#mezereum text
cadavertrolls · 2 years
👀 Daphne.. what do you genuinely think about the fact Jaevya keeps so much in the dark from you? How much can you actually trust him?
"I'd say we're pretty even ✿n the fr✿nt ✿f 'keeping each✿ther in the dark ab✿ut things'... If it was ✿ne sided it w✿uld be different... We b✿th have things we d✿n't want t✿ talk ab✿ut, s✿ what? I'm n✿t g✿ing t✿ squeeze every little thing ✿ut ✿f him like a paint tube."
"The ✿nly w✿rthwhile thing Misery taught me is h✿w t✿ read pe✿ple, I kn✿w that whenever Jaevya says s✿mething t✿ me it's with sincerity. Whenever I'm in his arms I feel pr✿tected, I kn✿w I'm safe, and I kn✿w if I needed help he'd dr✿p everything... Isn't that en✿ugh f✿r trust?"
"We'll get t✿ a p✿int where we talk ab✿ut m✿re sensitive things... I d✿n't see us ending anytime s✿✿n s✿ we have a l✿ng time... Maybe he'll tell me what he thinks ab✿ut when he stares ✿ff, maybe I'll tell him ab✿ut what my family has d✿ne, what I've d✿ne, what I d✿... Maybe n✿t. We're happy th✿ugh, really, really happy..."
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
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heaveninawildflower · 3 years
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1) Thorn Apple
2) Purple Foxglove
3) Yew
4) Water Hemlock
5) Mezereum
6) Monkshood
7) Sheep Laurel
8) Wild Parsnip
9) Stinging Nettle
10) Poison Ivy
Taken from the ‘Plants’ series (1862–69) by Louis Prang & Co (Boston, Massachusetts).
Images and text information courtesy The Met.
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obviousgobbledygook · 3 years
#6 Bouquet
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Image description under cut.
[image description 1: in front of a solid dark red-brown background, narrow white text in an art deco font says on the left side, Hoff. Clematis (artifice, ingenuity), parsley (useful knowledge), dog-rose (pleasure, pain). On the right side is a sprig of parsley (vaguely fleur-de-lis-shaped green leaves with jagged edges unvariegated on narrow stems); a cutting of dog-rose (a round, yellow-colored flat flower with peach edges composed of wide heart-shaped petals around an exposed golden center); a clematis bloom and leaves (a fuchsia seven-petaled flat flower with crinkle-edged, thin yonic petals and an open, buttery center).]
[image description 2: in front of a solid pink-orange background, white text in a calligraphic script font says on the left side, Josephine. Daisies (loyal love, gentleness, innocence), white violet (let’s take a chance), maidenhair fern (discretion). On the right side is a cutting of maidenhair fern (vaguely club-shaped green leaves with notched, flat ends variegated on a narrow stem); a botanical sketch of daisies (round, flat many-petaled flowers with raised, prominent golden centers); two white violets and leaves (a small white five-petaled flower where the four upper petals form a vague clover shape, with the fifth pouting down from the bottom of the cluster with purple lines from the center, which is very small).]
[image description 3: in front of a solid pale yellow-brown background, white text in a serif font says on the left side, Lars. Juniper (protection), mezereum (desire to please), royal fern (reverie). On the right side is a cutting of a branch of common juniper (green bristles growing in pipe-brush clusters from a dark-brown stem along with dark blue berries close to the branch); mezereum (small pink flowers with four oval petals and yellow centers growing in clusters of five directly from an otherwise bare brown stem); a cutting of royal fern (unvariegated yonic green fronds growing on narrow green stems branching from a middle stem that ends in increasingly smaller and yellower branches of fronds).]
[image description 4: in front of a green background, white narrow sans-serif text says, coxcomb (foppery, unfading love), yellow poppy (wealth, success), zinnia (thinking of an absent friend). On the right, in front of a grouping of flowers, white text composed of thin echoing lines says, Robin. The flowers are coxcomb (large, orange flowers resembling goose bumped fans with large, fluffy ruffles on the edges); yellow poppy (a round flat flower with four yellow wide fan-shaped petals around an exposed center of yellow, ringed in orange); a bed of zinnias and leaves (round flat flowers that are red, orange, yellow, or pink, with many circular petals layered around a raised yellow center).]
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al-hakim-homeopath · 5 years
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Mezereum MT | 30C, 200C | 30mL for $30 | Call or Text: +1 (647)-720-5466 or Email: [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/p/B1nRShCDqAc/?igshid=12lrhyvppuijr
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gnostix1 · 4 years
CHAP. 37. It is requiſite to ſpeak ſomething of a ſavour and ſweet ſmell; as powders balls waters and perfumes, and firſt of a powder for many purpoſes. Take four ounces of Iviſe Florientiana, of Margrom Cloves and Red Roſes of each an ounce of Milliſſophilie, Nuciſe Odoratee or Muſcate Zedorie, Cinamon Agallochi, yellow, Sanders, Maſtick Storax Calamita and Bengroin, half an ounce of each, and two ſcruples of Juncus odoratus, Calami odoravie, Syici Nardiradiciſe one dram of each. Make of theſe a powder to ſmell, to be beaten or broken, in ſome piece of fine ſilke or a peece of fine linnen cloth, beat all theſe things groſly for to perfume and waſh your head and beard, or let them lye a time in white wine and Roſe water, and ſtrain them, keeping the water to uſe when you pleaſe, or you may ſtill them in a double veſſel, that they may be Aqua Aromatica, this being laid upon the coals is to perfume [Pg 16] your chamber twice every day morning and evening, it is good alſo to wear about
Gent, W. J. A Collection of Seven and Fifty approved Receipts Good against the Plague. 1665. A very odd assortment of exotic obscurities, apparently intended as a perfume or air freshener; its inclusion in a collection of cures for plague difficult to explain. Iviſe Florientiana: unknown. Margrom Cloves:  Also unknown. Possibly a corrupted text for Marjoram -- though that herb is not known for its cloves, and the same author correctly cites marjoram in later “receipts.” Milliſſophilie: also unknown. Possibly a Greek-language link to honey or honey bees, or perhaps simply faux-medicalese for honey.
Nuciſe Odoratee: unknown. Odoratae is a Latin descriptive of a number of herbs, many with medicinal properties.
Muſcate Zedorie: Perhaps a concoction of wine and ginger is intended. Muscat is a well-known grape variety, referred to elsewhere in this book. Zedoary is the dried rhizome of the Curcuma zedoaria plant, a member of the ginger family from  India, still used in internal medicines. Cinamon Agallochi: Possibly Aquilaria agallocha, of the mezereum family, used as incense. Used here for its aromatic qualities, rather than a flavoring agent such as the better-known cinnamonum. Yellow Sanders: Sandalwood, used as incense.
Mastik Storax Calamita and Bengroin: the punctuation is questionable throughout this troublesome paragraph. If these ingredients are intended as a single phrase, it would be a gum of storyx and bengroin-- which are already gums. Or are they separate ingredients? Mastic alone is of Pistacia lentiscus, a small tree of the cashew family; source of an aromatic resin once used as chewing gum, and still used in varnishes and adhesives.
Storax Calamita and Bengroin often appear together in these “receipts.” Storyx a fragrant balsam used as an expectorant obtained from the bark of Liquidambar orientalis, of the witch-hazel family. Bengroine is possibly Benzoin; frankincense.          Juncus odoratus: member of the rush family. Apparently included for its aromatic properties. Other medical uses are unknown.     Calami odoravie: unknown.     
Syici Nardiradiciſe: unknown                        
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
Sooo daph... you're hanging with a certain country boi? //gayly sits on ground
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"Mmmhm, I supp✿se I haven't been keeping it t✿✿ secret have I? ✿range pr✿bably c✿ntributes a l✿t as well h✿nestly, but I can't be mad at her at all. She's the ✿ne wh✿ set us up in a strange way. P✿✿r b✿y was s✿✿✿ embarrassed by ✿range he c✿uldn't l✿✿k me in the eyes f✿r the rest ✿f ✿ur brief interacti✿n that day. He was just the cutest... said the sweetest things ab✿ut me, he really kn✿ws h✿w t✿ charm a w✿man."
"I can't say I've ever met any✿ne like him bef✿re. He's respectful, hands✿me, a little pathetic but I l✿ve that in a big str✿ng man like Jaevya... ✿h... did I say his name? ✿✿ps~"
"He d✿esn't have appr✿val fr✿m Twig like C✿ntra d✿es but I think with en✿ugh f✿✿d he'll end up c✿ming ar✿und. C✿ntra set the bar pretty high t✿ be fair, that girl sp✿ils him r✿tten. He's still in the ankle biting stage with Jae, it's very very funny t✿ watch albeit embarrassing... he tried t✿ g✿ for his tails last time and I had t✿ put him outside. Little m✿ngrel."
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
Daphne dating meme
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(art by norts-trolls)
Name: Daphne Aurian, The Mezereum
Their Profession: Pharmaceutical chemist Designer drug manufacturer, apex of a small drug trafficking ring for Misery
Where they can be found (e.g. park, café, gym etc): You might catch her at a fancy restaurant or high end nightclub, but watch your distance if she has a weird dragon dog at her hip. He bites!
Favourite food type (breakfast, junk food, veggies, etc): Hmm... I think veggies... Is casserole a food type...
Favourite alcoholic drink: Dirty shirley's
Favourite trait (romance, passion, sexuality, talent, flirtation, sentiment, joy): Romance, Sentiment
Where they would go on a date: She's willing to go just about anywhere, just make sure it's worth her time and make it interesting
Ideal gift: Something well thought out that shows you really know her and her tastes... Show her you care ❤️
How many dates until they go to bed: 6, maybe more
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
💝 Daphne
Daphne maybe invites Jae and Contra over for a little dinner... She doesn't want Contra to be alone and also wants to spend time with Jae too, she wants her quads to get along!! Twig would be hyped that both of her god parents are in the same place he gets so so much love ❤️
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
Nakaou: Nehehhe he said you'd be pissed if I called ya that! Just teasin ya Miss daph! But a farMers Market date? Surprised he didn't offer ta grow ya soMething.. or Maybe he will?~ Best keep ya eye on his garden! Or you'll end up with a bunch of different stuff at your door! and give that loaf of bread ya call a pet a good scratch for Me, ya?
"If he wants t✿ gr✿w me things and make gr✿cery sh✿pping easier I'm n✿t g✿nna st✿p him, I'm a busy lady!"
"Maybe if y✿u d✿n't call me 'pink lady' y✿u can c✿me ✿ver and pet him y✿urself! I'm n✿t resp✿nsible f✿r any l✿ss ✿f fingers th✿ugh~"
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
also.. snowflake.. Daphne
>She was originally not going to go as she was swamped with work, but she decided last minute to put an outfit together and go with Contra to make sure that no one was bothering her... and to make sure her ancestor doesn’t find her. 
>She’s glad to take off work to spend more quality time with her moirail. Twig, however, would not be in attendance. Everyone’s ankles are safe.
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
Aurian lineage info
Tidbits about the Aurian line AKA Primrose’s lineage of 500000 children and counting 
-Aurian’s get their ancestor titles when they reach adulthood regardless of their achievements or lack thereof.
      -Titles are exclusively plant based, most commonly a flower that is or can be a colour that is close to the descendants blood colour
      -Titles are kept close track of and another one will not be assigned after the descendant receives their title.
-Identifying features of an Aurian include but are not limited to:
      -”Webbed” fins, cartilage protrusions from the ears(called branches for ease) that are connected by translucent membrane of the descendant’s blood colour. Number of branches can vary but usually are an amount from 3-6
      -Ribbon-like extensions of the membrane are present between the medial branch and the angle of the mandible. This extension can vary in length but usually reach the clavicle. 
      -Albinism most commonly of the OCA type 1 variety but all types of albinism have been recorded in descendants (Type 2, 3, and Ocular albinism)
      -Pupils of a simple floral shape ✿
      -Scaled horns
-Because of Primrose being raised by Auriel and passively taking on some of his abilities, descendants always have some sort of sensory manipulation power and keen senses excluding sight. Almost all Aurian’s are able to suppress the senses of others and make them obsolete or unreliable.
      -An unintentional side effect of this is both Auriel and Primrose being able to sense an ‘aura’ that gets stronger the closer they get to another descendant. Both of them have learned to tune this out because of the amount of descendants there are. 
      -Aurian’s can sense the ‘aura’ of their siblings but at a reduced level. While Auriel and Primrose don’t have a distance limit on this sense, descendants are limited to an approximate 3 mile radius.
      -A descendant might accumulate stronger abilities if they grow up in Golden Valley, the unincorporated religious commune Auriel oversees.
-All Aurian’s are sea dwellers, but due to many of the suitors being land dwellers this has caused issues in gill functionality for some Aurian’s resulting in a form of asthma that occurs underwater. 
-The Aurian line is semi-well known, and Primrose’s promiscuity is no secret to the Empire.
     -Primrose producing off-caste seadwellers has been a long standing issue for hundreds of sweeps now. Because of his wealth and fleet funding(among Favours he performs for higher ups in the fleet), any mutants he produces must be handed over to him for culling(he does not cull them lol)
    -Mutants Primrose is obligated to cull only include mutants of a different hue. Pale variants of violet, tyrian, and cusps of the two are allowed. Some like Dicentra narrowly avoid this rule. While he is pale purple, he is ID’d as a pale violet through the excuse of a cool tone.
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
Daphne your moirail appears to be having some Problems
"Next pers✿n wh✿ upsets her is getting hit ✿ver the head with a flat ir✿n."
>Daphne texts Contra a silly picture of Twig with the caption 'he misses u :( <>'
>Foolproof way of getting Contra to come over, works every time!
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
Very important Daphne @ Marran thanks
"He's a bit stupid... But even s✿, ab✿ut a 7. I trust him en✿ugh that I'm n✿t w✿rried ab✿ut her safety with him."
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
Contra told another anon off for speaking badly of you
"I'll be sure t✿ call her a g✿✿d girl next time I see her~"
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
Nakaou: Yer the pink lady hangin' round Jae? Hahaha ya tWo Make an aWfully funny pair of 'friends'. Have ya Went on any fun little 'hang outs' yet?
>Daphne pouts and crosses her arms
"'Pink lady'? Have I n✿t earned a name by n✿w? Hmph!"
"If y✿u're s✿ curi✿us, this funny pair of 'friends' recently went t✿ a farmer's market. It was a w✿nderful time~! We picked up s✿me new seeds f✿r his garden and s✿me treats for my Twig... h✿pefully they last l✿nger than last time."
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
Hopefully no one else bothers her, but aren’t you the least bit afraid it’s a genes thing? That she’s capable of the same cruelty as her father and brother?
"If it's truly a genes thing, I'm n✿ better ✿ff than her."
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