#meme: javier rocha.
canncnball · 3 months
👀 + javi, do you plan on telling nora what you do? or are you worried she'll see you in a different light and walk away?
send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
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there's a moment hesitation as he really thinks about it, letting it all sink in. "i think... i was always going to tell her and let nora make her own decision, even if it took me a little while. if i'm going to be with her, i can't keep things from her, especially not that, you know?" eyes trailed down and hands lifted to rub them over his face before he sighed.
after a minute passed, his hands fell into his lap, palms resting on his thighs and he looked up. "...but i'm always going to be scared that she'll look at me differently and walk away. maybe she should. maybe that's better and safer for her. i can't stop her if she changed her mind. i wouldn't stop her. i'd just... love her and let her walk away."
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