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jaded-idealism · 3 years
Camila Costa re-posted this to her Instagram Story from Mia’s October 15, 2021 😍
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Hi! I just wanted to say that there are people that believe Miarren is real without liking Mia. I don't like her style, her music, her sense of humor etc and she isn't someone I'd want in my life. That said, I believe Darren could be in a real relationship with her because a) even though I've been a big fan of him for twelve years I don't actually know him and b) relationships don't have to fake to be toxic or just not great. I see so much stuff about how Darren wouldn't choose to be with someone like her but I've known tons of really great people that married/dated assholes. Believing he married her out of actual love doesn't mean he must be an awful person.
Hi anon. Firstly thank you for coming to my ask in a non confrontational way. That’s appreciated right now. So I will answer in kind.
I also agree to a point with you. That as fans (and I’m including ALL fandom) we don’t know him truly or by extension M either. What we know is what’s put out there on SM, by his Team, M and D. We have to base our opinions on that. That for the most part is my issue.
I also take your point that nice people marry assholes irl, but anon ‘tons’ I’m concerned for you and your multiple friends trapped in toxic relationships. In my experience when a friend marries an asshole or stays with one they are usually being manipulated guilted or gaslighted. When kids are involved it’s worse because they get damaged by that toxicity because they don’t have the emotional maturity to cope.
So I do get what you’re trying to say here, but there are too many inconsistencies over the last 10 years for me to believe they are remotely real.
I never said D was an awful person, but I did say if it was a real relationship then they likely deserved each other. They don’t treat each other well publicly and if it were real D doesn’t protect her. I also said that historically if it’s real, yet toxic (as you suggest) then they treat each other horribly so bring a child into that toxic environment?
There are way to many red flags for me regarding their relationship. Let me list them and this is keeping CC out of the equation. These are NOT opinions and can be evidenced.
Ben the lodger of 3 years
Valentines 2017 - with no D and a semi dressed M.
Early years evidence they weren’t a couple pre gl/ee from D.
Renting the house they said they’d sold while pretending it was their home for 2 years
Red carpet running away from her multiple times. Early videos are a gold mine, but it still persisted until very recently.
No real proposal story + japami location. @klaineownsmysoul I now have the Will Smith song altered to ‘Welcome to Japami’!!
Timing of encage and now baby announcements for max exposure to projects. From ACS to a baby during AB.
5 encage rings
Having to back track on officiating their own wedding (because they legally can’t) by saying it was earlier.
The family honeymoon - hilarious
The ever present 3rd wheel to document mi@rren
The fact their romantic vacays including the honeymoon are #ads
The sponsorship of everything from the 5th encage ring to the wedding
The wedding which was aimed at fandom (no need if they are an iconic couple in love).
Kisses that miss - a lot. Kisses that don’t are staged
Darren’s memory lol
His physical uncomfortableness when lying
The team not allowing his mum to the awards ceremony.
The bar - D says he doesn’t own it.
D’s inability to talk about her and light up like he does about others
Recently calling the mother of his child s ‘mother fu*ker’ on video. Although that does tie in with the hideous wedding shot glasses.
The storybook fabrication of her CV to cover the fact her role is to beard for him.
Lack of chemistry- especially when caught off camera
These are just from the top of my head. I’m sure others will add. I guess RR has a go to list here to check.
It’s not about separating his work either. There is no separation and if it was a real relationship of 11 years anon it wouldn’t require this heavy lifting PR to prove it and by extension disprove CC.
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darriness · 4 years
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Under the cut is a master list of all my fics! 
Happy reading!
Verses are posted in the order I wrote them in. All fics are linked to AO3 (if I posted them there) and Tumblr. Tumblr links for chaptered fics are linked to the page where the first chapter is (then just work...forwards!)
Klaine Advent 2017 - AO3 Tumblr All 24 of my Klaine Advent stories for 2017. They are all in the same verse (which carries over into my Fic A Day piece). The title of each chapter is the word used for that day.
A Life In A Year - AO3 Tumblr I wrote 365 fics (one a day) based on a word that was randomly generated every day.
In The Still Of The Night - AO3 Tumblr Kurt can’t sleep.
LadyGang - AO3 Tumblr Blaine on the LadyGang!
Fic A Day - July 2019 Edition - AO3 Tumblr The return of Fic A Day...for a month!!
Klaine Advent 2019 - AO3 Tumblr** A series of 24 fics written in my Life In A Year (Fic A Day) verse and inspired by words from the Klaine Advent! The title of each chapter is the word for that day!
** I did two advents in 2019 and did not differentiate them in the tags on Tumblr (yay me?) so the link will bring you to both fics. For Life In A Year just don’t read the ones that say ‘Klaine Advent - Roadie Edition’ in the title :)
Apple Juice - Tumblr Perspective.
Social Distancing - Tumblr The Anderson-Hummel’s react to the pandemic.
Fic A Day - August 2020 Edition - AO3 Tumblr Fic A Day returns - hopefully - for a month!
Charged - AO3 Tumblr Kurt is feeling...erotically charged.
Klaine Advent 2020 - AO3 Tumblr A series of not chronological short fics based on a word provided every day until Christmas!
Apple Exercise - Tumblr Curiosities of the Apple Watch variety.
Roadie - AO3 Tumblr Blaine Anderson is the lead singer of one of the most popular bands in the United States. His life is chaotic but he loves it. One day, a new sound engineer joins the tour and turns Blaine's already chaotic life upside down.
Klaine Advent 2019 - Roadie Edition - A03 Tumblr** A series of 24 fics written in my Roadie verse and inspired by words from the Klaine Advent! The title of each chapter is the word for that day!
** I did two advents in 2019 and did not differentiate them in the tags on Tumblr (yay me?) so the link will bring you to both fics. The Roadie advent has ‘Roadie Edition’ in the title.
Evolved - AO3 Tumblr Kurt and Blaine have had to hide a huge part of themselves from the world their whole lives. They may find each other, but will the people hunting them find them as well?
Klaine Advent 2018 - AO3 Tumblr** A journey through the lives of two extraordinary boys. Written for the Klaine Advent 2018 and all written in my Evolved verse.
** I did two advents in 2018 and did not differentiate them in the tags on Tumblr (yay me?) so the link will bring you to both fics. You can just read all the ones titled ‘Klaine Advent 2018′ :)
Like You Wanna Be Loved - AO3 Tumblr A new boy moves in and catches Kurt's attention...but everything is not as it may seem.
Let It Be Me - AO3 Tumblr It's been three years since Blaine fell in love with Kurt, but between college, jobs, social lives, and parenting his twelve-year-old sister, can Blaine manage it all?
You’ll Always Be The Home - AO3 Tumblr Everything is finally settled in Kurt and Blaine's life...right?
Stand Alone Fics:
Of Carnivals and Coolness -  FF.net Cooper Anderson wants nothing less than to be forced into taking his baby brother to the most important social event in his young life. (Written in 2012)
To Take Care Of You - FF.net Something’s not right when Blaine enters Glee: Kurt is not next to him, tackle hugging him or playing on his phone. What could possibly be wrong? Blaine to the rescue! (Written in 2012)
I’ll Bring the Popcorn and Movie - FF.net It’s the only twenty minutes they get to spend together while they’re both conscious. Its domestic. It’s nice. It’s them. (Written in 2012)
The Story Behind Goomba - FF.net “Oh Finn my boy. Let me tell you a tale…” Cooper begins. A story about nicknames and brotherly embarrassment. (Written in 2012)
I’ll Make The Most Of The Minutes - Tumblr Kurt’s studying. He really really is.
Squirrel - Tumblr Blaine has some thoughts about a squirrel and adorableness ensues.
Moments Like This - Tumblr Kurt hates winter and is more than glad it’s over.
Hot August Nights - AO3 Tumblr A series of short fics based around the themes of nighttime, sexy times, and/or drunk times.
Quality Time (co-written with @spaceorphan18​) - AO3 Tumblr Kurt and Blaine try a little quality time activity together!
3 on 1- AO3 Tumblr What happens when triplets each find the potential love of their lives...in the same person?
Care- AO3 Tumblr Kurt and Blaine make sure to take care of each other.
Election Night- AO3 Tumblr Kurt and Blaine celebrate.
Season of Happiness - AO3 Tumblr A Christmas with the Anderson's - what could possible go wrong?
Perspective - Tumblr A little perspective is sometimes all you need.
Untitled Klaine Ficlet - Tumblr Blaine’s exhausted.
Quiet Moments - Tumblr Living for the quiet moments.
That Dork - Tumblr A night out.
Nekked - Tumblr A night of nakedness.
‘Blaine’ - Tumblr A case of mistaken identity.
Paris - Tumblr A ‘trip to Paris’
Slower - Tumblr Kurt needs Blaine to move slower
RPF (and RPF-ish):
Balmain (Miarren) - Tumblr Inspired by this photo
Playing With Lightning (Barry Allen/Miarren) - Tumblr Darren notices something interesting in his coworker
Follow this link to all the fics I’ve written based on prompts by lovely people in my ask box! 
If you are unaware, I sometimes ask for prompts but I am ALWAYS open to prompts at any time. Just know that if I’m not specifically asking for them I can’t guarantee I’ll write them with haste or at all.
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I thought it was weird how they were celebrating the cancellation of that Halloween party Chris and Darren often go to (and where they got their first photo of them actually together in eight million years). Apparently they didn't understand that meant there'd be guaranteed zero CC content and more Miarren since Darren would be at home.. with his WIFE. Such fucking morons, jfc.
Lmaooooooooooo. They’re so stupid, sometimes I do believe there is just air between their ears.
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bjpb08 · 4 years
I cry so often now. There are so many more issues than miarrens, chills, CCers, have I missed any? I may have a belief, CC in fact, but will I go to my grave to support it? In fact...no. Because eventually it will come out. I have nothing to prove, nothing to gain. I can't prove M is a narcissistic who needs PR to survive, she does it herself, and D provides. I have nothing to say even in quarantine he is required to provide PR. All I can say is please continue in pics so this can be over! Yes, I'd rather see pics than them out and about. Too many lives, even the animals, to account for. Too many even in quarantine that do not understand or even take it seriously as they need to promote their own reteric. What are we coming to. While I hope this reaches the right people. I have posted ad nauseum to try and reach out and post just what this is all about. It is not up to me...it is up to those who choose not to take this seriously. I do not need to be entertained, I need people to understand this is serious. I do not go to the hospital to work my shift for my health, in fact I would stay home...if I could. Please do the right thing stay home, if you can, and promote what this virus is all about. If you can't be safe!
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
"Hahaha. A friend pointed this out. W online shops too!" What does this even mean?! I don't know anyone in 2020 who doesn't online shop besides my 80 year old grandparents because they refuse to learn how to use a computer 😂 I don't get how Will, a 30 something year old man, online shopping is worthy enough for Abby to comment on it. I'm sure Chris does it too. And Darren.
On Nov 5, Darren wrote this post and the cc fandom lost their shit.    
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They decided that organizing 10 costumes for multiple events in two different states for two different people was not worthy of acknowledgment- especially since they wore several purchased costumes. They spent the next 30-ish days mocking her “online shopping skills” like the petty idiots they are and now they bring it up two months later. 
Anonymous asked: this is funny, C posted a photo of beard, D posted photos with the beard. Almost like they were sitting next to each other and saying “ok ok I will say this”
ajw720 answered: The only difference, C controls his SM and the bearding, D does not, but they knew the Halloween post was coming when C posted his belated b-day wishes (not that he acknowledged they were late).  
It really is, if you can remove the very human, tragic element, like a script for a really bad D Movie.  C posts “Happy Birthday, Babe!” a day after the man’s actual b-day and “D” praises his fake bride for MAKING TEN costumes.  Sure praise her if she actually designed them and sat with her sewing machine.  No, she went online and ordered things (I doubt she even went to a store).   And 3 couple costumes were cheap frankly.  The only thought was how narcissistic she could be in their execution (as @flowersintheattic254pointed out even the Mario costume had  a reason, it was a reminder of Japan and the fake encagement by referring to the ad that paid for their trip there).
And seriously how are people not questioning that she spent the entirety of her month picking TEN costumes?  Who has time for this?  I know, i know, a person whose only role in life is to play fake plus one.
I am just so tired by D in particular being utterly dragged down by the useless dead weight by his side and his team’s sole ambition to promote her and make her sound like a decent person.  
If they wanted to praise her, maybe they should have forced her to participate in the zero waste initiative instead of sitting drinking by the pool or have her volunteer to help young girls who have been kicked out of their homes, or have been raped.  Or pick any cause and truly volunteer her time to promote it.  If she is not going to actually get a job and pursue a career, please force her to do something that is actually of value and contribute something good to the world. But to praise her for picking TEN costumes?  
Praise that comes from a man who this year alone won three awards, is starring in a show he created and wrote the music for, has his first big movie premiere this week, is exec producer and star of a huge show on N/etflix, just announced his starring role with 2 A++ lists actors next spring on Broadway, celebrated the 5th anniversary of the festival he created, volunteered his time for the zero waste initiative, performed at several charity events, and was just yesterday name limited series actor of the decade.  Where is the praise for him from his “bride”?  He at least deserves it.
How do they not see how ridiculous it is for someone with D’s accomplishments in 2019 alone praise a person for purchasing TEN costumes for Halloween?  And stans, how do you accept that this is right or normal.  You really know nothing about him and have such little respect for him as a person if you continue to accept the character his idiotic team has created on his behalf.  It is so far from the person he is and that he generally holds himself out to be when given the opportunity.  
This isn’t about being a “gay fetishist” or “hating woman” this is about wanting for D to be fairly and accurately represented and no longer forced to participate in this stupid, life sucking game to promote a person that contributes absolutely nothing to the world.  If you want to have a strong female role model, there are so many, i’ve talked about a few in the past few days (thus far Nancy, Lea, and Phoebe) and will continue to do so, but please stop worshiping a person whose sole reason you are speaking about her is her connection to D, even if you refuse to accept it is fake.  
klainecentric Finished reading the funniest ig story of the day, the qween being praised for sitting in front of either a sewing machine or computer...bravo your majesty qween....your my hero well done.👏👏. And all I can think of is how irrelevant the statement D made about being an emotional horder, being a very private person and finally D saying he's lazy when it comes to social media, I'm internally screaming in frustration because yeah we know D wouldn't have written a post praising that lazy good for nothing waste of space but he's coming across as a lier and it's extremely damaging to his character as a person. I absolutely hate lying and every time another "private" moment is posted to the world is another small piece that's chipped away from what D has originally stated about privacy. PBB, nobody cares about your cheap arse highly flammable costumes you buy online, did you forget about your piano baby adult strip club. I'm sure there are still plenty of people out there you can hire to rub and flaunt their flanges all over the beer taps, why don't you keep busy on that instead. If you want to make costumes, I'm sure you can sew some mighty fine titty tassels together. It'll be cheap nasty, sound familiar.
souly So, let me get this straight. We should all praise a person for going online, looking up different costumes in online stores, putting those in their shopping basket and hitting “buy”? Because I do that at least once a week with other stuff. Do I get praised for that now? Pretty please? I’m doing good work there and buy a lot of stuff, therefore I must be the best person ever!
notes-from-nowhere You’re my Queen. Please, love me.
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(I think I got it right. I’m getting the hang of what said person is doing. Wheee! ;))
notes-from-nowhere You nailed it 🤣
ajw720 Yesterday I got a delivery of car food. And instead of his usual seafood mix up greats, I got him shrimp flavor. I’m awesome!!!!!
souly Oh, hey! I think we should all take pictures of whatever we bought online during the week or month and make individual posts on all of our social media accounts about it. Because, you know…
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cassie1022 I picked up stuff I ordered online at Target and PetSmart. Does that count? Should I receive accolades because my cat will have fresh litter to do her business on?
souly Only if you post the pictures to prove it! ;)
ajw720 As soon as I get home. Pictures forthcoming. Shrimp cat treats and I also got a burgundy blanket for my new comforter!!! Life goals!!!!!!!!!!!
souly Okay, so, let’s see… What did I buy online during the past month that can be shared as pictures? Some things are gifts, so I obviously can’t post anything about those yet. But I think these here are safe.
Let’s start with one of my fav new shirts. (Excuse the grainy quality. I had to quickly edit it for privacy reasons. :p And yes, that’s a butterfly mirror.)
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The rest are behind the cut to save your dash from drowning in too many pictures. ;)
cheekyface72 You’re my queen from now on…
ajw720 I think emmy/sag/gg/CC winner DC should write a post @soulypraising your awesome, amazing, unparalleled online shopping skills!  You earned that praise.  That cat toy is particularly spectacular.
Just A Taste of M’s Amazing Online Shopping Skills that are worthy of such Praise
Super Mario with inflatable Dragon $54.66 (x)
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Princess Peach $78.99 (x)
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chrisdarebashfulsmiles. i can’t
flowersintheattic254. When you add the fact that the wedding was sponsored so heavily, and her history of outfits I think it shows Mi@rren is something that’s always been done very much ‘on the cheap’.
From work vacays (honeymoon included), RC ‘glue gun’ looks, thrift shoes and subsidized weddings.
leka-1998. It’s not worth more than this, that’s for sure.
notes-from-nowhere  We are so ungrateful. She worked hard to find the gloves.
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I bet she had to click on another link to find them. She deserves another accolade.
ajw720 @flowersintheattic254 Budget Bearding!  I LOVE It! (and something tells me D’s SW costume in particular was far cheaper than either of these).
souly That Snow White dress can be found for about $25 in a ton of online shops. I stumbled upon it even before Halloween way too many times. 😂
@notes-from-nowhere The plush question mark block can be found in a couple online stores like this one. She simply glued it onto some gloves - or asked L to do it with that glue gun of hers.
flowersintheattic254 Well funnily enough I think we may have confirmation that 🚽🚽 glued on the puppies so I guess YES to the question mark block too!!!
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cassie1022 They can’t even glue things properly. Why am I not surprised?
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So, so amazing. Bow to the kween and her not so helpful helper.
There are lots more...I figured enough of your brain cells died reading the ones I posted.  On Nov 30 she is STiLL bringing it up”
Anonymous asked:
Whenever I see miarren gifset they always use the same quote underneath (the rolling the windows down quote) and at first I rolled my eyes and thought uh not that quote again, and I can't believe it took me this long to realise it's because there is literally no other quote that can be construed as loving. You can hardly put down "she's a big girl" whenever you make a set of gifs with M beaming and D looking like someone murdered the dog he's allergic to.
ajw720: And I love the Emmy quote as it was an absolute reference to his character who was a psychopath. Pretty telling if you ask me. But that reference is over their heads.
And pretty much the only one. Guess saying he’s a ball and chain kind of guy isn’t romantic. They can’t even take pooping exes as he clearly steered the conversation away from her. Lovely lady of many moons? Nah she sounds like a stranger. Saying nothing changes after marriage? Sounds boring. It’s a struggle. But hey she’s an excellent online shopper that he done got hitched to!!!
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thethirdgarrideb · 5 years
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It's kind of flattering that you care so much about my opinion, but I'm not sorry to tell you that I *really* don't care about yours.
I'm a bit confused though. What are you trying to do here? Bully me into liking her? I actually never said I didn’t, but I might as well be honest here: I respect D's decision to be with her and that people ship Miarren. But she just doesn't seem like the kind of person I'd like to hang out with and I don’t really see any chemistry between them. *shrug* 
For the record: I never sent hate to M or her fans, I don't even say anything about her on my blog. But apparently it's enough to reblog a gif-set of D's latest movie(!) from the "wrong" person to get that kind of hate. Wow.
Also, I'm pretty sure if you care about an artist, it's more important to support his art than approve of his private life and worship his SO...? I have a feeling that D really doesn't care whether I like his wife or not.^^
Could you come back an tell me what I'm supposedly jealous about? Because as far as I can see, she has nothing that I want. -- Her husband? Yes, I like his music, but he seems to be a workaholic who is barely ever home. I mean... she has to resort to hang out a his place of work to spend time with him and he couldn't even go on honeymoon without bringing his manager with him. (Both sounds all kinds of awkward!) -- Her career? Which one? TV and music seem to be going nowhere and believe it or not: owning a bar is definitely not on my bucket list. -- Her livestyle? I'm more of a quiet-night-in type, so all these shallow networking-and-sucking-up-to-the-right-people-parties look exhausting. (I have a friend who has to go to these things for work and the stories he told me...yeah, no thanks.) Plus, I was fortunate enough to meet my two biggest idols and have actual long conversations with them and not just a quick photo op, so I'm good on the meeting-famous-people-front as well. :-)
What do you mean with 'independent? Since she left F/ox, she didn't do anything that didn't involve one of the men in her life. She directed music videos for her bf and her roommate and played gigs at her father's (uncle's? - sorry, I can't keep track of her family) venues. That's it. I was actually impressed when I heard she wanted to open a bar....Until they started to pretend it's D's bar as well (we've all seen the paperwork that clearly shows it actually isn't, right??). There are plenty of successfull bar owners who don't have a SO who can promote their bar on national TV, can ask for favours from famous co-workers and come with their own fan base. And I respect them a whole lot more. Look, I'm not judging her for that - this arrangement seems to be working for them, so whatever floats their boat. But stop pretending she's independent when she clearly isn't.
As far as being mistaken for a CCer... you know what? I can live with that. At least they are staying in their own bubble and are not stalking and sending hate to other blogs. And they don't feel so threatened by other people's opinions that they take their fandom stuff out to RL and think it's okay to threaten children and go after a charity. So, at the moment CCers seem to be the saner part of fandom anyway.^^
Since I have one of you here anyway: Can you tell me why you are so scared of some untagged, unsearchable posts in a tiny hidden corner of the internet? These blogs are damn hard to find (on account of them being unsearchable by not using full names and all that^^), but you still seek them out just so you can be offended by them. Why? They are easy enough to ignore.
[Ask is a screenshot and partially deleted, because I won't let you use my blog to insult another person like that]
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Hey. I’m making a new post instead of reblogging yours because I don't keep track of who's blocked me yet and I’m too lazy to bother checking heh.
In case you were asking for real (and in case you can still see this), here goes mine:
Because "CC believers" take to any outlet they can to directly harrass Darren and Chris and their friends and family. That's where we inevitably see your conspiracy theories and their harmful effects.
On a small scale, this hinders my fandom experience.
On a much larger scale, these people are spreading misogyny, homophobia and transphobia among other nasty things. This isn't about anyone "believing" anything about Darren (people who are not conspiracy theorists simply accept what he tells us about his own private personal life because why the hell wouldn't we? It's his business).
I know what you're going to say: "I have never addressed the actors directly on social media" and "not ALL ccers" etc
It doesn't matter. CCers who don't tweet hate at people still foster those attitudes here on tumblr and do so in the hopes of roping more people into it. You believing whatever doesn't concern us until you start acting on those beliefs to the detriment of others.
You've possibly never posted a single hateful word and simply delight in reading RPF and daydreaming. In that case, anti-CT posts are not for you, they are for the people who promote the terrible attitudes I mentioned. But you asked why some people were bothered by what CCers say, so I took it to mean you were asking fans. If you wanted to know instead why “Miarren stans” send CCers insults, then sorry for butting in :P (I don’t know any Miarren stans, I can’t answer for them). Tbh that practice seems to me like old, nasty ship wars and it’s something usually both sides feed (though I can’t really offer input in, as I don’t partake in RPS, nor do I stan anyone. I don’t endorse these practices and generally disencourage shippers from behaving like this).
CCers could also take their own advice: If they’re so sure Darren goes home to Chris every night, they could relish in that certainty without the need to use their public blogs to throw insults at their fave’s female partner (including whore and alcoholic, which btw gives you a glimpse into what kind of people they are), who they have CHOSEN to assign the role of villain to in their theories out of entirely subjectively disliking her. What they are certain are mere “PR stunts” shouldn’t ultimately bother them. But they want to hate Mia more than they want to just believe Darren and Chris are holding hands out there somewhere. They’re not the only ones. It’s a defining trait in tinhats across fandoms (Supernatural, Outlander, One Direction, Prince Harry, Twilight, Benedict Cumberbatch, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and sadly so many others - you’ll find they use practically the same arguments, lore, “evidence” and insults).
And it’s nice that you say that proven wrong you’d just accept it. It is. Problem is I don’t know what you guys think will prove you wrong if from the very beginning Darren outright said specifically who he was and you decided he was lying. After that, there really is nothing he could ever say with his own mouth or otherwise that would prove you wrong. The words “Chris and I are not dating” have been uttered. Clearly a wedding doesn’t do it for you (it only makes your theories all the more convulted and outlandish). I know for sure that having kids wouldn’t prove it to you either (see those other fandoms for fake baby theories). Your reasons for dismissing his words are 0% objective. Because you think their wedding attires were awful? Plenty of people without bias would agree and plenty would disagree. I fail to see how one’s personal taste in fashion is confirmation of anything. You want to take snapshots, moments in time, in which Darren is being photographed with neutral expressions while going about his business and call them proof? Still being 0% objective, because you are adding your own (wild) interpretations to them (not to mention if people simply walked down the street with a smile on their face, they would look deranged). And with those methods you could “prove” myriad ridiculous statements. There already is a compilation of Darren looking miserable while holding instruments and you haven’t said he hates music. There is a compilation of Lea Michele and Chris Colfer looking and acting and posing like actual lovers. Why aren’t we stating that they are in love as if it were a fact? This could be endless. Whether you think somebody has chemistry or not is ultimately just that, an opinion. Opinions are not facts. You personally hating the color yellow doesn’t make the color yellow universally shit. So, while you may label the wedding as “trashy” and think “well, if it was trashy, it must be fake,” there actually are people out there who thought it looked great. And you would both be correct in your assessments, because they are opinions. The things is, neither opinion has any correlation to the veracity of the event. Zero.
If someone you don't even know personally one day tells you something about themselves like "So my favourite color is yellow" and you go "Fine. Good for you, I guess," instead of deciding it's a lie and then trying to cling on to anything that could however remotely back up your already solidified conclusion, you'd probably be less stressed out whenever they wore yellow sneakers.
There are plenty of contexts in which skepticism is vital, but people’s sexual orientations are not it. And battling homophobia is very important, but making an unwilling participant your champion for it is completely inappropriate. CCers keep talking about how outing someone is bad. But are their blogs not an effort in doing exactly that? If all they wanted to do was vent amongst themselves, they would have passworded these blogs. But they’ve been trying to make these conspiracy theories spread for ages, because that is what conspiracy theorists do.
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ajw720 · 6 years
aand we have a miarren xmas ski vacation.. For a second I was hoping we’d avoid it
Well they posed for a pic skiing in Cali. In their well known ski suits as apparently if they aren’t sponsored and free, they can’t afford new ones. At lest not international. Pic is awkward. He doesn’t even have his skis on and as usual she’s thrusting her groin into him.
But we don’t actually know when it was taken now do we? Plus the location is conveniently close to a certain person’s home town.
I for one am over the stunts and charades. It is time this man was set free and he did not have to orchestrate his entire life around her.
Please may this be the last Christmas. I’m begging.
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wirzuvix-blog · 5 years
Ok I have to laugh, on insta I couldn't stop laughing : "Darren and Chris haven't seen each other in years ? They were together at the Elton John Oscars watching party" OOOH YEAH. I'm sorry I forgot. First of all they were not "together" they both were here, Darren with his fiancée, Chris with his boyfriend and it was last year. Then Darren loved that night so much he decided to skip it this year, probably knowing what was waiting for him ; another boring and embarrassing night. Instead he decided to stay at his and Mia's home with his wife and friends to do their own watching party before going where no glee cast member can go : the Vanity Fair after party. Oh and then he did his own after party, that ended at Miarren's home again, surrounded by the cast of BoRhap. I remember now, haha.
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basisforcomparison · 6 years
I can't stop looking. 
someone help me.
also the fact that any fans... ANY... CC fans, Miarren fans... if ANYONE thinks that Darren and Mia’s wedding has ANYTHING to do with fandom or if they give a flying fuck what any fan thinks ... just another sign you don’t know anything about either of them or anything about how the world works...
I REALLY want to see the “contract” that the CC fans think Darren has with Fox... or Ricky for that matter. “here sign away complete and total control of your life- oh and we’re going to force you to marry the woman you started dating well before you signed anything with us”... 
I also really want the tea on how or why people think Mia is trashy or abusive- aside from that she’s not Chris. /shrug. 
I need answers. 
(this is what happens when you’re home sick from work for 3 days... the internet rabbit holes are dark places my friends, dark places.
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jaded-idealism · 4 years
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lulureneeb LAst little bit of LA❤️
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I’m so curious about where l&j went with Miarren. They probably didn’t go with them to Mexico right??
Wherever it was it was no more than two days because she was home on Saturday for her dance stream
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"I guess her stans won’t notice and consider it relationshit goals." No, I'm thinking about how once again Darren's out doing something fun with the woman threatening his and Chris' lives while leaving Chris at home to cry to himself. And it involves Star Wars too, which Chris loves! Relationshit goals, indeed.
Yup ! Goals ! Miarren is toxic and nothing but goals ? Well I wonder which of both is more toxic lmao.
At least Mia and Darren are seen together, while Chris is like Penelope in The Odysseus waiting for Ulysses to come back home ...
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bjpb08 · 4 years
Disgruntlement, perhaps ANGER, doesn't even...
How many times have I come here to add my two cents worth, to say my piece...too numerous to count. I have waited much too long. How many times have I asked why Aj disappeared. How many times have I asked WTF is going on (and I do not curse). Bottom line some wanted Aj out of the way to promote without a hitch...these last few months...and when it comes down to it...Conspiracy Theory run a muck. Sorry to the friends on this blog I assured my silence too. It is time for levity. Obviously not just about CC. The pandemic Covig-19 is frying my very being. So why would this miarren scenerio take a turn? Because just like the disease epidemic we have an epidemic of irresponsibility that people are using to their advantage. In case you are wondering...yes, I am a health care worker...that will stay there! I dispise people's use of a very serious medical emergency to advance there own cause. Take note RR/M you have just crossed the line. Wake up and smell the roses... no... the DEATH toll as it rises...as you use it to advance your cause. One thing to say KARMA is a bitch!
A pandemic is a disease epidemic that has spread across a large region, land, ocean, population, for instance multiple continents, or worldwide. A widespread endemic disease with a stable number of infected people is not a pandemic. Further, flu pandemics generally exclude recurrences of seasonal flu.
Why do I care, why do I share. Because just as a new virus now exists, it was not pulled out of thin air. People caused it, perpetuated it and spread it. We are our own worst enemy. And until people recognize their ability to change this scenerio this will continue to spread, grow and infest. Am I talking about a virus or a fan situation? Both! These are both products of a situation built on peoples need to see things through rose colored glasses, or should I say pink sunnies.
What is the difference? Nothing! Except viruses(this time Covig-19) kills the body. Gender denial, loving who one loves, Me Too, denial kills the soul. The parallels are alarming!
I am not angery, I realize I am sad. Because it appears to me the world is in desperate need of some love. You can deny what is in front of your face, but you cannot in the the long run deny what your heart tells you. If you don't believe in the love of CrissColfer, how can you deny their friendship. Why is it denied time after time, year after year? Why is it not allowed. Why has D been tied in one way or another to most of his past acting encounters, from Starkid to Lea Michele to Ryan Murphy? Yet two people who were seen together for six years on TV, and made a difference in so many lives, are not seen together, talked about even hinted at as possibly still being friends has to be the epitome, the very essence of a lie! Lies are like a pandemic they hide and grow through direct contact and droplets that are spewed at times without even knowing. It is time to wake up and understand all life mirrors is life, not made up scenerios. Made up scenerios are cracks in the mirror that eventually create fissures, that eventually create an earthquake, that eventually creates a tsunami...a pandemic if you will. This is on us, Karma at its finest defining the lowest common denominator. No one and I mean no one is immune?
I am waiting for a bi-line, pun intended, but there is none. Because while I believe gay, it is not for me to say. And quite honestly I do not give a damn! What is important is everyone live their truth. In this time of what I hope is reflection, contemplation, meditation, consideration and deliberation we agonize, celebrate, ruminate on our success and losses and recognize we need to recognize the importance of the individual and not the collective few. Note love is not simple, it demands truth!
I am at a loss, quite frankly a first, at how to end this as we are not at an end in this pandemic. I realize the show in the media is to assure that M & D are a couple. I am concerned every time I see them! I don't care anymore about the retoric of PR, I want D safe! Stop the PR if he is expected out to sell the sham. I am sorry D if you are trying to reach the end, your life is not worth it. Venereal disease even HIV/aides has treatment now Covid-19 does not. Saying this is to help understand the lives lost in the HIV/aides debacle. Please do not be one of those lost in this debacle. With that said everyone please be safe! I have a choice, but not really, I must answer the call of my profession! Please do not make it harder for me. Do not make it my responsibility to tell your loved one of your passing. This is real! Do not fool yourself it will touch you. It will touch everyone of us. Please stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your cough, stay home, stay well. I do not have a choice, my choice was made long ago to take care of the sick, it is my oath! Please make that path/oath easier. If we do not choose to care for and love one another there will be a choice made for us, most probably not to your liking. We...you have choices make the responsible, right choice. Follow the guidelines set forth by the CDC, not a contract...only we can stop this from spreading, it is in our hands.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Either there is a huge MIarren fandom I don’t know about making wildly speculative theories on Hickey-gate or Abby just wrote another epically absurd fanfiction.  What I do know is true is that I debunked the hickey as NOT a hickey because it isn’t a bruise, it was a bruise.  Abby also doesn’t seem to know how shadows work- “Darren didn’t have on sun glasses”.  There are highlights and lowlights even in the dark Abs.  
Anonymous asked:
ajw720 answered:
I would love to know what Miarr/ens think about his undeniable hickey. (I have answered this already but you clearly would rather make up nonsense and pretend it’s real.  Who does that sound like? cough DJT cough) Even if they don't believe in CC, we know the only position where it's able to give a hickey in that place... and unless darren is into kinky stuff like strap (which doesn't help the Straight case and still makes him unfaithfully since his "wife" is away), this means he was with a guy. (Because straight women don’t use straps? Huh? Only guys do? What?  IT isn’t a hickey so he wasn’t with anybody. Google “Hickey” and click images”)
Nonnie I try to be really respectful about this topic as they are 2 people in a very real relationship and my opinion is some things don’t need public discussion.(bwhahahahaha) But that was an intentional act of C essentially publicly claiming his property while the wifey was across the ocean and had been for days. They want us to acknowledge it. (So acknowledge it, tell Darren you heard his hickey and you are HERE for him, go on, do it). 
That’s a fav spot for C to mark d and here’s just a few examples (Oh, this is GREAT), @leka-1998 gets cred for the latest screen. Others from this post: https://ajw720.tumblr.com/post/188058281745/crisscolfer-and-hickeys
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(either razor burn or he was attacked by a slit mouthed tentacle monster with a very light suck causing more of an irritation than anything)
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(Still not broken blood vessels and ecchymosis also I cannot imagine Chris Colfer EVER going on stage representing Glee with a massive uncovered hickey)
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(Ummmm wtf?that’s flushing)
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(that is a mole)
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(again irritation)
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(Yes, Darren had visible hickeys as Blaine... sure, we often see actors with hickeys, strap marks, rope burns- all sorts of sex play just out in the open, incorporated into their teenage characters on screen)
Marking your property boys?
I find it hilarious that Chris’s hickeys are reachable places when making out but Darren’s are always so far back that it seems like they were given from behind. Ps: Chris always looks like he was MAULED!
Just a Crazy TrutherCrissColfer and Hickey's scarvesbowtiesandlove: “ gleekmindy: 
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(Now Abby writes her own ficlet about our supposed “theories” to explain away what is essentially skin irritation and shadows) 
What does it mean? Pretty much precisely what you said. I think the evidence speaks for itself. (well yes, if you create the definition of “hickey” and refuse to acknowledge that hickeys are bruises caused by broken capillaries and are not simply areas of skin flushing and color change, then I suppose you do find the evidence compelling but you are using the wrong definition-shocker, I know) 
I suppose the excuses are:
M flew home for a few hours only to return to London
My fav. Received via Skype/FaceTime.
He burnt himself with a curling iron because his hair isn’t curly enough (as I said to @flowersintheattic254 not only is he not tall. Not white. Not straight. But if you believe this is a curling iron, his hair isn’t curly either).
He is into strange vacuum cleaner solo play.
Or perhaps solo wax play?
Shaving rash because men often shave behind their ears.
It’s a shadow (absolutely not, it’s clear in the video. Add he’s not even wearing sun glasses and again, it’s red).
A bug bite. But that’s a huge bite.
He cheated as that’s better than he’s queer though how to explain the positioning..
Open marriage but same issue as above.
So yeah. There really aren’t any excuses that are plausible. It’s a hickey. Received likely just a few short hours before the video from someone behind him. I’ll allow my readers to draw their conclusions. It’s not that difficult.
(Hickey’s are shaped exactly like the device doing the sucking. So a mouth causes a slightly oval-shaped bruise while a vacuum cleaners is perfectly round.  Here is a photo of a “hickey” or ecchymosis causes by a vacuum cleaner). 
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(see the broken blood vessels specking the bruise? Mouths cause compressed oval-shaped deep red to purple marks; notice that after the healing process begins, hickey’s turn brown-green) 
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I can't with the Skype thing 😂😂😂😂
Solo vacuum cleaner play! Is that actually a thing 😂🤣😂???
@chrisdarebashfulsmiles she’s KWEEN, never doubt her powers!!!
@flowersintheattic254 I was trying to think of ways one could simulate sucking behind one’s own ear when alone and I thought of the attachments to a vacuum. You bet there’s someone, somewhere into it. Maybe d as he did manage to get a gigantic hickey will his lovely lady of many moons is on another continent.
Source: ajw720
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