#miarren video
d-criss-news · 5 years
Via Rusty Marlo's Instagram Story (August 31st, 2019)
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jaded-idealism · 5 years
Via Camila Costa’s Instagram Story- March 16, 2020
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chandler-monica · 6 years
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Valentine's Day 2019: Hw Sme f Yur Favrite Celeb Cuples Met!
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miarren-edits · 6 years
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At the end of the concert, guests were handed headphones for a silent disco with a personalized playlist of even more of the couple’s favorite songs, split into three different channels. Darren and Mia changed into their final looks of the evening—matching sequin T-shirts—and outside, coffee and beignets from a Cafe Du Monde food truck were up for grabs. Can’t get much more New Orleans than that!
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Hi! I just wanted to say that there are people that believe Miarren is real without liking Mia. I don't like her style, her music, her sense of humor etc and she isn't someone I'd want in my life. That said, I believe Darren could be in a real relationship with her because a) even though I've been a big fan of him for twelve years I don't actually know him and b) relationships don't have to fake to be toxic or just not great. I see so much stuff about how Darren wouldn't choose to be with someone like her but I've known tons of really great people that married/dated assholes. Believing he married her out of actual love doesn't mean he must be an awful person.
Hi anon. Firstly thank you for coming to my ask in a non confrontational way. That’s appreciated right now. So I will answer in kind.
I also agree to a point with you. That as fans (and I’m including ALL fandom) we don’t know him truly or by extension M either. What we know is what’s put out there on SM, by his Team, M and D. We have to base our opinions on that. That for the most part is my issue.
I also take your point that nice people marry assholes irl, but anon ‘tons’ I’m concerned for you and your multiple friends trapped in toxic relationships. In my experience when a friend marries an asshole or stays with one they are usually being manipulated guilted or gaslighted. When kids are involved it’s worse because they get damaged by that toxicity because they don’t have the emotional maturity to cope.
So I do get what you’re trying to say here, but there are too many inconsistencies over the last 10 years for me to believe they are remotely real.
I never said D was an awful person, but I did say if it was a real relationship then they likely deserved each other. They don’t treat each other well publicly and if it were real D doesn’t protect her. I also said that historically if it’s real, yet toxic (as you suggest) then they treat each other horribly so bring a child into that toxic environment?
There are way to many red flags for me regarding their relationship. Let me list them and this is keeping CC out of the equation. These are NOT opinions and can be evidenced.
Ben the lodger of 3 years
Valentines 2017 - with no D and a semi dressed M.
Early years evidence they weren’t a couple pre gl/ee from D.
Renting the house they said they’d sold while pretending it was their home for 2 years
Red carpet running away from her multiple times. Early videos are a gold mine, but it still persisted until very recently.
No real proposal story + japami location. @klaineownsmysoul I now have the Will Smith song altered to ‘Welcome to Japami’!!
Timing of encage and now baby announcements for max exposure to projects. From ACS to a baby during AB.
5 encage rings
Having to back track on officiating their own wedding (because they legally can’t) by saying it was earlier.
The family honeymoon - hilarious
The ever present 3rd wheel to document mi@rren
The fact their romantic vacays including the honeymoon are #ads
The sponsorship of everything from the 5th encage ring to the wedding
The wedding which was aimed at fandom (no need if they are an iconic couple in love).
Kisses that miss - a lot. Kisses that don’t are staged
Darren’s memory lol
His physical uncomfortableness when lying
The team not allowing his mum to the awards ceremony.
The bar - D says he doesn’t own it.
D’s inability to talk about her and light up like he does about others
Recently calling the mother of his child s ‘mother fu*ker’ on video. Although that does tie in with the hideous wedding shot glasses.
The storybook fabrication of her CV to cover the fact her role is to beard for him.
Lack of chemistry- especially when caught off camera
These are just from the top of my head. I’m sure others will add. I guess RR has a go to list here to check.
It’s not about separating his work either. There is no separation and if it was a real relationship of 11 years anon it wouldn’t require this heavy lifting PR to prove it and by extension disprove CC.
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Apparently Kevin directed his bf Austin's music video and is promoting it all over twitter. I bet the tinhats will say something about how they are what a real couple looks like and make a fantasy up about how they wish darren and chris could act like that, obviously tho when it was Mia is was pr and embarrassing
I didn’t know he directed his clip !! Good for him :D. 
Well, do they hate Kevin enough not to use as a “proof” of how fake Miarren is? They’ve been known to do that. And if they do, I’ll just laugh at the hypocrisy lmaooooo. That would be too good.
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cassie1022 · 4 years
When a known Miarren, attempts to troll you and get you to send them proof of some of things everyone knows happened as the photographic/video evidence is out there for anyone that's not too lazy to find it, but assumes you're stupid and won't recognize her, you get this type of message...
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My actual reaction, after I stopped laughing...
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
Hi, I'm new and I just read a post that caught my attention. I would like to know why you started receiving harassment and why you are sure that Miarren is fake? Besides, I'm a fan Cc.
You must have sent this to the wrong person. I don’t believe Miarren is fake. I know they are real. I know so because all credible evidence proves that Darren and Mia have been in a long term relationship and are happily married.  To believe otherwise requires one to ignore credible evidence in favor of stories spun by random fans with no access to Darren, Mia, or Chris. Their proof is almost all slow-motion gifs becuase it’s easier to “find” proof if you pull three frames from a video and it becomes a meaningful romantic moment if you slow it down and add music. Hollywood filmmakers have been using slow-motion to add drama to a scene for 100 years. Anyone who believes in cc should read this story on conspiracy theory thinking https://www.propublica.org/article/immune-to-evidence-how-dangerous-coronavirus-conspiracies-spread
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ajw720 · 5 years
If even the Miarrens talk about how amazing his smile was in the A/merican B/uffalo video than why don't they notice that it's special and wonder why he doesn't smile like that on his wedding day, when looking at the woman he presumably loves or when he's with S/tarkid / any of the algorithm friends. They can't be that ignorant, they must chose to ignore it as it's easier (not that I can completely blame them, it's a hobby after all and sometimes you do this because you don't want complicated)
They chose to be ignorant and they look for the one photo out of fifty where D has his acting moment.  Or they look as his exaggerated smile that he often does, the overacting, and say it is genuine.  They don’t want to see the truth, so they won’t admit the obvious. 
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thethirdgarrideb · 5 years
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It's kind of flattering that you care so much about my opinion, but I'm not sorry to tell you that I *really* don't care about yours.
I'm a bit confused though. What are you trying to do here? Bully me into liking her? I actually never said I didn’t, but I might as well be honest here: I respect D's decision to be with her and that people ship Miarren. But she just doesn't seem like the kind of person I'd like to hang out with and I don’t really see any chemistry between them. *shrug* 
For the record: I never sent hate to M or her fans, I don't even say anything about her on my blog. But apparently it's enough to reblog a gif-set of D's latest movie(!) from the "wrong" person to get that kind of hate. Wow.
Also, I'm pretty sure if you care about an artist, it's more important to support his art than approve of his private life and worship his SO...? I have a feeling that D really doesn't care whether I like his wife or not.^^
Could you come back an tell me what I'm supposedly jealous about? Because as far as I can see, she has nothing that I want. -- Her husband? Yes, I like his music, but he seems to be a workaholic who is barely ever home. I mean... she has to resort to hang out a his place of work to spend time with him and he couldn't even go on honeymoon without bringing his manager with him. (Both sounds all kinds of awkward!) -- Her career? Which one? TV and music seem to be going nowhere and believe it or not: owning a bar is definitely not on my bucket list. -- Her livestyle? I'm more of a quiet-night-in type, so all these shallow networking-and-sucking-up-to-the-right-people-parties look exhausting. (I have a friend who has to go to these things for work and the stories he told me...yeah, no thanks.) Plus, I was fortunate enough to meet my two biggest idols and have actual long conversations with them and not just a quick photo op, so I'm good on the meeting-famous-people-front as well. :-)
What do you mean with 'independent? Since she left F/ox, she didn't do anything that didn't involve one of the men in her life. She directed music videos for her bf and her roommate and played gigs at her father's (uncle's? - sorry, I can't keep track of her family) venues. That's it. I was actually impressed when I heard she wanted to open a bar....Until they started to pretend it's D's bar as well (we've all seen the paperwork that clearly shows it actually isn't, right??). There are plenty of successfull bar owners who don't have a SO who can promote their bar on national TV, can ask for favours from famous co-workers and come with their own fan base. And I respect them a whole lot more. Look, I'm not judging her for that - this arrangement seems to be working for them, so whatever floats their boat. But stop pretending she's independent when she clearly isn't.
As far as being mistaken for a CCer... you know what? I can live with that. At least they are staying in their own bubble and are not stalking and sending hate to other blogs. And they don't feel so threatened by other people's opinions that they take their fandom stuff out to RL and think it's okay to threaten children and go after a charity. So, at the moment CCers seem to be the saner part of fandom anyway.^^
Since I have one of you here anyway: Can you tell me why you are so scared of some untagged, unsearchable posts in a tiny hidden corner of the internet? These blogs are damn hard to find (on account of them being unsearchable by not using full names and all that^^), but you still seek them out just so you can be offended by them. Why? They are easy enough to ignore.
[Ask is a screenshot and partially deleted, because I won't let you use my blog to insult another person like that]
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Mia Swier and Darren Criss at the 70th Annual Emmy Awards
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d-criss-news · 5 years
Via Kristen Gleeson-Prata's Instagram Story (August 31st, 2019)
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jaded-idealism · 5 years
Via Jaime Lyn Beatty’s instastory - July 28, 2019
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Yeah, it’s pretty much the same thing.
And hey, remember that time one of Mia’s friends jumped topless into Darren’s pool while Darren was there and there was a video recording of it and EVERYONE talked about it and all major news outlets were scandalized and Emmy voters said: A BOOB?! THIS IS SO IMMORAL! And it cost Darren his Emmy like tinhats feared it would?
Anyway, tinhats are still sure Darren’s team was behind the deleted tumblrs, even though non-tinhat tumblrs got taken down as well. And cult leader is claiming Ricky wouldn’t stop her from meeting Darren because her money is as good as any “Miarren’s.” The M&G sold out in one minute. He wouldn’t have been left wanting for buyers. If  they had wanted to prevent a specific person from getting a pass, they could have (as they, according to you, use their power for vritually everything else).
The truth is they’re not keeping tabs on anyone here.
Other fans who are not conspiracy theorists (all of whom you refer to as “PR stans”) are not getting special treatment because they’ve gotten to meet Darren before. Plenty of tinhats have gotten to meet Darren before, too. Where even is the pattern here?
Your apophenia, paranoia and need to feel special are swelling up hard.
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miarren-edits · 7 years
my specialty these days is more video oriented vs gifs/photosets so i whipped this up in like two hours and i’m real emotional over it (and these two in general). you can also watch it on youtube. imagine thinking darren and mia are anything less than perfect. can’t relate.
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darrencrissunseen · 7 years
Old video with Mia in the background https://youtu.be/-AHXFtl4_Gg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ #darrencriss #miarren #miaswier #couple #oldvideo #youtube #unseendarren #necklace #curls #cute
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