zeke, Cecil, Aiden, Calvin, Ayesha, Beatrice, Parker, Chase, Hunter, Tina, Misty, Amaya, Amara, Harvey, Talia, Tatiana, Tanya, Orion, Eugene, Kit, Bo, Duke, Blue, Cameron, Rudolf, Mara, Marianne, Carl
Feel free to send more suggestions
*subject to change, you can still submit a character if there is no strikethrough if you think theres a character that its an absolute crime i dont add. Please don't suggest anything for the names with a strikethrough as they are polls that are already in my queue waiting to be published.
Past Polls
Round 1: Peter : WINNER: Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Round 2: Elizabeth : WINNER: Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Round 3: Jason : WINNER: Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)
Round 4: Eve : WINNER: EVE (WALL-E)
Round 5: Fred : WINNER: Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo)
Round 6: Rachel : WINNER: Rachel (Animorphs)
Round 7: Arthur : WINNER: Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Round 8: Amy : WINNER: Amy Pond (Doctor Who)
Round 9: Tom : WINNER: Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Round 10: Claire : WINNER: Clare Devlin (Derry Girls)
Round 11: James : WINNER: James (Pokemon)
Round 12: Max : WINNER: Max (Black Sails)
Round 13: Simon : WINNER: Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
Round 14: Jane : WINNER: Jane Crocker (Homestuck)
Round 15: Victor : WINNER: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice)
Round 16: Mary : WINNER: Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Round 17: Will : WINNER: Will Graham (Hannibal)
Round 18: Laura : WINNER: Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Round 19: Ben : WINNER: Ben "Obi-Wan" Kenobi (Star Wars)
Round 20: Chloe : WINNER: Chloe Price (Life Is Strange)
Round 21: John : WINNER: Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Round 22: Lydia : WINNER: Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
Round 23: Mark : WINNER: Marc Spector (Moon Knight)
Round 24: Jess : WINNER: Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Round 25: Theo : WINNER: Theobald Gumbar (Dimension 20: A Crown Of Candy)
Round 26: Sarah: WINNER: Sarah Jane Smith (Doctor Who)
Round 27: Richard : WINNER: Richard Gansey III (The Raven Cycle)
Round 28: Cass : WINNER: Cassandra Cain (Batman)
Round 29: Edward : WINNER: Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Round 30: Carm : WINNER: Carmen Sandiego (Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?)
Round 31: Hal : WINNER: HAL9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey)
Round 32: Sid : WINNER: Sydney Adamu (The Bear)
Round 33: Jack : WINNER: Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who)
Round 34: Stephanie : WINNER: Stephanie Brown (Batman)
Round 35: Ash : WINNER: Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
Round 36: Veronica : WINNER: Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
Round 37: Kurt : WINNER: Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler (X-Men)
Round 38: Eleanor : WINNER: Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
Round 39: Nathan : WINNER: Nathan Young (Misfits)
Round 40: Fiona : WINNER: Princess Fiona (Shrek)
Round 41: Gale : WINNER: Gayle Waters-Waters (Chris Fleming)
Round 42: Barbara : WINNER: Barbara Millicent Roberts aka Barbie (Barbie)
Round 43: Sam : WINNER: Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
Round 44: Grace : WINNER: Grace Chastity (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Round 45: Barry : WINNER: Barry Bluejeans (The Adventure Zone)
Round 46: Raven : WINNER: Raven (Teen Titans)
Round 47: Dan : WINNER: Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Round 48: Mia : WINNER: Mia Fey (Ace Attorney)
Round 49: Matt : WINNER: Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
Round 50: Rose : WINNER: Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Round 51: Robert : WINNER: Robbie Rotten (LazyTown)
Round 52: Lola : WINNER: Lola Bunny (Space Jam)
Round 53: Scott : WINNER: Scott Summers aka Cyclops (X-Men)
Round 54: Olivia : WINNER: Olivia Octavious (Spiderverse)
Round 55: Finn : WINNER: Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
Round 56: Emily : WINNER: Emily Charlton (The Devil Wears Prada)
Round 57: Elliot : WINNER: Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Round 58: Sonia : WINNER: Sonia (Pokemon)
Round 59: Gideon : WINNER: Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Round 60: Jen : WINNER: Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body)
Round 61: Miles : WINNER: Miles Morales (Spider-Man)
Round 62: Lana : WINNER: Lana Skye (Ace Attorney)
Round 63: Spencer : WINNER: Spencer Shay (iCarly)
Round 64: Tracy : WINNER: Tracy Turnbald (Hairspray!)
Round 65: Luke : WINNER: Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Round 66: Natalie : WINNER: Natalie Scatorccio (Yellowjackets)
Round 67: Harry : WINNER: Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
Round 68: Lucy : WINNER: Lucy van Pelt (Peanuts)
Round 69: Damian : WINNER: Damian Wayne (Batman)
Round 70: Tabitha : WINNER: Tabitha Casper (Dan and Phil Games: Sims 4)
Round 71: Nick : WINNER: Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
Round 72: Gwen : WINNER: Guinevere (Merlin)
Round 73: Paul : WINNER: Paulette Bonafonte (Legally Blonde)
Round 74: Abigail : WINNER: Abigail Hobbs (Hannibal)
Round 75: Jordan : WINNER: Jordan Baker (The Great Gatsby)
Round 76: Donna : WINNER: Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Round 77: Morgan : WINNER: Morgana (Merlin)
Round 78: Allison : WINNER: Alison Cooper (BBC Ghosts)
Round 79: Patrick : WINNER: Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Round 80: Linda : WINNER: Linda Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
Round 81: Philip : WINNER: Philip J. Fry (Futurama)
Round 82: Clarisse : WINNER: Clarisse La Rue (Percy Jackson)
Round 83: Jeff
Round 84: Maria
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Author Spotlight: CatSteppingOnAKeyboard!
Introducing. . . author spotlight! This post will be a roundup of my personal favorites written by this author, instead of a traditional roundup with fics by multiple authors.
Ambrosia and snake oil are sold by the same vendor The Penumbra Podcast, (multi), 180k, Humor, Action & Adventure “Twirl for me, Juno.” “I’ll do it if you close your eyes.” Nureyev takes his hand and makes Juno twirl. The rainbow skirts of a summer dress flare, a yellow cardigan snapping about him, his gold sandals flashing. The effect is of a rainbow octopus flashing its warning colors on the end of Nureyev’s arm. Nureyev catches Juno by the waist “You look splendid.” “I look like I run a mommy-blog.” “I think that’s the point, Juno.” Juno Steel is a lot of things. A happy home-maker ain't one of them, but hey, how hard can it be to play nice for a bit, especially if it means uncovering a source of the cure-mother? Except it's not that simple because nothing ever is in Juno's life. Suddenly he and his family are poised on the verge of an intergalactic conspiracy that pits Juno against old friends and enemies, while the fate of a dying species hangs in the balance. Also some furby nightmare fell out of the vents and Vespa won't let them put it back to the woods.
Ambrosia and snake oil was the best Penumbra fic I had ever read until I read The ballad of Jet Sikuliaq. The combination of action and humor, found family shenanigans, and wacky BAMF's is exactly what got me into The Penumbra Podcast, and it drew me into this fic all the same.
The ballad of Jet Sikuliaq  The Penumbra Podcast, (gen), 120k, Pre-Canon, Heists Before a certain lady detective ever met a certain nameless thief, before a certain mayor ever set a robot plague upon a certain Martian city, there were others being gay and doing crimes in space. Jet; a torn between the cool uncle he is on the inside and the ruthless, blood-thirsty, property-damaging intergalactic criminal with a wicked drug dependency he is on the outside. Buddy; the victim of his most recent bout of impulsive destruction. To compensate for what Jet has done to Buddy's reputation, Buddy recruits Jet for a singularly difficult task: either he kills her father, a notorious prison baron and jackass, or Buddy kills Jet and displays his remains over the counter of her bar next to the mechanical trout that sings 'Sweet Caroline'. Nothing goes as planned, least of all the beautiful friendship that blooms out of this unlikely allegiance.
I have a secret love for pre-canon fics and The Ballad doesn't disappoint. The ballad of Jet Sikuliaq is a quintessential heist fic with reluctant teammates, bizarre humor, and that ooey gooey found family goodness. This fic explores a brilliant depth of emotion with discussions of addiction, grief, and mental illness that are a halfway substitute for real therapy.
There are no wolves left in Ireland  Derry Girls x IT, (gen), 70k, The Power of Friendship, Biblical Horror Orla raises her hand higher. “I’ve been possessed.” Erin rolls her eyes. “No, she hasn’t, Sister Michael. Orla was iron deficient last year- she got a swimmy feeling in her head every time she stood up and she thought that was demons.” “It was demons.” says Orla, evenly. “Oh, and iron tablets made the demons go away, did they?” Her cousin shrugs and thumbs the side of her nose. “Well, I felt better after I took ‘em, didn’t I?” Another Derry, another time, same old Pennywise. Armed with friendship, faith, an encyclopedic knowledge of Catholic heresy and a pitchfork one of them got out of the garden shed, the Derry girls do battle with a clown who really should have known better than to try this shit in Northern Ireland.
This was the fic that got me into the source material. I actually read the first chapter of this fic and then put it down to watch the first episode of Derry Girls. Hilarious, horrifying, and heartwarming, this fic has it all! A definite must read, you only need the bare minimum of familiarity with Derry Girls and even less knowledge of IT to enjoy this fic.
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